Eariy Physical Democracy of ■ AMERjOAN PEOPLE. : JURPJIPUBUfHED pr DB,; A. STOKE ' Pt&iiWn* to . d>q \Trog Lung tmd;Hggienic ;•■ I; 3» ttibtU. A Tvwatisw ye toe Cent—of Sarljr Physical decline of i * ■srimii cause . ofHervowa UtobUlty, Coo- ‘ This wnck is MMjufhlghmocal tone, written io chute, i yatthrilUM tangmsge, aad appeals directly to the nml ; rn—rhnub— of 4LL PARMItTS ut duntian eq» ' tWljr, detailing scientific nod reliable aid* end treatment j forcure. I '.■!■>. It wUI be sent by mall on the receipt of iwo dl cent) ; lllMUps. j Patents and, Guardians; Fail not to Bend and ob- Yuu« men j Fail not to tend and get to is book. Yob too shonld at once eecure a copy of thin book. j .4 Word of .Solemn CotUfMstioos Adcite to those ; teio miUrtfeet. A ciaaa of i«Au» prevail to a fcarfal extent in the community. doomibgatlnast lOtMWOyijnth of both sexes amuwlly: to an early pave". Those diseases are very itn pevhctly nnderatctal. Their external manlies tattoo, or symptoms are NerfousDebiUly, Kelaxatton and Kxiiaus tlMK Marasmus oriwastiug addconsumption of llie tissues of the whole bo4y; shortfMas cf btesthing or hurried hrrathink on ascending shill or flight of stairs; groat pal pitatiou of the Heart Asthma, Bronchitis and acre Throat; akakiug oftne Randsami limbs; aversion to so cirty and to busings or study; dimness of eye sight, loss of Memory, dixiiodm of the Band, Neurdigia, fain in va” nous part* of the body: Paiua in the back or Hubs,. Lum , baxo. Dyspepsia of Indigestion, Irregularity of the bowels, deranged secretions of the Kidneys aad other glands of the body, as inncjenfama of Fleur Alhus, Ac. Likewise Kpihw, Hyateriaiand Nervous Spasms. Now la ninety-nine cases out of every one hundred, all ol the snore named disorders, and a host of others not named, as Consumption of t)ieL»ngs aud that most iu shi ions aud Wily: form of : consumption of the Spinal Nerves, known as Ifabes-Dormles, aud Tabes messuterica, have their seat aud origia in diseases of the Pelvic Viscera. Hence the want of-success on Uw pari ofohi school prac tir to the Troy Lung and Hy gienic Institution; is now engaged in treating this class of modern meuSea with the most astonishing sucoese. treatment adopted by the Institution is new; it is aaanl upon acientiSc principles, with new discovered rem edies- without mifersis or poisons. The facilities of care are aneh that patients can be cured at their homes, in any part of tha country, from accurate descriptions of their p. letter; afid have the medicines sent by Mail or express. Printed int-rrogatorles will be forwarded on ap ’Ostarrh pud diseases of the. throat I- 1, nd .isweil at the Home of the Patients seat the In stitution. by sending the Cold Medicated Inhaling Hal aaxto Varoas, with, ishaler and ample directions for their use, and direct correspondence. PaMmtla studying forinlerrogstivea or advice, must enclose returu stamps, to meet attention. gaa The attending Physician will be found at the In* stitutlon fr oonsultafion, from h a. m. to S p. m, each day. Sunday in the forenoon. \ Address DR. ANDRRW STONK. Physician to the Troy Lung aad Hygienic Institute, and physician for Diseaaee of the Heart, Threat and Lungs, dtl Fifth Street, Tref, N. Y. Altoona, Dec. liQth, 1862.-ty. E. & H. T. ANTHONY, MANLTACTaBEES OP PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, r.oi BROADWAY, NKW YORK, CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. /U>H CATALOGUE now embraces cohaklerably over/bur VJ Thoiuaftd different suVject* (to which additions are vuuiUnuUlj|Veiugimade).of portraits of Eminent Ameri cans .etc- fix: 72 Major-Generals : 525 Statesmen, 100 Brig.-Gcnhrals, 127 Divines, 2-V.I Colonels, ; 116 Authors, 84 Llent.-Oolijnels, 30 Artists, 207 Other Officers, ; 112 Stage, 60 Navy Officers, 46 Promin’nt Women 147' Prominent Foreign Portraits. „r 2,500 COPIES OF WORKS OF ART, rnstmling reprodDctkma of the moat »Wmtwl Engra tinea. Paintljsg*, Statue*, 4c. Catalogue* Bent on receipt oi atamp. .An other tor Doe Dozen PICTUCKS from our OaUlogue will belfllled on receipt of $l.BO, and sent l»y nwil, Fft£E. > PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. Of tbene we manufacture: a great variety, ranging in price from 60 cents to $5O e*cb. .■ Our •ALBUM.’** have the reputation of being superior In beauty and durability, to ady others. The smaller kind* raw be sent ssfelyj by mail at a postage ol>ix cents per o*. The more expensive caube sent by express. Meaty) keep* kirgoa.sortmeat of Stereoscopes'and Stereoscopic Views. our catalogue of these will.be sent to any address on re -1 ’ ceipt of stamp. • E. & H. T. ANTHONY. MANUFACTURERS OK PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, SOI Broadway, New York. Priiini* or relatl*e* of prominent military man will con 8r * foror by .eniding a* their likeue.se* to copy. 'They will b* kept«*re|Uly aud returned uninjured. FINS ALBUMS MADE TO ORDER for tn pre*eattatheik Pantore, or for other purpose*/ with tnitaU* ioaeriptiwi*, 4c. Aug. 18,1865-6 m. THE D3SIOITFOEEVBB.! ooon'Niiwsi WOLF would respectfully \IT iuiMMe lo the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that ha ha* opened a CLOTHING STORE, On Corner, of Main'and Caroline Streets, when be will khep on hand a large stock of ready-made clothing conshidnr of DKKBB COATS, PANTALOONS, VESTS, OTKKAhLS, KNIT JACKETS, Ac., at Philadel- Pfc “ S 4 CAPS! I have a large And varied stock of hats and caps which it will bo tor the advantage of all to examine before pnr chaalngelsswhere. Alee, a fine stock of Gents’Kornlsh ing goods, such as shirts, collars, neck-ties, handkerchiefs, Sns)M*nders, GloVe*. Ac. Determined to; sell, ! have marked my goods at the very lowest fignjrae. and feel confident that all will be satisfied wlth-tWprice and quality of my stock. Altoona, May 12.1888, CONFECTIONERY rnHB SOjBSCRIBBB WOULD IN- I fQRH thecitlsens id Altoona and vicinity that his CxTnEECIIONE«T, NUT and FRUIT STORE, is always supplied with tba vety best articles to be hud, and in great variety. He haaialeo an ; OYSTER SALOON attached to hi*:Mfcs,ln which he will servo np OYS TERS > Q tlilbSt style during the Season. - i'- ' ‘P&Zm-BAKBD ; BREAD, CAKES, & PIE j,. aiweye on hand, at reasonable rates. He Is st *ll ttmse prepared to supply cakes, candies, Ac, for pio-nics end other partiee. He invitee ashare of public patronage, believing that he can render full satisfaction! o all. ; Kemamber.his store and saloon is on.Virginiastreet.two doorsbelow Pith in’s Hall.-, ’ . OTTO KOBBl. Altoona, April *B, lgoa.tf. —; ; ; —-i ——— , IF YOU WANT GOOD COFFEE, Dare Teae, the best of Chocolate, Syrnps and Sugars, p, to " , t UITCIIEV’S. SUFERIOK CREAM CHEESE AT : FKITCHKY'S. 4 BARRELS PUKE WHITE LARD just lor,sale at - KKITCHKY'S NEW STORE, comer ■F Virginia Sts. . laL STVtiESS CARPETING AND Oil-Clothacan be found at TjAIjCHXMXX’S. R A. O. KERB, ALTOONA, PA., A GKNT ffer 3lair, Cambria, Clearfield, Al coniitM*. for tire following Unroof " . TRANSPORTATION BETWKKN KCROPK AND THB , 1 DJSITBD STAIRS: ' of Stnanuihipa. Oalwa* ’I'•A - “ BatretMOaHaa’Lino of Sailing Pwbkeu. 'WaahlnrtiJn Wne “ ; ■ prtat.Bwjtrro staaouhip. ’ Parife* dC'dring to bring their frlendi from Kurofre, or ■flWNC,tf •f*M t~ to that country, can aecnre TWfala af lht'-tn- n*" ~~ «* charged at the Offleea of the |LU*«rat;Uer« at «h« IferthiK pohrta. aa-Rxcur»ion tkim w tire pound trip an wild at radheed rate*. - J —^T.* -V- ;<=K AJ-■ ; " V 4 * Public, i „, » i»n«»W i HKAVY BOOTS & _ * • Wwr»-4r, 4 ' f The subscriber uaving taken entire charge of the Hard ware and Stove and Tin Shop recently under, the charge of Fries A Winters, on Virginia street, opposite Kessler’s Drug Store, aud having added largely to his stock is now prepared to supply anything in the Hardware and Cutlery line, such as Handsaws, Axes, Augers, Adses, Chisels, Squares, Rules, Hammers, Planes. Hinges. Locks, Latches, Files, Knives and Forks, Spooos, Ac., Ac, all of which ho offers on Che most reasonable terms. Person* wishing anything in the Hardware line are requested to call and examiue his stoex. He has also added Oils, Paints, Carbon Oil, etc., to bis stock, ami will dispose of all these articles at a small ad vance on tint rest. He will also continue the * STOVE BUSINESS, and will ieep on ham) au aeaortiueuc from which any person will be able to oclwctim article to pelftaotbeirfwicy. Id the lined , TIN AND SHEET IRONWARE, CEDAR and WILLOW-WARE, he will always hat© a large supply, and : will make to order anything that may be called for. Job work in this Hue promptly attended to. ROOFING AND SPOUTING put op on short notice in the best style. April 21,1863.-tf. SAMUEL I. FRIES. Q.REAT DISCOVERY! KONKEL’ BITTER WINE OF IRON, FOB nus ODKI or WEAK STOMACHS. GENERAL DEBILITY. INDI GESTION. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYS TEM, CONSTIPATION, ACIDITY OF THE ' STOMACH, AND FOR ALL CASES REQUIRING A TONIC. This- wine includes the most agreeable and efficient Salt of Iron we possess; Citrate of Magnetic Oxide combined with the most energetic of Vegetable tonics, Yellow Peru vian Bark. The effect in many cases of Debility, Loss of Appetite and general prostration, of nn efficient Salt of Ir*u, is most happy. It augments the appetite, raises the pulse, takes off muscular flabbiness, removes the palorof debility, and gives a florid vigor to the countenance. Do you want something to strengthen you? Do you want a good appetite ? J)a you want to build up your constitution ?' Do you want to feel well ? Do you want to get rid of uerv*«uMios» ? Do you want energy? Do you want to sleep well? Do you want a brisk and vigorous feeling ? If you do, try KUNKEL’B BITTER WINE OF IRON This truly valuable Touic has been so thoroughly tested by all classes of the community, that it is now deemed indispensable us a Tonicjjmdicine. It costs but little, pu rifies the blood, gives tone to the stomach, renovates the system, and prolongs life. I now only ask te trial of this valuable Tonic. COUNTERFEITS. BEWARE OF COUKTER Bit ter Wine of I non is the only sure and effectual remedy in the known world for the permanent cure of Dyspepsia and Debility, and as there are a number of irultatiops offered to the public, we would caution the comtnuulty to purchase none but the genuine article, manufactured by S. A. KDNKEL,aud which has his stump on the top o( the cork of every bottle. The very fact that others are at tempting to imitate this valuable tvmedy. proy«*s Its worth and speaks volumes in its favor. THE BITTER WINE OF IKON is put up In 75 cent and $l.OO bottles, and arid by all respectable Druggists throughout the copnti.v. Be particular that, every bottle bears the J'uc fimik of tin* proprietor's signature. General Depot, No. 118 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa. ■OS- For Sale by OEO. W. KK.S3I.KIi, K. H; KKIG AUT, Altoona, and bvall ivioifctable dealers everywhere. J*ept.3o, IB(>i—bin. EMPORIUM OF FASHION!! Virginia St., Altoona, \). W. A. UK I.FORD, Proprietor. r pHE PROPRIETOR OF THE '‘EMPORIUM I OF FASHION’* would respectfully announce to the public that he has received a large invoice of CLOTHS, : CASSIMEBES, VESTINGS, and a ■ GrKNTS* FUKNISHING GOODS, Collars, Neck-Ties, Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Ac., iSiC.). exactly suited to this locality and intended for the AUTUMN AND WINTER TRADE. The proprietor of the £mp< surpassed in the country, all of which I will soil at the must reasonable prices. Re member the Hail of Fashiou when you want anything in the line of head covering, ami call on Oct. 7. ’«Mf JKSSR SMITH. DI'IiVKA S M A i/.KX A RECEIVED TWO u PRIZE MEDALS,” {From June* 3 and 4) at the Inter alional Exhibition, Loud u. 1862, received the HIGHEST MEDAL Far its Great Delicacy as an Article of Food, Used tor Pudings« Cakes. Custard#, Blanc Mange, Ac., without Isinglass. with few or no egg#. 1 tts also excellent for thlckohing sweet sauces. gravies for fl*h and meat, soups, Ac. For Ice Cream nothing can compare with it.— A little polled in milk makes a rj«h cream for coffee, choc olate. tea, Ac. A most deliciou* article of food for children and invalids. It is vastly superior to Arrow Root and mnch more economical Put up in one pound package#, with full directions, and sold hy all Grocer# and Druggist#.. WILLIAM DURYEA, General Agent. Sept. 9.1863—6 m. 166 Fulton Street. New Yolk. ESTABLISHED 1760. PETKR LORILLAIU), Snuff & Tobacco MANUFACTURER, 10 & 18, CHAMBERS ST., (Formerly 42 Chatham St., New York,) would call the attention of Dealers to the articles of his manufacture, viz.: BROWN SNUFF. Macaboy. Demigros, Fine Rappee, Coarse Rappee, Pure Virginia, Nachltoches, American Gentleman. Copenhagen. YELLOW SNUFF. Scotch, Honey Dew Scotch. High Toast Scotch. Fresh Honey Dew Scotch;, Irish High Toast, or Lnndyfootj Fresh Scotch. Attention is called to the great reduction in prices of Fine-Cut Chewing and Smoking Tobacco*, which w l l!l be found ofasnperior quality. TOBACCO. SMOKING. —Long, No. 1, No. 2, Nos. 1 and 2 mixed, Granulated, S. Jago. Spanish, Canaster, Turkish. FINE CUT CHEWING. —P. A. L., or plain. Cavendish, or Sweet, Sweet Scented Oronoco. Tin Foil Cavendish, N. B—A circular of prices will tyo sent on application. April 14, 63.-IV.] WM. S. BITTNER Dental Surgeon. OFFICE IN M ASONIO ..ir-m TEMPLE, next door to the Post Office. Dr. B. would respectfully inform the citixens of Altoona and sorronuding Country, that ho is prepared to insert artificial teeth : from a single tooth to a full set, In the most superior style, ON GOLD , SILVER, OR VULCANITE BASE. It would be to tbe advantage of all persons desiriivf -attifleial teeth, to call at ids office before going elsewhere, if they wish cheapness, beauty or durability. Dr. Bittner will visit Holltdaysburg and vicinity when his services are desired. [Feb. 17,1865-tf, ANDREW ECKEL, DEALER IN Tobacco, Cigars, Sniff, Pipes, &c., &c., Annie Street, Altoona. Pa., and McKtagt't Old Stand, Montgomery wreri, HoUidaysburg, Pa. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT of Goods in Ms line conatimtlyon hand at the lowest cash prices. [Feb. 7, 1863. SM. WOOI>KOK> # A TTOBNXT-A TLA W Altoona, renn'a, Will practice iu the bereral Courts of Blair, Cambria and Huntingdon counties. Office on Virginia Street, 2 doors above Julia Street, tfeb. 3, lB6Vtf. A KEGULA 11 MEETING OF THE ALTOONA FAIR VIRW CEMKTKRY ASSOCIA TION will be held on the aoc.»ml ThnrwlnyeTenliijc of e»ch month, In the'Connell Room, M. CLABAUOU, : Jab. Lowtheb. President Secretary. / IEEAM CRACKERS! A fresh sup ply delicltfus craoaera just received and for sale at . IfRTTCHJfiY’S Dyou want a hat or cap, chwp or to LAUQHMAK’B. I /RITCHEY IS REALLY SELLING ilhvL. -'i Un»wu’snjf;u-[n AlltN’m* at I*2^’ ■y'j' ( %■ QUEENBWAKE, BKI2CO TU£ SOLE AWARDS gu iiit'd by anything of tlie kiii'i. It also received the Snjierlative Report of kxckkdi.no EXCELLENT FOR FOOD. MAIZENA at the ;,re«t In ternational Ex hibition at ,Y, 1863, [May 15-’62] i*.V I INC R. A. 0. KERR, ALTOONA, PA., Agent for “Blair & Huntingdon Counties; These machines are .vomit to be the best ever offered to the public, •-i theii superiority is satisfactorily established by the fact that iu tiie last eight years, OVER 1,400 MOKE of these Machines have been sold than of any other man ufactured, and more medals have been awarded the.pro prietors by different Fairs and Institutes than to any oth ers. The Machines are warranted to do all that is claimed for them. They are now iu use in several families in Al toona, and in every case they give entire satisfaction. The Agent refers those desiring information iu the su periority of tho Machines, t«» Col. John L. Plpef, Rev. A. B. Clark, George Uawkosworth, Beuj. F. Rose, and E. H. Turner, Esqrs. < The machines can be seen and examined at the store of the Agent, at Altoona. Price of No. 1 Machine, silver plated, glass foot and new stylo Hemmer—stis. No. 2, ornamental bronze, glass foot and new style Uemiuer—sso. No. 3, plain, with old style lietmner—s4s. [March 21,1861-tf. UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER. o. : y No. 1. Largo Family Wringer. No. 2. Medium “ No. '!>/» No. Small “ ’* No. 8 Large Hotel No. 18. Medium Laundry, I to run steam 1 I^.oo No. 22-Large •• \ ' or Laud. > 30.00 and 3 havo no Cogs. AH others are warranted. *No. 2 is the sire generally used in private families, Grvnoe Junn. of the • American Agriculturist,” says of til* 1 UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER •• A child cun reudilv wiiug out* a tubfull of clothes in a Ha minutes. It is in reality a CLOTHES SAVEU! A TIME SAVER! and a STRENGTH SAVEU ! Tim saving of garments will alone pay a large per centime on i»n cost. SVo think the machine iuucm more than FAYS FOB. ITSELF EVERY YEAR in the Raving of garments. 'Hume are several kinds, nearly alike in construc tion. but we consider it important that the Wringer he Jilted with Cogs, otherwise a mass of garments may clog the roller-*, and the rollers open the crank-shaft slip and tear the clothes, or the rubber break loose from the shaft* Cur own Is oi.o of the first make, and it is as GOOD. AS NEW after nearly FOUR YEARS’ CONSTANT USE.” Every Wringer with Cog Wheels is Warranted in everv particular. NO WRINGER CAN BE DURABLE WITH OUT COG-WHEELS. A good CANVASSER wanted in every town. On receipt ot the price from places where no on.- is selling, w- will send the Wringer free op EXPr.N'^,. For particulars and circular* address U. C. BROWNING W 7 Broadway, N. V Sep. I—Oru. STOVES, TIN AND SHEET-IKON WAKE. rpHE I : NDKUSIGNED WOULD KE _f Hl'Kl TFIILI/V ah nmmce to the citizen* o Altoona and vicinity that he has taken the store ami simp recently occu pied l»y Fries 1 Winter?, on-itmts street, East Ah where lie has on hand » large supply ol STOVES of all, Pattern/ such os Cook, P a r 1 o i Office ami Shop Stoves, which he will sell at the most reasonable prices. A largo supply will always be kept on hand. TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE, in great variety, always on hand. ROOFING & SPOUTING put up on short notice. He has also attached a copper-smithing room to hiir establishment and will keep on hand an assortment of cop per and brass kettles, ic. All kinds of job work promptly attended to. April 21st. ISRS.-tf STEPHEN WINTERS. C. C. SERVER & SON, Paper, Envelpe and Printeis’ Card WAREHOUSE, No. Gl3, MINOR STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA„ Have constantly on hand FLAT CAPS. LETT Kit AND NOTE. MANILLA PAPER, FOLIO POST, PACKET POST, HARDWARE, FOOLSCAP, PRINTING PAPER, ENVELOPE COLORED PAPER, BINDERS, TRUNK, STRAW AND BOX BOARD, TISSUE, SHOE, AND TEA PAPERS. PRINTING AND MANILLA PAPER made to order. JunnlO. IS(W. JJ U. HOPKINS, ALTOONA, PA., LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE 17th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT ißfciiiic:.... l T.v::?: .•. -. ■ MUSIC! INSTRUCTIONS GI V KN oa the Piano-Forte and Melodeon, ,by Miss M. MAKER- Terms, $lO per quarter. No charge for the use of the Instrument. Residence on Catharine Street, West Altoona. TJan.l6. 1562.-tf. v. DRIED APPLES.—The fubscribers bate & fine lo of bright yellow IXttIED: APPLES, bought at much lean than market ratev, and which they desire to closeout, at cost and carriage, without delay.— Persons desiring to purchase, either at wholesale or retail, will 6ml it to their advantage to give us a call. ! Altoona, June 26,1862.] MUKPILY A McPIKK. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Gent’s Mode] Improved SHlRTS—C?a**iir}ere and Muslin Shirts—fine and and colored—at ' ' ' • LAUQUMAN’B. PURE WHITE LEAD AND ZINC Paint, also Chrome. Green. Yellow, Paris Green, dry and around oil at fl-11l KKBBIKR*S. MEN AND BOVS’ COATS, of every style and color, of good quality, at ' LAUOUMAN*S. New and improved : styi.es of Trunks. Y«M«nU) ntid Carpet-Bags.- at i . LATJOIIMAW'S A FINE ASSORTMENT OFOVER COATS crui ftmm! at ' LALOHMAN’S n heat piles of p vntaloons \.T for '(on IM> 5* H : K 0 iiu.oo 7.00 ............ rt.CO 6.60 14.60 [ - v ......., jvmerio.ajs’ vama. $OO 00 571-40 400 00 857 10 600 00 — 800 00 ALEXANDER WIULLDIN, President. SAMUEL WORK, Vice President. Jobs 8. Wilsox, Secretary. BOAEI> or TRUST SEE. Alexander VTbilldin. J. Kdggr Thomson, Hon da*. Pollock, ' Hou. Joseph Allison, Albert C. Roberts, Jonas Bowman, . Samuel T. Bodlne, * 11. 11. Bldridge, George Nugent. William J. Howard, Samuel Work. A. Benefit to All. TRY ONE BOTTLE. A trial will front the fact , and fads art stubborn Ikings- MISHLER’S herb bitters ARB SUCCESSFUL IN EVERY CASK. No family should he without it. Hundred* of certificate* Slid letter* at thank* ah* arriving every day from persona who have been cured. THE HERB BITTERS have never fitiled in curing ? RHEUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA, FtMuriit* Irregularities, and all Diseases arising from IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD , As u Blood Purifier; Tonic jind General Appertiaer. these Bitter* are without a rival. No Lady desiring A CLEAR COMPLEXION should be without It. Pintle *et a circular and certifi cates from our Agent. B. MIBHLKR, Mauufu turer ami Proprietor, Lascastee, Pa, Notice. — The greet success of Mishler’s Herb Bitters, has induced unprincipled parties to manufacture a worthless article, which they are veiling at a low price, ~f iohu'h I*ware. The genuine can only be bought in Blair County, of 0. W. WUITFIKLD, - (Sole Agent for Blair County.) Depot Drug Store. Main street, Altoona, Pa. June 2d. 1868-tf. * JACOB SNYDER.. TAILOR, f I The Hero of One Hundred Fits per Month I 1 would respectfully ee) forth m> claim, to publi attention, an a Fishionabl Tailor, aa fo|lo3uuty / j/j,. and printe indleWwria. tbe£jT*aSL-,. very beat of aieck and ; n*Hcd upon. Blank. mliit pagpdaud Ihiubm , any desired pattern. and-Jn,«i,*. Docket* of all owda and rafted fco frier. Trt-snmr.l and Yearly Assessments. Duplicates. debtor county pui i- - ge s. printed or plain, ruled and bound to order. Cornu > Dockets aurieoTthe beet Uaen pnpor. Librarians, mud others, desiring to have their Books u - . bound audat moderate prices, should givens a rail. News paper* of the largest sizes, Harper’s Weekly, Gleason’* Pictorial, Ballous, Scientific American, London News, bound to order, and in any style required. Harper's Month ly Magazine, Knickerbocker, Blackwood's and Graham * Magazines. Godey 5 * Lady 's Book, Lady's Repository. Pen r- Magazine, Plauo Musk. Ac., bound in extra styles. ->r the more plain and substantial half binding. Select ham pblets. Lav Magazines. Pamphlet laws, bound in good l i brary sty!*, *t very moderate prices. Persons bavins a number of volume* to bind, will receive sHbepU.li-0.1,1 Binding can safely W sent to us from a distance by V \ prdss, and all work entrusted to our care wQI be sp«b dily executed, safely packed and returned by Bxpres All work warranted. Address F. L. lUJTTKII. s . HarrUbMnf. John Aikmait, Charb « F. lleazlitf. JOHN BOWMAN [Jan. aO—2ui s ; iimTKRSV , , . ST AT!*: C ATtT* >I. ' Book Bindevv, AKD BLANK BOOK MAWIBACTuIn No: i>4 Uarh»t Si . Uarru/mrf, (*a, *S_McCI!UM £ DKBN. at the Tribune Office. are.-, ageati fui Altoona. and vicinity. They will give iutbn . i tioh in relation to binding. »nd receive end return Wl. > free from extra charge*, for all who ent.net their work t. mvcare. [March 21. 1882-t> - . ONWARD! EVER ONWARD! STEP BY STEP! The undersigned desires to inform hi* old customers aud the public gencrall> that he has this spring gone into the Dry Good busmen* and bus Just received a largo and entirely new stork <» FASHIONABLE PATTERNS. Adu among which may be found every quality of good* the names of which it would be too tedious to enumerate. i In the line of pure, fresh and cheap d GROCERIES & provision:,: 1: will not “knock under” Co any of my oompfititors.** ,ww / thin department 1 feel sure that I can render natl*faction. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange fur goods, and the highest market price allowed. Store on the corner of Annie aud Helen streets. East Altoona. THOMAS HKShop. : Altoona, May 22,1802. JACOB WETS, JRAKER AND CONFECT lON El! Vi&niNiA Street, Altoona. Pa.. Keeps constantly on hand BREAD. CAKES, CANDIES ICE CHEAM AND SWEETMEATS, of hia own manufacture, which h« d prepared t-i •» ill, wholesale or retail, at the most r--:i--'i able prices, lino, FOREIGN FRUITS, *uch a* ORANGES, LEMONS, PINE-APPLES. FIGS, PRUNES, RAISINS, NUTS, &C„ &( ulwnye on hand in their reepectire .eoiem.. CAKES BAKED TO ORDER. for particular occasion*, on short notice and in the (tini est, nnd beat style of the art. Call, examine,and price my stock and yon will Ami it as good and cheap as can bo purchased elsewhere. v : Jan. 27,1863. Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware SPOUTING, &C. SRWfI WOULD RESPECT • fully ufonn the citizens of .Altoona and vicinity that he keeps on hand'ii largo assortment ot Choking, Parlor, Office OTMi£HO|B Shop Store*, of all styles and sizes,.to suit the ' l ~- wants of all, which be will sell at lo w prices, en reason aide terms. IXe also keeps on hand a large stock of Tin and Sheet- Jron Ware, consisting of all articles for culinary purposes— Coal ScuttUi, .Stove Pipe, dc. He lias also purchased the right of sale iu Blair coniitv ofR. T. JOCKS’ IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUFFER, an invention which needs oply to be seen to be apprerr* and fehould be possessed bjfevery farmer, batcher ortht.*' a machine. V&L. Particular attention paid to putting np SPOUTING either in town or country. Spouting painted and put up pn the* most reasonable terms. fapnl 14,1869-ly H. FETTINGER’S General News .Agency, OAK HALL, No, 7, MAIN STREET SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, CONFECTION A RIES CIGARS & TOBACCO. TOYS AND NOTIONS IN GREAT VARIETY • CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Octobi-r 24.1861, W. M. JLLOYD & CO., ALTOOX'a. }\ 1. JOHNSTON, JACK & CO BOLLWA YSBUH G. I’A BANKERS, (Late ‘‘Bell, Joknelon,.Jack $ Co.’ - ) Drafts on the principal Cities, and Silver and Gold for »ale. Collection* made. Moneys received on dcpbaUe, payable on denmud. without interest, or upon time, with interest at fair !>!'•«. Feb. 3d, 1869. A N G< W. KESSLER PRACTICAL r • DRUGGIST, respectfully annouhcee > to tlits citizens of Altoona and the public eraTiy, that he still Continues (he Drug on Virginia street, where he keep# constantly on lutnd, for Mile, Wholesale and Retail, DRUGS, Bfl MKDICINKS, CHEMICALS. OILS, VARNISH- AA BS and DYK-STUFFB. ; By strict attention to business, and a desire re n-ndor ->>'■ isfaction to all as regards price asd quality, he hope* 1 merit and receive a share of public patronage, Physician* and merchants supplied cm reasonable tvrui* and all orders from a distance promptly attended t.». Physicians prescriptions 1 careftilly compounded, fl-tf. OUir LADY FRIENDS WOULD DO well to loofe. in upon the choke and chaste assort * meet of Summer DRBSS GOODS now displayed upon the , well-filled shelveeof MUKPHY k McPIKR, Cor. of Virginia end CaroTTne «t* i 1 Altoona, June 26,1862. piNE AND LARD fIILS, OA M I pbeno, Burning Fluid. Carbon Oil. tru, at Jmi-3. ’6O-tf] KKBBL£K *. ON HAND AT McCORM TDK’S Stor* —A splendid assortment of Ready-Made clothli!* < all afid see. } - Jfov.2ft.df Hair oil, colognes, pom nd««, gh*Th>r CrMini. T. llr| Fu»iw ie, fur «!>■ hj • *' . (J,»> k>Kl.M>_ / 1 HOCERIES.-—A , LARGE ANT :* JT c-omulelf Aftftottnwnt of Groceries iia*« just lw«« ** OiaVM MtSJrt<>roof J B. intrKMAN. r tTAIH, HAT, TOOTH, SHAVING. i 1 Peipt, ?!i«h ami TitruMi Bnirtw* Kl , *1 *r 'ZJ >* « - V> H * - a ® i «-2 *1 - 2 Ouj S - .. ii * w •-. gl ; ►*■**< tttc s > CQ as -~, Sf £l|4 I F-K o 5S * « 2 |-a Pw'lJ-is CQcssS T: co<=o|2 bd “ g ? jM*?!?: 3 » £< fi-s ,Q w>h*n ghawU, (UoiiWMpii Balmoral SkirU, ; Complete lifio And Gloves, to oat siook of Have » fell toe. MoMtituHud KhwUupSHtf shirting teuton j Ifrir#*, Boots AtiU &»3fc 1 y Wm*, hsdle*. Mifc> s' Fiuo and heavy q We have »hu Much m CoflW, A ue\t ami hsu»i»k. * >elf*cteU expri‘#»ly "We call the Iwcitf rliat now nMUm: '* 3 Sid* ..i - rkei pri***, strictly j- JjSk A i&r •Miing* heretofore h»r%tiK| • yerjhodj, and iHUtimo •'till -»t the MODI'I/ mV ha>l, ; !>•*thtug, would public « Ut. \V<« mAniifurtur Ktr -I up mi our. own Btotw« iUUbJj *up- rvision. and *£* kv tw » -arrant*) EQUAL 'C>|IT iju-i ouperioi' to the In tho market. w ' We hoy «urCk«4JpcHy 1 conena® by middle men. : W> ' ■ Wwoell our MMk at h mir (b«,Thereh.v «>f ClnthliiK which r who buy from second HtOil* t«» »elI rl-aUiuff at the earn* price wh(c {•>r their* at whole**!-*. fou*oqb*nl »u get their k-* uivfiir theirs inthefty. therein per mintage. - \Ve have branch Sk-rfa In ALTOONA AND .K where good* may be ‘A at tbe-fau ,ull them here In th* *y. ' 1 If any peraoi^har* - '•n bid, or -'tore. In Altoona, le'iUyed mit.* j üb' his establUhimcfou Mali) S /•)imU and prleuK. f. Wholesale Hottae. '<£& 702 Marke Dec. 2,1863.—1 f ■NEf Got riBHE under-!a>ed won U I form tin- oiti*WKf .*•»•>-«» 10. tint he liii»Jlt'n«Juin<«l from eelectiOK hi- FALL AN) WIN'l which, for style, qullly and prk?e. thlw neck of coimrv* } Hh* Rtock ii -Mefurt. and ns qnlU *n o war times, for ever oj|o to porebt** The Rest Goctojwd attb >■ wuuW nay ttu>li%'c»n and -wi in lie lower th,a (urodher how In •1 1 to cull and we 'rttock before 1- he f» l» conflilei Be c»n oßer I defy competition. B» etock ctinei LADIES’ DRS& GOODS < "MBS AND »rr WINTKH * I,ADIK.SI»D MISSKS- Mb-VANI) BOVS' BO \VOMKX .‘is» >llBBKg’ U ATS AND CAIN’ iiu:achki *no unblka GSpHAMS; A(M> ID' will Mil Ln** S.wV.l, H'Wil !.«p l‘"2!S''il 4 r vi-n’s Boot. -A"- —; - itALMOKAL SKWB, t.ry low. GROCER! White iiioV Brn Rio Col „,| . .vrvthhi- !«*■ twwUy h‘T .. rhrip «- tr#h««P>-*t, Alt,.Hi*, ort. CITY |>KUG E. n JIKIGAKT 1" fully annum* Ui til' d«l**i iiii-llnp . iiuutr |b*t he h*» n iirnfi Store of Bißjt A Co-, op A i H«rd»*ri> at*- _ Uis Drill! are emi odho hopM W'l iitionriou -Mir. of inihlli- lHf'o*KO *i.l ..■oiii*Ril*' H.l DBUOI MEDI‘|NKS ftptTCl! ~,vjf T Oim *OAI% PERV ' 01.1. W rity, PAVfTS. Oi fASSOX OtL AX6 iioTtoirs, da ,d .wry arhdm'mUy lejA iu <1 j.fIiKIf.TNES AND : for medicinal t i..AI‘B WlNfc^-I‘l parfiiAyr pAem . cunnutj "t *ll hou tltoon*. S»P< a - 1 ■' ; Victory ' rpflK Sul briber.- wo I # >'i the dte«»<.f hats & « 3007 s sc i ie iro*l frrofitlwaj vithtlMir pm 13d »re jo»t ,m I* ll ",JrioKMtttb 1» ■> ’"‘^""kroitoM l ' public tor Uielr Th *", „ iwrb“r" t<> merit'* o j4 v « m ' ■ V ;,u-iij-l TEASITKA: ! I t.mns&o* Wperlo* Stl» i mbl e in i- ft*. )U\ -it\v» flCh’ kwiL slphi