4 JOINT RESOLUTION PROPO <®m"N AMENDMRNTS TO TUK *; J^ Urtd h* <”•>* »*“ V flfPmnUoln’W ?T "" in OcntraZ Wy mrf. That the foUuWfogaxneDd moots be proposed to ibe Constitution of the Commonwealth. in accordance ,with the pensions of the tenth article thereof: There ehall be an additionaleecti«« to the third article of the Constitution, to be 4arigo*teil a» eertion four, aa follow; * Section 4. Whenever any of tbo qualified electors of this Commonwealth shall betiraoy actual military service under a requisition from the President of the United 'tales, or by authority of this Commonwealth, such electors may exercise the right of suffrage in all elections by the clti xeos. ttndar additional sections to the eleventh article of the Constitution, to be designated as sections •eight and nine, as follows: Sections. No bill shall be passed by the Legislature, containing m ,te than one subject, which shall be clearly expressed In tnhtlt.e, except appropriation bills. SECTION 9. No bill shall be imaged by the Legislature granting any powers, or privileges, in any care, where the authority to grant such powers, or privileges, has been, or may hereafter be, conferred upon the courts of this Com* munwealth. ; JOHN OKBBN \. Speaker e(f-Qtt Bcmtc of JSeprtteniaUvts. JOHN P. PJSNNKY. Speak* the Benoit. Ovne* «r taa fimiTAiT or ra* CnMMoinnui.Ta,) _ iUMWOTift, inlylst, 18b3. / ninuuiuu. I do hereby certify that the foregoing and annexed is a full, true and cor restcopy of theorigi *al Joint Keeo i seal ; lution of the General Assembly, eutl thid **A Jo nt ReeolotiuD proposing certain Amendments to the Constitu tion.” as the same remains on file in this office. In TKBTIMONT whereof I have hereunto ' set my band, and caused the seal of the Secretary’* office to be affixed, the day and year above written. , KLI BLIFER. Secretary of the Qmmonwtaiih. July 7,1868.-te. THE Ui\ION_FOREYER! oo6d"nbwsi Godfrey woi*f would respectfully announce to the. citizens, of Altoona and vicinity ’.but he has opened a CLOTHING STORE, On Comet* of Main and Caroline Streets, where be will keep on band a. Urge stock of ready-made clothing consisting of DHKSS COATS, PANTALOONS, VESTS. OVERALLS, KNIT JACKETS, Ac., at Philadel phia prices, H*ATS A CAPS! 1 have a large and varied stock of bats and caps which it will be to-the advantage of ill to examine before pur chasing elsewhere. Also, a fice stock of Gents’Furni-h -ing goods, such as shirts, collars, handkerchief*, Suspenders. Gloves Hosiery, Ac. Determined to aell.fl have marked my goods at the very lowest figures, and leel confident that ail will be satisfied wlth *he price and quality of my stock. Altoona. Way 12. 1860. rjiUE Early Physical Degeneracy of AMERICAN PEOPLE. JUST PUBLISHED BY DE. A. STONE Physician to the Troy Lung and Hygienic Institute. A Treatise on the Cahses of Early Physical decline ol American People: the cause of Nervons Debility, Con sumption and Warasmu*. This wmk is one of high moral tone, written in chaste, yet thrilling Unguaga, am! appeals directly to the mural consciousness of ALL PARENTS and Guardians espe cially. detailing scientific aud reliable aids and treatment for cure. It will be sent by mail on the receipt of two (3 cent) Stomps. Parents and Guardians' Fail not to send and oh sain this hook. Young men I Fail not to send and gel tois booh. g££*Ladies! You too should at once secure a copy ol this book. A Word of Solemn Conscientious Advice to those who witt refect . A class of maladies prevail to a fearful extent in the community, dooming at least 10U.000 youth of both sexe? anuiially to an early grave. Tho*e diseases are very im perfectly understood. Their external mani citation, or symntons are Nervous Debility, Relaxation aud Exhaus tion;’ Marasmus or wasting and consumption of the tissues of the whole body; Shortness Cf breathing or hurried breathing 011 ascending a;hill or flight of stairs; great pal pitation of the Ueart; Asthma. Bronchitis and sure Throat; shaking of the Hands.and limbs ; aversion to so ciety aud to business or study: dimness of eye sight, lo*- of Memory, dirtiness of the Head, Nemalgia, Pain in va riuas parts of the body; pains in the back 01 limbs, Lum bago, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, irregularity of Che bowels deranged secretions of the Kidney* aud other glands ut the body, as Leuconhoea or Fleur Aibus, Ac. Likewise Epilepsy, Hysteria and Nervous Spasiha. Now In ninety-nine coses out of every one hundred, all of the above n«m> d disorders, aud a host of others not named, as Consumption of the Lungs and that must in aidious and wily form of consumption of the Spinal Nerves, known as Tabes Dorsales, and Tabes mesont rica have their seat and origin in diseases of the Pelvic Viscera. Hence the want of success on the pai t of old school prac tice in treating symptoms only. Dr. Andrew flume, i hysiciau to the Troy Lung and ily gienic I ustitutkm, Is now engaged in treating tins chu* of .-modern maladies with the must astonishing success The treatment adopted by the Institution is new; it U based upon scientific principles, with UeW discov red rem edies; without minerals or poisons. The facilities ol cur« are such tliat patient* can be cured at their homes, in any part of the country, from accurate descriptions of theii case, by letter; and h»v* the medicines sent by Mail 01 express. Printed int-rrogatorie* will be kirwarded on ap plication. 4 Catarrh and diseases of the throat cured *e well atihe Home of the Patients as at the In ttitaUon, by sending the Cold Medicated Inhauno Bat sahiO YaMRS, with inhaler and ample directions for their us, and direct correspondence. applying fur ioterrogatives or advice, must sn«si ietwni stamps, to meet attention. Physician will be . fonod at the In - g OQnsultatlon, from 9 a. m. to 9p. m., each day. Sunday in the forenoon. Address DR. ANDREW STONE. Physician to the Tmy Lung and Hygienic Institute, and Pkyskian for Diseases of the Heart, Throat and Lungs, 96 Fifth Street, Troy, N. Y. Altoona, Dec. 30th, 1862.~iy. From th.© Frontl Subscribers would respectfully I JMBWSlice to th)e cltfeene of Alt* ona And vicinity. dSt returned from the Knit with their SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF HATS & CAPS, BOOTS Sc SHOES. Their (tuck uf HATS di CAPS have been se tae ted with great C«re, end with the view of initio* all who may (avur them with their patronage. Their line ol Boots end Shoes is complete. Their LADIES' MISSES and CHILDREN'S SHOES ere of City make, end werrented. Their Balmoral Shces for ladiee end ' leere, ere Just the thing for wet weather end saving beeith Thankful to the public for their very liberal patronage heretofore, they hope to merit acentiDnance of the same. Shire on MAIN ST. next doer to Bowmen's Exchange Hofei. SMITH 4 MANN. Altoona, May 13. 1883. CO XFECTIONERY AND ICE C&EAM SALOON, r |'HE SUDSCKiBEK WOULD 1N- I FORM IhecitiaejM of Altoona and vicinity that hia (JTSTBCTIONKUT, JtDT and RRUIT STORE, is always •applied-with the very bent articles to be had, and in great >arlety. lie Baa alapan ICE CKEAM SALOON Attached to bit store, in whlchhewflleerre rip ICE c KEAM the best style daring the seaeoo. FRESH-RAKED BREAD, C AKES, & PIE J, »lway* an band, at reoaonabl* rate*. Up feat all time* prepared to enpply cakea, candle*. Ac. for pte-nics and other partite. Uc invite* a share of pnbtlc palruwi.fi.bi IlniMnf fhnt be can render fall eMlelkctiont o all. SUBimber.bisstore and saloon Is onTirgtaiastreet.two door IMO* PMton’» Hftl). OTTO BOttl, < Alteona. April?*, 18«S-tf. WM. S. BITTNER Dental Surgeon. i'\FFICIS IN MASONIC * f TEMPLE, next dour to the Post Office. "• f i f Dr, B. would respectfully inform tbo citisens of Altoona and sunvundlng country. that be Is prepared to insert AETIF.CLAL TEETH! - trout a »togi«itqoth to a full set. Ip the meet supiTlorstyle, fiH GOLD, SILVER OB VULCANITE BASE. It wonldbe to the adrantagv of *ll persona desiring DttgUb| tefgftJto jSB.il at hl» offlcs Retire g big uMtrbarv, ir wilt beapnoas beauty or durability. Khh£raJ|l Tbit Holltdaysbnrg and vicinity when ■ detirtd. [Feb. 17. U63-tf. NORTH WARD AHEAD! NEW GOOES! NEW GOODS! AT OLD PRICt S. T ’. HR UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE » ape. • allsr infonu the citisens of Altoona and sur rounding country that he has just returned from the east, where .te has bhen selecting his stock of Spring and Sum mer Goods, wqifeb fhr style, quality and Price cannot be surpassed In this neck of country. His stock , is: much larger than heretofore, and, as it is quite an object in these war-exciting times fur every one to purchase where they can get tip BEST articb at the LOWfcST PRICK, be would sav that he can and will sell AS LOW. if not A LITTLE LOWIKH THAN ANY OTHBK HOUSE In this place He wishes all to call and see bis stock before par ciuuing elsewhere, as he feeU confid< ut be can offer in ducementt which will DEFY COMPETITION. His stock consists of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. MEN AND HOYS’ SUMMER WEAR, LADIES’ AND MISSES’ DRESS SHOES. MEN AND BOYS’ BOOTS AND SHOES, MEN AND WOMEN’S HOSE, HATS AND CAPS, Ginghams. Lawns. Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, Dried Peaches and Dried Apples. Plain and Canvassed Hams. Ac., Ac., Ac. He will sell the AMKRICAN PRINTS at PAST MADDRB COLORS, FANCY DKLAINES, from 12J£ to 26 “ Fine Bleached MUSLINS yard wide. 12U '• % “ 1« *• « “ BY* “ yard •- 12J4 “ 8 and 10 " from Bto 16 : “ Heavy Unbl’cbad “ •• .» a LAWNS, LADIES’ SLIPPERS, from 40 to 60 “ Fine. French, Sewed. Heeled BOOTIES. $1 25 “ Pegged 1 00 MEN’S CALF BOOTS. 2 76 “ GOAT *• 260 BOYS’ GOAT, r farther irifbnnation .inquire of Wm. Boydon. J. B Hilcman. Jahies Lowther, A. Maxwell, H; C. Dorn, or Jno. A. Baer, School Directors. '•I WM. BOTDEN. May 12, lBfS-tf.} Pres’t Altoona School Board. CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON ,C. BE ITER respectfully an i7JL uoariCe* to the Ladies and Gentlemen [ot Altootsi and has opened a : f OONPtsbtfONK&T AND ICE CREAM SAtOON, iik Jetae Smify*** old sUtncL, on Virginia ttrtei. bpp'tiie the LUTHERAN CHURCH, where she will' keep on hand a choice tot of confectioneries nnta. fruit, 0 kes, etc, wuicb she will sell at the must n! Dnrii«tls"MSnn she will also ksep tee Cream, of differ ent flavora. which s a will take p e sore in Herring to ens ensti at all hoar* of the day and evening, diva rasa nail, and I will give satisfaction. April 2Ut.lSffS.-em. EXCELSIOR OCR MOTTO! On the comer of Branch and Annie Streets, AN ENTIRELY mw STOCK OF GOODS! Having disposed of the entire stock of old goods in the above stand at anc t.on. we desire to say to the public that we have just opened out an ENTIRELY NEW STOCK to which we invite the attention of the public. We are determined to sell at the Our stock embraces a large and complete as> ortment of LADIES’CHESS GOODS, consisting, ip part, of plain and fancy Silks, all-wool De laines. Alpacas. Chailic Delaines, plain ami figured Berege. Lawns. Ginghams. Ducais, Dp Barge. Travelling Dress Goods, and all the lucent*. 10 M! en 9 s "W ear. We have received a large and well selected stock <}f GEN TLEMEN ’8 DRESS GOODS, such as Cloths, plain and fancy Caasimeres. Cashmercta. Tweeds, Jeans. Corduroys, Beaver Teens. Velvet Cords, and other fashionable goods for men and boys. WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen, Cambrics, Victoria Lawns, plain and dotted Swiss. Hobioets, Edgings Ac. We have a large & sortment of Ladies’ Needlework Col lars and Sets. Dress Trimmings, JRil boos- Gloves. Gaunt lets, Mitts, Hosiery, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties. Veils. Ac. Also. Ticking. Checks, bleached and un bleached Muslins, Cotton and Linen Diaper, Crash. Ac. Also, a fine assortment of SPRING SHAWLS. J. A. SPRANKLK. North Ward. We have leceived a large lot of BOOTS AND SHOES, LADIES' GAfI'EHS, HATS & CATS. SHAKER BONNETS, &c.. which we are determined to sell cheaper than ever QTJ EEENSWA »*f Flue-Cut Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, which will he found of a superior quality. TOBACCO. SMOKING.—Long. No. 1. No. 2, Nos. 1 and 2 mixed. Granulated. S. Jago. Spanish, Canaster, Turki-h. FINE CUT CHEWING —V. A. L~ or plain. Cavendish, or Sweet, Sweet Scented Oronoco, Tin Poll CavendUli. N. llfi circular of prices will be Bent on application April 14. 63.-1 v.j A. Benefit to AIL A trial will prove the fact , and fact* art stubborn things. VfISBLER’S HERB BITTERS ITJL ARB successful in every case no family should be without hand a large supply *. STOV KS qf aH PiiUerm such as Cook, Pari* Office aoci Shop Bto>-. which he will sell at the most reasonable prices. A large supply will always be kept on hand. TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE, in i;rear variety, always on hand. ROOFING & SPOUTING pul up on short notice. Uo has also attached a copper-smithing room to his establishment and will keepon band an assortment of cop per and brass kettles, tc. All kinds of job work promptly attended to. April 2lBt. 1*63.-tf STEPHEN WINTERS. Tthe undersigned respect fully informs the public that he will tinue Co keep a BOOT & SHOE STORE,W in the room recently occupied by Roberta and Rutherford. The business heretofore carried on by them will, in the future, be in the name of JOHN U. ROBERTS. lie will keep constantly on hand a complete assort' meat of Boots & Shoes, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, itc . &c , &c whi-h he will offer at fair prices and warrant to be o the best material and manufacture Particular attention will be given to CUSTOM "WOIRJS:, in which he warrants to give entire satisfaction. an he buys thebest stock and employs none but the best workmen. Remember the old stand, on Virginia Street, one u*or East of KeMler’f* Drug Store. Oct. 10 1862-tf JOHN H. ROBERTS. I,'AHMERS NOTICE—The ff undersigned is starting a Tannery, and wish es to Guy or trade fur 400 CORDS of good ROCK OAK BARK, and als« for HIDES, for which the highest market price will be paid. Altoona. April 17. ’62-tf. LOUIS PLACE. C. C. iSERVLR & SOK Paper, Envelope and Printeis’ Card WAREHOUSE, No. 513, MINOR STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA., Have constantly on hand FLAT CAPS, LKT7EK AND NOTH. MAXILLA PAPER, PACKET POST, HARDWARE, FOOLSCAP, PRINTING PAPER, ENVELOPE COLORED PAPER, BINDERS, TRUNK, STRAW AND BOX BOARD, TISSUE. SHOE, AN*) TEA PAPERS. PRINTING AND MANILLA PAPER made to order. June IC, 1863. DYSPEPSIA, J. G. ADLUM, Notary Public, ALTOONA. BLAIR CO., PA. Can at all times be found at the store of J. B. Hlleman. October 1. 1857. Groceries an d provisions.— A large and varied stock uf FRESH GROCERIES AMD. PROVISIONS, just received, and for sale ah clicap as the cheapest, at MURPHY A McPIKK’S Store, Cor. uf Virginia and Caroline stp. Altoona. June 26,1862. A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALTOONA FAIR VIBW CEHBTKBY ABBOCIA TIoN will be held on the second Thursdayeveuing ot each month, in the Council Room. M. CLAtyACOU, Jas. Lowthss, President. Secretary. [May 15-*62] A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Gent’s Model Improved SHlRTS—Caesimer© and Muslin Shirt*—fine and coarse white and colored-at LAUGHMAJTS. OYES! 0 YES! GENTLEMEN draw nirh and hear. JOSEPH P. TROUT knnoun cestothe p*iw«ic, that he is ready to discharge his duty as an Auctioneer whenever called upon. fjan.2 *56. New and improved styles of Tranks, Tallies and Carpet-Bags. at LAUGHMAN’S. New winter beady made Clothing just received at LADGEMAITS. t. BRADBURY. Spectacles and eye preser vers (hr oils at 11-tf.l K KSSI.RK'S, \TKN AND BOYS"COATS, of every IT 1 etyle and color, of good quality.at LAUGHMAN’S. \| USIC!—INSTRUCTIONS GI^EN it| od the W»no-Forte and Melodeou, by M. SHOEMAKER. Tsaxs. $lO per quarter. No charge for the use of the Instrument. Residence on Catliarin* Street, West Altoona: fJan. 16.1862.-tf. Hb. MILLER, • DENTIST. (MR Office on Caroline street, between Virginia and Emma streets. Altoona. [Jan. JfO—2m* PURE WHITE LEAD AND £INC Paint, also Chrome. Green. Yellow. Pari* Green, dry ai d eronnd oil at . KKSPLfctT?. Great piles of pantaloons for Man and Boys, at LAUIiBMAN’B SEWING HP R. A. 0. KERR, STOVES, FOLIO POST AMEBIC Life Insurance and Trust C o. tIOMPANY’S BUILDING Southfttt ; Corner of Walnot and Fourth Streets, PhibuTa.’. Authorized Capital,«... $500,000 Paid up Capital, 250,000 Assets, 1,897,746 Incorporated 1850, by the Legislature of rennsyl- vama. Insnre, Um during the N»tur»l life or for short term,, grunts annuities and endowments. Wd makes contracts of ail kinds depending on the issue* of life. Policies i f Life Insurance tteued at the usual mutual rates of other good aunpanies—with profits to assured last Bonus January, 1861, helug 43 per cent, ol all pro* miuins received on mutual pylicies*"-at Joint Stock rules, 2U per cent lees than'the al*ore, or Total Abstinence rales 40 per cent, less than Mutual price.. Also, a NON FORFEITURE PLAN, By which a person pavs for 5. 7, or 10 years only, when the |«licv Is paid np fur Life, and; nothing more to pay; and should be be unable, or wish to discontinue sooner, the Company will issue a Pa» UP PoUCT. in proportion to the aniouut of premium paid, as fellows': On a Policy of $l,OOO, 5 Year 7 Year 10 Year after payment ot rates. rate*. rates. 1 Annual Premium* for $2OO 00 $142 86 $lOO 00 2 » 4»«0 00 286 70 200 00 4 » 800 00 571 4<> 400 00 € *‘ 857 10 600 00 g “ 800 00 ALKXANDIR WUILLDIN. President. SAMOKL WORK, Vice President. Joatf 8. WILsOK, Secretary. BOAKD Of 780*91X6. Alexander Whilldiu, J. Kdgar Thomson, Hon Jas. Pollock. ' Hon. Joseph Allison. Albert 0. Roberta, • Jonas Bowman, Samuel T. Bodlne. U. 11. Kldridge. George Nugent. ' John Aikman, William J. Howard, Chari a F. Heazlltt. Samuel Work. Any farther information can be had by applying to the undersigned, who is the snthsriufdageDtiitr B’airCounty. July SI. 1882 ly H. A. 0. KERR. PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON JIL LAMPS! Unrivaled in Beauty , Simplicity Safety or Economy. Ev„.y person desiring to obtain the very best and cheap est pv. table light within theft reach, should call at the store ~7 the undersigned and examine these Lamps before purcliaslng elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon strate Ut. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2d. That they emit no offensive odor while burning. 3 Docket* of all shoes, made and ruled to order. Trwiunsi and Yearly Assessments. Duplicates. Ac„ for county p un ‘ sea, printed or plain, ruled and bound to order. Coum, Dockets made of the beet linen paper. Librarians, and others, desiring to have their Books bound and at moderate prices, should give os a call. N?*,. paperrof the largest sizes. Harper's Weekly. Uleasou'l Pictorial. BeUons, Scientific American. Loudon N>*. bound ft order, and in any style required. Harper's Menu ly Magastne, Knickerbocker, Blackwood’s and tira*uau>. Magazines. Godey’s Lady’s Book, Lady’s Repository. pfUi son’s Uagamiee. Piano Musk. Ac., bound in extra the tnore plaln and substantial half binding. Select i*« ri phleto La# Magaainesi ParanlUel laws, hound in C brary style, at very moderate price**. Person* baviuc u number of volumes to bind, will receive alibml safely be sent to ns from a distance b v k, press, entail entrusted toour care will be .V*,-, dily executed. ’ safely packed ami returned by All work warranted. Address JP. L. HClTkk, Harritbwy, ft. tg§»HcCROM A DKRN, at the Tribune Office, an, ;tl agents fo AKuaam and tWaiftf. They will give infora* tion In relaties to UwUfin.Ma receive and return Uha fre*- from extra vbo eut.ust cbm work . my care. : - ; i:' {Starch 21. 1«h.2-i\ ONWARD ! EVER ONWARD : STEP BY STEP! The undersigned desirestd inform hla old .customers and the public general that be lias this spring gone into the Dry Good biuiiu and hat just received a largo and entirely new stork m' DRESS GOODS. tot the Ladies, embracing all the latest, pretiiestaodiu • FASHIONABLE PATTERNS. Ana among which may be found every quality nf gcr,.h> the names of which it would be too t odious to * numeral, lu the line of pure, fresh and cheap GROCERIES & PROVISIONS I will not “knock under” to any of my competitor*. U this department I feel sure that I can render nathfacu All kinds of country produce taken in exchange rr goods, and the highest market price allowed. Store on the corner of Annie and Helen streets. Lu-, Altoona. THOMAS IIKSLuf Altoona, May 22. lsfl2. BAKER AND CONFECTIONER. Virginia Street. Altoona. Pa,, Keeps constantly on hand BREAD, CAKES, CANDIE- ICE CREAM AND SWEETMEATS, of his own manufacture, wiucn c. Ij* prepared to *all, wh desale or retail. »t the most ivh> u> able prices, iiso, KOKEI iN FRUITS, hucli ua ORANGES, LEMONS, PINE-APPLET. FIGS, PRUNES, RAISINS, NUTS. iC.. a on baud in their respective st-asmie. CAKES BAKED TO ORDER, for particular occasions, on short notice and in tin* v-j -eat and best style of the art. Call* exam me and price my stock and you will ri f it as fjood and cheap as can he purchased elsewher**. Jan. 27.1863. General News Agency. OAK HALL v No.. 7, MAIN STRKKI SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOORS, STATIONERY, CONFECTION ARH' CIOARS & TOBACCO, TOYS AND NOTIONS IN GREAT VARIETY CONSTANTLY ON HAND October 24. Is6l. W. M. LLOYD & CO,, ALTO&S’A. Pa JOHNSTON, JACK & CO HOLLWA YSBVRO. !‘- (Late “ Bell , Johnston , Jack £ Co.' Drafts on the principal Cities, and Silver and Gold for sale. made. Moneys received on deposlte, payable on deowui. without interest, or upon time, with interest ar no* 4 - : Feb. 3d. 1859. 1,% W. KESSLER PRACTICAI \J • DRUGGIST, respectfully to the citizens of Altoona and the public erally, that he still continues the Drug on Virginia street, where he keeps constantly OQhhud.fbr sale. Wholesale and Retail. DRUGS, MJBfiICIKBS, CHBMICALS, OILS, VABNISU- M B 8 and - By strict attention to business, and a dwdre • UfkctSon to all as regards price and quality, b merit and receive a share of public patronage. Physicians and merchants supplied uu reasonable o ne* and Idl orders from a distance promptly attend'd »• Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded. JOHN BOWMAN OUK LADY FRIENDS WOl-U) I" well to look in upon the choke and ehM!» J mentof Sommer DBErS GOODS now dinil.jni °P 0! ' well.fllled ehelTeoof M’JRPHT * McPlht- Cor. of Virginia and Caroline si. Altoona, Jane 28,1882. OINK AND LARD OILS, CAM Jnn.'t'^Sr iDg nuW ’ C * rboD * c kVsk s ON HAND AT McCORMICK'S Store —A splendid assortment of Ready-sUde .cW • all Mid oee. \NoT t ("1 ROCERIES.- —A LARGE AM J compete assortment of Groceries have Just■ ' ceifed at the atore of J- R- HThb » Hair, hat, tooth, shavgg- Paint. Saab and Varnish Brushes at^ \ LL KINDS OR PRINTING TTMHRELLAS AND PA HA SOI.' IJ in Godless variety at LAyGHM-*- jJtonna, May 1,1862. . All styles carpeting aM 1 OibClotba can be (bund a* LAUOOMA^ 4 GENERAL AS&OU'JMENT Oj J_\_ Jewelry, Heir and Clothes BnahM. w P^t I knlT«.*i,at LaCGHMA;': A FINE ASSORTMENT OFOVJK CO AM can be M at hAVOU^ — Tj AIR OIL, COLOGNES, Sharing Cream. Toilet Soapi. YjgflgiKl HiiCTER'S OQ £ i «s 05 s .•= » os - .. 3 W «A ' t-2 a = . > §S %t\] <9* Ml Si < 5 ~■ « ® E- < 5 O® 25 g -W t ~ (J. 50 Og » U M o l| ?•? ‘co <=cf: i>*a- a |- E > S ; gsK|! 3*ir?i jaK;r OO s 1U EB^! JACOB WETS, H. FETTINGER’S BANKEES, -A j vfcCBUM & DERN, VOL. 8. Mjaskiugiim Valle ,i lig^SS i i .w * ■«•(« ' » STEAM WOK coßsn or Market and Third Streets, ZANESVILLE. OH ISJ* ABE NOW TURNING OfT A T T number' of our improve.! Portable Steam xud -*or table Circular Saw Millie m Wtdi aa S Eugiooa and Saw Hills, many uf which ar* fi-um Engine* Mi.ls: Haetstowm. Crawford Co . 1 May 13th. 1863. ' Messrs. J. A J. 11. Duvall•—tentfoswa.*—w> our Tweutv Horse Power P >rtablo Engine and : 5u g«v-d order. We an* perfectly satisfied with thing work* to *mf entire Hnti«faction—in foct 1>« «*Xp*ver hr Mtooiift. n\ af which he lias now on exhibition hl his new store loom on Virginia street, next, door yard’s store. His stock all th*t latest st SPRING AND SUMM HATS, Jf CA MISSES’ FI.ATS, &< •Us Stock of data and Capa are of the very best » ■'f eve y style. and shape, for both ukt and y< All be asks is that the people call and examine h and he feels confident that he can send them . D icing, if not in the purchase of such a»» artkl waiited. at the remembrance of haring looked t danaaomett stock of HaU, Caps. Plata, Acv, ever e inthlatown; I hare «Uo mi hand an entirely new su>ck of Ladies’ ao 1 (Childrens’ Hats and which I aop confident cannot be surpassed In the all of which ! will *cll.nt th e mot reasonable pr* aiem'ief the|HiUl of Fashion when yon want an; w line of head covering, and call on HijVM New Drug fc>to & BE KLIN & I'G:, A vNOU;N( t the &ttcene or Altoona ami ticmityUjal opened a Drug and Variety tftons in ' WQKK’S NKW BUILDINi F*T9»wi» stnet, bfhreen Juliamd Oaroi'ne 1 " where may las had ORUas, CBRMJCAL& eyH-.'TVFFS,' ; PATENT RKDICIXK.-i, PEHFV p*mi(s, pit. glass, pen r, ’“d ail uthor arttclm niu.ll} *oW hi the Drug , ' • PWt MEDICINES ■ ot ™* {jttraat and uaat quality, swi uur i “jj*! raarka <>r the beat mnnahteturr U0i1,,9r » •m* »thwa rtanir VAitNiaiiKu, xdr£Lm « ■ fhtty, fbint Bru s*e«, &uk Tao! i! tW tn bt ot ibc t WAWTT and at tuk taVKyri ■ and Uqaiirafor Madtefeal i «2A??fLV* jinUt pnrpdae* alvaya In attire i W.T.W qnwtly and p,inaptly ami JKNSff S