The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, May 11, 1864, Image 1
!sbr the Unfortunate ! Ptom fcOCOB* f»R ' AT LAST r to > Three V D AYS J aOKEE REMEDY —AND— >£EE INJECTION! aiftom Barks, Bools & Leaves. EftHfcDT, the greit Indian IMrpretic, rtf the r«lau»orgao«, inch as locoutinu «,tiiftam«tion of the Bladder, luflamatlon feta* in thq Bladder, Stricture, OnteL a»>odia .especially recommended in those btis (or Whites in iomales) twbereall the Belt** hare tailed. te a highly concentrated form, the dose foiifo two teaspoonfuU three limits per day., hadalternative in its action; purifying Cawing it inflow inallof its qr»g ||ar; (husremot tag from the system all ijfhjffa haw* Induced disease. IOBCTIOK is intended as au ally or as- Wakes Remedy, and should be saed in ijthatmedictae in all cases of Gouorhssa. WLor Whites. Us effect are healtag sooth fctrryemorftog all scaWtag, heat, cbordee dofihe burning and almost nneoduHble •teiitoed with nearly all the cheap quack lefukee Remedy and Cherokee Injection ned at the same time—*U improper; dU rad, «Ml,tbe weakened organ-* are speed i and'strength. get oar pampelet from any drug rjr t qt wrfis to us aud we will maihfre* tall treatise. » Remedy* $2 per bottlo, or three boi- Injection, per bottle-or three tattle. to any add owe on reoeipt of price. : • everywhere.,- DR. W. R, MERWIN 4 00., Sole Proprietor. ■ No. 59 liberty Street, New Fork. GREAT ,N MEDICINE FROM impounds: .-■SB' ■s< OKEE CURE! are |bi £permatorrhea,semioalWeakness ton*, am! ill doeeaaes caused by self pol ios* ofMemory, Universal ties* o. Vision .Premature Old Age, Weak “ in Breathing, Trembling, Wakefolhess, face* PAle Countenance, Insanity, Con* II the Direful Complaints caused by <b path nf nature. .. _ isa.sftn&leAegetable extract, and one, on r, aa lt haibeen used in our practice'for with thousand treated, it has not felled in ItHyCurative power* have been sufficient rer the moat stubborn case, i . ave trifled ‘ with tbelr constitution until elves beyond the reach of medical aid, we *r ftsCf the CHEROKEE CURB will re lk a»4/f»gbr, and aiter all quack doctor* eaters, gel a Circular from any Drug utry* or write the Proprietors, who will One deulrirp the same, a full treatise In ►ottle, or threr bottles for $5, and forwai o all part* of the world,* pectahle druggists everywhere. DR- W. K. MERWTN k 00.; - Sole Proprietors, Xq.bS Liberty Street. New Ycpk,' M am* raun rna ISlixir. \ * ATING ELIXIR! SCE OF LIFE. Pc»a ViomaßU Ejtnucts, CoaiAQrt ho nuratots io m most siucar*. Elixir is the j-e*altof modern discoT* le kingdom being eh entirely hew tod Of core, of all the old; w been uvted by the roost emlnentroed r.'ud bjr them prononhced to be one of it dJarorerioj of the aga. ore General Debility. - ieil yrterica in Pemalee. sPalpltalion ef the heart, tree the organs of regeneration bottle* restores the maolinenand fall m the apbetite. > the womcMe* of Impotent-?.- the low ipirited. ' s mental power* the rose to thecheekg y Mae to manly vigor and robust health . worn-down and despairing devotee of rated yoyth, the-ioragr-taaked man! ol t of nerirStu Jepreaaioß, the indlTWnal ml debllfty.or front areaknest of atta int! immodiate and oermlnent relief jby rirorfreMnoe of Lite. ■ ~ ! he or three bottle* for (S, and Ibrieai. receipt of money, to any address. :.i pUta ererytrhere. . V Dr; V. E. MKRWIN t Co., \ rs. So. New York; PILLS! COAXED 4 REGULATrOB, Preserver AND SAFE. Obdructitmt, and (Ac Insurance of Rmtrmct of (Ju Monthly JPeriedt. i»i*ts those asmenna diseases that lUrily.hy removing the Irregularity and Ealnful Menitr* 'icknee* (Chlorosis.) • ud Spinal Affection., pain* in the • of tin body,B«vln'M., ratline on Station ofthe Hurt, Eovaeaa «T SWr -1 .attache, Qiddtoeu, etc, «tc. in * theintgtusrity, they remove the cauae ttlect* that spring frtga it. pie vegetable extracts, they contain to any cooatitbtion, However deMojlte, i *f*W*rtNoto etrengfli for weakafpe. 1y oaod, they ne*er fadtodo. ' ( (Arte sunktfo, during which tfigm cir action would in pliably prwveat infornutifo or ad rice will be prompt stiy anaweroi. *mpmr each box. or ate bone for $6 . K P°SW on reciept if price. sWeprugglste - ■' ,;/ v. 'Wtf'.Wl#.lUffl*'*W, ; i a, So. » Liberty Street, New Tor*. : iIoGKUM & DERN, vol. 9 SAVE THE PER CENTAGE BY BUYING YOUR CLOTHING FROM FIRST HANDS. jL* TTINGER & TUCK, Manufacturers La of tod Wholesale and BHail dealers In Eeady-made Clothing, woold respectfully incite the attention of the iiohiic tn the following facts in reference to their Stock. l*t We manufacture our own goods. They are made up in uor OSD Store, in Philadelphia, under our immediate •Opt-rTislon, and we know they are well made and can be warranted /equal to the best, sti’i unpcrlor to the largest quantity of Beady : made cloth ng in the market. . „ _ . * m ]. We buy our Cloths directly from the Importers and Manufacturers, consequently we sate the per centage put *m >*▼ middle men. . .^ *:jrd Wa sell our Clothing at a reasonable percentage ~V«T the coat of our Cloths,Thereby wring the .purchasers ,if Clothing the percentage which must be added by those who buy from second hands to sell again. We retail our Clothing at the »ab)(* price which other merchants pay (or theirs at wholesale, consequently thoso who buy from ofe ¥*l their g;*xls it the same price which other Clothiers fM.v for their* in the city, thereby wring said Clothiers’ pin ceutage. ’ Wo have branch Stores in ALTOONA AND JOHNSTOWN, «li.«re goods may be bad at the i-ame figures at which we ,*il Uiew here in the city. person ha* been told, or imagines, that Tucks atore. in Altoona. »**• played out/’ let such person drop into his establishment, oo Main Street, andexamine bis ghods and price?, : Wholesale Huq*e, No. 702 Market Street, Philadelphia. ■ d*t. 2, mi.- tf new goods. undersigned would respectfully in ■l fomi the citizens of Altuuua and surrounding conn* ity . that he ha* just returned from the Eastj where he ha* tienn selecting.his stock of • FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which, for quality and price, cannot be burpassetd in itiis neck of country. Hie stock is much larger than heretofore, and as it is quite an object, in these exciting Wsir times, for every one to purchase where they can get Tlip Bent Goods and at the Lowest Prices, Its would say that he can and will sell as low. if m*t a little lower than any other house in this place. He wishes «i< to call and see his stock before purchasing elsewhere. a« he feel* confident he can offer inducement* which will defy competition. Hi* stock consist* of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS of.every description, UKN AND BOVS’ WINTER WEAK, LADIES AND MISSES' DRESS SHOES, .MEN AND BOYS’ BOOTS AND SHOES. MEN’S Half hose WOMEN S AND MISSES’ WOOL HOSE. H VI'S AND CAPS. N BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLIN, GINGHAMS AND HEAVY DRILLINGS. : Hr will sell Luike* Sewed, Heeled Bootees at slJjO@l.7s Kip Pegged.......i I^7@lAo Ajwn*« Boots, *J.T5t©3,5O BALMORAL SKIRTS, very low. , GROCERIES. Widte and Brown Sugat, Rio Coffeee, Syrups, Teas, Ac.‘ •»<i verythiug usually kept in a Dry Goods Store, ;; a cheap a* the cheapest. J. A. SPBANKLE. \lt«*ona, Oct. 7,1803. (TTY JDKUGr STORE. O' 1 . K. H. RKIGA-RT would respect fully umiunnee to the citizen* of Altoona and sur iviuuding country, that he hupa recently purchased the Drug Store of Berlin A Co., oil Vitginia Street, opposite Hardware Store. His Drugs are Fresh and Pure. •aiPi he hopes by strict attention to baniness. to merit a •liar- of public patronage. Pali and examine bis stock. He has constantly on DRUGS, MEDICINES and CHEMICALS, FINK TOILET SO AW, EUR ELMER V. BRUSHES, : GLASS PUTTY, PAINTS. OILS VARNISHES CARBON OIL AND LAMPS. NOTIONS CIGARS a i.o '.rry article mi tally kept in a First-dam Dritff Store PURE WINES AND LIQUORS for medicinal use. DOMESTIC GRAPE WISE—PURE—WARRANTED, PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS accurately compounded, at all hours of the day or nigiit. AI loom. Sept. go. 18»3. MORE COMPETITION! A NEW DRY GOODS STORE ON VIRGINIA STREET Tue UNDERSIGNED WOULD IIE SPECTPULLY ANNOUNCE to the public that she h»* added tc her stock of MILLINERY GOODS, A FULL LINK OF SSrDRY GOODS, I'onaiaflng ot PRINTS, DELAINES, ALPACAS, HEPS GINGHAMS, MUSLINS, ETC. BLEACHED MUSLINS from 23 to 46 cents uer yard YELLOW - •• 21 035 • •• •• CALICO “ 16 to 25 DELAINES 30*o 36 - Ai»d all other articles iti proportion. I hare also a fall assortment of GLOVES, HOSIERY, COLLARS, and NOTIONS generally. My stock of Millinery Goods embraces everything in that line usually kept In the country. Ihave marked my goods down to the lowest figure FOR UAail. Believing that my goods and prices will prove •ansfoctory, I invite a«all from the public. hkbkcca McClelland. Ih-c. 2M, 1863-ly. 1864. SPRING 1864. C IRC U I.A 11. f take pleasure in issuing this my Sprint iiulvcrtlnemenl, through whichl would inform mi friends v^, p “? lic f e »efally that I hare just returned from the bast when 1 have purchased a fresh Stock of hats and caps ooi‘teift c‘, u .t:r ■*“ iuy ’ coinr >nd price c“n -;;l hare oho bought an immenw stock of fc ’ BOOTS AND SHOES, the majority of which arc city make and will be miaran tecd. My asaortnient of Ladies’ and Childrens' Shoes ia complete, all of which, 1 am now offering rt? nmdTJ T*nce on wholesale prices. ■ 1 .rtMti™ b^’!Si be 5 r “ tly b * n< ' fit,,d by «W»« this their S™Tr™n^c.“ rel,in ‘ ,M my rtock - 1 **' «“«- JAMES S. MANN, Main street, Altoona, p». kpp-tf ANDREW ECKEL, DZAIXt 1H Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Pipes, &c., &c., d»*u xirnt. Altoona. l‘a. * general assortment of Good* in hia line constantly on band at the lowest cash prices. [Peb.7,1863 Af USIC!—INSTRUCTIONS GI V BN jjTk on tha PfonoFort* and Metodeon, by Mias \|l. dHQJSMAKEH. TxftMS, |lO per quarter, charge for the use of the Instruments Residence on Wyt Aitqona. TJan.l6, IB&tMt A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF jOL Gent’s Model Improved SHlRTS—Cassimerc and Moalia Shirta—fln* ami coarse—white and colored—at . . ■. : LAPaamys. BOSTON CRACKERS—A LARGE of these delicious crackers jtost received snAfcrsaie by ; . MtTCHBt - .*» ww 1 m * 1 - 1 ■t , ” THE ALTOONA miBUNE. > 4itOJUJtH* '.•> ' “ •H' D£ffiV> IDITQRI ASfD PEOFEIUORB. i Her aun.m, (payable invariably in j AH p«perf diioontjnued at the expiration of the time i paid tw. i waMH of isnuunt • 1 iuertioD Sdo. 8 do. ifaatliawi>cJ«i..-m •*-©< N::;;;;;:;;; >« «£ l lhroe ■■ ’.(84 > T. -....1 60 2.00 2 60 j o»er,ouao iw«k« and lew than tliroo iboh»Jm,-26 ijenu ! 6 month.. -I***. j Six lhJMiOc.ha*. •■••••*1*9 • «« •*S«® | Oue juiuare s.. •• W * o 0 • w I ■ < 4 00 6 00 10 00 ihree ’ —■ 6 00 8 00 12 00 Fom 6 00 10 00 14 00 Half » column...—..'. - 1° 00 14 00 • 20 00 0nec01umn!?.....i..-,.- i M 00 . 25 00 40 00 AUmiaUU*tow lM»d>|Cxeci»tow Jiotices • 1 <b 'Merchants the year, three square* interml. will b* ebargwl ndtording to th* »hw »*«■ . AdTertiwmente not marked With the nmnhor of inser tion, rtenirod, will boam tinned tUlfortud and charged according to the above term*. Busin... Dedewlte cent, per line for every insertion. Obitaa/yuoHc*. exceeding ten line., fifty cent, a square Mem From the Atlantic Monthly for May. RE-ENLISTED. Oh. did yon Me liim. In the street, dressed up in army. blue, •' When drum* aud trumpet* into town tbelr storm of music thxow, — A louder tune than all the wind* could muster in the air. The. rebel wimte tbat tried so hard onr flag in strip* to tear i you d.ln’t mind him » Oil, you looked beyond him, then perhaps, . To »ee the mounted officer* rigged out with trooper-caps And shiny clothe*, and sashes red, and epaulets and all; — It wasn’t for sucb thing* a* these he heard hi* country call. • She asked for men; and up he spoke, my liandsome hearty San,-*- •‘l’ll die for the dear old Union,if she’ll take me as I am.” And if a better man than he there’s mother that can sfcw; From Maine to Minnesota, then let the nation knew. You would not pick h|m from the m.t by eagle* or by *tai«. By straps upon bis coat sleers, or gold o. silver bars; Nor a corporal’* strip of worsted; bat there’s something inhi^fect.*. And something In hi* even step, a-marchlnp tn hta place That couldn’t be improved by all the badges In the land: A patriot, and a gdpd .strong man; are general* much more grand ? We rest bur pride outlmt big hpait; wrapped.up in army- blue. The girl he loves, Mmrasxt, andJl, who love him, too. He never shirked a Ijattle jet, though frightful risk lie’s run* Since treason flooded Baltimore, the spring-of sixtj-ooe. Through bloodand storm he’s held out firm, nur frettep once, my SAM. At swamps of Cbiokahominy, or fields of Antietam: Though many a thus, be'stolxl us, when ha saw them lying dead, The boys that cam* from Newburyport, and,Lynn and Marblehead, ; Stretch put upon the! trampled turf, and we-ept on by the sky. It seemed to him the,Commonwealth had drained her life blood dry. “ But then.” he said; the more’s the need the country has of me; To live and fight the war all through, what glory it would be? The rebel oalls don’thit me, and mother, if they should, You’ll know I r ve fallen in the place where I have always stood.” lie’s taken opt his furleugh, and short enough it seemeji I often tell Mbhitabbl heTV think be only dreamed Of walking with her nights so bright you could’nt see a star, And nearing the swift tide come in across the harbor-bar* The fttnrsthat shine above the stripes.they light him south ward now: Ihe tide of war has iwept him bacx ; ha’s made a solemn vow To build himself no home-nest till his counwy’s work is done; God bless the row, apd speed the work, my patriotic son And yet it is a pretty-place, where bis now bouse might be An orchard road, that leads your eyes straight out upon theses;— The boy not work his father’s faim! it seems almost a shame; But any selfish plan for him he'd never let me name. He's re-enlisted for fhe war, for victory or for death; A soldier’s grave, perhaps,—the thought has halfway stop ped my breath, And driven a -cloud Across the sun;—my boy, it will not be! The war will soon be over; home again you’ll come to me He’s re-enlisted; nnd;l smiled to see him going* too; Theee’s nothing that becomes him half so well as; army blue. Only a private in theranks; but sure I am indeed* If all the privates were like him, they'd scarcely Captains need! And I and Massachusetts share the,honor of his birth. The grand old State.U tome; the beat in all the peopled earth! I cannot hold a mnaket, but I have a son who can; • Ami 1 am proud for : freedom s sake to be the mother of a man! i For the Altoona Tribvne. ; V THE AMERICAN CHURCH OP CHRIST BT AMERICANO*. CHAPTER VI. Prophetic Deecription. of America ™, . , ■ Continued. The land of restoration was to be a country of broad rivers and; beautiful streams. *‘Bntthejre the glorious Lord <■will be unto us a place of broad rivers and streams, wherein shall go no galley with oars,' neither shall gallant ships pass therebv,” Is*. ixxm;2l. Tbis can never be applied to the land of Judea, with 4 ita solltarj- river and few minor riv ulets. The sqblime description of the prophet can ALTOONA, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1864. only be applied to America with her hundred broad riversand her thousand navigable streams. “ Wherein shall go no galley with oars, neither shall .gallant ship pass thereby.’’ A galley with oars, or a Government cutter sent out with a na tional ship, from a Superior power, for the purpose of collecting revenue, has never been allowed to enter pur ports or sail upon onrrivere. Weare independent of al| the nations of the earth, owing no allegiance but to: heaven, and owning no sovereign but God. The land of restoration was to be bom in a dav, “ Shall the earth be mode to bring forth in one day, or shall a nation be boni at (mce, for as soon as Zion travailed she brought forth her children." Isa. pxvitß. The an pals of the world can produce no greater human event chan the birth, of 'the American na tionality. Although kingdoms and empires have been established they were for the benefit of mon archy, without regard to the interests and welfare of the people. Hut the American nationality was founded by the people themselves, and is the only true government among all (he nations of the earth. That as a free and independant nation site was bom in a day, the people of the whole country an nually attestin' celebrating her illustrious birth. “ For as soon as Zion travailed site brought forth her children.'' That these United States are the children of our holy and liberal religion no candid Christian will deny. For Zion, the pure Cbureh of Christ, that lias everywhere curried civilization and happiness to itli who receive and obey her re quirements, was here embraced and nobly sustained both by oxampel and statute. And our fathers, appealing through tier to the Sovereign of the Uni verse for aid and ) rotcction in founding a nation of freemen, was heard and answered, until the Uni ted States of America was established, and the great model Nation of the world inaugurated, \ The government of the restored Israel was to he a republic. “ And their nobles shall be of them selves, and their governor shall proceed from the midst of them.” Jtn. xxx:2l. “ I will restore thy judges asut the first, and thy counsellors as at the beginning.” Isa. i:2G. “Tlte people shall be gathered together and appoint unto themselves one head.” Hosua . “ And their nobles shall be of themselves.” That is every citizen shall be his own sovereign, and no royal blood or titled rank shall be known. All are equal in natural rights, and no distinction save that of character and ac quirements shall ever he allowed. “ I will restore thy judges as at the first, and thy counsellors as at the beginning.” The first Israel, from Moses to ‘ Samuel, compared with I lie most liberal governments of the world, was a golden age. For three hundred years the Jew was free in the highest sense of liberty. And this promise of res toration has been clearly fulfilled in the rise and progress of the American Republic. Like the peo ple of the first Israel in the days of -their Republican government, they enjoy all the blessings that na ture, Providence and Religion can lavish upon them. “The people shalUbc gathered together aud ap point unto themselves one head.” Here tve have a grand description of how an independent people, in a free government, shall choose their chief ru lers. “They shall gather themselves together, " that is at their elective boards, and appoint, by their free suffrage, their chief magistrate or head administrator of the laws of tlie republic, as well as the other officers of the government, in tlie same manner and form. iXhe people of the land of the promised restora tion were to be of jiolile and peapeful character, and of plain and uniform language, easily under stood, “ Thou shaft not see a fierce people, of a deeper speech than thou canst perceive; of a stam mering tongue thou canst not understand." Re fined manners, polite bearing, and gentle deport ment are everywhere displayed in the American character, and as a kind, generous and hospitable people, they have np equal among the nations of the earth. Their ears and hands are ever open to the cry of suffering humanity, the hearts of the people beat .responsive to the tears and trials of all the stricken children of mankind. The simple, plain and uniform language of the people is a striking characteristic of the American republic. Although the living tide of mankind are pouring into our country from .all the ballons of the world, yet the true Anglo-Saxon is growing more pure, and has become so completely Ameri canized that it is not only the language of every portion of our vast domain, bnt it has become the standard of the English language throughout the earth,-and is destined to become-the prevailing tongue of onr ransomed race. The sons of those who afflicted the land of resto ration in its infancv, were to come and make it their home. “ The sons also of them that afflicted thee, shall come bending unto thee, and all they that despise thee shall bow themselves down at the sotesof thy feet,” Isa. lx: 14. The sons of the people who invaded our soil, burned our towns and bireff the savages to destroy the homes and lives of oar ancestors, have come to our country, ack nowledged onr laws, and 'become citizens of the republic their fathers shed their blood to overthrow. The sons of the very soldiers who slaughtered our citizens,, and afflicted us wrhh the calamity of war, come bending to our statutes and free institu tions, meekly asking to become citizens of the laud, their ancestors despised. i The trne Church of Gospel liberty was to be es tablished and exalted until the nations shall flow into it, “ And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established in the lop of the mountains, and shall'be exalted above the and all nations shall flow into it,” Isa. a:2, “And it shall come .to pass in the last days," chat is, in the last days of the fourth great monarchy. Not in the last days fif time, but in the last dats of tyranny and oppres sion. [independent in everything.] ■“ That the mountain of the Lord’s bouse shall lie established in the top ol the mountains,” or the lagper of a right government, in which the. Lord’s house, or the Church of Chiist will be established, is to be set up in the top of the mountain, that is on the kingdoms and empires of the subdued mon archies that have fallen before- the march of civil and religions freedom- “ And shall be exalted above the hills," that is, the mountains of the Lord’s house, or the great national power of the American Israel, shall rise above the nations, and lie eyalted above the hills and mountains of the opposing |iolitiral powers and governments of the world, until, like the -sun in noon-tide splendor, she shall throw the beams of her glory and freedom on all the landscapes of the earth. And all nations shall How unto it.” Already the world of nations have been stirred with an im pulse that has poured their thousands on onr shores, and every day increases the living stream that sweeps its myriads to America From every quar ter of the,globe the kingdoms roll their human tide of life and treasure on, until onr continent is fast becoming the home of nations and the liberator of tlie world. Here, in this promised land of freedom* where civil and religious liberty guarantees to men all the rights for whtclf they were created, the great and good of all nations are taking up their abode. From Asia's Oriental realms, from Unrope's fruitful lands, from Afric's burning wastes, and from the islands of the sea the varied children of our race are col lecting, in one great brotherhood, the long dismem bered family of man, that they may he again united, and restored 10 their Edeu state of primitive glory. Thus have I noticed a few of the many prophetic declarations in relation to the great nationality of the United States of America, the fifth kingdom, and the restored Israel of God. And may the King of Kings, the only acknowledged Sovereign of onr illustrious government, ever aid and assist us as a people, not only to appreciate the glory of our’, hut the happy destiny of every citi zen who obeys the commands of our holy and su preme Sovereign. CorrpftpomJpnce ofthe'Pittaburgh Commercial FORK. For a long period, Pork has constituted the chief article of food of a large proportion of our popula tion, both in and Out of the cities, daring the grea ter portion of the year. The simple process of curing, the convenience of its culinary preparation, its moderate price and other causes, have com bined to produce this effeej. It is even held as an article of luxury by many, is highly esteemed by consumers, when formed by the ingenuity of the cook, into tempting made dishes, and frequently used for the peculiar flavor it imparts to other substances, prominent among which we might enumerate spek en appettjes and sauerkraut , both of which arc not unknown in this community. It is not to be presumed these are regarded as gas tronomic refinemeats, but being in daily use, it is well not to slight them. Not claiming any rela tionship or attachment to the “peculiar people” who religiously abstain from the flesh of tile hog, we have become convinced, from long and patient study, that its consumption is detrimental to public health. This may bo startling to many, who have freely partaken of this viand, under various forms, lor yegrs, without perceiving therefrom auy bad result, and who would hasten to give their ex [lerience of its iunoctuons character, hut a closer examination of the subject, will not allow them to remain longer in this blissful ignorance. There is something striking in the contempla tion of the Levitical law, when viewed by the light which science has, within a few years, brought to bear upon the interpretation of the clause, re lating to the express prohibition of the flesh of swine, as an article of diet: Of their flesh shall ye not eat and their carcass shall ye not touch ; they are .unclean to you.” The direction may possibly bejield as mere coincidence, but a great objection to tliis kind of animal food can now be ocularly and plainly demonstrated to exist, at the present day, and we should be doing well by liv ing, in strict adherence to this tenet of Mosaic rule. Of the animals, in ordinary use, which arc kil led for subsistauce of man, none can be found so subject to disease, as the oue under consideration. It would be of no advantage to enlarge on the causes which conspire to create this unfortunate condition, for it is only necssaty to recall the fact that a disgusting place, a sink of filth is the abode of an animal, whose flesh, when properly prepared, is destined at some future day to, refresh the palate of persons who in other, respects are quite fastidious. It is well known to, those who visit the sham bles in out midst, that a great number of diseased hogs are slaughtered for the market, and many contend, all beyond six months of age are more or less diseased. Of the parts affected, the most constant is the liver. The simplest action of the mind will enable any one to understand, that the use of such degenerate food cannot be harmless to those who eat it. Of the maladies to which mankind is subject, at least three of the most loathsome, are without doubt communicated: from the hog— tapeworm, hydatids and trichina spiralis. We shall confine our remarks to the latter, on account of the gn>at interest which has been shown, and the increas ing desire for information on a subject of such wonderful character, that has been to us one of attractive, study for some years past. , The practical advantages of a profound knowl edge of natural history are just beginning to be fully recognized, and the large part which para sites [lerform in the destruction of the hnman frame has onely, within a short time, been successfully investigated.- To know the origin Of a disease, TO BE CONTINUED it atonee puts it in the power of one thus informed to avoiddt. The study of parasites in general, and those which infest the human Body in particular has lately engaged the attention of learned entemolo gisjs, both at home and abroad, not’ only for scien tific inquiry into their origin and development, but for the laudable purpose of discovering the diseases, caused by their presence in the human system, and finding a remedy for those unpleasant and dangerous disorders. Looking at the speci mens of Trichina Spiralis before us, divested of their envelopes, disporting so lively, and display ing at each gyration, their fine markings and re ally bcantifui lines, it is scarcely conceivable that such minute atoms should, in any manner, be injurious to health. l,t seems scarcely worth while to speak of these things in a city, wallowing filth, whose police, sd far as sanitary regulations and personal comfort are concerned, might ns well be hurled forty feet under ground; but the ill healthand mortality of the winter just ended will not soon be forgotten, yet few will reflect on tho^cause.■ I Tlie Trichina Spiralis was discovered, in the muscles of a man, who had died of cancer, lit Mr. Hilton, of London, in the year 1862, ana describe by him soon after. Hie is entitled tjo much credit for this discovery, which has become of vital interest and yielded such lasting benefit. Great is the faculty of apprehension—-a thousand facts pass daily under the very nose of men whose minds are equally susceptible of the highest ap preciation of an idea* when fully presented, yet lacking tills admirable quality, they fail to recog nize a novelty and thus are lost many opportuni ties for the extension of knowledge. This extraordinary parasite was regarded for several years, as an entozoon, imperfectly organi zed; undergoing evolution and was afterwards shown to he the perfect animal after having passed through i:s transitions, to find- a destination and resting place in the muscles, bat no suspicion or suggestion was offered, for its being a not uncom mon cause of human disease. Great pains have been taken to record its natural history, by Profes sors Owens, Virchow, Lerckart, Welcker, Luscbka, Drs. Roehler, Koenigsdoerffer, Farre, Bristowe, Mr. Rainey, and many others- When observed in the muscles, or, in other words, its advanced condition, the Trichina , is a worm invested in a calcareous sac of ovoid form, of the size of a hair, curved spuMty on itself, al most transparent, varying in size from the 50th to the 1-35 part of aninch in length, and when be held by a microscope of good power, its outline can he distinctly traced. The question presents itself, how do these worms find their way into'theirmus cular habitat ? This mystery was solved by Prof. Herhst, in feeding with flesh swarming with them, warm-blooded animals which he killed a few days after ; and on examination of the victims, it was found these dormant worms had brought forth an enormous progency that completely stud ded- the stomach and bowels. Professor Lcuckart killed a dog, which bad been allowed to cat meat impregnated with abundance of Trichina, and found the intestines highly inflamed by their con tact, and was able to trace their course almost di rectly from the bowels to the muscles. Each fe male can produce in a few days, from GO to 100 eggs, which are rapidly changed into active and destructive beings, so that a simple multiplication will show what an innumerable family is suddenly created Soon after the Trichinae are taken into the stom ach the calcareous cryst is dissolved, they are set free, rapidly increase in size and activity, and when they have generated an enormous number of youug, which are soon ready to migrate to the muscles, they lapse into speedy decay, having fnlfiled their destiny. No instance of any effect upon the human sys tem caused by this curious being was recognized till 1860, when a girl, a servant in a batcher’s family, died at the Dresden Stadt Hospital under the care of Prof. Zenker, having suffered from vio lent pains in' the muscles, especially of the arms and legs, whose body, on examination, was found to contain an immense numberof these worms. A few days before she took sick, the batcher, with whom she lived had killed a pig, whose meat made inn* bams and sausages, when examined by the microscope showed, an abundance of Trichinte.— The butcher himself had been ill in nearly the same way for three weeks, and was for a time partly peryalized. A groat many instances of this mysterious poi soning have occnred within a few years, one of which took place in New York, in February last, when a whole family, one member of which died, by eating a hamwliieh was found Si ted with Trichime. We transfer one of. the most striking and interesting of these cases that took place at a festival, at which over one hundred per sons sat down to an excellent dinner, at Hettstadt, in upper Saxony. ‘■Of these one hundred and three persons, most ly men in the prime of life, over fifty are now in their graves ; the majority of the survivors linger with a fearful malady ; anti few only remain un scathed among the living in hourly fear of an at tack of the disease which has' carried away nearly all of their fellow-diners of that hapless day. ' ‘‘For: the. festival it was previously arranged, that the third; course should consist of BotUvttrsl tmd Gacuese, -and the hotel keeper gave the nec cessary directions to have the former article prop erly smoked. The butcher, on his part, went ex pressly to neighboring proprietor, and bought ione of two pigs from the steward, who had been cdm~ missioned with the-transactioni by his master. ; It appears, however, that the steward, unfortunately sold the pig which the master had not intended to sell, os he had not been snfficiently fat, or tyeil con ditioned. Thus the wrong pijj wss sold, carried on a harrow to the hntcher, killed and worked dp EDITORS AND I^OWEBferOK' into sausages. The sausages were duly smoked and delivered’ at the hotel. The; wdreftiedand served np to tbegoesteat thedinnet table. “On the day after the festival, seven! persons who had participated in the dinner were attached with irritation of the intestines, loss of appetite, great prostration, and fever. Tbs number of per sons rapidly increased; and a great alarm was ex cited in the first instance by the apprehension of an impending epidemic of typhus fever, with which the symtoms observed showed great similarity.— Some unknown poison was soon assumed to be at the bottom of the outbreak '; and an active inquiry into all the circumstances of the dinner was insti tuted. Every article of food and material was subjected to a. most rigid examination, without ■ any result in the first instance. But when the symtoms in some of the cases invaded the muscles of the leg, particularly the calves of some of the sufferers, the description which Zenker bad given of a case of fetal trichinoua disease was remember ed. The remnants of .sausage >nd of pork .em ployed in its manufacture wore examined with .the microscope, and found to be literally swarming with encapsulated trichina. From the suffering muscles of several of the victims smalt pieces were excised, and found charged with embryonic trich ina in all stages of development. It could not be any longer/-that as many of, the one hun dred and three as hml partaken of the Rostewom had been infected with trifehindos disease by eating of trichinoos pork, the parasite of which had, at least in part, escaped the effects of smoking and frying. • “If it be remembered that one ounce of meat filled with trichina; may form the .stock, from which, in a few days, three millions of worms may be bred, and that these worms will destroy in the, course of a few weeks, not less than two millions ot striated muscular fibres, an idea of the extent of destruction produced by these parasites, can be formed. No case in which triehiniasis, after having declared itself, became arrested. All persons af fected, have either died, or are in a state of pros tration, that their death is very probable. “ Most educated people in Germany have, in consequence of the Hettstadt tragedy, adopted the law of Moses, and avoid pork in any form. To some of the large pig-breeders in Westphalia, who keep as many as two thousand pigs, the sinking of the price of pork has been a ruinous—at least, a sirious—loss. In the dining rooms of the hotels in the neighborhood of Hettstadt, notices are hong up, announcing that pork will not be served in any form, in these .establishments. To counteract this panic, the fanner’s club of the Hettstadt. district gave a dinner, at which no other meat bat pork, was eaten. But it has had no appreciable efiect. The raw ham and sausages of Germany are doomed 1 to extinction.” To many the above will recall the affair of a bite magnitude and strikingly similar character, which occurred at the National Hotel, in Washington, whereby a great number of persons lost their lives or were rendered miserable invalids for their te maining existence. The appearance of the diseased flesh differs only from being paler than the sound and healthy Arti cle. No process to which meat, once infected, can be subjected, will render it a safe filed, but hot strok ing, for several days, has been most anccessftd; ; For the evils, as in all others, remedies Are, offer ed on all sides,bnt as yet have not resulted in' ben efit. It has been gravely suggested to ’submit ins pected meet to microscopic test to escape thiftptuta sitic enemy. We can conceive of nothing more ludicrous than the practical operation of this plan; and we have only to imagine a well fed man at a hotel table, seated before a convenient length of leberwnrst, inspecting the same with an elegant Codington lens, to have presented the drolleMpic ture of this century. The consumer of pork has no assurance' What ever, that bis butcher may not, on some indtlfess day, “ take the wrong'pig by the tail,” have it slaughtered and sold, spreading disease,in ail di rections. It wi)l be a graihof comfort to many who, at this suggestion, review their porcine in dulgences, to know that a careful examination of meat furnished ,for use at many different places in this city, showed a large • majority of the speci mens to be of good quality and condition.' There is but one means of remaining perfectly free from trichinous disease to avoid the use of pork in every shape and form. . The symptoms of this disease are, pf course, extremely varied, in different cases, as can be readily supposed from the difference of manner'in which the poisoned material is presented, some times in limited quantity, when' the disorder is of a slow, steady and comparatively mild character, with tardy recovery, while in others, - when the ingested food has been a mass of life, too ininhte for the human eye to detect, The attack is violent, the prostration profound, and death occurs rapidly. There is, in cases of Trichinoua-d**6aseTt>-«triking a resemblance to the fami-etfiJemic knownashpot ted fever, that we cannOt close this article withoht referring those in whose district that fearful malaA dy may be found, to this great similarity, worthy \ of theh consideration. , X. A Short Connubial lecture. Scolding? l am not scolding 1 I never do Bash - er! If I express my mind about anything, you to talk abont “curtain lectures*’ and all that kind of vulgar staff. Men have fairjy.yorn Op: (heir own tongue's talking abont woman's tongues, yet I’ve got to live to see the day when a man admi red a quiet woman. Yon always see tbemrnnmng after the silliest chatterboxes. The faster they can talk and the mote foolish things they can say, the better they like ’pm—provided always it ain’t their own wife! It’s only last night/ at Sire. Yellow Dock’s,' you was perfectly ' jnfatuatcd with that Sirs. Giggle that we women despise, I had. fo laugh in my sleeve, to see how yon'stuck by her side the whole evening. Jealous ? ISIOt a bit of i it.. hie and Grimaceiwere watching yppand en f joying ourselves very much.’ Grimace fold ine it | Was surprising to see a man with wife-as | you had, interested in that silly littlp widow. .You I were charmed with her good nature ? I presume j so. - You’d ralher have sofftebody with an eWrtlal | smile on tjieiriace, thapip fiear the Jjungs j said in a cutting way.'. The fact is. Basher, ybnre JemalO Sex; • they can pul the | wood 9per yopreyra without the leteff dj^cully.—. Yon presume l am as well aware of that weakness jas any One? Oh, how/don’tbegttttng aoithalrp ! —it ain!t of you! me pjoney : I asked for,' that’s all T want of you, Of crane tit’s all 1 ever want ofyou. Men , were made to I earn money, and women to spend it: that’s what’s MftlfcaMwr.' -’’ v'' 1 ' ; ,v * • ft * nr t m NO. 11