The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, May 18, 1864, Image 3

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plc,;Com«ttTu alterative, of 1
Sawy iu d*»a»e of tht* ( ,-i :
jfcOwmpUiut.U«adachf\ Oesernt /■
ltDointwlon #3qn«tl
rmiiteot Fevers, Cnuujia un«l
CotnpUiuU of .either Skx, -
Ey Weakflew, whether ■-
Ipctem or prodoce*)' :
Mmme, geulil and restorative
composition of liOftTKTTRR’S
i "thl* popular preparation contain*
1* bo deadly botanical dement; no
Jo* * combination of the extracts of
nilpftantn with the pur**tand mlid
aed against diseaiK*. and* so tarns
be protected by'‘human mean*
toed by an nuwholtgome atmo- 15
1 other external cause*., HOBTRT
£BS may be railed on; us a safe-
d with- &rcr ami Ague, it has been !
reVaaitive irresistible as a repie*!
mi,it tinder apprehenxfcm of!
•eonrge; »qd thousand* who neglect
.ita protective qualities in advance,
of this .marvelous modl-
after being plied with
|Hniin r Until fairly saturated with
Rkn ooi : Qofrcqtieiitiy restored to
to by the use of JlOfilaCTTKB’Sv
mphtty invigorated ami the »ppe
iegblt Tonic, and henqe it works
ntNtx and In less confirmed forme
l'Siu gentle and painless apperieutJ
r, it qjao invariably relieve* the
iced by Irregular action of the di:
Epd»t»t(>iV< , mui Attacks, Lownt «
Kpnor, find prompt and perm*-.
Bin*. • Tint teatiipoziy on this point
■from both sexe?-
BrtjoUc is immediately a nngcd by
Bmlaut. arid by occasional*}* resort*
Hue complaint may be prevented
{**• experienced or witneasea belorr
ln case* of Constitutional
•t Jfceay and Debility and Decrepi*
It exert iees the electric influ
■tent stage* of all diseases it oper-
H|oru>t, When the powers of ha*
to re-enforce and re-estab-
Kt is The only Sctfe Sinwtianf, being
Hand and Innocuous materials, and
m acid elements present more or less
hates and stomachics of the day.
has- been so universally, arid. It nwy
teCy popular with the Intelligent UOSTEtTEK’S BITTKKS.
SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa,
it. Grocers and Storekeepers every-
i Preparations. J
fep KXTKACT BUCHU, a Poa*ti*
dlanass <*• Kfafoeyt*
Scrollings. , ;
the power of and ex
bito health v action, l>j which th*
i d«(KMlCk>nB, and all Unnatural Eb
mJ, a* weUa» Fain and laflammatioe:
thru Exoeaaea, Uabita of IHnipa
t of Abnee, attended with the 10l-
■lion. ' Low of P«w«r.
5: ofJßreatldatf,
r* . . -^Trembling*
••• «, Wakefulness
■ ‘ Pain in th* Back*
of the Muscular System,
Flushing of the Body,
Krnptiorw on the Fade,
Hid Countenance. ■ ; I
allowed to go on, which this mesh
*t,*m fbllowa ■ .
F| lUmtf, FiU;
Wllent may expire.
tour are hot frequently followed hy
ilia catue of their tuUering.
» r XB*npoßM or TflrniaAJtK astlobb,
mOomwption heir ample wit
rbi aayrrinp..
met affietod \oWt Organic Wcaknff
Ledfarfoe and Invigorate
KXTKACT BCCHf InranoWy dot*.
the mo.t ikrptlc»l.
«%jwn£ar to ttmalet thf Kxtaacr
bw other remedy, aaln'Chlordaia
Htna, PCnfnineae, or Sappreeakm of
iotrt,Ulc»ratod or Selrihotu atate or
hr Whitea, Sterility, and,fhr all i
totho aex, whether arialog from lu
JWampatkm, or In the v
»«, Jfercwry, or unpletuaitt Mrdicir, »
l;iw|jrre«> dtiecuu.
At little Expenkc.
Mo inconTenimre
AaduoJtxpoturr. ' ; '
lit daclaaind give* strength u> U ri
nging ObctrtKtlou*, Prerentlng and
die Crethra.alla jing Pun and Inflam
ia tbaclaaa at dlaaaaea, and expeltfns
*daad wonuad MatUf. * !
#hu h*r« Raid hatnf fa* ti ba cared
r Mjt lUr were dadeind, andlbat
>jrth»«»eof “KntEErcLAarEiseESYe,’'
> to break out in Eta aggr»-
Bpe'm^er.Msrrtage. v
zcBAiCT Bcchc for all aflectiona and
taps ORGANS, whathar ailaUogin
Croat whatever eaaae originating and
mosTASWHG. ;
tetpUWrwjrtraatbeaid ofaBIDKRT
irtawld bare tba deciral effort lo ; al '
eVTeI table an.l reanoueibie character
ladidoa. ' *-
Iribttj weeuttAy picked from ob*efuU
m aU Communications.
. ADTICE oftATt*i! i ’ 4
ytk>n to. K ' "
BELMBOLD, Ctiemist.! -
W. J*hO|
tmSfctuiiieal r 1
cuunus AND UKPRIH&-
mm*vt to Htpom “ •
tOaimedh I
tt<tuwiiin. ■■■'( •; -t •>••>; •
<Sr*«tßDChn. W-'
“ --\ • ■*■*,• BtttiMrlUau ;■ • •(••
* IwprvTed R«m W«b, |
*■<■s<£ »nd Mad fo rlt ’ >
ID Wfosmov AND KXPO*U»K.
Itoana ittknt.
1! v
local ITEMS.
■1“) 'T
f Union County Convention.
j |',ivmanr to public notice, the Union Oooiity
Lavention met in Hollidayshurg. on Thnwfoy,
L, uth 1564. Joint Hays, Esq., of Hollldays-
L was called to the chair; H. C. Pern cthojam
L, ,-irtrv. and Bernard Loren* Assistant «•»-
■rite delegates presented their credential* and
, ■ulmitted to scan in the convention;
Vii-r (tie Convention was fully organised. Jnpoh
iaflcy. Esq„ offered the following resolution.
i nch was adopted ; • _
ftoo/rW, Tliat we re|to*c implicit confidence
,• lion. L. W. Hall, in his unflinching-devotion
n the Union cause, in his integrity and his known
„,d tried industry, readiness and ability to serve
iiccessfnllv a constituency in any representative
mdv—and for these reasons we designate him as
L Union candidate for Congress
fict. and empower him to select his own Content.
11hr Convention.
On motion of of P. K. Barney, Hon. Seth K.
deCiine, of Fninkstowu, was nominated for Mate
t,., M .nr by" acclamation, with the privilege ot
Hkhxuil' own conferees.
■ On motion, the Chairman appointed Messrs.
ijacob Burley,-John Loudon and D. K. Burney
« Committee to inform Hon. L. W. Hall of his
[nomination. *
Mr. Hall soon after appeared, and made a few
Linpiopriate and well-timed remarks, thanking the
E'l.nvuntion for I lie Honor conferred upon him.
f The Convention then proceeded to the nominn
„f a candidate for Assembly. The following
j.iimisl genlleraen were planed in nomination ;
Ist -J.l M -till ->tli «ih 7th sth 9th
1 *ii i“ 16 Ift IT 18 20
.1 Adluw. !• u l l H s o withd’a
I haviil Aurandt. • •' •* '
[h, .A. McOahan. « •* '1 7 . 4
il « « » » « «■ « ®
I After the 9th ballot, Samuel MeCamant, Esq.,
I withdrew his name, when Jos. G. Adlutn, Esq.,
iwns nominated unanimously.
On motion, the Convention proceeded to the
nomination of a candidate for Sheriff, resulting ns
Joseph holas' U.
Knt/.uT Tlmboi
Win. Stok<*
Ji'irt. 11, Bell.
John McClure
George Port.
On motion the nomination of Jos. Kobison was
made unanimous.
The Convention then proceeded to the noraina
,i ot a candidate for County Commissioner,
with the following result:
I n J Uyle.
: John 0. Biddle,
loliii C. Smith.
!i B. Kephoif,
Philip B«mer.
Ail •« D. Smith
H«)Vt Waring.
.lo.iHthao Hanilibm.
Robert Waring having received a majority of
all (ho votes cast, was declared the nominee tor
(hmntv Commissioner
Anthony S. Morrow. Ksip. was re-nominated
f ir Frothonotary by acclamation.
On ration the Convention proceeded 'to the
unmination ot a candidate for County Treasurer,
iv-idfing as follows:
n.-viii sutler,
i);kvid H.Chrifctv
Samuel Kimmcll,
.Ijiiiee Itollln,
On motion, the Convention proceeded to the
nomination of a candidate for the office of Poor
I firmer, resulting as follows ;
Albert Wilson.
Samuel Moore. ■'-
I). 8. Longnvcker. *'
M. D. Thatcher was unanimously nominated
for Auditor, and Jacob Weidensall for Coroner.
Jacob Burley, Exp, offered the following reso
lution, which was adopted:
Unsolved, That Adam Moses, Caleb Guyer, and
ieorge W. Patton be chosen conferrees, to meet
ih" same mini her of conferrees from each of the
counties of Cambria, Huntingdon and Mifflin, at
itnne suitable place in this Congressional District,
ioi me purpose of electing a Congressional Dele
>:itc to represent .he 17th District of Pennsylvania,
■n the National Convention, to be held in Balli
no.e on the 7fh of June.
B. E. Rose, Esq., offered the following pream
ilc and - resolutions, which were unanimously
(he loyal men of Blair County, iu convention
s -.eiublcd, disclaiming all partisanship, and know
ing no cause but that of the country, declare
Ut. Their inflexible purpose -to maintain, by
even- necessary effort, service, and sacrifice; the
National Union as the firsts highest, most solemn
ami most important of all political duties.
g l. That the infamous Rebellion which threat
en' the existence of the Union, was without cause,
conceived in wickedness, organized in peijury, and
developed in reckless violence, is stained with every
crime, detestable in object and infernal,in purpose,
ami must be suppressed by the bayonet* ana bullets
of die people of the Union—at the destruction of
wiiose institutions it is now injuriously ainfed ;
Resolved, That Abraham Lincoln, President of
me United States, by the discharge of his most ar
luous duties in the dark days of civil war, during
he past three years, has won for himself the affec
don and regard of the whole American people, and
imperishable renown.'as the champion of Justice
and Liberty, arid always hearing himself Justly in
his high office, has maintained the integrity of the
U oion, kept our honor nntarnisned throughout the
world, and to him, his administration, its princi
ples and its policy, we give our heartiest approval,
ami pledge one earnest, enthusiastic and continee
support, ,
Resolved, That the amendments proposed to the
funstitutipnin fjvmg soldiers in the field the right
of suffrage, meet, our hearty approval, and will re
crivo our cordial and united support
[ Resolved, That we tender to the gallant sons of
oVmisyl vania, now in the army and navy of the
Republic, the heartfelt thanks of a grateful people,
for their unselfish and heroic valor : that we mourn
for those who have scaled with their, hjood their
devotion to their country, and will cherish their
memories tenderly and friendly, while to the glo
rious survivors, wo give assurance that the last dol
lar Mid the last life shall be,given to reinforce them
until the old flag floats in final victory. ;
Resolved, That Governor Curtin, by tl»e elective
support he has given the Federal Goyejrmnent ir
the prosecution-of the war, and his vigilant care
for our soldiere, alike, in the field, in camp, and in
hospitals, has gained for Pennsylvania, proud and
foremost pre-eminence among the loyal Stages, and
entitled' himself to the everlasting gratitude of all
her loyal citizens. |
Resolved, That t|ic Connty Ticket, a* nomiua
(ed, is entitled to the cordial and hearty support
of all loyal, union-loving men, and we appeal with
confidence to who love the best interest of a
■'orutßon country, all who earnestly desire the total
-oppression of this hell-born rebellion, jo give the
ticket their hearty support. ;
On motion. Convention adjourned.
' JOHN HAYS, Gh'iirmtm.
,H. C. Desk, Sr’y. 1
Bernard Loreke, Anxif&ant Spr?y\
Hkatt Barea —EAtirEpAi* Accidekt.—On
Sunday last we were visited hy the heaviest min
storm of tlie season, accompanied with sharp light
ning «wa tlnnder. It came down in 'perfect'tor
rents, overflowing thh gitttera, and filling cellars
in all parts of the town.; All the streams in this
vi-initv were ranch swollen, and considerable dam
age done to Bail-Road bridges. A bridge on ther:
branch, road, below ; Elrado was considerably |
ini ansi, but not rtkdßciant to stop the passage of
'trains. At Tipton Station the abutment of the
Kail-Bond-bridge, across the Little Juniata, was
swept away, and a freight train Eastward, on Mon
day morning,' ran over it ere the train could be
stopped. The engine kept the tail down into the
river Itpd up again to the traek outlie opposite
side, hut the tender was thrown from the track,
and it. with some fourteen freight cars, some of
which were loaded with coal oil, were piled up in
tli'c river. 11 v some means tire was communicated
to the broken cars, and toon the whole was a sheet
} of Haiuc. the oil causing the Haines to spread more
rapidly. When the watchman waved the danger
signal, as the traiti was approaching the break,
Samuel Miller, fireman on the engine, left the tank
and attempted to run back over the train. He wan
last seen jumping from :thc,first to the second car,
jus! as they were going over the übutiiieiit. Since
that time no trace of him can lie tumid, and it is
supposed that he was consumed with the burning
curs. His cup was found in, mine dis
tance below the bridge. He was a single man,
and resided at Fostoria.
F. S. Since the above was written Millers
hotly has been found. It was in the water Mow
the bridge.
JJotwithstandingthe inclemency of tin- wea
ther. the sale of condemned Government horses. |
at this place, on Thursday and Friday lust, was i
well attended by fanciers of horse-flesh, and the I
animals were bid oft' rapidly at prices ranging i
from *1 up to *lO2. Quite a number of them I
were good nags, and the purchasers may realize
hnndsomdly out of their ; bargains. A number,
however, were so much dolapidated. that when
once down it required the assistance of several
(erne rails to put them on 'their pins again. One
old stager, purchased by an Irishman, after bfiing
tied to a stake, took a notion to. hack a little, in
consequence of which the rope around his neck
tightened sufficiently to stop his wind,
he fell, and in falling broke his hack. \V hen the
Hiliernian purchased him he had not the “ green
hacks" to pay for him, and started ott to get his
monev exchanged. While away the mishap oc
curred. He afterwards purchased another nag.
amt on coming forward to settle, found himselt
charged with the broken hacked steed. Notwith
standing the Government officials endeavored to
impress the fact upon him that he had purchased
the horse, the Irishman "couldn't see it.' inasmuch
usthev had refused to take Ids money when he first
uttered it. If one-half of these horses live it will be
2 s timer than we expect. .
Ist 'id -U\ 4tli dth oth
: to io u ii is
Ift Ift 19 i*2 “20 0
Q li ft
7 i io 0 li
i I
Tut PniVATi; SotuitH. —Somebody says, and,
we tile sentiment, that if there is a being
in the world who is deserving of private alfection
and public gratitude, it is the soldier who marches
ns a private in the ranks of the army, to light for
his country, offers his blood and life as a sacrifice
lor the maintenance of the Union and the Consti
tution. And yet how seldom it is that they get
the honor and reward tfieir services entitle them to.
It is the private who carries the gun ; it is the pri
vate who marches on foot through mud, frost und
snow ; it is tile, private who erects bridges over
swift streams, and. real's the lofty fort ideations ;
and it is tile private who, with the bayonet set,
charges on the deadly rifle-pits and against the
squared columns of the enemy ; and yet how sel
dom is it that he receives the honors and rewards
of ids noble conduct.
Have You Books to Bisu f —lf so, bring
them along at once. Of course you have a volume
or two of some magazine, or valuable newspaper,
which you intend to have bound and preserve, but
ten chances to one yon will neglect the matter un
til some of the numbers are lost, strayed, or stolen,
und then your volume will Ike destroyed. Look
around now and see whether you can find all the
nnmliers. and if successful, bring them right along to
the ‘•Tribune. Bindery" and have it bound up in
good style. Then, instead of being a trouble to
your better half, in the way of faking cure of them,
they will he nn omatocm to your library and an
evidence of your care and taste Don’t let val
uable hooks he destroyed for want of binding.
If you have wont out the first binding bring them
along and havq it reriewed.
Anotiieu Warning. —On Friday last, a little
boy, ten years of age, named Miller Theodore
Dougherty, living at Mapleton, Huntingdon coun
ty, fell from a freight train and had both his arms
ent off. He was in the habit of jumping on and
off freight trains passing that station, just as we ob
serve many boys doing in this place ; but the last
and fatal time came. He was picked upland ta
ken home, where lie lingered \in agony uutjl the
following evening, when death ehded his sufferings.
Will the boys of this place hoed the warnihg and
no longer imperil their lives or limbs in this man
ner. Parents, do keep your bhildren away from
the trains. Unless you exerqise your authority in
this respect you need not be surprised should they
be brought homo to you in the condition that Mil
ler Dougherty was taken to Iris mother.
Suad-ow ! Shad'! —We are in luck this week.
The heavy proprietor of the “Altoona Market Car,’<
,J. Holtzman, honored the Jhnior, a day or two
since, with one of the finest shad of the season, such
as Jake always brings up. Good things generally
may always be had 01V the arrival of the Altoona
Market Car. Scarcely had the above present been
sent to the culinary’ department, ere Jake Wilson
despatched a small Ik)V with two fine specimens of
Susquehanna’s famous finny fish, with instructions
that he convey them to the printers. Thank you,
Sir. A repetition of the offence will meet with no
resentment. Jake; Wilson receives ,his shad by
express, fine and fresh, together with other kinds of
j fish and all the vegetables in Reason.
;n ;
Gigantic >—GoUah of Gjiih was eleven feet
four inches in heigth. His brazen helmet weighed
15 lbs. His target or collar affixed between his,
shoulder* to protect his, neck, about 30 lbs,; his
spear was 26 feet long and,, weighed 58 lbs ; its
head weighing 38 ; his swoyd 4, his greaves on
his legs 30 ; and his coat of mail 186, making in
all 273 lbs! When he warned a new suit he al
ways went to the blacksmith’s and it was sent
home to him on a dray, ff he had lived in our
time and town, and bought his groceries and,pro
visions at Fritchcy’s cheap cash store, they would
bare been sent hothc to bmjin that beautiful new
wjtgon which John keep* for the accommodation
of his ■numcroiw'cijstbmeir. *
Thu New OnWHAVpt:—The Town Council
have iwsstMj; printed and posted the following Or
dinance, winch, it enforced, will -nrclv cause out
town to present ii much better appearance titan it
does at this time. We hope, our 'city ‘•Fathers"
will not consider their work done when they see
the Ordinance posted, but will inspect the alleys
and by places and see that it is complied with.—
We have had so many Ordinances posted, the re
quirements of which .were nevet exacted, that onr
(teople now |iay very little respect to them, and it
is not likely they will respect this one unless they
are closely watched. This is the Ordinance.
Be it Onlainei! hy tile Burgess and Town
Council of the Borough of Altoona, that if any
person shall have, keep or maintain a pjg sty, sta
ble or pen, or any other building or place within
said Borough, which shall emit an offensive smell,
or he otherwise injurious to the inhiihiams of.said
Borough or any of them, so as to. lie a nuisance,
or keep or have any offensive matter oh or about
the premises owted or occupied hy such person, so
us to-he a nuisance, such jierson shall iie- notilied
hv the Buugess and Town Council, or hy some
jierson authorised hv tiiem, to remove or abate
said nuisance, within five days, and if said requi
sition shall not he complied'with, the Burgess and
Town Council, or some jierson by them authur
! ized, shall, after the. exjiiration of live days from
I tin* lime when such notice shall have liecn given,
i remove or abate the same,,pr cause tlie same to he
i removed or abated, and collect the cost theivot
| with twenty per centum advance thereon, from
j the person so offending, and such |iersoii. also, be
ing thereof duly convicted, and shall torfcii and
pay a tine not exceeding ten doHais tor every such
I offence, and that the first section of Online nee
j No, 6, is hereby rcjiealeu.
Passed Mav. I'Jih. 186-t.
Chief' J{urye'<K.
dons MvCt.IiL.LAMI,
, jCresltlftil of f V.wmi/.
Ctuls O Hamilton, fSenretaru. ■
Blair County hnd tuk. Draft.—We are in
debted to Jus. M. Kinkeud. Esq., for tin- fullowitiK
Statement showing Slow this eonniy siaiaU with
regard to the column draft—tile preliminaries for
which are all ananucl. and which will no doubt take
place in a very short time. Our readers cun rely
on this table as heinp entirely correct, ami we
would advise sub-ilislncls not yet liiled to make a
eftort to complete their quotas liefore the
wheel at the Town Hall commences to revolve.. —
Credits will be gh eu up to the day of the draft,.
— St'iinlnVi/
til Allegheny, .
till llolliduysburc. ;...
till Cays|rt)it,
»14 Tyrone tp
Do Frankstown
0(1 Snyder
Tyrone bor
(17 North Woodherry
f>7J Mm tiiisbmu.
fib . Taylor,
Oil Catharine.
70 Woodherry
71 Huston,
7- Wait",
72i J uniata,
711 Altoona
74 Logan. ;
77» .Antes,
70 Greenfield
77 Freedom.
Beware ok I'urk. —Of this meat Dr. Trail
writes rather upp .ilingly: “In condemning it we i
know we assail ila- prejudice of many, ami ofl'end
the ignorance uf But the best teachers on
the subject of health utterly condemn its use. If
is gross and conflicting. There are marks ol dis
ease in all swine, ami in those most highly fattened
disease is most conspicuous. We have been sur
prized and enlightened by the fact that many far
mers who annuallv take to market large quantities
of pork, use but linle in their families, convinced
by experience that it is not wholesofne tor them.
Doubtless there too much flesh food used by our
people ; but the ox and the sheep are not naturally
unclean creatures, as the hog is. The.hog, like
the buzzard, is a natural scavenger. Tel him till
his office, and in the end, be converted into oil.
light, and lubrication, and its grosser material into
soap-grease. M
Fatal Accident. —On this (Thursday) morn
ing, as au old man, named liodgers, and his son,
hailing from Philadelphia, were passing through
the Kailroad cut below Blair Furnace, three miles
below this place, they met a W estward bound train
and stepped over to the Eastward track out of the
way. It up|jears that a train was also approach
ing from the West, which, they did not perceive,
and both were struck by the engine and thrown
from the track. The old man was instantly killed
and the boy considerably cut about the trace hut
not dangerously injured. They, were put upon a
train and brought up to this place, and the boy is
now at the Union Hotel. They were m very des
titute circumstances, begging their hrejul as they
Still AnoTiiku JiAiLROAD Accident. — Au
old woman named Mary fountain, residing some
where near Kit tailing point, was struck by one
of tile pushers on die mountain division, on Wed
nesday morning lust, and knocked from the track
and considerably bruised and cut about the body'.
Her injuries are said to lie only flesh wounds, but her
escape from serious hurt, if not instant death, was
most miraculous. She was walking on the track
at the time, and did not notice the approach of the
engine in time to; avoid it, the breaking of the
whistle cord preventing the engineer from giving
the proper signal:
ggg- The shoe's have crime and gone, ami no
one feels any the lieltcr of their visit. They were
bht a reproduction of the performances of such in
stitutions for half a century past, if, in fact, they
were as creditable as those of \Veich and Sticknej
in their palmy days. They no longer create the
excitement, or present the grand “entree” which
accompanied the advent of the old establishments
named The days of circuses are.w«ll-nigh played
out, and the country would not suffer by their early
demise. , »
Et.i)KK Bcsh.l— One of our exchange newspa
pers says insects never touch the elder bush. The
leaves of the eldth, scattered over cucumbers, cab
bages, squashes,; etc., etc., subject to the rav
ages’of insects, effectually shield them. Tim plum
and other fruits may be saved by placing on the
branches and through them, bunches of elder
leaves. It is said that ants will not corns about
where elder leaves arc scattered. This is easily
tried. and if successful, of great importance.
( Change of Schedule,—By reference to the j
j Schedule (mUMied in another column, it will he;
I seen fhM* a t‘e\v slight change* have been made in |
! the arrival and departure ot trains in most in- j
| stance* tlu* lime being eariieo The time irt ar- j
j rival and closing of the maiN lias
j changed. ~J:
('osriKMVrmx.— Bight U«v. f.l. l>«mn>nw. Bis Imptlitf)
l)u>cew, will ndinlniaarr tfte *afranit-ut <>i confirmation atj >
*t. John’* iOathi-SiC'<*hurch. ?u thin pi;u.n. on Thunsdayv!
morning next. In lh«* evening ai lecture will In* deliver**? (
b\ tio» Bishop. :ttid »s he i* one of the l*e*»t logician* and ;
most t*l*Mjuent speaker* eonnuTcd with the church, we j
lu»ve uo doubt his lecture w|lSl attract quite a large audi- I
ein'e. Admission free. 1
-?Tf>t has lwt*o fixed upon us the day for
holding the May party muter. tl«* auspices of ?t. John’s Uui Catludic have never yet failed
in s tring up the most enjoyable festivals of this kind, and
the cohiinjr'oiie wv are sure'will be uo exception b> the
rule. All who appreciate good cheer and innocent recrea
tion. will not tail to In; in attendance.
A Ktß>.L JoX£.—Two Hogons loade'l with paper collars
ure miul to have been captured by the rebels pt Matfdteld*
a short time -met, -uid prouably having no nether gar
ments t ■ collars are attachable. i*en. Dick Taylor
returned ihem to ttenernl Bank*, «ccomp<ui»**d by the fol
lowing fur. Ti .11' letter ; ”1 have boiled, baked and stewed
thex; rhinc*. T md can do nothing; with them. We cannot
eat (lieu:. They are a luxury for which I have no u.->e, and
I would like, therefore, to exchange them fora like quail
lit \ o! hard tack."’ It is not known whether Gen, Banks
pent the ••; d tack " in any other sliajHt than leaden balls,
bill U i- known that Harry Ml’lkc Mill has an ample sup
ply of mm-enable dress goodk. dry goods. jiotioiis. carpets,
oil cl -lii,-. groceries, etc., and {bat be does sell them a
shade lower than -any other man 1 ’ in ll^b -neckol umber."
No charge iur., showing goods.
'the strike umoti£ the at the various
railn»ad depots in Cincinnati:)*.about <u an end, new men
having been employed
Tm. tram.—Jt i. .-tiniati-'l that thv Uratt which is lu
tul,,- i.liir.. in .... la 1 St.itr. that have nut till.-u llu-ir *ia,i
tas. will ahit line Imiidred thousand men to the many.
iii- V :ii.- Jtoiuaas the (lift of a rii; r - was a badge
nt 111 i-. r ... ‘ U hioo .lavaay. Man U-il may host el-
j lain whelh.-v it is so auione the vuslerns.
The |a;ait'iit-r of tic- Uric City Di.'polr/i is about to
try tin- cxta-riiuvul ol |.uhlisilimt a viaily paper in llvat
Ivlnoa 11 ilw l/isiHit'-h man call I make it pv>. tlinrv will la*
no ii'v* in any van* cls>* trying it.
A hike. IVaki r. wririna n* a Minn. -ota janrnai.
svy. tin* niiin-rs nr** vary mudi ilivcmi ag-.i in that region ;
th. y have loilip through a (U.lii! vein *,I’ silvar ioiir le-t
thick before tlit-y reach live gold.
Tobuccw anti Cigars, Tobacco ami Cigar*.
I'obaccoami Cigars. 'Tobacco and Cigars.
I'iili:ll■<“< i mui Cigars. Tnhaucn ami (’imus.
FcTfumery and Notions. MeJicinc>.
I’crfumery and Notions Drugs and Medicines.
IVrlmnery and potions. Drugs and Medicines.
87. 811 2
117 100 17
HI 22 0
:W 35 4
•Vi 70
no 44 12
114 ;m
Together with a splendid stock of Trusses and
Supporters and all goods found in a first class
Drug Siore. For sab* cheap far Cash at fhe Drng
Store of A. Roush,
Second d*>or from ihe corner of Virginia and
Annie Street*. Altoona.,-
40 H 7
17 24
51 14
| Ilovt’s HiawatUa Hair Restorative,
< 1 * , \
28 4|
82 77 n
ni 40 n
53 21 32
30 II 27
180 200
Hoyt's Hiawatha Hair Restorative.
The standard utaple preperath-n I. r the hair, worrantoi
iu all cases ro restore faded and gray hair, and whisk-T*
tu their original color. It does not claim to make the hair
grow in where it has onc<* fallen out; nothing will do that
whatever may be Advertised to tin- contrary, but it will
prevent itfrom lulling out, make it soil and silky, cleanse
it and the scalp from impuiifieß and humors, and entirely
orn'eome bad effects oj previous u-e of properations con
taining aulpher, sugar of lead. ire. It requires no soaping
washing, and hours for its application, nor will it stain the
skid, hut is as easily applied ami wiped from the akin an
any hair dressing. It restores the natural shading of one
hair with another, which gives it a lively upperance in*
stead of the dull uniform black of dyes.
133 74 59
78 vO 42
41 17 24
.20 21 0
124)1 1041 3(1!)
Superior to uuy Hair Do' in use. Oils and Colors
the Hair at the "nine time. Cluilio-. light and red hair In
it t-eautiful brown or tilark.
Sold everywhere.- . ,
March do. Isot-ly
Baltimore Kxpre** Wontarrive* 7.1 a A. M., Favi*:;«» A. M.
PbiliKhd’a “ *• so ° **
Fast Lin«> “ S.2u 1' >l. ”
Mail Train ’* " "• utl ** !;,?**
Express Train East •' P. M . leave* L4O I. M
Fast Lin. " M.. - 1.3) A.M
Mail Train “ ‘ ** " ®* l 9 ’*
Through Accom. *• * 11-23 " 1140 ‘
Trains on Uollidaywburg Branch run to connect with
Express Trains West. Mail Train JSast and West and Thro’
Accommodation Train E^sL
Trains on Tyrone & Clearfield Branch and Bald Eagle
Valley U. K. run to ronnriM with Express Train and
Mail Train East and West.
Washington, Baltimore A Harrisburg arrive at 7:20, A.M.
Philadelphia arrives at - &05, *
Pittsburgh, (through.) ■ . ’*
llollidaysburgh. 6 ; 40. A.M. A C:aO, P.M
Eastern Way. 7:n ». PM
Eastern Way and through.
Western Way and through.
HMliclaysburgh, - • -
Western, through. •
Ilollidaysburgh, •
Eastern, through. ;- -
Olfice hours from 0:45, A.M.. to 7:45, P.M.; on Sun
day from 7:45 to 8:45, A.M
On the 12th loat., by J. W. Spellman, Esq., Mr ALEX
tie township, Blair County.
On the 17th lost., by the same, Mr. HENRY ALWOOD
to Miss MARGARET ELY. both of Ohio.
On the 12th. Inst., by Rev. A. H. Semhower, Mr. DAVID
W. REIGUto Miss TAMSON STEINER, both of Sabbath
Rest. Blair County.
On the same day by the same, Mr. W. S. WESTBROOK
to Miss ANNIE ROWAN, both of Huntingdon.
tiituatoti about two miles from Altoona, with privil
ege of firo wood and tt portion of the fruit on the lot,
is offered for rent to U small family that comes well
recommended. ■ Possession given immediately. Apply
this Office. (May. 18,18C4.
GREEK, respectfully informs the holies of Altoona
and vicinity that she in prepared all styles of
ladies’ and children’s dresses, coats, Ac, in the most sub
stantial manner and in the lateststyle of fashion.
.Residence with Mr. Aekwith. on Helen street, between
Annie and Jnlia streets, East Altoona. [May, 18th-lm.
PLANTS.-r-Tlie undersigned is now
prepared to supply." from his hot beds in Collinsvltfe,
any number pf Cabbage; Tomato, Beet and other plants of
the very lieet varieties. Plants delivered at the
residences of aUpersdnili* Altoona who may order them,
or may he obtained at the beds. [
May 12, ’(H.-lmo. JOHN KIITHERCOHI).
On the night of the 9lh mat., either on the passenger
wiII be snlUbly rewarded by returning it totheWbscrlber ! tU>n»ju*t receive! and for sale by
leuvlmr it where he may obtain if. % -Oct IVtfl ; J. B. HILKMAK
s * ; I, H. COOX.BKOTH *
Hollidaysburg, May 18,1804, It
Alioona, Blair county. Pa.
OFFICE on Main street, front of his
chair hliop, ouo 4<>nr 32n*t of the National
ap9-tf . *_
I theh»«r Brown in Altoona at c*ntt;
No. 10 University Place. New York
ALiooSA., May iSth, IBU4.
S. 1040 Bonds, i
Hardware, &c.
The subscribers baring taken charge of the Hardware
.Store and Stove and Tin Shop recently ahdfcr the charge
of Samuel I. fries, on Virginia street, opposite Kesslers
Brie- Store, ami having added largely to their stock are now
prepuied to supply anything hi the Hardware aud Cutlery
line, such as Handsaws, Axes, Augers, Adxos, Chisels,
Squ ires, flnles, Hammers, planes, Hinges, Locks, Latches,
Files, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Ac., Ad., all of which
they offers on the most reasonable terms, .
Persons wishing anything in tho Hardware line art'
requested to call aud examine theiif aloe*. .
Thev have also added Oils, Paints, Carbon Oil, etc., to their
stock,‘and will dispose of all these articles tft a small ad
vance oubrsl cost. N
The, will ahocontiuue the
ami «Tff keep eh ham] mi assortment fro» which eny
pel sell will be uhlii to select an article to peias* their fancy.
In tlie line oi _
they will always haw a Urge supplyjiiudjwlU makejloorder
Anything that may bu called for.
Job w ork in this Urn* promptly attended to. 1
pul up on short notice in the best style.
April 27, lfct*4.-tf.‘
Great Victory !
I GJDFKEY WOLF has achieved one
" W great victory. U« ha. j\l»t received the bent
arleelod Slock of
ever brought to Altoona. Ho boa taken great caro iu
beh-cting his stock and guarantees to suit the tastes of all.
lib Clothing is belter unde than (hat of any other store
in Blair county. He invites a call and examination of his
aUK-k before; purchasing elsewhere. He cau sell-you Cloth
ing cheaper than yon can purchase, it elsewhere in the coun
ty. He has elvvays a fine assortment of
THUNKS, ie. He bought his Hoods principally iu New
York city ior rush, and tells for Cash.
j&- Hem* inl>rr. his store is -m the Corner of Caroline
and Main streets, Altoona.
May I'J. 1504—tf.
Millinery and Fauct Goods
Would respectfully inform her old
patrons that she has just received a Urge and
elet£aut assortment of
And FANCY GOODS, comprising the very last styles u
iII).\.NETS anil HATS, in great variety,
White Goods nml Dress Goods, for Ladies ami Children
Embroideries, Dress Trimmings, Hoop Skirt*. Cor
sets, Gloves, Hosiery, Head Dresses, Laces,
i<-.. &c. Ac. Ac. ic.
All uf whku she will sell at the lowest cash prices. She
roepvctfullv invites the Ladies to give her a call, oa she
is confident that she can make It an object to those
purchasing to examine her stock uud price**.
4fc**The latest Fashions received as soon as issued.—
Particular attention paid to trimming of bonnets.
Altoona. April 27,1864-tf
undersigned • respectfully iinooun-
A ces to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that bo
lias opened a
establishment in the room formerlj; occupied by Dr. Cal
derwood. on strbet, between Julia and Caroline/
where bo will keep bo hand a fine assortment oi' gold and,
silver watches, clocks of all styles, and a handsome assort
ment of jewelry, gold pens and pencils, spectacles, *c.
Particular attention given to repairing Clocks, watches
and Jewelry.
By selling for cash only, at the smallest advance on first
cost, he feels sure that he can please all in price as well as
quality. * SAMUEL SMITH
7,40. A.M
7:50, u
7:50, i;
6:40, P.M.
6:40, “
7:20, 44
Jan. I, isHt-tf.
fered for sale; or trade for property in Altoona; the
land is situated in Chmbria county, four miles North of
OnlUtzin Station, on the P. R. R.; there Is erected on said
premises, one of the very best Saw and Lath cutting Mill*,
all in gsocl ord?r, together wiflftfaiUh.Sbop and good
ble, also two squared log dwellings, suitable to accotnmo
date lumberman, all of which will be sold as above stated,
by tbeisubscriber, living in Altoona.
April 20. -64. tf JOSHUA HAINES.
letters testamentary to the estate of Joseph Schelly
late of Altoona, Blair county, dec’d., have been granted to
the undersigned, residing as aforesaid, all persons in
debted to said estate are requested to make immediate
payment, md those having claims will present the same
duly authenticated for Mftleihedt.
April 27, 18W.—at
Dissolution. Notice is hereby
given that the partnership heretofore existing be
tween the. undersigned, trading under the name of Geia k
Co , has-been dissolved by mutual; consent. The books
and accounts are in the hands of John. Murphy for settler
ment, nt tho old stand. ; GEORGIC GUIS, ■
mayfilt JOHN MURPHY.
ICE CREAM—And the Philosophy »i
its Mannfactqre. A small treatise, with TalnaWe re
cipes on thissubject. wilt be sent FREE. by mill, to per
sons who will send their address to
■iSfl PSAEi; St., New Tors.
may 4. 4t.
I is selling Teas superior to any ever offered in Al
toona. They are free of adulteration, coloring, or nil*-
ture of any kind. !’
' Jivn. 13, MML]
Drake’, BWjjk rt -■ - .| r AIK, HAT, TOOTH, SHAVJNG
J“I3 HBIBART* 3 Draa Btur«. [ [ Pl)ut ,’, nJ Bnabe. « 'T_ J
■\_CoAt9 can be tonne «t- , j LAPBgMAffS_ LARD QtLS, V
jtof Mei. and Boy»,s fcAWITMAWS. Jan.Jt'MMf] • |
such as
■ (
j Theaeßondt aiaisenednmler 8
1864, which provides that itll Bond* tamed under this Act f
.hall be EXKMPT WtOMTAIATION byot aaderaoy
state or municipal smthority. three
are received in United State* notes dc not** of National ’
Bank.. They areTO Bit RR»S*MK»nt COIN, at the |
pleasure of the nrtien than lea ;
acrimirr lAn»ybrty aai.Wll their ■
redemption «TI PIR Cl NT. INTKBBBT THU. B* !■
PAID IN COIN, on Bonds ofnoAoyer ono hnpdrsd 4nßara j
niinnallT and on alt otheir Bondi eamt-annaatiy. The Inter- |
eat is payable on tha first days of March nod September in
each year.
Subscriber, will receive either Registered or Coupon j
Bonds, ns I Uey may prefer. Registered Bonds are recorded
on the books of the U. 8. Treasurer, and can bo transferred i
only on the owner’s order. Coupon Bonds are payable to |
bearer, and a're more conrenlent for commercial uses.
Subscribers to this loan will hare the option of haring i
their Hoods draw interest from March let, by paying the i
accrued interest in coin—{or in United States notes,the
notes of National Banka, adding fifty per cent, for premi
uni.) or receive them,drawing interest front tha date of
subscription and deposit. As these Bonds are
their value is increased from one to three percent, per
annum, according to the rate of tax levlea in various part.
of tbo country.
At the present ratootjmaralum on gold they pay
In currency, and are of equal convenienoe w a permanent
or temporaly investment.
it is believed that no securities offer so great indue**'
menu to lenders as the rations descriptions of U. 8. Bond»v
Id all other forms of indebtedness, the &iU> or ability of
private parties or stock companies or separate pommunitie*
only is pledged fof payment, white for the debts of the
United States the whole property of the country is holden
to Ki'our*' the payment of |both principal and interest in
These Hoods may bo subscribed for in sums from $5O up
to any magnitude, on tho same terms, and are thus made
equally available to the smallest lender or the largest cap-
italist. They can be converted into money at any moment,
and the bolder will have tbe beaefit of tho interest
U may h useful to suite in this connection that the total
Funded Debt of the United States, ou which Interest is
payable in gold, on the 3d day of March. 18&4, was $768,
005,000. The interest on for the coming flsca
year will be $45,837,120, while tie customs revenue in gold
»r the current fiscal year, ending Juno 30th, has
jen so fur at the rale of over $100,000,000 per annum.
It will be seen that even the present gojd. revenues of
he Government are largely in excess of th£ wants of tbe
Treasurer for the payment of gold while the re-
cent increase of the tariff will doubtless rsjlse the annual
receipts from customs ou the same amount ed importations.
to $150.000.(*K) per annum.
Instructions to the National Banks acting as loan agents
were not issued from the United States Treasury until
March 20, but in the first three weeks of April the sub-
•ripiions averaged more than TEN MILLIONS A WkEK
Subscriptions will he received by the
First National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa.
Second National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa.
Third National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa.,
which ure depositaries of Public, money, and all
throughout the country, (feting as agents of the National
Depositary Banks,) will furnish further information On
eiiig certain Amendments to the Ctmatiullon.
IP. it resolved by the Senate and Bouse of Representatives
of the QtmmonvnaUh of Pennsylvania in General Asset nWp
nut, That the following amendments bo pry posed to tlu-
Constitution of the Commonwealth, in accordance with
the provisions of the tenth article thereof:
There shall be an additional section of the third article
of the Constitution, to be designated *s section four, as
follows •
“ .Section' 4. Whenever any of the qualified elector! i of
this Commonwealth shall tie in any actual military aer
vice, under acquisition from the President of the United
State, or by the authority of this Commonwealth, such
electors may exercise the right of suffrage in all elections
by the citizens, under such regulations as are, or shall
be, preacriued by law, as fully as if they were preaent at
their usual place.
‘■Section 2. There shall be two additional sections to the
eleventh article of the Constitution, to be, designated a*
section eight, and nine, as follows :
“ Section 8. No bill shall be passed by the Legislator*,
containing more than one subject, which shall W clearly
1 expressed in the title, except appropriation Mils.”
’ Section 9. No bill shall be passed by the: Legislature
granting any powers, or pilvileges, (n any case, where
the authority to grant such powers, or privileges, has been,
pr may hereafter be, conferred upon the courts of this
i Commonwealth ”
Speaker of the Bbute of Sepnteniatwet.
Speaker qfthe Senate.
Office or ibb Secbrabt of ih* CoKMOtrwiiMß, t
Barriahurg, April 25,1004. j
PENNSYLVANIA, 8f; '• . t , '
I do hereby certlfly that the foregoing u
a fall, true and correct copy .of-, the
g _ X original Joint Herniation of the General
I B~E.AIi I Assembly, entitled a A Joint Besolo-
N tioa proposing certain Amendments
to the Ooostftntton," as the same re
mains on file in this office,
lx Tkssimokt whereof, I have*hereunto set my hand and
c rutted the seal of the Secretary*! office to be affixed, the
ds> and year above written.
The above Resolution having been agreed to by a' ma
jority of the members of each Uoiue,at two successive
sessions of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth,
the proposed amendment will be submitted to the HOphi
for their adoption or rejection, on THIS FIRST IMe-
DAY OF AUGUST, in the year of out Lord one thousand
eight hundred and sixty-four, in accordance with thepro-
Tisions of the tenth article of the Constitution, and: the
act. entitled “An Act prescribing the time and manner
of submitting to the people, tor their approval and raua
' cation or rejection, the proposed amendments to the Con
stitution,” approved the twenty-third day of April, one
thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. '-
Secretary of he OommanmaWi.
April 27,-te -
LEWIS GIEBLE, Proprietor,
HAVING purchased the above well
known Hotel and reftirnUhed the Mine with new
fonoirare, I am now prepared to accommodate all woo ft*
vor me with their patronage. Free Omirflma to earrypna
e eager* io and from the Depot. 1 April 20, W.—ly.
JUST RECEIVED, A ney stock of
Fishing TacUeibr Spring* sales, confuting of Bo*,
Beets, Lines: Baskets, Snoods, Floats, NetsiFlles, ArtflteUl
Bait, BigkOd LCntnt, Chit, Gross .end Hooks, to which the
attention of DeOler* is particularly requested.
! - Order*, wholesale hr retail, ponctnaHyfllled and satis
j faction warranted. ; 9 ’
Secretary of (Ac OewmtmweftU*.
2d Mid W»lnnt, Pbiud«lphtt.
i. (