®tTT 03KTJEi ’PRICE. andthat A CASH iPRICE FOR ALL OUR GOODS! AS STATED AT Tlffi OPENING ■•t tbe j; i; ' Union Store, th" »N<ri afkb« wpaay U not to aadaarilotlwr Mora ■|3N|«%«k( r «tlaa and awkcttapcn etben, bnt 1 riwplr to Mil araqr .rtfei. ata amain pareeatage ibm i p»e»atage brtngttie price abort or below ■ r FOB CASH ONLY, la,dace oar penaatage at the ytry lowaet : we'kare no l«M to make op. We ehtßat all ttatta keep tfce beet qnaKyof all ertcln cdbaedlwaalt. Oar pneeat Mode catrietea of choice ee tectioaaf ■ ; BDOAR, OOFFBE, TEA, SYRUPS,SPICKS eademythtapto thecocerytloe The . ban braadi of Floor ftpm the Phoenix, Mount Colon,Bad other Mill*. ■• ■ ■ SUGARS.' . PalreriiedUchL, While IT on., Yellow and Brown very Bne. , , \ rlaaperialasd.BlacA Teae (Mat 86cte, to lAOper lb. COFFEE. WQliaaiwort Rio, PranklinU Jjflle Bio, Nonpareil Bio Excelsior, Dandelion, Eaeeoce, Browned Rre. Bptcee of all kindfl. Chocolate and Cocoa. Beptaraae,Onaad 'AllBB> and Dairy Balt. . Karr B apan. f ioanrter, Coageae, Batata! leaf andßo- Tobacco, alaoa good aelectlon of Smoking -«sSlta Bngar Home and other Sjrropa, Bondi ßniaoaaßOcta. BeeMeaa Bataan S&ete., per lb. Cpni Starch. Oarbca OB (6 etc. per gallon. Oandlca. SOAPS Bo*in,Gkrmaa,Fr«och Castile,. American Castile, Saw «r*a ana other Toilet Soaps. CRACKERS. Cream; Sugar, BattetpSod* and Water Crackers. Yeriaa Bupnit. WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. Brooma. Hand,Dwt,Bcniband Shoe Brushes. We would call apeciat attantloo to our Boota and Shota aa onr ctoek la freah and aaleOted -with great care ae to qnalitg. MANAGERS. Dae. BE, ÜBS. EMPORIUM OF FA.SHION!! Virgima SL, Aitomii, Pa. D. W. A. BEDFORD, Proprietor. PEOPaiETOtt THE “ EMPORIUM JL Ol fiSHIOIi” would veypectfullj announce to the public that ho hM vtoetved a large invoke of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, and ageneraluasortment of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Colium, Neck-Ties, Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, ,'j AC., &Ca, AC-, ■ «ucUy suited to ibis locality and intended for the SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE. The proprietor of the Mmpririam invites an examina tion. oi hit stock, feeling confident that his shelves present a greater variety of plain and fancy goods than can be fimod elsewhere in toe country. An examination will convince any one of this fact. He has also received the LATEST FASHION, wad. beteg a perfect he has no hesitancy in say ing that he can make np clothing in the fashion, and in - a manoy that can not fell to prove satisfactory. It has pinfeed Into a proverb that BeiCord'sthe very man that can make. Clothes' in ihe fashion, strong and cheap; .ilHhat have ever tried him y**t, flay that he really cant be beat. Remember the place, Virginia street, first door above JaggardVHaU, Altoona, Pa. [April 17, *O2. HAmWABE! OHMILES J. MANN. I |BAIiER IN FOREIGN AND DO -1 / MKBTIO HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE,. BROOMS, WINDOW SHADES, c DOORMATS, UPHOLSTERING GOODS. SHOE FINDINGS, COFFIN TRIMMINGS, MOULDERS’ TOOLS, BIRD CAGES AND WIRE GOODS, ■- ' i ■ ■ . > WINDOW GLASS, PUmr, WHITE LEAD, 40, AC. • ■ ''.JBUJjTQgy (fanfriptkiaof Qpyb In hl» line .will be fur- B&ud at afaart notice, and at low rate, for cash. HU rtnuUnlui Monk of DRY GOODS on Rand will be ■elawd ont XjarortUhly low pttcot, in order to reiinquiih tb«t branch of the bnaineu. Agent S>* WHUon’e “Telegriph Fodder Cutter.” iOtooßa,Maj2Btfa.lB62. rpTBE UNDERSIGNED BESPECT JLiUI, infonaa Uw public that he will Hut tokwpa BOOT A SHOE STORE, V to tin Worn rec«nUj qccnpied by Roberta and Eutbarfbrd. The ohtlnen heretofore carried on hr them will, in the future, be in the name of JOHN H.SQ3SXRTB. He irill keep conetently on hand n complete a wort- Bools & Shoes, .GAITERS, SLIPPERS, &c,, £c. ( &c. which, faefiriU offer at fair price* and warrant to. he o and manufacture. Particular attention MB! M ifian to 1 ; ■■ WQRK, in iehloh be wursote to glee entire sstiefeetton, aahe ■ hnev the beet stock and employe none bnt the beet workmen. ~ - MmeMber the old etand, oh Virginia Street, one loor Beat «f Drug Store. Oot-lOim-O. JOHN H. ROBERTS. W. M. LLOYD & CO., ALTOONA, PA^ JOHNSTON, JACK & CO.. BOLLWATSBtIRG , PJ., BANKERS, ’ JobtMon, Jack f Co.”) t RAFTS ON THE PRINCIPAL ClUea, and Silver and Gold for aale. Collection, received ondtpoaite, payable on demand, il lnterect, or upon time,'with fntereet at lUr ratea O W. KESSLER —PRACTICAL vj a ' DECQOIBT, reepectfnlly annonncee m tolhe cUlxena of Altoona and the public •ratty, that heatiUoontinaea the Drug on Virginia street, where he keepe conatantly Wf cnhhlid.foraale, Who le«dr and Re tail, DRUGS, MK)ICXN*B, CHRMCALB, OILS, VARNISH- HI WqWJKMtDm. - . ■ By strict attention to business, and a dealre to render sat isfoptym to all as regards price and quality, he hopes t mertt'aqd yueatva a tttare of public patronage. Physicians and merchants supplied on reasonable terms and Ml orders ftom a distance promptly attended to. Thynlmans prescription. carefully compounded. [l-tf - J. Or. AI'UL.UM, Notary IPirblic, I altoona; BLAIR CO, PA. Canat aHUmoa be pjand at the itoraof J. R, Hileman TIfACKEBEL— NOS. I, 2, AND 3, I*A in |n dud packages, new, and each package ■amaUdJart receded ana for tale low by PRITCHET. ASSORTMENT OF jCm, i /ewelrj. Hair and : Clothes Brushes, Combs, • : , LAUGHMAN’S HAND AT MCCORMICK'S Stow V/ —A splendid assortment Of Ready-Made clothing OdlnbAaee. v* N0T.25,-tf. Hair oil, colognes, pom aides. Sharing Cream, Toilet Soaps Aci, for sale by ■HifAV ». W. KESSLER. /GROCERIES.—A LARGE AND VJ completeaeeortment of Qrooeriee hare lost been re paged a* As stare at J. B. HILEMAK. PLAIN 6 FANCY VESTS, of every site and stria at . LADQHMAK’g. NEW STORE, comer M. oflQaeoltne andVlrginlaßta. A LL STYLES CARPETING AND JtA. fW»*« MR he foe ad at LADOHMAITB. R. A. 0. KERR, ALTOONA, PA., Agent for Blair & Huntingdon Counties. These machines ahe it to be the Mat ever offered to the public, u.dtheir superiority tesstisfoctorily established by the in the last eight years, OVER 1,4=00 MORE of these Machines have been sold than of any other mao ufactnred,and sore i&edaU bare been awarded the pro* prietors by different Rain and Institutes than to any oth ers. the Machines are warranted to do all that is claimed for them. They are now in use in several families id Al* toona, ahd id every case they give entire satisfaction. The Agent refers those desiring information aa the su periority of the Mslhines, to Col. Jehn L. Piper, Rev. A. Be Clark, George Hawkeaworth, Benj. Bote, and K. H. Turner, Esqrn.. The machine* can be seen and examined at the store of the Agent, at Altoona. Price of No. 1 Machine, silver plated, glass foot and new style Hemmer No. 2, ornamental bronze, glass foot 'and new »Jyle Hemmer—sss. No. 3, plain, with old style Hemmer—s4s. [March 21, 186Ltf. FAMILY DYE COLORS Patented October 13th, 18(13. Mack, •Black/or Silk, ; Park Blot, Light Blue. j French Slut ! Claret Brown. Light Brown. Snuff Brown , Cherry , Crimean, Park Drah. Light Prah. f\t%on Prah, Light Jhtcn drab , For dyeing Silk, Woolen'and Mixed Goods, Shawls, flearft, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Rid Cloves, Childrens Clothing, and alt kinds of Wearing Apparel. f®rA SAVING OF 80 PER CENT.-®# For 25 cents yon can color as many goods as would oth erwise cost five times that sum. Various shades can bo produced from the same dye. The process is simple and any one ran nse the dye with perfect success. Directions in English, French and German. Jndde of eack package, For farther inlormation in Dyeing, and giving a perfect knowledge what colors are best adapted to dye dyer oth ers, (with many valuable receipes,) purchase Howe A Ste vens Treatise on Dyeing and Coloring. Sent by mail on receipt of price—lU cents. Manufactured by HOWE A STKVKXS,' 260 Broadwat, Boston. For sale by druggists and dealers generally. Nov. 18,1863.—1 y. C. C. SERVER & SOK, Paper, Envelpe and Printers’ Card WAREHOUSE, No. 513, MINOR STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA., Have constantly on hand FLAT CAPS. LETTER AND NOTE. 1 MANILLA PAPER, FOLIO POST, PACKET POST, HARDWARE, FOOLSCAP, PRINTING PAPER, ENVELOPE COLORED PAPER, BINDERS, TRUNK, STRAW AND BOX BOARD, TISSUE, SHOE, AND TEA PAPERS. PRINTING AND MANILLA PAPER made to order. Juno IS, 1863. Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. SPOUTING, &C. SRIGG WOULD RESPECT • folly ’nform the citizens of Altoona ( and vicinity that he keeps constantly oq hand | Urge assortment .01 Cooking, Parlor , Office Shojk Stovetf of all style* and sizes, to suit ! wants of all, which he will sell at low prices, #p reason able terms. H© also keeps on hand a large stock of Tin and Sheet- Iron Wart* consisting of all articles for cnliiiary purposes— Choi Scuttle*! Stove Pipe, rfc. of? Ch * the right ofrsale in Blair county IMPROVED gAUSAGE STUFFER, which needs only to he seen to be apprecia, and'thonld be possessed by every farmer, batcher orthos© requiring sach a machine. tt hrtltnltf attention paid to putting up SPOUTING either In town or country. Sponting painted and put up on the most reasonable terms. fapri) 14,1859-1 y H. FETTINGBE’S General Kews Agency, OAK HALL, No. 7, MAIN STREET SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, CONFECTIONARIES CIGARS & TOBACCO, TOYS AND NOTIONS IN GREAT VARIETY CONSTANTLY ON HAND. . October SAIBBI. Howard association, ' ■ ' „ PHILADELPHIA, PA. Diseases Of thejferroas. Seminal. Urinary add Sexual Systems—hew and reliable treatment—in Reports of the HOWARD AB3OCXATION-«nt by mail in S letter enrelopes, free of charge. Address, Dr. J. SKILL IN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, No. .2 South Sloth St., Philadelphia. Pa. , [Jan. 20 ’64-1 y TEAS! TEAS! TEAS!—FRITCHEY is selling Teas superior to any oyer offered in Al toona. They are free of adulteration, coloring, or mix tor© of any kind. ■ . - . ■ IF YOU WANT GOOD COFFEE, pore Teas, the beat of Chocolate, Syrup* and Sttears, go to >&Tcsey»B. CREAM CRACKERSJ A fresh sup ply of theee-delkions crackers just received and for ale at FRITCHEY’S Extra family flour, from the Cove, always on hand and for sale as low as the lowest by FRITpHEY. New stock of boots & shoes 'for Men and Boys, Ladies and Hisses; Inst reo’d at \ laBghman> superior cream cheese at pkhchewb. A ME RI GAN Life Insurance and Trust Co. COMPANY’S BUILDING Southeast Corner of Walnut and Fourth Streets, Philad’a. Authorized Capital,.... .... $500,000 Paid up Capital, 250,000 Assets, ;♦ . 1,897,740 Incorporated 1650, by the Legislature of Pennsvi- •Insnrew Live* during the Natural life or for shortterm*, grants annuities and endowments, and makes contracts of all kinds depending on the issues of life. Policies of Life insurance issued at the usual mutual rates of other good companies—with profits to the assured —last Bonus January, 1861, being 43 per cent, of all pre miums received on mutual policies—at Joint Stock rates, 20 per cent less than the stave, or Total Abstinence rates 40 per cent, less than Mutual price. Also, a NON-FORFEITURE PLAN, By which a person pays for fi, 7. or 10 years only, when the policy Is paid up for Lips, and nothing more to pay; anshould be be unable; or wish to discontinue sooner, the Company will issue a Paid up Policy, in proportion to the amount of premiupi paid, as follows: On a Policy of $l,OOO, 6 Year 7 Year after payment of * rates. rates. 1 Annual Premium, for $2OO 00 $142 OO 2 “ 4 6 “ 8 « ALEXANDER WHTLLDIN, President SAMUEL WORK. Tice President. John S. Wilson. Secretary. BOARD or TRUSTEES. Alexander Whilldin, J. Edgar Thomson, Hon. Jas. Pollock. Hon. Joseph Allison. Albert C. Roberts, Jonas Bowman. Samuel T. Bodine, H. R. Eldridgc. George Nugent. John Aikmau, William J. Howard. CharUe F. Ueazlitt,, x Samuel Work. Any further information can he had by applying to the undersigned, who is the authorized agent for Blair County. July 31.1862-ly K. A. 0. KERR. A Benefit to All. TRY ONE BOTTLE. * Or ten, GrU Ti, A trial unit prove Vie fact, and facts art stubborn things. MISHLEK’S herb bitters' ARE SUCCESS**!!, IN EVERY" CASE. No family should be without it. Hundreds of certificates and letters of thank* are arriviog eVery day from person* who have been cured. Purple, THE HERB BITTERS RHEUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA, Female Irregularities, aud all Diseases arising from IMPURITY OP THE BLOOD , Asa Blood Purifier, Tonic aud General Appertiser, these Bitters are without a rival. No Lady desiring A CLEAR COMPLEXION should be without it. Please get a circular and certifi cates from oar Agent. Kotice, —The great success of Mishler’s Herb Bitters, has induced unprincipled parties to manufacture a worthless article, which they arc selling at a low price, of which fxioare. The genuine can only be bought in Blair County, of G. W. WHITFIELD. (Sole Agent for Blair County.) Depot Drug Store, Main street. Altoona. Pa. June 2d, 1863-tf. JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, The Hero of One Hundred Fits per Month ! I would respectfully forth my claim to pul attention, as a Fashionai Tailor, as follows; Because I keep an ext lent assortment of Clotl Cassimeres, Testings ai Trimmings, which. wh< examined-always please. Because my work mad»up in a manner tl takes down the count and gives all my custom* a city appearance. Because 1 am not infer] as a ; Cutter to the best be found anywhere. Because long experiei in tiiy business gives entire control over It.s I am not dependant m any one tolift me out the suds. Because I am still on the sunny side of forty, and there fore ray taste as a Cutter and Workman unimpaired. Call on me, in the corner room of the ‘‘Brant llou.se.” Giro me a trial and yon will go away pleased. Altoona, May 26-6 m JACOB SNYDER. PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON OIL LAMPS! Unrivaled in Beauty, Simplicity Safety or Economy. Ev*ry person desiring to obtain the very best and cheap est portable light within their reach, should call at the store vjf the undersigned and examine these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon strate Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2d. That they emit no offensive odor while burning. 3d. That they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or less light. 6th. That they burn entirely free from smoke, 6th. That the light is at least 50 per cent, cheaper than any other light now in common use. These lamps are admirably adapted for the use of Stu dents, Mechanics, Seamstresses, Factories, Halls, Churches, Stores, Hotels, and are highly recommended forfamily use. The burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can be attached to old side, hanging and table fluid and oil lamps, at i small expense, aqd wiU answer every purpose r of a new lanp. We guarantee perfect Satisfaction in all rases. Aug. 19, 1858-tf.] • G. W. KESSLER. Exchange hotel.—the sub- SGB1BE& would respectfully in form the public that he has recently re fitted the above Hotel, and Is now pre pared to accommodate his friends patrons in a comfortable manner, and will spare no pains In making it an agreeable home for all Sojourners. His Table will always be luxuriously supplied from tb© markets of the country and cities, and his Bar filled with liquors of choice brands. His charges are as reasonable as those of any other Hotel In the place, and he feels satisfied they can hot be complained of by those who fcvor him with their.custom. Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, and fully intending to deserve it, he throws open his house to the public and invites a trial. I have just received a stock cf No. 1 French Brandy, for medicinal purposes. .Also a large stock of excellent Wines, for medleihal pur poses, together with a lot of the h6st old Bye Whnkey to be found In the country. .Altoona, May 27,185&-ly] JOHN BOWMAN. SOMETHING NEW. Th e subscriber has just returned from th© east whero he has purchased a very large and fine stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, BROGANS, GAITERS, &C., which be is prepared to offer to thecitizens of Altoona and vicinity at very low prices. Having purchased direct from the manufacturers for cash, h© is prepared to sell at prices that will defy competition. All that he asks is that the C<ai aDd eXa * niDe h ‘ B Btock before Purchasing •3L- BOOTS and SHOES made to order on th© most rea sonable terms. Also, repairing promptly attended to. DOR t forget the place, two doors below post Office. Jan. 3,1581. M. THOMPSON* Agent. IVTATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE L v”* 1 J 00 ™? 1 of Crime and Criminals is in its Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated throughout the countpr. It contains an the Great Trials, Criminal Case*, and appropriate Editorials on the some, together with Information on Criminal Matters, , not to be found in any other newspaper. J . $2 |>or annum; $1 for six months, to be remjrted by subscribers, (who should write their names ana the town, county and State where they reside plainly,! ' To G. W. MATBELL £ CO, i t Editor k Prop’*, of New York Police Gazette, r ■ iVho Forte City . Great western insurance AND TRUST'COMPANY.—Insurance, on Real or personal property will be effected on the moet reasonable terns by their agenteia Altoona at his office in Anna St. March 17,1869. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. LEVI’S PREPARATION FOR KX-» (terminating RATS, MICE, ROACHES, ANTS, and bugs without danger in Its n*e under any circnmstan *** IOT the Drugstore of ‘ G. W. KESSLER. Jan. 24, gOd-tf] ; XI B. MILLER, DENTIST. (fMHL •S- Office on Caroline street. titween Virginia and Emma etreete, AltoOna. [Jan. 20—2 m. f LL KINDS OF PRINTING JL i. heatly and expedltously executed at the **ALTOONA TRIBUNE” OFFICE UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, in ndlut Variety, at LAUOHMAN’B. Altoona, May 1, IBM. vania. 400 00 286 70 200 00 800 00 671 40 400 00 867 10 600 00 BOO 00 have never failed in curing B. MISHLER, Manufacturer and Proprietor, LANCASTER, Pa. DR. KEYSER’S LINDSEY’S IMPROVED BLOOD SEARCHER l A sore core for Cancer and Cancerous Formations A sore core for Scrofula wherever located. A sure cure for kll Skin Diseases. A sure cure for Chronic KrysfpeUa. A sure cure for Boils and Pimples .on the Pace. It has cured, all the above diseases. - It has cured Blind and Sore Byes. It has cured Tatters of years’ duration. It has cured doerated toe Lege. It has cored old and stubborn deers. It hu cared Chronic Rheumatism that has lasted yean. It has cared the vont forms of Dyspepsia. It to the best Topic and Blood Purifier kuown. ■ It will remove Manary or Quinine oat of Ihoßlood and clear it from the system. It will core all Diseases of Debility. It will core Fever and Ague. It will care cases of Palsy asd Dropsy. It has cored Epilepsy or Falling Sickness. It has cured Chorea or Bt. Titos’ Dance. It win care Piles and Kidney Diseases. It will care Chronic Diarrhoea It will core Neuralgia and Nervous Weakness. If any one wants to know how one medicine will care so many diseases, we answer—that it does scs by thorough* ly restoring the blood and all the secretions which are made from the blood, to a healthy state. No one can take this Blood Searcher and have bad blood, for it will as sure ly cast out from the bloodall bad and vitiated matter as water'will put out lire. Prepared by Dr. Qeo. H. Keyset. Look for the . name overibe cork and take no other. Sold only by A. Roush, Altoona, Pa. feblo-6» SCROFULA AND” RHEUMATISM. Case of Daniel A. Boyd. PmsacauH, December 31, 1661. Da. G. H. Kktbbb ; I take pleasure in making this vol* notary statement in favor of a medicine made by you, cal led ‘‘Lindsey’s Blood Searcherl have suffeiW for Bve years from Scrofula, which broke out in my bead and toiebead, so as to disfigure me very much, and took off the hair when the disease made its appearance; it also broke out ou my arm above and below the elbow, and eat into the skin aud flesh so as to expose a fearfullookjng sore. The disease on my bead went so far that several small pieces of bone came out. I was very weak and low spirited, and had given up all hopes of ever getting well, as I had tried several skillful physicians, and they did me do good. In September 1 ist. 1861 1 was induced to try “ Lindsey's Improved Blood Searcher.’' I must confess 1 bad bo feith iu patent medicines, but after I bad used three bottles of Blood Searcher, the ulcers on my head and arm began to heal. I have now taken eight or ten bottles, and my bead and arm are entirely well, except the scars remaining from the sores. I will also state that I bad the Rheumatism very bad in my arms and legs. The Blood Searcher also cured the Rheumatism. lam now a well man, over forty years ofage, and I feel as supple and young as 1 did when I was twenty, and increased in weight twenty pounds. I would also state that when I stooped to lift anything heavy the blood ran out df the sorr. Be. Keyser had p photograph taken of me by Mr. Car go, the artist, after I began to get well. It does not show my appearance as bad as it was before I commenced ta* king the medicine. Yon can see the photographs, one of which is now in my possession, also at Br. Keyset’s 140 Wood street. I would also state that I took the Blood Searcher which was mado before Dr. Keyset commenced making it. Although it helped me some,, I did not recover until 1 got the kind made by Br. Keyscr himself. One bottle of this did me more good than two of the old. I be lieve it is a great deal stronger and better. 1 have recom mended the B<ood Searcher to a great many of my friends far various diseases, and 1 believe if has helped the whole of them. ADDITIONAL CERTIFICATE OF DANIEL A. BOTD Bb. Keyser : It is twenty,mouths since I gave you my certificate in respect to of my bead and arm by the Blood Searcher, prepared by you, I was told by several people who have no faith in patent medicines that my head would get sore again in less than six months, and there is no appearance of its getting sore again. It ia as well now as the day 1 gave you my certificate. Jf you like to publish this you may do so. DANIEL A. BOYB. No. 4, Pino street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Pittsburgh. September Ist. 1863. Mr. Boyd's likeness before and after he was cured can be seen a t Roush's Drug Store. ANOTHER GREAT CURE BY THE BLOOD SEARCHER. Dr. George 11. Ketser. —Dear Sir : Actuated by the since rest feeling* cf giatitude, I take pleasure in adding the case of my ton to the already many testimonials in fa vor ofthe“IMP&OVEO BLOOD SEARCHER, "prepared by you , hoping that others afflicted os my son was, may thereby become induced to use the BLOOD SKACHER, and be rescued from a miserable condition. My little boy of six years ofj age became afflicted with sore eyes. I took him to five of the mo-t eminent Doctors of Pittsburg: they pronounced it Scrofula, but they conld not help him. 1 was induced to try the BLOOD SEARCHER. I got two bottles; the fi/st buttle 1 did not notice any benefit from, the second is not quite finished, and his eyes seem to be quite well, although I intend to use another bottle or t wo to make sure of it. Yours truly, SARAH CLARK, O’Hara street. SORE EYES Dr. Geo. H. Kxtskb : My stater had putrid sore eyes, which affected her sight to almoat total blindness. I was recommended to try your BLOOD SEARCHER. I bought one bottle, which she took, and she is entirely well. I would it toothers similarly afflicted, as 1 think there is not a better medicine to befouod. Wishing you a hearty success. I remain, Yours truly, MARY T. COUP. By her brother, HENRY D. COUP. PALSY~CURED. Dr. Geo. 11. Ketseb: 1 have been afflicted with par alysis of the limbs for four months, and after doctoring a long time to no purpose, Mr. Walker, of this place, got me to get one bottle of your BLOOD SEARCHER. I did so. and am now entirely well for which I am very thankful to yon. HARRISON BRYNEE. ConnellsviUe, Pa. PAIN IN THE SIDE 1 have been afflicted with a pain in the side for a long time, and one battle of Improved Blood Searcher cured me sound and well. I had tried everything that I could think of, and bad consulted the best doctors in the county and received no benefit until I used one bottle of the Blood Searcher, which cured mo sound and well. JAMES SLIUSMAN, New Haven, Fayette county. " SKIN DISEASE “BREAKING OUT.” Dr. George H. Ketser : 1 have had a breaking out on the skin for six months, and after using everything! could hear of. Mr. Walker advised me to use oneJbottle of your Blood Searcher. 1 did so, and find great relief, so much so, that 1 think I am entirely well, and recommend it to others for the same disease. P. I. V. BRADY. , Connellsvllle, March 2d, 1863. SCROFULA, Da. Georgs U. Ketser : My little gjrl was taken with Scrofula, the same way that her brother was taken, and I went, to Mr. Walker and got two bottles of Blood Searcher, and she is now well. Her brother sent his certificate last Coil, and 1 want you to bare hep's. ConnellsvUle, March, 1863. piLES OF TWENTY YEARS STANDING CUEED. Below will be. found a certificate from one of the most respectable citizens of Wilkins township in regard to Dr. Keysets Lindsey's Blood Searcher. The Doctor*s certifi cates art within reach, and no one need be deceivedin regard to his preparations. Da. Gao. U. Ketser I became afflicted with the Piles about twenty years ago, and every year they were growing worse, so as to trouble me very much, so much so at times as to unfit me'for work. Sometime* I was so bad that 1 could not do anything on account of them, they came out on me as large as a hickory nut. I had tried a great deal of medicine lor them. I used to buy and take whatever I could hear of or read of in circulars and pamphlets that -fell in my way, but I could not gercured, sometimes they would do me some good for a little while, but afterwards they would return again as bad as ever. I also applied to two Doctors who visited ms at my house and gave: me some medicine bnt it would not do, I could well.— Over a year ago 1 got anadvertlsement of your Lindsey’s Blood Searcher, made by yourself—when yon sold it to me yotPtold me one bottle would not cure me, and that my whole system would have to be renewed by the medicine before 2 got well. 1 bought one bottle and took it home with me and used It according to your directions. 1 then called to see yon again, when yon said I could not expect much benefit from one bottle. * I bought it on, one bottle at atime, until I bad used five bottles.; After thisquantt ty had been used, 1 was entirely well of the Piles, .which had tortured me Ibr twenty years. In other respects my health is improved, and I am as well as could be expected tor one of my age, being sixty years past. I have been well now forialx months, and there is no appearance of a return oY the disease. I can do soy kind of forming work now without the Piles coming down and hurting me. I can pitch hay, chop wood.lift, or do any kind of work which before used to fanrt me. When I found out your Blood-Searcher I kept on taking it until I got, Entirely well. I consider it my duty to make my case known to the country for the benefit of others who may be suffering as 1 was, and do not know the value of your medicine.— Too may publish this if you like—l live In fttZHiu Thunt ship, and will be pleased to satisfy any one of the truth oC this certificate if they wish to call on me. JSLUOTT DATIS. December 34tb, 1863. i Look out for the name of DR. QEOROB B. SET -BSB on the cover of the bottle and parted over tte cork alto for hit damp on the United States damp on the top of the bottle to prevent being imposed npon ban epurieme article which ieimfhe market. * PME TBEE TAR CORDIAL W T3K VITAL PVIXCIPUt OVTRK MNK TRKK, Obtained by a peculiar process lathe distillation of the tar. by which Its highest medical properties are retained. Have, you a CbupA f Havtyou a Sort Throat f Have you any of the premonitory symptoms of that most fatal diseass, Co&snmptton! Those who should be warned by these symptoms gener ally think lightly of them until it istooiate. From this fact, perhaps more than any other, arises the sad preva lence and fatality of disease which sweeps to the grave at least < *one*€ixth" of death's victims. Consumption has destroyed more of the human family than any other disease, and the’best physicians .tor many years have despaired of a cure, or a remedy that would heal the lungs, but for more than two hundred year* the whsle medical world has been impressed that there was a mysterious pwer and efficiency in the Pine Tree Tar to heal Ike lungs; therefore they have recommended the use of Tar Water, which in many cases had a good effect: but how to cambine themedical properties so as to heal the lungs, h* ever bean a mystery! until it was discovered by Dr. L. Q. C. WIBHART, of Philadelphia, Pa., the proprie tor of “Wisbart’s Fine Tree Tar Cordial Many, not only of the people, but physicians of every school and practice, are daily asking me, *• What is the principal or cause of your success in the treatment of P>d monary Cbnuumptiqn}" My answer is (his : The inrigoraUoii of the digestive organs, the strengthening of the debilitated system, tbe ami enrichment mast expel from the system, the corruption which scrofula, breeds. While this is effected by* the powerful alter native (changing from disease to health) properties of the Tar Cordial, its healing and renovateng principle is also acting upon the irritated surfaces of the longs and throat, penetrating to each diseased port relieving pain, subduing inflamation, and restoring a healthful tendency. Let this twofold power, the healing and the strengthening, continue to act in conjunction with Nature’s constant rtcuparative tendency, and the patient is saved, if he has not too long delayed a resort to the means of cure. DANIEL A. BOTD. 1 ask all to read the following certificates.' They are from men and women of unquestionable worth and repu tation. Dr. WiSflAßT —Bear Sir: — l had a very dreaful cough and sore throat for one year, and my whole system was fast giving way, and I was prostrated on my bed with but little hope of recovering. My disease baffled the power of all medicines, and in a short time 1 must have gone to my grave, but thank God, my daughter-in law would not rest until she went to your store. No- 10, N. Second street, and related my case to you, purchased one bottle of your Pine Tree Tar Cordial and I commenced to use it, and in one week I was xnacfa’ > better,Rod after using three bottles lam perfectly well, and a wonder to all my friends, for they all pronounced me past cure. Publish my case if you think proper. v Dr. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial is an infalliable cure for Bronchitis,.Bleeding of the Lungs, Sore Throat and Breast, Inflamation of the Lungs. Mb. Ward says Da. Wishart —Sir ;—l bad Bronchitis, Inflammation of the Lungs. Shortness of Breath, and Palpitation of the Heart in their worst forms: I had been treated by sever al of the most eminent physicians in Philadelphia, but they could not stop the rapid course of my disease, and I dispared of ever being restored to health. I was truly on the verge of the grave. You? Pine Tree Tar Cordial was highly reccorr.mended to me by a friend ; I tried it. and am thankful to say that, after using four large and and one small, bottles, I was restored to perfect health. Yon can give reference to my boose, No. 968 N. Second street, or at my office df Eecever of Taxes, form 0 a. R. to 2 p. X.. corner of Chestnut and Sixth streets. JOHN WARD. Bead the following from Utica; Da. Wishart —Dear Sir:-— I take pleasure in informing yon through this suorce that your Pine Tree Tar Cordial, which was reccommended for my daughter by Dr. J. H. Hall, of this city, has cured her of a cough of more than five months standing. 1 had thought her be and had employed the best medical Aid without any benefit. I can cheerfully recommend for those similarly afflicted as I know of many other cases l>esldes that of my daughter that it has entirely cored of long standing coughs. Yours respectfully. JOHN V. PARKER, Dagoerrean Artist. ‘ 126 Qeneasee street, Utica, N. Y. • * * * :—I have used Dr. Wishart’s Pine Tree Tar Cordial in my family, and can cordially recom mend it as a valuable and safe medicine for colds, coughs and to those predisposed to consnmptioD. Dr. G. A. FOSTER 162 Gehemee street. Utica, New York. BELINDA SHAW. The above arc a few among the thousands which this great remedy has saved from an udtimely grave.. We have thousands of letters from physicians and drug gists who have prescribed and sold the Tar Cordial saying that they have never used or sold a medicine which gave such universal satisfaction. Tbe Tar Cordial, when taken in connection with Dr. Wlahaifs Dyspepsia Pflls, tv an Infallfnble cure for dys pepsia. The Pcsi Tbez Tu Consist, will core Coughs, Sore Throat and Breast. Bronchitis, Asthma; whooping Dough, Diptberia, and Is also an excellent remedy for diseases of the kidneys and female complaints. The genuine has the name of the proprietor and a pine tr** blown in the bottle. AO other* are spur tone imita tions. Paics Pott Ckvts and Orft Dolls* per Boras, pre pared only by the proprietor,! Sold by Dragging ewrywharont Wbolwale by all PhO delpbi* mod New York Whole*!* Dnwqftoto. 1 *.!?.*'? 00811 - Drn «‘’ T Altoona, P». April!, l«M.—!y. DR. WIBHARTS REBECCA HAMILTON. No. 1321 Wylie street. Philadelphia. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. DR. L. Q. C. WISHART. No. 10 North Second Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Good Newfffbr the U nfortun ate : t)bk ioxo »66<mr for DISCOVERED AT LAST Arsy CHEROKEE REMEDY —AND— CHEROKEE INJECTION! Compounded from Barks, Boots & Leaves. CHXROKEK REMEDY, th« great Indian Diimtk. nm all dfasswssof the various organs, such as lucootlno i*ic« of Uia Urine, Inflamatkm of the Bladder, hfiimition BtM« in the Bladder, Gravel. Gleet, Gnnorrhaa, azkl is especially recommended in those came of floor Alton (or Whites in fomalef) where all the old nauseoiis medicine* have tailed. It it prepared In a highly concentrated farm, the doer only being from one t? two teaspoon fulsthree times per da\. It la diuretic and alternative te its notion; purifying and clessstag the blood causing it to flow in all of Its on* mal painty and vigor; thus removing from the system all pernicious causes whist) have induced disease. CHEROKEE INJECTION is intended as an ally or as sistant to the Chetokee Remedy, and should be used in conjunction with that medicine in all cases of Gooorfawa. Gleet, Floor-Albas or Whites. Its effect are bsalingsootb ingaoddemulcent: removing all scalding, hast, chord** aud pain, instead of the burning and almost unsndnrlhle pain that is experienced with nearly all the cheap quack Injections. By use ot the Cherokee Remedy and Cherokee lajectinu —the two medicines at the same time—all improper di»- charges are removed, aud the weakened organs are speed I ly restored to hill vigor and strength. For full particulars get our pampeM from any drug store in the country, or write to os aud we will mail fr«- to any address, a Bill treatise. Price, Cherokee Remedy. $2 per bottlo, or three bm ties tor $5. Price, Cherokee injection, $2 per bottle or three bottle for $5. Sent by Expresi to any address on receipt of price. Sold by druggists everywhere. DR. W. R. M ERWIN k CO.. Sole Proprietor* No. 59 Liberty Street, New t^ork. THE GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE COMPOUNDED FROM c c M ' CHEROKEE Qj[Jߣ! An unfailing core foi Spcrmalorrhea,Seminal Weakness Nocturnal Emissions, and -ill deceases cauwd by *»*lf*pol lutlon; such 39, Loss of Universal Lassitude, Pain* in the Back. Dimness o> Vision, Premature Old Age, Weak Nerves, Difficulty in Breathing, Trembling. Wakefulness. Eruptions on the Face, Pale Countenance, Insanity, Con sumption, and all the Direful Complaints caused by de parting from the path of nature. This medicine is a simple vegetable extract, and one uu which all can rely, as It has been used in onr practice for many yean, and with thousand treated, it has not failed ixj a single instance. Its curative powers have been sufficient to gals victory over the most stubborn case. To those-who bare trifled with their constitution until they think themselves beyond the reach of medical aid. we would say, Despair not I the CHEROKEE CORK will re store you to health and vigor, and a*t*'r all qpack doctors have failed.! For full particulars, get a Circular from any Drug Store lo the country, or write the Proprietor*, who will mail free to any one desiring the same, a full treatise In pamphlet form. Pi ices. s*2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5. and forwni fled by Express to all part* of the world. Sold bv all respectable druggists everywhere. DR. W. B. MBRWTN k CO., Sole Proprietors. No. 69 Liberty Street New Ycrk. BEFORE TAKING THE Elixir. DH. WRIGHT’S REJUVENATING OR, ESSENCE OF LIFE, Pbepabed feom Pen* Vegetable Extracts, Containing NOTHING INJURIOUS TO THE HOST DELICATE. The Rejuvenating EUxfr Is the result of modern discov eries in the vegetable kingdom being an entirely new and an abstract method of cure, irrespective of all the old; and woru-out systems. This medicine has been tested by the most eminent med ical men of the day, and by them pronounced to be one of the greatest medical discoveries of the age. One bottle will cureQenoral Debility. A tear doses cure* Hysterics In Females. One bottle cures Palpitation cf the heart. A few dove restores the organs Of regeneration. From one to three bottles restores the manlinessand lull vigor of youth. 0 A few doses restores the appetite. Three battles care the worst cases of Impotent*?. A lew doses cores the low spirited. One bottle restores mental power: A few doses bring the rose to the cheek. This medicine restore* to manly rigor and robust health the poor debilitated, worn-down and despairing devotee of sensual pleasure. « The listless enervated youth, the over-tasked man ui business, the victim of nervous. depression, the Individual suffering from general debility, or from igfaaknesa of a sin gle organ, will all find immediate and nermlnent relief by the nets of this Elixir or Essence of life. ' - Price $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, and forwar ded by Express, on receipt of money, to any address. Sold by aH druggists everywhere. Dr. W, E. MKBWIN k Co., Sole Proprietors, No. 59 Liberty Street, New York. CHEROKEE PILLS! SUGAR COATED FEMALE Health CERTAIN Ar the Samel of Obdrwiume, and the Assurance of Begulhrity in Vie Recurrence of the Monthly Periode. They can or obviate thaw numerous discuses that spring from irregularity, by removing the Irregularity itseit They cure Suppressed, Excessive u>d Painful lienitra tlon. | They con Green Sickness (Chlorosis.) They core Nervous and Spinal Affections. pain* in the bock and lower parts of the body, Heaviness, fatigue on slight exertion. Palpitation of the Heart, Lcrwnem at Spit its, Hysteria, Sick Headache, Giddiness, etc, etc. In s word, by removing the Irregularity, they remove the canse and with it ait the effects that spring from it. Composed of simple vegetable extracts, they contain nothing deleterious to any constitbtloo, however delicate, their function being to substitute strength lor weakness, which, when properly used, they never tail to do. They may be safely used at any age and at any period txexft during the fat three months, daring which the un felling nature of their action wonld Lnfeltabiy present pregnancy. All letters seeking iaibnnatien or advice will be prompt ly, freely and discreetly answered. Full directions accomp my each box. Price, $1 per bait, or six boxes for $&. Sent by mail, free of postage, on reciept of price. Sold by all respectable Druggists. DR. W. IU HBWIM k CO-, .Pastors, No. SO Liberty Street, Maw York. If ■■a A' 5 araatAicro mi Elixir, ELIXIR ! 111 REGULATOR, Preserver AND SAFE, MuCBUM & DERN, VOL. 9. SAVE THE PER CENT. by buying youk CLOTHING FROM FIRST H ETTINGEB a TUCK, Mannfiu of sod WbolMsls »nd Brtsil <kalw« In B4< rushing, would respectfully invite the attest! public to the Allowing frets in reference to IJW l-t. We manufacture our own goods, TP*! l ui> <n our own Store, in Philadelphia, ** supervision, and we know they are well marts ai warranted' EQUAL TO THE BE au-i superior to tba largeat quantity of Ready*** ug In the/market. ‘ . •_ ?nd. Wfcbuy our Cloths directly from the Impo ttanntsicturers, consequently ws save the parcel -in h? middle men. 3rd. We tell our Clothing ei a reaaonablto pe 0,.t the coat of our Cloths, thereby saving Wo pi of Clothing the percentage which must b© added who buV from second hands to soil again, wet 01>»tUlng at the samo price which other mere) tor theirs at wholesale, consequently those who «« wt their g,«uda at the same price which other »v\v P»r theirs In the. city, thereby saving «aU ( per ceiitage. Wo have branch Stores to ALTOONA AND .lOHNSTOV - w here goods may be bad at the figure* at e •eil tneu here in t]»e city. . If any person has been told, or imagine*, tha .more, in Altoona, t* “ played out," let suck per into hto establishment,on Main Btreet,' andexa IM Market Street, PWli Dik-. 2.lM3.—tf. ■ NEW GOODS. fiNHK undersigned would respeotfu M, form the citizens of Altoona and surround! ir). be has ]u»t returned from the East, who »mm»h selecting his stock, of FALL AND WINTER GO which, for reyle. quality and price, cauuot be ear) thl, ueck of country. Ill* «tock Is much lar# heretofore, anil »» it is quite an object, in these war times, for every one to pnrehese where thev The Best Goods and at the Lowest 1 h< would nay that ho can snd will sell as low. liul- lower than any other bouse lathis place. II sli to call and We Ills stock before purchasing el as h, furls confident he can offer ladacrmenta w ilrfy competition. Ills stack oonslsu of LADIES’ DJIESS GOODS of every URN AND BOYS* WINTER WEAR. LADIES AND MISSES* DRESS SHOE MEN AND BOYS’BOOTS AND SII MEN’S liAb WOMEN’S AND MISSES’ WOOL HOSf: H VfS AND CAPS, BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSE HI NO HAMS AND HEAVY DR I tie will Mil LatMea Sewed, Healedßootees*at $1 Rip Peggtd ,i I Men’ll Boots,-,.... 5 RAI MORAL SKIRTS, very low. , \ GROCERIES. W iiite aud Brown Sugar, Rio Coffece, Sjrqp*.' ami • yerything.that is usually kept In a Dry 6o< »>..! a# cheap at the cheapest. J. A. BPRA Altoona, Oct. 7,1863. ■ ~ CITY -DRUG STOf ni:. K. H. RBIGAHT would r fully announce to thp citlsens of Altoona rounding country; that he has recently porch Drug Store of Berlin k Co., I>n Virginia Street Fries* Hardwgrf Store. Ris Druses are Fresh and Pi *iui ho hope* by strict attention to bustae**, t •bar* of public patronage. tod examine hUftock; UebaiconatanU DRUGS, MEDICINES and FINE TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMER i', El t class, purer, paints, oils, tarns CARBON OIL AND LAMPS, ' NOTIONS, CIGARS, *«‘i rtery article tuii oily heft in a Firii-datt i> PURE WINES AND UQUOK for medicinal us*. DOMESTIC GRAPE VINK— PORE—WARE PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS •■■curstely compounded, at nil boon of the day A Itogon, Sept. .30, MW. MORE COMPETITION ! A NEW DRY GOODS S 3 ON VIRGINIA -STREE rpUE UNDERSIGNED WOUL • SPECTFDLLT ANNOUNCE to the public ha« added 1c her stock of ' MILLINERY GOOI A FULL LINK OF ' 9S~DMY GOODS, Cimelntlng at PRINTS, DELAINES, ALPACA GINGHAMS. MUSLINS, KTC. BLEACHED MUSLINS from 23 to AS rente ui VELLOW “ 2t o3i *• \ CALICO •• 16 to 25 •• r- DELAINES ■■ ' 30 to 35 •* Ami ell other articles iir proportion. I hare also a (nil assortment of OLOTES, U COLLARS, and NOTIONS generally. My* stock of Millinery UooUh embrace* everj that iine nsually kept in the country. I have marked my goods down to the lowest fi CASH. Beliosing that my goods and price* w satistketory, I invite a call from thn public. , . v HKBHOCA StcCLEI I>«C. 23d, 1863-ly. ' 1864. SPRING CIRC U X, A. rtake pleasure in issning this my Hdrerttament, through wbicbl would Inform i •mi the public generally that I bare fust Trtnr the Kan where I haae pnrciwaed a freeh Stock o HATS AND CAPS of th* Latest Styles, and as to quality, eotor and mu fail to please all -lassos. H - I base also bought an isomeuae itock of BOOTS AND SHO] n, “& rity of City make and will b te«l. My assortment of Ladies’ and Childretu complete, all of which, 1 am now offering at a vsnce on whaiaaale prints. • ‘ The public Win be greatly bench tod by riving attention and Call and examine HIT rtock,as It d'nt I can please all. sp»-,tf ANDREW ECKE; sum Hi Tobacco, Gigars,Snuff, Pipes, dn^ieetreoL,Altoona. Pa. Ageneral assortm ■ of Good* in hit line constant! job hand a| t cash print. , fpe "J m JUF- tfSIC!—INSTRUCTIONS C iXjL, on the PUno-Forte andMelodeon, by 3HQKMA KKH. Tsana, $lO per quarter; $o thaote of the Instrument. Eetidence on Cathar WAft Altoona. (Jan.l6, A COMPLETE ASSOKTME; XX. QenfiModsl Improved SHIRTS—Cass Mußiu Shlrfes-Sne aud coarse—white and coto LAUGH ftOSTON CRACKERS—A I • 'thaw dellclqtit ormrk*r»^w 1 JAMES 8. MANN, Main . ’ ■ ; Ait
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers