The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, January 20, 1864, Image 3

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StlbUHt VOt -^- F - B ‘ •*■Elixer .* Irxsia*d Penman Bark.
vancing toward tfe* «*dition ,-bieh “t V* m , T* ** * **" Xk ' lk ' i '’ Er, " er rf Peruvian Bark.
« »<« J f~ » •*■*» Hiien»an< F*w *de a, Bo^i,*™
r J ..VT- *°“ l *■* "**■ « M» *»*, l.M»ttie jmqrekre to recoil this MjMt i
TRIBUHE I^WER“ PRESS Wlli . rt3^b^- ira ' 4: 10 ““ *° «w«|*-yrfof meai Then- *«■ «ww «T Baker* C«3 Liner Oii, pwt *i*i fresiu
: 1 V* rnemberv, informmiiar. bur six oompmeg iu iht r**&&famU O’*RaterV Cnd Lirer (VX pm* an ! frr-h.
’ 7. ?? 0,1 . of useful kaowledgt . It U with there is room fur four comjouiKs. wni* a® be n-- *W Baker'- < <*i Liver Oil, pure atvl tn-k.
• - „ **” , <OC **“* we Wpon an enlarged list of ceiwd with tfo-ir ( »t tirgaiaiatkwi-, should j}m-v Fw ss!e ai B.«-.aV;i)iir,-, St,*i.
ST ttem ®“’ s .» increased, and it is hesotendered. provided the offices arecompHen:
~ 10 • —*f—* <*“- -»««• n* tin*, w THE SINGER SEWING MACHINES.
. «“** «-ani 6 and town-hips*. put forth an fo- ‘ *
PRlimilC OFFICE. Library. toeriueedby offering bourn*- « ml*™-... m T * At’Ut.vr Wire.
.. ,t . xrty fy r Outtf, C»rd C«tUT. fcvUtnc sd/ an ; oarr - UUI > Atffertit, ci:h**r far :be <«imtv. c*r u»wii- *«;: Mwaiiwt* jw« <*k*rfcd t« th* NioocJwr Fj^hjlt
x ”^y r 3 m * m . l *Byuig ret<m> Treasurer, the ahipa. or borougte ip ji, Liem. Steaan W orders JUchSne b« «,««,, «e*«i xa&uofcrH^.
.-.erat. •*»*%■*« UH> c^ gtal 7 La *™ r “ n »riU be fcarad to se! to enlist T-raii. and credit rhetn to PniltuirftAis r " H,e Bikdi ” g ' »VJiiae. Tuckia*. (iuherie,:.
.Ijl<-<«l u atfautUoM, Hi the mincteiv the Irugle*. and coaditnn (ff the or .nv «w ,v • ’ : Er * Jdll ‘ g ' Eahruidejia*,CiaJiag.«nj; K f oh. Number
~?;:Sl~ ~y l °*-- *' “ *“■ - *«2*va department **« ! r “ n -’ ««ucr. », , eI J
.. raij-'. .. _ ~ T , T c * w *C, t<oc»ties aw paid. Id tddiUcm to fi>e poreromem *»***? *f work. It will •*** *il kiud#ofdotk, aad v>tk
*•mSUmmttnts. ■'to.mpoamt of cash honmv of f4tt» for veutaus and «302 for new re- . «« <* «r«t «j r«v« «^,ve»™o
MANtMOTM eOaTciiaVaALe’aiLLS fr-.n^r.*" P -.*100.37 'T.iiv <iy CT. .3 OhiUOdjO. W3T O-O.- mm .....
Pay and Check Bolls, - - - If our i *tn^b«n Vfa .
1 BOOKS ** * "a *i-‘U P l^B6ol *“ en I l '** o Motag fcen*. And intend !o ieu« A WtmSy
MANIFESTS. AND BLANKS Of ALLUNDS dne* --<»..,, list, from going elsewhere-, and tfcns deceasing ’* a - 'i'oteu*, vtar ¥faiiiy Machine* are So
«ew«d«- *4<wr, the nnmber upon whisi the draft must fail, thev Kvh.
■■ While tlmfmAeawwW for book, mns, he up an.i « woft. Tav Q« * the r-a, Wtla » a pimraf
..1 u^th,sr corner rf and An- amounted T , .. 1 cmuuur aarkmaßs-iip of tb* matt sewn] tii.4. r, T , r4 -
, . ttirMiD«oiM«iaiM>4eat.r <««■. For Xa«ri^|e Tt ''^‘^,^y i j|""‘‘ U«i. Hancx'k. in, &is addrtwe. )riihlisbed in an- »*•- wl-rr. B .t in -a*. «ud vbn*at tr h
■■ Printing Catalogue, ie_ oOTfi nottrer eolomn. ai<o anwtaoi— reeuirt for the ■' ; '" .-r * .navioo. ami -ul-vtavti.i
4 Garniture.. ag Ou tteetmd Armr Ci.rpe wfll be credited to the di- ' ’ 1 '■*>*** tu* a.rii. Wbiiv *«t of tie Chm.
Janitor. Bookbinding ........ 6t.i*i trie, jawing U»e l-narr. no matter * W Her he- •""i '“ lk *" *** Wwil “ ** •*»-
Ikm-tu: Ran. BoaP Aconmarr —On Smwl.t „ i „„, -r,.- - . . ; ! • > MC ‘'' ' u, “ luami ia«d».tf_ ma-r. » r < a-ifruej
maminir k« ooraomfe ■■mTTV^ 8 •- : - * **"* **** ra * le « «* «*<* «*WI-hed in hr »o« «mly arid onpurt. ruanaar.
liortaatidn that J-mn- a.. “** Ideating a baLaoce in of .>.t;i' secure men »nl, oat drafting and to fill uj. the. ni- a«-»*arv u- k* tie lanair Mactiar u,
•\ - *”* ”• rwanwlilw Kitpaa Train, j- Jinuy as earlv a- ' *■* to jndc* of if» <-ajdwity Mid t«*ciy.
hg.n factifil.tod ate the river The Secretarr’s report abws that the associa- Thi ' • ' UWr eountv ahouW take pride in ' , ‘° i, “ Ur ,<c ***** **'** ** oaf
tSL’T -tr * -* „,,, r „ t .
• jjgJ W or . |wriud of yoor lasr ammal \mt J l9 muui* ll C^T fl Blair re*ritm*n:. * t .u.*£. ‘-fUi-^rr
,W aS Tr- “ e . ,80,t a8I * x *e*Bi *Vk* WTO ; WTO rqion its list. Within the vear 5 members record withom s line ~( vri,i»*. ; : ~-ed
andretaikd, fwrwas to the arrival of harebeeh kwt bv rerignation and one bv death feei 4 ha “ T,n ' ' ,N i " E »AKCTArmtIS6 roMPiNT
tJ!L ae lTbe La -* ri>BV A*W •V ! A 1 r^—7l7 s
*** fift r >* «« ,ain «e thonaand volumes: that the JrST ?*****?'? Wr. h. u.. a. B-iftr-i. Kate x«tw. v W » M re►,
killed. janorber nobody hart that all mumber of books taken oat was U 2« and that - Coir ‘ n l 1 ; !ee ’ affwinted at a meeting held . iwnn Aj-cn..
«< re dreamed or homod. and so on, nrf IW. volumes have been added to the' Caudotme ” W f“ ,f “ :be ! ;
ofUm rrtfair „ « WW.— dbring,hereto. Six sandaW Periodicals hare Cbtu Saturday, the 16* «<.. j DH TOBIAS’
ihe roay-totle ortlm engine reader broke . for and reieeived, and five and T *“**' Wl ‘- J 4X HOBSE LINIMENT '
oa.jtotUatbetnrin wndei the bridge. The one weeklv have been dowted. ' "“*S erf “- v - ißa - ”* • ,1 . HOBbt WMMMT. j
avlefeMfon ,he throwing iwo Kspress cars. The property of the atooftalkar was removed in !“* v ***** j guill. iprX. j
•«k j hags»£e car and tbne paßsengcr cats from - the euiv jsn of the vear i»om which r CO ' Mt,E * : f V r tt l jo , ww »ur« ri-rnu.iw; it, tLv jo'« j
rhc-teidjsAad over tiae abmoeiit of tbe bn&ge. hixl occnped for tube to the * , IR ' l,i v,Mt llir^z ' it i. u««r «,y j
rue Excess care fen into the nler, tire baggage ndoeaaMe and commodious hail which it t.v» , ’ ' nliu '" u ' ‘•° l ? ril,ate u ' :Lif !>““«>«■ <*>- ! f’"T '* Wic - 1“~ j
-rabodli half in the river, and the cupie-- the rl “ lJ '«olothing. which mar in anv j :"**~*****» !***«: \
-» iu* __J , Aijpa.. , « aoramage- ol die new location are Im. ,- t. ; . . , * i knudrMi* that were cnpi,l«j and hour haw u- r a rt-
between the water and the already proven by the more numerous visits of , u-“ *' UI ’ 4,1 *" **<*■ 1. » m«l- .., all to. to
afartmeajt. Two of the paaaeoger cars fell io the members and tiie greater neatness maintained ,e^ti ' nS - " v not m mast ; toroagW tw states, ordsn -r v .a.ui.n,
ground Aod the third stood on eat eonpied to the Ttie Boanl would call attention in this «.nne,J “ ‘-iotov-, booti. shoes, bat* and *"•“ t » ci »S ***** of kWhud fit fr«b ;
oi-t (to. jtrhrchremained on the track. The en- especiallv to the provident ca-t with whi-v- # ' h,ch na te£ter ,a srocie. iloo i.n»,. ;
merthe bnd*. The falling of the cars upset f*«3 * building adapted to the requirements ct sanu- uvstawav / * |
Jiie aovejs therein, which were well fired up. and Lihraty. as well as cases tor books, and various barrigr :u f dub Di «M HITTP»c 1
of ten minmes all the care were on pUier mmerial assistance, unaided, oar effur. d ' ’ T ***' yriLK KITIEKS j
who WTO not disabled bv the aoci- wuakl scareelv hare been successful " is a matter that appeals.:* the' I. warmest eutomima, fiva to. ,w«
■RW- °f* re •* « -rork, and ere the’fire had oh- s\ movement set on foot br several emernreing i T™*' h **"'■'"**'*”■*** t “* w " c fur
J i?**: ftaani ■'V** “** a 1 !S* r 'Tv
-ms frooy the wreck and conveyed them to a jdace and other additjocs to its comfort was quite sue- ; Jaf " ar ‘ l \ A>«««. are toroaieM toreucheut our
■if safari The report that one or two persons and neariv a htmdred dollars nromp-lv mm ‘“ aranoa - !l,v frt-«iine n are /u,m.o. ,HUBj8 j u zhc
_yvere bathed i* incorrect as we learned from a subscribed and paid, have been approbated to ; " Uh t,li: rb, - v are «®K. S*. **"“ *® ic ‘ ai «-*“« »»•« j
was in the wreck.that tl,ere was thi‘purpose intended bv the donors “ V I«»1W>«-, tosare |
no: a Win any Of The third VT* have been ro natit« that a number: ti ;'"<***<* sen ds
■ r rightly coupled to the last car. ofjadies have f«omc memlwre of the association ■io their uamened undei standing ;,it„ .p w ooßamnay. j
..firtth did D« leavellteatack, prevented the lacier ; danng the year; and the; plan of kee-iing th» ■ utsn lb «r nakedness. Humane ! *a_&v Mraturmat. ’■
• f(>m faehjg removed from the cobfiagxaljoa, con- Library and Beading Bwi'm open \inrtig cine af- ‘ ne "' ill i,e! J* l -' ton:r: -'uiing money or ! b - v PragcimMd towlm .verywhere. |
were Imraed. The tar and tefnoon of the.wtA, and in chtugt „f a Ladv i aay ’ ning^ lse - ca f ***** KAIL EOAB ABD MAIL SCSEOUXE 1
•"• «f baggage was burned, ail Librarian for the TOomodtoion of ladies who are : " Treasurer, will receive f '• ’
the time being give* ,o getting tj.e members, or wbobekmg m the fitmiliy of mem- ‘ c!uTlK " ill *** ,<warJ | * u !
,«-rsons ityurad from the passenger cars. . betyc has been anended with results, that for a ,!jr samr. _____ F.v^iL r i * ” - - ’ A :. M ' ■
A.- as information of, ihc disaster was tele- J are satisfactory. About tto.e Draft j Train - -4'f j
KHfhed th thi« place, an extra train, with phy- are aware of no town m Uit State of even ! i rtalLf l: “ U ’‘ - if'T Ji ' 41 1
s-icnuis «d atienii «Mhe injured and employees to : dotyblc the number of inhabitants in Altoona, that ' _Lt w: rA . i I Shal Train - - r.w' - '.. sit A M
; postewes * OTtSr instUmit*, yH& a.nxnt as To tie. Piopie i,f aJTcSLi, ‘ ‘ tZL 'store r UD ”, ”" K ''
Hu- spates aoemioo they were 1 placed on the comfortably arranged, or so well provided with 1 Having received official notice that the boon- 1 Ex « ,rtw Truias »*i SnaTnuu Ew-t
XX* “* hrooght “■** Honse ' ia rH * n ‘ Koks “d current Utereture. A know!- I ”7 GoVtmmtnL : ‘ S^ fi dd tomto
■ Ills where tbf most severely injured still- **i& of this condition of relative exmOlenre. ; in X X, I Ui conoecl witli Express T^£*Wenu ) i |
■snail. ’ 1 . ! .... eaxwuient*. : ifsSJt' to those me. veterans, ml] be continued until M - i: Tr»“ i-»-t and West, ~
‘ J . however, must not dimmish the efforts to make ; the hra of Slareh next and that ail counties and i MAIL* aEIUTE.
lae touowing is a correct list of the persons the privilege* of the Association stiil more valuable sa L-districts. w hich have nut filled their quotas bv i Throngb.-_
lujured. with thtnr inadeaces, and extent of their to 41) persons .who are, or who muybremne mem- ■ rol ' m, «' ri "J r f> ;! time compedled w 1 *£-r -
injuries: j » berk bv filling the vet vacant shelves and make up the dctwienry by the draft. I would ! Westers Tlu^LT
m FiTriniil tfAml -lo P , - ~ * . ”, Os and mercas- recommend an.) urge njicn the people of this ! Hollidaysbiirg..,
* j L ' Aj ~ - • Freedom, mg the attractions and conveniences of the hall. county that public meetings be immediatelv caded i
f Coal«, Wff- Eutxts E™ *r,, * ; i s ß^~- == =
, injuries—gone (jam- Altoona, dantmiy Ist, 1863. ian additional bomuy * <tf $2OO or $250. All i Omci aSmV'Z' AJ * , tl p
undent «id hra^T 48 e * ebger ’ bead The above full and certainly satisfactory report i *'■ mf,re al,d th,emen can be ’ * M - f,s Suadiys from T.SO auto p “
Robert 1?. Brown. Fottsville, Fa., hipaod leg « Association leaves’ but little room for com- The foUowiug i.- the official estimate to he
Torero Shtrey, Cteufield. Pa., thigh fre«ured IT • 1 “ * W ‘ kena » °° *** :
John Downing. Tellow - township. ?
:iud ** terptiie. Much good may be accomplirited thro - '
VTm. Hjll, rnkatown, Fayette Co.. Pa., feoe «»ipstnnnentjfity, sboahftdl who are able became ’’
‘ krier. kviiiiamsbarg. Biair Co >«dir of charge! Fmtitstown i : y.^h]p":;;::;;;:::;:;:”
bruised. :i * ua«—oing, “ ‘ S of t(s affairs is lo be commended, and should our Tyrone City a- >nyder township.
Levi L, Bowers. Martinsbarg. Biair Co., head
is tineas give them proper enedazagement thev will ! Y oodben7 * Maninsburg
*. . ’ -t-H—wr a a.*— J‘±’„“lSr:7
biph«l4t' r ° ity ' nb ®*? WBd again, i Woodbenr lownsb^^W'Ofi^^;,
A. D. lay«re,_Bnrinr CV, Ta.: atm ftactnreil *««««» elected officers
- !id bead wild thigb bnased. ’ ” h f ty* Assodariwt for the yeaf IS6* : ■ *
f *- y*-i ms »■—ss H.i—a™. vi«™SS7;.v.rr ~, .
' itissssssau-*. %«?; «. i h o^. a»«cutios.
as^S^TSr’ , *' w - ,i “” r - v,.-^d 41^^^;:::::::::: S
-Michael ||Bohannah; Cn. D, 471 h Vols. Liredar* —J.J) Adlure, W. C. Keller, F. I. ,■ u <*the-j»o|ie, and *ose ] »>W*JO» I
sjrm&od. Hisbon H f - j fr®® of ckxnv. Address. Dr j agn t
P. Undsk Ke-tot Ji. J„ side broired. M ’ &fiTO,lilL D ’ J ’ “ntron. The st of Match will soon am^aS
PhUbm|Utbewa, Phaad leg fractured. Auditor* —Geo. Af. McCormick, ! H VTor- ’ * e i - IJ*a. to Ct-ly.
Andrew Pratt, ith Teon. Caralrv. back bruised relVKlixis Elder. 1 ’" - draft will take many who could not otherwise con- 1 A DMINISTRATOK** VfVnrV
Udlr. • ■ ■ ;■ vetuently go. Men of propotv—voting men and -A. Suto, AUIU.L.
Houy S-HenAer. 45th Pa. VoU. ribfrectared. Scßdes OttarH —OnSatmdav W. while a ab:e - bod^d mnt X ***“ W i mtSm *«• »*« pd&™ Sj'tiSSSroi^afS:
Thomas ; Ugbt. fftfa Tore. Cavdrv. toikle number of hors ,artan “. v ' . ‘Lcmselves „p and, if possfofc ) to* of uS?SS££mZ
-!<riined, knee braised. * number of bqrs were coasting down one of the prevent any stjgma resting ojon Little ’ to ■*» «nJ■» re-
T.S. Latent Gondnctor of Trsirnface badly ««*&«“"«« Tommy HJlhtod son of : which has hitherto answered every caU if the suom.
•it and br*BKd. \ Joseph Hilliard, raa bis sled off the track and Government with alaenty. The Government ! «■«*, witheut dtoiy. iVDEEW HIDDLE,
■' BnAenren, hnnssd. agmnst the «e» in from of « ho«« on to* cifirens arouse ? ! . gTH"-* Adstoutownw.
f-J. Howanf. Lawreacenllc, Allegheuv Co. 15Q «**»aiy that all vifmitoi be {manphr j ’ATfITIfP ~1
... .■■ i;:. .. . . . . , AaA, injunng himseh aomudr, rmrmaliy, that he repoirtod to the undersigned in person, so that 1 i\. Oi iCL. i
Jr-i. i, J ? UBd *** lng * r<sU ’ died *■. noon on Sunday. He was a fine, promts- township, or sub-aistrict receives credit for them Omc* or AMOsaa «*i *, Wana Co. \ )
’-T.,: <^ e,I,W ?. be t>Wmaaeml - r diß^kd - ing little boy, a favorite of all who knew him.- will be funthhed to the genroi jAt oI ISSStft*?*ul J t -
JSST ****””* “ <>“« «« hurt on toe same dxv. i„ come- intonnato. — ___
!£ *’s? u ******* lbe quence of Uteir - cuttro” firing toe'track. We * j «rr toi. *m toe price of G*. wai EXCELLENT NEW - STOCK
--awtrv*-’*- ■Mss-by.^va-Js^uil-..: »
w wuh lives to a wished w« “were a boy again.' - that we might re. ~ , ~ ! **“ I WINTER CLOTHING f
s,«val mtervaroon af Dirito-Proridem*. Like , p«, pleasures,ibut we think tbev . ' -^Po«« nskyour j 's£*l I -Wtoftto. «*«, fcr Lr
toe aeekaeißi wkiek noasred near Lockpwt; last ground iels than: that upon “TH **** *******' I * t » to »« bfl l’ ™ •«* ! “ eato^ f
week,it np tree which «toU not be gutoded whlch T hk injorip . aud have htm insure yon again« lore fey “J**™ *>» ftxaa stoisa_ M j GODEBEY WOI^ 1
agtonst and feo biaree attache* many person con- - ‘ He “ hß«t for thaleet* different coau|«aies. ; ■ * iafcd * 185 PM - B.r.KOS*. ~ I l«vp»"«: tasmx?
neaed wito jfete Boad. fom attenikm requisite Fnoxwio Death.—On Wednesday last, *ntdog which are seme of |he best in toe United ; ; ««■ * Tnu. , i<to M “f„7^** ,r cfa * Ma s- ■*
tor the oonfiat of toe Jajreed peaagoa was gives Hugh McMullen, a blacksmito hr trade, who ■ State *- tV OTlCE.—Notice is lierebj- giren that; ifTi iuip n** *” ” >T ’ t ° , * n ** mil b
bv the offinn of toe Bead who were pnmmdv ca worked with Mr, Hackee, in North Wald, la* AUoonm, July 21,-*f. it, *t * lap- nto. ? I are.BpirieffiHg : \ l v
toe spot i * somuwr, was frorea to death on too tad leading , —-
The bwraiegeare set fire u> toe bridge, and oae friJtu place to TrVajsoooßotk, near the latter , Xo ” CE- Foreyga note* will not be received at i toe «oek mhwribod, 10 , f™ 1 :, °° j vr““ "fr"” - "' **f 2 -°® 9 -<W A
sj«a -wa* bo|»ed. Men and materials were on place. !He was seen to ieavtt this piaoe in toe ° &<x <* ** Altoona Gas and Water Company ttl the j I3S “
Imrel iremeffiatdv, and by Wednesdw evening evening, considerably trader toe infitoroof liquor. )n for gas or water bills, inasmuch a* the if »to rem mdu on ?. . I °^s lA BAIIREIjS *’CBE CIDKB VIJtB,
‘■"’■"‘"A. .-.-srsu——-r“ji"“ZT: 1
iscnooc.B)oaßmo9E.~Tlieatadeats cdAkuxmA ' abore stated. £«q«trß Hashes ht?d «n ■ “W-f-fiOSE, Trwflow, ; w*»»4 Ir, . v >— riftffPEPg CTTf , . no
Acadroy will t TO muw German o«r the body on . Ahoon. W ‘ C
r«.TWay and < «-A corejdele areretreent of -Nubia Hoods.- »» Caurak-Howe * Stevens- Dye Ccdore, ttLlL* k!± i
tori In toT 61 • 01MtW, » ■«*--« &JT*. , f wenty-ftmr difleran shades. ■ .-«, Mto w||ll j
;■ £S _ . .-■ . u a m *WD„cUon.». SS^J^’WUS SMiu|i p?s3ztt£SrJr3:S3B,‘ S.tsk-“”
■ r • ■ ■ / . : IWO^-stoKFiasn
fmt* m m» ttsL"
AJtfKiji*, Aj Ti] 20, lies.
-t 5 ? ? rntod Drernren ruxnat*. »a the 21st inst_ br
* tmj * * Mi “
* City. Kaub&b. on the 30tb cjc j, T »«. Wtl ,
i ■ X ,f ET:LN ' ! 1 2 ditaT <* - Coinn,'' and
| bTOerir t.. H..ljj<i,.TßborE.ti>MiM LTDIA OOULSON .-r
i . t. nreorge. Patrawnuomip county. Kan am.
....... IS*
1 h I^S?* < T 2 T b “ * oumi * T <* tor Mlf in E«t
If. £s!' l»"’»fll-p>8M««a»aa
ll ; JaiL S;
T.*j A. M
—— T.uo p. m.
10.15 A.M.
:.30a.,m. i ;,(>)>, *,
' U. S; 5-20’S.
' ' a cash price
A®,2 MSl> at the opening
jdMlMflliwrflWlm. XMKtraVv HMnAJUOiimR L/HIOII otOTfiL
i k,l<! «*»TIWP . Uk<«m«rtb«caam » M .-—Z—JZ?:*:' '
orr. »«My w,tAui tfe k* ama awrtbv Tbs bag, d*. >. a ira ~
“‘•“I *»at.rnad. and tbs madly innate *k*bp dp- — - f mb -- - -T**"-.***
mm! br uMr a. tbs naab *r .kralutifw by Nal«tal —. .... —— r - - ?T**
Buskin* AwuitfM*<H«a{i>i(n| in all putr <.f tbs than at —*— tteroTes MUsr * 'ilia
c. :iuj,v, «nUi.iaa wy «boct psraal, absorb lb, Wlamr, „
U»„ lalsiy raucnd Du* leo to6ft«a Billions ct«*- FOR CASH ONLY,
It. frequently sxnssdiagthn, mini-ru daily, and Hisayß , 7
ks«rs that tbs Saonaary ol u* Tnmmu, bZ unu-l “ I &** «.l"«»ay«l tbs «ry Kmc
»sd unHilm*: »W» «• tbs tatm «b iaaporU^tsj
I.HM..IP— '--nn-yi-i- nr rftln tabanr- *--ir*—■ -* ******* ?»U n»«» kg’?' the beat quality oTab arlrts.
b«<l Tisbr Inuu; Mh, it « ikni t nrste a*ma» *•sate. Of yessast acock wnntta rfsbalcaas-
*ill ootlailßaaeaeecy.Seeioeg tißietocuaw, to
U»»S‘« 'or «•? other toßgor premature t-a. 4, SCGAJI, OOkTKK, lICA. STRIPS, SPICKS
! “-2TSSSL ‘
mntiairwftii|| the fennaaoi afliatioMl r Jkmatm- : ■
It!** " J “*‘ «• i SUGARS.
tW lmndn to lbspraapt rarnianaai tbsi My dbbaid hlmbdli eta, Tbtoi; as.
1-aa-suiibK IB MhsiTftteg to tfeia Boat plater IMS. It i Ban . **’*'-
>iilyasaWl> 7 «adlbs>rrsa'b, and adsaaos Isa <nc|, i laqarbdaad akKfcltabftM 6 ala.ta Übiar ib.
Ipau., abaci u w»a au aoM «a« wM au kiaper iTsb- i COFFEE.
P™*°* *»«• OTprettWtt OClOoiB. j ll— J AlW .aA fi.ll
i paid m Uoil; tW- duiiHi Lew for. Urns Umm pm* 1 U^.
i latiCwprwi: to «ver e of» Mulioe tf iUdhn , Tuteocu, « MUI|
e_-oia tamriy three tm** Um flul rwjuSmt in . w> "
tK!t ' •; S( ips>
I ***** ***-■*>
ntbnio *, off » Gold. CRACKERS
a ™ 1 - f *** r ’*- '»:»«. U« first da*. : «W“- HBOat. Sodaaad W«« Ckacbsm
u*uu rh* ara |H«fen>%. | a, **?*" I<l S > *"**■** Bbnaa
Tbtaa »-JOa pansoi be taisd kj Sutaa. cuisnuorsi » u aatocfcal aOb (nit can as u.
roosties. and tie lTacprsa«rt tax on dma b oaiyoot | laov ' HASAtUTIIi.
ami arbaif jMa cent, on da uaosat of uaaa, viuai the 1
mennw «ftbe balder excaeda Six Haßdral uollan ,ax as ~ '
nnm: Ul iavnamtslt, each a» inouaie farm Morp
peer KiMlruad stock and Bnoda. etc., most naa Dob.
Inr-r ta bte pdroset. ab tbeinecane.
Banjkf and Haafccn tbroaghoat tbc fVamn ajQ <ab
tiiiQPtodMpjaurftbs Hoad.; and all srdm ».y aaO. or
otliera lee. Imaaptlj ■«—
of a fea day.' Mar is tbe deUterx of
DOEaae b onrubUe, the imwiy e» oeet • W
a* iweMraaaoiM. tbs da; of MAacriptios. »a
oectoooed, and: every dbrt ia bang madTv- d U
_ JAY 6Qincri&tk»i
December 2, IMA-2m.
fcr Card Pjgtnret, which he bat jn§t rewired
from the dty!-wd hie ner Wt
He has a very sice ueomnent, and eelk
them mx very reasonable ;«iee«.
Abd tbe fib«t lot of FRAMES, for
in Altoona. Call and examine to be mtaaSed.
And have ypcr ’ .
oaten. He Kill hai ha Room in
Clabaugh’s Building,
Ijgia Stxiki, between Virginia and Vrrnn.
Xi'-ipma. (let. 2S. l««s.—Sm.
ifie (Scientific American
FOB 1064=! \
VOLUME X.—NEW hkhiks
Ml iittacuiATmc, nmfi«■ Kmimn
luuj finn notice that Um= lure twu .*«, amrnumu,
cumui'-.iice on liw fin 4 <4 Juuiu)'.|mU. IktioaiMi *v.
e<tiU*liei»eti iu (nil, «jk! m tUii4u4d*eaiv tLe au«t vad*K
— 1 rifi inthiiaiilai «*- Yirrt m ul
* tlCkL Aa rtmiimriti «>— rnHV hi rr m
fc^t * cifcii «pccii*i luieiitiuii in xt4 ciauqu tu
in Uii* icepocta Maud. lumvalicd. it tadoUi tu.„_.
i ****** tu «veiy *mlwbnp ii* tbt auuulrr, a* ;a.
: cuV-*! irita*u «j Uit luvcbMiuc *ua taxisu, l*ax u » &>«u<u
i lii tit cLKUitaijj-ruua* t»l ii*c #uaial»ctau"cr i**d Uu* to*a
ciuuii; «i»u m %4e itonaj hmu. himwmMW Ite nu.
W ' , B •«-•' »*r tutted in that no odaerjentnnl nee
: pliUilahal Cotllatueui ey«U amount Li datdßl itfcme....
i uliiie u 1= licit ami loproiiotali soliyecu u, u,. ii»i*
jHVuau; 4ba attractive maimer.
Ike bc>e«iti&r 4ii*er**ti is pabladttd mice 4 ——fr
1 liiftiling ; eed .tmcii omuiih
I ttklao# |4ȣts ui' imrial ream** auetter, ulnstnlad vKk
I NtiitßOLs bi'LHNDili ENGKAViNtife
I °f*t“ i*icsliiid In*! uivtnut*i» ul Lke*i*v. Tk M w. lfV
j «1 li*c jutuiuJ i, nvnly i-f epeciai i*v*Ur.
> Irum U»t lu ita origin*! engravinge t>l modbaui
. caJ itiinjLH>4» JfUling te trrtrj urjmrmictit
*f ,a ' c cuinruip an. ciecuLtni fcj MtiSU accickr ea*-
pinjtnl uii u*e paper, iu«U *r* uiavcrsuOiv tftnirylridnvi *«,
«f «te trud ptwJncedJt^l.i,
TbelHH.UAcri.ul the eClfcAUyu; WWIIM
lo pieoeut, He durtpg pmceoUine jam, <Ol the vo,.
proteiueate m fetaußdigiiieerws, W»r
— | »M | arr mad»»T»l. ~ Ioid«, M»„.,
-kna liajdaCKw*,
ociuuer}. Piaujie UM vtlier Uj**eji<
Ipiiai-ittus. Honstiiuid I leamia. jaeciric, Cbsaitai u_a
immauitticiii lying n»aiiiiet utd oakr
Cdijoto JniKuUjnt—ail u*t varied article« de
djgiwd u iigtueii tilt labor ul mankind, wdv in u.e
btu it) every pt»oe aherelke indua
irie* »f Itte are proposed. u*uu
from Hi ccanmencemtat tlie SCItMiflC mtu-.v
{“* ~,,a, ***.>=»a>««advojjau elite rigliwef a.a^i.-«.
livcntore and tl*e * ■"
JLUfiJtTOJcy Oi l’l ra.V TVf
J-U Uos imiK«aw depaitn^it,«, vitally connected edi
ail tiie srea: inteteo. „i the oandry, no ihSjoSili<s:
!*•> “J cl **“ ntalever; »in it,
iiidmda weekly ufficial Lost of the "deima” of all uauut^
granled at the U. to. Patent office. v “““*
•Suiio an ufrtoiw »ortb more to th. tabacntw tta tic
■uuoaut oj a »bo2o imr \
t«. vuJiuum of sta> SCUaiimt;
a-rr-iauaungijr *,itrm, w i;tab.; sTiiUwTtariie
moaUM MtaraptioE. n,, > TLJ m JT~
bwtadu.. mlom, oomuwv. . wikTf
itatMaSaai, »*ieb CTtiy out »"S££' ST
,wffl coaaoce uzi At first ufJiiicvj, '
*>”= €«j»«, tur an Moattaa *«
teßOmuo, far St ■ f fi
Ita Cofws, fe. TaraiW) ««—»-- i?
* utoto far Twata. |?
T««mO far r.olT* MobUu I*
»iraUctata <*Twe«j mil owr, tb« rarifiMMartaata. i
« «dy jptoo. «mta««n»*Btta««SSSS2S
Sixteen «ST^TTS[
tnu.i»U)anj j*rt tbr oouKrj wmmmt
Jta. s: Park Bow, Srw Tort,
Dec. M, ISSAj
The undersigned would ee-
SPfctrbliT AXSOCSck to the pabtic tbu ehr
OSH added to bw Bock of “•* •***
millinery gooes
' d rcu, usx of *
am-DMT GOODS,-?*
coiMftmg d nnnca, nsunues. amaus un
l£Ff£sP MCStlxe fcaag tott ey, „ nM >
CALICO “ *“>» “ “ -
DELATM* _ Z “ “
“ tkfc *^^teVLa^ *®***** '
o<ttuna moclkllasd
Dec. 23d, 1A«-1t.
JLf* »“*«» ******J**.TST£
Choice family Groceries,
•ia «t« BHmr.V bj {
Grocery, Flour and Feed Store of. i
fixjub, pct CHf ■
I «a >* a*at« txprtMly feir tkmily aae kt
- : waaarj
—i» la» '