If \ PjJjfrjl* Gen. Sber- a non caraif, ■»«** if**- m. w— Kau^ At six ntiiesof ’ JfeaOriew*a»d ft* KwooKmre* »y^g !K^S“ w - i *“ , “ < »»<« P^^-SSKSfe !<;W. wife* of twdt *W6ntv-fi* ears in -hr fiihjp ,i, '* lot of «xton M Calhoun. fk. jjft «Mt t : JPInKi. Thais. Animals, 4c. O-Sfc. mi $1 0» »-«-*. fcmi—.a r-d jw.. wf r H J«U. rCBUC ( . Mdl bl« resunfes bo«^* ** cro» 1* •ik-aa*.'" t<‘ tb*- n r y*T i .Fuei^t h'3±e ~~ T ' ' VlmwV ip aUi Ujy cs^t tirSfiMM*'*? passe kf«Sefc'h«*Jßetn rfc • ■ I ■faSVKT *. OQBtXL • firt«da*r, y T. 4w- K«awt.mt, xu****. p*. : NT RK>Oi.jimON WtOK> iss cwcrats tu> at liftke femmte ami Bairn at Mnmaaealatani 11 »» 1*1 af "—--|* -■~- J rJhmaf i>n ; i*e ■ jM '? *• Oraananslik. ia Bcccinhs - the trait artifice Hyrtf: adM-aml ocll* to the tfcwi artic., *» <«■ doafebM I* «lfca.'fcar. it ;'..' I - • ■■■ - 1 * ■ J.‘ '■; •fy ■._ *'~ ■ iwiww'uj at tfcr qnSH ateoore »: *«;*>•* ltr<«that Uln. 6rf A*Qaat«n&li. ntk tkttn bit vA* at ttObam a sB ettepHM St* tfc- pc- Bin jnisi at a iWw aiwi (far I il«hj lill wrtfc— to lk> atrmn: fCMiMinsina. to be l—ii—fid m wok ■[MUMn: ? ■ V»*#» stall he rmtmei hj the r(4nw«fttKt. sriprt taD V* eta.-.- Si* MT hs »ta Iftaßitsir wttwjjhC** wjt»ii»lßs a »»* —*!*?»*«• ‘ ■ rlriwfcml ■»« tbr nm a lii* Cot '' ■■■’■ caatary ■ 1 • r v-‘ T Jjfnalrr §m*>- 0t xa «r *b* OauwUULTE. ; tftWWMWfc JalJ W, lf»s I * kpn»roßt«!rtfc^ :-. - aad noil i* » #»li . tr»« ?:■ ■ ■ Miomar a>y»ii wl't iwwM?. - v- ■ tM -A Jo »it Hfwtrtto ioy*- crrtda Avatastan »mtke OtaJ-~ :• oa«v~ aii tta wham : ' 1* Taxmtmt 'tfP* FABLIStifiD im . ETK» L^ILJLAKD, NUFACTIUHK^ «r'flwiWf' ifc ** JFT- . ■ - Ot* liyf" SNUJ TOBACCO- '_. i, *».i. j»- x »oaa KWh* at pliers wit! k «o< -t*-?;: ~ ' 1 " . ' -i SION fOEfcSEB 335 t 4TS *. C A Ffi'i-J.-u* SWaMißfe '?S?g ■»er SLUM lUßwa Sriknar. ItetSSr. «»• Jak Shi, tbibuke POWEB-PRESS ' > ' - ' I c_ '.p^ PRINTING OFFICi. ~,.** wjshia tIM put two s** BOW owipaerafal* -we to ear twMwhwmt -is the wxy at art b*ey S«*w Preas. lapse Caoer. OwdCaaer.BaJiaxN* Caii ton Pr««>. sou Urge Pw-i , ..., which sw p** »kowi»««if »®W prepare, , ir .’«iu.nkiß(ic tin bet -if printing vrralins u -*fjaai to aaj wtabiwtaae^ - . is ft* and a* ■ W> can execaic. oc short aytfce. aU Stating. tasiUtMß. B»K * Barinaaa Cards Cuoitlara, Programme*,’ «AMMnt POSTERS. SALE SELLS, W'J* JsS® pamphlste. Fay and Check Solis, B.IjANK books. . aNifESTs. And blanks or all kinds. .-, ,f nt' i, strict, StrSag oewMco* that wrKarpis, . r if we tar, the oprwrtßßitT- ! ■6 v i, i Ptildiag.aMrarraf TbgißAaafl *u arret* upparile Sapwiarsndrret"* OK-a- Ibe l>BaFT.—'The Erie. CitTiCt>pNfd, a I the .• contain tbeKAMtffe which is myiicpfait tab region ja*t »•“ irc< tar tiu» pSana.ter ,tx «i«i the wWip-ori. -to p\ Tbe Jfient kobby trial* an r , L - riding is tbe tato dsaK, «Wd> .M,; : .}criMp .c jacat more trfto» adof«>r i>t ■-* arsxtg. beeaae the man wbc katroat'K e cuscr aiiipen: which by sa» diaquaiibes nin . • ,e--.ice, yetenabies him to ririknr hi, bastne*- ,; and -.east to beip poor men and others toward pro-o -.’.g iobauater, or if .ncahie to do .»:■ to. pay th rr, there vatdd be a great dead tr-ore qommon -le-c exhibited than there is. To mil against th. . jisramest. to throw obstacles in the sy«jy of sht ..«•». or ;c deride their aatbosetr, is fete adding th< •»;eis. and extending the war. Le* tip pot/ret .asses then who are between SO and fiatiaad r- .-tjtr by arcs or tens, or twenties, raise a cou:- z:Xi fund, and agree that the proceeds shall be di ned among those drafted oat of each bond- Ti es ibe over 36 agsit nt the tsHjscri|>::oP t.x. get ap socli .papers and ast them to jptu that tar>s and taish among jnara. and perikps they =iil and perhaps they wop's, ss there jut some -Jirrbry iibenai men among diem—with other peo e- -mo Dev j* diy set aper by me President a* s day of migiTlug, We hare mach for which u> be iintfu!. Toe people of ihs- region especially. ■‘ aKi be thankful that, while htaviiy threatened *ttb rebel raids, they were spared «ucb a Tjstatjcn, t coasequmee? of which fhry cat: aiaeufcompce •--sj and appreciate by risitcg lise-ltcalujes sc* jn 3*Jed. Again we should be thankful that He who 'imiies all things so overruled the strife at OeJ ysosrg as that the tele! army was disastrtnslv de ~&ied and oompellea to lease the loyal inai aarar crowned the arms of the Union oil Vicks -ctg. Hefeaa. Port Hudson, and the heroes nn-W ■tteecrans in Eastern Tennessee, and awier isii- ' r --re before Cuarlesicst. And again vri should e mankfbl for a ptetutfal harvest. nc|w safeiv oasei and fair prospects of the harvest!vet to be •cured. Let ns all Jetoemiep the sonfce from ■deuce onr idesi&gs eome. and return to Hint the tcaiitude of thankful dresrt?- A sermon appropriate to the oocasiou will he prearfted la the. Metoodat Church, at o'doek, ■v the Bit. ffm. K. Mills. Bev, Cilmais wiii also bold services in the Ln '*ran Church at hah-pasi 10 o’clock. .■Jjjo™* l &o* Loo. —The abort strange name betoipia spa native of Barmah, who vra-poo verted to ehsbltiaitity under she iahers ofDV J ddaoo. our Missionaries to that land, fieis riow: ttaaumg a rporse of Sadies at the Baptxjt Uaifer -irv, n labbaj, Pa, pnepaintorr topreaehing he gospel to his own people. |le i, b«ev soc 'e«fuJ and earnest student—sneaks the English -lagaage fluently, and can ooptcem a*ld aiqg in are diStmnoneaial dialed*. | Duringthe eacatiop ax the ITpncnigr. be pro •we» to make a tear westward, in orderso become - qsaimed with ocr masaots and Atovwe -- spirit of pdationaFf taterprae. and gbo aecaae ;jds to aid Un is Ids collegiate coane. He wiH visit this place, and lecture neat Moo t£.v aftErnuou and erenag. The aAeHaooa etc win be free to all who mar wot *oj attend.— tught he will appear is hk native onauane, and «ot on the aarnsn and bajau of s*■ people i=d exhfeii same of tbeir Idol Godst&ut he ku '-■neght with him. An admittance fee pf 15 cents ’a- adaha and 10 cents for children wiß he charged e tnght. The piaoe aad hour vnli be adrer '.-<«c hr haftdhiUs and (ton the varkxK polpsn in jUce. Go see and bear. f Cul * Xutim.—A C«rtp Mae&k of d*e Cbjnrii ectm» n . I beg iearr to snbmit to all whom it may iaier ea. the faßowing: condensed report:— Money eoUected by the aoKchor* #*7.SS. Of tbis san, ♦67.52 were expended for mnslin, tiri inf. tape, thread, barton*, pin* sugar, ic. TV renaßitang 117.50 were expended by tire ladies in paittihaaiag dried beef, boner. Er.. for the traa months Ttrinmeers w|k> went from This place. Tht society, fitan the fith of Setember so the 1-tib os October, 1662. held sixteen refriar and three ad tOuraeri meetings: The fblkwag articies wen forawnied by the Society ;—27P cans of frmt. S’ sarks dried fhrit, 26 fiaiwes and jars of Jetties. 2 .be chocolate, 2 papere urina, 2 papers corn starch. 2 papers rice fionr, 2 feather pifiows. 46 towel* 45 there*. 76 iamdkerebief* 207 new and o otd shirt* I9£ pairs jallpw cases, Srinen coats. 30 pairs draw is, 46 pairs roond arid 36 pairs long and sqnen limb cushion* 2 {adi*'woolen tact* 4. pairs dtp pen. If lbs soap, 4!P roils bandages and a !arp< of ha: and compresses, making in alt ic boxes and one barret. Nine boxes and the barrel wescoent to tire Qaar er Master Genera! of the Scale, and their reeep rac acknowledged by that gentiemar . The re maimog boxes woe sent to the IT. S. Sanitan OatumiasHC and were also acknowledged. . KATE E. GWISS, Stc' f Altoona. July 26, 1665. A.JLL.4K. S, A.—Board met on Monday -twftlwg - Angus; 3d. fresiden: launKwn in th< Aair. Members present. Mesas- Lam bora. Beiliy. Savory, Btebeuadt. Hofocten Kessler and Irons. The reepiatioß of Mr. John Lowiher Kec. Secy arimhanded in andatcepred, and £ vote of thank- lMßln the Board tor his effieiesK service driblet an affdi||sMikacoeiatfan. Ifl r Hill Bee. Secy in place o< jjfr.itiprther, . yreasarefs. sed accepted. Ccaomiltee no mod pdbhcatkms reported the ftdknripg booto tstdred into tie Library since last meensg, ■vSt, 5 t‘,€an»p«ign of 186 S. •■ J>rif - ip g Money.' - Lngiidi Lit- Pkttßnf'amd t Jhl fmaatoo at the Crimek.' The fcßasripg persons were jiroposed end ejected active mimbeis of the Association. Mrs. Jennii D. Miller. Miss JPdsraila McCram. Messrs. EUa- A Bonine. J. G. Coansman and itme.H Dv- A hifi of J. A J. Lowther. atcotrosing to $2.25 was ptesetandand tadreed to be paid. Mr. KciQy cSered the naistiot. jhwhtd That the i—nnittee oa oaMndhp dnesheceqnemd ra proceed with the coHeetkm of Joes, and rejiort progress at next meeting. On motion, adjonzped. DAVID IRONS. Cor Secv. DiU.i<.-—Sergt. Geotgt HerHck. « Titron. ? member of Capt Co.«ticay's company. 1 loti. P V.. lied in one of the hospitals st Gettydjotg. s sbor time ante, man the effects of a wound received in the battle at that pilioe, uc theSdof July. Sergt H. was ar one time troprieior of the Altoona Hoose and afiewards of the Bed Lion Hotel, in this place. Previooy to enlisting be we* preprie :or of the Tipton Hotel. He was as exceedingly clever and sociable-man. and his record ttia: he was as brave as he was clever. He leaves a wife and fiusilv of small children. 0* We are now jatssing tferougc tut - rested tenp,” and me past few darv have far. the ther mometer quite high enough so ire X>> to saris fy the most cool-blooded, while c reerje that would gnaraatee perfect coolness could he sold at a high i rtmiam. In the absence of any thing of the kind, vre venture to suggest that the nearest apfootch to * perfect cooler is a cancer of Otto Bossf> ice cream. We tried it snevtsssollv. a few evenings since. Otto also keeps on hand a ane assorrmen of cakes, confecrioneries, &e. Cal) at Rossi * and sample hi? cream and cake*. next, ota:: insi_ V "The Wheeler & Wilson Machine rants high, ■; in ihe commaniir tor fatniir use. for which ptir- : pose il is admirably adajted Its adran’ages are, ; Ihe perfection of work—;«ou>. sides o? the seats be- |if r'f &»«•■ -.«•■ ,-f. r;« .•. LaUt inhere ing alike and equaiir fceaotifoi—'he srrecph and 1 V- -VTH or BOTH SEJTES. darahiirrv of the stitch. which, when well dene, i: which s-Als»- • MjM aLabajvj symitoms is impossiWt :o ravel — its great rajnditv—'he sitn (ikinr of its construction, and the ease with which i; tin be wotted.’'—JV T . V. Chrmir/e. R. A O. Kerr, of this place. is agec: for the site of taese machines id Bliir HucdWiicn »:■-» ob-i-t coonaes. See ad*eitiseiDes: LoosOctk* The*.—Treasure So ten* —irere pet in circulation in Phila- ■ defydia last Friday evening. Person.* are apt sim ple to look at the denominational figures when Treasury notes are offered. A dose inflection of j civrrp * the paper *SB revolt!* green paint. i T . . A* there marl* pieasv of abered ones ofiered in ! ***** A F "“ 1 y ~v , ' f v7" WITH ALL THE RECENT JMPRuVEiIEXr* ihw town, tt woold be well loaenmnue them. j.e.m.^-JiSifKTudJßMßuniiTLf ait Sf«-2Ef Macasc'**.- Thi* AUduße arfll «-w aajrihiac. from tbr men.’i a u>ck sc T*rielatj lo tie asking id (Knn«t —ottkio; fm Plkrt mr Bearer CV.«ifa, damn to d»fr G&axe *>r I-*d«'-rk t 1* esc IsiL bern. Irirxi. gather qtult. aad H* * capacity a frrat tarif-lr c-f Ort»* jwtslJLi wark T**;’- i* rx»? tl*f> . bst machm* that cat* ft\\ brat. bifid. Ac. 1 -c: it will do to srtlrr tfaaa *ot r*ii*T Xv cbioe. Xbe lr:*~r -4" Fansilr Sewisag ILtcfeic* may be had jc i ij**J of cabiivrt case*. Tb* Folding Cfc**- wbicfc » 2H.V I—r- TSiiag -o popular.». as its basso implit*. Lime a Ooou Teack..—TK FmßTl'uit'; Raiiroad Cotrjway are haring die road running between Middletown jaod OAmla graded for the I pnrpoee offering Another track. The rapailr in- ' crewtl basnese of the rood rendered this move- ' nem netrwir some'taee ante, W the work was | nor ceonnmneJ atml recemJy.Car wxntof Übodng j men. . ! Fuat: Fore!Do not ri*t j-oor propenr uv ■ *** •“» * •»*. « “*■ wb*» k«*rr io tire merer of the imne. bat go i _ , ■ : .» .. ■ , fif ti* vork Xt- r«*t span. TV cuei *r* of «t*tt im*- mi ham tarn msore joa again* loss by fire. ! .. tbr w«w is it. tuoSrefor tid if IjCSt ftlt duittCQ iiiffjßSt CQQpSBICS, : «n, cr as eUK?r«’'ij fibaiH u etc mkMAILSCHEDPL£. gj Y TRAISS ARRIVE JLSD DEPART. Mr, D- ff. A. Br'trJ. Merchant Toiler. Tirpoia Strert. hbiwnlUprt-aWtKarmw.«L» A.M.BaweLUA.M. ,«* AMA - -> -7,« - - SJ* - ai»-raa-us~ IWttia* - - SJ9P.M. •* *3iP.!t Mas Train “ — 1 ?Jt» -* - 704 - tuna fan Jtmm. \ -f l »Ml,!am»i»P. M taatUae LBil, - UAA.M MsflTreia *■ 1 “ J-i# “ - M6‘- On tir il« nit- hr Err. A. li.jrab. wrr. Mr. JOHN t%TD»a> *aeom. - JOli - - K~» - £L AFRICA awJMiijCEKW.LT. a3KiftM.plaee- Ttwie. oa HaUiAatiAwa Brand! ran to eonret with | Qb tfc» id isrt .br Jchn GriSn, Era, Mr. FREDRICK Rxprr«Traiaa W*«. Mali Train East uJTiWiklThrc' s hCBEKD an! Mn>*M AltT TILUAMJ. all of B urtu. JrurktMM 5 Vafcr R. Krwa to Ooamrt *Kk . all •fA3!.*n«iT Fames. bStMthaafVM. • i ■ ii ■■»' N iii in . 'Ji- *********** ' A j ■ VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE ”;. ' • ■ ■ . ~fm «, M 2 w TW «fc*tTp*T offer* a> Pmsi* St* K__S : — ?»*■* * : MAILS CLOBJt. j mil i imi OTBBBHB £S?|rrrzrin. SS*-*! Fifi«B Homs wiifa G«i OlUrs. • nJSS-■S^J5*! 1 .;.. - T '■■■■- ~/ - . .■:Ttt - J i UtalnAwri fee tBW FAiill.lCij.aaii at the aval li itfcliwil ' ■ Tab AM. A ALAiF ii. i n»«S»tea« »3! (Wiar J» i»r «r' .'ir«n|ht fcmjei- 1 - s*Hy aoaoonee so the prflie u»t H lw* tdi ■*■’'■■•; ffuoi the Ek3 »itb r bi» Sars» tr-c «v!i assorttv stock df eonci-. b-taifci ;; m.- U-*e t -s< ~a«ti prict*. wtJs-,1 ne *iii Ci-}Ose of a! hL- tis-aJ small •deaticv . ocr Home - The rumble dime better Asa I bestow «■ hisr.' Come cue, '■ne*- all and be r emoted thte ■:« cash system i- T ry vom acraoait. sad y the ptace to sare money So rUtuxtt Sat ■thoai'ic tocos. Call anc esandr.v. 1 a-ocSd “jf-ectfaDr retire rou' atree.tk'r. !■- me «reii seae-toi ■-—ortment ot Ladies and Dry Goods. coiciuning all the -ar» srs: most oe -inbie styles of creases u> be feoud it, the basterr markets, atsong * hicb may be had. Motajn’crqnes. CeUkjaes. K:;Lntav Check.-. Caioc Check-. Shepertb Place, Linen Lustre*. SHk Pot-ire-, ■> foli JiDfl compose stcck of fianr' s.dc ptan flart W* usd Lintn. Mos Sin, and and anc a trenjetwoos ?iock of Aostis Rdir A C®‘s Patent vm«. jV-n; foor l& fifl v SpODJfr, xchico I CAD At £r, per war. Wo* Philadelphia rmi} prk*e» * from T 5 cts to *2,255 pt*r varxl. and :hr lari a>- <*maem of Cseiner* SaK*re«> T*eed<, Jeaii*, n- ibai U to far fosijd ii> tic ««®rr» | Carpering tnnr&. • UX »K.—M _ v >K*'k. of gfvjtxjsea ire jsC’iiiiif a fc» | jfnU beiov siv *&*- ‘ it.* T&e c*f& fjst&n >jrupt -iih r&oge tru*, 4*. jo 70 per galloa. ojsf*, U*4igfc; ! i«eJorefbe la?p isie Js-ea yy ad ra/ieo, I mle sc-ttitygit j H cxs per *jd€U>' it L- i-aptfro* to a»* U.e ntr* ) Landed »abssiUi4t4> now ?«rliia*r. S BKtiOLD.—Uar seats range f r>m ibe ii/w t-r!^ ajnraAi* . i Kl»4slOk.-rO(Jf Kf-oi.l-r*’ -compHitOT -Quid n|fouir »fcen ti>eT fcnow -a- '■»■••; »cc barter md beOateorted rtork ai' c- - -,. taddrijpb ware to br ion „-i. Utwea) Pfetiedejiiria sbu Pi rbeaper li)ui ther rjc usy »uperb,~ if thr : rjumoi' iior examin ing oar i bm£ fes .SeL\ r--_npiig in tai ;v 't>sl *l2 IG %2«*. io«* r rhjtr If-fr {*- lv , r . jiiaaed 32 |*;:*< v ::jrs.T We sn- *r?Ung 10 tlXtfC Si* :':X I’jUf.Cf* keep a. from w :o -eiocr. •<■! cbe&p. Oltr will f jiSc* XO COl?v;r**e any <«nc fhai *■- are n«>: vaEng o>irgoud?. All kiD-i? • •'«iTutawT3iaj Sower raso*. art-, ai*ci r> Tacr £ii kjn-is r >* crockem ever imagined-T- e < on We arc t:i!l filing ht i*ekrbrar ci>. cbeai«r ?a£Ji 'hey *-£r be ; lor ir Philjuidubia or Pi»*&;:rg aL^rkcst^ *• I r.-orr :: ?* is :Ju. V»'eU,we vtii) y« the semn—i; > ensL -Btf 2 zjo* etiaiitocS to my lu*i- Be«s sail , wr.:;*.* -.:her e-aaWiihmem are giwi to* tit-:T»tSe uu-iis. ‘tv> ire nt-i { *m: jo «uc :.r rgo pro&*t> toast up r. r l.v t«fc.C «2A: V-e bv U3T3I3J C£>fi lOT insfe*t3 of hnvfng sc !iioC£&h Turing f. hijhrr a^vr 1 -. t FATHER* i MOTHER*.—Our .-■«>•♦. . * children? car- co«*Vfcs niches* Ihe ter u-»st- wrj: :ht ii-uliu 'o: ihcir thjlunti. mane xhan U>e amount vettaige f.r them Those tt'h«j x o«T * carnage core will nerer zo io Ae • vrar of dragging cbiliren ■ax i:Ttd in iht*' :.nn?, C ail &cil oar str,**k„oJ ii-bTj cann-.gr' una esh* Whtyiif-r «L V Sewing. M>chi&e* of *r t % -'•■n i am tije «ok> Ageci for Blair uod Husnxigtkc coamie-. &re *i.c Ur>t machine* e»er uxti. The; are uerlVcr an Mr rs-uredo I o-'-no: ,nte» v as*; v--u *<_* ■' >*£ A CAUL* TO THE SUFFERING 7b* R* t Wir * r ** *«■'- rit* H.V. vi. vy • .-vtstrt-. frosn i c 3-c-. Tiiis rK^pt: z: ,r>:i frvm C.*L.-'Ump l ti-‘- B-K £?.? ate ai*u ?i« P-. •- T ttiz£ riK2 v-r k.-.c -J. De-cr-a? «! **!. i .Tr ■ »e rr - *- Ik . Ji. l»ai • TiiK VOIMO OB ->U> Ata/s v.r f?ma :.■ r-x y-yr \r-J j« lit ml xililL 3AM ufc. Wi»3Ja.\ «&{• • !ti if A ihi fbr il*l >• :>«. 7v - •* r * ire omitjfroex A«dt for BeJmtoiJ'*. ' JhBOT' ■ f owf }m*i*£iom*. MABRnSD. NRW FIRM. HEN BY TITK. !)AVIJ) ETTJNGEB. TRK *!*«;*' .fBKRJi BK»-r I y *VK * rtr. it-* jn> v .i‘« tv*-; i*»» t *-*_• Also a UJIUL. £iA»- aisc fhai we ” T'ne" are - r iecik.u?<. tue ssu-hru v.>r- - xi A. ■i. KKRK tMw* ?T: '1 XI/' W 34. COsOKOV*. av-l> fJr.'-'tJ' L.. N luv -V. ytb«T. Care* jre*r«?--^c. CLOTHING BUSINESS. aV. «{;: o *slir»o* i»t -r> 0.-nyaMi »«• It Tuci.'Jt Mate S*trt»r • f-a .«*va »i* ■ - U.* Ex* k -.af j ir»- Hi 4*l A IV S *** a!*n W 3 er dc» at Xo. TOo Miirbet Sf’fft, P^nladetpiaa. »br* :H*>t a*?! aTI »hy*« <* rL«rtsiu* «tt4 t* tor. t wU At th* Tr-' fr"’*'**'. Th»v wH) V n»*' W U m 4! vfe**p*r ?fca «übj atiw *n :ht *»cl ?i T«* tb-« cri^nafaTa - * r '» - o £•*•£«. ad' ;aa» «»Tr lit* lutuaU, i»r aai aii ckAfc. ac «El i* n;rint* a veil A'»«. t !SfS3 t f LARGE SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS AND \HBROTYPES, (iih and Rosewood Frames, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS CA R TES-DE- V[SITES. Al-L STYLES AND SIZES OF CASES, &C„ CLABAUGII'S BUILDING. Jntia Street. between Virginia ;mi.\( KM KA11.1) LVE, THE FAMILY SOAF MAKER USLK -r- r.i, -4 c.£*:z*i :i»t sPL'KiuU: LT £ Mup. A:.. l -v .-Jtr*-J f-i- **>• GLMJNfc P.U»:MKD ITK l* th*r K} :t- *ALT >4 A> Mi ACTI iil N* '. ! ** PA N V. ifet-ir Tr#Je-2»i k t->T i» j A »Vi.\ I f ! t ♦>£ CuXOiMti XtD Tb* iICCtS.* :i ;* uj'Uci-i tr** it-ii 4’AUTIfSu- t-e.Mra.Tv v iMJTAft it. its v -iJUi-i; ■fux-0.-sii'MStj-* PATLXIr *LL MANUAITI KER' a\ rr.-f 'I'CHIUUs ITlxv *i- :.-: iir v itt: ATT»»KMrV£. •E« ‘Ki.F HAKUIM3 E SL’-. yfi. T- ' YV j LLi .\M BAK£Vv xA Pi::»t i;. 1 Vl* TH AT ILL HI.NSf iCTVLKK-'. '/,i,LLL6 «.*| LVi-ji. •• .*'iv .. ilit OOCLMhAT?:- LM. i - *br *;i DHtTGirIST*. ANT; OKNTfcY jTCKAu.* Xak:e otice 11 Tr->- Ltui-d MJt;An Crrrsii: o*&ri U>»;fn! < U-- ■ • i • f N . ‘ - f sJsr T--r. ; *zr. ; :i.r FENNNVLVAXIA bALT M*aM.> TFRiV? C*-M>A\Y rs TIK»MA> li CBAbE. ir•— : u-.-t; \ .t-M-’ U. fh* fJULLir* * i.- : jjr A '■.« *}■-■& >AJ* V >' i-.M. Pu.*'.: i*?—;• i’l. ?'•i**-. Prri-'T^ THE \ ENNjH.VAMA SALT MANUFACTURING CO O F FI C MS: 127 Wain at Sire-ii. Philadelphia. Pin Si. and Duqoes-ne Way. Pir:«i>crg. ,’;|V 'Z. **-*. N OTICE. Notice i> hereby given that ti:*- f'3; «ir «: «-&» »t s <«> rx^f—• / C r H,w .■< H*£*4<.r% K'f iht Att-.K'Z* iu. M«rc-: : Tljc t-■* **K' r.»* ••: a- , ■“ -x:!nc nwjK c- re clh. . 'iiT ac-i !hitl T2.*— -Ijllajj-.- iv ?l jl* ! v ;•*' cm* -it'h. :1k 1-til >'i"v -f *wt -i' -nth until tisf wJ--4p u pm*s ir. -m i*htnc tstk*- ir th#- cu. ftil b» lijrrv I**; re a ■•*■ T-ft at:*..’ i. A!i.*.Tt:u M»y 1 -:S B F. ROSt 7 tetes^r. E STRAY.—CAME to THE RESi lb* wifc-rn'i*". r**jdi»£. in V*n *ba.>. BSac- r-gntr (.' li* jatt—Lai 2 frc w*--ki oI*L Tin r-“ t,*-r r—zn*~~i**S t*_> ricrd |«~siTe jia :1»*a?-i ar*i. -- wfll fv? ~f »T.-rciri£ t- [it m SUPERIOR STOCK OF I IyLOKS O —-JOHN Q j* f>,i» aid* to o3fr t> th«r castf>SßsTf and tb* rnblic at a W<«k «f tb p«rt»rt rTf-r 1 -r.ctci: lot* tius oars?*, nuccpriam^ lit f »tt tie folfomitc rwieri^- wm^KY—iKisa. Koica old WINK— l*ostT. SJIEKKY. OLI* *3 iDEIUa jtaed. bcpey i ox pale b&a.ndy The** ail he «-arranl*.i; «.rj ;n ariru t lh~*e. FKITC II T ha» .-«? Laud a Urrr rurv-rr -if Wh : «ky «ud Braadr. to •ahicij tier icvir? :I** partirßs*: atts*ntit® of tb* ptjWir. il mu. Mar 12 ,, MVCK KHKI,—NOs 1, 2. AND 3 is mil ‘3rd pac&*s»*r ae». and *acb parkagi man eoted. jxwt rcc-iiitxS mod for male lv*w b\ C'QAL o.l: V NO. 1 COAL on / v*d acc Lit sak. at »• ceot» per call r.. l»t FfcrrniKT. BR MJ.MS BULSHES TLBS AM Basket* of *ll d* scriptk-c*. qualities *n,-J j «•» fta t*J FRITCUfiV. TM'OBRKLL’S pkkparkdcoffkf ** jn»-l r*srir*i **•- hr FBITCHEt. JKRSKS" PLAIN HAMS v SHOL'L- KtSSS-joti nentriW fcT «ljr l*J j BOS’! UN CRACKERS—A LARGt! tappljr d « rt-wßl* prior*. «w -*<- S-TWUBt- ■-; r.- LINIMENT, for rheumatism, oorr. neuralgia iuxrago, «TIFF NKCK 4NDJOIVTS. SPRAINS. RRCISSS. CUTS AND WtKTNDS. PILES. HEADACHE, , AND ALL RHEUMATIC AND NLR . TOCS DISORDERS for ail of vhk*fe it i» a «*>*rdy asU entitii rvwdv.aad arv«r tafia. Thu Lffiiamst t* vnfßri Imw liw «dp of Dr. s*»rt of piißbrciint Ukt hlfai bu*r irtW. it-i La* Ihvd ihr(j ic hli |*rvtk« Lr acre ttaa tear* vitii tA* bn«: %ocon*. AS AN ALLEVIATOR Of PAIS. it i* trariralM M tfcjr birf>«r* the |>al-l»r. «jf vhicA the jao*l ■»k*ptscaS out bf M a siaai* ttUi. Tb« Trfll car* raj 1 Liv aad radically. RHEC- MaTIC DISORDERS <4 ftvn imi ao 1 tn rL««uvi* i«f ■'Jrtcs afcrfv tt ba* u«*t! it ban l*rii k*a»a to iaiL FOR NEURALGIA. » viiiaSord ifiimTiaTT rtiiM A -rerr £iSr. h»«r*r**r dbimsiß;. It till rriaw th* wrK cm* «tf H.EADACUS is tkr» ai*?Kte*aad w vum ed ? .«do it. , WOTHACHI also will it «n> in«UM|j. rOA NKRTOCS DEBILITY AND GENUAL LA««- TDK arutßc 6i« >m|«n>4w vr "icm. (Mi Luwat *a a«4 uLaias mwAj. Arti* * Erectly iffc-* ifa* D-TT««» thmtaa. It ■ftn-egtbuts u 4 the twhb asd rrAam i; ta eh tacity tad tijkw. POB PI LG^.—A» ia reaiedy. re ritLfm that it ♦ tbs* kurtwn, ftr-d *« •rhajt«'Ci£* > tbe to f»r««iore cc wjoal. Kwy Tk-tart ffab- djatTweag j*t •Lc.-uM f ir* it a Inal, kr ii v ill uit fail aflord iaa»*i« r*i*f as«d »b c t caae« will *Ste«ct a Tadica* rare. are vtrr f niaxy?- ofui >4 the >«nts b t-> oectjr if bfg)*ct«d 1L? rsaa be oc*qaf-ivJ by this Luaxaeai in two or Lr*-i -."i*.'. i B«CifL> OCI>. WOCNPa. oORE>/U|aC£?.S BFEN? »ND SfAiJH. «'K4d rradil* t » ihf w-^&oerfs; rtk»«T DRISWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, trher. - Al»>x CHILBLAiN* FB«>STLD FKET, AND IXSfcCT BlTti AND STINOS. 1* te-.«wr-aii or»r ii* Siai*<. r SKLLEK> of > L Pi.* :i be ;»r 3 ii, ; r-r ■ 'A, NANCY BEGAN • » anrinlH by u>. mod ja «!! c»!m <£ Uae&rm j ■Voc jj?nuas. Brct«*» -r mretjchamg. it* fffcrt b wcira a»J certain. l]«n»w wiMlr Maao rx «B 1 ai*> 3y. Spat in and Knarfc-w* sb»‘ v* Ft-fiy t«-r«-vVjj caar of tfcf fcimi bumen-r. w fe-perat* ui topeics* btjt it icar h** alWbted by thb LSsnomt. a&d it* juihf’nl apphca&'B »il! ajar*j» mtnf» the Ujkbmm. *»• - r*b}- the RuTM to trarclmitfc eu*peiatirc *otc. piutchf y. FEiTcuirr Dr. SWEET’S IX FALL! BLE THE GREAT REMEDY «lIN>Y AND SORE THROAT areiauurti&e.«'xtrr»f -i aad l-nt a LhctH t*j :L»« LibJtortit will r**arr fail tv czjs-. f'r Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut Thr Greii Natural Bca* eeuer. T»r Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut i»r. Stephec Sweet, of Connecticut h *.hf BTUbor tf-Do Swt-*:'.* InfeiHfcst l Lisiißeiit-' l»r Sweet's Jnfaiitbie Liniment urn »M .set- : iam f>r. Sweft’- lofaitibie Liniment k: S e^.rair»K- lnf«ilibk Liniment Llo: - sit j .’zaju^dhO^f. Ur ?weet’.' IctjLibic Linvmetii :ba L'-s-J iih'fe r-ii>--3T far »>cain«i »E=i. Kram~ [it •>srett : s Infallible Lioiuien x.— H .'h.zi.zt'* ABdtmaertr kv<--* r J.U‘ ••i.i.i It SBrest's Infallible Lint men; t*r Piles. a»d*eii«B fiuis v- Lrr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment T-.* :;;*csje Ld ttt-e mioelc- It Street’s in tillable l>iniinen£ Jure? Oz:t »ui W«Stods utamedi&Seiy and Scares bo arx: It Sweet's Infallible Liniment .« ti**- r*—: rtus&iy for meres la lb kaown ’rc-r'i i. Dr Sweet’s Infallible Liniment l-w- £*rezi vd i/j a*c-re Lbas a ciiiiioc ail •rads* Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment take-*! inter naiij core* OUac, Cbciera Cbc-iera Dr, sweet's Iniaiiible Liniment i* &niy *. ~ £r>*i>d la 3**~L. r ' aud fttrt fiuailr stioaid bat- I it Uaii-i Dr. Sweet’s iniaiiible Liniment is for mut bj ait Fri» 2^a&d ou reui#. A FRIEND IN NEED- TRY IT DE. SWEETS IXFAU IBLK UXJMEXT. u >a n '■trial rrSKdr. » mithoat a rirci and triU a-rc ii a ai j ocutr For ail Lfo-o a* l * «£>J .Vrrom • Diautdef* it tralyuhiliMe. mad u * n atif- for e-*rf ■*, Wvaadt Bnims. tc- otfliiag. br«iiii|r and puvtdil mnfigtbriuif pwpttb -liiu tbt ja»t mubdA and a4o»i4»Bibt of a! «hn bar* ?«-r gtem it a trial. thf Ir. W)tNiFw»«> Jfinrifl.ft SMUU t miy tnUrl 4» 0» llmt T*k. »H Iwßn limply HELIBOLD’S GENUINE PREPARATIONS HIGHLY OONCKSTKATEP” compound nciD Kxnucmcav. A Mliwjal fftdtc fcii; Ur Pi I—»» of tk BLADMDL SION ITS. SUTU ASP DSOPSICAL SVUJJW& H« !WWw iocnatn Or pnr of Kinttom-tai u ate* the ABSQKUXTSiMBIMaMhj'aritoB.hjF which t he WATKRT OK CALCARKOCS drpoeetrav ml a» YN- VtTCB AL HIABOiVKML ut redaced. u vrl) u PAIN «» INFLAMMATION. ud it coed for Xxx. T> xiA (A CmMO. HELM BOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHI. Bor ltem Ewart l IbbitAof t»*. Saaiy ladboetaaa or Abe**. ATTKSBkD WITH aWOM? lNttcelly «T tmttfeg, Uwaflbeofy lonofftra, W*»k Keim TrraWiti, Uorrcr c>f Pknif. TricHUam, of Twice, pmi* iatbc BacA. Imaode of use Meecaisr Hmfltab. Fluabief of tbe Body. Areptioeo of tbe Fk* PALLID COUNTENANCE •napfcmas. if »lkr»t*d to j-i oa- vfcicb tbi* wai •ric* 'smriab'; rvaurn, *c»a fettwaa UlOtXKa. SAvcm l*Q» firs, ia ok of arhicb tbe |ortrit naj Wbo cm say ih*t they art frwjeeaUj fcUt*r«d bj li'.or -iaUFtL DImSKS." -INSANITY’ AND CONSUMPTION Mnay *rt as«r? nwr nf tVIr i lag BUT NONA WILL OOXffcat TTIB REOOkDT O* TUB INSANE ASTLCMS, Aod th** aieaackoit Daibt by f lmt «*»- p>>e «j?ae=>9 t« tbc imh 01 Ibe MMTtioa.. IUE OONSTITCiION ONCE A/ABCIkD UlTii Oe GANIC WEAKNESS, U-ti.r ■■ itiaiioa* ia aßd iiTip,: S» Sr»w». «to£i HEMBuLD'S KXTTLACT BCCHC i»TOuibl3 4*- A b.! will ooziTiiwe ih? T *r" FE M ALES! FEMALES !! On* CA Tj. EXTRACT BCCUC is ear-q3*wj l>v «>j -xatr rr®caj, a* iaCbkrc ajt«'? Irrtpjliraj. cr t*|^»teoßsoe v-1 Casxtr&ary Araraalktt,-. Cfesraiw! or SeitTfe««n&se - r Vies**. UouKTi.it jt Vka. Stcrilk;, aed fer AU c. raij.Uitu li*c«iryl le ibt sex. « briber *risizK (the ir -iarr7rtE*B, UabOs of IfwijJdtitur, v.: in tbf DECLINE OR CHAXGB OF UHL su bimvi* am*l N'o Family Should be Without it. T«k? Dy isrjrt Baliaßi. ikiturj, or B&fkMiaUkiikaß* k*r osp'eMui tty dmgpfvtte (Immu, UELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHD. Improved Bose Wash CERES SECRET DISEASES la all ttsr Rages. LAiti* or ol- sa Did, Aa4 Do ExpO**Tr. a CfcSM»t freqwax deun- u>« girt* to Urietie, fcfcrrtrj L«*c> iug l*U4i DdhAtxs, «ad -UiCldV* cl lie Irv Um. Aitiywy I*.» larfbMk ara; in tiie ciMaa of itiriwiaii, tsd t~q •fiAwMb t>«KK9e> «at Batta. lUvI>A.\US CPvSI TUvEsAXIte (kabnehnlki vkUEuelQßacfca. cud *bo bare ymid W*rj Um Tub* in a dailuae, baid.-und rhu tbaj ir, ilmmu 'ii u«J l!aJ pm; -VulsOS* bo, tf On M uf -povrrtfel m ■ imgesu,*’ l« drial o> la tbc tjHtm. to Imi an a, «d fctv. uni pubtj« tilts' llarrv^. Cii Unomi Rxmci Been Jar *U aftetiau an iiKi«e»«ltße OUSART oicm ifbetber fa BALE OR FEXIU. from whatever caajevdgiaaUag.iad MMUkt i* UuM IOSG STASDISG. Diwaaes of tbeee tii *id of * law. iIRLX BOUTS EXTRACT BCUTC la Jiaa Great I‘icmmc, and arnlwta ban- tba iltoim Sect iaaU djuaas fcr vtxk RitftttWKaded. irvkw« of the okuct rdta-He Mini rt^oaakfe DriiTwrd io m; iddre*, j |acfcad fttmmf*. ’ •crratioei. D*k*i»* tnrau Cbotncum. Caret lituutttd «■ AmDATII. Penasailj appeared Mat Be. aa iUrrautt the tH} ■( PtuJfefc-ipLix. u: 1. H fUflwta. who mb uCSiaa; !>i> ptqauatjsa caotalaa m miiilli in im - . .^ ...w -■—p — lj rmtalili U. T. iUUUOLD. eawaaad eaten Bed tafcre as, tfc * S* *>s «r X*. nc*>wr,i6M. * " inynrr iiifif a , Nnsk &, tbovt Xftcc. nflk Andrew fatso* far mfanMfaa ia Miteasli U.T.BKUfBul&ClMtat. lEfaaw'fcr DUUOS, Mr* da JbEtmt-ftfehag * ■ 4* bdMdkarlMt’ *«*r •"«** •»*»ty»Wa ‘^ L Jh>.' IW iM' ; jirjiaßt> * ” r •••-«' : H < w4.tCi>.lM|j J r. AM> At little Riyw t X« iaManakaet it J'V