ai Wii (( gfe j/\ t : I . \ • 1 : j* 1 " i ’’C lifc £.pM p A 1 1 ' ■: ■*»f the ! PWWELS. S33st£r «flf Milicr b*jk- - M-jprodttml . «»j reslur. liv»- csjeUua, WWpM Mrmeat; tK , **• V rjcitacUM ’ * |h*««reM ajHl atiU- " tern, by hma«u ', man, PKMMMa, -HoßtfKi'. ■r; relied u» a, O nap.. Fytgor, a|lios. bveii 9* 'of. Ww fa. *4nc< , t J"f tniu »* Wfdl- Jmw« pued ;«iq. ■sr..Mm «ith fftetSA M*c iiiu **£«Tipra« wfcwwfcht. .u U*e > B »r UMt U#e« iwraii,. ™M «» U>U j»i„ t Tsass^i. tt&GSTSJ VQNwm iwiun. iWTJi * •*£* .Hw4rtc Influ. j| oper, n tbr (worm o| :*»- f* Stimulant, iwjuc VU* material*, ami •»>»•*» jnareur '4l* da} jaajr t, P». eferj- 'atious. iccdd;. FokiUt* f* Kidneyt, *4-—k- t -- "i- • •. * hlgdaiou, aad ei dou.. by »lucb Mu «it Cta»t»nd Hu i«ijd laflwanisikm. rjic&u;. .BliWfrofWwiii* atty.drßnaaikiit, '' ■_! TrcwtAlag, -"1 hgaijff'ir ifiVfiir ji*iJV*m«* ' t u s'" *»«»!■ U; «u«i («xhUr«•»- i:;3w|oir^-Tic* •IMt sgfn «i ,, • '• f.,p -> % % Wy S^ r Wit f- '- H iriSmniC. frilled «i s(3o 'Toulry freu." nUBUNE POWER-PRESS Sr —Hi'. PRINTING OFFICE. ■I i>«u£ ( within tltt |«nt two year*. «oiisi)i*binet>t in the way »f pew fciucv , , Screw Prewu Paper Cottar, Card Cutter. Ruling Ma kji-*/\3kr»l Po.wvr PfV-iw. ninl large Power •u «»f which wt- give nbovp, wc »»v now preppies . -v.-t’itti* auythiiue. in the hue *•»!', or ruling in etjnal to anj w*tabli»hir«ri.l tip Ibp >tate. anti at . ~ .•* f. { ually low. ;WV €iui'«xecute. oii «hort Holier. alt • , ; ;\ . ./ •; wedding, InviUtion. Visiting, Balt A Business Cards, Circular*, Programmer. mammoth Posters, sale bills, jiul • pamphlets. Pay and Check Bolls, BLANK BOOKS, manifests* and blanks of all kinds. u*k ia u trial, feeling confident that we can give ..refaction if we;h»irf the opportunity. inhv i*i Lowthpr’* building, corner of Virgium and Au -treets, opjKMitu Superintendent'* Office., ITEXwXS. 1 1 I!.sisiiim; Qi:otx«, —According to announce- Mtcnt, Monday last, 4th Inst., was the last day on uliich a district could fill its quota securing i.iluntcers. but since the draft has been'ikistponed until the loth of diis month,' we presume recruits mil tie received and credited up to ihat time. ( onsiderablc fuss has been made over Qreencastle, Kraiikliti county, in consequence of that place 'i.iviug tilled its quota of volunteers. Having iiistness with the Provost Marshal ofthis district called on hijn at his office, in Htratingdon, on Miiuday lasi, and found him busily engaged in re ,, iring the quota of Porter township, lliimiugilon county. This township had fourteen men to fur nish. The citizens went to work, secured suffi ieot money to pay each man a bounty of £3OO, making £4,200., The same township also fur nished one colored recruit, making one over its quota. As some expressed it, the darkey was held m reserve, hut as lie insisted upon being “sworn in" and pocketing his £SOO lidumy, the eontribu ;imi of the township was thus .swelled: to £4,000. tipod for I'orter township. No eftbris, that we have heard of, are being fill up the quotas hereabouts ; those not subject ]J> conscription feel ing perfectly easy, and those liable to be ticketed preferring to take their chances. Altoona and began township should have a credit, on the coining draft, if those iaieqested chose to look aftqr it. t 'apt. Bell's Cavaliy.eompanv, and a squad ol’ men i.tkenoul hy Lieut. Blake, were mainly recruited in the places named, and quite a number of theui were not liable to cpnscriplion, or were not drafted summer. All not conscripted and not liable conscription, who enlisted as ahdve. should be placed to the credit pf the districts to which they belong, and they will ,be so placed provided any l«.Tson furnishes the jProvost Marshal with a list, ■• we stand oigood chance to furnish more -.ban our quota. This could lie easily arranged bv writing to Capt. Bell and Lieut. Blake and getting j list of the men recruited bv them. IS* *• The Oldest Inhabitant” docs nut remem ber a colder snap titan that of Friday and Saturday last. It was so cold, and the wind so cutting, that it was difficult (o tell tv [Tether it froze or burnt. i hill loading, on Friday night, especially on freight trains, was near about sewed up. .Men were afraid ■u undertake a run from this place to Harrisburg ■ r Pittsburgh. We leant thata brakeman, who came through on a freight train from Uarrishtjrg, Fridayi; night, was taken from the train hi the yard in th|s place, on Saturday morning, so much frozen that he was; unable to get his arm out of -lie brakewhcel, or to speak. He. wast taken to .he American House and received proper attention. Another bad his feet so badly frozen that in pulling , Jtfhis stockings part of the Skin of- his feet came •ft with tliem. A number bad their toes frozen, in order to tender the situation of braketnen as umfortable as possible, the Company has ordered • caboose”jcars, in winch there are stores and lire, >•• be attached to freight; trains. By reference to an article headed “ The Cold Weather,” in another ■ olumn. some idea may he formed of the tempera ture of the; atmosphere pm West. In this place •be thermometers varied so much—ranging from «o to twelve degrees delow zero—that we could, not tell exactly how cold it was, unless we had ■s-casion to he out for a half hour or so, when we, wen discovered that it was below j'rezo, but how far. we had 1 no inclination to stay to see. It was •i time long to be remembered, much talked about,: aid oft referred to. Evesisc. PoSr.-rThe proprietors .of -iiis oJJ, popular and ever welcome weekly paper —which is now in its forty-third, year—announce in their prefepectas for 1864. that they design main taining fpr their weekly the high character it has .11 ready acquired as a first class literary paper.— They commence in the first paper in January, a new Xoveifiy Mrs. Wood, author of “East Eynne," it-., from advanced sheets, expressly forwarded ip ' tliem from England. In addition to the stories • written expressly fqf the /W, jts Editor alio strives to lay before its readers the best stories frpjp the English periodicals, and gites in addition to the taies and sketches, more or leas Agricultural Matter, with a Kiddle, Receipts, A'ewsand Market Uepartfaento, vmj week. Thty will give! to any j*-rson sendjog .thirty-subscriptions to the Po*t and sixty dollars, one of.Wheelers*4 Wilson* Cele brated Selling Machines, • such,.as they ' sell for tuny-five dollars. ’ 7 Term; s2* year. '•, Two copies $3. One copy Order and briefly addressed by the Co. Snpt.: j officers pro inn were elected and; committees ap pointed, after which an adjournment till, 2 P. M. wa, moved. in .order to give the committee on i Constitution time to prepare tiie wme, and that on Stibjeeis for consideration and discussion, speaken for the evening session, &<•*] ojiportunity to furnish a programme of business for the; entire session. Mel at 2 P. M., and after transacting the ncces san preliminary business, including the adoption of a, Constitmion. went into election for officers for the year 18C4,J»-hich resulted as follows ; Mr. D. W. jCuldenvoOd, President, Mrs. Underhill and Miss M. Cunningham, Vice Presidents : Mr. A. L-Smith, Refolding SecretaS-y; Mr. J. C. Mc- Cartney. Corresponding Secretary: Mr. J. C. Underhill, Treasurer ; Mr. H. Colclesser, Auditor; J, G. Counsraan, Co. Supt., Messrs. W. M. Gwinn, S. A. Moore, .1. M, Caldcrwood and B. H. Geaiy, ExecutiveCoinroittee. I The remainder of the aflernbon.and an evening session, were oc eupipl in class drills, discussions. &c., participated in. hi - the members generally. Adjourned to meet at 8| A. M. 31 st. Metagreeableto adjournment, at 8J A. M. 31st. Two mqro districts represented this morning, fonr members from Altoona and one from Antis, having reported themselves. This day p as pleasantly and profitably spent in discussing -methods of conducting recitations] organization of schools, class drills. ,&c.. &v„ until 4 P M„ when on motion, adjourned to meet at 7 o’clock in the Coup Hoorn, where able and slanted addresses were;delivered by J. H. Keatley, District Attorney, Hon. Samuel Calvin and B. H. Geary, Esq. Music discoursed by Prof. A, Gnnfher, ofX. V Adjourned to meet at such time and place as the I Ex. Com. should fix upon. j Tkiai. List,—The following it! the Trial List for January Term, 18C4: FIRST WKKK, George, \V. Graham vs. Fox &. Strouse. David G. Hunter’s exrs. ts. Taylor and .Kemp. Juscph Dysart's use vs. O’Friel’s Heirs. Peter Hewtts vs. James Bell, Garnishee. McNamara’s ailm’x vs. Wjn. Lyon. D. Good's use vs. I). Watson etal. Dan'l K. Kearny vs. W. W. Jackson. K.ilsctt vs. J. Walters Exrs. ' Dajntal Shannon vs. George Wehn. S. «W. Rhodes admrs vs. Penna K. 11. Co. Joseph Uiggitis i Co. vs. Watson, White & Co. MqDanaltan & Johnston vs. Bel) & Cresswell. William vs. S. S. liirr. SECOND WEEK. ; Elmira Ritchie ys. John.Stroup. Cop'tli for use of Dee ter vs. Dteter et al. John Baird vs. J: & D. Confer. : James A. McCahan vs. Elliott it Miller. H. V. Brady vs. Jos. K. Eiy. Pater Campbell vs. Same. ■ Esther Strayer vs Walters i Stirayer. Poster, Milliken & Co. vs Lorenz Wingard &. Co Sat le vs. Lorenz & Learner. T..g.&J. B. Yaugh vsThePpnk|n High School Jol|n Brotherline vs. Altoona Borough. William Austice vs. Geo. W. Stewart. Jacob Hesser vs.-Veach and McClain. John Burger vs. Jacob B. Bowser. Wtn. Vaughn vs. John Dervin etal; Robert Macklin vs. John Wighttnaii. R. B. Johnston vs. Elliott & Miller. Boljert Potter vs. William Green;et al. G. H. &J. K. Shoenberger vs \\ r . M. Lyon ct al Joseph Kelly's use vs. T. McNamara. John Neff’s adinr vs. Thomas Mays. Hatjker, Begar & Winger vs. John Sparr i Hetiry Shaw vs. James Weyand. i I Map- E. Fenton vs. Daniel D. Domcr. Jos Jones admrs. vs, Sethß. McCune. Daniel Biekel vs. George Wehn. Eckhardt & Myers vs. McNamara & Co, J. M. Kinport vs. Philip,Call WIUT Hilemas is Uoisg.— J, B. Hilemanjlias been Jto the city and purchased a heavy stock of new which are now being opened at his store. k This is what he has been doing. Now for what he intends to do. On and after the Mth of the pntsent month he intends to sell for cash only. The credit business is about “ played out” in Al toona, and Joe intends to keep pace with the times. Advertisement next week. : ; | Aa] Lox Joses. —The Captain Aaron Jones, .of the “C. S. A.,” mentioned in the papers as having been ruptured and tried as a rebel ppy, and ac quitted, is the English prize-fighter, who fought jSayere to a draw, and who ■ was Heenan's i second in his fight with Morrissey. When tfie war jbroke put, he andllcenan were keeping a doggery |in New Orleans! lleenan came North, and Jones 1 went into tlie rebel army. CiipuKEu. —Col. Boyd, of the,Twelfth Penn-- sylvania Cavalry, (of Gen. Kelly's;Department,) has captured Hugh Logan, a citizen ofLittersburg, Pa., bhit engaged in the service of the. enemy, Mr. Login) is noted as a daring rebel scout. He is the i man Who piloted Lea through the State of Penn- j sylvania at the time when I,ee made his last in- j vasiqn of the No|them States.: I KBu Wreath was exhibited at a fair in Glouces ter, Massachusetts, Christmas weefc, that is com posed pf the hair of one hundred different residents of that town, none of whom is under seventy years of age, while ten of them are oyer ninety, and one is a centcnnsrian, The lady who' made it is fifly -1 id has been four years about it. niue, The last words of General Buford, in a gemi delirium, were highly characteristic ran and With the energy of i he exclaimed, with bis last breath, “ send brigade commanders, put guards on all «4s, and keep those men fr6m going to state* of the for (bje these] the roi |A young lady in Richmond, writing to Iyer ■ friend sj in Baltimore, says that the gayeties of so ciety (hat city,: consist chiefly of what are called “ starvation parries,” at which people meet in each othdrjsj houses, and hare music aiid dancing but nothing to eat or drink. ; - pKjxo. —On;Satnrd»y last an Irishman liv- Lr North Vernon, Indiana, want home in led. and sesped himself in the "cradle which ted bis pwn infant child, crushing its band ling it instantly. , ‘ ‘ Shi ing m toxic* con tail and kll h'nr the Trihum. THE CASH SYSTEM TRIUMPHANT! XVo years vxjterience has convinced me that when goods an* soldyor Ca*h, they can lie sold at a very small advance on first oust; therefore I have determined to make aviThkk eebcctjon in my prices, to Mike effect UN AND AKTEB. DECEMBKU Ith, 18«3. In taking thh'step. I iiavc been artuaTed solrlv by a desire In le-netit tin- lalsinug classes. While tltere has Ua-n hm a small iulvance in wages, the necessaries ot life have advanced enormouslv. and the prospects are that they will still go higher. Believing tliat the additional amount of goods which I can sell, at the reduced prices, will justify' me in my undertaking, 1 respectfully invite the attention of the public to the following figures. Almost every person is aware of the prices at which the goods specified are now selling, hence they will readily note the reduction, and caueasilv figure up the saving to them in them in the course of a year. My prices ,have heretofore been as low, ' if not lower, than; those of any other merchant in the country, hut I now make the following reduc tions in Calicoes, Delaines, Alpacas,.- Mohair', Re()S, Merinos. Irish P0p1in5;...... Lustres,. Cashmeres . Shawls, FlanneL Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds, Cottonades, Sattinetts... Cussimeres, Plaid Flannel Shirting,..,.... Linvcys, Cantun Flannel Linen Table-Cloths, Cotton Ladies' Cloaking Cloth, 12 to 2~> Shirting Cheek.. ...2 to 3 Ticking , r, to 3 Muslin oto .1 “ ‘ Gloves. Hosiery, Opera Uoods, io., reduced at- Smijte, Sugar, Coffee Tea, Pepper, Ginger, S'arch Ess. Coffee, Candles, Soap, , QXJ EENSWARE. .White Stone Tea Sets, cents per set “ " Plates, It) “ “ 12 “ “ •• " " Dinner White Stone Soup X'lates, 12 -cents pet >ei. China Tea Sets,..., $l.OO to $2.00 pier set. CARPET '& OIL-CLOTH. Hag Carpet, :tJ cents per vard. List a ’ All Wool ('ai}jot T }o cents per vanl. Floor Oil-Cloth, 5 y' ‘ • SHOES. Toadies Custom-Made Sewed Shoes, 12cts. per }»air. “ Pegged 4i JO to 15 “ lO to 12 cents ** *• to 10 •• Misses' Shoes Children's Shoes,, I wish ail to understand that these paces are for CASH ONLY—that they are mode to accom modate persons of small means, to wham it is an object to purchase where the can save a few cents on each article—and that they will be adhered to" strictly for the present, and so long, in the future, as my sales will justify. After making the reduc tion, 1 must, doublr my sales in order to make as much money as I did at the old prices. The pub- j lie can at once discover that it is to their advantage j to extend me their patronage, thereby enabling me I to make still further reductions for their benefit. N Dec. 2, 1863.—tf. .Fibe ! Fire ! I—Du not risk your property anv longer to the mercy of the flames, bat go to Kerr and have him insure you against loss by fire.— He is agent tor thirteen different companies, among which are some of the best in the United States. Altoona, July 21,-tf. Notice.—Foreign notes will not be received at the office of the Altoona Gas and Water Company in payment for gas or water bills, inasmuch as the bank in this place w ill not receive them on deposit BENJ. F. ROSE, Treasurer. Altoona Nov. 19th, 1863. Colors.—Howe & Stevens’ Dye Colors, twenty-four different shades. Howe & Stevens’ Dye Colors, twenty-four di ferent shades. Howe &. Stevens’ Dye Colors, twenty-four dif ferent shades, foi sale at -Nichols’ Elixer of Iron and Peruvian Bark. Elixer of Iron and Peruvian Bark. (jT Nichols’ Elixer of Iron andkPeruvian Bark, E'er sale at Roush’s Drug Store," fy Baker’s-Cod Liver Oil, pure and fresh. fT* Baker’s Cod Liver Oil, pure and fresh. faTßaker's Cod Liver Oil, pure and fresh. J*'pr sale at Roush’s Drug Store. BAIL BOAS AND HAIL SCHEDULE. I TRAINS ARRIVE AND DEPART j Baltimore Express Wesfarrives T. 40 A.M., leaves 8.00 A.JI 1 Philadel’a * J . • - SRO *‘ “ 8.40 “ Fast Unn •• ' " B.SSP.M. ..10P.M. ■ Mall Train “ : 7.40 “ . “ 7.55 <• ; Express Train K»«t : 9.20 P.M, leaves 9.40 P. M . Fast tine “ •; 1.11A.M., <• 1.20 A.M ! Mall Train •• “ *.40 •• gA) “ : Through Acconi. “ “11.25 “ “ ix.4o ti ! Trains on Uollidayaburg Branch run to connect with : JKxprma Trains IT. ISda. GRAND VICTORY! DKY GOODS. • - cents per yard ,'J to * .) | v ,o to I 0 .OH ccnij to .50 each .5 to 10 rents per vnrd ;5 “ .5 to It) 5 cents per yard .5 to 15 15 to L 4 '. « “ ...stoi* “ ...5 to S “ “ 4 ...2 to 5 * l •* ‘ 10 to 12 ** ;t .5 to 10 “ cordhigly. GIioCERIiiS. 10 cents j*.*r gallon. 1 41 “ inmnU. •> ti i* .1 10 to lo 10 cents per pound. 1 “ 41 box. 1 “ 4 * pound I to o 4 R. A. O. KERR. Main Street, AI locate, Pa. Roush's Drug Store, i - 7,40 A, M, T.BO A. 31. t 7,00 P. U. MAILS CLOSE. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINES. Orfr LETTER A FAMILY SEWING-MACHINE fa-fast gaining a world-wide reputation. It i*T*Tond doubt the l. aud che*pjH*t .tnd mon iH-tOUiful uf all Family Sow ing Machitus yet uffervtl to the pubjk. Noother Family .Sewing Machine h*.« aojnany useful appliances fur Hem tk*ine. Rinding. Felling. Tbckiog, Gathering. Goagmg, liraiding. Embroidering,Cording. and so firth. Noother Family Sewing Machine fam #a much cajMicity fi»r s’ great variety of work. It will sew all .kinds of doth. and with nil kind* of thread. Great and recent improvement# m. our Family Sewing Mat-bine nu»*t reliable. ami m >'f ot*Uin in action at nil rale* of, j-petal. 1: make* the interlocked stitch which i* the best stitch known. Anyone.cven of the most ordinary capacity, can -ee at a glance, how jx*e the letter A Family Sewing Macnine. Our Family Sewing Machines are fin ished iu chaste and exquiste style. The folding Case of the Family Machine is a piece uf cunning workmanship of the most useful kind. It pro* t«; t* the machine when not in n#e, and when to he upended way he opened aa a spacious and substantia) table tu sustain the work. While some of the Cases, made ml ofthechuicoet woods, are finished in the sim ple* and chastest manner possible, others are a.lonseil and embellished in the most costly and siipurb manner. 11 is absolutely necessary to m**.* the Family Machine in operation, »o as to judge of its great capacity and beauty. It is fast becoming as popular for family sewing as our Manufacturing machines are for manufacturing purposes. ‘ The branch Officers are well supplied with silk, twits, t hread, needles, oil. Ac., of the very ; best (jiuilitv. Send for a Pamphixt. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 46S Broadway. NgwYork tift* PniLAbKLPHiA Office, Blu Chestnut »St. Mr. D. IV. A. Belford. Merchant Tailor, Virginia Stre e Agent in Altoona. Altoona. Nov. 13. IS$2. THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. Farmers. Families others can purchase no remedy to Dr. Tobias’ Venetian Lmiumcnt, for dysentery, r*dic. croup, chronic rheumatism. *-yro tin-oat?, toothache, **'u Mckiu**s. cuts. Imros. swellings, bruises, old sores, headache. m-squiro bites, pains in the limbs, chest, buck. Ac. If ii does not give relief the money will be n-fmlde. | All that i» asked is u trial. «nd use itaccordiug to the db j rectkms. - 1)b. Tobias— Dear Sir. I have used jour Venetian, l.mi ' ntcm iu inj- nuaily for a number of year*, and believe it to 1..- the best urcicle for what it is leccmmeiided that I j have ever used. I havit no hcsilmion in recommending i R for all the diseases it professes to cum. I Imre told it I fir many years, and it gives entire sans :.t-t.Vn, i CHAS. U’TKIMNER. j QuakfMowi'. S, J. May 8, ISOS. i I'rice 23 and 50 cents. Sold by all druggists. Ollier. 5C | Cortliindt Street. New Vork. | HEI.MROLD'3 KXTRACT BUCUU ’ ' THE GREAT DIURETIC j 11 ELM IXILD 3 KXTRACT BUCUU ! THE great diuretic. , lIELM BOLD* 3 EXTRACT BCCHU THE GREAT DIURETIC, j HELMBOLDS EXTRACT BUCUU. THE GREAT DIURETIC. And a positive and Specific Remedy for Uiseasea of the Bladder. Organic Weakness; Kidneys, Gravel. Dropsy, And all diseases of llie Urinary Organs, see advertisement iu another column. Cut it out. and I, A v, l ' M „ E fc pt. 17th, 1883, by Rev. Win. i Si, Mr - ffM T - MILLER to Miss MOLLIE J ! TROUT, both of Altoona. I In Altoona, at the Exchange Hole', on the 31»t Dec ; Istto, by Rev. 3. J. Berlin. Mr. ABEDNEGO SMITH, of ; Logan township, to Miss EMERETTA TCENBAUGH. of ; Antis township Blair county. Pa. « , • s 1 ul V., b £, R^' , A ■ u - Sembower, Mr. JORDAN • 3. FOX to Miss REBECCA A. STANLEY, both of Clear tityu county. J??!:-. 1 ;? JOHNS. CALVERT to j Miss BELLE KOLGIL hotb of Logan township. In IVilnmre. Cambria county, on the 31st ult by the i Rev. I. Hm-kett. Mr. UENEY A. McPIKE. of this place. ! to Miss ANNIE W ARD, of the former place, i thrice welcome. Mac. to the list of happy men, happily | mated. Sensible to the last, iu securing a' bedfellow jast : in time for the cold snap. Knowing Mac to be one of the | cleverest fellows this side of sundown, we cannot do other ■ wise than wish hjm well, and hope that all the Joys which : flow fr«n the union of happy natures and true hearts, may | be shower upon him and his through life; and may that | life be long, extending even to a green old age. And with I increasing years may health, and wealth, and joys increase, j and cares and vexations vanish. Go. young men all, and j do likewise. , On the 3d inst, Mr. WILLIAM LOUDON, in the 7-d year of his ago. Mr, Loudon was one of onr well-known citizens. Al though he had reached a good old age he was until verv lately in possession of excellent health, and died after a few days illness. He Was one of the early Blair county, having moved to this section of country more than 50 years ago. When Altoona was bunt up to its liorongb limits. Mr. London sold a portion of his thrm. adjoining on the west for building lots, and soon the town of LondoasvUle sprung into existence. He was noted for honesty and generosity towards those with whom he had business transactions, and many who are now the posses sors of comfortable homes, bear testimony to jus liberality. He had much bodily pain before his death, yeti he expressed himself comfortable, as he cheered others, with his faith in the consolations of the Gospel. ' jj KAi STEER.—Came to thercsidenpe . E J of the subscriber, in Logan town- -w ship, on or about the loth of November, a Red Unity Steer, with' decked spots, supposed; to be about two yean old.— The owner is requested to come forward. 'H H prove property, pay charges and take*QSS9BSK him away, otherwise he will las disposedof according to la T , so- s WM M6GARVEY Jan. 0,18 M-St. WANTED. —25 Good Machine Fin ishers; 6 Quod Boiler-Makers. . Wiß f* r d “}' Cash. Best of boarding can be had at $2.50 per week. r To any wanting Dwelling Houses, should say, they can behadat from $8.50 to $S ,00, per month. Provisions and Dry Goods, cheaper than in any other city In the L, 5- Address, - „ ’ J- AJ- U.DCVALL. n S' r , taUe and Irm Mill Worts, Dec. 30, ISG,!.--'!. j . Zqnraviile, Ohio. I buy my Cigars from S. C. Postlewait, No. 5, Brant’s Row; axaijMDsiD auiui Anq j , TP STRAY STEER.—Came to the resi ia Al,ti * township, on ur »bont the 20thi of August last, a WHITE STEER, about two rears old, baring two letters, supposed to be “J. M ” imperfectly cut upon one bora and his tail cropped. The owner is requested to come forward,' prove property, pay charges and take him away. otjierwi*- he will be disposed ofaccordmgtolaw. DAVID; MANLKY. Antis tp; Dec. 17, IWxWt.* 7.40 A,«. 7,00 P. M. 10.15 A. M EXECUTORS NOTICE-—Notice is M~m hereby given that letters testamentary on theea* pate of uewU tiwin. Into of Logan township, Blair county, deceased, have been granted to th e undesigned. All per sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are re quested to make Immediate payment, and those haring claims will present the home duly authenticated for set tlement* JAfi. 3U : ALEX OWIN |“ wotorfc 7,20 A. M, 7,30 “ 7.15 P. M. 7.15 •> Deo. 17, ISOJ-St. send for the Medicine at once. C eWAiil: OF COU.VTEXFgITS. MARRIED DIED. U. S. 5-20’S. The Secretary of the Treasury has sot yat given notice, of any intention to withdraw thia popular Loan from Sale nt Par. and Ufitil tea day’s notie* ft given, the undersigned, as “ General Subscription Agent, 1 ’ will continue lot apply the public. The whole amount of the LoanTauthorixed ia Five Hun dmi Millions of Dollars• Nearly Pour Hundred have been already sofaecribed war and paid into- the Treas ury,'mostly within the last seven man the. The large de mand from abroad, aud the rapidly increasing home de mand for n**: aa the basis for «imitation by National Ranking AntkH'kitiops now organizing in all parts if the country, will, in a very short period. absorb the Imlance. Sale?- have lately 1 ranged from ten to fifteen mßUon# week ly, tifipaeutly exceeding three daily,ami it Is welt known that the S(-cretary of |l»e Treasury has am pel and uutiiUug resources in the Duties on .Imports ctad luternul Uevevue*, aud lo the is<-ne of the Interest boating Legal Tender Treasury Notes, -it is almost a certainty that he will not find it necessary, for a long time to come, to *eek a market for any other long er premature Loans. THE INTEREST AND PRINCIPAL OF WHICH ARK PAYABLE IN GOLD. : Prudence and self interest must force the minds of those contemplating the formation of National Banking Aa*dcL alum#, ha well! as the minds of all who have idle money im Uw ir hand*, to the prompt conclusion that they should i.*e no time in subscribing to this moat popular Loan. It will «K)i> be beyond their reach, and advance to a hand some premium, as was the result with the *• Seven Thirty” Loan, when it was all sold and could no longer be sub scribed for at j»ar. * . • . It it a Six per frnt- Loan, the Intmtt and Principal pay able ill Cain, Hint yiddnj over Sfineper f i mt. nr annum at the present rate, of premium on coin. The Government require, all duties on imports tu he paid in Coin: these duties have Ibr a lung time past amounted tu over a Quarter of a Million of Dollars daily; a -urn nearly tjiree time* greater than that required hi tile payment of the Interest on all the J-20’s and other permanent Leans. Si that it is hoped that the surplus Coin in the Treasury, at no distant day, will enable the C Ulted Slates to resume specie payments upon all liabßi tics. The Loan is called 6-20 from the feet that whilst the Bonds may run for 20 years, yet the Government haa a right to pay them off in Gold, at par, at any time after 5 year#. i ll.yr. The Interest is paid half yearly, via; on the first days of November Slid May. ft Huuberibora can have Coupon Bond*, whkh are payable to bearer, aud are $5O, $lOO, $6OO, and $1000: or Kegt* lered Bond* of *aine denomination*, aud id addition, $5,- (Xk>. and $lO,OOO. Por Banking purpose* and for invent* ineuts of Trust-monies the;Registered Bond* are preferable. These- 5-a)’s cannot be taxed by State*, cities, town*, or counties, and the Government tax on them is only one and odialf per cent., on the amount of income* when the income of the holder exceeds Six Hundred dollars per an*, mini; ail other investments, such as income form Mort* Railroad Stock aud Bonds, etc- must pav from three to five jKjrcentvon the income. * Bauks and Bankers throughout the Country will coib tinur to dispose of the Bonds: and all orders by mail, or otherwisf, promptly aftmled to. Tin- incouveiiience of a few days' delay in the delivery of the Bond* i* unavoidable, tbe demand being so great ; r biit as interest commences from tbedav of anbacription. no !os» is occasioned, aud every effort is being made to di* aunub the delay. ' ■- JAYCOOKK. Subscription Agent 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia. December 2,1863.-2 m. SOMETHING NEW! Did you see bonine’s SMALL METAL FRAMES and' . PASSEPARTOUTS for Card Dictates, which he has jnat received from the Cltyl—and his szw lot of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS? lie has a very nice assortment, and sells them at very reasonable prices. EVERYBODY ADMIRES THEM! And the fipest lot of FRAMES, for LARGE And small-sized pictures, in; Altoona. Call and examine to be satisfied, and hare j-oqp ’ AMBROTYPE or PHOTOGRAPH taken. He still has bis Room in Clabaugh’s Building, Jum Stksxt, between Virginia and Emma. Altoona; Oct. 28.1863.—3m. ANHOOD ; HQW LOST I HOW RESTORES' Ju& A « Sealed Envelope. Price Six &nU., A Lecture on and Radical Care' of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weakseaa, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impidements to Marriage' generally, NerronaneeS, Consumption, Bpllepeyand Flu; Mental and Physical Incapacity, reralting from Belt Abuse, *o.-By KOBT. J. CULV'ERWELL, if. lA, Author of the Oreen &c. The world-fenowned anther, in this idmirable Lecture' clearly prprep from hi* own experience thlrt the awfril: coDwqoeiMei: of jB*lf*bu*e may bt* fUectmlljr rwnoT6d' .wltboot medicine, and without dangerous surgical opera'- Dons, boogie* instruments. rings or cordial*, pointing out ' a mods of core at once certain and effectual, by which every auflijrer, no mafter what bia condition mar be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. Vhis Lee tore will prove a boon to thousands and tbonanud*. r Sent nnderseal, in a plain fcnrelope, to any address, ou the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by ad dressing CHAS. J. C- KUNE, 127 Bowery, New York. Poet Office Box 4686. Nor. 4,1863, Jy. I^AUTION.- —All persons are hereby■ -autionbd not to negotiate for a Judgment note of |2)O, given by me to Zacharlah A.'Neft on or abent the 7th of Sept last, as I am determined not to pay the tame; unlee compelled bjr law OBOROK B. EVERSON. Altoona, Dec. 17.1863-3t* ~ : ORKELL'S PREPARED COFFEE Ja«t received ani fofaale by FRITCHKY. JPEGTACLKS ANl> EYE EKESEK J rare tor sale at 'i-tf.i , KFSSLKh’g ' BUT ONE PRICE. AND THAT A CASH PRICE FOR ALL OUR GOODS! \ S STATED AT THE OPENING XL of the * tJnion Store, (he object of tbs company it sot to —ilmiir ntb.r ■* keepers in a few snicks end tnsk. *t if Tia nlksis >■— •imply to sell emy uticie at a certain aerasntaca shoe* cost, let that percentage bring the price abac* at Sw tbst of other store.. By HUing or Ww FOR CASH ONLY, *» “» enabled to place our percentage at tbe ms lowest agonu because we have bo loss'to'make up. We shall at all times keep thabect quality of all arteles offered for «aie. Onr present stock consists aof choice s** leclion #f t- SUGAR, OOfTKB, TEA, SYRCPB, SPICKS add everything in tbe grocery line. The best brands of floor from the Phoenix* Jfoutit Union ami other Mills. SUGARS, Pulverised 18 eta. White 17 eta, Yellow and Brown Terr flue. * • Imperial and Black Tea* from SS eta, tnUO par lb. COFFEE. Williamsport Rio, PrankUa Mills Bin, Nonpareil Kk> Kicelsior, Dandelion, Kseence, Browned Kjre. Spices otall kinds, Cbocolste and Cocoa. Scytscnse, Ground Altom and Baity Salt. liar; B spun, Flounder, Congress, Natural leaf and So* *** •***& * *“*•“« Franklin ami Lovering’s Sugar Home andother Syrups. Buuch Raisons 30 cu. Seedless 26 C U„ per U? Corn Starch, Carbon Oil 65 eta. per-gallon. Candtea. SOAPS. Hosin, German, French Castile. American Castile. Saw yer’s and other Toilet Soaps.. CRACKERS. Cream, Vine, gar, Batter, Soda and Water Cracker.. Term* Biecuit. 9 WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. Bruoou, Hand, But, Scrub and Shoe Broshe*. would call fecial attention to ow Boot* and Shoe* as onr stock is fresh and selected with gnu can u to quality. MASAOMtS, Dec. ja, 1863. The *Scientitic American FOR 18641 VOLUME X.—NEW SERIES. The publisher of tiie BCIBSTUHC AkUtUCAX rwpecl luli> gives notice that the I’JwtH Vouuu (Kew Berks) will commence on the firrt of January next. Thisjoomai was established in IWh>, and is undoubtedly the wort widely circulated and iniluential publication of the in the aorid. In commencing the new volume the publishers de aires to call special attention to ita rJrtm. M .1 JOVtiNAL Oh' POPULAR SCIENCE. iii ihie respect it stands unrivalled. It not only finds us way to almost every workshop in the Country, as the earnest friend of the mechanic ana arthuui, hut it is found in the cuuutiug-room of the manufacturer and the m*r- Caiuut; also in the library and the household. The pub- Ushers feel warranted in Maying that no other journalnow published contains au equal amount of useful information ’ while it is their aim to present ail subjects in the most popular and attractive manner. The Scientific American is published once a week, in convenient form for binding; and each number sixteen pages oi useful reading matter, illustrated with NUMEROUS SVLiaiDIU ENGRAVINGS olall tile latest ami best iuventions of the day. This feature ot the juunml is worthy of special note. Kvery number Cuntarus Hem hvo to teu origiual engraving* of mechaui eal nueutiuus relating to every department of the arts. lbe-c engravings are executed by artists specially em ployed «u the paper, and are universally acknowledged to to anything of the kind*produced hi this The publishers uf the aCIMK HFIC A MMBICAJi promise to present, as during proceeding years, all tho latest im provements io Steam ISngiueering, War Vessels, Ordinance —military and naval, Fire-arms, Mechanics’ Toob-Manu tactunng Machinery, Farm Implements, Wood-wurkinir uachiuery, Water-wheels, Bumps and other Hydraulic Apparatus, Household Oteusib, iilectric, Chemical and Mathematical Instruments, Flying Machiues and' other Curious luveutious—besides ail the varied articles de signed to lighten the labor of mankind, not only in the Shop uud warehouse, hut in every place where the Indus, tries of life are proposed. From its commencement the SCIK.NTIFXC AMERICAN has been the earnest advocate ofthe rights of A.n..i.-, Im outers aud the MEPE&TOUY Of AUEMICAX fATHStS. a I / department.*> vitally connected will, all the great rntereit* of the country, no other Journal can ay any chum whatever; aeiu it. column. there 1* pub lished a weekly official lj*t of the “ Claim.” of all patent, granted at the V. a. Patent Office. *** THE EKACI’ICAIi BECXTEjS alone are oft-timee worth more to the .uhectlher than the ■amount of a whole year's subscription. x TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION* Two volumes of the SCUSXTmC AUfiKICAN are nab tshed.each year, at $1.50 each,-or $3 per annum correspondingly u>w terms to Clubs; *XwiU pay%r four months aubacriptiOn. The number tor one year, when bound m a volume, constitute a work of 832 mg* of m*. tui luformation, which every one ought to poasasa. A new tolmue wOi commence on the first of January, 1864. Ci.UBKA.UiB, t'ift Copies, for Six Months... Ten Copies, for Six M0nth5....... Ten Copies, for Twelve Months....'.’." riiteeu Copies, for Twelve Months..'... Iweut} Copies, for Twelve Months 2 ■S^|SSa'»SI.“SS!SS±3 “»*• wfllhe sent * ork . MORE COMPETITION! A NEW DRY GOODS STORE 'ON VIRGINIA STREET. TH|3 U2JDEESIGNED WOULD BE dFKCTFULLT ANNOUNCE to the public that the naa added to her nock of T MILLLNEBY GOODS. A FULL LIN* or am*D£Y goods °T *"*• “» s ™« CALICO « 16 to 25 ** « »* DKUIKSB ** 30 to 36 * u ** And all other articled in proportion* • hiU aoortment of OLOTSB. HdSTtftv COLLARS, and NOTIONS genmUr. • WHIRRY, ™ tJtUDg ia I loSteTc.S J fr &jiE2“* Wfl * *”” Bee. 23d, 1888-1, MCCLELLAND. T|IVIDEND NOTICE. -■-F Omaoi Aitooxa Q*s* Wan* 00, I The BOAHD OF a Set^Amro 1 ptYidend of FODE FEE C2ENT. OtttteOipL “Stock of the Company, clear of State tax, panhteon and after January In, 1S«. B. F aoa«L Dec.25,1863-tt. Traantrir. XTOTICE.—Notice is hereby given that . ” the resolution was adopted at t late * day ofthe present month, (May) and that the _» the snbscriptiofi be made payalde ia monthly instalments of 10 per cent each, on the 16th day of each styrioillsii month, until tbe vhole amount Is paid In. * Persona whhlng to take stock in the company can Stm be accommodated, there being a Ihw shares yet haaoUL Altoona, May lBtfa.-tf. B. F. ROBB, JVMMnr.- ESTRAY. f '.AME TO THE RESH)ENCE OF V-/ the subscriber, in' Logan towaabip, . ' •* aiw . . near Allegheny Furnace, on or abwrt tbe ;15th of .November, IMS, a bright Red Milcli Cow, haring a white ittfwl for*- bead, and white belly. The owner - reqneated to come forward, prove ffty, pay charge, and take her away, Ai * bo disposed of according to law. "* "i* ™ | ; Dec. 2. lS63i-3t» E?^i. FAMILY PUT AJ m Sack* expreaily for fiunfljr w • ’ ttCTOHWhi § 1A BABREtS PUKE CIDER VINE- 5 iM o ** «»> tar •»!» low it i »«pt. i.iwa. *• ■ ntnoain $ SUGARS, AND BYKCPR V Of •)> (T*dea,«ad »t nuaaaU* pried, for ntotf TRITCHKT7 a iiU. 23 3AMDEI, weight.