The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, September 23, 1863, Image 2

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•t 7 ■ -
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 23. 1863.
Train Own. Hoaeorans.
Fpr aome dajs past we iiave felt rather
gtoqnij in consequence of the unfavora
ble reports from the late engagement be
tween the forces of Gens. Rosecrans and
.Bragg* the Ijatter being reinforced by sev
ergi divisions of Gen. Lee’s army, and
also from Beauregard's army at Charles
■ ton. Gen.; Lee is said to have been in
command. ; The fighting on Saturday and
Sunday is said to have been terrific. Al
one time the rebels were driven back, and
again they drove the Union forces, and on
Sunday night each 'army occupied about
the same positioh held when the fight com
menced.’ On Sunday night, Roaecrans
moved bis ariny back to Chattanooga,
the fight having taken place some ten
miles South-east of that place. This
movement was rendered necessary jn con
sequence of the heavy reinforcements the
rebels were;receiving, and in order to se
eure a favorable defensive position for the
Union forces until reinforcements, on the
way to fiosecrans, should arrive.
The first reports received stated that
Gen. Roseau ns’army'had been cut to
pieces and was rapidly retreating, fol
lowed by U*e rebels, but later news states
that ail wiß yet be right—the Govern
ment having more cheering information
from that quarter. Preparations hare
been made for meeting every emergency
that is likely to occur in this field of ope
The rebels have a decided advantage
from, the fact that they can concentrate
their forces much more rapidly than the
Government; yet we do not despair ol
Gen. Bosecrans’ success iu finally defeat
ing the whole crew. While they arc
fighting Bosecrans, they may leave a hole
open some place else, which will let a
Union army into the dominions of Jefi'
ffiff’The muddy pool of politics has
spread itself .so widely that it is now
almost impossible to write or speak on
any of the- subjects connected with the
present rebellion, or the events transpi
ring in the political world, without being
charged with dabbling in its waters. We
have no aspirations, politically, nor do we
covet the name of politicians; ncverthe
less, «e pay some attention to these mat
ters, and are; not entirely ignorant of what
is going on. We read the papers of both
political parties, and And much in both
which we condemn and disbelieve. But
we are not Wow going into a criticism on
, either—omr purpose being simply to ask
a few questions, which shall be stated
plainly, and we desire pltqn answers.—
These questions have occurred to others
besides ourselves, and stagger those who
are disposed to act and vote with the
Democratic party and yet wish to throw
their influence on the side of the Union.
, Ist. Why is it that all the refugees
from tbe South, immediately upon their
arrival in the free States, espouse the
cause of the Administrationand all who
we in this State at this time, are either
writing or speaking in favor of the re
election of Andrew G. Curtin as Gov
2d. Why is it that none of these refu
gees espouse the Democratic cause, or take
the stump for Woodward?
Bd. Why is it that so many prominent
Democrats in this and other States have
left their pgity and are now found writing
and speaking in favor of the Administra
tion and the jin-election of Gov. Curtin?
We refer to such men as Gen. B. F. But
lervjf Mamachusetts; Gen. Logan, of
Gen-; Eoeecrans, of Ohio; Gov.
•iSuton, of : Tennessee; Matthews, of
Maryland ; AJI. Chase, of New York;
Daniel Dougherty, N. P. Brown and Hon.
W. E. Lehman, of Philadelphia; J udge
Shanpqn, of Pittsburgh; John Scott, of
Huntingdon, and many others we might
4th. Why Is it that ho prominent men
Republican or Union party have
gone over to Woodward and engage? ip
stumping fhft (State for him *
5 th, Why fa it that the Richmond Jgh
*nd other Rebel papers d°sire the
‘ Seeaii,
. l% B *’ er W® «f such
plain answers to ithe
Acre -xi»y > jpve ns the key to those hut
Whst Does it Mean ?
The following article, from the Rich
mond of tlte 7th inst., requires
considerable explanation at the hands of
the speakers and the writers of the party
whicU is to be benefited by a rebel . raid.
Why ;Would a rebel raid prove beneficial
to the; Democratic party t and why would
the succeseof the Democratic party prove
beneficial to the rebels * We ask these
questions in all candor. We give the
article that all may read it. Let every
Union man fairly understand the issue ere
he casts his vote. Read and reflect: —
The success of the Democratic party would be
no longer doubtful should General Lee once mom
«lvance on Meade. Parties in the United States
are so nearly balanced that the least advantage
thrown in favor of one will insure its success.
Should the Confederate army remain quiescent on
the banks of the Kapahannock, the boastful brag
gadocio of Yankee reports will be confirmed, and
Lincoln and Halleck will point in triumph to the
crippled condition of the Confederate army ns
confirmation of the great,victory. won jn Pennsyl
vania,' The Democrats, nnahla to gainsay such
evidence, will be constrained to enter the contest
for Spqakerahip shorn of the principal pa.t of their
strengfit— the disgraceful mismanagement and
conduce of the war. s
Gehi Lee must turn pqlitieign as well ns war
rior; we believe he will prove the most suc
cessful |politician the Confederacy eve* produced.
He may so move and direct his ami v as to produce
political results, which, in their baring opal this
war, w|U prove more effectual than the bloodiest
victories. Let him drive Meade into Washington
and be, will again rise the spirits of the Democrats,
confirm,the timid,.and give confidence to the wa
vering.; He will embolden the Pence party should
lie again cross the Potomac, for he will show the
people pf Pennsylvania how little security they
nave from Lincoln Tort the protection of their
homes. ,; It matters not Whether the advance Ik
made for the purpose of permanent occupation
or simply for a grand raid ; it will
’hat, in.the third yearof the war, thev aie sB far
from ihe subjugation of the Confederate Slates
that the.defence of Maryland and Pennsylvania
tas nor been secured.
A fall campaign into Pennsylvania, with the
bands pf our soldiers united, not for-indiscrimi
nate plunder—bnt a campaign for a systematic
tnd organized retaliation and punishment, would
arouse the popular mind to the uncertainty and
insecurity of Pennsylvania. This would react
upon the re|>resentalives in Congress, strengthen
.ng the-Democrats and mollifying even the hard
shell of fanaticism.
Ihe damage which the last campaign inflicted,
if augmented by another this fall, when presented
to the Lincoln Government wqnld unless paid,
greatly exasperate the people against an Adminis
tration which neither defends the State, nor reitn
bnrses its citizens for losses which its own imbe
cility has produced. And if these damages are
|taid the debt is increased, the taxes raised, and
he burdens imposed will accomplish the same
end. ,
Let the great and important fact bo constantly
kept in a’ tangible and threatening aspect before
he people of Pennsylvania, that notwithstanding
hare opened the Mississippi and are besieg
ing Charleston, and threatening East Tennessee,
mil Georgia, and Alabama, that, notwithstanding
ill this, Pennsylvania is hot safe from invasion.
md ( Washington City is again heieagured in thi
bird year of the war. The road to peace lies
-lirongli Pennsylvania via Washington,
Fbosi Chaei.estox. —The latest from
Charleston informs us that Gem Gilmore
is repairing Fort Wagner and Battery
Gregg for the purpose of shelling the reb
orn'of Fort Moultrie and that vicinity.—
A battery of heavy guns is also being
placed iu position for the purpose of shel
ling Charleston. Admiral Dahlgren has
been withdrawn from the command of the
-fleet, in Charleston harbor, and Admiral
Farrngut placed in charge. A difference
between Gen. Gilmore and Dahlgren
loused the change.
Union Meeting.—Hon, L. W. Hall, of
this place, will address the people of
Petersburg, Huntingdon county, and vi
cinity, on the issues involved in the pres
ent election, this (Wednesday) evening.
' A Proclamation.
'WASHijforos, Sept. 14, 1863—Whebeas, The
Constitution of the United States of America has
ordained that the privilege of the writ of haJieas
'vrpus shall not be suspended unless, when in case
of Rebellion or invasion, the public safety may re
quire it; and whereas, a Rebellion was exesting on
the 3d day of March. 4863, which Rebellion is still
existing; and whereas by a statute, which was
approved on that day, it was enacted hr the
Senate and House of Represenatives iu Congress
assembled .that, during the present insurrection.
■he President of the United States, whenever in
his judgment the public safety may require, is au
thorized to suspend the writ 'of hnlteas coiynu iu
any hiss throughout the United Slates or any pan
thereof; and whereas, in the judgment of the
President of the United Statesthe public safety
does require that die privilege of the said writ
shall now be suspended throughout the United
States in the cases whereby the authority of the
Preisdent of the United States, the miiiiaiy, naval,
andeival officers of the United States, or any of
them hold persons under their command or in
theirenswdy, either as prisoners of war- spies, or
aiders or abettors of the enemy.or officers, soldiers
or seamen;‘enrolled or drafted,:or mustered or en
listed in. oi; belonging to the land or naval officers
of the United States, or as deserters therefrom, or
otherwise answerable to military Jaw, or the rules
of regulations prescribed for the military or naval
service, by authority of the President of the
United or for resisting a draft, dr for any
other offenses against the militant or navql service;
Now, therefore, I Abraham Lincoln, President
of the United States, do hereby proclaim and
make known to all whom it may concern, that the
privilege of, the wnt of habeas corpus is suspended
throughout the United States in the several eases
before mentioned, and that this stispeittion will
coniinne thfonghout' the duration of the Said Re
bellion, dr until tins Proclamation shall, bv a suh
scqnei I one to ,be isssed by the President of fhe
United States, be modified or revoked. And Ido I
hereby reqqire all magistrates, attorneys and other
civil officers within the United Stated and all
officers and .others m (he military and - naval ser
vice of the United Siates, to take distinct notice
of this suspension and to give it full effect, and
all citizens of the United States; to conduct and
govern themselves accordingly, ami in conformity
w«h llie Constitulion of .the United States and
tlw lasts of Congress in such cases mode ami pro
vided. r
In teitimonj- whereof, I hereunto set' ijiy hand
and cause the seal of the United States to be af
6ared; that fifteen h day of September, in the year
of our Lord i ore thonmnd eighthnndied andaixrr-
Jbnee (1H63), and of the independence of the
United Slate* of ‘America the eighty-eighth
By the President.
Secretary Of State.
Letter from “August Sontag.”
Philadelphia. Sept. 21. 1863,
Membs. Editors :—Do you; drink “ Kisaingen
water" in Altoona ? Kvery body drinks it here—
that is every hotly that ,Ims a liven—instead of
champagne. My drink and meat to-day, how
ever. is “tea and toast," with a determination to
send “ right about" a headache that has persisted
in sticking “ closer than a brother" to me for the last
twelve hours, despite all my remonstrances against
•such a superfluous affection. Coffee is said to he
an infallible remedy, hut we have so many kinds of
coffee current here how, tliat it will to
make a selection. I confess to be a vety Mussul
man in my affection for the roasted berry, a cup
of its amber-bued and glorious infusion far trans
cending, in thy opinion, even the creamy overflow
of Heidsiek or the gorgeously colored body of “old
crusted port.” But if you really love coffee, what
do you think of the manifold and economic repre
sentatives, now so numerous in the grocery win
dows and “down i' the mouth" of the great public.
Have you lasted the “Eureka?” Have you uos
triled the “Celebrated East India?” Have yon
alarmed your palate with the tar famed Golden
Rule?" or have you—for philosophy might venture
on such a shuddering experiment, perchance—ever
disgusted your lietle' nature with a sip of “ rye”
coffee, “wheat,” or “malt”ditto, and soon? I'cr
adventure, you have, in the honest spirit of inquiry,
which is said to be the characteristic of this intel
ligent age, essayed one or all of these things,
and it so, you will admit that some of these coffees
are wondei fully good imitations of the dientical
thing, just ns some of the counterfeit fifty cent post
age-notes now amazingly embarrass the best of us to
sort them out, without a minute investigation,
from the genuine Government article. Economy
is the order of the day now, for who is “ making
his salt." not to mention his salary, except those
fortunate gentlemen to whom the war brings in
crease of business, and to whom the destruction of
armiesonlv means the supply, at exhorbitanl prices,
of so many more coats, shoes, &c., for the succes
sors of the sacrificed. Why even the law, with
its, has lost all its profitable characteristics. Our
court ealedars have run down to “ small potatoes.”
I could name a number of lawyers in thiscitv, who
used to do a flourishing business, who will <j<ion
have to pettifogg upon the “ no-cure-no-pav” prin
ciple, and offer to accept business without making
any charge for services, without successful, unless
there he a change in the politics of our country. —
Apropos, politics. We have some political excite
ment in this direction, but, as Sontag does not
want to be Governor, lie keeps cool, and don’t
care the value of a roast peanut altout politics or
politieans generally. As the election day ap
proaches the noise and confusion gradually in
creases, and soon we shall look for a monomania
to seize the whole community, and some of them
go “ mad as a march Imre.” If I could afford it,
1 should certainly'go up in a balloon, for the
nonce, just to avoid the utter desolation of lining
the only calm and philosophical mind amid the
general delirium. But we can't afford such a lux
ury. The times forbid it. If I prove particularly
sensible upon this subject—Heaven f n tend, how
ever, for I hate to he exeemric—pardon me, and
attribute it to my morality und the environing cir
cumstances. Contemplating the wtmle field with
an impartial eye, I must say that the opposing
forces a.e well matched, that both arc sanguine,
full of spirit and “eager for the fray." But I
really think Curtin will triumph in the end.—
However, that remains to be seen, aud we shall
not be left in saspense long. I
What a lime the Coal dealers have had here,
with the-puhlic, tiring to keep up the price of
coal. When our State was invaded the price of
coal rushed up from seven to ten dollars a ton,
while some of the dealers refused to sell for less
than twelve, pnd others talked of holding it on to get
fifteen or twenty. But down it has come with a
crush, and the public heart rejoiced, and the heart
of the coal-dealer waxed sad. It is a delightful
struggle Isnween the would-be-sellers and buyers,
the one to keep the price in stata quo, and the
other to reduce it again, and which party will whip
in the end remains to be seen. How man in af
fected, sometimes, by the aspect of his pocket-book I
When he is making money “Our Country” is the
cry, and down goes the greenbacks, or at least a
promise to that effect. When we lose money, we
I button tip our pockets with closed lips and hoarsely
whisper, “ not a cent for tribute 1” The coal melt
are only anthracite illustrations of the fact. From
.Maine to California it is the same; man is but man
everywhere. We had an unusual occurrence take
place a short time ago which has caused some sen
sation among the fair sex. A* verdant t ouug lady"
was captured by the police, who was disguised in
male habiliments and seeking an opportunity to go
to sea. ns a cabin boy, for her health. She had I
elo|ied from her country home, she said, because
she had a liver complaint which nothing but a
visit to old Neptune would cure, and dunning the 1
costume of the male sex, she fancied she soon I
could possess herself of the remedy. Alas! fori
her calculations. She bad no sooner arrived here (
titan she was made to feel her helplessness, and- ;
she quickly realised her situation and accosting the
first policeman she met told her store. He
conveyed her to head-quarters and her speedy res- '
toration to female habits and the femenine appear- :
ance was the result. We have one class of people !
in Philadelphia who command “the situation” in !
dealing with capital, and that is servants. Ser- j
vants, and particularly female servants, ask. what i
they please for their service and get, I am told,'
jnst about what they choose to ask. The hoop-skirt
factories advertise largely for female operatives
and pay such good prices, that they quite nse up
the great body of unemployed industrials, ns al
most any girl, however sl nptd. can work on a hoop
skirt—or at least wear one—if she can wash a
dish or peel a potato.: The demand tor feqiale
servants exceed the supply, and those who prefer
housework to fuctoty labor, entertain the highest
, notions of the extraordinary value of their euisin
arv exertions. The most unsophisticated genius
asks seven dollars per month, even if unable to
distinguish a flat-iron from a coal-scuttle, while
more ex|ierienced “ help” require ten and twelve
dollars per momhwith “coalitions.” Tiimj con
ditions are commonly a good bed, a good table,
one night out evev week, Itesidcs all of Snndar,
and the liberty of having their “consins'calltosee
them in the kitchen. There may be some slight
exaggerat ion in all this, as I obtained the informa
tion from a party who was pretty sore on the sub
ject, hut I suppose their must lie some truth in it.
We are indebted to the repirter of the SunAtg
Trimxaript fur the following hit at “codfish aris
tocracy." ‘‘There was a grei t udi at tlte Acad
emy of Music on Wednesday evening. Among
the dense throng were niiiiifiers who have sud
denly been financially elevated in consequence of
this “cruel war,** Codfish and shoddy aristocracy
swelled out In silks, satins. “ loves of bonnets,'”
&e„ &e. Among the crowd a young lady dropped
a .watch key, which she missed tqion nearing the
door. It was valued as a gift. While looking!
around for it a neatly dressed boy stepp xl op and
said, “madam here is your key I found it on the
floor.!' It was transferred to the gloved hand of
the lady, who was hanging on the arm of a gen
tleman, who immediately pulled our his port-mon
naie from which be selected a fifty-cent postage
currency to reward the boy for his honesty, when
the young lady immediately interposed, and said :
Oh. let me. reward him ! I have some small change,
and so saying she tendered the lad a Jive-cnt
note. The boy railed upon Mr. Bulkier. at the
Central Station, next day. to whom he delivered
the fivc-eont note, with the request that the detec
tive force should find out the whereabouts of the
lady and return her the note, and if not successful
in tracing het out, to put it on interest fin- the ben
efit of the institution organized for (lie subsistence
of decayed members of the codfish aristocracy.”—
We, also, attended this exhih tition, and encoun
tered—God forgive ns!—a speci-s of animal
which a zoologist would define a “ swell," where
upon ice took a few notes —not greenbacks—for j
the benefit of our friends generally, which can tie i
seen upon application at No i. Smith’s
Island. The erudite .Walker*affirms a thing to he
fashionable which is approved by cus’oni or made
; according to the ’• mode,” and ’one is fashionable
who has rank above the vulgar! Whether the
d-finition be wholly serious, or acknowledges a
tinge of sarcasm, it hits the case very fairly. The
patronizing term “approved by custom” for exam
ple. nothing could be more felicitous. To feel that
we are approved by those for whom wie cherish
profound respect, is no mean element of happiness.
And where one feels a peculiar regard for a class
j called “aristocratic,” he respects whatever custom
> they generally recognize, and feels, to be approved
of it, is n synonym of personal consequence, and
therefore’ self-respect, and “the mode”—what
words of awful majesty arc these to a “ swell,”
and therefore elegant, foreign, and therefore formi
■dnble Aristocratic, it appeals to the esthetic na*
ture,! it is refined and chaste—“ made according
| to the mode,” it is to 1*- mafic as the gods would
I direct- But to have rank above the “vulgar”—
this is the great thing. To he manifestly none of
the herd, to seem to liave descended straight from
some’ rich, “firat family.” on an air-line too lofty
to ever have been a merchant or a member of
Congress. Those who were at the “ Academy of
Music” on r lie night we refer to, must remember
the exceeding splendor and awful magnificence
net of the representation, hut of the andiedcp. It
was a seene/or every “swell" to treasure in his heart
of hearts One would have thought from the gen
eral eagerness to tic in a seat at a certain time,
was a matter of life and death. O. the spotless,
J unwriuklcd cloaks, the sujierb head-dresses, the
j snowy white Waistcoats and cravats, the glossv
and radiant beavers, all pressed and compact to
gether, cheek by jowl with the Sunday coat of the
respectable pleliean and the ill smelling garments
of the plain, hut honest tradesman and trades
; man’s wife. We particularly admired a large,
j red-faced, sumptuously attired, important looking
i man. with snub nose, who vented audible petulant
complaints in regard to’the culpableinadeqitateness
of the means of entrance to the interior—for the
left-hand door was shut—which neglect he vowed
to his body companion was ridiculous, and a dis
grace, in a tone that bespoke the stockholder—
; who is a modest individual that has a regular seat
( in the parquet, to the intease delight of the lessees
j and managers. Of course iris none of my “bitis,”
hut as Mrs. Toodles would say. it is certainly a
great convenience to have in the house. The res
olute, though slow moving crowd, swept me
through the passage-way into ihe corridor, where
1 paused lo lake' breath and examine inv ribs.—
To the enthusiast in the study of “ swells/’ a |«si
tion well down in the parquet is perhaps Ihe most
judicious, fir this alone will enable him to take in
i at one magnificent sweep the adorable “swelling"
| line of the dress circle—the haunts of tlie stockhol
[ der and general opulent citizen. It Is well to go
early, and lints confer on ones self ihe privilege of
witnessing the composed ami majestic entrances
ot these fellow lieings, who descend to their several
places, and adjust themselves with edifiying delib
erateness, and not the least conscious of observa
tion. Blanche, whose side face has been called
classic, takes one of the front seats and at once
begins a lively chat with itmde., who in three
quarter face responds with equal animation, which
h iugs her tine teeth, (probably artificial) imoplav
and imparts additional lustre to her eyes; while
behind them two superb “ swells.” with hair parted
—Charles Augustus style—in the middle, and who,
therefore, contemplate a full front presentation,
temporarily employ their tightly encased digits iii
adjusting their lorgnettes, now'and then (lending
over, wiih grace, to say something amusing, or di
rect the attention of the young ladies to some dis
tant quarter of the house, where they have descried
some other object of equal, or perhaps (if possible)
even greater interest than themselves. As soon
ns we were seated and were at leisure to look
around u.—no mean element in the Academy of
Music—l fumed to the interior of the [wrquet to
see a favorite “ swell” whom I so often observed
in that region, even when not another of his kid
ney was standing, there he stood, cool and promi
nent, in view of the whole immense bouse, with
his glass elevated toward the dress-circle, which
he attentively surveyed with such patience and as
siduity-and with sublime indifference to Ihe figure
lie may be presenting to his peers, that I have
nominated him bv acclamation' for the office of
chief “swell,” and now I will turn my attention
to the performance. So, yours truly,
*3" The most charitable of all animals—the
skunk—he gives everybody he meets a (<) cent.
Twelve merino sheep, recently taken from
the Slate o» Vermont to ah exhibition in Denmark,
sold for $5,000. !
&Q&* An old bachelor says a woman imay be
surprised, nrtonished, taken aback, but never
John Morgan, the noted raider, was for
merly a professional gamble, having bis headquar
ters at Covington, Ky.
<3* The five-twenty U. S. Bonds are still sell
ing at the rate of over half a million dollars per
IST The Government bounty df $402, now
given to recruits entering the regular army, will be
stopped on the 25th of September.
(9* A man named William Coulter, of Summit
ville, Cambria county, employed as a brakeman on
the 1 cnna R. R., fell from the train near Johns
town, on Saturday week, and was instantly killed.
<ST A Canadian, who wished to tell a copper
head what lie thought of him couldn’t remember
the appropriate title, and sit) relieved himself with,
“Voit old one cent!” He hit the value, if he
didn’t hit the name.
A man named Reuben Flanigan, who had
been drafted in the town of Oswego, N. Y., hung
himself, because he didn’t want to go soldiering;
The Coroner was sent for, atid the jury returned a
verdict of “ exempt ’’
«T A. L. Guss, editor of the Juniata Sentinel,
was tried for libel, in Juniata county, week before
last. He was charged with libeling some 25 or 80
persons. The result was the usual one in such
cases. Each of the libeled received about 80 cents
for their characters.
•ST The Bureau «f Exchange in Washington
rece.ved a letter, a day or two sines, from Com
missioner Quid, at Richmond, notifying them that
twelve thousand prisoners parole* bv Gen. Grant
had been returned to the field, and in exchange
referred to the same number of our prisoners de
livered a t City Point. The whole .statement in
regard iO the delivery was n lie. Not a man of ours
has been returned for these twelve thousand, who
were then armed and have doubtlessly )>artieipnted
in the late battles at Chattanooga.
It is said that Beauregard is prewiring an
earnest reinon>tranee against Gen. Gilmore for vi
olating the constitution of Morris Island, the stat
utes of Fort Sumter, and the charter of Charleston.
O’ A gentleman popping his head through a
tailor shop, exclaimed: “What o'clock is it by
your lapboard?” Whereiqion the tailor lifted up
his lapboard and struck him a btdw'on the head,
answering, “ It has just struck one /’’
O’ The Agricultural State Fair, to be held at
Norristown, opens on the 2!)th of this month and
continues until the 2nd of October. Excursion
tickets will be : issued by the Penn'a R. R. Co.,
good from the 28th of Sept, to the 3d of Octobei.
When yon go to kiss—first grasp with
haste around the waist, and hug her tight to thee;
then she will say, “Do go awnj —do, won't you
let me lie?” Then, O, what bliss? but never miss
so good a chance-as that; then make, a dash as
quick as flash, and—Georgie hold my hat.
£f*The boiler of a steam mill, at New Cumber
land, Cumberland comity, exploded' on Tuesday
morning, killing five men engaged ou the saw-mill
and wounding a number of others. A piece of the
boiler was thrown 300 yards and striking a house 1
killed an old lady and wounded her daughter!
A letter from the Army of the Potomac,
states that as many os seven substitutes, who hao
deserted, were shot in the several corps toward.-.
the close of lust week. Prompt and extreme
punishment now awaits this class of offenders,
without the hope of pardon.
tuff" We have received ihe second number o!
the Belleville IJemocrut , published at Belleville,
Illinois, by Wm. Denlinger and A. B. Russel.—
As its name indicates, it is Democratic in princi
ple, and that pretty severely, if not a Utile mon
than Democratic. Friend Denlinger bos our best'
wishes for ids success.
No. I. Lhi'£D Family Wniuger.
N't*. 2. Medium
No. ’i%
Nr*, 2. small
No S Large lintel
N<>. 18. Medium Laundry / lo run ateam I* 1 ,u
No 2-' Large •• f „r liaiiu. ) .>u,
i*»d 2 IraVe no Cogs. AU otln-ra ijre warrantee
2 in the mite generally lined h* pmate f.tin.Jics.
ijkkxge Judd, of the * American Agriculturist," sai
of the
“ A child can readil* wiingoiit a tuhluil jfclothes in
!*-w miaui..*. It is in reality a j*AVi.R! a
of garmeufs will atom* pay a large per tentage on i«> cob:
Ue think the nlarhino mue * more than PAYS FO-
I i SELF EVERY YEAR in the saving of garment
rimre are kiudn. nearly alike in general c nstrm
lion, but we cuusuh r it important that the Wringer l-
HtteU with Coga, vth-rwise a mass of garment* may ch*
the roller . and the rollers open the crank shaft slip an
tear the clothes, or the rubier break loose from the tdml
Our own iso eof the first make, and it is as GOOD A
Every Wringer with Cog Wheels is Warranted ii
every particular.
A good CANVASSER wanted in every town.
On receipt oi the price fioq* places Whcf© no one I
telling, we will send the Wringer pass op-Axpsnse.
Fur particular* aud circulars addrea*
H . G. BROW NING, 347 Broadway, N. V.
Sep. I—6m.
VT O TICE. —rNotice is hereby given tha;i
XT the billowing resolution nt adopted at a Into me.'
mu of tho Bonn! uf Managers of the Altoona' Ball an
Market Company
Raolred. Tliat toe second instalment of 10 per cent, <>
the stock sntacribed for, be made payable on the 20r
•lay of the present .mouth. (May, and that the balance .
tne subscription he made payable in monthly Instalment
Of 10 per cent each, on the ISth day of each soccoedlu
month, nntil the whole am..not is paid in.
Persons wishing pi take stock in the Company can stil
be areomiuodated. there being a few shark yet nusohL,
Altoona. May 19th.-tf. B F. KOSK. Tieaturer
—JOHN H FRITCIIKY i. now able to offer t
hi. customer* and the public at large, a stock of tb
purest liquors ever brought into this market, comurisiu,
in part the following varieties
thJs h e eI FHIwI?KTh“ U b ° k " a V“" tMl; »" rt in addition t
' Kl di K y . hM on ha,,d * Urge ninety of Wine
an2 to which they invite the iwrticuh.
attention of the public*,
A 1 oona. May I*. 1863.
celved. .large lot ol Canvassed Sugar-cored Ham
urn best brands lomaiket. Every um. sold is gnarai
trwtl>t ; FKITCHEY’S
w:r^n; n e d Jltreiv p x^rro,.r,7e■lo: ,, b; ach p ‘ cki *
•»«**** li AMS just re. eived »„
( CRACKER^! A fresh sup
.V V‘ y uf t " WH> tJ ” liciuu “ “ackers just received and k.
J. pare 3Va«, the best of Chocolate, Syrup* anil 3uwu>
*lll2 KKiTniiHY’.<.
is Richey is really selling
tfa«» lM»*t Brnwii Sugar in All xnn H t 12^contw.
t. “ " ltt ’ lV| " superior to any evvr offered u A
coloring, or uiiv
f ,f " Me ' ier ! ci ' ,u ’ crackers jnn recei,.-.
1 l,v . KsnCTIIBY.
of all grades, and at msunablo prices, for sale b
1 • : WITCH KY.
’* ■ just reeflved And for nab, bv FRITCIIKV.
Just reCi iVMi and for tain at KRITCIIfcY’S
ofCarollof' and Virginia
For all of whici it is a speedyanrt certain
M*orWU. Thtoj Liniment is prepar-d from tl,„
Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connect font the famous bom-TiT
‘till line been need in Ins practice fur more Uni, , ' ’
years with the most astonishing success. w '" Jr '
any preparation before the public, of whirh ti,, •’
skeptical may be courincetl by a single trial.
This Liniment will cure rapidly and radlrallv tu„.
MATIC DISORDERS of erery kind, and in7l"n,J!f M
•.'•Ms whera ft hto been wed It baa oert*r Wo " r
fan. ** f -
POR NEURALGIA, It viltfiflbnl r»\
frery case, however disireatiiQg.
It will nUt-re the worst of lIEADACiif i n ,i
tDlnutnsnd in warnp'ed to Mo it. r Ilir ''
TOOTHACHE also will it Are Instantly.
rUDK arising from imprudence or t-xc—. tbi.imm'
• a meet happy end unfailing remedy A«i.
upon the tvrruas tiiwuM, it stn-ti(rtlien« and re/vis-'
•y*tem. apd reetoree it to ela tidty and rig,,-, '
FOR PILES.—Ae an external r«nie.ij. c | !u , lh
i. the but known, and we challenge the world , 0
•n equal. Every victim of tbi, di-tr.-winu „
•hnnld give it a triaU Sir it will not fail to afWd J" J.
>te relief, and in majority ofcaeee will effort a rwlirol
QUINSY AND SORE THROAT are sometime. ~,r ,
» malignant and daugerona hut a tiim-ly '
this Liniment will never (ml to cure. ' 11, ,! ’
SPRAINS are sometimes very nbetinato. „nd
nent of the Jointa is liahle to occur if necl.-ted in
roret cane may bo conquered by tbia Liniment m
hreedaya. "■
IND SCALDS, yield readily to the wonderful heJlit.
vhen awd according to directions- Als.. OIIILin liv
Dr. Stephen Sweet, of (’onneetieut
Hi** Great Natural Oone Setter.
Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Conn-ctim
fa known all over the United State*.
Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Counecriout
’« the author d -Dr. Swat’s IntallibU- Limm-m '
Dr. ftwcet s Infallible Liniment
'arts niifimialifm and m*v«*r fail*
Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Lwnmefii
'* ji certain r -nit-dy lor Neuraluu.
Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liuii.,.,
urtf Dur:'- :aid Scalds
Dr. Sweet’s. Infallible LibiuuMi
u the known remedy for Spr.iir- i::r.,
Dr Sweet’s Infallible Liimu.iii
Ur--. lieaducli** immediat-ly and re n- v-i '.n-.a
Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment
Vffords immediate relief for I'ik- and ---10.-n; f-ui. t
Dr. Sweet’s llt fall i Dii- Lininifm
‘on-a Toothache iu oiie minute.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment
'urefi Cuu ami Wound* iainmlniM v :uul j. mt. . mi
Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment
8 the remedy fcir bores in known wnrlo
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment
la* been Oiied by more lhau a million people, hmi hi;
*rai«o It.
Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment
sunken internally cores Colic, Cholera Morbid ami il
Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liuiuient -
« truly a *• friend io need,’’ and every family shonW l.n«
t at hand.
Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment
s for -ale by all Drnggiatd. I'rin- 2a ami io .-■■■:!'
-erual remedy, is without a rival ami will alU*vwtr p*un
lore speedily tb «u any other preparation* For nil Ulh*iv
latlc and Nervon. Ilisorders it i* truly n ’ H
a. ative for Wounds, Sprains. Urui.v*. if.
Hdthiug. healing and powerful sireugthriiun pri*pt-rti*-a.
xclte the Just wonder and a»toui«hnieut ot af. who Imv
ver given it a trial. Over oue tliou-an.l c-rtil]-’- '■* of
.-tttarkable ram. pertormeti by It witbm tbc l«-i t.o
.. ears, attest the fact.
■' unrivalled by any. and In all caws of Lanim-??. arior;
otu Sprains, Bruise* or wrenching. its effect is
nil certain. llarneesur saddle Galls, Scratche?. Mauf.
rc.. it will also cure *|ieedily. Spat in and Binpbcni' mn)
“* easily prevented and cured in tlffiir Incipient state?
ut confirmed cases arebeynid the possibility uf s ra< l
ole are. Nd case of the kind, however, is so desperate ..r
topelesa bnt it may be alleviated by this Liniment. ard it
tlthfnl applicatiou will always remove the iamrne-*. and
.-■able the tiorseato travel with comparative ease.
lionld have this remedy at baud, for its timely use at lh‘
*rst;a pearaae* of l«an>*ness 'Will effectually prrveoi tbc*
diseases. to which ail horses an» liable,
VQidb reader so Datfeotbelvitie valuable horse* oearlj
Soldier’s Friend,
And thoMudi h»v« (band it truly
otwrrp the aiKnatnre «nd tlkrnMi
,LJ2. IS.?**** do eTory4#lH-l. and »l*o “ Slel*'?
-tr‘ * l“Wllbt> Mnlmcnf bhnrn In the *lm> of
«ttle, without which none .re genuine.
Sole Proprietors. Norwich. Cl
MORGAN A ALI.KN fleneral A*rntr.
« n iff Street, New Tork
■» will by all dealers iver) where
fnstd «i CupfelTi s<si *‘€*uirj !
' i
35 '
M <1
our, wfctbin Iho pa*t two ywtrs. uiaue vnii
i litioU tooor in the way of o<
V ti,% 3cre» Prvsm Pa|*r Cu’ter. Card Gutter. R
nine. Card i Power Pre**, ami Urge Newapip
‘r.~s» (a cttt of which we givr aUiv.; arc now
iu tl»*' Uae td printing »»r.
,{vlc eqiwii any esUbiuhtaet.t in Uh* *UM
, txi oally low. U> can eiwiitf. on abort i
...ViMOf ' |‘
yeddlnj, WviUUon, Visiting, Mi A Eusibm
Gitoulara, Progrununea
pamphlets. Pay and Check
all we ask'is a trial,'feeling confidant that w,
.atisfeetion If we barn the opportunity.
Office l'i lidwtber’e building. corner of Virgin!
Kt ras ta, opposite Superintendent's Offl e.
' I ■' ■ •—O
'The ’Union Mektwo.—Notwithdand
-- hreatening appearance of the weather, <u;
■cening last, there was a huge turn out
I'uion 'meeting, held in Mann ft Lanj
; ,cw building. A few airs perforated hr t
■sjna Brass Band, which had been eng*
occasion, called the people togethet,
ipon Hon. ;L. VV. Hall was chosen Brest
he meeting, assisted by br, Wnt. B. I
i..1, n London* Etlwin A. Beck, .Isaac
vlex. A. Smyth, John Allison,, James Ml
.on. Wm. M. Lloyd and Martin Rnnyen,
'.'residents, jand George W. Kessler, Col.
s-tink and Jns- H. Dvaart, as Secretaries.
On taking tile Chair, Mr. llnll made
KMiincnt remarks, ui'tef which lie introduced
.list speaker of the evening, A. 11. tlhase.
New York.' 1 Mr. Chase Opened by slating,
had always, been a Democrat and was
Democrat, hut not of the Seymour-Vui
luau-Woodward kind. He m a I'uion
rat. He supported for office men who w
:,ivor of crushing out the rebellion and com
. (icacc —not those who give aid and com
ihe rebels by opposing the con-tituled autl
>ml sycophant-like bowed at the feet of I
i'o. and sued for a dishonorable peace. He
hv appealing to the audience to cast then
tor Andrew G. Cnrtin, that he might then
Icctcd, and the Union men of Now Yo
-uraged to; battle for the Union ticket i
The next speaker introduced was Col.F.
joinery, of Vicksburg, Mississipju, formerly
■l' the Vicksburg Whir/. His speech was
he richest to which we have ever listened
md humor sparkled in his eyes and rolled
■is tongue in a constant stream. Hi
■i ription of the characters who got up, at
keeping alive, the present rebellion, and the
-liniment of Vicksburg by Gen. Grant, wa
splitting and kept the nudl«nre in'a continui
( laughter for nearly an hour. He coni
ho difference between white and slave lal
-nly a man who fully understands the
ould have done. lie showed that it wo,
-otter for tip. South wete slave labor abo
md also that it would be better for white In
trom the fact that so long ns slave labor exi
;he South it would be dograding for a whit
:n labor there, but if slavery was done awe.,
white labor; would became as much res pci
:hat locality os it is in the North, and the la
mg much more productive, the labor of the
mg man won hi be far more remunerative. H
m to show that the hud and cry raised in
nee to the o*errunning of the North, with i
n case slavery Should be abolished, was o
political bobby; that the slaves did not wa
ome North, unless they could not get tbeii
lom in any other way. If they could lie free
■'outh they would stay there, but if by rent,
Miey must remain slaves, they would cet
nke the first opportunity to gain their freedi
dipping off to the North, and thus bring
■abor in Competition with that of the white
dis remarks on this point could not tail to con
>ll reasonable men that the arguments use
■ hose opposed to the abolishment of slave
are totally gihundless. He closed by givin
■easons why he wished every man in .the am
10 vote tor Andrew G.- Curtin for Govt
imong which was this, that around Gov. C
(note than ihe Governor of any other loyal
■■entered the hopes of the Union men ot the S
They knew that he was true to the ' country
(rue to themand that he had done more fo
■appression or the rebellion than any of h
leagues. . ' I
He was fallowed by H. N. NcAlliswr, Es
Belfefonte, who is a fluent and able speaker
leals altogether in facts. He went a intodisqui
■n the slavery question, which he handled
'ut gloves, but the audience tired of if and i
tor Judge Shannon, of Pittsburgh, whowas o
' lal >d. Mr. McAllister gave way, and <J
Shannon was introduced to the meeting;
J “dgc, It will be remembered, has always
and still claims to be, a flull-blooded Detn
*!'• ■gmirka, which were short, owing to the
,le f» oftheflou r, were listened to with cits
tendon, and his words fell with weight, con
iD g his former political associations, his higl
«ition, and will tell favorably for the cat
. -
It was expected that Gov. Curtin - wot
and address the meeting, bull imp
Easiness called him to Harrisburg that ev
•|>d he had to pass on in the Fast Linel onl;
l®OJ5 enough to take supper at the
Qnhe a crowd of people were present in
cortnt}> anti several from Hi
, co, *nty. Had the evening proved fat
11 undoubtedly have been one of the
**° ever convened in the plat
** intention of the party to hold i
Meeting, in this place, between tbU tii
to be addressed by Gov. Cut
. arrangetnem* will beperb
Oenj! F. Batler present on tl
g ° ei *W«fc.