The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, October 28, 1863, Image 4
of JUBT Pl &**** to tie Try long and Hygienic imtitatc. *£*£?* Physical decline of * M«npW Debility, Con* tane, written in chaste, ***sy to tbe moml ZSTTSSty ?*~. f eWW*M<l wurdlens mm mil treatment i *“ **Bt by anil ad the receipt of lwo(3 cent) s.rf^aJSjff** I ** Swttwl HI Mto send and oh g-S»*g! *«■»* to tend and get Utfe book. *f laM •» o«*er»ea|re e copy or HW o/ .ViWtma Oomsdentieiui Advice to thou '■'■■ * •' : . A cleeswf aaMn prevail to a foerfel extent in the *y*!« Ml-* l«HM*ya«th of both sexes WNeese-nre eery Im sr £.- Si t*- rMgejpwM nf ftn «nri>j Patna In thc beck or limbo, Lnm- *■ hundred, ell of the ebon nested disorders, end e host of others not ■ened, ee Oimuvtion of the Lnngs end thet mott in ehUoae ead wUyJbrm of oonsompSieu of the Spinel known ee Tehee Doneke, eodTehee meeeuterice, here their eeet npd origin in diseases of the Pelvic Viscera, ueooe the went of saccees on the pert of old school prao 1 tice in treetlng symptoms only. Dr. Andrew Stops, Pigrejclhn tnthe Troy Lung end Hy SjsMo tostantloa. Is now eggjtgtd. in meting this dess snsiedles with tge most astonishing success. The treetaect edoptedby the Institution hSew; it is hseed njwa sdeottSe prleriples, with new discovered rem edite; wnhoat minerals or prisons. The faculties of care ere snch thet patients eenbeenred et their homes, in euy peri<rfthoc«ant<y,fran stearate descriptions of their c ** e , hy letter; end beys the msdidnee sent by M«» or Eriated interragetoeies wiU be tbrwerded on ep- IkH.Oanwimprisn, Ostsrrh.end rtlssesiw of the tbroet cored ee well et the Boms of the Patients asst the In etlnsttMi. hy sending the Cold Med jested IsHcuso BiL sstsso V tress, with tshsler end emple directions for their use, ead direct correspondence. * ■' «L.PetienU andying for interrogetivee or advice, mnst eachite retard stamps, to meet ettention. ettendlng Physician will he found at the In stitution S r consultation, from 9 e. in. to 9 p. m., each day. Sunday in the.forenoon. Atdreas DR. ANDREW STOKE. ' Phjnieiee to the Troy Lung end Hygienic Institute, and Physician for Diseases of the, Heart, Throat end Lungs, 9S Hfth Street, Troy, N. V. Altoosm, Dec. 30th, 18«2.-iy. E. & H. T. ANTHONY, MANUFACTURERS OF PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, SOI BROADWAY, NEW YORK. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. APB CAfALOQDK now etabraeea cohridarmbty over fbar v Thautand different subjects (to which additions are coßthmailyibaingmade) of Portraits of Sminent Ameri cans .etc., via; • 72 Major-Generals, 525 Statesmen, 190 Brig.-Gefterals, 127 Divines, 869 Colonels, 116 Authors, 84 X.leut.-Colonels, - 30 Artists, 207 Other Officeip, 112 Stage, 60 Navy Officers, ' 46 Proroin’nt Women 147 Prominent Foreign Portraits. 2,800 COPIES OF WORKS OF ART, Inolndlng reproduction# of the moat oalabrated Engra vings, Paintings, Btetaee,Ac. iOetalognoesrot on receipt of stamp. An order for One hdsen PICTUCKB from our Catalogue will be filled on receipt of 81.80. and sent" b;r mail, VBgS. v ’ PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. Of the## we manufacture a great variety, ranging in prise from 60 cento to $BO eaehi Onr AXHU Mi bare ihe cepttUaion of balflg superior In : beauty and durability to any other*. The smaller kinds can be aent ufely by mail at a postage ot six cents per oz. The moca anpanaiie oan. bezant by express. W« alsojEsep k larse assortment of Stereoscopes and Sfeposcepic Views. Our catalogued these will aoy address on re ceipt of stamp. E. & H. T. ANTHONY. MAHOKiCICIUUIB as PHOtOfIEAPHIC MATERIALS 003. (Broadway t New' York. Friend* orrelatiwe of pnmiAeet milUeryiaeii will eon fer » floor hyeendl Eg n* thhlr’nkeneeie* to copy.- They will be UttaniWlrml relaread rnihrimed. RtRRfAURJHS MARK TO ORDKR fcr Congregation* to preeent to th«lr Buton, or for other snrposes, with •ntuble to*eriptieM,.*c. Aog. U,'ISB3-«ni. THE UKIOX_FOREVER! i GODFREY WOLF would respectfully anaosMetOthe cltlMMof Altoona and vicinity that he haa opened a CLOTHING STORE, On Corner of , Mean and Caroline whan ha wllljteepon hand nJarge stock of ready-made clothing epnalatlDg of DRBS3 COATS, PANTALOONS, TKSTB, aVttALLS, KiriT JAOKJOB, Ae„ atPhlladel i phla prices. HATS & CAPS! I hare a large and varied stock of hats and caps which it will be to the advantage of all to examine before pur chasing elsewhere. Also, a fixe stock of Gents’ Fnrnlab “ Suspenders, moves. Hosiery, Ac. Determined to sell, 1 have marked my goods at the vat fr- leases* Agar ss, endfeel eoalldent that all will be paise and qaalfty ofniy stock. GONFECTIONERY nr«a subscriber would in -1 POtaftbscttlaeas of Altoona and vicinity that his OBMWCTIONMY, NUT and ntIHT STOKE, is always sapplied with ths very beat articles to-be bad, and in great , variety. He baa also an OYSTER SALOON attached to his store, in which he will serve ap OYS TERSJp ihe bestetyle daring the season. msaa-BJdub B&£A:-Py GAKI»S> & PIE j) alarayaoanhaad; at rsieewshle-ristee. Hals at alMhneepßspsred to sappiy rakes, rand lee, Ac, farpM mpsisd other par tiss. Hr invitee a share of public , p « woo age, believing that be oanrender fall satisfaction! o 'all. ■ Kernses bar,hiastoraand aalooh is onyirginiastceet,two doorabalow Phtten’aHall. OTTO ROSSI; Altoona, ApriHB.lMB-tt : NEW FIRM. HENRY TUCK. . DAVID ETTINGER. Tie sUbsc kibers beg leave to informthe public that they have entered into co> the I CLOTHING BUSINESS, aadvJHOftßtiQQO'at tfe« stood heretofore occupied by 0 Tnclt, on Uaia Street, 1 a ffew doom above the Exchange Hotel, Altoona. TbejMiara aleo wholesale *nd retail store at 9 No 702 IMarket Street, Philadelphia, where they will aall aO of ready-made clothing and geqts fnratshing goodt at the very lowest prices. They wRI ha enabled to eell cheaper than many ethers wRI he aramated wait made. Ang. AiMS-tf . AffOOBA, vykgL'.W^BA. Cu »t all tine* be found at the non ofj JS. Hileman. October 1,1867. ! Hardware of all descrip ttooa jnat receindaad (on aaie by J. B. mi.UMIN A SUMPORIKES, Trus- for »Uyt ' STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOES if AN® EYE PRESER "ii-if.!' Krißwr.RK’S, The (abtcrtber haring taken entire charge of the Hard ware and Store and Tin Shop recently under the charge of Friee A Winters, on Virginia street, oppulte If malm's Drug Store, and having added hugely to his stock is now prepared to supply anything in the Hardware and Cutlery line, such as Handsaws, Axes, Angers, Adset, Chisels, Sfnarea, Kales, Hammers, Planes, Binges, Looks, hatches. Files, Knlres and Forks, Spoons, Ac, Ac, alh of which he offers on the most reasonable terms. Persons wishing anything in the Hardware line are requested to call and examine his stuca.. He has also'added Oils, Paints, Carbon Oil, etc., to his stock, and will dispose of all these articles at a small ad vance oo first cost. He will also combine the STOVE BUSINESS, and will keep on hand an assortment from which any person will be able to select on article io pelase their lanc.v. In the line <ll TIN AND . SHEET IRONWARE, : EDA® and WILLOW-WARE,' ba will *1 Wi have a .largo supply, and. will make to order anything that may be called for. Job work In this line promptly attended to. ROOFINGS AND SPOUTING . pat up on short notice in the best style. April 31,1863.-tf. BAMDBL I. PRIES. O.REAT DISCOVERY! BITTER WINE OF IRON, rOK'THX; ODBI Of WJ %£~J2F OMACBS ’ OSINERAL DEBILITY, INDI GESTION, DISEASES OP THE NERVOUS SYS TEM, CONSTIPATION. ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, AND FOB ALL CASES REQUIRING A TONK. Wih wine includes the most agreeable and efficient Salt of Iron we possess; Citrate of Magnetic Oxide combined wuh the most energetic of Vegetable tonics, Yellow Peru vlan Bark. The effect in many ctia of Debility, toes of Appetite and general prostration, of an efficient Salt of Irsn, Is most happy. It augment* the appetite, raises the off muscular flabbiness, removes the palor of debility, and gi?e» a florid Vigor to the countenance. Do you want something;!© strengthen vo'u ? , Do jon want a good appetite ? - Do you want to bnild op your constitution v Do you wantto feel well? Do you wjant to get rid of nervousness? Do you wank energy? Do you want to sleep well ? Do you want a brisk aud rigorous feeling If you do, try KUMEL’S BITTER WINE OF IRON. 'This truly valuable Tonic has been so thoroughly tested by all classes of the community, that it is now deemed in dispensable as a Tonic medicine. It costs but little, pu rifies the blood, giree tone to the stomach, renovates the system, and prolongs life, I now only ask a trial of this valuable Tonic. BEWAHE OF COUNTERFEITS. —As Ktwxa’s Bxt ran-Wuix or Ikox Is the only sure and effectual remedy in the known world.for the permanent cure of Dyspepsia amt DefnlUy, and as there |ua a number of imitations offered to the public, we would caution the community P ?“EfeS‘L££ ie bo . t *}“ feohine article, manufactured by o-A.KUAB£L,and. which has hi* stamp on the top of the cork of every bottle. The very fact that others are at tempting to imitate this valuable remedy, proves {t* worth and speaks volumes In its favor. • WINE OF IRON is put up in 75 cent and $l.OO bottles, and sold by all respectable Druggists: throughout Jbe country. Be particular that every bottle: hears the jac simile of the proprietor's signature; * General Depot, No. l 18 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa. «*F°r Sale by GEO. W. KESSLER, JJ. H. REIGART,: Altoona, ana by all respectable dealers everywhere. SVpt. 30,13R3—6m. EMPORIUM OjF FASHION!! Virginia St., Altoona, Pa. D. W. A. BEDFORD, Proprietor. The proprietor of the '* emporium OF FASHION” would respectfully nnnnunce to the public that (ir has received a large invoice of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, and a general assortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Collars, -Neck-Ties, Suspendersj Hosiery, Handkerchiefs. : &c., &c., &c., exactly .nited to this locality apd-intended for the AUTUMN AND WINTER TRADE. The proprietor of the Emporium invites an examina tion of Mattock, feeling confident that his shelves present * ffvater Variety of plain and fancy goods tb«n can be found elsewhere in the country. An examination will convince any one of this fact. Me has also received the LATEST FASHION, and being a perfect “Cutter, 1 * he has no hesitancy in say ing that Mean-make op clothing In the fashion, and in a manner that can not fail to prove satisfactory. It has paased into a proterb that Beiford’s the very man'tbat can make. Clothes In the fashion, strong and cheap; All that tore ever tried him yet Saythatlie really cantbe beat. Remem tier the place. Virginia street, first door above Jaggard a Hall. Altoou«,Va. [April 17, ■62. HABDWABE! CHARLES J. MANN. I jEALER IN FOREIGN AND DO ±J MBSTIC HARDWARE, WOODEN' WARE. BROOMS, ' * WINDOW SHADES, DOOR MATS, ,D P HOLST Kill N O GOODS. SHOE PINDJNOS, MOULDERS'TOOLS, COFPIN TRIMMINGS, BIRD CAGES AND WIRE GOODS, WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY, WHITE f,EAt>, AC-, AC WU trery draicriptioii uf Goode in his line will be fnr nlebod at ehert police, ami at low rates for null. Hi* remaining stock of DRY GOODS mi band Will be cloeed ont at remarkably low prices, in order to relinquish that branch of tbebnsioess. Agent for Willson’s ’’Telegraph Fodder Cutter.” Altoona. Map 29th, 1862. Tthe undersigned respect fully informs the pnblicthat be will mn. Jim. »tltmo to keep a M|H| BOOT & SHOE STOEE,W lo the. room recently occupied by Robert* and Rutherford. The inuioea heretofore carried on by tl/em will. In the future, be In the name of JOHN iKROUERTS. He-wil! keep constantly on hand a complete-assort* meat of Boots & Shoes, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, ic , Aci, &c/ which be will offer at fair price* and warrant to be o the beet material and mannfactnre Particular attention will be given to GTCJS'FOIKt WORK, in which he warranto to give entire satisisction, as ho boy* the beat stock and employe none bat (be best workmen. _ Remember the old stand, on Virginia Street, otic loor Rut of Kessler's Prog Store. Oct. 10 18fl3-rf.- JOHN 11. ROBERTS. /GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS.— VT * «to<* of BUBH GROCERIES AND PROYISIOSS, Just received, and for sale as cheap as the cheapest,-at MURPHTi HePIKE*B Store, .. .. Cor. of Virginia and Caroline st*. Altoona. J une 88,1802. j j! GENERAL ASSORTMENT.OF u Jewelry, Uslr and Clothes Brashes,! Combs, tebknivw, Ac.. at LACCHMAR'S lIiSB’B PLAIN & FANCY VESTS, of oveiy stoaand atvie at MCG&MiIi’S. Excellent heavy roots & SHOES/nit received at T,Ali(}ltSfAN’.« KUNKEL’S COUNTERFEITS. O, YES! 0 ; YES!! THIS WAY’ THIS WAY! E. NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS! JB. HILEMAN has just received a • Urge and well selected stock of Goods, consisting of Clothe, Plain and Fancy CaMlnieree, ftaiinetts, Ken tucky Jeans, Tweeds, Beaver-teens. Bine Drilling, and all other kinds of Goods for MEN AND BOYS’ WEAR, together with a grand and magnificent assortment of LADIES’ DRESS &OODS, Such at Black and FUney Silk*. Ckaltie*, Benge*, BrOUanlt, Lamu, Maine*, CUntu, Deßeget, Crape*, Print*. Crape and Stella Shandt. MantCUa*, Underdrew* and Battery, Bonnet* and Ribbon*, Cottar*, Band kerchieft, Kid atom. Hooped Skirt*, Skirl ing, Loot Mitt*, dc., dc. ALSO, takings, Checkj, Bleached and Unbleached Mnalins, Cotton and Linen table Diaper, Craeb, Nankeen, kc. BOOTS AND SHOES, HARP WAKE, QCEENBWAKE, WOOD AND WILLOW WAKE, OIL CLOTHS. CARPETS, AC. GROCERIES. Our stock of Groceries is more extensive than ever, and consists of Rio arid Java Coffee, Crashed, Loaf and X 0. Sugars: Green, Y. H. and Black Teas; Molasses. Soaps, Candles, Salt, Fish. Ac. , Thankful to the public for the very liberal patronage heretofore received, he hopes by strict attention to busi ness, and an endeavor to please, lo merit a continuance of same., Call and examine bis Stock, and yon will be con vinced that be has the best assortment and cheapest Goods in the market. %* Country Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods at market prices. Altoona, April 28,1863. EXCELSIOR Hat & Cap Store. The proprietor of the ‘‘EXCELSIOR” hat and CAP store, would inform his customers, and the Public generally, that he hasjust returned from the city with the largest and roost varied stock of goods in his Hue ever brought to Altoona, all of which he has now on exhibition and sale at his new store room on Virginia street,.next door to Jag gard'a store. Ills stock embraces all the latest styles of FALL AND WINTER HATS, J| CAPS, MISSES’ FLATS, &C. His Stock of Hats and Cap* are of the very best selection, of eveiy style, color and shape, for both old and young. All he asks Is that the poople N call and examine his stock, and he feels confident that he can som) them away re joicing, if not in the purchase of such an article a* they wanted, at the remembrance of having looked upon the handsomest stock of Hats. Caps, Flat* Ac.. ev*-r exhibited in this town. v I have also ou hatal an entirely new Ht«»ck of Ladies’ and Childrens’ Hats and Flats, and a beautiful stock of LADIES' F1 T RS. which lam confident cannot,he purpim***! in the country, all of which I will *ell at the moi>t roHrtouiiblc pricen. K**- memher the Hall of Foehiou when .row want anything in the line of head covering, and call on .Oct. 7,'CA-tf DURYEA’S MAIZES A RECEIVED TWO " PRIZE MED AES,' (From Juries 3 and 4) at the International Exhibition, London, 1862, MAIZENA at the threat In ternational Ex hibition at HAMBURG, JULY, 1863, HIGHEST MEDAL For its Great Delicacy as an. Article of Food, Used for Fadings, Cakes, Custard*, Blanc Mange, Ac,, without Isinglass. with few or no egg». ItU also excellent for thickening sweet sauces, gravies for fi h and meat, soups, Ac. For Ice Cream nothiogcan compare with it.— A little boiled in milk makes a rich cream for coffee, choc olate, tea, Ac. A most delicious article of food for children and invalids. It is vastly superior to Arrow Root and much more economical \ Put up in one pound packages, with full directions, and sold by all Grocers and Druggists. WILLIAM HURTEA, General Agent. Sept. 9,1863—6 m. 166 Fulton Street, New Yoik. ESTABLISHED 1760. PETER LOKILLAKI), SnufF & Tobacco MANUFACTURER, 16 & 18, CHAMBERS ST., (Formerly 42 Cbatluuu St., New York,) would call the attention of Dealer* to the articles of hh manufacture, viz.: BROWN SNUFF. ijacaboy. Demigros, Fine Rappee, Coawe, Rapj**e. Pure Virginia, Nachitoches, American Gentleman, Copenhagen. YELLOW SNUFF. Scotch, Haney Dew Scotch, High Toast Scotch. Fresh Honey Dew Scotch, Irish High Toast, or Lnndyfqot, Freeh Scotch. 43* Attention is called to the great reduction in prices of Fine-Cut Chewing, and Smoking Tobacco*, which will bo found of a superior quality. ' TOBACCO. SMOKING.—Long, No. I. No. 2, Nos. 1 and 2 mixed. Granulated, 8. Jagq, Spanish, Canaster, Turkish. FINL CUT CHEWING-—P. A. L.« or plain, Cavendish, or Sweet, Sweet Scented Orobpco, Tin Foil Cavendish. N. B.—A circular of prices will be sent on application April 14, 63,-ly.j ; ■ ■ WM. S. BITTNER Dental Burgeon. OFFICE IN MASONIC —^ TKMPLE, next door to the Post Dr. B. would respectfully inform the citizens of Altoona and surrounding country, that he is prepared to insert ARTIFICIAL TEKTHI from a single tooth to a full set, in the most superior style, ON BOLD, SILVER, OR VULCANITE BASE. It would be to the advantage of all persons desiring attmcial teeth, to call at his office before g'dng elsewhere. If they wish ihispDMi, beauty or durability. Dr. Bittner will visit Hollidaysborg and-vicinity when his services are desired. ,[Feb. 17,18Q3-tf. . ANDREW ECKEL, f ' DEALER IN Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Pipes, &c., &c„ Annie street, Altoona, Pa., and Old Stand Montgomery street, BbUidagsburg, Pa. Ag ene ra l assortment of Goods in his line constantly on band at the lowest cash prices. |Keb. 7.1883. SM. WOODKOK, . -I ttobnjst-at-£a w, Altoona, Penn'a, Will practice in the several Courts of Blair, Cambria and Huntingdon comities.- Office on -Virginia Street, 2 doora above Julia Street. Feb. 0. Xart-tf. A REGULAR MEETING OF TEE FA i R VIEW CKMKTKHY ASSOCIA *IvN win be hold on the second Thoradayorenineof each tnonth, in the Council Room. , M. CLABAUGH. JaS. Lowtbbr,. V, ' President Secretary --- - - OYES! G YES!—-GENTLEMEN draw ni"h and hear. JOSP.PH P. TROUT innotui esatothe pi_.ic, that lie- in ready to discharge Ida duty SI an Auctioneer whennver cul led iijuju. fjan. 2’SB. DO YOU WANT A HAT OB CAP, cheap or fine I—go to tADOHMAN'B I IS REALLY SELLING th* hiM*r Krowu Mnjutr In Aitoonnitt 12*4 cent*. JESSE SMITH BCIXO THE SOL| AWARDS gained by anything of the kind. It also received the Sujwrlative i Report of. EXCEEDING* EXCELLENT FOR FOOD. received the [May 15-*62] R. A. O. KERR, • 7 ALTOONA, PA.„ Agent for Blair & Huntingdon Counties. These machines ake^umit to be the beet ever offered to the public, » ~i their superiority is satis&ctorlij established by the fart that in the last eight years, OVER 1.400 MORE of these Machines bare been sold than of any other man ufactured, and more medals bare been awarded the pro prietors by different Fairs and Institutes Gian to any oth ers. The Machines are warranted to do all that is claimed for them. They are now in use in several families in Al toona, and in every case they give entire satisfaction. The Agent refers those desiring information as the su periority of the Machines, to Col. Jehn L. Piper; Rev. A. B. Clark, George Hawkesworth, Benj. F. Rose, and £. H. Turner, Esqrs. The machines can be seen and examined at the store of the Agent, at Altoona. Price of No. 1 Machine, silver plated, glass foot and new style Hemmer—s6s. No. 2, ornamental bronze, glass foot hd<l new style Hemmer—ss6. No. 3, plainjvwitb old style Hemmer—s4s. [March 21,1861-tf. UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER. No. 1. Largo .Family Wringer : $lO.OO No. 2. Medium •• ....... 7 (»0 No “ " - Sl* No. 3. Small 5.50 No. 8 Large Hotel •• 14.50 No. I*. Medium Laundry ( to ruu steam \ l^.uu No. 22. Large \ .orbanu. > 30.00 Nos. aud 3 have no Cogs. All others are warranted. *Ne». 2 is the size generally used in private families, Orange Judd, of the American Agriculturist.” says of tlie UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER '* A child can readily wiiug out a tubful I of clothes in a few minutes. It is in reality's CLOTDEB SAVER . r A TIME SAVER! aud a STRENGTH SAVER 1 The saving of garments will alone pay a large per ceutage on its cost. We thihk the machine muca more than PATS FOR ITSELF EVERY YEAR in the saving of garments. There are several kinds, nearly alike in general construe-' tion. but we consider it important that the Wringer be fitted with Cogs, otherwise a mass of garments may clog the roller , and the rollers open the crank-shaft slip and tear the clothes, or th 6 rubber break loose from the shaft Our own Is 01 eof the first make, aud it is as GOOD AS NEW nearly FOUR YEARS' CONSTANT USE.” Every Wringer with Cog Wheels is Warranted in ‘ every particular. NO WRINGER CAN BE DURABLE WITH- OUT COG-WHEELS, A good CANVASSER wanted in every town. • "" On receipt of the price fioro places where no one Is selliug.we will send the Wringer FR££ np expense. For particulars and circulars address K. C. BROWNING, 347 Broadway, N. Y Sep. I—6m. C. C. SERVER & SON,, Paper, Envelope and Printeis’ Card WAREHOUSE, No. 513, "MINOR STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA., Have constantly on hand FLAT CAPS. LETTER AND NOTE, MANILLA PAPER, FOLIO POST, PACKET POST, HARDWARE, FOOLSCAP, PRINTING PAPER, ENVELOPE COLORED PAPER, BINDERS, TRUNK, STRAW AND BOX BOARD, TISSUE. SHOE, AND TEA PAPERS. PRINTING AND MANILLA PAPER made to order. June 16,1863. CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON ES. C. BETTER respectfully an , . n ‘l t ‘ n “ a to , th « ladles and Gentlemen of Altoona ami vicinity that she bos opened a CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON, 'Jn Jette Smith’s old Stand, on Virginia street, opposite the LUTHERAN CHURCH, where she will keep on hand a choice lot of confectioneries etc ’ wnich Bbe wm During the season she will also keep Ice Cream, of differ. i?™!! aro r , ’ii V i h ' Ch Bl,ewl J l hike pleasure in acrvlngtocns tomers at all hours of the day and evening Give me a call and 1 wil! give satisfaction. April 21at, 1863,-6ai. |i;|£ r MUSIC !—INSTRUCTIONS 6I w EN ..“iVin I’iHno-Forte and Melodeon. by Miss M. eiiujsMAEKß. Trims, $lO per quarter. No charge for the nee of the Instrument. Residence on Catharine Street West Altoona. rJan, 18.1862,-tf, 2 HIED APPLES.—The subscribers have a fine io of bright yallow DRIF.D APPLES tat much less than market rates, and which they desire to close out, cost and carriage, without delay.— Persons desiring to purchase, either at wholesale or retail, will find It to their advantage to give ns a call Altoona, June 20,1802.] MUR pHY A McPIKK ACOiMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF „ Improved SHIRTS-Casslmere And jaamiD Shirt*—floe and coarae—while and colored—at —! I__ LAUGHMAN’g. PURE WHITE LEAD AND ZINC also Chrome. Green* Yellow, PariaGroan 4rv and ground oil at fl-tf.l ’ Ky“ st^ia l7 MEN AND BOYS COATS, of every style and color, of good quality, at * . . LAUGHMAN’B. NEW AND IMPROVED STYLES Ol Trunks, Valises end Carpet-Bag., at BAUGHMAN’:?, ' 3 Life Insurance and Trust Vo, { COMPANY’S BUILDING Southeast \_; Corner of Walnut nod Fourth ,'tr.fH. Authorized Capital, $500,000 Paid up - 250,000 Assets, 1,897,746 Incorporated 1850, by the Legislature of Pennsyl- iMf* w> lusuree Uvea during tba Natural lift or for abort terms, ennta annuities and endowment#, and make# contracts of all kinds depending on the iseues of life. Policies of Lift Insurance issued at tbs nanal mutual rates of other good com pa hies—with profits to thessenred —last Boses January, WB, being ft per cent, of all pre mium* received on mutual policies—at Joint Stock tans, SO per cent leva than the above, or Total Abstinence rates 40 per cent, less than Mutual price. Also,* . NON-FORFEITURE PLAN, By which a pens* pay* for 6,7, or 10 years only, when the policy is paid np for Itrt and nothing more to pay ; and should he be unable, or wish to discontinue sooner, the Company will issue a Pstn or Potter, in proportion to the amount of premium paid, as follows: On s Policy of sl,oop. 5 Year 7 Year 10 Tear after payment ol rates. rates. rates. 1 Annual Premium, for $2OO 00 fits 86 $lOO 00 2 “ - “ 400 00 386 70 200 00 4 “ . 800 00 671 40 400 00 « “ 867 10 600 00 8 “ “ •* 800 00 ALEXANDER WUILLDIN, President. SAMUEL WORK, Tice President. Joas S. Wilson, Secretary. • BOAXD or TEU4TXXS. Alexander Wbilldin. J. Edgar Thomson, ■Hon. Jas. Pollock, Hon. Joseph Allison, -J Albert C. Roberts, Jonas Bowman, Samuel T. Bodiue, H. H. Rldridge, George Nugent, John Aikman, ' William J. Howard, Chari, s F. Ueaxlitt, Samuel Work. Ady further information can bad by applying to the undersigned, who is the authorized agent for Blair County. July 31, 1862-ly R. A. O. KERR. .A. Benefit to All. P* — I PI A trial will prove the fact, and facts are stubborn things. MISHLER’S herb bitters ARB SUCCESSFUL IN EVERY CASE. No family should be witbcnt it. Hundreds oi' certificates ond letters of thanks are arriving*every day from persons who have been cured. a> * H 0 THE HERB BITTERS RHEUMATISM, Female Irregularities, and all Diseases arising from IMPURITY OF TBE BLOOD , As a Blood Purifier, Tonic and General Appertiser. these Bitters arc without a rival. No Lady desiring A CLEAR COMPLEXION should be without it. Please get a circular and certifi cate* from <»ur Agent. Notice.— The great success, of Mtshleris Herb Ritters, has induced unprincipled parties to manufacture a worthless article, which they are selling at a low price, of which beware. The genuine can only be bought in Blair County, of G. W. WHITFIELD, (Sole Agent for Blair County, ) Depot Drug Store, Main street.'Altoona. Pa. June 2d, X863-tf. TACOH SNYDER. TAILOR, V The Hero of One Hundred Fits per Month ! 1 would respectfully forth my claim to pub) attention, as a Faahionab) Tailor, as follows: Because I keep an ex« lent assortment of Clot Cassimenus Vestings i Trimmings, which, wl please. Because my work ' made up in a manner ti takes down the count and gives all my custom a city appearance. Because I am not inferit an a Cutter to the beat' bo found anywhere. Because long experiei in my business,give 9 n. entire control over! banc 1 am not dependant upon any one tolift me ont r the anda. Becense I am still on the ,nnny side of forty, and there fore my taste as a Cutter and workman unimpaired Call on me, in the corner room of the u Brant noone.*’ Give me a trial and you will go away pleased. Altoona, May 26-sro JACOB SNYDKU. . PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON JIL LAMPS! Unrivaled in Beauty, Simplicity Safety or Economy. Ev.ey person desiring to obtain the very best and cheap eat pu table light within their reach, should call at the store of the undersigned and examihe these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon strate Ist* That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2d. That they emit no offensive odor while bnrniu K . 3d. That they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or less light. JJ*** they burn entirely free from smoke. Mh. That the light is at least 50 per cent, cheaper than any othei light now in ecmmon nee. These lamps are admirably adapted for the use of Stu dents, Mechanics, Seamstresses, Factories, Hails, Churches. l t SL e *’J lotcU ’ * r i Uglily recommended for family use. .The burner of the CarbouOil Lamp can J>e attached to old side, hanging and table fluid end oil lamps, at a small *Mwep every purpose ox a new Unp We guarantee perfect Satisfaction in all rases. Aug. 19, 1858-tf.] G. W. KESSLER. Exchange hotel.— the sub scriber would Tespectfully In form the public that.he has recently re- A ■- Btted the above Hotel, and la now pre- acSklA pared to accommodate his friends and patrons in a comfortable manner, and will.pare oo pains in making It an agreeable home for all sqjonruere. His Table will always belnxnrioualy supplied th f,^ rket * of , '2" countr J and cities, and hls- Bar Oiled with liquors of choice brands. His charges ar?as reasonable as those of anjr other Hotel In the plaie, arid he feels satisfied they can not be complained of by thoee who favpr him with their custom. Expecting to receive a share or public patronage, and fhlly Intending to deserve it, be throws open his bouse toi tbo public and Invites a trial. I have Just received a stock rf No. 1 French Brandy, for medicinal purposes. J Also a large stock of excellent Wines, for medicinal tmr p°?ea, together with a lot of the best old Bye Whiskey to be found in the country* Altoona, May 27,1869.-ly] JOHN BOWMAN. SOMETHING NEW. HP HE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST vc4yi^ n^r,t«kr whwe h * h “ « BOOTS AND SHOES, BROGANS, GAITERS, &C., ? ri b !^ 6 .. i “P r T r<Hl 2 olrer 10 °*ecitirens of Altoona and vicinity at very lowjnicea. Having purchased direct from the msnn&ctnrera fer cash, be is prepared to sell at price. competition. All that he asks is BD<i 6 ” mlDe hl * ,twk before p.mchLrilg *”* i BnoES " ad « to order on the most ree *°?w» J*™ 1 "- Also, repairing promptly attended to ??“ V2S? the p!lce > two *»rs below Poet Office. Jan. 3,1861. M. THOMPSON. Apt,,!. RATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE.— ,4- jJJK? v reat of Crime and Criminals is in tlie cium trv f? d , “ widely circulated thronghoot the country. It contains all the Great Trials, Criminal Otses, and appropriate Editorials on the some, together with 1 " 1 Mstter *’ toh * i” .*9- Bnb«riptions $2 per annum; *1 for six month, to “ Tvritothehrnam« and the town, county and State where they reside plainly.) oho , „ T * w - MATBKLL 4 CO., ~ ~, Kdi<,,r * Prop’r. of New York Polie. Gareth. “‘‘“l ■ 1 ■: Arm Tork HEAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY.— Insurance oh Beal or f p K ro . pert y Wlll *>« effected on the mostrcaeonahl® ? a T at * in A,toona ttt bU offleo in Anna St. March 17, 1859. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agvnt. LEVI’S PREPARATION FOR EX -I“*♦ F AW *} CK > KOACHBS, ANTS, and «Kruugs witboat danger in its use under any circumstan ces fbrwUeat the Dm* Sinn* of u. W. KB9BLKK Jan. 24, ,63-tf] XJ ,B. MILLER. XA * dentist. mmMKL ta. Office oh Caroline afreet, bettfecn Virginia and Emma atroeta, Altoona \ LL KINDS OF PRINTING neatlyand expedite ualy executed at the . ‘-ALTOONA tKIBUNB" omCK TTMB HELLAS AND PARASOLS, VJ hi endleaa Variety, LAUOHMAX’S Alt«.na.M*y 1,1*62.’: JIMJEBJLOJIN vama. TRY ONE BOTTLE have never failed in caring U. MISHLEB. Manufacturer and Proprietor, LANCASTER, Pa. htatb capito,. ±3ook Bindei v ANl> BLANK BOOK MAM'F.U t ' .Vo. 54 Marini Si . Harrhbur.. F Thiis establishment is chiefly ,L > the msnn&ctnre of KWnk Boofc. * ’’‘f* l * ■ mam, County OffltM, RadroadCon,ps,„' . mi prints ioditldual*. In all c.,„ stuck andS’MStananehip may |„ Qtik. inka, Hitktod< apydeaiTm K ""■■ Iteebtsor all aisee. mats and n^ed^H.* “V u ! '- and Tearle Ajmimnli, B-rifam, t, fm Vj tv : tea, printed or plain, bJind^.?^” I *'! f:r,. i Dockets raadc'of the best linen paper r ' '-uu. HbrariaM,aod°tb«r», desiring to hat, t heond and at moderate prices.ahonld give n « „ k " •' g*P*f» of thelergert a£es, Harper*. W*Viy ' Pictorial, Ballons. Scientific American, rIL ’ u ‘»‘ • bound to order, and in any style required Hm^ C 0 lyMagaxtoe. Knickerbocker, BlaAvrood', „* • V| »«tb Msgaiinee. Oodey’s Lady's Book, Lade’s Renown son’s Mtgasine, Plano Music, Ac., bound inert, ' p 't.i th* mote plain and substantial half bindlu,. ■ phlets,' Law Magaalnee, Pamphlet laws, bolLt,' brary style, at eery moderate prices. Person, , R ”" ! u namber of Yolnm« to bind, will receieealiw,., ,“ Ti »r, Binding can safely be sent to us from sdm * "f' 1 '" press, and all work entrusted ■ K > ddy executed, safely packed and returned i' r ‘l l "’’ All work warranted. Address K1 ‘ - ‘ HorrisljKrv « the Trilmn, Ofti-e agentsfoi Altdona. and rlcinity. The. will ,r " in relation tS binding, and receive and return a' 1 '" free from extra charges, tor sll who their £ V' f March 21, is,/,* “ DYSPEPSIA, •> ’ ONWARD! EVER ONWARD 7 STEP BY STEP' The undersigned desiresth inform his old customer* and thn publi,- that he has this apring gone Into the Dry 0, »,,n,' and baa Just received a largo and entirely " DRESS GOOD s KOI the Ladies, embracing all the latest, j>retii t -»tau.l ■, FASHIONABLE PATTERNS. Aim among which may he found even uadii, ’ the names .4 which it would be too tedious to-nuni."r In the line of pure, fresh and cheap GROCERIES & PROVISIONS I will not - knoc kunder” to any of mv a,r„,, 1 . 1i ,„ r , , this department I feel sure that I can iender ,stid» ... A I kinds of country produce taken in esrtuL . goods, and the highest market price allowed Shire on the corner of Annie and Helen -r.,-, i , Atoo‘n„. May 22.1862, T,,OSIAS BAKER AND CONFECTIONER, 1 Virginia Street, Altoow. I’v., XTEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAM) A*- bread, cakes, caxdio ICE CREAM AND SVTEKXMEATS, of his own manufacture. wind, l„ is prepared to sell, wholesale or retail, at the mao m,... able prices, ilso. FOREIGN FRUITS, mich as ORANGES, LEMONS, PINE-APPLES FIGS, PRUNES, RAISINS, NUTS. SC., ic always on hand in their respective i.a5....,. CAKES BAKED. TO ORDER for pm-ticnUr occasions, on short notice- ami in tbe Mt and best style of the art. CaU > examine and price my stock and you will fin it as good and cheap as can he purchased elsewhere. Jan. 27,1863. Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. SPOUTING, &C. Skigg would RESPECT • fully nform the citteens of AltoonaaHL ami vicinity that he keeps constantly on hand large Msortment or Otaking. Pxrlrrr, Office am/yfißi S **°P Store*, of all styles and sizes, to suit the “ “ wants of all, which he will sell at low prices. «u renm ii ahjo terms. r J_5 e Si 80 kw P** on a large. Stock of Tim and Shf*i {T’yJ "****•• Consi«ting.of all articles for enliuarv nurpoffe- Qxd Scuta e*, Slone Pipe, <£c. o He P**™* l ® B ®*! the r*ght of sale in Clair IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUFFER, an invention which needs onlv to be s»n*n to I-* and should be possessed by every farmer, butcher iTtl..- rcqulrlng such a machine. . *8- Particular attention paid to potting up SPOLTINu either in town or country. Spouting paintni ao»i pat «!• bn the most reasonable terms. faprfl 14,18. W-U General A T ews Asencv. i. . OAK HALL, No. 7, MAIN STK KKT SCHOOL nooks, BLANK BOOKS. STATIONERY, CONFECTION A UIKS CIGARS & TOBACCO, TOYS AND NOTIONS IN GREAT VARIETY CONSTANTLY ON HAND. October 24,1861. w. M. LLOYD & GO., ALTOQXA. PA.. JACK & CO HOLLWArSBUKti. PA 15AN Ki'IHS, (Late Johnxlon, Jack tj’ Co.”) B Rafts on the principal Cities, Hud Silver apd Gold for «»U*. Moneys received on deposits, payable ou deowaJ. without interest, or upon time, with Interest at'-f»ir raf^ Feb. 3d, 1869. GW. KESSLER— PRACTICAL • DRUGGIST, respectfully announces to the citizens o( Altoona anti tile public £* D *4BSBIv eraUy, that he still continues the Drag business. on Virginia street, where he keeps constantly Bbl oabandjfor sale. Wholesale and RsOriI,DHUOS, Hn MKDICINKS, CHEMICALS. OILS, VARNISH- flrf £8 anil DYB-STUVFS. . By Strict attention to business, and a desire to render inaction to aH as regards price and quality, he h»|»-1 merit and receive a share of public patronage. Physicians and merchants supplied on reasonable term* Mdijl’onfewfhtt's'dlilaiKs promptly attended to. Physicians prescriptions carefally -compounded. [ LADY FRIENDS WOULD R > P well to look 4n upon the choke and cbrwt** ment or Summer DRESS GOODS now displayed upon th well-filled shelve* of M»JKPHY A McPIKK. *• Cor. of Virginia and Csrolim*»ts Altoona, Jnue 26,1862. piNE AND LARD OILS, CAM l J»n&tn rnlng F,OM, C * rboo °“- ON HAND AT McCORMICK'S Store —A splendid assortment of Ready-Made ctotMjß ' all and see..; ' Not. iu ” A LARGE AND V.X cwnpJet. OKrtment uramxriM h»veiu«t r ' cwtw) «t the Hum of J. B. lULKM AN [Jan. 20—2m* Hair; ha! 1 , tooth, shaving Paint. Saab and Varnish Brushes at Hair oil, colognes, pom - - Sh » T,n * Ciwim. Toilet 8o»[». IpjjjJjßK. ' 1-lt) •tfUTTKHS’ oj ; *s i OS .5 ■ O* 2: i £ . o = ; U 5 7 _ „ *** - ? yf - =l £ 3 s t:- <! ? y>-n vS I r = ■g IjS 05 '■ “s -M CQ 0 3$ CQ <=c-2 s S t< =■ = \ \ QI S tf'-t -i JACOB WETS H. FETTINGER’S # v „ HI McCBUM & BERN, VQli . 8 . EHK ALTOONA 'A’RIB K. B. MtCSUM, - • M. ■•■ mi *!»» nom«M«» Put mows. (payable tawtoWy iu >£n*<x,. Vll pkper* dfar-ooti lined at the tipltMW < |HtM lor tk&ms or ABTBUUua: .lisKrtim 4<k Four lino* or low i*> ♦ i 100 BqaM»; (8 linen) • 60 J* TW “ (W " ) » « 1* Tt,r*» 104 u ) —•••■ »'*» 800 Over thrM wmk* *»4 Iru tbu threo uontl iwr Kun tor «*ch iiuertion. 3-month*. 6 moot: $l5O $3 u 4 40 4.1 X 4 oo e ir i 00 8 ui a oo io o 10 00 14 (X 14 00 86 01 31* lines or low. One square Two “ Three « Tour Half a column... OMMhnu administrator* sad Kxeenlois Notices Merchants advertising by tb» year. Urn* win with liberty to change. 4.. Professional or Business Ondirnot exceeding 8 with paper, per year of t poUttenl charnctsr or internet, will be charged according to the ehov Advertisements not. marked with the numb lion* desired, will be continued till forbid u according to the shore terms. Bwatneee notices five cents per line for every i Obituary notices, exceeding ten lines, gftycea garttj HAPPY OLD AQC. I feel that ago Ilk overtaVn ■ Ay steps on lift's descending way. But ttme hat toft no lingering pain. No shadow ofanhril day; •rf. And you, my children, gather near 1b smooth agd solace ay decline, And I hare hse that yonr career Will be aa bleat at mine. Not all egenapt baa been my eky From threatening atom and levering < Bat sunbursts abed from aonree on high Hava cheered my aplrit when it bowed. Not all wtthonlAhaj&atd and thorn Ha* been my path from first to last, -But springs of flowers, of Mercy bon*. Hare soothed me as 1 pawed- And now my mind, all clear and cool— Ae I eerenely talk or muse— le tranquil as yon glassy pool, Reflecting autumn's aunset fanee. Time has nht dulled my moral sense, ' Nor has it dimmed py mental sight No passions weaken m j defence. No doubts and ca?«a affright-. But Retrospection, even yet, Will lead me through past trodden way And I remember—why forget? The mattfc of my early days * r All riature so divinely wrought. The unraveled mystery of things. Awoke me to exalted thought. And lent ray spirit wings. <_ And ! remember how 1 grew Up to the aunny"uoon of youth, ‘ From youth to manhood, till i know That lore was near akin to truth. . My trials, bravely overcome; My triumphs, not or purpose vain— All these with ragne but pleasant hum, Still murmur through my brain. My children, odkpring *f a tree Whom lop U hoary with decay. Whom trank It shakenee may be Be lure It fells end Cades ewey— ’ HecelTo what folthfol pum onfold, Harare whef tralhfol msn proclaim. And, before {bma Md bad, ophold The honor of my none. forme, 1 herene mortal foer, No trembling ee I harry down: - - My wey I, clear, the end le near. The goal, the glory, end the crown. Then abed- no bitter, teen tor me, Ae ye ooneign me tatbo dnet; Rather rejoice that I efaetl be WUbOod, my elreogth end traet. JT»Urt BIRTHDAYS. The birthday, especially to yotui pie is a very “ important day.” T who have grown up, and already their characters, for good or evil, i less consequence, except to remiru tlial they are oifeyept nearer 1 death judgment But tg-the boys and ( year often produces great changes; and stature, in thought, feeling am pie. Life is a great highway or n and these birthdays are the mil upon it. They seem far apart at | the milestones do whenfthe cars fin to move; as the speed increases the more and more frequent. So it L the years, as they grow up; quick quicker they ffy, till the last comes e& and swftest of all. | Then, little friends, jrou for whoi milestones are yet far asunder, he ded to turn them to a wise acconn low them to be stopping places, wl inquire if you are in the right, tl the best road ; to ask whence you and whither you sire bound how have advanced, and. what yon pro] accomplish by this journey of life, forward, Ipok backward and resol ypa kre not too young if you a and think—resolve that you trill no peth but tjmt of the just, the i virtuous, , which shipeth bright brighter onto the perfect day,, a each birthday shall find yon fur that road which leads to bappin heaven. ' .Thus, let the birthday, whethe in innocent festivity or in ths. qw daty, be the beet day i i because it give* a qu faeyery good Jr:fad^;Mi®bBe. ; . So shall you grov T “fa feyfaf both,• y i alfa wth fa«