The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, January 13, 1864, Image 2

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    ri**»Mteitoaaappremriatiooto meet the deficiency,
Md «bo to cany on the service of this deoartment
8? the thirteenth section of the act of thelfith
May, 1861. the sum 0f520,000 w appropriated
to be expended by foe Governor for the compen-
Mtmn of inch persons a* he might require to serve
the Commonwealth in the mOitair organization of
the State or the and for the
expenaee incident to the business in which they
might be employed. '
? have, according to law, settled annual ac- !
‘wonM of the expenditures of this fund in the Au
ditor Generafa Office, to which the Legislature is
referred. The anexpnded balance is now $4,-
00l 98. A farther earn thoaid be appropriated in
like manner. Out of this fund I have paid the
persons whom T fonnd it necessary to cmplov in
the military department, and the expenses of the
agency which I was compelled to establish at
Washington,.to attend to the interest and welfare
of our volunteers. The continuance of this agency
and the establishment of a similar one in the West
are of vital importance to them. I recommend
the passage of an act authorizing the appointment
of agents at Washington and Nashville, and de
fining their duties, which should include the col
lection of all bounties, back pay, pensions, etc.,
due to Pennsylvania.
Qn this subject I refer the Legislature to the re
port of Col. K. Biddle Boberts, late Agent for the
State at Washington, herewith communicated, and
commend it |io your careful examination.
On the invasion of the State during the last
summer, the President made a call for militia;
arid with bis assent I Subsequently made a call for
volunteer militia for the defence of the Stale.—
Under these .calls men were assembled and organ
ized with promptness, after the reality of the emer
gency came to be understood by our people. The
General Government clothed and subsisted this
force, and agreed ,to pay ' it, bnt as no appropria
tion for thatipurposo had been made by Congress,
the President aha Secretary of War promised if the
money should be advanced from other quarters to
recommend its immediate repayment at the meet
ing of Congress. It is understood that steps bare
been already takoh to fulfill this pledge. Several
of the bonks: | cheerfully and readily advanced the
necessary foods to the. amount of $671,476 43, on
my. promise j te recommend to the Legislature an
appropriation so repay them in case Congress
should fid) to make one. 1 accordingly make that
recommendation most emphatically. Should it be
necessary, I Will hereafter, in a special message,
give the detoils and correspondence relating to this
New York and New Jersey, under the Presi
dent's calk tout regiments to assist in our defence,
for which our thanks are due to those States, our
good neighbors.
After the bottle of Gettysburg, in which loyal
volunteers fipm eighteen States, including Penn
sylvania, wepo engaged, it appeared to me proper
that all those States should unite in establishing a
cemetery pnjtba spot, in which their soldiers who
' had fallen in that conflict, should be honorably in
terred. I accordingly appointed Davis. Willis,
Ksq , of Gettysburg, my agent, and through him,
a site was purchased at a cost of #2,475 87, and
tlie conveyances made to the Commonwealth. On
communiuatibg with, the authorities of the other
States, they toll readily agreed to become parties
to the arrangement, and on the 19th day of No
vember last, the cemetery was dedicated with ap
propriate ceremonies in the presence of the Presi
dent of the United States, the Governors of the
States concerned, and other high officers, Suite and
National. On the 19th day of December, on the
invitation of Mr. Willis, commissioners represent
ing the States interested in the cemetery, met in
Harrisburg and agreed upon apian for its improve
ment and a|re in the future, and the apportion
ment of the sum of money required, to the several
States, which is herewith communicated. The
expenses attending the establishment of this ceme
tery, including the cost-of the site and of removing
the oodles of the slain have thus far amounted to
$5,209 28*and an appropriation will be required
to pay these lexpenses, and to meet our portion of
those attending its future maintenance. It will
appear by tfle proceedings of the commissioners
that their due proportion of the expenses already
incumd are to be refunded by the States on whose
account thoywere made. -It is just to saythatMr.
Willis ho* discharged bis delicate and important
duties with fidelity and to my entire satisfaction.
The act for the relief of families of volunteers in
sendee may [require some revision. It is alleged
thatin someipnrts of the State the county authori
ties ore backward in executing the law. If this be
so,.the members from the different counties will
be aware of the fact, and will be most ready to
make such farther enactments as may be proper.
I to the prompt attention ot the Leg- ’
islature the subject of the relief of poor orphans of
our soldiers' who have given, or shall give their
lives to lhe country during this crisis. In my
opinion, their maintenance and education should
be provided for by the State. Failing other natural -
friends, pf ability to provide for them, they
should be honorably received and fostered as chil
dren of the Commonwealth. The $50,000 here
tofore given by dm Pennsylvania Bailroad Com
pany, referred to in may last annual message, is
still unappropriated, and I recommend that this
sum, with soch other means as the Legislature
may think fit, be applied to this end, in such a
manner as may be thought most expedient and
effective. Id anticipation of the adoption of a more
perfect system, I recommend that provision be
made for seettring the admission of such children
into the establishments, to be there clothed, nur
tured and instructed} at the public expense. I
malm this rehommendation earnestly, feeling as
sured that id doing so, 1 represent the wishes of
the patriotic,} the benevolent and the good of the
State. - '
J invite the attention of the Legislature to the
condition of {the loyal people of East Tennessee,
winch is represented to be most deplorable, and
appeals with Inesistable.force alike to your sym
pathies and your sense of justice. The whole
country has been laid waste by the contending
_ armies of thd Government and the rebels. Four
rimes armies have passed over that district,
destroying or carrying off all that had been gath
ered for the ' approaching winter, and now the
women and children are left in a state of-destitu
tion. The representations made by sundry gen
tlemen of the highest rospectabiliy, trom that
State, are of the most heart-rending character.—
Starvation actual and present now exists. ' Can
we, in the midst of affluent abundance, for a
moment hesitate as to what our action should be
towards the people whose only crime has been
their loyalty and devotion to the Government?
Even If a portion of our charity should rcach the
starving fi™»lie« of those in sympathy with the
rebellion, better it should, than that these devoted,
self-sacrificing people who have unhesitatingly ad
hered to the Government be left to suffer. When
ever pestilence and famine distress the people of
any portion rtf pur country, we have always been
foremost in relieving them, and the people of
Pennsylvania have extended , their open-handed
benevolence and broad charity to the starving
peppk of fortjign countries. Shall it be said that
the appeals of these people for bread fell upon the
heart of Pennsylvania in vain, and that we who
have so recently given thanks for our abundance
have no. relief for them ip .their extremities I
commend theauigect through yon to the people' of
the State, os worthy the immediate attention and
active exertions of the charitable and the liberal."
1 Aoipi VwTgU/i jf the Legislature would make
a general revision of ourHevenne Laws, with a
view to the increased productiveness. It ought to
be observed that for a period of more then twenty
years, no malterialchange has been made in the
revenue laws of this Commonwealth. During
that fine some.imprests have grown into new im
portance, and should be made to bear their just
' proportion ofthe public expense, since all taxation
shrend at far aa press equally upon the
propertyarffi employments of ourpeopte,
Faiteg SuCb revision, I recommend to the con
aideratieo of the lisgtslnture, the following sug
gestioa eonnectedwith tbesubject. |
I. There are several companies in the State
which, in addition to large mining privileges, have
the control of the routes of transportation, by
which alone the products of the mines of individuals,
in their respective district, can faach a market.—
These companies thus anjoy substantial monopo
lies, by paeans of which they not ooly zaeeive the
.foir profits of their'own property, bnt ore enabled
to main additional heavy gainstot the expense of
individaab. In my opinion sufih privileges ought
never to have been granted, bin as they exist it
appears to be jast tiytt the clasaof companieawfaich
enjoy them should pay therefor an additional specific
tax. ;
2. Very large sums are due to the Common
wealth for unpatented lands. Forbearance, clem
ency,:anddibmMity have been in vain tried in the
numerous attempts to procure l the payment of at
least a part of this debt, from the larger portion of
those who are indebted on that account. The
continuance of this state of affairs is unjust to the
Commonwealth and to the vast majbritv of her
people who have honestly paid for their lands. It
has-become unendurable. I recommend that the
Legislature provide that the Surveyor General
shall; file on record in the office of the Court of
Common' Picas of each county, a description of
the lands subject to the lien of the Commonwealth
for purchase money, and a statement of the'amount
of principal and interest now due. to the Common
wealth, together with the patent lee on each tract
and ten per cent, ou the amount so ’ due for the
labor and cost of making and filling such state
ment, and the agreeable amount thus stated, for
each tract, shall be held to the amount now due
thereon to the Commonwealth, which shall bear
interest at the rate of twelve per cent, per annum,
till paid, and shall continue to be tbe first lien on
foe land, till paid, and shall not be divested by any
judicial or other sale whatever. I also recommend
foe adoption of a suggestion contained in the
Surveyor General’s report that a specific tax be
laid on al! unpatented lands.
3. By the existing laws municipal corporations
are required to deduct and pay into the Treasury
the tax on all loans contracted by them. It is be
lieved that a large addition would, accrue to the
revenue by the extension of this provision to all
counties aud to al] corporations private or public.
1 recommend that it be so extended.
4. i A tax on the gross receipts of all railroad and
canal companies would, it is believed, be produc
tive and not oppressive.
Upon satisfactory reports, according to law, made
by ColonelJ. A. Wright, I have drawn-my warrants
for the delivery to the Philadelphia add Erie Boil
road company of another million of the bonds de
posited in the State Treasury. Four millions of
said j bonds have been therefore now delivered,—
There pan be no reasonable doubt of the early
completion of the work, and, when completed, it is
confidently expected that the bonds held by the
State, secured on the road for $3,500,000, will be
come good interest-paying securities.
I renew most earnestly the recommendation
made in my last annual message of a revision of
the militia laws. They are at present shamefully
defective. Indeed, if by a militia law is meant a
law intended to provide for so enrolling and or
ganising the military force of the State that it may
he put into service when required, we may be said
to have no militia law. In each of the last two
years I have been obliged to call out the militia,
but in fact those who obeyed the call were volun
teers and, with some exceptions, were wholly un
organized, so that almost in the face of the enemy,
time had to be consumed in distributing the men
into companies and regiments, in electing officers
and in other preparations for effective organization.
In the report of the Adjutant General will be
fountf a list of the Pennsylvania regiments and a
statement showing the several armies and depart
ments in which they are now servinig. In this
connection, X suggest the propriety of legislative
authority being given for the preparation of a his
tory of each of our regiments and other organiza
tions, to be preserved among onr archives. The
necessary documents are now accessible, and as
they may' in time be lost or destroyed, the making
of such a record os 1 propose should , not be de
ferred. It is due alike to the living and the dead
that this subject s’lpujd be promptly acted on. v
I recommend that the proposed amendments ip
the Constitution, giving to citizens in the public
service out of the State, the right to vote, be passed
promptly and submitted to a vote of the people at
as early a day as possible, so that onr citizens may
exercise their right of suffrage at all future elec
tions.: This would be only doing justice to the
brave men who are periling their lives in our de
It is highly important that we should replenish
the ranks of our regiments in the field and supply
the places of those volunteers whose terms will
soon expire and who may decline further service.
I am happy to say that a large proportion of our
regiments are re-enlisting. Efforts are making by
myself and by the people in various portions of the
State to procure a sufficient number of volunteers,
and with a promise of success, provided a reasona
ble time be allowed for the purpose. Meanwhile
persons professing to be officers and agents from
some other States are most improperly endeavor
ing to seduce our citizens into their service by ex
travagant bounties and promises.
The 12th section of the act of 16th May, 1861,
prohibits any volunteer leaving the State without
the authority of the Governor, and I now recom
mend the passage of a law imposing penalties by
fine and imprisonment on all individuals who shall
endeavor to procure or aid and assist in procuring
any person in this State to enlist in the volunteer
service of any other State. Many of pur counties
: and townships have filled their quotas at a large
expense, and in others they are in course of doing
the same by offers of liberal bounties and provis
ions for the families of volunteers, and it is not
right that these patriotic offers should be embar
rassed hy interference from beyond our borders,
especially as we cannot, in these circumstances,
offer bounties by the State without the injustice of
compelling the counties and townships: which have
already contributed largely in that way, to assist
in paying, by taxation, for the deficiency of others.
I feel it to be my duty to call your attention to
the pernicious practice Of leaving many bills to be
harried through at the close of the session. During
the lastten days of the last session, 390 bills were
presented for ray signature, many of them of the
most important character. The'whole number of
bills presented to me during the session whs 915.
In consequence of this habit not only arc the bills
passed without an opportunity to either House for
a proper consideration of their provisions, but the
Executive is compelled either to sign them with
out examination, or to them over perhaps to
the public inconvenience. It may often hapiien
that a bill pot approved by reason of a single ob
noxious clause, might, if there were time, be re
passed, omitting the objectionable provision. In
connection with the subject of Legislation, I must
refer to another mischief. General'laws have
been passed to give relief in certain easts which
formerly required a special act in each case. As
for instance the sale oflands by executors, admin
istrators and trustees, the adoption of children,
the creation of mining and manufacturing corpo
rations, and so forth. These laws were passed to
ensure such an examination in each case as would
enable justice to be done to the parties and to the
public, and also to save the time and‘expense
consumed in private legislation, They have hitherto
effected neither purpose, but I do serioqsly urge on
the Legislature the consideration that whoever ap
plies for a special act under such circumstances
most either fear the result of an impartial inquiry
or (if the application be for acharter) must desire
the omission or insertion of some provisions con
trary to what the,Legislature has determined after
mature consideration to be just arid legitimate.
X refer to the Auditor General’s and State
Treasurer’s reports for the details of our financial
affairs, and to the reports pf the Surveyor General,
Adjutant General, Quartermaster General, Com
missaiy General, Surgeon General, Agent at Wash
ington, Chief pf Transportation and Telegraph
Department, and Superintendent; of Common
School*, jn regard K) their severafdepartments.
In May last it was believed from i information
received/ that Gen. Lee intended to:lnvade this
State. Communications on the subject were im
mediately sent to Washington, uightg that prepa
rations for effective defence should not be delayed.
Accordingly the |Var Department erected two new
military departments, viz : The Department of
the MoqepeftbeU, including that portion of the
SteteMsKwestofthc mountains, to be commanded
by Maj. General Books, and the Department of
the comprising the remainder of the
State, aad to be commanded by Maj. Gen. Conch.
E*dr in Jure, Maj. Gen. Conch arrived at
Harrisburg and assumed command of bis depart
ment, which he has since exercised with the
soldierlikefromptness, energy and discretion which
wesa to he expected from his known, character.
The rebels haring actually entered the State in
some force, and the approach of their whole army
being imminent, the. President made a requisition
for’militia from this and some of the neighboring
States, and several regiments from New York and
New Jersey were promptly sent, and our own
volunteer militia began to assemble, bat some em
barrassments arising, the President assented to a
call by the Execntive of the State, which was ac
cordingly made. Under these calls 5,166 of the
men of Pennsylvania were assembled in the De- -
partment of Gen. Brooks, and 31,422 in that of
Gen. Couch. Tfi give tlte details, or even a sum
mary of the operations which ensued, would be im
practicable within the limits of a message. It is
unnecessary to do so, as 1 have recommended the
adoption of measures for preserving the history of
of our several regiments and other organizations,
and in that history the events to which I have re
ferred will be recorded. It is due, however, to the
met: who came forward, that I should say now that
they made long and laborious marches in parts of
this and other States which had been plundered bv
the rebels, suffered great privations, and were fre
quently in conflict with the enemy; and on all
occasions acted in obedience to mili'taiy discipline
and orders, and with courage and endurance.
Some of the militia called in 18(j2, and in 1863.
were killed and others disabled. In all these cases,
where there are no laws for the relief of these men
or their families, I recommend the enactment of
a law for that purpose. i
The campaign on our soil was closed by the vic
tory of Gettysburg, gained by the veteran Army of
the Potomac, under the command of Major Gen.
Meade, the officers and men of which displayed
all their accustomed valor and endurance in the
conflict, and in the forced and rapid marches which
immediately proceeded it.
Under Divine Providence, to them and to the
military genius and unsurpassed energy of General
Meade, and the promptness and self-sacrificing
gallantry of General Reynolds, we are indebted
for success on that bloody field.
We arc proud to claim Generals Meade and
Reynolds as sons of ouf own Pennsylvania.
The first lives to eqjoy the most precious of all
rewards, the grateful appreciation of his country
men. The latter fell in the very front of battle,
and we can only pay homage to his memory.
Whatever honors have been at any time devised
to commemorate the virtues of a patriot—of a true,
fearless, loyal citizen and soldier, he has abundantly
His surviving companion's in arms ''claim the
right of themselves erecting a monument to him
on the field on which he fell, and it would not lie
well to interfere with their pious intention, lint
I hope that the Legislature will place''upon the
records of the State some appropriate testimony of
the public gratitude to him and his surviving com
It would be unjust to omit referring again to
the loyal spirit of oui people, which has been
evinced in even - mode since this war commenced.
Not only have they sent 279,409 men for the gen
eral and special service of the Government, and
supported With cheerfulness the burdens of taxa
tion, but our storehouses and depots have literally
overflowed with comforts and necessaries, spon
taneously contributed by them, under the active
care of thousands of our women, (faithful unto
death) for the sick and wounded and prisoners, as
well as for our armies in the field. Their patriotic
benevolence seems to be inexhaustible.
To every new call the response comes more and
more liberal. When intelligence was received of
the barbarian starvation of Our prisoners in Rich
mond, the gamers of the whole State were instnre
thrown open, and before any similar movement
had been made elsewhere, 1 was already employed
on behalf of opr people in efforts to secure the ad
mission through the rebel lines of the abundant
suppjies provided for the relief of our suffering
brethren. Those of our citizens who have fallen
into the habit of disparaging our great Common
wealth and the unsurpassed efforts of her people
should Mush when they look on this picture.
That this unnatural rebellion mav be speedily and
effectually crashed, we lie all under the obligation
of the one paramount duty, that of vigorously sup
porting opr Government in its measures to that end.
To the full extent of my official and individual
ability it shall be so supported, and I heartily rely
on yonr co-operation. lam ready for all proper
measures to strengthen its gnus, to encourage its
upholders, to stimulate by public liberality to
themselves and their families, the men who give
it their personal service; in every mode to invig
orate Us action. We are fighting the great battle
of God, of truth, of right, of liberty. The Al
mighty has no attribute that can favor our sav
age and degenerate enemies.
No people can snbmit,to territorial dismember
ment without becoming contemptible in its own
eyes and of the world; but it is not against terri
torial dismemberment that we are straggling, but
against the destruction of the very ground work of
our whole political system. The ultimate question
truly at issue is the possibility of the permanent
existence of a powerful republic. That is the
question to lie now solved, and, by the blessing of
God, we mean that it shall pot be our fault if it be
not solved favorably.
We have during the past year made mighty
strides toward such a solution, and, to all human
appearanc, we approach its completion, but what
ever reverses may happen, whatever blood and trea
sure may still be required, whatever sacrifices mav
be necessary there will remain the inexorable
detemflnation of oiir people to fight, out this thing
to the end to —preserve and perpetuate this Union.
They hare sworn that not one star shall be reft
from the constellation ; nor its clustered brightness
be dimmed by treason and savagery, and they will
keep their oath
Cold Weather on the Potomac. —A Wash
ington dispatch of the 10th says : The Potomac is
completely ice-bonnd—the first time in seven
years. A large number of vessels are frozen in
between Alexandria and Aquia Creek, and a
large fleet is detained at anchor further below.
The ice in some places is several inches thick, a
little thinner where the current is fast, and very
thick where the water is qniet, and strong enough
to bear a man's weight. . Of course the blockade
runners improve this opportunity to take contra
band goods from the Maryland to the Virginia
shore, and without fear of molestation or detection.
Provisions and supplies for the Potomac flotilla
have to be sent via Baltimore, as communication
between the Navy Yard and the flotilla by river is
impossible. Several gunboats, sheathed with heavy
iron, dispatched from the yard here with supplies,
have been unable to get through the ice, and put
back for repairs. It is a little singular that on so
imqortant a river as this now is to the Govern
ment, there should be no ice-boat. The ice deal
ers in Washington, for the first time in their lives,
are Ailing their cellais from the Potomac, and
scorn New England.
Comisg Back. —We are in daily receipt, says a
Cumberland, Md.. dispatch,’ of favorable evidences
in regard to the effect of the Amnesty Proclama
tion among the rebel soldiers. Deserters from
almost all the rebel commands enter our lines,
bringing us information of sometimes the highest
important*. They take the oath, of allegiance,
and then, ihstead of I>ecomiug a burden to the
Government, are usefully employed to the public
benefit. Every opportunity is afforded .them to
avoid tjhe chance of capture by rebel raiders.
' Q* Peach trees are in blossom at St. Augus
tine, Elorida; garden flowers are in full bloom,
arid bouquets grace the officers-' tables.
Sltaana inbuilt.
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 13. 1864
The Massage. —To-day we 'give our
readers Gov. Curtin’s Annual Message.—
It is an able and interesting document, and
should be read and preserved by every one
into whose hands it may fall.
Death of Thackeray.— English pa
pers, brought by the Africa, give no par
ticulars of the death of William Make
peace Thackeray, further than that he
was found dead in his bed on the morning
of the 24 th December. He was taken ill
only the day before, and his sudden, de
cease is attributed to effusion oh the brain,
in the death of this celebrated writer the
the literary world'sustains an irreparable
R. R. Accident. —On Tuesday last, tvyo
passenger cars became detached from the
mail train, between Harrisburg and Bal
timore, on the Northern Central R- R.
and were run into by a road train. The
cars were demolished. D. O’Cailalmn,
of London, Canada, was killed, and six
other passengers were badly injured ; in
cludiug Hon. R. C. Parsons, of Cleveland,
Ohio, and Lieut. Col. of Ohio.
The wounded were all brought here last
O' The British rule in India is threat
ened with a new danger. Another insur
rection has broken out among the warlike
.tribes of the mountains of the Northwest
ern Provinces. They have had several
engagements with the British troops, and
the English accounts state that the insur
rection has assumed alarming proportions,
and their troops have suffered severe loss.
These statements will suffice to spread
alarm throughout Great Britain, and to
awaken an interest in the issue over the
entire civilized world.
Railroad.—One thousand three hun
dred and ninety miles of railroad have
been added to the completed roads of the
United States, during the past year. Of
the completed roads 24,927 miles are in
the loyal States, and 8,933 miles in the
States now in rebellion. Pennsylvania
has 4,071 miles completed, and 3,555
commenced. Ohio has 4,550 complered,
and 3,257 commenced, which is the larg
est amount of railroad in any State. The
total cost of the completed roads and their
equipment, in the United States, is
CrThe Senate of Pennsylvania is yet
unorganized, from a failure, up to date, to
eftect the election of a Speaker. The for
tunes of war having shut up the balance
of power in Libby Prison, the parties are
tied. Not being able to transact business,
they content themselves with occupying
their seats, calling each other Jihrd names
and receiving $7 per day for doing noth
ing, or worse than nothing, for they are
disgracing themselves and the State and
robbing the people. May be, however,
it is better as it is. Considering! the trifle
about which they are; higgling,! we have
little hope of anything good from that di
rection, and while the body remains unor
ganized no money can be voted away use
lessly. The first hill passed after an or
ganization U effected, should be one disal
lowing members pay hereafter until they
organize. '
A. Q. Curtis
Bounty and Commutation. —The time
for the payment of the bounty by the
United States Government to | veterans
and new recruits has been extended to the
first of March, and instuctipns have been
forwarded from Washington to continue
the enlistments under the regulations es
tablished prior to the fifth of January.
Veterans will still receive as heretofore
$402, and those not veterans will receive
$302 from the Government. A special
Washington correspondent says:—
There was a joint meeting of conference,
last evening, of the Senate and House
Committees on Military Affairs, to take
into consideration the commutation clause
in the Enrollment Act. It was ascertain
ed that a majority of the Senate Commit
tee were in favor of striking it out alto
gether, but the House , Commi ttcc were
unanimously in favor of retaining a com
mutation clause, and it will, therefore, be
incorporated in the, bill. "This is consid
ered a test question on that subject, but
whether the commutation will remain as
it is now, three hundred dollars, lor be in
creased to five hundred dollars'or any
other sum, has not been settled.
Enrollment bill was debated yesterday,
but no definite conclusion was arrived at.
Letter from Washington
Special Tribun*
Washington, D. C. Jan. Llth, 1864.
How are ydu all up there in your snow
capped mountain nest? Have good sleigh
ing I reckon, and “ right smart” of cofti
vi;eather. The Ice-King reigns with you
for a season, and will leave you a luxury
by which to remember him. when Old Sol
shall resume his majestic sway. Even
here we are having quite a lively time.
All manner: of vehicles on runners are
“ pressed into service;” and lucky is he
who can find a-string-of bells to give eclat
to his establishment, Sleighs and belles
have been rather out of fashion here for
several years past. Perhaps the predom
inance of k * Northern sentiment” has
brought with it this old fashioned winter.
Certainly it has wrought great changes in
the customs and manners of this once fa-
I .
mous resort of Southern chivalry. ' It is
not necessary now to carry' a revolver or
bowie knife to support dignity in Congress
or insure attention at hotels. Alas! poor
chivalry ! It is fast receding to warmer
climes. It is wilting before the rude blasts
of truth (Northern sentiment) and the ex
tremely Vulgar bullets and bayonets of a
free people.
We are soon to have a great National
Sanitary Fair here, and we hope to see it
most liberally sustained. No city .in the
Union owes a greater debt of gratitude tb
the brave soldiers than this, and here,
where the bounties of the Government are
lavished on every hand, we expect a most
liberal response
Congress is earnestly at work devising
ways and means for the speedy overthrow
of rebellion and the maintenance of the
integrity of the nation. Your member,
Hon, A. McAlister, is doing his duty no
bly in the support of the government.
He is the real friend of the soldier, and is
in favor of increasing his pay, and this is
right. Speaker Colfax showed his good
sense by placing Mr. McAlister on the
committee on Military Affairs, where his
practical business abilities and good sense
will be most available. His honest,
straightforward conduct has already won
the respect of his associates, and I am sure
the Union loving people of the 17th District
have a faithful Representative in him.
T make these remarks as a matter of jus
tice to him, and to quiet the fears of any
who had doubts as to the course he would
pursue. The man who, in times like
these, will bhry party distinctions in devo
tion to the whole country, is the man the
people will honor, and I have every rea
son to believe that your representative
will prove himself worthy of the. high
trust reposed in him., O. B. SERVER.
Repentant biNNEgs:- —Several officers, savs
the Louisville Journal, have returned from differ
ent camps North, to which they have taken rebel
prisoners, and inform ns that, on the route, they
were Implored by the wretched men under their
charge to grant them the privilege of enlisting in
the Federal army. Almost without exception, the
reliol prisoners recently taken North declare that
they will never return to the Confederate service.
Patented October 13th, 1863.
Black for Silk,
Dark Blat,
Light Blue, I
French Blue |
Claret Brottrn .
Baric Brown , ;
Light Broxcn.
Snuff Brawn,
Cherry ,
Dark Drah,
Light DraJ).
Fawn Drah ,
Light Fh vm drah,
For dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Good*, Shawl*, Scarfc
Dresses, Ribbons, 0 loves. Ib.'nnets, Hats, Feather*. ’
' Kid Gloves, Children's Clothing, and all ?
kinds of Wearing Apparel.
For 25 centsyon can color kb many goods as would oth
erwme cost five times that sum. Various shades can be
produced from the same dye. The processes simple ami
any one san use the dye with perfect success. Directions
in English. French and German, ini ide of each package
For further information in teeing, and giving a perfect
knowledge what colors are best adapted to dve ovor oth
ers, (with many valuable recelpes.) purchase flows & Ste
vens Treatise on Dyeing and Coloring. Sent bt mail nn
receipt of price—l» cents. Manufactured by I
' 260 Broadway, Boston.
For sals by druggists and dealers generallv.
Nov, 18,1863. —ly. 1 *
missioned of Blair county, will offer for sale, at the
9°“* «®V<layeborg, on Monday, January 25th,
A. 1> 1861 the following Tracts of Unseated and Seated
Lands , which tracts were legally purchased by IheCum
missioners at different Treasures' Saiga, and have been
held the lime required bylaw audhave not been red-mwl
by former owners within such legallimitation :
\o of Acre. B-r. Warrantee* JVame, 7bwrite.;,
m .
*OO 51. Lowoll, Blalu
461 I Daniel KUdder, Fnmkstown.
JW John Thompson. (Jieenfleld.
Ebeaeezer Branham. “
John Martin, :
Wm. Fierce, .4 "
Wi son Hunt.
John Taylor. !
Robert Hugh, ...
*3* William Bennett, N
Jiu Samuel Santee. Huston
Oiven under our hands at the Commissioners (rffloe
Hollidayshurg, Decamqor 6th. A. D., 1863
' SHOCK. n Ounmr's.
Attest '
Jos. BALDRir.R, CUrk: u Dec. 24.1863,-St.
by u,wa -' »“ h «»<>
f*»r Meo-incj Boys.'Ladies ami Misses, Just rec'u at
: ‘ ' " ' LAUOHMAN’
Another large lot of the
or ** i". FRITCHBX'?
Hardware of vll dkrorif
tlous Jnnt rMft«ivort htkl *W *al*
oct - la ~ tf ) ! b. iulf;.m,aa.
U ver. for aide 't-rf.. KESPhTIK’*
A pure and pow».wftil Tonic, corrective and alte <; im ,r
wonderful efficacy in disease of th<*
Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint,- Headache, o**i;;-ra|
Debility, Nervousness, Depression of Spirits, Con-ii
ation. Colic, Intermittent Severs, Cramps and
Spasms. and all Complaints of either Bex.
arising front Bodily Weakness, wheth-M
-inherent in the system or produced
by special causae
Nothing that Is uut. wholesome, genUWkud reston-m.
In iu nature enters into the composition of HOSTETTEU’>
STOMACH BITTKMS. This popular preparation contain
no mineral of auy kind; no deadly botanical element; no
fiery excitant; but it is a combination of the extracts or
rare balsamic, herbs and plants with the purest and mild
est of all diffusive stimulant*.
It is well to be forearmed against disease, and, so far ?v.
the human system can be protected by human mean"
against maladies engendered by an unwholesome atmo
sphere, Impure water and other external causes, HOST El-
TJSU’S STOMACH BITTBKS may bo relied on as » -afr
I u districts infected with Jrhxr aiid Agm t it has Lim-l
found infallible as a preventive and irresistible an ren..-
dy, und thontumds who resort to it under apprehension oi
an attack, escape the scourge: and thousands who neglect
td avail themselves of its protective qualities in advance,
are cured by a very brief Course of this marvelous medi
cine. Fever and Ague patients, after being plied with
ejianiue lov mouths iu vain, until lairly saturated with
that dangerous alkaloid, are not uufrequently restored n
health within u iVw days by the uso of HOSTLTTEK*
The weak btomach is rapidly invigorated apt! thoupjn
tita restored by thia agreeable Tonic, and hence it work
wonders iu cases of Dyspepsia and in less confirmed foi-io;
of I SDiGKSTiON. Acting au i>. gentle and painless apperieiii.
as well as upon the liver, it also invariably relieves the
Cojubtipation superinduced by irregular action of th. ,i : .
gestive and secretlVb organs.
Persons of feeble habit, liable toiWmru* Attacks, Lownent
of Spirits and Fits of Languor, find prompt and perms
ueut relief from the bitters. The testimony on this pqi- i
is most conclusive, und from both sexe?.
The agony of Buuou* Couo is immediately «•&•. aged i t
a single dose of the stimulant, and by occasionally resoi \
ilig to it, tbe return of the complaint may be prevented
As a General Tonic, UOSTETTKR’S BITTERS produo
effects which mast be experienced or witnessed belin>
tliey can be fully appreciated. In cases of Conrfttuttonu.
Weakness, Frcmaturz Decay and Debility and Decrepi
tude arising from Old Aoe, it exorcises the electric influ
ence. In the convalescent stages of all diseases it oper
ates as a delightful invigorant. When tbe powers o! na
ture are relaxed, it operates to re-enforce and re-estab
lish It.
Last, but not least, it is The only Soft Stimn/anf,"being
manufactured from sound and innocuous materials, and
entirely free from the acid elements present more or less
iu all the ordinary tonics and stomachics of the day.
No family medicine has been bo universally, and, it may
bo truly added, deservedly popular with the intelligent
portion of the community, as UOSTEXTEII’S BITTERS
Prepared by HOSTETTRR & SMITH,' Pittsburgh, Pu.
Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Storekeepers every
Genuine Preparations.
and Speed Kemeiiy for diseases ~f the Bladder. Kidneys,
Qravel and Dropsical Swellings.
This Medicine increases the power of Digestion, and ex
cites the Absorbents into healthy action, by which the
Watery or Calcereous dejiositions, and all Utnatoral En
largements are reduced, us well as Pain and Inflammation.
:i’qr Weakness arising from Excesses. Habitiof bisaii«-
tion, tearly Indiscre.ion of Abuse, attended with tbd fo’.
lowing symptoms:—
Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power,
hoea-of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing,
Weak .Nerves, Trembling.
Horror of Disease, Wakefulness.
Dimness oft toon, Pain in the Back.
Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System.
IJot Hands, Flushing of the Ik.Uj.
Dryness of the Skin* Eruptions on the Fact.
irk Green,
ight Often,
a gent a:,
nk ,
tyal Purple,
. Pallid Countenance,
These symptoms, if allowed to go on. which thi» med*
cine invariably removes, soon follows / r
Impouncy, Fatuity, ZpOeptic
la one ol which the Patient may expire.
Who cau say that they are i.ot freqnently followed i.t
thoHO u Direful Diseases,’* * ''
Many are aware of the cause, ot their Buttering.
• -4nd Melancholy Death* by Omsuißptum bear ample wu
wees to the Truth of the assertion.
The Qmstitution once affected *oith Organic Weaknm
requires the aid of Medicine to Strengthen and Inviuorat*'
the System, .
%mr.K Hiixboui’B EXIKACT BUCHL invariably dm:>.
A Trial will convince tlie moat abvptical.
• Ih many Affection* peculiar io Female* the Extbac*.
Uccflu is uuequaled by any other remedy, aa in Chlomei*
or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulnes*. or gonpresskm oi
Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated orScinhon* axate <»:
the Uterus Leuchorrbcea or Whites, Sterility, and for nil
complaints incident to tho sex, whether arising frc-Tii it
qiscreiion. Habits of Dissipation, or in th*
Dike no more Balsam, Mercury, or unpleasant Medicine
jor unpleasant and dangerous diseases.
In all their Stages,
Little or no ch&uge in Diet,
' T And no Exposure. .
: It causes a frequent deciac and. gives strength hi L'ri'
uute, thereby Removing Obstructions, Preventing an<*
Curing strictures of the Urethra, allaying Pain and Inflam
mation, so frequent In the class of diseases, and expelling
au/VMOTiow, Diseased anti wornautMaiCeri
; Thousands upon Thousands who have bexn tu: Vic*
a °d w ho have paid heavy fees to bo cored
time, have found they wSro deceived, and that
the POISON”has, by tbe*useof •• powßaptn.ABTßiNaj.MS, ’
been dried up in tho system, to break out in an eggra
vated form, andjicrAapj after Marriage.
J Use HEUtBOLD’s Extract Bcchd for all affection* and
pRINAHY ORGANS, whether existing ib
aiALc or r-KMALiS, from whatever cansoorieiuatiutr snci
no matter of fIOW LONG STANDING.
TrP U S'2T , .. o .^t'?®„ or «* lla requires the aid of a DIUKET
vi iJHJsTic, audii certain to hare the desired effect in all
mstasesjhr which it is Xeetmmctuied.
■ ifv^ 000 * of the most reliable an«l respoosible character
will accompany the medicine.
Delivered to any Address, securely packed from observa
Describe Symptom in all Cbmmunicatione
Cures Guaranteed! Advice Gratis !
Address letters for information to
H. B. HELMBOLD, Chemist.
..„ *£* Eoot, ‘ Tenlh it.. bel. Chretnm, Phils
lIKX.MBOI.Da Medical, Depot,
HKLMBOLD'S ibttf aud Chemical Warehoust.
J*' b " BEALLRS who endeavor to divpore 11 of their own”
ni£. reputation by
Halmbold * Genuine Preparations.
Extract Bnchnl
~ * ■*' Sarsaparilla S
• . Improved Rote/Wasb. \S
7 '•OLD BT
a sir EVUBYWHBjft.
> nt out the Advertisement and rend for it.
At little Expeufi*
JUtoasa |
frisW m CwfWU'i SRI
Having, within tbe past two
-initiuntdoar MUblMmient In th
• v.'ii-. Serew Pre*«, Hnp«r Cutter. Ca,
'btna, Can! Power p:. ;w , lan
t*. e-9, (;* cut of which*. give above
x«cot»anything in the !iue ..r
etylo uquwl hi msy eiUV.liehment
;o-br« oquauy low. Wo can "■o.
styles of ‘ '
VwMingt, iaviution, Visiting, lh
Cirhularw, Proarr
MAMMOTH posters,
4 - SO!L(L &K® apIWSI
Pamphlets, Pay and
v!i we tut la a trial, ievliug couth.
- .f-iwNctiou if we have tlu. opportuti
liiire i'i Lowther's butldihg, coru~
.i.- etreeta, oppoalte SttimrinlouJeut'.
_ * 0
Distressing Accident,—Oi
Occidents, peculiar to this sei
ww, which no haman foresight can p
"mg of frosted rails) occnred npoi
Kail Road, one mile East of Lot
evening last. As the Express 1
ipg of an Express Gar, baggage
s.-nger cars, were; passing the po
a rail broke, throwing three of
oft'the track and kilting two p
John Carper, of South Annville,
Pa., and W. Gray Shaw, Ist t
Michigan Cavalry, residence nes
No other passengers were injur
and the men who were killed mi
injury had they kept ihcir scats i
effort to got out of the car. We
them, however, as they, in ali
what they thought most likely t.
yet it proved their death. Whei
r o passenger trains, running nt fi
position as any, for a passenger,
ihe seat ho or she occupies. At
from the danger, by rushing out <
nearly every instance, attended
The remains of the men were
(place, encased in coffins, und
nionjing sent to their former horn
Dimes of tub Press.—A
the Springfield Republican complt
inconsistency, and of baneful ini
press, while denouncing the prise
full details. So it prints robberi
and denounces the crimes. So it
Christian controversies of Christian
and disapproves of them. Sc
mercury was down below zero, ye
yet shrugs its shoulders at it. W
people bo inteligent enough to t
yield the fact that weekly new
“ Map of busy life”—having its s
■is its Ugbt&—its crimes as well a
—its shames .and its glories ram
vhat does not do this, however use
in Sunday schools; however vali.
or religions agent, is no iK-wspip
he limited in range and iuHuence
-10 those who need it least ?
Et-tcnoN.-The following ofth
for the earning year, by the menu
County Fire insurance Company,
.held on the 4th inst:
- OOrectars. —Thad. Banks, R,
Jos. Smith, Jas. R. Patton, Jas.
Lloyd, David K. Reatnv, John
President. —Thad. Banks.
Vice. President. —B, A. Mel
Secretary. —J. F. Frueaufl.
Treasure. —Wm. Jack.
Ex. Committee.- —John Dean,
■fames R. Patton,
Stabsxso Affray.—On Mon
Feeney and Peter Smith, of this pla
in Frilchey’s store, in reference
Smith alleged Feeney owed hi
high and %naliy ended in Won
tight Feeney drew a knife mid
.('vefal times, once in the »idt,
longs and endangering liis life, i
‘■ta the arm and face. Feeney v
arrested and placed in the ’■ Lou
Tuesday morning constable Ely <
Uollidaysburg Jail, to await the r
. Dedication.—The new jSethei
of Rebecca and Emma streets,'A
dedicated to the worship of Alt
Sunday, Jan. 17th inst., services
10} o’clock A. M. The public g
*pectfulfy invited to attend.
Question fob Arithmeticians
log a tract of land in the form of
rounded by a fence five rails high,
ten feet long, is desirous of know*
df hind therein contained, there
.i-wery acre.
Altoona, Jan. 1864.
An answer requested.
Masonic. —A. M. Lloyd, of Ho
%een appointed D. D. G. High Pri
tie* of Blair, Cambria, Huntingdt
;for 4864. John Crcsswell, of H
appointed D. D. Grand Matter for
Cambria, Blair, Huntingdon, Mifl
r niton, for 1864.
■Fiasar.—A correspondent wti
county, Pa, says : “The nsherin
1864 finds me winter bound in tr
place, where King Jack Frost «
nval, bolh on lane and in Wat
MOaU lake near Edinboro, a few i
cevering aboot two hundred act
otrer-so suddenly thatthe fishes h
dive below, but whore irosen in t
good people of the borough are t
hsh, bu«hels of them having been
w dWf.' Thisstory may soaod «
it isliterally true.” -
S. S. RI