The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, December 30, 1863, Image 1

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NEW G( »OI >S.
fpHE undebigncd would respectfully in-
JL formthe citizens of,Alto..oaand Mirroundinr cmin
ry, tint h» bajlnimturiwdfrom the EsaLwtershe ha»
or.' 1 ! '
uMiicli, forand price, canoot tx> •nrpamed in
i'o* nack'of country. fife stock- i* much ! larger than
Mid i» lit Is quite an object, in liiflMe exciting
*,.r tiiuC«, for every 00*5 to )<qrcheee where they c«n get
The BesfGoods and at the Lowest Prices,
.‘if- would iay that ha can and will sell u- low, if not a
nrf le-lowar chan any other house in this place. He wishes
,lt lo call and eeehis stock before ipurchasiug elsewhere,
■ ■ lie feels confident he can offer inducements w hich will
’defy competition. His stock 1 consists of
LADIES’ DRESS GOODS of every description,
lie will sell Ladles Sewed, Heeled Hootecw at *1A0@1.76
KipPeigad ;... 1.37@1A0
'len s Boots ..+ ; ; »T6®3 80
HALMOKAL SKIKTSy Tery low. ~ ’
White and Brown Sugar, Rio Ooffeee, Byraps. Teas, Ac.‘
,nd everythin*: that is .usually kept in a Dry Goode Store !
,nd »> cheap as the cheapest. J. A. BPRANKLK - I
Altoona, Oct. 7.1863.
*■ CITEMKN'T among the people of Altoona and vi
,‘inity about THE SECOND DRAET—not so much about
I lie Draft .as for making the Three Hundred to pay exemp
irm. All patriotic 1 .Lnt chooae rather to stay at home
with their beloved ones, for their support, than to risk
Iheir Jives in this bloody .war; Now, to bring the matter
a close, we will inform the pnhlic; that bv buying their
..-.Kids at the GREEN STORE, Corner of Branch ind Annie
•treat. East Altoona, kept by OBIS A CO., they will
~i « short lime. They have Jn.*t received a large and well
•elected stock of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, which
ihi-y are selling for Cash at the lowest living price#.
A laige assortment of LADIES' COATS AND CJRCC-
I.ARS, ranging in prjre from $4 SO to $12.00.
The attention of t!ie public is particularly drawn to the
fact that they are soiling Brown ami White Muslin from
1 ' to 4o cents; Calicoes IVom 12 1 f. to 2n eta.: Delaines
inim IS to 3o bents per yard.
kviTwnva> e /w?wJS4?J“£‘ t H large a ™rtment of MEN
Kiel, la met, everything kept in a firat-ciaas Sieve
Altoona pet. T, 1888.
Victory: Won!
'pHis ; Subscribers would respectfully
€ fcooouoce to tha‘ citizen* of Altooua and vicinitv
rtuii they have Just returned from the Kn«t with their
Si'.fll. HArr S & CAPS hiivp been at
:lwl with great care, and with the view of suiting all
vho may byor them with their patronage. Their line ..f
K-iot-H and Shoes i« complete.
.0-of City make, and warranted. Their Balmoral Shoes
•i Ladies rand Bisgee, are Just tin thing f.,r wet
«‘either and saying health
thankful to tjie public for their Very liberal patronage
■“.letnfore, they hope to merit a continuance of the Name.
Store sn MAHt ST. ■ next door to Bowman’s Exchange
«*f- SMITH * Manx.
Altoona, May 12. 1883.
I7TTINGER & TUCK, Manufacturers
—-*■ of andWholeeale and Retail dealers in Ready-made
<i->tmng, would reepectftilly invite the attention of the
' ,u » JS *&®«Wlowto|t;|hcte In reference to their stock.
let We manufacture our own goods. They are made
up ip our own Store, in Philadelphia, under immediate
supervision, and we know they are well made and can be
**» (ranted
:»nd superior to the largest quantity of Ready-made cloth
mg in the market.
2nd. We buy our Cloths directly from the Importers and
Manufacturers* consequently we save the per c*nt&ire uut
>n by middle men. ' r *
3rd. We sell our Clothing at a reasonable percentage
‘•verths cost of our Cloths* thereby earing the purchasers
m.Clotbing the percentage which must be added by those
i who buy from second bands to sell again. We retail oui
i Uotblng at the same price which other merchants pay
u* theirs at wholesale, 'consequently those who buy from
I n- get their goods at tW same price which other Clothiers' 3
; I 11 *? ftir thefrt© dty. thereby earing said Clothiers’
P**r rentage.
We have branch Stores In -
»lwr« goods may be had at the mm. figure, ut which we
•>■ll them herein the cltv.
If any person has beat told, or imagines, that Tuck’s
'•ore. In Altoona, is “ played out” let such person drop
. hto his establishment. On Main Street and examine his
goods and prices.
Wholesale House. No, Market Street. Philadelphia
Pec, 2,1863.—tf.
DK. E. fl. EEI(JABT would respect
fully announce to the citizen* of Altoona and sur
rounding country, that 1 be has recently purchased the
i>rog.?fore of .Berlin A Co.* on Virginia Street, oprvwite
* nee' Hard ware Store.
His Drugs are Fresh and .Pure,
end bo ihopea by strict attention to hneim-w. to merit a
-! ,re of public patronage.
•-all and examine bis stock. lie has constantly on band,
4«d every hrlicle auuallylcept m a Eirat-dau Drug Sim.
(or medicinal use.
eompondded. at all hours of the day or night.
Ajtteoa, Beff. 80, 1563; ?
A ia eellingTew enperior to shy over offered in Al
couna. They are free of adulteration, coloring, Or mix
nreofanyklnd- :
Rostov cb^ceebs—a labge
enpply af these delicious knackers j net received
indtorenleby : ntITCgKY.
-11 Uonejaet received knd for sale by
'•ct IMf] ; J.B. HIUSMA.v
the ,CoT«y *iwajo on hand sad for sale as low
the loirovt bjr FRITCHKY.
j;ew stock of boots & shoes
’ tor Hon and Boys, Badies and Mlseee. Just rac’d at
■ ■ y.' j LAUOHMAN’
.OELEBK ArKD JEtor H AMS j net received and
18 rt ~ ,j ■ BRITCHKY’S
iLL waiMl BMiliirßrfieM lor ■
K. f. MenairM. - - - B. C. DUKA.
IVr KTinua*, (vpAynbU* iiiT*rit»,ly n\ advance,);..-... $1 50
pastor**™ at *1»« expiration of the time
„ J.. , ’ I insertion • 2 do, a do.
Four lines or less e 05 t 3-w . „
Ono Square. (R lines) * w. * % A '[*
SL Ji? " > 1 00 1 id 2 no
Tl *i. * 24 “ } 1 • 2 00 2 60
Ojr*r three weeks end less tlian three months. 26 cents
. square for insertion*
... ~ . S mooths; «months. 1 year.
i St* Mn« or Ism * 140 * 3 00 * 5 00
Que.square . 2 So 4 00 Too
?.*■’ “ ■ * W- 3 00 10 00
5 OO 8 00 12 00
, - « 00; 10 00 14 00
H«lf a column io oo 14 00 20 00
One column 14 00 25 uu 40 00
Administrators iod Executant Notices 1 7*
Merchants advertising by tbs year, three squares,
i w(th liberty to change .......
Professional or Business Cards, date.reeedinir’s lines
jwper. per year 5 00
of 11 pou*** 1 character or individual
?ni£iMt, will be charged according to the.above rates. ■
ActvertMiementsnot marked with ||ie number of inser
tions desired, will be continued tllljforWd and charged
according to the above terms. ' *
- Business notices Are cenU per line for every insertion .
Ohitnary notice* exceeding ten lines, fifty cents asquare
! From the 'JrUgraph.
X Uriah I could do amnetbing to help the suffering poor;
I tremble when I count the ill. which for them nrc in
store. ?
What scores of untold horrors, this winter’s blast, will
I bring—
Oh dijar! there’s some one coming, 1 hear the door hell
The widows and orphans ofonr country's martyred dead,
’Twonld he a burning shame if they sbonld ever want for
I bread.
While we enjoy the comforts they always used to have.
And revel In the blessings Weir I >ved ones died to save.
OH, had I bat the money, with wlmt a willing hand
I’d lighten op the darkened homes which shadow all our
And think no sacrifice too great, no toil too mnch to bear.
If 1 ccmld make an orphan smile, or dry a widow s tear.
My bonnet’s eonin? Quick, bring it in. Oh ’ does’nt it
.look HWeet f
I guess ITI tie Hie envy of half tin- girl* I meet.
This plume’s a real pstricji. and the velvet—what a pink :
The hijll.jast twenty dollars ' very cheap, 1 think.
Anothpr ring! My cloaks I hope. Jai ( e, bring the package
here : . • • ‘ | c *■.
How fortunate I am tegday, fa no* I iiotii can wear.
I felt quite Shabby wjien out on promenade.
To wetjr that which a year ago was
made, i
Tki* cloak is snlendld.' ain't in jane ? and what a perfect
- : i ■ :
I don’j think fifty dollars was one cent too mnch for it.
m ° *rmght i 0 Outt embroidery} Yonng Mr«. Marlin
Ppor tljing t she lost her husband at the battle of Ball’s
Bluff: .
She fretted night and day. f beard, still hoping he’d come
And when she took in sewing, of course j gave her some,
She only charged two dollars ibr all that mass of work ;
l&tve jt. glad, at any price, the irksome job to shirk.
But don’t it look magnificent». At iladajne Frisby’s store
I’d have to pay. for such a job.’twelve ihdlarai maybe
The Hints are hard, and ffood.- ! Its tru*. ami
many a form
Will bend with silent wrrow, or break beneath thentorm.
Why. aflks atone, which once I bought at hfteen dimes
Pfr yaitf.
Are trifjje that, *»h f yes, indeed, the times are dreadful
hard. .
Yon wonder what the poor will da? In trnth. Jane, so
Jo 1;
With thinking of their .daily wants, I suffer terribly.
I trust that JJe who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb
Will move with purest piety the foll’wera of his name.
I’d empty out my purse with joy, but fnrs are on the rise;
Unless I get a new'set now, the war may end supplies.
This cruel war! this dreadful war! what tuis'ry it has
wrought, T ;
No tongue can tell the horror* which in its track are
brought; ; / ;
I with I could do temcOUng for the poor of our town.
It’s almost time lor dinner, Jane (j Sow roust that turkey
Harrisburg. 1863. 1!.
JpW ■ Igliscrilauj!.
O, dear! Christmas is coming in a
tort-night, and I have got to look up pres
ents fop everybody!” said yoimg Eleanor
Stuarg as she leaned languidly hack in her
chair, j “Dear me! it is so tedious! Every
body has got everything that can be thought
“ O no • ’ sgid l*cr confidential adviser,
Miss Lester, in a sooth tone. “ You have
means of buying everything yog can fancy,
and, when every shop and store is glitter
ing with all manger of splendors, you can
not surely be at a loss.”
% <f W|ell now, just listen. Tobegin with,
there’s mamma! what can I get for her ?
I havethought of ever so magy things.—■
She has three card cases, four gold thim
bles, two or three gold chains, two writing
desks of- different patterns; aid then, as
to rings, brooches, boxes, an|j all other
things, I should think she might be sick
of the . sight of them. lam sure I am,”
said she languidly gazing on! her white
and jeweled fingers. j
view of the case seemedjrather puz
zling to the adviser, and there were-silence
for a few moments, when Eleanor, yawn
ing, resumed'—
“And then there’s cousins!Ellen and
Mary—J suppose they will be coming
down oo me with a whole load of presents;
agd Mrg. B. will send me something—she
did last year; and there’s cousins William
and Tom—| must get them something, and
I would like to do it wellenough. if 1
only knew what to get!” } , 1
“ Well,” said Eleanor’s aunt, who had 1
mtfangqmetjv - rattling her kn.tung with JkUin- sight and trembling hand*
, dl ? ng r W T ' ' ,tf ' : l pit - v ,<>Uerin g a,JO « t - her duly helper; and they
you bad no such a subject to practice on ; are entirely dependent on charity ” ’
* fI WU V V '‘• n ****& girl—presents did ; “Can’t they do anything » Can’t they
not fly about in those days as they do now. I knit,” said Eleanor ” '
I remember when I was ten yearn old. ray - You are young and strong Eleanor
father gave sister Mary and me a most i and have quick eves and nimble fingers •
marvelous ugly sugar dog lor a Christmas j how long would it take you to! knit a ? pair
gift, and we were perfectly delighted with of stockings ?” ’ P
the Ver? ’ idea of a P™*" 4 was ” ew »" “1 r «tid Eleanor, “what lan idea ! I
: " tr , I ~ev« *P tried. but I think I could get a pair
•i ear aunt ' how delighted 1 should be, j done in a week, |>erhaps
it I had any such fresh, unsophisticated j ’’And if somebody gave youtwcnty-five
body to get prints, tor! but to get ami ; cents tor them, and out of this you had to
get for people that have more than they j get food, and pay room rent, ami buv coal
know what fa do with now to add pictures, | tor yoitr lire, and oil for your Jamp-1”
books, and gddtng, when the centre-tables I “Btbp, aunt, for pity’s sake »’
are loaded with them now—and rings and j Well. I will stop, but they can’t: they
jewels when they are a perfect drug! I; must pay so much every month for that
and' 1 f 8” not Blek and Batod i »»*-‘Pable shell they Jive in, or be turned
wid’ 1 ed ." !,th f*™? cv «'.Vlnng in the into the street. The meal and flour that
“ -a ■ K ' nd P erson seflds Soes off for them
v..n ~!lt said , lu ' r aunt ’ «* i( does for others, and they must
‘ d ? want unsophisticated sub- , get more or starve ; and coal is now scarce
jecis to practice on, I can put you in the j and high priced.”
way °f U. I can show you more than one i "O, aunt, I’m convinced, I’m sure:
tanalv to whom you might seem to be a, ; don’t run me down and annihilate me with
vet y good fairy, and sueh gifts as you * those terrible realities. What shall 1 do
could give with all ease, would seem like ; to play the good fairy to these poor old
a magic dream.” women '” ‘
M hy \ ’ ,,i " " ° Uld mdiv b “ " or,h "O, certainly 1 will. Let me see if I
™ ttU , nt ’. . can’t think of something myself.”
«nnt sv^ 1 ' “T 088 " ay ’’ Said her I ‘■ Wel1 ’ Elea “or, suppose then, some fifty
••'n . .•"ft that budding." or sixty years hence, if you were old. and
1 hat miserable combination ofslianties? ! your lather and mother, and aunts, and
, uncle,-, now so thick around you, laid cold
ne t t nave several acquaintances i and silent in so many graves, you have
jere, who have not been tired of Christmas | somehow got away off to a straVe city
?ou you C mid any k ki, ' (i 1 awure i Wb °r > ou were ncver known-yon live in
over there ” W ’ , “ t * “ N?nSat,wn a . m,w? «* ble garret, where snow blows at
"Well wl • „ . , , | night through the cracks, apd the fire is
.. • h " ls l u ‘‘'C; L ''’ know V j apt to go out in the old cracked -«>v.- •
make voir . r T e “ ber °' V ‘‘ d - "-at used to I you s.t crouching over the dying embers
•■YU i .. { the evening before, Christmas—nobody to
.. ” .remember something about j speak to you, nobody to care lot you, ex
cept another poor old soul who lies moan
ing in the bed—now, what would you like
to have sent you ?" : ■
„ dJ, aunt, what a dismal picture !"
“And yet, Ella, all poor, forsaken wo
men are made of young girls, who expected
it in their youth as little as you do, per
haps ”
in 00
V\ ell, he has hitlen into a consumption,
and cannot work anjr more, qnd he and
Ins wife and three little children live in
one of the rooms over there.”
“How do they get along >"
“ His wife fakes in sewing sometimes,
and sometimes goes out'washing. Poor
Owen ! I was over there yesterday : he
looks thin and wistful, and his Wife was
saying tuat he was parched with constant
lever, and had very little appetite. She
had, with great sell-denial, and by restrict
ing herselt, almost of necessary food, got
him two or three oranges, and the poor
fellow seemed so eager after them.”
“Poor fellow'!” said Eleanor, involun
“Now,’ said her aunt, “suppose Owen’s
wife should get up on Christmas morning,
and find on the door a couple dozen of
oranges, and some of those nice white
grapes, such as you had at your party last
week, don’t you think it would make a
sensfltion ?”
“ Why, yes, j think very likely it might.
But who else, aunt ? You spoke of a m-eat
“ Well, on the lower floor there is a
neat little room, that is always kept pcr
fectly trim and tidy: if belongs to a younn
couple who ha ve nothing but the husband’s
day’s wages to live oh. They are, never
theless, as cheerful and chipper as a couple
ot wrens, and she-is up and down half a
dozen times a day to help poor Mrs. Owen.
She has a baby of her ’ own, about five
months’ old, and ironing lor herself and
husband ; and yet, when Mrs. Owen goes
out to wash, she takes her baby and keeps
it. whole days for her-”
.“lain sure that she deserves that the
good fairies should smile on her,” said
Eleanor ; “ one; baby exhausts my stock
of virtue very rapidly."
“ But you ought to see her baby,” said
aunt E., “so plump, so rosy and good
nafured, and always as clean as a lily.
This baby is a sort of household shrine;
nothing is too sacred and too good for it;
and I believe the little, thrifty woman
feels only one 'temptation to be extrava
gant, and that is to get some ornaments to
adorn this little dignity.”
“ Why, did she ever tell you so?”
“ No, but one day I was coming down
the door of their room was partly
open and I savy a pedler there with an
open box. John, tliehusband, wasstanding
with a little purple cap in his hand, which
he was regarding with mystified, admiring
air, as if lie didn’t quite comprehend it.
and trim little Mary gazing at if with
longing eyes.” ,
“ I think we' might get it,” said John.
“ O no,” said she, regretfully ; “yet I
wish we could, jt’s so pretty}"
“Say no more, aunt. 1 see the good
fairy must pop a cap into the wdndow on
Christmas morning. Indeed, it shall be
dope. How they will wonder where it
capae from, and talk about it for months
to come!” , ♦
“ Well, then,” continued her aunt, “in
the next street to ours there is a miserable
building, that looks as if it was just gSing
to topple over; and away up in the third
story, in a little room just under the eaves,
lives two poor, lonely old women; they
are both nearly on to ninety. I was in
there day before yesterday. One of them
is. constantly confined to her bed with
rheumatism: the other, weak and feeble,
■Sav no more; aunt. I'll buy—let me
see—a comfortable warm shawl for each
of these poor women ; and I’ll send them
--let me see —O! some tea—nothing "oes
down witlt old women' like tea •
make John wheel some coal over to them;
apd aunt, it would not be a very had
thought to send them a new stove. ' I re
member, the other day,; when mamma was
pricing stoves, I saw some nice ones tor
two or three dollars.”
•’For a new hand, Ella, you work up
the idea very well,” said her aunt.
"But how much ought I to give, for
any one case, to these women, say ?”
“How much did you gjve last year for
any single Christmas present.”
“ Why, six or seven dollars for some :
those elegant souvenirs were seven dollars:
that ring I gave Mrs. B was ten.”
And do you suppose Mrs. B-
was any happier for it ?”
No, really, 1 don’t think she cared
much about it; but_ I had to give her
something because she had sSht me some
thing the year before, and I did not want
to send a paltry present to any one in
her circumstance.”
” Ihen, Ella, give ten to any poor dis
tressed suffering creature who really needs
it, and see in how . many forms of good
such a sum will appear. That one hard,
cold glitering ring, that you gave because
you must, and she takes because she must,
might if broken into smaller sums, send
real warm and heartfelt gladness through
many a cold and cheerless dwelling
many an aching heart.” °
“ ou are getting to bean orator, aunt.
But don t you approve of Christmas pres
ents, among friends and equals ?”
Yeg, indeed, I do,'? said her aunt,
fondly stroking her head, “ I have had
some Christmas presents that did me »
world of good—a little book-mark, for
instance, that a certain niece of mine
worked for me. with a wonderful secrcy,
three years agp, when she was not a
young lady with a purse full of money—
that book-mark was a true Christmas
present. And my young couple across
the way are plotting a profound surprise to
each other on Christmas mornibg. John
has contrived by an hour of; extra work
every night, to lay by enough to .get Mary
a hew calico dress; and she, poor soul, j
has bargained away the only! thing in the
jewelry line she ever possessed, to be laid
put on a new hat for him. I know, too,
a washerwoman who has a poo? lame boy
—a patient, gentle little fellow—who has
lain quietly for weeks and mouths in his
little crib, and his mother is going: to give
him a splendid Christmas present.”
“ What is it, pray >”
“ A whole orange! Don’t laugh. She
will pay ten whole cents for it: for it
shall be none of your common''oranges,
but a picked one of the very best going!
She has put, by the money, a Pent at °a
time, for a Whole month: and nobody
knows which will be the happiest for it,
Willie or his mother. These are such
Christmas presents as I like to think of—
gifts coming from love, and tendering to
produce love; these »re. the appropriate
gifts of the day.”
“iJnt don’t yon think that it is right for
those who have money to give expensive
presents, supposing always as you say,
they arc given from real affection ?” * ■
“Sometimes, undoubtedly. The Sa
viour did not condemn her who broke an
alabaster box of ointment—very precious
—simply as a proof of love, even al
though the suggestion was made, ‘this
might have beep sold for three hundred
pence, and given to the poor.' I have
thought he would regard with sympathy
the fond efforts Which human love some
times makes to express itself by gifts, the
rarest and most costly. How 1 rejoiced
with all my heart when Charles Elton
gave his poor mother that splendid Chi
nese shawl and gold watch—because I
knew they came Irom the very fullness of
his heart to a mother that he could not do
too much for—a mother that has done
and suffered everything for him. In. some
such case, when resourses are ample, a
costly gift seems to have a graceful ap
propriateness ; but 1 cannot approve ot it,
if it exhausts all the means of doing for
the poor ; it is better then, to give a simple
ottering, and to do something for those
who really need it.
Eleanor looked thoughtful ; her aunt
laid down her knitting, and said in a tone
of gentle seriousness ;
“Whose birth does Christmas com
memorate, Ella !"
“ Onr Saviour’s certainly, aunt.”
“ Vcs," said her aunt. “And when
and how was he born ! In a stable ! laid
in a manger-; thus born, that in all ages
that he might be known as the brother
and friend of the poor. And surely it
seems but appropriate to commemorate
His birthday by an especial remembrance
ot the lowly, the poor, the outcast, and
distressed; and if Christ should come
back to out city on a Christmas day, where
should we think it most appropriate to
his character to find him ? Would he be
carrying splendid gifts to splendid - dwel
lings, or would he be gliding about in the
cheerless haunts of the desolate, the poor,
the forsaken, and the sorrowful ?”
And here the conversation ended.
f * » * * «
What sort of Christmas presents is
Ella buying ?’’ said Cousin Tom, as the
waiter handed in a portentious looking
package, which had just been rung in at
the door.
“ Let’s open it,” said saucy Will.-
“ u P°n W word > two great gray blanket
shawls I Those must be for you and me,
Tom. And what’s this ? A great bolt of
cotton flannel, and gray yarn stockings!”
The door-bell rang again, and the wai
ter brought in another bukly parcel,
and deposited it on the marble-topped
“ What’s here ?” said Will, cutting the
cord. “ Whew ! a perfect nest of pack
ages! Oolong tda! oranges! graphs!
white sugar! Bless mo, Ella must be go
ing to housekeeping!”
“Or going crazy !” said Tom ; “ and
on my word,” said he, looking out of the
window, *• there’s a drayman ringing at
our door, with a stove with a tea-kettle
set in the top of it.”
“ Ella’s cook-stove: of course’” said
Will; and just at this moment the young j
lady entered, with her purse bangin"
gracefully over her hand. ° I
“ Now, boys, you are too bad!” she ex
claimed, as each of the mischievous young
sters were gravely marching up and down
attired in a gray,shawl;
“Didn’t you get them for us? We
thought you did,” said both.
“ Ella, I want some of that cotton flan
nel to make me a pair' of pantaloons;”
said Tom. •
“ I say,” said Will, “ when are you go
ing to housekeeping? Your cooking
stove is standing down in the street;' ,pon
my word, John is .loading some coal on
the dray with it.”
“ Elia isn’t that going to be sent to my
office?” said Tom? “Do you know Ido
so languish fora new stove with a tea
kettle in the top, to heat a feller’s shaving
water ?” -
Just then, another ring at the door, and
the grinning waiter handed in a small
brown paper parcle for Miss Ella. Tom
made a dive at it, and staving off title
brown paper, developed a jaunty little
purple cap, with silver tassels.
“My smoking cap, a« I live,” said he:;
“ only I shall have to wear it on iny
thumb, instead of my ; head—too small,
entirely,’ said he, faking his . head
“ Come, you saucy boys,” said Aunt
E —, entering briskly, “ what are
you teasing Ella for ?”
“ Why do you see this lot of things,
aunt- What in the world is Ella going
to dp with theta ?”
“O ! I know!”
“ You know? then I can guess, aunt.
It is some of your charitable works. You
are going to make a juvenile Ladyßoun
tiful of Ella, eh ?”
“ Ella, who had colered to the roots of
her hair at tbe exposure of her very m~
fashionable Christmas preparations,; qo.W
took heart, and bestowed a very genthi
that still wore the purple c»p,
hastened to gather tip her vgjiouspui
ehases. '- rt ">■■■> --i‘ •
I.a ugh away,’’said she gaily-; “and
a good many others will laugh* too, over
these things. I got them to make people
lau{*h —people that are not in tlw u |
laughing!" ' "
Well, well, I see into it,” said Will:
“ and I tell yon I think right wett of the
idea, too. There are trorkb. of money
wasted at this time of the year in getting
things that nobody wants and nobod v
cares for after they are got; and I am
glad, lor my part, that yon are going to
get iip a variety in this line ; in fact, 1
should like to give you one of these strav
leaves to help on,” said ho* droppiug a ten
dollav note into her paper. “ I like to
encon rage girls to think of something be
sides' breastpins and Sugar candy ”
Bin our story spins on too v long. II
anybody wants to know the results of
Ella'S first attempts at goad Jairgittn, they
should have called at the doors' of two or
three old buildings on Christmas morning,
and they would there have heard all about
Autemus, Toastkxh xhb Lames.
While attending a county fair recently, the
omnipresent “moral showman* was a guest
at a banquet, where he found occasion to
drink a toast to the “ phair sects,*’ which
he thus reports;
Ladies,’’ sez I, turning to the butetul
femails, whose presents was perfumin’ the
fore grounds, “ I hope you’re enjoyin'
yonrselvs on this occasion, and the lemiii
and iso water, ov which you air drinfcin-’
may not go agin you. May you alius bte
as tail- as the son, and brite as the moon,
and as butetul as an army of Union flags
—also plenty of good close to wear.
•" lo your sex—commonly cawled the
phair sex—we are indebted for hornin’ and
men ny other blessings in these low growns
ov son-o w. Some poor sperrited fools
blame your sex for the diflikilty in the
gardin ; but I know men are a deseetiul
set, and when the apple had becnme ripe,
I hev no dowt Adam would hev rigged a
cider press and like as not went into .a
big bust, an’ been driven or! anyway.
Yure Ist muther was a lady and all her
dawters is ditto, and none but a loafin
cuss will sa a word agin yoq. Hopin’
that no wave oi trouble may ever ride
akross yure peaceful breasts, and I kon
klude the remarks with the foliarin’
centymint: Woman—phe is a good egg.”
Five Deaths at a Time.—A French
man resolved b get rid of life, went a
little before high tide, to a post set by the
seaside. He had provided himself with a
ladder, a rope, a pistol, a bundle of match
es and a vial of poison. Ascending the
ladder, he tied one end of the rope' to the
post, and the other end around his neck,
then he took the poison, set his clothes on
fire, pat the muzzle of, the pistol to his
head, and kicked away the ladder. In
kicking down the ladder, he snapped the
pistol so that the bail missed his head
and cut the- rope by which he was sus
pended , he fell into the sea, thus extin
guishing the flames of his clothes, and the
sea-water, which he involuntarily swal
lowed, counteracted the , poison, and a
wave washed him ashore; thus, in spite
of his precautions, he remained unhanged
unshot, unpoisoned, unburned, and un
drowned! '
Mickey’s Cctksess.—Nickey takes care
of the horses at one of our hotels- Tes
terday a dashing establishment droveup
the owner of which said to Mickey, with
his blandest smile:
“ Take good care of the horses, Mickey.
Rub’em down well, qlean, and
give’em plenty- of oats. TU see you before
I go away.” , 'r'
“Yes’ yer honor,” said Mickey, “ Rfo/ill
get whatever they need, and more too, be
sides. But in case your honor and miself
should’nt mate again, woold’ntjyou begood
enough to look at me now.” " P
The look' was given; our traveller “ saw
it,” and a nice fifty-cent postal warmedthe
palm of Mickey’s hand directly thereafter.
Boys begin in early life to gather a
library of your own. Begin with a single
book, and when you find or hear of a first
rate book, obtain it if you can. Jkfter
awhile, sis you are able, another one, and
be sure to read it. Take the brat care of
your books, and in this way, When' you
are men, you will have good libraries in
your head, as well as on your shelves.
A. countryman walking along New
York, found his progress stoppedlffia ’
ricade of lumber, and'asked h was
that’s to stop the yellow fever,” 1
was the reply. > ? ' r ,
“ Aye, I have often heard of the houd
of health, but 1 never saw owb^ia'
. W When a young lady ofiiws to bwn a
cambric .
she to gow ijo^U)
JP" mwi may snuleand bea^iiliawr
SttH. •■'•'■:• .f" V' ••»
T 3
NO. 45