The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, December 30, 1863, Image 2
W™* Ifftttlt '■ A SWliiigrtßaid ontbevVirginiaand Tbnnaaaee Bafiroad. -■ 1 ' ; i OFFICIAL BETOBTOF GEN. AVEBILL. li: ALTOONA, PA WEDNESDAY, DEC. 30. 1863. ®*®' A McAllister will please ac ce P tour for regular copies of the DaUjf Qhbe. No more , acceptable docu icent could be presented us. We bave on band a letter from a J°««« n* 4o froin Binuingbam, now in the arm y «t Knoxville, detailing the hardships and engagements through which he has pa«dd. We are unable to find room for it this week, but it will loose none of its interest by lying over until our next issue. Cixanoe fob a Spake,- —from Jltaine we bpve information of an expected raid of a band of “ roughs,” rebels and South em sympathisers, frdm the British Prov inces, into, the border towns of that State ior the purpose of plundering. If Johnny Bull 'Wishes io keep out of a spree he will do wjeU to watch the suspicious characters' now congregating in that part of bis do- mains, The Vexekak <3olo*B. —The veteran corps: promises to be a large one. Every day we receive intelligence of, whole regi ments and divisions re enlisting These old regiments remaining in the field will be of great advantage to new recruits, pre paring (hem much sooner for active service teaching them how to make themselves comfortable under all circumstances. We hope there shall hot much longer be need for either veterans or new recruits, al though at present the indications are that we shall have another year of I war. Hon. A, McAllister. —We have paid ’some attention to the course of our present in Congress, who went to Washington with a popularity second to no man in the district, and while we do not approve of all his votes, we still find those which we can commehd. On all questions pertaining to the Union, the vigorous prosecution of the war, the sol diers, jetc., be votes with the Union party, thus showing that he is as good as his word, and a firm Union man, and that he can sink politics for (he sake of the Union.— May he so continue to act. Qunaral McClellan's Report. G«h McClellan’s report was transmitted to the Horae to day. It consists of seven | hundred and sixty five foolscap pages, and is divided into fonr parts. ! , Hf concludes as follows, I shall not, nor can l while living, forget that when I was ordered to the command of the troops for the of the capitol, the ' soldiers with whom I badshared so much of the anxiety and palheiid suffering of the war had not lost their confidence in ine as their commander. They N l*hflff lo my call with all ancient vigor, discipline and ctwage. I led them into Maryland 15 days p*d fallen back defeated before Washing taa. ' They vanquished the enemy on the ragged ¥ South; Mountain, pursued him <o the haratoughf field of Antietam, and drove Mm bro ken and dispirited down the Potomac into Vir army had need of rest after the terrible experience of battles and marches, with scarcely an interval of repose, which they had gone through from the time of their leaving for the i*eatnanl«, the rt*nm to Washington, the defeat m Vfigmia, the rictoty at South Mountain, and again at Antietam. It «M IM surprising that they were in a large <mgree destitute of the absolute necessaries to effec tive duty. Their! shoes were worn out, their blankets were lost, and their clothing was in rags. In short. the “eb; were unfit for active service, and ta interval, for rest and equipment was neces sary. . . > * i 1 t provided supplies home to us, the river, renovated, refresh- in md older and discipline, and followed the- retreating foe to a position where I was confi dent ofdedrive victory—when, in thei midst of the movement while my advance guard was actnallv m contact with the enemy, I was removed from the command. I km devoutly greatfol to God that my lift campaigßrtvith this brave army was crowned witiv 'ie*o»y, wh|(di saved a great nation from the grea test petiT It had then undergone. I have not ac uoiW&pri my purpose if by this report the Army of the rotomac is not placed high on the roll Jf the historical armies of the world.. Ifs deeds en- M*hJe. the belief ;lo which it belongs. Always reaqyjfoe battle, always firm, steadfast and trust worthy, X never called on them in vain, nor will 1 taemuiop ever have cause to attribnid its want of SOW*** node) my selfof under other commanders to w fpflime of patriotism or bravery |r| that noble bodv of A,m«rican soldiers. So man can justly charge upon any portion of that army, from the commanding General to the 1 private, any lake at devotion to the service of the “ 1 ¥ IW.% , WW nt and to the cause of the ! Unio ?- '■ ha ye proved I their fealty in much sorrow, suffering and danger the very shadow of death. ’ Their commdes, dead on all the fields where we ! roagbt, have seucciv more claim to the honor of a ; nation s reverence man the survivors to the justice 1 of a nation’s gratitude- ! Tim repiM corefs the period from tW'26th of 1&32. | „ fee-Esu*tME!tTs.—The Second yotkoad First Michigan eavalty have re enßiM folhtee years. TThe whole of Kilpatricks JjgJ WSioil has gone 'hi ■ for the I war. The yaW. XfcMMor Hagjmrnt on Friday! re-enlisted m a body for the 'war. The whole brigade will pmMHr ; Washington. Dec. 28. ! | , %»x t 7 Focahohtab Was# Va., Dec 21, via. ■j Mjgor-Geneml , Halleck, General-in-Chief i—l hare the honor to report that I eat the Virginia knd Tennessee Baii ; freed at Salem, on the 16tbinstant, and hare ar rived safely at this point with mv command, con ning of die Second, Third add’ Eighth Virginia Mounted Infantry, Fourteenth Penn’a (Bob^n - * j Battalion of Cavalry and Ewing's But lory. • At Salem three depotswere! destro'ved.’couiam i«g 2000 ban-ids flour. 10.000 bushels wheat. 100,000 bushels shelled com, 50,000 bushels outs! t 2000 barrels meat, several cords of leather 10(10 jacks of salt, 31 hoxea,clothing, 20 bales cotton, a large amount ot saddles, equipments, tools, oil, tar. and various other stores, and 100 wagons. ; J The telegraph wire vyas cut down and posts ■ burned for half a mile. The Wuier stations, turn i tables, and three cars were burned, and the track : (join up and rails heated and .destroyed as much : as possible in six hours. Five bridges and several culverts were destroyed over ah extent of sixteen miles. A large quantify df bridge 'timber and repairing materials were''also destroyed. : My march was retarded occasionally by die tempest in the njodntain* and the icy roads. I was obliged to swim my command and drug my • MtUlery with ropes across frog’s creek seven. : times in twenty-four hours, i On my return I , found six separate command... under Generals Early, ~lodes. Fit/ I as-, Imbisit-n. Jackson, Echols and MeConstin, arranged in a line ex tending from Staunton to Newport, upon all the - available roads, to prevent my rat urn. : 1 captured a dispatch from . General Jones to General Early, giving me the position, that Jack sou at Clifton Forge and Covington, was selected t° cany. I marched from the from of Jones to that of Jackson during the night. His outposts were pressed in at a gallop by the Eighth Virginia Mounted Infantry, and the two bridges across Jackson River saved, although faggots had been piled ready to ignite. ' My column, about -sfcviin ulilc long, hastened across regardless of the enemy 1 , until all but mv J ambulances, a few wagons undone regiment bail I passed, when a strong effort was made to retake! the first-bridge, which did not succeed. The am- 1 balances and some sick men were lost, and by the j darkness and difficulties the last regiment was de tained upon the opposite side until morning, when it was ascertained that the enfimv seemed deter mined to maintain hi*, positihn upon the cliffs which overlooked the bridge. ! i I caused the. bridges, which were long and high, to be destroyed, and the. ehemv immediately Changed his position to the flatjk and rear of the detatchment, which was cut off. 1 sent orders to the. remnant to destroy our wagons and conn* to me across the river or over the mountsin> Thcv . swam the river with the loss .jof only four men drowned,, and Joined me. ~ In the meantime the forces oi’ the enemy were Concentrating upon me at Cojlaglmns on’ every available road but one, which was deemed imprac ticable, but by which I crossed Over the top of the AUeghanies, with my eommani), with the excep tion of four caissons, which were destroyed in or der to increase the beams of the pieces.’ .Mv loss is six men drowned, one officer and four men wounded, and four officers and. ninety men mis sing j. We captured about two hundred prisoners, but have retained bnt four offeers aind eighty men, on account,of their inability to walk. WV/took also, about one hundred and’fifty horses. My men nml horses have .subsisted entirely .upon a very |»oor country, and the officers and men liave suffered cold, hunger and fatigue, with ;remarkable forti tude. My command has marched, -jul'imbud, slid and swsm three hundred and fortv-five miles sine- the Bth inst. . : H. W. AVERILL, Brgadier-General A Plain Talk to Kentuckians, Hon. It. T. Jacob, the Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky, on taking his seat as presiding officer of the State Senate, tlms addresses his fellow-citi zens : No one with the first instincts of a states man would attempt to tear Kentucky from her safe moorings in the midst of a sisterhood of States, to place her as a frontier, subject, in all future times, ‘to the ravages and I horrors of desola ting wars. In the centre Of a glorious constella tion, all the combined forces of! the World would scatcely have touched or reached her. As a frag ment of a dissevered tuition, die, uatufally the dark and bloody land, the f/athway of contending armies, would be devastated arid ruined t so that this question of Union, however great and para mount toother Slates, is a question of life and death to her. The pretext for this war was danger to slave property, not that it tvas in immediate danger, but it might be so f giving a strange spectacle to the world of a mighty people attempt ing suicide. not for the present evils, hut for what might lie in tile womb of time. • Kentucky, governed by loyalty, pleaded in vain for peace, and counseliod resistance only when wrongs were attempted, andthen, infighting tor one to .give np the flag of Washington land the Union of our fathers, hut to fight for ail rights. Madmen would not lisfitn to her sage ad vice. They rushed to war wath the paracidal hands, attempting to tear down the work of our Ipthcrs. What has been the cSjinseqiiencc ? The institution they rushed to an unholy war to protect from future cfinsequencts is oiijlhe verge, of de struction. The only slave property that is at all safe is the property belonging no the loyal State rtf Kentucky. If sbe bad not hejen loval her slave property, with ail Other kind, wpnld be a tiling of tjie past. Now, because, by tiie mad attempt of the South, the institution! of shivery has lieeit placed in danger, and which we predicted would bp the consequence of the Ifisand attempts td break up our nationality, the partisans of the infamous j attempt to break up the Government of ottr fathers 1 roil up their eyes ih. holy rhorror, and ' ask us mi p)ace ourselves in exactly the same position. We i I‘livc been loyal and true, therefore our property is, | comparatively speaking, ’’safe. dThey have la-en disloyal, and their property Is oh the verge of ruin; ! therefore jwe must turn mad, be disloyal, and lose onrs. ‘ ■ | But it as said the President will conscript the nbgro slave, and thereby destroV the instiimion of slavery in Kentucky. -He lias tot done so vet, and sufficient unto the day is life 1 evil thereof.— Bnt, fqr argument's sake, suppose lie does—who .gave him the power but you zealots of the South, who, in your frenzy, attempted ,to destroy the temple of liberty and ail thedear rights of the past? If lie does, will disloyalty to the Union save the institution? Notaiall. "ll wojild hurl it to de struction with ail other interests ot the State. royalty to the Union, like!the past, is the only safety to ourselves, our property,;,and. all the dear ajld sacred rights that we posses*;. If we resist, it njiust be in the Union and hnder;'tbe flag of Wash ington, with the millions of strong hearts and strong arms that we possess in the loyal North.— Throw away these re&ontces as the South tnadlv d|d, we would be crushed as she will be, and which w|e wonld deserve to be for being recreant to the great rights bequeathed to ns by our fathers. No. up! Come wluit may ; come what will; let Ken tucky be true. It is hot only thp path of honor but the path of safety; any other is the path of dpstrnction. ■. i . • ■ Afkaihs is North Cakousa.—A dispatch fijom Ncwbern, North Carolina,: says: 'Die new oath of allegiance has been administered to a num ber of rebel officers and soldiers, Who have recently come into our lines to accept the pardon offered by the President. They bring-the intelligence tfjat a large number are like situated,' who intend td do likewise at the earliest opportunity. The man of leasing out the abandoned, plantations in Eastern North Carolina, adopted by the lion. g Heaton, the supervising agent of the Trea lepartweiit, is-proving a great success to teparttnent, and also a great benefit to the >g classes of both colors, who ate soon to t Mr.' Heston with a beautiful testimonial. I * ate Prizo Fight. Young Lady Mysteriously Abducted. firs Hcatny • Mbs Biuuiw. — A between Heenan and King took The Si-rincfidd rill yZuj u „ i ca, • Vprteh from|MW|*iMonroe, dated Dec. 28th jflace at Tninbridge, England. on the »6mrag of ft® im '‘ Tbe f " ,ItW ” W is € dßW>ri J*' on (I>^^h bVie H ; i “ b^° n C °^ ,y ’ those: sent up GeiwrallSfeSfc thought:- - % . i S^,^ h l^ rt^^^ftn^t^? eri - TWbellkn^Wrefuse^ Bomxl trying to measuretbeirdistunea; ot Mr. M Heenan mo in and closed, grasping King bv the floraßichvtew o,X n iX „r iSaV.I *2?' '•“ST 1 GwernmrtW has been contending, and their ter* ■ nepk, and pm on the old-fasbionedlmg, wntiiininc writer savs dials A?’ lh l r*" of the negrnepd to hold his man in such a wav .!,« 'rtStef ™* , ' im * u '** ‘ "*«» * f*og*i**.\ 1 They ate Stfnm Urratere entered the ring ami strictly Rationed him u..t t<> ,1.,-ir hu-ts. tlnd armed with • «?* ? f tmee from Grnen.l Butler, or tonegotiate the o|«rmjon in a similar maimer. ~„r,,1 themselves in Mr I !n»rin\ mV’ I""' on tlj€ ‘ sl,l> -t«' t ot exchanges, because <A Komid King came to the scrauTt. There uas some attempt at break down the door. Thc^oSan™^ countering by bntii ol the most homely description;. ,W was recognized as a man who had aken • q '"*, w, ! l * n «; rece,Te i •H*"** very wild, and very plain. Hceiian rushed on luppc, at Mr. Lit,lot,s the same eveng mder T° , wT d .'Y ,t . h b,ra * notwithstanding King: got. the bug again, and threw him, like a of having lost his wav t 0 HaXon he ,w »( «*•“»» they now ma|te a pre sack ol malt, on die grass, On. the men being next town oj, to Majkiou. th. text lot• tlra negotiation. This is lifted, Heenan was found to be bleeding from the ■- When ■,i.„ m i . ... shown by the tact that they have already exchange! r „i, r,«m„., *""~ 1 > l r” 'uotnul i i a beautiful ami amiable girl of sixteen vears of umuu J. Almr sonic hind exchanges, Heenan age, who Imcl just returned home from a boarding udfb ~,U “r"" l!" V " KinK 0U tl,L ' rofH ‘ s bl:! '° o1 ° lliu - She having just run down stairs, ».d an awful spmik All was now going .lead to.see wlpu was the matter;* was seized bv three k u n“ s J?' 1 [!i e ruffians and told that she in list go with them, dead . ! a ~ t “'llheauii.Mip with a “mouse rather or alive. Her father was totally unarmed and MSIUIC under his teft eye, fliev went lo work in powerless to defend her. The girl was dragged to a manner that showed the first indication of slash- her room,* and after having been allowed •to dress mg. Heenan again running in for the hug. It herself, was forcibly dragged to a buggyand driven I my T I fisht nothins b,,t - a otr - As e birni out of the bouS she turned 1 Tern, is rn is “ 8 ‘ ? °" lv „ T ?7 sl,l, " Rli,l,lu ' “'"’ards her father, raised her hands and exclaimed, ! agents in the business. 1 his called .forth loud ex- “ Oh. God i pr R B 3 " f Ji |«rt’»batio„. , --A liarty o| eight men were: left to guard the ...T f , e c a'.»e «p smiling at one I house' till daylight, to prevent anv alarm being : an | .i, a J>d after, feeling. King let fly a tremendous ; given. During the night they paced around the ; light-handed thuiiderbolt against Heenan's cur \ house, koorking at fhe door,’ looking the ; that was heard all over the ring. King followed i window, rattling at the glas,s, and taunting the | up.lns advantage and launched a fellow-hluw on wretched inmates by asking how they liked eve- Ueenans tchiplc, Heenan. in despair, hugged ning calls. X,, clue has been obtained to the 1 "'id threw his antagonist. alKliiciurs. or to the course taken bv them, although i Itouuu •».—xho sledging business commenced a stranger whom .Mr. Linton met at a store in at ithia round:.hath men went in ding-dong.— ; Kichview the same day is sukpeb'ted to have been Heenan mushed by again putting on the hug: one of them. Another statement is to the effect what tew hits were exchanged were not of the : that a woman who had been prowling around the slightest moment upon the issue of the contest. , : neighborhood for some rime Past was one of the Komid '.—Give and take now betaine the order abducting partv. Mr. Linton is a Quaker by prtp ot the day, A lew seconds, then more hammer-- fession? and it was well knbwii that he was un ing. wnen Ucci)an was oliliged to fly to his favorite i armed. Tor some time past a tierffiet reign of embrace. Caught King and crossVbuttockcd him tenor Ins prevailed in the region referred to alajve. 'fearfully. I eople actually held their breath a It was within a few miles of the same neighbor moment, • iipd felt relieved Yvlier. tliei men were hood (at Ashley) that a ntimberiof robberies were rained to their corners. During this round King : per|)elraicd recently, ot which we gave some ae gave Heenan a rattling sledge-hammer on the nose count a couple of weeks ago. The vicinity is over with his right, and 'brought the blood down in a run bv deserters mid rebel sympathizers stream. (Cheers uhd counter cheers.; , v • Kound B.—On time being called, both were nj.. recovering, of hacking, or ducking, to get awav. Some rapid ckiumering t«x>k place. Ifeenun went in, when the hugging was .brought into action, bm this timi* failing woefully, Jbr King tiirncd Mu table and floored his K<itind J*.—Boric shaip to .time. King ]<■! nm his right, and struck Heenan ueincnduoVv about tiu> head. Heenan closed, ami threw Ring again. Kound 10.—-Kxpivss hail imw iicgmi In earnesr. King landing om heavily with bo-h ri-»- aud. at a struggle was thrown. IvOiilld 11.—Hv'iuiun iiOgan to*dmw tiicpmv wa< tolling him. up, he caught and thn-w Kintr verv‘heavily: ■ Ir funded like u.vm fulling out of a curt. Jiouml Ilk—Not more, than a minute: lioavv exchanges about Uit*, anti iluvw King heavily. Round Jo.—Suiuc heavy counk-ritlg about ihe heuil on both sides, .when Heenun einscl. throwing King us befoiv. v Round H.—Heenan mer at ihv'wrv nuf si‘t with a iVlirfijl punch from the latter’s right hn>ui. Some sliarj> betting. A heavy fall fur King. Notwithstanding all this throwing advant age. Ileenun shdwod nearly ns mueh di>ties> as King. Koumi Jo.—il was now plainly seen ihat ihe rate was telling jHj\verfnily on both men. Some swing raps on each side, lleenan Miot out his right hand with such terrific effect that King reeled like a drunken man, ultimately falling in his corner. It was thought that he would not face the storm again. Unit was tJie first, genuine knock-down blow'. • Hound IC.—Ai tolerably good atvimnl nf work was done, in which King cut his o|i|H)nein's right eye. and the round Was finished by a heavy body blow trom Ilccnan, which made King stagger hack, and the ground boing>liiipeiy he fell dgun. Round IT.—liccnuns fast lighting' and throw ing begat! to tell its own tide himself, and he came up piping, though smiling. Nobhcrs were exchanged and some ((ode blows, and in the end King was again thrown. Round 18.—King soon led olf. ami vi-iu-il the damaged eye, and also gut in urn- on the cheek, w-liich riled the Bcmeeia law. who gave him a stinger on the head, closed and threw him so heavily that it was thought he was out of lime, and it took his seconds sometime before thev could get him round again. Here the Kingites broke into the ring, and the remainder of the fight wa earried on amidst much disorder. Jp. the confusion we missed the two succeeding rounds, but they were very short, and in favor of Ilccnan, , King soon recovered, mid immediately afterwards turned the tide of fortune in bis favor. Heonan rapidly ami suddenly getting weak, ' ' Round 21.—8 y the advice of his seconds Kin" h-d oil and planted well on the datiiaged eve and also on the .nose, fetching more Wood from hot!, places. Hainan's, returns were short, and Kin" at once closed with him and threw him a regular hnstcr. liouiid 22.—Again did King got well homo on nie nasal organ and'right peujier, hnd receiving i: | m the rili-, closed and threw llcenan. j Bound -o. Heenait came up quite groggy, and I his heart seemod to bo failing him, for when King ; once more planted a straight one on the month i he appeared quite perplexed and hclpldss. ' He I tried to plant hill left but did not reach; After : some sharp in-fighting, he wnsafain Hung Iwnvik Ito mother earth,:ap(l when picked no was nearly \ i>, ■ t> . mi Tn . . j senseless. 1 . " • A Bio Payment.— I The Illinois Central Kail- I v . v . , ; road Company, last week by’their Attorney, John I ~, r° t!lL '. v 111 the scratch ,M. Douglass, Esq., (mid into Treasury of tiie Stale again than Ktnjytgain visited fits mug, and knocked of Illinois, the sum of' two hundred and shetu-fonr i Kml £ ISvr s ... "~' l "r ,n "‘ dreii >md I uomul _o, and. hist.—Sayers roused lleenan i mom 1 , cent*—being seven per cent, upon the cross Kinif 0 *! at ,T 7’„ a g °- llil , n OIIC , e n ' oro t 0 f!U:e 1 eun,i,, fi s of the r °ad for the venr eildihg April 30th Kings but the latter again planted on the mouth ; 180,3. The gross earnings for the year estinmted lmi , , u "ye 1 sell - 5s to the gromld.— at these figures, have amounted lo the immense Phis was a settler, tor when Keenan tried to leave sitin'of §3,776,320 80. This is an increase of corner for another round lie was as helpless as- nearly'.*loo,ooo upon seven per cent, of the gross i child, ami, amidst shouts ol shame, shame, to earnings of the road for the vear previous . allow him to eoinc up again, MacDonald gave in - I ,rev,oU!! - : ° r . i j . The Uiehmond Examiner of December On the. arrival of Hecnan’in London he received “Ppcars to bo coming to a true sense of the , the best medical ■ attendance,. and although his : <°nditi°rt of the Confederacy. It says: “The bruises and eonti|sicms were (bund to be very severe, ndjeetive •Confederacy,’ as applied to, the various none of Ids bones wore broken, and be' bad re- i ln; >he-shirts rendered necessary bv the .yar, is quite ectyed no internal injury. His'head exhibited a j ! I|C revPFSO of eomplmentary. * Confederate coflee most ghastly apjigaraiice. His old lip wounds bad rf ' as,u< * Confederate paper;is only fit for reopened, and bis eyes were nearly closed. ' wrapping parcels. Confederate i swords areas : ~,,, .... ’ , harmless as if they were made of load. Confede'r in flmLf W V r^iT T f' U wMb ° f; "f 00 mom m the army,, lit mg in Wiihaniyon eoontv, IJlinoi.s, recently .received from her husband a inu*k.mre con-’ Mumvi.- nic i * - - - taining seven hundred dollars. .. portion of which in the terrible gale wiiieh^^T'* en » > “» , * a ? ter ; the officer’s wife, and asked iHirmission to mmain , i*° over night 'l lie n-oman refused, but the soldier columns of the London papers are rT insisting, she finally consented. During the night of vessels lost * ■ I,ed w ! (h IlBts : the family was aroused by the violent knocking of - - . ..... parties outside, who demanded the door to be Keiikl M mi. C vprunTr. I’ f wT' opened, mid if qot opened tbev would break -it ’ Xew York'/W of niondav tV J*** 1 , 81 to the 1 ffi TE « p^ihing: ;r:r *" soldier exclaimed, m a loud enough to bo : district, and new cases of seizure ‘’ S «- M " OLF heard bv the villa ns outside, -I am unarmed, but 'daily.. Property occur *«•» inform the public that ho i, prepared ■fo Bn p p ,y .ri bad a pistol I would fix the villains.” The’ '-i , L__ , a 7t“ u “m floor was then boosted- open, and the men, dis- ®-A Wasbingion eorresixindenf n f>.. w , Whogire him °nc can are sureiwcair akalb; imt gmsed iw negroes; enthred the house. Five shots paperi asserts tbilf Senator Jim TolVw "'•“ ter “ T”' W*S» «»«<*«-. i ' T , were find at, bom. kiUing 1, reen.f the exorcised a. the of t ,™ o“r S * party, .and wouridtng'another; the remainder Add., i Mr. Stockton Chaplain to the LI re ‘ **•«> to #20.00 having been washed from the fac« .he, “He repeats the2:,oo “ O.flO' of the dead, thev *eto discovered to be the wo- ' and before thi' end of this Conufj ll ’ 'lf, 11 1.25 “ man’s nearest neighbors— one ortliemlierbrothef- keptif lip till fonte of these S"" in proportion, j -,:.•.•••/ a in-law. , I earn ed^if <•• membere wotdd have ™t« that I can render tali’ aattriSetion loaf] ! learned It . who may gtra their palrooags. I t at lon „f mr stork and priso,. [6re|*“ «Tr' Mexico. —Tiie late news from Mexico gives a more favorable coloring to native Mexican ntfairs than has been received heretofore. It is stated by late advi-es received at New Orleans that the Re publicans ..f Mexico had recaptured Puebla.— There was no resistance, flie French force being very small and retiring before Generals Beriozahel . and 'Nt-grefte, who occupied tin- place with five i thousand men. while other Mexican forces had* goiia in join them, General Cbmonfori also liad iR ronu- tired of waiting for an; attack from the I’’o-ncli, and was marching from Qneretaro or Mexico. a( the* head of twenty thousand men. well with artillery and munitions of war. At lampieo, the I'reach troops are suffering severely fiutn yellow tever, having lost eight hundred men, and mailing can be procured ftpm without, not wen a Jiaiuina. the roads being generally in posses ■'lmi ot gneiTillas. and French supplies cannot be ran’icd forward, except under heavy escort. Ibe sick man ot Mexico may yet recover his pristine health, and be able to strike back vigorous blow' tor hi' independence and the integrity of .Mexican nationality. The Mexican embroglio is becoming heavy in France on the public mind, and the present coinpliiatjon of 'European affairs may lift the pressure of foreign aHns and influence from Mexico. Late news Irom France states that Napoleon had to ask for another loan to push forward his'Mexi can enterprise, and it may be that he will see the necessity oi affecting a compromise in that -quarter, T-eeing that his pet projeet, the famous (.'digress, h more than likely to prove a dead failure. How Gkn. Corcoran was The death id General Corcoran, writes a correspondent, was caused in the following manner;; On the afternoon of the 2-d inst. General Meaghefj who was paying a visit to General Corcoran, was to return to Washington, when General Corcoran and some members of ids staff concluded to;accompany him. Alter leaving General Mengher-at the station, it was suggested to General Corcoran to ride Gen. Meagher s horse, which he did. , When near the Headquarters ot General Corcoran, those who ac companied him held in their horses, while he rode on. In a short time his friends came to a small gaby mar the General's headquarters, and found that ;iie hor>c* had fallen upon him, 'and that, he lay there senseless. They immediately conveyed him tn hi> headquarters, where iny was hied by the diicmr in attendance, tie gave-a sigh on being bind, but never spoke after the accident occurred. Kkoonstui’ction in Tennessee.—The Mcui |ilus l.rrunuj /iiilktiii ot Iho 27th instant sjivs that movements tor n-etmstrnction in accordance with tin- I’rehlent'- lain proclamation- will be rom mem-eil at ome. The prpehtriiation savs that whenever. In any State in a condition ot' insur rection. a number of {lerstm* numbering not less than une-tenth of the number Of votes east at the Presidential election of 1860, having taken the liivsoribnd oath and being qualified voters at the lime ol secession, shall re-cstablisiva.State govern ment, shell a government shall lie recognized as the tine government of the Suite. In 1860 the Initiation of Tennessee was 1,108,800 atid the total vote for President that year in the State was 1 br.383. lienee 11,538 of|heso voters have it in their power to “ reconstnMft”,. the Stale of 1 ennesset!. The IJn/Jifhi jicrtimjntjV asks: Can any one doubt that it will lie dope ? Kafir Ten nessee can do the. business it,Wdf.'t N « Parson JJbownlow.—At u war meeting held in Cincinnati oh Wednesday of last week Parson Brown low gave the following good and sufficient reason for his recent '‘change of base;” '*• I un derstand that this is a war meeting, and that yon are assembled here for the purpose of dramming up volunteers. In. this matter lam in a some what awkward position, having recently taken to my heels like a grey hound, and made three hunt dred miles in short tithe, in the last two: years, as you well know, 1 have done some brave talking, which the rebels remember. Were I now sure that I should be treated as our soldiers taken by them are—incarcerated in their lonsey prisons —their Lihbys and Castle should have staid, for I could endure the lice, i did not run out of cowardice, hut I well know that if they took me I would have to pull hemp without a foot hold, [laughter,] so I ran." , The Work or Gen. Thomas.— Gen. Thomas rejsjrts that he has furnished Gen. Banka ; with 17,000 well armed colored soldiers, and that he has had 51,000 men,; women and children under his protection, the able-bodied of whom he has hired out to planters in the vicinity of bis operas lions. He has leased abandoned cotton and sugar plantations to farmers at the rate of four dollars per bale of cotton, one cent per pound for sugar, and tire cents per bushel for eorp andpotatoes— which proceeds 'go into the treasury pf the United States, and the farmers pay a. revenue tax in ad dition. Great success has attended this arrange ment, which has proved\at[sfactory to all parties, Gen. Thomas returns to bis field of labor■wune diately, thence he goes to New Orleans and Texas, arming the blacks everywhere; He lias ten regir ments of them ready to send to Gen. Grant, erTo smile at the jest which plants a thorn in another’s breast, is to become a principal in the mischief. ;■ The most direct method of deter mining horse power : Stand behind him and tickle his hind legs wiijh a brier. FAMILY DYE COLORS. Patented October 18th, 1863. Black, Black fur Silk.. Dark Bla*\ Light Biw French Blue Claret Brawn. Ddrk Brou’n, Light Br&tvv. SmtJT Brown; Cherry. Crimson, Dark Drab. Light Oral, fluvu Drab. Light Fiiiim drub. For dyeing Silk, Woolen am! idixod Goods, Shawls, Rcarfe, Drives, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnet*, Hate, Feathers. Kid Gloves, Children 7 * Clothing, and all kind* of Wearing Apparel. fisaT A SAVING OF 80 PER CENT. For 25 cents yon cun color as many goods a* would oth erwise cofct five time« that sum. Various shades ban be produced from the same dye. The process Is simple ami any pue/mu use tbe dye with perfect success. Directions In English. French and German. Intide of eack package, For farther information In Dveing, and giving a perfect knowledge wtiat colon are, beat adapted to dye over oth* cis, (with many valuable receipts,) purchase Howe A St©- vcds Treatise on Dyeing üßd Coloring. Scut bv ailail on receipt of price— lo centw. Jlunafactured by ‘ HOWE & STEVENS, 2tfo Bboadwav. Boston. For safe by drnggistvaud dealers generally. Nov. 18,1863.—1 y. * 2STEW FIRM 1 A FRESH ARRIVAL.! NEW GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES! Al/'E ABE II LAI) TO BE ABLE TO ” » Inform the people of Altoona and vicinity that we fire jn»t receiving a very large and flpe supply of WINTER GOODS, jUMt bought in Philadelphia for CASH, and at reduced prices, and are determined to dispose of them at tbe smallest possible advance. ' • Our slack of DRESS GOODS for tbs Winter Is now complete, consisting, in part, of a fall line of Itlack Silks, French Merinos, Drab and. v figured Alpacas, Wool Delaines, Figured And Plain Paramettos. and an entire new Style of Figured Delaines, Woolen Spawls, Cloaking Cloths, Hoop Skirts Balmoral Skirts, very cheap; a Sill and Complete line of Woolen and Cotton Hosiery ; *«nd Gloves. Wei also invite special attention To our stock of Domestic Goods, of. which we Have a lull line, such as Prints. Ginghams, Muslins and Shoetlngs, Res), Grey and White Shirting, Canton Flannels, Ac., at or near old Prices. Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys' , " rar t Ladies, Misses and Childrens’ Gaiters. Fine and heavy Morocco and Goat Shoes. Wo bsye also received a choice lot of Groceries. Such as Coffee, Sugar, Teas, Syrups, Ac., and A now and handsome stock of queens ware, selected expressly for this market. OS- We call the especial attention of all to the fact **“ ttt : w . e * r .® BOW J l t7 l1 itig all kinds of goods at the Imcett roxt'u's strtct ty'S<’r cash, regardless vthal they tbß P° blic for ‘be “be™! pat- OH, YES! OH, YES! THIS WAY 1 T° TftE COMMUNITY AT LARGE people: XV PARTICULAR, or £yf„fi« Choice Family Groceries, A i PRIME .QUALITY OF FLOUR, | ANY KIND OF FEED, will save money by calling at the > Grocery, Flour and Feed Store of M’CUNE & WILSON * bB i i 3. MILES M’CCJfK. Alniouo, Pa.; Fiov, 4th, 1863, *“"s I"," o*- 0 *- excellent new STOCK STOMAQH bitters: A pure ami powerful Tonic, corrcaim, and ( wonderful effigy in .dhniM, of the '' " f STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWEIS Complain., Headaek,. r/' ’ nd.jl.ty, Jrervooenre,, Depremlon of Spirit, rl, LV ‘ I,C ’ I *“W“lKent,¥e,e«, Cramp, «l'H«u s , and an Complaint, of either * ri “ il >* fron * AkIII.v Weak,,.-*,. a heth... inherent to the astern or predne.,! -NothiSo that fa nut wholesale, ii. ~1,1 , u , .. , nature enters into .ho compos, !n STOMACH BtTTRRS. Tim popular „„ '!?? “ ' no mlueral „f any kind; D 0 de4dlj h eWmZ'T fißry yf ,xclt«nt; bht it fa a comhluati,,,, ?! tare balsamic herb* and piano, with tr “ cu e.t of all diffusive atimulaut. “ ,<1 Dl ' lj It fa well to be forearmed against Ufa**,., the humau system can be pmteemi hu J u * ' against maladies engendered by an “ , sphere, impure water and other external uost Tm S BTOMA ™ may be rH.M guard. R * Hl, In districts infected With /hrrr «*, Jj/Ue it . . iouud .uhUHbie iw » preventive and irreefattble as ren! dy, and thousands who resort to it under apprehension „ au attack, eacape the ecourc** und i » to avail tlieiuwlven of it* protective- uiSatlta T gW ‘ are cured by a very brief coarse of tbfa m “ dv '“ t *- cue. lever and Ague patients, alSr iK tffad To aumine for mouths in vain, until nii. i.- . •“ d "I rat dangerous alkalo.d, are m.t J u , »“>• heaUh within a few days by The weaken,much fa rapidly invigorated and tito restored,by this agreeable iWic, aidh-nwl a“* ,1 t ‘ wonders in cases of Dispspsu anulin Its. ! * ,rl " of IssKixsnox. Acting as n genii.- Ld i.aV,T ' fo,lus as well as upon the liver, it “lao 'invurfabll “e“h« CossiiPiitox superinduced hv in-gub,, s.'ii,,n ~T gesttve and secretive organs * 11 Lll ' of feeble babit, liable to Acnw, Attach of Spirit, and Pitt of Languor, god promui nent relief from the. Hitters, The testimony . ,Inf p !T is most conclusive, and from both sese*. r The agouy ol Hiuaous Couc is immediately ... Hce ., ~ a single dose of the stimulant, acd by occasmum.. fLJ i iug to it, the return of the complaint may be prevented' As a General Tonic UOSTKTTtK S BIITHUS prX. effects which most be experienced or witnessed 1 ’ belur they can befull, appreciated, in cases of .Comlilutml Weakness, Premature Decay and Debility and Decu ni tude arising irom Ou> Aon, it exercises the ..fact*faa,!. convalescent stages of all diseases it oner atee as a delightful mvigoraut. When the Powersoft, ifahit ' ’ dP* 1 fates u, n-soforr,- and rental,. Qrten-i \ireh i, PUrpfr.. Lav, but not least, it fa The miy ,*i/i .stimnlant. beim ZTjr'r'l fror> ‘ Bound i H,, ‘ l innocuous materials, and entirely fr« from the acid elements present mm, or l,„ in all tho ordinary tonics and stomachics dr the da, fa. d } i “ ed “ l “b*s? been so universally, and? it ma» JH. truly added, deterred!y popular with the inteliicen, portion of the community, as HOSTETTEK’S BITTERS Prepared by HOSTETTRR <t SMITH. Pittsburgh, Ps. Sold by all Druggists. Grocers and PtorekcepeVweverjv HELMBOLD’S Genuine Preparations COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUOIIU. a Positive and Speed Remedy for disease* ..f the Bladder. Kidnevi. Gravel and Dropsical Swellings. This Medicine increases the puwgr of Digestion, and er cites the Absorbents into healthy action, by which die Watery or Calcereoua depositions, and all Unnatural Lc largements are reduced, as well as Pain and laflan.matins HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHI ■ i or „" eakness arising from Exceaeea, Habits of Dis-ii a tion, Eearly Indiacre.ion of Abuse, attended with the fol lowing symptoms Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, boss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathinr, akNe "“. , Tremblitu,: HmorofltoMMn Wakefnlneß Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back Universall Lassitude of the Mnscoiar System, n^if a o od ?*u u .. Flushing of the iMj. Drynea- of the Skin, Eruptions on the fare Pallid Countenance, * These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this tnun cine invariably removes, soon follows hnpouncy, Ibtvity, JipUeptic In one of which the Patient may expire. ,1 W ,st they are not frequently :fi -wto those “Direful Diseases,” i . ‘ INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION Many are aware of the cause of their suderiug. sl?s NONE WILL CONFESS THE RECORDS OF THE INSANE ASTLIJI; And Melancholy Deaths by Consumption hear ample wit neas to the Truth of the assertion. The Constitution ones affected with Organic llioftie,, requires the aid oi Mediciuc to Strengtheu and I nVienna tbo System, which Ueuirold's EXTRACT BCCHC imwriablv tie,. A Trial will convince the most skeptical. ‘ FEMALES— FEMALES—FEMALE?. In many Affection* peculiar to Ftmaits the ocouu Is aoeqnaled by aoy other remedy, as in Cblmaiif or Retention, Irregularity. PataftUneas, or Suppression «i Cue tomary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scinhous stHiwoi tue Utenw Leocborrhcea or White?, Sterility, and fnr ail complaints incident to.the eex, whether uri*ing tr«lo discretion, Hahitsof Dtsaipatiou, or iu the DECLINE OK CHANGE OP LI Kb 2h ke no more Balsam, Jfcrctsry, or unplmsaut Jfrwut'/j. jor unpleasant and dangerous distasts. HKLMBOUHS ItXTfUCT BUCHU AND IMPROVKP KOSB WASH CUKES SECRET DISEASES In all their Stages, Little or no ch&«ige in Diet, , And no Exposure. t caoaee a fireqttent decise aud gives strength t-' t'n *temo.ti “g Obstructions, Preventing am; Curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying Pam and Inflate **l? *° in the class of diseases, and exj-eiling oil Aomottr, Diseased nnd mmumt Matter. tiros THbuaaifM -who hs.ce sttxtßr Vu ; “ nd Itare paid henry fees to be eared the*.untsAulfL h * re fi>nn<l *hey were deceived, and that w. 52 , N ■ ha *> by tbe "wof “ rowortiL abteuvc ksts, ’ oeen dried ap in the system,'to break out in an sggra vated foi m, and perhaps after Marriagt. dl«l^i^S‘ , ‘?,t£ lTßACT Bdchb all affection! and dl«oue«of the ÜBIMAKr OHGASS, whether eiirfiog<» ftom whatever came originaCTg snd STANDING. Trmjt\.°X\r2^°^?S n ’ raqnlr* 9 the aid dfaDIVRET, DIUHTO^ I *^^ 8 J “ CTIUCT BUCHD ISTUEfiRKAT n.hi.-J- '?'? *’ “Main to hare the desired effft -t In •!• Ihftatttfor whteA ii U Rmrnmtndai. ~5*2 01 reliable and responsible cbaract-r win accompany the medicine. PRICE $1 PER BOTTLE, OB SIX FOB *5- DeUeered to any Address, securely packed from observe- ! Uttcribf Symptom* in all Ommunicaliom. Cures Guaranteed! - Advice Gb axis :: Addr ““ latter. T<y Information Id. ' , H B. HELMBOLD, Chemist. Pkib HKLMBOIiJPg Drug tndCh&Kica! Warrhoutr. i beware J 9 * BROAWA*-, NEW YORK, P “kDWULKM C3PNTKRFRITS AND UNPIUNCI and “ OlAnm «rtfel!!L*SS* *° (,u P°*a “ "S. fir C ' J&fractDnehn. ” ‘ r “ Rsrseperlll*. ■ improved .Roee Wash. , 1 aaut^T ASK Ron mflSSS®® lBlB KVKBTWH***. 'Cat*?* TAKING OTHRB 0t *WTk A ?S£Ss?" ent ■ nd sendlbrU. AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND EXPOSE!* celebrated hy caW*. At little hxj" up .No incoDvei-j.-cc l Mam I iy„.v\,i ; f i’ . v ’ ' haiui MM TRIBUNE ROW re? PRINTING O lUv'taib the. p**t cntq jot ,'ioiskrfi ut.onr eataDUiituucut m I TiW.-J*ere* ?nu, hjwr Cotter, G •UTmOw Power au4 la jh.vaia pbieb We gite sbui ..i xocoteanything lb th«* line u «tiylo *lo*l t»>. h:»v (*UblUhiaet .vir** eawUly low. W* can e*ee* ♦i %te*ol InviUUm, Visiting, 1 ! , OiWttJars, PpOj MAMMOTH POSTER: ROLL AM® OnLlW*! Camptdeta, Pay and BLANK B< MANIFESTS* AND BLANK! Alt we **k U a Vrieil, IWUug com If we have the oppord hifltoe in LowihetV balldtog, con ,i -street's t’ppoftite ftaperiQleodeu LOCAL I 1 . Masonic SvppKK.TrOn Ch ' ,he occasion of the instnWnttn coming year, some *wljt;or; Mountain Lodge, A.Y. M., pa repast, served op by “ mine h. House, Col.'Woods. TRe-Col ItimsoU on this occasion. c Tti, under the weight of good thin the luxuries as well as snbstat and many wereVho expression .towed by those Who sarrooside nil bad heartily partaken of th at* toasts were drank and resj the rt»ponscs we may refer 4a being invidious, to those of 1 present Woclhipful Master, an well. District Deputy Grand iVrred to the rise and progress .(•otion of the State, the pn,v, tiie members thereof, the infln erteii on trying occasions, and rarest to those present. Hi t 'linplain. made a happy resnoi liim up. The toast to the o , w hoso wife is a Mason was wel tespbndsd to. But we cannot m say that the Whole afttir was a flow, of soul.” highly enj, remembered by those who parti Railkoao Suit Dkoidkii - Lnifesco Oil Company against Railroad Company, action concindcd recently in the ( Please of Allegheny coium. April last shipped one humlre rcls of refined oil On the dcfeni tween Columbia and Lancastci the tender broke off close to tl two of the cars were thrown off them felling down an *embanki (low skirting the road. Short 1, occurred, two men approached •iisenssion arising between then barrels contained oil or whisky test the matter, imprudently against the end of the car, wh lire, and a terrific explosion , Inthmen received considerable was, of course all destroyed, holding that the thing oocnrre i uence of the defendents, suit damages to the amount of sonn was claimed, was the value of 1 proved that the plied with the terms of the bill the loss of the oil was not throu Plaintiffs took a non-anit. Living Wond ers.— Townse ■■rs, on exhibition at Masonic 1 Saturday lust, appeared to be traction for the time. There wa ihe exhibition. All who with acknowledge that they got t money. The Arab giant. Col. natnred fellow, judging from !;i ihe jokes he passed with those him. The fat girl for rather good looking, and dou much the men look at her. N IDs, and she may not. We li man in this place that can ho -<cale*. The silver-haired, wl “yed Albino family is a wunde would give our readers an idea ThW must be seen to know w “ Whar Is It” is, in reality, ; something between a negro and ■ugly thing—more than an at :human— ‘ ; What ls It'” Tin hot there are larger ones. Christmas in AtpooNA. marked difference between » other, more than that all places candy shops and prinking sa and everybody and ail theirfric on the streets. In the momloi peared with their bands full of and in the afternoon several m their hats full of bricks, boots f pantaloons full of tangle-leg, u swaging inclination of the body -ing downward all the time, an port of neighborly signposts, •m kindly appriciated and ) There were no riotons demon! heard of. Earring a few beads all passed off smoothly. Rand Mashed. —A man m doctor on one of the freight 1 place and Harrisburg, bad one tnashed,a few days since,,wbi ling can in the yard, in this caught between the “boil at burned tpen between the’ th Snd fniqt fbe little finger up hope of did hand, connecting was broken. He has been lyi -ditk» fair several days, hot w« GemaiU, that he and-titat the band mar yet h