ONE PRICE... ■i' jj , v i;- • jiS'P.ISATr' j; ,■■ -N> ' !"■ I MVCASH PtUCE ■ FOKjALL OUR GOODS! iS STArED AT THE OPENING • Union Store, ' Oil- '>W*« «rtl»e (Uiy I* sot to anderaell other nturr kee »«d muke ftapon others bnt •iuHdrfc>’**)l~mry.article ot acoruiii pßremtup.- ooet. lel that peroeutage briuic the Brice above . Since* of *ll kinds. Chocolate and Cocoa. * Allum and Dairy Salt: N>rr B *pm»p Flounder, Congress. Natural leaf.and So* UovOutalnßToWoraUoa good selection of Smoking Tt'dmrou, and Clgaiv. ; - 4 EiiahkUn and Lovering*# Sugar House and other Syrups Btmph lUUoiis 30 cfe. Seed teas Raisons 2nd*., per lb. Com -SUrch. 1 Carbon 0U..05 eta. per gallon* Candles. SOAPS lleHiM, G*Mrmau, Prundi Cuitfle, American Ciwtile.Saw er . otel other Toilet fioape. CRACKERS. CtVttiu, Wlue, £ugar, Butter, Soda and Water Crackers, horifya Biscuit. • WOODEN AND WILLOW WAKE Broome ,11 and. Drat, Scrub and J&hoe Brushes. H> would call special attention to our Boot* and JfhtK* a* o*ir "took Is fresh and selected With groat care a* to iliuliijv .MANACKI!^, !)<«•. -J3, IWCI. : _ , EMPORIUM OF EASHION !! | r : Vin/i/tia £t., Altoona, Pa. D- W, A. BKLFOltl), Proprietor. T jlll'Kf ftOMUK’roB OF J’HK ■>: JtJ'OHUJ M would reapeotfully announce to the public that be has received a -large invoice Of GEOTHS, cassimEhes, VESTIN'(IS, .ami a’ general assortment of \ OKN'I’S; FURNISHING GOODS, .Collar*, ; Neck-Tie*, ■ Suspenders, Hosiery, • Handkerchiefs, &c., &c., &b., Exactly suited to this locality and Intended for ihe SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE. Thn proprietor of the, Em|wrium iuviteq an cxiuuirm tiripitf bin stock. feeling confident tbal his shelves present a greater variety of plain and fancy goods than can foandeisewiiere hrthe country.: An examination will convince one of this fact. ' He lias also received the LATEST »DDdder Cutter,” Altoona, May 29th, 1882. _ TTHK HNbEHSIGNKD RESPECT^ foHj Inionna the public that lie will cuu- V~-. tinue to keep a‘ WlH'''' BOOT & SHOE STORK, W?; t in tho room recently occupied by Roberts awl Hiitberfbrd. -The business heretofore carried on bur them will, in t)» future, be iti the tuune:of JOHN lI.ROBERTS. . ' ' V - ■ He;will keep constantly on hand > complete asaort nientof ; : ; , ißopts & Shoes, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, &e , &c., &c. which he will offer at fair prices and warrant to be o the beet material and manufacture Particular attention wfll te* given to OTTiSTOM: WORK, in whTa Drug Stdre. tlfi to IgfflMl JOHN H. KOBKIIT*. w. .Vt. IaLOYD & CO., ALTOONA, PA.. .!< )HMSTON, JACK & GO., BOI.LWAYSBUJ/f;. PA.. -, «^.3stoeoeiis, (An/* 7“ JirU, Johntlon, Petek l. HH.KMAN, FANCY VESTS, of every Jt "Mai.»tnibtoKal ■; .. LAUGH-MAN'Sh OTITCBKV’S NEW STORE, corner M- >f Caroline and Vlnttnla Sta. A LL .STYLES CARPETING AND dLJL fRMfcdM can he a LAVGIIHAK’I). \ K. A. 0. KJEItK. ALTOONA, PA., Aiient for Uluir & Huntit>y1 ACH.IN>:«' AUT. . i>.JU;IT- I tobcthoVest ever offered to the pubjtv, k . iUeir KU|Hfriority Ik established by HieVaJi unjt m tin* Inst years, OVER 1,400 M( >RE of these Mfif bave been nohl than ol anv othertuan* ufsetured. and more medals have been awarded the pro prietor® by different Fairs and Institutes than to *ng oth ers. The Machines are warranted to do all that w claimed for them. They are now in use in several families in Al toona, and in every case they give entire satisfaction. The Agent refers those desiring information as the su periority of the Machine*. to Col. Jwhn L. Piper. JUv. A. B. Clark. George Hawker-*mithing rinmi t« hi* eataMLshmcnt and will kecpon hand uu assortment of eon. per and bras» kcilh s, 4c. . All kinds of job work promptly attended to. x April 2l*t. ISfiK-if STEPHEN WINTERS. Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware SPOUTING, &C. O lit,:l; WOULD RESPECT- a • fully 11 form (In- citizen* of Alhsaia Hh|K ' tuitl vicinity that lie keeps constantly on hamlet large assortment oi Centring, Ibrlar, Office Simp St’tvct, of all styles and sizes, to suit the WHilta of all. which he will sell at low price*, on reaaon ahle tertne. He also keeps on hoAl a large stock of IV« ami Sheet- Iron Hhre, consisting of mil articles for culinary purposes— Oml ScuttUt. Skier ffiipc, dx. He has also purchased the right of sale in lilair coniity of R. V. JONES’; ■ . IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUFFER. an invention which needs only to he seen to. he apjnveia, and should be possessed by every funner, butcher or those requiring such a machine. , per cent leas than the almv*, or Total Abstinence rate* 40 per cent. Ice® than Mutual price. Also, a N ON-FOIIFEITU I!E PLAN, By'which a person pays tor 5. 7, or 10 years only, when the ; policy is paid up tor Life, and nothing more to pay ; and should hc-be unable, or wish to discontinue sooner, the Company will issue a Pah* up I’uuct. in iiroiiurtioii to the amount of premium, fsiid. a> follows': Un « Policy *if 5 Year 7 Year 10 fW after )«ayiiu*nt ut rates. rates. rates. 1 Annual Premium, for saon 00 $14:1 85 sluo no - • '• '• “ 4iX) on *JSS 7o 2»0 oo 4 *• - Soo |Nt 571 40 400 00 1* “ —— 857 10 600 00 " suo oo ALKXANDKK WIULLDIN. President FAMUKL WOISK. Vice President. John S. Wilson, ckuivtarv. HOARD OK TtUiMTUtS. Alexander Wbilldin. J. Kdgar Thomson, lion. Jas. Pollock, Uou. Joseph Allison. Albert C. Bolands. Julias Bowman. Samuel T. Bodine. H, 11. Khlridge. George Nugent. John Aiknmn, William J. Howard. Churl* s F. ileazlitt. Samuel Work. Any further information can be had by applying te» the undersigned. who is the authorized agent for BlnirCountr. July 81. 1802-ly U. A. O. KKKU.‘ •A. Benelit to A. 11. irk Urrtui ? ight (t’rcruy igtula. •izr., iroim. (tugr-. id, ' trjile. itftil Purf^r, Uiuw. irlet. ttr, tfrriiitt. kef. UutO, TRY ONE BOTTLE .1 trull wilt prorr the fact* and fuel* arr stubborn things. MISHLER’S HERB bitters v AUK SUCCESSFUL IS KVKRY CASK. N.I family should 1... without it. Hundred,- id certiHciai* niid li-ttirr-of I loud: - in'-* urrmim every duy from (a-r-on who have la-en cured. the herb bitters ■BHEUMATIS.M, DYSPEPSIA, female Irregularities, and all Diseases arising tom iMPCKirr of tuf flood, Asa HUhml Purifier. Tonic and General Appertiser. these Bitters are without a rival. No Lady desiring A CLEAR COMPLEXION should be Without it. Please a Circular ami cerflfi. cates from our Agent. Jvotick. — Ihe great success of MislilerV Herb Bitters. Iris induced unprincipled parties j». manu aeture a worthless article, which they an* telling at a h,w price. of which beware. The genuine run milv be bought in Blair County, of G. W. WHITFIELD. 'Stde Agent for Blair County,> Depot Drug Store, Main street. Altoona’ Pa. June liil. ISfwMf. JACOB SNYDER. TAILOR, The Hero of One Uini'lreil Fit.* per Mouth ' 1 would respectfully act forth my claim to public attention, as a Fashionable Tailor, as billows; Because I keep an excel lent assortment of Cloths. Cassimeres. Vestings and Trimmings, which, when examined.always pUeise. Because my work is made up In a manner that takes down' the country and gives all my customers a city appearance. Because I am not inferior as a Cutter to the best to be found anywhere. Because long experience in my business gives me entire control over ii.and I am not dependant upon any one tolift me out of the muls. Because I am still on tin* sunny side of forty, and thon for»' my taste as a Cutter and workman unimpaired. Call on mo, in tin* corner room of'the -Brant H J'erk City. G TREAT WESTERN INSURANCE R AND TRUST Co3lPANY.—lnsurance on Rosier personal projwjrty will be effected on the most reasonable termi| by their agents lu Altoona at hie office in Anna St March 17,1859. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. LEVI’S PREPARATION FOE KX termiiy*iug RATS, MICE. ROACHES- ANTS, and BetMmga without d»tip»in it- uae titular any clrcnniatnn cet*loir oate at tho DrngStoreof 11. W. KESSLKT. Jan. 24, ,56-tl} ‘ He. mil lee. • DENTIST. ♦Bi Office on Caroline street, E.-tween Virginia and Kmnm street*. Altoona Li- KINDS OK PRINTING •. '' neatly wml cxjmUtou*Jy executed at the . '‘ALTOONA TRIBUTE” OFFICE A BARRELS pure white lard jl J n *f And fnr««l»' at FRITOIIKY’P AME R I A N vanm. have never failed in curing U. MISHLKR. Munnta Turer and Proprietor. Laxca.stkr, Pa. [Jau. *Jo—2im* DR. KEYSER’S LINDSEY’S IMPROVED BLOOD SEARCHER A sure cure for Cancer and Cancerous Formation!. A sure cure foe Scrofula wherever located. A sure cure for all Skin Diseases. A sure cm e for Chronic Erysipelas. A sore cure for Bolls and Pimple* on the Pace. . It has cured all the above disease*. . j It has cured Blind and Sore Kye*. It has cured Tetter* of years’dnmoon. ; i It has cured Ulcerated Sore Leffj. It has cured old and stubborn Cleer*. It has cured Chronic Rheumatism tliat has lasted years. It Ims cured the worst forms of Dyspepsia. It is the bent Tonic and Blood Purifier known. It will remove Mercury or Quinine out of the Blood and clear it from' the system. It will cure all Diseases of Debility. It will cure Fever aud Ague. % It will cure cases of Palsy and Dropsy. It has cured Epilepsy or Falling Sickness. It has cured Chorea or St. Vitus* Dance It will.cure Piles and Kidney Diseases. It will cure Chronic Diairbcaa It w!U cure Neuralgia and Servon* Weakness. If any one wants to know how one medicine will cure (K> many diseases, we answer—that it does so* by thorough* ly restoring the blood amt all the secretions'which are made from the blood, to a healthy state. No one can take this Blood Searcher and have bad blood, for it will as sure ly cast out from the blood all bad and vitiated matter as water will pur out fire. Prepun-d by Dr. 0«o. H. Keyset. Look for the name over the. cork and take no other. Sold only by A. Housh, Altoona, Pa, SCROFULA AND RHEUMATISM. Cask ok DakAl A. Boyd. Kittsbokch, December Si, 18« J. 1»b. t». U. Ktvsut: I bike pleasure iu making tlus vol untary statement in favor of a medicine made by you, cal led “Lindsey’s Blood. Searcher.” I have suffered for five years from .Scrofula, which broke out in my head and loieheml. so a* to disfigure me very much, and toot off the hair when the disease made its appearance; it also broke out on my arm above and below the elbow, and eat into the skin and flesh so as to expose a fearful looking sore. The ed me somV. I did not recover until I got the kind made by Dr. Keyser himself. One bottle of this did me more good than two of the old. j be lieve it is a great deal stronger and better. I have recouu mended the I'bsnl Searcher to a great many of my friends for various diseases, and I believe it Ua» helped the whole of them. ADDITIONAL CERTIFICATE OF DANIEL A. BOYD Dr. KkvsKU : It is twenty months since 1 gave vdu mv cci tiheate in respect to the cure of my head and arm by the Blood Searcher, prepared by you. I was told by several people who have no faith iu patent medicines * that my head would get sore again in less than six months, and there is no appearance of its getting sore again. It is as well now as the day I gave you my certificate If you like r.u publish this you may do so. DANIEL A. BOYD,! No. 4, Dine street. Pittsburgh, Da. PiTTsULKOH. September Ist. 18H3. ! Mr. lioyd's likeness before and after he wag cvrnl can be sent a t Roush's Drug Sturt, ANOTHER GREAT CURE BY THE HLOOD SEARCHER Da. OtoufiE H. Keymer.—ZVor Sir: Actuated by the since rest feeling- ».f giatitude, I take pleasure in adding the case of my son to the already many testimonials in f,». vor oftIie‘*IMPROVED’BLOOD SEARCHER/prcpum? by yon. hoping that others afilicted as my soil was, may thereby become induced to use the BLOOD SEACHKR. and l»e rescued from a miserable condition. My little bov of wix year* of; age became afilicted with sore eyes. 1 took )iEm to five of the mo-t eminent Doctors of Pittsburg: they pronounced it Scrofula. but they could not help him. 1 was induced to to tho BLOOD BEARCHKK. 1 got two bottle*; the first bottle I did not notice any benefit from, the second i* not quite finished, and his eye* seem to. he h'dto well, altliough I intend to use auutlier IxJttle or two to make sure of it. Yours truly, tUUAU CLARK. O’Hara street. SORE EYES, Dr. Gko. li. Kevser: My sistfr had putrid »ore eves, which affected her sighDto almost total blindness. I wum recommended to try your BLOOD SEARCHER. 1 bought one hpttlo, which she took, and she is entirely well. I would leccmmend it toothers ‘iimilarh afflicteu, as I think there is not a better medicine to be found. Wishing’ you a hearty success, 1 remain. Yours truly. MARY T. COUP. By her brother, HENRY D. COUP. PALSY CURED Db. Oko. IJ. Keeker; I have been afflicted with par alysis of the limbs for four months, and after doctoring a long time to no purpose. Mr. Walker, of this place,got me to get on.* bottle of your BLOOD SEARCHER. 1 did so. and am now entirely well for which I am very thankful to yon. HARRISON BRYNER. Conneilsrille. Pa. PAIN IN THE SIDE I have been afflicted with a pain in the side for a long time, and one b »tth* of Improved Blood Searcher cured me Miami and well. 1 had tried everything that 1 could think of. and had consulted the best doctors in the county and received no benefit untill used one bottle of the Blood Searcher, which cured rue sound and well. JAMES SLIUSMAX, New Haven, Payette county. SKIN DISEASE “DHEAKING OUT.” Dk. (Jeoroe 11. Keeker; ] have had u v breaking out dn the skin for six raimths, and after using everything I could .M Ur .°s Mr * advised me to use one bottle of your Blond Searcher. I did go, and find great relief, so much so that 1 think I am entirely well, and recommend it to others for the same disease. P I V BRADY CounelUville, March 2d, 1863. f SCROFULA, ■ H ‘ K M : vl,ttle Prlw»B taken with mV w : Tw° Way , lhat her brother was taken, and 1 went to Mr. W alkerand got two bottles of Blood Searcher fan til « W * WU * Hf r br ® tlier * vat hi * certificate last fail, and I want you to have her’s. * \ Conneilsville, March, mi. BEUSDi * UAW ' piLES OK TWENTY YEARS STANDING CURED. Ildvw will be found q certificate from one of the moil respectable ntiuns o f WiUim township in regard to Br. Krysefs L mdsey s Jilood Searcher . The Doctor*e certifi mdnom' regard worse, so as to trouble me very much, so mnehsofttunre “ , P. un ® t . lue for " ork - Sometimes I was So bad that” could not do anything on account of tlicm, they came out °? “ ll,r f ! «» hickory nut. I had tried a great deal mJEthSi n * r" th '" l !’ 1 ,“ ed to buy»“ o tislted me at my house and gave me sojne medicine but it would not do, 1 ccnld not get wclff 1 B ° t anadrertisemeiit of your Lindsey's b y yourself-When yousold it tonje you told me one bottle would not care me, and that niv Whole system would have to be renewed by the mediciUe „ 1 t>o “? ht one bottle and took It honie * n(l ÜBed ** avowing to your directions. I then m. !S*k*° wh(n y°“ raid I could not expect much benefit from one bottle. I bought it on, one bottle ? t I?lf ’ nut \ b“d used five bottles. After this quanti ty bad been used, 1 was entirely well of tbe Piles, wbldh r^r* 1 me f ? r t '* ent T years. In other respects my health is Improved, and I am a, well as could be expected lor one of my age, being sixty years past, I have bean well now for six months, and there is no appearance oUt return of th* disease. lean do any kind of brmlqt n'lriTi. 1101 ' 1 . the * >i,eil oo'uingdown and hnrtio'gm*. Lnw P i r hh * y ’ C i‘ ol) f ood - ,m>or(lo “T kind of worit used to hurt me. When I found outyour Blood-Setrcherl kept on taking it until I got eniireh well. I consider It m y duty to make my case known fo the country fur tbe benefit of otbera who may be lufiVrinu as 1 was, and i.u not know the value of your medicine.— Yon may publish this if yon like-I live in Hfflhns JWa tlnp, and will be pleased to satisly any one of tbe truth of this certificate if they wish to call on mo. ® i „ . .... „ KLLIOTT DAVIk December filth. 1863. l ov, f or o<'name of DR. GEORG# R. KEF- StHontle ij the tmtile and pasted over the cork: alto IL, tit liuted State* stamp on the top of the bottle to prevent Iteing hnposeri i/pnn hy « u>m-, far |5. S«nt by Express to any addrea* on receipt uf price Sold by drogglata everywhere. DK. W. R. MKRWIX k 00.. Sole Proprietors No. 59 Liberty Street. New York THE GBEAT INDIAN MEDICINE compounded from cc taq r ll An unfailing cure fm Spermatorrhea',Seminal Weitkuet* Nocturnal Emissions, and ® Rejuvenating Elixir f« the romilt of modern dis. eriee in the vegetable kingdom being an entirely nee and an abKlract method of cure, irrrapective'of all the nlri: and worn-out systems. This medicine ban been tested by the most eminent med ical men Qf the day, and by them pronounced to be one ut the greatest medical discoveries of the age. One bottle will cure General Debility. A few doses cures Hysterica in Females. One battle cures Palpitation cf Hie heart. A few doses restores the organs of Regeneration one to three bottles restores the manliness and tun ▼lgijr of youtb. . A few doses restores the appetite. Three bottles core the worst cases of Impotency. A few doses cores the low spirited. ' One bottle restores mental power. A few doses bring the rose to the cheek. This medicine restores to manly vigor and robust health the poor debilitated, worn-down and despairing devotee of sensual pleasure. ‘ The listless enervated youth, the over-tasked moo of business, the victim of nervous depression, the Individual suffering from general debility, or from weakness of a tin gle organ, will all find immediate and nermlnent relief by the this Elixir or Essence of Life. Price $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5. and forwar ded by Express, on receipt of money, to any address. Sold by all druggists everywhere. Dr. W. R. MKRWIN k Co., Solo Proprietors, No. 59 Liberty Street, New Turk. CHEROKEE PILLS! SUGAR FEMALE Heal tli CERTAIN fhr the Remoral of Obstructions, dnd the Insurance of Regularity in the Recurrence of the Monthly Periods. 1 They core- or obviate those numerous disease* that s|irln{( from irregularity. by removing the Irregnlaritj itself. . Tbeycmv Suppressed. Excessive and Painful Ueiulra tfon. ; They"cure Green Sickness (Chlorosis.) They cure Herrons and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and lower parts of the body, Heaviness, Fatten* on slight exertion. Palpltationf*the Heart, Lowness of Snir Its, Hysteria,’Sick Headache, Giddiness* etc.; etc. > In a word, by removing the Irregularity, they remove.tbe ran* and with it all tlie effects that spring from H. Composed of simple vegetable extracts. ttay contain nothing dideterious to anyconstltMion, however delirs e. tlylr ftmettop being to substitute strength fhr weakness which, when properly used, they never (ail to do. he safely used at any age and at any period ring &e/i*t*ns months, during wltich the nn prep* ncy <,re 0f thelr twmW iafelfebly prevent » AS seeking Ihformatien or advice wlllhe prompt anddfecreetly answered. ' Full directions aecompmy each box, ; Pnce, sl,ptr box, or six boxes for $5, Dfc. W. R. MKWIN A CO„ April l ! No ' f Wh*rty Strwt, If,. York. --T ’ * * rc a >' <. Ilf AFTER TAKING TUI Elixir. *r- M ,|l COATED REGULATOR Preserver AND.SAFK ?U MUSEUM &DK&N, voL. SAVE THE PER CENT A' i BY BUYING YOOB . -i ' (JCOTBINGr FKOM FIRST HANBi A TUCK, Manofacton iif sisd-TThplatstr iir l Retail Sealers in Beady m crothing, Irsapsotfclly invite the attention of public to-tha. following facts in teforencs to their stock Ist We manufacture oor own goods, Theyarsjn au in our own Store, In Philadelphia, under our tomed supervision, and ws know they are well ouola and cat earrnuMd 1 . EOtUAIa TO THE BES'I aadtoJSrwrJo tie largest quantity of Roady-made el *ng i n the market, . .. . . ■ dud. Wekuy oor Oloths dirsetly hum the Importers Uannfsetnrsrs, consequently ws save the per oentago oo i»v middle moo; drd. Wa Mil out; Clothing at a reasonable perconl the cost df oor Cloths, thereby saving tbs purcha of 01, ailing me psrooutags which must bo added by it who hi,v front second hands to sell again. Ws retatr Olothing at the same price which othot merchants (~r llrnirs at wholesale, oonsequontly those who buy ti u» iet their g.exls at tho same price which other Cloth p.,y f„i- theirs in tho city, thereby saving said Clotlil |>«tCYntAge. h«v« branch Btore* in ALTOONA AND JOHNSTOWN, where goods may be had at the same figures at which •*> 11 them here in the city. If any pereott lian been told. or imagines, that Th St«»re. la Altoona, is *• piay«*l out,” let such paraph d Imo hk establishment, on Main Street, and examine gooijk and pHces. „ , Vf hoieeale House. No. 7, that ho has Jttat returned from the Kaet. where ho been sMectic* hk t*L>ck of fall AND WINTER GOOD which, for atjrle, Quality and price, cannot bo aurpaeaet ihianeok M country. Hie (lock i« much larger II harntoiore, and as it ia Quite an object. in three exclt w„r time*, fci<*very one to purchase where they can The Best Goods and at the -Lowest- l*riv ha would el*y that he can and will Dell an low. If n< little lower than any other home in Ihla place, ' lie win all to call ahd aeojda .took before pardoning elaawh an lie feel. conOdmt be can offer inducement* which t defy competition. Hie stock coneUU of U A DIES.' DRESS GOODS of every deecripti MRS AND BOVS’WINTER'WEAR, LADIES AND MISSES’ DRESS SHOES, - MSN AND BOVS’ BOOTS AND SHOES. MEN S II.LF 111 WOMAN’S AND MISSES’ WOOL HOSE. avrs and caps. BLEACHED AND UNBLBACUEDnUUSUN. i GIN Oil AMS AND HEAVY DRILLIN’ lie will peil( Ladien Sewed. Heeled Bootee* at SI.M& Rip Pegged— LM® McVn - MSS BA r vtOBAL {SKIRTS, very lew. GKOCBMES White Mill Brown Sugar, Els Cotteee, Sjrppa, Tea*, 4u .l " 'in a Dr» QooOa Si - A. BPRANKL STORE D*’. E. H. RBIGART would resp< fnllv unnouuoc to the citiaeneof Altoou ujh Frie** Hardware Store- _ _ His Druses are Fresh and Fare, and ho bopeartiy strict attention to baaiuoM. to mo ■lntro of pabl%. patronage. Hall andexamlne biaetock. Ue baa constantly oo !■ DRUGS, MEDICINES and CHEMICALS, FINE TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY, BRVk'l GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS oils YARNISBE CARBON OIL AND LAMPS, I NOTIONS, CIOARS, , «in'/ every article usualtg kept in a Fini-cUus Drug : PUBE WINES AND LIQUOBS for medicinal nee. N IiOMKHTIC QUAPE WINB—PCHK—WAKKANI PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS accurately compounded, at all boar* of the day nr n Altoona, Sept. 30,1863. MORE COMPETITION! A NEW DRY GOODS STO V Off VIRGINIA STREET. npHE ; UNDERSIGNED WOULD * -I SPECTITOIit'ANNOUNCt to tb« public Dial a* H