they took Ni; • ■ • 'di*Wn weromost sorelv {mL*, «* « («M«t dni.SSi “ ftf f lW have .tomoccunjj, lo Kt *ow gbuhfewsl «n.l encottr »t, on»he tight, of Mitchell's ami fee, Ofthc Be«rvo r *!*•»*« Gordon Granger, himself d«» of strength, our ability,.« Swob was no longer doubted «i' I ttto were atflt oat or. nan maud of General Steadman jmunition train that had faJhJ , the enemy. They come upon a ■and, after a severe conflict; ,fl ro ve [Thomas was making hugait,-, hdDavisbad managed, after w to work their way to the Jhws ,'he remnants of their dfrlaions. a the direction of C%attaj)oMo I'Thomas fell jiaek to RaieviUc JlWhtßooga, af»r aw . ’ transportation and other material «le of Siitutday ended inadiawn n*day resditod in a disartreusde t,pf the first day was partly dne in ncal, strength of tjus enenre.biid of our UneofW. !:«ectmd is justly ascribed to iml rihe battle-field, and above all to fhataotl- The hiito. KO eiercised hv theComnO.^, r were wamingAhe Wine lb leave, the field to tro the action was oter.YV ’= bewance of two corpa comittaiitl- I also made a demoralizing im fcal people certainly hare cause ktioa that the Army of the Curn comWetely destroyed, aiul owe p *0 General Thomas and those *ed it. Our losses are great,— landed and missing wjil probably li Of artillery we are less gome S lost on Sunday. Of wagons initiop and supplies,, ambulances, lost a great number. They wen* - retreat on Sunday. ans and his lieutenants were bn vlonday in ‘ strengthening their rant*,, and re-organizing their ie the army itself may be con 1, it is raopt certain that if the idvaitage of greater numbers, is wjll compel iiosevrans to re npeasee, in case reinforcements iy reach hip>. iaease in Charlston. 'jiniryt says: “A new disease, istatjea," or shell fever, has re in ohr coast It cornea oh snd -tarting as itnlanned—just like frightened precedes the attack, erally utter an exclamation of sort of chamo comas mgs of the muscles of the lower tendency to locomotion—the > more about from one place to more to exercise in a straight point. Some, whose knees are ith a tendency to shaking, hut ted that many of these cases d, and they move as rapidlv as sets, * This class of cases pre ■hile others hare a disposition ioyr a propensity to avoid any alk np stairs. ‘They strangely o descend into underground cel ■■pents, where they remain spring titer hear noises In the whizzing, and curious k seem to hare the nervous and sleephadly, jrak- B* s but. -We saw some of PpCharlston, and, met .several IRtally in tlie street. We heard ban who (eft Charleston Hotel Iran with agility the d irec fwljo was found in this rooming per:its north ***niri jitjjfri from I cases were noted. tPSSSnnries Ibwaml we heard olnone ter- (ASroamfc “Event.”—An M)«m says the Eonaok Newt, Bheen made in Bontbamp- SwiiaOi struggle between the he North and those who are hets hare made'been upon Be between the .belligerents. Hag wagers was a new .hit Bd enter Richmond before wl Washington. Asboth Whe'aame size, a nSw hot to .be .made and kept until the on lee crossed to (he north of Federals cross to the south of f the hat excites thee greatest : of Vicksbargoanaed a large ns, the Southern sympathisers to the confident statements ' and Standard that the, town , captured.- A bushel of ripe : , grown at i that thegrear fortress oo the - t be taken, and tbe iriwier •• pimßns ’, asthfiy fbe current.odds are.that the pc from Lairdls and get into federates. : 1 ■, • BATIC EETING Meeting of the Deroo ’ative Men, who are .in hlj suppression .the In * • • j I And of maintaining in- Mntion gf our fathers, our inalienable lighter ami Soppiness, witti% ; ‘ pTOONA, rening, Oct. 3d. tiie State Executive IHowing able speakers Resen t and address tb® Roes Snowden; jrf Fh% ray D. Foster ofwWeet” V’ni. iiigler and W®- 4- Id's Hon. Win. A; Jfopt* I' _ .V, r »-*.<• * ■if' 5 ' • Igton county, m?d]R. P ip 8. Nopir, of tve been mwlfrijflw l ?, >t step at ailJsStetfcP* id Petersburg, ju&fli*' tb» iettßed ? ■ *» -. J v; ■■■• r.»f .printing ur ruling in ...jual to establishment in the jtate. iknd at r.jually low. Wo can execute. on short notice, all t.f bedding, Invitation, Visiting, Ball & Business Cards, Circulars, Programmes, MAMMOTH posters, sale bills, pamphlets, Pay and Check Bolls, BLANK BOOKS, MANIFESTS, and blanks of all kinds. ti; a.- :Ltk is a trial, feeling cuutliient that we can give .smtiiftiim if we have the opportunity. in bowther’.i building, corner of Virginia and An opposite .Superintendent’!* Oflhe. LOCAL ITEMS. - More About Jim Moore.—We have had .mother letter from our soldier friebd, Jim Moore, uliii'li announces that he is well and hearty. In f,ri Jim has stood the rough usage of the Army „f the Potomac remarkably well, os he-informs us that lie has not been one day in any hospital, ,ji,oe his connection with the army, how two .ears, and he has been as faithfoi to his position he has been healthy, not haring been absent irom his company . twenty-four hours, either on mrloueh or “ Frcnchie,” in all tiiat time.- Tlie Araiv ot the Potomac is again on the march, ,uul the mil corps, to which the Reserves are at mrlietl, were at Kapidan.Stmion when Jim wrote u , He informs us of the death of private Samuel I*. lilack, who lived near Postoria, in this eountv. Black was a member of Co. F. 2d Reserves. It ,i|i|iears that he went bathing in the Rappahan nock, near the R. R. station of that name, and jelling beyond his depth, and being unable to .vim, wa“ drowned. This occurred on the 3d of M|itemher. His body was recovered an the 01 li i.i'September and placed in a coffin and interred a I, el distancefrom that station. He was a good sol !,ei and lielovcd by all hiscomrades. He hadlieen ih all the battles of that army from the date of his entrance-into it, up to this time, and afteresca ;,:iig all its dangers, it is sorrowful to think that lit should be thus suddenly called away from, friends and glory. N'kw Postal Currency. —The new fractional i.Mial currency, says Thompson’s Hank Note Re loner. is to be one of the same denominations as :ne eld, but instead of being different sizes, they sill lie of dimemigusof tlie present ten cent ]ostal. are engraved in the highest styles of art, and the colors, which arc the distinguishing marks of ike different values, ore of such a chemical com iiiuaiion, it is asserted, as to defy photographing. jirimed on paper made by a secret pro ass in the Treasuty Department, thinner than that now in com mop use, and very much cheaper. The advantage will consist largely in the fact that lis tony times stronger than the piper now used, and can be washed like a piece of linen without in any way injuring the engraving. It photo graphs a dark brown instead of white. Democratic Mass Meeting.— By reference to another column it will be seen that the Democra ; i v intend holding a grand Mass Meeting in this place, on Saturday evening next. A number of the ablest speakers of the party will be present on that occasion. Considering that these men are the expounders of the doctrines of their party, and that the issues involved in the present political con test in this State are- momentous, they should be heard by all Voters, in order that they may vote molerstatldingly. Arrangements have been made : 't thc issuing of excursion tickets from all sta tioits on the Penn’a R. R., between. Altoona and I'rfcrsbtirg, at which 60 or more tickets can be 'old. We hope tipis meeting will pass oft' as qui etly and orderly as did the Union meeting, some .ttvo weeks since. lit; Didn't Meln It, of Course.—A little in cident occurred, a few days since, which shows bow easily, in these party names, a man may say what he does not really mean, and not notice it, and what a handle can be made of his re marks by bis opponents. After the Democratic meeting, in Knrtz’s Hall, on Thursday evening last, a member of the Union party met a Democrat who had been in attendance, and questioned biin as to the speakers and 'numbers present, &c., and then asked whether there were any Union men there, when the Democrat at once replied “.So, not a,Union man.” Daniel's Commjng.—Of course everybody will mad this article, even if Uiey do get fooled.— I‘rlnters have a captivating way of heading puffs, bi order to get people to read them, and they ircqnently get “ fits” for so doing ; bnt we didn’t '.•■mimence this article to make excuses for our nonsense, we only meant to say that Dan Langh man is now in the city baying his fall stock of ready made clothing, which he will have on hand V the latter part of the week. This is all, yoo tuow Dan always brings a good stock and sells cheap. ‘ . A Mammoth Depot.— The new depot of the I‘i imsvlvania railroad now in course,of erection at l‘itt,lnirg, will have a front on Liberty street of 'e'en hundred Leet, and on Elm street of one hnn- Juil and fifty-nine feet. Five hundred feet of tlx Ulerty street front will be of iron highly orna mented, and the elevation of the roof in the cenr J 1 * ">•! be serehty-five feet.. The plan of the bidding comprehends a.large hotel, dining room, A l '- and when finished it will be one of the roost .'M«n>ive and handsome structures of the charac ‘' t m the United States. lAi>esiabi.k.— lt is an undeniable fact that a ''idness man who wishes to do a thriving business. 'ditairi the patronage of the public generally, tl " w i keep E fK| d stock and be accommodating.' —l ' ,,l ° call at Otto Bum's Saloon and order a; »I bite of oystets, will be politely waited upon and u 'c served up to them as fine a dish of bivalves tr ot' ** llml iTt tlic town - H«ssi also keeps an assortment of fruit, confectioneries, nuts, pies, etc. . ’ n a])|jcnr in public, and, besides, Urn color and trim mings have faded, and they are no more u loves of bonnets,” sneh as yon would appear in. Now, • a word aside,, the Misses Hickey have just received their stock ol fall bonnets and trimmings, and, oh ! they are so pretty, and so becoming, and they can trim them up so neatly, and make you appear so pretty, and so captivating. Kush in at once and how many of yon can get new bonnets before next Sunday. • ' Frozen Watbr'Meloxs.—Frozen water melon is nil the rage now among the epicures in the eastern cities. “ The melon subjected to the freezing process, should be buried in pounded ice, perhaps twelve hours previous to use, and packed carefully away in the coolest place attainable. When again brought to light, the melon shows an even coat ing of frost like dew upon its surface, and, on be ing cut a smart, crisp detonation precedes the knife in its progress, when the fruit is in perfect condition. Then carve and eat adlibitum .” FrHK.—A destructive fire . occurred at Water street, Huntingdon Co., on Saturday last. The residence and Cabinet shop of David Wilson (both in the same building),were entirely consumed.— The fire wiis communicated to the building from a delapiihtled chimney. The flames spread so rapidly that Mr. Wilson’s family (be was absent) hud barely time to make their escape from the house, without saving anything., Mr. W’s loss will be very heavy. The property belonged to Henry Mytinger. “Gone and Left Us.”—“Skeedaddling" ap pears to be the inscription upon the coat tails of a number of our old and respected'friend, and now the appointing power* in the Maintenance of Way De partment, P. R.,R., have gone aud given our good natured friend, Maurice Fitzgerald, a lift into the buporvisorship of the Tyrone and Cleartield R. R., which necessitates liis-removal to Tyrone. While we are losers, there are three parties benefitted, viz: the P. R. R., the people of Tyrone,and Mr. Fitzgerald. Jim Carroll foe Assembly.—We notice that our old acquaintance, Jim Carroll, a Mail Agent between this place and Pittsburgh, under Buchan an’s administration, is oat as an independent can didate for Assembly, in Cambria county, in oppo sition to Cyrus L. Pershing, the regular Demo cratic nominee. Jim is a first rate fellow and certainly sound on the Uniou question. He would make a creditable representative, and we shall hike pleasure ir. chronicling his election. 88k. A cotemporaty speaks in terms of high praise of a newly-invented “ spark arrester.” We doubt whether this new fangled affair is equal to .the old ones of a good fierce dog, aided by a stout cudgel in the hands, of an indignant “ governor.” These two .combined will generally manage to bring down the “spark" about the time he is scaling the; fence, especially if assisted by the old tody with a broomstick. From such “arresters” all “ sparks’’ may well pray to be delivered. A Fact Worth Knowing.—Jesse Shiith has just returned from the city with his Tall supply of hats, caps, etc...and is now opening his stock at bis store on Virginia street. Smith & Maun have also received their Fall supply of hats and caps, boots .and shoes, &c., at their store on Main street, two doors above the Exchange Hotel. Welcome Present.—Jake Wilson has our thanks for a box of delicious grapes, from Hersh berger's Manaynnk Vineyard. They are as fine grapes as we have seen this sekson. Jake keeps’ them on hand for sale by the pound or box. He has also apples, peaches, watermelons, sweet po tatoes, and other vegetables in season. The “Bio Potato.”—Our mountain friend, D. M. Greene, presented us .with a monster potato, a few days since.. We need not give its weight, suf nce it to say that'it mode a meal for two persons, and we style it the “ big potato,” until softie of onr readers present something to beat it. New Goods.—J. B. Hileman has received his first invoice of Pall goods, which he is selling at the lowest figures, and they are going off with a rush, keeping the Squire audjnko so busy that they .hafdly get time to take their meals. Call early, ladies, if you wish something nice. PEN AND SCISSORS Muffins that nobody relishes—ragamuffins. Israel Gutelius, editor ot the Selinsgrove Post, died, on Friday, at an advanced; age. . Richard Brodhead, late Senator from Pennsylvania, died at his’ homo in Fas ton, on the 17th insc. (3* It is said that the income to the Govern ment from the Pennsylvania oil walls amounts to $5,000,000 a year. - A3"The Washington Rejmbliam says that Gen. Schenk will leave the army and take his seat in Congress, where be succeeds Vallandigham. J®* Elderly unmarried ladies are considered by. some persons the least enviable of all kinds of waiting maids •3" A Western alitor has married a girl named Church—and says he has felt: happier since he joined Church than he ever did before.; C3* Politics are being wormed up to boiling beat. ; Meetings are being held daily in different pa. ts of the county, ' Go in, country savers. The politicians of both parties profess to be sanguine of the election of their candidates.— Several gentlemen are bound to j» badly fopled. On Monday next the Trustees of the Meth odist Clmrch will commence papering, painting and refitting their church and parsonage. *3* It is said that one of our young women, whose betrothed lover is in the army, went almost into convulsions at his .perfidy, on bearing of his having an engagement in Mississippi. t • !■ 0* One; of the Richmond papers thus pleas antly announces the death of a newspaper man in the Libby prison :—•“ A Yankee reporter gone home to write up his reports by die fire.” is the difference between a copper head and a riibel ram ? One gpesyiw the Union with an if,” fhe other* goes against the Union with but.”: Pittsburgh Chronicle says that for the past twy weeks the woods surrounding Oil City have Ifc’en thronged with squirrels, evidently ami- grating So»h. So thick have they become that RAH ROAD AND MAIL SCHEDULE. the little bovs kill great number? ■of them with w I TRAILS ARRIVE AND DREART. Stick* and htoms. \Vc i*Ol»W like TO live around |taltiuHmvKxpr«. Wert arrive. tf-W A.M leaves 7.15 AM. ♦here for a week or twh. I'hiladrl'a 7.40 -• • 8.110 •• Fast UllO •• h.Jo i’ M. ■■ H.35F.M. Mail Train “ . 7.110 7.15 - Express Train Hast *• S.-lo !', M., leaves si,oo P. M Fast Line .. •* •• 1.10 A VI, •• 1.15 A. M Mail Train " •• 7.40 •• 8.00 ■■ Through AccoiO, “ “ 1015 .*• ■■ ic.25 Train* on Hullidaysbun: Brunch ran to connect with Msprea Train* West. Mail Train Kaat and West and Thro’ Accommodation Train Ka*t. Trains on Tyrone Adßearfiald Br inch and Bald Eagle Valley It. R. run to connect with Express Train West and Mai] Train East and Wear. CTTIip Christian merchant who will bite a shot to make weight-—divide a drop to make measure —or ; sjWl n hair to |>rovelhat he don’t want more than hisowp, is a rogue in.disgaise. VST France is about lto\ reinforce her fleet on . the North American coast with vessels of war and some very large transports. A new admiral was to be appointed for the trans-Atlantic service. ETA keejier of a saloon advertising his estab lishment, fhns concludes:—“-Those of my patrons who require it shall be sent home on a wheelbar row, gratis.” The Memphians have been amused in a rather novel way the past ■week. A circus nfan, named Tom Cony, after duly advertising the feat sailed down the Mississippi river in a washtnb, drawn by two geese. The .Republican State Convention, held at Worcester, Mass., on the 24th inst., nominated Gov, Andrews for re-election, by acclamation.— All the present incumbents were also nominated the same wnf .* Or A child of Mr. Martin, residing on Mayes’ place up the river, got on the railroad track on Monday last, and was rim overby the wood train while, backing. It survived its injuries only an hour. —Lemstmcn Gazette. tV* The hut dodge of the conscript deserters is to don a Confederate aniform, and come into oamp as deserters. They are then sent to Washington, take the ; oath of allegiance and are forwarded North. -Seven were caught at this game lust week; ®s?tThe Nashville Union has the following:—A newsboy Was crying his papers around the door of a prominent hotel, “Here’s yonr Gazette— battle of Vicksburg!” when an officer said to him, “I can’t see it.” “ Yon never will see it,” said the boy, “ while yon sit loafing round hotels.” A very singular accident occurod a few days ago in the Rue dc Grendelle, Paris. A num ber of laborers were seated on a ladder, each hand ing to the other above him large stones for building purposes. Cue of the topmost men was seized with a violent (it of sneezing, so uncontrollable, that he dashed the stone in his hands on the man’s head below, smashing out his brains, and sent him rolling into the street, dislodging on his downward way, four more of the laborers. USTew Goods, KERB lias just received a Very handsome lot of new fall goods, which will be sold AT PRICES DEFYING COMPETITION. Those .requiring anything in his line will SAVE CASH by calling soon, as goods will positively be much higher before long. The newly arrived stock consists of Shirting Flannel, Delaines, Balm'l Skirts, Satinetts, Cassimeres, Prints, Cloaking Cloths, Tweeds, Brown Muslin, Jeans, Bleached Muslin, &c. Call and get a bargain liefore the goods are all disposed of. His stock of Groceries is complete, and the at tention of the pnblic is directed to‘ the fact that he is selling the BEST RIO COFFEE AT 33 CENTS per pound, SYRUPS from 50 to 7o cts per gallon, and all other goods in proportion. Altoona, Sept. 16th, 1863. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINES. Our LETTER A FAMILY SJEWING MACHINE Is fast gaining a ; wor}rf-wicte reputation. Iris beyond doubt the lf«8t pud mprt beautifuLof all Family Sew ing Machines yet .qffered to the public. No other Family Sewing Machine has so many useful appliances for Hem ming, Binding, Felling, Tucking, Gathering, (lunging, Braiding, Embroidering, Cording, and so forth. No other Family Sewing Machine has so much capacity for a great variety of work. It will sew all kinds of cloth, and with all kinds of thread. Great and'recent improvements make our Family Sewing Machine most reliable, and most durable, and most certain in action at all rates of speed. It makes the interlocked stitch which is the best stitch known. Any one, even of the mostordinary capacity, can see at a; glance, bow to use the letter A Family Sewing'Macnipe. Oar Family Sewing Machines are fin ished 1b chaste and exqulste style. The folding Case of the Fain fly Machine is a piece of cunning, workmanship of the most useful kind. It pro tects the machine when not In and when about lobe operated may .bo opened pa a spacious and substantial table fo sustain the work. While some” of the Cases, made but of the choicest woods, are finished in the sim plest and chastest manner possible, others are adorned and embellished in the most costly and supurb manner. It Is absolutely necessary to see the Family Machine in operation,tso tie to Judge of its great capacity nnd beauty. It is last becoming as popular for family. sewing as our Manufacturing machines are for manufacturing purposes. Tho Branch Officers are well supplied with silk, twits, thread, needles, oil, Ac ./of the very best quality. Send fora Pakphut. THE SINGkB. MANUFACTURING COMPANY, i «$8 Broadway* New. York. Philadelphia Orncc, 810 Chestnut fit. ~ Mr. D. W. A. Wolford, Merchant Tattor, Virginia Stro et Agent in Altoona. Altoona, Nor. 13,1862. [l.yr. TO THE YOUNG OB OU>, Xuk or Jikmale* If you bate !>een suffering from a habit indulged in by the YOUTH OF BOTH SHJTJSS. WHICH CAUSES 80 MANY ALARMING SYMPTOMS. It unfit them for Marriage. f And is the greatest evil which can bdfkll MAN OR WOMAN. f See symptons enumerated in advertisement, and If you are a sufferer, Cut out tlie Advertisement, ' ' Ami send for it at once. : Unlays am dangerous. Ask for Helmbold’s. Take no other. Cureagoaranteed, Bexourt of Counterfeit* and Imitation*. DE. TOBIAS’ ' VENNETIA LINIMENT. A certain core for pains and achea, and warranted su perior to any other. Croup it positively cores; relief I* absolutely sore immediately after it is used, Mothers re member this. and arm yuurselvee wltha bottle without delay. Croup is a disease which gives bo notice, frequently attacking the child in the dead hourof night; before a physician cau be summoned it may be too late, Bemenn ber, the Venetian Liniment never foil*. Price 25 and 50 cents a bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Office, 50 Cortland Street, New Yurk. (Sept 16,1803—1 m. A CARD TO THE SUFFERING. | The Bev. H'm. Cosgrove, white laboring as a Missionary ' hi Japan, was cured of Consumption, when all other means I had failed, by i\ recipes obtained from a learned physician i in the great city of Jeddo. This recipe has cored great numbers wbo ; were suffering from Consumption, Bronchi tls. Sore Throat, Co agios and Colds, and the debility and nervous depression camwni by these disorders. Dearths of benefiting others, I will send this retype, which 1 have brought home with me, to all .who need It, free of charge* Address. Kev. WiL 038GR0V*, 139 Vulton A remit, Per, 3!!,18(K-ly.J ( Brooklyn, N. Y, Eastern Through,. Eastern Way Western Way Western Through. Holliduysburg Western Way i ?,20 A. M. Ktuteru Wav Western Through, ; p Eastern Through, UalUdayebHrg,... ; |. 7.30 A M.' i 6,46 P, M. , °" ,c * Houm;—During tbelweek from «.4S A. M. until 1 ,30 P. M. On Sundays from 7,30 until 8,30 A. M Altoona. April2o.lBo3. altoona Academy. rPHIS ACADEMY WILL BE RE X OPENED, under the care of PROF. MILLER, on MONDAY.TUB sth DAY OF OCTOBER. For the pres ent, PATTON’S HALL will be occupied. ■*; Txaire—s2.oo per month, payable invariably at the end of every mouth. jW. K. FINDLEY, PrWt. iJeo. W. Patton, Sec’y. CITY DRUG STORE. D-’- E. H. REIGAET would respect fully announce to the citizen, of Altoona and sur rounding country, that he lias recently purchased the. Drug Store of Berlin A Co., on Viigiuia Street, opposite Fries’ Hardware Store: His Drugs are Fresh and Pure, and 111- hopes by atrlct attention to business, to merit a .bare of public patronage. ( all and examine his stock. He has constantly on band DRUGS, MEDICINES and CHEMICALS, fine toilet Soaps, ferfumer r. brushes, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, TARNISHES, CARBON OIL AND LAMPS, NOTIONS, CIGARS, and every article usually kept in a' First-dots Drug Store PUKE WINES AND LIQUORS for medicinal use. . DOMESTIC OitAPK WINE— PURE—WARRANTED acenrarely compounded, at all hours of the day or night. Altoona. Sept. 30.1803. {jJREAT DISCOVERY! K UNKEI/S BITTER WINE OF IRON, -tFA.IAT stoma ClhS, aEKEUAL_ DKHIIATi\ INDI GESTION, DISEASES OP the nervous sys tem, CONSTIPATION. ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, AND FOB ALL CASE 3 REQUIRING A TONIC. Thw wine includes the moat agreeable and efficient Salt of Iron we possess; Citrate of Magnetic Oxide combined with the moat energetic of Vegetable tonics, Yellow Peru, vlau Bark. The effect in many cases of Debility, Loss of Appetite and general prostration, of an efficient Salt of Irsn, is most happy. It augments the appetite, raises the . S m- muscular flabbiness, removes the palor of debility, and gives a florid vigor to the countenance. Du you want something to strengthen you? Do yon want a gotv 8. A. KUNREL,and which has his stamp on the top of the cork of every bottle. The very fact that others are at tempting to imitate this'valcable remedy,-provesits worth, and speaks volumes in its favor. * • ' THE BITTER WINK OF IRON is put up in 50 cent and $l.OO bottles, and sold by all’respectable Druggists throughout the country. Be particular that every bottle bears the fac simile of the proprietor’s signature. General Depot, No. llSMarketSt., Harrisburg, Pa For Sale by GEO. W. KESSLER, £. H. EEIQ ART, Altoona, and by all respectable dealers everywhere. Sept. 30,1868—6 m. ' ; JOIN THE CAVALBYIII NOWIS THE TIME TO ENLIST ! Don’t wait to be notified that you are drafted! Do not wait for the next draft, but vol- THE UNDERSIGNED HAS BEEN authorised to redraft a CAVALRY COMPANY, YElft to be attached to the 13th PonA’a' cavalry. Men are wonted immediately to fill np the company. Enlist where jroa have a chance in the selection of yonr officers, and a fair chance tor promotion. ? P Cnpl. JAS. M. BELL. ALTOONA, August 1863. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE ▼ The subecrllieroffcra at Private Sale a valuable property, siljiateon BroncbSt, jMfh .East Altoona, immediately opposite I |U| 'Machine Bhope. ? Hllig The house is well built and nearly and contains ICSaIHBiB Fifteen Rooms with Good Cellars. It is calculated for THREE FAMILIES, and at the most reasonable terms will bring $3O permontb rent.; There is a well of good water In the yard. Terms easy. ■ Apply to MICHAEL WYROUGH, on the premises, or to JAMES KEARNEY, at hi* storey in East Altoona. July 28,1863-tf. - r • TO BUILDERS TGWIOPOSALS will be received at the Jt. MOUNTAIN HOUSE at CRBBBON, for fur wshmA the materials and building additions to the Hotel* according toplans and specifications of the work to be seen at the Office of Hie Mountain House oh Mondaytrext, 28 th inst., and during the following week, ’ The work will let by general contract; the price to include ail materials and labor requisite to complete the work. • f Cresson, Sept. 23,1863. A DMINISTEATOES’ NOTICE. XJI. Notice la hereby gilen, that Letter* of Administra tion hare been issued this day to the undersigned by the Eegister of Blair county, on the estate ofBKBNABD GAK YIN, late of the Borough of Altoona, deceased. > All tter-' •one knowing thsmselyea indebted to said Estate are hereby hotlflsd fo make immediate payment, and' those having claims against the same, most present them legally authen ticated, ibr settlement. JAMttH lUKVTM- - Bspt. 18, 186Sr-6t.s LEFISTGW MILLS, LEWISTOWN PA. Flour and feed of all kinds always on hand and for sale at the lowest market prices. . Orders by-mail will receive our special and prompt at ,C(K, . W. B. McAXBKR A SON, Sept, 18, 1863-2 m. Prophetare. I^TOTICE. —Notice is hereby given that -L ” the following resolution was adopted st a late meet tog of the Board of Managers of the Altoona Bail and Market Companyv T Bestirod, That the second instalment of 10 per cent on the etock subscribed for, be made payable on the 20th day of the present month, (May) and that tbs balance of the snbscriptlon be made payable in monthly Mttalments of 10 per cent each, oo the 16th day of each succeeding Month, until the whole amoniit is paid to. T Persons wlshtog to take stock in the-company ean still he accommodated, there being a few aharewyet nnsold. Altoona, May Mth.-tf. B. P. BOSK, Trfhmrrr. MAILS ARRIVE 7.40 A.M. 7.00 P.M. - 10.15 A. M. i 7,40 A.M. 7.BQ A. XI. k 7,00 p. M. MAILS CLOSE. O. W. PATTON, P.M FHYSJCIA AW’ K 1 FT lONS POE THE CURE OP unteer at once! A JOINT RESOLUTION rPROPO- J*. CKKTAI-N AMKHDMBRTS TO TIIK CuMVTITCTION. - he U rewired hg the SoutU md Omteqf Btprmniatm* the CbihmonmaUk Amqdewnut m, Ocneral Anrm bly met. That the following amendaaents be proposed to tile Constitution of the Commonwealth, in, accordance «Ifh the provisions of tfcrtnlh article thereof: There shall be an additional section in tins third article of the Constitution, tpbe designated aa sertios fonr. as follows:. > , j.;j ; ■S.cnoa 4, Wbenererlby the qualified electors of tbU Com mon weaMiahail beta any actual military set-rice under a reipriaithio from thePreeident of tire United States, or bi autltoMty of this Commonwealth, snitfa electors may exercise tile right of suffrage in all elections by the citl aeus, nndtfr inch renlatb-ua aa are, or shall be, prescribed by law, asftilly aa if they ware prreent at their usual place of election. There shell be two addition*! section* to the eleventh article of the Constitution, to be designated a* sections eight apd nine, as follows: Seotio* 8. No bill shall be passed by the Legislature, containing miw<*han one subject, which shall be clearly expressed In the title, except appropriation bills. SEcnbx ». No bill shall be passed .by the Legislature ; grab ting any powers, or privileges. In any base, where the ; authority to grant sueh powers, pr privileges; has been, or i may hereafter he, conferred upon the courts of this Oom tnouwealth. ; JOHN CRBSM'AV , SixaktT of (Ac House qf Jfeprcssntattccs. JOHN P, PBNNKY, Speaker tjf &e Senate. Office or the Skutakt of tux Coxmo.kweilth,) nrainnun.' I I do hereby certify that tjke foregojog ami annexed it a full, true audoor ■ rect copy of the original Joint Beso \ h Intlon of thegeneral Assembly, entl* tied “A Joint Resolution. proposing certain Amendments to the Constitu tion,” as the same retbain**on file in this office. In Testimony whereof, I halve hereunto set my band, and caused the seal of the Secretary’s office to be affixed, the day and year above written. ELI SLIVER, Secretary qf tfu Cb&montoealth. July 7,18t51.-te. LARGE SIZE J PHOTOGRAPHS AND AMBROTYFES, Gilt and Rosewood Frames, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, CARTES-DE- VISITES, ALL STYLES AND SIZES OF CASES, &€., CLABAUGH’S BUILDING, Julia Street, between Virginia and Emma, altoona; pa. ELIAS A. BONINE. Aug. 4, ’63-3m. THE UMON FOREVER I O-OOD NEWSI fGODFREY WOLF would respectfully announce to the citizens of Altoona and' vicinity that he has opened a CLOTHING STORE, On Comer of Main ami’ CaroHne ■ Streets, where lie will keep on hand a lugs stock‘of ready-made clothing consisting of DRESS COATS, PANTALOONS, VESTS. OVERALLS, KNIT JACKETS, 4c, at Phtlodel phia prices. . : HATS & CAPS! 1 have a large and varied stock of hats and caps which It will be to the advantage of all to examine before par chasing elsewhere. Also, a fiae stock of Gents’ Furnish ing goods, sock as shirts, collars, neck-tics, handkerchief., Suspenders, Gloves, Hosiery, 4c. Determined to sell, I have marked my- goods at the very lowest figures,' and feel confident that all will bo satisfied with the price and quality of my stock. Altoona, May I‘i; 1803. CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON, I'HE SUBSCRIBER WOULD IN , FORM thecltixena of Altooua and vicinity that his CONFECTIONERY, NUT and FRUIT STORE, is always supplied with the very beat articled to be had, and in great variety. He has also an ICE CREAM SALOON attached to hi« store. In which he will serve np ICE CHEAM in the best style.dnring the ienson. FRESH-BAKED BREAD, CAKES, & PIEj, always on hand* at reasonable rates. He Is at all time* prepared to supply cakes, candies, Ac for panics and other parties. He invites a snare of public patronage, believing that he can render foil latisfoctiont o all. i ■ ■.?,;••• Remember, his store and saloon is on Virginiastreet,two doorsbetow Patton’s Hall. OTTO ROSSI. Altoona* April 28,1868-tf. OIIPERIOR STOCK OF LIQUORS. -—JOH- H. FSUCBSY is. now able to 'offer to his customers and the public it large, a stock of the pnrest riqaors ever brought info this tnaiket, comprising' in part the toitowing varieties ' WHISKY—IRISH, SCOTCH; OLD BOURBON. WINE—PORT, SHERRY, OLD MADEIRA, OTARD, DOPEY A CO. PALE BRANDY. . These liquors mm aU be warranted; and h addition to these, FUITCIIEY has on hand's large variety of Wines, Whisky and Brandy, to they Invite the particular attention of'the public. Altoona, May 12,1863. HAMS! HAMS! HAMS’—Ju$ p-! calved, a large lot of Canvassed Sugar-curedtrs™. of the beat brands In market Every one sold is guarani teed at . . . ' PRITCHBY’S Mackerel— nos. i, 2, and 3, in sit sited packages, hew, and ekeh package warranted, Just received and tor sale low by i PBITCHEY. rpEAS! TEAS! TEAS!—FRITCHEY JL ! is selling Teas superior to any, ever offered in Al toqua. They are free of adulteration* coloring, or mix* ture of any kind. Another large lot of the .CELEBRATED JERSEY HAMS just received and for sale at FHITCHBT*K /LREAM CRACKERS ! A fresh sop- V_y ply of theee delicious crackersjnst received and for mint i . FIUTCnET*B IF YOU WANT GOOD COFFEE, pore Teas, the best of Chocolate, Byrnge wnd Sugars, OiOETON CRACKERS—A! LARGE -U of these delidotia cracker* lost receired &Ddfrr»ieby /IUTCHKY. |?XTEA FAMILY FLOUR, FROM the Core, always on band and for sale as low as the lowest fay PRITCHBY. SUGARS, AND SYRUPS V/ :of all grades, and at sUssonkbis prices, for sale by : • ! fWPCHKY. W BARRELS PURE CIDER VINE OAR/Uat received and for aale’ low st Sept,l,lBo3. _ KtITCHETf’S. FAMILY FLOUR,- PUT UP *•» Sacks expressly for fondly use at, BUTCH ICY’S WORRELL’S PREPARED COFFEE V V jnst received and tor sale by fUTCHBTi QUPERIOR CREAM CHEESE AT O > nHxcHßrs, I BARRELS PURE WHITE I.ARTY *X Just received and forsale at PBITCgEY‘B . NEW STORE, comer ofparolhte and Virginia Sts. V riRITCHETIS REALLY SELLJNB X ; the best Brown Sugar In Altoona at If^ecnV jf.+if. Df. SHEET’S ; LISIM E S T, GREAT REMEDY TOR RHEUMATISM, OCUT, NEURALGIA LUMBAGO. STIFF NECK AND JOINTS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, CUTS AMO WOUNDS, PIUtB. HEADACHE, AND ALL RIIUEUIO AND NER VOUS DISORDERS. F°f aii of which it it a speedy and certain remedy. and voter toil. Thie Liniment is preparadlroia the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the boon bone tetter, and hot non need in bit practice fcc more than twenty yean with the moataatooieriing in nines. " AS AH AtLEVIATOR OF PATH, it it unrivalled ; by any preparation beibre the public, of wbtch the moil skeptical may be convinced by a tingle lirta). Thia Liniment will can rapktly and radically, RHEU MATIC DISORDERS of every kind, and inthonand* of cam whan it baa been need it baa nenr been known to Jail. fcOR NSORAUIIAe It wilt iflbrd ioiißMtikte relfol in ©?«ry case, however tfistmsing.. | It will niters tfte wont ewes ->f HEADACHE In tltfse mfamtesaaKbfei wsmnf#d todott. T' TOOTHACHE also wilt tteuraiuataotly. ««' NBKVOtS DSBItITV AND GENERAL LASSI TUDE arising ftom hnprndencedr exceegythls Llnluiftnt ha most happy and nnfolllng remedy. Ac&ng directly upon the net-rent Hasan, it strengthens and reTiemea khe system, and restores it to elastic! tyand rigor. ; 1 FOB PILES.—-As aw. external remedy, we claim that It ia the best known, and we challenge the world to produce Unal. Krery rlctim of thla diatreacing complaint gire it a trial, for it will not foil to afford immedi ate relief, and in majority ofcaaea will affect t, radical core. QUINSY AND SORE THROAT arc Sometimes extreme ly malignant and dangerous, bat a-timely application of this Liniment will never foil to care. SPRAINS are aometiniea very obstinate, and enlarge medt of the joints is liable to oconrlf neglected. Vie worst case may be conquered by thla Liniment in taro or three days. BRUISES, CUTS, WOUNDS, SORES, ULCERS, BURNS AND SCALDS, yield readily to the wonderful beeline propertied of DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LIN I KENT, when need according to direction* Abu, CHILBLAINS FROSTED FEET, AND INSECT BITES AND STINGS. Dr. Stephen Sweety|af,%i^®ticut, The Great NatanO jtone Setter. , Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Cbpsßseat, la known alt ora the. United States- " Dr. Stephen" Sweety of GongtftScut, Is the author of “Dr. Sweet’s In WllhleLinimenktP Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Cures Rheumatism and never foils. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment (' Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. 1 Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Cures Burns and Scaldsimmediately. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment la tbs best known remedy for Sprains and Bruiaea. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment 1 Cures Headache immediately and was never known to fail Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Affords immediate relief for Piles, andaeldom foils to cure Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Corea Toothache ia one mionte. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Cures Cuts and Wounds fanned lately and leaves no scar/' Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment la the best remedy for awe* In the known world-i Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Has been used by more than a million people, and all praise it. . • '“ , '' ' ■ Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Taken Internally cores Colic, Cholera tldrbna ao4 Cbolsra Dc. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment^ Is truly a u fir lead in need,” and every fiuoUy tfacndd bave it at hand* • ■ , Dr. Street’s Infallible Liniment la for sale by all Druggists. Price 26 and *0 seats. a fiuejidin DB. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, as an 'ex ternal remedy, Is without a rival, and will alleviate pain more Speedily thanany other preparation. For SB Rheu matic and Herrons Disorders if ti trdl*toMUbleftiid as a cnraure tor Sons, Wounds, Sprains, Bruises', Ast,“ts healing and powerful strengthcniok 'properties, excite the Jost wonder and'astonishment of sit who have ever given It a trial. Over one ibonsaod . certificate* of remarkable cures, perfcrmed by It within tbs last two v ye*r», attest the fitct. TO HQKSE bwNEESI j DB.S WHET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMHNTFO^HOESES ■ts&ss&sss MLee-&^ss»r4Ba easily preventwjand cured in «Ur nwlMMfrwtaiea bat eenfirmedcasesare beyond thTTpoSilblmyVaTodfl attain. Noraae of the kind, however, Is scr desperate or teSSS* be allovlated by this LUimeovand It. buUbl application will always remove the tameness, hod enable the horses to travel with comparative erne. ; EVERY HORSE OWNER ■hoold We tbis remedy e» bend, for lu timely UM ettke £«*TffiStr!r!ss wbicD render ho many otherwise talmbW borare asarH worthless. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT ■ IS TBS s' E : B Idieir’s Fiiend, tf'J! And thoneands have found it truly A, FRIEND IN NEED! p £ CAUTION. TownU MMUaa, <«nm th«<^idnu4taM«Mi December 4, 1802,-ly. ' '• J *