■\ • j ■>- £ * ' !» Zh •» altelMltr of tWFELS. gjjjjtjft ,Oen*«l oort Jta, ’SiS&hw " n»ow.r ■■■■.■ ■ twdontiee WMtdu *»»eol; m> *«Acteof ■Mwd BilH- owan* Mwwwe btmo- *?■. OOOTKT- r b» 4t.lii)» been ttlHB-da reni^ WWWMi.' plied «uh "eworted with »Hy««toriia to IUffIUETXKK’h «Hd UM appr,; *■'«* it .w-.rk, (ariun „ '• # 9SB»eri*nl, y >wS«i Hi.. 'Kob s' a gnmdsbootiqg match to, come off at this I'iace on December 23th (Christmas), for a mam moth Berksiro Pig .only Ifi months old and weigh ing 500 pounds. Inquire of L. T, Nothwnng for jertieulaw. ;; Closed. —We learn that the Ladies' Fair, for hie benefit of St] John’s Church, closed on Thanksgiving evening, with a grand supper, after ’'.wing netted the Sum of $2,000. A successful atisir, certainly, i • M ’Wr-Jpl Ifwehadanovcrflow of locals last week, "c have a 'dearth this week. No accidents, '■iojiements, runaways, or even a dog-fight to stir F 0 11 -the loafers or furnish the basis of an item.— i That's the way of the world—-a feast or a famine. Change of Kirk, —James Jjowtlter has retired hum the firm of J.' jft J. Loutlicr, haring disposed 1,1 his interest in. the store to Jacob Hesser, Esq. * • ''t.l;*'. Notice. —lf Joseph Ledger will tall at the office of John W. Humes, J. p., in Altoona, ho "ill learn soraethiag to his advantage. SPECIAL NOTlCE.—Having disposed of the part of otir stock of goods, we are. anxious close up onr business and .hope all persons har ‘flg accounts on our hooks will call and settle the ** ni “ without delay!; We have still on hand a assortment of boots, shoes, notions; also, a dty goods fte., winch we will sell 'Auch lielow-the present regular prices. ]■ J. &J. LOWTUEU. A!tr «na, Oct, 31st 1863-JU. s.C -'J Priited MiftißjMT* st6ft “Gdutiy hm.”' tribune FOWERrPRESS ts, PRINTING OFFICE, v the past two years, made considerable to our establishment in the way of new fancy r Screw Press, Paper Cotter, Card Cotter, Ruling Bln* ,1,,.. C:inl Power and large Newspaper-Power i_a cut of which wi* give alxyro) we are now prepared , anything In the Hue of printing or ruling in ,:yle *jual to any establishment in thestate, and at v,»s equally low. Wo can execute, on abort notice, all . '* . rtvJding. InviUlion, Visiting, B*U&, Business Cards, Circulars, Programmes, MAMMOTH [POSTERS, SALE BILLS, iGLi, &G®p> UET?IH^ a !Kl[iA®© pamphlets, Pay and Check Bolls, BLANK BOOKS, manifests, and blanks of all kinds. \i j wo sdk la a trial, feeling;confident that we can give auction if we have the opportunity. ,i:lirc i* Lowtlier’fl building* corner of Virginia and An , -tracts, opiKwite Office. LOCAL ITEMS. Traveling nr Night and Dat.—We have -iinctimes heard It remarked by timid persons that mv would not travel by.night on a railroatl, their impression being that there is more danger of ac i nii'iiis in the dark than daring daylight. Upon iirst thought this would seen to be the fact, but a niter in the Railroad Advocate takes a different liew of the matter, and certainly makes out a m.d ease, . He says: There are many circumstances which make sight running comparatively safe. All work ujxm iin track is stopjid. Comparatively few other mins are on the road. No drawbridge would mvi he likely to remain open in the night.— >«itches arejnore likely to be right than at oilier mes, as they are not in use for other trains and Hi,, locked. The signal for-night trains being m.ule by light, would scarcely fail to be observed ml obeyed, and, what is important, would be -o nat a greater distance than any signal during i.ivligbt. The engineer Iws less to attract bis mu uiion than in the daytime. While, alter all, met or tree falling across a ttend in the track in 1.i.wl daylight is aw miitdi a ‘ hidden danger,' as if vmoimtered in the night. So, alier all, it »„,ild appear that one can take a night s rest in a mil mid car with comparative safety." . tttf* So long as Old Joe -Melzgar lives, the miners will not want for savory dishes on impor • tot occasions. We had settled dowii to the con virtion (not to say necessity) that our Thanksgiv ing dinner was to consist of a pullet and potatoes, inn. just at the niche of time, in pops *■ Old Joe " util two nine-month goblers, already dressed, -pwially for the printers, and with one of his po litest bows begged; ns to accept, and we accepted. ’,Ve relieved him of his load, and he relieved ns our convictions relative to our dinner next dav. Long live our old friend. He has already lived ,ut bis three-score years, but having a heart all kindness and humor he bids fair to attain his four- Fire.'! Fire! • —Do not Ti sk yotir painty ;!any longer u> the mercy of the hot gp to Kerr and havtj him insure yon against toes |jiy fire.— He is Agent [for thirteen different coni ponies, among which are some of the best in the United States. | . v ji Altoopa, July 21,-tf. if Notice.—Foreign notes will not lie received at the office! of the Altoona Gas and Water-Company in payment for gas or water bills, inasmuch as the batik in tjiis place will not receive them on deposit BENJ. F. HOSE, J'rtwtitrtr. Altoona Nov. 19th, 1863. CP If you want good eating apples, prime segars, choice confectioneries, highly' flavored toilet articles, or any kind of notions*, call on Master Will Patton, at the Post office, i AH the leading daily papers regularly received. \ ' 1 Die Colors. —Howe & StevenS’ Dye Colors, twenty-four different shades. Howe & Stevens’Dye Colors, twenty-four dif- ferent shades. Howe & Stevens’ Dye Colors, twenty-four dif ferent shades, for sale at Nichols’ Elixerjjf Iron and Peruvian Bark. *3* Nichols’ Elixer of lion and Peruvian Bark. (SP Nichols’ Elixer of Iron and Peruvian Bark. For sale at Kodsii’s Drug Store. Baker’s Cod Liver Oil, pure and fresh. *3“ Baker’s Cod Liver Oil, pure and fresh. O"Baker’s Cod Liver Oil, pure and fresh. For sale at Roush's Drug Stork Refused It. —Mrs. Dow, widow of the. famous Lorenzo, died a few days ago at Montville, Conn., leaving this singular will: She gives the whole of her estate ($G,000) to the town of Mont ville, for the purpose of building four stone arch bridges in specified places in the town. The town, in public meeting, has refused to accept the gift, and the amount goes to Iter heirs-at-law. j 6T John B. Stetler, of Philadelphia, who .con tracted with the Government to furnish 100,000 pounds of Riocoffeee for the army, has: been tried by court martial for supplying an article, and sentenced to the Albany penitentiary? for fire years. k>orfie of tlie ladies in Hartford appear in tlie streets Without hoops, but with ihesses that come to tlie ankle, disclosing balmorul bools aud striped stockings. One or tlie Hartford pa[iers thinks this a ” pleasant reform." Sa£T Our Goveriimeut now holds thirty-one thousand rebel prisoners. There arel forty-thou sand negrocts armed and in the service of the Gov ernment. tS*Rebel papers say that their great ram Mis soitri, built at Shreveport, Lousiana, is a total fail ure, She ebst $500,000. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINES, Our LETTER A FAMILY SEWING MACHINE is fust gaining a world-wide Reputation. It is beyond doubt the best and cheapest and moat beautiful of ail Family Sew ing Machines-yet offered to the public. No Ollier Family Sewing Machine has so many nsefnl appliances for Hem ming. mnditijg, Felling, Tucking, Gathering, Guaging, Ilraiding, Embroidering, Cording, and so forth. .No other Fanjily Sewing Jfpubine has so much capacity for a great variety of work.: It will sew all kinds of cloth, and with all kinds of thread. Great and recent improvements make our Family Sewing Machine most reliable, and most duratde, juid most certain in action at all rates of speed. It malfea the Interlocked stitch which Withe best stitch known.’Auv one, even of the most ordinary capacity, can sec at a-glance, how to nseithe letter A? Family Sewing Macnlne. Onr Family Sewing Machines! are fin ished in chaste and exquiste style. The folding Case of the family Machine is a piece of cunning workmanship of the most useful kind. ■ It pro tects the machine when not in use, ami when about to be operated may jbe opened as a spacious and substantial table to sustain the work. While some of the Cases, made out of)h|- choicest woods, ore finished in the sim plest ami chastest manner possible, others are adorned and embellished in the most costly and snptirb manner. It is absolutely necessary to see the Family Machine In operation, so os to judge of its great capacity and beamy. It is fast becoming as popular .for family sewing as our Manufacturing machines are for manufacturing purposes. Tho Branch 6Ulcers are well supplied with Bilk, twits, thread, needles; qil, 4c., of the very bestqnaltty. Send for s -Pamphlet. THE SINCjER MANUFACTURING i 458 Broadway, New York. «3t.PuuAi>(t.pßu Oprtct, SlO Chestnut St. ’ Mr. D. W. A, Bedford, Merchant Tailor, Virginia Stre et Agent in Altoona. ' Altoona, No\ J . 13,1862. {lyr. SHAKE AND -BURN! Shake and Burnt Shako and Burn!!! This is the qf agony endured by the sufferer from Fe ver and Ague. He wanders like an uncertain shadow, never knowing at what moment he may be prostrated, and therefore d sinclinedto give any serlons attention to business. This is the condition of thousands in town and country. It is so exaggeration to say that Fever and Ague kills more than any ather twenty diseases in Amer ica. Fur a sure and speedy cure of this terrible affliction, we. take great pleasure in recommending HOST BETTER’B STOMACH BITTERS, which have already achieved a wide reputation! fur rapid and power effects in renovating the system prostrated by this disease. For sale by Druggists and dealers generally, everywhere. Im. A CARD TO THE SUFFERING The Kev. Wm* Cosgrove, while laboring as * Missionary in Japan, .was cured of Consumption, when all other means hud failed, by a recipe obtained from a learned physician in the great city of Jeddo. This recipe l has cnrpd great numbed who wi re suffering from Consumption) grouchi tie, Sore Throat, Coughs and Colds, and the deb|Uty and nervous depress! m caused by these disorders. f Desirous of Ik ueflting others, I will send thfe; recipe, which I hare brought home with me, to all whonoed it, free of charge. Address. her. WMw COSQBOVjS, ; i 439 Fulton Areime, Dec.23,1562-lo.] - Braohlyi^y/Y * | DB. TOBIAS’ I VEITNETIA LINIMENT. ; llu given unlVHeatcatisfACfion during the fourteen years it has been the United States. After be ing tried by million*, ft has been proclaimed the pain de stroyer of the world. Pain cannot bo where this I&ixneiit is applied. If .used as directed it cannot and n«%er bos foiled in a single instance* For colds, coughs add influ enza, it cant be beat. One 26 cent bottle wjllcureAU the above, besides being useful in every family for sudden ac cidents, sqcb as burns, cuts, scalds, insect It is perfectly Innocentto taie internally, andeanbe given to the oldest person or youngest; child. Price 26and60 cents a bottle. -Office t 6 Cortlandt street, iStew Stork.— For sale by O. W. KesslerHkltoona. » - ' i ' " : '• : i: ' Caution. We have this day obtained a Patent for odr MiapafoC tqres, known a* PAMILY DYE <»L0I18.” ■ | ' The Dyea manqfactored by other persons, a Oder the name of “ Domestic Dyw,” 4c.,are made in vtolitUon of unr Patent. v - ~ j ’ ■■ We caution ail paraona making oreslUng.tbe here after, that we ihSilproaoonte for ail Infringement of onr rights. - gOWE *«BVkSSf Nor. 18,-3t, ; ‘ ;iv ' Rodsh's Drug Stoke. EAILEOAD AHD MAIL SCHEDULE VWtMNfi AUEIVK;A#i) MPART BaltlmoreBipr»a WestarriTMiTAO A. M. hoar* S.UO A.M. Philaifol'a '* *•: - R. 40 *1 Fimt Line « M '\ 8-66 P. M. “ J.UP.M. Mail Train . 7.44} *<• *♦ 755 Exprea* train K«*t “ 9.2 U M., I envoi 9AO P. M Fast Llun .. “ •• 1.15 A. M„ “ 1.20 A. M Mail train “ “ , 7v*o ** « gjpo Through Accotu. Train* on Hollidayshorg Branch run to connect with Kxi>rwaTnuns W e*u Mail Train East ami West and Thro’ Accommodation Train East; Train* on Tyrone A Clearfield Brtncb and Bald Eagle J alley R. B. nit to cooueet with Bapress Train West and Mail Trail) Rast and West. MAILS AEHIVK. Eastern Through,. EasterU Way Western Way Western Through,. Hollidayaburg, , 7,10 A.M. i - 7.00 I*. M. 10,15 A. M. - •• 7,10 A. M. 7;3OA. M. 4 7,00 I>. M. MAILS CLOSE. Webern Way,,.,.. 1 ; 7.20 A. M. Eastern Way,: ; 7.20 “ Western Through, •. "[is p. M. Eastern Through,... ; 1 1 755 *. Holmlnystmrg 7i»T'S’* 0.45 P. M. „ Ofmce Hours;—During the week from 6.45 A. M. until 4,30 p. M. On £iuidays front 7,30 until 8,30 A. M AltiMoia, April 30.1803. MARRIED. On the 12th inat„ by Rot. J. B. Christ. Mr. WILSON of L BiSkiug '-V^l K ‘“ t ’ LIZZIE J - I*OMEK DIED !" Logan township, on the 6th hist., after a short ill nesa. Mr. LEWIS OWINN, aged 70 ycaijs, 8 mouths am) 26 days. v *The subject of the ahov4 notice was born in Franklin cminty. l>n„ and removed with bis parents, wh-n about 5 years of ago, to Huntingdon (now Blair) county, where the remainder of bin life wan spent. He was a man of humble and quiet spirit—a man of prai’or and ariose student of God's Word. He professed faith in Christ, and united with the i.hnrch of H°lhdaysburg. about twenty? three years ago. and remained in iu communion until dis missed to unite with the church of Altoona at its organi zation. In his old age he was nearly .blind; his hearing was also much impaired. But fop this loss .he was greatly compensated, lie cduld repeat, a good part of the Scrip tures from memory': and in this he took much delight.- He trusted in God's covenant to him and his children.— Ho brought them up in the “nurture aud admonition of the Lord,'* and had the blessedness of seeing them all— two sous aud two daughters—members of the Church of Christ. His end was peace, for ho slept in Jesus. • “ Tlie chamber where the good man meets bis fate Is privileged beyond the common walk Of virtuous life, quite on the verge of heaven." . 0. L- J£ H. HOFKINS, ALTOONA, PA., LKIKNBKI) AUCTIONEER FOB THE 17th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. STRAY HEIFER. IGV3IE TO THE RESIDENCE OF the subscriber. in Antis township, —• . about tba 20th of October last, a year. ling HEIFER, with led sides, white breast and belly, aud white face; sides of head dark, brown. The owner is requested to cowo for-®®**®®—*l ward, prove property, pay charges and take her away, otherwise she will lx* disposed of according to law. v „ t , DAVID NEAKUOOF. Nov. 25th, 1803.—3t* NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. A letting fob the grading -Tl. Of tlie Newry Branch Rail Road will be held at the house of Landon Kieves, in Newry, Blair Co.. Penn’a on MONDAY, DECEMBER 14th, 1803. Sealed proposals will be received by Francis McCoy, President of the Road, up to SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12th, 1863. Specifica tions for grading the Road can be seen by calling on the President, qr Alexander Knox in Newry. By Order of the Board of Directors v , ADAM HOOVER, Sec’y. Newry. Nov. 25, 1863—3 t. ORPHAN’S COURT SALE. XI y VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF ", Orphan’s Court of Blair county, the undersigned. Administrator of Mary McCw*, late of Logan township, dec d., will expose t*> sole, by public outcry, on the prem ises,|on 1 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18th 1863, A TRACT OF LAND,^jUL eontaining 3 acres, jmm Situate in Logan township, Blair lands of Caleb Delaney, Edward Dell, and William Heller, having thereon erected a Log Dwellig House and Stable. Ihe land is all under cultivation. There is a spring of of good water at the door, TERU&—One-half of tho purchase money to be paid on confirmation of sale, and the balance one year thereafter to be secured by bond and mortgage of the purchaser. ’ bale to commence at* 10 o’clock A. M„ of said dav Nov. 21-3 t. JOHN FARRELL, Adm'r. OH, YES! OH, YES! this i TO THE COMMUNITY AT LARGE, THE PEOPLE IN PARTICULAR, or any one wanting Choice Family Groceries, A PRIME QUALITY OF FLOUR, OR ANY KIND OF FEED, will save money by calling at the Grocery, Flour and Feed Store of M’CUNE & WILSON, Corner ol Clara and Virginia Streets, in tho store room known as Johnston Moore's. The highest cash prices will be paid for Flour, Feed, and all kinds of country produce, J. MILES M’CDNE, ALBKIIT WILSON. Altoona, l‘a., Nov. 4th, 1863. [3 m.] AJOTICE. —-Notice is hereby given that -L. w the following resolution Was adopted at a late meet ing of the Board of Managers: of the Altoona Hall and Market Company’ w Smlrei, That the second instalment of 10 per cent, on the stock subscribed for, be nujde payable on the 20th day of the present month, (May) and: that the balance of the subscription he made payable in monthly instalments of 10 per cent each, on the Hith day of each succeeding month, antfl the'whole amount Is paid In. Persons wishing to take stock in the company can still ho accommodated, there being a few shares yet nnsold. Altoona, May lOth.-tf. B. F. ROSE, Trf.an.rrr. TT ALU ABLE PROPERTY FOftSALE T The aubscrilier offers at Private Bale a valuable property, situate on Branchgt., aMk i-ast Altoona, immediately opposite the 11114 Machine Shops. The hanse is well built and nearly new, and contains Fifteen Rooms with Good Cellars. It is calculated for THREE FAMILIES, and at the most reasonable terms wO! bring $3O per month rent. There Is a well of good wsterdn the yard. Terms easy. Apply to MICHAEL WYbOUGH, on the premises, or to JAMES KEARNEY, at his store, in East Altoona. July 28,1863-tf. Dissolution. —-notice is hebeby given that the Partnership heretofore existing be tween the undersigned has been dissolved by mutual con cent, E. W. Kougli having the collection of the aooonnta of said firm. : E.W.KQUOH, Nov. Ist, 1863. J. E. TOOLE, NOTICE.—Tim books of tile late firm will be left with John W. Humes, Esq., for collection. Nov. 21,1863-31 E. W. KOUQU, Dissolution of partnership. The Partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, trading ss the firm of J. 4 J. LOWTHEB, has been this day iliasrlved by mutual consent. The hooks and accounts are left in tho bands qf John Viwther CITY DRUG STORE. E. H. REIGABT would respect fully announce to the citizens of Altooua and sur rounding country, that he has recently purchased the Drug Store of Berlin & Co., on Virginia Street, opposite Fries’Hardware Store. llis Drugs are Fresh and Pure, and he hopes by strict attention to business, to merit a share of public patronage. Cali ami examine hisatock. He has constantly oil hand. DRUGS, MEDICINES ami CHEMICALS, PINE TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY, BRUSHES. GLASS PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES CARBON OIL AND LAMPS NOTIONS, CIGARS. o>i(f every article usually kept in a First-dots Drug Store. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS for medicinal use. DOMESTIC GRAPE WINE—PURE—WARRANTED. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS accurately compounded, at all hours of the day or night Altoona, Sept. 36,1863. "Victory Won! f UHE Subscribers would respectfully .1 announce to tin, citizens of Altoona and rlcinitj, that they hare just returned from the Kaat Kith their FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF HATS & CAPS, i BOOTS ' PRITCHBrS WORRELL’S PREPARED COFFEE » » Just received and.for ule by PEITOHBT. SUPERIOR CREAM CHEESE AT ' ' rartcMrg. 4 BARRELS PURE WHITE LARD Just received and for «ale at FBITOHET’S F RITCHEY’S NEW STORE, corner ofCaroline and Virginia Sts. All styles carpeting aKd Oil-Cloths can be found at LAtJQHMAN’B. IVTEW winter ready made x 1 Clothing Just received at LADGHMAIPS A pine ASSORTMENT OFOVER- Xi_COATS can bo found at LAUOBMAN’Sf PAMJLY DlYI; COLORS. Patent Rocky Blade for Silk, Dark Blae, Light Ak. French Rue ! Claret Brown, ' Dark\Brown, Light Brown, ; Snuff Brown, : Cherry, Crimson; Dark Drab, j Light Drab, Fhxcn Drab, Light fhvmdrab, For dyeing Silk./W Dresses, EitbOl Kid Gloiw, Iffi“ A SAVING OP SBO PER (CENT. For 25 cents you cap color Mtnany goods as would oth erwise cost fire times that Siam. Tsriorfs shades can be produced from the same dye. The proems is simple and any one nan use thie dye with perfect iocdeas. Directions in English, French and German. Inside bf each package. For further information In Dyeing, andigiTtnr a perfect knowledge what color* are beat adaptedsto dve over oth eis, (with many valuable recelpes,) purchase ilowe 1 Ste vens Treatise on Dyeipg and: Coloring, lent by'mailoa receipt of price—10 cents. Manufactured by UOWK * STfcVKNS, 2t)o Bab»uw*T, Bonesr For eole by druggists and dealers generally. Nor. 18, 1863 ly. I A PROCLAMATION! The greatest chance ever offered to Imy ; I GOOD JEWELRY AT LOwj PRICES! lOO.otiO Watches, Chains, Lockits, Rings, Bracelets, etc., etc,, To be sold for one dollar each! ' Catalongea sent free haa the list of articles | or send 2d tents tor s cer- UScste which iurijniiA you the article ynn can have for fl.Ot). Each certlfi cate, containing the name and value of ah, article, is put Into an envelope, sealed up and mixed; thefa when ordered, la taken without choice and sent you by Inail. Five cer tificates sent tor $l.OO [ Agents Wakixd. Address | H. j. HARPER 14 CO, 208 Broadway, N*w York. P. 0., Boi, 5219. November 4th, 18C3.-lm. SOMETHING NE¥I Did you see bonine’s SMALL METAL PKAMKB jwd PASSHPARTOtJTS for Card Pictures, which he haa just received from the City?—and his sew lot of 1 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS? He has a very nice assortment,:and sells them at very reasonable prices. ‘ EVERYBODY ADMIRES THEM! And the flneet Ibt of FRAMES, tor LARGE AND SMALL-SIZED PICTURES, la Altoona. Call and examine to bb satisfied, and have your AifBROTYPE or PHOTOGRAPH taken. He! still has his Room in ; Clabaugli’s Building, Julia Street, between Virginia ajid Emma. Altoona, Oct. 28,1863.—3 m. jyj’ANHOODj ; /SUM HOW LOST! HOW BESTOBJOH^ Just Published, in d Seated Envelope, thrice Six Centt. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Care of Spermatorrhoea or Semina] Weakness; Involuntary Emisdom, Sexual iDebUtly, and lmpidemebts to Marriage generally, Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits: mental and Physical' Incapacity, resulting from Bel, Abuse, Ac.—By ROBT. J. CULVSEWELLi M. D, Author ofthe Oreen Bookjte. i !: The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequence* of BeiMbiise may be effectually removed without medlcine.Und without dangerous surgical opera tions, bougies Instruments, rings or- cordials, pointing cot a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by watch every sufferer, no matter what his condition mav he, may cure himself cheaply, privately sad radically. This Lec ture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. ' I Seat under seal. ls a plaln enalope, ta 'Shy adarees, oti the ricelpt of six; cents, or tWb postage ‘-stamps, by ad dressing 1 i CHAB. X C-KLINE, 127 Bowery; New Fork, Poet OSes Box 4856. Nov, t. 18<3.-lyj ■ i R. A; 0. KERB, i ALTOONA,' PA., 4 GEOT for Blair, Cambria, IClearf eld, A. Centre and finntlngdon counties. fori the following linos of -I vT7 !: ' • TRANSPORTATION BETWEEN EUROPE AND THE UNITED STATES: Montreal LiUsof Steamships. [' Galway ■ ‘f ~ « > Babel A Beatles’ Line of Sailing Packets. Washington Line «ii Great BsstWn Steamship. Parties desiring to hying their irienda trim Europe, or wishing to take ah excursion to that connhfy, cab seeitfe mckets at the same rates aa are charged at the Offlcot of toe different Line* at the starting joints. tjfgußzenratfn Tickets for the round trip aro sold at reduced rates* I Oct. 7. isas-flm. " !: Scarft, * ■ t; tor. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, GREAT REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM, «OUT, NKVRADQIA RCMEMO. STIFF NBCK AND JOINTS, SPRAINS, BEUIBBB, CUTS JJO> WOUNDS, HUS, BUDApiU, | AND AU. BMBUMATIC ARB RfR. VQDS DISORDERS. For oil of which ttiit until «ad certain nwdv, ui tram SK( Bweet,of Connecticut, tbelbmoes bonesstter, oßd hM bMnooßdLßbl. pcecticeJhcrwoM than tweatT y With tbs mast sriaßiilitny - A 8 AH AUBVIATOB OI PAIK, U fe utiTilM by •»* preparation before the pnb&c, of wbfch thetnosi skeptical may be convinced by * single trial. v Thta Liniment will cure rapidly and radkaUr, mm. MATtC DISORDERS of wen kind,and is tbMMukh of cmbb where it has been used it lufc never been knownto mil.; ' i . * FOR NKORALQIA, It will afford immediate relief io every case, however distressing. It will relieve the wont oases of HEADACHE la three minuteeand is warranted to do it. TOQTHACHjB alm will u lnstantly/ NERVOUS DEBILITY AND QJfNEKAL LASSI TUDE arising from imprudence or excess, this Liniment is a, most happy, and. unfailing remedy. Acting directly n|wn the nervous tisanes, it strengthens end nvlvUas the system, and reatoros It to olasticltyandvlgor. i -Al s* l *™! remedy, we claim that K is the Mat known, and wo challenge the world to produce •J 'S 11 *? - vfethi> of this jllitrnmlnii oomplaiat should give it a trial, for it will not MU to ate relief, and in majority of cam will effect a radxoal care. ' QUINSY AND SOBS THKOAT are acme times .uppjjrr ly malignant and dangerous, hot a timely application of this Liniment will never fisil to core.. SPBAINB ere aometimea very obstinate, and enlarce ment of the Joints is liable to occor If neglocted The wopat case may be conquered by this Liniment In tiro or three days. : . URUiaES.CUTS, WOUNDS,SORBS,ULOEBB, BUKNS AND SCALDS, yield readily to the wonderful healing properties of DK. BWHET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, *««>> according to diroctiona- Also, CHILBLAINS FROSTED FEET, AND INSECT BITES AND STINGS Df. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, Thp Cireat Natural Bone Setter, Dr. Stephen Sweet, of. Connecticut, la knoyrn all over the United States. Df. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, la the author of" Dr. Swoet’a Infallible Liniment.” Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Cnres Rheumatism and never fails. Dr, Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Cures Earns and Scalds immediately. Dr, Sweet’s Infallible Liniment* Is the best known remedy for Sprains and Braises. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Cures Headache immediately and was never known to Ul. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Affords immediate relief for Files, and seldom tails to curs Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Cure# Toothache in one minute. Dk Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Cores Cota and Wounds immediately and leavm no aear„ Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment I« the best remedy for seres In the known world-1 s Dri Sweet’s, Infallible Liniment pralseth 1 ™ ed by more thaE a million people, and ail Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment* Taken internally cures Coin*Cholera MorbusandJDholera. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment a | U tj'uly a “ friend in need,” and every fiunily should have it fttuSDO. ’ Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Isfrbslleby all Druggists. Price SS and 60 seats. A FRIEND IN NEED. TRY IT. DR; SWBSrS INPALLIBLK UNIUKNT. ss an er ternal remedy, fa without a rival, and wffl alleviatepain morespeedfly thsn any other preparation. Tor all Rken matio and Nervona Disorders It is truly ItaOtUlbls. and u a emuttv* to /toes, Woonda, strugtbsaDfeprgpertieZ ezeltd tfe jnst wonder and astonishment of all who hare over given it a trial. Overone tbonsro/iertlltotoior by#wwun TO HORSE OWNERS! 4C-. U will also cure speedily. Spavin and Klhv&iw. be easily prevented undented bnt Confirmed cues are beyond the possibility o f 7-Sh “» t No case of the kind, hopjle* hot H may be alleviated by this lts fikU hF l lJ p S! irati ®2.T Ul removethe limroess.and enable the horses to travel with comparative ease. | EVERT HORSE OWNER abould have this remedy at hand. &r Its timely nee at the ? nt °f hameneu will effectuaUyp«»T»nt tbaae (brahUWe diewwee. to which all hprada bnlfcble.and worthlaß* der 90 mU ‘* °“«rwi»e Tafiiablehoreee nearly DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE . IB TBS Bolcii©i* 5 e friend, ; ’ thoniaaia bare fbud i£ ' A FRIEND IN NEED I ■ .l the tlynatare ahd UkeMn RICH AEBBON * 00.: " Soto Proprietors, Norwlcfc, «. H; **