.U *J*HE Wly physical Degeneracy ,of AMERICAN PEOPLE. JUSL-«ffiLtSHED d£ A. STONE Phjphenm. to the 'Dray Lmng and Hygienic 1* Institute. | , A fnttJm, on thft,o»OM< or B«rty .physical decline of Ste: the cMaa of Nemos-©ability, Cou >Q6 of hlj^ •efaotiSo sod nillslilSiShts sal treatment itbymsUeo tb« rwslptoMwo (3 cent.) ChurtUnt! FsiloOttoseud and ole eeWYoBBg mwt rail not to send and get tnis book. Ton too should at- once secure •* copy of SelnnmCkMtricmtto** Advkx to those . , who.witt reflect. A cl—of nniadbwp prevail -IoA-fearful extent in the CMMg>u%.(in()Wing at least 100,000 youth of both sexes SBnHypPte earl? Th— diißMSßaroTery ha rtßtjfty: uamnfa#. nstr external raairiitetttloD, or Sefrxattm and ,MxhaU«- ttok Uaraamos or wasting and consumption of the tisanes tff tbe cf breathing or hurried b—thipf”oteajßth44^ahill or flight of stairs; great pal- Station Of^TOEr^Heart; Asthma, BrtmchHis and sore Throat; akafclng of tab Hands and limbs ; aversion to t So ciety «ad to business or study; dimness of eye sight, loss of Memory, dtadness of the Head, Neuralgia, Pain in va ripcpnarta of the body; Pains in the back or limbs, Loin bacOfT>>Rpepaia or Indigestion, irregularity of the bowels, eeGretionsof the Kidneys and other glands of the body, as Xenccrrboea or Fleur Aibus, &c. . KpOepsTy Bysteria and Nervous Spasm*. Now in ninety-nine cases out of every hundred, all of the.above newr** disorders, and u host of others not named, os Consumption of the- Lungs and that moat in sidious and wily form of consumption of l the Spinal Nerves, known, as tabes Dorados, and Tabes have their seat and origin Mi diseases of the Pelvic Viscera. lieMco the want of success on the part of old school prac tice In treating symptoms only. - tovAadraw Stone, Fkyaician to the Troy Lung and Hy gienic .Institution* is now engaged iu treating this class of modern mslodios with the most astonishing. success. TW treatment adopted by the Institution is new; it is based upotvadentifio principles, with new discovered ram odit*: without minerals orpoisona. The facilities of cure areTpuch that patients can be cared at their homes, In any part of tho cOuntry, from accurate descriptions of their case, by letter ;and have the medicines sent by Mailur express* .Printed interrogatories will be forwarded on ap plication. Catarrh and diseases of the throat euiedst wall at the Home of the Patients as at the In* stitatfoty by sending the Cold Medicated Inhaunc Bxt- SjUIIC Vapois, with inhaler and ample directions for their use^ ; and direct correspondence. Patients applying for interroga tires or advice, must" return stamps, temeet attention. wm-The attending Physician will be found ut the Ib •titntion from 9 a. m. to 9p. m., each ilayU Sunday in the forenoom.^, Address ANDREW STONE. . Physician to the Troy Lung and Hygienic Institute, and Phyooian.for Diseases of the Heart, Throat and Lungs, T, Altoona, Dec. 30th, 1562.-ly. , • 1 E. &H. T. ANTHONY, MANUFACTURERS OF PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS,: 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. CATALOGUE now embraces coiisideraUy over Four Thousand difforrng subject* (to which additions are coutlonaliy|being Portraits of Eminent Ameri can* .etch viz: 72 Major-Generals, 523 Statesmen, ISO BHg.-Generals, 127 Divines, 269;Colonels, 116 Authors, 84yLieut.-Oolonelß, 30 Artists, 307’Other Officers, 112, Stage, i 60 Navy Officers, • 46 f romin’nt Women 147 Prominent Foreign Portraits. i 3,500 COPIES OF WORKS OF ART, Inelpdiiig reproductions of the most celebrated Engra- Ttnjpi, Paintings, Statnea, Ac.* Catalogue* sent bn receipt of itamp.' Ad order for One Dozen PICTUCES from our Catalogne wlll befilled on receipt of Si. Bo. and sent by ukaS. FREE. ■ ’ PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. Of tboe w© maculae tore a groat variety, ranging ib prtef fro&t 60 eenta to $5O each. Our ALBUMS have the reputation of being superior in. beauty aad-lijm, JSTota-ry Public j ALTOONA, BLAIR CO., PA. at the tton of J. R. Hileman. E XQU WANT GHOOD COFFEE, U*e be»t of Ufaocolate, Sjntpanud Sugars, ” T FKITCHKY’S. CSCPERIOE CREAM CHEESE AT ' ~ ' ’ PKItCHKT’S. J BAHBEEB PURE WHITE LAUD X and for at FRITCH^Tg OIIITCHEY’S NEW STOKE, corner M. ofOurplip# j>nd Virginia fit*. . . I OAkPETING AND fHlClotbscanhe found at I.aVOhmans, rbe.subscfiber having takeu entire charge of the Hard ware and Stove and Tin Shop recently under the.charge of Fries A Winters, on Virginia: street, .opposite Kessler's Drag Store, and having added largely to bis stock is now prepared to supply anything in the Hardware and Cutlery line, such as Handsaws,: Axes, Augers, Adzes, Chisels, Squares, Rules. Hammers, Planes, Hinges, Locks, Latches, Files, Knives and Forks, Spoons,Ac„ Ac.,-all of .which he offers on the most reasonable- terms. Persons wishing anything in lli»* Hardware line are requested to call and examine his utocK. He has also added Oils, Points, Carbon Oil, etc., to his stock, and will dispose of oil these articles ata small ad vance on first cost. Ho will also continue the STOVE BUSINESS, and will keep on hand an assortment from which any person will be able to select an article to pelase their fancy. In the line or TIN AND SHEET IRONWARE, CEDAR and’ WILLOW-WARE, he will always have a large supply, and will make reorder anything that may be called for'. ’ Job work iu this line promptly attended to. ROOFING AND SPOTTING put up ou short notice in (he beststvle. April2l. 1563.-tf. VaMUEL I. FRIES. Q.KEAT DISCOVERY! KUNKEL’ BITTER WINE OF IRON, K)8 THE CUBE UF WEAK STOMACHS, GENERAL DEBILITY. I.\DI GESTION. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYS- TEM, CONSTIPATION. ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH. AND FOX ALL CASES, XEQUIXim A TONIC. This wino includes the most agreeable and efficient Salt of Iron we possess; Citrate of .Magnetic Oxide combined with the moat energetic of Vegetable tonics, Yellow Peru vian Bark. The effect'in of Debility, Loss of Appetite and general prostration, of an efficient Suit of Iren, is niost-lmppy. It augments the appetite, rais.-s the pulse, takes off muscular flabbiness, the paler of debility, and gives a florid vigor to the countenance. Do you want something to strengthen ybn? Do you wttnt a good appetite? Do you want to build up your constitution !■ Do you want fo feel well?* Do yon want to get rid of nervousness ? Do you wanst energy ? Do you to sleep well f - Do you wadt a brisk uml vigorous feeling? If yon do. fry KUNKEUS BITTER;WINE OF IRON. This truly; valuable Tonic has been so thuronghh tested by all classes of the community, that it is now deemed indispensable as a Tonic medicine. It costa but little, pu rifies the blood, gives tone to the stomach, renovate the system, and prolongs life. 1 now only ask a trial of this valuable Tonic. COUNTERFEITS, BEWARE OF COUStFRFFITS.~Ks Ku.xkkl’h Bit m wlsb of Iron is the only sure and effectual remedy m the known world for the permanent curt of Dyspepsia and Debility* and as there,are a number of imitation* offered to the public, we would caution the community to purchase none but Die genuine article, manufactured bv S. A. KUNKEL, and which has bis stamp on the top of the cork of every nottle. Th 6 very, fact tint otle-r* are at tempting to imitate this valuable remedy; prows its worth and speaks volumes in its favor. THE BITTER WINK OF IRON is put up in To cent .And $l.OO bottles, and sold by all respectable throughout the country. Bo'particular that i-v-rv Houle bears tin* fa c tiutile of the proprietor's signaturv. General Depot, Xo. I IBMarketSt., Harrisbinv. Fa. *9“ For Sain by GKO, \V. KKgELEB.'E. FI. lIKIGAKT, Altoona, am! by nil respectable dealers everywhere Sept. 3d, .fim. ' * EMPORIUM OF FASHION!! I'iri/iitiu , tin* public ihaUiie has received a larg? invoice of CLOTHS, CASSLMERES, VESTINGS, and a general assortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Collars* Neck-Ties, Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkeroh let's, Ac., ike.., Ac., exactly suited t« lhi« locality nud intended for the AUTUMN AND WINTER TRADE. The proprietor *»f the Emporium invites an examina tion of his stock, filling confident that his shelves present a greater varb-ty ->f plain and fancy goods than can bo found elsewh.-iv in the coutitry. An examination will convince any on.* of this f.ter. He has also received the LATEST FASHION, and belug a perfect •• Cutter, *’ he has no hesitancy In say ing that he can make up clothing in,the fashion, and in a manner thar can not fail to prove Satisfactory. It has passed into u proverb that ,* ‘ Belford’s the very man that can make. Clothes 4n the fashion, strong and cheap; AH that ever tried htiyr yet. Say that h£-really can tbs beat. .fiemember the place. Virginia stmd, first .lour above dAgganfi Hall, Altoona, Pa. [April 17. ’G2. HAEDWARE! Charles j. mann, * tEALKR IN FOREIGN AND DO - MESTIC HARDWARE, , , WOODEN WARE, BROOMS, WINDOW SHADES, UPHOLSTERING GOODS. D °° R MATS ’ SHOE FINDINGS, MOULDERS’TOOLS, - COFFIN TRIMMINGS, BIRD CAGES AND WIRE GOODS, PUTTY, WHITE LEAD, AC., AC. WJNDOW OLASS ’ aa.Erery description of Go-Kis in his lino will be fur uiafaed at ahart notice, and at low rates for cash. His remaining stock of DRY GOODS on hand will be cloeed ont at rernarkslily low prices, in order to relinquish .that branch of the business. 4 Agent for Willson’s “Telegraph- Fodder Cutter.” Altoona. May 29th, 1882. Tthe undersigned RESPEGT fnIIy Informs the public that he will con tinnetokeepa BOOT & SHOE STOBE,» io the room recently occnpied by Roberts and Rutherford. The busincM heretofore carried - ** le be in tiro name ef JOHN 11. oUBxtK 1 if. Hfe wi!V keep constantly on hand a comnlete assort ment of 1 y Boots <&; Shoes, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, &c., &c., %c. i?hlch ha will offer at fair prices and warrant to be o the beat material and manufacture; Particular attention will be given to . . , ■ ? CUSTOM nrop-FT .Id which he warrants to glte entire sarirfaction-as he buys the beat stock and employ g non* but tbebest workmen. Remember the old stand, bn Tlrglnia Street, one ioor Hart of Keaglerig Drqgßtore; • Oct. 10 18«2-tf,J JOHN 11, ROBERTS. /"UIOCERIES AND PROVISIONS.— Vjl largo noil varied stick of/WlEjll OHOCEKIK3 AND PROVISIONS, just recem'd. ant! for sale as cheat) os thU cheapest, at' MURPXIY & MdPIKJJ’H Store. Cor. of Virginia and Caroline sts, Altoona, June Uti. 186*1. ' A general assortment of 'J3L „ Jewelry/Hair v ui,l Clothes Brashes, Combs -Poeket-knives. Ac..at _J ' lACGU MAN'S fD-LAIN & FANCY VESTS, of every ■A alaeand strip at r.AUtHIMAS’S. HEAVY BOOTS & J receive*! a|. I,AII«HMAN".«. WAiRE. 0, YES! 0, YES!! THIS WAY! THIS WAY! N E W FALL AND WINTER GOODS! JB. .HILEMAN bus just received a • large ami well Keeled stock of Goods, consisting of Cloths, Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Satfnette, Ken tucky Jeans. Tweeds, Beaverteens, Bine Drilling, and*ll other kinds of Qodds for MEN AND BOYS* WEAR, together with h grand and magnificent assortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. Sucft as Black and /hncy Silks, Chaliics, Benges, Brilliants, " Lawns, Delaines, Chintzs, Deßeges, Crapes, Prints, CrUpe. gpd Stella Shawls, Mantillas , Vndersleeves and Ifysicry, Bonnets and Ribbons, Collars , Band ktrehiefs, Kid Gloves, Hooped Skills, Skirt ing, Lace Mitzs, <6c., <£c. ALSO, takings, Checks, Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, Cotton apd Linen Table Diaper, Crash, Nankeen, Ac. BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, ftDKENSWARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WAKE, OIL CLOTHS, CARPETS, AC. GROCERIES. - Our stock of Groceries is more extensive than ever, and consists of Rio and Java Coffee, Crushed, Loaf and N 0. Sugars; Gre'en, Y. H. and Black Teas; Molasses, Soaps, Candies, Salt, Fish, Ac. Thankful: to the public for the very liberal.patronage heretofore received, he hopes by strict attention to busi ness, and an endeavor to please, to merit a continuance of the same. and examine bis Stock, and you will be con vinced that he has the best assortment and cheapest Goods iifthe’market. •** Country Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods.at market prices. Altoona, April 28, 1863. EXCELSIOR Hat WINTER HATS, i CAPS, MISSES’ FLATS, &C. Ilia Stock of Hate and Caps are of tho very beat selection, of every style, color and shape, for path old and young. All he oaks is that the.people call and examine his stock, and he feels confident that he can send them away re joicing. if not in the purchase of such au article jis they wanted, at the remembrance of having looked upon the handsomest stock of Hats, Caps, flats. Ac., ever exhibited in this town. I have also on hand uu entirely new stock of Ladies’ a d Childrens’ Hats a d Flats, ami a lieautitul stock of LADIES’ FURS. which lam confident cannot Iw surpjiased.iu the country, all of which I will sell nt the most reasonable prices. He member the Hall of Fashion when you want anything In the Uiie of head covering, and call on Oct. 7. »C3-tf DURYEA'S MAIZENA RECEIVED TWO ‘‘PRIZE MEDALS,” (From Juries 3 and 4) at the International Exhibition, London, 1862, HAMBURG, JULY, 1863, received the HIGHEST MEDAL For its Great Delicacy as aa Article of Food. Used lor I’odinga, Cakc-s. Onatards, Blanc Maiige, A'c,. without isinglass, with few or no eggs. Itis also excellent for thickening sweet snncus. gravies for fi-h and meat, soups, Stc. ■ For Ice Cream nothing can comjwire with it.— A little boiled in milk makes a rich cream for coffee, bhoc olate. tea, Aa. A most delicious article of foodforchildren and invalids, It Is •vastly superior to Arrow Root and much more economical Put tip in one pound package*, with full directions, and sold, by nil Grocers and Druggists. WILLIAM DURYEA, General Agent. Sept. 9,1863—Cm. 166 Fulton Street, New York. ESTABLISHED 1760. PETER LORILLARD, SimfF & Tobacco MANUFACTURER, 16 .& 18, CHAMBERS ST., (Formerly 42 Chatham St., New York,) would call the attention of Dealers to the articles of his manufacture, viz.: BROWN SNUFF. Macahoy. Demferos, Fine Rappee, Coar*e. Rappee. Pure Virginia, Nachitochea, American Gentleman, Copenhagen. YELLOW SNUFF. - Scotch. Honey Dew High Toast Scotch. Frefifh Honey Dew Switch, Irish High Toast, or Lundyfoot, Fresh Scotch. Attention js called to the great reduction In pricea of Fine-Cnt Cbowthg and. Smoking Tobaccos, which will be found of a superior quality*. x TOBACCO. SMOKING*. —Long, No. 3, No. 2, Nos. 1 and 2 mixed. Granulated, S. dago, Spanish, Canaster, Turkish. , FINE CUT CHEWING.—P. A. L., or plain, Cavendish, or Sweet, Sweet Scented Oronoco. Tin Foil Cavendish. * N. B.—A circular of prices will be sent on application. April 14, ; * WM. S. BITTNER Dental Surgeon. OFFICE IN MASONIC mBSS^ TEMPLE, next door to the Post Dr. B. would respectfully inform the citizens of Altoona and surrounding country, that ho is prepared to insert AETIFICLAL TEETH! Horn a single tooth to a full set, in the most superior style, ON GOLD, SILVER, OR VULCANITE BASE. It would be to the : advantage of all persons desiring attificial teeth, to call at his office before going elsewhere, if they wish cheapness, beauty or durability. Dr. Bittner will visit Hollldaysburgand vicinity when his services are desired. (Feb. 17.1863-tf. ANPREW ECKEL, : X REAUtA lIC Tobacco, Cigars, Snnff, Pipes, &c., &c., Annie itreet, Altoona, Pa., and McKtogt’i Old Stand, HretU Uollxduytburg, Pa. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT of Goods In hie line constautlyon hand at the iaweet cash price*, j . [Keb.7,1863. SM. WOORKOK, • A TTOBNET-A T-LA IK .. . Altoona, Penn'a, Wlllpraotic m the Mv.-nU Courts of Blair, Cambria and •2SSISSS , B?SSS , t! !M ‘ ; officl ou Virsinl '’ Sln ‘ ot ’ i;rlotir » fab. ■% I«(TMr AiUSG ULAiI MEETING, OF THE jlf®-' KAIU VIEW CEMRTERy ASSOCTA iII V' 1 OTI <>'" ThnniAiyoTcnlnic of ouch month, m in., i mm-ii 11,..mi. M. OL\BAUQ!I MAS. holvTilEii. ' n, . • . PreHulent * - ' ** ------ • [May { I EEAM (jjiAjCKERsS! A fresh sup vy ply of theiocleliclous '-nickers Just received and for . ' FJJITCIIKT'B DO YOU .WANT A HAT OK PAP, cheap or line?— pn to LADOHMAN’S. U ’ RITCHEY IS REALLY SELLING 1 (Tie »***! llmwii Sihfi«r in Altoona at IS^cowti*.' ALTOONA, PA., Agent for Blair & Huntingdon Counties. These machines are .t om it to be the best ever offered to the public, k.-i their superiority.is satisfactorily established by (he far i that in the last eight yean, OVER 1.400 MORE of these Machines have been sold than of any other man ufactured, and more medals have been awarded the pro prietors by different Fairs and Institutes than to any oth ers. -The Machines are warranted to do all that is claimed for them. They are now in use in several families in Al toona, and in every case they give entire satisfaction. The Agent refers those desiring information as the su periority of-the Machines, to Col. lahn L. Piper, Rev. A. B. Clark, George Hawkesworth, BeuJ. F. Rose, and E, U. Turner, Esqrs. The machines can be seen and examined at the store of the Agent, at Altoona. Price of No. 1 Machine, silver plated, glass foot and new style Hemmer—s 66. No. 2, ornamental bronze, glass foot and new style Hemmer—sss. No. 3, plain, with old style Hemmer—s4s. [March 21,1861-tf. CLOTHES WRINGER. 0 No'. 1. Large faniily Wringer $lO.OO No. 2. Medium 4i 7.00 No. •• “ 0.00 No. 3. Small “ 5,50 No. 8. Large Hotel “ 14.50 No. 18. Medium Laundry f to run steam ) IS.OO No. 22,Lorge ( ur band. J 30.00 Nos. 'l\4; and 3 have no Cogs. All others ore warranted. ♦No. 2 is the size generally used in private families, Orange Jcdd, of the of the UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER *• A child can readily wring out a tubfull of clothes in a lew minutes, lx is in reality a CLOTHES SAVEKI A TIME SATER! and a STRENGTH SAVER! The saving of garments will alone pay a largo per outage on its coat. We think the machine mucu more than PAYS FOR ITSELF EVERY YEAR in the saving of garments. There are several kinds, nearly alike in general construc tion. but we consider it important that the Wringer be titled with otherwise a masi of garments may clog the pullers, am! the rollers open tile crank-shaft slip and tear the clothes, or the rubber break loose from the shaft. Our own is oi.e of the first make, and it is us GOOD NEW after nearly FOUR YEARS’CONSTANT USE.” JESSK SMITH lIKING THE SOLE AWARDS gained by anything of the Even- Wringer with Cog Wheels is Warranted in every particular. NO WRINGER CAN BE DURABLE WITH OUT COG-WHEELS. A gixni CANVASSER wanted in every town. On receipt ol the price fiom; places where no one Is selling, we will send the Wringer free op expe.vsk. For particulars and circular* address . n. 0. BROWNING. 347 Broadway. N. V. Sep. I—fun. = hind. It al.so received the Superlative | Report of I EXCEEDING EXCELLENT FOR FOOD. MAIZENA at the great In* ternational Ex- TIN AND SHEET-1 HON WAKE. r PHE UNDEKSIGNEb WOTED KE- J[ M'KcTFULLV ■- miunce to the citizem Altoona and vicinity ti lie has takeu the at and shop recently oci pied by Fries A Wintr on Anni' tfgttf. East . toon*, where he has hand a large supply STOVES of all Pattern such as. Cook, Pari' Office and Shop. Sfcr which he will sell at moat reasonable prices. A large supply will always be kept on hand. hibition at 7/A AND SHEET-IR OA ITII RE, in great variety, always on hand. \ * ROOFING & SPOUTING put up on short notice. I Ho has also attached a copper-smithing room to his establishment and will keep on hand an assortment of cop per and brass kettles, ic. | All kinds ofjnli work promptly attended to April 21»t. STEPHEN WINTERS. C.C. SERVER &■ SON, Paper, Envelpe and Printers’ Card WAREHOUSE, No. 513, MINOR TREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA., Have constantly on hand FLAT CAPS, LETTER AND 1 NOTE, MANILLA PAPER, FOLIO POST, PACKET POST, HARDWARE, FOOLSCAP, PRINTING PAPER, | ENVELOPE COLORED PAPER, BINDERS, TRUNK, STRAW AND BOX BOARD, TISSUE, SHOE, AND TEA PAPERS. PRINTING AND MANILLA PAPER made to order. June 36, 1863. H. H. HOPKINS, ALTOONA, PA,, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE; 17th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. MUSIC! —INSTRUCTIONS GI V EN Fiuuo-Forte and Melodcon. bv Miss M. SHOEMAKER. Tuans, $lO per quarter. No charge for the use of the Instrument. Residence on Catharine Street. West Altoona. fJan.lß. ISea.-tf. fWIED APPLES.—The subscribers bavt*a fine lo of bright yellow DRIED APPLES bought at ranch lees than market rates, and which they desire to close out, at cost and carriage, without delay.— I o l’? rch f«S f i«'" »t wholesale or retail, wiU find U to their adrantage to giyij ns a call Altoona, Jnne 26,1582. J MURPHY k McI'IKE. A COM PLETE' ASSORTMENT OF Gent’s Model Improved SHlRTS—Cassimere and aiusnu Shirts—line and coarse—while and colored—at ' LAUGHMAN’S. PURE WHITE LEAP AND ZINC Paint. u!h<> Chrome. Omju, Yollow, Pari* Grt*?n, dry tttul ground oil at KKSSLFII'S. MEN AND BOVS' COATS, of every style and color, of goad quality, at > ; LAUGHMAX’S. IVTEW AND IMPROVED STYLES JL i of Trunks. ValUoa ami <‘«rpet*llugH. nt : fdAUGHMAX's*. E\V WINTER BEADY MADE Clothing just received at J.AUO UMAX'S A FINE ASSORTMENT OPOVER- OHM loithi! lit UrfiilMW'f s|P EWING R. A. 0. KERR, UNIVERSAL American Agriculturist, '* says STOVES, Life Insurance and Trust Co. C'IOMPANS’S BUILDING Southeast J Corner of Walnut and Fourth Stu-ers, Phildd’a Authorized Capita!, . $500,000 Paid iip Capital, 230,000 Assets, f 1,897,746 IncQrpttrated 1850, by the Legislature of l J ennsyl- Insure# Liras daring the Natural Ufa or for ahorttenns, grants annuities and endowments, and makes contracts of all kinds depending on the issues of life. Policies of Lifer Insurance issued at the usual mutual rate* of other goOd companies—with profits to the assured —last Bonus January, 1861) being 43 per cent. of all pre miums received on mutual po)tetaa--at Joint Stock rates, 120 per cent less than the above, or Total Abstinence rates 40 per cent, less than Mutual price. Also, a NON FORFEITURE PLAN, By which a person pays for 5,7, or 10 years only, when the policy is paid op for Lira, and nothing more to pay; and should he be unable, or wish to discontinue sooner, 'the Company wilt issue a Paid up Poltct, in proportion to the amount of promlnm paid, as follows; On a Policy of $l,OOO, 6 Year 7 Year 10 Year after payment bt rates. rales. rates. 1 Annual Premium, for $2OO 00 $142 85 ; $lOO 00 2 “ M “ 400 00 286 70 200 00 A *• a a 800 00 671 40 : 400 00 6 .•* “ “ 867 10 600 00 8 “ •• 800 00 ALEXANDER WHILLDIN, President. SAMUEL WORK, Vice President. N JoH&B. WiLsofet, Secretary. ‘ BOARD OP TBUSTKIS. Alexander Whllldin, J. Edgar Thomson* Hon. Jos. Pollock. Hon. Joseph Allison. Albert C. Roberts, Janas Bowman, Samuel T. Bodine, 11. 11. Eldridge, George Nugent, John Aikman. William J. Howard, Chari* s F. Ileazlitt. Samuel Work. Any further information can be had by applying to the undersigned, who is the authorised agent for Blair County. July 31.1862-ly R. A. O, KERR. A Benefit to Jill. TRY ONE BOTTLE. . M R A trial urill prove the fact t and+faeU are stubborn things. MLSHLKH’S h¥b bitterh ARE SUCCESSFUL IN EVERY CASE. No family should be without it. Hundreds of certificates and letters of thank* are arriving every day from persons who have been cored. v H THE HERB BITTERS have never failed in curing RH BUM AT ISM, DYSPBPSI A, Female Irregularities, and all Diseases arisiugfrorn IMPURITY OF THE BROOD , As u Blood Puriflbr, Tonic and General Appertinjer. these Bitters are without a rivoL No Lady desiring • A CLEAR COMPLEXION i should be without it. Please got a circular and certifi cate* from our Agent. Notice.—The great success of Mishler’s Herb Bitters, has induced unprincipled- parties to mauqiarture a worthless article, which they are selling at* a low price. of which beware. The genuine can onlv be bought In Blair County, of * G. W. WHITFIELD, (Sole Agent fur Blair County,) Depot Drug Store, Main street, Altoona, Pa. June ?d, 1863-tf. \ JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, : f 3 The Hero of One Hundred Fits per Month ! I would respectfully set forth my claim to public attention, as a Fashionable Tailor, as follows: ’ Because 1 keep an excel lent assortment of Cloths. Cassimeres, Testings and Trimming*, which, when examined.always please. Because ray work is made up in a manlier that takes down the country and gives nil. my customers a city appearance.- Because I am not inferior as a Cutter to the; best to bo found anywhere. Because long experience in my business give? mo entire control over i Land d am not dependant upon any one. rolift niu out of the sudsi' Because I am still on the sunny side of forty v -niid there for*l my taste as a Cutter and workman unimpaired. Call on me, In the corner room of the •• Brant House." Give me a trial and you will go away pleased. Altduna. May 2tfc-om JACOB SNYDKIt. PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON • 111, LAMBS! Vnr.mledin Beauty , Simplicity Safety or Economy. person desiring to obtaii. the vc-rr best and cheap cut.potable light within their reach, should call at the store of the undersigned and examine these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon strate . Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2d. That they emit no offensive odor while burihnig. 3d, That they are very' easily trimmed. ( 4th. That they Are easily regulated to give more or lens light. sth. That they.burn entirely free from smoke. 6th. That the light is at least 50 per cent, cheaper than any other liglit now in common use. These lamps are admirably adapted for the ua*of Stu gent*, Mechanics, Seamstresses, Factories, Halls, Churches, an< j we highly recommended for family use Thebornerof the Carbon Oil Lamp can be attached to old side, hanging and table fluid and oil lamps, at a small expense, and will answer every purpose of a new faun We guarantee perfect aatisfiictlon in all cases. : Ang-18, 1858-tf.] g. W. KESSLER. Exchange hotel.—the sub. SCRTBER would respectfully jn fanri the public that he has recently re- A fitted the above Hotel, and Is now p— ligm 4, A pared to accommodate his friends patrons in a comfortable manner, and will spare no pains in making it an sojoijrners. His Table will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country and cities, and his Bar filled with liquors of choice brands. His charges are as reasonable aa those of any other Hotel in the place, and he feels satisfied they can not be complained of bv those who’ layor min with their custom. Expecting to receive u share pf public patronage, and fully intending to deserve it. he throws open his house to the public and invites ii trial. r 1 ■ « stock of No. I French Brandy, for medicinal purposes. \ . . ! Also a large stock of excellent Wines, for medisinal nur poses. together wfth a lot of the best olthßve Whiskey to be found in the country. Altoona, May 27,1850.-3y] JOHN BOWMAN. . SOMETHING NEW, rUHE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST wher ° h * ”» 9 BOOTS AND SHOES, BROGANS, GAITERS, &0.; 7ici i S«wl/“X r ! I ! ared L° Dffer ofAltoona and vicinity a| very low prices.- Having purchased direct fr»m .h!, m^, n ?i tOrora fw “*• h( ’"‘ ,t ,Hco, that Will defy competition. All that ho aeka Is that the SwheTo, °* examine hfa »*«* b*»re pnrthaaing aonahi,, B su OES made to order, on tlie moat rca 80Don’t w„Ln IS r rf P airln K promptly attended to. th P lace ’ ‘wo doore below Post Office. ' . J * n 3 ’ lfel - . M. THOMPSON? A%nt. RATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE.— ira Twdflh AVer J „n n i rD | al of . FV me ® ml Criminals I. in theSlintri -If 11 ’rithdy circulated throughout Caw*, and appropriate Editorials on ?heTOi^t“o^ther»ith X^^pe^' *.T ,)t ' r anilun, l $1 for six mouths, to s b r :l bj sub * nl >ers. (who should write their names and the town, county and State where they reside plainly 1 i.,,„ ■j! To O. W. MATSELL & Co. is ,'n t(litor 4 i’rop’r. of New York Police Gazette. ■ : Ktm leri Clt., • Y'J.REAT WESTERN INSURANCE k"SJ) TRUST COMPANY.—lnsurance on Real or fi ro .P Hrt F *‘l* b « effected dn the roost reasonable * vflfjd*l-*!a»,? Bn *‘ n Alto ’ , ''-‘ «* hi« office in Anna Sr. March 1,,185a. jqhn SHOEMAKER, Agwit, T EVI’S PREPARATION FOR E.V RATS. MICK. ROACHES. AntJ; and BetfliUgii without danger in its use under any clti-niUslun jXS* se-Vi" Stw< ' " f «• WiKKaSLUU. If D MILLER, ' DENTIST. {ffaSSSSL «a_ Office on Caroline street, between -OXTTF yirglhia and krama streets Altoona. fJao.ia»i.2 m » ’ LL KINDS OF PRINTING neAily auJ expeditouslv executed at the _ : Qmftfe TTMbrellas and parasols', TS^.‘ y - " ItAUnflifAS’S. vmua. B. MISHLER, Manufacturer and Proprietor. Lancaster, Pa, Hitters* STATE GAPITf > 1 Book Bindery > AND BLANK .BOOK MANTKACTu' v •Vo. 64 Market St . Harrisbury, pj This establishment is ehiefly ,l‘‘vo(. .| the nfnnufitcture of Steak Book- ii. r ' Bunk*. County Offlcew Railroad Co in pane,, -’’’i’. - and private tnritvidtads. laattCases the £ -A vary bnt of stock and workroamhm may bo sAmA V .relied npon. Blaek Borta.printed,. ,„i,! ■ any desired patter*.- BberhTa. Attorney, ‘ Dockets (if all sizes, made and rated to eider t.‘ ! and Yearly Assessments, Duplicates, *c„ for re,,,,,, Sea, printed or plain, ruled and bound to order ' 'l l -- Dockets made of the best linen paper. Librarians, and others, desiring to have their 80,,i bound and at moderate prices, should givens a rail \ * papers of the largest sizes. Harper’s Weekly to *" Pictorial, Ballons, Scientific American, London ' bound to order, and in any style required. HarnerV u , ■ ly Magazine. Knickerbocker. Blackwood’s anil Hr l , "" ' Magazines, Godey’s Lady’s Book, Lady’s Reposit„ n ’ ■on’s-Magazine. Piano Mvaic. Ac, bound in extra «V, ' the more plain and substantial halt binding. " phleta, Law Magazines. Pamphlet laws, bound In e Vl“ brery style, at very moderate prices. Person, number of volumes to bind, will receive a liberal, “ - J Binding can tafiily be sent to us from a distance Sress, and all work enlmsted toonrcarewilib ” lly executed, safely packed and returned bv Ft,. ! " 11 All work warranted. Address p. q, MCTTpi-'*' fjaerithury, ; • fi&»Mc€RUU A DICRN, at the Trihxne Office ~ . agenu fin Altoona, and vicinity. They will give i,„ , tion in relation to bliWiug, and receive and return • V free from extra charges, for all who enhust their ~'.i'T cart - [March 21, 15r...,V“ ONWARD! EVER ONWARD; STEP BY STEP' THE UNDERSIGNED DESIRES in infnrni liis old customers ami tlu- public timt ho lias this spring gone into the Drv (i i\2 , ami hnsjnst receive! a large and entirely' n,.» ~, * DRESS GOODS ifoi the hadi«*eaihraclngiill the latest, pretti, s; ;u111 ,,,,, ■ FASHIONABLE PATTERNS, Anu among which itiny found every timtlitv i.. the name* of which it would he too tedious toe'emm'.• lu the line of pure, fresh and cheap GROCERIES** PROVISIONS I will not -‘knock tinder'’ to any of my eouim iii r “".'ntS* 1 ?""' 11 * 1 ft ' el th «' 1 «ui fender sati-f,,. AUkiui.s of country produce taken i u ey. inu ■■ ■', goods, and the highest market price alien e.i ' " ••store on the corner of Annie „„d He'e-n -inn. i , Altoona. THOMAS HF-Hop' Altoona. May 22. 1862. • ’ 1 JACOB WETS BAKER AND CONFECTIONER VIttUIMA STKKEt. Al.T.iey,. KEEPS CONSTANTLY OX HAM) BREAD, CAKES. CAN] Mis ice ciece-A-im; AND SWEETMEATS, of hip own mamilaciuiv. wLi.-i, is prepared f-j *?IL wholesah' or retail, id tie- most r. ahh 1 prices, »b.i. FDREIU.N ERI/HS. oi.-h ... ORANGES. LEMONS, ITNE-AiTLESc FIGS, PRUNES..RAISINS. NUTS. nlwnys oii hand in thuir roFpuctivv CAKES BAKED TO ORDKK lor particular occasions, on short muirc an.l in rl. i. t‘st nml boat Style or the art. Call, examine and price my stock and von mil r, it as good and cheap as can be pnrchased elsewhere Jan. 27. 18(13. Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Wan SPOUTING, &C. Q RKJG WOULD RESPEUT- - LA* fully nform the citizens of Altoona amL and vicinity that he keeps constantly on hand a large aaeprtment ot Choking, Iktrlor. Offer oo.ltSSOk Shop Stores, of all styles and sizes. to suit tlic™ ' wants of all, which he will sell at low price, ...... able terms. lie also keeps on hand a large stock of Tin ut,. on the most reasonable terms; aprll 14. H. FETTINGER’S General Auws itieiicv. OAK MALL, NV 7, MAIN STUKK! SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS. STATIONEI1Y. CONFECTIONA IiIKS CIGARS & TOBACCO. TOYS AND NOTIONS IN GREAT VARIETY „. , ~ CONSTANTLY O.N HAM), October 24. 1861. w. M. LLOYD & CO., ALTOOXA. I M JOHNSTON, JACK & C< >.. UOLLIDAYSBUI!':. r > bankers, (Late “Sell, Johnston, Jack Co.") Drafts on the puincipu, Citiee, and Silver and Gold for uale. Collection* recqjved on deposit®, payalde on deimnd, without lateral, or upon time, with interest at luir mrc* Feb. 34,1859. Gw. KESSLEII PRACTICAL • pUUGGIST, respectfully announce /? to the citizens of Altoona and the public gou*jgß|nL he still continues the Drug on \ irginia street, where he keens constantly m isS?nrS , lf a !^' yho,es » le and Retail, DRUGS, |M MKDiCINES CIIEMiCALS, OILS. VARNISU- Ml ES and DYB-STDFFB. .attention to business, and u desire toni*« - il isthctioa to all u regards price and qualify. h** '■ !’ • ' merit and receive a share of nubile n , j* 1 * merchants Implied on reosonid'L- ih ~M 'ni . o ™ ers from a distance, promptly atteud-d * iL « uysicians compounded. OUU LADY FRIENDS WOULD DO K’®]! look In upon the choke and chfot' 1 Summer I>RKSS GOODS now dlepluf-.1 n\** *"■ we|l-flned shelves of MUKPHY * MrPIKK. .. , Cor. of Virginia and Cir-diii* Altoona, June 26,1862, ’ I>INE AND LARD OILS. CAM ', Pj l6 "*’ Boralug Plaid, Carbon oil. *<•_ at ■lnn. 3. ’SB-tfl 1 , KjasbKi:'.^ /\N HAND AT HcCORMICK’S Sn>r«? ’ J ~A splendid assortiiiuur of lUwlv-M»de ckiiiim. ■ all and see. •. * IIV , -J: ( 1 ROCKUIKS. A LARGE AND \ J complete asMortmont of tirecrHc* have jn.-t i c ceiv»Mj at the store of j. r. UILKM aN. ITaik. hat, tooth, shaving * -4. Paint, StUh and Varnish Brushes at Hair oil, colognes, pom ados, Sbovine Omm. Toltaf 8o»p». *c. for fal>‘ |j ' w £ «§ §5 5- 2 ** H : K . «■: 5 i. • t “T « S HN a z rv- - - J ~= 3 ~ M -- 72 r-t a Cai S u * v t. s <■i 2 9 Q s t * •—( B=S; 2 lei 2 o^~i| 3^ KKS.SLKK j McCRUM 4 I)! Vl*L. 8. the a lto o n K. » McCKUM. , • - mtois i.n r tor *an»tn, (payable Immrfc 1 ill popen dfcwoMinanl »t t paid fcr. tSAMd or %pv: I fc line* or ta* UaeM). Two '* (W ** ;• T*»ri* “ <54 - ). «lw Ukm week* a»4 ir, Philadelphia. by .a true v aud, teeming with mother-love, c paper from Monroe, Michigan : Tit* 'ChrUftntas-ejre J the Mrelt*** ; away,' , And iiuy household ail are »terp mas-day. My countless varying duties are still, there's always something done ; So I nit down hv\the cradle, my And while I siuga lullaby. 1 hi I've filled some little stocking* And bung them by the chimney boys, There aleepiog sweetly in thru « clothes in tight, • I vie heard them *uy their eve ; them both good-uight, 1 kpow, that ere Hie daylight »)• Thetr Merry Chrintimt* widi>-~ sleep. I've many, many thoughts to-ut; Two stuck*iugN only hang, thb won't to be The tears .are tailing thickly as I When 1 la : d that little stocking I >‘‘*r the happy utte that hnug it lu yonder graveyard quietly slerj tl.iw many little stockings, that Were fill'd by darling little on away! How many railing beet, that to Came Cbrtitnu more! Their waxen bands am tabled m And the Shepherd God hat vmth«> re«t. How many pleasant visions, and With each succeeding 1 again my childhnod’% face; The stockings hinging, as of yu place, From the wee red one of baby’* to in JUown accustomed place Hut the pleasant viaion parrma. a Reveals bow many change* ea?b for those whose stockings bang In happy days of childhood, are m A few still Unger here to see this Rut many, many more to>nlgbt « The baby’s sock is finish'd—’H* s} v Vhete will his tiny footsteps won I’erhape this innocent will live to The Cbriatma*«Teft of childhood w whether a life of sorrow, or 1 feel that I can trust with God m The clock has struck the Hour sot:k away, Aud by the baby’s cradle 1 now k I'o ask that loving Saviour who given Toeavtxmr souls from sin and t Ueven, Tliat He would guide out fooNto lore. That we stay sing together a Chi ®iw Haitena The President Washing FeJow-citizeas of the SemU rexentatives .-—Another year oi yiently abundant harvests, ha and especially for (he impro National affairs,