r>- iLr * ‘BTTEH’S RATED MACH 7TERS. I Touic, corirectiTe ud 4itrrattT«, a I Oiaeaae of the LIVER AND BOWELS. CofljpbUnt, Headache, Qeuersl 6n»f*s, I>etmjMion of Spirits, Const*- i Intermittent fevers, Cnuppa mod d sll OowpUiuts of either Sex, torn family -Weakness, whether |t ip the ejrttew or produced t %? special causes. fj&t wfiblHwrtQO. gonial anti’ reiterative alntutbt* cDUijHMltion of HOSTKTTKU’S iCBB- Tfaht popular preparation contains f kind; no deadly botanical element; no ttt U i« i combination of the extract*©! 1m and plant* with the porcat and aiikl j» itonlanu. \ r r forearmed against and, ao Car aa m can he protected bjr huUuan ineana fetogenderal by an unwholesome aUuo aterand otfaer external canals, HOATICT i be relied on as a eafo- Itfocted with »rcr ami Ague, if Ua*b«fc •ai»r«veuti\e and irresistib|l *• retue- NWbo more to it coder appreheoifioii of tbe scourge; and tbonsaudit-who neglect s* of Qualities jln advance, ry Brief coar*et>f tab inarveloiie jßedi* Agde patient*, after being plied with j» in Tain, until .'fairly saturated with kaliud, are not uufreqaeotly restored tu -*v days by tbe use of HGtSTKTTJBK’B «cfais rapidly invigorated and theappe disagreeable Tonic, and hence It works trflrtsPiPsiA and In less confirmed forms Lclißg as i- gentle and palcldw apperieut, ie liver, It also invariably relieves (he eriodiioed by irregular action of fifo di ive organ*. a tiablt, liable to JS r crvousAttacl's,Jjowmau s V Joaptiur, Qcd prompt; and pejnoa he Bitters. The testimony on this point c.' acid from both sexes. ; iLUocs Colic in immediately; iu»- aged by he «dmnlaut,aud by resort* ira of the complaint may bei prevented onk, HOSTETTEK B BITT3£ES produce nt be experienced or witceswa before approbated. In cases of Owsfifwtfowa/ ufors Decay and DebiUty>and Becrepi- Ot* AfiX, it exert i#es the electric influ iveSesceut stages of all- diseases it oper ol invlgo|pQt. When the powers of na ,4t operates Co re-enforco and re-eetab- ud, It Is The chdy &\fe Stimulant* being n sound and | innocuous. materials, and (M acid elexhenta present more or less f tobies and stomachics of the day. sifts jhaa t>een &o universally, and, it may popular with the intelligent imtmity.as UOSXiSTXfijrS BXTTKES. iSTBT'f’RB * SMITH; Jncfobncgfa,, V*. cgfoto, Grocers and Smrjwsdpers every- ate -Preparations. [LfllD KXTRACT a Positive y lor diseases of the -Bladder, Kidneys, icai Swellings. ocreases the power of ex at* into 'healthy action, hy which tb« roys depositions, and all unaaittral Kn doped, a* well aa Paiivand'lafliJnTnatkm. OIJJ’S EXTRACT BUCHB. I writing from Excettet, liahiu of Dieaipt jUtcreiionofAhiue, attended with the tol i*»a. ' ' ■, .Exertion, -‘"I Lou of Power, ; ' i Difficulty of Breathing, Trembling, •e, Wakefalneu. Mi, Pain in the Back, Ride of.the ’Muscular Srctem, ; I Fmehlngr of the Bod;. Ikltt, I Eruptions on the,Face, r Pallid Countenance, ■ - me, if allowed to go on, which thia niedl remerrea, coon follows j Meaty, ItituUf, Epileptic fUt; the Patient ma; expire, bat the; are hot frequent); followed h; iteaaea/’; , ' •WIF AMD CONSUMPTION.” n> of the cause of their auffering. knag thjc axOaxMor umam annexs. ; Deaiki 6p OmmmpUon bear ample wit > of the a Mention. m tmet qffecled with Orpomc Mbun of Medicine U> Strengthen andlnTtgorate t'a.MXT&ACT BDCHU IneorioWy does. wltl confined the moat skeptical. • :■ r;«- LES—FEMALES, ar to Jkaudei the Riiiact Mraii]' bjther remedy, uin Chlorosis egnlarlty, Pnlnlhlneae, or Suppression of t nations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of 4 iortban or White*, Sterility, and for all oat to the aex, whether arising from In a of Dissipation, or In the JK£ OK|CHANa£ dfidlUi. tiisasa; Jfereary, or unpieaeattt Medicine PXTEACT BOCHD AND UIPKOVKD KOSK WASH CDUEa T ecsjsv diseases m. At little JCXpease tgo la Diet. I No inconvetileoca. And bo Hxpvture.. Jinent decise and .gives''strength to Dri- Hmoving Obstruction*. preventing and to of the Urethra, allaying Pain anjlnflatn tent la the ehfsa of diseases, and expelling Kxaasd and tqomouf Miter. ro» TboosahM who havi untttVic and who havt paid heavy feet to be cured , iiaro found they were deceived, and that ins, by the naS of “ pawtarotAsratsmaart," 1 the system, to break out in an- aggra »«rAaps qflef Marriages fs ExmictTbcohh for all affections and CiUNABI ORGANS, whether existing In but from whatever.canse originating and M'U)NO BRANDING. kae Organs roonires the aid of a DIURBT &B KXTEACT BDCEDIB TUB OR* AT (is certain tohave the desired effect In al all if ftgtrninmriirffif te moat isllshle and responsible character pie medicine, pa BbbnfLE, OE SIX |r Address, aepnrely pocked from Observe- Sfm&omxm tUlOmmtmcationt, MTiau)! Advicjs Gba*x»! S for iafurmatioa to. >r r H. B.HELMBOLD, Chemfct. I(*t Sooth Tehth-nU, bet. Ch«€tnot,Phll» LD*B tkdieal Depot, ' f U& DrMfemd ChnUcal Hferahhiat, , 59* NEW ygpt. f OOCNIKKFBITB AND TOWtHtCI- BwhoSadeavor to dispose * fcfc* owths reputation. attained tm I - '* Oennlae Preparations. Extract Sacha. 1 “ Sarsaparilla. ! ■j r • Improved *<** Wuh. Nun v, : MtCGMSTS F.VBKvnrmtuic Rj.l ISBOUPB. TAJtBNO OttfltP drartlssmsnt cod mo* far it. ; ■ AVOID UJPOSItIojF D exfomul ptato 1 LOCAL Iwphovko dar Bbakb*. —Our townapran. John p ; Levan,,Poremanoftbe Car Shop ofthe a in this place, airinprovement in attaching the ext iron rubbers to (he wooden i«rt of ear brakes. On the brakes „ow generally used, the rubbers are fastened to the wood Wimeahs of bolts ami screws, and consider able tiine is required to remove a worndut rubber and put in a new one; and the rubber also comes so dost! to the wood that when the former is hea ted )iv in.contact with the car wheel, the wood is more or less injured hy being burneo, and by the time the robber is worn out fhe wooden part is so much injured that it must bp renewed also. Mr. L.’s patent entirely does away with the” renewing of the wooden part of the brake, inas milch as the robber stands off from the wood, al lowing a free current of air between fliem, thus preventing the wood from being injured by the boat of the robber. The arrangement is very simple, and this odds to its merit. To the wooden l«ri of the brake is attached a small casting, dove tailed. to admit a corresponding dove-tail on the back, of the rubber. The dove-tails having been entered (they are not made to fit tight) a bolt is passed through the wooded part of the brake and through the small casting, and enters p recess in the dove-tail attached to the rubber. This holds the’rubber in its place. It requires hut two or three- turns of. the bolt to fasten the rubber. When the rubtier is worn out it can be removed and „;„ew one put in in less than three minutes, if the brakes are applied to the outside of the truck wheels. The merits claimed, far the invention are . that ir is a saving of metal, (wearing the rubber down to an eighth of an inch in thickness,)* saving in time taken to replace, and that it does not injure the wooden part of the brake, all which will be ad mitted by those who inspect it. It is now in use oil all the new passenger cars on the P. R. 8., and njso on a number of freight ears, and will be pnt ii|u>n nil built hereafter. Philharmonic Association.— We are truly gratified to announce that the initiatory steps have fen taken to form a Philharmonic Association in Altoona. There is scarcely a town in the State, indeed we doubt whether there is any place outside the cities, where so much musical talent can be . found. We have a number of -first class teachers and many superior vocalists and musicians, and «e feel sure that tbe Association will be a success. A meeting of the Association was held on Fri dav evening last, and organized by electing the the following officers President—John Shoemaker. ' Vice President—t). Bolder. Secretary —Hobt. Pitcairn Treasurer —Thos. L. Caldwell. Male Managers—David Bell, Andrew Clahangh and Jeremiah Delu. -■ Female Manager*—Maria Shoemaker, fell* Huutfs and Matilda Longnecfcer. Musical Director—Herman L. Delo. The design of the Association Is to encourage and cultivate the art of music.. Much time and inonev is now spent to obtain aducation in mu sic. vet it profits but little when a number of musi cian.' are suddenly thrown together, unless they have had practice in associations. • One of the articles of tbe constitution provides for the admission of Honorary Members, on the payment of $2 per annum, which payment secures a ticket admitting a gentleman and lady to all re hearsals and to four concerts per annum, which ;lhc Association designs giving. The meetings are held on Friday of each week. The lecture room of the M. E. Church will be the place of meeting until a suitable hall can he rented. Those who love music and desire to encourage the art have now an opportunity to show that love aad their liberality, by becoming honorary mem bers. All the officers are authorized to rceieve subscriptions of persons desiring to become honor ary members. ’ Vouso Men’s Chbistian Association. —The Young Men's Christian Association, to which we have already referred, is now fully organized and ready to move forward in the work of such socie ties. Alreadv more interest has been taken in it, by the young men of the town, than we imagined would be, yet there ate many whom we know, whose influence, if thrown in this direction, could accomplish more good than they have any idea.— There is nothing denominational about sociations. The members of all church.es arc found in them, and also those who are not church mem bers. \Vc think that no young man can spend one evening in a week more profitably than by atten ding the meetings of this Association. True, it imposes restrictions upon its members, but they ate only such as will keep them from vice and ele vate them morally and socially, in the estimation of the good, whose esteem alone is worth seeking.— The meetings, tor the present, are held in the lec ture room of the M. E. Church, every Friday evening. The officers for the present quarter, •elected on Friday evening last, are as follows : President—E. B. McCrum. Vice President—A. H. Sembower. Uec. Secretary—J. flicks. Financial & Cor. Sec’y.—K. DeCharms. Treasurer—Jasper Benshoflf. 'Come Aoaix.—Smiling, budding May, with its maddest, merriest days,” is with us ouce again, .and albeit winter’s storms have scarcely yet bidden us a dual adieu, the warm and genial ’sunshine will i ere Jong dispel the chilly hbisLs, and reinvigorate the animal .and vegetable world by the gladdening . influence of its generous rays. May is the month above all others that we would have linger with us always. Its balmy breezes, its budding promi sea, arc ever welcome; and what more joyous ami exlulerating can be conceived than those pleasant May parties which invariably mark its fleeting progress. In this respect, at least, we are pleased to know that the present month u to be no excep tion to the general rule. Even now our Catholic friends are busy making the preliminary arrange ments for one of those agreeable May patties which they know so well how to get up. When the time and place are fixed we shall take pleasure in ma king the announcement. . Jiutcrios.—At the election for officers of the A.ltoona Gas and Water Company, held on Mon day last, the following gentlemen were chosen : ' President, —Wm. H. Wilson. ; Treasurer, —B. F. Bose. Manaaens, —Wm. M. Lloyd, Cbas. J, Mann, Joe. M. Wilson, Geo, W. Kessler, John F. Bow man. BLACK VALLEY RAIL ROAD. GREAT CENTRAL THROUGH ROUTE!! QUICK TIME! through passengers will arrive at or ABOUT .MIDNIGHT! Trains Move by the Following Progressive Time-Table Accidents from jmuJHOHs are entirely avoided, as no cp-tkaks are run over the Road. Sinninglon, 6.00 LI. • Debauch Slongh, SC i i 7.00 “ , Kill-Conscience Cut, Topersville, 7.80 “ Pnsouton. Medicine Bog, 7.45 “ Beg^rstown, Guzzler's Junction, 7.50 ‘ Pauper Desert, Drunkard’s Curve, 8.00 “ Muruer Hollow, Kowdwille, g Qnarrelville, | Del.nnmton, Kichtineton. b Demonland, x Blood Golly- : - % Horneteneat Thicket^ TICKETS SOLD AT ALL LIOUOR SHOPS THOUGHOUT THE COUNTRY 1 DAILY PATROSS of the Bond, above TIPPLKTON, supplied with THROUGH TICKETS at REDUCED RATES. ■»* From DbUNKABd’B Curve the Train is an Express-all taking in being done above that sta tioned of respectable people! Passengers for all the places beyond are thrown out wtlli eSr? aSi ot allowed to stand on the platform,! or put their heads out of the windows bc , *5 a wtmlJb. Cornoration not wishing to alarm persons who are not patrons of the Road. iHSSS'Si" l *'* the Train w ‘“ find tke of ,ke A^ ct: « *>«*- d tl. the Stations above, ready to convey them free to any of the villages upon Cold are S V.nrve, aim Drunkard’s Curve, ambulances will be used. Hiring in the vicinity of this Koad must ‘‘loook out for the engine " as no bell is rung or^mkosmeii 1 employed below Drunkard’s Curve, and the Company declaim Ml. responsibility tor damages h risk of the own ers. WWdows arid orphans in pursuit of baggage list by friS on SriU are informed that the Corporation will adhere strictly to the asrgres of 0* Bead, . Bt«* h ® Mcw ' " iU !,c * ated u >' tt! Scrted ‘ 0u i Forrest Thondertand and at. the End of thaßoad. . Stage from Tobaccolanu connected with all the Trains. •KrrvnTrT!* There will be a Business Meeting, by-and-by, of the Stockholders and Conductors of BOJ JA/Jb. au the Road, to hear a Report concerning For the Altoona Tribune. Altoona, April 21st, 18(14. The Ijidv Managers of tbe “Soldiers’ Aid Soci ety” take this method of returning, thanks to the p' r j,. Company for the use of the buildings in which to hold their Concert; to Mr. Boler, (as leader,) and to the different Choirs, Brass Bauds. Glee Chibs, &c., for their trouble and kindness; to Mr. Price, and fellow members of the Commit tee of arrangements, lor the able manner in which thev conducted the business entrusted to their care, i aud to all the public generally for their kind ap- ! preciation of Our effort to farther the interests of a ! good cause. Our proceeds are sufficient to accom plish much good,notwithstanding the imposition of a number of freight tickets, palmed off as genuine, by some persons who must certainly hare forgot ten the respect American ladies have been accus tomed to have shown them by gentlemen—and particularly the cause for the benefit of which we are engaged—that of making comfortable those who ate wounded and dying .in our hospitals—hay in g periled their lives to protect opr lives aud homes. May they have returned unto litem good for the evil they have done. Proceeds of the Concert $190.15 Expcnces incurred *-<o° $l7B 10 By order of the Managers. Will He Do It?—Old Winter has lingered so long in the lap of Spring that it begins to be a question whether or not the old chap designs vaca ting the position al all. It is to be hoped, however, that for shame’s sake, if for no other reason, he will soon forego the luxurious luxury and betake him self to a more congenial clime. In fact, he will confer a special favor on all, and more particularly upon those who pre wailing the.advent of pleasant weather before pufchasing’The large and spperb stock of dress goods with which Hany McPike has just crowded to overflowing the old store room, corner of Virginia and Caroline streets, if he will “vamose the rnnche” at the earliest possible mo ment. But inthe 'meantime- let it be borne in mind that Mac has made ample arrangements for meeting the wants of all in the way of dry goods, dress goods, groceries, notions, etc., and is still determined to sustain the reputation the establish ment has earned of being the cheapest store in town. Go, see, and be convinced. y The'“ Devils Uecruits” have been receiving accessions to their ranks, judging from the increas ed length of the column ranked oq the outside of the pavement, in front of the Methodist church, every. Sabbath evening, at the close of services.— Some of them evidently feel ashamed of the com pany they have got into, as they take the rear rank and cautiously peep over the shoulders of their companions.' A number of them, however, are “ bully hoys,” facing the congregation boldly, sniggering Mid laughing, passing remarks upon ladies and acting the blackguard generally, just as their chief officer would have them do. No young man who has any respect for the female sex, or for himself, would be found in such a party, and the lady who accepts the company of .one of these curb-stone gallants can have bat little respect for herself. Bugs. —-Who has not, oft in the stilly night, e’er slumbers chains have bound him, been tormen ted by hungry, bugs- crawling round him ? and what housewife would not pay something hand some to know Just how to banish from her premi ses the pestilent vermin 1 The Gauntry Gentleman gives the following reccipe, which, Are are assured, will have tlie desired effect: “Take two pounds of alum, bruise it, and; reduce it to powder, dissolve in three quarts of water ; let it remain in a warm place till: the alum is dissolved. The alum water is to be applied, by means of a brush, to every joint and creyice.; Brush the crevices in the floor, whitewash the ceiling, patting in plenty'of alum, and them will he an end to bugs dropping thence." UsmBBLUAB Nor Common' Property.—The person who picked up my umbrella, in front of: of Eckel’s Tobacco Store, on last Saturday' even ing, is knqwn, and my advice is he bad better re turn it before Joe Ely is sent after it. May *th, 1864. M. THOMPSON, ACCOMMODATING CONDUCTORS! SPECIAL NOTICE TO PASSENGERS. Liabilities Under the Higher Lawl Screech Owl Forest, Dismal Swamp, 5 ► Hobgoblin Woods, s h Rattlesnake Ledge, 5 k Dark Tunnel,; •; £ Whirlwind Crossing, ~ - Thunderland, * p i Black A’alley, i ! Dead River, arriving at » ! DESTRUCTION at ‘ Gardner & Hemming*’ American Circus. — This large and completely equiped Equestrian Troupe will exhibit in Altoona on'Saturday, tlie 14th of May. This i> a company of real merit, but we need not inform your readers of that, for their reputation is fully established. Among the many attractions to be prese-*ed this season is a Troupe of Arabs—the real “Children of the Desert.’’ These extraordinarv people give a performance that is entirely original and novel, introducing all the feats and pastimes that are in vogue among the wondering tribes of the old world. Among their number is a'beautiful girl, who is annoneed as the only female contortionist in the world; her extraordinary feiits, during the past few months have filled the largest theatres of New York and Philadelphia. The Band Chariot is also a great feature, and wilt enter town drawn by a line of splendid chargers and followed by the entire cor tege. Altoona we expect will be alive with peo ple on the day of the circus, and evcryltody, we have no doulyt, and his family, will put on an ap pearance at the “ Big Show See advertisement and don't forget the day and.date, Saturday May 14th Wonderful Discovert’!—Truly, this is mi age of discoveries, for there is hardly a week that we do not see an article under the above caption. The Birmingham lend mines have created some excitement, and the Virginia, are becoming notorious : hut the most important dis covery of the times, and the one which most con cerns our citizens, is, that Fritchey has now the finest and best assortment of groceries and pro visions in town, together with a large stock of plain and fancy willow baskets, children’s gigs, &c., &c., all of which he will sell cheap for cash.. Go & C. Colored Troops.—A regithentof colored troops passed through this place, on Friday morning last, on their way to join Gen. Burnsides corps. They were merry, as darkies generally are when they have enough to eat and enough to wear. They had heard of the butchery at Fort Pillow, and know very'well what is in store for them, should they be overpowered. Some of them said they expected no quarters from the ‘‘llebs,” and didn’t intend to ask or give any. ■ Pen and Scissors. J9“Obio’s deficiency to be dratted for Is 17,000 men . gyeAt the Irish dog show in Dublin some prize dogs weie .valued at SSO,OOO. aaMhe lion. Simon Cameron has been appointed Chair of the Uinon State Central Committee of this State. gjyThe Cavalry Bui eau has been placed under the im mediate control of Major General Halleck, by order of the War i Department. - 43-They are building an opera-house lu Paris, which covers seven and one-half acres of ground. It has oeen building three years, and is yet only twenty f eef above the ground. A lady, in issuing invitations to a few select ac quaintances to a supper party, afio r expressing the usual compliments, instead of, ending With U N° Cards,’ laconi cally concluded her invitation with “No Butter.” M3~A very singular and' fatal disease has appeared In Weybridge, Vt., which baffles the skill of physicians. It commences in the lower limbi), and advances rapidly through the spine to the brain, when severe spasms and deadi rappidly follow. Minor Bolts gave a dinner last Thursday, at w hich Gens. Grant, Bedgwick, Hancock, Birney, llam phru, Robison, Williams, Ingalls, Bavrlings, Slot!, Carr, Webb, Gibbon. Enstisand Morris were present. The affair was of the most sumptuous character. 4B“Xhe tax on matches by the now bill, i» one cant per box. Mr Carlton hat three establishments in Beaton, in which are consumed twenty corde of wood and 500 lbs of brimetone per day- He employe 200 girls and a number of men, paying the Gorernment $1,400 taxes per day. jfg-The Udie» of Indianapolis are volunteering In large Bombers to supply the places of clerks who enter thehnn flred day service. They engage to serve for $l3 a month, the merchants being required to pay the clerks their sala ries daring their absence, with this deduction. dSy-We would ad vis.- ladles to be cautious about answer ing advertisements from soldiers who desire to open cor respondence with young ladles for amusement. Muchevil ha’s already resulted from such correspondence, fur a sam ple of which see an article ot first page. ‘jggp-Table talk or knocking may sometimes lead to em barrassing results, as proved by the following gossip; A party met the other night and fctmcd a chain, and when the ‘‘fluid’’ was in movement, s married lady present put the question, “How many children have 11” ,l T a Pi tap, tap, tap,” or four replied the table, presently her hus- linndcauwin and the aanw* question.‘*tap. tap, n or ITT : : '■■’-->4, f\ Jk £\** /I>•* two. whs thoHiifver. The’«ffcct th!» may be .J j ‘ - | ifr 1 v ljj3fT#yj S better imagined than dencribed. •■; . f'-'* JLV/ ' : #y-SomKUnlr Ima styled rircox shows the Peril*! CWPP I' ’ ’ ‘Me»-Uiqpu* 11 they .be tiach. we think lib« Satanic Majeaty is determined to fciror hU dock la tUi* u«ißhb^rlu»*l, iff; an early aeaaoti. with many opportune lea ofimprorini: In kla SPIVUV, LOW FARES! i* %t Richmond that Gen. Grant mean*to make the Army of the potomac do something. Meantime hie plans are unknown to both Superiors and subordinates. No commanding officer * now s more at the utmost than the jmrt lie himself has to execute, • ■ Tlien-U now a cHsein the United State* Supreme Court iuvutving the title to the site Of the city of Keokuk, !own. It has been In court twenty year*, and Involves land valued at£ls.odU,ooU. The parties are Charles Miaou vs. Meueeuger k May. . 4®* A colored preacher within our lines recently felt constrained to preach against the extortion of the sutlers, from which his flock had suffered. After much delibera tion, he aunouuced the text as follows. u Now was more suffer dan any beast oh de field, which the la>rd God had made.” JUT' Eight dollars per hundred weight was formerly pmPoetwetm Philadelphia and Pittsburg, whereas fifty cent- is now the usual charge. It occupied eight day*, in the old stage-coach fashion, to travel between tluwe points, now fourteen hours is the usual time of transit, at an expense diminished iu proportion. chapters American Church of Christ, 1 ? or America as foretold by prophecy, now being published on our first page, are attracting considerable attention. The chapters ypt to publish are more interesting that those already published, from the fact that they refer to later times and exciting events. quadrennial meeting of the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, wet in Philadelphia on Monday lust. Among the questions which will come before that body for consideration will be the extension of the ministerial term of service, a lay representation, and the questions relative to the policy of the church. In Chicago, a few days ago, a ntnu caught u rat that throe years before he caught uud branded iu Albany. N.Y. There was u«misthking the thing; it was the same old rat. whose tail had been abbreviated and side burnt throe years ug->. -even hundred miles from Chicago;—£r. Wo do not blame the rat for traveling, alter beingserved in shut maimer. —4jfwtyn Traveler. fy-An order has just been Issued from the War depart ment prohibits the use by Genera la and other officer*, in thecommiug campaign, of the numerous four-horse field carriages, furnished by the Quartermaster's Department at the expense of the Government. General Grant, while riding in the rain to the front the other day. met General Ingalls coming into town iu one of those equipages. It is snid that they were mutually surprised. 43- A Newburyport sugar merchant heard, a few days since, that sugar hod gone up two cents, and, telling no one vhiit he was going to do, immediately rushed off and bought the whole stock of another merchant at 21 cents, He was so delighted with the operation that he treated the clerks all round on his return and then learned that a man a* clever «s himself had bought all his stock at *J) cents while he was away. Elmira Dougherty would in form the ladies of Altoona and vicinity, that she is prepared to do all kinds of plain sewing, and respectfully solicits their pat ronage. Residence in Loudonsville, East of the Railroad. 3t. Fibe ! Hike !! —Do not risk your property any longer to the nierey of the flames, but go to Kerr and have him insure you against loss by fire. — He is agent for thirteen different companies among which are some of the best in the United States. Altoona, July Agent, Tobacco and Cigars, Tobacco and Cigars. Tobattfftand Cigars, Tobacco and Cigars. Tobacco and Cigars, Tobaccpaud Cigars. - Spectacles, ■ Spectacles, Spectacles. Perfumery and Kfttions, Drags end Medicines. Perfumery and Notions, Drugs and Medicines, I’crfumery and Notions, Drugs and Medipines, .Together with a splendid stock of trusses and Supporters and all goods found in a first class Drug Store. For sale cheap for cash at the Drug Store of A. Roush, Second door from the corner of Virginia and Annie Streets, Altoona. Hoyt’s Hiawatha Hair Restorative, Hoyt’s Hiawatha Hair Restorative. The standard staple preperatiun for the hair, warranted in all cases to restore faded and gray hair, and whisker* to their original color* Ifdoes not claim to make the hai grow in where it haaonce fallen out; nothing will Oothat whatever may be advertised to the contrary, but it will prevent itfrom tailing out, make it soft and silky* cleanse it and the scalp from impurities and humors, and entirely overcome bad effects of previous use of preparations con taining solpher, sugar of lead, Ac. It requires do Soaping washing, and hours for its application, nor will it stain the skin, but is as easily applied and wiped from the skin as any hair dressing. It restores the natural shading of one hair with another, which gives it a lively appliance in stead of the dull uniform black of dyes. HOYT'S IMPKSIAU 00L0BIK0 CBSAHt. Superior to any Hair Dressing In use. Oils and Colors the Hair at the name time. Changes light.and red hair to a beautiful brown or black Sold everywhere JUSKPIJ HOYT & Co. No. 10 University Place, New York March 30,1854-ly RAILROAD AND HAIL SCHEDULE. TRAINS ARRIVE AND DEPART Baltimore Express Went arrives 7.40 A.M, leaves 8.00 A.M. Pbiladepa “ “ “ 8.20 “ 8.40 Fast Line “ 8.55 P.M. “ .10P.M, Mail train ■ “ “ 7.40 “ “ 7.55 “ Express Train East “ 9.20 P. M., leaves 9.40 P. M Fast Line “ “ 1.15 A.M., “ ; 1.20 A. M Mail Train “ “ 7.40 “ '• . 8.00 “ ; Throe ghAccom. “ “ 11.25 “ “11.40 “ Trains on Hollidnysburg Branch run to connect with Express Trains West. Mail Train East and West and ThroT Accommodation Train East. Trains on Tyrone 4 Clearfield Branch and Bald Eagle Valley R. R. run to connect with Express Train West and Mail Train East and West. MAILS ARRIVE 7,40 A. M. 7,00 P. M. 10,15 A. M 7,40 A. H. 7,30 A. M. A 7,00 P. M. MAILS CLOSE. _ J Eastern Through....... Eastern Way ...... Western Way Western Through, Holliday 5barg,......... Westcrn Way, Eastern W5y,...., W? , Western Through, a. 1,10 r. M. Eastern Through, 1 i’i” „ -J Holildsyebnrg, 7,30 A M. * 6,45 P. M. Ornoi Hon**:—During the week from 6.46 A. M. until 7.30 P. M. On Sundays from 7,30 until 8.30 A. M. G.W. PATTON, P.M. ■ Altoona, April 20,1863. ’ MABBIED. In Hollldayaburg, on Thursday last, 28th ult., by Eev. John Walsh, Mr. THOMAS J. HARTSOCK, of that place, and Miss LYDIA M. HILEMAN, of Frankstosrn township. A friend’s greeting to-yon and your fiiir bride, Tom, and a hearty welcome to the ranks matrimonial.' Even con firmed bachelors cannot always resist the bewitching smiles of Eve’s fisir daughters, and in this Instance wo aw pleased to know that one of the moat generous of that un-- fortunate brotherhood has been made a happy benedict. — May peace and prosperity ever smile benifioent|y upon you and yours, Tom. ■ 0°«- i DIED* In this place, bn the*2d lust,,’ MAGDALENA, wife of Hieronimds Schmidt, aged 56 years, , ICE CttEAM—And the Philosophy o» its Manufacture. A ratal] treatise, with v»lu»ble re cipe! on thl» inject, will be sent PEEK, by null, to per who will sen* tfceir nddrew : 38b Print, gr., K*W to**- may 4. 4t, Thepe Bonds are tented Hinder Act ofGottgreas of March 8, which provides that all Bowl* Imud* under this Act shall iw EXEMPT FKOM TAXATION by or under any state or municipal authority. DwbtilpSkm to theaeßoud* ■re liceived in United Stale* nofcwor not** or National Banka. They are TO BE EKDWIEBIN UOIN.ai th* plwure of the Oovunimcnt. at any period w*f fear ttm fen nor more Utan forty years from ttetr tell, sklnlU their redemption FITS PKH CENT. INTEREST WILL BE PAID IN COIN, on Band* of not over one hundred dollars annually and on all other Bond* aami-annnaUy. The inter eat is payable on th* first dayt of March and September la each year. 'Subscribers will receive either Registered or Coupon Bonds, aa they may prefer. Eegiatefwd Bonds are recorded on the books of the U. S. Treasurer, and can b* transferred only on the owner’s order. Coupon Bond* are payable to bearer, and are more convenient for commercial uaea. Subscribers to this loan will have the option of having: their Bonds draw interest from March Ist, by paying the accrued interest iu coin—(or in United State* notes, or the notes of National Banks, adding £lty per cent, for premia um j or teceive them drawing interest from th* date of subscription and deposit. As those Bonds are EXEMPT FROM MUNICIPAL OR STATE TAXATION, their value is increased from one to threw percent, per anhurn, according to the rate of tax lerlssin various parte of the country. At the present rate of premium on gold they pay OVER EIGHT PER CENT INTEREST In currency, and are of equal convenience as a permarilnt or temporaly investment. ll is believed that no securities offer so great induce ments to lenders os the various descriptions of U. 9. Bonds. Inwall other forms of indebtedness, the frith or ability of private parties or stcck companies or separate communities only Is pledged for payment, while for the debts of me United States the whole property of the country Is holden to socore the payment of (both principal and interest in coin. These Bonds may be subscribed for in soma from $5O up many magnitude, ou the same terms, and are thus made equally available to the smallest lender or the largest cap- italist. They can be converted Into money at any moment. and the holder will have the benefit of the interest. It may be useful to state in this connection that the total Funded Debt df the United States, 011 which interest is payable in gold, on the 3d day of March. 1864, wds $768,* 965.000. The interest on this debt for the coming fiscal year will he $45,937,126, while the customs revenue in gold for the current fiscal year, ending June. 30th, 1864, has been so far at the rate of over $100,000,000 per annum. It will be seen that even the present sold revenues of the Government are largely in excess of the wants of the. Treasurer for the payment of gold interest, while the re- cent increase of the tariff will doubtless raise the annual receipts from customs on the same amount of Importations, to $150,000,000 per annum. 1 ustructions to the National Banks acting as loan agents were not issued from the United States Treasury unti March 26, but in the first three weeks of April the sub- scriptions averaged more than TEN MILLIONS A WEEK. Subscriptions will be received by the First National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. Second National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. Third National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa., AND BY. ALL NATIONAL BANKS which are depositaries of Public money, and all RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS throughout the country, (acting as agent* of the National Depositary. Banks,} will furnish further information on application, ami AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCIU BERS. A JOINT RESOLUTION PROPO ging certain Amendments to the Gonstiution. Be it rewired by the Senate and Haute of Repraentativet of me QmmdnweOUh qfHauuylvania in General Assembly m«. That the following amendments be proposed to, the Constitut'on of the Commonwealth, in accordance with the provisions of the tenth article thereof: - There shall be an additional section of the third article »f the Constitution, to be designated as section four, as tallows: ‘ , ' ' _ - Section 4. Whenever any of the qualified electors of this Commonwealth shall bo in any actual military ser vice, under a requisition from the President of the United State, or by the authority of this Commonwealth, such electors may exercise the right of suffrage in all elections by the citizens, under such regulations as are, or shall be. prescrioed by law, as fully as If they were present at their usual place. ‘ Section 2. There shall be two additional sections to the eleventh article of the Constitution, to be designated as section eight, and nine, as follows : “Section 8. No bill shall bo passed by the Legislature, containing more than one subject, which shall be clearly expressed in the title, except appropriation hills.” “ Section 9. No bill shall bo passed by the Legislature granting any powers, or;privileges, in any case, where the authority to grant such powers, or privileges,has been, or may hereafter be, conferred upon the courts of this Commonwealth.” :* C. JOHNSTON, Sptakerof the Haile at Sepretentatiret. JOHN P. PKNNKY. Speaker nflthe Office of tax Sic arc Alt or the ComeoNwisLTH, \ Harrisburg, April 2S, 1864. J PENNSYLVANIA, SS; I do hereby certifly that the fbre&oiog i* • a full, true and correct copy of the \ original Joint ftfMlation of the Genera! SK.4l* I Assembly, entitled M A Joint Keedln- x tlon proposing certain Amendment* to the Constitution,” as the same re mains on file in this office. whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Secretary** office to be affixed, the day and year above syrltten The above Resolution haring been agreed to by a ma jority of the members of each House, at two successive sessions of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, the proposed amendment will be submitted to the people, for their adoption or rejection, on TUB FIRST TUBS*. DAY OF AUGUST, In the year of out Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, in-accordance with the pro visions of the tenth article of the Constitution, and the act, entitled “An Act prescribing the time and manner of submitting to the people, for their approval and ratM ca&on or rejection, the proponed amendments to the Con stitution,” approved the twenty-third day of April, one tbonsabd eight.hnndred and sixty-four. _ - ELI BLIFER, Secretary he ObmmonwdUh. April 27,-U • : Auction sale of condemned HOKSRS. Waa Dlputbst, OiTAIST Bnui. Ornci or Cinxr Qiunuuini, 1 WaSBOOTOR, April 29th, 1864. Will be sold at public auction, to the the highest bidder, at the time* and place* named below, Tlx: Newport, Penn’a, Thursday, May 6lh. Gettysburg, Pean’a, Monday, May 9th. Altoona, Penn’a, Thursday, Hay 12th, Mlflllm Penn’a. Thursday, May l»th. Reading, Penn’a, Thursday, May 28th. Lebanon, Penn’a, Tbnnday. JuneSd. Morthnmberland, Penn’a, Tbnnday, Jnne SCh. Scranton, Penn'a, Tbnnday, Jun* 164 b. ■ Williamsport, Penn’a. Tbnnday, Juno23d. One Hundred (100) hone* at Gettysburg, and Two Hun dred and Fifty (260) at each of-.tbe other place*. , These bones bare been condemned as nndt for the ear 'alry service of the United States Army. . for road and farm purposes many good bargain* may be had. , ; Hones will be sold singly. Sales begin at 10 A, M„ and oontjone dally until all are 4d, ' • TEUMB i CASH, in United SUtee aotoe only, ? J jl* iEK-Xj. > Lt. Col, and A.Q. M. Caraby Bureau. ap27-3t LOYALHANNA NTJBSEBY. —The nndenlgtx'd «!II recelee on)*™ for ornamental and frnlt tree* from the abore celebrated Nnraery. Catalogue* and «npl« may beeeen by TO THE iMMES OFAi/TOONA, tjrirumctxu, ’ i AND ALSD tOTHE GENTLEMEN! fft. HE UNDERSIGNED WtfULD | , r~ltrr** L ~‘‘Tt~* the ladWandgentlepenof Al andrlclnfty.tliat «heha* Jut openeda f: . milinery a fancy store. m 09NiuBTEfroiWin?Q cast altoona, whan they will. And > Um. and urM aaurtment of Bomx)iihHAta,Bt»kan, and Head-Dramee, Telle, Artlft ai. jfutAm, UUon. Mint u d Infant*’ Cape, Sru f100d*,... SUMMER SHAWLS,; mod *ll eieat and itylea of Lad tea* Coat*. ready-made or made to order; Infooo.’ Dree* Weieta, Lediee MBl <3itl dren’a HoopSUrta, Ladlaa*, Gent* and <MtdMa*lr|Es#«rr • BgAX)X-UAIWBHIBTB,US*N ABO PA»W 00LAR8, Neck Tie. of the beet qaaUty. Ladle** aUdfleofoKKld Clare. of the fineet .tyle., together with ail kind* of QlofMnd Slti{ : Handkercbiof* for Ladle* and Gentlemen. 1 hare aim* full aeeortment of Notion*, each u Spool Cotton, Needle*, Pin*, Envelope*, Note and Letter paper, Pen* and . l'encß*, aOr»r ;a»a common Thimble*, Ladlea Basket* and Trawling BagvComba, Brwhes Puree* and PortmoMleit; LINEN, SILK AND COTTON BRAIDS, Tape* Watch Guard* and Chain., SUaaora, Edging and Baffling, together'wiflt a variety of other article*, all of wUch will tie aold cheeipforcaab. may4*3 mo KU SUPER, Secretary the Ommonwalth t I bare also a Sne .took of Toy* for Children, to which I IttTile the nttentiouof parontaand other*. I well alw make and trim BonUeta to order ln thelalcet •tylet. I receive nil A THE LATEST FASHIONS, and cgn make Dtyeee, Coate, Ac., according to tha lateat pAtt()rDi< Particular fttmtlM paid to BLKACHIKG. All arti cles warranted to be restored to their original color. Otoe me a cell* tattoo end gentlemen, m I tool euro that 1 caa render aalia faction &o price asd quality. UA&YA.AMIOH. Altoona, April £fT,-2t . FRIES & WILLIAMS. Hardware, <&c'. The subscribers having, taken charge of the Hardware Store and Stove and Tin Shop recently under the. charge of Samuel I Fries, on Virginia street, opposite Kessler’s Drug Store, and having added largely to their stock are now prepared to supply anything in the Hardware and Cutlery line, such as Handsaws, Axes, Angers, Adaea,. Chisels, Squares, Rules, Hammers, Planes, Hinges, Locks, Latches, Files, Knives and Forks, Spoons, 4c, *c., all o( which they offers on the* must reasonable terms. Persons wishing anything in the Hardware Una are requested to call and examine their stoeg. They have also added Oils, Paints, Carhdu OIL etc., to their stock, and will dispose of all these articles at a smalt ad vance on first cost. The will also continue the STOVE BUSINESS, and will .keep on hand an assortment from which any person will be able to select an article to pelaia their fcney. In the line ol TIN AND SHEET IRONWARE, CEDAR and WILLOW-WARE*. they will always have a large maksfto order anything that may be called for. - Job work in this line promptly attended to. ROOFING AND SPOUTING put up on short notice la the best style. April 27, t SPRING AND SUMMER Millinery and Fancy Goods! MBS. REBECCA MeCLELLAN, Would respectfully inform Uer old patrons that she has Just received a large and elegant assortment of _ SPRING AND SUMMER MILLENRY and FANCY GOODS, comprising the very last stylos of CLOAKS, MANTLES & MANTILLAS, LADIES’ MISSES’ AND CHILDRENS’ BONNETS and HATS, in great .Variety, RIBBONS, FLOWERS AND FEATHERS, of all kinds. White Goods and Dress Goods, for Ladles and Children. Embroideries, Dress Trimmings, Hoop Skirts, Cor sets, Gioyes, Hosiery, Head Dresses. Laces, Ac., Ac. Ac. Ac. ■ Ac. All of which she will sell at the lowest cash prices* She respectfully invites the Ladies to give her a call, as she is confident that the can make it an object to those purchasing to examine her stock and prices. fiaerhe latest Fashions received as soon ns issued.— Particular attention paid to trimming oMxmnets. AROona, April 27,1864.-tf TIME AND BEAUTY! CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY. THE undersigned respectfully announ ces to the citizens of Altoona and he , has opened a CLOCK, WATCH andJBWKLRY establishment in the room formerly occupied by Pr. Cat derwood.oo Virginia street, between Jolla and Caroline, where be will keep on hand a fine assortment of gold sod silver watches, clocks of all styles, and a handsome abet ment of jewelry, gold pens and pencils, spectacles, Ac. Particular attention given to repairing clocks, watches and Jewelry. i Bv selling for cash only, at the smallest advance on first cost he feels sure that he can please all in price as well as quality,. 1 - SAMVEL SMITH* ap9-tf CITY HOTEL, TYRONE, BLAIR COUNTY, PENN’A, LEWIS GIEBLE, ProprJ^or. HAVING purchased the above- well known Hotel and re famished the Mine with new ferntoxreM am now prepared to accommodate all who vorme with their patronage.. Free Omnibus to carrj’pas sengers to and from the Depot. April 20, STATES UNION HOTEL. 606 & 608 MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA CHAS M. ALLMOND, Manager, THIS Hotel is located in the very cen tre of business, and is in, close proximity to ail the respectable placerof amusement, which makes it partic ularly desirable to persons visiting Philadelphia on busi ness or pleasure, and the manager hopes by close personal attention to the wants of hi* guests to make it a comfort able home for snob as may bvor the Hotel with their (k -tronage. [March lfe2m. SPORTSMEN’S DEPOT. TTJST RECEIVED, A pew stock of •P Fishing Tickle for Spring sales, ranstoHng of Bods, Reels, Lines, Baskets. Snoods,, noMs, Neta,Htee, Aigflctat Bait, Rigged Lines, Oat, Grass end Hooks, to Slhfch the attention of Dealers Is particularly requested. Orders, wholesale or retail, punctually filled snd satis faction warranted. JOHN KJUDRR. m»34m 3d and Walnnt, Philadelphia. JOHN D. SPEILMAN, JUSTICE OF THE PE|.CE, Altoona, Blairfcounty, Pa. OFFICE on Main street, front of bis y -hair shop, one door Bast of the National Bolibl. *P»tf ' V . WANTED.— Several Feet of Dry‘4xt Cherry; also 4 Ibth Cherty. Fault ; 'alsoold <>>p?er and Brass. Address, C _ » April frSt • RAGLE WOKKB, Hs»ilHwrt, fa. Hair, hat, tooth, shav®sG- Palnt. Saab and Varnish Brashes JL,^, TJJNE AND LARD v | phene. Boraing Fluid, Carbon Oil, *e,«lr a - "j«U.;s.*i6-trl : ‘ ;'T -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers