The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, August 12, 1863, Image 1

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    H.'S- X *
MdWrixtrattaibMf bwtiuc. 2SS”
•tgsiaK, Punsblat Itn, l~ond
'.*wy m&mt* price*.. Pm, £.tv: u ~
far-tf • I *o «»•>« , r
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m tzutomer* aa* the poUie inUni! v
dvwaiargcaad Mttnl; newetqSof
ess Goods
-mbnciat ell thiUton. pretßwt*a4 mo -
I * ““F be fcond every quality)*
iidi wmU b€ twt dioMjb'9»«sar*t«
s uneof pure, fresb *ud che*f.
k ooder" to any of my taapfiftm. In
I feM sure that I can render eMMwtitm.
«anto produce taken ip rxchen*. f or
**** market price allowed,
otwer of Annie and Helen atrv«a.£ati
*»* I W
Stmt. Altodka, Pa^
ofliia own .aeaan&ctnre, wfcich tic
wholesale or retatLat the moMrwon
m&xuiy mmsa, «ocb u
th«ir rwnrct/rr Kuans. ,
•nou. ob abort note* aad to the mi
ff tfce art.
I price my stock jam! jinn will find
at can be porcliaMd elatabwe.
3>&ws Agency.
a, No. 7, MAIN STREE'i
X>YD & CO-,
JXTOOS4, ex.
!, Jokntion, Jock I Co.”} ’
ramod Gold for •*!«. Qatfe***"/
rived tou depoait*, panbl* on fetniw.
upon dm«. with UttSaat
'JB. Oltß, VJJQa*B-£go
naianai. a»l a ilarirn to render ari
rpriiwjiail gnSty. b» bop*»
e fl-<t, ''
uwAa dot* and ißaß* ah"*-
Somno. mm tkr
'ilßrari iIeWKK, TitgtatoaadOmiaM **•
assortment rf
—A LAKON 44®
tret «f grnosri^Jmvoj^y^^ I*' 1 *'
tahiMi trmftai AT [|||||lr -A
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B 8 CAm
.1* ABfeOKT*tia« ,^f
mmA CS oftfccr
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| Having, witbin the put two pm-made coostderabl.
...Jitiuu ui oor entshllshgient in the of new £auc\
; P-. Screw Press. fhqlwCuner.Csrd Gutter, Boling H>
•uoe. Card Power .maL-Md lup JietraniDfcr Power
(a cut Of which we*l»enhs»e) we ate now prepared
•o "W* anything io the lioe ■rjMgWw or ruling in
- .tyi<‘ equal to aujf lntSk etntn, sod at
r.rice-* equally low. We csn execute, an short notice, all
Jeff Davis, Richmond, Va.
ramp Chowan, X. C„ Jan. 11, j
1 Excellenrii Davis: —lt is-with feelings of un
developed pleasure that an affectionate conscript
' entrusts this sneet of confiscated paper to the ten
j der merries of a Confederate Stales mail carrier,
‘ addressed, as it shall lie to yourself. 0, Jeff. Red
j Jacket of the (, alt and Chief of the Six Nations
1 more or less. He writes on the stump of a shiv
. ered monarch of the forest, with the 1 pine trees
■ wailing arounu him,' and ‘Eneymion s planet ri
j sing in the air.’ To you, 0, Czar of all chivalry
| and Khan of fiction Tartair, he appeals for the
privilege of seeking, on his own hook, an land less
j free—a home among the hyenas of the north.—
>ll you not halt your ‘ brave columns* and stav
! your gogeon- career for a thin space ? and while
an admiring world takes a brief gaze at vour glo
rious and God forsaken cause, pen for the happv
conscript a furlough without end ? Do so, and
mail it, if yon please, to that city the windy, wan
dering Wigfall didn't winter in; called for short
“The Elystan winds sweeping down the defiles
of the Old Dominion, and over the swamps tff Suf
folk, come mooning through the pines of the Old
Stale laden with the music, and sigh themselves
away into sweet sounds of silence to the far off
Sonth. Your happy conscript would go to the far
awqy North whence the wind comes, and leave
you to reap the whirlwind, and no one but yam
father, the Devil, to take and bind after you. ;
And he’s going.
“It is with intense and tpnltifariousiy proud
, satisfaction that he gazes for the last time upon
State Tkach***’ Association The State ° ar — ,lla! symbol and sign of an adored trin-
Teachers Association met in Beadin'? on .he A.h "‘Kgers, and chivalry. He still sees
M ra ‘he 4th It the little camp on the Chowan, tied to the
olajor UeDWal o'*® l ‘“ended the Assbcia- peak of its palmetto pole, and floating out overonr
turn and delivered as able address. Major General honhdleas confederacy, the revived relic of ages
Stahl Was also present and made a few remarks «°ne> bahner of onr king of few days and full of
££l^Jr'* d “ ,te
is place m Aognit next. j our nattonalty; us peak pointing hopefully towards
P-,:., ' : i~r. ” | the tropical stars, and its biggest end—run into
eiKE ALAB*.—An alarm of fire was raised this | ‘he ground. Belie and pole, good bye. Tis best
(Wednesday) momjng by the partial burning of a ■ conscript goes; his claim to chivalry has gone
small frame boose belonging to Jacob Good. Eso i , ore A il ?' ? ehin . J he lcave3 the legitimate chiv
on Caroline : *“7 °> this unbounded nation* centered in the ille
oo Caroline street, between Emma and gitimate son of a Kemneky horse-thief. I
strecU. The Good Will boys were out with their* ‘‘But a few more words, illustrious President.
Engine and Hose Carriages, bnt beyond a nice ! and is done—done, gone. (’ ’
XcsTEEra Out —The 54th rsriment Uu little 0,0 *ith “meraheen,” they bad no sport. ‘ ‘‘fteirMedby A eir , “brings and suffrages to
Col « r - regiment I*. V. M, the highest office in the gift of a great andcxcecd-
Joan McKeage, to which was altac ted Capt. f «*“Whew, hopr boil” is now a Stereotyped ,ng <“» people, you have held your position with-.i
uJ. Traces'company from this place, was mas- ! salutation. Well, it has been hot. is still hot. and onf 8 change of base, or purpose of any sort, through j
ont mivim TTnnHnn.w . .■« j‘ .« in. i ! ?» ' ‘ weaiy months of war, and want, and woe: and !
ftjiMmil ka’ ngdoa, . Saturday wiUlikely continue hot for some weeks to come, i though every conscript would unite with the,thou- ,
=arniiA nrm™.morning last. C* pt. Bell's'] Someone accounts |or the intense beat this season ' sends of loyal and t rue men in the South in a !
and fe?”' ' by dirMwerefl that the earth has approached old grief at vom downfall, so too will they \
*“ *««»*S5-'lS| *"""j maiicm miles doser td the snn this sum- ;J* 'fag, have tha? Sent* J
- | mer than for many yearn. whence itl progre*i is perpendicular. • -Hs j
Batißim»- n. m. • _ „ Jrr \ “ And how. bastard President of a political ab
, . . G CP - rhe painters are sow cn- Th? Market House and Hall.—We hear ortion farewell.
in.bnHhing up the iron bridge orei the rail- nothing hsyet in reference to the erection of the “‘Scalp .hunters.’ relic, pole, and chiralrons
tracks. When they have (misfed job j, : Hall aqd|Mai*et Heine. 'We .hope there will be S* nfe< ? 1" bye. Except it ! h| in ■
w ™ *■ Ae : paying i ** *“*• sn .coSS.- * * jmo * ’Swtt&asss'*'
' . building piay go np Jhin season Of Ashe county, N. C.”
Mono Shaw Loo’s Lvctcrkh —These lectures
'>oth Monday afternoon and evening wi»re well at
tended ; the house being crowded on iboth occa
sions. Burmah, the home of this vonjig student,
is situated in the South-Eastern ;«rr of Asia, at
least twelve thonsand miles from us ; and by the
-note he came, eighteen thousand miles. So great
was his thirst for knowledge, that he worked his
this distance as cabin hoy, an i How sup-
at college mainly by deliv Bring these
tst.lillcs. His lecture- were instructive and enter
al?*! «nd his illustration of the tminnera and
customs of his people were very pieasin;.
We think ail who attended got th; worth of
their fifteen cents each; and the boys, no doubt,
,-ot tea «sU’worth of instruction in hi 11 playing.
!eft here yesterday morning for Pittsburgh,
where he will spend the remainder of the week.
Success to the Burmese convert and student. We
have only ,lb say to onr young readeis, dm the
ame exertions,ai»d you too may become educated.
X-' c-C
Basket Like. — A returned tnembt x of com
pany F, 76th r. V., who was with tin regiment
' vl >a» it landed at Port Royal, after the bombsrd
t7lent, says Are. some days afterwards a number of
contrabands” came into camp dreaajd insuit*
made of all styles of carpeting. On ad dug them
dow they came I jj such clothing,oae a them re
olitd;—“ Yon see when de Yankees commenced
‘0 frow dem ntUn caanoa boils (meani Qg bomb
aeiis) dot spilt oil 'round, massa conWn k stand It
md runned away, takio 1 a few tings wit him, bait |
i* * e 4 > a* de carpet and we make mot be iof it, va '
. i -
JUtoflfta iritoutt.
PrisM n CupMTe "Cmtiy has."
Wedding. InviUtion, Visiting, Bail* Satinets Cards
Circulars, Programmes,
MAMMOTH POSTEitB,«lu bills,
- 7 m
Pamphlets, Pay and Check Bolls,
\iil wf ask i$ atrial, feeling confident Utßt we cfcn girt
ittofftction if we lutTe the opportunity. '*
Offifir in Lowlher’* bnMding, corner of Virginia ana An
ar streets. opposite Superintendent*-* Oflk*-'
Excuse.—Our excuse for presenting our read
-, > with 3 half sheet this week, is, that two of our
.jrmters are in Uncle Samm;i s employ. two are on
sick furloujh. and the tbeee remaining have liecn
ovestasked with .job work which could not be post
iioned. We arc opposed to giving our readers half
sheets, although one-half of our co'cuijsirane- are
low doing it, and we will not repeat il again if we
■an , possibly aveiii it.
PaocEKDisiiS of Cockcil. —Regular meeting
ii Council, August 3d. 1863.
Present—John McClelland. N. J.-jMcrvine," J.
Hesaer and Janies Kearner
Minutes of previous meetings read and approved,
fhe Supervisor presented his report of labor on
streets, amounting to $107.81.
On motion, orders were granted as follows;
A \V. Snyder. $33.00: James Woods.
-ic-hn Dalton. $2B 93; James Wilson. $24.20;
John Raney, $3.8,".
Messrs. J. Elliott i. Co. presented a,bill for lum
ber, amounting to $72.30. On motion. an order
>ns granted for amount of hill. ,
0a motion an older was granted .lime.-, Kear-
aei for $5.40 for freight on lumber.
Proposals were received from Messrs. Dempsey,
dlack and Deter Lee. fer the filling of Allegheny
■trect, North Ward.
Mr. Philip. Dempsey being the lowest bidder.
*“ motion the contract was awarded to him at
“ nt » P» cubic yard, and the said Derapscv to
seep the street in good repair ter one year from
:ne completion of the contract
On motion, ;he Secretary to Council was au
thorized to have 2000 blank orders printed for use
if Cboncii. |
On motion, Mr. James Kearney wsp instructed
;o consult the Attorney to Council id regard to
■ipening AdaHne, Helen and Kebecca streets thro'
o that part, of the borough formerly known as
On motion, Joseph K. Ely was appointed Col
lector of borough taxes for the year by giv
ing the required security and other qualifications.
On; motion, adjourned.
’ JOHN M’CLELLAM). Prcs’t,
Attest: W. B. Kktlkr. Sec\j
Sitssre. Editors :—lt mat not be generally
known that the Soldiers’ Aid Society of this place
lias lieen in active operation again for three weeks
past. Daring that time we have received from
be hands of our citizens $133.83 in cash, beside
donations ot muslin, trimmings, fruit, etc. We
have forwarded to the L . 8. twinilarv Commission
46 quarts canned Jelly and fruit; 106 new sbirts,
60 partly worn : 60 new pairs drawers, 13 partly
worn; 80 handkerchiefs and 16 linen coa's, beside
sheets, pillows. limb-cushions, old linen, etc. One
lady collected, for the Society, over 120 yaids of
muslin—another. $60.00 in cash. Will not others
do likewise ? We have met with a heanv response
from a sympathetic public, but the emergency is
great, ar.dfurther contributions are needed. Then
are noble souls among our townswomen who cheer
fully give their- time and labor when material Is
furnished them to work on.
The Chairman of the Executive Committee of
the U. S. Sanitary Commission writes us. on re
ceipt of our stores — u W e congratulate your So
epeiT on us life -and vigor, and feel ourselves the
■Wronger for such co-workers. We shall enquire
for the Blair coonty men in our hospitals; and we
undertake (gratuitously, of coarse,) to ascertain
whereabouts qf any soldier, tor the comfort o(
family.’' They, jdao tell us they are much in need
of cushions about ten or twelve inches square,
covered with oilcloth ; also, bandages, carpet shoes,
cotton socks, blackberry jelly and brandy . Will
not our fanners;and inhabitants of neighboring
towns aid us in this noble cause bv sending us
money, pickles, onions, berries, old linen or mus
lin, oilcloth tor cushions, or anything thev can
spare, as every little aids; and when we reflect
that the subjects of these labors and donations are j
men who have been willing to give their lives tliat j
we and our descendants may enjoy the inestima
ble blessing of liberty, wo must feel that no sacri
lioe on our part can equal dieirs. and we can onlv
show our grateful appreciation by doing all in UU r
power to mitigate their sufferings. |
Any contributions may be left at the Methodisi !
Cbuicb at the time of our meetings on Tuesday :
and Friday afternoons, or with Mrs. Doits, Mrs. ;
Driec, MA Rosenberg. Mrs. Fenton, or Mrs. Rob
ert McCormick, Managers.
By order of the Society,
' LAk LLUk D. r.
Aug. 4th, 1863.
Altoona Schools.- I t,.- School Directors of
this borough have made the following selection of
teachers for The ensuing lerm. cohtmencing on tire
tirsi Monday in September.-
Ist grade—Primary—E. Elder. Principal. Ella
J. Humes. Assistant.
2d grade— Priscilla M. Mct'mm
•3d grade—David Osbon,.
Ist grade—Primary— J. Rutherford. Principal
Maud B. McCruth. Assistant
2d grade—North Postlethwait
3d grade—Prof, John Miller.
Couurr CosmsTio-v.—The Peoples Party
County Convention met in HoUidaysburg on
Tuesday, Uth inst.. and nominated the following
t icket;
Assembly—B. A. McMurtrie, Hollidayshurp.
District Attorney—John H. Really,
Co. Commissioner—Geo. W. Hewitt. Williams-
Director of Poor-—Samuel Jones. Tyrone Citv.
Auditor, for 3 years—Alex. Knox. Blair.
1 year—Geo. W. lieed, Catharine.
Thaxksoi vixg-— -Nearly all the stores and busi
ness places in town were closed on Thursday last,
and religions services were held in the Methodist
and Lutlieran churches. The scholars, teachers,
and friends of the Episcopal Sunday School, spent
the afternoon of the day in one of the groves south
of town, where they had- an excellent supply of
cakes, ice cream, and other etceteras. We learn
from those in attendance that it was an exceeed
inglr pleasant pic-hic.
Fkee Baptist Church.— There will be divine
service in Logan Hall on Sabbath evening, Aug.
16, at 7* o'clock, conducted by Bey. S. K. Boyer,
of the above-named church. There will be regu
lar preaching every Sabbath, either once or twice
a day from this time forward. The public are
cordially invited hj attend. A Sabbath School
has been organized, which will meet every Sabbath
afternoon at 2 o’clock.
/'or the Aitoona Tribune.
The Draft.—At last the time has been dxed
for the draft in this District. It commences on
Monday nex.. The entire District will be drafted
at Huntingdon. The drait tor Huntingdon comm
comes off on the 1 Tth of Angu>i; for Mifflin conn tv
on the 19th ; icr Cambria county on the 2*»th. ami
for Blair county on the 22<3. whirl, will be on Sat
urday week. The Troros: Man-ha! gives norite
that the drawing will be made publiel v in tin* fai
ence of all who may desire lo attend. Respect:*-
:hle citizens will be specially invited to inspect the
drawing. h**"k out for vonr ticket" to the iimnd
Sal> Accir*KNT— Oti Friday monmig last, a
boy about 1o or 14 year* of age, son of o«>orge
. Conrad, of North Waid. when atmmpfjng to
jump on an engine at the upf-er end •>: the vaxl.
in tills place. uib*ed hit looting ami fell with one
leg over the, rud. One or t'a»» wheels passed ov»*r
it,;crushing it from the knee to the ankle. He
w«b taken borne and i> r . Christy Mmuwk j t ..
attend him. It was evident that tbr Itvt-onia
have to be amputated, bn' the jMivsira; i-ontliiton
of the boy would not admit *1 d r:;. jh -
ing, when the operation wd„s rforuiua. We ]em n
tluu there is little hope of his recovery.
'-The Blair Uauntv MutUid Fire
insurance < umpany have levied an assessment of
eight percent. <m ail premium notes in force oj,
the tirst 02 Ma\ btsi. Although the assessment
m Jf appear Heavy, u cannot be ao considered
when the insured remember that this is the first
since 1 so!), nearly tour years. Had titere lieen an
assessment ot two per cent every year they would
have thought it light, yet the present, ot eight per
cent, for four years, only amounts to that, and is
really less than the per ceutage of almost any other
company in the country.
liltflona Hrihwu.
6— 5 V
A Conscript’s Epistle to Jeff Davis
The following (jiuiim c-pisti- hits Ik-cii furnished
for publication by a morntier of it\e Mourned Hi
de-. who puked it up in a destined rebel eamp $n
■be banks of the Chowan river, about ihim miles
from Wimoit. while out on. a scorning exiniiiion
last spring. The letter was addressed in this
■‘Head, if you want to. you thieving scalp.hun
ter. whoever y m are, and fonvani, postpaid, to the
lord high ebanr ellor of the devils exchequer!';', on
[ ivr>FT-i:\'i)Fvr ix - vkkvthixt;. 7 ]
Oirci'lar to those Wide-awake to tileir
1 The fourth : resolution passed by the uWS * NTERESTS - —I he subscriber would respect -
i Democratic State Convention as TT* *° P “ bßc * hal be
! follows . irom the hast with hb large ami well asMtrfed
1 . >i*x k of goods, bought at iha lowest cash prices
'‘‘have heard with intense alarm and which he will dispose of at his usual small advance
<i» < j i.i ligimtion tliur some or mu political o o
! far the President of the failed &.mes
j a int\v<ri hiiherio uulwao'*'n in America, and never
| rxe,.W in Europe or Ada. except by the most Come one, come all and be convinced that the
tics,*,no monarch*, namely, the (tower to arrest . ■ “ tnwine
I fret citizens tor the expression of their honest raSh svs,eln ,s IO . vour advantage, and you will go
ofiini-it. c.u pnblicj affairs, and that the President j alvß - T "hh the resolve Rat ray establishment is
has me only presumed to expense this power him- : place to save money. No charge for showing
sell with the moderation and mercy which his own i P°°‘l s - Call and examine.
! ratlin, might prompt, but hks delegated it to many i I would respectftillv invite vour attention to mv
milk >it unales, .uul the>c again to others in «verv ■ - _ , V. ..
j tinr, nf tbe country, until ,1 hide,.,., I T and Misses '
«*vu and fck all over the land.” ! UI 7 j ol * B, containing all the late and most de-
From the History of Western Pennsyl- ■ st - vles °f dresses io he found in the Eastern
aon IK J- . . j markets, among which may be had, Mozambianex
rrvr - m i -“'"“imi* ««—»cLaTuSTSS
following hi reference to the whiskey ! Shepcnls Plads, Linen Lustres. Silk Poplins, .
; faU an< l complete stock of fancy and plain Flannels
ithe whole jhere were enough maleeomenis • an *l Shirtings, Linen, Muslin, Ladies and Gents
(t i e „rin- W bea, ,Haustf,l to quirt ; Gloves and Hosiery, and a tremendous stock of
cl,. .ns,,.,r,t,onisls., to lender n necessary, in the \Kellv C fee, e.„,„„, u ....
00.m.m of the President, to send forward an-arrov Cos Pa,ent Hoop Skirts, Iron,
which had been collected at the East. This army i ,our lo - v s P nn ß | S which I can sell at least 2-v
consisted of Ib.OO® men. ' 5 * .• * ; per cent, below Philadelphia retail prices. Also a
In"'si: 6 ''; irgi, ; ia > bad “f j «««« variety of Cloaking Cloths, vaning in price
the Arm\. fhe other Generals were (iov. Mifflm, f roru !f , *.> .>- , , ' , F
of Pennsylvania, Gov. Howell, of New Jersey. • »«.!* to e —a peryard, and the largest as-
Gcn. Hamel Morgan, and Adjt. Gen. Hand. Gen. sonmenl ot Tassimers Sattinetts Tweeds, Jeans.
Knox. Secretary of War, and General Hamilton, ’ e, 't., that is to be found in the country.
See-retaty- of the Treasury., and Judge Peters, of the j Carpeting and oil cloths in great variety at
I lilted States Court, also went io Pittsburg. Tbe lowest prices 8 anety at
Army arrived in November, but met with no op- , LO( )K.-My stock of groceries are selling a few
pntion. and shed no blood At Pittsburgh a | cents below my would-be-rivals, who "cslvtse.
kind olrtnqmsatorml conn was held at ti e quarters it." The cash system still range fremtd
m^» Kre l arr t 0 ' 6 rreaM ' ry ' m winch rcsti- to 70 .as. per gallon. Government cJL bough,
mum was gned against citizens denounced for ; iaffore the late late heavy advances, I am selling a
treasonable acts or rj),w«w. After a few days j 22 cts per pound. It Ls supenor to all the new
spem m i.iCse proceedings, the dragoons were put ! tangled substitute* now selling^
re TTSZX* T\ wnh g, “ nls ,u ar - i BEHOLD.-Onr leas range from the low price
lest the Offenders, Nich of the proscribed as up- of 60 cts. per pound, upwards ■ P
prehended no danger were soon taken, and, with- ! EXCELSIO R.-Onr would-be-competitors
mu iinv intimation ol the offence wtth which they j stand aghast when they know we have the hravies.
stood charged, were earned to Pittsburgh. Here , and bet assorted stot-k of crockery china, glas
many tounu or mfluential friends. ~ud delph ware to be found in anv^smbHsbmcm
who inteifiosed m their k-halt. au.i ol,tamed their U-twcen Philadelphia and Pittsburgh and that w.
nm a-c ■ bbers less tonnnatc were sent to Phila- , sell chea(XM- than they caff bn/ ‘ - They an
uclrhia let trial, where they were impnsrmcd for , snperl,. ’ is the commM exelamition on exiram
; ■' -<■* montfis without -yen an m-Ja-imem trig our China Tea Sets, ranging in price from
bemg tound against them 2 to *2O. which is lower than they Tn be pnr
lliiswas done l.v lien, tieorwe Wash ■ |h Fittsbrngh. We are selling to people
. , c ' rL "‘ all fa‘C surrounding connties. because w.
tnwton and Ins Cabinet, ll will be seen keep a large stock from which to select, and seb
I lint if there is no precedent in Europe or ’ kc® 1 !'- ne examination will suffice to convince
..... ‘ any one that we are not puffing our goods.
Asm. lor the proceedings complained of. -VII kinds of ornamental flower vase,, mugs
that there is a precedent in the United : aml . iu facl , aM of crockery cu-i
.... ' ' «« _ ■ tmagmem. we keep on band. We arc still rellina
v> luu a tyrant \V aMunpton must < ' lcbraied Wedgewood Iron i?ione ul
have been: ihe History oinVesiern Penn- f 0 'r' l is ,: i r> ,, t ' s - 1 c I he!1 l' er thrt " dtcy can b.
, . - . Gtittlu fur m Philadelphia dr Pittsburg retail
syhania was not written lor political el- market.
fee: and we take it to be eorrett. No t.-'n CBn 1 .{?“ ,! 10 ' v “, U doqei" is the query.
. - , u ell. we will tell yon the secret—it i,
good can come out o| taisifying the iv,- By this means Jam enaMed to iberease mv busi
ness and stock steadily, while other establishment
are-gjad to decrease theirs. We ate not com
) elicti to add large profits to make np for losses In
bad debts, and we stive by paying cash for good
mstead of laying on time and paying a highet
on is
P ROM the Akmv.—We have but little
| news from the array within the past week.
| although the forces under Grant and Kose
| crans are still marching into Seces-itt.
i Grant is advancing towards Mobile and
j Rosecrans further into Georgia. Meade’s
| army is lying on the Rapidan being rein
| forced, preparatory, we presume, to a for
j ward movement against Lee. Lee and
| Jeff Ida vis are making desperate apjieals to
j the confederates to turn out the “ last man’’
j to defend the capitol and beat back our in*
j vading armies. The grand attack on
Charleston was to be made on Saturday
last. Gen. Gilmore had his batteries ail
completed, and with the assistance of the
gunboats expected to capture Sumter in a
short time. Gen. Foster has been feeling
his way up the James river towards Rich
mond. y lhe gunboat, on which the Gen
eral was making a reconnoisance, below
Fort Darling, was blown up by a torpedo
in the river, but he escaped without injury.
The weather has been too warm for the
past week to admit of heavy advances.
Union State Convention. —The Union
State Convention assembled at Pittsburg,
oh Wednesday last, re-nominated Andrew
G. Curtin, for Governor, on first ballot,
and nominated Hon. Daniel Agnew, of
Beaver Co., by acclamation, for Supreme
The nomination of Gov Curtin was
“one eminently fit to be made,” he haying
been a most faitfajful servant, and by his
wise and course in the trying or
deal of the last two years, he has placed
Pennsylvania in a proud position among
the loyal States. In his attention to the
soldiers from this state he has been unti
r*n n- They know this and do not fail to
give him due credit.
Camp Meeting.—A Camp Meeting of the
Methodist E. Church will be held on the old
ground, near Birmingham, Huntingdon enmity,
commencing on Friday August I4th, 18G3.
The friends, of Altoo na, Hollidaysburg, Warriors
Mark, Manor Hill and Huntingdon, and other
contiguous charges, are cordially invited to at
“£ly 21* 18*3. !
A. P. CtLDtßvooo tenders his pro
fessional service jrtt of chnrqt to the femili s of
volunteers now in the .service of the United States.
Altoona, July 27. >863.-3t.
Put Them Together
Tho rumble dime better than the slow dollar,"
LATHERS & MOTHERS-Onr -tuck of
ciiilJivn s carriages and coaches are just tbe thing
tor titu>e who valne the h-alth of their children
inure titan the small amount we charge fur them.
Those who nse a carriage once will never go hack
to the old-fashioned way of dragging children
around in their arms. Call and see our stock td
infant carriages and cabs.
" heeler & Wilson s Sewing Machine, of which
I am the sole Agent for Blair and Hnntingdon
cottnues, are the best machines ever used. They
are perfect and warranted for two tears* J done to buy unless yon are satisfied you are sa
ving money by so doing.
~ „ R- A. 0. KERR.
Altoona May. 3th. 18fi3.
Fiat 1 Fuse ! I—Do not risk yonr property anv
longer to the mercy of the riames, bat go to Kerr
and have him insure you against loss by fire.
He is agent for thirteen different companies,
among which are some of the best in the United
Altoona, July 21‘-tf.
Baltinuirr Eipraa. Westarrive. 6356 A.*. leave.7.lo A.M
PhilkicTa - ;AO - s.OO ••
•; “ BJ»P. U. - ..jiMi
Mail Train u Jjjq u 4i -j. k>
Express Tram East “ 8.10 P. M. leaves 9.00 P. M
taaruiie “ - 1.10 AM, - J. 15 A. M
Tl? 1 T T n , " “ 7AO “ - 8.00
Through Accom. “ *' 30 li - « -
Train, on Ilullidavshurg Branch run to connect with
Expma Trains Weat Mail Train Kan and West and Thro'
Accommodati.D Train Bast. *
Trains on Tyrone A Clearfield Branch and Bald Earle
I™*l R ; R-nin to connect with Express Train Vest and
Mail Tram East and West.
Eastern Through,.... 7 40 A M
Eastern Way •• •*n,» 1/ m'
Western Way _ ’ loj& a m
h Ttn”’ v l ' r "" gh - 7AO A. M.
Hollidaysbnig 7,30 A.M.* 7.00 P. H
Western Way ' *on » v
£*<tern Way;
Western Thr..ngh .7! J 15 p M
Eastern Through, jj 5 ‘
ll 'A l ii^ ,y '?. nr * 75oi~»Ti' rU SP M.
- -ST C 5 Ul s*l : ~? ori,,K t* l * *wk from 6.4 S A. M. until
< ,30 P M. On Sundays from 7,30 nntll 8.30 A. M.
Altqona, April 30,1868.
iMt ’ bT K «T S. A. Holman, Mr. J'HN
LOSO to Mto. ELIZABETH AKER,W>,fßrdlortlCo.
u» Md nit, by Re». W. R. Mi to, Mr. OEORCK TI
-IST. of Cambria comity, to 'lim ANNIE HOUSER, ef
Altoona ’
iwt.. by the •aiae, Mr. BENIAMIN f. BCG
GAKMAy, of Beir« Jjtfllß, sank* oonnty. :
.. Ib Londonerille, March Trh. I*®, BLUE AFBANK
IIuCsKR, eged 10 months ud 27 days.
Near Alton*, on the 2Uh nit, Mr. JOBS KOCGCL in
tnt* 85 of Lib 4 N
Notick to tkachkrs—ax kx
Mnioatton of Teweher* to tek> charge of eleven
shoots in Lmn township. «nt be held hi the Loodontville
echoi.t honoßjon Friday, Au*n«t 2l»t 18®, where ell snpH
cann are req nested to attend. TbmiufnshordsU ro.Hi.lM.
Examination to cnmn>e«ce at II oVhtlrk A. M.
irCV sex and Bbaalder Brace* for sole et
'-*r fl. W, KEBBLKE>B.
For Rais, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs.
Moths in Furs, Woollens, ic. Insects
on Plants, Fowls, Animals. Sx
Put up n 25c. 50c. Mil $1 00 8.. X-S, Bottles, . i d riaeks
s' audfs sizes f r U jTIJLS PU BLIC INSTITUTIONS 4c
•‘Only infall bl«* ivmedi** known."
** Pit** from P-.iieoij*.'’
" Sot dangerous to iba Human Family."
” Kata cuuie out of tlieir bulea to dm.''
s&r Sold Wholesale io all Urge dtiea
dd by all Dacoswr and Rsrutets everywhere.
sso* W BKWAKEII! >f all worthies*.imitation*.
I?* tint 4i COSTA Ira" name it cm each Bos, Bottle
tml Flask, befb. e you bay.
o*Prinei. al Depot 452 Broadway, N. Y.
«-S«W byG \T. KESSLER, Altoona, Pa.
April 7. 18b3.-En> ♦.
Gilt and Rosewood Frames.
■Julia Street, between Virginia and Emma,
Aug. 4. '63-3di.
to inform the public that tbev have entered into co
partnership In the
iq*l will continue at the stand heretofore occupied by H
nek. on Main Street, a few dooi-s above tbe Kxcbaon
Hotel. Altoona.
I bey Uhv also wholesale and retail store at
-Vo 702 Market Street, Philadelphia,
» here iher will sell all kinds of readr-made clothing said
l»r. lulling frofMteat the rer y lowest prices.
They will be enaMed t*> sell i Le«|»er tha many ethers
from the factjfaut; thev manufacture their own et<ods. and
».ja* save the manufex iurers per ceutap?, and all clothing
will Ih* warrant*d well mad*. *
Aug. 4,1863-tf
VOTICE. —Notice is hereby given that
iht* t>llowing resolution wh> ati*>pted at a Into meet
mg of the Hoard ».f Managers of the Altoona Hall and
narket Coiui»ui.v: —
Ltsoltrd. That Cue second instalment of 10 per cent, on
the stock subscribed for. be made payable on the 20tb
Uy of the preeent month. (May and that the lalance of
tv-subscription Ik* made payable in monthly instalment*
,f 10 per ct-m each. *.n the 15lh day of each succeeding
month, until the whole nm-'Dut i* paid in. fr
Person* wUhiug to take stock Ip the company can still
tie accommodate. there being a f-w shares yet nuatild.
Altoona, May 19th -tf, ' 3f. ROfiU. T>ias*rrr.
EBtk ay.—came to the rksi
ds-ncs of tiu 1 -ajt,-rriUr, residing
m Allegheny township, Blair cnunlr, an
the 11th day of Mat, 1563, a tUUFr£K,
shunt lour yearsold, white and red color JMK 1
rather mixed, white belly„ marked 1.1. IRA—
the left ear by a slit and a pi.-ce cat
•f the lowerTpart—ha. a calf about two weeks old. The
owner 1. requested to Come forward, prove prompt par
'/r ngVn Uw' 1 ' aW,,3r ’ l,a,,!rwi * <*•
Jnly 3S 1863-dt.* NANCY REGAN.
* , •h ,Mcri, » , r offers at Private %| e e ..
I a valuable property. situate on Branch St-
SS,iSe a r^‘ n,n,ed “ Wy ° Ppo,it ' Ib Sj{|U
The hoo'ie is well built and nearly new
and contains
Fifteen Rooms with Good Cellars.
dtiscalcnUtedfor PURER FAMIUSS.andat tbemo.t
to JAMES W 7^.° mn - on tTpmta, or
July luB«!£tf ’“ hi Store ’ ta AltoonT’
N ( i i /P^T. VVrberea,j - Lette, ‘ 8 Twtomen*
J?? *° tbe cf ALERRT BKDVX ot A na
late of Altoona. Blair county, Au irrraMml h*rw v -
Erantrd to the sabecritHT:
t "™; *«»*»■»• requested to make iuunpdiau n?vmnt
«nd those haring claim, or demaud, agaioat ,j„
he «id decedent, will make known
■ ■■■ »*MCHKt.
juat receiT « l »wi firf«ale,«t «g bj
ttii t^ uket ‘ ° r •** d ' “Hptioni, ri^Jby
BHES.jiutreetrfredand lor ale by
fay dciiciaw cmckw K j^si 4 / rf
on b>Bd fc^4at T J<>w
S,!GaEs . and SYRIIFB
tiT all grades, and at rmunbie prkra.for nk e bv
, mmnst.
■ rian **'»* nnffmiT
WOSRKLL’S pkkpakedcoffke
- -IM woHwlaod fof by FRITCHEV
ofCuaßtx tad Tirftaia gt«. ■ ■
NO. 25