The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, November 18, 1863, Image 2

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    ALTOONA, pa
SATURDAY, NOV. 21. 1863
«T The chap who dishes up the local
iteiUH fop the Juniata Begister, talks to us
very familiarly, and says several (to him)
wry funny ami sharp things about us, (the
■Senior) because, forsooth, we declined Un
cle Samuel's invitation jto his great South
ern .Ball. Our cotemporary says .he al
ways likes to see a man practice what He
preaches. So do we, Amos. If you are
in earnest in this matter, you should set
tw the example. You have been preach
ing opposition to the Government, the
wur, the conscription and loyalty general-
,ly. tor a couple of yearspast, yet you have
t'aiWd to.practice your preaching by going
down South and helping your friends, Da
vis, Floyd, Breckinridge, etc. You say
to us:
‘‘ ll vt>u are k> desirous of freeing the negroes
~ don’t yon shoulder a musket, 'step into the
milks, and assist the administration in accomplish
ing this object?’*
We do.not like the Yankee style,of an
swering one question hy asking another,
yet it appears in place for us, just here’, to
inquire of our interrogator, since he,has
assumed to.criticise our actions, why it is
since he is so much afraid the negroes will
he freed and his friends, Davis & Go., there
, hy .loose their property, that he does not
shoulder his .iqnaket, step into their ranks,
and assist them in preventing the Union
army from accomplishing this object and
-jiving the Union? Why don’t you do
tor your friends, Arnos, - what you would
have us do (or purs? We think We have
done more for the Union than you have
done for its enemies—not because you did
not desire to do more for them, but because
you lacked the ability; We claim the
merit of being 'loyal to; the government
under which we live and which affords us
.protection-; that although wo have not
shouldered a musket ami gone into the
tield in its defence, we have con
tributed of an amount whichjthe Gfoverment
agreed was equivalent ito our services,
and have exerted our influence, whatever
if may be, in its favor. How has it been
with you, Amos? A, ll open advocate of
slavery and a covert emisary of Jeff Da
vis aristocracy and .monarchy, (too cow
ardly to go down into the dominions of
your frihrtd, Davis,; lest he should cotopel
you to volunteer in his army,) you have
been crawling, snake-like, over this free
soil, leaving behind you |n slimy, streak of
base ingratitude to the free government
(of which you are an' alien) that tolerates
your presence, permits you to breathe
and pollute its pure air, ; affords you pro
tection awl patiently endures your stabs
in the dark, because it scorns to tread the
meanest worm. Whenever you go to. the
assistance of your friends, Amos, and
thereby practice what you preach, you
will find is in the Union ranks: but so
lung as you remain up»here, so long will
we remain to keep an eye oh yon and en
deavor to counteract yoifr pernicious in
Having noticed us so I familiarly and
kindly, Amos, you must hot take it bard
that we have replied in like manner, only
i»ore at length. ; Good bye.
From the Army of the Potomac
comepa very curious Hebe) letter, found
on the body of one of Lee's soldiers who
was killed, in a late engagement. It is
irom a lather,* living near Vicksburg, to
his son in the Hebei army. Among other
things it gives a lamentable picture of af
tairs in Misissippi and’ Louisiana, owing
to Ute stampede of the the merci
less execution of the Dajvis conscription
law, the robberies by guerrillas, and,the
dtgnt of rich traitors to Texas from their
luxurious plantations along the Mississip
pi In closing ;the writer says: “Our
men are top much and too many
have gone back to the Union. This war
was got up drunk, but they will have to
wetlle it sober: There are a great many
men in the South who ajre to be pitted.”
The day of settlement is not far off, and
ou its arrival the tearful account will be
made up, mid judgment will light on many
a guilty head'. ; |
QvLAWAJtK Euinnaj.—The election in
ooTtimday, to fill a vacancy
in the Congressional delegation, resulted
in the eketlun of N. B. Bcnithcre, Union.
Brown, the opposition {candidate was
•*“ We have receive*! the following cir- them; past a little white church with * mode*
i culnr with the request that We Dublish ,lle k* l “wards the mountains, and ell too
nnH mil .hJaJ; V mr . "TT ™»««J 5 rising now steadily end rapidlv,
I ana call attention to it. We willingly and the mowiams beginning to hang over with'a
; comply and hope that the Cternr who ■»«>■ * e “ e Bf- opprotaivenww, Here we are at the
. . ... .mommna toB-gate, with no view ofthe mountain*
j hold services next Thursday will act upon whatever, and nothing to do except to climb, for
the suggestions of the committee. More B °. Blee P a rood a* this fan scarcely be found even
.. .. ' ; , ... , going up to Broi.kwild, White Mountains, or the
I than the amount asked , for could be col- Alleghenies And here at the mountain toll-gate,
i lected in this manner, and itjwould be a ,b * fiu ‘ t becomes known, that traveller must
. ... , ■ ... ■ s ‘ ow ,m and short of wind, that cannot
substantial way of returning thanks to the *eat-«he coach up the -mountain, and a general
men who have sacrificed SO much for W of the vehicle takes idncc. : A long gan
M^f^l&fJ«lLL C | hnl “ ll ' n Commi r * lld is followed** by his companion, a shorter and
sion ol the Uistnct of Maryland, are now greatly stouter doctor, in spectacles. Sontag hears the
Ctata Bitt 1 '"'T; beving an old mountaineer and
Clothing, Blankets. &t to the sick and wounded making the ascent of mount Rosa, and feels dis
soldiers and sailors of the Hospitals. A sura less eoumged. Hovever he jumps out and after leav
mlTT'a ? 0,, “ re wi, l! w ‘.« Sll «* iel « “blossom- and -sLhtae” toTounge on “he
i “fl *•“* den “ nds *• “Ppnwchtng winter must cushions and, perhaps, to lav earned hopelessly off
. 0,. .. . . . -by the spirit eomiiaitjons of Hendrick Hudson.
• r , t e “mnbutions of kind tnends, the Chris- The first two steps are a torture and the first two
tian Commission jnucbeqn enabled to afford relief dozen, at this steep ascent, makes the swem bhrst
the d^ bled soMi f s ®f tbe but like beads, and the breath comes with the se
battle fields and marines of the ships and gunboats ; verest h.U.r, Slow and sure, however ' i« the
00 ' ' ft ik .' . . ; , climbing of a nionntain. quite as much so as in
Ihe committee respectfully and aflecttonalelv ; anv other detail of life
fv bre ' h T n ° fU ? e CICTg - V ’ wl *f ; We'reach the Kip Ya,.-Winkle Honse-pauaing
* C,rC , Ula l- or , m become i Wdonally to catch glimpses thraugh the trees at
n^rlllrelL n ‘ T S '.'l hat l t ' e ' V make c<,ll . ec ‘ i0 1 " s f'e plain Mow, and to listen to the soletqn silence
'n” •■' b * y Set i ap “?.m y the ;» f groat woods—sometime before,the stage
c and Larer'r ii r . ,mnks ' I £°“ ,es turabering up, and then we partake of hard
nl ft - t "„ Al f n,gl,lV ? o<l r or l*V- boiled eggs and soda-water. After this M.n.ptuous
"j 5 ,UIS VOUolL^f H I t ? us ■** a rojaist we stow onrselves it, the coach and rattle on
nauon,- etpecialfy for the intervention of His Prov- ito our destination. .Soon we come ol.t on a little :
tdence amid the perils of a fierce and sanguinam. cleared space of the road and fall into jwsscssion
f ,'h contl .billions its we solicit on bohafflf of two views worth remembering. The .me is the
“L 1 „ ““fcw.rf our arniy! whole valley of the Hudson, hedged, fenced, di- j
and na\y will doubtless ns a thank-ofV| yidctl, ami the broad blue river itself miles awav I
feting to our great talhcr m Heaven. The ser- | and yet apparently lying at onr feet; the Other the I
vtee they may render to those who have risked-1 Mountain House (s-relicd i.jsm the verge of what j
their lives in the defence of our Government will j seems to la* a bold rock, something- like Table i
, but a small return for the great saermeos they rlloek at Niagara, and hanging like an eagle’s nest •
haveumdeonouruccount | several hundred fee. above the road. The last I
Well list out tnends of the clergy of all denom- ; half hour is a tiresome one, but it closes at last:
.nations will respond favorably to this appeal.- | „„d when the Inst rtse is surmounted, the horses
Amounts collected will Ik> tlm.ikf.illy received at ! break into a swinging trot on a plateau of flat
the Boon, ot the Christian Commission. 77 West ! rock, and we are whirled through the wide
Baltimore . treetßJtimore. j rear court-yard, and disinonmerl at the west d'.K.i
u ti l^'^a * rman : of the Mountain House. il'Uere mar k plcitsuiit
r fit* ilr re Treasurer. : j pluces liid away somewhere in au undiscovered
o. 2k. Secretary. ' i nook of this Continent, hut if so, tre have failed to
discover them in any of onr peregrinations. The
windows 1 1 jk*i. out on the broad piazza, and almost
before the outer wrappings of travel are thrown
off, and quite More the dust of the ride is washed
oil', we step out upon the piazza and take a iong
Ihok at the tine prtwpeet that lies full before us.—
Histame is said to lend eiieliaiitmei.l To the view,
and.imagination often displays the same .-nothing |
quality, so that the hindsea|K* that was really rough j
and uncomely, is seen in golden colors through j
die minds eye. But nothing iinagiinirv is found I
here. Whar a sweep of vision this is. tfirtv or liftv 1
miles down ti.e valley, and ll.c same di-lanet- np. !
with ti.e Hudson lying like a broad him- ribbon at J
ri dozen miles disiunee, and the Highland- hevond i
looming dn.-kly through the coming mis. of ev.-n- I
ing. and yet il.e whole valley lutlu-d ni a warn,
reflection-of the light that seems to have settled
down there like a sunny mist from the des.-rted j
mountain tops. It i- ;l silly fancy, tan ire sec... to I
lipve not a mere segment- of a eoimtry, hut the j
world, at our feet. Not only a. tie- base of the j
mountain.-, hut miles upon miles awav, every tree
and strip of shrubbery, every hedge and fence is
distinctly risible. Tlere nestles a Utile hamlet of
half a dozen houses, with the road sweeping
through it, and seeming near enough tor the tos
sing of a pebble into the square at the c ross-roads,
por miles in one direction a main 'road can be
traced, and in anothet a little brook that cannot I
Iw too wide for an ordinary leap, can lie seen
through its entire length: here in a glint of light I
water, and there in a long line of shadow. The I
sunset' light is on the river far lieyoitd, with a sail j
occasionally dotting it,*' and a stoatnhoat at long
thiHimj at thf bindintj-—The nif.uiun/ of' Cole and
Irciiiif hauntha/ these mountains — Pedenlrianalim/'
up the mountain—A moontif/ht ramble, A r.
Catskili. Mountain Uousk.
Our Inst left us halting at the Catskili landing,
but our boat does not apprinidi the dock, and while
the alternate boat, the Armenia, Is rasping tbe
string pieces with her guards at will, the Drew
must land her |»issengers in a little fetrv boat,
from.which we arc to be shoved' into ihe midst of.
the Marine House on the pier, ami the wilderness
of Concord coaches, low wagons, and vehicles of
every size, shape and description, bearing the tal
jsmanie •name of Beach, and destined for the
Mountain House, There is no hack o. carriage
sw indicts however, and no unnecessary delay.: an
agent for the Monnlain House shows the labeled
brass band aitmnd his hat even on the ferry-boiil,
and in a marvelously short sjotec of time, the
Drew steams away tip the Hudson towards Albany ,
and the Tom Powell comes hugging a couple of
laden bulges out of the Catskill Creek and takes
her way downward towards the greatcitv we have
left a hundred miles away.
The Blue Mountains seeming very much changed
in ; their confirmation, the Mountain House dis-
appearing except to those Who know where to * aterva j*; ' l * ie ver s* IUU * -steam from iier
look for it. Ir is Hearer than when seen from be- W* vWblc:through the glass. CenatnK- there is
low. bm the light is no longer relieved against the 1,0 sllch vlew fronl . mou “ tllms '"'er eultiyated
North Mountain, ami it can now be seen hy expe- eountr\ on tite American Continent, and the most
rieneed eyes, srandmp on the nortfi shoulder of the pwbusiastic of travellers have (ailed to [nam out
•South Mountain, and jts long square top only re- '! f< !' c(!r ' n the views eaiight from the peaks in
lieved against the’ western skv. Against such a Bwittertand or Syna.
skv, mid with the sun In the west, is it not a promt , jt ,s vel t ' arlv vvllen the Hak . v “-•a-biseuit and the
inencnt object. When the morning sun isjfliining other ot_ supper are dismissed;
fair upon the front, it stands fnlly revealed to the au " ‘’’tmtag has an anxiety to see the Lake by
eve from tins point as light and airy, and almost *q°° nli Bhr. so he wends his way. accompanied hy
as unreal as the dome of cloud in Cole, s “ Voyage llUle “Blossom" and - Sunshine." down through
of Life,” towards which the hands and eves of the fee west court-yard, bv » winding road that leads
young voyager are straining. Bv and bv little ' v^ to that locality. 1 lie moon is yet low,
“ Blossom" we shall see more nearly the tiosiiive and all,is ghostly, hush and quiet, which makes
architectural beauty which makes this"bright, per- tlle , Uttle lmm,s trembler on the supporting arms,
spective passible. and more than one slight shiver, compounded of
And speaking of Cole, before Clairrh, the land- ' olK,li " ess and nervousness, rim through the pliant
scape master of America,—if was here in (his strag- fmmos - Except one stage coming into the hnild
gling and stonv village of Catskill that he made “ lng 88 " x ‘ g 0 om » all is 11,ter loneliness, and not a
his residence—dtere that he |mintod most of the footfall except our own breaks the silence, as we
pieces of the “Voyage of Life,” the “Course of d ** cen<J mto the tm ‘ B irt road - Tl,c q««« grows
Empire,” and the “Cross of the Crown”—up in 8 , oluttl . v solem u as we leave the Mountain
the mountain-! yonder that he found manv of the rlotise farther lieh ind, and the moonlight fulling
foliage and cloud effects which .he afterwards so ar o. kea, . v through the branches, and touching
grandly reproduced—and in a little house not far i . itbtfiiUy stunqis and rock and many other indel
from the plain street, np which we shall rattle di- I inBtl ' objects hy the side of the road. The dusk
recllv. lam informed his hand failed, and his life tr f. e f lifting ,la3 ‘ r broken outlines skyward; the
went out just as he was attempting to place the '■ unmistakeabij- mountain appearance of the
aureola around the head of the Invisible in the lust ‘T t:ner - V ca ught beyond,- combines to annihilate the
picture of his sacred series!. If there were no grand ! llne aad s P acu - “Sunsnine" says “oh, how
o)d mountains making the whole region sacred, it '' and “ Blossom" sings an ode to the pines
would yet Jie sacred with the memory of genius; of fe ,s solitude.
and sonic day, when the Mountain Hoiise has tieen "°b beard ye tlm pines in tln-ii solitude sigh,” Jtc.
toppled down from its elevation, am) the foot of ! The echo of the last note of'little “Blossom's”
the pleasure-seeker (to longer clambers up the j tale had scarcely died away, when again “Sun
steeps in his summer' wanderings, the leet of the I shine” ejaculated. “Oh! how very lonely!” and
tourist will ye/ lie'treading these stony roads, he- absolutely shuddering al the sound of "her own "
cause Irving sanctified them with the. memory of I voice. We go a few steps farther, and not more
an imaginary Rip Vtm-VVtokle, and Ctde pondered ! than half a mile from the. Mountain* House, and
over them, those • combinations of cloud, shadow t we turn-sharply to the let! l«;side a cansewav
and color,- which were tq culminate m “Youth," I spanning a little stream iVhich we shall cross
the “Heigth of Empire,” iand the “ Knins Agri- j When going down to the falls to-morrow morning,
gentnm.” Melhinks Tit Ania, the Fairy Queen, ! and over a little tint .of while sand with a belt of
may have her fairy realms in the midst of these j tree* beyond, and stand on the shore of the Lake,
beauties, and Fitpkr when Ihe put his girdle round It Would be but a mere pond elsewhere. Inn here
•the earth, would have halted to lake a jicep, and it ii a lake, little, and yet dignified, here in the
to pluck a wild flower from those blooming gar- bosom of the eternal mountains fringed with dense
dens, rnrniiiig to waste. ‘ winds and shimmering in the solemn moonlight.
-" Son tag,"" little “Blossom" and “Sunshine,": -A. little boat lies at the shore a few yards Inflow-;
and all the rest of the passengers for the Mountain ; .**ll other respoets it plight have been unseen and
House arc stoweu away in la half-ton leather-lined “nylsltcd since the creation. “Listen! what is
coach, with a body swinging dn leathern jiii-ks, ’bat ? says little “ Kloso'n." That shrill scream
caehwlrawn by four horsesj Heavy sends are dri-- which for a moment sends a tremor through the
ving up witli" the sonthwestci- ns we whirl away fewie of both, and mokes me shudder and startle,
from Catskill village and over a road—the ' Only the scream of a young eagle. and why should
grating giavel creating a shnddering; sensation,- j nut the eagle scream in agony to-day while* gath
something like crunching a quart of pebblesstonea I erfeg strength with which;to tear 'its foes in the
between onr teeth—mduntjainward. Occasionally j. fnbure. But this little sound has made thO soli
a cap settles down on the-.** old man oftthe mono- , tiuje and silence doubly oppressive ; and the low
tains," which the weathetjwisc believe fe herald a ' ,o " v ‘bat says; “ Its too lonely here! I cannot
coming storm. But Bomag has great confidence bear it, let ns go home”—is answered willingly
in the clear weather which: just precedes the full of and almost without word. Silently and slow-li
the moon, and he will not ibclteve that nature, for I -we'dread the short lonely road hack"to the Monn
thedlrst time, intends to gd into silent weeping lx?- ». ;tnin House, breathing almost a sigh of relief When
cause he has visited tite Catskills. ITp hill and we'“nee more stand within the circle of the lights,
down dale, with somewhat jrjf rattling S|*e4, we go, :* ben follows the promenade on the piazza, that
the mountains occasionally! showing full Itcfore ns,, ijonjf pSajpta, not so long, or so broad as that of the
and then ihanaging to hide away, gigantic ns they foiled States, at Saratoga, hut far more graceful
'are, ns we dash down inro a sweep ot road—through tmejer the shadow of\ those heavy flitted columns,
a long wivxled hollow. Residences appear, and 'Blip piazza it not deserted, hut 'the loungers are
then play bo-peep among tjio trees, and succeed in n°t to ° ninny for solitude or convenience,
escaping'a close scrutiny. Ranter's Rill Creek The mootr has risen higher, shaken itself
comes dancing along to the left, a mere brook clear of the mist that enshrouded its earlier rising
with hank* of dense Verdure, and then without Any and now rides high and cloudless, throwing all
one knowing when or how It was crossed, it per- the eastern slope of the mountains into bright
forms similar salutatory'feats on,the right. Here relief against the dark sky of the west and pottr
we glance down into a deep ravine, once spanned lng a warm flood of light over the whole Hudson
by a bridge that has now fallen into decay—here | valley. All that we saw hv the daylight is once
we pass a schoolhotutc that supplies education to a mote visible, almost every detail but dimmed and
little scattered ham et, half a dozen hats hanging ■softened, .and strange to say, seeming infinitely
in the vestibule, and the monotonous hum of reci- nearer titan before, so that the eminence upon which
fatmn sounding; even over the rumble of wheels. „ e stand seems to be nothing more than a knoll,tim'd
wo pass a fteld of marvelotßly fine grapes, bending the valley a count.v toad, into which one could
down in the raeeteat noknowledgemem qf the spring nr a single'leap. But we will not fake
goodness 6f Heaven, ftml straggling pqtphes of that leapf t om the piak-an of the South mountain,
grass w,th a little corn cHnglng to the hillsides, |i«|e “ {Rossof,” nn d “Sunshine," we will but
showing a marvelous amount of laith and patience drink our fill ol this glorious spwte so wlerdly
m those who have sown them; past broken half Wl.lif.i!, and then we will fall calmly awav to
acre, of new ground, mingled wtth and onr ishovi night of rest u, the
rocks, and the very places to have tried the chris- ami pleasures of to-morrow
tmii of the man who .atremprcHl to plow Vonr>. milv.
Letter from “Augustus Son tag.’’
The $lO,OOO Robbe&t. —ln our issue of Satur
day morning we briefly mentioned the fact that
early on Friday night a thief had thrust his hand
through the window of Samuel L M’Cullock,
broker, on Market street, snatched up $lO,OOO,
and made off with it successfully. We have since
visited the premises, .and learned some tacts in
relation to the affair. It appears that Mr. M’O.
had received a payment of some $9,000 from an
officer connected with the government. This
money, whicli was in “ greenbacks” of various de
nominations, he increased to the round sura of
•'5O 0,000. and locked in a desk for safe keeping
while he went to supper. Shortly after 9 o’clock
he opened this desk for the purpose of arranging
iis contents; at the same time lifting out the pack
age and laying it on the show window for the time
being. About this time » gentleman entered and
transacted some business with him, after whicli
Mr. M C. went into the hack dart of the office
and laid down upon a lounge to read. He lay in
>ueh a way that he had a full view of both the
front window and the door, although about one
half of the former was concealed from view by
the desk above mentioned.
in a tew minutes he was aroused by a crash of
and, recollecting rhg money, he instantly
ran to the window. Retreating a few steps, he
sprang quickly over the counter and ran out of the
door, crying “stop thief" at the-top of bis voice.
He looked up, across and down the street, but not
a soul was in sight. Running across, lie met Mr.
( lark, an emphA'ce of the Lebanon Valiev rail
road, ou the corner of Fifth and Market, who told
him he had seen a man running along Filth toward
the depot. They made that way in ail haste, but
the hold fellow had made good Ins eseajie.
Mr. M’Oullock immediately telegraphed in all
directions, offering a reward of $1,009 for the ap
prehension of the thief, but as he has not a single
clue or suspicion whereby to identify him, it is
doubtful if the money will ever be recovered. As
the ease stands, it is one of the boldest aud most
successful robberies on record, being made at an
early hour and in the busiest part of town.
Iho loser in this instance seems to be peculiarly
unfortunate, as he lost about $B,OOO by the burn
ing ot his flouring mill on State street, about three
\ears ago, andjiad a stave factory on the corner
of \\ ahuit and Short streets burned by an incen
diary the year before, involving a loss of about
sl.soo.— fjanusbun/ Patiiot and Union.
Impertinence Punished.— A cur respond tut
i writcsyo the Americun AyriaUturist from Wayne
j Co., N V.; -‘Near our village lives a young Miss
Just blooming into womauhood, who attracts much
I attention by her beauty. She is a merry hearted,
j but sensible girl, and ap|iarently in nowise spoiled
iby the many compliments she receives. Recently
she greatly enjoyed the ifisromfiture of a man
who rather impertinently attempted to introduce
1 himself, lie had recently come from the City, and
dressed in the bight of fashion, was riding with a
companion when he caught sight of Miss L., who
was drawing a kettle of water from a spring near
the house. He exclaimed, “what a charming crea
ture ' 1 must make an acquaintance, and forthwith
be stepped from his carriage, and with a very sty
lish bow, requested “the privilege ofdrinking water
drawn by such fair hands.” She started toll ring a
tumbler but he insisted bn drinking from the ket
tle, and raised it to his Iq»s, Just then a tnische
yious pet sheep belonging to Miss L.—came frisk
ing around the corner behind the stranger, and
without any warning, with a powerful butt sent him
sprawling head-foremost into the spring, kettle and
all ! He was not injured, but the starch was thor
oughly taken out of him, as well as from his shirt
bosom, and he lost no lime in scrambling hack to
his carriage and hurrying away.from the sound of
Miss L’s. laughter
A Good Move — The different counties of In
diana are outvying each other in endeavoring to
make soldiers families comfortably and helping on
the Sanitary Commission. A soldiers' supper at
Lafayette the other night, netted $330; Carroll
county has given $235 in cash and 400 wagon
loads of provision; one gentleman in Richmond
has given $l,OOO, 'and these are only examples of
what is going on all over the State.
Retired —Brigadier General Robert Anderson,
the hero of Sumter, has been placed upon the re
tiring list by the President of the United States,
upon the recommendation of the Retiring Board.
The retirement of Gen. Anderson is understood to
lie in entire concurrence with his wishes, ns thh
health of the great soldier has Jong been such us
to necessitate his seeking a condition of |icrmanent
Sir A printer named Winn, who died at Ro
chester. recently, wiis heard to mutter to himself
a few moments before his death) “lam on my last
stickful; I am coming to a paragraph, and I sup
pose I’ll have to wail for old Death to put in a
period,’" r
— ' " ■ ...
There are 2,800 men employed at the Spring
field Arsenal, who complete 900 muskets daily.
, , r ® ttre ’ n l l> e Arsenal 133,000 piews stored, of
which 40.000 are kept boxed ready to be sent
at Williamsport, Pa.,
was set on fire by an incendiary, on Thursday last.
Fortunately the fire was 'extinguished in time to
save the building;
•fT A Frenchman wishing to say of a ypnng lady ’
that she was as gentle as a lamb,'thus expressed :
himself: “She be mooch tame, Uk? the petite I
monton,” “ |
ear One of our contemporaries says the large
number of marriage licenses: now issued, and the
great number of ladies buying furs, are signs of a
hard winter.
Al'tr. SOXTAff
Union Generals Killed and Died
• daring the War.
The following is believed to be a correct Bat of
the Union Generals who have died or been killed
g®ce the war commenced:
. Gen. Jameson, Maine, died.
Gef. Bern-, Maine, killed.
Gen. Lander, Massachusetts, died.
Gen. Plummer, Maasaehnsetts. died.
Gen. Whipple, Massachusetts, killed.
Gen. Strong, Massachusetts, killed.
Gen. Hodman, Rhode Island, killed.
' Gen. Lyon. Connecticut, killed.
Gen. Mansfield, Connecticut, killed.
Gen Sumner, New York, died.
Gen. Mitchell. New York,-died.
Gen. Kirby, New York, killed.
Gen. Weed, New York, killed.
Gen. Zook. New York, killed.
Gen. Blanker, New York, died.
Gen. Kearney, New Jersey, killed.
Gen. Taylor, New Jersey, killed.
Gen. Bayard, New Jersey, killed.
Gen. Smith, Pennsylvania, died.
. Gen. Keim, Pennvlvania, died.
Gen. Reno, Pennsylvania, killed.
Gen- Bolden, Pennsylvania, killed.
Gen, Jackson, Pennsylvania, killed.
Gen. Reynolds, Pennsylvania, killed.
Gen. Welch, Pennsylvania, died.
Gen. Patterson, Penn’a accidentally killed.
Gen. Vincent, Pennsylvania, killed'.
Gen. Cooper, Maryland, died. '
Gen. Terrell, Virginia, killed.
Gen. McCook, Ohio, killed.
Gen. Sill, Ohio, killed.
Gen. Lytle, Ohio, killed.
Gen. Hackelman, Indiana, killed:
Gen. Richardson, Michigan, killed.
Gen. Williams, Michigan, killed.
Gen. Wallace, Illinois, killed.
Gen. lllinois, killed.
Gen. Frahswprth, Illinois, killed.
Gen. Ndlson, Kentucky, killed by Gin. Davis.
Gen. Jacksop, Kentucky, killed.'
Gen. Stevens, Washington Territory, killed.
j gaining a world-wide reputation. It Is beyond doobtthe
beat and cheapest and most beautiful of all Kamil; -Sew*
~irig Machines yet offend to the public. Noether Family
Sewing Machine has so map; useful appliance* for llna
ming, Binding, Falling, Tucking, Gathering; Guagmg,
Braiding. Kmbroidering,Cording, <*nd i th, Soother,
Family Sewing Machine halt »o much capacity t*r a great
variety of work. It will sew all kin 1* of r)i»th. and with
all kinds of thread. Grout and recent improvements
make uor Family Sewing Machine moat reliable, and
nrost durable, olid most certain in action at all rules of
speed. U makes the Interlocked stitch which is the l**st
stitch known. Any one. even of the most ordinary calcify,
can at a glance, how lo use the letter A Family
Sewing Macntne. Our Family Sewing Machines are fin
ished in chaste and exquiste style.
| The folding Case of the Family Machine -is ; a piece of
J cunning workmanship of the moat useful .bind. It pro
j tects the machine when not in use, and when shout to be
| operated may be opened as a spacious mud substantial
j table to sustain the work. While some'of the Cases,
I made out of the choicest woods, are finished in the aim
i pleat and chastest manner possible, others are adorned
J and embellished in the most costly and superb manner.
U is absolutely necessary to see the Family Machine in
operation, so as to judge of its great capacity and beauty.
It is fast becoming as popular fur .family ;se«ing as our
Manufacturing machines are for manufacturing purposes.
The Branch Officers are well supplied with Silk, t wits,
thread, needle*, oil, Ac., of the very besiajuaiity.
ftend for a Pamphlet.
458 Broadway, New York
Philadelphia Office, 810 Cbcatnul Bt.
Mr. D. W. A. Belfonl, Merchant Tailor, Virginia Sire et
Agent in Altoona.
Altoona, Nov. 13, 1862
<i*SHAKK AND BURN! glmke nod Bum! i<luike
and Barn!!!
This is riu> life of ngony endured by the sufferer from Fe
ver and Ague. Ue wanders like mi uncertain , shadow,
never knowing at what moment he may be prostrated,
and therefore disinclined to give any serious attention to
business. This is the condition of thousands in town and
country. It is no exaggeration to say that Fever and
Ague kills mure than any ather twenty diserx* in Amer
ica. Kor a sure and speedy 010*6 of thla terrible affliction,
we take great pleasure in recommending HOSTKTTEK’S
STOMACH BITTKRB, which have already achieved a
wide reputation for rapid and power effects in renovating
the system prostrated by this disease.
Kor sale by Druggists aud dealers generally, everywhere.
' Ini.
Thu Kev. Win. Cosgrove, while laliorihg as a Missionary
hi Japan, was cured of Consumption, when all other means
had failed, by a recipe obtained from a learned physician
in the great city of Jeddo. This recipe has cured great
numbers who were suffering from Consumption: Bronchi
tis, Sore Throat. Coughs aud Colds, aud tile debility and
nervous depression caused by these disorders.
Desirous of benefiting others, 1 will send this r-cipe,
which 1 have brought home with m«; toall who need It.
free of charge. Address, 1
l>ec. '£\. 18«2-iy.J
Hus given univeisal eafislncfion daring the fourteen years
it has been introduced into thu United States. Alter hir
ing tried by it has been proclaimed the |>ain de
stroyer of the world. Palu cannot be where this liniment
is applied. If used as directed it cannot and never has
failed In a single instance. For colds, coughs and influ
enza, It caul be boat. One 25 cent bottle will cure all the
above, besides being useful in every .family foi sudden ac
cidents, such us burns,' cuts, sc-tlds. insect stings. Ac. It
is perfectly innocent to take internally, and can bo given
to the oldest person or youngest child. Price 25 and 50
cents n bottle. Office 50 Cortlsndt street, York.—
For sale by G. W. Kessler, Altoona.
We have tins day Obtained a Patent for our Manufac
tures, known us • FAMILY DYE COLORS.”
The Dyes manufactured hy other persons, under the
name of •• Domestic Dyes,” Ac., are made in violation of
our Patent.
We camion ail persons making or selling the same here
after, that we shall prosecute for ail infringement of uur
rights. HOWE k STKVKNB.
Nov. IS,—3t.
Baltimore Express Went arrive* 7,40 A.SI., leases 8.00 a.M.
Philadel'a ■■ “ - 8.20 ■■ ■■ ’s.4o ■-
Past I.ino “ 3.55. P. SI. tj.o P. SI.
Mail Train - 7.10 7i5 ..
Express Tram East •• 9.20. P. SI., leaves 9.40 P, SI
Pint Line. “ ■■ 1.15 A. M.. '• IMA.M
Mail Train ‘ §•• •• 7.40 •• •• g
Through Accom. •• •• 11.25 •* H,ic
Trains on Hollidayskurg Branch rou to connect with
Express Trains West. Mail Train East and West and Thro’
Accommodation Train East.
Truim on Tyrone t Clearfield Branch and Bald Eagle
Valley 11. R. run to connect with Express Train West and
Mull Train Kant and West.
Eastern Thronjrh, 7 40 A M
Eastern Way "Z" l’.oo p! M
W«*ern Way 10,15 A. M
n ealeru Through 7 40 A M
Iloilidayahnrg, 7.30 A. >!. i 7,'00 p! M
Western Way, 7 20 A M
Kjuteru Way V.T. 7*20 “
Wwtefn Through J.V.i!!...!!”!’*, 745 p M
fcasteni Through, 745 *•
Holildnyeburg tiTi'i I*. M
- H°P»3:—During the week from 6.45 A. SI. nntll
■ eJU P, SI. ,o« Sunday* from 7J» until 8,30 4. M
Altnoniv, April 20,1803,
r OH, YES!
wanting : *
Choice Family Groceries,
will *ave money by calling at the
Grocery, Flour and Feed Store of
Streo “’ in ,he '“ OT *' room
.„ T^S igh r e ’ t cash pricM wiU I* l ' ll for nuur, reed,and
ail icmda of country produce. ‘
Altoona, Pa,, Nov. 4th, 1803. [3ju ]
» The subscriber offers at Private Sale : JL_b
a valuable property, situate on Branch St
hast Altoona. Immediately opposite the ■■IIII4
Machine Shops. ■MiaIK
The liunse is well built and nearly
tiiul coijtiUn* VCB9BBIIB
Fifteen Rooms with Good Cellars.
* Calculated rurTHKKK FAMILIES, aml at the most
reasimnlde terms will bring $2O per mouth relit; There is
a well Of good water In the yard. Terms easy
. WYBOO6II, on the premises, or
Ju*2S ’ Bt hi ‘ ’ tore ’ in *“■* AUoofia. ;
-JOHN U. FRITCHEY is now able (Id offer to
ms customers and the public at large, a stock of the
purest minors ever brought into this market, comprising
In part the following varieties ;
Thesp liquors can all be warranted; and in addition to
£e*e; FRITCHEY ha* on hand a large variety of Wines,
Whisky and Brandy, to which they invite the particular
attention of the public. fi
Altoona. May Vi, 1863*
Hardware of all dkscrip
tlobi Just rpfpirpi! ai>4 for aale hr
IMfV J. B. rttLKMA.x.
*** ami Shoulder Brar«* for sale at
utf 0. W : . KESSLER'S.
(I t yr.
L'W Fulton Avenue.
Brooklyn. N. V
0. W. PATTON, P. M
N* Apnre and p..»»rful Tonic, com-ctiTe and
I I wondfrful efficacy in dlMaw of
; Wwr Complaint. Headache. '
: : of
Colic, Intertbittent Fevers Cramp,
, Spasms, and all Complaints of either So,
Arising from Bodily Weakness; whetl.e,
I inherent in the system or produced
bv Hpccial c«n«-».
I Nothing thatiia hot wholesome, geni.l and „„
ia its nature enters into (he composition of HtWTSTTnrw
STOMACH BlrtKBS. This popnl.r prap.«.
no mineral of any kind: no deadly botanical
dery excitant; hut it is a combination,.! ..
rare balsamic herbs and plants with the purest and'n"i
ekt of ail diffusive stimulant., u '
;It is well to fci forearmed against ,li,e„„.. ~,*l. -
the human sy.t*m can he p„..ecl«t , 1IUU!U1 *
maladies engendered by an nnwhule
sphere, impure Water and other external causes. HOSTS,
TBR’g STOMACH lllTTKns may h,
guard. s'; ,u ‘
In districts infected with AVt„ ami Ayue. it
found infallible gs a preventive and irresistible as a re
■ ’ *l*o resort to it under apprehension
»U attack, escapa tM scourge: and Ui..u*ai (l i„ wb*. n....i
to avail themstdves of its protective qualith* it u i 1
are cured by a very brief Course of this ~m.V.' *T'.'
cine, fever amt Ague patients, after being plied ,7,,'
aumtne far mouths in vaiu, until fairly saturated
that dangerous alkaloid, are not unfrcnuentlv V/.. . ,
fflTri!KR ~lB *** b * ,he » f
~,T l,e weak atontach is rapidly invigorated ami the
the restored by tills agreeable Tonic, and lienee it „■i.
Wonders in casesmf Drsexpsix and in confirmed 1.,',,,'
Of iNfdoxST.os, Acting as ~, gentle ami p,!,nie "Ip'en":,'
ul well a* upon tho liver, it also tuvamblv >>,
PpxsTipvtioN superindnceil by irregular U e,„„, „ t , U V t
gfiAtive and xifcreUve organs. *
_ l'erg,mHof feebtcliubit, liable to Aerroiu .iMutl,,
of &ptntx ami FtU of Languor , And prompt and pern,’
nent rebel from (he Bitters. The testiuiuuv on this ,
tit most couclusivv. and from iHith sexes.
The agony of ttaunus Couo is immuiliately uosuaeed i„
a.single d'.’u. of tile stimulant, amt by occasionally re.,„,
‘h 1° J; 1 le r r« r “ of fbe complaint may he prerented
effects winch must be experienced or witnessed l.ei„ r ..
they can be fullylapprcciated. In cases of
Beuimes*. Premature Drcay and Debility and D/ r.
tjide arising froui Olp Age. it exercises the electric imln
ence. In the convalescent stages ..f all discs,-s it ,„s. r .
a(es as a delightful mvigorant. When tbe powers of „a
fish it* ri ' r, ' “ Xe<t ’ ‘ operates to reujuf.uce and r.-, »lal.
Lust, but not least, it is The only \lU‘ Stimulant iiHin..
njaimfactured from sound and inu.s.-uous materials, and
m n A fr “n runl thL ‘ acKl riements present more or 1,-.,
ill all tbe ordinary tonics and stomachic* of the dav
liA^iKr h ”? teen so universally, himL it him,
truly added, iKipnlar with iht-
portion of the coQinmmtv. as HOSTETTK'ir® RITTKPv
Prepared hy HpSTKrTRR A SMITH. Pittsburgh. Va
Sold by all Drugsists, Grof ers and St«.rek.*e.ier.
where. 1
Geruiiiue Preparations
and Speed Uemetly for f the Bladder. Kidney-.
Gravel and Dropsical Swellings.
This Medicine increases the power of Digestion, and ex
cites the Absorbents into healthy action, by which tin
HJatery nr Calcerions depositions, and all Unnatural En
largements are rejiuoed, as well as Pain and lalianwnati,.h
y°r Weakutsa iHsing from Excesses . IXabits of Uisrli.i
tion, Eearly Imliscre ion of Ahnse, attended with the f,.|-
lowing symptoms;—
Ipdlsposition to Exertion. .Loss of power,
U»s of Memory,-} - Diffljnlty of Breathing
' Trembling.
niv.. Wakefulness.
P/™ n o P ““ r ' isl «V , . Pain in the Bart.
Uaiveraa) Lassitude of the Muscular System,
»«H f nds -i , Flushing of the Rods
Dryness of the Skin Eruptions on the Far,
. ,; P«3Hd Countenance.
These sjlnptottlß, if allowed to go on. which this
cine invariably nanotes. Boon follow's
Inpoiknc*, fhtuity. Epileptic Fit*;
In ono of which the Patient may expire.
' "?.S U ar« not frequently followed i.s
thpso “ Direful Diseases.’’ T
M an y are award of the cause of their suffering,
bOTnone will confess the eecobds or thr ixhaxk A-KILI M:
Melancholy: Oeaths by Consumption bf*ar ample wit
n*w v to the Truth the assertion.
T?it Constitution ones affected with Organic U'?ttknr>-
requires the aid of Medicine to Strengthen and limt-unu.
the System,
lULMßoioi EXTRACT BUCHU invariabh, d.el
A Trial ujill convince the most O ptical.'
Inmatty Affections peculiar to Females the Kitract
BUCHC la by any other rented}*, as In Ohlorosi*
orßetentioh, Irregularity. Painfulness , or Suppression ol
Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Bcinho’us state of
the Uterus or Whites. Sterility, and for all
complaints incident to the sex, whether arising fn 10 In
aifcretfon, Hahltß of Dissipation, or in the
Take no more Salsafn, Mercury, or unpleasant Mrdirinei
for unpleasant anil dangerous diseases.
lufall their Stages,
Little or no change iui Diet.
j And no Exposure.
It cansee a frequent declse aqd gives strength n» i'ri
n*«e, thereby Removing Obstructions, Preventing
Curing Stricture® of the Urethra, allaying Pam ami 1 nfism-
*o frwjWMt in the class of diseases, and expelling
Diseased and wornout Matter. .
Tbousaxzus u*bj Thousands it ho have bxe> tiu Vi <
r*» °f *Sd who'have paid heavy fee* to he ciwed
In ;a short time, hire found thev were deceived, and that
the 44 POISON ” haa, by the use o t 44 powerful asthinwevts.
n P iu the system, to break oat in an :iggn«-
rated loi di. and perhaps after Marriage.
(J«e IlELXBOLD’sitllB.vcT Bucho for all affection* and
CItJNARV ORGANS, whether f'Xtstiiisr i»
MALK or FtMALp, from whatever canne orlgiiKifioj; an '*
nojmatter of HOW: LONG SfANDIKO
I r. Dl lf?^r u o Xis?l or ? ? ' nB r«inlrM the aid of a MVHKT
lUUKjrnc, andl«:c*rt*in to have the deaired effect in »H
IhbaKt/or which it i> Rrcmameadtd.
JCvineoce of the moat reliable and responsible character
wiß accompany the medicine. r N
Dejirered to anyAiddrwa, aecurelj packed from ehserva
i Ofscnbt tn all Cbmmmtieotiaa* ■
0«HE8 Guaranteed! Advice Gratis;:
A (Wrens letter* for information to.
I «• B. HELMBOLD, Cherni-a.
[ lIKLMaOLDfc Pr*zondChn,iaU Warthouu.
aSI«J^ 0 e ?? < * Tor to <JI»PO«e “of Ihar own
n i 0,1 reputation attaint hn
'\ " * tontiiue iVepa
i - |; ,k Kxtrmct Bucjiu.
? * S I *" jB»m|Muin». ‘ *
\ ; | . Improved Rp«e W«*b* *
? xmlaeifd (hr it:
At little Kxjk'uw
No il»convi i mi*in'i-
JUtooaa iritoiar.
priitW m CißfWl’t |6sd “Csntn fiwß.-
tribune power-press
jlaviug*Uio put two yten. made eouaiderable
.MitiowWour eatubltabinent in the way of new fiincy
i‘‘’ .;Scn»w Hrens, PajH*r Cutter. Card Cutter. Ruling Ma-
Cant Power Pr«w, and Urge New*p*per Roper
(a cut of which *e give Wbove) we are now prtpftred
(1 , .*ecote anything in the line of printing or ruling in
equal to aily tuUbli*hmm:t in the .'UW, and »l
i,ric«* low. We can execute, oa short notice, all
#*4diat« ImrlUlkm, Visiting Ball A Business Cards,
CHrcnlarSy Programmes,
MAMMOTH posters, sale bills,
fgfllUL MS®
pamphlets. Psy and Check Bolls,
manifests, and. blanks of all kinds.
\|| we ask Is a trial, teeliug confident that we can give
..ttisfectbm If we have the opportunity.
iHfioe in Lowilut’n building, corner of Virginia ami An
„i. Ktreetis opposite Superintendent's Office.
Robbery.— On Sunday night last, ilte mer
chant tailoring establishment of Thomas Elway,
in Brant’s How, was entered through one of the
front windows amlu considerable quantity of made
uji clothing and several pieces of cloth and vest*
lugs carried oif. On the discovery of the robbery,
~u Monday morning, there was no clue to the
l«>rpe«wlor», hut during the day a chisel bearing
ihe stamp of the Ucnn’a R. R. Co. was found on
ihe street in front of the store. O 9 comparing' it
with the marks on the window shutter it was
t.mnd to be the article used in forcing it. The
chisel had evidently been taken from the tool box
~I', standing on the siding, which was broken
~|*'U the same 1 night. Suspicion then fell'upon a
maple of unkhowu darkies who were seep loiter
ing around the railroad all day on Sunday, hut
who were among the missing on Monday morn
ing. Xo light was throw'll on" the subject until
Tuesday morning, when Mr. Elway received a
telegram from Samuel 1). Young,. Supt. Middle
Division, E- R. R., at Harrisburg, informing him
ihut a portion of his goods were at the “ McClellan
House/' in that city. Mr. E. left for Harrisburg
mi the first train, and was pleased to 6nd that the
most of his stock had been recovered, but the
thieves had escaped, almost at the risk ; of their
lives, as the sequel will Show. -
Suspicion had rightly fallen upon the darkies,
above referred to. It is supposed that after they
had secured the goods they plao'ed them in a sta
ble, (as there were hay seeds on“them) either here
nr at Spruce Creek, and waited until the freight
iraiiis were, passing down on Monday night, when
1 hey selected a box car loaded with coal, the
doors of which were open, into which they stowed
dieir booty, and then took passage themselves. A
lirakeman on the train discovered the passengers
and, while the (raids stopped at Marysville, in
formed Win. Marshal, conductor of another train
running on 'same schedule, of the fact. Mr. M.
-alistied himself that the passengers .were the sus
pected darkies, and immediately closed the doors
of the cur, intending to keep them in it until the
•train arrived at Harrisburg. Unfortunately, the
car was one that had been used for transporting
soldiers, in which a number of holes had been cat,
which had been insecurely closed. At these the
darkies went, find soon succeeded in knocking out
the strips with which one of the holes bad, been
closed, and before the train bad got under full
headway they jumped' out and skecdaddlcd for
life. One of them fell out and was seen by the
tirakeman to roll down over the embankment into
.1 ditch pf water. V£hen the car was opened, at
Harrisburg, all the cloth and a number of pieces
<>f clothing wpre found in it. Each darkey had
pat on two cassimer shirts and about two suits' of
clothes, and left the balance. The police of
Harrisburg were supplied with samples of the
missing clothing and it is to be hojied that they
will succeed in “ pulling’’ the scamps.
This is the second time Mr. Elway has been
robbed. There is a german now serving out a
ifnu in the Western Penitentiary for performing
a similar operation some two years since.
Mr. E’s loss in this instance foots up abont
Aii attempt was nnule, on'the same night, la
enter the hoot ami shoe store of Mr. John Shoe
maker, but the window shutters were too strong
and toosecuHev fastened.
Man Killed.— On Monday afternoon last, a
german named John Wicker, a laborer on the
irnek train on the Mountain Division, was thrown
irom a truck, near Kittanning Foint, and fell upon
Ihe track in such a l**ition that the train passed
over his left arm and leg, breaking and injuring
both to such an extent that amputation was ren
dered necessary. This was performed by Drs.
< 'hristy and Gcmmill, at the Exchange Hotel, to
which place he was taken. Bur medical skill was
of no avail in his case, and on Tuesday evening
death put an: end to bis sufferings. He leaves a
wife and two children, who live some place on
Mill Ban, above town.
Cellar Thieves.—lt appears that some of
rhesus gentry are again in town, looking up eata
•des and fishing for a load of shot or. a lodging in
'he atone house in the town over-the-hill. We
hear of several slight depredations committed in
different parts of the town. Among others, they
visited toe tjellar and kitchen of the. Logan Iloyse
and carried- away various eatables and a pair of
■ I toots belonging toMr. L). Miller. Taking these
initiatory steps as a warning, it would be well for
<>ur citixens to look to their door and window fast'
eninga, and,Test these should fail, it would not
come amiss to have a well loaded revolver or shot
gun close! at hand.
Askcai. Convehesce.—By announcement in
toe Cirittiaf Advocate and Journal, we learn the
Annual Meeting of F East Baltimore Conference,
**®to°di»t Episcopal Church,' will convene in |
'his place on toe 2d of March next, and be pre-
T®, over by Bishop Janes. As the coming ses
ston will be one of peculiar interest, Inasmuch as
*!*' General Conference meets in Philadelphia, in
"eat, and delegates are to be elected thereto,
Vf * intend publishing a daily Beeord of toe pro
will'issue * prospectus for subseriben
*** dte same, in the course of a few days,