|,ltciotta mj ALTOONA, PA WEDNESDAY, APKIL 27,1864. There is so much that is merely pro- fational, in the articles of political news- when those who write for them, hayea political end to accomplish, —we mean, so much dictated by their practical motto, “the end justifies the means,” that • people are not generally disposed to at tach* much importance to what they pub lish. If they deem it necessary, or expe dient to do so, to serve their base ends, it Is but too well known, they do hot scru- ple, to resort to detraction and, falsehood, with the utmost freedom. “All is fair in politics.” The editor may claim to be personally honest, in his private transac- tions; imd yet he does in6t seem to con- sider it any violation of his moral duty to '‘filch” from his neighbor his “good ' name.” He may be a member of a Christian church, and profess respect for the precept, “ thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor,” and yet, his "vocation seems, sometimes, to impel him, to a resort to falsehood, detraction. and everything that is justly haled and hateful. These reflections arte,forced upon us by a ireiy malignant article in the last issue of tbp Hollidaysburg: Register, evidently intended to injure ahd degrade, person ally. Col. Hall, and to gratify the personal malignity of somebody. The evident hy pocrisy of the effusion, is sufficient to characterize it. “ Against Mr. Hall per squally,” says the tyriter, “we do no entertain a .single unwind feeling.’’ Can any candid man read the article in which this sentence is found, without intuitively pronouncing it a deliberate falsehood ? No one can.fail to sea that the whole ar ticle broadly gives the lie to this hypo critical assertion ; or that the whole is the spawn of the basest personal malig nity. But, when it Hs nemembered, that this editor has been; filing his columns for sometime with Articles of the same i character, evidently dictated by the same i motive, and equally unscrupulous, the falsehood and hypocrisy of his professions erf honesty now, ;arei placed beyond all question.' , When he fancied, it would be sufficient, without insinuating balder falsehoods, tostell in a labored ar ticle of a column or more, the ridiculous story that Hr. Hall|had got somebody ap pointed enrolling officer for the purpose of preventing himself.from being enrolled, the simplest statement of the facts, so completely unmasked the absurdity and falsehood of the silly fiction, as to strip it of every thing but its ill nature, its ma lignity and factional spirit; and that was abandoned; and the graver charges insinuated in the article before us, are unscrupulously put fforth. And still the writer says, “ against Mr. Hall person ally, we do not entertain a single unkind feeling I” This is not intended to be un derstood literally. The writer would surely expect no one to believe him. He means that fae is opposed to Mr. Hall as a candidate- for congress, and claims the privilege of lying ifd libitum to prevent it He is, it is trite, a member of the church; but bis doty to his party—or rather to the little faction whose tool lie is—-must override everything. 1 When he published that Col. Hall got himonlf passed over in the enrollment to escape the chance of having to do what he hei did, —pay |3oo| to keep himself out of the way of rebel bullets,—everybody sneer ed at the absurdity of the charge, and as cribed it to most blinding personal malig nity. it was rendered still more absurd . by the insinuations made then and since, Mr. Sail was jrich and disposed to use Ms mon"y without stint for his personal advancement. No one who knows Mr. Ball, ns we do, or who knows, as we do, wh&t he has done, iand is ever ready to do for others, when any meritorious occasion offish, waited to hear anything in reply to the silly and and! tricked insinuation.— But wo are a little; disposed to excuse Mr. ■ Dean. He, teas drafted; and' he knows how itfeels. It is, doubtless, a great bug , bear in Awexperience and fancy. - This unscrupulous creature now asserts ;t)ntt |rfr. u worth forty or sixty thous- V ap^doUan.; and Insinuates that he made xt-Mahonestly. How does he know.what Iritis worth? He virtually acknowledges that he doei) not. If he not know ' I®-The Metropolitan Fair, held in New York A .■? , - ' . . . . citv, closed on Satnrdav last. The total receipts' t whether he forty «• sixty, wiU amoun ; to ncar une illion one -• he know thajjlhe is worth either sum? I*ow hnndred thousand dollars. While the Fair was -j we have opportunity of judging as open) ballot boxes were placed at different points, this Wrecklflite scribbler,and we do not kjliow for the reception of votes for thetnpst popular Gon what Mr. Wall’s means are; but We do eral,-the General receiving the highest number: , , qf. , . • ' . lof votes to receive a verv valuable i sword. Each. know, that one who asserts what ho, coca : , , „ . , . I i . voter was .required to pay one dollar for the pn\ il- TiQt know, and what he confesses he does cgeofvoting \vhen the ballot boxes were opened, not know, for the purpose of injuring his it Wlls f 0 ,„ 1( i that 44,800 votes, and the gamenum neighbor, though he be a member of the ; ber of dollars, had been received, resulting as fol viriblc church of Christ, is a liar. *1 hat lows; |;s a proposition which does not admit of i any doubt.! We challenge him to point out', where, or when, or how, Mr. Hall i made a dollar dishonestly. ■ It is charged, also, in the same i spirit, and? fromlhe same motives, that Mr. ; Hall spent jjiis Senatorial term in an effort | to repeal the tonage tax. His sentiments, \ speeches arid votes upon that subject, are j well knowrt to the public. He submitted all at the time, to the scrutiny of the pub lic judgment. Lot him abide that judg ment. Wd! doubt not he is willing to do I so. He voted in the Senate, for a bill which passed that body, imposing a ton age tax upon all the roads of the State, whicli was equal and just in its operation, j and would ihave secured a larger revenue j to the State. This fact the Register: man, | would conceab It did not suit his pur pose, or the throbbings of bis malignant heart, or the end he had in view, to tie fair ■ and candid; although "‘towards Mr. Hall personallyihe does not entertain a single [ unkind feejing!” The remaining charge is that Mr. Hall entered into a corrupt bargain with Mr. McAllister, or his friends, to sacrifice Mr. Blair. We do not believe it ; and have never seen any evidence of it. It is true, that Mr. flail, for rfeasons well known, ran in this county a very large vote ; 'while Mr. Blair, for Reasons which his friends should not wish to have discussed, but equally well known, did not run so well. Hall’s majority in this county was I’JOtV: Mr. Blair’s 300. It is necessary, therefore to impress upon the public mind some reason, other than the true qne, for the difference in the popularity of the two men : and no job, requiring so, much ingenuity* as’to account for anything falsely, cab be accom plished without tools; and such tools as the editor of the Register. But here is the whole difficulty. This is the sore, place. If it had not been for the fact that Mr. Hall’s personal popularity-was attested by the largest vote which the county ever gave to any man, “ against Mr. Hall per sonally,” the Editor of the Register might “not entertain a single unkind feeling!" But as it is, Mr; Hail’s popularity must be considered at once evidence of .his dis honesty, and that he is supported by a mere faction. ; The, simple fact is, that 001. Hall ran a large vote because he was personally popular;! and that for the best of,all rea sons, —that (whatever inlirmities he may have) he; has ever displac'd in an eminent degree, the virtue of serving his friends with a degree of personal energy and success tvhich few men possess. Favors done, save to in grates, though that feeling may not be ap preciated by such cold-blooded and heart less creatures, as the editor of the Regis ter, are not overlooked by people generally. Perhaps this defamatory scribbler will toll us why it was, that when the State ticket ha 3 TOO in Huntingdon county, Mr. Blair had a little over 300 ; and whether Hun tingdon county was or was not, in this Senatorial District. Perhaps he will tell us also, why it was, that' Mr. Blair was below the State ticket in every county in .the District. But we do not choose to discuss this subject; and only throw out these, hihts in answer to the insinuation that Mr. Hall’s popularity at the polls, proves tfiat he was unfair to his! party or any of its candidates. ; Let us add, in conclusion, that if the party was ever beaten in consequence of an exceptionable candidate forcing himself upon it, such a result will not' happen, through any aspirations of Mr. Hall. If Mr. Calvin, or any other gentleman who is true to the Union cause, is the choice of the people, he will receive the cardial sup port of the man whom these libelling .scribblers are disposed now to pursue like bloodhounds. But we would warn those who feel interested, in this subject* that per secution and falsehood are not likely to accomplish the end in aid of which they are: employed; and that a man who two years ago, had, as his friends,'; a major ity pf 1700 of the voters of Blair county, may have some friends still, and friends who are not willing to She him crushed by dastardly meai.r B. £J.—A special feeling of Mountain Base Ball Club will fee held at the office of B. F. Bose, on Friday eve ning, April 29th, at o’clock. Busi ness ofjimportance will be considered. ; ij - J. W. ASKEW, C7*Gen. Grant bos ordered that no letters [be sent, borne from the army for the space of sixty days. Rail Road pocGHT.—The Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad Gompanj hare purchased the Bedford Railroad, from Hopewell to Bloody Run, thirteen miles, at about bne-fimnh its original cost. Their intention is to finish it at an day to Bedford, a distance of seven miles. The company' have now tifty-eight and a halt miles of main road and branches, and twelve and a half miles of sidings—making seventy one miles of sin gkf truck, a liberal amount of equipment, and two thousand six hundred acres of land, with three collieries in ojieration. Their entire capital, in | bonds and founded debt of every description, with common and preferred "stock, amounts to but sf-- 200,0(10, Ho! Militia. —The MilicUi of 1802 are at last ! to be paid. Map Stryker, Paymaster, gives no- j tiee in the Harrisburg Ttkgr-aiih that he will be in i llolUdavsburg on Tuesday. May 24-th, to pay the i company of Militia commanded by Capt. MeFar- j land, in the Fall of 18tl2> The amount due pri- ! vntes and officers by Act iof Assembly Ims been ; fixed at half a month’s wages of a United States • private or officer. Mast of the company aforesaid j will, therefore, receive about s(>.so. j For the Altoona Trihmir A Mean Attempt. Messrs. Editors.: —On last Tuesday evening, as a little son of the writer s, not four years old, in company with some other little boys, older than himself, was passing the u Arcade House,' some individual, to me unknown, enticed the children into the bar-room, and offered them something to drink, wuich the children say “ stunk " I am in formed the child icfiLsed to partake of the accursed j>oison, for which I feel thankful to the God who watched over him. As to the individual who made this mean attempt. I have only to pray, in the language of my Saviour,- “Father, forgive him, he knew not what he did." For alas, 'ris thus drunkards are made —human beings ruined—souls damned. Children are enticed, and from them men demons grow. It is but justice: to state that the landlord denies any knowledge of the matter, and attributes it to some unauthorized jterson about : his house. With your permission 1 may give you [ a lengthier article, on this subject, at some future A. B. SKMBOWEK. time Rebel Capture of,Plymouth, N. C Xewuekn, April 27.—The battle which had | been going on nr Plymouth, from Sunday, tiie 10th, j until the 20th. resulted in the capture of the city | bv the enemy on Wednesday, at noon, including j lien .Wessels and Uisforees, consisting efsoijie j men. The enetnv obtained" possession ot the town at eight o'clock in the morning. General Wessels and his,troops retiring into Fort William, and held out until noon, repulsing the enemy in seven des perate; assaults, whose loss is said to lie I.iOO. while our loss was slight. General Wessels, who gained such distinction in tfie seven davs 1 light hetore Hiehmond. has made a most heroic resistance with his little hand of veterans. Several weeks since he called for five thousand men, stating in a most, solumn manner that it would he impossible to hold Plymouth with a less number. General Took, who says he had given General Wessels all the assistance in his power, in like tAanner called time and again lor reinforcements; It is reported that the enemy has left Plymouth and is now moving on Washington ; also on this citv. f rtie rebel ram on the lm?, it is asserted, moved towards Newborn, :md is expected to make an attack in a day nr two. More gunboats and reinforcements are, immediately required item and at Washington. _ i Two companies belonging to tile Second North ' Carolina Union Volunteers were among the cap- ] fared at Plymouth, most, of whom were taken ont*| and shot hy the enemy after our forces - had sur rendered. ' All negroes found in uniform were also shot The rebel ram at Plymouth, which came down the Roanoke, is expected to act in concert with other rams in the attack on Washington and New born. Site carries three small guns and two twen ty-four pounders. With the aid of a few gunboats, these rams could readily he run down, as their sea going qualities are had. Under cover of night the ram at Plymouth sank one of our gunboats, but ft is not expected that she will attack any respecta ble number of gunboats in the day time. GEN. WESSEE NOT SURRENDERED. Newbern, April 28.—Reports from Plymouth have been received, that our flag still floats over oar fort iftcations in the place, though the enemy have possession of the town and river. It is said that Gem Wesseis retired into his fortifications with fifteen day*' provisions. This report appears to l>o believed. On the arrival of more gun-boats we shall be able to reach Plymouth and ascertain the facts. Washington and Newborn are much stronger for tified than Plymouth was. Union Cocnxy Convention. —Pursuant to no tice, the Union County Commttec of Blair Countv met at the American House in the Borough of Hollidaysburg, on Saturday the 23d day of April, A. 11. 18G4. The chairman called the meeting to order and stated the object of the meeting. On motion Joshua Roller was elected Secretary. On motion of IJpn. Adam Moses it was Unsolved, Tljat the Union County Convention meet at the Court House in the Borough of Holli daysburg on Tuesday the 17lh day of May, A. D. 18G4, at 11) o’clock A. M. for the purpose of horn' mating a Union County Ticket.ns well ns selec ting Congressional and Senatorial conferees to meet similn»conferees from the other bounties in his Congressional and Senatorial District, and that each Township, Borough and Ward, elect Two Delegates to represent them in said Conven tion on said day—the Delegates to be elected on Satnrdav previous (being the 14th day of May, A. D. 1864). , The hours of electing Delegates to he in the Townships between 3 and 8 o’clock, P. M. and in the Boroughs add Wards between the hours of 7 , and 0 o’clock, P. M. All Union Cbnnty Pajxtrs please copy. By order of the Committee. JOHN USOAFELT, Chairman. Joshua Kou.k.k, Secretary. ; K3“Thaddens Stevens has introduced a most important bill into the House. It provides for tax- I ing State banks three ]>er cent, per annum' on their ! circulation, and prohibits them from issuing or cir , culating notes after one year, unless authorized by ! act of Congress. It is thought that the bill will pass both Houses and become a law. Our Prisoners and their Condition^ ! for a bats xaboh. ■ , _ . .! ' GKEATVTKfTBAL SANITARY FAIR. We have noticed savs the Baltimore Awrua*, Committee on -Labor, Income* end RewM,” the arrival of five hundred and sixty-five retell :ilB S lSttwiA dTttl . prisoners from Richmond, and oneny 3011 N W. CLAQUORN. Trttymrtr. upon their cOnditton. Such * pittafaie set^of popr c- What Pennsylvania can do ! on idioev. The deepening pallor,-the dropping ; What Now Jersey can dor iaw, and the glazing eves told that others had only , Delaware can do 1 come to die—that it was too late for outstretchied wh “ t .uptown can dot arms to save—to lute to dispel the evening shadows what each profession can do! that were gathering around them. JVhateach trade can do! ■ Compared with this, the massacre at Fort Pil- | ~J| 3^ r !. ; low was a blessing and a mercy. .Look at their what each bank, insurance company and rmilmadcando.' ; 1 hollow cheeks, listen to their sepulchral voice, What each mine can do \ I under their drooping eyelids, and you will read WJm‘ «ch dot plainly a story of gnawing hunger, or pinching what each man can do I 1 cold. of wasting fever, of days of weariness and What each woman can do! ' nights of buried hope and submission to dispair.— 'y. httt ! . 4 . • r • i i ipkm, We want to show to the! world what American ft-eomeu ! They are our friends and brothers. were ar< . ready to do for their soldiers 1 , 1 facing the thickly-hurling missiles of death inf de- This is a great work and the tlm© is short. i ! fence of us when we were silting bv onr firesides. The way to do so is to ORGANIZE! ir • ~ „„„„ *j nrlvn Organize in your workshops— in your femUle*. They were suffering every pang and every priya- u .f tll „ „ u .„ o rgallize , tioii. while we were comfortable : they were sick Let e women organize. tin d in prison, while we were well and free. And Lot the trades organize what are we to think of the incarnate fiends who Organize everywhere. . •. v umiiiue. i • Let the workmen give with their- employee*, and employ* thus brave the seom ot mankind, nount their dia- erswith their workmen. holism in the .face of civilization, defy the plainest It is easily dv.ne. 1 f the workmen will authorize their teachings of Christianity, court the execration of employers to deduct „,/ Department United States Arm tiz™a 'if Altoona and viejnity that hia CONFECTIONERY, NUT and FRUIT STORE,is always applied with the very best articles to bo had. and in great \uriety. lie has also an OYSTER SALOON ittsrhed to his store, jn which he will serve up OY S' I' PARS ill tho b( ' 3t st f' e lll,rin g the »«*«oh. BREAD, CAKES, & PIEj, always on hand, at rcaaona&e rates. He is at ail times prepared to supply cakes, candies. Ac., lor plc-nics and other parties. He Invites a share of public patronage, believing that he can render full satlsfectiont o all. Remember, hlsstore and saloon is on Virginiastreet.two door*below Patton’s Hall. OTTO HOSBI. Altoona. April 1863-tf. GKO.W CARPENTER, HENSZEY& CO’S, WHOLESALE DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE. .VO. 737 MARKET STREET, PHILA'D. THE Subscribers keep constantly on hand a largo stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals' Pharmaceutical preparations and every other article which appertains to the business, embracing the most ex tensive variety; also Paints, Oils and Glass of every de scription. All articles purchased from us can be relied on as being of the most superior quality and at os low prices as they can be had. We can offer such inducements a>* make it the interest of purchasers to lay in their Supplies from us. and give ns their future patron >ge, and invite all, who visit the city to call at our establishment. All orders ad dressed to us by mall or othermisc will meet with p'ompt attention. GEO. W. CARPENTER, HENZT 4 CO. feblO-Sm 737 Market Street/Phlladelphia. JJ H. HOPKINS, ALTOONA. PA., LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE ' 17th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. WM. S. BITTNER Dental Surgeon. OFFICE IN MASONIC TESIPI/E, next door to the Post Office. FOU SALE.—A two-story Frame House and Lot of ground with stable thereon. For farther Information inquire at the Banking Bouse of Wn. M. Lloyd A Co. 8. E. HENRY. Fob. 10,1804r-tf PURE LEAD AND ZINC Paint, also Chrome, Green, Yellow, Paris Green, dry and ground oil at fl-tf.] KKBSLBH*S. MEN AND BOYS’ COATS, of every style and color, of good quality, at, . LACQHMAN’B. SAMUHL SMITH. New and improved styles of Trunks, Valises and Carpet-Bags, at LAUOHMAN’B. Hardware of all descrip tions just received and for sale by • ‘ Oct Ifr-tf - ] ■ J. B. HTLEMAr* JUST RECEIVED—A Lot of Prime CIOARS-iat Jan. 13, ’64.] HELMBOLDS GENUINE BUCHtJ ind Drake's Plantation Bitters* at Jna 13, '64] RMOAETB Dm* Store. A FINE ASSORTMENT OFOVER COATS can ba found it L AUG OMAN’S Ci BEAT piles of pantaloons T tar Men nod Bon. at LAUGHMAN’S 1/RIiCHEY IS REALLY SELLING JL tbebnt Brown Sugar In Altoona atl2>4 conta. 4 BARRELS PURE WHITE LARD Jnat rectjred and for w>l« at IRITCHBT’B Excellent heavy boots & SHOKSJaatnjwlTet BAUGHMAN'S FJIESU IIA KED KEIG ART’S Prog Store. HOSTETTER’S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. A pare end powerful Toaic, corrective and alterative, a wonderful efficacy in diieeie of the STOMACH, LIVEK AND BOWELS. Care* Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Headache, General Debility, Servouanesa, Depression of Spirit*, ConatL atidu, Colic*, Intermittent Fever's, Cramp* and Spasms, and all Complaints of either Sex, arising from Bodily Weakness, whether inherent in the system or produced by special causes s Nothing that is not wholesome, genial and re»tor*iiv* in it* nature enter* into the composition of HOSTKTTRB’S STOMACH BITTERS. This popular preparation contain* no mineral of any kind; no deadly botanical elenynl; n«* fiery excitant; bat it i* a combination of tbe extract* of rare balsamic herb* and plant* jrith the purest and mild est of all diffusive stimulant*. It la well to be forearmed against disease, and, *o far a* tbe human system ran be protected by human mean* against maladies engendered by an unwholesome atmo sphere, impure water and other external ‘causes, HOfITET TBB’S STOMACH BlTTßßB*may be relied on as a safe guard. In districts infected with Fever and Ague, it has bet found infallible as a preventive and irresistible as reme dy, and thousands who resort to it under apprehension oi an attack, escape the scourge; and thousands ’who neglect to avail themselves of its protective qualities In advance, are cured by a very brief course of this marvelous medi cine. Fever and Ague patients, after being plied with quinine for months in vain, until fairly saturated *itb that dangerous alkaloid, are not unfrequently restored to health within a few days by ibe use. of HOSTETTKK'fc BITTBRS. The weak stomach is rapidly Invigorated ahd tbe appe tite restored by this agreeable Tonic, and hence it work* wonders in cases of Dtspspsia and in less confirmed form* of Indiqxstlon. Acting as»< gentle and painless apperient, as welt as upon tbe liver, it also invariably relieves the Constipation superinduced by irregular action of the di gestive and secretive organs. Persons of feeble habit, liable toiVVeota Attack*, Lovmeas of Spirit* and Fits of Languor, find prpmpt and nent relief from the Bitters. The testimony on this point is most conclusive, and from both sexes. tbe agony of Buuuous Couc is immediately eu? aged by a single dose of the stimulant, and by occasionally resort ing to it, the returA of the complaint may be prevented As a General Tonic, UOSTETTKK’S BITTERS product effects which must be experienced or witnessed before they can be fully appreciated. In cases of OonstUutiona I Weakness, JPremature Decay and Debility and* Decrepi tude arising from Old Aqx, it exercises the electric influ ence. In the convalescent stages of all diseases it oper ates as a delightful invigorant. When tbe powers ol na ture are relaxed, it operates to re-enforce and re-estab lish its Last, but not least, it Is The only Safe Stimulant, being manufactured from sound and innocuous materials, and entirely free from tbe acid elements present more or less in all the ordinary tonics and stomachic* of the day. No family medicine bsa been so universally, and, it may be truly added, deservedly popular with the intelligent portion of the community, as UOSTBTTKR’B BITTBRS. Prepared by HOBTETTBR 4 SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Storekeeper* every where. HELMBOLD’S Genuine Preparations. COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCUC, a Poaitiv. and Sjmed Remedy for diseases'of the Biadder, Kidneys. Gravel acid Dropsical Swellings. \ This Medicine increase* the power of Digestion, and ex cites the Absorbents into healthy action, by which thu Watery or Caicereous depositions, and all Unnatural En largements are reduced, as w ell os Pain 4nd Inflammation. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU For Weakness arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipa tion, ‘£ear)y Indiscreiioa of Abp*e, attended with tbe fal lowing symptoms:— Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing. Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror- Of Disease, Wakefulnew. Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back, Universal Lassitude of tbe Muscular System, Hot Hadds, Flushing of the Body. Dryness of the Skin, Eruptions on the Face. Pallid Countenance, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medi cine invariably removes, soon follows Inpotency, Fatuity, Epileptic Fits ; In one of which the Patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those M Direful Diseases,” . “INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION.” Many are aware of the cause of their suffering. SCTjfONK WILL CONTXSS TBS.KKCOBSS OF TH* UfSAJTI ASYLUMS- And Melancholy Deaths by Consumption bear ample wit tiest to the Truth of the assertion. The Constitution once affected with Organic Weakness requires tbe aid of Medicine to Strengthen and Invigorate icdic/'llrurßoLn’s EXTRACT BUCHU invariably dart A Trial will convince tbe most skeptical. FEMALES—FEMALES—FEMALES, In many Affections peculiar to Rmoles tbe Extuct Buchd is unequaled by any other remedy, ae in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Palnfolneo, or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scinbons state of the Uterus Lenchorrbma or White*, Sterility, and tor all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from In discretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in tbe DECLINE OR CHANGE Of LIKE. Take no more Balaam, Mercury, or unpleasant Median * far unpleasant and dangerous diseases. \ HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU AND IMPROVED HOSE WASH CUBES SECRET DISEASES In all their Stages, Little or no change in Diet. And no Exposure. It Cannes a frequent decise and gires strength to C n nate, thereby Honoring Obetrnetlons, Presenting and Curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying Pain and Inflam mation, so frequent in the class of diseases, and expelling allPaitonma, Dixaeed ami wommU Matter. Tnocsi’iM opoh Thocsaxds who Bara ntxir thi I ic fisa or Qcaosa, and who have paid heavy feet to be cared in a short time, hare found they arero decelred, and that the* PolBQN”hae,bytho neeof “ rownrmastaiHOTsn,’ been dried up in the: system, to break out in an aggra rated Ibim, and periaju after Marriage, Dae BsutaouFs Emacr Boom) for all affection* ami diwaaeeof the DBINAEY ORGANS, whether existing in MALE or FEStALB, from whatever canee originating and no matter of HOW LONS STANDING. Diseases of.theee Organs requires the aid of a DIURLT IC. HKLUBOUFS EXTRACT BDCHDIB THE GREAT DIURETIC, and Is certain to have the desired effect in «1 Distatafor wAicA it U Bcammended. Evidence of the meet' reliable and responsible character will accompany the madictiie. PRICE $1 PER BOTTLE, OB SIX FOB $5. Delivered to any Address, securely packed bom obeerra lion. : .. : J)escrib< Sywipiomti* aU Cbmmunica&mt, Cure* Gdarast*bd! Advicb Gratis ;: Address letters fc* tojbrmatlea to. H. B. HELMBOLD, Chemist. 1(H Sonthtsnth-efc, bel. Chestnut, Phil* HKLMBOLD’S Medical Depot, i BBLMROLD’S Drag md Chemical IRnhwe, 594 BROAWAY, NEW YORK. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AHD TOWUSCI PUD DEALERS who endeavor to diapoee “ of tKdr Men’ and “ otAcr” articles on th* reputation attained 6y' . Helmbold’s Genuine Preparations. ■ “ “ Extract Bochu. “ “ “ ' Sarsaparilla. ‘ ImprovedßoaeWaab. ' ALL DRUGGISTS BYKEITWHXRX. . ASK BOR HBLMBOLD’B. TAKI HO OTHKF ' Q« oat the Advert! searent and seodft>rH. r AKD AVOID IMPOSITION D«POSV». At little gxpeoa* No tacoDTMUenc*. SOLD ST g,jLtoon»^rxh IaOO-AJL. ITBS: About BtrrTß*.-—We.«jata»m the price'OftmttenshoftldW asked ant£ of twne*'J that the Increase tt incre*e markatVtisShcr MicAT *•» V* anything It is more ranekh-increaaed in * a, well aa There never was V**d ter made that was worts twenty-fire centa, speak of forty and fifty «*»•*. **• I**** it is now setting. We do not Name gpod wives for taking all they can get for their i ing. The'fault of the whole matterUcl to the consume** who, whenever the art oomee scarce, put up the price. Tk* am the losers. They am no more cetttii ting their weekly allowance at forty ce pound, than they would' be if it were hut cents. It pays to mannfccture butter at cents per round, and the country people all they hare to spare at that figure, and no more if it were a dollar pet pound, devise a plan by which butter will he jwt at twenty-five cents per pound as it now v cents, via -.—let our citiaens form what i an anti-butt er-oating association, agree whenever butter rises to more than tw cents per pound they will stop using it, at once regulate the article, antj we shall as much as we have now. The foimatio societies as the one spoken ot, in Philadc cently brought butter down from 60 cents to 3Ti cents per pound, in ope day. jf Holliko Mni. At AlToon*. —The c Altoona, favorable to the erection of a 80l at this place, and giving aid thereto, are to meet at Logan Hall, on Thursday May Bth, at 7 o’clock, P-®- , April 27, ’64. MANY CITI It would appear unnecessary far ns t arguments, or,urge upon,our citisens the of entering into this project. All kno would add much, in,every way, to the pn the town. Our business men are certai to their own interests, if they fail to em opportunity to secure an improvement w he of so much benefit to them. That slot Works now pays a large per ccntogo, is all, and it is not. likely that itWH soon We hope that the present opportunity yvi braced, and the erection of the Mill seen Thu Union County Contention.—l County Convention met' at Hollidaysbu Saturday, and organised by electing Jo* President, G. W. Cnhningham. Vke and B. F. Bose andC. Gtryer, Societal The following resolution was offered i inonsly adopted: Bfjsoived, That Abraham Lincoln i choice of the Union men of Blair conn Presideht, and that the delegate this < is hereby instructed to so vote in the t vention, at will Indicate the preference pressed. ' Benj. L. Hewitt, Esq., was elected J tlve delegate to the Stole Convention. B. F. Bose, Jacob Barley and Fit were a ppointad Senatorial Cpnfenrees. I MS Melancbollt Suicide. —A young Moilie McGee, who was engaged in sew B. Bnrndollar’s, in Woodbury, comroi on Sunday morning test, by banging I a rope to the limb of a tree. She was mable and intelligent young lady, am ingiy in the best of spirits only the nig No cause cab be assigned for the to the rash act. Her mother resides ib 8 Cokdvctok Hat Pardoned. — F. a conductor of the New York night e on the Lebanon Valley reread, wh and convicted in the criminal coart county, a few week* ago, of etnbeszt received by-him inpayment of fares, a to a fine of $lOO and one year’s impi the Eastern Penitentiary, was pardon nor Curtin on Thursday last. ' Another Comet.—A celebrated ha* recently announced that a mon*i rapidly approaching the earth, and knock our terrestrial ball “higher tht Thi* is, perhaps, a startling announces not create half as much excitement as Fritchey has jnst returned trom the i finest lot of groceries ever brought to determined to sell them cheap for c yourselves before the comet come*. f ft- The 79th Penna. Regiment.—' Seventy-ninth Pennsylvania Regiraei sed through this place about four week to Lancaster, on thirty days furlough to start tor the Army of the Comber days. During its stay in Lancaster i nearly five hundred recruits, and its r babiy be filled before its departure. Hand Injured. —John Christy, i W. Christy, residing wiih Gen. B Mills, met with a MtNße accident week. He was engaged in feeding a. jath saw, when his left band accidt contact with the spw, lacerating it to render ampntation ojT a part of t all of the fore-finger necessary. Attention Ladies.— -Win yon pi oar advertising colnmns, and road i meat ofMr».Aroieh,wf»bas judo nery and Variety store, fartomrsd’s I Altoona. She has a great variety going'to..pee. You wifl certainly be youreeives from bier stock. t/St' G. W. Patton requests nb bos received Schtnockcr’s History of and is now ready to deliver it to sob workis weU spoken of by those wh< and .it, perhaps, as correct as any ot written.'' ■ K« Cocar Next Wkbk.—A S. tfrotsotary, gives notice that fbe Tri '«Mk..IMS been contfoaedto July’] JinMalmd not attend.' .« A. Boggs, of Johnstowi pointed SenaJOthl-Coaferrte, tjo rq triet id the Union State Conventio in Hanwborg tq-eby(Thnr»day).