The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, December 30, 1863, Image 3

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Printed « s#«. “Cfnbj frea."
tribune power-press
;l.kti«tf, wJtWn the.paet two years. made ConaideraLlc
, t to pur eatfebliftluneuC in the way of new fancy
, *creW PrewsPaper Cutter, Card Cutter,, Ruling Mil-
Curd Power Press, aud htrg«* Xewappiper Power
(s cut of which we give above; we are. now prepared
, ideate aoythlpg in, the line of printing pr ruling j«
, •'fjually low. Wn can execute, on short notice, all
vi-e or'.. : , :
tV«Jdihg, tnriutim, Visiting, Ball A ButinasiCards,
Oiroulara, Prograramnß,
.g'yL:, &sio® fiLUnni^^KMiA®©-
pamphlets, Pay and Cheek Bolls,
MANIFESTS, and blanks of all kinds.
ill we auk is a trial, fceltug confident that we can give
lf we have'the opportunity,
imcei'i LowthsrV building, corner of Virginia and An- 1
•treetH, opposite tiuperioteodeut’s Office.
XjOC-A-X* items.
Masonic Scppkk*—On Christmgis. evening, on
occasion of the {retaliation of officers for the
.-ming year, name- forty or fifty members of
ilmininin Lodge, A.Y. if., partook of a sumptuous
r.-uash served up by “ mine host” of the Altoona
House. Col. Woods. The Colonel clearly out-did
liimselt. on this occasion. The table fairly groaned
aider the weight of good things, consjstingof all
!,.■ luxuries as well;as substantial* of the season,
uid many were the tapressioos of approbation be
.uiwed by those who surrounded the board. After
dl had heartily partaken of the viands, a number
.i toasts were drank and responded to. Among
ihe responses we may refer particularly, without
lifing invidious, to those of Dr, W. R, Findley,
present Woiibipfnl Master, and Hoti. John Cres
ell. District Deputy Grand Master. They re
i rred to the rise and: progress of the order in this
~ .hioit of the State, the proverbial patriotism of
I 111 members thereof the influence for gtxxl ex
. rtet! on trying occasions, and other matters of in
'crest to those present. 'Rev. R. W.! .Oliver.
Pitnplain. made ahappy response to a toast calling
him up. The toast to the only Masonf present
whoso wife is a Masott was well, received and fitlv
"ponded to. But we cannot notice ail, suffice it
in say that the wholeaffair was •* A feast of reason
a flow of sold." highly enjoyed and long to be
r merabered by those who participated in it.
lUilroao Suit' Decidkh.—The suit of the
Lncesci. Oil Compahv against the Pennsylvania
Kailroad Oompanv, action foi damages, was
etmclnded recently in the Court of Common
I’icasc of Allegheny county. The plaintiffs in
tpril last shipped one hundred and a cieyen bar
vis of refined oil ot} the defendent's road?ibnt be
tween Columbia and Lancaster one of the axles of
he tender btpke off close to the wheel, by; which
i .ro of the cars were thrown off the track.'one of
'hem faffing down an lembankment into a mea-
I'.w skirting the road.: Shortly after the accident 1
■-•curred, two men approached the place, and a
discussion arising between■ them as to whether the
ha reels coutained.oil or whisky, one of them, to
ust the master, imprudently scratched- a \ match
igainst the end of the car, when the oil .caught
tire, and a terrific explosion occurred, in! which
i«th men received considerable injuries. The oil
of course all destroyed, and the plaintiffs
holding that the thingoccurred through the negli
-ence of thodefendenjs, suit was instituted for
•images to tjte amonnt of some $1,700, which it
v:ts claimed,: was the value of the oil at the time.
The defended! proved that (he Company had com
plied with the terrosofthe bill of lading, aiid that
the loss of the oil was riot throngh their negligence.
Plaintiffs took a non-suit.
Living Wonders.—Townsend’s Living Wond
rs, on exhibition at Masonic Hall, on Friday and
Saturday last, appeared to be the centre of U
> i action for the time. There was no humbug aboiit
ihe exhibition. All who witnessed the wonders
acknowledge i that they got (he worth, of their
money. The Arab giant. Col. Goshen, is a good
imred fellow, judging from his countenance, and
,the jokes he passed with those who measured with
, 'dm. The fat girl (m dclimte Illinois female) is
ruhergood looking, and don’t care a ccnt how
unch the men look at her. , She,may weigjij 400
In-, and she may not. We believe there is,a wo
man in this place that can hold her level oin the
-"des. The nlver-haired, white-skin and jpink
•>ed Albino family Is a wonder. No descriptions
would give odr readers jan idea of their appearance.
I'hev must be seen to know what they are.' The
'■ What Is It” is, in reality', a ‘‘ what is it ?”—a
something between a negroand babboon—an awful
’.sly thing—more thap an aniinal. dess ’than a
-man—“ What Is It?” The snake large,
b a ttiere are larger ones.
Christmas is Atjoosi.—There was no
marked difference between this day and ahy
other, more than that all places of business, except
candy shops and drinking saloons were closed,
and evetyhody and all their friends appeared to be
on the streets. In-the, morning .the children ap
peai*ii ir|tb their hands fnll of candies and, toys
sad lathe afternoon several men appeared i with
hots fullof bricks, boots fall of snakes! and
wntakwnafall of Uuigte-leg, accompanied with a
-waging inclination of the body, the tendency be
ing downward aU the tine, and the gentle gup
wnt of neighborly Signposts, fences and bouses
were kindly appreciated .-and. politely accepted.—
Here were no ridtona demonstrations that .were
heard of. Barring a-few headaches next morping,
all passed off smoothly :
Hash Masbep. —A man named Morgan, Con
ductor on one of the freight trains between \ this
place and Harrisburg, bad one of his hands severely
washed, a few days since, while engaged in coup
ling carein the f ar d, place, by having it
caught between the “bull noses.” The skin: was
burned bpen between the thumb and forefinger,
and from the little finger up to the wrist. The
hone of the hand, connecting with the third finger,
ass broken. He has bepn lying in a critical con
dition for several dayi hot.we learn from his j>by
si «an, Dr. GemmUH (bat he is likely to recover,
and thotthe hand nfav yet be' saved.
“ Post No Bills Hoft, — What it, puhre an-,
noying to a bill-poster than, otr approaching a
lunch frequented street comer, anfi shout arrange
ipg for the posting of his mammoth pietoriais, to
discover a little piece .of black tinityitk the words
“Post Bills Here.” He picks up his backet
snd brush and, casting his eyes; abont to see
whether any person bad witnessed jjis discomfiture,
trudges off to seek a place about which the,, owner
is nor “so blamed pamekler.”' Hitherto the
tenve sot-rounding the Logan Morale lot, has been
so exteasively used as a bulielin board that it re
quires some inspection to determine; the original
color. Bat the Bail Boad Company, to'whom
the; property belongs, lias grown tired of furnish
ing bulletin boards for the town, and has posted
notices warning off bill-posters. This action will
necessitate the erection of regular bulletin boaids
at: the frequented comers, and public places,
Leah 1 EAjt.— -The year one thousand, eight
hundred and sixty-four, will be Besextile or Leap
W- It is so called because it leaps-over a day
more than a common year, thus in common years
there are 365 days, in leap year 366. It is si ll
that during this year, more batchelors commit
matrimony that in the other three, and for this
several reasons have been assigned. , Caring noth
ing about reasons, wo hope the ball may com
mence rolling early in the year and continue until
thousands shall be able to say ini the language
of Shakspeare :
” She is my own;
And 1 ss rich in bating such jewel/
As twenty seas, IF sli their eanda whro pearl
The waters Nectar, and, the rocks pure Gold.”
•W'For a week or two past, we (lave had what
itemize™ call a “cold snap,” Je-mi-mah but it
u'dji oold up here among the Alleghenies. Two
in-a-bed, spoon-fashion, was decidedly comforta
ble. Old Boreas made a successful raid upon
several hydmnts and small streams, effectually
cutting off communications. On Saturday night
last,-we had a fell of rain which' froze as it fell,
covering the streets and,sidewalks wfth a epating of
ice. in consequence of which saints fes well as sin
ners stood, on slippery places, on Sunday morning.
Numerous were the downfalls among pedestrians,
some laughable—some otherwise—pone agreeable
to those most interested.
Pork. —On Christmas day we walked out
.to the residence of Martin Runveu, to look at a
sma(j pig which he purchased in Pittsburgh, a few
dayi} since, 4he little fellow only j weighs eight
hundred and eight pounds. He wi}l dress in the
neighborhood of 700 lie. clean meat. Mr. R.
expects to take 400 lbs. of lard out of him. There
is sopie,pork in him, bur we should judge con
siderably more lard. Like the fet-girl and the
giant, he was not in the least dashed by the con
centrated gaze of spectators. We came away con
vinced that he was a big hog, bat there are some
bigger hogs in town that don’t weigh half as much.
BrjiLDtxo Association.—Books for subscrip
tion [o the capital stock of the Altoona Building
Association have been opened, and as it is designed
to procure a charter immediately upon the organ
ization ot Legislature, in order that arrangements
may he made to commence the erection of houses
as sofm as the season, ripens, we hope all who desire
to take stock in the enterprise will come forward at
oncejand give in their names either to David
Ironsj at Gen’l Superintendents Office, or at the
Tribtpte Office.
AcptDEST.—Our young friend, Isaac Worrell
received a severe contusion of the knee joint,
while [coasting down the hill, Julia "street, one
evening last week', He, with sonm five or six others,
were on a plank which ran into the gutter at the
Conner of Virginia street, captizing a portion of
the party. He has since been confined to his bed.
Other accidents of less importance have already
occurred on that ground, this .season,' and we shall
be surprised worse ones do not occur ere the coast
ing season is over. !
Commendable.— We leaim from the Lancaster
“ Inquirer” that Thomas A. Scott, Esq„ inactive
and effective Vice President of the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company, has presented to. John Barns,
the old hero of Gettysburg, a pass to travel free
over the road from Philadelphia .to Harrisburg
until “ otherwise ordered.” This is as! it should be,
for a man like private IBums, who killed three
rebs. certain, and was wounded thrice himself,
deserves to travel “ Scqtt free” wherever he goes.
RraE in Johnstown, Pa—On Thursday even
ing Union Hall, Johnstown, Cambria county, Pa.,
was consumed by fire. The Catholic Orphans’
Fair was being held there at the time,: and'every
article; was destroyed.' Some adjncenll buildings
were ej|so much damaged. The fire' is presumed
to have been caused by a defective fine. The
amount of loss is not known.
gap The reduction of prices at Kerr’s has cre
ated a great excitement throughout this section of
the country,-end it is bound to be kept up, as
the reductions made ore actually greater than
those announced on the 4th of December.—
It give# us pleasure to refer to the business of such
men os Kerr, from the faettbat he always comes
fully up to what he promises in his advertisement.
Carrier's Address.—Our carrierj will cal Lon
bis patrons, on New Year’s morning,, with hks
Annual Offering, and hopes to find them all pre
pared writh script am) greenbacks to send him on
his way rejoicing. Be ready, friends, 1 to give him
a hamper. - ! ! '■
*ar On Christmas morning, we met all em
ployee |6n his way home from the shops with a
Christinas gift which we did pot efivy him—a
mashed thumb. Seeing he was in a hairy to -get
it home, we did not stop him to mage inquiries,
therefore do not know its extent. I
W The shotting match for L. F. Nothwang’s
large pig did not come cff .on Christmas,, although
quite a: number of crack shots from the surround
ing country were in town with their rifles on their
shoulders. 1 ■
De Marbelle Musical, Magical and
Ventriloqnial troupe did not give entertain
ment on Wednesday evening last. ' Reason —no
spectators. V ■ ■
Scddes Death. —Bobt. M. Lemon of Holli
daysbuig, died suddenly, on Wednesday morning
of last week. He was, we understand, in usual
good bealOi the day previous. j
The election for Officers of.the Altoona
Mechanics’ Library and Beading Boojm Associa
tion, to sense daring the year 1864, will be held
on Thursday evening, Januaiy 7th, 1864, between
the hoars at 6} and 8 o'clock, £<i li(. Annual
meeting bf the association immediately after the
election, ' •' B. Elp»W Stc'y.
THE CASH SSSTgM 'THIU^IPHAjST ! ~ur i.btteka family fkwino machine i« fan
.•ammg » n,,rld-» id<i reputation, tt ih l.cvoud doobl the
lw»t *(id cliMpml and ra»st Iwautifnl .if alt Eamily Sor
ing Machine. yet offered to the public. No other Family
i Sewing Macbliie ha* «o many nuclei appliance, for Ham
ming. Binding. Felling. Tucking, {lathering, Hanging,
Rr&iding. aQrl Mf' !rth. No other
tarmtT Sowing Machine ha# so much capacity Ihr a groat
v:.rim of work. It will -sew nil kind# of cloth, and aHth
all kind# of thread. Gredt and recent improvements
fitfUtf oar Family Sowing* Machine most' reliable, and
m»*t durable.-and moat certain in action at all rate* of
; lt makes the interlocked stitch which is the beat
j "ditch known. Auy one. ereu of the most ordinary capacity,
; can s'H- at a glance, bow to nee the letter A- Family
! Sowing Macnino. Oar Family Sewing Machine* are fin-
I iolit-d in chaste and uxqulete style,
f The folding Case Of the Family Machine is a piece of
| cunning workmanship of Che most useful kind. It pro
tects the machine when nut in nse, and wfaennb>ut to be
o|H rated may be opened as a spaded* and substantial
fable to sustain the work. While some'of the Cases,
m*iW out of the choicest woods, are finished in the sim
plest and chastest manner possible,. others aro adorned
and rqiUdliedieU in the most costly and supnrb manner.
fi S.« to sen ihe Family Machine In
operation, so as to judge of its great capacity and beauty.
It is fast becoming as popular for family sewing as onr
Manufacturing machines are for manufacturing purposes.
The Branch Officers are well supplied with silk, twits,
thread, needles, oil, Ac., of the very best qualify,
Two years extierience has convinced me that
when goodsaivisold/or Cush, they c«n (resold at
a v«r advance on fiiw waa : therefore I
have determined to make asotukk BaotHiTios in
my prices, to lake effect :
ONvAXI) A RfER DECEMBER 4th. itol.
In taking.this Step, I have bconartuaied iiolely
by a desire to benefit the laboring classes; Whiic
there has been nut a small advance in wages, tint
necessaries of life have advanced enormously, and
the prospects are that they will still go higher.
Believing that the additional amount of goods
which I can sell, at the reduced prices, will justify
me in my undertaking, J respectfully invite the
attention of the public to the following figures.—
Almost every person is aware of the prices at
which tfie; goods specified are now selling, hence
(hey .will readily note the reduction, and can easily
figure up (he saving to them in them in the coarse
of a year. My prices have heretofore been as low,
if not -lower, than those of any other merchant in
the country, bnt. I now make the following redac
tions in
13 BY G-OOI3S.
- cent* per yard,
a* • '•
Irish Poplins,
Kentucky Jean 5,.,,..., 5
Tweeds,.' ....5 to 10 “
Cottonades, ....5 rants per yard
Sattineljts.......... .6 to 15
Oaasimeres,.... .i...L..16 to 25 v‘ ••
Plaid Flannel, ,„... fc '• *• ...
5hirting...............j...' .....5 to 8 “ - “
Lin5ey5,....................... .6 to 8 •• ‘
Canton F1anne1,.,........... 2to 5 •“ “ “
Linen Table-C10tfai...’...10 to 12 “ “ “
Cotton, sto 10 “ •• ••
Ladies’Cloaking Cloth. 12 to 25 “ “ “
Shining Check.. .....2 to 3 ••
Ticking, 5 td 8
Muslin, 2to 5 “ •> “
Gloves. Hosiery. Opera Hoods. &c.. reduced ac-
Ess. Coffee.
White Stone Pea Sets,.'..., 50 cents per set.
“ “ " Plates 10 “• ■ *•
" " Dinner ! 12 ‘
White Stone Soup Plates, 12 cents pet set.
China Tea 5eta..............51.00 to .$2.00 per ket.
Hag Carpet, 6 ce»ts per yard.
List, 6 ' i.
All \\ 00l Carpet,...; ; 10 cents per yard.
Floor Oil-Cloth 5 •* '•-
.Ladies’ (.'ilsUjiii -Made Sowed Shoes, 12 els. per pair
“ ' “ Pegged “ 10 to 15 “ x ‘-
Misses’ Shoes, 10 to 12 cents ‘ ‘ «
Children’s Shoes,., sto 10 “ “ «
1 wish sil to understand that these prices are
for CASH ONLY—tba|t they are made to accom
modate persona ofsmall means, to whom it is an
object to purchase tyliere the can save a few cents
on each, rudder—and that they will be adhered to
strictly for the present, and so long, in the future,
as my sales wilf justify. After making the reduc
tion I must doublr niy sales in order to make as
much money as I did at the old prices. The pub
lic can at once discover that it is to their advantage
to extend me their jmtronage, thereby enabling me
to make still father reductions for their benefit.
Main Street, Altoona, Pa,
Dec. 2, 1863.—tf.
Fire ! FiaE!!—Do not risk youf property any
longer to the.mercy of the flames, but go to Kerr
and have him insure yon against loss by fire.—
He Ms agent tor thirteen different companies,
among which are soiree of the best in the United
States. •
Altoona, July 21,-tf.
Notice.—Foreign notes will not be received at
the office of the Altoona Das and Water Company
in payment for gas or water bills, inasmuch as the
hank in this place will not Receive them on deposit
BENJ. F. ROSE, I'’reasurer,
Altoona Nov. 19th, 1863.
D\,e Colors. —Howe & Stevens’Dye Colors,
twenty-four different: shades. -
Howe & Stevens’ Dye Colors, twenty-four di
ferent shades.
; Howe & Stevens' Dye Colors, twenty-four dif
ferent shades, fm sale at, .
Roush’s Drco Store,
©“Nichols’ Elixer of Iron and Peruvian Bark.
©“Nichols’ Elixer of Iron and Peruvian Bark.
©“Nichols’ Elixer of Iron and Peruvian Bark.
E'er sale at Roush's DRtJb Store.
taT Baker’s Cod Liver Oil, pure and fresh.
O* Baker’s Cod Liver OU, pare and fresh.
Baker’s Cod Liver OU, pure and fresh,
i'or sale-at Bonsu’s Ohio Store.
Baltimore Expraes West arrives 7AO A. M- leaves 8.00 A M.
Philadel'a •“ M ■■■■■“ 6:20 • “ 5.40 »
Feet Line “ : * ' &B 6 P. M. “ ,10 P.M.
Mat! Train “ ;“ : TM " >• 7A5 "
Express Train East 8.40 P.M., leave* 9.40 P. M
lulUm <• 1.16 A.M., “ 1.30 A. H
Mail Train “ ;“ : 7.40 “ *< Bjoo "
Throegb Aceom. “ 11.25 “ ‘ « 11.40 ■ “
; Trains on Uoliidayshnrg Branch run to connect with
Express Trains West. Mail Train Bast and West and Thro*
Accommodation Train East. :
Trains on Tyrone A Clearfield Bruch and Bald Ragle
Valley R. R. ran to connect with Express Train Wes tab d
Mail Train East and West. ■
Eastern Through,
Eastern Way
Western Way
Western Through.
.... 7,40 At Hi
....;. 7DOP;M:
...... 10,16 A. Ms
j 7,40 A.M. 1
7,80 A. M. * 7.80 P.M,
Western Way ~..V1;....i ; 7,20 A. M.
Eastern Way, 7,30 “
Western Through 7,16 p. M.
Eastern Throngh .' p ....i.. 7,16 “ '
Holtldaysbnrg,... —; 7.80 AM.* 6,46 P. M.
: Omni Boom:—During the week from 6A6 A. M. until
7,80 P. M. On Sundays from 7,30 until M 0 A. M.
Altoona, April 20, 1688.
o* *•
.5 to b
... .5 to 10 “
Of) mils to $1.50 each
—.5 to 10 cents per yard
10 cents per gallon.
1 “ ‘'.pound.
10 to 15 “ ‘
lO o o
v— lO cents per pound
A... i -
‘ “ box.
‘ *' pound
.1 to 5
Bernl fur a PaIfPHLKT,
45s Broadway, New York
ft*.. I'imi.auelpuia Office, SHI Chestnut St.
Mr. D. W A. Bolford. Merchant Tailor. Virginia Stre el
Agent in Altoona.
Altoona, Nor. 13. 1802.
Karmert, Families and others can purchase no remedy
equal to Dr. Tobias’ Venetian Lininmcnt, for dysentery,
colic, croup, chronic rheumatism, sore threats, toothache,
-ea sickness, outs, burns, swellings, bruises, old sores,
headache.-'ill..squlto bites, pains in the limbo, chest, back,
Ac. UitU K - not give relief the money will bo refunds.
All naked is a irlal.'.snd use itaccordlog to the di
rectipua, r . ‘
X>e. Tobias—Dear air, I bare used'your Venetian lini
ment iu my family for a number of years, ancj believe u
lo the ben article for what it is iecomajeuded that I
have ever used. I hava Do hesiia,ioQ iu recommending
it for all Ah iliseasefi it professes to cure. I have sold it
for many year**, and it gives entire Hatisltt't'cn.
Quakertown, N. J. May 8,1858.
Price 25 and 50 cents. Sold by all druggists. Office, 6C
Cortlandt Street. .New York.
the great diuretic.
And a positive and Specific Remedy for Diseases of the
Bladder, Organic Weakness; Kidneys
OrKV ” l ' Dropsy'
And all diseases of the Urinary Organs.
rs*e advertisement in another column. Cut it out. and
»c*mj for thp Modiolm* at once
WANTED. — 25 Good Machine Fin
ishers: 5 Good Boiler-MakenJ
WiH pay sa w per d», Cash. Rest of hoarding can be
had at $2 50 per week. '
To any wanting Dwelling Homes, should say they
can be had at from $6.50 to $B,OO, per month. Provisions
and Dry Goode, cheaper than in any other oltv in the
U.S. , Addr*HJ, •
1 n ' ■ J-iJ.H. DUVALL,
P'-'rtahit Engine and Inn MW. Worki,
Dec. dO, 1863.-2t.j Zaneevllle, Ohio.
T buy my Cigars from S. C. Poatlewaß,
No. 6. Brant’s Row.
a>i9i{M3Bi9 auia* inq j
luiaaionera of Blnlr nranty, win offer foi sale, nt the
Comt Ho^ f m UolUdayebunt, on Monday, Jannary 25th,
A.lK V 18»I 1 . the ibliqwiiig Tracts of Unseated tod Seated
Lands ; vldeb tracts were legally purchased by the Com
miMionortat different Treasuree’ Sales, and hare been
held the Ume required by law and bare not been redeemed
by former owners within and. legal limitation:
.Vo o/ Acres. Ptr. Warranted JVamt. ' limmthip.
100 George Householder. Allegheny.
Richard Noleman, *«
400 M. Lowell, Blaln.
461 7 Danielipadder, Frankstowu.
3M John Thompson. Greenfield.
*4O Ebeneezer Branhams •“
436 John Martin.
440 ffn. Pierce, ..
430 ■ Wl son Hunt, “
438 * John Taylor, ‘ -
406 Robert Hogb, «•
23? William Bennett. «•
376 . Samuel Santee, Huston.
? nder ,? nr *•“«*« the Commissioners Office,
Hollidaysburg, Deeemqer 6th. A. D, 1863.
DANIEL SHOCK, t. Cbaasr*s.
Jog. Bsmeige, Cltrh. [Dec. 24,1863.—3 t.
W^r* , i Great War Smg— Herds and Music (a January Xfo.
T ,he/oWW>«;of tlita fjyorite Monthly, In order to reach
ftil aCWOWi will send tho \isitoe odo year outfit to one
p«nob (whowill act as Agent), at any Post-Office In the
United States. This is an unparalleled offer.' :
Address, with five cents enclosed, for particulars,
_J.IV. DADOHADAY, Publisher,
? IJOB Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa
of Blair connly
ELIZABETH DOUQjIEBTV, I No 64, April Term 1863,
The undersigned having been appointed by the Coart, a
commissioner to take testimony in the above, Stated case,
hereby gives notice that he will examine witness and take
testimony, in pursuance of said appointment, al the Office
of John W. Humes, Bsq., in the Borough of Altoona, in
said county, on the 9th day of January, A.D, 1864, be
tween the hours oi 9 o’clock in the forenoon and 6 o’clock
mthe afternoon. AtJO; 8. LANDIS,
Altoona, Dec. 17,1863-3t] j Qmmusioner.
E STRAY STEER, —Came toltheresi
deneaof thaßubMiihe l -, in Antis township, on or
Mxrat the aoih of Augnst hut,» WHIM STKEK, about
two Teen old, having two letters, sopposed to be ‘'J. ML”
ImiierTeetly cut upon one horn and- hu tall cropped. The
owner is requested to come forwanf, prove property, par
charges and take him away, otherwise he will hTdla’peJS
of according to law. DAVin MANT.rv
Anttetp.'Dec.l7 ( lB63-3t> ALKY
rr r h f r ' ,b . y “ , tKat ,etter « tMtamentary ontheea-
Ute ofLowU «wln, late of Logan townahlp, Biair eonntr,
deoeued, have been granted to th e nndepdenedL All per
■one knowing tbemaelrea indebted to bold eatate are rs-
S££j e< .i2. m^, * ,min J <lto,e P»yn'«»t, and thoao haring
cfatloia will preeent the name dnlj authenticated lor ae“
tlement, JAS.L.GWTN,\ " ,
ALKXOWIN / Executors.
Deo. IT, 186S-3t.
£\. and Shoulder Braces for sale at
t ~* f O. W. KKaSLGR’B.
; * * Jnet recolTed tod for »*l» by f FKPTCHBT.
O T*nfcr KRUUtK’S
Jtut Publithed, in a Sealed Envelope. Price Sue Chit*.
A Lecture pn t)ie Nature, Treatment and Badleal Cure
of Bpermatdrrlns* or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary
Emissions, Bbxuatl Debility, and Jmpidement* to Marriage
generally, Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy and Flu;
Menu! and I Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self
Abuse, Ao.—ByROBT. J. OULVERWELL, M. J), Author
of the Green Book, Ac.
The world-renowned author, la thii admirable Lecture
clearly proves’ from hl« own experience that the awfhf
consequences of Belfabnae may be effectually removed
without medicine, and without dangerous surgical opera*
tlons, bough* testaments, rings or cordials, notating out
a mods of cure at once certain and effectual, by which
every sufferer, no matter whbt fals condition may be, may
cure himself| cheaply, privately and radically. This Lec
ture will prove a toon to thousands and thousand!.
I Sent under seal, lb a plain envelope, to any address, on
the receipt of slit cents, or'taro postage stamps, by ad
dressing I CBAB. J. C* KLIN*.
- 117 Bowery, Nest Fork, Post Office Box 4680.
Nov. 4. im-ly. :
/CAUTION.—AII persons are hereby
■ antloned not to negotiate for a Judgment note of
*3OO, gieen by nee to Zachariah A. Neff.on or abont the
7th of Sept, foet,'! at lam determined not to pay the game
unice compelled ter law OKOROK B. BVBBSON.
Altoona, Bfee. if, 1863-3t*
In »U emed package*, new, and each paCkaga
warranted, Jnet teeeirnd ana for eale low by
I S. 530’S:
The Secretary c the Treasury has hot yst giren notice
of any intentjon to withdraw this popular L’nm from Bale
at Par, and until ten days notice is gireo, the undersigned,
as “ Oenelral Bubecrlptton Agent,” will edntioas tosupnlr
the public. ■
The whole amount of the Lono anthorisied is fire Hun
dred Millions of Dollaxs. Nearly loar Hundred UillioDs
hare been already sahacrlM for and paid into the Tress-'
nry. mostly within the last seven months. The large de
mand from abroad, and the rapidly increasing home de
mand forme ay the basis for circulation by National
Banking fksaociatians n6w organising In itU parts < f the
country, will; in a eery shots, period, absorb tbs balance.
Sales hare lately ranged front tan to fifteen millions week
ly, frequently esceedlng three millions dally,and it It welt
known that the Secretary of tie Treasury has ampul
and unfitting resources in the Doties on' Imparts and
Internal Kereroes, and in the of the Interest besting
Legal Tender Treasury Notes, it Is almost a certainty
that he will not find It necessary, for a long time to come, to
eeek a market for any other long or premature Loans
Prudenpe and'self interest must force the minds of thorn
contemplating the formation of National Banking Associ
ations, as well as the minds or nil who hare idle money on
their bangs, to the prompt conclusion that they should
lose no time in subscribing to this meet popular Loan: It
will soon be beyond their reach, and edrance to a hand
some premium, sa was the ralnlt with the” Seren Thirty”
Loan, when it was all sold and cob Id no longer be sub
scribed for at par.. :
Jt it ate percent. Loan, the Interest and Principal mv
ahU tn Oxn, thus yieidng aver Nine per (Ynt. t*r anm*m
at the present rates of premium on coin.
The Government requires all duties on imports to be
paid in Coin:: these dntles bare fur a long time past
amounted! to over a Quarter of a Million of Dollars daUy '
a sum nearly three times greater than that required In
the payment of the Interest on all the 5-20’s and other
permanent Loam. Sj that It is hoped that the surplus
Coio In the Treabnry, at no distant day. will enable the
United Slates to resumo specie payments upon all liabili
ties. - j .. -
The Logo is called 5-20 from the fret that whilst the
Bonds may run for 20 yean, yet therObsernment has s
right to pay them off in Gold, at par,'at anytime after
ft years. ,1
The Interest i* paid hatf yearly, vlx; on the first days
of November and May.
Subscribers cam have Coupon Bonds, which arc payable
tobearer.iand ate $6O, SIW, $6OO, ahd $1000; or Regis
tered Bonds of Same donomiaationa, and in addition, $&.-
OOU. and $1,0.000. Per Banking purposes and for inveit
mcnt« of Trust-monies the Roistered Bonds are preferable.?
These oW* cannot be faxed by States, cities, towns, in]
counties, and the Government tax on them is only 01W
and a-half per cunt., on the amount of iwomt, when the
income of the holder exceeds Six Hundred dollars per an
num ; all other investments, such as income form Mort*
gpges, Railroad; Snick and Bonds, .etc., moat pay from
three to five per cent, on thejneome.
Banks and Bankers throughout the Country' will con
tinue todiepose dfthe Bonds; and all orders by mail, or
otherwise, promptly attended to.
The inconvenience of a few days’ delay in the delivery of
Ibe Bond* i& unavoidable, the demand being so great; but
os interest commences from the day of subscription, no
loss ix occasioned, and every effort is being made to di
minish ibh delay. . . * -
JAY COOKfe, Suhecriptiou Agent,
Philadelphia. December 2,«1563.-2hi.
Did you see bonine’s
tor Card Ptctorea, which h© hax jnat received
from tbo City?—and hismw lot of
photograph albums?
Hei has a very alee assortment, and' sells
them] at very reasonable prices.
And the finest lot of; FRAMES, for
in Altoona. Call and examine to be satisfied,
and hare yohr ’
taken. He ©till has his Room in
Clabaugh’s Building,
JciUt Stub, between; Virginia and Bmtua.
. Altoona, Oct. 25,1«6&—3m. , " V
! •
1 1 •
\. . .
9 \
■ • ASDTBAT >/ /•
As stated at the opening
of the.
I Union Store
I to Mil erejy article >t • ceneiu DiTriuMji ■
1 OMt, ■** Out poreM Urn-brine the priw>ewnT S
j th« of other atom. Bv ceiling . .
«re are enabled to place oor percentage at tlw very tostaat
flgnro, because we hare no loaa to make up.
We shall at all time* keep the beet quality of all vtblee
offered fbr sale. Our present stock consists aof choice ss
lotion *»f
■ ; *
awl everything in tbe grocery line,;
The beat bnadaof lk>v froa the rNnnh Mount
Union and other Milk.
Palnrixadwete* White 12 dts, Yollowsnd Brows T*n
Imperial and Black Ten born Bft eta, to IJO per lb.
Williamoport Bio, Franklin Milla Bio. Nonpareil Bio
Bxceluor, Dandelion, Kate nee, Browned Bye. '
Spicoa of all kinda, Chocolate and Cocoa. ,
Scyiacnae, Ground Allum and Dairy Salt.
Mavv B apuo, Flounder, Congreae, Natural iraf and S
olace Chewing tobacco, alaoja good eedection of ffmrklnk
Tobacco,andClgan. ”
Franklin and Loterlng’e Sugar lloeee aad other gyrune.
Bauch Baiaona 30 eta. Seedleaa Balaooa 3ft ota, nr lb.
Corn Starch. ■
' Carbon Qil 66 eta. per gallon. Candle*.
Rosin. German, French Caatije, American Outlie. Saw
yerti and other Toilet Soapa,
Cream, Wjne, Sugar, Butter, Sod* and Water Cracker*.
Ferina Biscuit.
Broom., Hand, Dust, Scrub and Shoe Brnahas.
We would call apodal attention to our Boot, and Shoe,
aaouratock ia freehandaeleoted with (rat care aa to
quality. MANAGBEB.
Dec. 28,1888. “
The Scientific Ainerican
FOB 18641
The publisher of the SCIENTIFIC AUBKICAN reeeect
/ully gives uotice tliat the Ixxtu Voumx (New Seriea) Will
commence on the lirat of January next. Tbia Journal waa
established in 1846, and to undoubtedly the moat widely
circulated and influential publication of the kind lo the
world, la commencing the uew volume the publishers de
sire* to call special attention to it* claim* a*
In this respect it stands unrivalled. It m<t only finds
its way to almost every workshop in the country, aa the
earnest friend of the mechanic ana artizan, but it ia found
in the counting-room of the aaapnfactnrer and the mer
chant ; also, in the library an(T the household. Ihe pnb
iiphera feel warranted in saying that no oliut Journal now
published contains an equal amount of useful information ■
while it ia their aim to present all anhieeta in the most
popular and attractive manner.
The Scientific American ia published once a week, in
convenient form for binding; and each number eeelsin**
sixteen pages of useful leaning matter,, illustrated with
©fall the latest aad best inventions oftjleday. ThU feature
oftbejournal is worthy of apeCfaTnote. Every number
contains from five to ten original engraving* of mechanic
Cal inventions relating to every department of the arts.
Thesv engravings are executed by artists; specially em
ployed on the paper, and are universally acknowledged to
be superior to anything of the kind produced In this
The publishers of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAS promise
to present, as during proceeding years, all the latest im
provements In Steam Jfinglneerltfg, War Vessels, Ordinance
--military and naval, Fire-arms, Mechanics* Tools, Manu
facturing Machinery, Farm Implements, Wood-working
Machinery, Water-wheels, Pumps and other BydnuUc
Apparatus, Household Utensils, Electric, Chemical and
Maiiiouiatical Instruments, Flying Machines and other
Curious luveutibus—beside* all the varied articles de
4igued to lighten the labor of mankind, not only in the
shop and warehouse, but in every place where the indus
tries of Hie am proposed.
From its commencement the-SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN
has been the earnest advocate of the right* of American
In this important department, so vitally connected with
ail toe great interests ot the .country, no other journal e
lay any claim whatever; as in its columns thereto pub
lished a weekly Official hist of the * Claims” of all natents
granted at the U. 8. Patent Office.
aIoDB are oft-times worth more to the subscriber than the '
amount of a whole year's subscription.
Two volumes of the SCIENTIEIC AMERICAN an pub
lished each year, at |IAO each, or $3 per annum, with
correspondingly low terms to Clubs t $i will pavbr four
months subscription. The number lbr one year, when
bound in a volume, constitute a work of 832 paces of ittw
iui iu formation, which everyone ought to possess.- A new
volume will commence oc the first of January, 1884.
■ , :• CLUB BATES,
five Copies, for Six Months.
Thu Copies, for Six Months,..,*...
?g> Copies, for Twelve M0n*5...r...v...
stiteen Copies, for Twelve Month*... «x
Hrehtj Copies, for Twelve Months.. -3
, Fojr all clubs of Twenty and over, the yearly subsoTtotfcll
iaoulysa.oo. Names can bo sent in at different times and
J£om different Tost offices. Specimen copies will be asm
gratis to any part of the country. *
MUN.N i CO., Publishers.
®*c. ISB3 -J No. #7 Bark How, Sew York.
The undersigned would re,
SPBCTFCLLT ANNOUNCE to the poblk that .he
h*« added to her stock of " *
Tf* 0 ***i
CALICO •* 16 to 25 “ ’•« “
PBLAINBfI “ 80to3S - -•-
Ami all other articles In proportion.
‘ fall •tsortmenc of GLOT£B, HOSIXHT
COLLARS, and NOTIONS generally, “» a «WW.,
of Uillinorj’ Good* embraces everything fa
th*t lino anally kept in the country. /Mm., »
o. l .« “ y . K<XKi * *>•“ *0 the low*«t Agora FOR'
CASH. Believing that mygood. ami price. wfll pro*
WiActpry, I In rite a caD from the public. V
pee. 23d, 1863-ly.
Dividend notice.
_ Oma or Auoova fiu A Tim Co, >
Tbc BOARD Of MANiQEßi^re^^S^dSeredV
Bemi-AaoTOl Diridrad of FOUR PKR CKNtlon the Capt
. A St 2 cko / ,he ® om l*oy. clear of State tax, payableon
end after Jan wy Ut, 186*. B. F. '*6Bl!,
Dec. 23,1863-4 t. T/einnr. i
TWTOTICE.—Notice is hereby given that
JJ* tl» following resolution vu adopted at a late meet*
?. f }?f Board of M*n*g«ra of the Altoona Sail and
Market Company;—
kesdvtdy That the second instalment of 10 percent, on
stock subscribed for, be made payable on the 30th«
day of the present month, (Mayj and that the ******* of'
tbe subscription be madejpiyable In monthly
of 10 per cent each, oh the 16th day of each mirniitlni
month, until the whole amount la paid Ip. ' ;
Persons vUhlog to take stock la the company can
be accommodated, there being a few shares rd nnaoM. ■
' Altoona, May 19th.-tf. B F. ROSK, fteammv
tbb subscriber, in Loghn township, v ' *'d
near Allegheny Furnace, oh or about the
loth of Norember, 1863, a blight Red
Milch Cow, having a white star on lore*
head, and white belly. The owner
requested to come (brwsrd, prov»
ertjr, p»y chargM and Uko her »w»y. otierwtoe ■£« rtW
bedlqioted of according to law. “
6«. 2,1863.-3t*
forfuntly tttart,- . ...-
• i '’~ : • * ; • ntncuirt i
JA/; OAEJart taeotod «nd fcr u]« ' : "*->§
fept. 1,1883. -■■■■« TBnCHKTf. *
V* of «ll|r*de»,«iid »t nMHUi prt&Srlij^W
TRitOHW. :