■i 1 v-.'- F|*HE of, A PEOPLE. JUffI\gO PPHSSD \m DB. jA. STORE 4fi9Vs«i( «* WW*"* :■ Institute. A m ttrlMi o&Sariy Ikaieil Miwtf dmsrlrea fcoftaj-lha oaues s>T Bsrtwae liability, Oop- af Ugh monltoae. written in chaste, SlhriiUag JaagaMßfouad appeals directly to themoral . ■twei.inw— of W. FAEXMTe and Uuardians espe h pially. detailing schmtiic and - Kiuthia book. Fm Towiw man! * tail not to eeodaod got toil book. ■sKlwsl Ton too should at once aecnrc a copy of .4 Word of Solim* QnuciaUww! Adoioe to tho»e mho mil reflect. \ class of a|«l«dl«a prevail; to a fearful extent In the . ..iniuunUf. doomlngM least of both sexes annually to an rerty |M*a. Those' diseases are very im pVrfcarty uadirsised.■ Their-external manilntatiou, or •viuidunaaru Nervous Debttity, Belaxatlon and ;Kxhnus tiuinManusmuh oir •aetlng l aiia«ons«npth>n of the tiaaaea u f the whole body; sburtoees of breathing ..r hurried l.rea thing on ascending* hill or Bight of ataira; great pal pitation of the Ifeart; Asthma, Brooohlthi and aore Throat; akaUag oftne Hand* and Umhe; aversion to so ciety and to boalneaa or study; dimness of eye sight, ioaa of Memory, dlaaleani of the Read, Neuralgia, Pain in va tloueaartaofthe body; Pain* lu the back or limbs, Lum -1 been, Dyspepsia orlndlgeation, irregularity of the bowela, deranged aecretionaof the Kidneys sad other glauda of the body, an Lanmrrhesaor ffltur Aibua, Ac. Ufcewiae Kpilepey, Hyatertaand Ketroua Spasms. No* In ninety-nine caaee out of every one hundred, all of theauove named dlaorden, and a boat of utbera not named, aa Consumption of the Lunge and that moat in sidious and wily form of consumption of jibe Spinal Nervra, known aa Tabes Dormlos, and Tabes messuterica, have their aeat and origin in diaeaaea of the Pelvic Viscera. Hence the want of; Success on the part of old school prac tice in treating symptoms only. _ Dr. Andrew Stone, Pbyeiciau to the Troy bung and Hy gienic -Institution, U now engaged in treating this Claes of mmisra. melodies with the .meet aatonlahlng success. "'lvetrmtdKQt Mlhpted -by the Inatltutiou Is now; it is Med upon scientific principles, with «w ran odlse ■ without minerals or poltoua. The facilities of cure are snnhHuatpaMenUcan be curSat,their homes, In any part of the cuuutry, man areurato descriptions of their Sue, by letter; and hare the eent by MaU-or express. Printed int, rrogatonee will bo forwarded on »p - diseases of the throat enrod (he Homo of the Patients as at the In 'h, onijln, the Cold Medicated Isbaukv Bale aaiuc VxroLl, withiahaLr and ample directions for their > * < or advice, must unSSae SSpiKSKTo»»( . , tLltollMNH Physician will be found at the In ]t.;-froa» * a. in. to 6 i>. m., each ‘ U, DB. ANDRKW 1 STONJS. Phwlelen to ft* »od Hygienic Institute. and Throat and Lungs, dfi Pftlh Street, Tfoy T ' Alwopit Pee. 30t%yBrfy. . & T. ANTHONY, OF PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, 501 BROAJDWAY, NEW YORK CARD PHOTOQBAPHS. c..uMi«aijjJ»ini made).of Portrait* of Eminent Amerl ctni.etcN:tis: 72 Major-Generals, 535 Statesmen, J9O 6rig.-(i«oeralis 127 Divines, 2u» Caumels, U. Vjiifl, IK^K. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. Of these ins manuMcture a great variety, ranging in pafceftewi.tO ce4teto|So each. Oar ALBUMS have the reputation of being auperior In Uwtty ai>d durability to any otben. The smaller kinds ran be aeot eafcly by mall at a postage ol>li cents per ox. ' The J fc»raeip«nalVß can b«aentbj erprese. We alao keep a large aeaprtment of Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. Our catalogue at theee w«t be aent to jujf addreas ou re | oefptof stamp. E. & H. T. ANTHONY. M ANCFACTURBBB OF PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, 601 Broadway, New Yorjc, Friebdaor relalirwof prominent military men will con fer » fcaqr by aendinc na thslr UkenoaaM to copy. They wfll befawC carMhny tod returned uninjured. FINK ALBUMS MARK TO ORDER for Congregation, Futon, or tbr otter purpoMe, with Ac. Aug, 18, qaa-dm. THE lIMOI FOREVER! OfOpI? jM B W S 1 | < Wouttf respectfully ytj6fcwww*t«e,the cßtzenß ofAltoona and yicihity that hajaaa opened a j CLOTHING STORE, On Qjrtffi ofMpin and Caroline Street*, where he will keep on band a large atock of ready-made etottti* «^ktllM J of DKEBB 00AM, PANTALOONS, KNIT JACKHs, Ac., atPhlladel phto Price*. Tg & CAps , I bare a lari* and varied (toek of hat* and caps which thaf all will be OONFECTIONEKY 'nsß SUBSCRIBER WOULD IN- Altoona and riclnfty that hie KCT and IB.UIT HTOKK.ie alway. .applied With the Tory best article!! to be had, and In ureat iirittjr. Hehaialaoao OySTEE SALOON ettaahad .tohbMatore.lawhfehhewillarrTeup OYS TESRSA tlt biil lty|B daring the Aaeon. rxxaa-BAKKD BBEAfi, CAKES, & PIE j, nlwajron haad,at reasonable relee. lie Se at en time* prepared to aupply cekea, candle*. Ac, lor pic-nice end other partie*." He inritea e ebere pfpobllc patronage, bettering mat Be can render fall satirihctfoat o ell. pitalber.hu wore and eeloon i» on Vlrgialaatrect.taro .loorabalnwmtMi’aHall. ' OTTO BOSBI. £F YOU WANT GOOD COFFEE, pen Teee, the beet of ChocoUte, >U CREAM CHEESE AT raiTCBKY’B. !JS PURE WHITE LAUD and for sale at VBITCHEY’S PjaTCHEY'S UKW STORE, comer otCarollne w 4 Virginia Sta. ; a lii ' sitl: XltOiMXatWaa U 1 A. ia**BfcE, "t AJLTOONA, PA., AGENT ■&* Blur, Cambria, .Clearfield, amaHe; for the following < TkjLMWjCtATXON juenrkKN kdrope and the ' !^T^ r 'T r^ ffSOT»-:8TAI18: i ‘3^Bi^tle« , jan» of SailingPacketa. wMba e:«WMW#a ta that conatrveaiiaeedni J. Or. ‘ Jfotary Public, *** **♦'“•Kir*“< J » w«—| J- 3 ; CARPETING AND ffotndat LACGHMAN’S. O, YES! o, YES!! *| W • 1 THIS WAY 4 THIS WAY! I new ; FALL AND WINTER GOODS! The ntbacriber wiving taken cutirecharge of the Uard wareaud Stove and Tin Hhop recently under the charge of Vries A Winters, on Virginia street, otaeadte Keeeler e Drag Store, and having added largely to his stock i» now prepared tosnpply anything in the Hardware and Cutlery line, soldi a* Handsaws. Axes, Angers, Adzes. Olileels. Squares, Roles, Hammers, Planes, Hinges, Locks. Latches, Files, Knives ami Forks, Spoons, Ac, Ac., oil- of which be offers on the most reasonable terms. ’ Persons wishing anything in the Hardware line are requested to call and examine his siocaJ ' He has also added Oils. Paints, Carbon Oil, etc., to his stock, ami wlltdispose of all these articles at a small ad vance on first ,'wt He will also conthme the STOVE BUSINESS, and will keep ob hand ad assortment from which any person will be able to seloct an article lo pelase their fancy. In the line oi ' ■* * TIN AND SHEET IRONWARE, CEDAR ami WILLOW-WARE, he will alwaye have a large supply, and will make to order anything that may he called for, - Job work in this line promptly attended to. ROOFING AND SPOUTING nut up on abort notice in the best style. April 21* 1M3.-tf. BAMUKL I. FRIES. O.HEAT DISCOVERY !• KI’NKKi; BITTER WINE OF IRON, von xbx minx of tFAUJC STOMACHS. GENERAL DEBILITY. INDI GESTION, DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYS TEM, CONSTIPATION, ACIDITY OP THE STOMACH , AND FOR Alt CASES XEOUIRINQ A TONIC. V This wipe ipolude* the most agreeable and efficient halt of Iron we possess i Oltfale of Mdgiietlo OXffie combined with the most energetic of Vegetable tonics, 7*l low Peru vian Bark. The effect in many cases of Debility, Loss of Appetite and general prostration, of an efficient Salt of Iren, is meet happy. It augments the appetite, raises the pulse* takes off muscular flabbiness, removes the palor of debility, and gives a florid vigor to the countenance. Do you want something to strength**)) y»»p? Do you want « good'appetite? Do you want to build up your constitution ? Do you want to feel well ? Do you want to get rid of nervousness • Do you want energy? Do yap want to sleep well? Du you want a busk and vigorous feeling ? If you do, try KUNKEL’S BITTER WINE OF IRON. Tbis truly valuable Tonic lia» been so thoroughly tested by all classes of the community, that it is now deemed indispensable as u Tonic tuediciae. It c«> closed oat at remarkably low priceA.lb order to relinquish that branch of the business- Agent for Willson’s “Telegraph Fodder Cutter.” Altoona. May 29tb, 1862. TTHE UN LEKBIGNED RESPECT -1 folly Informs the public that lie will 0011- tlnue to keep a BOOT Sixoes, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, &c , &o„ &c. which be will offer at fair prices and warrant to tb* beat material hod mauuwtiire Particular attention will bejgfreu to CGTSXOIM: WOBK, is which he warrant, to give entire satisiactioii. as he buy, the bast stock and employs pone bat foe best workmen. Remember foe old stand, on Virginia Street, one loor East ufiKefuter*, Drug Store. Oct. 10,1882-ti. : JOHN 11. ROBERTS. / .1 HOCEKIES AN D PROVISIONS.— \T A large and varied stock of VRESH GROCERIES AND: PROVISIONS, Just received, and for side os cheap aa foe cheapest, at MORPHY t McPIHE’S Store, : Cor. of Virginia ami Caroline sts. Altoona, Jane 86,1868. , ; 1 A ASSORTMENT OF .3 Jewelry. Il»lr »«d ClotliM Brin beg, Comb#, Raort»im,te..«i; BACOHMAN’B ™§iN : & F/ ' •tyl»' SKA rr BOOK’S & at ' 1-AUOHMVT? JNCV VESTS, of every l[ UIWUMAN’C. JB. HILKMAN has just received a • large and wd! »t*>ck of Goods. contldlng of Cloths, Plain and Fancy Oawdmere*. Satinet!** Ken l„cky Jeans. Tweeds. B*averteen*. Blue Prilling. and **» other kinds of Goods for x MKN AND BOVS ,; WEAK* with h grand and magnificent assortment of I .A HIES’ DRESS GOODS. Ottch as Black and fUncy Silk*. Chalite*, Bereges, Brilliants, Lawn*, Betaine*, Chintu, Dr.Beges , Crape*, Hrtnts, Crape and Stella Shawl* , Mantillas, Vhdertleeves and Hosiery .Bonnets and Ribbon*. Cbllars, Hand kprthiej's. Kid Glove*. Hooped Skirts, Skirt' 3ioj. Lace Mitts, dv~ dx, ALSO, ickingp. Checks, Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, Cotton and IjiuHi laid*.* Diaper. Crash, Nankeen, Ac. ItODTS AND SHOES, lIAUUWAKK. QIERNSWAKE, WOOD AM' WILLOW WAKE, on. cloth*. carpets. ac. gkooeries. Our stock of Ur«*c«ries is more extensive than.ever, and consist!* of Rio and Java Coffee, Crushed. Loal and N 0. Sugars; Green, Y. U. and Teas; Molasses, Soaps, Candles. Salt. Kish. Ac. mw Thankful to the public fojthe very liberal patronage heretofore received, he hopes * strict attention to busi ness. and an endeavor to please, to merit a continuance ol the mime. , and examine his Stock, and you will be con x need that he has the best assortment and cheapest Goods it. the market. Country Produce of nil kind* taken in exchange for Goods at market prices. Altpoua. April 28.1863. EXCELSIOR Hat F THE J “EXCELSIOR” «*T and CAP Store. would iuform his cuatomera, and the Public generally, that he baajust returned from the city with he largest and most varied stock of goods in his Hue ever brought to Altoona, all of which he has now on exhibition and sale at his n«»v store room on Virginia street, next door to .lag gard's store. His stock embraces all the latest stylet* of FALL AND WINTER HATS, M CAPS, MISSES’ FLATS, &C. Hi* Stock of flats and Caps are of the very best selection, of eveiy style, color and shape, for both old and young. AH he asks Is that the people call and examine his stock, ami he feels confident that he can send them away re joicing, if not in the purchase of such an. article as fh*y wanted, at the remembrance of having looked upon the handsomest stock of Hats, Caps. Flats. Ac., ever e\hil»it>‘d in this town. 1 have also on baud an entirely new stock oi Lades’ and Childrens’ Hals and Flats, and a lieautilul slock oi LADIES’- FURS. which I am confident cannot be surpassed in country, all of which I will sail at Ibe most reasonable prices. Ke rnember the Hall of Fashion when yon want anything in the line of head covering, and call on Oct. 7. ‘tW-tf DURYBA'S MAIZBNA RECEIVED TWO ■* .PRIZE MEDALS." (/'Vow* Jiu’iei S and 4) at the Inter alional Exhibition, Lend n, 1862, MAIZENA at the *rt*at In* (opniitimmL Ex hibition at HAMBURG, JULY. 1*863, received the HIGHEST MEDAL For its Great Delicacy as an Article of Food, Used tor I’uding*, Cake-. Costard*. Blanc Mange, Ac., without Isinglass. With few or no egg*. Iti* also excellent for thickening »we«t -anri**. gravies for li-h mid im-nt. M>upB. Ac. For Ice Cream i.othing can compare with li.— A little boiled in milk mokes h ri> b cream for coffee, choc olate. tea. Ac, A delicious article of food for children and Invalids, 111* vastly'Superior to Arrow Root much more'economical Put up in one* pound package*, with full directions, and Bold hv all Grocer* and Druggist*. WILLIAM DURYEA, General Agent. Sept. y. 1863—dm. ESTABLISHED 1760. PETER EORHJARH, BnufF & ToToacco MANUFAGTtTBER, 16 & 18, CHAMBERS ST., (.Formerly 42 Chathapi St., New York,} would call the attention of Dealer* to th* " r ’’V w SNUFF. Hfiicatmy. Dcmigroa, Fine Rappee. Coarse Rappee. Pure Virginia, Nachltoche*. American Gentleman, Copenhagen. YELLOW SNUFF. Scotch, Honey Dew Scotch, High Toast Scotch. Fresh Honey Dew Scotch. IrUh High T»«vßt. or Lumlyfoot, Fresh Scotch. Attention U called to the great reduction in price* of Fine-Out Chewing and Smoking Tobacco*, which will he found ofasuperior quality. TOBACCO. SMOKJNG.-Long4.Nu. 1. No. 2. No*. 1 mui 2 mixed. Granulated, S. Spanish. CanaHtor, Turkish. FANE CUT CHEWING.—P. A. L.. or plain. Cavendish, or Sweet, Sweet; Scented Oronoco, -Tin Foil Cavendish. N. It—A cirdnlar of pi ice* will be sent on application, April 14. 113,-1 v.i WM, », BITTNER Dental Surgeon. OFFICK IN M A 80N1 (' TEMPLK, next door to the Pont Office. Or. B. would respectfully Inform the citizen* of Altooua and surrounding country, that he is prepared to insert AKTIK.(!IAL TEKTH from a Mingle tooth to (v fpU set. in (ho moat superior style. ON GOLD . SILVER. OR VULCANITE BASE. It would bo to thu advantage of all persons desiring Htttficial teeth. to call at hi* office before going elsewhere, if they wish choapneH*. beauty or durability. Dr. Bittner will, visit liollidaysburg and vicinity when his Mr? ice* are desired. [Feb. 17.1863-tf. ANDREW ECKEL, DLALEH IX Hbacco, Cigars, Snuff, Pipes, &c„ &c., Annie ftrevt, AI/oo>hl, Pa., and McKf.age's. Oid, Stand, fifopipoiHf ry xiyrA, HoiHdaxftlmrg. Pa. AG K NEK ALAS SO K T A 1 B N T Im. of Goods in hi* lino constantly on hand at the loweat cash price*. i [Feb.7 f W63. SAI. WOODKOK, • A TTORNBY-JL T-LA W. Altoona, Penn'a, Will practice iu the several Courts of ftUlr, C&tnbria and Huntingdon countie*. Office on Virginia Street, 2 doors abore Jolla Street. . Ffcb. 3. ISCVtf. AUKaUJ.AU 31 KITING OF THE ALTOONff FATK VIKW CKMETKBY ABSOCIA XION will b«* held on the Ki'T.-nd ThnnwlayeveniDfcof each months in the Council U-mni. M. OLABAXJGH, Jab. Lowthbr, Ppeaideot. Secretary. . [May 16- ? 62J / / IJRBAItf^UACIvEBiS! A fresh sop \> r ply & craiAprs just received abd for nailed FUITCHISrS BYO V WANT A HAT OK CAP, chaap or fine I—go to . LAVqHMAW.’a. j, RITCHEY IS REALLY SELLING J the he*t W*»wu £MKHr in Altoona at 12V£ rent*. * JESSE SMITH BEINO THE HOLE AWARDS gained by anything of the kind. It also received the Suj>erltttivH Report of EXCEEDING EXCELLENT FOR FOOD. 166 Fulton Street. New Yoik. R. A. 0. KEKR. ALTOONA, PA., Agent tor Blair & Huntingdon Counties. rpHESE MACHINES Alii*. .vo.MIT- I to be the best ever offered to the public, • • *■**» superiority U satisfactorily established by tin n».«i in the last eight yean*. OVER 1.4=00 MORE of these-Machines have been sold thou »d any other man ufactured. and more medals have been awarded the pro prietom by different Fairs and Institute* than to any oth ers. The Machine* are warranted to do all that is claimed for them. They are now in use in several families in Al toona, and in every case they give enure satisfaction. The Agent refers those desiring information as the su periority of the Machine*. t« 001. John L. PipSri Her. A. B. Clark, Ueorge- Hawkesworth, Benj. F. Rose, and K. U. Turner, Ksqrs. r The machines can be seen and examined at the store of the Agent, at Altoona. Price of No. 1 Machine, silver plated, glass foot an., new style Hemraer —$66. No. 2, ornamental broute, glass foot mid new »tyle- Ilemmer —$56. No. 3, plain, with old stylo H.-mmer—s4S.' [March 21.1861-tf. UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER O r . V-' Q U ■**V£ w tr* m No. 1. Large family Wringer No. i. Medium - *' * v„ 01-; .. .. - , No! S. imall •■ “ ,'lm Xo. S Uw U»M ; “J* No. IK. Medium Laundry j to run steam ) i*M> No.22.Large *• ( of hand. > w >* u ;‘ No-.2V<> and 3 have no Co**. All others arc Warranted. <-V». 2 w the size generally used in private famiUfs. OR4NGE JCDD.'of the ‘ American Agriculturist, says CLOTHES WRINGER “ A child can readilv wring out a tubful! of clothes in a few minutes. It is in reality a CLOTUEB A TIMESAVEH! and a STRENGTH SAVER! The saving of garments will alone pay a large per tentagei s»u Its cost. We think the machine piucu more than EA>& *OK ITaKLF EVERY YEAR in the saving of garments. There ure several kinds, m-arly alike in general construe, thm. but we consider it important that the Wringer be fitted with Cogs, otherwise a mass of garments, may clog the roller-, and the rollers open the crank-shaft slip and tear the clothes, or the rubber break loose from the shaft. Our own Is o. c of the first make, and it Is as GOOD AS NEW after nearly FOLK YEARS’ CONSTANT USE.” Every Wringer with Cog Wheels is Warranted in everv particular. NO WRINGER CAN BE DURABLE WITH . QUT COG-WHEELS. A good CANVASSER wanted In every town. l On receipt ol the price from places where no one is selling, we will send the Wringer peek of kxpefsl. For particulars and circulars address R C. BROWNING 347 Broadway. N. Y. Sep. 1- dm. STOVES, TIN AND SHfIET-IHON WAKK. THE I'NDKKiSIQNKD Wol I.D I’.E spK(,Tfrj ; LY Bounce to llio citizens AltiK>na ami vicinity tl he )mo taken the st( aiul shop recently occ pied hy Frh*s 4 Wintei on Annie *trefJ. East - toon where he has hand ft large Mipply ST*>VES of ail Pattern Mich rook., fm I o Office tint! Shop 8{ov» which he will sell at the most reasonable price*. A hire 1 supply will always he kept on hftiitl. T/y AyD SHEET-1 RON WARE always on hand. ROOFING & KPOUTING put np on short nolle*. Ho has also attache! a ooppor-smithinp mom to hi* oi*tahliiS. I.ET7KR AND ,SOTK. MANILLA PAPER, FOLIO POST, PACKET POST, HARDWARE, FOOLSCAP. PRINTING PAPEK, ENVELOPE COLORED' PAPER, BINDERS. TRUNK, STRAW AND BOX BOARD, TISSUE. SHOE. AND TEA PAPERS: PIUS TIM: AND MANILLA PAPER made to order. Jim* IC. 18 03. JJ H. HOPKINS, ALTOONA, PA.. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOB THE 17th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT : . t ■ • jii) 'i » t * ‘ , r r-H * ■ —-- - •• ■ ‘ V| USIC '—INSTRUCTIONS Gi v EN if 1 on the Piano Forte-and Melodeon. by yiiss M. SIIOEMAKEB. Tsana, $lO per quarter. >’o charge for the use of the Instrument. Residence on CathariueFtreet, West Altoona. Uftn.16.1862.-tf. DRIED APPLES. —The subscribers hate a fine lo of bright yellow DRIED APPLES, bought at much {ess than market and which they desire to close out, at cost and carnage, without delay.— Person* desiring to purchase, either at wfaolcUUe or retail,.- will find It to their advantage to give us a call. Altoona, June 26,1833-1 MURPHYA McPIKE. 4 COM FLETK ASSORTm|en¥x3F OentV Model Improved SHlRTS—Oaasimere arid d Shirts—fine and coarse—white and colored—at' PURE WHITE LEAD AND ZINC Paint, also Chrome. Groeu, Yellow, Pad* Greeo, dry and ground oil at fl-tf.i kftSSLKirS,' MEN AND BOYS’ of every style and color, of good quality, at J LAIfeiiMAETS. New and improved of Trunk*. Valise* and Carpetßags.: ■ ' ‘S tAU A FINE ASSORTMENT OFOVER eaubh (baud at LAtfGHMAN’S rn BEAT PILES OF PANTALOON, \ J for Men .ml 80y.,.1 I.AI’(«HMAN'S AMERICA. NT • Life Insurance and Trust u. [ (COMPANY’S Bl Il.l'iNli-Southeast j j Coro'ir of. Walnut aad Fourtli SliwWi IMillini’a , Authorized! Capital, .....— j Paid up Capita 1,......... jJJWJJ | Assets,....) 1 *»< Ab EWIMC Incorporated IBno, bv tho Legislalure of Pennsyl- liiHur'-'H Live during Ilf Natural life or to F short tvrma. grants anuuillw- and endowmenW. and makes contract? of nil kinds depending on the WB\W?»nf life. P -lit>i* s of l.ife Insurance issued at the ueufi! mutual rntes «f other good et^iianles—with proflU to tlieaMured -l«,l iloNis January, 1861, being *3, per cent of all pr* uiiuiun received ou mutual poUchy*—at doint BtOCk rates, •ju j**r cent less titan the above, or *Total Abstinence rates 40 per cent. let* than Mutual price. Also, a NONFORFEITURE PLAN, 11 y ftiiich a norsop pa vs for A. 7* or 10 years only, wbeu rife i«>licy Ispiunp for Lira, am* nofUing W, ; and■■ abort* 1.0 be.unable. .or •t»h‘to dlwonti.me *mner, ,| M . CJoinpanj yrill a !*u» of Poucv, in W*iw t» tin- amount of I premium |«aid, «* follows: On ft Policy of{ $1,00(1, , i tear .. 7 Year 10 V ‘« r nft«r ttavmeut *tl n*te.*, rate*. 1 Pre£.™n. ft.r ’ ™ *285 70 # »l S i MO Oil 571 « 4«0 00 857 10 800 oo BOO 00 Any further information cun tie had hf«PP! *" t, ‘ e undersigned. who !• the-antliorlzed agent for B airtsnnty. July Jl. tsyJ l>> 11. A. »>■ h-Klin^ A Benefit to All. . TEY ONE BOTTLE. . A trial will prm-l Dot fart, and/arti art stahho.r, thiafl>. ATIShUh’S BKUB BITTKHS JYI ARR BBCCEBSKUL IN Rt RH\ LA.ah. So (Uriiily Should lie without If. Hundreds ol certificates ond h iters o£ thanka.are arriving every day front pei-ms who have been cured. the HERB BITTERS have neter Ihiled In curing hhkij.matihm, dyspepsia, Female Irregularities, and all Diseases arising from IMPURITY OP THE BLOOD, An u Blood Purifier, lonic and licneral Appcrti«er. iheae Hitlers are without a rival. \o Lady desiring A fILKAiI COMPLEXION should he without it. Plea-e gel a rilClllar and eellifi cal*'* from •>««■ Agent. H. MIBULEiI. ManulHctorer nrnl Lancaster. Da. NoriCE.-i —The grant success ot Mishlcr's Herb Bittvr*. hn- tuduced unprincipled partic* u> uiuuu iu-uife a worthless article, which they are selling at a low price, of which htxoare. The genuine can only lie bought t« Blair Ca'untv. of O. WHITFIELD, I Bole Agent for BUir Comity.) D*-|K>t Drug Store. Main etreet. Altoonii. Pi. June *2d. 1863-tf. i M .—4 T> & in gr-iil vnrifty. ;sr* I V-^r hAPQUHAN’e STYLES IHMAS’S. t—f -AVi ranm. ALEXANDER WniLLDIN, President SAUGKL WORK. Vice Pre«idelil. John *, Wil*o*» SecwUry. BOABH tiF Alexander Whllldin. , J. Rd B ar TliomMm, Hon Ja». Pblloik; Jon. Joseph Alliw.n. Albert C. Itbbertm /uum Samuel T. Bodiue. H. 11. Aldridge. Georg*. Niiitent. ’ ■ John Aiknmn, wmtuiu J. Howard. €b*rl« s V. Samuel Work. TAOOB SNYDEH. TAILOII, J The Hero of One Hundred Fit* per Month { I would respectfully t*ei forth ui> claim to ptihlh attention, as a Faahipnahh Tailor as follows; Because I keep au excel lent assortment of Cloth* Casginteres, Vesting* am Trimmings, which, wbei sxamiued,always please. Because my Work made np in a maimer tha\ takes down the countr am) gives all my customer a city appearance. Because lam not inferh: iu> a Cutter to the best t he found anywhere. Because long ixperienc iu my business gire* iu« entire control .-verli.aii 1 am not dependant npo it n V Olie l-jiHn ll» out I the. wnds. Because I am still on the sunny aid*- of forty, ami tin t*- h.re my taste as a Cutter ainl workman unimpaired. Call on me. in the’corner rooin of the ‘•Brant House.” Give me a trial and you will go away pleased. Altoona. May 2C-6m JACOB HNVDKIS. PATENT KEROSENE OH OARROX ML LAMPS! Vtltit'uLrdin Beauty. Siizphetl}/ Safety or Economy. Kv«-»y person desiring to obtain the very best and cheap r-t jv i table light within (heir reach. -v fitted tlni above Hdty), ; and is now pre paved to accommodate bid friends and patrons in a comfortable manner* and will spare no pains iu making it an sojourners. Hi* Table will always l»e luxuriously supplied from the markets Of v the country and cities. nnd hi* liar filled with liquors of jdkoioe brands. His charges are as reasonable as those offoy other Hotel in'the place, and he feels satisfied they jean not lie complained of by rUdsewho favor him with their custom. Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, and fully Jhtending to dea&ve It, he throws open his house to the public and Invites a trial. 1 have just received a stock ■ f Xn. 1 French Brandy tor medicinal purposes. J ' Also a large stock of-excellent Wines, for mcdleiiml pur l»oses, together with a lot of the best old Hve Whiskey to be found in the. country. Altoona, May 27,16&9.-ly^ SOMETHING- NEW. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST J. returned from the east where he haft nurchasfd a very large and fin« Block of, BOOTS ANT> SHOES. BROGANS, GAITERS, &(j., which he is prepaid to offer to theoitiaeus of Altoona an.) vicinity at very low prices. Having purchased direct from tbn jnannlaetttroreifar cadi,' he Is prepared to sell at prices that will defy competition. All that he asks is that the people will mil and examine his stock before mirchnsinir tdftowher?. j ; r 300 TS and SHOES hnule to order oh thcmoßtrra soluble terms.; Also, repairing promptly attended to.' s Don’t forget the place, two doors below Post Offlce ' Jan. 3.1861. M. THOMPSON. Ag,„t RATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE.- i* Thin Greet Journal of Crime .ml Criminal. i, i u it. Twelfth Year, imii i» widely circulated thromrlomt the country. It contain* all the Great Trial*. Criminal Owes. and appropriate Editorial* on die some, together with Information on Criminal Matter*, not to lie Itomd in any other newepaper, '•a.Bahacnptiun*s2 per annum; $1 for *lx montln. to be remitted by inbecribenv (who ehonld write their name, and the town, county and State where they rmlde plainly.) To O. W. MATBKU, * CO. . Editor 4 I’rop’r. oif New York Police Gazette. 16-tf| Xm Tor!.' r;t : , f VKJSAT WESTERN INStJRANOE VJI A*l> TRUST COMPANY,—lnsurance on or personal property -will bdefflected on the moqtreasonMlile terms by their agents In AMoonaat his office in Anna St March 17,1869. ; JOHN SBOKMAKEB, Agent I KVI’S I'BJiP&BATION i-’Oll K.\- JLJ terminating RATS, JIICR. ItOACIIJiS. AXT> xml ffßd-bnxi wi thim r flat) in it» n?p under any I’trcuni^un cea for ule .at the Drugstore of d. W. KJSBBLKR. , HB. • ; D^TlgprvJwJHL fl£|. Offlre on Caroline attnet." between Virginia and Emma ktreetKAMatiua HOCKIUKS. A LABOR - AN« a ; p. the \3T complete, aaaortniept „[ Groceries ha>*iu«t Uiijh A ** C ” XA TR,Bl; ? t>i OmCB cefoduttha «tnr«..i . :-i.' - J. TTMBftKLJjAS ANI>; WAIR, HAT, TOOTH. SHAVING Uln endlnivartety. SI I. tI’OII MAV*. M Paint. Siwh and Y.rnlah Bnwlie. at * Altoona. Mar 1,1M3, ’■; * KKWI.Uk^ .'rif « f* it ■ ■ Kook '.Bindery, -A»B mANKBOOK MAWOTAftrrwr . '■.;. kflfoJM. ?%■ f, Tins id eery test ol stock imdtlKMkdwl|SftDttly^^wCui£^ ? relied upon. ‘“ UH ' I “ , and Yearly Assessments. Duplicates, ic- tor county pm I" ■ ses priu»«l.«r J*W», roW ;; .orrt.Mi.^onni; DoCketsjW# #T$« (MW.HW» l*»s ifiti ~ir "-■■•" »,.! Utnurtous. ««i2. JACOB WETS. RAKER AND CONB'ECTIONER. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND BREAD, CAKES, CAND ILS ICE CKEAM AN!* SWKKTUKATS. of his own manufacture, !i>- j* pr**» to f*U. wholesale or retail, at the moat (V-aiuo ahh- price*. an.., KORfJIGN TllCnV ys ORANGES, LEMONK WNE-APPUX PRUNES, RAISINS, NUTS. &C 4 always on hand in their respective a«a»ou». CAKES BAKED TO ORDER, for particular occasions, on short notice mid in Do* n-'-s -«"l and Best style of ike art. Call, examine and price my sux'k and yon will n«i it it* good ami cheap a« can lie purchased elsewhere, . Jan. 27, 18tkl. , Stoves. Tin and Sheet Iron Wan SPOUTING, &C. c is urn woe mV'H espect- * ful b’ uform the citmn* of Altoona SaL ami vicinity that he keeps constantly on hand aHSS h»rge assortment ui O miking. Far tor. OfH<* ondCB&V Shop Starrs, of all styles and sizes. tomtit the * wants of all. which he will sell at h»w pricey » n n-w» aide term.-. .He nfsr. k.-ep-,m hand a larpe *u>ek of Tin and A-' 4^ /4 consisting of all articles for culiuapTnnrn^-' tXvl fyvttlt Jt, StH. ti c o Ur attention paid to puttlni- np SrOU 11N 1 Utliof in town or country. B|wutln(? painted and put i. on the musi reasonable terms. lapril Ji.lsw-1 ; General A T ews Agem v. OAK HALL, No. 7, MAIN^TKLKI SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOK>. STATIONKKY. CONPEOTH»NAUU.s CIGARS & TOJBAOC ’O TOYS AND NOTIONS IN GREAT VA Rl KTI CONSTANTLY OX lUMi October 24, 1861. M A Ml JOHN BOWMAN w . M. IJ.OYD& 00., f ■ ■ ‘ .tiiroo.y i. i JO HNSTON, JACK & Cm UOLLIBA I’SBri: fl. /■ i. BANKERS, (Late ••Bell, Johuaton, Jack $ Co." / TyKAFTB ON THE PiUNCiPVl itade 'Mon«l U ‘ l 81 - lTe f * nd A W'fur K>l", Colt-elk-' immn. . J rw, ' r,vl on depoatto, payable on'ileoiatni Feb M?mT’ ° r u,>n " »• roi' ' (x '}■ PJ{ AO'J'U Al a^?SF““S«,srs:^L K 8 and BVMOTK 01LS ’' AKN,S »- •P'* a deair*- to render », Prtg« «nd quality, l»hnp,-i ‘ u!!?l^y 8 °? patronage. . and " a W ,u “d on tmaouald.-t.-. iu» promptly attend.-,! t.,. myaioiaw, preanrlptiona turaftdiy eAtpunude.l. (1-n. ( fiu knj)s wt)ru> ih ■ *ell-fllW .helTwof Altoona, Jon* 26, 186*°*' *v »i«‘ T M] P' -* NT) tAllI) 0.11.5, (f\>l () N HANI) AT McCORMICK'S Sn.r* * J A«nlMwlht M*prtmem of iind M*ft. . , .., . HAIK OtL, COLOGNES, POM. » a 15 ■= i » - -a --- - r f- L E Q'?s 3a: S ’ i—i i- i = iJ 21211 Virginia Street. Altoone Pv. H. FETTINGER’S .sf'*r