4 JrdOn' BBBDLUTION PROPO- M»0 Ctetauw TO THE constitution. * *» «*e SmeUend Hoeae Repneentatnee to* Oimmmmmttk qf AuqAmu in (lateral Aeeem “F **> *E* Wlowing amendments be proponed to theConetltutlun of ,th« Commonwealth. In accordance witb the p-ovlsk>a* of the tenth articlethereof: There shall bean additional section to the third article of the Ouaelititioa, to be M|btei aa aectiutt (bar, u Miser*: 1 #*0Bo» 4. Wbenerer an; of the qualified elector* of thia Coatmon wealth aball he in an; actual military service aader a reqaiaitlon front the President of the United * tales, or by authority of Ibis Commonwealth, each elector* may exarclee the right of nftip In all sleet i>«* by the clU **as, aad*r each regulations aa are, or shall be. prescribed aatf tbey trars present at their nsnal place Tb*»isba)l be two additional section* to the eleventh article of the Constitution, to be designated as sections eight and nine, as follows; SaoTBW 8. No bill shall be passed by the Legislature, ceatsiuiug at re than one subject, which shall be clearly expressed in the tit,e, except appropriation bills. BxonoxO. No bill shall be passed by tbo Legislature granting any powers, or privileges, in any case, where the authority to grant each powers, or privileges, has been, or amy hereafter be, conferred upon the courta of this Com monwealth. JOHN CESSNA. . SpoJctr if the BmteoJ KepraoUotaa. JOHN P. PENNEY, Speaker of the Saute. Ognox or tax Baqaaraxt or tax CoaaoawuHß, 1 ■ UAEBMaumo, July let, 1843. / mmum ». I do hereby certify that the foregoing and surtaxed la a fell, true and cor ■ • rset copy of ths original Joint Keao- H M4l> } lution of the Qenerai Aseembly, enti v-’ . tied “A Joint Resototion proposing cert tin Amendtsents to the Constitu tion,” as the mate remains on Ale in this sSw- La Timw I whereof, X bare hereunto set my buud.aiw caused the spal of Hw Secretary's offlee to bo uOxed, the day and year above written. ' ELI BLIFBR. “• Secretary of tie QmaummnUh. TIE Mm FOREVER I GOOD NEWSI WOLF would reepectfully V ttMupt to the cithvu of Altoona and fteimt; Chet he he* opened e OJL.OTHINQ STORE, Ok Corner of Main and Carotine Streets, ' whan ha will heap on band a lam clock of ready-made clothing consisting pf DKKSa COATS, PANTALOONS, TCRB.OVKRALLB, KNIT JACK NTS, Ac., at Philadel phia prices. HATS & CAPS! I havs a lam and varied stock of hata and cape which it trill be to the advantage of all to examine before pur- Charing elsewhere. Alan, a fine clock of Qeutc' Fonti-h -ing goodc. inches chirlc. collars, neck-ties, handkerchiefs. Bstspenden. Gloves, Hosiery. Ac. IW—lnal to sell. I have marked my goods at the , very lowMflgnret, and feel confident that .all will be satfaflad tilth the price and quality of my stock. .Altoona, Hay IJ. IMS. Early; Physical Degeneracy ol AMERICAN PEOPLE. JUST PUBLISHED BY OR. A. STONE Pkfuewm to the Troy Lung and Hygienic Institute. A Treatise on the Causes of JSarly Physical decline ol American People: the cause of Herrons Debility, Cot*- ; nuoptioo and Hvuua 4 . Thiewtttk b one of high moral tone, written in chaste yet thrilling Ungnsge,«nJ appeals directly to the mural copacioasnam of ALL FABISKTS and Guardieua cepe eieHy. dstalHug eclentlflc and reliable aids and trca.mem lor care. It will be. sent by mall on the receipt of two (3 cent; Stamps. wa_ Parents and Guardiaaal Fall not to aend and ob tain tbia book. OvYunug menl Fail not to send and get tnis book. Tun too should at once secure a copy u; tbiabook. A Word of Solemn Conscientious Advice to those who will reflect. A clasa of maladics prevail to e fearful extent lathe community, dooming at least ItKbbOO youth uf both aexe annually to ah early grave. Those discuses are very im perfectly naderttuod. Their external maul eslatiuu, ut symptom are Nervuas liability, Kelaxatiuu.and Exuatu ttonT Maraamoc or wasting and consumption uf the tissue, iqf tfet whole body; Shortness-Of breathing tir bnrrien breathing on ascending a hill or flight of stairs; great pal pitation of the Ileal t: Asthma, Bronchitis and son YhrodtTSkakiug ef tne Hands and limbs; aversion to so ciety and to tnutasas or stndy: dimness of rye sight, low at Memory, dtsxlueas of the Head, Neuralgia, fain in >■ Hone-ports of the body; Pidna in the back ut limbs, Lum bago, Qyapepaia or Indigestion, imgniarity of cite bowel, deranged secretionsof tbe Kidneys aud other glands ui tbs body, as Leuconhon or Fleur Aibus, Ac. Likewis, Bpllepsy, Hysteria and Nervuas Spasms. Now in ninety-nine cases oat of erery one hundred, all of the above named disorders, and s host of others nut named, as Ouhtumptiuu of the Longs and that must in sidions and wily form df cupaumptiou of tbe Spina, Nerves, known aa Tabes Donates, and Tabes messut rica ban their east and origin in diseases of tbe Pelvic Viscera. HsdM Umkaut of success on tbe part uf old school prac tice ia treating symptoms only. Dr. Andrew Stone, Physician to the Troy Long and Oy gieoic institntioo, is now engaged in treating this claw of modara jnalgdias with the most astonishing, success The treatment adopted by thelnatitntiou it new; it I, based npou scientific principles, with new ill scot red rein edlea; witbuwt minerals or poisons. Tbe facilities of cur. an andrtbat patients can be cored at their homes, in any PKtnf tha copntry. from accurate descriptions of tfaen eaa.sf letter; and have the medicines sent by Ball ut ' Printed interrogatories will be lurwarUed on sp am, I'-r--Tr ,: r-i Catarrh and diseases of the throai eirSe* srdU at the Hume of the Patients at at the In sQOtiea, by sending tbe Cold Medicated UtaaUßO Bit. OMCmVxTeu, srtth tahaler and ample directions fur than applying fer iaterntgatives or advice, most ewefeee retorn •tampa. to meet attention. Physician will be found at the In ff conioltariiin. from 9 a. m. to 9p. each day. Matey in ths tonmuon. WihCr OK. ANDREW STONE. ~ Hrnwm to the Troy Long and Hygienic luatitote. anu PhysTsjsp Jar plasaiss of the Heart, Throat and Longa, gEFmh Strast, Ir»y,y. Y. Altoom>,Oac.3infa,lB«2.-iy. From th.© Front I f Subscribers would lespecUutl^ I MBOancti to the citizen* of Alt* one and vicinity, £i they tare Jnst returned from the hast «Ith their SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK 01 HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES. Mr Muck of HATS & OA PS bn> Iweu ae leetad with |tw,aNfdtf with tbo Tkw of aaltlng ill Who CUT fcoor that With ttwlr patronage. Their line ui Booldhe^Stae**le'6oettlet4k : Tbetr LAVfXS MISSES’ and CJBUDBSS’S S3oBi> ont of CltJ moke, Obd werrented. Tbdr Ualmorat Shre. kr fiHa odrvleere. are jna* -the tUlug for wet tnathpr ml mrlßt htilfh Aaikill h» ttb fftflfc for tinir very liberal natron**** herstedbre, dmmtA merit wcohttooasc*or the him. Bton us MmtN «C Mttioor to Bowman** Kxctangt Botri. amii 4Majss? Jl5o«Ba, lUy U. 1808. CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON, fftajs puasoAißisui would in ' w cltlaene of Altoona and vicinity that his . (JSSUMOttONKH, WDT and VKDIT STOKK, is always SUPfUeri Kith the Terr best article# to be hs«L and in great rerbty. Ua haa alas an ' ICE CREAM SALOON atudMl tobia store. In whichhowOlserre np ICE ORE ASS b tie beat style during the season. fbesosaked BEE AD, CAKES, & PIE j, at Ways o« hand. at reasonable rates. BaisataU Maes prepared to snpply cakes, candles. Ac.' tor Bin nice sndorhsr parties. He Unites a sbare uf public battering that he can render fall sattsfsctkine 9 Isaamtsij. his store and saloon la onyirginlasrreet.two “ doofshslbw Pattern’s Ball. -iOX O KOBBI. Ataman, AprOtS. nes-tr. Wit s. BITTNEIt X>©;atal Surgeon. /VFFICK IN MASONIC next door to the Pest oviHr. l-would respectfully inform the cltisens of Altoona aad sarruandtag soaetry, that h* is prepared to huort 1 ARTIFICIAL TEETH! Anaya stagla tooth to a foil set, in the most snpi-rior style, ■ OifOdlP, tarMß. OX VULCANITE BASS. t aaaldfca ‘tn ft* Sdeantaae of aU'nsmssdselring iiiMi,llSdlatMstdfcrr before g legslsewhsrs, gßSSThasnasM - heaatr or darattlitr. RTSHMr vill *Wt Hollldsysbirg and thdattywban ssn’tses are if sired. ['"v¥»AfPr tf NORTH WARD AHEAD! NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! AT bLh PRICKS. ■ HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE- »p«* t oily inform the elflsens of Altomtt aad aur roaoitog 0009(17 that he Uoa Juat returned from tlie eaat, fhffe *w bain been aeiecl lug his stock of pprtog and Budi iper! Guuds, which fur aryle, quality mode Price dumot be sorpawrd in this neck of cjmttry. Ills stock to much larger than heretofore, and, as It to quite an utyvet In these -«»r-excitilig times tor every one to. purchase where they can iget the BUST artich at the LOWftdT PRICE, be would say that he can and will eel! A 9 LQW. if not A MTTUS LuWKEt TUAN ANY OTIIKK UOUSK In this place He wishes all to call and see his stock before pur thaiing elsewhere, as he feels ouufidtnt he cau offer in due* menu which will DEFY COMPETITION. His stock eosttots <»f LADIES’ DRESS GOODS 05 ITUT DESCRIPTION. MEN AND HOYS’ SUMMER WEAR, LADIES’ AND HISSES’ DRESS SHOES* ’ MEN AND BOYS’ BOOTS AND SHOES. HEN AND WOMEN’S HOSE, HATS AXM CAPS. Ginghams, Lawns, Btoaebed and Unbleached Muslins, Dried Peaches and Dried Applet, Plain and Canvaeaed Hams, Ac., Ac., Ac. Be will sell the AMERICAN PRINTS at 12U cents. FAST MADDER COLORS, 10 «i FANCY DELAINES, from 12U to 25 “ Use Bleached MUSLINS yard wide. 12U “ “ “ - K “ io * “ <• % “ 6% “ Heavy Unbl’cbed yard “ 12)2 « “ “ “ ' v K “ 8 and lo “ LAWNS. from 8 to 15 “ LADIES’ SUPPERS, from 40 to 60 “ Pine, French, Sewed, Heeled BOOTEES. $1 26 “ Pegged “ 1 00 MEN’S CALF BOOTS, 2 76 “ GOAT ’■ 260 BOYS’GOAT. (Nos. 4 and 6.) 160 MEM AND BOYS’ OXFORD TIES, from 76 cents to 1 00 MEN’S CALF MONROES. 1 00 All sins of MISSES’ A CHILDREN’S SHOES, very low Rio Coffee at 25 cents, ftjr* f I wT* White Sugar 11 and I2U cente. Brown Sugar from 7 to 10 cte.; Beet Honey and Covering’* Syrup, at 80 eta.: Sugar House Molasses. 40 ets.: Baking Molasses. 81 to 40 eta.; together wfrh.Cedar and Willow Ware; Flour, Feed. Ac., and w* Wtbsrarttclw of Good* Juat as low jur any other lMW*wAb*all:>Please call and examine my stock befo|w purebsslsg elsewhere. AVSPRANKLK Altoona,l(*y 1, JW62J , , . f .. Nbrth Ward. OF FASHION!! VwginUSt^Ailficma,Pa. D. W. A, BKLjpSD, Proprietor. r T BK FROPRIKTOB OFITHE lf EJdpfltßlU M JL FAfiEJON” would mpict w.|BßQbie to the public OUt lie has received a Urge Invoice of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, and a general assortment uf - GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Collars, Neck-Ties, Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, &0,, &C.y &C>, exactly enited to this locality and intended for Ibe AUTUMN WINTER TRADE. The proprietor of the Emp> rinm invitee ah examine tlon of his stock, feeling confident that Ala shelves present , greater variety of plain and. fancy goods than can be fonpd elsewhere ip the country. An examination will convince any one of this feet. He has alee received tbe LATEST FASHION, and.belug a |»erfect *f Cotter,” be his no hesitancy In say jngihat he canmake npclothlng in the fashion,and in i jaanner that can not fall to prove satisfactory. It has passed Into a proverb that - Belford’s the very man that c&n mufce, Clothes In the fashion, strong and cheap: All that have ever tried him yet, Say that he realty cant be beat. Remember tbe place.. Virginia street, first door above laggard's Hall. Altoona. Pa. [April 17. ’62. HARDWARE. The subscriber haring taken entire charge of the Hard wan and Store and Tin Shop recently tinder the charg* of Fries A Winters on Virginia street, opposite KesslePi* Drag Store, and having added largely to his stock Iraow prepared to supply anything in the Hardware and Cutlery line, each m Handsaws, Axes, Angers, Adzes, Chisels, don «res. Rules. Hammers. Planes, Hinges, Locks, Latches. Fite*. Knives and Porks, Spoons, Ac., Ac., all of which he offers on the most reasonable terms. Persons wishing anything in the Hardware line art requested to call and examine Ids sloe*. pa baa also added Oils, Paints, Carbon Oil, etc., to hi 4tocfc, ahd wlirdispoee of all these articles at a small ad vance on first cost. " ( Ho will also continue the STOVE BUSINESS, and. will keep on hand ao assortment’from Which any jiersim will be able to select an article to pelase their fancy In the line o) TIN AND SHEET IRONWARE, EDAR and WILLOW-WARE, he vill alwayatave a large supply, and will make'to onlei tnrtbing that may be eatleAlbr. Job work In this Una pnimptlv attended to. ROOFING AND SPOUTING pot op on efoift notice in the beat April 21, 1563.-tf. SAMUEL I. FRIES. H AB3J WA RE I CHARLES J. MANN. | IEALKII IN FOREIGN AND DO I 9 MJSSXIC HARDWARE. WOODEN WARE. BROOMS, .. WINDOW SHADES. DOOR MATS. UPHOLSTERING GOODS. SHOE FINDINGS, COFFIN TRIMMINGS, MOULDERS’ TOOLS, ' ■ x BIRD CAORS AND tfIRR GOODS, ■ WINDOW GLASS, POTTY, WHITE LEAD, AC. AC .M.Ever, description of Guide lq ble line Kill befor chjjtedMebert notice, ondet low rnlee for ceah. HleremkXnbuc.tocfc of DRY GOODS on band will be cluOed ant et remarfcebljr low price.. In order to fetlnqaleb tbetbrnncb ofthebmdnM. Agent for Wllleon** -Telegraph Fodder Cutter.” jOtooiu, Hoy tttfa. IMS. PKOPEKTI #MVATE ll The property known as the Orernsburg reboot erty, situate In Worth Wetd. lota of Wat. Dent, and W.A. B. Laab. accordance erllli a r. solution of the School Board, odered at Private Sale. This U s ilniieU«vni|i erty. them being TWO POLL LOTS OF.GKOD tD AMD A tWU STOIIT VKASW UOUdIS. With a little expense the honae can be made to accommodate two tnniil.es. y.t farther information Inquire of Wm. Buyden, J B llUcman. James Lowther, A. Maxwell, U. 0. Lent, or Jno. A. Bear, School Directors. WM. BOTDEX. May 12,1863-tr.] Pres’t Altoona School Board. CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CBEA>I BALQON MBS. C. BETTER respectfully an : mxmee* to Ibe L*die* end Gentlemen of Altoona mud vicinity thiitebe ha* op*ueda ' ' ANDICB CREAM SALOON, km Jem AuUjf oW Stapd, oh FtrgtefoJ street, npp >tUe the LUTHERAN CHURCH, mhfite will brep t. been cured. THE HERB BITTERS hate never failed in coring RHEUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA. Female Irregularities, and all Diseases arising from IMinmiTT OF THE BLOOD, As a Blood Purifier, Tonic and General Appertiser, these Bitters are without a rival. No Lady desiring A CLEAR COMPLEXION -bould be wi«b«.nt It. Please .get a circular and certifi cates from onr Agent. B. MISHLEB, Manufacturer and Proprietor, Lancaster, Pa. Notice.— The great sneoess of Mishler’g Herb Bitten. ha* induced unprincipled parties to mannactnre . worthless article, which they an telling at a low price, o/wAtcil beware. The genuine can »i3y be bonAt In Blair County, of O. W. WHITPIBIJV (Sole Agent for Blair ConntyJ Depot Drug Store, Main afreet, Altoona, Pa. June 2d, 1863-tf. ANDREW ECKEL, DfALTR IS Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Pipes, &c., &c., Annie street, AUoona, Pa., and MeKsage’s O d fitond, Montgomery street, BbUidagsburg, Jfc. Ageneral assortment of Good* in hi. line constantly on band at the lowoat caab price*. [Pub. 7,1863. WASTE NOT—WANT NOT. To the People .of Altoona and vicinity. Tie undersigned takes this method of informing the Entitle that he has Juat irrlr d from the city and located In Altoona, where he it prepaird to boy np'ULVWOOLBN RAGB. BRASS, COPPER AND SEW I KK. Be will pay the highest price In cash for all anch articles at the corner of Allegheny and Branch *u.. adjoining W. T. Marriott’* .tore. May 28,1865.-3m».J P. BRADBURY. DRIED APPLES.—The subsciibere hive a flne lo of bright yellow'DßlßD APPLES, bought at roncb less than market ra-M, and which they desire to close pat, at cost and carriage, withont delay l*ersoot desiriog to purchase, either at whoisMUe or retail, will find It to tocir advantage to gjre ns a call. Altoona. Jane 20,1002.] MUHHIY ft McPIKE. S' M. WOODKOK, O* ATTORNST-AT-LAW Altoona, Penn’a, Will practice In the tavern! Court. of Blair, Cambria and Huntingdon conutlee, Ofllce ou Virginia Street, 3 doom above Jolla Street. usvtr. Blair county insurance AGENCY.—The nmlemigned. agent of the Protec tion Mutual Pire Inrarauoe Company, of Blair county. Ja at all tinea ready to inanre againat lam or damage by Are, BuibUngt. ikrchmaUt fwnrttwri and property of every description. In towncr conntry, at aa reaaouable ratv« a. any company in tbe State. OtH'-e in the Irfbime Ofllce. / K. B. UcCRUH, Agent. New stock of boots* shoes fur Men and Boya, Ladlea and Mieaea, Juat rac’d at : . LAUOHMAN’ PLAIN A FANCY VESTS, of every lint and atvla at UVfitDUin. GEIS & CO. R. A. O. KERR, ALTOONA, PA., Agent tor Blair & Huntingdon Counties. These machines auk admit to be the best ever offered to the public, i:.« tbeit superiority is satisfactorily established by the fart that ia the last eight years, OVER 1.400 MOKE of these Machines have been sold than of any other man ufactured. and more medals have been awarded the pro prietors by different Fairs gnd Institutes than to any oth ers. The Machines are warranted to do all that is claimed ft* them. They are now in use in several families in Al toona, and iu evefy case they give entire satisfaction. The Agent refers those desiring information as the su periority of the Machines, to Oul. lahn L. Piper. Rev. A, B Clark, George Hawkeawortb, BenJ. F. Rose, and E. U. Turner, Ksqrs. The machines can be seen and examined at the store of the Agent, at Altoona. Price of No. 1 Machine, silver plated, glass toot an 4 new style Hemmer—s 66. No. 2, ornamental brouse, glass foot and new style Hemsoer—s66. No. 8, plain, with old style Uemmer-rs4s. [March 21,1861-tf, Tthe undersigned respect* fully informs the public that he will tinue to keep a BQOT & SHOE STORE,W in the room recently occupied by Roberts and Rutherford. The business heretofore carried on by them'will, in the future, be in the name of JOHN 11. ROBERTS. lie will keep constantly on hand a complete amort* ment of Boots & Shoes, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, &c , &c , &c wbi h he will offer at fair prices and warrant to be o the best material and manufacture Particular attention will be given to CUSTOM # "WOIRIK, in which be warrants to give entire satisfaction, as he buy" the best stock and employs none bat the best workmen. Remember the old stand, on Virginia Street, one loor East i or Poucr. in proportion to the amount of premium paid, as follow*: On e Policy of SLOOO, <, 6 Tear T Tear lO Teair aftpr uayment of tiUM* nt®A 1 Annual Premium, for ■; s*oo 00 $142 8# $lOO 00 i „ - o 400 00 286 70 200 00 I .. U “ 800 00 6TI 40 400 00 I « * 847 10 OUO 00 g - 800 UO ALEXANDRE WUILLDIN. Pieaidsot. SAMUEL WORK, Vic* FruaMsat. Jons 8. WluDa, Secretary. Any further informal 100 can ba had by applying to tbs undersigned. who fa the OBthorixsd ogcat tar 0«w«J. July 81.1882 ly »• A- ft-WM- AMERICAN maas.or mum. , Alexander Whilldin, J. KdgarThmnttm, Hon. Jaa. Pollock,. Hon. Joseph AUtoou, Alberto. Roberts, Jonmßowmaa, Bamnel T. Bodlne, H. H. KUridga, George Nugent. J^a William J. Howard, Chari af. Heaxlltt, Samuel Work. Eatent kerosene or carbon OIL LAMPS I Uatedin Beauty, Simplicity Safety or Economy. Kv-.y peroop desiring to obtain the very beat and cheap eat i*,. table light within their reach, ohonld coll at the •tore .ftbe undersigned and examine there Lamps before parcbaiing elsewhere, and we pledge onnehree to demon strate let. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2d. That they emit pa offensive odor white horning. 3d. That they are very eoeily trimmed. 4th. That they ore easily regulated to give more or leu light. 6th. That they boro entirely free from smoke. 6tb. That the light It at least 60 per cent, cheaper than any other light now In c r mmop nee. These lamps are admirably adapted ' for the rue of Stu dents, Mechanics, Seamstresses. Factories,Hells, Churches, Stoies, Hotels, and are highly recommended tor family nee. The homer of the Carbon Oil. Lamp can be attached to old side, hanging and table fluid and oil lamps, at a small expense, end will answer every purpose of a new Itnp. \V e guarantee perfect as Us faction in all roses. Ang. 19, 1868-tf.] Q. W. KESSLER. Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. SPOUTING, &C. SRIgG would RESPECT- a, • fully :nform the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that he keeps constantly on hand large assortment 01 Cycling, /hrtor,.Q/fiec afidlfHHfc Shop Stoves, of all styles and sizes, to suit the * rc " wants of all, which' ho will sell at low prices, on reason able terms. lie also keeps on hand a large stock of Tin and Sheet- Iron fibre, consisting of all articles fair ry rurr rrr r ' Coal Scuttles, Stove Pipe, dc. He has alao purchased the right of sale in Blair county, ofR.V. JONES* ■ IMPROVED SAUSAGE STDFFER, an invention which needs only to be seep to be apprecia and should be passesned by every farmer, botcher or those requiring such a machine. 9ES. Particular attention paid to patting np SPOUTING, either in town or country. Spouting painted and put np on the moat reasonable terms. fapril 14,1889-ly ■ : National police gazette.— Xbia Great Journal of Crime and Criminals is in it* Twelfth Year, and la widely circulated throughout the country. It contains all the Great Trials, Crimina Cases, and appropriate Editorial* on the some, together with information on Criminal Matters, not to be found in any other newspaper. *a-Bnb*criptions £2 per annum; gl for six mouths, io be remitted by subscribers, (who should write their names and the tows, county and State where they reside plainly .1 „ ' , • To O. W. MATBKLL * CO., f Editor k Prop’r. of New York Police Gazette, M-tfl Sbm Tart City. Exchange hotel—the sub -BCBIBEK would respectfully in form the public that be hu recently n- A^ka —■*■>, , fitted the abort Hotel, and la now pre pared to accommodate hie frionds patrons In a comfortable manner, and wi a rpw SU — bw. ■ad prh. T»ry bwt n>IM tmj do Mutt ftttd Y' •es. prii Opckatt : Librartane. other*. deetrtac to hate their Bmi boondaad atmoderata price*, ahimldgitenaacaii y* - M»n of tbo hargaat atae*. Barper*i Weekly. cu'" Pictorial, Ballou. MantUe American, Uonjo n y boond to order, and in any atyle required. Harset'.M . ly Hactudaa. Kolckartoaker, War*wood s .Jo ™ 1 " 1 Maaaalora. Qodey’a lady’. Book, Lady’a Raporitor^ l aoa’a Bagaaine, Piaoo Untie. Ac, bound i 0 e Xtri a' the more plain and aabatantial half binding. „ phleta. Law Magaainea, PawoUet leva, bound j , bran alyl*, at eery moderate pricet. Penona i,.™!'- number of tolmwa to bind, wfll receire a liberal * * Binding oaaaafaly ha aaat to ne ftnat. adiataJt, t.' ptaaa, and all arark esjnaalod tooarcar»waib.,j£ ally eaten ted, aafely packed and returned by J"** All work warranted. Addreet P, L. BlTtka ~ ■® OT “bary, i\, kS.MoCRCM*DREN, at the What* Office ‘ agent* to. Altoona.aad riclolty. They will aiyyinf,, tloa in relation to binding and receive and return Lt free from Altoona, Joue 26,1862. PINE AND LARD OILS, OA.V tim, carbon Oil, ON HAND AT McCORMICK’S Sw« —Aaplendld uwlnat of Beadjr-MM* < all and **'■ 3A ' /^JROCKRIKS.—A LARGE A- nD VX eompirt* aaaortmeat of Groceries Iwtb i“ ! kjf'v c«mj at th* atnn of J • B. Hair, hat, tooth, sravim : Paint, Saab Whl Yaniiali Bruthe* 4t KKSf V LL KINDS OE PRINTING TTMBIIIiLLAS AND PAKASOIf U In endlaaa Tartar, at IAUOUMA' - Altoona, May I,’ 1883. liL STYLES CARPETING-^’ 1 ’ 011-Cloth. can b« founds lACOH>U-J_ A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Of a AIR OIL, COLOGNES, jjj adea. Shavtnc Cream. Toilet DRE S S GOODS, Viuoiltu SmiEl. Altoosa. Pa. H. FETTINGERS' CONSTANTLY ON HAND. BOLLIDA rSBURG, PA BANKERS, FINK ASSORTMENT GOirS can be found at **A *■o ie, « as : - Me .*5 « oS g: : . 0° a w * a: i f 3 i «" S||i ia “al* It S 0 a.; Q2»Z3* pm s= * 3 m 2 fc ! I QO s %.i te Market and Third Street* :zanesville, o AMTeAKE NOW TURNING OtTT ; f * ntttnb«V_of our improved Portable Sie »tuE l*or*fible Clreular Saw Mills. a* ««H a Kngiaes and Saw MIIIh, many of which are way into BUlr. Canilh ia, Huntingdon and Cw titX other part* of the State ol PonnsyU already received and in operation, ere giving tiro satisfaction. There is now hardly a Stett in the Union, hut that uur Improved Porta And Bkw Mlllw ere in use in. Ail «ur Kugim Arrester Stack* on thorn which o<>oBn« (tie t Wc would respectfully refer you to ihe Ml men nod Certificate fur the portability u(ti ticat Operations of our Portable ISo-am Engi McCRUM & DERN, VOL. 8. Mnskiiigiuu Val STEAM WOi CORNER 01 IIAETSTuVM, Crawford < Slay 16th. fSCC.. Messed. J. k J. 11, Dcvau.:— (*• our Twenty ,Uor»e Power Portable Kiuinr i in gnod order. We are perfectly satiifted wi liiiitß; works to our entire satisfaction —in fm. expectations. We sawed 4'JoO tee! of whit*-' five boors, aud could have dvm mure into bad *e have had goad log*. We take pleasure in reeommv-tiJing tbo-o miw Mills and Engines to purchase of you. Respectfully, C. REYNOLDS & 11. We are authorized to say, f*»r -Mr. Samn-i UolUdaysbnrg, Pa., that the 20 h?r«e power and Saw Mill we sold him. has fully gallon aud proved itself to be all that was c : u our circular; aud since starting it. Un .>rdei for a second Engine aud Saw Mill, of »nd size. for further references, we will -jive the l'. Dill and Thomas M’AuUey, Altoona, Pa.; day. (lotlidaysburg, Pa.: M. M. Adams. Cre* 11. Z**lgtpr and Joseph S. Reed, Huntingdon. lturleyi.lt Co- Tyrone, Pa., all **f 1 »yhum Imv [•ortabb* SD-um tiugine* and JVn tald- Circa! ■)f U<«. We folly warrant onr Engine*; and made of fir«t-claf«* material; workman*!;.| with Brass Ball Valves In }infn|.H mm ebe *■ imhi 6,0011 to ID.OtH) U*ftof,lumber per day-- «)iders solicited. Docriptnm clreular -on respondents. Respect fu I ly, I. Ad. U Dl’ Corner Market and .ltd just.opposite C. 0. K.Jbva l Depot. Zan*-« Juno 2,1863-4 m» 0, YES! O. YES THIS WAY! THIS NEW SPRING & SUMMER G( JB. HI LEMAN o ' has just ! • large and well selected «Mck of Go«- if Cloths, Plain and Fancy CaHMmcnH. ,v rucky Joans. Twuods, B*:av»»rtP»‘ii«, Blue hi > other.kinds of Goods for MEN AND BOVS’ WK.V together with a grand and magnificent h- LA DIES’ D HESS G < Such as Black and fhney Silks, Lawns , Delaines, CAtn/rs, Oeßeges, Crv, Crape and SUtta Shawls, Mtinlillas. Under ' Hosiery. Bonnets and Ribbon*. Cottar*, kerchiefs. Kid Gloves, Hooped Skirt.*, ino, Lace. Mitts, AKoana,May 14, IMS. x