igayaaa If,? puanofes w4ti^^h).°aiva nn & there mill continues, and U ■ wat* about marching mi Mont cominue Hour p <>rUl pi" l> ,t occurs ht Vamia R „ -r, Pnvcn from three Bmall t is n" -V*i» -C* three-times t^ucce*. |» fine city wan homed byihe ret»i Wh 2,oooSpaniards, h^guc^ l^ %t hy cttmng, hie weqttentlv Santmgo waeahamjo^ « for Porto Plata, where tliefcw Jtrare a large force. t*"" hisent to Sr Domingo to relnC; |4w is marching on LaVeraa. HrS** liKTTKB . rthe paper pulp Imd s, g origin hT: which Botmereh- Svias:^ iteisaf^fSa-j fcnnujnUing the she dropped her hag „f aMo the midst of some palp i„ Tfor and so great «* th ; _of the mischief she, had done - gsaftidly amalgamated with th* halo ■s**» rtudioasl/ aTOidearirtn m great aatonW,- fcfftatha. l imparted fhei peculiar B'i™ 8 wife preowving that |pii done, took conrage.and at on?.' eC !f : i or n icb Bhc ‘ vns iremarkahle manner by herhnshZT with an ailvimre of wr tduUmgj. per bundle, upon 1 ♦‘improved'* made to the Lmi.iL purchased a : congenial to taste in those ■ than it would be now 1 't *•••*• vH' r - weme&t) >nal Union Patty. ini Union Party Was formed for ,| l(1 ing the government of the United netting the existing rebellion. It no other object whatever. Com is of men who have hitherto Ih-- iflerent political organizations, it is partisan body. At the last Fn*j. en some of its members supported sinridge. some Stephen A, Douglas, ell, / and others the present Chief utalnun Lincoln. It knows no pam uty of- the country, and acknowl eal obligation save, that of assisting, ns ih.its power, the constituted au • land to destroy the causeless and on which threatens the destruction .! government. . entirely disclaim all desire to pro am of any man or set of men lo jecause they are the candidates of a licaj party, we cannot nevertheless, -■ the approaching gubernatorial eier ihe question whether the govcni ostain.-d or overthrown, and whether -ball be preserved or destroyed.— rican Union tan otjly be maintained by the prompt and complete des rebeltiou. is apparenUto the most r. and it is equally cfcar that this Jished alone by our armed forces. ilk of a peaceful settlement between it and the traitors who .are in ante. ttfni authority. There is no room e. The government demands un buiisifion to the Constitution and itted States, whilst the rebels claim ndependent of either the Constitu ws- made in pursuance thereof— middle ground whatever. There lifted submission or none at all. The I we can have if that which we con - timothy force of antis destroy this iuion of the States is lost foreyer. of the opinion that opposition to losilion to- the Union. That the o-callcd Democratic party, its prin » La this State and elsewhere, are > the Government in' its efforts to «. it* existence, and to compel obe cannot trathfully be .ffenied.— itijng the Government in the hour of at ve'constantly assailed all of its trtt, and denounced in the most gins,. die President of the United tonstitatienal. advisers. Not con- Trtaperations upon the men at national affairs, they are equally ahd villifv even- earnest''Union found, north or south, ho matter J creed. s nominated as its Candidate for adjoining State a roan who, in ed to vote either men or money oiVniuent to crush the rebellion. State its nominee for theGnberiut pf die extreme State-rights school, he most ultra pro-slavery roanlo i die Commonwealth. • Occupying position, being one of the Judges Court of this State, be has never, i mv,. by' word or deed, since the ne rendered tlie least service in . its ■ evinced any desire for otir just tis declared sentiments _ve liave believe that if the executive power laced In his hands,' he frill so use t the measures and weaken the lend Government for .the anriihiw rebellion, and thecbnseqtnsnt pres r dearly cherished Union. The ■unrse, upon the part of the Un real Commonwealth, would. nn s to prolong ‘the war, to invite nee, and greatly to endanger uti lise armies of the Union. Indeed : i|ie main, if not rite only hope Mi compose What they call the •ernment, lies in the flcctioo ot I'Orth era States as dement L. <.T Ohio, and Geoqje W. Wood rauia,and nowhere is there to-day [ for their success as at Bichmond . It it a wise saying, “ that we toid doing what oupenemies wish xecutjvev Andrew O-Cttrtin undent evidence. of his the State Hnd the Union. Cfcßw e soably fills just before the «*>- ie rebellion, he bus apon all occa », nod in all plapes, gH*n » alike to the defence of tte‘Stat e yidVadingfoes, and to tbejenspr ion when its destruction was me bo numbers of aipi#4 I traiW |¥ '' ;iaoe to jo. ifhi' fidelity tei, l“ e y fiit the future. Whilst he **•" thcExecative chair ditWwen S? that Pennsylvania ww. /W* ! of her entire. t b.**jP’ e f t i«j fear thai bef Soldiers wul _’*• pwhwfthin heroww tlfe- nation tog elseiww® eW;/jre betirtW fe Dty, by flf iigitimate 1 #4 die re-election of Aw* ««• of this commouwiWMh,: a"* l irefly urge all D«« which 00/ r»4 In Us entirety, MjM»* y It tlwfi Wei m W 1 tenninatihg In tire .«**« Jiys, l»)iart, odd int)feeoA*ng etcraion' Iltodttd irikac. Pnitrd n "('ontry Prnji." fgIBUNE POWER-PRESS ' i ; se •v** : wC" PRINTING OFFICE. living. within the |*o*t two yearn, made cuiiaidvrahle , i,.,iitm lo our establishment in the way of uew fancy ?»*rew Pres*,Paper Cutter. Card Cutter. Killing’Ma- Card Power Prcis. ami large Newspaper Power ta cut of which We give uUive) we are nuwjirejMtred [.iro-cute anything in the liu.* of printing or rnling.iu ' eijuai to any establishment in the am! at ‘„U rtiuslly low. We can execute, on short notice, all tedding, Invitation, Visiting, Ball & Business Cards, Circular*, Programmes,, MAMMOTH posters, sale bills, 'mm ; pamphlets, Pay and Check Polls, BLANK BOOKS, . manifests, and blanks of all KINDS. All wt osk iii u trial, filing confident that wocaugm* if we have the Opportunity. ,r;ii amiliiary escort and taken to tlie residence of ii- brotheriu-la>v, Samuel I. Fries, where they , ie kept until 10 o’cibck on Wednesday morning u licit they were placet) on the Branch train and ■.. ten to Ilollidaysburg for interment; ( oitt'oiui. Gkouge W. Boggs. —Another of ii loimg soldiers gone, one who was: raised .wings! us, and whose many social and manly . mlitit-s gained him hosts of friends, and! whose j.-nli is regretted by the whole community. ticorgc \V. Boggs was a member of “ Knapp's llaitcrv." of Pittsburgh, so celebrated for its effi . icaty and execution at the various battles in i.iiich- it bore a prominent part. George was one ~I'its most efficient members, and has left- behind ;.im a record to which few men of his age have attained. He served a term of enlistment 1 in the Ih-gulaf Army under Capt. (now General j Sturgis the fnnUit'rs against the batjds of savages, that l.avf been hostile lo the United States for a nmn !« rof years. In a battle with the Cayennes our i .iing hero was seriously wounded. After serving. :.:lt Ills time of enlistment, he relumed to his iii.tiiniaiu home, to enjoy the society of his rela ias who reside in this Countv. When Kebellion confronted the Government ,md threatened to destroy the Union, George was among the first to volunteer to uphold the Old Flag under which he hail fought and hied in . ■iierVars. In Bank's retreat from Shenandoah Valley.Njte was taken prisoner, and from close . ..iitineinent and cruel treatment from the rebels Belle Island, he cuntracteil disease, which broke :.,«n Ids hitliertu iron constitution. lie was exchanged and rejoined the Ijottcry, ■ini at the battle of ; Gettysburg was seriously ...iindeil. Over exertion and a painful wound . .. iglit hack .bis old disease which restiltcdjin the i -alh uf this young and noble patriot, whose life ir the last seven years had been spent in the ser .i.v of his Country. His funeral took place on Wednesday. Sept, 30th, last, and was largely at u iiiled by his friends of Altoona and Hoßidavs ■.!!" and a company of returned volunteer? uniler Mininand of Colonel McKage. G. W. L. IJcmocratic Meeting.— The Democratic meet nw. on .Saturday evening last, wits very creditable, ;;i ]«init ol numbers, and like all such collections, irevious to election, was “very enthusiastic.’ - fiie Hollidaysbnrg train, consisting of some six or ■erea ears, was well filled, and quite a number came ::iini points down the road. The Altoona 1 Brass was engaged for the occesion. At about !i ill-past seven o’clock the meeting opened ; at the ■ iwsing of Virginia; and Julia street. After the ■lei tion of officers, (we have not been furnished 'iili a list) Cbus. j. Ingersoll, of Philadelphia, was introduced to the andiance. His theme was 'if "eizure of the Hailroads andTolegrapliS;by the I’n-sidcnt. ; in case of necessity, the enormous ■ lxcs, the conscription, &e. Speeches were also wh- by W. A. Wallace, Ksq., of Clearfield, B, ■ s - Johnson and Philip S. Noon, Esqrs., of Eb nsbnrg. With the exceptions of some rowdyism on i part of a portion of the Hqllidayshnrg crowd, 1 vervihing passed oft’in the most orderly manner. It has been currently reported that the -wind Army of the Potomac is again on the move. T'.iisds very cheering at this time, for we feel con- that under the leadership of the gallant Meade it will lie victorious wherever he mar lead, and we may yet have the pleasure of recording in oin jiaper, ere tins year has passed, the capture nf the Capitol of the would-be Confederacy.— lint in the meantime our citizens should not lid iimimdt'ul of the fact that oar friend' Mr. A. Uoush, Druggist, has lately received a splendid lot of nww goods consisting of drugs and medi- of the best qualities, and notions of oil kinds, - neb as, port roonnies combs, brushes? perfumery, cigars, -tobacco, 4c., which will be of i beap.i Give hini a call. WISTBa’S Coming.- —Who. doesn’t know 1 dial?” we think we hear half-a-dozen exclaim at i “iice. Well, perhaps you know it, and if you ; have a good stove and plenty- of fuel, or money to | buy it. you don't care ; but there are many whose j ■u.vcs are about “ played, out,” and we want to I toll them that a large stock of every style of | "»jkiug, office, parlor and bedroom stoves have. , Jiot been received by Mrs. S. Bigg, apd her manager, Joe Smith, will deliver one op short { notice, all rigged np with the proper fixings, pipe, \ "le., and have it in blast in short order, and his ; prices will he found as reasonable as any} other I inercliant’s. Daniel- Has Areived. —Last week we an nounced Daniel coming Having seen him on ilie street we know he has' arrived, and wer know !ns stock of ready-made clothing lias also arrived, lieeanse his shelves are fall and his counters so I'ilid up that you can scarcely see the clerks be- UnJ them. If those who wish a good suit, or a nice overcoat, or anything in the clothing line '■aiinot be suited at Laughman’s, they must 'be tani to please. If you want to see a pile of goods, JM drop in at Dan's. A ‘ i'KLiGious.—The Methodist Church in this iieiug now closed to public worship, under repainrin the way of papering, painting, ‘V-- Iter. W. U. Mills will, by invitation, preach 111 the I'iesbytcrian Church next tjabhath morning ai “i evening, where tlie congregations of tlie ■hun lies named will worship together. Iron - Cmr Collkoe, Pittsbuuoh, Pa.— There is no Institution W learning in the country, at present, attracting so great an iimounc of atten tion us this. Students are tjoCking to it from all |wrts of the country, on account of the reputation it has among business men for making thorough,, practical aild reliable accountants. ' Its graduate* take precedence over those of all other Commercial Schools; a Ifiploma from flits College being a certain pussjior*. to success in husi-' ness life. The Facility is composed of skillful and experi enced men, who stand at the head of their profes sion, .and who ate well known to be eminently fitted for the positions theyi occupy. Every young man in the country should try to avail himself of the advantages atlbrded bya course of study in this College. Circulars of the College, containing full information, can be had on addressing thp Princi pals, Messrs- JENKINS&SMITH, Pittscubou, Pa. v - Ladies, A Word with You. —Eevev body has seen those summer bonnets you have been wearing, and'they no longer create a sensation when you appear ,iu public, and, besides, the color and trimmings have laded, and they are no more ** loves of bonnets," such as you 'would appear in. Now, a word aside, the Misses Hickey have just received their stock of fall bonnets, and, oh! they are so pretty, and so becoming, and they can trim them up so neatly, and make you appear so pretty, and so captivating. Hush in at ojiee and see how many of you can get new bonnets before next Sunday. AccniKST AT Mint us.—The Fast Train East, on Thursday morning last, ran into the rear end of a freight train, in coucerfuenee of the breaking of a lever which controlled the breaks of the passenger train. Jesse AI. Fizzle, of Harrisburg, Fireman of the passenger engine was killed, and Philip Lowe, Engineer, was badly, injured, hav ing one foot mashed and being held on the engine in close proximity to escaping steam. The Bag gage Alaster was somewhat bruised by trunks which fell on him. No pasileugers were injured. Go- a-Heahativexess.—A spirit uf goahead ativeness appears to have seized a number - of our business men this fall, and they arc striking right out into d&p water, determined to fathom it. Among them we find that excellent “night of thd shears,” T)ios. Elway, who has just been to the East and purchased a heavy stock of all styles of goods for gents clothing, and he is now pre pared to make up his clothes in the best and latest styles and at the very Ipwest living percentage on first cost. Call and examine his stock. A Review.— Kev. R. W. Oliver, Rector of St. Luke's Episcojial Church, in this place, will re view Bishop Hopkins sermon in defence of slavery, on Sunday evening next, iti his church, East Altoona. The public, is respectively invited lo attend. ’ ' 7' ; ' f PEN AND SCISSOBS taT The receipts from the internal revenue, for September, were $6,136,001). taf Holland, Mass., has four hundred inhabi tants, without a doctor, lawyer, store or grogshop. (tap* A son of the late Admiral Foote follows in his father's footsteps, and has become a midship- man. ' What the people of New Orleans think. The Era says.- “The armies of the Union must march on until every rebel in arms is captured or driven from the hind.” It is a singular coincidence that the Indian name of the river near which Gen. Bosecrans fought his Inst terrible rand bloody battle, that of Chickamaugo, means “ the stream of Death." gay The sailors attached to Admiral Farragut’s squadron which captnrpd New O-leans, are, it is expected,, soon to receive half a million dollars, their share of the value of the Confederate vessels seized on die Mississippi. \ ®yßosecrans said , months ago of General Thomas; “George H. Thomas is a man of extra ordinary character. Years- ago, at the Military Academy; I conceived there were points of strong resemblance between his character and that of Washington. I was in the habit of calling him Gen. Washington. Among the officers who distinguished themselves at the battle of .Chickamanga, and displayed their fitness for a high command, is Gen. J. J. Beynolds, of Indiana. A better man fora coijm commander than Gen. Beynolds could not be selected. He is the man who, in the winter pf ’GI-’62, outgener aled Bobert E. Lee, in Western Virginia. ggy The convalescents in York, Pa., hospitals, to the number of several hundred, were on Wed nesday grunted a furlough for twenty days, in order to return to their respective homes through out the Slate for the purpose of voting at the coming election. The men formed in procession at their quarters and marched to the depot with a band of music, carrying at their head a “banner with this strange device; ” “ Goiny on a snake hunt." GERMAN MEETING! A meeting of 'the German citizens of Altoona and vicinity will be hold in KURTZ’S HALL, On SATURDAY EVENING, Oct. 10th, nt half-post seven o'clock, to be addressed hv MAJ. J. F. FRUEAUFF, ' of Ilollidaysbiirg, in ;the German language, on the questions involved in the present politick cam paign- : ‘ Let there be a full torn out. - - ■ New Groods, 'KERR has just received a very handsome lot of pew fall goods, which 1 will be sold AT PRICES DEFYING COMPETITION. Those requiring anything in his line will SAVE : by calling soon, as goods will positively be ■ mficb higher before Idug. -The nbwly arrived ’ stock consists of Shirting ■ Ftannel, Delaines, Balml Skirts, Sutinelts, Cassimeres, Prints, CloakingClpths, Tweeds,: Check, ‘’Brown Muslin, Jeans, Ticking, Bleached Muslin, &c. ■ • ! Call and get a hargftin‘before the goods are all disposed of. His stock of Groceries is complete, and the at tention of the is qlreeted to the fact that ' be is selling the BEST 810 COFFEE AT 33 CENTS per pound! SYRUPS from 60 to 75 els per gallon, and all other goods in proportion. Altoona, Sept. iCth, IBC3. FirkJ Fire 1 1 —Donut risk your |>roj>crtv any iongdr to ihe owrey of the ttiuuoss hut go to Kci r and-lmte hira Insure you ngHjind loss by fire,- — He i> jtgeut ftp thirteen UifiVrcut comp;mk‘N among which are some of the !>ost in .the United Staten. - \ Altoona, July 21,-tf. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINES. Our LETTER A FAMILY SEWING MACHINE U fast S»i«h‘K a world-wulu reputation. It is beyond doubt the best and cheapest and most beautiful of all Family Sew iug Machines yet offered tu the public. Xu other Family Sewing Machine h;u« so many useful appliances for lleiu- U*ing, Binding. Filling, Tucking, Gathering. Gouging. BmidiDg T Embroidering, Cording, ami tto f* rth. No other Family Sowing Machine boa so much capacity fi»r n great variety of work. It will sew all kinds of cloth, and with all.kinds of thread. Great and recent improvement* make our Faintly Sewing Machine most reliable, and most durable, and moat certain in action at all rates of speed. It makes the interlocked stitch which is the l*est stitch known. Any one, even of the most ordinary capacity. C4iU see at a gl.nu>?, how to use the letter A Family Sewing Macaine. Opr Family Sewing Machine?! ai.-lin islied in ckiaSte and exquiste style. The folding Cane of the Family Machine is a piece of cunning workn^ii*’. ip of the most usetul kind. It pro tects the machine when not in use; and when about- to he operated may be opened as a .spacious and .substantial table to sustain the work. While some of pie Cases, made out of the choicest woods, are tinisiiedin ■ the sim- plest and c)ia*t> st manner possible. others iuv adorned and Embellishes! in the most costly uml supurb manner. It is absolutely necessary to see the Family Machine in operation, so as to judge of its great capacity end beauty. It is fa>t becoming as popular for family sewing as «*ur Manufacturing machines are for munufacturliu purposes. The Branch Ollk'-rs »iv well supplied with silk twits, thread, needles. oil. jtc.. of the very best ijualitv. Scad for u'-I’.OU'ULKt. THE SINGKU .MANUFACTURIN'*; COMPANY. Broadway. New York tQ Philaullphia Officr, 81U Chestnut si. Mr. D. W. A. Belford. Merchant Tailor. Virgin in St re et Agent in Altoona. Altoona. Nov. l.'l. 1862. ■ \ .y r. DB. TOBIAS’ VENNETIA LINIMENT A certain cure fur pains ami acln-s. and wai ranted su perior to any other. • Croup it positively cures; relief is absolutely "suy.* immediately after it it? used. Mother- re member this, and'arm yuur»*‘lves with a bottle without delay. Croup is a disease which gives no notice, frequently attacking the child in the dead hour of night; before u physician can be -uiumouod it may be ti>o lute, Remem ber, the Venetian Liniment never fail-:. Price 2a and 00 cents tt bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Otlice. 50 Cortland Street, New York. iSept 16, 1863—1 m. A CARD TO THE SUFFERING The Uef. IVin, C.-irrove. while laboring as a Missionary in Japan, was cured of Consumption, when all other means had failed, by a recipe obtained from a learned physician in the great city of Jeddo. This recipe has cured great numbers wl><> were suffering from Consumption, bronchi tis. Sore Xhi oat. Coughs and Colds, and tliu debility ami nervous depression caused by these disorders. Desirous of bench ting others, I will send this r-cipe, which I have brought home with me. to all who need it. free of charge. Address. Dec. aiasta-iy RAIL ROAD AND HAIL SCHEDULE. ' TRAINS AIIUIVK AND DEPART. Baltimore Express West arrives 6.55 A. M„ leaves 7.1 a A.M. PhUadel’ii *■ ** 7.40 •• 8.00 •• Fast Lino' •• 8.20 P. M. *• 8.35 P.M. Mull Train •• - 7.00 •• •• 7.15 - Express Train Cast ** 8.4 u P. M.. leaves U.OO P. M Fast Line *• *• I.IUA M. •• 1.1&A.M Mail Train •• “ 7.40 - - S.Oo •• Through Accom. •• 1015 4 * 1C.25 •• Tnlins on HolLdayslmrg Brunch run to connect with Express Trains We»t. Mail Train East West and Thro’ Accommodation Train East. Train-? on Tyrone £ Clearfield Bruich and Bab) Eagle Valley R. R. run to connect with Express Train West and Mail Train Ea*t and West. MAILS ARRIVE. Eastern Through, 7,40 a. jj. Eastern Way...:.;...., . 7,00 I*. M. Western Way 10.15 A. M. Western Throng),. A. M. Homdsyahnrg, T. 30 A. 31. t 7,00 P.M. ■ MAILS CLOSE. Western Way, 7,20 A.M. Eastern Way;, “ Western Through 7,15 p.yj. Eastern Through 7,15 «* lloliulayshurg 7.30 A M. i 0,45 P. M. Ornci Homs;—During the week from 6,45 A. M. Until 7,30 P. M. On Snnihiva from 7.30 until 8.30 A. Si. O. W. PATTON, P. M. Altoona, April 2n, 1863. R. A. O. KERR, ALTOONA, PA., AGENT for Blair, Cambria, Clearfielll, Centre and Huntingdon counties. for tho foliowim: lines of ; TRANSPORTATION BETWEEN EUROPE AND THE UNITED STATES: Montreal Line of Steamships. * Galway - 44 Sabel k Swirlcs’ Line of Sailing Packets. Washington Line “ “ Great Eastern Steamship. Parties desirim: tu bring their friends from Europe, or wishing to take an excursion to that country, rah secure Tickets at the same rates as are charged at the Offices of the different Lineb at the starring points. Excursion Tickets for the round trip are sold at reduced rates. Oct. 7. 1863-Gm. AVOID THE NEXT DRAFT! There is'a pee vailing ex- CITEMENT among the people of Altoona and vi clnity about THE SECOND DRAFT—not so much about the Draft as for making the Three Hundred to pay exemp tion. AH patriotic? tut choose rather to stay at liume with their beloved ones, for their support, than to risk their lives in tin* Moody war. Now, to bring the matter to a close, we will inform the public that by buying their Goods at tho GREEN STORE, Corner of Branch and Annie street, East Altoona, kept by GEIS A CO., they will SAVK THE THREE HUNDRED in a short time. They have just received# large and well selected stock of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, which they are selling for Cash at the lowest living price#. A latgo assortment of LADIES’ COATS AND CIRCU LARS, ranging in price froth $4.50 to $12.00. Tho attention of the public is particularly drawn to the fact that they are selling Brown and White Muslin from 18 to 45 cants; Calicoes from 12% to 25 cfo.; Delaines from 18 to 36 cent# per yard. They hare always on hand a large assortment of MEN AND BOYS* CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, and, in tact, everything kept in a first-class Store. Altoona, Oct. 7,1863. List of letters remaining uncalled for In Altoona Post Office. Oct. sth, 1863 Acker, J. Mr. Xane, Q.‘W. Abrulmmer, 0.11. hognwcll, J. X. Bodine; Samuel -Miller, Harry Boyer, Jos, Marrion. F. B. 2 Byue, Sir. Mark, Mias K. ■bujaman, Isaac Minor, Dr. J. M. Oaasidivy, James Morrison, Jos. Crouao, John Mitchell, Miss A. Cmiidny, Wm. ' Madden Wm. Condo, Mrs. J. Mom?, U. Cooper, Mrs. Mary McClure, Wm. Conrad I. A. ’ McCoy, Thus. B. N Daria, Michael MeKniglit, L. B. 2 Dougherty, Miw K. S. McHeaughtou J. C. Dodds, Marshall McClure, John Dcbany,Mrs. Potter,'Simon' £ Dockerdy, Hr. Rupert MISa Mary, gboeraao, Samuel • Palmer, Mrs. K. Flemming, Miss Jane , Rogers, Robert Farberi Miss JB. Heed. J. Giles, Miss D&bie Stapleton, C. C. Quo, James M. Shims, Mr. A. Cells, Bet. W. K. Smith, C. B. Hhrot, Miss Sallie Snyder, Mr? M. Harrison, Miss A. F Stains. Boiij. , He&rMe, Mrs. Polly ' Stoever, Uriah Hartman, Jacob Smith, Mrs. A. Hoover, Valentino Stephens, John Harper, John Smith, Capt. Q. A . Hacked Miss A. Toney well, J.W: Heckle* o£o. Walaon, Joseph Heist**, Simon Wajker, Andrew , Kilhuartin, Miss K. Twoojh*, John. Kephart, Frod’k Ward, Capt. J. B. Kolir, Miss C. Yingllug. Mrs. A. Kelly. 0. W. - . Bearing. Adam Kelley, Mrs. F- M. Bmwn.JiM.hua. Dodger, John < Persona calling for letters un ulujve list will please say ‘•advertised.* 3 OHO. W, PATTON. P. sf. Rev. \VM. CO.'UKOVK, J.kj Fulton Avunut*. Ilr'u.iklvu. N. Yi Notice is he hi-: by given, that tlu- i'aftuership exititiu£ hvtxvwu John and Josephine lifr lw-uack. sole of lioitian UiehenarSf. has this day been mntimlW diw*»WoU Kv aj:rv«ui« nl. Ml persons dnim** the Jinn will j»r»‘is*Tf tlwui to Join; Shmidt f»rt* ia'ttleuieut, with whun the books nud papers of the firm will l*» found, l»t the old stand on Julia Str»*et. Altoona. i JOHN SCIIMIUT, : JOSKIMHNK IUKI&NACK. Sept. IT. I*o3, new Goods. uudersigncj would respectfully in ft*rm Ibf citirciwuf and surrounding couu trj. "that li»* 1m« ju»t ivturried from the Hast, where he has, l«*eu selecting his stock of is FALL AND WINTER GOODS, wbfoh, for style* quality and price, cußooi be surpassed in this neck of country. Hie stock is much larger thin heretofore, and as It is quite an object, in these exciting war limes, for every one to parches* where thfcy can get The Best Goods and- at the Lowest Prices, ho wtmUl *ay tlutc-ho ruu mitt will veil a. loir. If uot a Mule lower (hau any other |rouse iu this place. He wishes all to call nhd jeeibia steely before purchagfag eUew r hero, a- ho fools uoufiitetit he can olfer inducement. Which will defy muiticl'ition. UU etoek con.iats of ■ r LADIES'; DRESS GOODS of every dcpcrigitiou, MKX BOYS’ WINTER WEAK,’ I.AtUSS AND MISSES’ DRESS SHOES, 'MEN AND ROYS’ BOOTS AND SHOES, .MEN’S HALF HOSE, WOMEN’S AND MISSES' WOOL HOSE, hats and Caps, BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLIN. - oiNGiiAMs and heavy dhillings. Ho will soli Luilio. Sowoii, Heeled Booteea at fcl.oOhri.7a Kip Poca-al 1.37(a11.0(i Men s Boots : 2.76(((,3,5U BALMORAL SKIRTS, very low. GROCERIES. White ami Brown Sugar, Uio Cofleee. Syrupy Teas, Ac.* au>i i-Vfrything that is usually kept in u Dry Upods Store, ami as cheap as the cheapest, J. A. SFRANKLii. Altoona. Oct. 7, ISO 3. Victory Won! r I "'ll I. Subscribers would respectfully \ unn.ainiv to the citizens of Altoona anil vicinity, tloit they have just returned from the East with their FA!,;, AND WINTER STOCK OF HATS & CAPS, BOOTS Sc SHOES. Their stock of HATS & CAPS Iu»-« ( Ih-«ii lectei] with great care, and with the view of suiting ull who may favor them with their patronage. Their line of Hoot* and Shoes is complete. Their LAMES' MlSSES''und CUJLUHE2&S SUOKS are of City make, and warranted. Thtdr Balmoral Shoes for Ladies and 'liases, arc just the thing for wet weather and saving health Thankful to the public for their very liberal patronage heretofore, they hope to merit a continuance of the same. More on J/.t/A ST. next door to Bowman’s- Exchange Motel. SMITH £ MANN. Altoona, May 12, 1863. EXCELSIOR Oat & Gap Store. r r HE PROPRIETOR OE THE 1 LIX-OELSHpR/* MAT and CAP Stole, would inform his‘customers, and the Public generally, that be has just returned from the city with 4he largest and most varied stock of goo«Js in his line everiirought to Altoona, all of which he has now on exhibition ami sale at his new store loom on Virginia street, next door to Jag gard’s store. His stock euihraces all the latest styles of FALL AND WINTER HATS,J| CAPS, MISSES’ FEATS, &C. His Stock of Huts and Caps are of the very best selection, of evejy style, color and shape, for both old and young. All he asks is that the people call and examine his stock, and he feels confident that.he can send them away re joicing, if not in tjie purchase of such an article.is they wanted, at the remembrance -of having lodket) upon the handsomest stock of Hats. Caps, Flats, Ac., ever exhibited in this town. • I have also on hand an entirely new' stock oft Ladies’ and Childrens’ Hats and Flats, and a beautitul stock of LADIES’ FURS, which 1 am confident cannot be surpassed in tho country, ail of which 1 will *ell at the most reasonable prices. Re member the Hall of Fashion, when you want anything in the lino of head covering, ami call on Oct. 7, 'O3-tft ' JESSE SMITH. O, YES! O; YES!!. THIS WAY! THIS WAY! NEW ' > FALL AND WINTER GOODS! JB. HILEMAN has just received a • large and well selected stock of Goods,' of Cloths, Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, SatlpettB, Ken* tocky Jeans, Tweeds, Beaverteens. Blue Drilling, and all other kinds of Goods for MEN AND BOYS’ WEAR, . together with a grand and magnificent assortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Such ax Black and Fhncy Silks, Challits, Bertgts i Brilliants, Lawns, Ddainex, Chinfzs. Deßegtx, Crapes $ Print s, t rape and Sella ShatcU, ManlxlCu, and HnMery, Bonnets Collars , Barul kerchie/Sy Kid G?or*j. Hooped Skirts, Skirt ing, Lace MtUii dx., dx. Aiiso, iokingsj CJiecka, Blekchfed and Unbleached Mu*l|mt, Cotton atnlLinen Table Diaper, Crash, Nankeen, Ac. i; boots a!sd SHOES, HARDWARE, i QUEENSWARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, * OILCLOTHS, CARPETSMC. v GROCERIES. Our stock of Groceries i* more extensive than over, and consists of Rio and Java Coffee, Crushed. Lonf 'and' N 0. Sugars.; Green, Y. 11. and Black Teas; Molasses, Soaps, Candles, Salt, Flab. Ac. Thankful to the public for the very libera) patronage heretofore received, he herpes by strict attention to busi ness. and an endhavbr to please, to merit a continuance ol the same. | £9*Call and examine his Stock, and yon will be con vinced tint be bos the*best Assortment and cheapest Goods In the market. i %• Country Produce of ail kinds taken in Goods at market prices. * - Altoona, April 28,1863.. CITY DRUG STORE. DH. E. H. REIGART would jrespect fully announce to the citizens of Altoona and sur rounding country, that ho has recently purchased the Drugstore of Berlin £ Co-. on Viiginia Street, opposite Frits’ Hardware Store. His Drugs are -Fresh and, Sure, and he hopes by strict attention to business to merit a share of public patronage. Call and examine his stock, lie lias constantly on hand DRUGS, MEDICINES and CHEMICALS, fine ■ Toilet soaps, perfumery, Brushes, GLASS, PUTTY?PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, .CARBON OIL ASP LAMPS, : NOTIONS, CIGARS, ami every article usually kept in a*f?int,f m General Attem biy met. That the following njmouduieolli be proposed to the Constitution of the Oomoionwealtfc't la. accordance with the provision* of vtide^tmf: * There alkali be an additional section tow third article of the Constitution, to be designated ah. section four, tw follows: 9 ■. Secnos4. Whenever a tty of'“the quaUftsd electors of thin Commonwealth Shall be {a im aepnl atilltary serf k e under a requisition from the President of thf Baited Scares, or by authority of this Cotamoowealth, soehelrctoM may exeiciae the right of suffrage hi all electioaaby the citi sciih, under >oeh rrgulatnAw as are, or prescrib'd by law. ad folly ns If they were present at tlfolr usual place Of election. There sliall be two addition I ”• tioaa to the eleventh article of the Constitution, t>> • eaigaated as sections eight and nine, as follow*: -. * Section 8. No bill shall be v sed by the Legislature, containing more than one subjvvV’Which shall be clearly expressed in the title, except appropriation bill*. , Section 9. No bill shall be pared by (be. Legislature granting any powers, or privileges, in'aay Case, where the authority to grant such powers, or privileges, ha* beeu, m may hereafter be, conferred upbn the courts of this Com monwealth. JOHN CESSNA. Speaker nf the Bomu qf Sepreseatatira* JOHN P. PJ&NMST, Speaker of the Semites ~ Omul OF tat StCEtTA** OF THM Co»BO! J i }' Union of the General entl- T. —' tied “A Joint Resolution proposing certain Amendments to the Constitti' lion,” as the same remains on hie in this office. In Testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my ham), and caused the seal of the Secretary's office to be affixed.'the day and year above written. ELI dIIFKR. Secretary of tht CbrnmoxivxalfJi. July 7. ISG3.-tc. v LARGE SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS AND AMBROTYPES, Gilt and Rosewood Frames, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, :*, i 7 GARTES-DE- VISILES. ALL STYLES AND SIZES OF CASES, &C„ CLABAUGH’S BUILDING, Julia Street, between Virginia anil Emma, AETOONA, PA, ELIAS A. BONINE. Aug. 4, ’o3—dm. JOIN THE CAVALRY!!! NOW IS THE TIME TO ENLIST! Don’t wait to be notified that you are drafted! Do not wUit for the next draft, but vol unteer at once! THE UNDERSIGNED HAS BEEN authorized to recruit a CAVALRY COMPANY, to be attached to the 13th Penn’a cavalry. Men are wanted immediately to fill np the company? Enlist where you have a chance in the selection of your officers, and a fair chance for promotion.' Capt. JAB. M. BELL. ALTOONA, August 24,1863. ‘ ; ' LEWISTOWN MILLS, LEWISTOWN £>A. _ AND FEE i» OF ALLKINDS always on hand and for sale atthe lowest market prices. Orders by maU will receive our special and prompt at tention: W. B. McATEBR & SON, Sept, IG. 1803-2XU. * proprietors. ADMINISTRATORS’ NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that Letters bf Administra tion nave been issued this day to the undersigned by Hie Register oDßlair county, on the estate of BERNARD GAR VIN. late of the Borough of Altoona, deceased. All per sona knowing themselves indebted to said-Bstate are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, must present them legally authen ticated, for settlement. JAMES GARVIN; Sept. 10,1863—6t.* ./Administrator. ULTERIOR stock of liquors. O “JOHN 11. FKITCIIKY is now'able to offer to hie customers and the pnbllc at large, a stock of the purest liquors ever brought Into tills market, comprising ip port the following varieties WIIISKY-IKISn, SCOTCU, OLD j BOURBON. WINE—PORT, SUEKHT, OLD- MADEIRA. OTAKD. DCPEY i CO. PALE BRANDT. These liquors can all be warranted; and in addition'to tbdse, FRITCHKY baa on hand a large variety of Wines, Whisky and Brand,, to which they invite the particular attention of file public. Altoona. May 12,1863. - ‘ HAMS! HAMS! HAMS!—Just re ceived, a largo lot of Canvassed Sugar-cured Hams of the best (yanje in market, Every one - sold Is gnaran teqdat ; , FRITOHEY’S MACKEREL— NOS. 1,2, AND 3, in all ailed packages, new, and each package warranted, just received and for sale low by FRITCHEY. TEAS! TEAS! TEAS!—FRITCHEY la selling Teas superior to any ever offered in Al toona. They are free of adulteration, coloring, or mix ture of any kind. ». a nother Large lot op the jIX. CELEBRATED JERSEY HAMS Jolt received and for sale at ", FRITCHKY'S / IREAM CRACKERS I - A fresh sup- V J ply of these delicipns crackers just received and for sale at . FRITCHBY’B IF TOU WANT GOOD COFFEE, porii Teas, the best of Chocolate, Syrups and Sugars, goto !■ • • : •• ' . raiTCHEY^. Boston crackers—a large supply of these delicious crackers Just received and forsal© by FMTCHBY. Extra family flour, from title Core, always on hand; and . for - sale ae tow as the fewest by rTKITCHET. pOFFEES, SUGARS, AND SYRUPS of all gnulea, and at reanonahK* prk«a, for sale by . FiUTCHBY. ] A BARRELS PURE CIDER VINE XV/ PAR just received and for sale low at - ; Sept l, 1863. FRITCHBY’S. Extra family flour* put up Id Sacks expressly for family use at \ vnfureners WORRELL'S PREPARED COFFEE joat recflved amlfur sale by FRTTCHEY. SUPERIOR CREAM CHEESE AT - ; raiTOHliY’6. 4 PARRELS PURE WHITE LARD jutt received and for salu at FIUTCUKY’B’ F RITCHEY’S NEW StCKE; efthiri ofOaroflnp nnd Virginia St*. A, ' Dr.SWEETO INFALLIBLE L INI 11K N 'f, THE GREAT REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEUEALOIA LUMBAGO. STIFF NECK AND JOISTS, SPRAINS, BRUISES. COTS AND WOUNDS, PILES, HEADACHE, • AND ALL, RHEUMATIC ASD NKR- ‘ VOUS DISORDKRS. For all of which it is a speedy and certain remedy, amt never kiln. This Liniment IS prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, at Connecticut, the Ihtnoos bone Vetter. ’ and ha been heed In hie practice Ibr mote than twenty years with the meet astonish lug success. AS AN ALLEVIATOR OF PAIN, it ia unrivalled l>y any preparation before'the public, of which the moat, skeptical may be convinced by a sinpfo trial. v . This Liniment will cure rapidly and radically, EHEU-, MATIC DISORDKRS of every kind, add In thousands I.r cases where UJias been used it luu never been.known to fail. ’ FOE NEURALGIA, It will aflbrd immediate relief in every ease, boweVer diitroßslng, It will relieve the worst cases of lIKADACUK In three, minutes and is warranted to do It, - TOOTHACHE also wiU it cure instantly. FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY AND GENERAL LASSI TUDE Arising from imprudence or excess, this Unimeut is a mact happy and unfailing remedy. Acting directlv npon the nervooa tissues, it strengthens and revivifies the system, and restores It to elafttfcity and vigor. ’ FOR PILES.—A* an externalremedy, we claim that it Is the htti known, and we challenge the world to produce an equal. Every victim of this distressing complaint should give it a trial, for it will pot fail to afford Immedi ate relief, and in majority of cases will effect a radical cure. QUJNSY ANB-SORE THROAT are sometimes extreme ly malignant and thuigerous, but a timely application of this Liniment will never fall to curt*. SPRAINS aro sometimes very obstinate, ami eiilaJge*. went of the Joints is liable to occur If neglected. The worst case may ho conquered by this Liniment fa two or three days. BRUISES. CUTS, WOUNDS. SORES, ULCERS. BURNS AND SCALDS, yield readily to the wonderful healing properties of DR, SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, when used according to directions* Also, CHILBLAINS. FROSTED FEET, AND INSECT BITES AND SUNOS. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut Tim On-at N&ttxr&l Bose Setter. , ! Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, Is known aU orer the United States. , ' ■ . Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, Is the author of “Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment.*' : Dr. Sweet’s Infallible, Liniment Cured Rheumatism and never fails. • Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Ib a certain remedy for Neuralgia. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Cures Bums and Scolds immediately. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Is the best known remedy for Sprains and Bruises. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Cures Headache immediately ogdwas never to fail Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Affords immediate relief for piles, andsehloin fails to cure Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Lioin^l Cure* Toothache in quo minute. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Cures Cuts and. Wounds immediately and leaves no scar. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is tlie best remedy for sores in the known world.] Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment . been used by more than a tuUliou |wbp!e, aiulafl praise it. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Taken Internally cnees Colic, Cholera Morbus and Cbolern. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniuient Is truly a “ friend in need,” and every femity should have it at band. .1 Dr. Sweet’s Infallible; Linimerit Is for sale by all Druggists. Price 25 and 50 cents. A FKIEND IN NEED. TRY IT. Dft. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, as an ex ternul remedy, is without a rival, and will ulleviute win more speedily then any other preparation. For all Kbeu matic and N ervatu Disorders it is truly Inbllitde, and as a curative; for Sores, Wound*,; Bruises, Ac., its soothing, healing and powerful strengthening properties, excite the Just wohder and Hstonlshlnentor all who have sver given it a trial. Overdue’thousand certificates of remarkable enree, perforated h? It within the lift two years, attest thd fiwt.’ ! . TO. HORSE OWNERS ! DU.BWEKTSINFALLIBLK LINIMENT FORMOKStS is unrivalled by any, and in ail cases of Laiuenesa. arising from Sprains, Braises or wrenching, its effect is magical and certain. Harness or saddle Galls,. Scratches, Mange, Ac, it win also enre speedily. Spavin - and Bingboiie mar be easily prevented and cured in their incipient stages, but confirmed. cases are beyond the possibility of a radi cal cure. No case of the kind, however, is so desperate or hopeless bat it r may be alienated by this Liniment, and its faithful up plica thin wOl always remove the Itmeoew, and enable the horses to travel with comparative hue. ' - EVkttY HORSE OWNER should have thisremedy at hud, for it* timely use,at the first appearance of) Lameness will effectually present tlxm formid»tde diseases, to which ail horses are liable ‘ and which render so nmny otherwise raiashle horses'near!« worthless. ■' DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENf IS TUR Soldiers And thousands liase found it truly pf" A FRIEND INfBBfcD! / 7. :r v ■ bottU.lrithdgt «W ’ i JOCITABMON tCO December 4,Mf12.-Iy.