$ |MCH !(? I iaMcacy ju (Jiaaaw of the Xhmr UMdidw, Mi^ii •Mtet J*|«tetf EES— frmat.rm Mhm- to fhnaUt the Kxraxcr r “ In Cblonxia Snppreaalqn of ®e««ted or Beinhona atataof “ WWtoa, Storillty. and fopall wx, whether arining from In- KUob, or to the ■ n ■■■■ ■ 4BAWB OS UKK., >' U Or unpUatmd MaUthta DISEASES - At Utti»’)t4«W' ****»: add «lra» nrMfctii to Uri‘ Pr«T»n«ne amt PWnAßdlnfljim riand wcpdHn* tfari,'dD Wro R*v» 1 im tu vie r*lW*««y tn h* cured W wr» decelTrd. aod that <*«^,rw*wroi*Tmnnnai*«/* in r i of.*MURJST ICT BtfCHP Ig nUSGKJKAT 1 tew'tha n cNpjttitoi l -' 1 '•/'.:; 1- , ,- t ;.i ■ u * those ih rardoHlS AJWAMW MKCIKX. tltmroa Wane. ,

; o a to oar establishment m the way of new fancy I ‘ . grrew Pr©«»» Paper Cutter, Card Cutter, Ruling Ma r*?«r Pewer Press, and Urge Newspaper Power* I % meutof wl#b we give above) we are now prepared ! I m .ipcute anything in the line of printing or ruling in i I yqual to any establishment in the dfcate, and at ; anally low, We can execute, on short notice, all j of I lidding, Invitation, Visiting, Ball * Busin*** Cards, : ‘ Circulars, Programmes, MAMMOTH posters, sale sills, I ! Pamphlets, Pay and Check Bolls, | BLANK BOOKS, | aaNIFESTS, AND BLANKS OF ALL KtNOS. I 15 1 v( . „k i» « trlQl, feeling confident that we cmn give j ,i,ftctioii if we have- the Oitportimit}', i'i Lftwther’a building, corner of Virginia and An- < • .irpeK. opposite Superintendent’s Office. 1 LOCAL ITEMg. HtiLKOAD Speed.—Many fatal accidents oc ,jr on railways by persons attempting to drive jcniss when a train is approaching, life dan* , T c lies in miscalculating the rate at jwbicb ‘a mr moves when under fall headway, whichis aaid ,he about seventy feet, or twice its length in a .•oroi. ' At this vclocjty, a locomotive driving wheel, ,!< feet in diameter, makes four revolutions in a piston rod thus traversing the cylinder ,ighi limes. If a horse and - carriage should ap ..niach and cross the track at the rapid rate of six miles an boor, an express train approaching at me same moment would move toward it two hnn ired and pfty-sevcn feet while it was in the act ,! crossing: if the horse moved no faster than a »alk, the train would move towards it more than ■ire hundred feet, which fact accounts for the many .uridents at both points. When the locomotive dusdc is ojicned at the post, eight rods frotii tlie j ■iwsiflg, the train will advance near one hundred i wt before the sound of the whistle traverses the ' Stance tp, and is heard at the crossing. Sai> Accident —On Saturday afternoon, says B -In- Tyrone Herald, while the Bellefonte train Was h raring the station, a number of the hoys jumped fi ion it for the purpose of getting a ride, a habit to f. which they seem very much wedded, notwithstaml- I mg the repeated warnings and expostulation of I many mothers. Upon the train getting beyond | lit engine house they jumped off, in the act of I fhicli, one, son of Dr. MeVey, was injured by the I av'ing of the wheel over bis foot, causing a gash I mm the toe to the heel eight inches or more in I length. Fortunately no bones were broken, yet lie point of his heel is very much lacerated, cans mg intense pain and probably requiring weeks to ■iieal. We would advise all boys in the habit of InJnlgmg in the practice of jumping on and off railroad cars while.fia motion, to pay little James McVey a visit and while witnessing his suffering resolve never again to' engage in so dangerons.a rtktice. - A Plkasaxt Affair. — A few days ago onr' neml. Rev. A. H. Sembower, stopped at the clothing store of Tnck & Etinger, to purchase ■onie little article in their line, and when about • retire was requested to cany home with him p one of the best overcoats in the establishment, 1.1 i hich Mr. Few, the gentlemanly young salesman, f informed him the members of his congregation [■ “i paid for. Mr. S. says the surprise was com | :leie, bat he does not feel annoyed, as the coat I sill be no encumbrance to him daring- the cold ; "inter days which are fast approaching. He de ; -Ires ns to return thanks to the donors, and to . i-sure them that their gift will be prized, not only \ or its real worth, but alio for the kindness mani . ■»:«! by the givers. • I Umted States Hotel, HARmswißO.-—This I 'iDveni'ent and popnlar honse has recent); under- I none extensive improvements, and has been thor- I aghly renovated and refitted in handsomestyle. |riio gentlemanly proprietors, Messrs. Coverl; & | ilutchenson,’ saem determined to do all in their | >j»er for the comfort and entertainment of their p -““is. ; The table is furnished with ever; luxury -?ie market will afford, and prepared in the "best |i '7l®' Booms are .well furnished and ventilated, pnas making it a first class hotel, and the home of p ie traveling public, and also of permanent | 'aiders; This house lias la peculiar advantage location, contiguous to business, immediately retween l.the .tjro great depots, only a few steps I'm each, and perfectly easy of access. I Thb Catholic Fair.—The fair in aid of St. | John’s Catholic church in this place, will, we un- on Tuesday next, the :10th i r-t„ in the besement said church, and contin -1 we doubt not, sb long as it meets with proper j'Wouragemeni. The ladies interested in theget i ng up oftheFairhave met:with the most liberal •d from: the cKitehs of this and neighboring ’■urns, and in return are determined totnakc the hiive one-of the most attractive that has ever l*en held in this place’- Many beautiful and val juble articles, useful os well as ornamental, be ■ des several cariosities heretofore unheard of |jinongst ha, will be on exhibition and for sale.— I l ' ® bespeak fop the Pair a liberal patronage from pi classes. ■ * \ I I'iukqes.—S. B, Kennedy, Esq., for gome time J' 1 Train Master of Pittsburgh Division, P. K. IS Jib resigned his situation, and onr clever p«ai, David Garrett, recently conductor on the |AiUdelphia Express, has been appointed to Mr. jitonedy’s place. Wo welcome David to Altoona, | ad hope. his sojourn with n» may prove agreea- I v ui hint. I to this connection we are pleased to note, that l Gibson, recently Baggage Agent at this Ituuiß, has received the appointment of extra Essdaeior and repotted at Philadelphia. Ajndy | n »kole»soBto(l, clever, merry fellow and will | a popular conductor. Success attend hiin. m udks Death.— Joseph P, Trout, the Anc- weu ItnoWn to most ofthe citizens of this died soddenlv, of crartip-colic. on Monday ***« law, f ■ : : • ■ Mak Killeo.— A railjpftd accident oecnred in the *• Narrows,” between Lewistown and Mifflin, on Thursday last, by which Dr. S. S. Cummings, of the former place.; was instantly killed. He had driven down the Pike to a point below the dam, crossed, the river in « skiff and was walking down the track to visit a patient,, when he met a West ward bound freight i train. He stepped from the track of the freight train and was standing on the other track, lookingat the train passing, when the Fast Mail Train Eastward came dashing along on the track on which he was—the engine striking him, fracturing his- skull, and instantly killing him. ■ ' • ' \ Mammoth Cabbaoe.— We are indebted to i dames Fark, of Allegheny Funiaoe, for two beads of cabbage, weighing respectively eighteen and a half and nmateeq nnd a half pounds. They were “scrougefs,";apd no mistake. They woqJd " scrouge ” out of tlmlr place a half dtnen of the heads generally offered for sale this season. It would not take overtwent-fiveor thirty such heads to makeiho largest dptebman in thecountry enough “ Souer-Kraul" to dohim over winter. v If any one can beat,the above, in the cabbage line, wo should like to see the article. Anderson’s potatoes are still ahead in the potato line. ' New Bank.— The “First National Bank of Hollidavsburg” commenced business on last Mon day.,, Col. William Jack is President and Bobert Johnston Cashier, The bank is chartered with a capital of $50,000 with the privilege of increas ing it to one handled: thousand. They hare not yet commenced paying:out the new issue, but .will do so in a very few days. For the present the business will be ci>nd|H!ted in the building lately occupied by “ Johnston, Jack & Co.” This bank will meet the wants of business men of the whole county.— Jtegisteri Bears.—David Brown, Jacob Confer and other Nimrods living at Canoe Creek, killed «mr bears on Thursday laat. Ofhey (fife hears) eamirrtown from the mountain iljkobably in search of food, and crossed the turnpike a few rods from Mr. Brown’s hoose. where they were perceived and the dogs started after them. They were soon treed, one softer another, and shot. They are thought to be the same “ critters” which a dgy or two after the election chased George W. Reed, on his way home from this place with the returns. — HolHdat/slmrt) Register: Bic -opestjj a .—The vestibule and audience room of the Methodist E, Church, in this place, having been papered, paintediand otherwise fitted up in tlie most handsome style, will be opened for di vine service on Sabbath morning next, at 11 o’clock. We think tljat.all who visit the Church will agree with us when'we say that the audience room is decidedly tfie jpeatest outside oft the cities, and that there are hoc few in the cities dial sutr Odd Fbllows’ hitj^eatt. —On Friday evening last, 1 Altoona and Veranda Lodges of Odd Fel lows, of this pWcp, partook of an oyster snpper at Nagle’s hotel. - lough but a couple of hours notice had l for the preparation of the repastj it .was TBPf cn ditable, and all present did ample justice to.rbe|hi irfvas and accompaniments. After an boprip ,ta »of social intercourse, the party broke upamiti iCmßers and invited guests retired well pleased! Wilh the entertainment. pass it. Accideht.—Henry ®runell, of Williamsburg, was seriously, if not fatally ’ injured on Wednes day last, while engaged in carrying ore fiem the Springfield Mine PUntt <0 -Williamsburg Furnace; The cars loaded wfth ore ran off the track, down an erinihtdg hls legs.besjdes injur ing him internally. The poor man hash wife and.a number of sunUtchildren dependent'on hk labor for that support, wbicii he will at best, be unable to render this matei.—lieguter. Halixiweek.—Saturday night last was hallow een, but the boys .of dis place moat have forgot ten the return of .this celebrated occasion of olden time, as there was but |ittle mischief practiced.— We noticed a few storeboxes thrown into the street, apd a fence £f boards qcross Annie street,imt : thm did not differ from the frequent doings of tho row dies of the town. I Finn.—The roof of the dwelling house of L. Hr Williamsi m Hollidaysbuiig, wasconsidem bly damaged by fire on'Friday morning last. Cork Fodder. —Parsons wishing to secure a few loads of core fodder can learn where they may obtain it by calling at tills office. SPEC IAL NOTfCß,—Haying disposed of the greater part of our stock Ofgoods,we are anxious to close up our business and hope aU persons hav ing on our books will caliand settle the 4 same without delay- Wo have still qn hand a. good assortment of boots, shoes, notions ; also, a few carpets, dry goods &c., which we will sell much below tbfy>resent tegular prices. • * i. & J; LOWTHEK. Altoona, Oct,i3lii : f Dte Colors.—Howe & Stevens’ Dye Colors, twenty-four different shades. / > < , ■ Howe & Stevens’ Py# r Colots, twenty-four dif ferent shades. ' Howe & Stevens' Dtj|e .Colors, twenty-four djf ferent shades, for aife nf : Drug Store. •y Nichols’ Elixer Iron and Peruvian Bark. Nichols’Elixer Iron and Peruvian Bark. , In the T«th year of bisage. > :: --i (hr - • - At .IfiUaSUhwk, on tbe dtb bird MUs JBBKIB PAT- i TRRgOB, Mraghter of Thomas and Margaret Pattarwm,) Jn tfie gltbySJ of bay ago, |! i New G-oods* , KERR has j tethM-eiveiJi »wi)' handsome 1m of now till good#, which will bo «old AT PIiICES DEFYING COMPETITION. ThMe rapitinitg «nvthing inhis line will SAVE CASH bj- rafllinirorm. as gnojswill ixwtivVlv tie much higher before long. ‘ ‘ . ‘The newly arrived stoiitf cocudsts of Shirting Flannel, • Delaines. Balm’l Skirts. Satinetts, Cansimeres, Prinm, Cloaking Cloths, Tweeds. Check, Brown Muslin. Jeans. Tiding, Bleached Mn.-lin, &e. Call and get a bargain before the goods are‘all disposed of His stock of Groceries is complete, and the at tention of the public is directed to the diet that he is selling l|hc BIST 810 COFFEE AT 83 CENTS )»er pound, SYRUPS from 60 to 76 cts per gallon, ami' all other goods in proportion. Altoona, Sent. 16th, 1863'. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINES. our LBTTBE A FAMILY SEWING MACHINE fa fast gaining s world-wide reputation. JtU boyond doubt the be«t and cheap**! and moot beautiful of at) Family Sew ing Machines yet offered to the public. No other Family ■ Sewing Machine lui* ho many useful appliances fur Hem- • King, Btadiitg. Foiling, Tucking, Gathering. Gorging. , Braiding. fiinbrbjdprfDg. Cording, ami so f rth. No otlier • Family Sewing Wartime hoe m much capacity for a groat : variety of work It will sew .all kinds of cloth, and with j all Icinda of' thread. Great and recent improvements I makd our Famfly '.Sowing Machine iqoet reliable, aiid ' most durable, amt most certain in action at all mies of : It maken the interlocked stitch which fa the lies! i stitch known- Any one, oven of the most ordinary capacity. * can see at. a glance, how to use the letter A Family Sowing Macnine. Our Family Sewing Machines ate fin ished In chaste and exquiste style. The folding C.w df the Family Machine Is a piece of cunuing workmanship of the moat iwelul kind. It pro tect# the inaohfoe when Botin am. and vbeo ibout b? . ope&tedmay be opened as a.spmcjtona mad substantial i table to sustain the work. While sotte of the Oases, ! oat of the chofoSft woods, are finished in the sim- 1 pleelttnd .possible, ptbers ore adorned and embellished in the molt costly and giipsrb maimer. It-is absolutely necessary to see the Family Machine in operation, so as to judge of Us great capacity and.beauty. ; It is fast becomiug as popular for family sewing as our i Mannfrcturing untchlncs are for manufacturing purposes. The Branch Officers arc well supplied witji silk, twits. ' thread, needles, oil.ic., of the very bestquality. fieQd for a P.vmpulst. TUK SINGKR MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 458 Broadway, New York 19uPhoamlpuu Office, 810 Cheetimt St, Mr. 0. W. A. Belforri, Merchant Tailor, Virginia St re et Agent in Altoona Altoona, Nov. 13,1831 DR. TOBIAS’ VBBTirBTIA liIBUCEBT. IN PINT BOTTLES AT FIFTY CENTS, CURES LAME nesk cut*, Kalis, colic. Ac. Read the following: Bosiox, July 7, 1860. Dn.'TsioaiAe;—We hare used for the past year your Horae Linimeirt for lameness, kicks. bruises, colic aud cuts, aud in every instance found if the heat article 1 ever tried in this Circus company. Please send six as it is the only ljnimea> we u-e now. We have lot horses, some very valuable, and dO;not want to leave town without it. ' HYATT FROST. Moiiuger Van Amburg A Co!s Menagerie. . Sold by aU Drugiiiata. Office. 56 Cortland Street, New York. ; [Oct 16,1803—im. 4®*SHAKE AND BURN! Shake and Burn! Shake and Barn!!! This Is the life of agony endured by the snflerer from Fe ver and Ague. He wanders like an uncertain shadow, never fcnowingat what moment ha may be prostrated, and therefore disinclined to give, any serious attention to business. This is the condition of thousands in town and Jt to exaltation to say that Fever and Ago* Mils mo»attmn;anyather twenty diseases in Amer ica. ofthie terrible afflictions we tstogwjjg jffliiganumding HOSTETTEB’S already achieved a wiugha # and Colds, and thedeblHtyand nervowedeprepaum oaueed by these disorders. Degfctrai of benefiting others, I will send this recipe, Which I b»ve brought home with mo,toall whonecdit, free of chftrget. AiidfMn 8ec.23,1862-J v.J BAIL EOAD AED MAILSCHEDTTLE ; , DRAINS WJfART. , Baltimore Eipr wo. West arrIVM BJIS X.M, leaveal.li A M Pbiladel’a ■' tM *' “ 8A» " FastXine i •• “ 8.20 P. M. “ 8.35 P M Mall Ttalii 7.09. “ “ 745 *■ Express Train Hast “ B.Art PH, leases 9.00 P. ,M Fast Xiuo r .140A.M., “ 146 A. M Mail Train ' “ -.*• 7.40 •• “ 8.00 •• Through'4(c«B|. “ “ 1015 “ , ' •• 10.25 “ Trains on .Branch run to .connect with Express Xftiilß Wart, Mail Train East and West and Thro' Acoomrobdaßoa Train Hast : ’ i i/, - i OT JBrtMh.and Bald Eagle Valley R. K W« (oconnoti with Kxpitt# Train West and Mall Train ' v > >j MAIM 4£BIT£ Eastern. Through 7 40 A M I"*®* Jv - t. » yretUrn Way. jo M A. M Wattptllmmgh,.-. ............. 7,40 A. M. noUidajrtOT&.i-....;^i-. r ..,;.;..... TJO’A.M'.A, TM&. M, STABa ClOflß. WMttrnW;;...'. - 7,20 A,jl. Eaateen Way*,....... .......i..'..;.,.: js‘» : V Western JHirongb 715 p/nr Xafttern Through -. 7 M Holildayaburg,...,. ,7,30 A M.‘ 4 0,46 JP. M. OmcAHota#:-During the week from 0.46 A. M. until M. Off Sunday* ffom 7,3onntU 8,80 A. M.( - i .■ v OW. PATTON, P.M. Altoona, AjtA JO, MBS. 11 OH, YES I QH, YES! tkcxs I TO THE COMMUNITY AT LARGE, THE PEOPLE IN PARTICULAR, or nnv cm wanting • . Choice Family Groceries, A PRIME QUALITY OF FLOUR, . OR ANY KIND OF FEED, will mv« money by calling at the Grocery, Flour and Feed Store of M’OUNE & WILSON, atSSS&Sf ,n *?? J. Mints worms*'' ALBERT WXtSOX? cam.].. . Altoona, Pa., ,Soc. 4lh, IMa, VALUABLE PROPERTY FORSALE ▼ the mlncrilur oirere at Private Sale a valoabla property, situate on Branch St., Baat Altoona, immediately opposite tile I flA' Machine Shops. ■H||H Tho house is well built and nearly new, JHUUK and contains VVBMHHP' Fifteen Rooms with Good Cellars. It Ip calcpjafed for TBKKE FAMILIES, and at the most i roMpoatjfe tarint V-fti bring *3O per month renf. There ie I a welj of good water In the yard. Tenna ean. - - .< Ippll £ MICH AKL WyftOCGH, on the 'prentldea, or r ■ fi-rrltte . • - ... .m to J AMES KJS AHW KV, at W.atoi*, to Kart Altoona. " J A MNB ASSOETMKNT OPfjVER- Jal.ra.JgtßMr. 1 XI_COATB cab he ftttmd tit T.*U jBPy%bwf) ' Cataiougitfi *.hu free has the list of artielb*: »-r send 25 cents for ft cer- informs you the article you can have for $l.OO. Each certifi cate. containing the name and vatne of'an article, is put into tin anvetopn, sealed opart mixed.: then when ordered, is taken without ehoioe and sent you by mail. Fiye cer tificates sent for $l.OO Agents Word. Address I’. 0. Box. 521 D. Noveßber\tb,lB6B.~lm. jyjANHOOD HOW LOST: HOW RESTORED! Jusf Pvhiuhah in a Sealed Envelope. Price Six OmU. A Lecture ou the Nature, Treatment aud, Radical Care of Spermatorrhoea '.or tapMnal Weakness, Involuntary ; Emissions, Sexual lability, and Implements to Marriage i generally, Nervousness, OoMtomptton, Epilepsy and Fit*; Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from SelP Abuse,'Ac.—-By UOBT.J. CULVEJIWELL. U.D., Author of the Green Book , Ac. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture : clearly proves from: Ufa own- experience that the awful . consequences of Self-abuse may bo effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical opera tions. bougies iiiHtrUmeuts. rings or cordials, pointing out ; » modt* of cure at once certain and effectual, by which | every sufferer, no matter what hfa condition may be, may ; cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. This Lec * ture will prove a l-oon to thousandl and thousands. * gent under wee!, in a plain envelope, to any addreea, oir the receipt of air cent*, oi- two portage itanaa. bf ad* dresein* CHAB. J. C KLINE, 127 Bowery. New York Poet Office Boa 4SS6.' Nov. 4.1865.-ly. , SOMETHIMt SEW ! Did vou~siF bqhine's SMALL METAL FftAKBS and PASSEPARTOUTS for Card Pictures, which he has JustrecoJved from theCityt—andUhMaiKMt'Of , i PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS T \ He has a very nice assortment, and sells tlfdpi at very reasonable prices. : ‘ EVERYBODY ADMIRES THEM! And the finest lot of FRANCES, for LARGE AND SMALL-SIZED PrCTIJBF.B. In Altoona. Call and examine to be satisfied, and bare your AMBRQTXPE or PHOTOGRAPH taken. He still has his Room in Clabaugh’s Building. Jdua Stxxct, between Virginia and Empia. Altoona, Oct. 28,1863.-^m, ». A; 0. KERR, v-' ..-■U'-- ■rp'TAIAppQNA.t * A f* Cambria, Clearfield, HnWngdon ?coimtiil. tor TRANBDORTATION BETWEEN EUROPE AND THE TOUTED BTATEB: Montreal Line of Steamships. Galway « Sahel A Seariea 1 tine of'Sailing Packets. Washington tine “ •• Great Eastern Steamship. Parties desiring to bring their friends fro® Europe, or wishing to take an excursion to that country, can eecute Tickets at the same rates as are charged at the tMceSbf the different Lines at the starting points, t*. Bichnrioh Tickets for the round trip afe soidat redocedrates, ' * Oct. T. 1883-om'. / AJOTICE. —Notice is hereby given that -i-S the following resolution wm adopted at a late meot- of the -Altoona a^d ■Rewired, That the second instalment of 10 nor cent, on the subscribed fot be made payable on the 20th af v! p J?* >n . t (»*« and that the balance of the subscription be madepayable in mobthly instalment* monthrnnHi £&£ J&gß* 5&f,.“ eh Ayrtons wishing, to take stock—in the cotnoanv *»««* be accommodated, .there beings lhw.riiaree yet unsold Altoona, May LEFMOM mills. LEWISTOWN PA. p’LOUR AND FEE i> OF ALL KINDS pri****—* on l»»thl »nd for sale at'the lowest markjl by vdl teceive onr special and prompt at-i PILES OF PANTALOONS * tbr M9P * nd B °T«. »t LAUGHMAN’i All styles carpeting and Oil-Cloths can be found at ~ LAtnaHwiliirfri 1 . EW READY. MADE Clothing jfrt received nt LADQHMAS’S H. J. HARPER * CO -208 Broadway, New York. . M NEW;j&oO|3»S/,* , , . 'pEHtl undersij-natfwould respectfully iu '' JL form tin* elites* of Ittouoa aw* jjtirronnding conn tr>. thdMu‘ha« ju»t riHiiewd from he h«K ~r , W , . W W b(S'U delof ting bis «t«ck of.' \ • v.;; '••'■ ” * : 1 "• FALL AND WIffTEBi GOOD 8? whlclufMrtyle, in O VV thia neck of country.; Ilia (tack ie much larger thin heretofore, and aa ;js itisnl** a* oltfe«*j In Iheee melting . . war time*, for WjowVianlia' wire*, they rah get INFALLIBIJE The Hast Goods and ftt the Lowest Prices, * “ ‘ * « . he would say that he can and will sail aa low; If mu a T T '\T ‘-J ' TLf f Ijl ,TVf'..fTT little lower thanaoy other houea in thla place. Be wishes I , I (M I iWi " IT, i» . 'l, all to call and eee hie etock betotk purekattßg elsewhere. JLi X 1.1 X IfX. I 1 j. y 1 mi he frele confident kecaa offer tndacewents which will t defy competition. Hteetock Coeslstaot , j 1 LADIES’ DRESS GOODSif every description MKN AND BOYS’WINTBR WKAR, LADIES AMD MISSIES’ DRJT9S SHOES, MEN* AND BOTir BOOTS AND SHOES, , MEN’S HALT HOSE, j WOMEN'S AND MISSES’ WOOL* HOSE, HATS AND CAPS, ... ,v,- ‘ BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLIN; RING BAMS AND HEAVY DRILLINGS, i He will sell LaaHea Sewed, Healed Bootee* at SIAO^IJS i 13»®1J0 Men a Boot*, .. a 1 ...™.. thTMtiUO i BALMORAL SKIRTS, eery lom. ! GROCERIES. White and Brown Sugar, Rio CotTeee, Symna, Teas, Ac.. ] and everything that la uaually kept In a Dry OoodaStore, and aa cheap aa the cheapest. J. A. SPRANKLE. ‘ Altoona, Oct. 7. IStCt. I LARGE SIZE ' PHOTOGRAPHS and AMBROTYPES' | (iilt and Rosewood Frames, ! PHOTOGRAPH albums, I GARTES&SWIStmS* ALL STYLES AND SIZES QF ' CASES, &C., ■ ULABAUGH’S. BUILDING, Julia Street, between Virginia and Emma, ALTOONA, PA. EtIAS A. BONJNE. Aug. 4, ’63-3ai. i CITY DRUG- STORE. Ji|K. Ji. H. RPIGArT Would respect- fullrannoonoe to the ciHwms of Altoona at& eur rom.dmg eountry that he Mu recently tSurchaslil tie Frt& ■’ ohposlto His Drugs are Fresh and Pure, and he hopes by strict attention to business, to merit a shore of public patronage. > i Call aild examine bis stock. .Ho hascomdifctlyon hand, DRUGS, s MEDICINES and CHEMICALS, f'llfE TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, BLASS, PUTTF, PAINTS, QUS, VAICXTSms. ' CARBON OIL AND LjfUPS, NOTIONS, CIGARS, and every article Usually kept in o Pirst clasi Drug Store-. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS for medicinal use. domestic grape winb-pure-wabbanted. PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS accurately wmpoundnd. at all hours of the day or:night. Aitooua. 5ept..30.1863. T • mgiu. Victory Won I r PHi'] Subscribers would respectfully A anuonnco to the citizens of Altoorii and Vicinity, that thej have Just returned from the East-with their ■ FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF HATS & CAPS, BOOTS Sc JSE±OBS. & CAPS have been se- IwtM with great care, and with the view of suitinic all ’* i ‘ h *•*•>' patronage. Their lino of Boots and Shoen is complete. , . ... MISSES' and VI » SH wa f canted, Their Balmoraigbljefr for Ladies and Misses, an Jnst the thine for wet weather urn] sarlnghealth n Thankful to the public for their very liberal patronage heretofore, they hope to merit a continuance of the same. Hot?! jW* next door to lhiMs’ pfft the |TolJijwing : rr » j. . ; . t ; T WHlsky-rIBISH, SCOTCH, OLO IBOCRBON. SHEBKy, QLp U ALKIE A. OTARS,-DtefY **co. ipft r ? Whisky and Brandgtf^®***!^!,/narUcnS attention qi the public. , f* Alioona', May-12, li#3. , o ; ’ >j.a aV . , HAMS! HAMSi= re- ; a torge lot M Oanrhidiatßagar-cured Bams O, «P •><*>» brands in market. Erery one sold is guaran < 1- 2; AND 3, "■* l iil*M packages, now, and-reach oaokaca warranted,Jnst receivwj a&4 for *dle rTTra - , ' ; ■ If rKITCHBYi TEAS! TEAS! TEAS!—FfiTTOHEX is selling Teas snperior to any erer "offered Tu AT toona. They are free of adulteration, coining, or mlx tore ,of any kind. ■ ■- 7- ” “ A NOTIIEB LARGE LOT DF THE XX CELEBRATED JERSEY HAMSJnstraeeired and foraaleat EItITCIIET’S ( CRACKERS! A &esh sap- V7plydf#esc delicious, crackers lust received anld fcr sale at [ f | ..do: ,3% A : PftITCHBrS YYANT GOOD COFFEE, X pure T*aS| the best of Choeolate, Brnms iodSokars. g° to ; PKIIOBBT^* fIOSTON CRACKERS—A LARGE Extra family flour, from always onhandimd foKaale MlJtow as th« lowest by ' ' itaßjaitfe pOFEgES, SUGARS* AKDMtnPg: r-f of.«» grades, and at, reasonable 1A BARRELS PURE CIDER. TlNlfc X OAKjttt VeflttMdmd for sale low ' - ;; SepC I, ISOS. ■ , .- yßnrapty’S. Extra family flour, put up in % Sadksexbressly (or (Amflyuseat 1 ' ; r - ~ . w - -•. ‘•’V wuTcnsrs ' WORRELL’S PREPARED COFFEE ejy ■ Joqt tecSlTed and for sale by ; ' f. jgUPERIOR CREAM ClD^^^ /i BAfijRELS PURE WIJ^; ‘dtjnst received and for sale at MUi6Ht!?B . WpEfCHEY’S WEW STORpi wriibr Mi ofOaridlne end Virginia Ste ’ L ' l V ■ Dr. SWEETS r GREAT REMEDY ' FOR RHKVMATIBU, QQUT, A LUMBAQfi, STIFF NECK A,ND JOINTe, SPRAINS, BRUISES. CUTBAND WOTOBB, ajUjIACRE, * AND ALL RBBUMAnO ANB'akß. . FOU9»IS«W)ERS. » prepared Row the recipe of **VT.* 1 8w*t, otCowßeetient, tbaflunona b«HwitUtr.; and baa two used lo his practice for more than t«eo& - yean with the moataatonishtogauooean. ' v AS AS ALLEVIATOR OF PAIN. it to ooHnlM b; wiy preparation' before tho pablic, of which ffionieet skeptical may be convinced by a simple trial. v» ' This Liniment will con rapidly'ant radically. kHKI!- MATIC DISORDERS of every kind, and **rmavdr of care* when it has been used it baa never been known to FOB. NBUHALGIA, it. will afford immodinte relief in every c*Sct,i*r>wev«>r di«{rewiag. ft will relteye ihe wont cues of HBABAetft b» thrw mlmitesaod is warranted to do it ' - TOOTHAOfiR tlio will it ove inst&iitiyv^ A3ID 6BNBBAL LAWM TUDB ariafog from imprudence or excess, this Ltofa»*ut leu rat** happy wid wdkmng remedy. Acttiw 4H*ct& upon the nertotie ttfSiies, itatrengtheas aad mMfi***** system, and restores to elasticity and vigor; . «*t«raal remedy, wa claim thatlt is the tat fcuowa, wwd wa chaßeuge tfa» workkta pkvlqc* as Ara| Jdctfai at this dlitrf h>x t n *nskist should give it a trial, for it will not foil toaflord SmeZ ld of cam will effect a roffimif £*n. QprNAT SOBB THttOAT are aomctiti&a extKin* l dangerouy, this Liniment will never tail to cure. '' UM inn —a —-i-ttm j r Trrr uhattMl* and (UaMge meat of the Joint* iuHable tboocor tr negiasted -Am worst Clue may be conquered by this LlnhMt ta-tWaor. three day*. - . CUTS, WOUNDS, SORES, ULCERS. BERKS AND SCALDS, yield readily to the, WandortVt baaiiiur propertie* of DR. SWEET’S IDEA rxiyr.u, t-iWtflSteC when used according to direction*- Abo. CHILBLAINS. FROSTED FEET. AND INSECT BITM ASDSTTNOj? Dr. Stephen Sweet, of (lonoeeticiit. The Great Natural Bono Setter. , , I>f, Stephen .cf, Qtvnaectiquf, la known all over the United Statej-.', Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Cqnnooticok • ■l* the author of Dr. Sweet's‘lnfallible Liniment Cores Ithemnatlam and never tails. -' . Ur. Sweet's. Infallible "Liniment la a certain remedy for Neurajgh^,. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Cana Burns and Scalds immediate],. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment ■ la the beat known, remedy Cpt and prui*M. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment • Cayoa Headache immediately and waa newer known to Ml. L)r. Sweet's Infallible Liniment . Affords immediate relief for Piles, and seldom fails to cure Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniipeat. it Cures Toothache in one mjaute. - • i ‘ Dr. Sweet’s Infallible. Liniment,, Cnpte Oats endWonnds faroiedlately Sod lew* nAsnir V ; ■ i it i. •'l Ujr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Is tbo best remedy for s<*a* in the kno^.wwJd^ j Pi- Sweet’s .Infallible Tjfnipiynt ?ff* :«■* ti mßßpn ‘ : r - ,S,weet’s_ Liniment Taken iDtemily-titnfrSui'Aol J)r. Sweet’s In fallible jinn uu'ent L f' ? h truly a “ friend In peed/’ and every Sunllyshonldbavo it at hand. , J•t> j f? {j X 5 f'l'r - 5 Pr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Is (or sale by all Drnggieta.. oepts,' ii i\ y : a mmo us. jtbbd. trtit. I HR. BWRBTS INFAIiUBLB LINIMENT, a*-aa lornal remedy, fa WithPatWrival, «M «fff Wore speedily thanany MherprapdrWan. nptlc antf NervomrDlsorders it is tmbttniw ..K. t A H j-jij'i TO W;Bri' V U^\ tannriraliedly apy, from hopeless hut It they be alleviated hy tMs HtffllSdPiwi !Z fcithlhl application jri!) always remove st «t enable the horses tp travel with cctnjuiratire.ease, ' ' EVERV HOUSE OWNIJH'-* -' should have this remedy at hand, for its tbnsiy'nse at thi flrst appearance of Lameness will effertuall?miSffs4,Si i formidable!dis«aes,:'t. -n!l mu f .?•£