1^" 1 £|h'f 11.I 1 . SWJET INfoU-rLII ■ E-MIM-E N-T THE f GREAT REMEDY P»ATISM, GOUT, NBURADGIA fcnu.. PF ASD JOINTS, «PKAINB, BBn““* o °. m axdwousds. Pitice.n«iAD«H, JU» ALL RHEUMATIC AKD si* 1 s vous DISORD KBS. L*f , tt *» * HWWljr Unim»nt » prepared Vnin IS”’"?' and EH; ? f CoMfcilcot. of W»a£d In hid practice for noitutoitliitlDt rnccni. **** «y OP PAIN, it Sfe* imbt* th« public, of bj h th * “Ml «»«0. [A* It will Afford • *ynmnriu t *®U«f | B IJfeSWftb* Wont «mh of IlKADiAflllft i- .v ■ppyntnu) edtudoH. • “* ,D three Atpß ahniwill It care Instantly ft to ela tlcity and Tigpr.^ I™**th" 1 ™** th " -R^.^vs-SUf® B U fa Parity of cases will .fleet «t£f£T .„ cur‘. ly •«"'«*» of sometimes eery obstinate and to Jotot* is liable ", ofJi“; t A nU lf owy to conquered by this'UßtaSSM'wo^ son Its. ulcers mm*. :Üb*. yield readily to the wnDdeMbl' ? i- I ' B “f PR.SWBKra I>FALMB^UN|fe a J to iiirectkioc* Also. ClllLnr HUET. axd insect Bills ANd I^ol Stephen Sweety of Conneoticut Natural Bone Setter. . ’ Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut II orer the United States. Sephen Sweet, of Connecticut r 6«reetNi InfiUlible UnlmenO> r-ccta Infallible .Liniment tttim and sever fail*. weet’s Infallible Liniihent remedy for Neuralgia, . \ : meet’s Infallible Liniment and Scald* immediately. meet's Infallible Liniment :6o*m remedy for Sprain* and Bruise*. reet’s Infallible Liniment the Immediately and ■**> nerer known to fall r eel’s Infallible Liniment dialereUef for puea, audseldom tails to cure teetV Infallible J|siniment the in omr minute. ’ feet’s Infallible Liniment hi Wounds immediately and leaves no scar reel’s ’ for floret in the kUowu world, j reel’s Infallible Liniment >* hy Bore than a miWon people, and all 'net’s Infallible Liniment. •Pjr cures Colic, Cholera Morbus and Chois rs. it’s Infallible Liniment rffa need,” and eniy (Haily should have et’s Infallible Liniment li Druggists. Price tf and 40 rents. IXD IJf NEED. TBYIT. ? ISrAUIBUK UNIUXMT. u an «t -“ without « tint am) wttl «IWvbu«p.m " “ M p«t«njtloß.. Fur «11 hL«o* r oa OJm**r n it in tnilj lufikllibTe.iad u a **V ffiplitiih' Sprahw, UnUac* Ac., Its ]M#«rfol nreDgtbt-aitig properties, wonder sud SxtmiUlimnit of »!« non bare firtsl. (Iw uae Ukhmlik}/ceitlßCfttt** pi perlonueu bjr it wichm itn but two tfbcttf • _ : e ✓" - i' •, HOBSE OWNERS! LDi UIKKT FOR BORA Ef* •bMgAAtt si) rain (ifLameim*. srMn? | it. effect is ms-fenl “•"liaWS&ildl. OalK lUmov vmMmggr. Bpa>ia ■ndTCtßrinfit' nay m Uteir iodblent Maxes. !i d TbeposMWffty n i rorff- B ( ®*wKind. however. In no desperate or by fku Uslipeot. »ud its «• will always remove tfar lameness. ami jto travel with comparative ease. or HORSE QWNEE remedy at bind, for its time)? bh «tfh» rftnmcßMswui thorn to wllfcb aU TroraeiPwllaUe. and oUfmwlas raltMtbtejwrw* nearly I>B. SHEET’S üble immixT i 18 TUB 4 4 vfS. >r*s JPi?ieiid,. ibiT« foood It truly 3*7> IN NEED) CAUTION. *“• <*Wr» tb« riicmtar* iwl !#*•»' R*w »v«y IsW. 'anf id* ; !4ol»eof» bluwain th» <*■•<* «“* uq»ah<>B6» * co W»*»r» *>«r} rim. r*JT. : J • poona fcriiuar. I l° J1 daV ; (Mo " Sept. 7th,) ,l»e roll* pnafent tht owing , Kast Ward, Ist Grade, enrolled 144 present 131; 2.1 Grade, enrolled 56— |>resent .T, ■ f Grade, enrolled 75-present 62. West Ward.’ Ut Grade, enrolled liifi-present 128; 3d Grade, enrolled 70—present 60 ; 3d Grade, enroHcd 80— present-61. Priated *1 CtapWll’i SSSO “Ooutrj Preu." tribune power-press ac PRINTING OFFICE. :i„. B *..illintlii' |«.t two year.. made con.id.ral.li ,i,.jlw«lo«ir nUMiunil in the way „f u .w faurr , r ., Screw Frees, Paper Older, Card Cutler. Kuliug >la 1,-1"-, card P>wi-r Pr.'9«, anil large -Newspaper I,'uwer rrMf. (» cut ■ I which We givcjtbove) W e areuow prepared o -tecote anything in the line of printing or ruling in , -II I.; equal P. any uetabliehinei.t in the -tale, and at „ ice. equally low. W e can execute, on abort notice, all tedding, Invitation, Visiting, Ball & Business Cards, Circulars, Programmes. mammoth posters, sale bills. pamphlets, Pay and Check Bolls. BLANK BOOKS, WANIFESTS, AND BLANKS OF ALL KINDS Hi no a.k is a trial, feeling confident that we can give if we have the Opportunity. iSre i I Lowther’s building, corner of Virginia and An .treeiii, opposite Superintendent’s Offl. e. LOCAL ITEMS- WiTCH Pkesentation.—On Monday evening, August 31m, tlio employee* of tbo.P.R. Jfe, iron ■KiiiiJrv in this place,andmther personal friends ■Vl'. R. McCrea, late foreman ofibe foundry, ...sserobW together for the pdrpTOe of presenting that gentleman a beautiful gold chronometer American lever walch, which was purchased bv •hem for d>«« purpose. It was .selected by Mr. Hctin - Van Tries, of Hollidaysburg, who pro wumcod it to be a most excellent time-piece. Engraved upon it is the following inscription:— Presented to Chas. R. McCren by the Employee* ,t the Altoona Iron Foundry, and his personal , ioiids, in token of our regard." After the Chair tan. Jas. Mundew, had slated the object of the meeting, B. F. Custer, Esq., on behalf of the i,mors, presented the watch to Mr. McCrea, in m; following appropriate remarks; Fellow Employees—Ours is a world of change, the mu. a ions of time bring many surprising ml most unexpected turns in the wheel of fortune one of the numerous inexplicable freaks of the proverbially fickle goddess into wliose especial care •l,p material destiny of man has been given, has .-.wised us to assemble here. On such occasions our emotions are of a two- UJ character . We feel pain at the approaching -cpirnion, and gratification in the opportunity ;.ro>entcd of giving expression to our sentiments .if friendship and esteem. Pleasing as the latter Kit may be. it is, in the present instance, almost mt.Sc a task by the reflection that a few days an us t .mess the disruption of that daily intercourse ■''hirh, during a long course of yearn has taught - to know and respect one whose mnnv excellent mialilies have endeared him to all who have en .wl a familiar acquaintance- Some of us have ■II intimate with him since his first advent rn.mg us. and can testify to the sincerity of his en.ldiip and the generosity of his deposition, .Ist all can evidence his integrity and moral nit. In him the Company loses one whose have been invaluable. The founder of "■titst foundry, the construction of which he sit- | emended, he lets been identified with its inter- 1 - s here from the beginning, and faithfully has be , .-charged his trust. His experience and judg- i Li have enabled him to conduct the affairs of ! - Ucfiartinurit so prudently and economically ns I nmvince all that he was eminently qualified for . ! p position he now vaentes, alter filling it. with j mi ir to himself and profit to the corporation, fur } .■ten years. During that time, none among the f trite number of those employed in the-Altoona . .n ftnmdry have found cause to complain of .'isimess or injustice from their foreihan. but | rain have expressed their gratitude for such acts I nii.aihy and kindness as exhibited the good- ■ -of his heart. There is no stain upon the ; onl of Charles H. .McCrea, and it is therefore j "I" ,lmt w e. appreciating his high character, •111 cany out the design of giving him a substan- ! -.I testimonial of our regard, for which purpose ; ■ ■ have now met. ' Mk. McCrea-—To nie .has been delegate.! the j uy agreeable duty of presenting to you this testi- ! i.onial—the inscription u|ion which will tell its < ■lure, I will not multiply words, but simply I lake this gift, as a free will offering from i it friends, who know—and knowing, esteem and > you. Wear it for their sakes, and as the are it notes pass rapidly away, let each day re in you pleasant remembrances of those around v They feel that such a monitor will not be -r-ensiuy to remind you of “Auld Lang Syne.” ■"•■desire you to keep it as a memento of an ac- Ktimanee which they hope is hut temporarily ii-turbed. Should it "be renewal, old friends will, 'i yuur return, welcome you with open hearts— should we never meet again ih- benisons of ,: i‘ and all will follow yon in your jonmeyings through life, and even beyond the gates of' the 'alley of the Shadow of Death.’’ : . fo which Mr. McCrea responded as follows: Ugstlf.men.— As you all know I am !tnore a Tian of action than of words and can do jnore in ! >e foundry' than on the platform. 1 feel myself utterly incompetent to do justice to the eloquent remarks accompanying this beautiful gift.' I shall rear it constantly and proudly, and never foiget :‘ lc generosity of the friends around me. As has .»st lawn said, I have Seen connected with this ■nnmlry for eleven years, and during tliat time I s • iVe always endeavored, to the of my ability, ' lo equal and exact Justice, .both to tpe work ii and i he company. lam flow about fo leave '-;i —not from any desire for 'change, hut because : '» my duty, in common with all men, to benefit ! v'l-lf and family, peci niarily, wh. m vcif I can, •'.d I may say that I believe the change l am rhon making will result much to my advantage. ■" he workmen who nave lieen so long associated ih me I wish to say that I desire them to render my successor the ever ready and able service ;: ' v have given me and which has contributed so rgdy to the prosperity of the foundry, and far mer, I earnestly desire each and all to place firm uith in the justice of the Pennsylvania Railroad -wipany, for I do not believe, as has been asserted, the longer a man is in its employ the less he < respected. 1 also' wish to make a public denial f flic charge that I have endeavored to jwrsiiade any of the workmen to go with tne to Philadelphia, md if there be anv here whom I have approached ® ihi, subject I wish him to proclaim the fact ? m no orator and feel that I fall far short of taking such a response as this beautiful gift and demonsratiou deserve. I would , . I ‘“. v wore,but teel myself unable to give ut -4“ 1 ' ce to the many ideas which pass through my n« For tliis elegant testimonial I tender my a,, ,' K _' n c«re thanks, and whenever I look » 1 shall reiterate tlic wish, that prosperity mat J-uu and yours forever. f Rovl Meeting.— No | rcvcuting a toestiqg win commence in the grove of Mr. Jag " near the Catholic cemetery, on Friday 1 1,,L public generally are 'oattend. S. -s. lUCHMONJ). const quince ol the sickness of our car subscnliers who have heretofore been served • ‘® weekly, will again have to get their pu «the post office, at least for a week or two. | From this we find that in all there are enrolled j «iO names, and of these 479 were present ai the time stifled, and 83 were absent. Now whli , j tve wish more particularly to call attention to. is the fact, i),at every one of those fife hundred and eighty scholars, have been placed in classes— thai these classes recite daily, and that the eigl.tv rhree scholars absent on Monday, the 7th dav of aii ;misscd the recitations of iheir 7™ mav «*« “ ™«H matter, hnt here a link is broken in the chain of their studies, or mthera stone left out of the foundation upon which they are to buijd their education.. We j know that one stone left out would not he much i but leave out eve A third or lourth, or fifth, and j not only the beauty but the support of the fabric W, H end «n*ered. So,; parents, if vou detain yotir children at home, or permit them to remain away from school, every third, fourth or fifth day yon cannot expect their education to be anything else than a. mass; of matter imperfectly framed together, and which will be of very little, if am use to its possessor. We know that Altoona is no worse in this re- | spect than other towns, perhaps not as bad ns I some and yet we know fully as well that tlieri is ' no necessity for one half the irregularity we have I here. I 1 emit us to urge upojn you then, parents, to semi your children regularly. Soon another era will commence in the schools o:' onr goodlv moun j * ain town - • The *rec«(>rs have alrea.lv contracted | for the building «jr another house, fora higher ■ graded school than those we now have. When ‘.is school is established, the present crowded , rooms will be somewhat relieved, and a new oh j ject ofamhitipn wijl be placed before the minds lof the children. Each One will naturally desire j K) reach the advance schoo! as soon as possible, j Give them every* advantage, parents, in your I power to enable them to accomplish this end | Thuii ml,ch have we said with regard to the schol ! ars. And yet, not only their interests, but the teachers success and daiL enjoyment depend upon that regularity. The tehchers aie yonr public servants, and although they may be paid for their labors, it is no more than just that you should ■ make those labors as light as possible, for, at j best, they occupy a responsible position for which ! they receive but a meager rccomjiense. Again we I urge upon you, to permit no trivial circumstances ! to prevent your children from regular attendance i at school. . i Goodr jch's Pictorial History oe the U. S —A copy of this deservedly popular .vo.k has just been laid on our desk. The mechanical work on this edition, is only surpassed by i s literary merit. W ritten in\ the usual fascinating style of this author, it cannot fail to interest the puphs in our public schools, wherever introduced. We have only to regret that «hc author has dropped the name of TeterT’arley, which used to lie so dear to us in our schoolboy days, fur that name attached to this work, we would almost ‘-feel we were a hoy again.’ 1 In this cot neclion we feel constrained to say, that the study of United States History is tm much neglected in our public schools. All our young folks ought to become conversant with the history of their native land, “ the land of the free and the home ,qf the brave.” And if this study is furnished in our schools we know of no work better adapted to the purjiose than the one before ns. Base Ball Match. —A match game is to be played, at 10 o’clock A. M. Friday, S_.pt, l| t h, between the “ Athletic Base Ball club,” of Phila delphia, and the “ Mountain club,” of Altoona, on the hall ground on Prospect Hill. The old victo lioits Athletic nine'' have kindly consented to show their country brethren how the game is played, and will bring with them several of the most distinguished hf)il men of New York, Brook lyn and Philadelphia, to partiei|iate in the excur sion and crown the occasion. Veiy brilliant plays will be exhibited on the part of the Athletics, being the picked men' of a large city, and the tried men of many well fought contests; while the Mountaineers will endeavor to atone hy their hospitality for deficiency in science. All intei ested in the game are invited to witness the \play. Special Notice l-v. Parents and Guardians will please take notice that Andy Clabaugh, on the corner of Main anti Ajtnie streets, has just received a lot of all the School Books used in the public schools of Altoona and vicinity, which will be sold as low as by any other dealer in the country. He has also just received a large lot of the verv best Commercial, Note and Letter Paper, which he can sell a little lower than can be had elsewhere in tire town. Legal and Cap Paper, Envelopes, Blank Deeds, Mortgages and Bonds, Blank Memoran dum and Pass Books, Pens, Penholders and Pen cils, Slates, Fancy, Toilet and Shaving Soap, Per-- ruinery and Confectionery, a choice lot of Cigars and Tobacco, and Notions generally. The Phil adelphia Press, Inquirer and Ledge?, received daily. , Coke for the Bite of a Mad Dog. —There are very many cares for the bite of rabid animals recommended, some of which may be reliable, while the reliability of others is not fully estab lished. Every means which is discovered for the prevention of the horrible results of such’wounds is worthy of attention. The following is" recom mended as infallible i Mix one pound of com mon salt in a quart of water; with this bathe the wound, squeezing it frequently fur one hour; then Wnd a little more salt on the wound for twelve hoars. The author of this receipt was bitten six times by mad dogs, .and always curedirhimself with the above mixture., . He offered to suffer himself to be bitten with any mad dog.in older to convince man* kind that what lie recommended was a real cure. New Dailv Paper.—We have received sev eral copies of “ The Pittsburgh Daily Commercial," just launched on the tide of journalism in the •‘smoky city.” In typographical appearance, it is second to none of the dailies in the State. We wish it much success, and hope it may continue to grace onr table; Jewelry Store Robbed—The jewelry estab lishment of Mr. Fred. Beck, on Virginia was entered, it is alleged. o tt Friday night-Vst, and almost entirely despoiled ~f its contents. val | tied fly the proprietor at some seven hundred dol lanv most of the property being watches and other valuables left with him tor repairs. The thief. or thieves, effected an entrance through the front door by means of false keys, ami although Mr Beck was sleeping at rite time in a small room adjoin i * n f’ st> ‘i'ltetly wr v - the robbery performed that hr ! fiulfcd tu U? from his lumbers. Tliis i> | .the second misfortune that hies attended M r , B. lately—he having l«en the recipient of one of In ”C,e Sams invitations (recetnlv distributed with such a lavish hand in this neck of limber ", | take part in the suppression ..f the reliellion. He has no clue to the perpetrators of the robbery. H. S. Sinee the above was written we learn that Mr. Beck was arrested on Mondav at the instiga tion of some of the parties who had entrusted him with their watches, and entered I,ail for his aopear anec on Wednesday, since which lime we have learned nothing as to the result. ! School Books ! School Books !!—The larg est and most varied stock of School Books ever brought to this county, may now lie seen and pur chased “ cheap," at -‘Oak Ha 1,.," Central Liter ary, Book and Stationery Etiablishment, Main street. Altoona. All.il.e Books used in this Borough and sounoimding townships and coun ties, niay be hud at this establishment. Any spicml book or books wanted will be ordered at shwt notice. I i, llve now a full supply oi the “New Books," recently introduced in our Bor ough schools by the directors. “Mitchell's new Geography's" and “ Robinsons new Anthma- any'tbing nsed in the schools, such as copy bobkie slates, pens, jicncil-, inks, ic.. always on Hand ih great variety. Don't forget the place— Main street, next door to Ken ’s store. v H. FET riNGEK, Proprietor. Vic-Nic AT M'Cartkey’s Grove.— The annual ‘ Pw-Nu- in aid of the schools oonneeled with the j Catholic church of this place, will be held at Mc- Cartney's Grove, on Tuesday next, loth inst. Wi nced only remind our readers of how pleasant all former attain got up under the auspices of I lib congregation have been, and then assure them that the preparations in progress for the coming festival give promise that it will, if possible, surpass auv thing of the kind heretofore held in this vicinity.— A sumptuous repast and a day of pleasant recrea tion, is in store for those who participate on the coming occasion. i ‘A Pesky Saved is a Pesky Earned."— So says the old adage. But you will ask, how are we to save anything these hard times? The an swer is plain and practical, viz ;—Buy your dry goods, groceries. &c., of R. A. O. Herein Main street. He has just received a handsome lot of new Fall goods, which will be sold at prices defy ing competition. A superior stock of shirting flannels, delaines, prints, muslins, cloths, cassi meres, checks, tickings. i_r., now open, besides a complete stock ot groceries. Best Hio Coffee at 33 cents ; syrup- liom 50 to 76' cents, and other goods in jnxtporiion, j t Adiodrned Court.— All persons who have business at the Adjournd Court, will bear in mind that it will be held utjH dliJaysburg, on Tue.sd.iv, the 22d inst. Assembly. For the information of the voting population of Blair county, I amionce that I have been solicited by quite a number of citizens of the county toeon sent to the publication of mv name as an' INDE- I ENDEN I CANDIDATE for-the office of As semblyman from this county. I have, after Jac consilient) ion, concluded to'yield to the wishes of my f. lends and announce myself ns a candidate for the Office named, hoping that I may receive a handsome and honorable vote from the chizons of Isaac bartuw. Altoona, Aug. 19, 1863. CIRCULAR TO THOSE WIDE-AWAKE TO TIIEtn own Interests. — 'I he subscriber would respect fully announce to the public that he has returned from the East with his large and well assorted stock of goods, bought at the lowest cash prices, which he will dispose of at his nsual small advance. OUR MOTTO. “ Tbe nimble dime better than the slow dollar.” Come one, come nil and be convinced that the cash systehi is to your advantage, and you will go away with the resolve that my establishment is the place to save money. No charge for showing goods. Call and examine. 'I would respectfully invite your attention to un well selected assortment of Ladies and Misses' Dry .Goods, containing all the late and -most de sirable styles of dresses to he found in the Eastern markets, among which may* be had, MOzambiqnes, Celliques, Killnrnay Checks, Union Checks, Shcpenis Finds, Linen Lustres, Silk Poplins, a full and complete stock of fancy and plain Flannels and Shirtings, Linen, Muslin, Ladies and Gents Gloves and Hosiery, and a tremendous stock of Austin Kelly & Hoop Skirts, from four to fifty springs, which I can sell at least 25 per cent, below Philadelphia retail prices. Also a great variety of Cloaking Cloths, varying in juice from 75 cts to $2,25 per yard, and the largest as sortment of Cassimers SatHnetts Tweeds, Jeans, ecf., that is to be found In the country. Carpeting anil oil cloths in great variety at lowest prices. LOOK.—My stock of groceries Ytre selling a few cents lielow my wonld-bo-rivals, who “can't see it.” The cash system syrups still range from 40 to 70 cts. per gallon. Government coffee, bought before the late late heavy advances, I am selling at 22 cts per pound. It is su|ierior to all the new fangled substitutes n6w selling. BEHOLD.—Our teas range from the low price Of 60 cts. |ier pound, upwards EX C E LSIO R.—Our would-be-competitors stand aghast when they know we have the heaviest and best assorted stock of crockery, china, glass and delph ware to l>e found in any establishment between Philadelphia and Pi.tsburgh, and that we sell cheaper than they can buy. “Thev arc superb," is the common exclama’tion on examin ing our China Teh. Sets, ranging in price from $l2 to $2O, which is lower than they can be pur chased in Pittsburgh. We are selling to people from all the surrounding counties, because wo keep a large stock from which to select, and sell cheap. One examination will suffice to convince any qne that we are'not puffing our goods. Alj kinds of ornamental flower ’ vases, mags, glassware, and in fact all kinds of crockery ever imagined, we keep on hand. We are still selling the celebrated Wedgewood Iron Stone Sets for *5 .00, which is ,25 cts. cheaper than they can bo bought for in Philadelphia or Pittsburg retail market. “I 'can't sec how. it is done?” is the query, Well, we Will tell you the secret—it is or*A only. By this means I am enabled f 0 increase mv husi ness.iind stock steadily, while oiher establishments are gad to decrease theirs. We are nor eon.- to add large profits to make up for losses i, v n 1 . ,S ; I"' ." e SI,VC 1, - v l rJ, . v i n K easii for goods mstead of buying on time and paying a higher' t AIMERS A MOTHERS.—-Our slock of emu hen s carnages and eoml.es an-jmt ,l a . t | liluJ for those who value the h-alth of their children more than the small amount we charge for them those who use a carriage om-c will never go back n-ouu 6 . o nomH] children aionnd in I heir arms. Cali and see our stock of mlant can luges and cabs. V heeler & Wilson’s Sewing Medline, of which 1 mn the sole Agcm for Ulnir and Huntingdon eonniies, are the best machines ever used They are iiertect and warranted for two years. I domn ask von to buy Witless you are satisfied von are sa ying; money by so doing. Altoona May, 9th, IBG3 maizena l" ui.TU!*a m ini our Ifiende, after readme iheadver .if Mr. I.DRVW, i„ ,|,e, C1)l „ ln „ „ n| a- have heard hundred* .1,. la-fore what la MaiJctF- Weineth, reply.aei,..,ten dono-it i-a nrid-rate article ■>r puddinga, u-.ar.N. bhtne .u.. v . and dial., s „r Ilka nature; l.ut that only tell. a hat it is f„r. Maiiera i. a preparation made f„„,i white Indian corn at trie,. Cove. X V. We are Co, atde here t«. piee tl.e pro'- " l 1 11 "* I’reperi-d. a» it would take an elaborate **|ti t u.« m», nii«l U-skK**. tJu-n- ;uv some peculi triti -a aim.., it which the Meaera. Dnryea prefer keep to then. “■ " U "‘ r h ' ,vi "K "K'lt mnch lime ami money |,, p, r . lectlOK their machinery, they have aecnred the exclude. l '(tht to manufacture it; they intend, and deae, ve to have aonte money out of it. and so | ung aa they furniah the ar tide at the,f present return,.aide prices, we premium the ptildtc will consent to their doinp an. ' We Lave tested the Moizena in nur familie,. „„,1 believe tbe qualm-. Unit recommend it t„ the public favor f. he these: it i< exce.slingly nutritious, we know Ot nothing U.ore so: u is easily digested, making it an excellent disk lor rtysp.. pt„s. with whom It -not, becomes a favorite ■ it e.v t I'etio-ly l-alolahlr. ami adds anoll.or I. the long list of excellent di-lu-s well adapted to the table of the adv,state' of a mixed diet, or the radical vegetarian. Ford.idren lert in nothing belter, and they are usually exceedingly ■ii of it. And f.ir the sick room, fro n its palatable and digusiabb, and stmigtliening qualities, it la invuluab e; aad we ahoubl not lorget to mention, what in these , ,y ol taxes will be an important item, it is a very econo,nn 1 article <»f di t. The ease and dispatch with vvf.icl. it can be prepared wtll. ... the opinion of eve.y good housewife, ad to Hs value. No fnrtl.er complaint, of n th ng for su|.per when » f r i,.„d bapiH iis in. can la- made. ir u |Kin„d of Mai zeiia I. in the house. Tell minute, will suffice to prepare a di.l, fit for a-.ylasly. Eaten pbi.n, it is excellent, wi.b a Utile sugar and cream. Brsl ra e. and will, the addition , I a little jelly made from currants or Ollier fi uif s. it is a dish •fit fur the god..” [Sept. 1803-til, THE SINGER SEWING MACHINES. Onr LETTER A FAMILY SEWING MACHINE is fas? gaining a world-wide reputation. It i, beyond doubt tin best aod cheapest and most beautiful of all Kamily Sew ing Machine, yet offer dto the public. N 0 uUl „ r Plull|| Sewing Machine lias so many useful appliances for Hem n.tng. Uiuding. felling. Tucking. Gathering, imaging it raiding, Embroidei ing. Corning, and so f. rib. Nooll.ei family Sewing Machine has so much capacity for a great variety of work. It will sew ail kinds of cloth, ami with all kinds Of thread. Great and recent improvomeol makn our Family Sewing Machine most reliable, ami most durable, and must certain in action at all rale, ol "peed. It make, the interlocked stitch which i- the he-I Stitch known. Anyone, even of the most ordinary capacif , can see at a gl „,c -. how to use the letter A Famil, Sewing M .cine. Oor Family Sewing Machine. a,e iio Mu-»1 in chaete uinl ex«jiii*Le The folding Case of ihe Kamily Machine is, a piece,, cunning workui ms up ot tils m ,st ilkelul kio-i. It pr-- tecls the machine when not in use. on.l when ,1. , ut t .. nl<-.l may be ma-nedaß a «l.ari..in „,„1 table 1„ eu.tain the Work. While Ban ,l.e Cas. e lilaile uut of lb,* choicest woo,ls. „ r e flnisl.e,! i„ tile K j plvsi chastest manner possible. others are adorned and embellished in the most costly and snpnrh manner It is absolutely necessary 1,, see the Family .Machine ii I,N t*' J'Pige ol its great rapaeiry e ad beam. It is fast becoming-as |«) nlar f. r family sewing as on. M nmftcturing m whin t* are for nt uni ictin-ing purpose- The Branch OBi era are well supplied with silk twn thread, needles, oil 4c.. ol the rery heal quality. Sen 1 fur a Pamphlet. THE SINU..K MANDFA 'Tb’.tl.VH C 1 MPA \Y, 45s llr.si.lwav. New York •3- Philadelphia Office, slu Ch.-stum st. Mr. p. W. A. UelConl, Merchant Tuilur. Virginia Stre t- Ap-nt in Allotiim. Altouua. Nov. 13. 1862 TO Til K YOUNG OH OLD, Malt or Ftnuilt. If you have been suffering Iri tn a habit indulged in by tin YOUTH OF BOTH SEJTES. " men causes so many alaiijiino symptoms It unfits them for Marriage, An«l is tlio greatest evil which can befall MAN Oil WOMAN. See iymptnnß eumueniU J iu advertisement, and If yoi are a sufferer. Cut out the Advertisement, And send fur It at once. Delays are dtiiigeroQ*. Ask for (lelmbold's. Take no other, _ . Cure* guaranteed. ot.v33.rt of Counterfeit* and Im.tationt. A CARD TO THE SUFFERING The Rev. Wm. Cosgrove. while laluiring a, a Hlsslonari I I Ja|*n. waacured nf Consumption. wheaall other mean had failed, by a recipe obtained from a learned pliysicbu in the great city of Jeddo. This recipe ha. cured great numb r» who were suffering from Consumption Bronchi tie. Sore Throat. Coughs and .adds, and the debility and nervous depression caused by these disorders. Desirous of benefiting oth rs. I will send this recipe Which J have brought horn.' with mo, to all who need it free of charge. Address. Dec. 23.1862-ly.] BAIL BOAD AND SAIL SCHEDULE TRAINS A ICICI VK AND DEPART. Bsltimnr o Expr-.s West arrives fi.&o A. 51. leaVuaJ.lS A M Pldladel’a 7,40 - - 8,00 •• li"? “ “ 8.-A) P. M. “ s3SP. M Mail Train “ “ Too “ 7u .. Express Train East “ 8.10 P. M„ leaves 900 P. M fl'?.. “ 110 AM, •• 1.15. A, Mail Train “ .. j.g, .. .. guo .. Tfirungh Accom. « ** 1015 «. K. 26 “ Triioaoii Brunch run to connect with Express Trains W rat. Mail Train Ksst and W«st and Tim. Acomitnoilati'in Train Ka*t vT» rRIU .I o n Tyro|,t ’ * Oleirfieltl Br inch ami BaM Eaich MW/n^and^raT. 1 Wi ‘ h ' ?n * in 1, “" MAILS AUItIVE. Eastern Through,, Kuxtein Way....... Wentem Way WttKt«rn Timmgh. liullidayaburg, 7 40 A.M. 7.OU p. M - 1n.15 A. 51 7.40 A M 73U A. 51. A 7.00 p. M mails close. Western Way J 7 on a tl Ka-iern Wny 7 20 Weateni Through >'u i, ~ Eastern Through,... - }j? .. • Jai A M.' i M 5 P M 7 M mi ueek 6.48 A. M. until ‘ ,oo I. M. Oil Sundays rß»u7,ao until 830 >. M. 0. W. PATIOW, P. 31. AltoODß,'Aj r» 20,1863. OTKAY cow —STKAYED AWAY KJ fumi the residence of the suburb „ l*',lt»L>g«n towudilp one mile ab ve f , he ? tl ‘ of .me < O'V. light red odor. a while amU on the forehead. one horn lower than: - '■** —- Ollier, H Ibtle sSSSaSS timfr 1 C4ii jfethei again. WILLI A .1 aVU** Merit. 9 18*3—U* MA 1 A * Kfcb V d BARRELS PUKE WHITE LAND jZ just rtfCklved mid for sale ut VltlTCUjiy’H K. A. O. KKRU [l-yr. Hev. WM. COSOROVK. ! 4Bl> Fuit«*u Avenue, Bruuklyu, N. V. DUR YEA’S MAIZEiVA Wn tht «l; "ft,paia ~, 6o] fm |,j| S j lintld ft.mmi" “ , 1 " 1 * ,1 " ,,, r»1de tneniioii fro IU i),e «'•>• klour” of lhi» and ..tl„ t comttriea 11-. t ailhatandiug UrU maizkna, u . m.*i will c»»•»\liicti t)i«> »ki-b(io4| Muk M i.„ > Swin , i“w , '"r :S£l& iv. Kit- lee I'reon O '" rft and Ul at coup*. ItoiM )« milk ail Ci ‘" »ilh it. A httle late' t a Ac l ■* 1 " far coffee, choeo. >.a^;,n«a^ k :„r *- r "* **««««•» »»-i ii.v»ihh, tv r . yDI and Wrocer. every wltere \vhulesaKi Depot, 106 Pultun fitrwu- M,.r. 9. ,%e3- C ,m"- LUM “‘""“f 0«««I he ’ l * Anfl *- b >ml Bugs, Moths m tars.Woollens. 4fc. Insects on Plants, ion Is, Aniomls, &c. Pnf «p n 2it . our ynd *1 t>o ifc.fH..- ~1 01 1. so««Ui, s,z.-,l r II .Tins I'DULIU INSTITUTIONS *' ■0"lv 1 nisi I 1,1. n-nii-.|,,- M * ■ r ret- from |' i W i|, B ” “ •>."! •‘‘■"(-'■■■■■...s t., rlu- tin man Kamil,.- Ii«l» cm,a „ui of tfifir l»..|w* to di«.” f i ! ' Vl " ,l "7* l - hi all lar K .. S- si'll,', .Vvi/V; 1 ! “ •■■“"-s imitationH. -Hvk.b,lu , Hcll “•ot.Bottt. «-Printi at 11. |n, t i*2 Brnmla ny \ h y COSTA,! T-Sfl Xir 181 '' LARGE SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS AND AMBROTYPES, Uilt and Kosewood Frames, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, CA R TES-DE- VISITES, ALL STYLES AND SIZES OE . CASES, &C.. clabaughs building, Julia Street, between Virginia and Emma. ALTOONA. PA, EL,AS A- BONINE. JOIN THE CAVALRY!!! i\OW IS TIIE TIME TO ENLIST Don’t wait to be notified that you are dratted! Do net wait for the next draft, but vol unteer at ont:u! The undersigned Has been until* rust'd to iveruu n CAVALRY COMPANY, to be I.ltarhe.l to the 13tl. Penn’a cavalry (TTf Eali.twu.r"'" 1 "I* the rniii,s,„.. 1 fciilisl where you have a chance in the selection of von. ■Ulcer., and a lai. chance lor prom di } ALTOO.VA. August 24 1863. JAS ’ “ tLL NEW FIRM. HEXBTI tuck. IIAVII) ettixger qp JK SUIWC .IBUBS BEG REAVi ,, , ",1iC ~" -y ImVC *«• '* i“>— CLOTHING BUSINESS, .S“£-- - they bar also u|io|esale and retail store at Ao 70 2 Market Street , Philadelphia, where they will sell all kinds of rea y.„, u| e clothing and « its mroisl.ing g.s, „ vcr. 1 liiey will in* «im l**«i t.. aril uheHjH-r ifm mattv ethetv iron, toe lliat tne. u.artoro' tb.-.cmw,. am' .bus save the mannlacturers |a-r rentage. and alt dC.tb nu will lie warrant, d Well made, ’ T "*■ tug. 4, 1563-tf ir Ala LAG I, fa UitUUiblUV ! UliSAi.l * The snlisi-riber offers at Private Sale : w i inloabb- pro|.erl,v. situate on liraln li M oast A It'.oia, itumeiluilcly op|iosite the Kf! 5Si A Machine gimps, ! *g Hie lion.e is well built and nearly uew Flfa-cn Kooms wiili Goo] Cellars. If i.culculutHl fur rUKKB FAMlUKS.uncUttl.en.w «'» '•unit $Ju |ht •nuurh rent. Then. b t Well of PH«| water in the yard. Teni|s easy. K f*V.*v " ,h * Itw. Ul s i*£u l,l (JUPSUiOIi Si OCA Or J igLUi.S. *P « MUTCIIiV.b «.w tMaiu offer u. lint etbtunivra Hn.l tin- public ut large;« n„ck uf the poreHi hqnoru ever brought into this market, cooiprisiiia in p.irt tilt) following varieties whisky-hush, scotch, old nouunox. wini*:—siiKiniY. uli» madeiua. OTAIID, DUPtT k CO. PALE .IIKAMjY,! ' Tbene liquor* can nil be warranted; and in addition t - lei ****.* *** 1 * ,m * ,M ‘ I'Otid a l««Ke variety, of Wines. «l»*ky and Brandy. to which lle-y iuvite tlie particular attention of the |:ubllc. Al thma. May IWj3. NO- ICK. —\\ hmnis, LytklrsTestnmpn :l«rv 1., the Estate Cf ALUr-KT IiIMWN CLAIiK. lute of Altoona. lUa.r cm,«ry. Pa., deceased. h 'vlinf bteti r«N *”**»« subscriber: therefore. a)) |,« HinrlSletted V* sail estate are rei.n >f d to make hiim-dlateiiatiueiit. him) those having claims or deinsnds agaiiiit the catate ol the «M decedent, will make kuuwti the Miue witliout de , , o . M-lhlf *. CLIKK. AlhWlia, July-jS. ’ Kxnuitr^x. in BAKWEW P. KE CIDEU VINE- J * F 0A It ju-t received mid f* r sale Idwvat »|d. I.lBbB. nnTrir£T'& IJUIEKIOU CKEAJI CHEESE AT viiitcuird. HELMBOLD’S GENUINE PREPARATIONS “lIIOIILT OTtXCK.XTRAfhk” ' compound fluid kxtmact buck > A INteitiTr oaA Apotiic Homed, For tW M.ADDIH. KIDS. YB, OKATXL * KD MOKBCU SWKLUKtia. Tl.hMedicmo lacmm the power of Dlgrutfa.,,. Md „ ci.« .ho AUOBUNTB fa*. fc«l,|„ ,ci^ h , , * *«“« °« CALOAKXOUB .L Ju dn •■AIM a» INFLAMMATION, .ud i. Mi; W “ MU Oft ClUMtt. ’ " • lIEUIBOLD S EXTRACT BUCIIU. Fur makiMM ariilr* from &maev-BAWta at IU» tiou, Surly ludkcrvtlon or About. ATTKSDU, vnW TUB lOUOiruO *«.PTO M ,. utr,ti^ £x " ,ion ’ T"? W ««k Ne.T.w, ' Horror of ttakefclneiw. Pain to th. Back. Uiii.emal Lamltude of the Unacolar «r-tvai. ’ theßmU l>ryue..ofthe£kto • or the Body, » Srnptiuau of U*« lac*, PALLID COUNTENANCE. Th««. rymptom.. If allowed go 08 . whlcb ' " le "' TI,r '“ b ' y "•“«»«■ •'*'» fellow. l«wrif» CT . TarvitT m.PTic I it., la o,»p Of which the patient may M|rfr ,. I lio cun ».)• that they are out frequently tuUuwad l. li *-“ -UllttKUL WrKAStS.” kjr INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many are aware of thecatue of their nOkriac. „ BDT NON f Mlhh OKvms Tlib RKOOIOIT Or TUB I.VSA.NK ARTIOMS, Aud Hie melancholy Death, hy Conaumpthiu hear.. l>lo witneae to the truth ol the muerllon. liiß CO.NSXn-UUOS ONCK ATKBCTXD WITH OB- GAMC WEAKNESS, Require, the aid of medicine to .tremrthen i. J tie the Sy.tem, which lIJtMBOLDS EXTRACT BOCUD ■ availably doe.. A tria. wiil convince th. FEMALES I females II JLU 0E rou -• ,0 ’ Mar rich ©a Cortu.put.ro «> RIA«E, of a™ it.i bcirrluAw *uie “ J-eucorrl.ee or H hit™. Sterility, , ud fol ,H DECLINE OR CHANGE OF UF*. STUPTuSa ASvTK. -N o Family be Without lx ; , i u :" ,e U 4 ,u - «««** - 11*1*10. - uup imm.it auudhimrrous um>n. UEIiMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCIIU. Improved Kose Wash CDILEB SECRET ,I»;i8EA8Jt8 lu all their stag**, uittle vr iiu iu Dieti' Aud uo It causes a freqq.ut desire «uU alvei .trenrtk liemov.ug Obstructious, l-reveuuug Jti ictures uI L >.hra. “"‘‘f 1 , < *“? , W “• r, 1? ELII “OLD'S UTJtACT UQi:i)D Is the Greaul'lltKinic, mud iscerUlnto .h. sffi-ct i« «!l di*«m for wllich „ Uncum minded* tTtdiuc. of the turn,, nimble eud nspuumbW >VI 1 tt coin|mii) the medicine*. ‘ Certi#c.,te. uf Cures, Inn eight to t«em r jeers su.d uig, with uemes kuoso | V schnce aud/aluo. Price $l,OO Per BolHe, r Six forl|s. ‘ DJ •»<*«> * Ob Dxkuu STimosrs n u± Cohjoticatiow. Corea Uouniuteetl. 4drto.anMfc AFFIDAVIT. i^T" y appeared Left,,* Aid,™*. of u,.. ltT om..l*W,,Ui a . U. 1. lliuub.u., who Wu*dßl, nor * t otb «, |,u,,.»,«««!.«. cuuuiL, hu iwrcutic. no BHreu’ r*,orutJ ttt jHjarioH.(ltu l( ., but ar« purely ratable. U. T. IULMBOUt. Sworn uni raberiibed before me, th ■ 23d' dav' of s*. retulHT, 18M. W.P UIUBAKD. AUenuas. ' ? NluiU St, above Race, PhJla. Address letters fur Information in oinfldener to U. T. UKUIUtILD, LVwlst, Depot, 101 Sooth Tenth-St, In-tow Chrstskl, __ peoa. ; •B|fSP*JS* OP COUNTERFEITS AMO UN PKINCiPUD DtAI.EJIS, ; 1 Who endeavor to