The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, April 20, 1864, Image 3

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    •TtMr matey in the trnl«.
5 ;l,
•flitif jtroeecared thm
r u lu the mist*
l> earminf. of tbo miner*, and
V*. can be obtained, where n->
,jr«c«r*4 for ti importation,
met Inn of three State* where
iMtahied, If afgaalaalJon* can
**°** "«•»>« «1»P all
UUoir prompt
Mwe & dav tf
bacrol. . v
fcunneceaaary to do more, than
f«cl to thepeopleof the Uoie
MBiog c* m)Mign« of onraralee
*T CMOUMIosf will be emtK
t of Jnu ■■ 70(1.000 matre-aneoflhe
« «B»-win ho operating in the
»«*red ower reginne to which the
Oft necessarily carry aluhg with
■CM, suffering and death,tnnay
orrora of dm battle field.
.Oor bonndjrd dote, as meiiJand
A (not and, enlightened people.
HTo govern nient of their own ma<
d_w« will hot believe that the v
U» products from
eylvinla, New Jersey and DeU
negal, agricultural asd indnatrial
any eimilat effort which haa yet
if the Nation’s children. ■
Mntnltiply circolais; no further
rlar.will he Mcenarj fur any em-
OT f any respectable committee of
maced (at once, in the work of this 1 '
that under it, organizations
», thwnaahd bug; regiooi of the
mnrjerseyend Delaware.
;Ut»hkfaUy acknowledged In the
iia: and it Ja very desirable that
each, fresh acknowledgment will
'localities. -
Rue addressed to JOHN W.CLAO-
Of the “Committee on Labor, In,
k,UB South Seventh Struct, Phil-
n Circulars and Posters will he
dyinfi for them. Direct to the
JY, Chairman. -
HORN, Treasurer.
rrgß, Corresponding-Secretary.
SORTIN', Qoverndr of Penn’a. ‘
PARKER doe. of New Jersey.
ASKON, Got. of Delaware. '
SNRY, Mayor of Philadelphia.
IRBOLL. Pennsylvania. :
TKR, New Jersey. ■
GTON, Delaware.
MRADE, Army of the Petamac. i-;
lln.KeT. EW. Hotter, ,ff
Chairman. . I '
. Mra.QebrgeM. Dalle*.
[Vn.Jolut Sergeant.
Mn, General Meade. „
Mro.-John H. Scott. .
Mr*,. J. Edgar Thompson.
Ur*. Joseph Harrison. Jr.
Mrs.Bopert W. Learning.
i.Mrs.'L Montgomery Bond;
Mrs. QeprgeF. Weaver.
M». George W. Harris.
Mr*. F.<A. Drexel. '•?
Ur*. 11.3* . Kelley.
Mrs. John W. Forney.
.D.Mrs. Somnel A. Crater.
Mrs. Enoch Turley.
Hr*. JL. Soger.
Mias Susan O’Neill.
Mlh Sallie Scott. ,
Mia* Louisa J 5. Claghorn,
and 36 others.
a Hair Restorative.
hair Eestorative.
operation jhr the hair, warrantee/
« and gray liair, and whiskers'
t <lne* noj claim to make the hair
s fallen out; nothing will do that
tedlp the. contrary, l ot It wiß
vsaake it soft and Silky, cleanse
uiities and humors, and.entirely
rorioti* tose of preperations coti
lead, Ac. It>equlres no soaping
appltotion, nor will it fctain th r
lea and wiped from the akin as
tnrea the natural shading of one
gives it a’lively apperonce in
hlack. of dyes.
eeing lit use. Oils .and Colors
Changes light and red hair to
LO University Place, New York
U.AUOOX4 Gas'* Win* Cs-£
S* A;iril 20th. ISW J
A.h eietion for President,
Treasurer of the AltoonaQo* A
ttrolng year. will te held at the
3ION&AT, May 2d, 1864* between \
r*i. • T: ; •: -
B. V. BOSK, Stcrtiary.
trie jsgg property in Altoona; the
rfai fonr miles-North of
P. R. & ; there 1m erected on eaid
hertSawaj&dLath cotiing/MWa,
r withfhWth Shop and good BU
dwelliftgß, suitable to Occam mo-
loch will be sold as above stated.
In Altoona, :T ‘.
k ofl>ryoo«>d*. Groceries, Ac.,to J. i
Due the business in «jy old •fond,
l Bing toy. thanks to my customers
nonage given me. and also frecom
uccesaor, Sir. Curry, whom they
.in every respect,
iwlng thetyselves indebted tome
t old stand; and inoke settlemeht,
[ness settled op soon,
>LE, proprietor.
tased tile '.above: well
rfarttUbwl the Mm? with new
ired to accommodate fcil wlio A -
ge. FfeeOmmhu. to carry pai
ptot. i > April 20.’64.—1y.
;e fob days labor
'.Labor, Income* end KTemieL’'
Yo. USA. SmariA I trteL '
UN W. Tnpatrtr.
>|.ria) work. to wit: Meimle a
come.” «Bjd a day'. -ceoetme,"
lute. ol.Ftmuylrania, New Jer-
K-ueflt of Our .let end woonded
orpOriaedat tbeaboTeaddWW.
rp>f all ctaee. I a the com mnntty
Re IndnetHai clauee can do tor
iu theiranpatate tend*
do!.. T '
h can do.'
in do I
to do
icon do >
1 company and railroad can dot
no do! ■
world Mat American ikcomeri
littoral ;
the ttmejia abort. ,
their «japlojoeiKand*sap)oy
’ " V f ■
•oriooen will .athorli* their -
::he acknowledged toitheT*to
*nt We aay to all, to work ■’ y
“t wotk.Hurry forward Jpir -
m«hq|gment wifi stimtuatajptb-
ctioM will U, aent upon applU
.to the undersigned. To work!
k)M£RT BOND, Ohairmm;
Smnffifjaduf Ormmktet.
*py- x*iw«ao-»-
Mr oouatjr, ~
in Street, front
K*«t uftb.N»tioii*J W*A-
rpHE largest stock of Ladies’ Drefis
JL Goods ever brought to town jost b«*n opwmd at
' die* Kiretio Corner,* East Altoona, and will be so d wr
OASII it prices that defy competition. Wosredetor uined
lUixl unrodde -of town shall take the lead, and tbi t the
-«;m. n toner l ' shall bo foremost In the van. Oar stock
of Drexe Goods consists of
Plain aiul.Fancy Drew Silk*. Mcrinoes, Palmetto Olotbs.
Ouborgs, Fancy Alpacas, All*Wool Plaids,
Plain and Figured Delaines,
Panov Printa. and a great eariety of 'other good* of Bljfr
rDt stvlea and textures. In fact there i.nothing the|*diea
can dralre- for wear that wo cannot furnish them W th.—
H * liav*‘ also a large aaaortmeut of
l,!idie»’ Ooat«, Shawlsoßnlmorals,
Hopji Skirts, Shoes, Gattere die.
were almoet forgetting to mention our
Urn*- "tuck of
CvEPlta, Uaoozziu. Mi'tgssaaiiE. etc., in
Everybody ahould know that money can bo aavid by
t.u vilig Goods from us. Pur instance, we are selllm good
. Olicoraaaluw as Iflct, per yard. Mmliiwaalow aa IScta.,
iiniwn Humr for 11 cts. per lb., nod good Teas for Kicta,.
B, >6». tf JOHN J. MURPHY &[CO.
r|IHE undersigned respectfully aniipun-
A cento the cUfctcns of Altooim and vicinity ht
iia.H opened a
establishment in the room formerly occupied bj'flr-C»l
-.lerwoodi on Virginia street, between Julia and Catoliue,
wtiero ho .will keep.'on liand a flue assortment of go|d aud
Silver watches, clocks of all etyles.aud a handsome assort
meet of ’jewelry,'gold pens and pencils, spectacles, *c.
Particular attention given to repairing clocks, watches
aud Ji-wolry. , , ‘ i a .
Ilv selling for cash only, at the smallest advance on tirst
cost ho feels sure that he can please all in price a* well as
apy-tf *
i Treasi'ht Department,
: Office of Comptroller of the Current,
WiuhiHgUm, Fthituiry
Whhblab, bj 1 satisfactory evidence presented to; tjhe un
dersigned. it has been made to appear that Th 4 First
.Nationa£'Bank'of Altoona, in the £ unity of Blair,and
of baa been duly organized under and
according to the rcquiremeUa of the act of Congrtjaa, en
titled "An act to provide'* national currency, secured by
a ph-dircM' United States stocks. and to provide tor the
circulation and redemption thereof,” approved February
ii. iMi3,iand has complied with all the provisions fjfsaid
«cl tube complied with before commeucipg the
bu>im ■o.JSf Banking : |
N«>w,therefore. I Samuel T. Howard, Deputy Corpptrol
ler «»f {hi* Currency, do hereby certify tbit th»- kifst Na
tional bank of Altoona, County »>f Blair, and Slate of
Pennsylvania, is authorised to commence the business of
Bank maunder the act aforesaid.
ft .Testimony Whereof, Witney my hand and f*eal of
i v : office, this Tenth dav of February. ISB4.
: Deputy Comptroller of the Ciimncy.
K. 1., It, 1804.
Dissolution or partnership.
—•Notice I* hereby given that the partnership here
tofore eti«t : nc between the undersigned. trading in the
name of {Smith 4 Mann. ba« thin day hern by
mutiMl Consent. The books and accounts of the fiijn have
l>Hf>n left in the hands of James S'Mann, who alone is au
thorized ito called the account* and settle up all tbs busi-,
ties* nf the late firm
Altoona, March 0. ’O4-31 ]
Th« business will be continued at the old stand, by, the
uml»T(*iiined. who will at all times keep on hand a large
stock Caw. Boots, Shoes, etc.
liiii! i 608 rfARKET .ST., PHILADELPHIA
(’HAS M. ALLMOND, Manager.
Hotel is located iu the very con-
B no of business, and i.- In close proximrn to ah the
respectable places of amusement, which makes it jpartic
uhu ly desirable to persona visiting Philadelphia cpi busi
ness or pleasure, and the manager hopes by clow personal
attention to the wants of hts guests - to make it « comfort
able home for such as may favor the Hotel with their pa
trooagej [March H>Jui.
VTOTICE. —At a meeting of the Board
o t Managers of the Altoonailall and Market Com
pany held April 6th. 1864, it was
“jtoralratf. That in view of the present difficulty ol pro
curing Material* and labor, and of the* high prices pre
vailing. U is inexpedient to proceed with the immediate
construction of the building.”
“Ibtafai, That in order to meet the payments due in
the purchase of lots, and to pay taxes arid other incidental
expanse#, interest will be allowed to such Stockholders as
will pay-up their subscription in full, from the (hue of the
last payment, until such time os may be determined by
tin* Hoard of Managers.*'
H. F. Rose. SfC'y.
partnership heretofore existing be-
JL the undersigned iu the mercantile business,
under the style of Murphy A McPike, wan dissolved by
mutual fcooseut ou the Bth day of April, lust. Tho books
and accounts of the firm have left in the hands of Mr.
McPikefor settlement, and aP persons indebted thereon
are uruoutly solicited to make immediate payment.'
4®r*The business will be contiuue-iTby the subscriber as
heifiof'ire at the old stand, corner of Virginia and Caro
lina otre.ets, and he hopes a continuance of the liberal pat
ronage conferred on the lab* firm
jud? received a fine stock ol Spring Goode, we ipvitQtho
Lade* Gentlemen of Altoona and vicinity to call and
examine oar stock, which will be found well worthy their
atteirtioh. Comprising as it does all the boveltieslin Dress
Goods,' Shawls, Cloaking Cloths, Hoop Skirts and niful! and
gviuTHl-HSttortmeat of Fancy and Staple Dry and
Notions, also Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Wall
Papei*, Boots and Shoos, Hosiery and Gloves, Balmoral
Skirts, |:c., Ac. Wn have largely mcreusetl our .Stock of
Jjueeuaware, which is now very complete, all of which we
mean tO'SeH at the lowest possible cash prices.
N'OTICK. —The undersigned rqspect-
I tilly. requests the patronage of
the citizens of Altoona and vicinity,
and )>egs leave to inform them that
has opened a Clock and Watchmakers
Establishment, where he will attend to the repairing of
Clocks and Watches, and everything else inhln Hue of
business wilFbe faithfully and carefully mtendiHl t«—he
being»,-proficient inhistrade.havingarqniroda thorough
knowledge of the same in Europe. Applv at hi* office.
street, below Annie street. Altoona. Fa
Altoofna, March iCth. \ SO4.
JUST RECEIVED, A new stuck of
Kitting Tackle for Spring sales, consisting, of Rods,
Keels. Ernes, Baskets. Snoods, Floats, Nets, Flies, Artificial
Bait, litgged Linos, Ont, Grass and Hooks, to wiicb the
attention of Dealers is particularly requested.
wholesale or retail, punctually filled and satis
fartlpuwarranted. '
T ▼ Wm hare juet deceived a large assortment of the
above good*, embracing all grail™ ami styles, suitable for
Parlont Chambers, Hails, Ac, which will bo sold at asmall
advaut* on cost. We.hnvo also on handsa fine assort,
ment iff Oil Shades, Blinds Ac., to whlrh we invito the at
lootfolrof those in want of goodsof thiskiud
ap9-3t JAMES LOWtrilEH.
A-V is hereby given that sealed proposals will 1... receiv
ed by the undersigned up to Saturday, April Until, IBM for
building e newt Brick School House, in Collinsville, Logan
township, partly Ont of the material of the. Brink Church
now occupied as a school house. . Plans and specifications
can be Keen by calling upon the Secretary of {he Logan
township School District. -
apM* JOHN A. SMITH. Sec’y.
AJ undersigned will receive orders for ornamental and
fruit trees from the aboVe celebrated Nursery. Qefolognoe
; end samples may be seen by calling at my store;! ,
ftpO-lin JAMES LOtfTHER.
WANTED.— Thousand Feet
v v of Dry did Cherry; also 4 inch Cherry Flank ;
alsooldCopper and Brass. Address, f
April 9-1 t EAGLE WORKS, Harrisburg, Pa.
phene, Burning fluid, Carbon OiL At I
Jan.3,’56-tf] -x - KESSLER’®-
Hair, hat, tooth, sha
Paint, Saab and Tarnish Bn»he* at
■ • ■ ■• KBS*
Excellent heavy bo
880K8 jmt ncriTNl »t UC
W. M. LLOYD. J‘r<jideni.
apl> lit
H. A. McglKE.
2d and 'Walnut, Philadelphia.
•TS &
W searcher
A sure cure for Cancer anil Cancerous Formations.
A sure cure lor Scrofula wherever located.
A sure cure for all Skin Diseases.
A sure cate for Chronic Erysipelas.
A *ure core for Boils and Pimplee on the Face.
It has cured all the abovo'diseases.
It ha* cop'd Blind and Bo*e Kyes,
jr cured Tetters of ypar*’.duration.
It has cured Woerated Sofe Lees.
It lias cured old and stubborn Ulcers.
It luiM cured Chronic Rheumatism that has lasted years.
J t.lisw cured the worst forp»s of Dyspepsia.
It in the beet Tonic and Blood Purifier known
It will remove Mercury or-Qninine out of the Blood and
clear it from the system.
It will curtail Diseases of Debility.
It will cure Fever and Ague.
It will cure cases of Palsy Land Dropsy. .
It has cured Epilepsy or I'aUlng Sickness.
It iia* enmi Chorea or Sti; Vitus’ Dance
If will cure Piles andKidhey Diseases.
It will cureChronn-Diarrhoea
It will core Neuralgia anttNerwoos Weakness.
If anyone wants to know-how one medicine wills cure
h«> many diseases. wo answer*'that it does so, by thorough*
lv restoring the blood ami all the secretions which are
made from the blood, to a healthy state. No one can take
tills Blood Searcher and have bad blood. for it will kasure
ly cast out fiotu the blood all had and vitiated matter as
water will put out lire.
Prepared by Dr. Geo'll. Keyser. Look for the name
oeer the cork and take no other. . '
Sold only by A. Roush, AHooua, Pa,
Case of Daniel A. Born.
December 31, 1861. ■
Uk. tl. H. Kkyssb. : I take pleasure in making this vol
untary statement in favor of a medicine made by won, cal
led ‘'Lindsev’s Blood Searcher" 1 bavo suffered for five
years from’ Scrofula. which broke out in my head and
foi ahead, so as to disfigure me very much, and took off
the hair when the disease made its appearance; it also
broke out on my arm above and below the elbow, and eat
into the akin and flesh »o *« to expose a fearful looking
sore. The disease’ on my head went so far that several
email pieces of boue came oUt." I was very weak and low
spirited, and had given up all hopes of ever getting well,
as I had tried several skillful physicians, and they did me
no good. tofeptember l ist, 1861 I was induced to try
“Lindsey’s Improved Blood Searcher.” I must confess
I had bo faith in patent medicines,-but* after I had used
three bottles of Blood Searcher, the dicers on my head.and
arm began to heal. I have pow taken eight or ten bottles,
and uW head and arm are entirely well, except the scars
remaining from the sores.;.. I will .also state that I had
the Rheumatism very bad in my arms and legs. The
Blood Searcher also cured the Rheumatism. I am now a
well man, over forty yean ofage. and I feel as supple and
''young a* 1 did when I tr*B twenty, and increased in
weight twenty pounds. I would also state that when I
stooped’to lift anything liekvy the blood ran out of the
siuv. ■; ,
Dr. Kuysvr had a photograph taken of me by Mr. Car
go. the artist, after I began Jo get well. It docs not show
□\v appearance as bad us It wag before I commenced ta
king the medicine. You can see the photographs, one of
which Is now in my possession. also at Dr. Keyset's 140
Wood street. I would also state that I took the Blood
Searcher which was made before. Df. Keyset commenced
making it. Although it helped me some, I did not recover
until I got the kind made by Dr. Keyset himself. One
h.-tlle of thU did me mote good than two of the old. I be
lieve it i* a great deal stronger and belter. I have recom
mended the Blood Sttircher to « great many of my friends
for various disease*, and I believe it has helped the whole
of them.
Dr. Karsfitt : It is twenty months since I gave you my
certificate in respect to thecure of my head ami arm by tile
Blood Searcher, prepared by yon. I was told by several
people who huvo no faith In patent medicines that my
head would get sore again in less than six months, and
there is no appearance of its getting sure again. It is as
..well now as the day I gave you my certificate If you
like to publish this you inay do so.
No. 4.; Pine street, Pittsburgh. Pa.
PiiTsiiLKUH, September Ist. l*fi.V
Mr. Boyd's likeness before'avd after he was cured cun be
seen at Boush's Drug Store.
Dr. Oeoru* H. KEY3tß.~i>wr Sir : Actuated by the
sinceiest feeling-xif gretitdde. I take pleasure in adding
tim case of my eon to thealready many testimonials in fa
vor ofthevIMPROVKD BtOOD SEARCHER. ’’prepared by
you , Imping that others afflicted as my eon was, may thereby
become induced to use the BLOOD SKACHER, and be
rescued from a miserable!condition. My little buy of six
year* of* age became afflicted with sore eyes. I took him
to fiv of the mo-t eminent Doctors of Pittsburg: they
pronounced it Scrofula/ but they could not help him. 1
was induced to try the BLOOD SEARCHER I got two
buttles; the first bottle I d|d not notice any benefit from,
the second is not quite finished, and his eyes'seem toH>e
quite well, although I intend to use another bottle or two
tq make sure of it.
Yours truly, SARAH CLARK, O’Hara street.
Dr, Geo. H. Ketseb ;; 3ly sister had putrid sore eyes,
'which affected her sight tv almost total bliridnoss. I wa«
recommended to try your BLOOD SEARCHER. 1 bought
one bottle, which she took, and she is entirely well. 1
woul-> ieccraro A nd it toothers similarly afflicted, os I
think there is not a better medicine to be fouud. Wishing
you a hearty success, I remain
Tour* truly,
By her brother. HENRY D. COUP.
Ur. Gko. U. Kstseb: 1 have been Afflicted with par
alysis of the limbs for four months, and after.doctoring a
lung t ime to no purpose, Mr- Walker, of-this place, got me
to get one bottle of your BLOOD SEARCHER. 1 did so.
and am now entirely well for which I am very thankful
to you. HARRISON RBYNJ3K, Oonnellsvllle. Pa.
I have been afflicted with a paju in the side for a lung
tim* 1 . nud one b>ttle of Improved Blood Searcher cured me
sound and well. 1 had tried everything that I could think
of, and had consulted the best doctors in the county and
received no benefit until I used one bottle of the Bloof}
Searcher. which cured me sound and well.
New Haven, Fayette couoty.
Dr. George H. Keysrr : I have bad a breaking out On
the skin for six months, and after using everything I could
hear of. Mr. Walker advised me to use one bottle of your
Blood Searcher. 1 did so, and dnd great relief, so'much
so, that I think 1 am entirely well, nud recommend it to
others for the same disease: P. I. V. BRADY.
Connellsviile, March 3d, i stid.
Dr. Georox U. Keyser: 3ly little girl was taken with
Scrofula, the same way that her brother wax taken, and I
went to Mr. Walker and got two bottles of Qlood Searcher,
and she is now well. Her brother sent hircertiflcate last
fall, and I want you to her*?,
ConoellsTille, March, 18fl.’i,
piLES 01
B* lowwill be found a certificate from one of the most
respectable citizens of WUfa&M township in regard to Dr.
Keysets Lindsey's Blood Searcher. The Doctor*s certifi
cates an within reach f and no one need be deceived in regard
to w preparations.
Dk. Geo H. Ketser :—l.became afflicted with the Piles
abont twenty years ago, ami everyyeur they were growing
worse, so os tq trouble me yery much, et> much so at tunes
aa to unlit me for work; Sometimes I was so bad that 1
could not do anything pn account bf them, they came out
on me as large as a hickory nut. I bud tried a great deal
of medicine lor them. I used to buy whatever J
could hear of or read of in circulars and pamphlets that
fell in my way, but I tould not got*.cured, sometimes they
would do me*ome good for a little while, but afterwards
they would return agilu as bad as ever. 1 also applied to
two iKictors who visited ;me at my house and gave me
some medicine but it would not dq, I could uot get well.—
Over a year ago X got Anedvertisemeut of your Lindsey’s
Blood Searcher, made by yourself—when you sold ft to me
you told me one bottle would not care me, am! that my.
whole system would have to be renewed by the medicine
before 1 got well. I,bought one bottle and took it home
with me and nsedvft according to your directions. I then
called to see you ageing when you said I could pot expect
much benefit from one bottle. 1 bought it on, one bottle
at a time, until I bad used-five bottles. After thisqoantl*
ty had been used. I wai entirely Well of tbe Piles, which
had tortured tee for twenty years. In other respects my
health la improved, and I am as well as could be expected
tor one of my age, being sixty years past. X have been
* ow r 5> r *l* months, And there is no appearance of a
*®sf! disease. I- catt do any kind of-forming
PilM coming down and hurting me.
£M^ P i U f hhay ’ C r° l,Wo(>ti,lJft » ardoaD X kind of work
hurt me. When I found out your
B!oM-ge»rch«r I kept, on. taking it until 1 got entirely
* e **\ I consider it my duty make my 'case known to
the country for tbe benefit of other* who may be Buffering
U 1 was, auddoi not know the value of your medicine.—
T “ u “»> thlalf ypu Uko-41 live in WMm Town
“*Pi »Bd wlltbepleaecd to satisfy any one of the truth of
this certificate If they wi{h to call on me.
*«,.!«& I '
sGP*Look out for the name of DR. GEORGE H. KEY
SEM an the after of the hqttU antiparted aver the cork: also
MMf stamp m toVn&SUufriamp on ihetoptfOu
octflei a present being inipoied upon by « tpunmti article
iohiehit in the market, k a '
Good News for the Unfortunate !
( nuuf i&jfSKlffe ITHMIi
V nsi pays )
Compounded from Barks, Hoots & Leaves.
CHEROKEE REMEDY, thd great Indian Diruretic.
cures all diseases of the various organs, such as IncotrtTnu
eucc of the Urine, Inflamatlon of the Bladder, Inflamatlon
of the Kidneys. Stone in the Bladder, Stricture. Gravel.
Gleet, Gnnorrhea, and j* especially recommended in those
cases of Fluor Albns (or Whites in females) where all the
old nauseous medicines have failed.
It is prepaired in n highly concentrated form, the dose
only being from one to two teaspoonfnls three times per day.
It is diuretic and alternative in its action; purifying
and cleansing the blood reusing it to flow in all of its or.g
iual purity and vigor: thus removing from the system all
pernicious causes whivh have induced disease.
CHEROKEE INJECTION is intended as au ally or as
sistant to the Cherokee Remedy, aud should be used iu
conjunction with that-medicine in all cases of Gonorluea.
Gleet, Fluor' Albus or Whites. Its effect are healing sooth
ing aud demulcent: removing all scalding, heat, chordee
.and pain, instead of the burning and almost uneudurible
pain that is experienced with nearly all the cheap quack
By n»e of the Cherokee Remedy and Cherokee Injection
—the two medicines at the same time —all improper dis
charges are removed, and the weakeued organs are speedi
ly restored to full vigor and strength.
For full particulars get our pampelet from any drag
store in the epuptry. or write to us and we will mail free
to any address, a full treatise. .»
Price. Cherokee Remedy, $2 per bottlo, or three bot
tles for $5.
Pripe, Cherokee Injection. $2 per bottle or three bottles
for $5.
gent by Express to any address on receipt of price.
Sold by druggists everywhere.
, DR. W. K. MEKWIN k CO..
s No. 59 Liberty Street, New York.
Ad unfailing cure foi SpomuuoiThwi.Stuuinal Weakness
Nocturnal Em unions, mid /til deceases caused by self-pol
lution ; srfch as, Loss ofMeinoryrUniversal.Lassitnde.pHius
in the Back, Dimness o Vision. Premature Old Age, Weak
Nerves, Difficulty In Breathing, Trembling, Wakefulness,
Eruptions op the Fade, Pale Countenance, Insanity, Con
sumption, and all the Direful Complaints caused by de
parting from .the patti of nature.
This medicine is a simple vegetable extract, and one on
which all can rely, as it has Lump used iu our practice for
many years, and with thnu*au<Rreat«*d. it has not failed in
a single instance. Its curative powers have been sufficient
to gain victory over the must stubborn case.
To those who hare trifled with their constitution until
they think themselves beyond the reach of medical aid. we
would say. Despair not! the CHEROKEE CORE will re
store you to health and vigor, and after all quack doctors
have failed !
For full particular*. g«*i a Circular from any Drug
Store in the country. .» writ*- the Proprietora. who will
mail free to any one desiring the same, a full treatise in
pamphlet form.
• Prices. $2 per bottle, or three bottles for so, and forwar
ded by Express to all parts of the world.
Sold by all respectable druggists everywhere.
Sole' Proprietors.
No. 61* Liberty Street. New York.
< 9‘ J^§.
lilixir. Elixir.
Prepared prom Purs Veg table Extracts, Co>TAd|j|B
The Rejnveh&ting Elixir ie the result of modern discov
eries in the vegetable kingdom being an entirely new
and an abstract method of rftre, irrespective of all the old;
and worn-out systems.
This medicine has been tested by the most eminent med
ical men'of the day, and by them pronounced to be-one of
thegreatest medical discoveries of the age.
One bottle will cure General Debility.
A few doses cures Hysterics in Females.
One bottle cures Palpitation cf the heart.
A few doles r«*stores the organs of regeneration.
From one to three bottle* restores the manliness and full
vigor of youth.
A few doses restores the appetite.
Three pottles cure the worst cases of Impotency.
A few doses cures the low spirited.
Cue bottle restores mental power. •
a A few doses bring the rose to the cheek.
This medicine restores to manly vigor and robust health
the poor debilitated, worn-down nnd despalrlng devotee of
sensual pleasure.
The listless enervated youth, the over-tusked man of
business, the victim of nervous depression, the individual
suffering from general debility, or from weakness of a sin
gle organ, will all find immediate and oorminent relief by
the nsu of this Ellilror Essence of Life.
Price $2 per bottle, or tVee bottles for so, and forwar
ded by Express, on receipt of money, to any address.
Sold by olldruggists everywhere.
Dr. W. R. MEUWIN I Co..
Sole Proprietors, No. 59 Liberty Street, New York. N
Ihr the Removal of Obstructions, and the Insurance of
Regularity in the Recurrence of the Monthly Periods.
They care or obviate those numerous disease* that
spring from irregularity, by removing the Irregularity
They cure Suppressed, Excessive and Painful Monitra*
■ They care Oreen Sickuees (Chlorosis.)
They care Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the
back and lover parts of the botjy, Heaviness, Fdttgoe on
slight etertiou, Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spir
its, Hysteria, Sick Headache, Giddiness, etc., etc. In a
word, by removing the Irregularity, they remove the cause
and Vith it all the effects that spring from It. ,
Composed of simple vegetable extracts, they contain
nothing deleterious to any constltbtion, however dolica e,
their function being tosplwtitnte strength for* weakness,
which, when properly nxed, they never fail to do.
They mgy $e safely need at any age and at any period,
except during the first t hree months, daring which the an
falling nature of their action would
Alt letters seeking informatien er advice will be prompt
ly, freely and discreetly auswared.
Ku\l directions accomp ,ny each box.
Pripe. $1 per box, or six boxes for $5.
Sent by mail, free of postage, on reciept of price.
Sold by Alt respectable Druggists.
: DkTW. &. ME WIN A CO.,
Sole proprietors, No. 59 Liberty Street, New York.
April Iy.
A pore and powerful Tonic, corrective and alterative, a
wonderful efficacy in disease ot the
Cures D>s)H*psia, Liver Coixiplaint, Headache, General
Debility. Nervousness, Depression of Spirits, Gonsti
atiou. Colic, Intermittent Fevers, Cramps and
gpa&ms. uiid all Complaints of either Sex.
nrtsiug from Buddy Weakness, whether
inherent iu the system or produced
by special causes.
Nothing that is not wholesome, genial and restorative
in its nature enters into the composition of HOSTETTER’S
STOMACH BITTERS. This popular preparation contains
no mineral of any kind; no deadly botanical element; no
excitant: but it is a combination of the extracts of
rare balsamic herbs and plants with the purest and mild
est of all diffusive stimulants.
It is well to be forearmed against disease, and, so far as
the human sy*ceu: can be .protected by human means
against maladies engendered! by an unwholesome atmo
sphere, impure water and other external causes, HOSTET
TEE’S STOMACH BITTEKS.may be relied on us a safe
guard. I
In district* infected with! Fever and Ague, It has bee
found infallible os a preventive and irresistible as reme
dy, and thousands who resort to it under apprehension of
an attack, escape the scourge; and thousands who neglect
to avail themselves of its protective qualities in advance,
are cured by a very brief coijfse, of this marvelous medi
cine. Fever and Ague patients, after being plied with
quinine for mouths in vain; until fairly saturated with
that dangerous alkaloid, are. not uufreqnently restored to
health within a few days by ! the use pf HOSTETTKR’S
The weak stomach is rapidljy invigorated and the appe
tite restored by this agreeable Tonic, and hence it works
wonder? in cases of and in less confirmed forms
of Imiioeation. Acting os •- gentle and painless apperieut,
as well as upon the liver, it glso invariably relieves the
Constipation superinduced Jbjy irregular action of the di
gestive and secretive organs. :
Persons of feeble habit, liable to lservous Attack*, Lowness
of Spirits and Fits of Languor, find prompt and perma
nent relief from the Bitters. The testimony on this point
is most conclusive, and from both sexes.
The agony of Biluous Cornells immediately ow aged by
a single dose of the stimulant, and by occasionally resort
iitg to it, the return of the complaint may be prevented
As a General Tonic, UOSTETTEH’S BITTERS produce
effects which must be experienced or witnessed before
they can be fully appreciated, In cases of Constitutional
Weakness. Fremutti/f Decay and Debility and Decrepi
tude arising from Old Age, it exercises the electric influ
ence. In the convalescent stages of ail diseases it oper
ates as a delightful invigoranft. When the power* of na
ture are relaxed, it operates to re-enforce and re-estab
lish it. !
Tatst, but not least, it is Thi. only Safe Stimulant, being
maunfkctured from sound and innocuous materials, and
entirely free from the acid elements present more or leu
in all the ordinary tonics and stomachics of the day.
No family medicine has been so universally, and, it may
be truly added, deservedly popular with the intelligent
portion of the community. «4 HOSTETTEU’S BITTERS.
Prepared by UOSTETTHR A SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Sold by all Druggists, Groqers and Storekeepers every
Genuine Preparations
and Speed Remedy for diseases of tlie Bladder, Kidneys,
Gravel and Droptfcaljgwelliugs.
This Medicine increases tlw- power of Digestion, and «x
-cites the Ab«orbouts into healthy action, by which the
Watery or Calcereous depositions, apd all Unnatural En
largements are reduced, as well as Pain and laflammation.
For Weakoens arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipa
tion, Ecarly Indiscretion of Abuse, attended with the fol
lowing symptoms;—
Indisposition to Exertion
Loss of Memory.
Weak Nerves,
Horror of Disease.
Dimness of Vision,
Universal Lassitude of die Muscular System,
Hot Hands. Flushing of the Body,
Dryness of the Skin, Eruptions on the Face,
Pallid Countenance,
These symptoms, if allotted to go on, which this medl*
cine invariably removes, soon follows
hnpotency , Fatuity, Epileptic Fits;
In one of which the Patient may expire.
Who can say that they are hut frequently followed by
those ** Direful Diseases,”
Many are aware of the clause ol their suffering.
Jnd Melancholy Deaths by Consumption bear ample wit*
ness to the Truth of the assertion.
The Constitution (met effected with Organic Weakness
requires the aid of Medicine to Strengthen and Invigorate
the System, •
which Helmbold's EXTRACT BUCIIU inranaWy does.
A Trial frill convince the most skeptical.
in many Affections peculiar to ftmaUs the Extract
Bccnu is uuequajed by any other remedy, os in Chlorosis
or Retention, Irregularity. Painfuhiess, or Suppression of
Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scin lions state of
the Uterus (.eucborrboea or Whites, Sterility, and for all
complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from In
discretion, Uubit* of Dissipation, or in the
Take no more. Balsam, Mercury, or unpleasant Medicine
for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. <?
In all their Stages,
Littjo or no ch&tigu in Piet
And nft Exposure
It causes a frequent decUe and gives strength to Uri
nate. thereby Itemoving Obstructions, Preventing and
Curing Strictures of the Urethra,allaying Pam and Inflam
mation, so frequent in the class of diseases, and expelling
all /b isonous, Diseased and toomoui Matter.
Thousands upon Thousands who have dein thb Vie
nna or Quacks, and who have paid heavy fees to be cared
in a short time, have found they were deceived, and that
the 4 * POISON ” has, by the ose of “ powerful ASTRiNQRNts,"
been dried np in the systein. to break oat in an aggra
vated foim, and perhaps after Marriage.
Use Uelmbolu’s .Extract Bccec for all-affections and
diseases of the UKIN ARY ORGANS, whether existing in
MALE or FEMALE, from whatever cause originating and
no matter of HOVf LONG STANDING.
Diseases of these Gleans requires the aid of a DIURET
DIURETIC, andis certain to have the desired effect in al
Diseases for which it is Recommended.
' Evidence of the most reliable and responsible character
will accompany the mediefbe. #
Delivered to any Address, securely packed from observa
tion. , ■ -j -
Describe Symptomsin aU CbmmunioatUms,
Cures Guaranteed 11 Advice Gratis ! 1 ■
Address letters for Information to.
H. B.'HELMBOLD, Chemist,
1 104 Bonih|Teotb-flt., bel. Chestnut, Phila ,
HELMBOLIYS Medical Depot, .
EELMBOLD’S Drum and Chemical Warehouse,
! PLED DEALERS who endeavor to dispose “of theifown n
| and ** other*' articles on the reputation attained by
Helmbold’s Genuine Preparations. /
** ; ' u • j Extract Buchn. /
“ y Sarsaparilla.
•* : Improved RoeeWash.
sbtD BT
j Cut out the Advertisement and send for it. ' -
Loss of Power,
Difficulty of Breathing,
Pain in the Back,
“Dr. Winhart’s Pine Tree Tar Cordial
is the only safe and reliable remedy which
has ever been prepared from the.juices of
the pine tree.”
• ... * “Dr. WUhart's Pine
Tree Tar Cdrdial has given evidence in
thousands of cases of its power to cure in
Consumption, of the Lunge, Erysipelas
Salt Rheum, and eruptions on any part of
the body.”
• • * • • “Those who are trou
bled with throat and liing diseases, cannot
be better than to get a bottle of Dr. Wish
art’s Pine Tree Tar Cordial, and use it ac
cording to directions.”
• • • * • “We believe that one
dollor spent for Dr. Wishart’s Pine Tree
Tar Cordial will do more to purify the
blood and core scrofulous sores than ten
dollars on any other remedy.”
* • • “The weak stomach
is rapidly invigorated and the appetite re
stored by Dr. Wishart’s Pine Tree Tar
• • * ♦ * “Dr. Wishart’s Pine
Tree Tar Cordial doeis its work; on once,
and the patient is immediately relieved
and cured.”
At little Expens*
No inconvenience.
Don’t fail to read tha next column.
i; /
%. /
» th* vi»ai runmi o» tbi ru*« «n.
Obtalaed by a pacnbar procaaa ia th* ilMlliJtia at the
tar. by which ttahlahaat medical ptopertlea are retained.
AawyatiafhatphP Bam you a9m ItraU Dm
yon aay of th* promoattory aymptnma of that anal Mai
dtaeaae, Cotunbnptloa 1
Thai* who ehoald b« nmt by Ihaa* wathai taw
ally think lightly of, them until it la too lata. Proaathta
hot, partaapa non thaa any other, artaaa tha lad pnn
lean and fatality of iliaaaaa which aweaua to tha (rare at
laaat “ooe-elxth” of daath'a Tiottaaa.
Ooaanmption baa deatroyed more of tha haaaaa hat;
thaa any other dlaaaaa, and tha' beat phyaldaaa lor aan
yaata have deapalred of a can, or a remedy that would
haul the loupe, hot Ibr more than two honored yaantha
whale medical world baa bean Impraaaad that than waaa
myatarioaa pwar and aSciaoey la tha Pina Tree Tar pa
heal tha longat there tore they turn recommended tha aaa
of Tar Water, which la away caaaa had a pood a&ct; but
how to oamblae tha medical ptopertlea no aa to haul tha
loan, bar error bean a myetary aattl It waa dfacoaarad by
Dr. 1. Q. C. WIBHART, of Philadelphia, Pa, tha proi.yle
tor of “Wbihart’i Pine Tree Tar Cordial."
Han;, not only of Um people, bat phjiiolui ef ant;
school and practice, an daily asking aw, “What ta lb*
principal or caoaa of poor success In the treatment of i"W
rntnary Cbmnaspttms I” My anavar Is this:
The useyoratien of the digestive organa, the afrawikaaisw
of the debilitated system, the pur&catum and swn'cftiwsisl
moat expel from theayatem the corroption which scrofttla
breed*. While thla la effected by the powerful altar*
native (changing from dlaeaaa to health) propartlea of
the Tar Cordial, Ita healing and reuovateng principle
in alao acting upon the irritated surbces of the
lunge and throat, penetrating to each diaaaaad parr
relieving pain, subduing (nflamation, and reatoring a
healthful tendency. Let UtU two-fold power, the healing
and the strengthening, continue to act in conjunction with
Nature's couatant recnparative tendency, and the patient
la saved, if be haa not too long delayad a remit to the
means of cure.
I ash all to read the following, certificates. They are
from men and women of nnqueauanable worth and repu
tation. *
Da.Wixbaxt—Heargn—l had every dreafhl cough
and aore throat for one year, and my . whole system waa
bat giving way, and I waa proatrated on my bed with
but little hope of recovering. My disrate Hasu a the
power of all medic in ee, and in a abort time I moat
have gone to my grave, but thank Ood, my daughter-in
law would not teat until ahe wjnt to your atom, Sts 10, N.
Second street, and related my case to you, purchased oae
bottle of your Pine Tree Tar Cordial and I commenced to
oae It, and in oae week I was much better, and after using
three bottles I am perfectly well, and a wonder to all my
friends, for they all pronounced me peat cure. Publish my
ease if yon think proper.
No. 1331 Wylie street, Philadelphia.
Dr. WMarfi Pin* Tree Tar Cordial iaantnhUiahta car*
for Branchitte, Bleeding of the Longa, Sort Throat and
Drear I, Tnflamation of the Longa.
Ha. Wasnaaya:
Da. Wiaaaai— Sir;— l bad Bronchitic, lafowadtai of
the Lnnga, Sbortoeaa of Breath, and Palpitation of tha
Heart In their worat forma; I had been treated hr atter
al of the moat eminent phyateinaa In PhUadalpfaii, bat
they could not atoo tha rapid eonraa of my dlaeaaa, and I
diaparad of ever thing restored to health. I waa truly on
the yerge of the {rare. Tour Pine Tree Car Cordial traa
highly reocommended to me by a Mend; I triad It. and
am thankful to any that, after using four large and and
one email, bottlaa, I waa reatored to perfect health. Ton
can giro reference to my bouae. Ho. MS N. Second atroat,
or at my offlce of Kecerer of Taxaa, form 9 a. K. to* r. a.,
corner ofCheatnnt and Sixth street!. JOHN WAKD.
Read tha following from Utica;
Da. Wisbabt— Dear Btn— l take pleasure in informing
yon through this source that your Aae TVee Tar MU[
which waa reccommanded for nay daughter by Dr. J. H.
Ball, of tfala city, hat cured bar of a cough of more thee
Bre montha ftandlng. X bad thourtit her beyond enra,ahd
had employed tha beat medical AMwithout any beniSt. I
can cheerfully recommend for thoae atmQaily aflfeMat
1 know of many otfafe- caaaa baaldea that of my daughter
that It baa entirely cared of longstanding coughs. font
respectfully, JOHN V. PARJtKE, DaguecraajTirtlat.
128 Oaaeaaee (treat, Utica, N. Y.
• * • • I have need Dr. Viafaart’s Pina
Tree Tar Cordial in my fomily, and sail cordially recom
mend it aa a taloabU and aafo modictna for eohb, oocgba
and to thoaa pradlapoaad to conaomptloe.
Dr. 9. A. POOTteR 181 ganaaaea atreat. ■'
Utica, New Tow.
The abort art a fow among tbo thonmada which thlc
gnat randy haa and bum aa ndtbMly grata.
Wa hate thouaahda of lattaca from phmr bin ami drag
gists who hata pnacribed and aold the nr Cordial mytag
that they ban oarer aaW or add a medicine which gate
•nch mdVaraal aatiaihctloa.
Tha Tar Cordial, whan taken in connection with Or.
Wlaharfs Dytpepala Pflla, le an lafolitaUa ear* for dya
The Pub Tub Tab Cobbial, will onn Ooggka, Son
Throat end BreMt, Brcachitla Aathma, VtaeflwOwik,
IHpthoHa, and K abo in aßeaUaat tanadjr Ibrdlaaadaa of
tbaUtßaya tad teilo coaplaißto.
The Banina baa tbaßaxaa of tha proprietor aad aptoi
tnobtMm la the MM4 ■ UMa M apariooa Wk
Puoi tan Cuts ud OKI Douab par iottu. Pra
papadiadT by&a propriator, -
No.lONotth Baaead IM, Philadelphia, (B.
' Bold by DraqlaN, warrwharaat Wbaltoali
| Wiataaala