• X * <* -N ?-■ • 'i IOSTETTEB’S Bp)ELEBRATEO IPOMACB Bitters ’ powerful Tonic, corrective and alter.,- I i fm* l» 41**, °f gACH, LIVER ANI) BOWBI.S SHH***** LiT< f Complaint, Hewdochr o jg l Jfsrvoasnm, Depretalon rf m** 1 *- Intermittent fevers, W& “* d **' Complaints of either gex troa l Bodily Weakness, whether ’ ; tafconnt In the systamor prodnped Si ' hy'speaial canees. SJ« *—s~.. fe* *• ** i (W »w.Whl and rerto,.,, **** Plants With,the pure.! and mil i |M«e stimulants. / , pnrest and mild- dl *'" e ’ 6r a. ****** *** ** protected by human “ ;r„" W^'"*preventive and irnwUUbleasa t^:* 0 '”** to “ -*• «PP«“nC„r S«g»“3SSS"j S SaJrr^'raswa 5' r.muotlu in vain, until fairly muimiZl •!. are not uofrequentlv rmtotari • ‘ day, by the n^H€«TKTTO^ *'““• °f Oram-au and in lea confirm.il k " s«i‘jasssrS ; MS^^, br irrhgUl " ““° n tho Bitter*. Th* testimony bn this Dolnt wlnmv*. and from both sexes. ’ 1 lut 2. ?£ 5? Uo P*^° uc 1» immediately awmaced i.v of the stimulant, and by bccaeiouaUvreunri T f»sS 0 * ***• complaint may be prevented jJJrttWftHOprmtKE-S BITTERS nrwlLv experienced or witneawwi imiA. 1, 1«»« *rcS u S;;; P'^ a Y * Debility and Decrciii frompui Aar, it crercises the "electric infin of <»*«<*. it o~" tJlgfatWl InTigotapt. When the powers ofna stared, it operate to re-enforce and recatate %£*s££ W' Stimulant, being and Innocuous materials, and a from the acid elements present more or less tonka and stomachics of the day, gmedfclne has been 80 universally, and, it mar wjl. xlafrrtdly popular with the intelligent fl»e community. as lIOSTKTTKR’S BITTRhs >'• Drnugists, Grocer* and Storekeeper* even- HELMBOLD’S wimp Preparations. VhCW EXTRACT RUCHU, a Posits mnedy for diseases ~f the Bladder, Kidney-, Iropckal Swelling*. Stoe Increases the power of Digestion, and e.y. wrbents into healthy action, by which the itcereous depositions, and all Unnatural En as red need, as well as Pain and laßammation. ff'D’S extract buchu. gWMrialng Externa, , Habits ofDlMiui I tjSr n ' k> ’ > ° r Abn "*’ “‘tended with the fol »t*Biertiou, hoes of Power. Difficulty of Breathing. Trembling. Wakefulness. ... , r Pain In the Back. Bf the Muscular System, - Flushing of the Body. ■ . ' Eruption* on the Face. ..L Countenance, gt»a% if Allowed to go dn, which this medi tjr rejaotee, soon follows npotency, Aftaty, ZpClrpttc FUj; Patient may expire. - ' *” 001 fre< l n * l>tl y followed by Isasity and CONSUMPTION.” fare of the cause of their suffering. rfntiia Tax xxcoxna or Tax ta&aax xatvxti. foto Dfotla bp Omumptim bear ample wit itn of the aaaertlon. wit* Organic Wtaknrn Strengthen and Invigorate ■if* EXTRACT BDCHU iireortaWy doss, will convince the nod akeptical.. , -FEMALES—FEMALES. tlftctiMt ftaUitr to Am ala the ftXT»*cr naJed by any, other remedy, as In Cbkrroeis Irregularity, Palufulneee, or Soppreeelon of facnations, Ulcerated or Scinboue elate of ghorAeea or Whitee. Sterilityraod for all Whether arlsing fti.ni Jn nta of Dissipation, or in tha" r CIJNft Oft CHANOE OF UKK ! Wwa, Jfcrrery, or unpleasant Jfaita'oa ondOamfertmtiSteatet. B SXTKAOT ftDCUU AND IMPROVED MBft TTABH CDftHT SECRET DISEASES fee, - -4 At little Kxpem«.. Wfeib Diet. Sol»cdn»W)ience. ' dad no iirpoture. rjaent decleo and gtrea/xtrength to Dri ftenorinK PrerantiM.' and hi tfth* Urethra, athyfog Path ahiTlilUtn taat ia tbeclaaa of tHeijixex, and expelling ■sawFoaftfcwnwiftftwfixv . rox Tnopiawce who bats, max thi: Vic aadwhohave paid kmf fta tnbe cored I hare found they wore dace) red, gnii tbat by the nae of * rthrxar&kaxiartetxni.’’ » the ayatem, ont iwjlfcieir*' jwriierpr after moyiag*. ~.“®i7s“iro?r„-^s , «"' if certain to have the dMfretfeflWt In *H thOit Mnommmdtd. , ' anle.cb«r»ct*-r J® BOTTLE, OE SIX fOB $5. ’ Address, socurely puked fawn o** fr, “' it i afl Omm&Aatiatt . Armen Gratis :'. **» infcraatkta to. - ... H. B. HKT.irßnr.n, .nhemlst. IpfstaWCi iM BBOAWAy; XKW £OKK ' COUSTKETKITg AJ» JJ&QmOV )n>«kltnor '■ . : * ■ KMMUMd«i. ' > • *ou>it '• £ v-.. taa* t, “?as-,A,.. ' ? is»D e mro^^j»DEXl»oBtiJtK © j; :- : Altoona irilmat. Priitei m CuapMfi SSSO “Couhr Press." TRIBUNE POWER-PRESS §. To Housewives. —One ol tlie best bleaching and emollient agents that can be employed in washing, either the person or the clothing,'is common .refined borax. It should be dissolved in hoc water at .the rate of half a pound to ten gal lons ; a great saving in soap is effected by its use. The borax should be pulverized first. It may be procured jn the form of crystals at any druggists, and can lie powdered with a rolling pin or ham mer. It .will not injure the most delicate fabric, and laces and! other fine tissues may be washed in a solution,(if borax, with manifest advantage to their color and consistence Having so repeatedly stated that we will not publish anonytnous communications, unless we are furnished with the real name* of ~ the author, we cannot imagipo why a reader of our paper will spend his time and rack his brains to furnish us an article, which, under our unalterable rule, he knows will not be published. We care not how meritorious a letter or article may be, we will not publish it unless we are first famished with the name of the apthor. Will the author of “Notes of Travel on the Hoad” understand. There] will be a special meeting of the Mercersburg Classes ,of the German Beformed Church, in Presbyterian Church of Altoona, on Thursday evening, November 17, 1863, at 7j o’clock. Besides a sermon, there will .be some interesting addresses by members of classes rela ting to the interest of the ..Reformed Missionary congregation at Altoona. The public are cordis ally invited' to’ attend the services. Providence permitting, Bey. Cyrus Cert will preach in the Presbyterian phurch on next Sunday, Nov. 15, 1863, at 2J P.;M. Mince Mixir. —We are indebted to Otto 'Rossi for a bowl of: his excellent mince-meat, already prepored for pics, which he keeps constantly on hand, during the season, at his saloon on Vir ginia street. Considering' the reasonable price at whihh he sella it, and its good quality, it is cheaper for housekeepers to buy than to manufacture the article. Rossi’s mince-meat may also be had at Fritchey’s Grocery and Provision Store. Lost.—Yesterday (Friday) morning, on Vir ginia street, a: small leather pocket-book, con, taining one |5 bill and other small. change, amounting in all to about $7.20. The finder will-be suitably rewarded on leaving it with Mrs. M. Fenton, East Altoona, or at this Office. “Faih” NotiCe.—The Ladies’ Fgir for the benefit of St. John's Church is still in progress, and will be' ctjnlinned'for some time. Don’t foil to attend. J Changed.—-Altoona Division, Sons of Tem perance, have changed their night of meeting from Saturday to Monday night. The next meeting l will beheld on the evening of the 16th inst. Fike! FtEEI !—Do not risk yonr property any longer to the mercy’of the fiamee, bat go to Kerr and have him insure you against loss by fire.— He is agent for thirteen different companies, among which are some of the best in the United Slates. :' Altoona, July 21,-tf. KABBIBD. . • r •. - - ■ . . At Collinsville Nov. 12th, lost., by Bar. T. V. Ballowelt, Mr, ). BAKKB, of Altooos. to Miss SUSAN J. HART SOCK. of Collinsville. USTew G-oods, KERB hae jnst received a Very handsome lot of T™ GREATEST CHANCE EVER new fell goods, which will be sold AT PRICES »«*s u , Branch run to connect with Expreaa Train. Wrat. Mail Train East and Wert and Thro’ Accommodation Train Sut. „ T™ l " on Tyrone A Clearfield Bnuch and Bald Eagle with Blpre ” Tr 4,D ‘ We '' « nd mails Arrive. Eastern Through,. Eastern Way Western Way Western Through,. Hollldaystmrg, mails close. SSww 47 - 7.20 A. M. Eastern Way, ; 7430 “ Western Through, 7 tap \t Eastern Throng ft* Holiidayaburg £» Mt P. M 7 •mT'm H^H~? ,lri %.‘ he .'K* kfpo “ 8.46 A. M. until P. M. On Sundays from 7,30 until 8,30 A, M. Altoona. April 20. 1863. ’ Q W P.M. OH, YES! OH, YES! THIS W-A.ir 1 TO THE COMMUNITY AT LARGE, w^tlDg HE PKOPtE IN PARTICULAR. or any cm Choice Family Groceries, A PRIME QUALITY OF FLOUR, OR ANY KIND OF FEED, will me money by calling at the Grocery, Flour and Feed Store of M’CXJNE & WILSON', ® iSSELSSjESStf* Btreets ’ ln th9rtore room Tbt highest caah prices will be paid for Flonr, Feed, and all kinds of country produce. ■ J. milks m-ccne, •i. „ „ , t ALBERT WOBON/ Altoona, Nor. 4th, 1863. [8 m.] V ALU ABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE the rabacriher offer* at'Prlnte Sole But Altooaa/’biiinediately’o P B pS?te ?h‘:MTHU | (t? E « T PI £ ES 0F PANTALOONS ■siasf-H^ »*, mitKl 1 A LL STYLES CARPETING AND Fifteen Rooms with Good Cellars. !-■£*. wq«>» «ni»e fomd** laughman**. It i« calculated for THREE FAMILIES, and at the moat I "VT reaaonabl* terms will bring $2O Tper month rent There is 1 l l ■ well of good water In theyard. Term* euy. i -r» * , Apply » MICHAEL ffTEODQH, on the premleee, or * nT . rr > * to JAMES KEARNEY, at hi. .tore, In Rut iltocma. A FINE ASSORTMENT OFOVER- Jttly 28,18KM1. can be found at LADQHMAIta. [l.yr. Kev. WM. COSGROVE, 439 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y, 7.00 “ “ 7.16 - 7,40 A. Jt. 7,00 I*. M. 10,15 A. M. - ‘7,40 A.M. 7,30 A. M. A 7,00 P. M. A PROCLAMATION! P. O. Box, 6219. November 4tb,1865.-lni. J^JANHOOD; HOW LOST! HOW RBSTOBEtf^ Jutt Pubiithtdj in a Slated Asxlspe. I Price Six Omit. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radial Cure of Spermatorrhea or Seminal Weakness. Involuntary Kmissiooe, Sexual Debility, and Impldementa to Marriage generally, Nervousness, Consumption, Kpilspsy and Pita; Mental and Physiol Incapacity, resulting’ from Belt Abuse, Ac.—Dy BOBT. J. OTLVEBWBLL, M. D, Author of the One n Book, tee.' The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture clearly proses from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and.srlthput dangerousi anrgiol opera tions, bougies instruments, rings or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition mas be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. 'This Lec ture will provs-a boon to thousands and thousands. , Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by ad dressing CHAB. J. C- KLIN*/ 127 Bowery, New York. Post Office Box 4580. Nov. 4,1863.-ly. SOMETHING NEW! Did you see boniwe’s SMALL METAL FRAMES and PASSEPARTOUTS for Card Pictures, which he has Just received from th« City?—and his kiw lot of 1 ' PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS? lie ha* a very nice assortment, and sell* them at very reasonable prices. EVERYBODY ADMIRES THEM! And the finest lot of FRAMES, for LARGE AND SMALL-SIZED PICTURES, in Altoona. Call and examine to be satisfied, and hav« yonr ‘ 1 • ■ AMDROTYPK or PHOTOGRAPH token. He still bos his Boom In Clabaugh’s Building, Julia Stum, between Virginia and Kmnia. Altoona, Oct. 21), 1863.—3 m. R. A. 0. KERR, ALTOONA, PA., A f° r Blair, Cambria, Clearfield, ££ Wntre and Huntingdon countiee. for the following TRANSPORTATION BETWEEN EUROPE AND THE UNITED STATES: Montreal Line of SteamibiM. Qelwar u *« v£*lr Llne of “U»B Washington Line ** «» Great Eartern Steamehip. I ■ to brio « thelr from Europe, or to that country. euimre * £“• 1*.*.." " •"* etowged at tin Office. of aaiEzcnnloß Ti^t^fi^*^ round tri P are eofd at reduced rate*. : IS HEREBY GIVEN, that (Wm.ilS e .Si r i“ 6r? K p h " etofor « eii«tiDg betwsen John Jo^P‘ i " e Rl«b»n»ck, tole deviwo ofßoman thl * heenmntnally dlaaolved isSS^T s:£!:i!^^s^ wUI * f r Bop-XT,11883. ( JOSKPm^RIKItBNACK. LE¥ISTO¥tf MILLS, lewistown pa. pLOUR AND FEED OF ALL KINDS on hand: and for sale at Hie lowest market JSST hJ m *° WiU recei J,* «peci«l andlpromit at £sk 18. W*. W. B.*cA*M**B(3L Bept,lB, 18g8-2m. Prtprietara. EW WINTER READY MADE Clothing Jart received at LADQHIJAR’B H. J. HARPER ft 00, 308 Broadway, Nrtf You. • 4 BARRELS PURE WHITE LARD lost received and for aale at FEITQHEY% PRITCHEY’S NEW STORE, corner ofCarolina and Virginia Sts. NEW GOODS. j npHE undersigned would respectfully in- I UL form the dtttm of Altomta and snrronadlng conn : try. that he haalnst returned from the But, where he has been selecting bis stock of' FALL AND WJNTER GOODS, i which, tor style, quality and price, canto* bo surpassed In thia neck of ooutry. J IB» stock is much larger than heretofore, and aa it fol quite an object, in these exciting Irar times, for ever; one to purchase where they can get The Best Goods and at the Lowest Prices, he would say that he can ind wUI sell as low, if not a little lower than any other bouse in thia place. He wishes all to call and see his stock before purchasing elsewhere, I m he foeiaeonSdeatke can .oAr indaoements which will defy competition. His stock consists of' ! LADIES’ DRESS GOODS of every description, j MEN AND BOYS’ WINTER WEAR, LADIES AND MISSES’ SUSS BHOBB, | MEN AND BOYS’ BOOTS AND SHOES, I MEN’S HALF HOSE, } WOMEN’S AND MISSES’ WOOS mm, I hats And caps, htKACHED AND UNBLEACHED MTJSUN, GINQHAMS AND HEAVY DRILLINGS, tf i? nHHi? 11 L * dUt Sewed, Heeled Bootees at $1 A0@1.7» SL2SR2: Lsr«uo BALMOBAJL 8M BTsV Very low " 2 ' 78 ® 8 ' 50 GROCERIES. . W and Brown Sugar, Rio Coffees, Syrups, Teas. Ac. 1 Ind ft** £ “““P ke P« in a Dry QoodsStore, and as cheap as the cheapest. J. A. SPBANELS. Altoona, Oct. 7, 1883. AVOID THE NEXT DRAFT! There is a prevailing ex- CITE3LKNT among thepooDle ofAltoona mnd vi. a^° ut THE SECOND DRA^T—not bo ninth about the Braft as for making the Three Hundred to pay excmn> With tnt if hoo “ rather to stoyat home with their beloved ones, tor their support, than to risk ln this bloody war. Now, tobring the mattaa to a close, w© will inform the public that bTravifis thsir Oood. at the GREEN STORE, Corner of street, Rost Altoona, kept by GEiS A CO, they will SAVE THE THREE HUNDRED m a short time. They hare just received a lance and well selected stock of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, which they are selling tor Cash at the lowest living prtcee. “J LADIES’ COATS AND CIRCD- Tk ’ ng J. ng Lpnpefroms4.6o to $12.00. V of ,l ! e P“ b *“ i» pertlcnlarty drawn to the Sf*. •**£ *” •eUia* Brown and White Muslin from * 25 ANDttf^^ G °BHols N **££?&&& k#P * * “ BHOK8 ' -.CITY DRUG STORE. T|K-3: REIGART would respect* F^SwtfCe 4 C °- His Drugs are Fresh and Pure, and ho hopesby strict attention to business, to merit a share of public patronage. ’ mßm a Call and examine his stock. He hasconstantlyon hand DRUGS, MEDICINES and CHEMICALS, FIXE TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, GLASS PUTTY, PAINTS,- OILS, VARNISHES, CABBON OIL AND LAMPS, NOTIONS, CIGARS, and every article family kept mu FirsUiaie Drug Stare. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS for medicinal. Dae. DOMESTIC QRAPB WINE—PURE— WARRANTED. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS accurately compounded, at all Hours of the day or night Altoona, Sept. 30, 1883. . . uigni. Victory "Won I r pHE Subscribers would respectfully ♦K? n ! aoce i to «. of • Altoona and vicinity, that they have just returned from the Bast with their * FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF HATS & CAPS, BOOTS Sc SHOES. I ut HATS & .GAPS hare been se lected with great care, ana with the view of suiting all w * th their patronage. Their llno of Boots and Shoes is completer . U { SSES ' CHILDREN’S SHOES ° f Cf l r “ a^ e > «“d warranted. - Their Balmoral Shoes ,“ Dd , M e“?V are Jost the thing for wet weather and saving health * Thankful to the public for their very liberal patronage heretofore, [hoy hope to merit a continuance of the sanm N' OTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that , - f 9. llowin « resolution *U adopted at a late meet ofth6Aitoona *“« Xuotxxd, Sat the second instalment of 10 per cent on U» Stock subscribed fbr.be made payable tho Mth “CCWIi n« Parsons wishing to take stock in the company can still be accommodated. there belng a few shares yet unsold. Altoona, May B. P. BOB*. Treasurer. A DMINISTRATOES’ NOTICE. jfA: Notice is hereby ,givon, that Letters of Adminlatra **°“ *J»* n this day to the undersigned by the Easter oftUlr county, on the estate of BERNARD GAR VIN. late of the Borough of Altoona, deceased. All iier- Indebted to said Estate are hereby, notified to make Immediate payment, and those having nmBt P r< ‘* )nt them legally antbei tlcated, for settlement. JAMES OARYIN- Jept. 16,1863-et.e AdmtaSSir, (SUPERIOR STOCK OF LIQUORS. --J OHN H. FHITCHEY }s no* able to offer to his customers and the public; at large, a stock of the fn"^&^bg ,^«, ‘ ,lta comprising WHISKY—IRISH, SCOTCH, OLD BODRBO.V .WINE-POET, SUEBKY, OLD MADEIRA. OTARD, DUPEY A CO. PALE BRANDY ' ' DVi,ethe Altoona, May 12,1*63. , HAMS! HAMS! HAMS!-r-Just re ceived, a large lot of Can varied Bugair-cnred Hams c ?° i beBt brands In market. Every one sold Is cnatan- PRITCHEY’S ]A|AGKEREL—NOS. 1,2, AND 3, 1 0 , 8 * 1 eised packages, new, and each package warranted, Just received and for sale 16* by ‘"'•“e' ■ ■ FBITCBEY. Teas i teas i teas i—fettchey is selling Teas superior *6 any ever offered InAl tweManJ'kind* ° f adaU<,n,Uon - ooloWng, ormlx- A NOTHEE LARGE LOT OF THE CELEBRATED JERSEY HAMSJust recetved and lor sale at FRITCHEY’S pREAM CRACKERS! A fresh sup- W ply of these delicious crackers Just received and for a)U ule'by -■! FEITCHEY. 1A BARRELS PURE CIDER VINE JIA/ OAR Just received and ftrm{e loW at: 1,1883. ; taxicHßrs. E£TRA FAMILY FLOUR, PUT; Ijp In Sacks exprsasly for family tw© at - ; y&CTomnrs WORRELL’S PREPARED COFFEE ~ ~ Just received and for aale by ..! JRITCHgr. (SUPERIOR CREAM CHEESE AT kj nnoHirs. Dr. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, GREAT REMEDY TOR RHEUMATISM, eOOT, NEURALGIA UIMEAfIO arm neck and joints, sprains, brdisrs, OUft AMD WOPNM. PtT.RA miiumra AMD ALL RHEUKATIO AATU NEIL VOUSWBORBBM. *°! ‘ peedy c * rUln wwwijr.iid S?*?,*?*- PtßUnlment wpreparedfromthereclpe of 2d f f P? uo * oUc " t ’ «“ **“•» bon. letter. wad in bk practice for more than twenty yeara with the itiotom. AS AN ALLEVIATOR Of PAIN, It in nnrienlied by poblle,* of which tt’. m.S ueptiew m»y be convinced by »tingle trinl. u TUt Uilant win owe npldiv nod ndlealbi RHEV. MATIC DISORDERS of erery kind, «nd in thouwid. of. owe where ft hu been nM it bu never been known to „ 11 afford immediate relief iu every cue, however distressing. It will the wont cue* of HRADACHS In three mfonteeand is warranted to do it.' TOOTHAOHJB alsowllllt oim Instantly WTOwiaawitnr'iM osmuui lassi- TOM wMngftonv imprndence er exceeii tbb Liniment ha most happy and unblllng remedy. Actingdlreetlv opoa the nerrooi times, it strengthens end remittee tho and restores ttto elasSo^r^TlJ^. , JJ>K PlLBg.—Aaan external remedy, we claim that it ia the but known, and we chalfongethe world to produce “ *s*}■ ?Tery victim of thtodlstressing •hoold given a trial, tor It will not Qdltoaftrd JuSnodl ate relief; and in majority ofcaaea wUleflect a nuUeai core. , ftWNST AND SORE THROAT ywiometlmewtttreme- • are aomotimer Tory obstinate, and enlarge ment of the Joints ia liable to oeeor if neglected! thiwtoyl m * J ’ be “ n, » uHwflialsoenrsspeedily. presented and cored in «Sir bnt confirmed cases are beyond the pastfeiUtvor ?!SS5’ e«I cure. No case of the kind,-howererdaaoiW.l.. ' hopeless but It may be alleviated hr this H T will aiw.^£e£e{S:^ d “" enable the horses to trarel with comparative eSe!: d EVERY HORSE OWNER ■hoßtdUnthisremedy at band, s>r Us timels first appearanca of Lameness win effectually formidable diseases, to which aU iSSIS - ** otherwhe DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT IB THE Solciier’s Friend, Aad tboasands base (road it fa4i r . 1 A fRIEND IN NEfeb! CAUTION. '/ Sweets &fclM>leihiimeiil** «r^ Paeember 4, UiML-ly. tt I3S& THE , t