The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, February 24, 1864, Image 3

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    .'ln other
h. anV artielcs
by the Rebel f
pßon.of; they
tore -
MK V<>ry poor.
limbs -
i«|j -*m at one -
h» pronounced by
aew wMß of .
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dbpw»;-lljbe those
H do Belle Island,
p»; a fact were
to life. '
Great YVnic
Great Toolc
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a»nu DrtittUy.
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not do Bsyni.
notdo Harm.
»oot do FUfm
tisst do Hsra'
IJ>« Blood. ’
th» Blood. .
lytsk sTrinl.
ly.Mk a
ty.Mk »Trt*i.
> MUr pet&KtU.
.Dollar per Bottle.
>Doll»r Jen? Bottle.
'..Dollar per Bottle.
IsrrMbara, P*.' ■>,.
«*• <J; .»•. JCcssUr
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iUjriu*:, vithfo the past two years, made considerably
addition to our. jiatatiiiabineht in the way of new' fancy
Press, Pap«!r Cutter. Can! Cutter, Ruling Miu
chit**. Card Power Press, Urge Newspaper Power
Press. (# entof ithich we gire above) we are now prepared
to extrute anything In the lino of printing or ruling io
a style equal to any establishment In the State, and at
prices equally tow. SVecari execute, on short notice; al|
•irlsir.i ■ ;
Wedding, InvUaUoo, Visiting, Ball i Business Ctrdsj
Giroalars, programmes, i
•mjL @M§> 1
Pamphlets, Pay and Check Bolls,
Ait w« ask isa trial,feeling confident that
istuifAcliai) if we liftfs tb« opportunity.
i i Lowtbor'e building. corner of Virginia and An*
;ii* streets, opposite Superintendent's Office
3L.00A.3Lr ITEMS.
Borough Election.— The following is the re
sult ,ot the election held in this place on
last, for Borough officers:—
vhiuf Burgtlt- *V. W. K. W. iV. W. Thlal,
B. D. ‘ 47 IT 76 aoo;
W. K. Leonard. D. 80 #0 70 802
JkMitCt tf i he PtUct
John Shoemaker, U
J. USptnlman,D.
Jar.. l. if. Cherry, J.
J. K» Kl.v, P. ?
S. l!(Um*n, I.
TWw, lUnoou, I
7V»y/f. OMmaJi
D. LAugUnun, D.
A, Kipple, U.
John D,
JtMlma Kelly, XL
School Dirtdffijr*,
ChuK, J. Madd. IK
Auihvu*tf Ward. [U.
J. L. Uriftnydec,l>.
,B«ll,lK :
Attestor. » ■
J. H. HUeman, IK
J. A.'Baor, D.
Auditor. K
I>. I ruux, U.
R. A. u. Kerri, I).
Jucige <f EUcfyotu, S. W.
John Trout, 0. :
ft. f* Juhoaun, I>.
Judge of lUteti<aui t £. W.
E. A. Beck, U |
A. CV DotUo. p.
Judge of KUctoonis W. W.
Jo*.H. Smith, if.
Jacob llMser, P.
'I-here weie bnl two candidates in each Ward
for Inspectorrpf electipns, and, of conrse. buih
weiv elected, they are as follows : Peter Marks,
U.Kand E. C Collins, 1)., in North Ward ; B.
F. Uj, and R. McEldowny, D., in East
Ward ; Johnston .Moore, U.*, and Joseph Boone,;
I)., in West Ward.
Not more than half the vote of the Borough
was polled, bat little interest being manifested in
the result.
Wf hope that the newly elected Auditor will boi
ab!& to settle the Borough account for live }»i*i two!
John Griffin, Esq., was re-elected Justice of the;
Peace in Bogan township. <
tjL’OTi OF Bi.air County, —The following are
the quotas doe from the different districts n Blair!
county, ontbe Ist day of,February, under ihe call
tor 500.000 men. The list was made out by the
Provost Marshall. All enlistments previous to
February Ist have been credited and the following!
are the numbers due at that dale. , The quota of:
Altoona was 109, but on this there Itad been no j
credit given for those who paid commutation on 1
the last draff, i After deducting those who paid
commutation and giving credit for four men en
listed | between; October Ist and Januray 31st, our.
ipioia uras reduced to 9Q.
Allegheny, 55 Wood berry, 2lf
Hollidaysburg; 60 Huston. 20
Gaypport. 21 Blair, : 23
Tyrone tp.. ' 13 Juniata, 14
Frauksiown, i 31 j Altoona, 90;
Snyder tp. 4 Tyrone, 47jEogau, 72
X. W.od berry, 291-Antis, 42
Muninsburg, ; 6,Greenfield, 20
TaVlbr. | 24 Freedom, 12
Catharine, ■ 14,
Making a total
U*ilt Conference Record.— Our arrange
ments arc now complete for’ issuing a Daily
Keeijtrd of the proceedings of An
nual ConfererJce. which convenes in this place, on
Wednesday next. We have secured the services
of an excellent short-hand reporter, thus enabling
us ro give a full‘report of the proceedings after the
style uf Congressional and Legislative reports.—
The first number of the Record will contain a full
list of the members of the Conference, the dates
When they entered the ministry, the appointments
they have since filled, with dates of such appoint
ments, 4c., add the last number will contain the
appointments for the coming year. We shall also
give :statistibaE and financial reports interesting to
the publicCbolkinore pwrticnlarly interesting to the
menibers of thje Church. Price for the
if by mail, 30 cents aqd postage pre
paid!; If delivered at the office of publication 26
cent| for the session.
Tp CoCTkßpcß.—The Seventh Session of
East Baltimore Annual Conference will open in
ehhrch, in this .place, on Wednesday
2d. The,examination of clases* will
take WbwipD Xoeadav, Match ,Ist, consequently
thosrphetoeging to the classes and the examining
oomihittees -will arrive on Monday evening or
Tnesjday morning next. Persons who have con
seated to entectaip ministers diving the session,
shoajjd beprepured to receive them by Monday
evening next,; The number each family has con*
seated toentertain has been assigned to it. Al
though alltbe kniniatere in the Conference do not,
usually, attend; the sessions, it is, nevertheless,
impossible for kho Committee, having, charge of
the mfttter of procuring homes for them, to tell, at
this t|ne, who jwU> and who will not ho present.
BataotoDS.—>At the meeting of the Presbytery
of Sepstone, hqld at Unkmtown, Fayette county,
on WjpdjMsday.&eb. 17th,key. B. M. Wallace re
quested that nut .pastoral relation then existing;
between him aijd'.tbe congregation of Brownsvdle :
b.‘ diafotved. After hearing the parties on both
*ules,‘jtimPrestijrtegr acceded tohis request.
Wallace will preach in the Presbyterian
rhowh in this: place, on SMibath next, morning
and evening, af the usual hours. 1
.61 63 71 186
36 100 63 10*
3 0 12
289 j
76 121 92
10 33 44
40 as 66 169
41 64 66 171
40 108 77 225
38 106 78 222
31 ri7 07
31 fty 66
4* 11*2 7S
4* n-4 ;y
47 68 tk. I*3
49 103 SO 284
34 08 03
44 99 90
if 603 meit
Second ANNnrtniajutT.-rpn Sunday afternoon
last. the Mcthodist Episcopal rinnday School Mis
sionary Society, of this pluck- hekt its second An
niversary metaling, anil it ki'nsa.happy time for
4he members of the Society; : The entire school,
numbering near three hundred scholars. was in
attendance, together with a lint attendance of
parents and friends of the scholars. The school
is formed into a general society, and Hie different
classes into auxiliary societies. Eacli class ap
points a monthly treasurer, and on the third Sab
bath of each month the collections of the anxtliary
societies are handed to the general treasurer.—
On the occasion referred to there was considerable
rivalry between the auxiliary classes to excel
eacls other in the amount of their collections for
the month. The result was that some $35 were
banded to the general treasurer, making the col
lections for rbei year, by the Sabbath School So
ciety, $179. After the classes had reported, a
very interesting letter from Kev. Henry- Mansel,
Missionary in India, was read. (This letter will
lie published in the CoHj'crtnrv Rt^orii.')
New Method of lUisixo the Wind.—Stand
ing at a Railroad station, u low days since, while
a passenger train, containing * number of re- ;
emits, was stopping to take wood and water, we 1
observed a new method of “ raising the wind,”
which was after this fashion. The recruits would
reach out of the wiqdows of t]ic car and snatch a
man’s hat from his head, or those who had stepped
out of the cars would snatch a hat and rush into
the cars with it. They would then hold the hats
out of the windows atid offer them to the owners
at 25 or 00 cents, acoordingto the value of the
article. In must cases, if not in all, they received
the price demanded. On the payment of the
sum there wonld be a regular cheer along the
lines. While .we admire, ihe man who for
sakes the comforts of home to battle for his coun
try, we must confess that this action of the re
cruits gave us a rather bad opinion of their
Subsobiptioss to the Bounty Fcnd. — A cor
rect list of the subscribers to the Bounty Fund wiJI
l>e ]>nblisbed next week, the committee not having
time to prepare a revised list for thus week’s paper.
The subscribers to the ;f\tnd, who have not
already paid their subscriptions, should do so at
once, either to the party soliciting subscriptions
in their districts, orpt the office of Esquire Humes,
on Virginia street.
The committee having in charge the enlistment
of men and paying bounty, have been Itiudered in
their work by the failure of siibscriliers to pav up
their subscriptions. The time left is so short that
unless immediate payment I* made the money
will be useless. There is no excuse for delav in
this matter. If men really Intended to pav when
they put down their names, they can pay as well
to-day as to-morrow, and a day lost may prevent
the tilling up of the quota of the borough.
■ Sale of Condemned Cavalry Horses. —Bv
reference tb an advertisement in another column,
it will be seen that a Quartermaster from the
Cavalry Bureau, at yVasljington, will offer for
sale, in this place, on die 11th of March next, a lot
of d()0 condemned cavalry horses. Here will be a
chance for some of our fanners to get bargains.
Many of these horses are condemned because they
are run down by the hard usuage they have re
ceived, yet it they be turned lout to pasture for a
few months and receive proper care they wilt come
out almost as sound as they were before they en
tered the service.
The Coming Conference.— The Methodist
Conference will convene here in a few days, and as
you will have the clergy as your guests, and they
are known to be judges.of good Kving, do not let
them leave Altoona ; disappointed. Call at
Frxtchey’s, who has constantly on hand a fresh
supply of choice family groceries suitable for the
occasion. '
Tobacco and Cigars, Tobacco and Cigars.
Tobacco and Cigars, Tobacco and Cigars.
Tobacco and Cigars, Tobacco and Cigars.
Perfumery and Notions, Drugs and Medicines.
Perfuqiery and Notions * Drugs and Medicines.
Perfumery arid Notions, Drugs and Medicines.
Together with a splendid slock of Trusses and
Supporters and all goods found in a first class
Drugstore. For sale cheap for cash at the Drug
Store of
A. Roush,
Second door from the comer of Virginia and
Annie Streets, Altoona.
Fire! Fih»! I —Do not risk your property any
longer to the Inorcy of the flames, but go to Ker
and have him'iiisnre yon agnlngt loss by fire.—
He is agent for thirteen differed! companies
among which are some of.the’ best in the United
Altoona, July 21,-tf
Ueiike Perplexities.— The rebels are in such
a fix, says the Chicago. Tribnuf, that it require*
several columns to set forth their’dialemma, to sav
nothing of any mode of relief from it. Their
case seems to stand thus : ■
1. If they increase their airmy they cannot fqed
it. : I '
2. Unless they increase their army they are
whipped. '
3. Unless the press speaks out their liberties are
4. If the press speaks out is
gone. ' 1
5. Unless they draft the whole population they
must surrender.
6. If they draft the .whole population th v must
starve. ‘
7. Unless they recover Bast Tennessee they can
get no saltpetre.
8. If they undertake to reobver East Tennessee
they will get more saltpetre tlpm they want.
9. Unless they free the negroes they have noth
ing to fight with. ’
10. If they free the negroes they have nothing
left to fight for.
11. Ever since the,rebeliiojrt! began negroes have
been falling.
12. Nevertheless, their greatest fear norris,
least the negroes should rise.
13. Unless Jeff Cams re tndiates his present
debts he can’t borrow from a iybody.
14. If he repudiates nobody will lend to him,
1 15. If he impresses food h;turus the End into
desert. •• ' .
, 16. Unless he impresses food he turns his men
into deserters.
17. They can’t succeed in .the war unless they
have got the means of building railroads.
18. They can’t get the me ms of building rail
19. If they fight they lose the day.
; JJO. Unless they fight they loose everything.
Two years experience has convinced rue that
when goods are sold /or Cush, they ran hr sold at
a very sniali ativanee on first cost) tiierefora I
have determined to make another UEiurTiox in
my prices i to take effect
In taking this st*■ j>. 1 have been actuated solely
by a desire to benefit the tailoring classes. 'While
there has been hut a small advance in wages, the
necessaries of life have advanced enormously, ami
the prospects are that they will still go higher.
Believing that the additional amount of goods
which I can sell, at the reduced prices, will justify
me in' my undertaking, I res|iectfully invite the
attention of the public to the following figures.—
Almost every person is aware of the priecs at
whiuh the goods s|iecificd are now selling, lienee
they will readily note the reduction, and can easilv
figure hp the saving to them in them in the course
of a year. My prices have heretofore lieen as low,
if not lower, than those of any other mere hunt in
the country, hilt I now make the following reduc
tions in
Delaines, .....
Irish I’oplms,
Kentucky Jeans,
Tweeds,.* 5 to 10 '
Cottonades, ...* 5 cents per vnrd
Sattinetts, 1.5 to 15 ' ••
Cassimores, 15 to 25 “
Plaid Flannel, . 8 >•
Shirting, .............5 to 8
Linseyn, . sto « “ “
Canton Flannel,.... 2 to o
Linen Table-Cloths, 10 to 12 •• •• “
Cotton, 6to 10 •• . *•
Ladies’Cloaking Cloth, 12 to 25 “ “
2 to 3 “ “
Ticking, 5 to 8
Muslin, 2 to 5
Gloves, Hosiery, U|-era Hoods. ,Vr.. redneed ae
GRoi; limits.
10 cents per gallon.
1 “ u pound.
Sugar, i
Ess. Coffee,
C a miles
White Stone Tea Sets oO cents pnr set
“ “ “ Plates, 10 “ “ ••
“ “ Dinner “ 12
W T hite Stone Soup Plates 12 cents pet set
China Tea Sets, $l.OO to $2.00 per set
Rag Car[K.T, —0 cools j>er yard.
List (3 u .t ‘. k
All \\ pol Carper, 10 cents per ran!
Floor Oil-Cloth,.. 5 ** “ ’ •*
Ladies’ Custom-Made Sewed Shoes, 12 ets. per pair
Pegged kt 10 to 16 “ -
Misses’ Shoes, 10 to 12 cents - “
Children’s Shoes sto 10 “ •«.
1 wish all to multil stand that ihesa prices are
for CASH ONlA—tliai thev are made to accom
modate persons of small means, to whom it is au
object to purchase: where the dm save a lew cents
gn each article—and that thev will be'adhered to
strictly for the present, and so lung, in the future,
as my sales will justify. After making the reduc
tion I must doublr my sales in order to make as
much money as 1 did .it the old prices. The pub
lic can at once disAnty that it is to their advantage
to extend me their patronage, thereby enabling me
to make still further reductions for their benefit.
R. A. 0. KERR.
Main Street, A/toouu, Pa.
Dee. 2, 1863.—-if.
is one of the greatest strengthening preparations extant
It Ih especially adapted to those who are afflicted with the
I ever and Ague, or any other disease arising from a dis
ordered condition of the digestive organs For the Fever
and Ague there is perhaps no medicine in the world ejual
*° it, as it enters, purifies the blood, which is so important
to bring alxmt a healthy action in diseases of this nature.
*.he Bitters are now ambug the most popular, and at the
same time, valuable specifics in the medical world. In re
commending it to the public, we are fully conscious of
doing them a great service. we do, their many
excellent qualities, ami *>im« and speedy action in all <-a
ses whore the disease is caused by irregularity of the di.
gestive organs. A trial will suffice for the most skeptical.
&£»See Ad*ertixcmrnl.
Fore sale by Druggists and dealers generally everywhere
Died of Croup—what iv. pretty and interesting child 1
saw last week ! But now, alas ! it is nc more. Such was
the conversation of two men - riding down town in the
cars. Died of cropp! how strange! when Dr. Tobias'
Venetian Liniment is u certain cure, if taken in time.—
Now. Mothers, we appeal to you. It is not for the paltry
gain and profit we make, hut for the sake of your infant
child that now lies playu.c atyourfeet. Croup is a dan
gerous disease ; but use Dr. Tobias' Venetian Liniment in
time, and it U robbed of it* terrors. Always keep It In
the house ; you may not want it to-night, or to-morrow,
no telling when—but armed with this Liniment you are
prepared, let it come when, it will. Price only 25 cents a
bottle. Office 56 Cortjrtiidt Street, New York. Sold by all.
Baitiuure Express West arrive. 7.40 A. M., leaves 8.00 A.M.
Philadel’a “ •> S.2U “ 8.40 “
Part Line “ 8.55 P. SI. •> ,10 P.M.
Mail Train ** •• 7.40 “ ■■ 7,;,7i ..
Express Train East " 9.20 P. 61, leaves 8.40 P. M
Post Line “ •• 1.15 A M., “ 1.20 A. M
Mail Train •• •• 7.40 •• “ 8.00
Through Accoui. , 11,25 “ ■■ 11.40 •*
Trains on HuUidsyshurg Branch mu to connect with
Express Trains West. Mail Train Mast and West and Thrrf
Accommodation Train East.
Trains on Tyrone A Clearfield Branch and Bald Eagle
Valley R. K. run to connect with Express Tniln West and
Mali Train East and West.
Eastern Through,..S... 7,40 A. M.
Eastern Way... 7,00 P.M.
Western Way 10,16 A. M
Western Through- 7,40 A. M,
Hoilidayshurg, 7,30 A. M. 4 7,00 P.M.
Western Way, 7,20 A.M.
Eastern Way 7,20 “
Western Through, 7,15 P.M.
Eastern Through,.... 7.15 ••
Holiidaysbnrg, 7,30 ATd. A 8.45 P. M.
Orrum Bonus:—Bnrfng the week from 6.45 A. M, until
.7,35?. M. On Sundays from 7AO until 8,30 A. M.
Altoona. April 20,1863.
On the inst,.by illev. Thus. F. llalluwell, Lieaten*
ant CHARLES COPELIN. of Clearfi .Id eountv, to Mint
SAM.IE R. VALENTIN t, of Blair county
2 evut* per van!
,20 •
.5 to 8
,5 “ *'
5 to 10 ‘
.50 cents to $1 .r»0 each,
.5 to 10 cents jjer yard
io to ir>
10 cenih |<er jamml
1 to 5
THIS fiivwrite Regiment is rapidly filling
op- ABLE young nun «lesin«»g l-onlim iu
it will apply t«* ilte recruiting office. Tyrone. P. im'a nr to
«iu- In penum at the State* Union H.rtel. IlNrri»bnrg.
Vapt. 'ttd Pa. Cavalry. U. & R.-cnmimr »>rttcer.
/ ' L. S.ISV4.-U
Con t of Blair County, the uiKltTfigned
A luinUtr&toror the Estate of Samuel McGlathery.lateof
I.oy:iu township. dec’d- will expow* to wile, bt Bubfir Out
cry. ou the premise.
THURSDAY. MARCH Hh-ii, 1804.
The tnlluwui” de-cribed property, to vit: A Tm«;t of Land,
situate in Lognu Cowu'anlp. Blair countv. bounded on the
North by lands of IVter Miller.«i. .the Kant hv lands »f
Abraham Heals, on the South by lands of KIUh Baker.and
"ii by lands «.>f Christopher Heiu
, l**r, containing ab<Att 100 ACHES. and
having thereon erected a Two-Story Lou
■ House and Log Stable. A spring of ex-
water at the door.
>atf In i-..ituneiK-‘ at lu o : rl« rk A. M on said day.
TLKMs.—One-half of the p arcluiw money 4o be |*ud oil
confirmation .<f the sale, and the residue in one year
theivalter with, to be secured by thejudgement
»wi,d ..f the |iuichas*-r. ANDREW BIDDLE.
l ,, d>. -i, ISG4-ls AduitHiflrator.
Condemned Horses
Wak Department. Cavalrt Bcreau. )
Otkee of Chiff JjuurltrmmUtr. >
Wasiunutos. D. C'.. Keb. 1», 1864.)
RK 80L1>. at Public Auction,
t<> t i»* highest bidder.
300 horses/
On Friday, March 11th, 1864
Tlicse homes have bom condemned us unlit fur thu
Cavalry Service id the Ouiipd State* Army. Fur Head
and Kuna put pones, many good bargains may be bad.
iii Guiniufuoi- ul li» A. M.. ainl ixnitinu- ilaiii till
nil ;tn* soli. IVrms Cash, in Cnitt*} Tmism v Nota^
m»l>. A. KKI.V
I'hirf <juurUt in‘j*(f:r, tJavaiyy iiun'uu.
Keli. «T. lS»'»4.-ts.
Ta lasi a v I)ki*artmot. i
i)mcE or. Com it roller or the Currency, >
Fcfy Hur>/ In. lsC4. j
V\ r m - .RKA>. I* y sati-fiiefory evidence preHi-nt. fi In the (ID*
<h rr-iurinl it Im> been made to appear that The First
National hank in AU«i<>im. in tin- amfy of Blair. and
Stale o! r-iiiisy!vania. has b«-en duly organized umb-r and
according to the requireinci h uf thpuct of Congress. en
titled "An act to provide a uatpinal ’ currency, secured by
a pledge of (7lilted States slocks, and to provide for tile
circulation And redemption thereof,’’ approved February
-•<. I*‘hs. and bus complied with all Hie provisions of said
m t required to be complied with before commencing the
bn>ine>s oi Blinking :
Now.THKKKKoiih. •! Samuel T. llowri d, I>eput v Comptrol
ler-of the Currency, do hereby certify Tint tin First Na
tional bank >f Altoona, County -f iiluir. and Slate of
Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the busiuess of
Banking under tin* act aforesaid.
In Tk.sumow Whereof. witness my harm and s. al of
m.. s.j ollice. thi.-» Titith day of February. ISO 4.
Deputy Comptroller o! the Currency
| Feb. 17. ism.
j No. rar market sVeeet, puiead.
THE Subscribers keep 1* constantly on
hand a large st»>ok of*DauQ8 t Jilepicuvfs. Chemicals,
1 Pkarmai eltical preparations and ? every other article
I which appertains to the business, embracing the most ox
| tensive variety : ul.-o Paints. Oil* and Glass of de
All articles purchased from us can U* rtdi'd on ns
of the most superior quality am! at as li>w prices a© they
cau be hud. Wt can offer such inducements a* will make
it the interest of purchasers to lay iu their supplies from
t Us. and <:ive us their future patron ge. and invite all, who
; visit the city to call at our esjablishjneat. .All orders ad
j dressed to us hy mail or othermisc will meet with p-'onijU
| attention
737 Market Street, Philadelphia.
j f«*l>KKSin
!a new dry goods store
The undersigned would re
SPKCTKULLY ANNOUNCE to tin* public that >1..-
{ Im.j (ulJed to her stock of
Jg®“ BR Y GO 01)8,
o.iwistilij.’ ol IMUNT?, DELAINK.S. ALI'APAS. KKI’S
BLEACHED MUSLINS from 123 to 45 coat* oer van!
YELLOW •• “ 2i i,05 • " *
CALICO - IGto-r) ”
DELAINES •• ;iu ti> ar>
Aik! all other articles in proportion.
1 have u!m> a full assortment of GLOVES, HOSIERY,
COLLARS, ami NOTIONS generally.
My *took of Millinery Goods embraces everything in
that line usually kept in the country.
I have marked my goods to the lowest figure FOR
CASH. Believing that my goods itm! prices will prove
satisfactory, I Invite a call from tho public.
uebkcca McClelland.
Dec. 23d. 1803-ly.
FOR SALE, or Exchange for lots in
Altoona, a valuabl tract of TIMBER AND FARM
LAND, in Cumbria county, containing 650 ACRES, more
or lt*aa, good Saw and Lath Mill, and two sets good bnlld
ing*. Terms easy. For further particulars, Inquire of
Corner of Carolina and Main streets, Altoona-
Fob. 17. 18(>4-7t*
'J^’OTICE.— The Partnership heretofore
X v existing between the undersigned, trading as the
Arm of John Lowther A Co., has this day been dissolved by
mutual consent. The boohs, accounts, &c., of the late firm
are left Id the hands of James Lowther. who alone is an
horixed to collect the account** and settle up all the busi
ness of the late firm. JOUN LOWTHER
Feb. 6,1364. —3 t. JACOB HESSER.
IyrOTICE. —Notice is hereby given that
X w the following resolution was adopted «t a late meet
ing of the Board of Managers of the Altoona Hall and
Market Company:—
Resolved. That the second instalment of lu per cent, ou
the stock subscribed made payable on the 20th
day of the present mouth, (May; and that the balance of
the subscription be made payable in monthly instalments
of 10 per cent each, on the 15th day of each succeeding
mouth, until the whole amount is paid in.
Persons wishing to take stock in the company can still
be accommodated, there being a few shares yet unsold
Altoona, May 19tlk-tf. B F- ROSE. Treasurer .
AM- Estate of WILLIAM LOUDON , Dee'll
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration
on the estate of William London, late of Logan township,
Blair county, deCd, have been granted to the undersigned!
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are
requested to make immediate payment, and those having!
claims will present the same without delay, duly authen
ticated for settlement. JAMES LOUDON
, , • JOHN LOUDON. '
Logan tp, Jan. 27,1804-fitf f Administrators.
Notice is hereby givgp that Letters of Aminlstra
trathm have been granted to the undersigned on the es
tate ol Samuel McOlatherr, late of Logan township Blair
County, dec'd. Ail persons indebted to said estate are re
quested to make immediate payment, and those having
claims will present the same duly authenticated for settle
ment, withontdelay. ANDREW BIDDLE.
Altoona. Jan. 20, 1864-fit. a iministratar.
FORSAIfe— A two-story Frame House
and Lot of ground with stable thereon; For further
information inquire at the Hanking llonsc of Wm M.
Lloyd A Co. S. E. HENRY.
Feb. 1«, 1864-tf
MAOKKIiKE —NOS. 1. 2, A-NP 3,
in ail sized packages, new. and each package
warranted. Just rereivp.! and for tut Mow by
BfUmo will fx /'Httul a certijlcate fan* one of lit*
rfipfcluhle citizens o f Will-in* totnuki}) in rrytmi tu IW.
Lindtry’* Blood toaivkrr. The iMKUn-'s ctrtifi-
cate*are within rtaeh, utninoone neodbe tiecrire*li* report
to his /<v» fiiinUum*.
|)k. »itu 11. Kkt*cr 1. with the Pile#
el-out twenty year* ajjo. ami every year they were growiuis
wurw. *o as to trouble m« vory much, »o mnch *o at finnn
ckmi<‘timo« I wsu *o bod||)£t I
could not do any thing on account of them. they cqaM.unit
as U*'unfit me lor-work.
on sue :is Urge a*a hickory fiul. 1 had tried a great deal
of medicine tor theta, i used to buy and take whatever I
could hear of or read of in circulars aud pamphlets'that
fell iii my way, but 1 could pot get cured, pouiethno* they
would do me some good for a little while, but afterwards
they would return agaiu as bad a*.ever.' I also applied tp
two Doctor who tilted me at tuy house and gave mu
sotne medicine but it would not do. I could not get well.—
Over h year ago 1 got an advertisement of yonr Lindsey**
Blood Searcher, made by yourself—when you sold It to me
you (old me bottle woulu not cure me. and my
whole system would have to be renewed by tbe medicinfe
bertore I got well. I bought cue bottle and took it home
with mo and used it according to your directions. I then
called to see you again, when you said I could wot oatpect
much benefit bom one bottle, i bought it on,one bottle
at a time, until 1 had used five bottles. After thUquanti
ry had been used. I was entirely well of the Pile*, which
hud tortured me for twenty years. In other respects my.
health is uuptoved aud 1 am us well as could be expected
lor one of my age, being sixty years past. I have been
wi ll now for six mouths, and there is no appearance of a
return of the disease. I cun do any kind of farming
work now without the Piles coining down and hlirtiugtuo.
I can pitch hay. chop wood. lift, or do any krud of work
which before used to hurt mo. When I found out your
BKi'xi-Kcuiciier I kept on taking it until I got entirely
well. I consider it my duty to make my case known to
tin* country for the benefit of others who may In* suffering
oh 1 was. and do not kuow the value of your medicine.—
Von may publish this if you like —I live in HUkius Town-
i«nd will he pleased to aivtisty any one of tbe truth of
this certificate if they wish to cal! on me.
December -4lh.
not f»r Utt name of DR. GEORGE H. KEY-
SER on the cover o f the hottlt andpaxted <rrer the carl : also
for hi* stamp on ‘he United State* stamp on Utt top of Utt
bottle t<> prevent i*in<j iai/>osed upon hy <t spuriotisinrtich
which is in the uuirAW.
Lindseys Improved Blood
A sure cure for Cancer and Cancerous Formation*.
A, * tire cure fur'Scrofula wherever knitted.
A xuiv cure for. all Skin pbeasea.
A sure cure for Chronic Erysipelas.
A Min- cure for polls and Pimple- on the Face.
It hue cared all the above diseases,
Ir ha* cured Blind and Sore Eye*.
L ha- cured Putters of years' duration.
It ha* cured I.lcerutod Sore Legs
It has cured oldpnd stubborn Ulcers.
It lias cund Chronic Rheumatism that has lasted years
It ha* cured the worst forms of Dyspepsia.
It is the U*st*Tohic and Blood PuriAer known.
1 1 will remoye Mercury or Quinine out of the Blood and
Clear it from the system.
It will cure all Diseases of Debility.
It wfll cure Fever and Ague.
It Will icure cases of Palsy aad Dropsy.
It has cured Epilepsy or Falling Sickness.
It has cured Chorea or SL Vitus’ Dance.
alt Piles and Kidney Diseases.
It Will cure Chronic Diarrham
It wili cure Neuralgia and Nervous Weakness.
If any one wants to know bow one medicine will core
10 many diseases, wp answer— that It does so, by thorough-
ly restoring the blood and all tbo secretions are
made from the blood, to a healthy state. No one nan' taka
this Blood Searcher and hate bad blood, for it will assart
Iyca*toat from the. Mood all bad and yitiated matter 04
water will put. oat fire.
Prepar. Iby Dr. Geo. 11. Keyser. Look for the Jname
over the carltf and take no other,
Sold by A. Boimh, Altoona, *»t».
' * - d
A pun* find fruwerftit Tunic, corrective and alterative. «>
wonderful efficacy in disease of the
Cure* Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Headache, general
Debility, Nervousness, Depression of Spirits, Conati*
ittiou, Colic, Intermittent Fevers, Cramps ai)d
Spasm*. am) all Complaints of either Sex,
' arising from B>*dl]y Weakness, whether
inherent'in the system or produced
hy special causes.
-V/rm.Na that is not wbOlMome, genial and reatorsliv*
in its nature enters into the composition of HOSTKTTKH'9
STOMACH BITTKKS. ThUpOpnlar preparation contain*
no mineral of any kind; no deadly botanical element; no
fiery; excitant; but it is a combination of the extract* of
rare b*l*amic herbs and plants with the purest and mild*
eat ..f IUI diffusive stimulants.
It is well to be forearmed against disease, and, so for us
tiie liiuuuu system can be protected by human means
against maladies engendered by an unwholesome atmo
sphere, impure water and oilier external causes, UOSTKT
TKK’tf STOMACH BITXEKS may be relied on as tv safe*
guard. ’ N
In districts infected with Fever apd dyne, it has bee
found infallible as a preventive and irresistible as reme
dy, and thousand# wlio resort to it under apprehension of
an attack, escape the scourge; and thousands who neglect
t" avail themselves of its protective qualities in advance,
are cured by a very brief course of tills marvelous modi
cine. Fiver and Ague pai.euts, atter being plied with
quinine lor months in vain, until fairly saturated with
that dangerous alkaloid, are not unfrequently restored to
health within a few days by the use of IIO3TETTEHV
The weak .stomach is rapidly Invigorated and the apju
tite restore*! by .this agreeable Tonic, ami hence it works
wonders in cast# of Dvspxdsia and iu k«s confirmed forms
of JMunEsrieN. Acting a* i- gentle and painless apperieut,
as well m» upon the liver, it also invariably relieves the
Constipation superinduced by irregular action of the di
gestivd'and ncrelive organs.
Persons of feeble haldt. liable to AVrrcus Attackx , Loumess
of ispinLs and Fit* of Languor, find prompt and. perma
nent relief from the Bitters. The testimony on this point
is nio.»l conclusive, and from both sexes.
The ftgon> ol Uiluous Colic i» immediately ju>.' aged by
a "ingle dose of tho stimulant, and by occasionally resort
ing lu it. the return of the complaint may be prevented
As a General Topic. lIOSTI-JTTKU’S BITTEitS produce
eifects which must he experienced or witnessed beiore
they cun beftiliy appreciated. In cases of Ctimtitußonal
Weakness. Premature Decay and Debility and Decrcpi
tude arising from Old Aob, it exercises the electric influ
ence. In th"-convalescent stages of all diseases it oper
ate# as tt delightful invigorant. When the powers of h»i
mre an* relaxed, it operates to re-onforco and roeatab
li*h it. .
Last, but not least, it is The only Safe Stimulant, beink
manufactured from sound and innocuous materials, and
entirely free from the acid (dements present more or less
in all the ordinary tonics and stomachics of the day.
Xu family medicine bos been so universally, and, it may
bo truly lidded, deservedly popular with the intelligent
portion of the commuhitv, as HOSTETTEU*fi BITTEKS
Prepared by HOSTBTTKH k SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa.
sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Storekeepers every
mid Speed Remedy for diseases of the Bladder, Kidney*,
Gravol uud Dropsical Swellings.
This Medicine increase* the power of Digestion, and ex- f.
cites tiie Absorbents into healthy action, by whleh the I
Watery or Calcercous depositions, and all Unnatural Jsn
lurgeim nts are reduced, as well ns Vain and Inflammation.
For Weakness arising from Excesses, Habits ofDiaaipa
lion, Kearlj Indiscre.ion of Abuse, attended wiUVthe fol
lowing symptoms:— \
Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power,
Loss of Memory, * Difficulty of Breathing,
Weak Nerves, Trembling,
Uorror of Disease, Wakefulness,
Dimness of Vision, Pain in tlte Back,
Universal Lassitude yf tlio Muscular System,
Hot Hands. Flushing of the Body,
Dryness of the Skin, ' Eruptions oh the Fact,
• Pallid Countenance,
These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medi
cine invariably removes, soon follows
Impotence Fdtuiiy, Epileptic Fits;
lu one of which the patient may expire.
Who can say that they axe nut frequently followed by
those •• Direful Diseases, 15 ...
Many are aware of the cause of their suffering.
And Melancholy Deaths by Consumption hear ample wit*
u'ess to the Truth of the assertion. '
- The Constitution once affected with Organic Weakness
requires the aid of Medicine to Strengthen and Invigorate
the System,
which UiLMßotb’s EXTRACT BUCHU MvarioMy does,
A Trial will convince the most skeptical.
In many Affections peculiar to Ibmale* the Kxtxoct
Bochu Is unequaJed by any other remedy, os in Chlorosis
or Betentlon, Irregularity, Painfulness, or Suppression of
Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Seinhous state of
the Uterus Leuchorrhaea or Whites!. Sterility, and for all
complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from In
discretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the
Take no more Baltam, Heronry, or unpleatatU Medicine
fur unpleasant and danffertme diieatex.
At little J&xpaoM
Ho loCoziTnHeftce
In alt their Stages,
Little or do change in Piet
And no Expoturt.
It causes a frequent decise and gives strength to Uri*
nato, thereby Removing Obstructions, Preventing and
Curing Strictures of the urethra, allaying Pam and Inflam* ,
■nation, so frequent in the blase of diseases, and expelling '
aUftrisonouf,£Hseaged and womeut Matter. 4 * ** *
tixs or Quacks, and who have paid heavy fte* to be cured
In a short time, have found they were deceived, and that
the “ POISON” has, by the use of “ rowwci*wth»emm, w
been dried up in the system, to break out in an aggra
vated fbim, and perAops after Marriage
Use UMJtßouj’s Kxtiulct Bioho for all affection* and
dueaeeaof the BKINAKY ORGANS, whether evicting in
MALE or PKM AUS, from whatever canso and
no matter of UOWBONG STANDING. S
DiecaaM -of three Organa require* the aid ofaDIURJtf-
DIURETXC, and la certain to have the deeired in al
ZhKtua/ior wAtcA ilia Biammenied, ■'
Kvidenbe of the ijioHt reliable and reeponnibl* character
will accompany the medicine. \
Delivered to any, Addreee, eecurely packed from
thm- -• V
Conns Guaranteed! Adticb Gratis !;
Address letter* tor information to; - -- v
V, H. B. HELMBOLD, Chemists
104 Booth Tenth-at., bel. Obeatimt,>Phlla
HKWippLp’a Jfedicai Depot, / , . ?v: K -u
HBLaBOED’B Imtf'and Chemical WartfuAat, '
? '' “ 694BROAWAY, SEW tOIHC.
PUSD DKAtJCRS tSdendeiSror tJdlapoee «2»sin»
and “ other?’ arffctetott Me reputation attained by
ileimbofaPrOennhie Preparation*. ■ -
. 'lmproved' Koeb Wash.
.■ 1 •••„• sotnat ■■ ■* *■ ■ ■■ ■
Cat but the AdVerti«enient<snd aendwr H. * ■ c.;
(xeimiiie Preparations. ,
DucHbe Sj/mpUmtitt all OmmUntaOifl^^
Je * i