T BB JE I? <>vW> «f Ai^pacjtipiEoSr. JUST PUBLISHED BY DB. A. STONE PhyUemn to lie 2fey Lung and Hygimic In&itute. ATraattoe «*Mhe Oahaas of lady PbyDcal decline of Z2S?.*r&l**.Coo topwnof high moral tone, written in cbaaie, f*t thrwltog ■■MMa;ii,«id ajwtoals dttectly-to lhamoral of AO, "PA&IIfTB uM Guardian* eapn twViMmwMihjud reliable aid* nnri treatment hr one. be sent by null en the receipt of two (8 cent) -a*. Parent! ud Onenilenel Vail nottoeend and ot>- tainthia book. ,3. Team? maul Failbot to aendaad gettnie b<»k. Yew too Daonld at one* aecnrea copy of tbiatacck. A IKard of' Solemn Oensdentiota Advice to thorn •afearitirgbcf. A rlaerdf malodto* pewrail to a fearfnl extent in the community, deeming At. laaat IMLMO youth of both eesaa annually to h early jparn. Thd*e Jleeeeee are very Im perfectly understood. Their external manlieatatiou, or •ymptooa an Herrone Debility, Belaiatkin and Exhaue* tfiwn liar—nsorwaattng aodcooeamptfamof the ttoenm of the whole body; Shortness cf breathing or harried laraMUiig an aaneodiag* hill or flight of atatoa; gnat pal idtMiim of the Heart; Aatbma, Bronchitisand atm throat; shaking of toe ■ Honda and Umba; areraion to *o- Grty audio business or atndy; dimneas of eye eight, lon '< M«tory, dixtlrwwa of the Head, Neoralgia, fain in w rloua parts oftho body; Paine in the back or limb*, Lom feifD, Dyapepeia orltfdigection, irregularity of the bowel*, ■turaapirt aecrattuuof ,the Kidney* and other gland* of rim body, a. Lawcoirhgea or Fleur Alims, he. Xikewiae tf.niUeMiw flartauhand VfrfU"« Nolrfn uinety-oine caaee out of orery one hundred, all 4 the abore named diaordera, and a boat of othere not owned, aa Oonaomptioa of the Lange nod that moat in aidious and wily form of cooamaption, of the hpiual Nurse, known aa Tabes Donates, and Tabea meaauterica, hare their beat and origin In diseases of th* Pelvic Viaeer*. Hence die want of encceaa on the part of Ohi aofaool prac tice in treating aymptoma only. ! Dr. Andrew Stone, Fhyaician to the Troy hong and By gtenic Inetflatfoopla now engaged in treating Ihia claw uf modern melodies with the moat aatoniafaing encCees. the treatment adopted by tbe Inatttntloo ienew; it is hosed upon ecientlfle prtaelplea, with new diacorered rem ediea ■ without mineral* or poison*. The facilities of enre are aneib that patient* can be cored at their homes, in any part of .the country, from accurate descriptions of tbair case, by letter; and hare the medicines tent by Bail or irjtnai Printedinforrogatoriea wlll be forwarded on ftp-' plintlirn • M. Consumption, Catarrh and diaeaaea of the throat onrMtaa well at the Benia of the Patient* as at thaln *htattoo, by sending . the Cold Madtrsted; Innaune Bah uino Vxroas, with inhaler and ample direction* for thair iise, and direct correapendence. 'M. Battuta applying for Interrogative* or adrice, most euHuee ftturn stamps, to meet attention. attending Physician will be found at the In stitution for consultation, from 9 ft. in. to 9 p. an, eacb ■lay. . Sunday in the forenoon. " Addtesr DB.ANDBEW STONE. Physician to the Troy Long and Bygtonio Institute, and Pbysician for Diseases of the Heart, Throat and Lungs, »« Fifth Street, Troy, N. To ' ■ Altoona, Dec. 30th, 1862.-iy. _____ E. & H. T. ANTHONY, MANUFACTUB&B& OF PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, 301 BROADWAY, NEW YORK! CARD PHOTOGRAPHS, AUK CATALOGUE now embraces cohslderably over Jbur v TfaumnA different subjects (to which additions are rotttiuoallyibeing Portraits of Eminent Ameri cana .etc- ns: 72 Major-Generals, 525 Statesmen, •190 Brig.-Gener*!*, 127 Divines, 269 Colonels. 116 Authors, 84 Lieut.-Colonels, 30 Artists, 207 Other Officers, 112 Stage, 60 Navy Officers, 46 Ftomin’nt Women 147 Prominent Foreign Portraits. 2,600 CQPIES OF WOBKS OF ART, Including reproduction* of the most celebrated Engra vings, Painting*, Statue*, Catalogues sent- on receipt o( stamp. An order for One Dozen PICTUCES from our Catalogue wUL be filled on receipt of and sent hjr mail, TURK. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, ;0f these we mann&ctore a great variety, ranging in price ftoxn 50 cents to $5O each. fOnr ALRUMS have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to any others/ The smaller kind* chu be sent ssfcly by mail at a postage ot>ix cents per oz. The moreexpenslVA can he sent by ekpreas. W e also keep a large, assortment of Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. Gpr catalogue of these will be sent to any address on re* ■' ceipt of stamp. E. & H. T. ANTHONY. manufacturers of photographic materials. SOX Broadway, New York. Friend, or relative, of prominent military meu will con fer a favor by lending ox their likenenet to copy. They will be kept carefully and returned uninjured, VINK ALBUMS MADE TO ORDER for Congregation, to prraent to th*r Pa,ton, of for other porpoaee, with nullable innripttoo»,'Ac. Ang. 18,18 OF ALL KINDS 9 always on hand add for aale at the lowest market *itJrtera by mail will receive oar apeolal and prompt at- W. B. McATESR A BON, pri I*l tMMm. Proprietors. /'TREATPILKS OF PANTALOONS \3Tfnr H«a sad pcyl.si I.ACTOIMAN’S I HAUBWAREi Thonibwrlber having token cut [recharge of the Hard* ware and Stove and Tin Bhop recently under the charge of Fries k Winter*, on Virgin iaUfreet. opposite Kessler's Drug Store, and having added Urgelyto bis atockis near prepared to supply anything in the Hardware and Cutlery line, such as Handsaws, Axeaj Anger*, Adaes* Chisels, Square*, Kolas, Hammers, Planes, Hinges, Locks, Latches, FUesp Knives and Forks, Spoons, Ac., . alt of which he offers on the most reasonable terms. Persons wishing anything In Che Hardware line are requested to call aud examine hU *mc«c. He has also added Oils, Paints, Carbon Oil. etc., tn his stock, and will dispose of all .r.he«#* nrticl** at a .anmll wh ranee on first cost. He will also continue the .STOVK BUSINESS, and will keep on hand an assortment from which any person will be able to select an article to pelaae their fancy. In the line oi TIN AND SHEET IRONWARE, CEDAR and WILLOW-WARE, be will always have a large supply, and will make to order anything that may be called for. Job work in this line promptly attended to. ROOFING ANb SPOUTING pat op on short notice iu the bent style. -April 21,18d3.-tt. SAMDBL I. FKIRB Q.BEAT«DISCOVERY! - KUNKEL* BITTER WINE OF IRON, rax thi ccnx or WEAK STOMACHS, GENERAL DEBILITY. INDI GESTION, DISEASES Of THE NERVOUS SYS . TEM, CONSTIPATIONACIDITY OP THE STOMACH, AND FOR ALL CASES . REQUIRING A TONIC. This wine includes the most agreeable and efficient Salt of Iron we possess; Citrate of Magnetic Oxide combined with the most energetic of Vegetable tonics. Yellow Peru* vian Bark. The effect in many cases of Debility, Loss of Appetite and general prostration, of an efficient Salt of Iren, is most happy. It augments the appetite, raises the pulse, takes off muscular flabbiness, removes the palor of debility, and gives a florid vigor to the countenance. Do you want something to strengthen yon ? Do you want a good appetite '! Do you want to build up your constitution v Do you want to feel well ? : Do yon want to get rid of nervousne** v Do yon want energy ? Do you want to sleep well ? Do you want a brisk and rigorous feeling : If yon do. trv KUNKEL’S BITTER WINE OF IRON. TbU truly valuable Tonic has been so thoroughly tested by all classes of the community, that it is now deemed indispensable as a Tonic medicine. It .costs but little, pu rifies the blood, gives tone to the stomach, renovates the system, and prolongs life. I now only ask aerial of this valuable Tonic. COUNTERFEITS. BEWARE OF COUNTEBFESTS.—K* KVnmi’s Bit tie Wixx or Iron is the only sore End effectual remedy in the known world for the permanent cure of Dyspepsia and Debility . and as there afe a number pf imitations offered to the public, we would caution the qpmummty to purchase none but the genuine article, manufectnred by 8. A. KUN K EL, and which has hi* stamp on the top of the cork of every bottle. The very fief that others are at tempting to imitate this valuable remedy, proves its worth and speaks volumes in it* favor. THE BXTTEK WINE OF IRON is pm up in 75 cent and $l.OO bottles, and *old by all respectable Druggists throughout the country. Be particular that every bottle lx*ars tlie t>ir s/wtfe of the proprietor** signature. General Depot, No. 118 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa, For Sale by GKO. W. KESSLER, £. U. R BIG ART, Altoona, and by all respectable dealers everywhere. Sept. 30, ftei-to. EMPORIUM OF FASHION !! Virginia 6>t., ’ Altoona , Fa. D. W. A. BEDFORD, Proprietor. The proprietor or the ‘emporium OF FASHION" would respectfully announce rn the public that he has recnivpd a large invoice .if CLOTHS, CASSIJvIEEES, VESTINGS, and a general assortment uf GENTS - FURNISHING GOODS, Collars, Neck-Ties, Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Ac* • Ac., Ac., extictly suited to this locality-and intended for the AUTUMN AND WINTER TRADE. The proprietor of the Kmprriam invite* an examina tion of his stock, feeling confident that his shelve* present a greater variety of plain and fancy goods than can, be found elsewhere in the country. An examination will convince any one ofthts fact. He has also feceivod the LATEST FASHION, and being a perfect “Cutter,” he'has no hesitancy in say ing that he can make np clothing in the fashion, and a manner that can not fail to prove satisfactory. It has passed into a proverb that Belfurd - * the very man that can make. Clothes in the fashion, strong and cheap: All that have ever tried him yet Say that he really cant be heat. Remember the piade. Virginia street, first door above Jaggard’s Hall, [April 17, ? 62. HARD]VARE I CHARLES J. MANN. I kEALKB IN FOREIGN AND DO- I / MESTIC HARDWARE, WOObEN WARE. BROOMS. WINDOW SHADES, _ DOOR HATS, UPHOLSTERING GOODS. SHOE FINDINGS, , COFFIN TRIMMINGS, MOULDERS’ TOOLS, BIRD CAGES AND WIRE GOODS, WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY, WHITE LEAD, AC. AC. fi®. Every description of Uoids in bis lino will be fur nished at abort notice, and at low rates for cash. His remaining stock of DRY GOODS oo band will be closed ont at remarkably low prices, in order to relinquish that branch of the business. Agent iir Willson’s ’‘Telegraph Fodder Cutter.” Aftoona. May 29th. 1882. Tthe undersigned respect. folly informs the public](hat he trill con- - Unne to keep a |m^B BOOT & SHOE, STORE,* in the room recently occupied by Roberts add : Rntherford. The bnsiness bsretofore carried on by them win, in the future, be in the name of JOBS 11. ROBERTS- He will keep constantly dp hand a complete assort ment of Boots Bboes, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, &c., &c., &c. which be will offer at fair prices and warrant to be 0 thebsat material and manafoctare Particular attention trill heaven to CUSTOM WOBKy io which he warrants to give entire eatkfactkm, «e he buys theheatitock and employ* none trot the beet workmen, Eemember the old stand, on Virginia Street, one loot Bast of-Ke«ler*B Drag Store. ; Oct. 10 XM&rtt. JOHN H. ROBERT?. . /GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS \T A large and varied stock of PRESH, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Just received, and for said as cheap as Urn cheapest, at MDRPUT ft SIcPIKPg Store, Cor. of Virginia and Caroline stS. Altooifo, Jane 26,1862. : , : 4 GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Jewelry, H«lr am! Clothes Broshes, Combe. t-kntvee, at LAUOBMAN’B Plain; & FANCY VESTS, of every side sod style at ' LA'COniIAN’B. Excellent heavy boots * i SHOESJnst received at; LAtJOHMAtTS 0, YES! 0, YES!! THIS WAY } THIS WAY! NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS! IJ B. HILEMAN has just received a • large and wall .rock of Good*. conflicting of Olothfl, Plain and Fancy Ottuiuiarefl, Battoetta,. Ken tucky Jeans, Tweed*. Hearcrteous. Blaa drilling, and all othar kinds of .Good* fur i MEN AND BOYS 1 WEAR, j together with a grand and magnificent amortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. ! Such a* Black and fbncy Si fig. C halides, Bereffts, BrUUanU, Latent, Delaines, Cltinlts, iMßeget, Crapes, Printt. Crops and Stella Shawii, Mantillas, Vndersieevos and Hosiery. Bonnets and Bdtbons, Codon, Hand krrrhiefs. Kid Gloves. Hooped Skirts. Shirt in#, Zaee Mitu, 4c.. 4c. ALSO, ! taking*. Cheeks. Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, Cotton apd Table Diaper, Crash, Nankeen, Me. WKVTS ANT) BHOES, HARDWARE. QUEENSWARK, WOOD AND WILLOW WAKE, OIL CLOTHS, CARPETS. AC. GROCERIES. \oor stock of Groceries in more extensive than ever, and consists of ,Kio and Java Coffee, Crashed, Loaf aud X 0. Sugars; Green. y. 11. aud Black Teas; Molasses, Soaps, Caudles. Salt, Kwh. Ac. . Thankful to the public tot the very liberal patronage heretofore received, he hope* by strict attention to busi ness. and an endeavor to plea.-*. to merit a continuance ol the (tame. j 49* Call -and examine his Stock, and yon will be con vinced thut he ha* the beet assortment and cheapest Good* in the market. %• Country Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods at market price*. Altoona, April 2ft. 186 a. EXCELSIOR Hat & Cap Store. TH E PROPRIETOR OF THE “ EXCELSIOR” hat and CAP Store, would inform bis customers, and the Public generally, that he has Just returned from the city with he largest and most varied stock of goods in his line ever brought to Altoona, aji of which he has now on exhibition and sale at his new store room on Virginia street, next door to Jag-, gard's store. His stock embraces all the latest styles of FALL AND WINTER HATS, J| CAPS, MISSES’ FLATS, &C. His Stock of Hats and Caps are of the very-best selection, of evety-style, color and shape, fur both old and young. All he asks is that the people call and examine bid stock, and he feels confident that lie can send them nvruy re joicing, if not in the purchase of such an article, as they wanted,'at the remembrance of having looked upon the handsomest stock of Hats, Caps. Flats. Ac., ever « xhiiiirM in this town. I have also on .hand an entirely new stock of Ladies’ and Childrens’ Hats and Flats, mu! a beautiful stock ot LADIES’ FURS which lam confident cannot .bo surpassed in tho counter, all of which I will sell at fh»* most i.uHonable prices. Ho member the Hall of Fashion when you want anvthimr in the line of hem! covorlmr. anti cull on Oct. 7, Vtf-tf J KSSK SMITH. DURTEA'S MAIZKXA RECEIVED TWO •• PRIZE MEDALS." {From Juries 3 and 4) at the International Exhibition. London, 1862, received the HIGHEST MEDAL For its Great Delicacy as an Article of Pood Used lor Pudings, Cake*. Custards, Blanc Mange, Ac., without Isinglass, with few or no eggs. It U also excellent for thickening sweet sauces, gravies for fi»h and meat, soups. Ac. For Ice Cream nothing can compare with it.— A little helled in milk makes a rich cream for coffee, choc* olate. tea, Ac.. A most delicious'article of foodforchndren and invalids. It is vastly superior to Arrow Root and much more economical Pot up In one pound package*, with full direction*, and sold'by all Grocer* and Druggist*. WILLIAM DURYEA, General Agent. Sept. 9,1863—6 m. 166 Pulton Street, New Yoik. ESTABLISHED 1760. PETER LORILLARI), Snuff & Tobacco manufacturer. 1.6 & 18, CHAMBERS ST., (Formerly 42 Chatham St., New York,) would call the attention of Dealer* to the article* of hi* manufacture, viz-: BROWN SNUFF. Macaboy. Demigros, Fine Rappee. Coarse Rappee. Pure Virginia, Nachitoches, American Gentleman. Copenhagen. * YELLOW SNUFF. .Scotch, Honey Dew Scotch. High Toast Scotch. Fresh Honey Dew Scotch, Irish High Toast, or Luud.vfoot, Fresh Scotch. M&* Attention is called to the great reduction in prices of Fine-Gut Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, which will be found of 4 superior quality. TQBACOO. SMOKING.—Long, No. 1, No. 2, No*. 1 and 2 mixed. Granulated, S. Jago, Spanish, Canaster, Turkish. FINE CUT CHEWING.—P. A. L.. or plain, Cavendish, or Sweet, Sweet Scented Oronoco, Tin Foil Cavendish. N. B —A. circular of prices will bo sent on application April 14. 03,-1 y.l WM. S. BITTNER Dental Surgeon, /AFFILE IN MASONIC * / TEMPLE, next do<>r to r.h* Post Office. : Dr. B. would respectfully inform the citizen* of Altoona and surrounding country, Unit he is prepared tu in^n artificial teeth: from a single tooth to a full set, in the most superior style, ON.GOLD, SILVER, OR VULCANITE BASE, It would be to the advantage of all persons desiring artificial teeth, to call at his office before g'dng elsewhere, if they wish cheapness, beauty or durability. Dr. Bittner will visit Hollidayabnrg and vicinity when his services are desired. [Fob. 17,1863-tf. ANDREW ECKEL, DEALER IN Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Pipfc, &c., &c., Annie'dreet, Altoona, Pa., and McKtngt'i Old Stand . ; Montgomery HdUidaytbttrg, Pa. Agk neral assortment of Goods in hi* line constantly on hand at the lowwt cash prices. , [Feb. 7,1888. S «t. WOODKOK, • ATTOBNST-AT-LAW. Altoona, Penn'a, Will practice in the several Court, of Blair, Cambria and Huntingdon counties. OlBceon Virginia Street, 2 door, above Jolla Street. Fob. 3,; IB6VM. 4 regular meeting of the TIEW CEMETERY ABBoCXA wlll be held on the second ThnrsdayeTening of each month, ih the Council Know. M. CLABACGH JM. Lowtitkr President, Secretary. [May 15-’62] Oyes; o yes:—-gentlemen draw ni.;h and hear. JOSEPH P. TROUT Mmonn ***!hllt lie “ ready to discharge hi,.duty MM Awrthniw»t‘whenever cnHc*d upon, f jnti.'l ’66. DO YOU WANT A HAT OR CAP. cheap or flue 7—goto LADOHMAN’S. ' RITCHEY IS REALLY SELLING x the best Brown'Sugar In Altoona at lucent*. • * ALTOONA. PA.. ! Ageut tor Blair & Huniihgiiijii CoiiDtie^.r These machines; auk .m-mit tobetheheit ever offered to the public, .- their superiority is satisfactory eetablished by tb- »*••: that iu, the last eight years. OVER 1.4=00 MORE of these Machines have been sold than of any other man ufactured, and more medals have been awarded the pro* 1 prietors by different Fairs and Institutes than to any oth er*. The Machines are warranted io do alt that is claimed for them. They are now in use in several families in Al toona, and in every case they give entire satisfaction. The Agent refers those desiring information as the su periority of the Machines, to Col. John L. Piper, Rev. A.: B. Clark, George llawkesworth, Bfnj. F, Rose, and E v H.. Turner, EsqrH. ' The machines can be seen aud examined at the store of the Agent, at Altoona. Price of No. 1 Machine, silver plated, glass foot a id. new style Uemmer—l6s. No. 2, oru&mputal brouae, glass loot and new style Hemmer—s6s. No. 3, plain, with old style! Ilciumer —$4s. [March 21, 1861-lf. / UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER. O •'#- - ' ' 'tb _ fc"* . —! »-• »« No, !. Large Family Wringer N<*. ‘i. Medium ■ *• *• N... \l\± - •• •• N»*. 3. Small •• *• No. x Large* Hotel •• No. is. Medium Laundry | to run steam | ■No. 32. Large •• ( or liana. j Nos.2 1 .; uit«l 3 liave do Cogs. All others are warranted.| ' No. J h the size generally used in private families, | oh \xoe J nu». of the ‘ American Agriculturist,*’>avn' ..I (he L XIVEU.SAL CLOTHES WHINGER " A child can readily wiing out a tublull of clothes in a few minutes. U is in reality a CLOTHES SAVER! A TIME SAVER! and a STRENGTH SAVER! The saving of garment* will alone pay a large per centage on its cost. We think the machine muca ipore than PATS FOB ITSELF EVERY TEAR iu th 4 saving of garments. There are several finds, nearly alike in general construc tion. hut we consider it important that the Wringer be lifted with Cogs, otherwise a mass of garments may clog tle> ndler*, aud the rollers open thq crank-shaft slip and tear the clothes, or the rubber break loose from the shaft. Our own is oi eof the first make, and it Is as GOOD AS NEW after nearly FOUR YEARS* CONSTANT USE.” IIKINO THE SOLE AWARDS gained by mything of the kimi. t alxo received he Suj>erlaiive Report of- EXCEEDING EXCELLENT FOR FOOD. Every Wringer with Cog Wheels is Warranted in every particular. NO WHINGER CAN BE DURABLE WITH OUT COG-WHEELS. A good CANVASSER wanted in every town. - Ou receipt ot the price fiom places where m< one in selling, we will send the Wringer ?Htf; or kxpf.nsk. For particular* and circular* addrean li i\ BROWNING. .347 Broadway. N. Y Sep. I—Cm. MAIZENA \t the kreat In- Kx hioitioo at , 1863, TIN AM) SHEET-IKON WAKE. THE rNOERSIGNEI) WOIEI> HE- SrK(,TFUhLV nounct- to the citizen* Altoona and vicinity tl ho lias taken *.he sti and shop recently net pied by Fru-*«t Wimei on Anni*. street, East < foottjiu where lie has hand a large mipply STOVES of all Pattern; such' as Cook. Parlo Office und Shop Stov< which he will sell at the most reasonable prices, a large supply will always be kept on hand. TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, in great variety, always on hand. ROOFING- & SPOUTING put up on short notice. Ho has also attached a copper-smithing room to hi* establishment nnd keep on hand an assdrtfhent of cop per and brass kettles, 4c, All kind* of job work promptly attended to. April 21st, 18(3.-tf STEPHEN WINTERS. r.c. SERVER & SON, Paper, Envelp e and Printers’ Card WAREHOUSE, No. 513,' MINOR TRE FT. PHILADELPHIA, PA.. Have constantly on hand FLAT CAPS. LETTER AND NOTE, MANILLA PAPER. FOLIO ; PACKET POST. HARDWARE, FOOLSCAP, POINTING PAPER, ENVELOPE COLORED PAPER, BINDERS, TRUNK, STRAW AND BOX BOARD, TISSUE, SHOE, AND TEA PAPERS. PRINTING AND MANILLA PAPER made to order. Juno 16, ISO 3. « CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CEE A ill SALOON MRS. C. BETTER respectfully an uoimees to the Ladies and Gentifejden of Altoona and vicinity that she has opened a - CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON, 2n Jrsse Smith 1 ! old Stand, on Virginia street, opposite the. LUTHERAN CHURCH, where she will keep no baud a choice lot of Confectioneries nutK, trait, cakes, etc., wnich shei will sell ut the moat reasonable prices. During the season she will also keep Ice Cream, of differ ent flavoig, which she will take pleasure in serving to rn, tomers at all hours of the day and evening. Oiveme a call, and I will give satisfaction. April 21st. 1863.-6.i1. ! fa|~ * Z ‘ jT" i MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS Gl'-'EN .““the Piano-Forte and Melodeou. by Mlaa M. MAK£K, Tzaxs, $lO per duarter. 2io charge far the nee of the Instrument. Residence on Catharine Street, West Altoona, 1 Man. 16.18«2.-tf. , DRIED APPLES.—The subscribers hare a fine lo of bright yellow DRIED APPLES, nought at much less than market rates, add which ,thev desire torlose ont, at cost and carriage, without delay. - Pemn, desiring to purchase, either at wholesale or retail, will find it to their advantage to give us a call I Altoona, June 86,1862.] MURPHY A McPIKE ! A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Gent’s Model ImproVed SHIRTS-jCassimere and wusnn Shirts—fine and coarse—white and colored—at ] LAUOHMAN’S. PURE WHITE LEAD AND ZINC Chrome, Grew,, Yellow, f aria Green, dry ground Oil at H-tf.l KESSLER'S. | MEN AND BOYS COATS, of even 1 and w»lor, yf quality, at ; - LAUGIIMAN’S. l NEW anD IMPROVED STYLES of Trunk*. Vali**»% and Curpft*Ttagi, at hArOHMAV? i R. A. O. KERR. STOVES, AMEBICAN Life Insuraiict 1 aMTrifetCu. / COMPANY’S IjBI ILUINO S«a of life. Policies of life Insurance baned at the nasal mutual rates of other good combsnim>*->with profits to the assured —dast h>!U'»J«nusrt, 1861,being 43 per cent, of all pre miums received on mutual policies at Joint [Block rates, 20 pot cent less than ths above, or Total Ahstfofence rates 40 per cent, less than Mutual price. Also, a NONFORFEITURE PLAN, ' By which a person pav.i lor 7* Or JO years Only, when the policy is paid up for lin, and nothing mdre to pay; and should he be uuahlei or wish to discontinue sooner, the Company will issued Pam CP Polict. In proportion to the amoudt of premhini paid, as follows: On a Policy $l,OOO, o Year 7 Year 10 Tear after payment of rates. rates. rates. 1 Annual Premium, foj* $2OO 00 $142 W $lOO 00 •i - •• *•}; 400 00 256 70 800 00 4 *’•; HOO 00 571 40 400 U 0 0 •• ■ 857 10 HOO 00 x rj NOO 00 ALKXASDKH WHILLDIN, President. SAMURL WORK, Vice President. Jon*-B. Wilson, SecrFiary. BOAS)* or TRUSTIES. Alexander Whilldin,'; J. £dgar Thomadu, Hon. Jas. Pollock. . Hon. Joseph AUfeoii. Albert G. Roberts, Jonas Bowman* Sfttnoel T. Bodine. \* If. H, Kldridge, George Vagent, John Aikroaa, William J. Howard, : Charh »V. HeaVJitt. SAjnuel Work. Any further informatjibu can b« had by applying to the undersigned. who hr the authorized agent for Blair Couoly. July 81, ISftMy Is R. Ai 0. KERR. -A. IBenefit to -A.ll TRY ONE BOTTLE. A trial will prove the. fad, and fade are. ittihljorH things. MISH LER’S PERB bitters ARB (ajCCESSBCt IN EVERY CASE. No family should be without it. Hundred* of certificates and Mtera of thank* ard arriving every day from persons who have been cured. ‘ THE HERB BITTERs I> K ! - e 1 HIIKIMATISMi DYSPEPSIA Female and all Diseases arising from • IMPURJT'F OF THE BLOOfK As k Blood Purifier, Topic and General ApperMser. *he«« Bitter* arc without a rivpl. No Lady desiring; A CLEAR COMPLEXION .$lO.OO . 7.00! . »uw. . 0.60 . U.6o| 1*5.00- ao.m) should be without it. Please set a circular :and cates from out Agent. Notice.—The great success of Mtsbjer’s Herb Bitters. h%» induced unprincipled partita to Qutun'acture a worthless article. which they arc selling at a low price. of which l*ware. The- genuine can only be bought in Blair County.-of G. W. WIHTFfELD. (Sole Agent for Blair County.) Depot DrugStor**, Alain street. Altoona. Pa. June ‘id, 18(SMf. ' IACOB SNYDER, TAILOR.v f f The Hero of One Hundred.Fit*per Month ! I \vonld respectfully forth div claim to pub) attention, ats a Fashlonal Tailor. (>r> follo«rci: Because 1 keep un excel lout a&Hortment of Cloth CiiMimeros. Vesting* a]t Trimmings, which. wht e.\aaiiuodu»lwrt> H pleased Because my work : made up in a manner th) down the count? dud give* all my custom! a city appearance. Because I ant not infer! tt* a Cutter to the beet be found anywhere. Iterance long experiei in my huaine*® l entire control over ir.ai 1 am nor dependant upoi any on“ tolifl me ont - the BD|dH. Because I an? still on {he sunny side.of forty, and there fore my taste ais a Cutter and workman unimpaired. Call on me. ip the corner room of the ‘‘Brant Hon-o.** Give me a trial and you.will go awav pleased.. Altoona. May 20-5 m * JACOB SNYDER. PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON in. lamps; . Unr'baled in Beauty, Simplicity Safety dr Economy. Ev, ry person desiring to obtain the very best and cheap est pe.table|ight within’their reach, should call at the store ~f the undersigned ’and examine these lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon strate. ; Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can,occur by explosion. 2d. That they emit no offensive odor while burning, ."si. That they ere very easily trimmed. ■lth. That they are easily regulated to give more ~r less light. Mb. That they burn entirely free from smoke, 6th.. Tint the light test least 60 per cent, cheaper than any othei Dglit now in common nse„ These lamps are admirably adapted for the use of Stu dents, Mechanics, Seamstresses, Factories; Halls. Churches, Stoiee, Hotels, and are highly recommended for family use. The burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can be attached to old side, hanging and table fluid and oil lamps, at a small expense, and will answer every purpose of a hew lunp. We guarantee perfect Satisfeetion in all cases. , Ang. 19, 18W-tL] | O. W. KESSLER. Exchange - hotel.—the sub- SCRIBEB would;respectfully in- 7 form the public that he has recently re- iAgi' fitted the above Hotel, And is now pro pared to accommodate his friends patrons in a comfortable manner, and will spare no pains in racking It an sqjourners. His Table will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country and cities,-and bis Bar filled with liquors pf choice brands. His charges are as reasonable as those of any other Hotel In the place, and he feels satisfied they can dot be complained of hy those who’ favor him with their custom. Expecting ta receive a share °f public patronage, and folly intending to deserve it, he throws open Ms house to the public and invites a trial. I have Just received a; stock cf No. 1 French Brandy, for medicinal purposes. * Also a large stock of excellent Wines, for medielnal pur pose* together with a lot of the best old Rye Whiskey to be found in the country^ Altoona, May 27,ISStC-ly] JOHN BOWMAN. SOMETHING NEW. 'T HE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST whw "- ha * • boots And shoes. BROGANS, GAITERS, &C.. vicirhv». ia iw^ d t ?f? 6r £ thecitixfcnabfAltoonaand P pmrehaked direct from the mannfoctnrem for cash, be It prepared to tell at AU it thaiTthe “ eXamln '’ hU "»“* •><■*■»« purchasing and SHOES made to order on'tba most rea- Iton’t re P. airin ? promptly attended to. *./,£?.* the P lace - two doom below Poet Office. Jan. 3.1*61. - if. THOMPSON. Agent. ’VTATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE dm Twelfth VW i ofCftae and Criminal,, I. in ’!? Xear, *' ld :*« widely circulated throughout the country. It contains aU the Great Trials. Criminal Cases, and appropriate Editorials on the some, to go tiler with information on Criminal Matters, not to he found in anv other newspaper. ! ■' P* l : RD . Dmn; $1 for six mouths,to b I * nb,crlb «»> (who should Write) their names and the'town. Connty and State where they reside plainlv 1 „G; W. MATSELt. A C(!.. ‘ IMitOr A Prop’r.of New York PoliceGalett., ■ i New, York Vita (x^s£L WKSTERS insurance ■— lns “ran«e on Real or ET"* > be effected on the most reasonable ir igao* 111 * m at hta 1“ Anna St. March 17,1889. JOHN SHOEMAKER. Agent T NVI’S PREPARATION FOR EX ,?AT^’, MICE - «V>ACHE61 ANTS and MfoeSirlJeShiui"* 8 ! n its n " e nuder nny icirenmatan Ce* forMle at the XbrngStorp of G. W. ISESBLKR Jan. 24, ,66-tfl • + If B. MILLER. ' Ssaa. "■P DENTIST. UK Office on. Caroline, street, between ,t TTtF yirgiDia and Bwbm atiyetg. AHqodh. ' fjlku, 30— ' IfE KINDS -OF PRINTING : neatly and expedltuusly executed at the ’■ALTOONA TRIBUNE,’’ OFFICE TTMBBKLLAS AND PARASOLS. : m2 e *r «* t-ArGHMAN’S. bavo never failed in curing B. MISIiLKR. Manufacturer and Proprietor, Laxoaatib, Pa. ; Uim'KK* - STATUE CAPIT< >i . Book Bindery AST) BTASK BOOK MANCFACTi \V«. -54 Market St. l/arriebunt, f chiefly the nmnnlhctitra of BlHakJfcoU tin ' r " Bank*. County oSWfcJuattaa4Clmt»ni.->i. ■ , Had private imlln&Mb. In hUom A Ter; beet jl etnrk HBdwHtieeeAtom*v I- iSESt V reli«l upon. Blank B«ik»Mrfjitrd, p»ied enj any deeind palter*-;. WWTOtAaSIItM. ho ’ «nd Tcarly Awrwmwrto,Unplkam. Ac., fore.mm sea. printed or plain, ruled and bound to order <*'" rr Dockets made of the beat Uneo paper. " Irv Librarian*, aadothorz. desiring to have their B>»i bound and at mode rate prices* should girt* us a cull \ * papers of the largest sites, Harper's Weekh. Wv Pictoriak Ballous, Scientific American, LuQdo Q v“ i * bound to order, and in any style required. Hartwr\\i “Y ly Magazine, Knickerbocker, Blackwood’* Magazines. Godey’s Lady's Rook, Lady*s Repository p,, ' son's Magazine. Piano Mnaic. Ac., bound in extra hu\~, ’! the mure plain and substantial half binding. <> ptalets, Law Magazines. Pamnhlet laws, bound in gr* m"' brary styie«at very moderate pricey. Person* K H v m> ," number of volume* to bind, will receive a liberal dis<-. r K 1 Bluding'can safely be sent to us from a distance W i' 1 press, and all work entrusted toourcarewii] b*. , ' dily executed, «afely packed and returned h x Rxni.* !! AH work warranted. Adrtres* K. L. HrTrfcj; Jfarrislmry. , tE*~McCRCM A BEEN, at the Tribune Offlo. „ , . agents fbi Altoona, and vicinity. They will gh* | r , r tion in relation to binding, and receive and return ■ free from extra charges, for all who *nt,ust their w ik ;' uyrarc. fMarch 21.15,-.- M * s " *I ; • ±i = • * Die : S- s i -• *** . 1 ST' ®*i-= «: p.h ONWARD: EVER ONWARD STEP BY STEP! The undersigned desires to inform hi* old customers and the public general * that he has this spring gone into the Dry Good huaine. and has just received a large and entirely n .-w stock . > DR ESS GOODS. I-OI tli" Ijidlen, embracing all tbelatesl, pr»ui«tnmi FASH lON ABLE PATTERNS, Aim aiming which may be found every quality t ,t the name" of which it would bo too tedious to«*num*nn. In the lino of fresh and cheap GROCERIES & PROVISIONS 1 will not -‘knock under’ 1 , to, uny of mv compete. .r> o this department I feel sum tiutt I can render witi-ik.-|. • All kinds of country produce taken in *\chan-- good**, and the highest market price allowed. Store on the 'corner of Annie ami Heim s?n-ei, y ... Altoona. THOMAS HKSI.or Altoona, May 22, ISV.2. •TACOB WETS. BAKER AND CONFECTIONER Virginia Street. Altoona. i* a . Keeps constantly on hand BREAD. OAKES. CAXDII s ICE CREAM AND SWEETMEATS, of hi* own manufacture, winch i. i-* prepared to H'-11. wholesale or retail, it tin* nm*t i able prices. *l*o, FOREIGN' FKVJTS, such si> ORANGES. LEMONS, PINE-APPLES FIGS, PRUNES, RAISINS, NUTS. ic . ,u a! ways on hand in their respective eeon.. CAKES BAKED TO ORDER for particular occasions, on short mid in 0..- t. v and best style of the an. Call, examine and price my stock and yon will in. it as good and cheap an can Ihj purchased clscwlut- Jan. 27.1863. Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Wan* SPOUTING, &C. C RWG WOULD RESPECT- m. folly Ofonn the citizens of Altoona 3h|K and vicinity that he keeps constantly on hand large assortment 01 Cooking , Ptirfnr. Office Shop Stoves, of all styles and sizes, to snit the ** wants of all. which he will sell at low pricea. «n r-n-’i able terms. He also keeps on hand a large stock of Tin nn-i a-- Iran Ware, consisting of all articles for culinary mifk— Coal SruttU*, Stove Ape, tfe. Ue has also purchased the ught of sale in Blair r.u.<.i» of R. V. JONES’ IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUFFF.U an invention which needs onlv to be seen to l>. r and should be possessed by evi*y fanner, butcher ortl. - requiring such a machine. .Particular attention paid to puttingtip SPOCTIV either in town or country. Spouting painted and jmt ' on the most reasonable terms. faprll 14, H, FETTINGEE’S General News Agent* v. OAK HALL, No. 7. .MAIN STUKKT SCHOOL BOOKS. BLANK BOOKS, STATION KH Y, CONFECT lON AKI Ks CIGARS & TOBACCO. TOYS AND NOTIONS IN GREAT VARIETY „ constantly <>n hank October 24. 1881. w. M. LLOYD & CO.. JLTOOXJ, / « •TOHNSTON. jack & C< >. BANKBBB, ’ ! (Late “ Bell , Jbhmton, Jaek Co i Drafts on the frincifai. Cities, and Silver and Gold tor Bale. Co 1 .!. made. Money? received on deposits, 'payable on d'*nwuii. without interest; or upon time, with lnt«T?*t at fan •t"’* Feb. 3d, 1859. Gj. W. KESSLER PRACTU AJ I • DRUGGIST, respectfully auuomiw-s / to roe citterns of Altoona And the public that continues the Drug business, yS^SS' 00 »'tegtnia street, where he keeps constantly Wf Bale ’ Wholesale and Retail, DRUGS, M MRDICINKS, CHEMICALS. OILS, TARNISH* JE% KS and DYE-STUFFS. . By strict attention to business, and a desire to i t‘i»=b* r ” t isfacuon to all as regards price and quality. in ' • snare of public rbyimani and merchants supplied on reasons l - 1, : ' 1 ou* . o ? er *^ )m a distance promptly attend-i : - roysicians prescriptions carefully compounded. OUR LADY FRIENDS WOT’U' I"* well to look in upon the choice and ment of Suihmer DRESB 000DS now dfcptev*! «p*« t*- well-fllted shelve* of MURPHY t McPIKR . ■Cor.ofV|rg|iila«ndCafel»n»“ 5, ‘ Altoona, June 26,1862. . T>INE AND LARD OILS. PA M _ i aute§ rnineC & - K Ji ESI ,K«^. ON HAND AT McCORMICK’S Store ~A splendid assortment of Reodv-Madc * all and nee, * jj o v. 2.’>,*ti* (GROCERIES. A LARGE AND i ®o**Udete assortment »>!'Groceries have just Imh-ih f* ceivod at the store of J. B. HII.KM K>i- FT AIR, HAT, TOOTH, SHAVING ft ft Paint, Sash nnd Varnish Brush** at - ... . • KT?SLKR>. Hair oil, colognes, pom ades. Shaving Cream. Toilet Soaps. Ac. for sale l-tf.. g.w.kk«m*mk 5S s 3 ■ - C$ r-i » >• 2S f-7 c» ■ Z ■< ■ 1; V a, •• ® 55 2 Sr. ¥ * S i 2 J * I JEfi OC' IIOLLWA TSBVRG. I ;'*?*■ •"f 7 '£k' r 1 v VOL. s: •iM T7Z NEK.C SiHt if • V} it*A f!« ltefv|«fer«, «iul m\li l» <|Qtt« w*r4iui*ti. fc»r «vcr> uuv lu |> 1 lest Gi.hkls ami that Ilf fan til littl* lower than any otherbu oil to cttH ooU w» hi* ttoch li hi he feel* con Silent he can c ilely com'iihfttlou. Ill’, stuck LADIES' DbESS GOO MKN AND BOYS’ WI.V LADIKS AND MIS; MKN* AND BOY "WOMEN'S AND UIS HATS AND CAPS, BLEACHED AND Ifif* GINGHAMS , lie will Mil Laities Sewed, I Kip Pegged Men's Boots ItALMOKAL SKIRTS, very'u GROCE White end Brown Sneer, Ri sin! everythAig tli»t is usually slid «« cheap u the cheapest, Altoona, OOi. 7. 1*63. AVOID THE N THEftK IS A PI CITEMENT among Ihe clotty about Tim SECOND D ilia Draft as for making tin- Ti thm. All patriotic t int clkmu with their beloved ones, for ti their lives in this bloody war. to a clone, we wilt Inform the i Goods at the OItEKN STORE, I street, East Altoona, kept by I SAVE THE THRI in a short time. They have jn. seleoted'stock of DRY HOODS they aril selling Air Cash at the . A laige assortment of CAM LARS, ranging i u price from * Thu attention of the public i focl that' thei are selijug Brow I* to 43 cents; Calicoes.Doin' Horn 18 to 35 cents per yard. They have always on liaml » AND BOYS’ CLOTHING, hat, and. In fact, everything kept in Altoona Ocu 7,1863. ‘ CITY DKU( ||i:. K. H. HKIUA aunouuiv to (ho nt r-.umHug couutry. that lu* lia Drug Store of Berlin k (V.. ..n KrW Hardware More. His Drugs are Fr and he hopes by strict atteme share of public patronage. Call and examine his stock. I DRU( MEDICINES and ( r/XE TOILET SOM'S. IE * glass, perry ; ju/.vt.-l CAKBOK OIL a: ygnoxn v and every article usually A' jf' iu . . PURE WINES *A> for medicina DOMESTIC GRAPE WINE PIIrSJCJAXX PJil accnratoly compounded, at all ‘ Altoona, Sept. 3U. ISCS. Victory r DHE Subscribers « I announce to the ciUaeui that they have just returned frm FALL AND WINT HATS & BOOTS Sc Their stock of HATS & lected with great care, and wit who may favor them with their p Roots and Shoes is complete. Their LADIES* MISSES' and are of'Citj make, and warranted fur Ladies knd >1 iseea, are Jtn weather and saving health Thankful to the public fur thel heretofore, they hope to merit a . Store on MAIX ST. next door Hotel. ‘ Altoona, May 12. 1803. QUFBRIOR STOCK —JOHN U. FRITCHEV i Ilia customers ami the public i purest liquors ever brought into t *n port tbo following varieties. . WHISKY - —IRISH* SCOTCH ■* WINE—PORT, SHERRY, •JTARO, DUREY * CO. PALE R These liquors can alt be worm these. FRITCHEY - has on band a Whisky and Brandy, to which I!, attention of the public. Altoona. May 12.1563. Hard tv are of , lions Just received and for Oct 15-tfl i BDOMINAL BUPF hos and Shoulder Braces foi i-tf. New stock of hi for Men and Boya, Ladles an HAMS! HAMS! 1L ceived, a large lot of banva best brands in market. Ev* teed at Mackerel— nos In all sized packages, ««■ warranted, Jcut received and fof m mEAS! TEAS! TEA: J*-It aeUtag Teas superior (u tioWr Jfhfly are free of adulter tureof any kind. ANOTHER LARG! xX PWjbbratkd jersey ( IREAM CRACKER delicious crack* IP YOU WANT Gv pnre Teas, the best of uhocoh go to ? JIOSTON CRAOKE MXTRA KAMILV on bl fJOPKEES. SUGARS ■ of *U grades, ami at rentoi |A barrels pure received and ft>rj