i FAiuLISLE: r V* r HE ST, THE :at remedy HP wodnds. files. hajAr^sT^ i RHKUMATJC AND HKS TOGB DIBODDBSB. tin 01 *•.-We 'practice for more :«ftonl«hiiig (acceaa. (Jffcwartliy attafrlo trial. » , T** W»f-/wwy Um),«att w*w£J!!?5 c : ‘#M* d it haaocvwkMwki^JJ aft>ra JUMDAOWK io tw aJMeaSßaas lMo*I« tw»y «nd »Sw. ' th ' p.***?«> « data Hu,,. r tire chillentetlu> ft*uy *BlPToe*. »B* nWarfcfl ***>»»* rcry d*Un»t*, wd „ DUr „. >;fc WMe to «W;iri|i|&9M iSI twnqoCTedbj {S& f&jfi^tJsTWor 3. WOUNDS. SORK?. 016888, SORMa to 0» wmdwfbl iMUioc BWRRPB IMA LLIBLE JiK Vniiractions- Alw, CttllßLAras" AiauNaitcr bite? and tong* e» Sweet of (Wbm^. Bpae Better. , r _;' eu Sweet, of Conibeo^oiu, dw Uidted • sfli Sweet, of PoQi^oticiat, I>r;Bwf<» * :r infallible- Liniment Laisd oerw GUIs. •- * Infallible' Liniment • «iir Neuralgia, ! Infallible Liniment .tafaUible Liniment w*4y fur SpnUaa and Hrnieea. > infallible Liniment' ioWhUely and mu Beverktton to hi) infallibie Liniment Ifrfiiw. Piles, andeekhw Ml* to core Infallible Liniment !>’aslant*.. ■ >. . i: infallible Liniment■;:; ■> 1 luitsinmedlAtelY eudteevernoaear. la&Bible Liniment Ni.tMM iattiehoaWinirld. . Infallible Liniment ; .»(?»» (Mb amUifan* lafaUible Liniwent f)P «jsd Cbok™ 'infallible Liniment {jWlTee* infallible Liniment Price 2S U)d£o«au. ■ * INDEED. XBTJT. I'AUIBLE untuni, «* «n «• tluat a rtTal ittd will tHiflUtipiii hj W“r propuatfua., £Sr iM laitdcr. it I. trtly iuMUUe. m»7 •* *• SpntiM.Brttiw*. Ac. M» 5 •t*M^hsoln*prop«rtk«, |r aud of afcVlwta'T* • Owruae tbomad <« ntansed bf it wftUp ttM Uat tw* B$E V OWNERS’! : » ne whole dose not weigh over four ounces, r Any jarltage exceeding four ounces in weight hut less han eight ounces will be charged four cents — iiese rates to be prepaid by stamps. The postage ■n all drop! letters has been increased to r too; cents, mt as no charge is made -for delivering any letters whatever, the charge for droped letters is the same !< heretofore, except that the cost formerly divi i«l between this sender and receiver must now be repaid by the party mailing. Hose Wasted. —Theatre company is now ap -'ijing to our citizens for money to purchase, more lost, and we hope they will meet with liberal do nations from every properly holder. The want of mare hose was. seriously felt at the late conflagra i'ln. Had there been about ISO more feet of it in additional fireplug could have been brought nio use, either tp supply the engine or to have •urown water directly on the fire. Every property colder has a direct interest in furnishing the cotn any with everything that can add to its effective ness at fires, and we sincerely desire to see it rquipped as it deserves. A few dollars given now msv save hundreds hereafter. Ordered. Oft, —We team this morning that is 53d Rogt. F. V. M., Col. Mckeage, now en 'orusped at Huntingdon, together with Capt. Bell’s oaralry com|iany, have been ordered to McCon nelsbnig, Fulton county. The recent reports that 1-ec inters to again invade Pennsylvania, and tie threatened raids of rebel cavalry, doubtless has -imething to do with the movement. If the au horities would prevent raids they must take the uroper precautionary measures, and it may he that .sir boys will yet get a sight of the rebs. Liect., Morris Dead.— We learn from a pri ■ue letter received in this place, that Lieut, Pat Morris, of Company. M, C2d Beg’t P. V., d(ed in he hospital at Gettysburg on the 11thiust., from ’be effect of a wdtmd received in the battle at that flace. He was shot in the head, the ball entering 1c left temple ami passing obliquely to the right ''heck, where it was cut out. He was buried in it soldiers graveyard at Gettysburg. Ukad.—We learn from the Lewistown papers, William Henry Snyder, a practical printer, lormerly of that place, died in Brooklyn, New York, on the 7th of July. A number of out read °n will remember Mr. Snyder as the publisher of Ae FUgitter, started la this place in the spring of !8 *>. Hii> disease was galloping consumption. I'ua Salk.—Michael McCormick offers adesi -s*ble property, on Emma Street, at private sale. — Any one wishing to secure a comfortable and con silient homestead, would do well to call early, as iff. Me, is desirous of selling soon, with the view of removing. See advertisement in anothef col ■J«n. Rirors.— We havB various rumors in refer ee to the time fixed for the draft and the mas* out of the three months men, but we give 30 credence to any of tiirtn. Both Will take place * , * 1 ® Prepcr time—rite first considerably sooner ■teti many may want to be informed of it, tjut the au * r cannot he announced too soon for seine of 081 female readers. ' 1 of casualties In Go, 76th Pa. Vols., Capt. Joseph fi. Find telecommand mg, during the battles of July lOth, Iltli, and TBth. 1863; - jtdv 10th—‘Private Jncoh Invin wounded in the arm; slightly by piece of ghell July llth—lst Sergr, A. C. Gvrinmissing,sup posed wounded and taken prisoner. Sergfs. T. L. McGlathery nnd T. W. Morgan, and Corps. Enoch TJiefcsoa. Levi Fry, Henry A. Miller, and Carne lios Walker are missing; siipposed wounded and prisoners. Corp. Wm. Aikei.s wounded severely. Privates Janies M. Ayres, Henry Bnci, Joseph T Brown are missing, supposed wounded and ners. John A.' Boyles; and James Gilland tnis- Bing. siipposed killed. John Conners, John Der wiler,. Geprge Empfield, Milton -Gray, John M. Knox, J. L. Kinsel, David Ko'unsman, fSomUel Kounsmari, George Lafferty, Graham Meadville, John E. Morgan, Findley Stevens and Levi Wier baugh missing. Daniel . Clark wounded severely. George Miller wonnded'slightly in arm, Edward B. Matthews severely' in hip, Wm. H. Wayne slightly in thigh. July 18th—Private Trevanian Buck, wounded slightly in arm. Total—32 killed, wonnded and misting. The following commissioned officers of the re giment were killed, wounded or are missing:— Maj. John W. Hicks, wonnded severely through both thighs. Capt. David B. Hogelan'd and Is> Lieut. Martin Stambangh, af co. B, and Charles Bittmgcr, of co.C, missing and prisoners, fapt. Charles Knen, co. H, wounded in thighs; Ist Lieut. Wm. Miller, co. H, killed; Capt. John S. Littoll, co. K, wounded slightly Capt-. Henry Bice, co. E, wounded slightly ; 2d Lieut. I, H. Ensiger, co. I,' wounded slightly; 2d Lieut. Seth Thompson, co. B, killed by a shell. The Home Insurance Company of New Ha ves, Connecticut. —Mr Editor. —l lake great pleasure in reeomending to the public the Home In surance Company as very safe, sound and reliable. A considerable part of the |iropertv which I have recently lost by fire, haring been insured by this compahy, the prompt, satisfactory, and business like manner in which it has adjusted and paid my claims, entitles it to my full confidence. I feel it ray duty to make this public aknowledgement, and to-say, that persons having property which they desire to have insured, would do well to have it in sured in this conTpany. E. O. Kerr and Mr. Taicott, the officers who adjusted my claims, are gentlemenof comprehension, experienced in their business, and disposed to. settle all honest claims with perfect good faith. The agent of the com pany in this.place is onf enterprising and polite young fellow-citizen H. A. O. Kerr. He is so well known to onr people, that any recomendation from me wonld ;be superfluous. ' Give him a call and he will post you on the laws relative to Eire and Life Insurance. ! LEWIS PLACK, Acknowledgement.— We clip the following from the Huntingdon Globe of.the 15th inst. - The ladies of Huntingdon particularly interested, desire the members of Capt. Bell's Altoona Cav alry Company to accept many thanks for their lib eral and unexpected donation of $22,80. tendered by Mr. J. Delo and received by Mrs. Jl. K. seff. as an expression of the company’s appreciation of the kindness shown to them while quartered in the Presbyterian churyh. As the donation was intended to be applied to some useful and benevolent object, and as it was the soldier's offering, it was resolved to appropriate it in a manner that soldiers might receive the ben efit. from it. It was accordingly forwarded to the Christian Commission at Philadelphia. THE LADIES. Philadelphia. July 10th, 1863. Mias C. R. WiESTUNb.—Yours of the Btn inst. containing $22,80 as a contribution to the U. S. Cristian Commission from the Altoona Cavalry Company is received, for which please accept our thanks. Yours, &c„ JAS. PATTERSON, Treasurer. Camp, Meeting.—A Camp Meeting of the Methodist E. Church niriil be held on the old ground, near Biimingham, Huntingdon county, commencing on Friday August 14th, 1863. The friends, of Altoona, Hollidaysburg, Warriors Mark. Manor Hill and Huntingdon, and othe contignons charges, are eordiallv invited to at tend. - - ‘ J. STINE. July 21st, 1863. The Drafted Men.. —The following facts of interest to drafted men may 'not be generally known. First. Those who are drafted and do not 'procure substitutes, but serve as the law directs, are to be paid the United Slates bounty. Second. Every drafted man is tp be placed in all respects on a par with a volunteefr. • Da. A. P. Caederwood tenders his pro fessional service /re« of charge to the familu-s of volunteers now in the'service of the United States. Altoona, July 27, 1863.-3 t. Fatal Accident. — A man named William Knodc, an*employee of the Broad Top Railroad Company, on last Friday night, fell asleep on the bridge by the side of the. track, and was so crushed by a passenger train, as to cause his death in a short time. The deceased had been with his family up to a short time before the accident oc curred. He had been nursing bis little buy, who was anxious to accompany his-Jalhcr over the river, where he had business to attend to for the road. He prevailed on his boy to stay at home, telling him be would: soon return —handed his wifie what money he ftpd about him—took, his lantern and started on ; his mission. It was not long after, that the family received the horrible tidings of his Tate. He Was a loving husband, an affectionate parent, and highly esteemed by all who knew him. —UmUiaydon Monitor, The Rebel SITOATtOK.— The Raleigh, N. C., StaudmV of the 13th has an article on the situa tion. It concludes on Vicksburg as follows: “Thecofitest is now narrowed down to Virginia, North and South Carolina, Alabama and Georgia. Any marked soccesi of General Lee would have neutralized the effect Of the Loss of Vicksburg, but indications are that Lee has been compelled to retire before, an overwhelming force.” The same paper thus speaks of the local militia bill for that State: “If North Carolina is to depend for protection on old men and boys; and have none 'of the veteran troops she has contributed to the Confederate service, th*p, indeed, the prospect is gloomy.” Serious Accident.—Three breakmen, on the Broad Top Koad, natped John Leffard, John Nary, and" George Nee, pn last Saturday, met with a very serious accident , in the neighborhood of Biddlesburg. JPhey were riding on the hind car of a cool tratS when the doors gave way, sending with the coal tj under the car. Nary and Nee are residents.ofßroad Top, and are not serionsiy injured'. ' Leffard, who belongs to this place, had hi* Jpp disjointed, his leg broken and otherwise seriously injured- He is now lying in a very critical position—very little hope of Ids re covery being entertained by the attending physi cian..—Huntingdon Monitor. \ .j.-- -- ■: Gbhebai. Foster's Cavairt Expedition.— The Petersburg/ir/treM, of the 224,. in referring to the cavalry exjiedUion sent out by General Foster, says the Yankee; raiders burnt the railroad bridge refer Tar river, 'near Bockmonnt. They destroyed the depot at that place, tore up two miles of track, burnt 6,000 bales of cotton, and a large cotton factory. The bridge over the Tar river was on the Wilmington and Weldon Hailroad. and wfs abort «» »enfc Ipng. They also cap tured atminof cars which cwuained two car loads of ammunition *i|pfyWpmwd#<>( bacon, which were destroyed. '' “In out own family wp 'w one of Wheeler & Wilson's Machines, amt vve cannot imagine any - thing moiy perfcct. It is very beautiful. simple in its construction, efeiily mnmigecl not li table to get out of order, has a qniet movement, will do the work of a dozen female hands, and is invalua ble in any; family.”— A”. Y. EvanHII go away with.the resolve that my establishment is the place to save money. No charge for showing goods. Gall and examine. I would respectfully invite your attention to my well selected assortment of Ladies and Misses' Dry Goods, containing all the late and most de sirable siylf.s of dresses to hi: found in the Eastern markets, among which may be had, Mozambique*, Celliques, Kiiiarnny Checks, Union Checks. Sboperds Finds. Linen Lustres, .Silk Poplins, a full and complete stock of fancy and plain Flannels and Shirtiiigs, Linen, Muslin, Ladies and Gems Gloves and Hosiery, and a tremendous stock of Austin Kelly .Cos Patent Hoop Skirts, from four to fifty springs, which I can sell nr least 25 per cent, below Philadelphia retail prices. Also a great variety of Cloaking Cloths, van lug in price from 75 eta to ¥2,25 per yard, and the largest as sortment of Casstmers Sattinetts Tweeds, Jean.-, eel., [bat is to he found in the country. Carpeting ain't oil cloths in great variety at lowest prices. LOOK.—My stock of groceries are selling a few cents below my would-be-rivals, who_ •'can't .eo it. The cash -yStoto syrups still range from 40 to 70 cts. pet gallon. Government coffee, bought before the la!' late heavy advances. I am selling at 22 cts per pound. It in superior to all the new fangled substitutes now selling. _BEHOLI>.— Our teas range from the low. price of 60 cts. (ter pound, upwards. EXCtliflO R.—-Our would-be-competitors stand aghast when they know we have the heaviest and best assorted stock of crockery, china, glass and delph ware to be found in any* establishment between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, and that wo sell cheaper than -they can buy. Thev arc superb,” is .the common exclamation on examin ing our Chißa Tea Sets, ranging in price from $l2 to $2O, which is lower than they can he pur chased .in Pittsburgh. We are selling to people from all tlje surrounding counties, because we keep a large slock from which to select, and sell cheap. One examination will suffice to convince any one that we are not puffing our goods. All kinds ot ornamental Hower vastis, mugs, glassware, and in facial! kinds of crockery ever imagined, we j;ecp on liand. We are still soiling the celebrated Wedgewood Iron Stone Sets for $5.00, which is 25 cts. cheaper than thev can lie bought for in Philadelphia or Pittsburg retail market. “I can’t so- how it is done?” is the qiierv. Well, we Will tell you the secret—it is m.s/i onry. By this means I am enabled to increase mv busi ness and stock steadily, while other establishments are glad to decrease theirs. We are not com pelled to add large profits to make up for losses by bad debts, and we save by paying cash for goods instead of buying on time-and paying a higher figure. FATHER;- & MOTHERS.— Out stock of children’s carriages and coaches are just the thing for those who value the h-alth of their children morejthan the small amount we charge for them. Thosp who use a carriage once will never go hack to the old-fashioned way of dragging children around in their arms. Call and see our stock of infant carriages and cabs. Wheeler i Wilson’s Sewing Machine, of which I am the sole Agent for Blair and Huntingdon counties,’are.the best machines ever used. Thev are perfect and warranted for two years. Ido not ask you to buy unless you are satisfied you are sa ving money by so doing. Altoona May, 9tli, 18G3. A CARD TO THE SUFFERING The Rev. Wm. U.nsgrove. while laboring as a Miiwinuary i i Japan. wancurpd of Consumption, when all other means hud failed, .by a recipe obtained from a learned physician in tiie great city .of Jeddo. This recipe ha? cured great numbers who wore suffering from Consumption. Bronchi tis,Sore Throat. C'oughs and Colds, and the debility and nervous depression-caused by these disorders. Desirous of benefiting others, I will send this recipe, which I hare brought home with me, to all who need it, fro** of charge. Address, Doc. 143,1862-Iy.] TO THIS YOUNG OR OLD, Male or Female. If'y° a have been * offering from a habit indulged in by the YOUTH OF BOTH SEJTES. WHICH CAtISKS SO HAN if ALAIIHINO SYMPTOMS. U unfits /Jiem-for Marriage* And i§ tlie greatest evil which can befall MAN OB WOMAN See symptons enumerated in advertisement, and if yoo are a sufferer, Cut out the Advertisement. And send for it at once. ; , Delays are dangerous. Ask ftjr Uelmbold's. Take do other. Cures guaranteed. Beware of Counterfeits and Imitations, BAIL BOAS ABB KAIL SCHEDULE, TRAINS ARRIVE AND DEPART. BaltimoreExpre** Weetarrlve* 8.68 A.M. leaves7.l6 A.M. Philadel’a »• ■ “ - 7.40 ** •* *B,OO •* PartUne w 8.20 P. M. “ W.35P.M. Mai! Train : “ “ 7.00 “ “ TilB . *• Express Train Kart “ 8.40 P. M., leaves 9.00 P. M Pant Line ; “ 1.10 AM, “ 1.18 A.M Mail Train “ « 7.40 ** “ 8.00 •* Through Accpm. ** 1018 u “ 1C.28 a N Mack kiihl—ulus. i, 2, anus, in all sized packages new, and each package ! waneutcd,Jn»t received aud)fur sale low by 1 . ! " FKITCIIKY. : CLTKRiOR STOCK OJb’ J IQUOHS. j JOIIN Q FRITCIIkV Is mow able to offer to their caHhnner* an.! the pnhflc at large, a Bt.*ck of the I purest llquorueTer brought jiitothfo market, comprising 1 hi part the followimr varieties 7 40 * M. WHISKY—HUSH, SCOTCH, OU) BODItBON. 7.00 V. m! | WINK—I’OItT. SIIEkKY, Ol>n M tDEIBA. OTAI(D - DOPEY A CO. PALE Bit ANDY. V* Tim P M* V These liquor* nw all be warranted; and in addition tv « nr« m J.* * * i WITC*I> Y luu on hand a large Tanety of Win«. MAILS liOaE. \\ luNky and Brandy, to which they invite the particular WeaternWay, '. 7.20 A. M. attention of the public. Eastern Wayi 7.20 *• A 1 ootm.-Mar Vi. 1863. ! ' V Western Through, 716 P.M. ■ ; ■ ■ j■ ■■ ■■ K. n v.? 0 r « Bh ’ ~T»am"a HSp"m I? 0 * SALK—A LOT UK GROUND, Otfiok Hoot; XDuHngTIVB week fr..m 6.46 A. M. until l*. M. : oil Squdsy* firam until 830 A. M. ; Altoona boring themmSreptel j6fn|. o.w. pattos. p.m. Two Dwelling Uou.ses. B||n| I The lot Is in • good smt. of cultivation. wfSQSSB nfARj»% ABE W ALL DESCBXJf. 1 n tiamfiwV iwceirnd mid for mis by I siding on t}tr premises, IIKNHIKTTA lIKNCiI. OcTlMf} .1. B. UIUSMArt July 14, ’6Mt* ACOCBTDA UISNCU. Trains on jlollidaysburg Branch run to connect with Express Train* WraL Mail Train East and Weft and Thru* Accommodktiim Train East. Trains on Tyrone k Clearfield Branch and Bald Eagle Talley R. R. run to connect with Express Train West and Mail Train East and West. MAILS ARRIVE. Eastern Throng!).. Eastern Way. Western Watf. Western Through., UulUdaysbtir{ Altoona, April 20, 1860. K. A. O. KERR, Rev. WM. COSGROVE, 439 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. SINGER a* CO.’S Letter “A" Family Sewing tfachine. WITH AM. THE URGENT IMPROVEMENTS, ' I- tlie BEST Him CHEAPEST s;.U MOST BEAUTIFUL 0 ill Sowing Machine*. Tin* Machine will sew anything from »h* mnmtic ofa lurk iii Tiirle.tan fo th<* making o in Oveicoaf—anything from Pilot or Bearer Cloth, down to.the* softer Gauze or Goaaanier Tis-uc. ami i* ever read; to dolts wnrk to perfecti«*n. It can full. hem. hind, gather tuck, quiiu and has capacity lor a preat variety of Otm» mental work Tin* !* m»t the L*dy nmchinq that cm fel h»*m. bind. Ac. but U will do so i-etter than any tether Mn chim-. The letter •* A’' Family sewing Machine may In hail in a '-ariety r-f cabinet cnae*. The Folding Ca* wbmh is m.v b-ceming -o iKiouUr. is, as its uamo implie* •no that can be folded into a box. or ciutc. which, whei «>peu. make* a Wotiful. sulmtancial. and Bpacimia tubl mr the work to rent upon# The cases arc of every him ginabie design—-plain ns the wood grew* in it* unlive fu: •***. or an clnlMrately finished as art can make them. The Branch Offices are well supplied with Sdlk-Twigi /Thread. Need!**. Oil etc. of the vefj l«*nt quality. for a copy of ~ SINGER 4 CO.’S GAZKTTK/* I. M. SINGER & CO., 458 Broadway, N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE—BIO CHESTNUT ST. Mr. O. VV. A. Belfonl. Men;hanr Tailor, Virginia Street Ap'li ’ll AIIU'IUE. a 111- ••Hi, \nv. i.s. ye. NOTICE. —Wherens. Letters Testanren tnry 11. the Estate cf ALBERT BROWN GLARE late of Altoona. Blair county. Pa., deceased, having beei granted t** the subscriber; therefore, all pe sons halebt** li s;iH r-tHt}' are requested to imike immediate (uiymein. Hiui tioec having clninie or demand* against tlie ♦'State «• tile s«i <: 'i' cee-mt. will nmk-. known the*>iii)e without de l'-y MART V. CLARK, Alt:;* July 2S, IhdP-ot Kxecutr*x. ijN-if i; W.—CAME TO THE RES I- A deuce- of the sub-erfber, reaiding in Allegheny imrimhip. Blair countv, on the nth day of May, 1863. a MKIFFKK, about four white and red color rather mixed, white belly, marked the left • ;w by a Vlit kin! u piece cut ont^ •«f toe i* requested to conic fjywnrd. prove property, pa cb.tsrg* r: and pike i»*-r away, otherwise she will be dispvsei 'if ,i-»iii, K tt. [kw. duly 'Js. L.sob-31.*- NANCY II KG AN. \\ LI A PROPERTY F< >R SAL! " lie. .licc-nbcr ofTcp af i’nv.ice Sale f■, *1 ■ '' r Rituatc i»,u Ilranrji Si. _ East 'Altooim. huinediaCelv 'opjK'sJte tlitjflQHfls 0 'Hie limine in wf)l built anti nearly new Fifu*en Rooms with Goo;! Cellars. if i*i calculated for HIRER FAMI LI ES. and at the mos reasonable terms will bring $2O p»r mouth r.-nt. There i a v-.-ll t-l g-.»nd water in the yard. Term.- .-asv. to MICHAEL W YROUGH, on tin* premises, o to JAMES KEARNEY, ut hi More. in East Altvom* July 28. 1863-tf. House anp lot at privati SALK.—TIie undersigned, intend ‘house AND LOT, Kitnalr on Eaunu street, between Anuie and Ju*i» Alr.Mina. The House U a two story frame, 24 bv 25 fe**t Hnd coi tains vyr., rooms and a hall on the first fl.air and three room on the second floor—is substantially built ami well finished The lot ib full hizo—su feet trout J y 120 feet deep i- i. piH»d o>d r. rod contains a number' f choice fruit trees u; in a thrifty condition. There is nl-., n -hml, «mbl» on’th For further particular- nppiv ,»n tjie pii-ioi-es Julv 2*. KSriiMU. MICIUKL S. Mcih»UMH K i iOiAj’ R K.MJi.UTHIA PROI'O- Srn. SING CERTAIN AMENDMENTS To Til. Co-.sTITUTION. li- ii rwdvvd by ot■■ SemiU jh-j fhnu, W I,‘fpre* r nla:n-r. of the Oinu)nmwealth of Ptnusyleama in General At**m bty aiel. That the following amendments be proposed t tlo Oui^titmion «.f the Commonwealth. in accordant: w Ith the IV ovlsioijsof the tenth article thereof; There Hiall bean addit uiial section t" the third unu) ot the Constitution, to be designated an o--ti..n f,, U r. a IoIIowh: SlcTlo.v 4 Whenever any of the qualified electors n thh Coiptuonwealth shall he in any actual military servio under a requisition from the Ure-ldent of Die United mu <•” Ur authority of this (Nunm-mwealth. such elector* rna* t-xew’i*:’ the right of suffrage in all elect! n* by tie- oil . Zee-, under -uch regulati- in. a.- are. or shall n„ , by law. >«.* hilly as if they were pres-nt at their u-u« tdae ol el ot ion. Tliej-e elm)! he two additional section* to'the eleventl hi i•< le of the Constitution. to he designated a* section eight and nine, as follow.*: Suction 5. No bill *hal] he passed by the Leg-Mature Containing m re than one subject, which -ball ho clemT exjTesxed in the tit.e. except iippropriationdolls. e. No 101 l shall be passed by tlie L-gishitur granting any powers, or privileged. »n any ci-.. where th authority to grant sueh jmw.-rs, «»r plivileges, ha- been. <• may hereafter b-, Ci*nferro<» upon the courts of this- Com nmnwealth. ’ J MIN CKSS.N\. Speaker of the Home <>J Heprescntclivcs. John p. pjs.nnky. Speaker of the Senate. Office op the Secretary op the Commonwealth. \ Uarrjmiurg. Julv Ist. IBb3. i PEMSYLVASIA SS. . J I do hereby certify that the fnregoiiu and annexed i* u lull, true a..d cor rect copy nf tin* urigi ai Joint Kesi> \ Seal lotion of the General Assembly. enli w ' v ' w Ged -A Jo »*t Resolution prop .sin;. certtin Atnendmen s to tli« Constitn tlon.” as tlie same remains on file Jr this office. In Testimony whens.f I imve he«-eun». set my hand, and fanned tin* seal o the Secretary's «»ffice ti la* affixed/ tin day and year above writlo ♦. • KLI SLIFEK. S'crtiury nf the. Commonwealth. Jnly 7.18C3.-tc. " I^OITCE. —i he Parin' - rship heretofore -A ’ existing between Williiim 11. IVrriVHl mil T. J William*. has thi« day been dissolved by mutml c »n-enf *!1 peruana knowing themaelve* indebted t. th« late firn will call and settle their ace uipts. as 1 have purchased tin ln)oks, ns well an the stock, and intend to carry on th< business at the old stand. Alcoout, July 14.1863.-St T. J. WILLIAMS. FRITCHKY’S NKW STORE, corner of Caroline and Virginia Sts. FRESH BUTTER & EGGS EVERY Thursday, for sale by FRITGUKY. COAL OiL!—A NO. 1 COAL OIL Just received nod for sale, at 48 cents per (call n. bj FRITOIItY. Brooms, brushes, tubs ani BaakeU of all d, scriptionh, qualities and prices for •ale by FItITCHKY. WORRELL’S PREPARED COFFEE just received and fur pale By FIUTCHBY. JERSEY PLAIN HAMS .v SEOUL BEKS, just received'and for sale by Boston crackkrs—a large supply of these delicious crackers just received and for ule by FKITCHBV. EX'illA KA.UII.Y FlAluß, HIU.M rhe i ove, always un hand and fur sale as low as the lowest by FRITCHKY. (MJFFKKS 81KMR<, AN U SYBUFS J of all grades, and at reasonable prices, for sale by ! FIUTfIfKY. SAPONIFIIR, N OR CONCENTRATED LYE. THE FAMILY SOAP MAKER. Tb« PUBLIC ar« cautioned against tie SPURIOUS Articles of LYrl for making eoap. 4o„ now offered fin; sale. .be only GtiNUI N K end PATiC.VXKD LY*i is that made .y tile PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING OMPANY, tneir tm.le-maik Ibr it being M SAPONIFIKK >R CONCBNTR TtD LYB.” The great SUOCfc&S of hi* artjcle has led unprincipled PARTIES to endeavor -a* iMiTAXt. it, in violation of the Company's PATKNTS. AhL MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS or SELLERS of these LYES, are hereby;itutlfied that theCoMPANT hifve employed aa their ATTORNEYS, GEORGE HARDING, Esq., of Philadelphia, '.nd WILLIAM BAKEWELL, Piltsb’g., AND THAT ALL MtSUFACTDRiSRS, USERS, OR StlLiiiiilS OF LYK in violatloi) of llie: right* of the Company will be preweeated lyt once. TUE SAPONIFIKR. nr CONCENTRATED LYE. i« fnr «al.- by nil 1)1!EGOISTS, UUVHJKHS AND COUNTRY STORES. Take Notice I! The Umtvd State* Circuit Cooct. We*tefn District of -VeKfern District of Pennsylvania. Nik'l of May IVrm. in 562. in ault of the PENNSYLVANIA SALT lIANUFAC URI.NO COMPANY PS THOMAS G. CIIASK, decreed to he Odupabji on November 15.1862. the: tXCLUSIVK ight granted by a patent owned by them for tbeSAPON* FI HR. Patent dated October ill. 856 i Perpetual in unction awarded. • the i ennsylvania SAL TMANUFA GTURING GO. OPFICKS: ViT -Wninut Street, Philadelphia, Pitt St. and Duquesne Way, Pittsburg. Mtt.v 12. ’63, ;3 in., ill.jdr A- Benefit to All. TRY ONE BOTTLE. \ trial will provethe fact, and facts are stubborn thing*. S MJBIILKRS HERB BIT'fKRS AKK SUCCESSESL IN BTKRY CASE, .o family Mrould he witheut it. of certificates * nd I tiers of thank* are arriving every dny from (lersoufl ; wh*i hav lieeti curt Ml. THE HERB BITTERS ! ‘ have never failed in cui ing i THKI MATISM, DYSPKPSIA, i Fetuaie Irregularities, and all Diseases Arising from mrURITY OF THE BLOOD, \* a Blood Purifier. Tonic and General Appertiaer. these fitters ar-i without a rival. No Lady deslrthg i i a .clear complexion; hou*d be wi h- ut It. Please get a circular and certift- ■ •ate-s from our Agent. 1 B. MISKLKII, •! Mnnafu turerand prop ietnr. ; Lancaster, Pa. NoTicK.T-*The gi’eat success of Mishler's Herb j |ittt*r?. has induced unprincipled parties to umim acturo «' worrh’i'HS article, which they are selling; at » low price, I ;/ u'.'iirh iKVMrt. .The genuine ran only be bought in • Uidr r .nj.ty. of <«. W. VVIIITFIKI.D, I (Sole Agent for UUir County,) j Depot Drug Store, Main BtreeC, Altouno, Pa. ; °ti. 1 ArCl— tf. For K.iis, Mice, {touches. Ants. ißcd Bugs. Moths in Furs, Woollens, &c. \ on Plants, Fowls, Animals, &c. I’ut up n 25 c. 50c. and $1 00 Bux-a, hot ties,. id Flasks, and fi sizesf rII IfribS, PUBLIC INStItUTIONS Ac. ■Only infall ble remedies kuowuJ-' " Free from Poisons.” *• Nubdmigeroiis'to the’llnman FiUnily.” *’ Itats come out of tlieir ludes to die.” *9" s .10 Wholesale in all large cities dd by iii l U.iUioisT and Retailers everywhere. BhW AULI!! d ull worthless imitation*' Set* that ** COSTAirs'’numo is on each Box, Bottle uni I’liiMk, bvfo e-y«'Ubuy. <®“A«id ess HENRY R. COSTAR, «#“Frind. al De)>ot 482 Broadway, N. Y. Sold by G W. KESSLER, Altoona, pi. April 7. 1863.-6 m * T C. (J. (SERVER & gON. Paper, Envelope anil Prinieis’ Card WAREHOUSE, No. 313, MINOR STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA.. Have constantly on hand FI.AX CAPd, LKTTBH AND NOTK. MANILLA PAPER, FOLIO POST, PACKET POST, HARDWARE, FOOLSCAP, ** PRINTING PAPER, ENVELOPE COLORED PAPER, BINDERS, TRUNK, STRAW AND BOX BOARD, TISSUE, SHOE, AND TEA PAPERS. PRINTING AND MANILLA PAPER made to order. June Ifs 1803. ’ I^JOTICE. —Notice is hereby given that A.W. the following resolution whi» adopted at a late meet* mg of the Board of Managers of the Altoona Uall and Market Company Retolvrd: That tue second instalment of It) per cent, on the ulock atitwcrlbed fnr.be made payable; on the 20th day of the present nmuth. (May, and that the balance of tne subscription bo made payable in monthly instalments «»f TO per cent each, on the Uth day of wch succeeding mouth, until the whole amount is paid in. i - Person* wUhing to take stock In the company can (till •be accommodated, there being a fi>w share* uiuutld. Altoona, May 19th-tf. B P. UOSBi T; caterer. FIUTCIIBY. tt FECIAL NOTICE.—On i and after .JULY lit 1863. the' privilege of cuuVei ting the pre »eut l»»ae of LEGAL TE.NDEU NOTES' INTO 1 HE NA TIONAL SIX PEK CEN f. LOAM (commonly ailed •• Five Twenties" will rate ) ; ; All who *rl«h to luvest in the Five-Twenty Loan, miut, therefore, app y before the let uf JULY next. ' : JAY COOKE. April Hth, 63.] . Sohacriptiun Agent.' 13m) No. 1U 8. TlilKD FhflaOelphla. FOB SA L.E— Two lots of - ground, fronting on Virginia street, nearly opposite the One Wurfcet «M lot*. Mug Nn.i. 1* and !W. in the Green bnrg Flirt, of the b#ongb of Aifouna, known a* the Fat. leg Monday troperty. having tliemnu reeled a dunble twuetury frame dwelling house, and a Irani* stable. For fhrther Information, inquire of E. IfAMMoND. JtmeSth.Jt.] IfollMeysbnrg. STB AY COW.-—(Jiinie to the premises, of llm iqb-crlber milling In Lngan 'tOwnahip. Blair c iiiity.ab.eit the Btb nf Jnifo. 1863. a fufg,. red, muley cow, with.mt any jwrticnlar mark*. Theowiter I* re qnea'ed td Como IhrwanLpiove pni|a>rty, pay charge* an.t take her away, otherwise ebe will be di.piMl of according 6> Hiv. MAUOARKf IRWIN. Lilgan Tifp„ July 7,1863.-31* CAUTION. —This is to notify all per eon* that my wife, M ry Lett ker,'i formerly Mary Burster!) ban left my bed aid l»«rd without *II,T Jnat cause or provocation, Alf permute are hereby cautioned not to liorbor ur trust her on mr accoanLa : ( will pay no debt*of; her omlre ting onle»e compelled by law.and all perann* are wantedinnt to bare atiytlling tudu wlth her lf they wldi to keen out ordflftolty. I Altisma, Jnne 16, pi|. AUUOeT LEITKK Eft. All iK) Ml N A L SUlPqinlBBS, Xnw *ss,and ghonlder Braces fur '-*t- 0; Wi KKSSLSK’g. SELMBOef OENUINK PREPABATMfS “UIOniY CONCENTRATED 1 ’ - ; COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCBD. A Pmitinaad Spipdßc Rtaardy For Skua of the BLADDER. El PRATS, amp. AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. * > - *• -• ’*'£'* • ««■»»■ «» which It is Evidence-afthe most reliable end reepooaftieohareeter wi*l »:con<|Muiy the medicines. Certificates of Cures, from eight to. |wgul| ' ing, with namn known tu science and ftmf. „ XgT-JS Price $l,OO Per Bottle, or Slxi|*|§, ! Delivered to *njr eddreae, eecnreljr pocked froa say ek nrtatioD. - .-~.rj.T~’- Daacaiai Snmosa nr au Cnn* Uoarautoad, AhfeeOn*. Penonally appeared befiae me, an Alderman of thecfcy of PfailadrlplilivU. T. *-‘"faa wdi oay. UU prei«raaoo eoataiu .M ""“tTViir iiiEf ry, or other lujariuna drngi, bat ore AFFIDAVIT. Sworn and •abaciibed hofon ma, tit tf Btr > renibrr, ISM. W. {>. IUBBABD. IWaOMK, Ninth St, abuTo Sana, MUta, Addnn letten for information In *—HitPiUlU, U. T. U FLU BOLD, <**!*, J Depot, 104 Sooth Tontb-Sl, BKWARK OF OOCNTKKFBITS AND DKALKRB, Who endeavor to dfopofo “of ian* am » Awl “gmi"' a r »|cir. o . .... H *»• do * fco«ot#m*n, - tv-1 ..r (; do - do An r: ■<- - I-- '.d0..,. . t f*rr~-** J *****Tim;J a.jJh» —r»>. no Jtm Mot 1 “lif *ff M4«(wwfc;ui ■ -.-io-... Bwbuvtth,ua4t. . . ! jpr '£agr ;