Mum i. ■'■(i ’AJLJLI bjlj: FI E NT r THE to' Lf REMEDY i KBOIUUU MWiifir. SrtHKMSTS, SPRAINS, BKDMn " W#ob. WLKS- niiADAeag ( ItfIBDXATIO AND Nig. ’ ffla* RWORDKHS. j&ip,yfr—i Bp^QbSS&r KfcM by, a flnglTtjtyL “ <> * l •».“• >r ■«~ < vSftS£ £ ******* Mrr* cara litauiitty. OKNBRAI; LAggl- Acti"« d®; we claim flat it LK THROAT w»t»ui«lme> *g*»;«nrn»»tln.t.-. *nd «bW». Si^ r . ‘ f “O »»•«« Linton* in two 0 r OW*^-BORNS !^2£o- T r i n „ }>«■ Wiindm-fol IraUlor NS'S INFALLIBLE LINIMKNT o c «H‘»"ains; .D INSECT BITKS As.l> BTINOF. Sweet, of (Jonneoticnt. ne Batter. - Sweet, of Connecticut Cplted States. Sweet, of Connecticut, Ivwt’f loUHbb • ofaUible Liniment /dfinr SUM. ~ -■ nfallible Liniment N'enrulgia. nfallible Liniment • imniMiJiiM;. . , iilkliiblc Liniment Spi-plns sml ltrniix-v nfaiiible Liniment Iwlrijr and ijnw neverknown to fait ifalliblo Liniment 'for Files. audfteMom fail* tc, rur»- ’fallible Liniment ainnte. ifallible Liniment loaueduUely and leare# sotetr * : fallible Liniment f* iatjn* knoWn world. (fallible Liniment • tWc a million people, and all lltble Liqiment Cholera Morbos and Cholera. ;• • % (fallible Liniment • sd T ” *od etery AmHj iboakl hiv* liailible Liniment is. Price lift and iO ceptare NEED. TRY IT. a IBUE UNIMBNT. as an ex it a rind aad wilt alleviate pstn Murr preparation, dfetr sJI Hben der> it i. truly IptslllMe. and a. e Utds. Spralue, Bruises, ic-, its, werful strengtbrnluc jiroptfth*. nd SMtouialmient pf afewmway* lerunei thousand cettWeafte of emeu by It within the but’two OWNERS! IIBUtUJUMKRX H» J|O.BSSB :w*d Jinhetr 4nclpt«rtrt*t»S*»- x-jori til.'pos-IWlitv of ■ ««- lud, boWtfTW, Is «i de»pet*t» or trlatMl by thU Liniment. and ft* J»»y*,mauve tlielameness.«»» I wKli comparative earn. ffiSE OWNEB ■ band, Mr it* timely Mt **4h» •rwffl e*ctaaUy ww«a»tttoa» .• **•■*ll ISM* a** Itabfe il>* letWhe valuabletam ■mwU ■VFBBT’S E LINIMENT XUS Jfrialid* . ■'••- t ■ 'y". r - vefesuij It trntj IN NEEDI ••■•-. V . *i;! As.. sv-C’-.v i : ' Sltoaa iritew. O' . '•[ « Ctnptefl'i $656; “CoaHtn Frm." j tribune power-press PRINTING OFFICE. within the paat two years, made considerable. ;j,iut<>tMir establishment: in tlie way of new fancy .... screw Prase, Paper Cu*ler. Card Cutter. Ruling J|n- Cad Power PreKs. and Jar#** Newnpaper Powpr .i. (a cot of which wi , ;giv>,al»o.v»:; we are now prejuired ..\Hcnfei anything in .tin* Uno of printing >»r ruling in : t ii‘ to' any'establishment in the -tale, and at ..ijually low. We can execute., on short notion, nil ««ddii>9. Invitation, Visiting, Ball A Business Card*. Girojalare, Programmes, MAMMOTH posters, sale bills, f IiUL AM® yEWlMilA®© : j pamphlets, Pay and Check Bolls, BLANK BOOKS. manifests, and blanks of all kinds. ail vre *u lion. L. W. Hall alas chosen President of .-.'meeting, assisted by Dr. Wm. B; Findlev. i, iiu Loudon, Edwin A. Beck, Isaac -Barkln, i.ex. A. Smyth, John. Allison, James Wiiliam ,„i;. Wm. M. Lloyd and Martin Rnnyen. as Vice Presidents, and George W. Kessler, Col. Jacob --ink and Jus. H. Dysart, as Secretaries. On taking the Chair, Mr. Hnll made a lew .niaent remarks, after which he introduced, ms the ,;M speaker of the evening, A. 11. Chase. Esq., of Yoik. Mr. Chase opened by stating that ho laid always been a Democrat and was, still a Doraix'fnt, hut not of the Seyraour-Vallnndjg laiii-Woodward kind. He was a Union Dento rat He supported for office men who wete in ,i.oi «( crushing out the rebellion and conquering , jifucc—not those who give aid and comfort to .in-rebels-by opposing the constituted authorities aid sycophant-like bowed at the feet of Davis & • and sued for a dishonorable peace. Ho closed « appealing to the audience to oast their votes Andrew G. Curtin, that he might thereby lie dieted, and the Union men of New York en gaged to battle for the Union ticket in that Tlir next speaker introduced was Col. F.Mont im iv. of Vicksburg, Mississippi, formerly editor 1 VM- V ickshurg Whiff. His speech was one of !• richest to which we have ever listened. \Vii ai'i humor sparkled in his eyes and rolled from s toggur in a constant stream. His de- I npiioii of the characters who. got up, and are I keeping alive, the present rebellion, and the bomh- I anlment of Vicksburg hv Gen. Grant, was side- I ithning and kept the audience in a continued roar I if laughter for nearly an hour. He contrasted I tfdilterence lietwecn white and slave labor ns I a man who fully understands the subject I Uild have done. He showed that it would be I --tier for the South were slave labor abolished, I ml ai-o that it would Ite better for while laborers, I 'em the fact that so long as slave labor existed in I re South it would he degrading for a I labor there, hut if slavery was done away with. I 'itiii’ labor would become as much respected in I in» locality as it is in the North, and the land lit- I ' g much more productive, the labor of the labor- I ag man would be far more remunerative. He went I to show that the hue and cry raised in reflfcr-/ acs to the overrunning of the North with slaves, ’ M! * slavery should be abolished, was only a ■ liiical hobby; that the slaves did not want to ome North, unless they could not get their free’- , iom in any other way. If they could be free in the ‘ nitli they would stay there, but if by remaining rev must remain slaves, they wonld certainly [ '«kf the first opportunity to gain their freedom by -hpping off to the North, and thus bring their ilsir in Competition with that of the white man. dis remarks on thispoinlconld not fail to convince ul reasonable men that the arguments used hv iiuse opposed to the abolishment of slave labor ■to totally gfbundless. He closed by giving his vaspns why he wished every man in the audience ■" vote ior Andrew G,- Curtin for Governor, nung which was this, that around Gov. Curtin, lore than the Governor of any other loyal Slate, rntjned the hopes of the Union men of the South, dtey knew that he Was true to the country and nie to them and that he had done more "for the oppression or the rebellion than any of hhcql mglies. , , He was followed by H. X. NoAllister, Esq., of Stlhfonte, who is a fluent and able speaker, and >als altogether |c facts. He went a into disquisition 1 1lie slavery question, which he handled whil st gloves, but the audience tired of it and called . 'Judge Shannon, of Pittsburgh, who was on the ■and. Mr, McAllister gave way, and, Judge Hannon was introduced to the meeting. The /“dge, it will be remembered, has always been, I ‘»i still claims to be, a flul|-blooded Democrat. Iremarks, .which were short, owing'to the late ly of the hour, were listened to with close at lotion, and his words fell with weight, consider l3S his former political associations, his high po- Ision, and will tell favorably for the cause he I l4 * espoused. I li.ivas expected that Gov. Curtin would be and address the meeting, but important '•wiese called him to Harrisburg that evening, pd he had to (atss on in the Fast Line, only gtop long enough to take, supper at the Logon *«»e. , Iwte a crowd of people were present from all T* of the county and several from Hnnting ■ conw J'- Had the evening proved favorable, jomld Undoubtedly have been one of the largest meetings ever convened in the place. f ‘s the intention of the party to hold another in this place, between this time and: j, ■ action, to be addressed by Gov. Curtin and I ™ Itougherty, Esq., 1 of Philadelphia. It is | I * mt arrangements will be perfected to Itenj. F. Butler present on the same A ' VW .t 1 nKI a mon ..—Rail road travellers are »rGodw%-l*dy’s Book for OctgUjr is one of TUP ClVnpip QPWTVfJ UArUIAFPC so proverbially incautious that unless the earning fhofe ebbing Affairs which newsptper nrtico, do 1 MJNbfcK MAUiIN ES. company cm l' lo X Expedients rendering if impossi- not Itmust he seen to is- appreii- "" r «*Wtku a family sdrtvn MACniSK is fast hleJbr travellers to expose themselves to, danger, atcd. ThH nmr.her contains mos. hcamifal fish- •’-» wwW-wMe r-putnti..,,. t, h n.v„„.i u..„m the accidents are continually occurring. The praetiee ion plated'of the fall styles for ladies bonnets hem)- *-* ;!«•• »*> •-*< •* .t . Family*.,. ■ e, !7;^ or “ cn 7 i ™ cloaks..*,* ec,.. together with caused so mam accidents; that railroad companies most exellent st.-e} And wood engravings and -os. uimtl..,:. Petting. Tm-ia,*. n.,h- .iha S .,, K . ait generally adopting the safeguard of putting a choice sHeetioaw it,to„ry matter. price #;}.»«, Lac.r.-ete.i,,,i..-.;- perforated-iron plate, eight inches high, across the per annum.: We furnish Coder's Book and da- I-Ottom of the window, outside of the sash. This TWfcme one y. : ir fot #8.50 in advance. renders it impoasibig to thrust the dhow lieyoud <■ 'I i the ear body, and saves flit arm from beingornshed Donf. East.—The Mi sses ntek'ey impiesi sis : against the timbers of bridges. Against the dan to ««*<* * ft the Indies of and neinin that g-*r of accidents from patting from one car to an- ,he . v have gone othe city for their fail stylos ~f other while in molioit, there is no remedy yet dig- Bonne !* a "‘* ' vi, l Klm in « few days with a covered except locking the car door, as is done in ; choice crion - " h'fh they will open in the I Europe. .This is so great it restraint upon the mo- • room now temporarily occupied hy them, on An j ‘ion Of a:live Yankee (hat it is, not generally- niestree,; est to render tl*. visit of their “ brethren of the ! Auifricmi, who has been paying considerable at- f,a '” an ft eWe«We one, and they have the satisfac j tention to.the culture of grapes this season, gives ( ' on of knowing that they fully succeed in their | the following as his experience in reference to ear- undertaking, and made lor themselves a good ! ly ri|xtning, etc.: name among the fraternity. | rieties that ripen Mebtiso.—Bev. S. K. Boyer, of Prolific, Concord. Creveifng, and others are es- 1 ■■*' rec - Baptist Church, will commence a pro teemed for earlier ripening than the Isabella.!— "■acted meeting in Bogan Hall, this borough, on Inw^« 0 ' V TL X, u rien f^ t t> i ■ , .^ alio,, h “ s l»en as fol- Saturday evening. September 20th. to continue lows. The Hartford Pro tfic commenced oolorin* , j ~, . To thk vttlKNti ok OLD. about the 10th of August and was ,7a£,m " dunng ,he f,, “ OWi,,g 08 . *•" - »-l«e The last of the month. Altont eight or ten davs circ *'n>stnriccs permit. Rev. J. VV. Phmnet of , If >*>» have i»«d nitr«ring trem a habit indulgod ta by th later the Creveling, Coneonl, Louisa and Diana'. '• Egtrohe, • jtev. Jm!. Colder of Harrislairg, and 1 YOUTH OF BOTH SEXES. ri I °^r Hg . i o ,h p.e 0r( i er , " e hnve Mm «i o:lier ministers are expected to assist. The public ' 11 f ' Al ' #B9 so MAtty sbAit.-HNo symptoms wiein. I lie jinrtfonl Prolific is dendelv the onrli. : a . „ . , , K . Hum fvr BteP®' i ,n t a little thicker skincil than the Isa- ! ' invited to Attend. Ami is Ills weiitest wit which '.‘an lifjii lyella, Ooneord, or Creveling. The Diana which . »iax on woman. scislling of the Calnwla. js. however, Peterson vies with, and fairly rivals, his ..v .I,j,r .■ni,ni. i-ui,'U in and if V, dwtdedly the best being much sweeter and ' ,uore expewjiye contemporaries, in getting’ up a H »nff«<-r. me bunches fuller and snore compact than any good Magazine for October. Everybody admires l «»»«u. the Ad.vnhwmew. the steel engraving entitled “ Plavihg at Horses/’ Au * S n l> ,' i f °’ i£ *5 " uce ' . . . , . ‘ D-l«y« are dsugcroiu and atso the great variety and beauty of the fash- , Ask for ll( ,, mlKJ i dv ion-plates, ,'l’he flageolettc |ierformance is a i Tabs uo other, rich carricatnrc. Part icular atteution is paid to ( of amnurfM . the literary selections for this work. It is the cheapest Magazine published. Price $2 per an num. C. J.,Peterson, Philadelphia. Tuesday's Pic-Nic.-i-The Pio-Nic in aid of the Catholic schools of this plate, held in M'Cartney s Grove on iTpesday of, last Week, was really, as it promised to be, one qf the most enjoyable affairs of the kind that has had its occurrence amongst ns during the present season. The large number in attendance, the zestrtnd spirit with which all en tered into the enjoyment of the occasion, as well as the good order and decorum maintained through out the day, rendered the Pic-Nic in every sense of the word a complete success. We did not learn the amount realized, but as there was a goodly crowd in attendance, and as all seemed prompted by the most liberal motives, we have no doubt the sum was a handsome one. May we soon look upon its like again. Left Us.—We are sorry to chronicle the fact that our old and respected townsman, Charles R McCrca, Esq., has pulled up stakes in this locality and settled himself in the city of “Brotherlr Love," as foreman of M. W. Baldwin’s Foundry. Sony tlmt lie lias left its, hut glad that he has ob tained so good a situation. We dislike to [tart with the old settlers and prominent business men. who have displayed that public spirit which helps so much up a town. In the removal of Mr. McCrea we, have lost .one of the foremost in this respect. He was always ready to give of his means and influence to perfect any enterprise whi.-h looked to the convenience of our citizens or the ornamenting of the town. May prosperity attend him in his new. home! Goon Fob Her.—A few days since we heard of a little transaction, not ■ far from this place, which - will bear publication. The conscription caught a man who was able-bodied, but disin clined to fight. His mother is living, and he conceived the idea that he. wduld bring her to his honsc and claim exemption on the ground of be ing the only support of a widow. The old lady refused to go with him, whereupon he attempted to force her to go to his house, for a time at least. The old lady would hot consent to force work, and told the conscript that as he never kept her before she was not going to stay with him now to get him out of the draft. Officers Leave of Absehce.—The following is an answer ia a question which is frequently asked hv officers. It is thedecisiou of the Pay master General. U. S. A. An officer is entitled to. half-pay daring the term of his leave of absence, and is not entitled to any pay from the time his Ippve expires till he re ports fojr duty-?, until cleared by a boanl. If this is done be is entitled to half-pay fur the additional time he has been absent without leave. It is not the business or dirty’of Government to furnish transportation to officers returning from leave of absence. They are bound to be at their posts in proper time, at their own risk. togan House, at . Altoona. is-eqiial, in every respect, to any first class city Hotel in the county. The building is a noble and heantiful structure, admirably planned. The.conveniences of ihe House are many, and of Messrs. Miller & Sons it may great truth be said—“ they can keep, a Hotel." Altoona is only a few mites from Cresson, and we think we prefer it to that favorite resort. ’ So says Col. Fitzgerald, of fttzgeraltTs City Item, and so say all who have enjoyed the comforts, luxuries and kind attentions, of the proprietors of the Logan House. I Democratic Cocntt Convention.— We un. derstanJ that the Democratic County Convention, which met In Hollidaysbnrg, on Tuesday last, resolved not to moninate a sconnty ticket. We think this a judicious proceeding. There is no use in nominating men for office and causing them to spend money, when there is scarcely a chance of ap election. , The probabilities are that the Administration patty witf have things pretty much their bwri way this fall, unless the Indepen dents give them some trouble. - N The Burol'oh Account.— We, as well as a number of others, have waited patiently, for the Inst six months, lor a sight of the Borough Ac count, of laflt year, hut have seen nothing of it np to this date. The Borough Must have a vety lazy or a very busy setof Awditork. Hurty up, gen tlemen and Jet die inhabitants of the .Mountain City Know what you did elseifthey will not want to re-elect yon next spring. . We never like baying a “pig in a pokoi” hud tailed, bya recipe obtained from a karned physician in (the great city of'jeddo. Thle recipe hae cured greet number* who were miOering frum Consumption. Bru'icid- UnIOS MeeTINOS—We are requested, by the tie, doro Throat, Coughs «ud Cold* and the debility and Chairman of the Union County Committee to an- »*"#«• *P"!“«Wcaased *>y them dtaordem. nounce that Hon. L. W. Hall and Scrgt. J. H. oth. «, i win .end thi. recipe, j.i . „ . • . . which J bays brought home with me, to all who need it, Keatley wiß address Union Meetings at Blair fr „ of charge. tddrew. ITumnee on- Friday evening and at Tipton on Satnrday evening of this week. I VENNETIA LINIMENT. | A certain cure for parus and aches, ami wui rauteil so ! POSTPONED. —The conscripts front this locality penor to any other. Croup U positively euros; relief i i were first notified ,to appear at Huntingdon on rite al) ”'’ lu “' l ' ' ure ‘■■“»et >“ Mothers re i Bth, 9th ami .10,1, or’ October, I.ut we have seen J '.T V'""' ""V™ " M " m : ‘ * Croup is a disease which gives uouotice, frequeuth ! new ntm^ es :o be -served delaying the time . attacking the child i» the .d«ui hour of night : before i , reporting until the 7th, Slhand 9th of November. I physician cuu be summoned it may be too late. ilemem , The catjse assigned is that the. Commissioners. i b,r . ,tbe Venetian Inuimeut never foil?. Price 25 and 6 cannot get through with more than fifty cases per I T"' SoW b> aU Drut<,£ “"' offire - 66 j day. instead of .me hundred, as they first ‘ tw York ' ,„. „ . lSe,,t 16,186 t~ 1ui ~ Agent Wanted, —By reference to an oclver tisenpent in another column, it will be seen that ; an'agent is wanted in this place for several lines of j steamers. A man who could attend to the agency in connection with other business, without in creased expense or trouble, might make a good thing out of it Democratic Meeting. —The Democrats of this phi(\> will hold a meeting in Kcrtz's Hnl.l to-mor row (Thursday) evening. Notice In order to avoid political contests, rcHections and difficulties anil with the view of devoting my whole time to my daily business, I would re spectfully withdraw my mine as an In lepers lent Candidate for the Assembly, leaving the whole subject of itolttics to the.regularly organized usages of theparly. I would here take occasion to return my thanks to my many friends for the honor conferred in their promised support, and for the interest they have manifested in mv welfare. Respectfully, ISAAC BARTOW, New Groods, KERR has just received a very handsome lot of new fall goods, which will be sold AT TRICES DEFYING COMPETITION. Those requiring anything in his line will SA,VE CASH by calling soon, as goods will positively be much higher before long. The newly arrived stock consists of Shirting Flannel, Delaines, Balm'l Skirts, Satinetts, Cassimeres, Prints, Cloaking Cloths, Tweeds, Cheek, Brown Muslin, dearth, Ticking, Bleached Muslin, &c. Call and get a bargain before the goods are all disposed of. His stock of Groceries is complete, and the at tention of the public is directed to the fact that he is selling the BEST 810 COFFEE AT 33 CENTS per pound, SYBL'PS from 50 to 75 cts per gallon, and all other goods in proportion. Altoona, 6th, 1863. Tatjr no'more unpUatant iirdicinu. For unpleasant and daugraous diseases, use nUMIIOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU, Which lias received the endorsement of the most PROMINENT PHYSICIAN'S IN TUK V 8. I« now offered td afflicted humanity as a certain cure for the following dlaeaaea and symptoms originating from dis eases and abpse'ofthe Urinary and Sexual Organa. General Debility, : Mental and Physical Depressisn, Imbecility, Determination of Blood to the Uead, Confined Ideas, - Uyteria, General Irritability, Restlessness and Sleeplessness at night, Absence of H nebular Efficiency, Loaa of Appetite, Rmaoiation, Do « Spirits, $ Disorganization or Paralysis of the Organa of Generation, Palpitation of the Heart, And, in fitct r all the concomitants of a Nervous and Debil itated atnte of the system. 7b insure Ike genuine, cut thie out. ASK FOR UKMBOLD'S. TAKE NO OTHER. CURBS GCA HA .WTEBD. See advertisement in another column. Sept. 16,1663. A CAIiD TO THE SUFFERING. The Rer..Win; Cosgrove, while laboring as a Missionary i i Japan, waa cared of Consumption. when all other means •!e*. WM.COBOROTK, 439 Fulton Arenne, ’ Brooklyn. M. T. Dec. 23.1882-l v tamily «M work 1r will «ew .iii Jriadi* of cloth. r».| wtrl nil-kind* ,»i jlir-u/l. i»rcitt -muJ jcccur miproiduicnt* MMk” *nir --wn" u-ro-t r'-ihiHe. sm| «dntl»h-...nd n.o«r oemm lii action nt all ran- oi It milker the interlocked stitch which Is the I>»M stitch known. Ai{yoDe.erfn of Ihf most ordinary capacity. ■ •n *ttr m h static u Jioa to iih> tbv letter A Family sowing MacniDP. Our Family ScWlng Machines are fin i»-heti iu chaste and exquiste style. Tlip folding Case «f(he Family! Machine is a piece of punning workmans lip of the roost useful kind. It pro tc ;te tiie machine when not in use. ami when about to b* ope-ated may be oiwuedaa a spacious ami substantia) table to sustain the work. While sonic of the Cases nmfie out of the choicest woods. ore finished in the slm pltst ami chastest manner possible, others are adornin' ami embellished in the most costly and siipurh manner 11 i- absolutely necessary to see the Family Machine ir °l’“rntioii. fo rs to judge of Its great cnjmrity and Iwauty 1 f i»> fast becoming a* |*» niar for family sewing as on. Maunfhcturing machines are for manufacturing purposes The Branch Officers are well supplied with silk, twits, thread, needles, oil.Ac,, «f heat quality. r..r a Pamphlet.. nu. SIMiKK MA.NUFACrCRINtJ COMPANY. •45s Bioudway, New York. IPS., I'HU.ADELPIIIA OFFICE, NlO CluslllUt St. >lr. D. VV. A. Merchant Tailor. Virginia Sire <*i in Allonna. Alt-w-n*. a0v.13. ISt>2 DR TOBIAS’ BAIL BOAS AND HAIL SCHEDULE TRAINS ARRIVE AND'DEPART. BaUimmvExpr.;-. Westarrives 6.65 A.M. !-tv.--7 ]a i 11 PhihuM’w 7,40 •• ■■ g .jo I- Fast 5.30 IV M. ‘ Mail Train ■■ •• 7,oii *. - .. Express Tran. Eaa. •• toil) P. M.. lean-9 Oil P M i 1,,e “ “ I.TO AM . - 1.15 A. > Mjul Train •* 7.40 - .. 8 w .. Thrurgh Accom. “ »* 1016 “ •• 1045 “ 1 Train* on lloliidflysbnrg Branch run to - connect will I Express Trains Mail Train K««t ami West ami Thr«> | Acomni.Mluti-.n Train Kant. I Tram** on Tyrone & Clearfield Bnnch audßald Eagl i „ R : U - rUM to with Express Train Went hu Mai! Tram East ami Went. MAILS ARRIVE. Eastern Through,. Eastern Way Western Way ctiTii Through. II dlidayeiburg MAILS CLOSK Western Vr„y ;.2J Rev. Thomas P. Hnl.'owell. at tit- S? , .V^r.7. IVt ,ron ** r,,of,M ß* ill tlilM )*|iic . Mr. SAMUKI OAlt\ Ml U> Uh* MAKY J. CQLE. of Mifflin Ok. I'h I r y R " T - *J ‘i; Wi "'’ "'ll. LIAM MILLER (..f Company G. U. th Regiment IVim*. Volunteers,) to Miss MAKY A. HAMILTON, of Alt.-ma. ~ . l ie *“"* rt »Y- hy Rev. A. 11. Setnlmwer. Mr. GEORG. " . KOSfc to Miss Done AS COX. all of Altoona. On the 17th Inst.. by the same, in this place. Mr. JOII' McKA I.LIP to Miss AMANDA KIsTLEK, both of Leech burg, Armstrong comity. Pa. A GENT WANTED.—Wanted, fa. telhgent and responsible man to act aa Agent 1, AU.’OIW. for the Galway an.l New York line of dtesmer tho -Great Eastern, the Llreriionl and Ismd.m err> Line of Steamers, and the •• Washington Lino” of Saillni * ”*““• No 'Sie need apply who cannot Eire tatisfaclun references. Apply to D. 'O’NtJ LL. Sept 23-lt* LTeUi “ g Chnjnicl <’ fflee, Httsburg. Pa. P TO BUILDEUS ROPOSALS will be received at rln ■MOUNTAIN H USE at CRKSSON. Pa., for fur m ' nm .7 t,ie materials and buihlluE adihtions t„ the Hotel according to planai and S|>erificatious of the work to b seen at the Office of the Mountain llosse on Monday neat :Mtl. lust, and during the following week. * inMn‘ , | W "t1 k WI .I | I* - , let Keneral contract; the price t. work 1 * 6 * materials and labor requisite to complete tin Creaaon. Sept. 22.1883. A DM IN IBTK ATORS’ NOl iCE. ia . l, " lvl ;> B iTU "- that Letters of A.liuinlstra Hon have been issued this day to the undersigned by 11,. Register of lllair county, on the estate of BERN ARD l) All YIN. late of the Borough of d "«sed All , er •onu knowing lliemwHve* indebted to raid Estate are herchi notified b. make Immedlata payment, and h«| cUims agaimrt the same must po sent them legal v snth, l “SulS'f e- JAMESOAhVIN; Sept. 18.1883—fit* _ Administrator. LEWJSTOTO MILLS, . LEWISTpWN PA. ■p i-OUR AND FEE. • Uf ALL KINDS pricea“'' ,3ra ° nlla,,d lnd for ,Hle « the lowest mkiltei m * U wiU receive our special and prompt at -18. 1883.2 m W ’ * McATK *« * Sept, 18. 1863-2 m. Proprietors, JOIN THE CAVALRY!!! NOW IS THE TIME TO ENLIST ! Don’t wait to be notified that you are drafted! Do net wait for the next draft, but vol unteer at once! TKE UNDERSIGNED HAS BEEN MUllx’riEeil to iveruit a • Jl ■ CAVALRY COMPANY %Sb to be Htlarhwl to tliu IStli tVuu’a cavalrv ’’ uTr Men »re w.ntod ImmeUintolr to (111 up the roinpanf. 1 „(H ! aTji e . re r^" a V*"'"* your officer*, and a Crfr chance fiir |»rom.ti n. ; • : ALTOONA, AumUl 24.1833. JAS - M. BELL. HAliUtt AllE OF ALL DESCKIP- Cione jtui received end for uni* by 'let IS-tfl ■ .I'. It. im.KMA v A BOOM INAL SUPPORTERS, Trus n« And Shooldir Brace* fur t>nle at , "* f - O, W. KISSbEB’S. Vi- [l-.vr. For Rais, Alice, Kiim-lics, Ants, Bed Bugs, Moths in Furs, Woollens, &c. Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, &c. **nt tip n 26c. &or. and $1 0() Boxes, Bottle**} nd: Flask*. sAamiio sizesf r IUTBLd RUBUOINSTiTCTULNS Ac. “Only infall ble remedies known/’ “ Free hum Rd&uiiti.” “ to the Human Family." • Hats come out of their holes to die.” \ Wholesale In all targe cities •£i^ a> Sdd by ail DuoaOMt ami Rtr.UtCEa everywhere «-'? UEWAKK!-; j[ „|J w „ rt |,l.. M hX.T,™? ' ,mme u uu -* »A"cl™l Depot*2,Broadway. **' COSTAR ‘ S "D *>yO- 'V. KESSLER. Altoona, Pa April 1. 18C3.-CIU *. PHOTOGRAPHIC. MATERIALS, 301 BROADWAY, NKW YORK. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. 0 U T/ C . A ‘‘fW?,?* li " ,v viiil.racrs coii.iih-raiily over fhur ..Jzrf ,i,rtv roi.t mtl.jiicH (to which aUilithiiiA arc • ; ans 'to "viz: J l ' urt, ‘ Ua uf Kmiueut Ataari -72 Major-Generals, 325 Statesmen. IdO nng.-Generals, 127. Divines, ■ Colonels. IHi Authors, S 4 Lieut.-Colonels, 3J Artists, -'O7. Other Officers, 112 Stage, (iO Navv i 10.16 A M 7.4U A. M 730 A. M. & j*. M PfIOTOGHAPHIC ALBUMS. Of th-se We luiiniifo iure a great variety, nmghi" in iric« tmm ic. »-m h. J ‘ our ALuUM have th,.'reputation of being superior u O'troL.i.ty f"any, others. The smaller kind an he sent ssfely 1., mail at a , a,stage o' six cents per oz Hie mure expensive can In-mm by express. Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. htr catalogue of these will be sent to any address on r. ceipt of atom)*. ' e. & it. t. Anthony ■IANCKACTDIItnS OP I’IIOTOGRA I*lllC MATERIALS. SOI Broadway, New York. Friends ~r relatives of prominent military map will con ’■r a fav or by sending Us tlieir likenesses to copy. The. .vill be kept isirethlly ami returned nnb inred PINK ALBUM* MADE To ORDKR f,r Omrregatinm •■■P'Tr"' to V ir . r I'aHturs, or f.r other purposes. d-ith uibihle inscriptions, Ac. Ang. 18, . large size photographs AND AMBROTYPES, Gilt and Eosewood Frames, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, CARTES-DE- VJSITES, ALL STYLES AND SIZES OF GASES, &C.V CLABAUGH’S BUILDING, ■Julia Street, between Virginia and Emma, ALTOONA. PA. ELIAS A. BONINE. Ang. 4, ’63-3:11. New firm. HEXBY TUCK. DAVID ETtINGER. SUBSCRIBERS BEG LEAVE " nU,,C T CLOTHING BUSINESS, ami will continue «i the stand heretofore occnpiail byjl llutel 1.L 1 : 1 ' * ** w doors above the Kxchaoge They Imv also wholesale and retail store at 2}o TO2 Market StreetPhiladelphia^ where they will eeli all kinds of ready-made cl..thine and geuta liir.ilshing gumis at the very lowest prices. 5 . Tl| 'J w j)l he enabled to sell cheaper. Ilia, many ethers from Hie wet that tiler manufacture tlieir own gissls, au.i ihnsaare the maimiactarers (sir ceutage, uud all cloth un will lie Wiirmiud well made. Ami. 4,1883. tr YALU ABuSPiIUPEiTTr forsall ? The BBl'srrilur offer-;it Prfvate Sitft* a valuable |>ro|*rry. *icunteoii HraindiNt. ***** AJhwn*, Immedmudy opposite lhr®9aBT|» Machine SSbnjw, oDnl v>ll» 1 he 1)11040 u (Tell IH)Ut and netirlj Qew Fifteen liooms with Gaol Cellars. It i* calbuhitid for tllltKE KAMI UKS.and attl.emoM rviwoiMiijh* terms will »-rlmrs*j j H *r month rent. There U »roll of (to.iil «r«ier ju tin- vnr.|. Trrnw eaur Apply n. MICIIAKI, W YKumin. oil tbe iHvmlBM. OI *}**B{****M> « W 'Store, *,“»£ ISST I(\ barrels p.;re cider vine -IJ' * OAK jn-t received oud ft r sale low at Sejjt. X.18C3. FKIXOIIEY’B. i;xt UA FAMILY FLQIJK, PUT UP ,*J >b stack* exprecwly for fathi|ff-,IUkU ,- t . ‘ PER YEA’S MAIZKXA Was Ihe only "Priparajiw ior raci Stini Indian Corn' - ' Hmt re* Heed a medal am! honorable mention, from the «oyul Coinmhudonera, tlin roAu etillon of;all prominent manMWrnivrs of “Con. Bt«rc»r* and •• I'rt-pired^Coro Hour, of this and othei oountrieM Qot*ithstiuidi»£. . MAIZENA, T)»e f od and luxufy'of the age, without a&igle fault.— M trial will convince the moat "kept leal, Make* l*ud- Moprt, Custjvnl-*, Uhmc Mange. Ac,L without lain ihof*. willii lew «r rtoegg* at a coat H*tODlahing the nuut c«>»»i»niioal. A alight addition toordhary Wheat Phiur *ni|»t«vea Bread and Take. It U alto excellent for liudcdnlhg Mucpk. «ravh* fur ft h nttd (n>«t Miupm KC - !? r , ‘T I € ' re ? m ' ’’thing can coiufmre with it. A little »oih-«| in milk will produce a rh h cream for coffee, choco late lea. Ac. I'ut up in mo pound package*, under the trade-mark Mai/oiui, with lor use. A m.»t .Uli.-iou, article ..f for cliiMred ami invalid. ■I aliases. Fc, a»|e l.y DroKKiitaund (Jrucera ever v where Wiiole«ale Depot, Itk) Fulton Street. ! Knot. H twa-fm,"‘ LI * M DUltYEA v ocner ‘> Agent. • E. & U. T. ANTHONY, MANUFACTURERS OF " e also keep a large assortment of HELMBQLDI ■ GENUINE PREPARATIONS “inonLT concentrated” x COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT RDCBU. A PnrithraaadßpecMe Rotardr - Kor Ofawaaea of the BLADDER. KIDNEYS, ORAYRL i AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. Till* Medicine increaaea the power of Digratfon. and « C ™. B^ BSo "“* NtB fß, ° *** tei,on ’ * *hioh the WATMtY OR CALCAREOUS drpoaltiona, and all UN NATURAL ENLARGEMENTS, a» „d«U.a well « PAIN *»n INFLAMMATION, and la good for Man. Wo MEN OK CfiUUin, HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU. Pur ., We * k "”* * rl " ,n * ftom F«OMe* n»W«« of Olnioo tiou, Kftrly 1 udbcrt* tion or Abate. n x ATTENDED WITH TUB FOLLOWfAO SYMPTOMS ludhpoaltlon to Exertion, DUBcnltyOflmohlM Uwuf Memory Wof Power, ;'l Uak Nerve., Trembling, IWror of Diwnoe, 3 W.keMtwm, Dnunemorvi.lpn. itlob.tb.Buk, Univeraal Lnaeitude of tb« Muacolar Sytu-m, Hot Betide, Body. DryueoeSSf the Skin. Krnpflopi oft bo Face, PALLID COUNTENANCE. Theae fymptoma, if allowed togo on, which thh modi clue inv.tri.biy remove.. .000 follow. Impovuct, FantlTr fcpiu me Fm, it. one of which the patient may expire. ih! rZn?“ %,n not frequently followed by tb«*B I>IIU.FOL DISEASES.” 9 “INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION ” Many «re oworo of the COUM of their nriforjng, BDT NONE WILL CONFESS THE RECOItDT Or TUB INSANE ASYLUMS, And the melancholy ;De.tb.,by Conaumpliou beu mn Pie wit new to the troth ol the amertion. TUB CONSTITUriON ONCE AFFECTED WITH OR- OANIC WEAKNESS, Require, the .1,1 of medicine to trengthen and it,vigor ate the Syrtem, which lIEMBOLD'S EXTRACT BCCUO invariably does. A trial will convince the moat .keptical FEMALES I FEMAfi.ES I! Old or \ odso, Sisolr, Mabrild or CotrrtKPLATlxo Ui &uqe. UUCIHI" 7 aff “ ,lon * pocuI ' ar to Female, the EXTRACT -i-TIL I U ," M,U r y ‘‘ ,,yutLw n m "Fi a* in Cbloro Retention, Irregularity, | ainfuliteua ot; Sn,.p,e«don o tae U T ry . VILM or Scirrhous atom oflelheru., Leuco.rl.oe or White., Sterility, r » C . ,1, “ * Lt ' tl “-' r arising from In ■.ißcntiou, Habit, ol Di„si|miiuu, or in the DECLINE OB CUANOE OF LIFE. 8M bTXPtUXtf ABOTS, No Family Should be Without It Take uo inure UaWuu, Mercury, or nn 4 .le«ant Medicine oruup.eaeaut autlilaugeruoa (lieeaaea. lIEIMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU. AND Impboved Kobe Wash COBBS SECEEt DISEASES In al) tbelr stages, Mule or no clmuge In pfet, , , no Exfwwt'. LTJ!!Tu frfqtteDt •*«■* to CrluU, . Ko, “ oT,n K Pmreiito.* wd Curia* Mnciurw Uf tlm Urttorn. Allaying P.lnVnd «-«?-?* ~u“ « frequent iu toe cI«M of OtoJL. .L J?.- futtuuou. Uiaeuhe. oiiU «11 XUulfeAAlw CPoN TUoUtAMW who bar, b~, to. who l«v e ** corwl iu a abort time, bun fcuud that tber v ,„ rtnrniV, ,i ,u ;' tl "» «- -«««>«" U-b, to. .. to^ut.,» b«u dried up in to. . }n .u., to “ > Wf«»?t r d form, uud pwbup, .Aer uJrritgt. Csi tlmoou’i Eznacr Bccbc for all a&ctlotx —1 of tiie : ÜBINABY OBQANB, n better existing in MALE OR PBiULB. from whatever cause origin. ting„nd „ UOW LONG BTAXDI.NO. Dbetun of these organ, require ,|„ «M of.« Dnimm UKUIBOUra EXIKACT BGCUU I.tb. GrentJ.ronjTto.nng effect in a!l disease* for which it b recommended. S evidence of the niustreliahlo and responaihie chanotor wi’l accompany tfaeniediciues. Of q»rea,trom eight to twenty year* atand mg, with names liuuwn tosciruceaud/ame. V Price SI,OQ Per Beiile, r Six ■ -v ?9 DellTerwl to any address, securely packed from nay oh serration. 7 ‘ * Dxscnut Bnmoss a au Coiarencanon. Cares Qnarantoed. Adrien fltitfo. AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared befuie me. an Alderman of tin mmitt:i t : of Philadelphia, U. T. li tut Bonn, who being dnly sworn. = uth say hi* ptepurathm contains. 1 !*, jiarcolfc. nil -rrrfn ry, or other injurious drugs, but are purely rrgetabia. 7 u. i. UKhMaou). ' Sworn and subset ibed before me,- this SSd day' otfim. : reiuber, IgM. W. P. UIBUAHO. Alderman. ! . Ninth St, abuse Saco, Phlla, Address Ictterifor information In eoaSdeaca to ' U-1- UKLMBOjiD, Chemist, arp®*,!#* Sontb TenUi-SCbelo* 4 Philadelphia, Paha;- ■ BEWARE or COUNTERFEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Whoendeaeor to dispoUs “or tbhk «*»<> articles on the' reputation attained by . Ueimbold'eOennuHi Preiwrations, *> do Extract Bnehn, ■ f a ° BwiupurtJla, , *■ tmproeed Bote Tfto*.' ■ o-; ; 1 8-Id by Druggist* erery-whera. Taka an allmr. cSti 4 ' ■>nt theadTertisuaiit and Mud for It. nod - ! undexposure. ’. •oftombar lilh, IMt-ly. At little Kapenas, ; No inconvenience