fty* furs* Wiwllwis, j&c, ■ Imifxtit Ms, J'owH Animals,i&eT !»»' r* 0(1 ft.l. s. But Ow. ..1 FlMki IKrtutw public ixsriTCTioxTfar |l.¥» mardfis llMai'iis" p».l" tfe) Human Family.” F,imt of tlieir liulea lo die.” . , Mn »ll largncicii« ■ ’ WfltXT ami Rt lULaaa nvcry t »TaH w-Ttlilrax imitatiiiun. . ” il'AM'S’’ imure is uu saeli ■ Box, Botiu nn.linv ■ " Hiß SR, Altuoun, Pa. IN IH EH, m--- ■’ • ■ ’ IpATED LYE, ii satr maker'. :%y ,r ~ ' ■ p* '■ m* AjWhst the HI’URIOUtj ®SBra&isv.*L u fferßll for n>s. * bthat u>de km uf the Ountiwiy'sPATgJSrS. “f BJSUBRB 6f Esq., of PhOad^lp^u, IAeKEWELL, Esq., w Plttab’g., Q.VSUP\UrUK£K.«. UtUtUS, QB UT'ii. ii».vW«uloii oftherfgfcto Wjwiij »11l be pfoeecutofl . fttoucu. ' ■ *. Of CdNCKKIRATKD LYE, it, DUOUQISXji, GKOCJvIW AM# OSTHT BTuRJSS > Notice!! CtKHlt «quesne Way, Pittsburg. t “f 3 in- irniide. W/ FI KM. DAVID KTTISGEK 5-, IBKRB BKQ JiKAVE iWfe that they hav* ente »*d intone- NG BUSINESS, vt* *tan«l in? ocmpleri by H n fcvr rr tint, Many others ' icuimfitst lire tlt*-ir own goods, and •itin-r# (s-r ceuUge,«nil ait ciotb ug i mode. otice is hereby give.n vfiat of the Altuuttft H*U*j»d Rwid liHtalmmt of to par v*fct. oa for-J&e • made payn)>lp-oo tfce'lSHh nod liftSsuce of 4** p*.v*W« in nr »uslUy tb >1 tp* tdtfa daynf •**ch fooeeailug japttld in. ■•' ir the amipAn? caa ctlH 61*eki|fH f**w aharwi if. ‘ BP, RCWK. T'ea*itrrr. >4MS TO THIS KKST- A-rrtber, residing - Bfeir ctwnty, an ■'«. • I1EIFKEI!, slzr and ml rnlur <11;. linlknt {d,B pi"*ce cut ; i» caff aboat two wn-ln At ,-tlw r ■une 6>rvmrii. limy* |imp»-rty. par swyr, othvrwlw sins will bo dtspoAsd , N;; . NANCY RfSAN. "ROPEKTY FOR SAtK |r« at FnviUe&Oa ‘ bite i*d Bmudh ist. J'. mxufoesHy new l wlUi GooJ £bUub.- IiRKB F AMI U KB. and aMhenW* [ "in* %&i jtrf w.uKb rvilt. Tt«» .f : theyard. " n TRQDUII. on the At 111' Mora, inSwl Altoou*: ITOCR OF JIQUOKS. WJjwTl* now aM* th gMr so kiMw nt tar**.’* »tF.Wtoe*i ydtlehUuiJ Jnrflo the r-KOS 1; 2. elujtT* new. .and e»e}» p«ek*ift: W)d kir sjite iior by ’ ■' : ■ . . . V NO/ I COAJUOIi ar^atASc^t.^^ USIIiS :-3UBS rJ.N UA.UB > SgOlUr H luaA ,ft?r m2* h* -. • ■' ■ ■ vt’KKKH- A U«{k&iQf ctidtrr* Jmt : ' 1 Ni¥ uu bm«J «nd ftr *A* 2*l?* «y^ T - hU&<-'AXV:Si»S& •t rfT-nm»Wo KB ft {**#s>£ NHW 1 rgißto&U. |ltoflaa: fnitami. .■nsui oc o«»pfceU'« $650 “Cwrtrjr . Fmm.” -.ilßJNfi POWER-PRESS V* printing office. tt-jthiH the past two y«uf3. made considerable ; ;| 'i, i(l iir In the vruy **f n**w fancy 1 l , r«* k >‘. Paper On’ ter. Card Cutter.-Kaliujr^lK \>!'l P»wer I*p««Sj«, and huge New«p«{w*r IVsper ' ci’t “f which vr.* give A'bove. vveuro nav,* prewired In ih- i»ms .‘denoting *»r ruling in f - , u ,i'm any v«u*.bliKh«ipj.? In tb<* tnte. liud ut .. r 'U'dv CHii execute. ot» short uotlcs,n.il , jiioj. Invitation, Visiting, Ball & Business Cants, Circulars, Programmes, ■ i ' ..VIVI9TH POSTERS, SALE BILLS, pamphlets. Pay and Check Bolls, BLANK BOOKS, ,jKIfESTS. AND BLANKS OF ALL. KINDS. ~ tfea-ik is a triaU feeling confident that wc CMigive ZfactUM If we Iwt** the opportunity. 1 1 huwther’e building. corner of Virginia and,An ,trws i»Pl>*wlte Superintendent’s Offi.a. local items. A s Ice House —We believe there are a great families and businessplaces in Altoona that ( IU |(1 make use of ice during-the summer months, aid they could , got it retjnlnrlv evety room- sj: , m such quantities as they might require, and . reasonable price. In fact, ice, is a desidera- . in the way of preserving fresh meats ami veg ia i,!js in a healthy slate, that no one would forego, we price be brought down toa fair figure, and ; , H nv would use it more extensively than they how s, f ,i the present tariff. , The . best way we know : i.) secure ft proper supply of ice for the town, , r ; in bring it to s prise which would enable uie ,„iii s io purchase it, and the seller at the same io make money out of. it, would' he for some • r.ir,, or a company of |terson«, to erect an ice large enough to hold the full amount reqni ,.i in the town, and have it so arranged that'the ~ ould he increased as the demand increased. i"a, objection which might be raised to investing .isial in such an enterprise is the difficult' in se ,nng ice. which would have lo be brought front .stance upon the cars, and the rates of freight , inf winter season are higher than in the Smn- , Bui we think this objection might be over iiit by obtaining special rates for the hauling of v.v train loads. While the Company might re , .neb rates on a few car loads, we think they ".ild grant ir where so large a quantity is to be iiipeii. We hope some of our monied men who i" on hand capital seeking investment, will fa iiiir consider tliis matter and appropriate their a ,ns change in a manner which will meet the of our citizens, alul prove a source of reve tbcmsclves. We might say more on the ,'n 'out our intention is merely to call at ten i > it. have it discussed, now while the want luxury is felt, nqu he ready at any time to si, sn the Enterprise. *»:«•>( Jim AfooßK.—day or two since we re~ ; a letter.from. I lint '“guy boy,'*' Jim Monfe, viih (.'apt. Jno. JVI. Clark, in comjiany F, 2d vs. Jim is just ihe lively .lad he was although he iui* seen about.a* r: ,’L left us. ;.at> Imnl service as any man in the army. He j «o hivi tiie good fortune to escape-Rebel bullets ! :r,< far. and we hope he nifty see the fight out and 'vnu a whole skin. Samuel B. Stewart, a : 'f Capt. Clark’s company, who h.: longed : - neighborhood,, was killeti at the tumid ot *« <**«*. The Fifth Army Qortut, to which ghe iWrres are attached, are encamped around siuiiuimock Railroad Station. Jim says that i jivi-ion of the First Corps is over the Rappa sjiK.k, but they hug the hank very close, as the ■ tc! infantry <;mnps ear. plainly seen about a 1 and a half distant. Buford’s cavnirv is do ; wvkci duty between the two Several I noon I'tidg' S have been thrown over the river, | < m iradinaA for a quick ■ movement of troojis j r over or back. He says the ’weather has I fti vi-iy warm down there making long marches | iiirr dangerous. On a tparch of eight miles, on j rth of August, many men gave out. In two i i;:uip» of the Reserves some 20 were sun-truck, I • ; | ' «nom died the same day. Jim thinks it ! l be the harry draft up here that makes if so down there. Guess, he’s mistaken, as those have been hit by the draft up here,' think, it -ally as hot. as.the turn down there. ‘Hk Draft.—As noticed in our last issue, .the : 'i(i far this Congressional district comesydf at ntingdon this week, commencing with Hpnt .f in county, which was to he dravyn yesterday a todayln the order of drawing Blair cpjmr "ties last on the list, and thc lijgfcy recipients . ik-kets to Huntingdon, from this locality* fvill announced hmSl next Saturday. Between ■ ttui that time, how hope ami .fear prill chase. •' other through the minds of those wjth !i >e bounds of 20 and 35 years, who have no r e misfortune* on which to claim exemption.— ‘Motts ( ,f “ suits of Mae, n with musket, canrid|ge -b kmi|«ack and haversack accompaniments! or ''fining piles of “greenbacks,’’ will disturb their pted ‘ slumber. Fortune may send the tickets "'■•sc most able to answer the stynmons, bift it ■ respecter of persons’. From what we hhve I" ”of drawings in other districts, we believe every 1 1 "g is done fairly! It strikes us that a veiy good I’ lu exhibit the fairness of the transaction am) I ' that .there has been no partiality shown And r 'tulking allowed, would be toallow thosejdistrtcts ! I ' it to take a list of die names that remain I Wafier the drawing. Anexaminatimi of, I l ’ sl would give satisfaction to all. We think I 2 dml CsmpheU wooki not refuse it. whose husband has “pone to the war," heard, in r« Br 'm. . conversation, the remark: that the Government .tiLiuiKED Oct.-rfhe members of ..the . , . v. , 1 l!™ rp v w i , , ~ t wanted morecavalrt and infantry. She replied '• r- V.M., who were on detached daty • . . ; ■ , , : !Vsl >«P*. in this place. have been onletJto ***** nWhmg al ? Ut ad 'Wnttm. which has returned from Fhil«d*l- • ,.h« JT-more Want,* was needed, the ton.h,, * ~ • v Govennnemha ' 1 ant necessity tor keeping them in the i ' iMPßO^hd.—We ate tglad to announce that p rt V .ompanieh from this {dace, Captains Conrad Kneply, the engineer whom we noticed a am ‘ GllVt ! ncr ’ - Wtaehed to this short time, since as having been injured aliont the »i • ° ox l XKtt them home this week, end • IteAd by coming in contact with a car load of I tint '6t stt f UI t “'‘ e,ci>me l,ut mtiialf sogfad, her, i» again able to be out, ah bough looking very ‘Sax «n4t’ of “ nr ' li, ; v r ® u *i e, s. the long- badly. time i: was feared thnt his brain h»th* ° W W then l ’ tou gi u , was seriously effected, bu|i tio)eS ar« now enter. i tainedtbat he will recover.; ►jet Notice.—Ail persons yyho liaTi>.suhsorihed to the fund for the relief of the 'needy families of the SK* days men, hom this place, are hereby recjnetled to prt>* to Thomas L. Caldwell, ixi -Idoyit & CoV Banking' -House, one-third of their as soon aspossibie.. As some of the men have re turned awl the balance are expected this we *k, it is.pmbabte that if the one-third of aUsiibscrip ions be promptly paid- in, (hat no more wiihbe ry uiiivd. •JOHNSTON MOOKE. ) CHAB. J. MANN, ■ ? DANIEL LAUDHMAN, > •' AltoonmAug. libit 1 «f>3. • M w w« may add to the qhove thin wc earnestly hope, for the credit of Altoona, that there will lie nodclay in this matter.and no attempts to evade the responsibility incurred at the lime the soldiers were being mustered in. They left to perform, in good faith, whatever duty might be assign,d them, having (lie assurance of the subscribers to the fend referred to above that their families should be provided for, and now will any subscriber re fuse to 1 keep faith with the soldiers? We shall Kffir I ,Notwithstanding the scarcity of mechan ics and laborers, new houses are going up all around town, and our principal streets will' soon be built tip. Many of the small/ shanties must soon give way to more res|ieetable aiid enduring structures. When we look out over l)tc town’ and view the ev idences of prosperity on every hand, we cannot realize that a terrible, destructive war now rages in our land, the head of which is scarcely two hundred miles distant at this time, and which, but a short time since, threatened to destroy our town. We are a fast people—live almost regardless of what is going on around ns, or bow others or liv ing. We come to t|te retili'y, however, when we turn our eyes from this prosperity and read the no tices posted tip about town stating that the draft for Blair county comes off on Saturday next.— Reader, you may comment further if you are in terested. M Cy We presume that .here, ns in other places, companies of persons liable to the present draft will lie formed for the purpose of distributing the expense of finding substitutes or paving the com - mutation fee. . The arrangement is as follows; A Dumherof persons, ten or more, .form a compa ny and pay in $5O or $ 11)0 each. If three or less of the party are drafted,. they use as much of the fund as is necessary to ijA-ocure suhstitntes or se cure exemption, or take their share and go them selves If more than three, and not over a num ber which will make the payments over $lOO each to the company, are drawn, an equal amount of the fund is given to each man drawn and he may add to it sufficient to secure exemption or a substi tute, or pocket the money and go himself. One company of ten formed for this purpose, in Wash ington City, had nine of the number drawn. To Knur off i'l.tns. The application of a mixture of one-third kerosene ami two-thirds lard oil, to the bodies ami legs of horses, will be found effectual ifi keeping off the flies which annoy t hem so much during the hea'ed times. It may fie also used with much advantage on cows A horse, uneasy, fretting and .'stamping, becomes, after the application, at once quiet. Those,who sympathise with the noble animals in the constant teazing en dured by them from these jiests, w ill be glad to use any barmless remedy which will spare incessant work whet, not called to labor in harness. Horses will keep better on a less amount of food, for the repose thus obtained. C«ws mill give better and more milk, from the rest they will got from the use of this mixture. A Puff. —JVe feel in gtasl condition to indite a putf for Jake Wilson, the enterprising green grocer, a few- doors .below, having just finished a couple of sfices of a large and delicious water mel on sent in a short time since. Jake keeps a sup ply-of melons, contelopns, peaches, tipples, com, and other helly-aehe producers, constantly on hand and in sufficient quantity 1o give employment to all yhe physician? 1 in town! and make a fortune for the druggists. But sinceyieople will eat such stuff, (primers not excepted, when it comes like the melon) we don’t know where they can he better accommodated than at Jake’s. r RKCEEDtNo —The showers on Sim lay evening [ last appear to have had the desired cff.ct in cha -1 sing the thermometer down fom, among the nine | ties, am} purifying the atmosphere. The first two j weeks of August, 1863, will long he remembered j on account of the intense heat of the noonday sun, was seldom obscured by a cloud during the period named. The number of sunstrokes in the cities and in the army, anil the suffering of beasts of burden has been greater than ev£r known before. Although we may expet! t more hot days, ■we hope we may not baVe such a succession of them. are pleased to (earn that Mr. llodnctt, who!owns the burnt comert opposite our office, in tends erecting a brick building thereon,, ere the season closes. While all men have a right to erect whatever style of Houses they choose, when there is no law on the subject, and all should con i enlMhere means, yet it is certainly desirable, as i well for the safety ns .for the neat appearance of | our town, that the houses hereafter erected on our principal streets should he of brick. We hope i that none of the. burned buildings will be replaced with anything but brick. Independent Candidate fob Assembly.— Hr another column will be found the card of our townsman, ; and clever ]Wail Train' conductor, Isaac Barttnv Esq., offering himself ns an inde pendent candidate for the office of Assembly. Mr. Bartow has the ability .to: make a useful member and is sufficiently acquainted with the Working of flte House to give him position at once.- Per sonally, we know of no one raamed in connection with the office whom we wottlcl rather sec elected. .To the Point.—A joting married woman, Broken Up.:— The Pittsburgh C.'ironick of the i Ith linst,, says that the eonveation of Kailnwd Managers which recently met r- Niagara Falla, entity hi the breaking up of the • ■omhinatMii in regard to fare** and rates. Evo v hue is now at liberty to rub pq its own honk ami pur fares as low as ievhooaesL ! Thin determination, wS.h the alii nnrej* between: toads of opposing interest that have beetivTuade during the past six months, will lead to complications and ic°ult in a grand “free fight.” among the railroads f w so*n r - time. 44 Wheeler WiUonV Machines arcth- hesi evn j offered to puhlh mtronagr-. They an* simple and j durable; easily ;,epr in repair; work whhom mas/*: ‘ sew w;i|i great rapidity; make an even and fine i stieth on both sides that not rip: ceononviz j thread, and are applicable to even* pivjjose and i material cnntinon to the art in question. Chri s-1 tain /nqniw j R- A. O. Kerr, of this pine**, is agent ha the j sale of these machines in Blair and Huntingdon i counties. Sec advf»rtis<*nr*u* D*:ai>. —Joseph E. Berlin, a member of Co. A. r» h Keg’t Pa. Reserves, died on the HVh inst., f om the eftW-ts of a wound received at the battle of Gettysburg, duly 3d. He was a little over 20 years of age. Sleep, soldier, sleep; thy last bat tles’ fought, thy last victory won. The hoy Conrad, whom \vc noticed last rvk as i having been injured by the cars, died on Friday ; last, after hh» leg had been amputated. I Picture Gxlleky.—O tr young artist f iend, E. A. Bonine. who occupies Clabaugh’s skv-hght. gallery, on Julia street, must be d iving a b isk i business, if we may judge from the number of I pictures he Js; taking, in every style of the art. He deservefjpnttonage, as his pictnitsbcar favor able comparison with those of other artists, and 1 lus dispose t 6 accommodate a jj who call hi i speak him a gentleman. Rcfld In- card in anoth ! er column ehd give him a call U. J. Jones, the inimitable local itemizer. ■ legislative reiioiter and author of “The Juniata j Valley," (mid us a ja»p vi-ir a day or two since.— j Artemns Ward-like, he has turned out a showman, ! nor of wax figures, etc., hut with a jwmmuna of t die “Western World,” to the exhibitions o** which I be crowds by means of fancy figured pos i U*rs and wnll-puiier liandbills. Jones is one of j ’em, and can tmvul anyplace. «STW e cant say that we admire the. tyjiograph ica! taste of our cotemporary of the Huntingdon Monitor, when lie chums that his paper is one of the neatest In the 8 ate. He need not travel out of his own county tc Hmi its superior in that line, and there arc* u couple of hebdomadal? up litis wav that won’t be. taken down by that srvle again. J>oc We expected to lecctvc a list of the d .lifted men from Huntingdon county in time for publica tion this week, tint the Huntingdon papers failed to reach ns last night as usual. In our ncxt.wc shall publish the names of those drawn from this votin'r [ ttar We h. 4k. <.mr iimn .subscribers, who have heretofore l>een served wi.h their papers bv Hu* cji'rier, will bear with u> vet this week. Oar ear ner will bo cm hand in lime Jo seive them next week Found— A package of brilliant, done up in brown pajier, was picked up on the street, on Mon day afternoon, and left wl.ii us to advertise. The owner cun have ii by culling and Ruling the con tents of tlw package and paying fur this no.i. c. For Fale.— AV. H. bameht (tiers a desirable inovenv at private sale, which. we think, would make a snug home fur some of our mechanics, — Fee his advertisement in another column, and then go and view b lie prop-rtv. SSf Dn. P. Caldlrwood lenders his pro fessional service Jret of'r/miye to the famili s of volunteers now in the service of the United Flutes, ' Altoona, July 27, 1863.-3 t. Kirk ! Fine ; !— Do not lisfc your projierty any longer to the mercy of the dames, hut go to Kerr and have him insure you against loss by fire. He is agent for thirteen did rent companies, among which are some of the best in the United States. Altoona, July 2e-'f. Assembly. For the information of iiie vo ing population of Blair comity,' I annonee that I have Ken solicited by quite a number of cilia ns of the conn y tocon seni to the punlieathm of mv name as an INDE PENDENT CANDIDA I’K for the office of As semhlyman fiom ttds conn y. I have, after due eonsidera.ion, concluded to yield to the wishes of my fiends afid announce myself as a candidate for the office named, hoping that I may receive a handsome and honorable vote font the ei iz its of Blair. IFAAC BAKTOW. Altoona, Attg. 19, 1863. Circular, to those Wide awake to their ow£ Interests. — 7’he snhscribcr would respect fully announce to the public that lie has returned from the East with his large and wjl assorted stock of goods, bought at the lowest cash prices, which He will disiose of at his nsunl small advance. OUR MOTTO. “ The nimble dime liettcr than theslow dollar." Come one, come ali and lie convinced that the cash system Is to your adVanago, and you will go away with the resolve that,my estftblMiment is the place to save money. No charge fur showing goods. Call and examine. ■ I would resjiectfully invite your attention to my well selected assortment of Ladies and Misses’ JJhy’Gnods. containing ail the late and most de sirable styles of dresses to lie found in tht Eastern markets, among which may he had, Mozambique*, Celliqnes, Kitinrnay Checks, Union Checks, Slmjierds Plods; Linen Lustres, Silk Poplins, a fall, and complctestock of fancy and plain. Flannels and Shirtings, Linen, Muslin, Ladies and Gents Gloves and Hosiery, and a tremendous stock of Austin Kelly! &' Co’s Patent Hoop Skirts, front four tp fifty springs, which) f sell at least 25 per cent, below Philadelphia retail prices. Also a great variety pf'Cloaking Cloths, varying in price from 75 ets to if 2,25 perymd, and the largest as sortment of Gassmtcrs Satlinetts Tweeds, Jeans, eet„ that is to be found in the country. Carpeting end oil chjths in great variety at lowest prices. LOOK.—My; stock of groceries are selling a few pent* below my would-be-rivals, who “caul see it.’’ The cash system syrups still range from 40 to 70 eis. porj gallon. Government wff.*, bought before the lutie Ittie heavy-advances,' I iuto selling at' •22 cts t tH.atnd. lr is sujf no** to ai) the new : fancied sub-dimes :;ow selling. BEHOIJV—Our res- - raptr*- f.«*m the low prictf of (><» et-». it r {sumd, upwards | KXO KLS I O R.—On nwuid-bc’eompeiitors | stand aghast when they know we haw the heavies: ; an*l h’>:t assorted stock of crockerv, china, glass i and delph ware to he found- in uiu establishment < between Philadelphia and I*l tshmgh. and fliat we .sell cheaper than they con hay. “ Thev are : superb,” w ih»» common exclamation on examin ing our China Tea Sets, ranging in price from ‘ *“l2 to $2O, which is lower than thev can bo pur . chased ;u I'i.f-hargh. We are wiling to people f*tuo nil rhe >unoundiug i-ounrjcs. heejuw; we : k's*p a l>r*gc stock from which to select, and sell cheap. One examination will suffice to co ivineo ant "lie that we a e not patting our good*. Ali kinds, of cmuncnal flower vases, mug*, I giasswsii-*. and in fact all kintls of crockerv evei* j imagined, \w keep on hand* We are s ill selling ! rbc ceSebruted Wedgwood I'xm Stone Sets tor : •* >.OO, which is 2" cts. cheaper than thev can Iki bought for in Philadelphia or Pittsburg retail n»a rket. ‘ I can’t see how* it is done?” is the query. Well, we wIU tell you the secret—it is vnsth ouig. By t :, .;< meant lam enah! -d to increa-e mv busi ness amt >o*ek s’c.ulily, while other establishments ar‘ _:!;■ *I to theirs. We are not com piled to add large prori s to make up for losses hv hud d -lbs. and we save by }iaying cash for goods | instead of buying on lime and paving a higher ! hg'irc. i-ATMKKS & MOTMKKS Our stock of chilit re*?carnages and coaches giv just tin: tiling . for tuov- wlm value the health of their children | more than the small amount we change for them. ; Those who use n carriage once will, never go luick to the old-fashioned. wav of dragging children around in their arms, tall and see our stock of ilif.mt carnages mid cabs. * Wheeler & Wilson’s Sewing Machine, of which j 1 am the sole Agent for Blair .and Huntingdon i conn as. are the h *st machines ever used. They j arc (crf.-ct ami warranted for two years. Ido no j ask you n> buy miles,- yon are satisfied von are sa i ving money \ix so doing. | Altoona .\(ay, yth. IBii3 i A CARD TO Tin: SUFFKUING. Tin* lti*v \\ in. wliilt; laboring us it \Uu.sj.iDiin i i i •b,|.ui;. wuk cui fd ofCuiiMi.uptitm. wlmiuiil otlmr menu i Into tioirti. by a n-cijn* obtaincil from a- learned physician J in ii? >;n‘al oily "i Jc ileprv.-»*iou caused by dirtordur*. 1 Dl-miuuk ..r bemliti'.iji Htb r h. I wdl « L -u many aisymptom? l i‘ , /.x/'/y thfm Morn'])’ Try it An l ifc the |£n*a;‘‘Sf i-vil übich can befall MAN OR WiiM\S \vm pinna »m>. m-truted ji« uiiv*TtMf'iwii, himJ if you ' tii - Adverti^'-iiK-iH A i»*l H«-ml for ir a? once ill" (}i* lii'u-M- nf I and IwUntiims. HAIL ROAD AND MAIL SCHEDULE, •UAA.NS nUKIVK A.\D ptl‘AUl litJtiuion* £xj>i W.-xf !Triv< : -4 6..10 A>i k*:tvi-n T.lo A. M IMhUkI T« - 7.i0 •• •• {j.lkj •• K..m Lit.., •• l' M. h 36 I* M M.til It;iii. •• •• 7.V11' K.\ 11 !'<■>* T F.;-.? Lite -.v.i! Ti! t •i I T-riH'-'ii I i<-lhtl.i\ -iniru Hnim-ii nut r.. connect w»G F\|-n-*-« Tmiun Mml Train U! ,.J Wu-t audThro AiL immoouii o> Tfiiln Kn*t.- ; I'i'o 0• ■ Ole .rlt *l*l RroiH. lin.l IlnM Ksirl i It It rr,!j 1.. r .ici.-ta with Exjircss ITiun West un j Msii Tr.trn 1.:i,-t mid West tisfi-tt: Tlir.wiui*vh. An jmiirfpa table tile given. Term* rea-mmihle. i*<»r furtoee information inquire on the preniine* Aug 18-.lt* ||. \V 2 Mitjoi-G.'nemls-, Sraie>rncn, JUO B, ig.-G.merals, 27 Divines, 2 >!i ( uluneis, 1 1 (J Authors. H 4 Lient.-Coloncis, ;3 I Artists, 207 Other Officers, ' 1:12 Stitjte, 60 Navy Officers, jl«. Prom’in’m Women 147 Prominent loivign Portraits. 2,000 copies of Works of art, li;eliHiniic rriir.diictK.ns „f tli« most ctlel.rated ffiierr Vilijcs. I’aintiPKH, Statues. 4c. C-I sen( tut pecsit,. i’- ■];; » r tZ *i ,r o*®-" i'iotuoks from < >u By ■ nxtl ? uf tl-SO, «nd «... PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. Of th Br Wr nmiiiiiiu-tuin a great Variety, ranging in price from 5» cents t.. $6O each. 1 OnrAL.OM have the reputation uf lieing nup-iior n l-sutv aid •iur..bl .ty to any others. The smaller kind can lie sent ash-ly iiy limit at a (Mintage n six cents ner UK The mure expensive esn liem-nt by express. " e ultto kPt'ji H large nsairtniebt «»f Stereoscopes ani Sietmscnpic Views. Our catalogue uf tllese vv II In. sent to any addreM on r. CPlpt of Ht4«up. K. & H, T. ANTHONY. MAXUKAtITCK,.ItS Of I’ll JTOUItA I*lll, ’ MATr.HIALS. 501 Broadway, New York. Fr ends ..r relatives p,.,,,, military in u mil eun fer a fnvi.r iiy sending u. th lr tikeneaso, t.. copy. Tlie> will lie kept ■•arefully .lint reluiTied niii jiired ” FINK ALBUM.' MAUF, To Oltl.tsit }TIL repuhn, t ,r rr T 1 Iboq.irs, nr r.r other purpura wltV. snu.il.le 10.crii.i1...!.. Ac. Anx. Is, iB6S-B.ii. TW-olMllvi O TKACUHBA— AN KX ■f , s'uioiuion of Teatdiers to tak- charge of ,-l ven rte.,,18 in l.ngnii t..«..J|,ip aril, be held in the 1,..nd..„-vill «dr....l house mi F. Iday, Aiixn.t -Jlst ISBii wh r- .|i auoli cams are requested toatien l. Ten,, ~r«ih,.,| „| x l- comwpuc* Mt H*p|.«ck \ »-* WZX AIM:A M u iu'p 1 It.M)A( I,v VI. Si J l Pi)UTKHS, Tpds aT\ o and Shoulder Brates f.. r sale at ’- ,r O. W KKSSjKBK’S. R. A. O. KERR. tv. WM. rogijßOVl*:. ■Wd Fu!t"ii Avenue. H: onkl) n. \. Y MliU or FrOH.lh’ fur Ilotinl'uluV. Tak- no other Cure** *.iu I’. M.. h*a v.-m y i>i |> M 1.10 A M . •• 1.15 a. >. 7 I ’ 1U 1 3c.J5 .MAILS ARRIVE. : 40 A. M 7.uu i*. .M 1 .Jo A M T.-io A .M 73u A. £ 7.0 u p. M MAILS CLOSE O.W. PAVIO », P.M luhc h over fLw> •ctif (to which addition* ki» EmlutsuL- Afpm Dr. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LI NI ME NT, THE GREAT REMEDY } Fail RHEUMATISM. GOUT. NEURALGIA LUMBAGO. ?Tl*?'F NKCR AND JOINTS, SPRAINS* BKUIBRS, CUTS AND WOUNDS. PILES, HEADACHE* AND ALL RHEUMATIC AND NER VOUS DISORDERS. i Tor all of which it is * speedy nor) certain remedy, ami never fails. This Liiiim**nt is pre|wtr*d from tlie recipe ot Dr, Stephen Swwt. or Connecticut the famous hone aett»*r. and has la**n used in h*s practice for mofe than twenty. yeariMviMt the most.iiBUmi(di!nK success. AS AN ALLEVIATOR OT PAIN, it is Unrivalled by any preo ration Indore the public, of ahlch dm most skeptical may be convinced by h eitiple trial. This; Liniment will cure raj i lly and radically. RHEU MA'Flfc DISORDERS of every kludrand I* thousands of; lt has liwii used it has never been known to foil. TOU NEURALGIA, it will afford Immediate relief in every case, however distres.dng. Ir will relieve the worst cases of HEADACHE in three oilnuteeuiid is varran ed to do it. TtMjrriiACUlft also will It cure Instantly. . FOR NRRVOUS DEBILITY AND GENERAL LASSI TUDE Arming friim imprudence or eXcena, thin Liniment wu mrtieH of DR. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT when u-a‘d according to direction*. Also. CHILBLAINS FROSTED BEET, AND INSECT BITES AND STINGS. Pr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut fne Great Natural Bone Setter. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut f> kn«/*rn all over the United States. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut Us the author uf '*• Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment.*’ Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Cures Rheumatism and never fails. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment It a i-artain r m-.-Jv fur Neuralgia. Dr. Sweets Infallible Liniment Cures Otirus p.ud Scald, Immediately. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment l» the beet kmj.ii reiuedy fur Sprains ami U;i!ie--« Dr Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cun>? Headache immediately audaraa ueverkuuwn tofai. Dr Sweet’s Intullible Liniment Afforda immediate relief f*r Piles, and seldom Ikila to cun Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Cures Ti*othache in one minute. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Cure»-Cuis anti W uuuds immediately and scar Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment ' Is Eli-- remedy fur sores in the known world., Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment iu» been Used by more time a million people, and ai it. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment L'akea-intei nally cores Colic, Cholera Mur hm, sad Cliolen Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment l.i truly n •• trieud in need,” and every family should ha* • t ul baud. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment 1» f..r Mile by all Druggists. Price 25 and 50 cents. A FRIEND IN NEED. TRY IT. DK SWEETS INFALI IDLE LINIMENT, as an el terual remedy, is witiumt a rival and will alleviate pan .iijity spe,silly Ui ii ai j otner preparation, For all hhei lialic and >, rvoii Disorder- It l« truly mb,libte. and a. i on ative fur Sore., Wounds, Sprains. bruises. Ac., ft <,»,thing. healing and powerful airengthentng tut,peril, •geite the Just wonder and astonishment ol ai who ha* •ver given it a- trial. Over one thousand certiorates , einarkalile cures, perlorueu by it. within the hot t»- yoHiOv Hitest the (act. TO HORSE OWNERS'! DR.SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LIMMENT FOB HOUSE: s unrivalled by any, aud in all eases of LamenessTarielii ftimrSphmis. Bruises or wrenching, its effect is Ima-K-i md certain. Ilarness or saddle Galls, Scratches, Uangi *c .It will also core sjie. d ly. gpatin and Ringbone nia e* easily prevented and cured in tlielr inripleiit stage,' ■nt Confirmed cases are Is-yol ,1 Ibe pus-lbilityof a rad, m! carc. ,No case of the kind, however, is so desperate o, ■ofielna but it may be alleviated by this Liniment; aud it blthfhl application will always remove the lameness, an, , mole the horses to travel with comparative ease.’ EVERY HORSE OWNER slioult) have this remedy at hand, for Its tlmelynse at th* .irstn of I ntnenen will effectual!) piwefa: »riiililnb)v U> which all hum* arr (table, am vhlch render so many otbm wise valuable horses nearV vvurthlevs. • PR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT IS TUB / friend. xyt Tuudil It truly iXD JN NF^ Soldier’s A til thousands ha' A FJJIEI CAUTION. To *VMj*f lmp eijcnatttr* aiwi liftmen on p?ery lab**L ajtdiO«o‘*gt*|ih*» 1 frfitlllblr* Mniment** Chiwn ln tbe |. Bnt» Proprietor*. Norwirh. Ct MORGAN 4 ALLRN. fl-n'n*l Akm»». ■ , « nttrstrw*; **&**». WL Soh bv all »i«alf‘r6 ever} where. December 4,1802.-1?. JN NEED! HELMBOLD’S GENUINE PREPARATIONS “ HIGHLY CONCENTRATED” COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A Positive and Sped Ac Remedy For DL*aees of the BLADDER. KIDNVYS. GRAVEL ' AND DROPS!(AL SWELLINGS. Tills Medicine increases the power of Di(tretion. and ex cites the ABSORBENTS into healthy aclton, by which the WATERY OR' CALCAREOUS depositions, and all UN NATURAL ENLARGEMENTS, are reduced, as well as PAIN s.an INFLAMMATION, and la good for Mkm. Wo mix oa CuiLoan. lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHI). R>r weakness arising from Excesses, Usbits of Dissloa lion, Early Indiscretion or Aboan. AT*TKNDKD WITH THE FOLLPWIAO r YMPTOMB: ludiepoaiiiiin to Exertion, Difficulty of Breathing, Imh Ilf Memory low of Paver, Week N erven, 1 Trembling. Ili.tror oflllseair, Wakefulness. Dimness of Vision, I’eln in the Back, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System. Hot Hands, Flushing of tbe Body, . Dryuees of tbe Skin, Eruptions of tbe Face. -PALLID COUNTENANCE. These symptoms, if allowed to go on. which this medi due furariab’y removes, soon follows InroTnacT, FsTDITk • p it*| rnc Fits, in one of which tbe patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by hose -DUIEFUL DISEASES,” •INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION/’ Many are aware of thwcpuie of their suffering, DDT NONE WILL CP.NFhhS THE KKCPKDT Ot TUB INSANE ASYLUMS, And the melauchuly Deaths by CousunipUuu bear am pie witness to the truth ol the assertion. HIE CPNSTIXUUPN ONCE AFFECTED WITH OE. PANIC WEAKNESS, inquires the aid of medicine to strengthen and iLTtgor .te the System, which HEMBPLD’S LXTKACT DCCUC availably does. A trial will convince the meet skeptical FEMALES! FEMALES!! U.D OB Tobno, Slsqle, Msbriis ok CmtimPLATtKO Ms Rises. In many affections peculiar Pi Females, tbe EXTRACT • UOHU isquiquaiiU by any otiier tern uy. as in Uiforo 1« or Detention. Irregulai uy, I niuiuliies. or Suppression fLnstomafy Evacuations, Dlcetuied or Sclrrliona slate ■1 the Ulytas. Leuoorri.ee or W bites. Sterility, and for all. ouipla hits mcmem 111 tile sex, atisiug Item in. iscretitqi. Habits 01 Dissipation, or in tbe DECLINE or CHA.NGE OF LIFE. «« bYunvho akuti. Xo Family Should be Without It. Take uu more Balsam, Mercury, ur unpleasant Uedicin* ■ruup eaaa!it aUddau K erous disease*. fIELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCttU. A*\D Improved Hqse Wash COKES BECBE& DISEASES lu all tlieir stage*. •lUlv or uo ctmtige iu Diet, •AUU Uu CzpofQlV. 1 cause* a frequent demrr auu give* itrength to Urinate, jiereny Removing obstruction., Preventing amt Cttrinr tiictuns Ul ttie Urethra. Allaying P.iu and Ti.ri....- >.u so frequent iu the eta*, uf . « rtna whatever canae origin, tinge.nd no matter at IloW LONG STANDING. Disease* of these organ* require the aid of a Dnwio UELMBULD'S EXTRACT BUCUU 1 tlle oreat i'itutane, awl Is certalnto hare the tfect in ail disease* for which it la repomutendod. i Evidence of the must reliable aud responsible chanietar ■ i’l ammipanj the modlciue*. Certificate* of Cures, from eight to twenty yearn stand, ug, with mtmee known touch nee and i erne., ! sl,oo Per Bottle, r Six for $6, Delivered to any addrae, securely packed from u> ob orvatiuu. • ■ ■ Dctofiu Stnpkws u u± Oroannocanotn] Carve Guaranteed, -Adrico Wrath!. ; AFFIDAVIT; Perea Dally appeared belbie me. an Alderman at the bite I PhUadelpbia, H. T. lUuoulb. who briny daly .worn, «th«y Ilia piejaratioD contain* no y, or other iujnrluua drug*, bat are purely regrtalde. : U.T.UEIiIE&b • Sworn and nbcciibed before me, tb s' 23d day ember, ISM. W.P. UimiAHD. Alderman. MatbStoaboToßabeil’blia. Addreu letters for Information la 11. T.'HKLUBuU), Chbinl* Depot, 104 Sooth Tcntb-St- below. Cheat] at, .■ ' ' llbUadWpWa.fcto. lEWAKE OF COtTNTEKFEITS AND DM PRINCIPLED DKAI.KKB, .''--'i-i Who endeavor to dispose “ob thqs own” and < mime* rtides on tba reparation attained by » UetmboM'a Oeanine do Extract Bucbo, do do do Sareaparllla, ' «' *» do Jmpr Ted Eoee ■ | v: , , EM bj Drnyglsts every-o her*. ’ tjllmji' Ift* ' ut Jbeadborftoaent *Ol send Ibr U,aadsTaUiai od expuawre, " ' "" .feptamUk nib, » i At little Kipeoae, Ko iiKeureuieece