Mole ieir Goods! J V CHEAT AND POSOIVE EEDUCTIOTIN PRICES I ! m/KUBPH¥ ds MTIKE HAVE JDST of Hwthxßdlw » Urge ud SEASONABLE GOODS, Fanning, vttti their eld Mock, one of the finest and best emrietiss BOH! tfirnd for sab In Altoona, consisting of all ■hadsa, qaalMaa and textures of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Bnebas French Merlnoes Alpacas, Barathea Cloths, Co bargs, (watered and plain,) Wool Delaines and Plaids, Reps, panMfiknptfsd Delaines, Calicoes, and An infinite *»■ iMjfsfmer Dress Goods/ pur stock of LADIES’ FURNISHING GOODS , is the handsomest and moat varied we hare yet bad in stare, mod Is well worthy the examination of the fair sex. We hara a most beentifnl assortment of BBOCHE AND DOUBLE WOOL SHAWLS, :: Cloaks, Circulars, Cloaking Cloths, Purs. Muffs, Opera Caps; Son tag*, Kubiaa, Hosiery, Gloves, Coll us, Handkerchiefs, and in Hurt everything necessary to the adornment and comfortable ontfft of the LADIES. The GKNTLRMKN, too, will fipd many needful articles com pyfoed in oar stock. Which they will do well to take a peep ate Ip the way of STAJ%E GOODS, we are well sup*’ piled with Osmimarss, Spinet to, Jeans, Plain and Twilled Flannels, all cpLrs, Dress; Miners’ add Fancy Flannels, Canton Flannel*, Tickings, Drillings, Denims, Ginghams, Carpets, Boot#,-Shoes, Ac., lo (act, what w© haven’t in this line is not worth keeping. OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT has just been recruited w|lh a large and fresh stock of Groceries and Provisions, lioch as Wheat.and Buckwheat Floor, Corn Meal, Syrups, #. Q. Molasses, SugariOoffee, -Teas, Tobacco, etc., etc., tawhich we Invite the attention o&honsekeepers. B9*6uchisa partial description of oor stock, hot what iiabf more importance to purchasers, let it be borne hi tmlnd that we have REDUCED THE PRICE, more pr less, upon everything in.oar store, and are deter \ mined not to : be undersoil by an> other establishment.— AU we ask is aa examination of our goods and prices, and ; we have no doubt of meeting the wants and suiting the : tastes of every person. Remember the place—the Old Store, corner of Vir ginia and Caroline streets.;. Thankful for past favors, we shall endeavor to merit all rptoreogw. >. MURPHY i M’PIKE. ! AltoonvlBo4. E Early Physical Degeneracy of ' A MERICAN PEOPLE. JUST PUBLISHED BY DR. A. STONE P/ynaan to the Trey Lung and Hygienic Institute. A TUoitto* on the Cusea of Early Physical decline of , , -gAUertcan People: the cahse of Nervous Debility* Gon suinutiqn and Marasmus.; This work la one of biggi moral tone, written in chaste, nt.thrlUlhK language, and appeals directly to the moral aTACL PABENtS and Guardians espe ejtali;, detailing scientific hud reliable aids and treatment for cure. It will be sent by mail on the receipt of two (3 cent) B *iSl'*Par«ute and Quariliansl Pail not to send and ob tain this book. . DR. Young men! Fail not to send and get this book. You too Idumld at once secure a copy of Jl Word of Solemn Conscientious Advice to those I - who pill reflect. A class of maladies prevail to a fearful extent in the community, dooming at least 100,000 youth of both sexes annually to an early grave. Those diseases are very im perfectly .understood. Their external manifestation, or ayfoptons are Nervous Debility, Relaxation and Exhaus tfdp. Marasmus dr wasting and consumption of the tissues pnap whole body; shortness cf breathing or hurried ItrmShfig on ascending a hill or Bight of stairs; great pal pttktlonof the Heart; Asthma, Bronchitis and sore Thidnt; shaking of tno Hands add limbs; aversion to so detv and to business or study: dimness of eye sight, loss •f Watery, dtsglnesa of the Head, Neuralgia, Pain in va riola hart* of the body; Pains In the back or limbs, Lum -1 baho. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, irregularity of the bowels, deranged secretions of the Kidneys and other glands ot *tte body, as Leucorrhoea or Fleur Aldus, Ac. Likewise Epilepsy, Hysteria and Nervous Spasms. , , ~ NoetU ninety-nine cases out of every one hundred, all of HteattoVe named disorders, and a host of others not, as Consumption if the Lungs and that moat in sidious and wily form of consumption of the Spinal Nerves, known as Tabes Dorsales, and Tabes meseut. rica, have their seat and origin in diseases of the Pelvic V tscera. Hence, the want of success on the part of old school prac tldedSSaatingsymptoms only. . _ Dr.ihdrewstone, Physician to the Troy Lung and Hy gienic Institution, is now engaged in treating this class If modern maladies with the most astonishing success. "Tie treatment adopted hy the Institution is new; it« aased upon scientific principles, with new discovered rem adiee-without minerals dr poisons. The facilities of cure are such that patients can be cured at their homes, in any I uarl at the country, from accurate descriptions of their hr .Uttar; and have'the medicine* seat by Hail or srprsn printed interrogatories willbe forwarded on ap wn fVintayrU"" Catarrh and diseases of the throat the Homs of the Patients as at the In eHtath>u, by sending thfiCold Medicated Ixiuuxa Bau i*Mtc Tsrons, with inhaler and ample directions for their or advice, must at the In- from 9 a,m. to 9 p. m., each AmS? *“■ IOn *° OB: DK. ANDREW STONE. PbyfloS to the Troy Lung and Hygienic Institute, and Physician for- Diseases of the Heart, Throat and Lungs, MTlfth street, Troy j-JLT. Altoona, Dec. 30th, 1862,-ly. . f ME UmOiTFOREYER! qh^pi>^NrEiTW r s i . S VODFRBY WOLF would respectfully |» the cithens of JBtpona and Trinity ibkV'Rohji(ijffcnM a •' CLOTHING STORE, On Comer of Main and Caroline Streets, h« will keen on Hand aiarge stock of ready-made sSta? S o" &S COATS, PANTALOONS, vSSrafoVKRAXUS, KNIT JACKETS, Ac., at Philadel- CAPS! Ibave i tem tud waned stock of haU and caps which it win be to the advantage of all toexsaalne before pur cUaalng elMwhere. AIW, a flae stock of O«ot« Pm-niA log Mmb.lneli as ahlrts, collars, neck-ties, handk-rchicfii, Snanoodera, Gloves* Hosiery, Ac, Determined to Bell, I have marked my goods at ‘he Tery lowest flrnres. and feel confident that all will be satisfied with the price and quality of my stock. Jfltoyns,May .12, IMS. ■ 04>}IjpEiDTIONEKY rpgE SDBSCBI9ER WOTLI) IN^ j|IpBOTa?KKT!NUT f a^d t< STOREYS always “«ry bit article, to be had, and in great variety. He ha. also an n/ . v «*w*te-gr“ BREAD, CAKES, & PIEj, ”** m “ tU, “ O U Ua«nb.r,hi..tpreand mloon 1. Patton’. OXIO Altoona. April it, 1868-tf. Howard association, - PHILADELPHIA, PA. SMMwtf om«sry«w, B*onij< jjp, ”43%, - Notary Public, ALTOONA, BLAIB CO., PA.- at all times ba fosnd at tha atora of J. B. Hileman Cctobar.VlUT. , :. IF YOU WANT GOOD COFFEE, part Teaa, the beat of Chocolate, Syrep. wd|u^«, ,i- odpebsw PROVISIONS, just received, and for sale as cheap as the cheapest, at MtfcPHY * McPIKJFS Store, j- Cor. of Virginia and Caroline at*. Altoona. J ope 26.1862. At GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Jewelry, Hair and Clothes Brashes. Combs, Pocket-knives, Ac., at LAPGHMAK'S TiLAIN & FANCY VESTS, of every j|~] el— and style at IjACOHMAN’P. 0, YES! 0, YES!! THIS WAT! THIS WAY! NF4t FALL AND WINTER GOODS! . T B. HILEMAN has just received a large and wellselected stock of Goods, consisting offlttfhs, xPlaiii and Fancy CassJincraß, Satinett*, Ken tndtflieuaia, Tareeds, Beayerteens/IJlne Drilling, afid all other kinds of Good* for ' MEN AND BOYS’ WEAK, together with a grand and magnificent assortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Such as Black and fhncy Silks . ChaUies, Barges, Brilliants, ’Lawns., Delaines, Chintz* , Deßeges, Crapes, Prints, Creme and SUUa Shawls, ManHUat, Undsrdeeves and Hosiery, Bonnets and .Ribbon*, Collars, Band- , . kerchiefs. Kid Gloves. oooped Skifts, Skirt ing. Lace Mitts, dc,, dc. ALSO, ickings, Checks, Bleached and Unbleached Muslin*, Cotton and Linen Table Diaper. Crash, Nankeen, dc. BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, » QDEENBWARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. OIL CLOTHS, CARPETS, AC. GROCERIES. Ourstock of Groceries is mere extensive than ever, and consists of Rio and Java Coffee, Grnnhed, Loaf and N 0. Sugars; Green, T. 11. and Black Teas; Molasses, Soaps, Cuddles. Salt, Fish. Ac. Thankful to the public for the very liberal patronage heretofore received, he hopes by strict attention to busi ness. and an endeavor to pltase. to merit a continuance of the same. and examine his Stock, and you will be con vinced that he has the best assortment and cheapest Goods hi the market. Country Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods at market prices. Altoona, April ‘2B. 1863. EXCELSIOR Hat & Cap Store. THE PROPRIETOR OF THE -L “EXCELSIOR" HAT and CAP Store, would inform his customers, and the Public generally, that he basjost returned from the city with he largest and most varied stoch goods in his line ever brought to Altoona, all of which he has on exhibition and at his new store room on Virginia street, next door to Jag gard’s store. His stock embraces all the latest styles of FALL AND WINTER HATS, H CAPS, MISSES’ FLATS, &C. His Stock,of Hats and Caps are of the very best selection, of eveiy style, color and shape, for both old and young. All he asks is that the people call and examine his stock, and he feels confident that he can send them away re joicing, if not in the purchase of such au article as they wanted, at the remembrance of having looked upon the handsomest stock of Hats. Caps, Flats. Ac., ever exhibited in this town. I have also oa hand an entirely new stock of Lades’ and Childrens’ Hats and Flats, and a beaut it til stock of LADIES’ FURS, which I am confident cannot be surpassed in the country, nil of which I will sell at the most reasonable prices. Re member the Hall of Fashion when you want anything in the line of head covering, am! cal! on Oct. 7, ’63-tf JESSK SMITH. DURYEA’S MAIZENA RECEIVED TWO “PRIZE MEDALS,”* (From Juries 3 and 4) at the Intbrational Exhibition, London, 1862, received the HIGHEST MEDAL For its Great Delicacy as ao Article of Food, Used tor landings. Cakes. Custards, Blanc Mange, Ac., without Isinglass, with few or no eggs. Itis alsoexcellent for thickening sweet sauces, gravies for fDh and meat, soups, Ac. For Ice Cream nothing can compare with it.— A little boiled in milk makes u rich cream for coffee, choc olate, tea, Ac. A most delicious article of food forchildren and invalids. It is vastly superior to Arrow Boot and much more economical Put up in one pound packages, with full directions, and sold by all Grocers and Druggists. WILLIAM DCRYEA, General Agent. Sept. 9.1863—6m. ICC Fulton Street. New Yotk- ESTABLISHED 1760. PETER LORILLARI), Snuff & Tobacco MANUFACTURER, 16 & 18, CHAMBERS ST., (Formerly 42 Chatham St., New York,) would call the attention of Dealers to the articles of his manufacture, viz.: BROWN SNUFF. Macaboy. Demigros, Fine Rappee. Coarse Rappee, Pure "Virginia, Nachlloches; American Gentleman, Copenhagen, YELLOW SNUFF. Scotch, Honey Dew Scotch, High Toast Scotch. * Fresh Honey Dew Scotch, Irish High Toast, or Luudyfoot, Fresh Scotch. Attention is called to the great redaction in prices of Fine-Cut Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, which will be found of a superior quality. TOBACCO. SMOKING.—Long. No. 1, No. 2. Nos. 1 and 2 mixed, Granulated, S. Jago. Spanish, Canaster, Turkish. FINE CUT CHEWING.—i-P. A. L, or plain. Cavendish, or Sweet, Sweet Scented Oronoco. Tin Foil Cavendish. N. B A cirtnlar of prices will be sent on application. April 14, 63,-ly.l WM. S. BITTNER Dental Burgeon. OFFICE IN MASONIC i f—^ TEMPLE, next door to the Post Office. Dr. B. would respectfully inform the citizens of Altoona and surrounding country* that he i« prepared to insert ARTIFICIAL TEETH! from a single tooth to a full set. in the most superior style, ON GOLD , SILVER, 0$ VULCANITE BASE- It would be to the advantage of all persons desiring artificial teeth, to call at his office before g >ing elsewhere, If they wish cheapness, beauty or durability. Dr. Bittner will visit Uollidaysburg and vicinity when his services are desired. (Feb. 17,1863-tf. ANDREW ECKEL, x Deques IS Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Pipes, &c., &c., Annie street, Altoona, Pa., and McKeagc'i Old Stand , Montgomery tired, Hollidaysbarg, Pa. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT of Goods line constantly on band at the lowest cash prices. [Veb. 7,1863 CREAM CRACKERS! Afresh sup ply of these deticlons crackers just received and for ale at FRITCHEY’S Extra family flour, from the Cove,'always on hand and for sale ae low as the lowest by FRITCUEY. New stock of boots & shoes for Men and Boys. Ladies and Misses, fast rec’d at LAVOHMAN’ • TT ARDWARE OF ALL DESCRIP II tiona just rocelred and for sale br aSS 15-tfl J.B.HILKMAfI JUST .RECEIVE!}—A Lot of Prim CIOARi— at Jan. 13, 1 IS REALLY SELLING thabect fhnjwn Sugar to Altoona at 12\4 c#nti ALTOONA, PA., Agent for Blair & Huntingdon Gounties. These machines are .m-aht to be the best ever offered to the public, i>..i their superiority is satisfactorily established by the fart that in the last eight years, OVER 1,4=00 MOJiE of these Machines have been sold than of any other man ufactured, and more medals hare beep awarded the pro prietors by different Fairs and Institutes thap to apy oth ers. The Machines are warranted to do all thpt is claimed for them. They are now in ose Jo several families in Al toona, and lo every case they give entire satisfaction. The Agent refers those desiring information as tbs su periority of the Machines, to Col. John L, Piper. Rer. A. B. Clark* George Hawkeswortfa, BenJ. F. Rose, and £.-H. Turner, Esqrs. The machines can be seen and examined at the store of the Agent, at Altoona. Price of No. 1 Machine, silver plated, glass foot ami new style Uenimer—s66. No. 2, ornamental bronse, gloss foot and new style Hemmer—sss. No. 3, plain, with old style Heramer—s46. • [March 21.1861-tf. CLOTHES WRINGER. C ■: - <> No. 2. Medium 7.00 No. 'iy, * 0.00 No. O. Small “ “ 6.50 No. S I,aige Hotol “ 14.50 No. 18. Medina Laundry f to run steam ) Ie.OO No. 22. Large 4> \ or baud. ) 30.00 Nog. 21/ H«d 3‘have no Cogs. All others are warranted. *No. 2 is tbe size generally used inprivate families, Orange Judd, of -the ‘‘American Agriculturist,” says of the A child can readily wiing out a tubful) of clothed in a few minuted. Jr is in reality a CLOTHES SAVER! A TIME SAVER! andjaSTRENGTH SAVER! The saving oT garments will alone pay a large per centage on its cost. We think the macltine muca more than PAYS FOR ITSELF EVERY YEAR in the saving of garments. There are several kinds, nearly alike in general construc tion, but we consider it important that the Wringer be fitted with Cogs, otherwise a mass of garments may clog the rollers and the rollers open the crank-shall slip and tear the clothes, or the rubber break loose from the shaft. Our own is oi e of the first make, and it is as GOOD AS NEW after nearly FOUR TEARS*'CONSTANT USE.” BCI.VO TOE Every Wringer with Wheels is Warranted in even” particular. SOLS AWARDS gained by anything of the kind. It also received the Superlative Report of EXCEEDING EXCELLENT FOR FOOD. MAIZENA at the great In ternational Ex hibition at NO WRINGER CAN BE DURABLE WITH- A good CANVASSER wanted in every town. ttr- On receipt oi the price fiom places whore no one is selling, wo will send the Wringer free or expense. TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE. The undersigned would re- SPKCTFTjLLY a: nounce to the citizens Altoona and vicinity th lie has taken the etc and shop recently oct pled hy Fries A Wintoi on Amut strut. East . toona. where he has hand a large supply STOTKB of all Pattern. such as Cook, Parlo Office and Bhop Stovt which he will sell at the most reasonable prices. A large supply will always bo kept on hand. iY, 1863, 77,V AND SHEET-IRON WARE, in great variety, always on hand. ' ROOFING & SPOUTING put up on short notice. He has also attached a copper-smithing room to his establishment and will keep on hand an assortment of cop per and brass kettle* kc. AD kinds of job work promptly attended to. «hi1215t.1563.-tf STEPHEN WINTERS- Paper, Envelpe and Printers' Card WAREHOUSE, No. Gl3. MINOR STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA., Have constancy on hand FLAT CAPS. LETTER AND NOTE. MANILLA PAPER, FOLIO POST, PACKET POST, HARDWARE, FOOLSCAP, PRINTING PAPER, ENVELOPE COLORED PAPER, BINDERS, TRUNK, STRAW AND BOX BOARD, TJISSUE, SHOE, AND TEA PAPERS. PRINTING AND MANILLA PAPER made to order. June 10, LSG3. J£ H. HOPKINS, ALTOONA, PA., LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOK THE 17th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. DRIED APPLES.—The subscribers have a flue lo of bright yellow DRIED APPLES, bought at mned lew thao market rates, and which they desire to close out, at coat and carriage, without delay.— Persons desiring to purchase, either at wholesale or retail, will find it to their advantage to give ns a call. Altoona, June 26,186-2.] MORPHY" 4 McPIKE. RKIC ART’S Prug Sure. R. A. O. KERR, UNIVERSAL UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER OUT COG-WHEELS For particulars and circulars address H. C. BROWNING, 347 Broadway, N. Y Sep. I—6m. STOVES, U. C. SERVER & SON, MUSIC !* —INSTRUCTIONS GI^EN on the Piano-Forte and Melodeon. by Muu» M. SHOEMAKER. Terms. $lO per quarter. Jvo charge for the use of the I n«trument. Residence on Catharine Street, West Altoona. rjani16.1862.-tf. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Gent’s Model Improved' SHIRTS ■ iCaasimcre and Muslin Shirts—fine and coarse—white and!colored—at . * LAUGHMAN’S. PURE WHITE LEAD AND ZINC Paint, also Chrome. Green. Yellow, Paris Green, dry and ground oil at fl-tf.l : KESSLER’S. MEN AND BOYS’ COATS* of every style and color, of good quality# at: ■ LA New and improved styles of Tranks, Valises and Carpet-Bags, at LAtOHMAN’S. A FINK ASSORTMENT OFOVER COATB can be found at ' LAUOHMAN’S Great files of pantaloons ** Men and Boys- at IAfWHMAITft 3 me Life Insurance and Trust to. / COMPANY’S BUILDING SouthWt Corner of Walnut and Fourth Streets* Phiiad*a. Authorized Capital...; $500,000 Paid up v.. , 250,000 Assets, ........... 1,897,740 $ Incorporated 1850, by the Legislature of I’ennsyl- Insures Lives during the Natural life* or (or sliort terms, grants annuities and endowments* and makes' contract# of all kinds depending ob the Issues of life. Policies of Life Insurance issued at the usual mutual rates of other good companies—f-with profits to the assured —last Bones January, 1861, being 4& per-cent, of all pre> miuma received on mutual policies—at Joint Stock rates, 20 per cent less than the above,’ or Total Abstinence rates 40 per cent, lees khan Mutual price. Also, a NONFORFEITURE plan, By which a person pays /or 5,7, or 10 years only, when the policy is paid up for Lira, and: nothing more to pay ; and should be be unable, or Irtish to discontinue sooner, the Company will issue a PAm cp Policy, in proportion to the amount of premium paid, as follows: 6u a Policy of $l,OOO, 6 Year 7 Year 10 Year after payment of rates. rates. rates. 1 Annual Premium, for $2OO 00 $142 85 $lOO 00 2 M “ 400 00 285 70 200 00 4 “ M 800 00 571 40 400 00 6 “ “ * 857 10 600 00 8 “ ** 800 00 ALEXANDER WIULLDIN, President. SAMUEL WORK, Vice President. John 8. Wilson, Secretary. BOARD OP TRUSTERS. Alexander Whilldio. J. Edgar Thomson, lion. Jas. Pollock, Uou. Joseph Allison, Albert C. Roberts, • Jonas Bowman, Samuel T. Bodine, H. H. Eldridge, George Nugent. -John Aikmau, William J. Howard, Chari's F. Heaziltt, Samuel Work. Any farther information can be bad by applying to the undersigned, who is the authorized agent for BiairCounty. July 31. 18«2-ly R. A. 0. KERR. A Benefit to All. ** HR % H A trial will prove the /act, and facie are stubborn things. Mishleivs herb bitters ABE SUCCESSFUL IN EVERY CASE. No family should be without it. Hundreds of certificates and letters of thanks are arriving every day from persona who have been cured. RHEUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA, Female Irregularities, and all Diseases arising from IMPURITY OP THE BLOOD , As a Blood Purifier, Tonic and General Appertlssr, these Bitters are without a rival. No Lady desiring .$lO.OO A CLEAR COMPLEXION should be without it. Please get a circular and certifi cates from.our Agent. Notice.—The great success of MUbler's Herb Bitters, has Induced unprincipled parties to manufacture a worthless article, which they are selling at a low price, of which beware. The genuine can only be bought In Blair County, of Q. VV. WHITFIELD, (Sole Agent for Blair County.) Depot Drug Store, Main street, Altoona, Pa. June 2d, 1863-tf. JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, The Hero of One Hundred Fits per Month I I would respectfully forth Declaim to pul attention.’os a Fasbionai Tailor, as follows: Because 1 keep au ex> lent assortment of Clot Cassimeres, Testings j Trimmings, which, wl examined.always please. Because my work made up in a manner tl takes down the count and gives all my custom' a city appearance. Because I am not infer as a Cutter to- the best be four?d anywhere. Because long cxperiei in my business gives entire control over It.i 1 am nut dependant uj any on* 1 tolifl me out suds. Because I am still on fche sunny side of forty, and there fore my taste as a Cutter and workman unimpaired. Call on me, in the corner room .of the *• Brant House.*’, Give me a trial and you will go awuv pleased. Altoona, May ’ JACOB SNYDER. PATENT KEROSENE OR CA^DON OIL LAMPS! V ' Unrivaled in Beauty , Simplicity Safety or Economy. £v,. iy person desiring to obtain the very best and cheap e«t> potable lighC within their reach, should call at the store*ofthe undersigned and examine these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon, strate , These lamps areadmirably adapted for the use of Stu dents. Mechanics,'Seamstresses. Factories. Halls, Churches, Stores, Hotels, and are highly recommended fur family use." The burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp-can be attached to old side, hanging.and table fluid and oil lamps, at a small expense., and will answer every purpose of n new lanp. I EXCHANGE HOTEL.—THE SUB _J SCKIBER would respectfully in form the public that he has recently re fitted the above Hotel, and is now pre- tA pared to accommodate his friertds patrons in a comfortable manner, and will spare no pains in making it an agreeable home for all sojourners. His Table will' always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country and cities, and his Bar filled with liquors of choice brands. HU Charges are as reasonable as those of any dther Hotel in tbs place, and he feels satisfied they can not be complained of by those who favor him with their custom. Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, and fully intending to deserve it, he throws open his house to the public and invites a trial. 1 have just received a stock tf No. 1 French Brandy, for medicinal purposes. Also a large stock of excellent Wines, for znedisinal pur poses, together with a lot of the best old Rye Whiskey to be found in tho country. Altoona, May 27,1855.-ly] JOHN BOWMAN. SOMETHING NEW. The subscriber has just returmd from the east where he has purchased a very large and fine stock of which be is prepared to offer to thecitizens of Altoona and vicinity at very low price*. Having purchased direct from the manufacturers for cashj he is prepared to sell at prices that will defy competition.* All that he asks is that the' people will cdll and examine hia stock before purchasing elsewhere. ' BOOTS and SHOES made to order on the most rea sonable terms. Also, repairing promptly attended to. Don’t forget the place, two doors below Post Office. Jan. 3,1861. M. THOMPSON, Agent, IHMAN’S. A MERIC AN vama-. TRY ONE BOTTLE. THE HERB BITTERS hare never failed in coring B. MISULBR, Manufacturer and Proprietor. Lancaster, Pa Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2d. That they emit no offensive odor while burning. 3d. That they are trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or less light. sth. That they burn entirely free from smoke. 6th. That the HghMs at least 50 per cent, cheaper than any other light how in common use. We guarantee perfect satisfaction in all rases. Aug. 19, 1858-tf.] G. W\ KESSLER. BOOTS AND SHOES, BROGANS, GAITERS, &C.. "VTATIOSTAL POLICE GAZETTE.— j.l This Great journal of Grime and Criminals is In its Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated throughout the country. It contains all the Great Trlnlw, Criminal Cases, and appropriate Kditprialson the some, together with Information on Criminal Matters, not to he found in any other newspaper. £9. Subscriptions $2 per annum; $1 for six months, to be remitted by subscribers, {who should write their names and the town, county and State where they reside plainly.) To;G. VT. MATBEIX ± CO.. Editor k Prop’r. of New York Police Gaaette, Afeto York (Sty. 15-tf] RE AT WESTERN INSURANCE I AND TRUST COMPANY.—lnsurance on Real or personal property will be-effected on the most reasonable terms by their agent* in Altoona at hit office in Anna St March 17,1869. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. LEVI’S PREPARATION FOR Ex terminating RATS, MICE. ROACHES. AMTS, and bog, without danger in its use under any clrcunmtan cea for sale at the Drug Store of G. W. KESSLER. -■ Jan. 24. ,56-tf] Hr. miller, • DENTIST. Office bn Caroline street, between Virginia and Emma streets, Altoona. | fJan.2o—2m» LL KINDS Of printing u. neatly and.expeditouaty executed at the •i 4 * ALTOONA TRIBUNE” OFFICE TTMBRKLLAS: AND PARASOLS, V>» In eodleks variety; at ' UAUGHMAJTa. TttmasMay ItU6S.l t U6S. BETTERS’ STATE CAPITOL. IBook Bindery, AJiTD BLANK BOO* MANUFACTt )HV A®. M Market Si , Harriaburg, Pa. This establishment is chiefly devoted i.. the manufacture of Blank Books for County 0®c«8, Railroad Companies, /va/j fj% m and private individuals. In all cases tbs M£SS**SS& very bast of stockaod workmanship may be ■Ufttf relied upon. Blank Books printed, paged and bound t.- any desired pattern. Sheriff’s, Attorneys and Justice Dockets of all sizes, made and ruled to order. TrbenniM and Tsarly Assessment*, Duplicates, Ac., for county purp< see, printed or plain, ruled and bound to order. Count; Dockets made of the best Hues paper. . librarians, and others, desiring to have their Books we 1 i bound and at moderate price*, *houJd give as a call. New* papers of the largest sizes, Harper’s Weekly, Okwaon’* Pictorial, Ballous, Scientific American, London News, bound to order, and to any style required. Barper*e Month ly Magazine, Knickerbocker, Blackwood’s and Grahzm* Magazines, Oodey*s Lady’s Book, Lady’s Repository. Peter, son’s Magazine, Piano Music, Ac., bound in extra styles. < agents lot Altoona, and vicinity. They will .give inform* tion ia relation to binding, and receive and return book* free from extra charges, for all who enUnst their work t. my care. [March 21.1862-ly ONWARD ! EVER ONWARD ! STEP BY STEP! THE UNDERSIGNED DESIRE.STO inform his old customers and the public general h that he has this spring gone into the Dry Good bnslnes'. and bus just received a large and entirely new stock of DRESS GOODS, Hot the Ladies, embracing all the latent, prettiest and mo. FASHIONABLE PATTERNS. Ana among which may b« found every quality of go«*K the names of which it would be 100 tedious to * In the line of pure, fresh and cheap GROCERIES & PROVISIONS I will not “ knock under” to any of my competitors. lu tills department I feel sure that I can rjnxfcr mtisfurtioii All kinds of country produce takfld ,Jh exchange- f..r goods, and the highest market price allowed. Store on the corner of Annie streets, Eum Altoona. THOMAS HESLOP Altoona, May 22, JACOB WEIS, BAKER AND CONFECTIONEK, Virginia Street. Altoona, Pa., Keeps constantly on hand BREAD. CAKES, CANtjIES ICE CREAM AND SWEETMEATS, of his own manufacture, which he !« prepared to s?ll, wholesale or retail, at the most reason able prices. Also, FOREIGN FRUITS, such as ORANGES, LEMONS, PINE-APPLES, ° FIGS, PRUNES. RAISINS, NUTS, &C„ &C., always on hand in their respective seasons. CAKES BAKED TO ORDER, far particular occasions, on short nolle* and in the neat est and beat' style of the art. Call, examine and price my stock and you will find it as good and cheap as can be purchased elsewhere. Jan. 27,1863. Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron W are SPOUTING, &C. SKIGG WOULD RESPECT • folly nforro the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that he keeps constantly on hand a large assortment oi Choking, Pxrlor, Office Shop Stoves, of all styles and sizes, to suit the wants of all, which be wilj sell at low prices, an reason able terms. t h**ps on hand a large stock of Tin and Shut- Iron Wart, consisting of all article* for culinary Coal Scuttles, Stove Pipe. <£c. o/r y'*JONKS’ rCha,ed the r g^ lt of >ale in Blair IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUFFEH, an invention which needa only to be wen to’he apprecia. and should be posse used by every farmer, butcher or those requiring such a machine. tSt Particular attention paid to patting up SPOUTIN'; either in town or country. Spouting painted and put n|. on the most reasonable terms. Tapril 14.1859-1 1 H. FETTINGER’S General JSiews Agency, OAK HALL, No. 7, MAIN STREET SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, CONFECTIONARIES CIGARS & TOBACCO, TOYS AND NOTIONS IN GREAT VARIETY CONSTANTLY ON HAND. October 24. 1801. W. M. LLOYD & CO., ALTOONA. PA.. JOHNSTON, JACK & CO.. BAJCSTKERS, (halt “ Sell* Johnston, Jock $ Co.”) Drafts on the principal Cities, and Silver and Gold for sale. Collection* made. Moneys received on deposit?, payable on demand, without interest, or upon time, with interest at fair rate* Feb. 5d,1859. G 1 W. KESSLER—PRACTICAL I • DRUGGIST, respectfully announces L to the citizens of Altoona and the public endly, that he still centimes the Dnig on Virginia street, where he keeps constantly on band, for sale,Wholesale and Retail, DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, VAESISH ES and DYE-STUFFS. By strict attention to business, and a desire to render sat is taction to all as regards price and quality/ he hope* t merit and receive a share of pnblic patronage. Physician* and merchant* supplied on reasonable terms and all order* from a distance promptly attended to. Physicians prescriptions careftiDy cbm pounded. [I-tf. OUR LADY FRIENDS WOULD DO well to look In upon the choice and chute aa*ort ment of Sommer DRESS GOODS now dhnlared onon the well-filled shelreeof MURPHY A McPIKK, ' , Cor. of Virginia and Caroline ita Altoona, June 26, 1862 •r ON HAND AT McCORMICK’S Store —A splendid Assortment of Ready-Made clothinj ('all and see. S.ov. 25,-t f. AIK OIL, COLOGNES, POM ades. Sharing Cream, Toilet Soapa *c, foraale b» 1-lf.! O. W. p ROCKRIES.'—A; LARGE AND VJT completeaaeortmentofOrocerleahaTeliiet been re adred at the atnre of J. B. HILBMAN- COLD OUT.—The undersigned having i Mold out hU entablfohment to Benjamin Heeajmer, de> J sires all persons knowing themselveslndebted to him t<> ; j cal) at the store and moke settlement on nr before the l&tb ;-l|j of Aorfi &eztt kad all person* Uavteg claims again* him , : \M will urn their accounts at the tame bkte, / s ttai€h«, 1*74-Bt] JWfSE ' §. CO >1 * w © • T *a * » «a .2 5 fad * E* h- * ft’s t H . »«;• a CQ SJ O - «! sSHI S s <&§§.: P 3 I'* w oz's.^ ® PQO=§ tz eft o g S | 2 o i< »•£ Q 5S =sr * y Is i = i-3 as f 3 8 s ij K SS“3 QO» l| a | HOLLWA TSBCRG. PA ’•tv,* McCRUM * PERN, VOIM SAVE THE PER GE BYB^IKOYOIJR CLOTHING FROM FIRST 1 & TUCK, Mud cf.nd Wholonle Mil Kotnil dealer. 1 Clothing, wonW re»pe«lfall.v inrite tk* n public to the fcltewta* fccla in r.fcwaco U> Ist. We manufacture onr own g00d..! up In bur o»nStore, ill VbilarWpfcia, uuder i .a,H,rvWoD. and wekoorr tk.j are weHno aarranted equal to the j and nuperlorto lh. target quantity of Mm ns in tha market, ■ ■ ■ . . . ind. We buy out Clotkadirectly from tke Manufacturers, con-Hjuentlj we save tha p on hv'mlibfle men*. ‘ 3rd. We sell our Clothing ai a reasonah yver the cost of our Cloths, thereby saving t of Clothing the percentage which must be i who buy from second" bands to sell again. Clothing at the same price which oUtei i (or theirs at wholesale, consequently those us RPt their g.*o«U at the same price which o pay ftirsAairs in the city, thereby saving per centage. We have branch Store* In ALTOONA AND,JOHNS' where goods nay be had at the same figure •all them here In the nity- If any person has been told, or. imagines Store, Ih AUoona, !*-played out." let ■me 11U0 bU establishment, on Main Street, ah goods and* price*. Wholesale Uonse, No. 70S Market Street, pec. 2, isea.—tf __ N.KW GOODS THE undersigned would respe form Hie Cltiiwus of Altoona and .un try, that ho ha* just returned from the East, been -electing bin -tuck of FALL AND WINTER i which, for ntyle, quality and price, cannot- b this neck of country. Hie .took U much heretofore, and as It ia quite an object, in war time-, (or every one to pnrehese where The Best Goods uud at the Low ha would aay that be can s’nd will aell as lltthvldwer than any other honae In thia nine all to call and ace hia stock before* parchasi a, lie tula adn&deiit he can offer indneeme defy competition, ilia stock consists of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS'of every MEN AND BOtS’ WINTER WEAK, ladies and misses"’ dress s \ , . MEN AN DBG VS’ BOOTS AN MEN’S WOMEN’S AND MISSES’ WOOL 1 HATS AND CAPS, \ BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED I GINGHAMS AND HEAVY Hu will aell Ladies Sewed, Heeled Bootees Kip tVggwl.... BAIMORAO. SKIRTS, very Tow GROCERIES. While and Brown Sugat v Kio Cofleee, Syt and -verytiling that ia nanally kept in a Ui and as cheap aa the cheapest. J. A. - Altoona, Oct. 7,1883. if CITY DRXJg ST Dr. e. h. HBiGAirr wou fully announce to the citizens of Al rounding country, that be hoe recently Drug Store of Berlin * Co., on Virginia f Fries* Haiti war* Store. Hia Drugs are Preah am and hp hope* by strict attention to busi •hare of public patronage. Call and examine I>b stock. Be has cons ' DRUGS, MEDICINES and CHEMIC FINE TOILET SOAPS, PXBPBMMR GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, 1, CARBON OIL AND LAM! NOTIONS, CIGARS, and miry arUeU.wmdUp kept in a ttntcl PURE WINES AND EIQI for medicinal nee. DOBKBTIC CRAPE WINE—PURE—M PHYSICIANS’ PRSStRIPTI accurately compounded, at all hoar* of th Altoona, Sept. 80,1883. MORE COMPETITIC A NEW DRY GOODS ON VIRGINIA STR THE UNDERSIGNED W( SPECWCtiy ANNOUNCE to the | has added tc her stock of \ millinery go A IDU.IBMI m*BEY GOODS, Consisting ot PRINTS, DELAINES. AL OINOBAMS, muslins, ki BLEACHED MUSLINS from 23 to AS c - YELLOW, '• “ 24 035 ' CALICO. “ 16 to 83 ‘I DELAINES •' 30 to 35 ■ And all other Article* in proportion. I bare also a fall assortment of GLOVI COLLARS, And NOTIONS generally. My stork of Millinery Goods embraces that line usually kept Inthe country. I bars marked my goods down to the lot CASK. Believing that my good* and pr satisfactory, I idvits a call from the public REBECCA Me f § Dec. 23d, 1863-ly, •1864. SPRING CIBOUL. Ltake pleasure in. issuing this jVertlsetnent, through whicUl would it *nd the pnbfte generally that I hate just the Kant where I bare purchased & fresh a HATS AND GA of the Latest Stylo, and as to quality, col< not fail to please alt classes. 1-5. 1 ha»e also bought an Immense 'stock »r % BOOTS AND St S the majority of which are city make and ; teed. My assortment of Ladles* and Ch complete, all of which, I am noW otferii ranee on wholesale prices. The public will be greatly'he nettled by 5 attention aud call and examine my rtock. dent I can pleaae all. apO*tt f. ' ANDREW EC psaua ijr Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Pij fAn tit tbwLMlama, tfi. A GENERAL ASSO of Goods in his line oon, ton Ur on cash prices. •'■t - ; ; S A/TUBIC 5-SsTRUCTIO ■'Wt Xal/OB the Piaiuvfcxrte and Melodeu ’ : J» SUQXUAKKB. XKfca&,t $lO per qnartei them of th« Instrument. Residence on |B Weet Altoona. iJi A COMPLETE ASSORT XJL Oeßt*§ Hodel Improved SHIRT? Mmiii Bhlrta—toe and at I Boston crackers «MtoctSfb 0 * Ule ** ‘ w,cioo » cnckl JAMES S. MANN,