\ 'HE Early Phyaioal litpaenoy of tt AMERICAN PEOPT.ff. JUST PUBLISHED BY DB. A. STONE to the Troy Lung and Hygienic Institute. Oocltoiof of Nww " DebUity, Odd ■"leeittflonnd be Mat byaeUan the receipt of two(S cent) *jp F»fl pot found andob »r*Uf°*.ip * eod »“ d gettdto book. •®° should At once secure a copy of -■1 Word of Soitmn Conscientious Advice to those toko will reflect. - * rtM *. 4>f yUdtoo prmll to a fearfal extant In the SSStaS: “ *•“' JS 0 - 000 yooth of both usu g£??Hg “ »«• diuauo.ro very Im psrticUy nndiritiKNl. Their external manitestatkfti. or IMtoou DebiUty, “** coaromption of the timom ot the body; shortness cf breathing or hurried breathing on eeocnding *hiU or flight of stairs; great ual gjjgfol 2**9* *?«***> Asthma, Bronchitis and Son Throat; shaking ef toe Hands aod limbs; aversion to so cwgTMd tohnafnees ;or study; dimness of eye sight, Idas pn*emory, djfTinse» of the Head, Nenmlgii ftUn to s*®*f lyu of thebqdy; Pains in the bask or limbs, Lmn frfft 4>yspepMa e^lndigeetioo 1 irregularity of the bowels, eecnetloos-nf the Kidneys and other glands lof w feopotTbosa or FleurAlbns, Ac. Likewise Epßapsy,Hyit«rla andNervons Spasms. Now In nioetydiiiaeoaeee oat of every one hundred, all ot the snore named disorders, and a host of others not named, ai Consumption of the Lungs and that most In udioos and wily form of consumption of the Spinal Nerves, knewn as Tabes Dorsal es, and Tabes mesenterioa. Jmw their seat and origin in diseases of the Pelvic Viscera. Hence the want of success on the part of old school prac tice in treating symptoms only. r Dr. Andrew, fltonh,'Physician to the Troy Long and Hy |We Institution, Is now engaged in tilting this elms of modern maladies with the most astonishing success. The.; teeatment adapted; by the Institution knew; it la besea upon scleonflc principles, with new discovered rem* edies * without minerals or poisons. The facilities of cure are inch. thatpatienU can be cored at their homes, in any pert of the country, from accurate descriptions of their caae, by letter; and have the medicines sent by Mail or express. Printed intorrogatories will be forwarded on an plication. •%» Consumption, Catarrh and diseases of the throat Honm-of the Patten** as at the Ip stUvtlde, oy sending the Cold Medicated Ishauss Bal» same Varo*a, with inhaler and ample directions for their use, |and direct coriaaMDdence. •S- Patients applying for interrogative* or advice, most * to,meet attention. *£.Tba attending Physician will be found at theln aiimtton .kr riiwiuttnn, from 9 a. XD. to 9p. m., each da*.’ -Sunday in theforenoon. Address DR. ANDREW STONE. Physician to.tho Troy Long and Hygienic Institute, and Phystolan fbr Diseases of the Heart, Throat and Lungs, 96 ««lh Troy, N. Y. Altoona, E. & H. T. ANTHONY, XAKCFACTUREBS OP PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, 501 BROADWAY, NKW YORK, CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. QO&O4UUK3UE now enbncu coliiidorabl y over Ibur TAotuaitd different subjects (to which additions ore coattonally.b*tog mads).of Portraits of Eminent Ameri cans .etcu,vla: ; 72 Major-GeneraU. 525 Statesmen, 190 jßrig.-Generals, 127 Divines, 265? Colonels, 116 Authors, 8* Lieut.-Colonels, 30 Artists, 207 Other-Officers, 112 Stage, SO Navy Officers, +6 Promin’nt Women I*7 Prominent Foreign Portraits. 2,600 COPIES OF WORKS OF ART, I !? lo vj5* reproductions of the moit celebrated Engra ving*. Paintings, Staton, Ac. Catalogue* sent on receipt of ftamp. -Aw order lor One Dozen PICIUCKB from our Ce^ejjM^Ubefilled on receipt of ffil.SO, and sent PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. Of thee we manufacture a great Tariely. ranging in price from SO cents to {GO each. Out ALBDMd have the reputation 'of being superior in headland durability to any others. The'smaller hinds can bvsen t safety by man at a postage of six cents per ok. The more expensive can be sent by express. We aleo keep a large assortment of Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. Oar catalogue of .then will be seat to aoy address on re ceipt of stamp. E. & H. T. ANTHONY. MANOTACTDRKRB OP PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, 601 Broadway, New York. Friends br raUareS of prominent military men will con fer a fevor by sending us their likenesses to copy. They will be keptrarafWy and returned anlnjaced. tINg ALBUMS MADE TO ORDER for Congregations to P r JJ»» t *» thsir Paston, or for other pnrposes, with •anaMa tnaoriptiooa, Ac. Aug. 18,1863-6 m. THE OTIOI FOREVER! GOODINEWSI J2J.ODFREY WOLF would respectfully cltiaena of Altoona and vicinity CLOTHING STORE, On Comer of Main and Caroline Streets, when ha will keep on hand a large stock of ready-made clothing eoneistittg of DRESS COATS, PANTALOONS, VESTS, OVERALLS. KNIT JACKETS, Ac., at Phliadel phfat prices. f „. ? 1 , ; hats & caps: AbWV-aJailte said varied stock of hats and caps which it win be to the advantage of all to examine before pnr chasinceleeWhers. Also, a See stock of Gents-Fnrnish- Detesmtinedto sell,! ham marked my goods at the rary lowest figure*, and feel confidant that all wUI be quality of my stock. QONyiiOXIONERY rpHE SUBSCRIBER WOULD IN JL ! FORM the cltfxenrof Altoona and vicinity that his « VP clothing in the fashion, and to la manner that can not fail to prove satisfactory It has passed into a proverb that • y 11 ™ Belford’s the very man that can make, ; Clilthes to the fashion, Wrong and cheap; All that have ever tried him yet, Say that lie really cant be beat. ii^*S r . t . he .P , “ 8 > Virginia street, first door above Jaggard’s Hall. Altoona, Pa. [Aprll IT , , 62 _ HARDWARE! gpgslig SrtApl-ES J. MANN, i tN FOREIGN and DO. XJ MESTIC HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE, BROOMS, WINDOW SHADES, UPHOLSTERING GOODS. DOOR MATS, SHOE FINDINGS, MOULDERS- TOOLS, 00 " IK «“»»»< BIRD CAGES AND WIRE GOODS, l-UTTV, WHITE LEAD, AC, AC. WUiDOW OLASS - Go ‘ x * B in hi» line will be fur pltaed at short notice, and at low rates for cash. -iiS re ® a * Din » »tock of DRY GOODS on hand will be o7fh“ffi.°, W PrICM - "■ order *» J^M™%£l‘lZ£ egn,>h roaa ' r CU “"-” rjTTHE UNDERSIGNED RESPECT- “tep'r tLe P° blio ““‘ he »U.' 300 T & SHOE STORE,* nu!r e ,g”?* r Sf nt L I * cu P ied by Roberts ■ ® ie bn **he«» heretofore carried in the fatnfe. be In the namebfJOTN m«trf U con,rt,lu ‘'- v <» hand; a complete assorl „ Boots Sz> Biioes, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, &c , &c., &c. at fair prices and warrant to be o *** particular attention CUSTOM WORK, Sii* warrants to give entire satisfaction, as he JBBSSaswsssafe 1 Oct. 10 1862-tt. JOHJV H. ROBERTS. jCt ROOBRIES AMi PROVISIONS *«. Dcßtoet, Orapa, PrinU, Crapt and SUOa ShatoU. JHmNOoe, Vnderdeaa and Botierg, Bomea and Bibtmu, CbOart, Sand. terckitft.Kid CTaew,SoaptdSktrU,Bkirt itlg, Loot Situ, Nm - 1 “d 2 mixed, u ran anted, 8. Jago.Spanitb, Canaster, Turkish. CHRWINO.—P, A. L„ or plain, Cavendish, ° r w W ? t ’ Be»»ted Oronoco, Tin Foil CarendlaK^ ° f PriC " W ‘ U “ D ‘ ° B ‘PP Uc * tlon - WM. S. BITTNER Dental Sua?geon. /OFFICE IN MASONIC fc. \ / next door to the Office. • • Dr. B. would respectfully inform the citisena Of Altoona and snrrodndlng country, that he is prepared to insert ARTIFICIAL TEETH! from a single tooth to afnll set, in the moat superior style,. OJV BOLD, SILVER, OR VULCANITE BASE. .JK, T'SjiS? th * Rentage of all persons defiling 40 ®* n lt hl * °® ce before going elsewhere, lf JJ.LZ'?! 11 ch «Pi«M. beanty or dnrabflfty. wl i l HolUdayebnrg and rlclnlty when hi* eerrtees are desired. [Feb. 17, iSeS-tf. ANDREW ECKEL, DIALER Hf Tobacco, Cigars, Snnff, Pipes, &c., &c., Anpie streetj AUeona, Pa., and McKeatft Qid Stand . Montgomery tired, Pi. * A GENERAL ASSORTMENT XJL of good. In hi. line conetully on hud It the loweet ca.li price,. . [Feb. 7,1863. SM. WOODKOK,' " " • A TTOBNgT-A T-LAIK Will practice in the aereral Jnfi’r sssttsxsp*- offl “° n *s9&ss&si Feb. 3,1883-tf. ' A regular meeting of the Month, in the Connell ’Room. Jf Ti { nfmf, 01 *“ h Ju. Lowtnot, t'IiABADBH, Becn>Ur y- fMay 15-’62] Pre,lid,i, “- /'IREAM CRACKERS! Afresh sud- ISueat * of them deilciun. crackers Jnet recelred andl£ : ——L. FRITOUEY’B YOU WANT A HAT OR CAP, cheap or dne i—go to tAWHOON* 5 s wsally selling 1 the heirt Brown Sugar iVAltoi** at cent*. R. A. 0. KERR, ALTOONA, PA., \ Agent for Blair & Huntingdon Counties. These machines are aumit to be the beat ever offered to the public, u.j their superiority is mtlefectorfly established by the feet that in the last eight years, s OVER 1,400 MORE of these Machines have been sold than of any other man ufactured, and more medals have been awasded the pro prietors by dlfieront Fain and lastitotaa th«n to any oth er*. The Machines are warranted to do all that Is claimed for them. They an now in use In several fomlliee in Al toona, and In every ease they give entire satisfaction. Tbs. Agent ,rafei* those desiring information ae the sn- of the Machines, to Cot John L. Piper, Eev. A. B. Clerk, George Bawkeewortb, Beni. V. Bose, and K. H. Turner, Beqre. The machines can be seen and examined at the etore of the Agent, at Altoona. Price of Ko. 1 Machine, silver plated, glass foot and new etyle Hemmer—s«*. No. 3, ornamental bronze, glass foot and new etyle Hemmer— $66. No. 8, plain, with old style Hemmer—s 46. [Match 21, 1881-tf. UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER. No. 1. Large Family Wringer .110.00 No. 2. Medium “ “ / 7.00 No. “ “ “ 6.00 No. 3. Small “ 11 660 No. 8. Large Hotel “ 1!!.!!.!....,!.. 14.60 No. 18. Medium Laundry / to run' steam V l&.OO S O, “ 1 or band. / 30.00 iv? B’rf? 8 ’rf? ftnd 3 have no Coga. All others are warranted. No- 2 Is the size generally used in private families, Oeaxoc Judd, of the “American Agriculturist," gays of the UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER “A child can readily wring out a tubfull of ciothee in a , Jt “ in reality a CLOTHES SAVER 1 A TIME SAVER I and a STRENGTH SAVER I The saving of garmenta will alone pay a largo per centage on its cost. We think the machine mncu more than PAYS FOR EVERY TEAR in the saving of garments. There are several kinds, nearly alike in general construc tion, but we consider It important that the Wringer be ft*** C°B®’ otherwise a mass of garments may doc the rollers, and the rollers open the crank-shaft slip and tear the clothes, or the rubber break loose from the shaft. i;^££ wn olJe °ftho first make, and it is as GOOD AS NEW after nearly POUR TEARS’CONSTANT USE.” Every Wringer with Cog Wheels is Warranted in every particular. NO WRINGER CAN BE DURABLE WITH- OUT COG-WHEELS. A good CANVASSER wanted in every town. **< re ®*fP* °f the price from places whore no one is selling, we will send the Wringer net or zxpembe. y or particulars and circulars address R. C. BROWNING, 347 Broadway, N Y Sep. I—6m. ■C C. SERVER & SON, Pajer, Eavelpe aid Printers’ Card WAREHOUSE, No. <513, MINOR TREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA., Have constantly on hand FLAT CAPS, LETTER AND NOTE, MANILLA PAPER, FOLIO POST, PACKET POST, HARDWARE, FOOLSCAP, PRINTING PAPER, ENVELOPE COLORED PAPER, BINDERS, TRUNK, STRAW AND BOX BOARD, TISSUE, SHOE, AND TEA PAPERS. PRINTING AND MANILLA PAPER made to order. Jane 16,1883. H. H. HOPKINS, ALTOONA, PA., licensed auctioneer ' FOB THE 17th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. MUSIC!— INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN in,trament - T)* —The subscribers dttifti tO c](MA Anf •* fWka* j . Which th(T __Altoona, June 26, MTJRPH?ijfcPIK£. 4 COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF LAPQHMAN'B. PURE WHITE LEAD AND ZINC JjjjJ”'’ *n° O'retne. Oreon, Yellow, Part* Green Iry Itround oil a, fl-tf.] ’ 17 MS BOYS’ COATS, of everv ■ «tyle and color, o t good quality, at * ; • ;tAUQHMAN«g New and improved styles of Trunks, Tallies and Carpet-Bags, at __ LADGHMAN’a. Acoa^ e assortment ofover- COATS can ba found at LACQHMAN'B (x^AA T OF pantaloons “r Man aad a*r>, at MWHUAK’S 'I?:L±A IST POLICE gazette &&“•“» £rtainal.fc in theconCtry. It contain* aIT throughout Cases, and appropriate EditoHala nn Sf 6 ** Trial*, Criminal tafcrmationon no?T.' ,t ? get 5 e^ith othpr newspaper. rw ' no * * >e found m an; “ n . nDD } : for Bi * ““"A*, to andi tho plai^vO iUn ' ; Ae«o York City. -m Jo‘Kofe^l“ i LS y , rS wiepakation' for kx. I J»”24, .89-t0 ■ g gtnr,> " f «■ W.KESSLKIt. if B. MILLER, DEXTIST. °«L Caroline itrwt. bet««,u vlryjpia and Broma .gtreatu AUoon*. *\ LL KINDS of printing r ■* .'I i ’ neatly »ud axppdituusly executed at the ! L “ALTOONA TRIBUNE" ppyine j TTMBBKLLAS AND PASASOLS - ___sE» “ vj,vsi??.r^ ,3r ’ •• POM [ i !T |^ f - ’ Hh>Tt l>« Owm.Tollft So>g< to, fcr alf bj AMEBIOAN Life Insurance and Tnis t o. COMPANY’S BUILDING Southeast Corner of Walnut and Fourth Streets. Phihtd’a Authorized Capital, £500,000 Paid up Capital, 250,000 Assets, ...... 1,807,746 Incorporated 1850, by the Legislature of l*ennsyl- Ipsuree Lives during the Natural life or for short terms, grunts annuities and endowments, and makes contracts of all kinds depending on the issues of life. Policies of Life Insurance issued at the usual mutual rates of other good companies—with profits to the assured —last Boxes January, 1881, being AS per cent-of all pre miums received on mutual policies at Joint Stock rates. 30 per cent lees than the above, or Total Abstinence rates AO per cent, lees than Mutual price. Also, a : NON-FORFEITURE PLAN, By which a person pays for 6,7, or 10 years only, when the policy ie paid op for Lira, and nothing more to pey ; and shoald be be unable, or wish to discontinue sooner, the Company will leans a Pan) or Poucr, in proportion to the amount of premium paid, as follows: On a Policy of *l,OOO, 6 Tear T Tear 10 Tear after payment of rates. rates. rates. 1 Annual Premium, for $3OO 00 fiIAS 80 1100 00 • “ “ “ 400 00 3SS TO 300 00 • “ 800 00 671 A 0 AOO 00 • “ 867 10 , 600 00 » “ 800 00 ALXXANDBB WBILLDIN, Present. SAMUEL WOBK, Vice President. Joint 8. Wneos, Secretary. BOARD 07 tEDSTZXS. Alexander Whllldiu, J. Edgar Thomson,' Ho“. Jae. Pollock. Hon. Joseph Alllsou. Albert 0, Eoberta, Jonaa Bowman, Samuel T. Bodine, H. H. XMridge, Nugent, John Aikman, William J. Upward, Chari. ■ F. Heazlitt. Samuel Work. Any further Information cab be had by applying to the undersigned, who is the authorized agent tor RlairCountv. July 31,1862-ly R. a. 0. KERR; -A. Benefit to All. TRY ONE BOTTLE A trial vrill prove Ou /acl, and fads art stubborn things. Mishler’s herb bitters .. k * RB SUCCESSFUL IN BTEBY CASK, no lamlly shoald be without it. Hundreds of certificates and letters of thanks are arriving every day from 1 persons who have been eared. THE HERB BITTERN have never foiled in curing RHEUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA, ‘ Female Irregularities, and ell Diseases arising from' IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD, As a Blood Purifier, Tonic and General Appertlser. these Bitters ore without a rival. No Lady desiring A CLEAR COMPLEXION should be without it. Please get a circular and certifi cates from our Agent. B. MIBHLER, Manufacturer and Proprietor, LaxcAstxa, Pa. Notice.— The great success of Misbler’s Herb Bitten, has induced unprincipled parties to manufacture » worthless article, which they are wiling at a low price, V a>Ai ch beware. The genuine can only be bought in Blair County, of a. W. WHITFIELD, (Sole. Agent for Blair County.) t ,?«!»* Dru S Store, Main street, Altoona, Pa. Jnne 2d, 1563-tf. JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, The Hero of One Hundred Fits per Month ! I would respectfully forth my claim to pul attention} aa a Fashlon&l Tailor, aa follows: Because I keep au exc lent assortment of Clotl Cassimeres, Vestings ai Trimmings, which. wh< •xaminedjalwajs please. Because my work made up in a manner tl takes down the count and gives all my custonn a city appearance. Because 1 am not infer! as a Cutter to the beat be found anywhere. Because long experiei in my business gives i entire control overt!.at I am not dependant upoi any one tolifl me out „ the suds. Because I am still on the sonny side of forty, and thert taste as a Cutter and workman unimpaired Call on me, In the comer room of the ‘-Brant House*’ Give me a trial and yon will go away pleased. Altoona, May 28-Sm JACOB SSTDKR T>ATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON XT OIL LAMPS! Unrivaled in Beauty, Simplicity Safety or Economy. Person desiring to obtain the very best and cheat, ept Portable light within their reach, should call at the undersigned and examine these Lamp, purchasing elsewhere, snd we pledge onrseives tS demo" },V~ JjO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion, JSjI £ eycmit no offe o«lve odor while burning. 3d. That they are very easily trimmed. 4th. ThMthey are easily regulated to give more or less fi.'h - 2?‘?i5 e y b "‘‘. l)nti «lyfroo from smoke. 6th. the light is at least 50 per cent, cheaper than . *ny other light now in common use. . J^ e *Jr^ P *. arB = admirabl " “ da i' t <’d for the use of Stu- StoS Factories, Halls, Churches, a ionf*v“ 0t *' ’ i n .l highly recommended for family nile The burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can be atSched to oldslde, hanging and table fluid and oil lamps, at k small exgnss, and will answer every *" Y B ?S r To^’2 B , rfect “ tis h> c »ion in all rases. ■ Aog. 1», 1858-tt] o. W. KESSLEK. Exchange hotel.— the sub- SCBIBSR would respectfttlly in form the public that he has recently re- A - filled the above Hotel, and is now pre- pared to accommodate hie friends and patrooe in a comfortable manner, and w(ll spare Bopainsin making it an agreeSbleliottSfarali tho'L.rti T^ >1 ?v wnl * lwa y» heluxuriouely supplied folS of , th u 8 BBBntry and cities, and Ms Bir llljed With liqbors of choice brands. Hi* charges are as S o** 0 ** ° r “ y °‘ her Ho,el ta * he and h£ fovor^h?lriia h ft. y n . ot be ““P'Blned of by those who *" ror ?,T Wilh .fbelr custom. Expecting to receive a shale of public patronage, and fully intending to Jeaerve lt, be h ? D *j to ‘ftß.PfiMfe and hivitea a triah ” formtdwSS rtoCk ° f N °- 1 French Brat >^ Of excellent Wines,formediaimdpur- KunTOe^utr 1 ;' ° f ‘ he b " t old Kye Altoona, (day 2T,1859.-ly] __ SOMETHING NEW T’HJS SUBSCRIBER HAS JEST BOOTS AND SHOPS BROGANS. GAITERsf&C thcfmaanflMTtnrers f*r caab h* direct from win * Wyswrif *» * ***** .o^l,^. to ord f the most r«. g^-^«S=g;.: vania. JOHN BOWMAN [J&b. 2ft—‘2m* BUTTERS’ ‘ SPATE OAMTOI, Book Bindery Ao, 64 Market Si, ffarrhtoay, H snyWieslred tma«mti3wEllK, ' IB*” »nj ho„. . Docket* of all * n ‘i Jn :.' and Yearly ‘Tri.,. •os, printed or plain, ♦•fed »S £sj 1/ c '!'" lt . v iM , r , Docket* made of the best linen * Librarians, andolhers, deririnittohar. tbei, u_, bound and at moderate price*.should iriTe„Jl^^“ k ' •- paper* of the largest tiaea. Ham?, w»ide v «■ Pictorial, Ballon*. Scientific • bound to order, and in any »tyle required’h. 0 ." ' “»• ly Magazine, Knickerbocker, nutwood’s Sw:'' 1 " I ' l, Magazine*, Oodey’e Lady’s Book Lad?7*.^? d o >aW, “»> Magazine, Piano J* - the more plain and substantial half btndliig S|J', ? phleta. Law Magazines, Pamphlet laws, bound'J . u ‘ ! *5 yery "“derate prices. 1 number of selnme* to bind, wUI recelre auwli t' ’ Binding ran safely be sent to us from adS pnw*. and all work catenated .to w 1,1 “ dily exeoated, safely P«ked and i^* 1 " All work warranted. Address Tk «S.McCRDM ADKKN. st the ' srsr * v 411 7 [March 21, ise--* ONWARD ! EVER ONWARD : STEP BY STEP' THE UNDERSIGNED DESIHFs T(i .nd has jn.t a dress goods. *... the Ladies, embracing all the latest, pretest , olln v FASHIONABLE PATTERNS Ami among which may ; be found every quality „f ' , the names ~f which it would ho too MtoM m em,! In the hue of pure, fresh and cheap GROCERIES & PROVISIONS B <«ds ttnd th r.; COrn " Annie and Helen s,r r .. L., Altoona, May 22,1802. .= -I A 8 Rhehiil' JACOB WETS, BAKER AND CONFECTIONER - Virginia Strlst. Altoona. p A „ IT EEPS CONSTANTLY' ON HAND -■*- BREAD. CAKES, CANDIF^ lOE CREAM AMD SWEETMEATS, of his own manufacture, which h. i« prepared to sell, wholesale or retail, ;;t th* most i - h.m, able prices, ilw, FOREIGN’ ERUITS. such a. ORANGES, LEMONS. PINE-APPLEs FIGS, PRUNES, RAISINS, NUTsf &C iC always on hand in their respective sf-asoi,,. CAKES BAKED TO ORDER «^r&y^°ther; h, ‘ rt nptfa *-•■» - ChU, examine and price my stock and you w.U fii.j a* can be purchased elsewhere Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. nr SPQ U TI NG, &C. Q RIGG WOULD RESPECT- * , fu i ly .. nfo .™ the citizens of Altoona and Ticlnity that be keeps constantly -on hand a 111 ‘“fS e “aortment oi Cooking, Parlor, Office andl^^k -Cl-S? . stylM "> d 9Ues - tosuit the*^^ Ihtetera. I .’ Cb OWUI * el,Rt low Prices, .nres-ee. h “ n ? ‘i large B,ock of Tin «»>1 ■«*•>'■ H. FETTINGER’S General j\ T ews Igem-y. oak Hall, n O . 7, main struct SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, CONFECTION A HI HS CIGARS & TOBACCO, TOYS AND NOTIONS IN GREAT VARIETY Octobers 1^; STASTLV 0X HA ™ w. M. LLOYD & CO., ALTOONA, I‘a.. -tohnston. jack & CO,. bankers, (Late ** Belt, Johnston , Jack Co ”) FA RAFTS ON THE PRINCIPAL m™’ “ d BilTOr "“l Sold for sale. Colie, tiou. wlthre.t u. o *,^ 9 . rßce ' Te, l on deposits, payable on demand. ° r npa “ r* th »t Wr rote. Gl w. KESSLER PRACTICAL •WP ec *®>Uy announce. g ™ and th ® pnblic gen-^HMfe, ™nT? k^'*SL*h,,re •>* keep. ronstanUv eTZ sdW^^S laikctlnn-he ftttenticn to biurtnem. and a dartre t«r»n.lfr>a< Uitaction to ali a, regard, price and quality, he . ” PhvSi? rec * l '? s 'hare of public patronage. " atsan eJlwww nu,r ®|““‘» "applied on rearouable itrm. PhilieUe? fe? ? dirtance promptly attended to. . "hyeieians prescription. carefully compounded. lady friends would i»o mint of Hnm 100k m-o pon ,hfc choit * md chaste awe* - ** SaKr l^ 8 800 ®* DOW displayed upon Ih" well-Hlled shelve, of MfTRPHY * McPIKK. Altoona. June 26. V,rglal * * nd CBrt ’ l,t "‘ ~-‘ pINP] AND LARD OILS, CAM Vn.t&ST ns ' hR c * rt - ««• *v*w>. ONJW0 N JW AT McCORMIGK’S Store • al! *ndte? 6tl,i of Ready-Made eU> tMn fc . X0T.25.-tf (t?S® lE £~~ A LARGE AND H42v BAT; tooth, seating , P*lh». ftu* Hna v*nitab Bnn*ffi «t W £ x M S : 03 = -•= - o 5 S: -i 5-iSil i a| ; ? C 5 - x z ~ « 2 51 si -J »- a?.s ~ 3 S j *.•! S « —z:- ■* -5J cJ -- = o g fc * « gwis-Si 03 ls= S t nh aS E t QO* i ,s wi-t. : r : UOLLIDAYSBCKa. p r <■ " IT- \IcCRGM & I>EKN\ V'ilL. S. N’EW (}(M r|t({ K srouU ■ JHW Alioitim a ,/twM*■*>}*** munifilfaMß( KAlit AND WINT for »tyl®, (jiwUly and prW. t { , t ., neeJt of country. Hl** «to*k And a* it U »a «*l * At f** l *'*tf on- to p« relit-* I lie Best Gogtls amt at tli i,. -would->*os tliat )i«- ran Mini Wil Ujwvr tlnmany <*Uu*r huu«t*in ,li jo rail aud ift*c hia stock Ik*fort- | , N he* fcoUi confident In* can tu .1 .(iroropelUfoM. ooh»h i.AUiKS’ uhkss hoods o MKN AND BOY S’ Vi INTER > tADIKS AND MISSES’ D MKN ROYS’ HUM WOMEN S AND MISSES' 0 \TS AND CAPS. IJIiKACfIKD AND VNRLKAt GINGHAMS“AND I lie will nell Ladie-Sewed. Ifi-ebd Kip l*«Cg*d visa's Boot® - .* ii.XLMORAL SKIRTS. ver> b*w. - GROCEKiKi Whit© and Brown Sugar. Klo Coff< ,n ( everything that i- usually kept uni av cheap aa the cheapen. Altoona, Oct. 7,18 Gd. AVOID THE NEX fpIIERE IS A I‘liEV 1. CITKMKST among the peopll unity abmit THE SECOND DRAFT lip* Draft as Tor making the Thrv> II tinu. All patriotic! but choose rat «db their beloved one*, for their * ih'-ir this blocnjy war. Now i«. h close, w© wOl Inform the public Goods at theORKKN STORE. Corn.* -ireet, Kant Altoona, kept by GEIS SAVE THE THREE I in h -hurt time., Tliev hare jn*t rer* .. bvted-lock of,,DHV GOODS AND uri- -njliug for Ca-h nr tin* lowe. t large ri-sorimeui of LADIES’ * j. tHS. ranging In price from $4 t The attention of the public i* j u t, that they are celling Drown an is to 45 c.'eU; Calicoe* from 12* . com IS to ito cent* per yard. ; . They have always on hand a lary AND BOYS' CLOTHING, HATS. »M ■ ml, in fact, everything kept In a th AUooon, Oct. 7,lSt»a. Victory ■’N r pHE Kubnuribers wuu I HOnoiUir- J lo the- citt/.eu* •>! \ ih.itthey hnvejtwl returned Cn»m tit* FALL AND WINTER HATS & C BOOTS Sc S Their stock of HATS il'J D eted With great care, and with rb •a ho may favor them with 11.- ir p,»tv< »;>-»!* and Shoes U complete. Their LADIES' MISSES and VU ,ii-e of Citjepiake, and warranted. 5? •or Ladies' 9 and are ju-t “t »• father and saving,health Thankful to tin public lor tiivir v, heretofore, they lto(«* to merit n conf St«*re on MAIX ST. next or to lintel. Attooua. May JU. IS&l, SAVE THE PER BY BUYING Yi CLOTHING FROM FI TTIN&EK & TUCK, -d4 -of and Wholesale and Retail u* '‘Milling, would respectfully invit* public to the following beta in refrre l*t. we manufacture our own gi 'Mi In our own Store, In Philadelphia. Miperriiiloo, and we know thev are y warranted EQUAL TO TH tod Mii*erisr to the largest quantity r> •ns in the market. 2nd. We buy our Clntha directly fr<» Manufacturers, conseq neatly we save • h by middle men. •’rd. We wll nur Clothing at a mt t>vor the'cost of ««r Cloth*. thereby *a •I Clothing the percentage which inn; wi.o buy from second hand* to **ll hj Clothing at the name price, which * f *r theirs at wholewiii*, con-t-quently u-* get their g.Kxls at the same price wl ;- ‘y for theira in the city, thereby o-r centage. We.have branch rttnrewin ALTOONA AND .101 *her»; may b- Inui a? tie* -.on-- II them her« it. the citv If any person ha:* In*en told, or »m "■toro, In Altoona, In - played out;** 1 'mo his establishment. on Main S*nv and uricea. Wholesale House. No. 7“2 Market s Dec. 1863 tf. CITY DHTTO Dl!. E. 11. REICAKT fully announce to the citizen* rounding country, that he has rect Drugstore of Berlin A Co., on Vhg Fries* Hardware Store. His Drugs are Fresh swi he hopca by strict attention to Mmrd of pnblic patronage.; ' 1 All and examine hie stock*. Ue hiu* DRUGS, MEDICINES and CHE 3 //.Vi TOILET SOAPS, PEE ECU CLAES, PUTTY, PAIXTX.OILS t'AMBOy OIL Ah’D /.. .\OTIOXS, CIO AH ni*tf every article usually kept in a .Fir PUKE .WINES AND X for Aedldnal m*. HOMEBTIC GRAPE 'VINE—PC3U physicians' rjissc&f compounded, at all boar*« Altoona, Sept. 30.1863. > | , 'EAS! TEAS! TEAS!- JL i* selling Tea* aupertor t