The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, March 02, 1864, Image 3

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J ' V
fe Great Took i
Qr«t»t Took ;
Onit Took
««*» .Tonic
,1- i
tAGaaaralltaUlfty. I
i*'o«wr«l DtWlit).
litonl Dvblliiy.'
ud Coniwt do Bum.
»d Cannot do Bonn,
od Coanot rtoHotm,
ltd Cannot do Bom. ’
the Blood.
Biood. :
Wp Mtf ulp ft Trill
tVoenljrook a Trial,
W».t*ir aakaTrtal.
W, only affcaTrtaL
One ItolUirrper Buttle
p«r Bottle.
On* Dollar iw
i-0«o Dollar pw BatU*.
nugLt IUo. , - . V
it, fUnrMmrg, P».
■b. and O. W. Kmmlw.
HJT. !.
stock of
>es, <&e., &e.,
I »o Mil
•in. »• 1 consider it. bet tor
Rcctmuu «re respectfully
I<K, «tT vi«h to close up
wk a continuance of the
ly yours.
13th, 1363.
-DaW. Ortm,
'Light Grr*u f
Jtoyul Purple,
&}Zmon. .
State. -
'Teßo to.
d Goods, Shawls, Scarf*,
»et«, flats, Feathers.
Clothing, aiut all
an nr goods as would oth
« Tartyts shades can be
Phe process es simple and
rfect success. Directions
. In&lds of eack package,
ting, and siring a perfect
adapted to dre orar oth
>) purchase Howe A B to-
ling. Sent frr mail on
ftgtared by
260 Baoapwst, Boston,
i generally.
wpfa> of Altoona and vl-
AFT—uotffio much about
te Hundred to paf exemp
rather to «Uy at horn*
Ir ftupport, than to risk
fow, to b*}ng the matter
btie that by buying thtU 4
mer ofßranch and Annie
18 A OD ? they will
received a large and well
>weet llTing prices.
AO to (12.00.
partleulartjr drawn to the
K and White Manila from
to 2t cts; Del sines
> aeaortment of .MEN
epclaes Store.
ing beaey ' winter gar
»« is prepared to supply
t of winter 1 clothing. a>
connity. i. call again, and
57.00 to *20.00
J 2.oft “ 9.00
..... 1.25 “ 8.00:
tell satisfaction to all
. I reoneat an ezaath- ■
Pec. IT 18®.- . ,
Aten -jf Administration
Itr of Logan township,
tied to Ah* n * denignad.
dabtedtoaaid estate ara
sseßt,' an 4 .those baring
oat delar, dnlr tnthen-
' . Adminitirator.
hereby given that
adopted at a late meet,
the Altoona Hall and
Inient of 10 per cent, on
Is pajrable oo the 20th
»nd th%t tbe baluce of
In. monthly instalments
,d«yof each succeeding
paid In.
• the eompany can Still
w shares ret nnsoiit ■:
fohip .heretofore
touting u the
ii« d»jr been MM by
tat*, 4e.-, ofth* bite Arm .%%.
■her. who alone to »*- ';
»U theb«t-
I’obk lowxan
§ •«-!’
'Hariug, within the pout two joks, mode considerable
addition to onr eotabliohment iu the way of now teocy
t,p-, scrawPreaa, Paper Cotter, Card Cotter, Ruling Ma
cfiiuo. Card Power Preen, and targe Newspaper Power
Press, in cot «f which wo give abore) we are now prepared
toaaeeote anything in the line of printing or rolingjin
MUblUhment In tho State.andat
‘r>M Anally low. We can execnto. on abort notice, all
,GTle»of _ ’
WeJding. lnviUllon, Visiting, Ball & Business Cards.
Ciroulara, Programmes,
mammoth po&ters. sale bills.
|f igDOwfci AM®
Pamphlets, Pay and Check Bolls,
:i ah wi mle is a trial, feeling confident that we can give
mirfftction If we have the opportunity. .
; Bfflce in building, corner of \ irguua and An
n i}s streets, opposite Superintendent’® Office.
local, items.
Tub b4cktt Fiwd.—The following is a cpr-
footed list of the subscribers to the Bounty Fund
jh Altoona. The names,of those incorrectly re
ported heretofore ate republished ttjftther with (he
increase in their subscriptions:—
$l2 60jWm. Pringle,
25 00|jobn Dasher,
25 OOjJ.C. McCloskey.
10 00 j Henry Lceser,
25 00|Wni. Berkla,
25 00 Philips McOtrr.
25 00 Geo. Hoaonberger,
50 00 John W. Hooper,
25 00 Gyrus Buck,
25 00 Daniel Gall,
50 00 Robert Bonioe,
50 00 Nicholas Kurtz.
25 00 J. R. Fowler.
10 OO'John S. Hair.
10 OOiU. B.,
10 00 r». M. McCormick*
10 00}Phillip Knr.i". -
10 00 : r Bniim:u>lni i.
20 00, John A. ••ritHtb,
10 00 Calvin Lochard,
15 00 C. O. Hamilton.;
10 00 Martin Kelley. \
25 00 Otto Uoelly, ■}
10 00 Jocob Gnyer.
25 00 Ephraim Burket.
lo OO'john W Fvuuch.
■£> uojj. ll»ja.H-k,
10 OOjJoliu Cr-clinm.
25 Oil Jj'irol) FinJt-igli.
ifj OOiDavid llmt.
lo ooljohn M. Campbell,
25 00] Albert Pershing.
10 00 John (limivai).
5 00 M. Stivi-rt.
a Ooljaiu»-« K. Lit/..
5 00! Unity li i. iv‘*h,
2o u«) Lsamm l Gathers,
5 00 David Cassidy.
25 00 Geo. Henry.
12 00 Martin Mattie.
5 00 John Davis,
25 00 John Deveus.
25 00 M. McLaughlin,
25 00 G. D Green,
OO Coo. Wise,
lo 00 Jus. Hamilton.
5 00 G. B. Law,
25 00 Jncub Jshandletnirf.
25 00 John Delahunt.
100 00 llenrv Nfh-l.
100 00 W. Vi . W.-»t,
J 5 ‘XI Mux. Bender.
20 00 Thomas Minanx.
rii<urgo BaslS,
l<ftcr X. Marks,
If nuis Sullivan,
Ji.hii Marble.
|MUtC Beck.
tf. B. Al iftou,
inhu Khrlntfer,
W Ulrick, •
y, Delo, :
John Nagb^
Juki- Williamson,
Hugh Curry;
j|. C. Bossinger,
|». W. Dossinger,
M:u tm Robfeon.
Jr.nii Hornihg,
Dkm’l Furge#on.
>Vm N^Kl^ay,
|i. A. Orr, •
W. F. Furgeson,
Joseph Kelly,-
j.hinfs SiduW,
jfumvti Trout.
il.<hu Trout.*
J viaea Huope%
<j,-„ Courart.
0. W. .lubufpu,
). a. Dysarl,
rtary Sherman.
IV m*. O’nell,:
Marv Forgxson,
K. Fletuiug,
lMu!i. Black; •
>amuel Fnrgeson.
John Stahl,:
Mrs- E.Dodgherly,
F. Blmuhead.
Jacob Eiuki
rhomn-i McGuire,
j. 11. Fritchjey.
Se*., El way,
fj.i... McEutpnh,
\\ . Fisk Conrad,
Th'.mu-* McCauley.
J. H.Uuviile.
!B«‘ii>ir«l Kurtz.
Julm McllVaio.
!,~ ClUbangh.
flMi .-. (Quigley,
il*. V. McTnt'ire.
A. Botaiue,
W. PattersuiF
T. Selleip,
.I*. Jaggard.l
John Lehr.:
rtt'm. McCormick.
In. J,T.Christy.
||i. KettingeS*.
■Godfrey Wolf.
VV. L. Uofecker,
W. Clabaugh.
Dr. Miller. -
M. B. Kiferi.
25 00
T. Arnold. {AH’y City)' 25 00
Aquilla Anderson, 10 Q 0
Eli Hart map. 5 00
Mithlon Stdnch, 10 00
Jacub Good; 75 00
■J. A. Wright.(Le|rifct’n) 50 00
Jl.-T. A. 11. Sembower, 10 00
■Rioh'dWittendofer, 25 00
>r> d Heeeer, 25 00
Adam Odeniralder. 50 00
jHob Hester. 75 00
}>). L. Burley, 25 00
IJ.M. Stacker, 20 00
Jtf-v. W.TLjMiUs, 10 00
1«H imrd Softer. IS 00
All. n Grlwft, 10*00
J. Holtzmap, 20 00
ip.iu'l Bobler, 20 00
'.J <!. ConnMtnHD, 25 00
iAl*‘\_yaugßn. 13 00
[Richard Rofcrau, 10 00;
:K.Oearhard. 6 00
jUnluh Taylpr, 25 00
!J. M. Qileqiam, 25 00
lb R. Pancake, 10 00
lUaiuee Lowtber. 50 00
jelMi. G. Adlom, 20 00
i Figart. 5 00
[Johnston JSoure, 30 00
rtniAC Bartow, 25 00
I.L-r{ Geekey. 20 00
iefijroh T. Wilson, * 30 00
iTliornas Mcßride. 20 00
jWm. J. Graham, 10 00
Jo*. T. Brown, 10 00
[Mr*. E. fihink. 10 00 Levi Young. 5 00
John A. FeU, 10 00 Wm. Bl.ick, 15 00
v [Vm, Winn; . 50 00 Timothy Douahoe, 25 00
[Mows Tbompeoo. 25 00 F. A, Howe, 23 00
‘|*lis* Maria'Bhoemaker, 500 Isaac Armstrong, 15 00
IPeter Lockffirt, 10 00 Joshua Arthurs, 25 00
|A. Friend,: 25 00 Gels A Co., 25 00
Martin hongoecker, 25 00 Samuel Stiffler. .20 00
Si. B. Taylor, 25 0G LcwU Keefer. 25 00
[Miles Doran, 3 00 Win. Green. 15 00
[Wm. Baker, „ 15 00 Wm. ('onrad/ 600
[Win. Rodamer, 50 J. W . Fmith, 25 00
[ A.D. 25 OOlFrank Roily, 26 00
X. Gentner, 5 00 J. Schmithamer, 25 00
Thos. HeMop. 25 20[Conrad Keisel. 26 00
[Cassimer Bigle. 25 00 James A Kelly, 10 00
[ Wm* Mitcbel, 5 001 Thomas Holton, 26 00
[James Hcdoskey, 5 00 Joseph Carpenter. ID 00
& Painter, j 10 00 {Thoa. Carney. 6 00
pTsaac .. 10 00 dames Clabaugh. 10 00
Joseph Grea&awalt, 25 John Losh. 500
[Daniel O. Weldel. 25 Oeo. Hamilton, 10 00
ijHoob Beatty, 25 Lawrence Eimmel, 500
Ah- Singer* 24 65 Charles Smith, ID 00
B. F. Romperger, 25 John B. Forney, 300
Darid P. Hamilton, 25 Peter Riley, 600
Michael Oetftner, 35 James Polev, 10 00
Richard MeClain, 25 Samuel Miller, 500
Hr. Conuinfebam, 25 Alex! Ever ly, iOO
[Hugh Blgty, 5 0G Joe. Parsons, 10 00
James Bradley, 2 00 Wm. Hamilton, IB 00
Oeo. Alexander, 33 oo James Forney, 5 00
[Thomas DnaahoeJßt 500 Luke McCare, ID 00
|Michael 25 00 Frank McClean, 6 00
pjotiu M. Rfglar, 6 00 Thomas Vickroy, 26 00
• [Jacab-AlleiDan, 100 OO A. Henderson, IB 00
[James Cherry, ~ 2 50 lO 00
[John Crontmekar, 25 00 Joseph Stover. ' 5 00
pGeo. 8. Letan, 25 00 J. L. Reitsnyder. .25 00
[John Hew* 15 00 Joseph Boone, ; 6 00
iPeraard.Booney, 10 09 J. F. Hose, 25 00
jMicha«i v Mitf«h, 25 00 Henry Keller, ■ 35 00
j Andrew iCdltey, 25 00 Andrew Butler, 35 00
Jacob Nosl, 25 00 H. D. Boone, 35 00
irWm. A. Killy, 26 00 Samuel Oivler, 35 00
|A. A. Smyth, 10 00 Abraham Renner, 10 00
| The ntWMi hewtefore correctly reported are not
{republished— only Shoes incorrectly published land
khose not at all. The committee baring
found a sufficient number of men to fill the quota
jbf this town, ha* secured them, andjnow wants
[those who hare subscribed to pay in at once.: ;Be
lying upoh die honesty of the subscribers to the
fund, die poramittee did what was required of it —
•ecured the men. Haring saved the town from a
draft, all Should feel relieved and pay over their
jmbacriptions ac oace, and without compelling the
committed to mn after them. The names of ail
who subscribed to the fond and shall fail to pay
op, on or before the I6th of Match, will bojub
phed. “Ilm will be done. Tho public ghculd
|tnd will kbovr who are dishonest ip this mattei
“Johkptowh DnTßAcj>*».” —ln an article
'■trader this caption the Johnstown Democrat ex
poses and denounces' a fraud that was practiced
upon the people of that town by one Captain
Ryckiuan. in the disposal of recruits. Some fifty
five men were forwarded to Harrisburg in charge
of Rvckmap, with the understanding that they
•wcr* to be credited tip Johnstown, the people of
that place agreeing to pay. a local bounty of two
hundred and ten dollars to each man thus credit
ed. Robert H. Canan, Esq., was deputed by, the
citizens to follow Harrisburg and pre
vent the recruits from being sold and credited to
another county. This he endeavored to do, but
failed in the object of his mission. Soon af
ter the arrival of the recririte in Harrisburg they
were taken to Provost Marshal Clement's office,
mustered in and credited to Chester county. The
men received a cash bounty of only two hundred
and ten dollars, and Chester county paid three
hundred and fifty dollars! i The question is, who
got the one hundred and .forty dollars per head
which the men did not receive ? One hundred
and forty dollars apiece for about fifty-five men
will amount to nearly eight tboosanu dollars !
A snug little operation. The,outrage becomes the
greater, as it leaves the authorities no time
to secure enlistments between this and the appoin
ted time for the draft. The people of Johnstown
have a right to be incensed and to remonstrate
against this proceeding, and, if possible, prevent
C Cavemler.
Tlu.lnu- Hnslett.
A. F. He.-.
F. A.
Magnus Bender.
John Eftiard.
!Mnie] Cramer.
James McGnlluugh.
Janu*s Curry.
•W. H. .Nxpp.
A. J.,
>. |. Fries...
IVm. Fox.
J. L. Ickea.
B. B. Burtuett.
5 00
Peter Smith.
Peter Ilaye.«,
John Hickey.
Wm. Douglas.
U. HeiniH.
J. L. Glanding.
A. C. Devlin.
N. Maxwell.
Wm. B. Gott,
Ambrose Ward.
John Wiko.
John Akins,
John Keely,
Wm. Rothrock,
W. C. McCormick.
Franklin Beatty,
John O’Conner.
Frank Redding.
Christ. Cassidy,
Daniel McCaw.
8. Abrahams,
Jomss O’Conner.
Benj. Burley,
C. 8. Nicodemas,
Geo. Hawksworth,
Michael Morphy,
H. £. Perchey^
John Freely, or-,
John S. Miller.
Theo. Singe*.
John Cooper,
Alex. Mock,
Rev. T. F. Hallowoll,
John Woods,
Michael Fisher,
John Ak ens.
the issue of commissions Until the mutter be in-
For the Altogfa Tribune.
Broken Promises.
Mssses McCrux & UF.EK Permit ns,
through your columns, to inquire of the committee
appointed to collect and distribute raonev to the
families of the men who enlisted for the emergency,
lust summer, why it is that the money then so
faithfully promised, by the influential men of the
town, has not yet been paid ? At the time that
we entered the service of the Stale we were in
formed that the money was ready to be [mid at the
proper time, whieh'iwe understood to be each week
until we returned.
The offer was made, without our solicitation,
but we accepted it and performed our part of the
contract lo the best of our ability, while those who
made the promise have neglected theirs, by pay
ing only a small part of the sum agreed upon to
some of the claimants, ' while Olliers received
Mow. will the committee be so kind ns to ex
plain the matter to as, through the columns of the
Irihmie. If we are not to receive the amount
promised, we ought to know why it is withheld.—
If the committee lias done its part. >and the failure
Ims been on the part of those who promised the
money, justice demands that the names of the
persons who failed to make good their promises
should be published, so that the public may be able
to distinguish between ihe men who have the hon
esty to fulfil their promises, and those sordid crea
tures who are not possessed of that virtue.
Respectfully Yours.
Members of the I*.* V. M.
Death of Hon. Gkoiu.k A. Coki i.v.—We
regret to announce the death, on Saturday last, at
ids residence in Philadelphia, of the Hon. G. A.
Coffey, United folates District Attorney for the
Eastern District of Penn'a. About a year ago
Mr. Coffey was struck by paralysis, but had some
what recovered from it and seemed to Tic improv
ing. His last illness was produced by a fresh
stroke of the same disease. Mr. Cofl'ev was form
erly a citizen of this place. He was educated at
Dickinson College for the ministry, but prefering
the law, changed his professing and became a
practising attorney. He took a very active part
in public affairs in Philadelphia since he lias resi
ded there, mostly as a Republican, though
for a short time be was connected with the Demo
cratic party. In all the election canvasses of the
last six years he was an active, energetic, earnest
speaker. Mr. Coffey also devoted some attention
to literary pursuits, and wrote for the newspaper
press at various times, writing with facility, spirit
and grace. Has demise will excite a deep regret
among a large circle of friends. He was forty
three years of age. for a number of years he
had been the law partner of the Hon. Wm. D.
Kelley. —HolUdayshurg Whuj.
Grand Concert.. —Two grand vocal and instru
mental concerts will be gived in the P K. R. caT
shed, in this place, on the evenings of the 13th
and 14th of April next, for the benefit of the
Ladies’ Soldiers’ Aid Society. Extensive prepar
ations have been and are still being made for the
occasion, and it will doubtless be one of the grand
est affairs of the kind ever gott en up in this sec
tion. The object is worthy of the patronage of
all, and we hope the expectation of the Indies who
have it in charge will be fully realized.
Religious.— Rev. J. H. Schmidt, Pastor of the
German Lutheran Church, East Altoona, will
hold a public examination, with his class of cate
chumens, on next Sunday, March 6th, at 2 o’clock
P. M., both in the English and German language
The public is respectfully invited to attend. Con
firmation will take on the Sunday following
March 31th.
A Fat Take Lost.— Austin B. Williams, a
highly respectable primer, for twelve years past an
employee of the New York Times, died of appo
plexy on the 21st inst. He weighed' four hundred
and twenty ;ponnds, and l it took seventeen yards
of broadcloth to make him an out-fit. He was
very temperate in his habits, neither drinking nor
using tobacco. His hnijipr and wit is said to nave
been of a superior order. Barnum often sought
him for hia popular resort, but his exceeding sen
sitiveness would never permit him to become an
object of popular curiosity.
4®“The Seventh Annual Session of East Bal
timore Conference opens in this place at nine
o’clock this (Wednesday) morning ' Most of the
ministers have arrived. In consequence of
election of delegates to the General Conference,
which convenes in Philadelphia, in May next, and
other business, the present will bo an interesting
session. The Conference Record will contain
everything of interest that transpires. Price 30
cts per copy, by mail, (postage prepaid,) or 25 cts,
per eopy at office of publication.
J&*Tbe quota of has been filled, but
we have not received the those who have
volunteered. We eapfept to have them in time
for oqr next issne
ary, in the vestibule of the M. E. Chmch, a
pocket-book - containing several dollars. The
onwer can obtain it by applying to Albert Mc-
Donald, comer erf 1 Harriet add Allegheny streets,
Ea£t Altoona, and proving property and* paying
for this notice. ,
Tobacco and Cigars, Tobacco and Cigars.
Tobacco and Cigars, . Tobacco and Cigars.
Tobacco and Cigars, , Tobacco and Cigars.
Perfumery and Notions. Drugs and Medicines.
Perfumery and Notions, Drugs and Medicines.
Perfumery and Notions, Drugs and Medicines.
Together with a splendid stock of Trusses and
Supporters and all goods fonnd in a first class
Drug Store. Por sale cheap for cash at the Drug
Store of A. Kotrsu,
Second’door from the comer of Virginia and
Annie Streets, Altoona.
Fire 1 Fire !! — Do not risk your p rojierty any
longer to the mercy of the flames, but go to Ker
and have him insure yon against loss by fire.—
He v is agent for thirteen different companies
among which, are some of the best in the United
Altoona, July 21,-tf.
Two years experience has convinced me that
when goods are sold fur Ctw/<, they can be sold at
a very small advance on first cost; therefore I
have determined to make another reduction in
my prices, to take effect
In taking tins step. I have been actuated solclvi
by a desire to benefit the laboring classes. While
there has been but a small advance in wages, the
necessaries of life have advanced enormously, and
the prospects are that they will still go higher.
Believing that the additional amount of goods
which I can sell, at the reduced prices, will Justify
me in my undertaking, I respectfully invite the
attention of the public to the following figures.—
Almost even priM.n is aware of the prices at
which the goods .•*|»ceiried are now selling, hence
they will readily note the reduction, and can easily
figure up the saving to them in them in the course
of a year. My prices have heretofore been as low.
if not lower, than those of any other merchant in
the country. but 1 now make the following ivum-
turns in
Irish Poplins,
Kentucky Jeans
Sattinetts, a to la
Cassi meres la 2a
Plaid Flannel 8 “
Shirting,,..- 5 to 8
Linseys, a to 8
Cantoh Flannel 2 to 0
Linen Table-Cloths It) to 12
Cotton, in 10
Ladies'Closuring Cloth, 12 to 2a
Shirting Check,. 2to ;l “
Ticking, a to 8 *•
Muslin, 2to a “
Gloves, Hosiery, Opera Hoods, &c., reduced ac
Syrups, 10 cents per gallon
Sugar 1 “ pound
Coffee, 2 “ “
Tea, 10 to la “ *•
Pepper 10 •• “ “
Ginger, 10 cents per pound
Starch 2 •• “ “
Ess. Coffee,.. 1 “ “ box.
Candles, 1 “ “ pound
White Stone Tea Sets 50 cents per set.
“ Tlatcs, .....10 “ “ “
" “ Dinner “ 12 w “ ••
White Stone Soap Plates 12 cents set.
China Ten Sets $l.OO to $2.00 per set.
Rag Carpet, 6 cents per yard.
List, *. G u “ “
All Wool Carpet 10 cents per yard.
Floor Oil-Cloth, 6 ‘‘ “* “
Ladies’ Custom-Made Sowed Shoes, 12 cts. ]*'i pair.
“ Pegged “ 10 to 16 “ -
10 to 12 cents ■■ *•
6to 10 “ "
Misses’ Shoes,
Children’s Shoes.
I wish all to understand that these prices are
for CASH ONLY—that they are made tooeeom
modate persons of small means, to whom it is an
object to purchase where the can save a few cents
on each article—and that, they will be adhered to
strictly for the present, and so long, in the future,
as my sales will justify. After making the reduc
tion I must donblr my sales in order to make its
much money as I did at the old prices- The pub
lic can at once discover that it is to their advantage
to extend me their (uitronage, thereby enabling me
to make still further reductions for their benefit.
R. A, O. KERR.
Afaiu Street, Altoona , Pa.
Dec. 2, 1863.—if.
is ope of the greatest strengthening preparations extant
If is especially adapted to those who are afflicted with the
Fever and Ague, or any other disease arising from a dis
ordered condition of the digestive organs. For the Fever
and Ague there is perhaps no medicine in the world e jual
iO it, or it enters, purities the blood, which is so Important
to bring about a healthy action in*diseases of this nature.
The Bitters are now among the most popular, and at the
same time, valuable specifics in the medical world; In re
commending it to the public, we are fully conscious of
doing them a great service, knowing, as we do, their many
excellent qualities, and sure and speedy action in all ca
ses where the disease is caused by irregularity of the dj,
gestive organs. A trial will suffice for the most skeptical.
ftSL&e Advertisement .
> Fore sale by Druggists and dealers generally everywhere
Died of Croup—what a pretty-and Interesting child 1
saw last week ! But now, a!as! it is nc more. Such was
the conversation of two men riding down town in the
oars. Died of croup! how strange! when Dr. Tobias’
Venetian Liniment in a certain care, if taken In time.—
Now, Mothers, we appeal to you. It is not for the paltry
gain and profit we moke, hut for the sake of your infant
child that nop lies pfayjpg atjyopr feef. Croup Is a dan
gerous disease ; but use Dr. Tobias 1 Venetian Llqlment In
time, and it is robl»ed of its terrors. Always keep It in
the house; you may not want it to-night, or to-morrow,
no telling when—but armed with this Liniment yon are
; prepared, let it come when it will. Price only 26 cents a
bottle. Office ftd'Cnrtlandt Street, New York. Sold by all.
Baltimore Express Wwl arrives 7.4 D A. *M-leaves S.OO A.M.
Philadel'a •• 8.40 “
Fast Line •• - 8.06 PM. 4r "
Mall Train ’ “ •• 7.+0 *• " ’ 7.55 "
Express Tram Bast ** 9.2 b P. M., leaves W. 40 P. M
Faqt Line . “ I.U.A SU - 1.20 A.M
Hail Train - 7.4<» •• S.oo *•
Through Accum. - 11.26 - •• < 11.40 ••
' Trains ot) Hollidaysburg Branch run to connect with
v Express Train l * West. Mail Train East and and Thro*
Arcontmodation Train East. \
Trains on Tyrone A Clearfield Br inch and.Buhl Eagle
Valley H. R. run to connect with Express Train West and
Mall Traiq, East and West.
'1 (tent* per yard.
,5 to 8
5 lu i>>
.50 cents to .50 each.
.5 to 10 cent* per yard
5 to 10
5 cents per yard
1 to 5 w
Eastern Through.
Eastern Way
; 7.40 A. M.
7.00 P. M.
lo.lo A.M
7.40 A. M.
7.30 A.M. A; 7.00 P-M.
Wastern Way.
Western Tlurough,
Western Way,...„ „ 7,20 A. M.
Eastern Way,. 7,20 “
Western Through, 7,15 P. M.
Eastern Through 7,16 »•
Huliidnysharg, 7.30 A M. A 6,46 P M
Office Hours During the week from 6.46 A. M. until
7,du P M. On Sundays from 7.30 until 8,30 A. M.
Altoona. April 20,1863.
February 23d, bv Rev. A. il. Sembower, at Ki. Dorado,
JUST RECEIVED, A new 'stock of
Fishing Tackle ft if .Spring hrl***,. consisting of Rods,
Keels. Line-*. Basket*. -Snood*, Flouts, Nets. Flies. Artificial
Bait. Rigged Lines. Gut, Uraw and Hooks, to which the
utteutiou of Dealers in particularly requested.
Orders. wholesale or retail, punctually filled and sutts
faotiou warren ted.
uin2-oui 2d umLWalnat. Philadelphia.
N OW ii< your time to call at the cheap
atore. curlier .if Annie and Branch streets, if you
wish to secure bargains. Everything iu the wearable lino
idling at reduced prices to make roo.a fur spring goods.
Call Gariy and secure tin* iiest.
ma.-ly , J .1. MCHI'HY 4 Co
('AN be found at the corner of Annie
- and Branch streets. Good Brown Sugar on 11 cts.
per lb. ami all other articles iu proportion. Call and see.
mtui-ly .1 J. MCKPIIY i Co.
THIS favorite Regiment is rapidly filling
up ABLE BODIED young men desiring to enlist in
it will apply t»» the recruiting office. Tyrone. P uiLu ur t<»
me in person at the Stale* Union H- tel. Harrisburg.
Capt. 22d Pu. Cavalry, U. S. Recruiting Officer.
Feb. 27. 1504.-H
Orphan** Cou t of Blair County, the undersigned.
Administrator of the Estate of Samuel McGlathery. late of
Logau township, dec’ll., will expose to sale, hy Public Out
cry. i»n the promises.
THURSDAY, MARCH 10th, 1804.
The following descrilied property, to wit: A Tract of Land,
situate in Logan towp»nip, Blair county, bounded on the
North l»\ lands of Peter Miller.« n the East by lands of
Abraham Beals, on tlic South by lands Of Elias Baker, and
on the West by lands of Christopher Ilein
lor, containing'about 100 ACRES, ami
fIMM g | Sis having thereon erected a Two Story Lug
House and Log Stable. A spring of ex-
Mile Im commence at lu o'clock A. M. on Said day.
TERMS.—One-lmlfof the purchase money to be paid on
confirmation of the sal* 1 , and the residue in one year
thereafter with interest, to he secured by the judgement
bond of the purchaser. ANDREW* BIDDLE.
Feb. 27, 18G4-ts Administrator.
Condemned Horses
War Department. Cavalry Blbeau. )
Office of Chief Quartermaster.
Washington, D. C.. Feb. 10. 1*04.)
WILL BE SOLD, at Public Auction.
to the highest biddeV,
On Friday, March 11th, 1864.
At Mifflin. Petina., 300 Horses. Friday. 4th March.
At Williamsport* Pemia.. 300 Horses. Tuesday. Bth
At New Brunswick, N.J„ 300 Horse*, Tuesday, lath
At Easton. IVnna., 300 Horses. Friday, 18th March.
At Newark. N. 300 Horses, Tuesday, 2*2d March.
At Lebanon. Penna.. 300 Horses. Friday, '2sth March.
At Wilkesbarre. Ponua., 300 Horsos, -Tuesday, 29th
These horses hove been condemmni As unfit for the
Cavalry Service o! the United States Army. For Road
and Farm purposes, many good bargains may be had.
Sale to commence at 10 A. M.. and continue daily till
all are sold. Terms Cash, in United StatcsTreasury Note*
only. JAMES A. EHIN.
Chief Quartermaster, Cbvalry Bureau.
Feb. 27, 1864.-ts.
Treasury Department. »
Office or Comptroller or the Currency, >
Washington, February VH, 1864. )
XTOberRAS, by satisfactory evidence presented to the un
'’P’dersigned, it has been made to appeaPthat The First
National Bank of Altoona, iu the County of Blair, and
State of Pennsylvania, boa been duly organized under and
seconding to the requirements of the act of Congress, en
titled “An act to provide a national currency, secured by
n pledge of United States stocks, and to provide for the
circulation and redemption thereof,” approved February
20,1863, and has complied with all the provisions of said
act required to be complied with before commencing the
business of Banking ;
Now, THEREFORE, 1 Sambel T. Howard, Deputy Comptrol
ler of the Currency, do hereby certify that the First Na
tional Hank of Altoona, County of Blair, and State of
Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the business of
Banking under the act aforesaid.
In Testimony Whereof, witness my hand and seal of
[l. h.] office, this Tenth day of February, JBO4.
Deputy Comptroller of the Currency
Feb. 17, 1854.
THE Subscribers keep constantly on
band a large dock of Didos, Memcises, Chemicals,
Pharmaceutical preparations and every other article
which appertains to the business, embracing the most ex
tensive variety; also Pawis, Oils and Glass of every de
All articles purchased frum us can bo relied on as being
of the most superior quality and at as low prices as they
can hi had. We can Oder snoh inducements as will make
it tho Interest of purchasers to day in their supplies front
ns, and give ns their fntnre patron ige, and invitiMll, who
visit tho city to call at onr establishment. All orders ad
dressed to ns by mail or othermlse will meet with p-ompt
787 Market Street, Philadelphia:
FOR SALE.—A two-story Frame House
and Lot of ground with stable thereon. Par further
Information inquire at the Banking Boise of- Wm. M.
Lloyd A Co. ft E. HRVRT.
Peb. 10. 1854-tf
Behno *ill he found a eortifeate /ro» on* of the mott
respectable citizens of fTiUt'fl« Uncnship in regard to Br.
Keyset* Lindsey'S Blood Searcher. The Doctor** ccrtiA-
eates art within reacA, and no one need ht deceived id regard
to hi* preparations.
i .
l)n. 11 e«>. U. Kiyhui :—I became afflicted with the Hies
about twenty years ago, and every yoarlhey were growing
worker*) as to trouble me very much, sju much so Ht times
as to unfit me luf work. Sometimes I,was so ball that I
ouU nut do on account of them, they came out
pn me Urge aaa hickory uut. I h..d ivied a great deal
medicine lor them. 1 used to buy and take Whatever I
could hnur of or road of in circulars and pamphlets that
fell iu my way. but I could not get cured, sometimes they
would do me some good foralittlewhlle.bat afterwards
hey would return again as had a* ever. 1 also applhsi to
two Doctors who visited me at my house and gave me
some medicine but it would not do. 1 ctuld not get well.—
Over ayuar agiHl got an advertisement of your Lindsey’s
Blood Searcher, made by yourself—when you sold it tome
you told me one tattle woula not cure me. and that my
hole hVßtem would have lobe renewed by the medicine
»elore 1 got well. I bought one bottle and took it home
with me and used it according to your directions. 1 then
uIK-d to see you again, when you said 1 conld uot expect
much benefit Irom one bottle. I bought it on, one tattle
at a time, until I bad used five bottles. After tills quanti-
ty had been tised. I was entirely, well of the Piles, which
had tortured me for twenty years, in other respects my
health G improved, aud I am as well as could be expected
lor one of m> age, being sixty years past. 1 have been
well now for six mouths, aud there is no appprance of a
return of the disease. 1 do any kind of Terming
work now without the Piles comingdown and hurting me
I can pilch hay. chop wood. lift, or do any kind of work
which before used to hurt me. * When 1 found out your
Blooa-<eurc}o-r I kept ou taking it until I got entirely
well, I consider it my duty to make my case known to
the country 1 -r the benefit of others who may be Buffering
a? I was. and do not know the value of your medicine.—
You may publish this if yon like —1 live in IK&tax Town-
Wrip, and will be pleased to satis(y any one of the troth of
this certificate if they wish to cal) on me.
December 24th, 1863.
iff* Look out for the nonte of DR. GEORGE H. KEY*
SER <>n the cover of the bottle and patted over the cork : iiho
for his stamp on the United State* stamp on the top of the
huttie iu prevent feeing imposed upon la/ a *pnnont artu-le
irhtch it in the market.
Lindseys Improved Blood
A sure cure for Cancer and Cancerous Formations.
A sure cure tor Scrofula wherever located.
A sure cure for. all Skin Di-teases.
A sure cure for Chronic Erysipelas.
A -uire cure for Boils and, Pimple* on the Face.
it has cured all the above diseases.
It has cured Blind and Sore Eyes.
I' has cur-d Tetters of years* duration,
It lias cured Ulcerated Sore Legs.
It haa cured old and stubborn Ulcers.
It ha* cured Chronic Rheumatism that has lasted years
it ha# cured the worst forms of Dyspepsia.
Iris the bent Tonic and Blood Purifier known*
It; Will remove Mercury or Quinine out of the. Blood and
clear H from the system
It'will cure all Diseases of Debility
It will cure Fever and Ague.
It: «nll cure oases of Palsy and Dropay.
It has cured Epilepsy or Falling Sickness.
• * ■
It'has cured Chorea or St. Titus* Dance.
i '
it ■Will cure Piles and Sidney Diseases.
Itiwilt cure Chronic Diarrhoea
It will cure Nenjraigia and Nervous Weakness,
apy one wants to know how one medicine will core
so n apy diseases, answer—that it dost so, by thorough-
ly restoring the Mood and all the Secretion! which are
made from; the hiood, to a healthy state. No one nan take
tiiislßlood Searcher and have bad blood, for it will as sore-
Iy(Jw{ out flora the blood ail bad vitiated matter as
walirivfill pnt ont tin.
> Piepared by Dr. Geo. H. Keytar. Look for the name
over tbecork and take no other
iW only by A. Roush. Altoona, Pa.
A pumuml powerful Tonic, corrective and alterative. “
wonderful efficacy in disease of the
Cures Dyspepsia* Liver Complaint, Headache* General
Debility, Nervousness, Depression of Spirits, Consti
atiou. Colic, Intermittent Fever*. Cnuape ami
Spawns, and all Complaints of either &ex.
arising from Bodily Weak now* whether
inherent In the syitem or produced
l»y special causes.
Nothing that is not wholesome, gcuitl and restorative
iu iu nature enter* Into the composition of HO£TETTKH‘£
STOMACH BITTERS. This i>opular preparation contains
no mineral of any kind: no deadly botanical element; no
fiery excitant; V>ut it in a combinotiou of the extract* 01
rare balsamic herbs and plant* with the pure*t,apd mild
eat of all diffusive stimulants.
It is well to be forearmed against disease, afuh ho (hr *•
tbe human system can be protected by human mean*
against* maladies engendered by an unwholesome atm«.
sphere, impure water and other external causta, HOST). I
TEH’S STOMACH BITTERS may bo relied ou as a 'tab
In districts infected with Fever and Ayue, it Inn* luh
foumi infallible as a preventive and irresistible as reme
dy. nmi thousands who resort to it under apprehension of
an attack, escape the scourge; and tboudjiiids who negicci
t<> avail themselves of its protective qualities In advance,
are cured by a very brief course of this marvelous uumi
ciiK 1 . Fever and Ague patients, after being plied with
quinine lor mouths iu vain, until fairly saturated with
that dangerous alkaloid, are nut unfrequently restored U>
health within a few days l»v the use of lIOSTETTER '
The \v«*ak stomach is rapidly invigorated and the appe
tite restored by this agreeable Tonic, and hence it work-
Wonders tn cases of Dyspepsia and iu less confirmed form
of 1 NiuituviioN. Acting as i gentle and painless apperiei t.
as well as upon the liver, it also invariably relieves tb**
Co.NflTiPAitox superinduced by irregular action of the di
gestive ami-senretive drgans.
Ih-rsuin of habit, liable to iVcrrous Attack $, Loumewn
of Spirit* and Fitso/ Languor* find prompt and perinu
□cut relief from the Bitters. The testimony on this poj. t
is most conclusive, and from both sexes.
'.The agony of Biluous Couc is immediately a-><> aged by
a single d».!»e of the stimulant, and by occiiionaiiy resort
ing to it. iiu* return Of the complaint may be prevented
As u General Tonic, lIOSTKTTKH’S -BITTERS province
effects which must be experienced or witnessed beture
they can be fully appreciated. In cases of Constitutional
H<raAn«M.«, Freiuature D>cay and Debility and Decrepi
tude arising from ou> Am:, it exercises the electric influ
ence. in the convalescent stages oi all diseases it oper
ates as a delightful invigorant. When the {lowers of na
ture are relaxed, it‘operates to re-oufoi ce and re-estun
liflh it.
Last, but not least, it is The only Safe Stimulant , being
manufactured from sound and innocuous materials. him!
entirely free from the acid elements present more or h-**
iu ail tin- ordinary tonics and stomachics of the day.
No family medicine has been so universally, ami, it may
be truly added, deservedly popular with the intelligent
portion of the community, as UoSTETTFR’jyBITTERS.
Hr«j>»rcJ 4 bflr UOSTKTTKR i SMITH, Pittsburgh" Pn
Sold by all Druggist*. GnK.*e*r a and Storekcep<*T!» pvory
(jenuiiu; Preparations.
and apeed ili'ii]edy for diseases of the Bladder. Kidney**.
Gravel and Dropsical Swellings.
Tlda Medicine increases the power of Digestion, and ex
cites the Absorbents into healthy action, by which the
Watery or and all Ur.uatnral En
largements are reduced, as well as Pain and laftammatioti.
For Weakness arising from Excesses, Habits of Dins!)*-
lion. Eoarly Indiscre.lon of Abuse, attended with the fol
lowing symptoms;—
Indisposition to Exertion, Lo&i of Power.
Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing.
Weak Nerves, Trembling,
Horror of Disease. Wakefulness.
Dimness of Vision, Pain In the Back.
Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System,
Hot Hands. # Flushing of the Body,
Dryness of the Skin, Eruptions on the Pace.
Pallid Countenance,
These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this mvdi
cine invariaMy removes, soon follows
Impottncy. ib luity. Epileptic Fit*;
Id one of which the Patient may expire.
Who can say that they are not* frequently followed l»y
those “Direful Diseases,”
Many are aware of the cause of their suffering.
And Melancholy Deaths by Consumption bear ample wit
ness to th? Truth of the assertion.*
The Constitution once affected with Organic Weakness
requires the aid of Medicine to Strengthen and Invigorate
the System, .
which Helmbold’s EXTRACT BUCHU invariably does.
A Trial will convince the most skeptical.
In many Affections peculiar to Females tbe Extract
Bucnu is unequaJed by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis
or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or Suppression of
Cnstofuory Evacuations, Ulcerated or Sciri bous state of
tbe Uterus Leuchorrhoea or Whites, Sterility, and for all
complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from In
discretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the
Take no more Balsam, Mercury, or unpleasant Medicine
for unpleasant and dangerous diseases\
In all their Stages,
Little or no change in Diet.
And no Exposure
It causes a frequent decise and gives streflgth to Uri
nate. thereby Removing Obstructions, Preventing and
Curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying Pain and Inflam
mation, so frequent in the class,of diseases, and expelling
all Poisonous, Diseased and teomout Matter. *
Thousands upon Thousands who have been tbb Vic
tims op Quacks, and who have paid heavy fits to be cured
!? ?. ha * 6 found they were deceired, and that
the,* POISON” has, by tbe use of “ powerful astringents, ”
been dried up in tho system, to break out to an aggra
vated foim, and perhaps after Marriage.
Use Extract Bccht for »11 affections sod
dlsM*es°f Uie UMNABY ORGANS, whether existfof Id
HALE or FEMALE, from whatever cause orieinatinff and
no matter of HOW LONG STANDING. 8 *
IHteases of these Organa requires the aid of a DIUSET -
DIURETIC, and la certain to hare the desired effect in at
JH*a*tsfor wfnch ii U Btcommendtd.
Evidence of the moat reliable and responsible-character
will accompany the medicine. s
Delivered to any Address, securely packed from observa
tion. -l
Describe Symptom in aU Communications,
Cures Guaranteed i Advice Gratis '!
; Address letters for information te.
; . H. B? HELMBOLD, Chemists
104 South Tenth-st., bel. Chestnut, PbiU
HELMBOLD’S Mt&ad Depot,’ ’
HELMBOLD’B Drugeui Chemical WtnJuntM,
PLED DBALERS who nteior to disease “ of (Mr iet"
And “oUer” artiektm foerepitoiim attained 4*
HslmboH’B Genuine Preparations.
“ " Sxtnct Buchn. ■
‘ “ a SermperiUn.
I 1 “ - Improved Rom Vuk. i -
■ BOLD ST ' '
Out out the Advertisement end send for It.’ *
At little Expense
No inconvenience.