The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, January 06, 1864, Image 2

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, irikttc.
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 6, 1864.
i Kbai>.—Archbishop Hughes died at bis
residence, in New York city, on Sunday
last. ,
Bwiki. Raid.—There are rumors <of a
rebel raid down the Shenandoah -Valley.
ITie Federal pickets have been driven in
to junker Hill, and dashes of llebel cav
alry- liave been made as far as Winchester.
It issuppoeed to be a command, number
ing about 6,000, under Early, who are at
tempting an offset to Averill’s great raid
on the Southern Virginia Railroad. Our
officers appear to be prepared for them,
and jsbould they attempt to interfere with
the Baltimore and Ohio E. 11. they will
'receive a warm reception for cold weath
er. Gen. Kelly is said to be posted in ref
erence .tot he force of Rebels approaching
and has made proper disposition of his
command. N
The Conscription Law.— -The draft
whiqb was ordered for the sth inst., ! has
been) postponed until the loth. This was
done; we presume, in .order to give Con
gress ani opportunity to amend or alter the
-present law. Previous to the adjournment
of that body, to spend the holidays, quite
a number of amendments were offeied—
some,good, some otherwise. Congress met
again on the ! sth inst,, and, we presume,
. the first) business will be to dispose of the
amendments referred to. Whether there
should be any alteration of the law, or
whether it should be entirely remodelled,
are questions considerably debated, but we
think the desire is to let the matter alone
until the present draft is made, then, get up
a law-, improved by the knowledge gained
from .the imperfections, injustice and fail
ures of the present law, as exhibited by its
workings. • ■
The Legislature. —The Legislature of
this State met on Tuesday. The National
Union members of the Senate met in cau
cus on Monday afternoon, and nominated
John P.; Penny, of Allegheny, for Speak
er, and 6. W. Hammersley, of Philadel
phia, fof chief clerk.' The National Union
members of the House nominated Henry
C. Johnson far Speaker, and A. W. Bene
dict, of Huntingdon, for chief Clerk.
In |he House the National Union party
has a majority, which secures the election
of the caucus nominees.
The Senate is a tie, in consequence of
the absence of Senator White, of Indiana
counity, who is a prisoner in Kichmond. —
Unless there be a division of the officers of
this body, between the two parties, an or
ganization need not be looked for inside of
a couple of weeks, perhaps not until a
successor to Senator White be elected.
We hope, however, that there may be
no dilficulty in this respect, bat that both
Houses will organize at once, and go to
work as 'they should, get ‘ through with
their business, and go home like respecta
ble men. r
P. the above was written, we
learn from the Harrisburg Telegraph that
business in the Senate is at a dead lock,
in consequence-of the refusal of either party
to yield, in order to effect an organization.
How long this state of affairs will exist,
depends Mpon the Obstinacy of the members.
Frogbkss or raa Wak.—“Going into winter
quarters? w the stereotyped news from the main
urmies iif both sides to the fight. We have noth
ing from Chattanooga, the Rapidan or Knoxville.
Gen. GiUotore sent the citizens of Charleston some
forty or fifty Christmas gifts, early on Christmas
morning,, tn-the shape of some forty bomb shells,
which sea. fire to the city in several' places, causing
conflagrations which raged nearly all day. Report
says that Gen. ScymOor h as cut the Railroad line
between .Charleston and Savannah, by capturing
I’occmligobridge. A .despatch from Leavenworth
aays that Col. Philips, of the Indian Brigade, with
six hundred men, met Quantrell with one tlionsanU
men, In die Cherokee conntiy, and after a tight,
lasting Several hpum, completely defeated the
hcbels, who scattered in all directions, leaving
fifty killed and wounded on the field.
TUB luai't Kwbsd.—This in the title of a new
candidate/or public patronage, in the Magazine
line, published by Docon 4 Tatorson, Ttuladel
|>hia, and edited by Mr*. Henry Tetersou, Uiz
emphatically a lady's magazine, and well stored
with fashion plates, patterns, and instructions well
caicnlaMß to pietue Wl who may receive it.—
i«» 'contributors it numbers some of the
beat literary writers in the country, “Gabriel
W tike's jHejturn' - is a beautiful s'-eel engraving.—
Tl»e bwhioii plates are models of their: kind. We
are entirely pleased with the whole aflair and hc-
IKav it must soon become popular. Trice $5! per
annum, i
i , ,1
Foreign and Domestic Commerce
From the report of the Secretary of the Treasury
we learn that oor exports Of domestic produce,
during the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1863,
amounted t 05249,856,649, and that our foreign
Imports, during the same perjibd, were $262,287,-
687. These imports and exports are, of course,
exclusive of the pons and territory held under the
llebel nile. The following tables show the im
ports and exports since iB6o,'inclusive, More the
war commenced:—
[ ,
Year ending June 30ib, 1860,.
Year ending June 30th, ,1861 .
Year ending June 30th, 1862...
jYear ending June 30th, 1863,.
Year ending June 30th, 1860. ~.$316,242,423
Year ending Juhe 30lh, 1861......;.. 359,920,811
Year ending June 80th, 1862. 181,876,988
jYear ending June 30tb, 1863.' 249,866,049
; The imports, it will be seen,'reached their highest
figure in 1860, and the exports in 1861. The
year 1860 and the first half of the fiscal year 1861
embraced the commerce of the whole country, be
fore Secession had divided the North and South,
and brought on the war. The fiscal years of 1860
and 1861 were ‘remarkable for the amount of
breadstuff* shipped to Europe, in consequence qf
the failure of the crops, tint! the large export of
cotton and tobacco, and during those years the
exports nearly balanced the imports, In 1862 the
Jtnport* exceeded the exports $123,843,'836, while
in 1863 the excess of imports over exports was
only $12,430,938. Blitif thevalucpf the exports,
are estimated upon our paper currency, about one
third will have to be deducted to bring the exports
to the gojd standard of the imports,- which would
make the value of the'!exports, on that basis.
$166,604,432, leaving a balance iigninst us of
$96,683,15$ but this balance is $28,160,680 less
in 1863 than it was in 1862. :
During the whole of 1862 and 1803 (to say
nothing of, the fractional part of 1801) the exports
and imports, were confined exclusively to the loyal
States, and such jiorts in the ’South ips during that
time came again into the possession of the Gov
ernment. It will be seen, from the above figures,
that during the last year: the exports were within
$00,385,774 of 1800,-.when the exports of the
whole country, North and South, including cotton
and tobacco, were footed up in the account, and
that, too, in a year in which the exports reached
the highest figure ever known, except in 1801.—
This shows the growing prosperity of the loyal
Spates, even during the war, and proves that their
domestic exports are almost equal to the whole of
the country before the war, including “king” cot
ton and the lijbacco of the South, and this, too,
when there was no extra or special demand in the
European markets. And for the benefit of grum
blers in Europe, we may state that the imports
show nearly the same ratio. The difference be
tween the imports in 1860, when they reached
tl|eir highest figure, with the North nnd South to
gether, and 1803, with the .South oft', amounts to
only $99,878,007.
| The export of specie and'lmltion during the fiscal
yiar ending June 30th, amounted to $05,156,010,
and the amount imported was $9,555,048, leaving
a balance against us of $54,600,962.
The following table shows the exports of specie
add bullion since 1860, inclusive:—
Year ending June 30th,. 1860.. ~..... .$00,540,239
Year ending June 30th, 1861. .i 29,791,080
Year ending June 30th, 1802.,i....... 36,880,950
Year ending June 30th, 1803..; 64,150,010
From the year 1863 nlust be deducted nearly
10,000,000 inqxirted as above stated. It has been
supposed by some people that the increase in the
export of specie and bullion in 1803 over export of
1802 and 1801 has, in a great measure, caused the
great rise in the price of gold, but when we con
sider that the increase over 1802 is only $17,713,-
900, the amount appears too small to’ make very
much difference, but by no means such a difference
as i has ruled in the market dnripg the past year.—
The export of specie and bullion, it will be noticed,
Jvas greater in 1860 than last year, and it is less
in 1863 than it was in nearly every year since
1855 down to 1861 ; and besides during nearly nil
that jieriod it was freely used in all our business
transactions. The gold mines arc within the
Union now as they always have been, and the in
crease in the export appears to keep pace with the
products of the mines as heretofore. The years
1861 and 1862 are exceptions,: because the’ war
during those years had greatly depressed com
merce of all kinds. ■ ’
The Cold Weather,
i.oi'isvii.i.K. Dec. 31, 9 P. M.—Thermometer
is 15 degrees above zero, and! falling rapidlv.—
Barometer 29-22, and rising rapidly. At fonr'this
P. M. the barometer stood at: : 2B-95. A severe
snpw storm, with violent wind from the north
west, commenced at dusk. The thermometer fell
thirty-five degrees in five hoilrs.
Cincinnati, Jan. I.—Clear , and cold At 0
A ■ M. the mercury stood at seven degrees below
Chicago, Jan. 2. —The weather is intensely
cold. At nine o’clock this morning the thermom
eter stood at 28 i degrees below zero. No trains
left for the East or West last night, and none
arrived to-day. All the roads are blocked up with
snow. : , ;
New YouK, .Jan. 2, Midnight.—At this hour
the wind is blowing a tlortherly gale, and the
iheTnometor stands at 10 degrees' above zero.
. .'■t. Louis, Jan. 2.—Very little business has
beep transacted to-slay, on account of the weather.
Since the heavy snow storm ;of Thursday the
weather has been intensely cold, the mercury haring
fallen to 24 degrees below zero,; which is unparal
leled in this region. All the railroads leading out
pf t re city are blocked up with snow, and no trains
have arrived or departed for two days. The river
is cl osed, and - this morning teams passed over on
the ice. A large number of cattle and hogs have
been frozen to death.
-CFFAi-o, Jan. 2.—Two hundred feet of the
gara Falls road, near this city, has Ireen washed
y. No cars have left the depot here since
rsday. Trains, however, are running from
:k Bock to the Suspension Bridge. Business
in t le city is almost entirely suspended.
'I he worst of the storm is now over, although it
is si ill snowing this evening.. The weather is in
tensely cold- The thermometer at midnight on
the djst .of December stood at -1 deg. above zero.
Las: evening it was 5 deg. below zero, and this
morning at 9 o'clock it was 9 deg. below. Tele
graphic communication with tlic West Is inter
rupted. " :
Evans’ bridge, in the lower part of the city, has
been carried away,
IsDiANAPOi.ts, Jan 2. —jA ; severe snow storm
prevailed on Thursday and Friday, and railroad
travel is almost entirely suspended'. The weather
is intensely cold, the mercury indicating twenty
degtjees below zero, The Thirteenth and Thirty
fifth: Indiana regiments arrived here to-day, having
re-enlisted as veterans. The; Sixtieth New York
reached here to-day en route home. Four Uobel
prisoners were' frozen to death iri the cars en route
irbnj Jeffersonville to Chicago, oij Thursday night.
EftTßAonotsAßy Flight of a Lover.—We
have liSand Of wonnderful fish stories, but the fol
lowing flying rumor, from the Journal de Constan
tinople, must, for the pn&ent, lantt off the banner
•for Excelling in the marvellous: 1 Two young men,
it is said were travelling in a carriage’, and dis
cc«ve|-ed an enormous bird hovering' in the air.
They fired ȣ the strange creature, and on its de
scend intothe water they discovered it was a man
withl an enormous pair of witlgs. They took him
into their boar, and found him very slightly injured.
His cxplanation was that ho had invented the
winds, and was ip the habit of flVing from Anti
gontj to Flati, to visit a young lady with whom he
was deeply enamored, hut whose “ cruel parients"
would not permit her to nnirry hftn. Aftei this
Herd nod Leanaec ore eclipsed, and the exploit of
Byron swimming across the Hellespont j s outdone
by tfte flying swain of the Bosphonu,
Free Labor for the South.
It may seem a little singular that sentiments like
the following, which we take from the New Or
leans JEW, should be published as far South as
Louisiana. Of course it is only very recently that
such a tiling could take place, hut its occurrence
now is an unmistakable indication of the direction
and progress the sentiment of the South is taken.
Iris "a proof, and with, others conclusive to onr
minds, that a loyal South can only be re-established
ii|ion an anti-slavery or nulieul basis, and to that
result things are rapidly tending. a great
deal of sound philosophy in the extract from the
■Era, which we give below :
“ I* has generally been believed, heretofore, that
the destruction of slavery would impoverish the
South, But this is one of ttie popular errors which is
destined to be overthrown by the war. The value of
slave projierty was mainly fictitious ; for, with the
money expended by i lie planter in feeding and
subsisting his slaves., smart business man would
have procured as much, and perhaps more wo*k bv
paid and willing labor. After the slaveowner hail
paid Itis thousand or fifteen hundred dollars for his
negro, he must feed and clothe him ; and the ex
|xmse of this would about balance the. work lie got 1
out of him. Consequently, the use of this thou- !
sand or fifteen hundred dollars was about the same
as thrown awhv; and if the negro died or ran off
and eseaped, it was gone wholly. There are cer
tain principles of common sense that hold good the
world over; and spine of these have been, verv
strangely overlooked by the advocate of slave labor.
Nothing is more-self-evident than that a man will
labor more willingly, heartily, efficiently, with the
prospect of wages than he will under a whip, with
out such prospect. The negroes do not form an
exception to this rule. Enslaved and treated as
.-brutes, possessing neither the feelings, the holies
nor the rights of human lioings, they necessarily
become sluggish and debased, mid shirk their task
as much as possible. Nothing else could be ex
pected ; human nature would be false to herself if ,
the result were different. But, treated as a hTmiun .
being, and properly remunerated for Ins toil, the i
negro becomes an effective and willing laborer.
Experienee is establishing this truth on the planta
tions of Louisiana every day. A planter who loses
one hundred negroes may complain that he has
lost fifty thousand dollars hut he will learn, if he
goes to work properly, that he bus really lost
nothing. His plans and business may suffer dis
arrangement for a year f but if he will try the free j
labor experiment fairly, his supposed loss’can work .
him no further harm.” !
The Rebels can't get over General Averiil's
h/illiunt mill ; like caustic it touched u tender sjajt,
and is still eating into their flesh. They were
completely oiit-witled and out gene-ruled hy Avcrill,
and in considering over the matter at their leisure,
they are indignant, thrums and ludicrous hv turns.
A writer in the Richmond I'lxamint/' of the 28th
holds forth in the following vein;
Here commences the reign of Major-Generals
and military science. Major-General Juhal A.
Early came, Major-Gen. Fitzhugh Lee came.
Brigadier-General Walker came. Brigadier Gen- i
eral Thomas came. Their stalls came. Thev all
took a drink. General Early took two. Briga
dier-General Wickham came. Colonel Chambliss, . ... .
commanding'brigade, came. Thev smiled also ’ i, „ r ,
The whole matter is summed up in a couple of i uti , n ,/w? Marxia L-Jiomance in
sentences A van II was ncnnwl \i,.r-T. 11,e Washington Jie/mbhow, cotn-
Echols and Jacksoli at one gate, Lee and Imtoden 1 f f I Ne ' v . York sa .' -s :
at the other. Some ass suggested he i."ight i r, *t, autlM,r ol ,he ar K ' e °"ght to kuu «- hy this
by jumping down the ivetfand coming out in 1 ‘ court marttals do not always arrive at
Japan ■ i e co to Knchannn I." '! . toneet conclusions. For instance, not nmnv davs
1 eS-! Si,,re “'“on reached the Fresidcnt that'a
He did not jump in; ! i' o '!",* ma "’ t 0 ,hc lU ™> of the Botothae,
Meanwhile the Yankees coollv came uu the i b -v cu “« ««»?“• <° he shot for
vallev, through -Edensburg New' Market un to ! f Csertlo "' I . he bo - v doolIU!j to '•>« >» “ few
Harr’isonburgh, within twenty-five miles of Stiun hour " ", he " tlla dispatch was received. No time
ton—“ these head-quarters. 'L'h “was heading I ° ■ A t f gmm «“• senl to Gc, “ ;ral
the lion in his den. Juhal took the field at the 't * d< l- su 'f K:uJju S the execution. An cxamina
head of Company Q| and a pam ol substitute men ; !°" T? T ? rde T 1 b - v tbe PresM ««. " b ™
farmers and plmvbovs. called' ■■ home guards ’: ! " as ll '' certa,ned that the young man ought to
The Yankees got after him, and the “ Maior-Geu : l,av< T l, ? Ln P>‘oinoU‘d long ago lor gallant and
eral Commanding” lost his hat in the rac™ The ‘"“"TT m^ad , of bei ”B shot. It ap
last heard of him he was pursuing the enemy with fl""" 1 T “‘"T ‘w m . arcb of th< ; All “. v °f the
part-of his division-footmen after I, 1 on *• occasion of
line prospects of overtaking them somewhere in ,1" “ fil>t "T lu)rt l ' ,aud ' the - voun b’ mill) alluded
China, perhaps about the* “great, wall.' The :. übccamu exhausted, and fell out ofthe ranks, and,
Yankees were retreating towards the “Devil Hole-” r* K>l T 10 rec°\ered, lie pi-oceeded on after his
Early bound for the same place They did very , L f’ ,l ‘ jt f 'nding it. and there being no
little damage in the Valiev. * * 1 10 lie . fcll " ,t0 the ranks of another regi-
Here is a mar'll Tlu’ „« i x* i ■ mt * n ’ an “ bought gallantly at South Mountain and
eon.m-r werl . ™ in .he las. named
ds, blunderers. A Get.eral of d.AWon wJSen SCnt t 0 a b ? s l ,,ta1 ’ " bid . b J'
era! Robert E. Lee to plan and put him in the 're ud d, f ° nffi C S ‘ em m SHCII fT' dld r,ot
tight place does well Visa. l.V Lw,i.i , t . 11 -“ h the ofheers of lus regiment. At last he was
e^ecuU TT* T “ Ld was
Longstreet at Suffolk tnd Knoxville or Juhal ; ' 0 "' b - v ‘ lle tnjerlcrence of the
Early at Staunton. i , , m ’ bls llb " aa and a young man,
nastily condemned to an ignorainidus death, was
l suddenly restored to honor.
1 aroeei* Yankee Prisoners.—Many of uur
readers will be astonished to learn, says the Rich- I A a \ r-
moml iJisjxUvh of the 28th, that there are now in £j PHR PRR CRNTAGE
this city four hundred paroled Yankee prisoners. : MV WfTVtw •
who for causes known to thmselves, have deserted • 1 1311 AlN(j * ( >LR
tl»; Stars and Stripes," renounced Lincolns rule, ; CLOTHING FROM FIRST HANDS
and taken the oath of allegiance to the Con- 1 • liAjNUb.
federate Government. Four hundred men ~rima ' 17TTINGER & TUCK, Manufacturer
_/aue alien enemies, because natives of the land of * of ami Wholesale nmUteiail dealers in Keady-mnde
wooden nutmegs and red onions turned loose in clot, .* ,n tf- ,' vowW respectfully invito the attention of the
the very Capitol of the Southern Confederacy ami ; pl v , V c v^- tU * ri,li .- )winK facts hi leferen. oto their stock.
° f “ "' orj!i 0t :up iK °" r I* 1 ."in jtTJI. rt n r'ini ni Ua t o
tumor that til©} 'Mil not take up arms against US, MiperviMon. and wo know they are well made aui can be
or give information to our enemies. Some of ' vnrrantc ' l
them may he sincere symjiathizers of the South:! EQUAL TO THE BEST
hut is it not a short sighted policy in the Govern- [ “ n ‘* superior to tin- largest quantity of Kcndv-made cloth
ment to take the chances of having a Yankee armv '"*? ‘’.'A' ", lllrktt -.
thus created in oar midst, and hv our own consent v" 1 , . lUV onr Ckiths directly from tin- Importers and
to aid in thus striking down ?^SSSi£r tm * r ~ wvo I>er - put
of the>e men declare they Ht*d. their ’country to y«d. Wesell our Clothing at a reasonable percentage
escape the Lincoln draft. What are thev to do , "Jcie- ‘’° rt Jy»fo«r Cloths, thereby saving the purchasers
here 9 Arc their to ho Tonseri mod . u -m ?i ° ♦ of . Cl \ >t,u, ‘? the percentage which must be added by those
, * “b'y to OU conscripted ; Will they not -who buy from second hands to sell again. We retail our
assert our army f Surely, that deserts the : Clothing at the same price which other merchant* pay
sendee of his own country, will not prove more ■ )r 1 , wh^ le#lftl0 ’ consequently those who buv from
» “■ if ” i
not to go uuo the army, what are they to do ? ’ P^ r rentage.
Kill clerkships and positions of artisans,'and thus have branch Stores in \
he placed in tKwsession of all the secrets of the ! ALTOONA AND JOHNSTOWN
MSJS : as«a* ts - —■■— : -
were to organize for the purpose, they could seize c Jf ' ln . y I""™®” •“>" been told, or imagines, tliat Tuck’s
President Uavis on anv night agreed uuon and Lm'iATi'-"; 1 ’ u ‘■hisymi out," lot such person drop
Ldbre resistance: cpnUTbe made, off ! SttStSST*'* Btre *
into the Yankee lines. Wholesale House, .Vo. 702 Market Street. fhihidcluhia
Dec, 2,1803.—-tf. F
The Battle ok Chickamauga—Cincinnati, TXT- .
Jan. 4.—General Kosecran’s official report of the j VIC tOl'y WOH 7
battle of Cliicltamanga, is published to-day, to-'TpHE Subscribers wn.,1,1 >e n
getber with tbe rcply of General Thomas L. Wood I antuut to ?he chiLus u ? ai. rcS Pf tf ully
to a portion of it. General Kosecrans attributes I that .they Imre just returned from the EaatVith their" I**' 1 **'
the gaps opened on the line of battle through ' F \LL \\ I) \VI \’TCft inf rtf
which the rebels poured, deciding the fortunes If OF
the day adversely to Us, to Wood’s erroneous con- HATS & CAPS
elusion that obeying the order to close un on fien. i -ROO’T'Q jd~- cfCTz-tum
Reynolds, he had to withdraw from the line and Their stock of t-r a r rsi «. m
to the rearpf Geneml Brannon, ; looted with 4h C m ?nhm!| aU
ft ood, in reply, shows that Brannan was in line ' *b? “ay favor them with their patronage Their line nr
between his and Reynold’s Divisions, and that he ’ B ™ ta . aD ,
could not obey the order to support the latter with- I
out withdrawing and. passing in thereat of Bran- : for Ladles and hisses, are Just the
nans Division, and that the order being peremptory : weather and saving health ' ,
and urgent, he had po discretionary power: anil ■ ?hn ,m 'l ~c - B>r .*i le,r patron**,
simply obeyed orders. The points to be
clearly made against Kosecrans. Hotel. SMIT'J a mav^?*
AlUmmih, Muy 12, : JSU3. * * ‘
Mammoth Cjiicaoo busi- XTK V PAMTf V Ft ntrif PorTvi
ness enterprise of Chicago is truly gigantic Tlie Pd o, ' Ll ' V AAMID X J'i.Ul U, FROM
Chicago Dock Comjmnv,' inco^S'with a R,Wayti 0,1
cnjjital stock of ,000,000 in slmres of $lOO each, ~
purpose to erect an immense warehouse, 000 feet XT JiW bIOCK OF BOOTS & SHOKS
hv SO broad, five stories high, situated on the river, *“ r '*‘‘ n i4ni ' B«y», Ladies and Misses, jnst rec'd at
with a dock Iruilt of £BO feet, besides two slips of BAUGhMan 1
COO feet oitcji. The (of is 800 feet by 700, and the
tracks Jrota rsOlroadapcotre in the ware.." A-ORLEBUatkd JUtar HA^
house. Cost of Jot and budding, $178,000. The or »»*» a * 'mT^HET’g
warehouse will have Storage capacity for 275,000 ! -
barrels of flour, iuvl a hoisting apparatus that will
lift ami (lejsisit I.4tK>'barri*l« of flour |K*r hour.
General Averill’s Raid,
We quoted, on Saturday, thesiiagnlar acknowl
edgment of the Richmond IV/dy, | which, whether
stated in irony or bitter despair,! is none the less
essentially true — i ‘ Slavery has stabbed itself to
death.”. The gods wished' to destroy it, and ren
dered it road; and in the ravings bfits insanity it
inflicted its own death-wound. Had the South
chosen to obey the Constitution and laws, vears
would have been added to years tielore slavery
would have been ' abolished. 1 The Republican
jiarty, acting-in Congress, might have kept it nut
of the territories, nud remanded its encroaching
spirit back within its own limits; hut there it
would have been sacred from all outward interfer-
much, as the best friends of the South have
always thought, to the detiiraint of even- State
that maintained it. Theovert act of rebellion signet!
its death warrant, and slavery, ns a system, defied
the proclamation of the President; or rather clam
orously called it down upon its already devoted
I/ms, meth|>horically, at last,; slavery has com
mitted suicide, by falling, as 'did: the Neroes and
Caliguias of the Roman empire, upon their own
swords, when the great doom had come. That
A ' e should see it in this light is not jierhaps very
remarkable; but the South is beginning to have
its eves opened also. North Carolina is awaking
to the great conviction. The Raleigh Standani
and the Raleigh Prw/ress conic out in favor of
President Lincoln’s recent amnesty proclamation,
and the North Caroling rimes advises the people
to accept i:. European Governments, at first in
clined to regard the Rebellion favorably, now give
it the cold shoulder. Let us say, in summary,
that whatever may happen, slaverv is dead ? beyond
hope .of resuscitation; and that the death blow is
no work of Noiihern abolitionists; no edict of onr
Executive has achieved it. Its death warrant was
sounding in the booming notes of the cannon that
opened on Fort Sumter, and the final blow was
dealt by the hands of those who conceived and
wrought out this Rebellion, the most atrocious
treason to be recorded in history.
Emigration in 1863.—The total number of
emigrants who arrived at the port o( New York
during the past year was 1 0').223: during 1802
the number was’ 76,300, making a difference of
80,017 in favor of last year. This speaks well
for the reputation of our’country abroad and the
Tnion cause of the North. Notwithstanding we
are engaged in a civilwar, in-putting down the
most gigantic rebellion the world ever saw, yet
such is the confidence of the people of Eurojie’ in
the strength and stability of out Government and
the unlimited resources of the country, that they
dock to our shores almoNt like bees swarming to a
hive filled with honey. If is the land of bread and
meat, the land of liberty, and the land where in
dustry meets with a fair reward. The following
table shows the nationality of the emigrants, and
the number which arrived at New York during
each month of the year 1863;
Inland. Germany. England. Scotland.
1.24 S 1.023 4hO 54
1.029 ’ 2SB 290 ly
3.229 1.004 470 42
12.220 1.065 1.448 145
10.520 4.190 2.241 111
11.012 4.140 • 1.908 140
10.80 S 5.2yl 2.390 276
9.370 3.376 1.900 248
5,425 4,081 a.ysB 101
9.2119 4.580 2,271 314
5.808 3.453 1.045 154
5.998 2.035 1.384 220
Totals, 92.081
tionn ju*t rwpiwd nu«| for*alpbv
,5 - ,r .' iJ. ii. mi.KMA.-x
3*,230 18,202
Patented October 13th, 18(13.
Back for
Dark Bloc.
Light Bitr.
French Blue
Light Brtacn.
Snujt Wr.iu'H.
Dark l>rah,'
Light itinb,
h\iH.-u Oral*.
Light fhim itrah
Kor'dy«-ihg Silk.’ Woolen and jlixt-d Guod«, Shards* Scarfs,
brtwHt**, Kibbous. Humict*. Hats. Feathers.
Kid Gloves, Children** Clothing* mid all
kinds of Wearing Apparel.
For 25 cents yuo can cidor as many gooils as would nth*
erwi»«p co*t five times that; sum. Various shade* ettu be
produced from ibe same dye. The process is simple and
any one sau use the dye with perfect success. Directions
iu English. French and Gorman. ho tdo of sack package.
Fur further information in D eing, and giving a perfect
knowledge what colors are: heat adapted to dve over oth
ers. (with nkany valuable receipts,) purchase Howe i Bte
veim T**e»tbo on Dyeing and Coloring. Sent by mall on
receipt of price—lo cents. Manufactured by
200 Broadway, Boston.
For sale by druggists and dealers generally.
Nov. 18, 1863/—ly.
ustie'w i;irm i
T • inform the people ;of Altoona and yjciuity that
we un* just receiving a very largo and flue supply of
just bought in Fhiiudelpbiii fur CASH, ami at reduced
prices, and are determined to dispose of them at the
smallest possible advance.
Our stock of DHESS GOODS tor the Winter is now
complete, consisting, iu part, of a.full line of
Black Silks, French Merinos, Drab and
, Figured Alpacas, Wobl Delaines, Figured
And Plain Puramettos.aud an entire new
Style of figured Delaines.
Woolen Shawls, Cloukihg Cloths. Hoop'Skirt*. :
Balmoral Skirts, very cheap; a full niid
Complete line of Wtailep ami Cotton Hosiery
And Gloves. Wo also invite specialattention
To our slock uf Doine*tio Goods, of which we
Have a full iiue. such as Prints. Ginghams,
Muslins and Sheetings, Red, Urey and White
Shirting, Canton Flannel'. &c., at or near old
Prices. Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys*
Wear; Ladies. Misses and Otdhiiens’ Gaiters.
Fine and heavy Morocco and Goat Shoes. '
We also received a choice lot of Groceries,
Such a« Coffee, Sugar. Teas, Syrups. 4c.. and
A Jjevv and liuudf.omestock of Queenswarc.
Selected expressly for this market.
* ttjguWecall the especial attention of.all -to the fact
that we are now selling all kind' of goods at the fuwest
murhr.t price*, strictly fur etj*7i, rtgunilejig of what they
Otsl Us.
41*^ Sincerely thanking the public for the liberal pat
ronage heretofore bestowed; We most respectfully Invite
everybody, and particularly oar friends, the' Ladies, to
call at the MODKL and secure bargains while they are to
he had. {] JOHN LOWTIJER 4 CO.
Choice Family Groceries,
will save money: by calling at the
Grocery, Flour and Feed Store of
Corner oi Clara and Virginia Streets, in the store room
known as Johnston Moore’sl
The highest cash prices w.UI be paid for Flour, Feed, and
all kinds uf country produce.
Altoona. Pa., Nor. 4th, 18Q3. [3 hi.] • '
Now that the season fur 1 donning heavy winter gar
ments is at hand,
would inform the public tbulhc’i.s prepared to supply
all who muy call with u new suit of winter clothing, at
prices us low hs Any- iii the country.
A,lt who give him * one cull are-sure to call again* and
becojiu- permanent customers.
I am now selling
Block Cloth Coats
and everything else in proportion.
Reeling sure that- lean render full satisfaction to all
wuu may give .'me their patronage. I request an examin
ation x>f my stuck and prices. [l)ec. 17 18GC.-tf
V'i nusoloners of Blair county, will offer for sale at the
HSTJ," I J olliJ ayel>“rg, on .Monday. Juikary ?Sth,
A. D 1804, the following Tracts of Unseated and Seated
blinds : which tracjts were legally purchased by the Com
msjlouers at different Treasures’ Sales, mid have been
held the lime required by law and have not been redeemed
-V. (>jf Acre.!. /Vr. Ilbrmn(e«r sYorae. Vmnsllip.
: Householder. Allegheny.
■Wo ll>cbnr<l Nolciiian, •» v
. ??■ V , Pt < ‘U, Blain. •
.1 •; "* ‘ i paatelKlmldet, Vrankstown.
' 2“ / Jcwn Ibompson. Oieeufiebl/
«« !• Llieneezer Bmtiliam.
: * John Martin, ;
•WG ; Win. Pierce. .. ’•
: W’J ; Wi son Hunt,
John Taylor.. ;
•Wo Rol>ert Hugh, - u
iZi William Bennett.
,J ; karmic! Santee, Huston
r/Vim" ~ , nJ' r , our hands “t tile Commissioners Office,
Hulliduysburg, Decemqer 6tli. A. D., 1863 ’■
Attcft: J
Jos, Barnaul e, CW. ID«. il, 1503.-31.
: OITfcMKNT among the people of Altoona a»«1
ciHity THE; SECOND DlfAFT—not so much about
hlf Bra /n <W J’r "I»kiiig the Thru Hundred la pan numn.
the lK™^ 0 ' Lpt shuoBe5 huo8e .™ther to ataj at S
thdr lives in W "r* ll N^ w To > Mn t K h ?he ‘.l^
stree*, East A 1 toons, kept by GETS * CO., they win
in a short time. They hate just recoiveda large and well
selects! stock of DRV GOODS AND OBOCPfti PS • ,
they selling for Cash st the fewest Uvffigpr^s’
A feign assortmvut of LADIES’ COATS AND CIRCU
LW’ ™e*“K Price fhm *4JO to Jla.OO.
fiu?t 0f lf l“ I’ nbllc “ particularly drawn to the
fsct Omt they arc selling Browit and White Muslin
" ori \" K'rA'V-llnrdsund Music in Juuuar. W
if- 9f, A , IIK S SCHOOL VOLUME Vlil
all “"r , 1 aTori,< ‘ Monthly Tin older to roach
MLSdtaolß, win scad the VislTO* one year m-uh't to uue
unittai owit*i. Tiiisis ;iu mipsraHplledoflVr.
Address, with ttrii Cents enclosed, for particulars -
i . DA ™ u ADAV, Publisher,
1 ’ I3IK Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, pa
of BJlafr county
ELIZABETH Dot'Ull EKTV, | N,, .VI, April Term feta,
AAU( X DOUOHKKTY j Libel for Divom.
Tlie uudertigned' having been artwlnted by the Court, a
eommpßslonerdo ta(je testimony in Hie above states! ea»e
hereby gives notice that he will examine witness arid faTe
testlmoiw. In pnrsnanye of said «p£)iulraent,at thtj Office
of John W. Humes. Kao., in the Borough of Altahra, In
said O'Mihtv,; on the 9th day of January, A. D, 1884--he
tA'een the hunts oi 9 ucloclt in the forenoon ami 5 6’eioelr
in tho.afterno. , n. , AUO. S, LAND! it,
Altciolin. Pec. 17. 18113-31.) - fbmmfsi*-
ShonMi-r IlrHd*« Cur bhlb # t
Ulf | ' ’ '<• W. KKSSI.Krt'S,
t Grttn.
i Pnrft/e.
A:,, ! lre f T«nio, corrective
wumlcrfuVefficacy in ,IK-n» l .„ rt i; ( .
Cuns H..spe|,sia, U„. r C.Mni.laint,
iviMl.ty, UepMsOau „ r Spirit. t\,
■itiou, folk-. Intermittent Fevers, Cramp,
a,„l all Complaints of either
arising from BnUily Weakness, , v!1 ,.,|„,
inherent in the system or pr0,1,„-e,i
l»> special caum'K
Notuisu that is uot wholesome, gnu ,1 , VM t
in its nature emt>n. into tli, composition „i liosn'.T.''’'
STOMACH BITTKUS. This popular '
no tumoral of any kiu.l; no .loudly botanic-.! ""
fiery excitant! but it is a cuuhimitim, t |„ ...
rare baUamic barb, and pluuts with ,1... purw , „„ "
vat of till diffusive BtiiuaUu(». ‘ 11
It is well to be forearmed' .h,,-.,,,.
(he bumuit system oau be rot... u,| i,v " ”
a *“! in “ maladies eug.-udored by „„üb,de..„„. T"”
-pbero, impure water and oth.-c ~,.I'"''
guiuM. ' “ 1 ;| Ml ’
lit districts infected with De.ter u/oi dyer, it ),,,,,
found infallible as a preventive a..d irresistible as Vi.""
dy. and thousands who resort to it under apprehension '.V
an attack, escape the scourge; and thousands wii,. .
to aval, themselves of its protective .|naUtie> ia mi, 15 m
are cured by a very brief course of this nu.rvilou. uT';
*®"T and Ague l.alieuls, alter being
.lumiue for mouths tit vain, until fcirlv '
that dangerous ulkalold. are Dot uuiretiueiitiv re V T ‘
by the use
The weak stomach is rapidly invigorated uud ,v„.
tite restored by this agreeable Touit. and li.-ii.v ii , T
w-ottders to cases of Uxsmsu ami in less eoutiruici J, k ‘
of lsniu««iox. Acting as . gentleand pam;”,,» pp.. “
as Weil as upon the i.ver, it also invariably relbL Vi
“nporiudueeU by irregular a.-tion oi U e
get*ti\e and secretive urgaus.
Persons of feeble liabit, liable tuAVrtvus Attacks I ™
°f Sptrttt and Pits o/eLanguar , hud
ueut tl.e Bitters. The testimony „„ ti.T, "
W m«**t coudusjve. and froiu butb *ex*s.
The agony ul.Bu.uoud Cuiiic it> immediately jw Hued >,t
a mugle Ju« uf the !ttimulai\t, aud by occasiomu.r L.m
ing to it. the return of the comjdaiul may bo
,V“ Tonic. UOSTtIWI! BmffiprSL
effects which must he experienced or witnessed |„. 101 ,
they can be fully appreciated, iu emus, of
Hcukwts. J rtmature Decay and Debility ami Deer. ~,
lude arising from Old Aut. it exert u»e«*‘ the elei-trii-,
ence. In Hm convalescent stages ol all diseases it „i„',
ates as a delightful mvigoraut. When the power- ,
Ushit 1 " relaX,Xl? “ operates to re-euforee ind ie.,1. 1
Lust, hut not least, it is The otity Site .Stimulant ben
manufactured from squad and inum materials .m
entirely tree from tite acid .•lenmut, present more „l 1,.,'.
in nil the ordinary tonics and stomachics of the day
So family medicine has been universallv. and. it,«
be truly added, Jcwmdty popular «ith 'the iulelli. , m
portion of the comuiuuitv. as Ho*TL’iTKB'S BJTTFnV
Prepared by JIOSTETTKK A SMITH. Pittsburgh. V',V
sold by all Druggists. Urocei> and Muivki-ener' i-v.-n
where. * ‘ 1 -
and Speed Remedy for diseases ..f the Bladder. Kidney,.
Gravel and Dropsical Swellings.
Ibis Medicine increases the power of Digestion, and , \
cites the Absorbents itito healthy, action, by u iiieli Uk
Watery or Cukereous depositions, and all Unnatural Eu
largements arc reduced, as well as Pain ,tt.d latlaminaiiou
... 87.00 to $20.00
... 2.0il “ 0.00
.... 1.2.'. “ 8.00
For Weak lie ha arising from Excesses. Habits of Uissiiu
tiou, Eeariy Indiscre loti of Abuse, attended with tbv f»l
lowing symptoms;— : 1 '
Indisposition to Exertion. Loss of i> o *>.
of Memory, Difficult) ol Umithiu.
Weak Serves, Ti-mldir*
Horror of Disease. W ,k, fi li„ -
UimacsH of Vision, i-»i u i,', ,u, ‘li.u k
Universal Lassitude of tlie Muscular System,
Hot Hauds, Flushing of the U.i.l)
Drjueas of tin* Ski« ; Eruptions on the Fai r.
' Pallid Countenance,
iitesit* tiymptoms, if go on. uhuh tin- iim
cine Invariably removes, soon follows
Impotency, futility,
in one of which the Patient may expire.
*> ho can say that they are not frequently followed M
those •* Direful Disuses,”
Many are aw*rt> of tlie cause of their suffer in*.
And Melancholy JJtuths by Consumption bear ample- an
ness to the Truth of the assertion.
The Constitution once ajjccUd wiOi Organic Ht'a/fU'--
requires the aid of Medicine to StreugtlA-u and humoral.-
the byatem,
which HelmboU>*s EXTRACT BECHf inrantiUj
A Trial will convince the moat »ke.prica)-
In many Ajfectiont peculiar Ltf i'emalrt ibe Kxrßo i
UVCUV Is uueijua.’ed by any other remedy, as in Chlunei
or Ketention, Irregularity. I'niuluintss, er SupitressU.n ..i
customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scin lions -tnl. ..!
tUc Uterus Eeuchorrhcea or Whites, sterility, and lie- all
complaints incident to the sex, wlsether arisine In
discretion. Habits of Dissipation, or in tin-
IMke no more Balsam, Mercury, or unpleasant M'dnna
Jor unpleasant and. dangerous durum.
lu all their Stages, At little K.M-en.-
or no chauge In Diet. No incuu-ui. uit
. ' Andno JCxposure.
It caus**# a ft-bquent decise anil gives atmigtb t>'lm
Mate, thereby Kemoviiig Obstructions. I'leveuthr,: am:
Coring Strictures of the; Urethra, aliasing Psjn aiul 1 n rliiiu
luatmn, eo frequent iu the class of diseases. und exi *
autfvtsonott*, Diseased ami womout Waiter.
jins or Quack#, und who have paid heavy fees ;«> be nnfl
I? .* ha T° f,,UDd tUoy were deceived, ami that
»« 2 ha«, by the use of ‘‘poweefilastbino ’
been dried up in the system. to break out in an
»ated 6)1 m, and perhaps after Marriage.
i UiM) ilsuißOL&’s Extract Bcchc for all affccUi'ii* altll
MaT’e 8AKY OKCA.NS, alietliwr .xWiug in
,^ A ‘® or fri>n > whatever caose uriciiiatmi: umi
uo matler of HOW LONG STANDING.
IP the aid uf u bitK CT
m'lJßm)!“ o^^TllA< <’ r HCCHUIS TIIKUKEAT
I '“^• bk ‘ taraf,rt
(' (|^l,' V>rt ’ <i to aay A <ldr»B«, "eruhdy packed from olisTta-
■ Or * cr il* ‘'&»plomiin all aiinmuiticM;,i.
Gvres Guaranteed] Advice Gratis:;
Addreas le(t«r« for Information to
H:B. HELMBOLD, Chemi-t.
' " ill
HeLMBOLB 8 brig and Oumteat IFarrA-.i-j..
»vur 594 B «OA\VAY, NEW YORK.
and * other** - SJ*?? wl,ror tu *’ °f ifm>
n , tte h,
neimujtfii n Genuine Preparations
--** Extract Btichn.
, 4 - Sat*R<vpiii IHa
. “ Improved Hiise Wwb.
ask eor everywhere.
fS, take no other
ont th« Advertisement and tend for it.
Genuine Preparations,
! S => , ; 'j , ■ .
fmM «•
raiBUNE to
il wiM*. witbiu the past two y
l,htu>n to aur estel»lit«hnm;t ia
, V Screw Pres*. Paper Cutler,
nittea *o**nk ‘ Power Wt***. *iu*l \
which w.- giv»* ah
.'•v.HitUe aoythiug »»» tit-- Uur
:1 4(y(u equal to any .vKlaititahttH
r , k ;,**»j4 equally Uw.
Wod4&o* (BviUUon. Visitiof,
■•••* Oiroularn, Fra
mammoth poster
■.BJ!W4. Alfj® IUBW
Pamphlets, Pay ant
manifests, and bean
All we ask j* a trial, iVt-lmg 0..
..ithfaclion if wt* have (heoppur
niWtv i*i Luwther's buildiag.
,i.- *uvt*ts, opposite SuperiaieuUt
Fvusishino Quotas.—A.
meet, Monday last, 4th last,
which a. district oottUl fill it
volunteers, but sipce the tine
until the loth of this month,
will te received mid credit.
Considerable fuss has I teen m
Kmnkbff county, in cousci]
havitlg filled its quota of
business with the Provost Mi
wo called on him at his oftict
Monday lost, and found biin
reiving the quota of I’orter t.
county. This township had
nish. The citizens went to
e-iuut money to jury each turn
making #4,200. The sane,
nished one colored recruit,
quota. As some expressed i:
in reserve, but us he insisted
iu” and pocketing his #9OO I
tiun of the township was thu
Good for Toner township,
have heard of, are being mad
hereabouts ; .those not subject
ing perfectly easy, and those
preferring to cake their cht
I.ugan township should have a
draft, if those interested elms
Oupt. Bell's cavalry compum.
taken out by Lieut. Blake, w
in the places named, and quit
were not liable to conscription
last.summer. All not cousci
j» conscription, whoenlistcd
placed to the credit of the di
Itelong, and they will lie so
l«rson furnishes the Provost
■otherwise we stand a good eh
i han our quote. This could !
writing to Capt. Bell and Lie
o list of the men recruited hv
tsf" “ The Oldest Itihabitai
lier a colder snap than that of
last. It was so cold, and the
it was difficult to tell wdethc
Railroading, on Friday nigh;
trains, was near about sewed i
to undertake d run from this
or Pittsburgh, We leant tic
■ came through on a freight tr:
on Friday night, was taken 1
yard iq this place, ou Saturdi
Frozen. that he was unable t.
lie"brake wheel, or to speak
:t lie American House and recc
Another liad his feet so badly
■off liis stockings part ol the i
mff witit them. A number hi
' in order to tender the sit tint
comfortable as possible, the i
" caboose" cars, in whickthcr
to be attached to freight train
an anicle headed -‘.The Cold
column, some idea may hp for
ture of the aimospltere out V
the ihennonieters varied- so i
two to twelve degrees delow
not tell exactly how cold it
occasion to be out for a half i
seen discovered that it was I
far, we had no inclination to
a time long to be rcmcmltercd
and oft referred to.
JiATUtiDAV Evemm; Post.
rthis old, popular and ever wc
—-whieb is now in its forty-th
in their prospectus for IBt»fc tl;
;'.aining for their weekly the I
already acquired gs a first ola
'They commence in the first ;
new Novel hy Mrs. Wood, auth
ic„ from advanced sheets, ex
them from England. In adi
written expressly for the /’i
strives to lay beforeits readers
the English periodicals, and |
the tales and sketches, more
Matter, with a Riddle, Beeeip
. Departments, every; week. T
person sending thirty suhscrip
sixty dollars, one of Wheelei
bra ted Sewing Machines, su
forty-five dollars.
• Terms $2 a ‘year. Two cc
of the Pont and one of the I.
Specimen copies of the ftd ■
,Deacon A Peterson, No. 31'.'
. Kuom Knoxville.—On
Tom id the letter to which we
The writer is » son of Jam
near Birmingham, Huntingd
'was not written for publicatu
it does, a plain and reliable
around Knoxville at a critic:
-of sufßclent interest to- gi'
columns. , ' .
®Biunioc«.—A protracte
progress in the Methodist Ct