■ Degeneracy of' XT AMERICAN PEOPLE JUOT PUBI&HED BY DR. A . STONE P&Ktaa to tAe,%ng Lttngand Hygienic ■■■•.- 3«*toWe.' Early Phyrtal d-cUnrof Of Merrona Dablllty, Coo ww»l ton#, written in chaato, : Wm&rn% *od reliable aide ud treatment ** *“U ®» Uw receipt of two (3 cent) Gnardiani! Fall not to aend and obi >tn ” ot , to «tfa«nd get tain book; EgS®! I ®*:.'. •. < *® *°° ■no*W at dace secure a copy of 1 ¥ dinuw are very im l»r«wtl; nndmMSd. .IMr axtental maniie.ti.tion, or v>«iplnßa*n- » Colonels, . 116 Anthers, »4 Lieut.-Colonels, 30 Artiste, -*O7 Otber Officera, 112 Stage, 60 Navy Officers, 46 Promin’nt Women 147- Prominent Foreign Portraits. 2,SOtDCOPIBB OF WORKS OF ART, Ittclndher rapratoctkms of tfae : most celebrated Engrs vino. Paintings, Statues, Ac. Catalogues sent on receipt ** *«sp. An enter Ibr One Dozen PICTUOE* from our b* 00 r * ceipt of and sent PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. iff tlyMiP^junifartace a great variety, ranging in ; pricefrom £0 Ofßtv la tfO each. Oor ALBUMS bare toe reputation. of beiogsuperior in to any others. The imaller kind* :r-*u ssWyhy mail at a postage ot »ix cents per ox. The more espeOdTe can be sent by express. *'e alio keep a large assortment of aod Stonmopie Views. Ourcatalagoaof these srill be sent to any address on re ceipt of stamp. E- & -®» ANTHONY. HAfifi**<3DaMB Of, PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, 501 Broa&way, New York. Friend cvtstlvsls ef promlsent military men will con ***'*» Hkeneeaes to copy. Thei w .vf h* Aeiitcareßflljraod returned nnlujhred. FINR!jtt(jroiO , MADK TO ORDER for Congregations b*Pr*j*h*iW*hw TaMora, or for other purposes, with •uiUhlelnecriptlons. Ac. Aug. 18, 1863-6 m. THE CNION FOREVER I oooolmws i lAOWfiEY -WOLF would‘respectfully Ovt cithwtjs of AUgoha and vicinity Ol.O'jCHlN© STORE, On ■ Comer of Main and \ Carotike Streets, keep on jband a large Mock of ready-made rlotKiag. >-oi>»ijting of DRESS COATS, PANTALOONS, OVERALLS. KNIT JACKETS. Ac., at Philadel i'biii price.; ; » ■ HATS & CAPS!: l.h'JW a_h«we and T.rjed .took of hat. end c.p. which w to me adVahtAgh of all'lb examine- beforepur «bnato«jmAafa;f Atao, a Ban «tock of qent. wFqrni-b -iag»od...acb a. .birth, collar., neck-tie.: handkerchief. ■ J «*3cM»t«rmjn«d to eell. 1 bare marked my good, at the rery lo»e«i figure., and feel confident that all will be eati.Bed.witb the price and quality of'my Mock. . ; OONFECTXONKHY WOULD IN. M tbeciliaeß.of Altoona and vicinity that fab CON rKCTIONKWf; JTOT and FROIT STORE. ;, alway. •applied.with the refy bert&rtidea to b« had. and in great • arfety. He bat alas an OYStfik SALOON flatbed to his store,in nhichhe willservc up OYS* TKESI. thctesi utile during, the see son. FRESH-BAKED BREAD, CAKES, & PIE j, rate*. He Irat eft supply cake«, caudles, Ac., ivv » ware of public ►» vt i>uuigS,'helisTlbgthat he can Reader fall o KeuMHahdr. bis slots and saloon U on Virginia.street, two B9 life ’ 1 DD * ° nly *" li • klal of this COUNTERFEITS. rf MWWXrEirS.- Ae Kuwait. Bir- W ™» or I*o" » the only sure and effectual remedy l h l* [ "2* n wo J ld for the permanent cure of Dyipeptia .if th ' r ® *t° • nmnber of imitations offered to the public, we would caution the community to, purehase none but the genuine article, manufactured by M' K KL,and Which has bis stamp on the top of the " f ,"l V ver y fact that others are at . tempting to imitate this valuable r.tm.dy. prove, lu worth Mid ipnki volumes id its furor. WINE OP IKON is put up in 78 cent andH.oo bottle l . and Sflu.by all respectable Druggists Sirs oTr th * C °, U "i ry ,-. Be Particular that every bottle wars the/uc /i.niie of the proprietor’s signature. General Depot, No. 118 Market St., Harrisbure, Pa ' .J 9 * For Sale by GEO. W. KBBBLER, g. H. REIGART. Altoona and by all resoectable dealers everywhere, flppt. 30.1863—6 m. * : EMPORIUM OF FASHION!! Pinynna St., r Ailooua, Pa. D. W. A. BJSrLFORD, Proprietor. The proprietor of the " emporium . p SSHION” would GBspectfnlly announce to the pnolic that he baa received a large invoice of CLOTHS, CASSIMHREB, VESTINGS, xad f. general aasortmeht of GKNTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Collar*, Neclt-TiffH, Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs. Ac.. Ac., Ac., -xactly waited to this locnlitj nod inund-d jfor th« AUTUMN ANT) WINTEu’TRADE. The proprietor of the Kaitxriuru invite* an exuminft> tion of hb stock, feel mg confident that his shelres fcresent 7i TRri r ty -V f P ,Hin and Hoods thim can be fooud elsewhere in the country. An rxamiuatioa will convince any one of this fact. He hf&also received the ■ latest fashion, 1 p * rft *U‘ Cs«ter," ha, no basitancy in say ing that he can make np clothing in the fkahion, anddn a manner that can not fail to prove satisfactory. It has pnssed into m proverb that 3 BeTl«c WIRE OOOM, BCTO'. WUUJi LEAD. AO, AC. : WINDOW aLA! « *W!rip«lonaf in *» line kill b<- tor- at •Wt-nutice, «m( at low r»te» far giuih. cIS!r C „?tl, n i^' t S C !j. 0f f I>Ky a00D » ' m hand Will b* PliC '"- i " ordMtu TpifHE UNLEuSIGNED KESpKCT . ! informs the public that bo will cou- timid to keep a ■. .. BOOT & BHQE -BTORE,®fe {?«*? n m r S? nt 'J' “nnpiedby Roberta urnl Knthortord. The bo«fiie«* fitefetoforr carried a.Mmmre wiii ' “ Ul * mM "?- b " in M» name irTSp ktrr cm,t * at 'r 00 h " na • complete a^rt- Boots & Shoes, GAITERS. SLIPPERS, &c , & c , &c. will offer at fair prices and warrant to be o vriutTgtaSn “ d «“»n® , ot«re Particular attention citstom wohb:, ""«»*» *n giw entire satisfaction, as be bny» the best stock and employ* none but thebest-wnrkmen. the stand, oii Virgitfla Street, one loor Baat vf KewterV Dreg Store. Octj. 10 1882-tl. JOHN H. KOBKRTB. ( < KOCEKIESAiN D PROVISIONS.— VA lA large and varied Hock of FRKSH OROCKRTKH AND «*RO/l8I0Nfl ? ju.t recall, «^r«lcae h „pj the cheapwit. at MUttPHT * SKMKE’S Store, ... . . Cor. of Virginia and Caroline it# ■ Altoona, Jane 26,1862. ’ ” A UKNKUAI. ASSORTMENT OF XjL: .Jewelry, Hair and; Clothe* Bimhciu Comb*. Pocket-knives, Ac., at . : LAPftlllfAiCß*’ PLAIN & FANCY VESTS, of every «Im> and atvla at ! ZiADBBMa)T§.' I?XOELW|LN!r HEAVY BOOTS A JJi SnOßSJojt received at LAOORIIAXV 2S. ESTABLISHED 1760. PETER LORILLARD, SnnfF & Tobacco MANUFACTURER, 16 & 18, CHAMBERS SI., (Formerly 42 Chatham St., New York.) jronld call the attention of Declare to the article* of hie manufacture, riz.: BROWN SNUFF, Macaboy. Deroigroa, Fine Rappee, Connie Rappee, Pure Virginia,, Nachlfoche*, American Gentlemen, Coptabagton. YELLOW SNtJFF. Scotch, Honey Dew Scotch, High TMat Scotch. Fre«h Honey Dew Scotch, Iriah High ■■. ?""<■ or Lnndyfoot, Freth Scotch. ,**■ !• called toWgreat redaction In price, of Ftnodhit Chewing and: Smoking Tobacco., which will be found of * superior gsnlity.. tobacco, SMOKING.—dong, No. 1, No. 2, No*. 1 and 2 mixed. Granulated, S. Jago, Spanish, Canaater, Turkish. CHKWINt).—p. A, L.. or plain, Caeendi.h, or Sweet, Sweet Scented Oroaoco, Tin FoO Cavendish * ■ AprilTi K V i n^ r ° f Prio '‘ W,U b " * ent 00 oPPHeati™. WM. S. BITTNER s Dental Burgeon. ( \FFICE IN MASONIC TEMPLE, next io.ir to the Post . Dr. it. would reepectfolly inform the oititons of Altoona »mi surrounding country, that he U prepared tg Wrt ARTIFICIAL TEETH: from a single tooth to a full «etj in the moat superior style, OA* GOLD,’SILVER. OR VVtCASITEBASE. It would be tu the adraaVwv of all re nose dseirinz attUlcuieMth to edit at hia dffite befcfe *4n^elsefrbere, lr >»«ty or durability. Dr. Bittner will visit Hollldsysbnrg and vicinity when ha eerrieea art deylred. ; (Fob. 17.1863-tf COIfHS THIMMLVGB, ANIXREW ECKEL, nxaua in Tobacco. Cigars, Snuff, Pipes, &c„ &c., Annit ttreet, Altoona, Pa., and McKtagt't Oid Stand Montgomery ttrvi, Hollidaytburg, Pa. AGE N E KALAS SORT MENT °/, 0ood "' u hi “ •!»« constantly on band at the lowwt caah prlcea. I Feb. 7,1863. SM. WOODKOK, • *rrOß!frT-ATLAW. Will practice in the several Court* of Blair MteSSi?"- vlrKlaJ> «‘"-.5dS Veb. 3, 18«Vtf. A HKGn.AJt MKKTING OF THE "^rasasse"" [MaylsJfe] / ’HEAM CRACREES ! A fresh «,,n. of the* delicion. cracker. Just received and £ _ PBITCHrrS F£ E £? lET IS REALLY SELLING A the b«t Brown »u**r hi Altoona at JSJ^ceatv O, YES! O, YES!! THIS WAY!- THIS WAY! . NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS! JB. HILEMAN has jaat neeivad a • *att wiecled .lock of Good*, TiilMlng OI Cloth., Plain and hoc; Coulmem, Satinwa, Ken- Beevarteen*. UsTiS^SSkn**U other kinds of Good. for -= am.au MEN AND BOYS' WEAR, together with a grand and magnificent aMortment of LADIES’ DRESH GOODS, •asrsss'^ias'aßiar • Creme ««< SW« .ttnmti, , *!?; «»•■* Otßnn, flhmf merit« continuance of tbe same. RirCill and examine fain Btock,iuMi yoa nfll becon riDtedthut be has tbe beatoHortßMMMo dMßMt4tofa in the market. *o* Country Produce of all kind* taken in exchange for Goode at market price#; Altoona. April 2fc, 1863. EXCELSIOR Hat .• 2u» the size generally used in private families, \“t“»M»«.connot be surpassed In the couolry, iof JW>D ’ ° f ‘ Americ “ Agriculture” «y, - SSta 52; ITS 2: SSSfi, X ! ™ VERSAL clothes whinger the line of head covering, and cal) on * A child can icadilv wring ottt a tubfull of clothes in s Oct. 7. *63-tf patent**. It is in reality a CLOTHES SAVER J A TIMEBATERI and £ STRENGTH SAVER' The saving of garments will alone pay a large-per centage on its cost. We think the machine mucJ more than PAYS FOR ITSELF EVERT TEAR in the saving of garments. There are several kinds, nearly alike in general construc tion, but we consider it important that the Wringer be fitted, with Cogs, otherwise a~ mass of garments may clog the rqUer*, and the rollers open the crankshaft slip and tear the clothes, or the rubber break loose from the shaft. 01 * of the flrBt and It (s as GOOD AS NEW after nearly FOUR TEARS' CONSTANT USE/ 1 Even* Wringer with Cog Wheels is Warranted in every particular. NO WRINGER CAN BE DURABLE WITH OUT COG-WHEELS. A good CAST ABBKK wanted in every town. * * On receipt of the price from places where no one iu selling, we will send the Wringer rau or sxpensz. For particulars and circulars address R.C. BROWNING, 347 Broadway, N. Y. Rep. I~—6 m. YOU WANT A HAT OH CAP, c b»SP or sn#l—(to.to . LAP6aMAN*g ALTOONA, PA., Agent for Blair & Huntingdon Counties. These machines ark ..i-mit to betbebbat ever offered to the public, - .1 their superiority is eatiefoctorilj satoblisbed by tbe fa-r that in the last eight years, OVER 1,400 MORE of them. Machines hav. been .old then of .0, other an (there'be has i hand a large iqmlv o STOVE® tf eUt mmw, *nch ae.Coek, Parlo- Office and Shop Btot wHlcb Ko -rill MU M tEe mo«t reuonable pricea. A large supply will nlwaya be kept on hand. • J rm ANR SBEET-IROK WARE . in great variety alway. on hand. J ROOFING & SPOUTING put up on ithort notice. alro attached a copper..mithing ro.lm to hi. pkStfSs?;A?.: u fc“ ,pcm hMd #n work Promptly attended to. * B *‘ 3 ” rf BTJBFHBN WINTERS. CC. SERVER k SOX, Paper, Eovelpe and Printais’ Card WAREHOUSE, No. 513, MINOR TREET . PHILADELPHIA, PA., HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND FLAT CAPS, LETTER AND NOTE, MANILLA PAPER, FOLIO POST. PACKET POST, HARDWARE, FOOLSCAP, PRINTING PAPER, ENVELOPE * COLORED PAPER, BINDERS, TRUNK. STRAW AND BOX BOARD,, TISSUE, SHOE, AND TEA PAPERS. PRINTING AND MANILLA PAPER made to order. June 16,1863. H. H. HOPKINS, ALTOONA, PA., LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE 17th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. MUSIC .'—INSTRUCTIONS GI^EN Pijbo-Forte and MModeon. by M*. M. Tan**, $lO per quarter. Jio charge for Imlrnment. Reildecceon CatharlneStreet, ywt-Altoona. f Jan. 16. 1*62.-tf DRIED APPLES.— The subscribers bate a 6ne lo of bright ycliow DRIED APPLES, oottgttt at mncu leva than market rate,, and which they fer 1 !’ 11 “fi carriage! Vrithoutdelay.— *° P“ reh f*> «lthcr at wholnale or retail, will flnd U to their advantage to sire on « call Altoona, June «, 186Sj MDRPUY * McPIK E. 4 COM PLETE ASSORTMENT OF n "■ ll “ , Pro Sill RTS—Caaeimere ‘and n Shirt.—fine and coaree—white and colored—at . ■ LAPQHMAN-8. PURE WHITE LEAD AND ZINC Paint, aUo Chrome. Or*en. Yellow, Paris Grwm oil at fl -tf.l 'nSSfiSt?* MKN AND BOYS’ COATS, of everr itjrle and of good quality. at- * : BAUGHMAN’S. New and improved styles, of Trank*, Vailiee aad Carpet-Bag*, at .. . . ... BAUGHMAN'S Affine assortment ofover i yOATB can be lon ad at - ; LACOUMAM’g ■ ( ’kKAT PILES OF I‘ANTALOONSi V* for Uu> aad »eye,at LA m. UMAX'S R. A. 0. KERR, UNIVERSAL ■V—'• AMERICAN Life Insurance and Trus t o. /COMPANY’S BUILDING Soaihe*s( Corner of Welnat end fourth Stireu, Phiiad'a Anthemed Capital, £500,000 jPaitl pp Capital,... i 250,000 Assets,... 1,807,746 incorporated 1850, by the Legislature of'Pennsyl- ' hitmlim daring the Natural life or for abort terms, grant, ennohie. end endowmeuta, and makes contracts of all kinds depending on tbe iwnee of life. , Policies of Life Insurance issued at the nanel mutual rate* 'of other good companies—with profits to the assured “last Bobus January, 1841, being 43 per cent of all pre miums received oa mutual policies— at Joint Stock ratn, ao per cent lew than tbe above, or Total Abstinence rates 40 per cent, lew than Mutual price. Also, a non forfeiture plan, By which a peraon pan for S, 7, or 10 years only, when the polka - is paid op for Lin, and nothing more to pay ; and should he be tumble, or wish to discontinue sooner, the Company win issue a Paid ur Poucr, In proportion to ths amount of premium paid, aa follows; ; On a Policy of $l,OOO, 6 Year 7 Year 10 Year after payment at rmtee. rates; rates. 1 Annum! Premium, for $3M> 00 $142 8* $lOO 00 S *‘ *■ “ «0 00 28* 70 200 00 * ‘ “ “ 800 00 *ll 40 . 400 00 9 “ " “ ■ B*7 10 = 800 00 8 '• “ " . :‘SUO 00 ALEXANDER WBILLDIN, Prreideut. SAMUEL WORK, Vice President: JoBK 8. WnsON, Secretary. board or rarM-kMt. • Alexander Whtlldin. = J. Edgar Thomson ,: t Ron. Jaa, Pollock, ; Hon, Joseph Allis,,*. , Albert C. Robert.. Jons. Bowmao. Samuel T. Bodine, U. U. Eldridgo, George Nugent. John Aikmsn, William J. Howard, Chari' . F. Beasiitt. Samuel Work. v Any further information can be had by applying to the undersigned, who ia the authorized agent for Blair Goumy. Jnly 31.1863-ly R. a. O. KERR. -A. Benefit to A.IL TRY ONE BOTTLE, j 4 trial will prove Iht fact, arid facte are ttubbom things. \f ISHLER’S hlb bitters : „ , ABE SUCCESSFUL IN KVKBY CASK -So family should be without it. Hundreds oi ccrtiflcHtes and letters of thank* are. arriving every day front persons who havt* been cared. ■■ THE HERB BITTERS have never failed in curing RHEUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA Female Irregularities, and all Diseases arising from impurity op the blood. •I*o.oo .. 7.00 . 6,00 5.60 .. U. 50 As a Blood Purifier, Tonic and General Appertiseir. Hose Bitters are without a rival. Xo Lady desiring A CLEAR COMPLEXION ftbuuld bf» witbimt it. get a .circular aud certifi cate* from our Agent. Notice.— The great- success of Mishler’a Herb Bitters, has induced unprincipled parties to manufacture a worthless article, which they are selling at a loir price. of which beware. The genuine can only be bought in Blair County, of (I. W. WHITFIELD; (Sole Agent for Blair County,) Depot Drug Store; Main street. Altoona, Pa. June 2d, 1863-tf. • JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, The Hero of One Hundred File per Month I woqld respectful! forth mj claim to pL attention, as A Faahion; Hailor. u follows Because 1 keep an e: lent assortment of Ch Caaaimerea, Vesting* Trimmings. which, w) exatninadAlwaya pleas* Because my work made op in a manner t Mkea down the com and Kiteb all my custom' a city appearance. Because I am not infer as a Cutter to the besi be found anywhere. Because long expert* in my business gives entire control over If.i I am not dependant oj any one tolift me out the suds. ‘ Because 1 am still on the sunny side of forty, and there taB*o a * * Cutter and workman nnimpaired Call on me, [n the corner room of the ‘-Brant Hbuse.” OjT<»tn* a trial and you will go away pleased. Altoona. May 26-$m JACOB SNYDER. PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON ■ OIL LAMPS.' 4 Unyal'din Beauty, Simplicity Safety or Economy. Er,ry person desiring to obtain the eery be«t and Cheap ? , wuh ‘ o their «*ch, .honld call at the .tore „f the undersigned and examine the*. Lamp* la-fore stnS* rfn|? *' lMWbore '“ d pledge ourselves to demon. oe l ' 2a! at ACCIDENT cati occur by explosion.' !“•' AI 1 * 1 . F emit no offensive odor while bnrnihg “ d - That they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or lee, light. That they ;buro entirely free from smoke. X th Thl “ th( - >l*t>t 1. at least 60 per cent, cheaper than * n y othei light now in common ns**. The-e lamps areadmirably adapted for the use of Sue •'actoriea Halls, Churches, nVv e ' ? n< J, >r “ recommended for family use. 11 J?Li bl ? ner 0f the . Car k° n 011 Lkm P can ** attached to el Jl S®Hlf.* nd table flnid lnd »« lamps, at a .mall expense, and will answer every purpose of a new lanp. We guaranteeiwrfeet satisfaction in all cases. ' Ang. 19. 1858-tf.] o. w . RESSLEK. 1 EXCHANGE HOTEL— THE SIR. ~J BCRIBER would respectfully in* fortn the public that he has recently re- * fitted the above Hotel, and is uow'pre. AfflSLr_*X pared to accommodate bis friends * patrdn*inacomfortable manner, and will spare no pains in malting it an from , m, wUI ? W ST •** loiorio '“ly ramdM from tbcnufrkett af -the country and cities, and Kls Bar filled with Uqnora of choice brand.. Ilia cSmt tt-* ° f ansr °S er tfo,el in the P ,a “’ 8 “' ) he favcr^f£ fi 2?,l^L“ D ”. 0t by thosewho of tohli? E *P l-<:tin B to receive » .hare of public patronage, and fully Intending to deaerve ft. he throw, open his house to the public and invite, a trial. for rec " lTed * ,to< *' :f N“- I- French Brao-lv, tor medicinal purposes. - of eIce “«»« Winea. for medicinal our *fth 8 lo ‘ uf tJ«e heat old Rye Whiakevro be found in the country Altoona, May 27,1850.-ly| SOMETHING NEW r THK SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST vly .ugZ&SZiSStT wher " hß ■ SHOES, BROGANS, GAITERS, &(J„ which he i. prepared to offer to thecitiven. n. ' . tte mt:&‘rirrj«b he£ lb * sws?“' — n - 3 ’ lBBl - y: THOMPSoff^tom. IV'^ ,I 9 NAL POLICE GAZETTE il toMftbYm ££?"•. «* Criminal* ii| iu .„, ' ■ - . AHp Fork tftjt (western insurance ft",s£,ffi«r.: | *’' rs . ■'“hi'Viiation- roirs: tesKss-ssas *-fSbbp II B. MILLER. , r , DENTIST. OTIfIHL ML Office on Caroline Mreet, between T T? yiiyinin nnd Emma etreetn. Altoona A U' KINDS OF HUNTING * » «xWßtjduthii GfflC'K I MBRELLAB ANTI) PAHASOf.S ! tt « m — —— *■ „ J te-Mdfata-wW... UtionK S, l OI - OOLOGNES, POM vanuu B. MIBHLBR, \ Manufacturer and Proprietor. Laxcahteb;' I'i JOHN BOWMAN {J«n. a)-42«i* } WPTTEHB’ *tat& Book Bindei v AND BLANK BOOK MANCFAC T, L A*. o 4 Mark* St . ffarrMurg, ' HP* 1 !* establishment is chiefly u. v,, , r;:* 1 DoClt«»t« nf ABil J U> , and svarly Aeeemniental-msSfffSE* 1 ' l * r - ’lHe*. *^ Dt v: ,bonn&£ tM ' ■ W»« of the .S^l^f‘2” * ca 1!: » Piclorial. Ballou, Scientific American. Lobl/’ I'*’ 1 '*’ ' bound to order, and in any Xf> " ly Mapmilm. KnickerwV.. . MaßHinee. Coder's Lady’, Book, or*x,u!' * x,u! ' •on e Magatme. Piano MulcTac!, the more plain end enbetantial half binding ly *- • phleU. Law Mfigiiincii. Paainhlet im l‘>>iv brarjretyle,at price. number of Tolnmea to bind, will reeele* . m* 01 *, k ,vm .. «ftly > All work warranted. Addrw. lICTTKiT ««.McCKCM A BERN, at the Trii.^Tum^''' apnu fo. Altoona. and elclnity. ThVr T tion in relation to binding, and rvcei« ' Df ,r ' ’ ea.ra charge* fc f _■ [_ [March 21. ISii".- ’ ONWARD! EVER QNW VP.lt; STEP BY STEP' rPHE UNDERSIGNED DESI rVs .Dd ha.Jna, reived! dress goods. to. the all the l„e,t pre«,e,,ai„i FASHIONABLE PATTERN'S Auu among which may he found every oualitvVr ' , the name* of which,, would be too to?nume«,t lu the Im* of pure, fresh snd cheat. GROCERIES & PROVISIONS I will not “knock under” to any of tnv i this department I feel emw that I can LSt lt, ' All kinds of cotintry produce taken in g( Bmr ‘ CIGARS & TOBACCO, lOVS AND NOTIONS IN GREAT VARIETY . ... .constantly on HAM. October in, 1861. » W. M. LLOYD & CO., * ALTOOSA, •IQHNSTON, JACK & Co HOLLIDA YSBCKU. P * bankers, {Late " Bill, Johnston, Jack $ Co.'* i IYRAFTS ON THE PRINCIPAL CUlea, >ud Silver and Gold for sale. Collection* raau*. Moneys received on depositee payable on d*nr i.d. without Interest, or upon time, ■with Interest at fcir r ■ * »b. 3d, 1869. ("J W. KESSLER PRACTU 'I -v •. respectfully announce* * to the cxtliene of Altoona and the public fr® contiow the Drar ou Virginia street, where he keep* constantly *** Retail, DRUGS, ■■ iWSftSS!^ 1 * O,rA VARNI6H - 0 ■ ®* r * c * attention tohnainc, and a dveir- tci-nn-r ■> USictlon to»ll« rwmli price and quality, h- I. i“- merit and receive • ftam of public patrahag*. rtiyetcianii and inercbanU mpriH on reasonable .’-•ui« 0111 * distance promptly attend t*. "nyilcianß preacripifam carefully. compounded. .i-u- OUH LADY FRIENDS WOULD I’D Well to loot in upon the choke and cha«l» raent of Sommer WUSIiS GOODS wnrdlMiaytd open the well-tilled ahelTea of MCKPHTiMcfIKK. Cor. of Virginia and Caroline «• Altoona, .Inue 38, JBB3. piNE AND LARD OILS. (’AM Un.tegr Uag »“■ f) N HAND AT McCORJfICK'S Store \.{ ~ A •P’etdkl aaaortneat of Beadv-Hadr clothinc all and ace. - N>w . 2J,-11. ('UiOCKRIES—A LARGE AND Hair, hat, tooth, shavimj, *jkl v«rsiib Bm)>N *4 •' , * KKBOUBK -C i XS 1 ■$ * ■g-s * - Sj '■ W = s: PS 3 .■*. ■£ f s i £sf* Ssii *4 9 *.*£*: os* li «■» .v -i. >.r- VOL.S. ! '' NEW Q fpHE undersipnedw JL-ten tb* cltiMa* »iliiu hwimt-moH^E h!-««whotfcigifeUnofcof: : which, for ityl^qoulitj undf this neck of country. Tit* «• H*r*toisre, und us it Is quit* wur Cline*, Ah’ every one to |*a The and a h* would suy ttuu he cuu sn< little lower than xay other hoc .Ul to cull uad see hie stock he .»» he leels confident he cun ui Mefy competition. Hie stock • LADIES* DRESS GOO] MSN AND BOTB' WINI LADIKB AND. MISS MKN AND BOT£ WOMEN'S ASH MISS II ATS AN® CAPS, BLEACHED AND UNB GINGHAMS A Ho will .ell Ladies Sewed, It Kip Feggad Men’. Boots, BALMORAL SKIRTS, very be GBOCEI White and Brown Sugar, Ek and ever; thing that la nasally \ iud aa' cheap aa the rhea peat. \ Altoona, Oct. 7.1*88. ; AVOID THE it] 'INHERE IS A PR A pITKMKNT among the | ciultj about THESKCOND 111 the Draft aa, tot making the Th linn. All patriotic I Lot chouw with tbelr beloved onea, for tl their Uvea in thia bloody war. io a close, we will inform the p .'inoda at the GREEN STORK,O •treet, East Altoona, kept by G SAVE THE THRI i« * short lime, They bay** jns s*)l«ct«d Mock of DRY GOODS th*y are selling for Cash at th« A laige assortment of LAD! LARS, ranging io price from £4 The attention of the public til ftict tbat thoy «fe selling Brow 18 to 45 cents; Calicoes Drum thutt 18 to 35 cents per yard. they hare always on hand a AND BOYS* CLOTHING. HAT* and. In fcet, everything kept in Altoona Oct. 7, IMS. Victory r Subscribers v I announce to the citizen* rbat they have juat returned fn, FALL AND WINT HATS 1 BOOTS Sc iW'atpck of HATS & ■-cted with great care, and wit who may Savor them with their .Hoota and Shoea ia complete. Their LADIES’ MISSES' ami are of City make, and warrant-, for Lattice and Miaaea, are Ji weather and saving health •Thankful to the public for the Meretoforß, they hope to merit a Store nn .VAfA" ST. next dm t Hotel. Altoona, May 12, 1865. SAVE THE PEI BY BLyiNG CLOTHING FROM E* TTINGER & TUC . M-A of and Wholesale and Beta Clothing, would respectfully ii pnbllc to the following foots in t Ist. We manufacture our ow uptoourown Store,'ln Phtladeli Mipet vision, and we know they •. EQUAL TO T and superior to the largest qoan •up in the market. 2nd. We buy our Cloths direct I Manufacturers, consequently we on by middle men. 3rd. We sell our Clothing at i over the cost of our Cloths, thcrel of Clothing the percentage which who buy from second hands to se Clothing at the same price wb lor their* at wholesale, conseqnet ns get their goods at the same pri I«y for theirs in the city, there percentage. We have branch Stores in ALTOONA ANDJ where goods may be bad at tlu- i •oil them liere In the city. If any person has been told. »i >Tore. Ui Altoona, i* * played out i »to bis establishment, on Main Stood* and prices. Wholesale House. No. 702 Marl; Dec. 2,1863.—tf. CITY DRUG DR. E. H. REIGAI fhlly anuomice to the cith rounding country, that he baa Drug Store of Berlin A On„ on Fries’ Hardware Store. His Drugs are Fre and he hopes by strict attentiou "hare of public patronage. Oal! and examine his stock. ID DRUG MEDICINES and C m~X TOILET SOAPS, PER GLASS, PUTTY, PAJ.YTS. t CARBOX OIL AX. , NOTIONS, CH >i tid every article usually kept in a PURE WINES ANJ (or medicinal DOMESTIC OEAPK WINE—P PHYSICIAN& I‘ttK.' accurately compounded, at all fab Sept. 30,1863. rpEAS! TEAS! TEA • 1 i» selling Teas euperlor to coona. They are free! of hdultai tare of any kind. Boston cracke supply of these delicious and for sale by Hard w r are of Hons iliac received and fur oot 15-tf] |?XTRA FAMILY -*-* Ifaa Cove, alwaya on hai aa the lowcat by NSW STOCK OF E for Men and Boys, Ladies A NOTHER LARGJ JKRSEV A BDOMIN AL sui A.M gnd Shoulder Bracaa