jyQ|^gLVa-rri; ' ' r .'. JST-CT7 !f ! S||l pt|# rSMit IT I* [Vs . . - i*:’ - .' . !KVSSONWAK»I W BY STEP! ggSK *m - O-oods *.b>t tl#Ht ! TBOMAJIWBWP. »COB WEJS, AND CONFECTIONER, □tuJteun. Auouu, Pa, Oi^PAiO!I^r^.. i HAND O, CAKES. JO&NI>IES 3 CREAM IT& of hft own meimfctfomkwhkh fee Wb4aab grreUtUet the amt i*»wt!- rotuDaKrKirrrs, rachw* UEMOSfS, PINE-AFFLEB, aAJBIKB, l«3rEBi 4C., &C, Am#, ca abort netfceawdla tt» ue»t- r.priw ' sad yaa will ftiKi ■« 4»» hop«treh»»ll »l«wiKTri. J FiSTTINGEfi’S d Kews lgeacv.. h, No. r, MAIN STREET BOOM, i BLANK HOOKA Pf. LS & TOBACCO, Sticks ik m*ssa okhajib.; - <30., . , - jupearji ON.JAGfCjtpO., SOLLXDAnSBGBO, w- JSTKEStS. W<, Vafeutort; JEwt^C^^) S ON TiBS BRHMJIPAL l sar«r. «xi Oou taitna on dMioaite, p4yiS** t u|«m Mr****- h«Hwr. SS^gsa*** 9 "'- JSmSSit**** Mir. ■ /* J) M$Q) ■ jpfc—-A LAjW^py i* t IQUTH, ms&to' ti ' ■id ft*M*Mn£s» nf** »8 0* MW,,, '*?SSBSS%&S&%SS TJf „ Xf ' J*! VIoCRUM & BERN, Hraw»». \'OL. 8. *2SL U ’ gfe iyiff i». STEAM WORKS ZANESVILLE, OHIO. lire ABE NOW TURNING OUT A LAEGE I f number of oar itaprav'Mi Portable Steam Engines, mi.} Portable Circular: Saw, Mills, iu» well as Stationary gugiae* and Saw Hills, many of which are findiogtbelr fitj into BUir.Cambiia, Huntingdon and Crawford Couu •>j, and other parte of Urn State of Pennsylvania. Those dresdy received and induration, aregiviup the moat en nr* laiisfactioD. There is how hardly a State or Territory ~ the Union, but that imr Improved Portable Engines ,>id Saw Mills are in nee, in. All our Kngins Lave Spark vrrefter SUcka on them which confine the flying spark*. We would reepoctfuliy refer you to the following gentle* -ucu and Coiilfiruiee-fbr the porulrfllty. utility and prac .ical operation* of our Portable Steam Engines and Saw vii’.U: I •I Uaktstowm, Crawford Co . Pa.,) May Ifilh, 1863. { Messs-a J. k i. 11. Detail ‘.—Gtntlemen .—We received mr Twenty Horae Power Portable- Engine and SuW Mill, >u g-y, £ Co.. Tyrone, Pa., all of whom have pursjmxed l*KUblf> Steam Engine* and Portable Circular Ba#Mills ef a--. . - We fully warrant our Engines apdufidßirJMfea f° matie of first-lass iith Brass Ball Valves!n pumps and Checks, attl to *aw lutn 6.000 to lOUWOfeyt of lumber perday. - Orders solicited. Description circular bent,,t*» all cor ~p.iudeoU- Respectfully. a * J. fJ. 11. DDT ALL, Corner' Market and Srd Streets, just opposite C. 0. R. Road Depot, Zaneewfile, Ohio. June 2,18634 m. 0, YES! O, YES!! THIS WAY! THIS WAY ! NEW SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. JB. HILEMAN has just received a • large and well selected stock of Goods, consisting f Cloths, Plata and Fancy Casslmerea, Sacinetta, Ken tacky Jeans, Tweeds, Beavcrtwfls, Blue Drilling, and all ther kind* of Goods Tor MEN AND BOYS’ WEAR, together with a grand and magnificent assortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, 'hcU as Rack and Fdncy Silks, ChaUies, Bereges, BnJUants, lawns., Vdaspch Ckinits, Deßeges, Crapes, Prints, Crape and SttPa Shawls. Mantillas, Vhdersleevesand Hosiery. Sonnets and Bibbons. Cbliars, Hand kerchiefs, Kid Cloves. Hooped Skirts. Skirt ing, Lace Mitts , cfr.. rfr. ALSO, ricking* Check* Bleached and Unbleached Mnsllns, Cotton and Linen Table Diaper. Crash, Nankeen, Ac BOOTS AND SHOES HARDWARE, QJJEENSWARE, WOOD AND WILLOW.WAUK, OIL CLOTHS. CARPETS, AC. GROCERIES. •)or stock of Groceries is more extensive than ever, and 'ODilsts of Bio and Java Coffee, Crashed. Loaf and N 0. 'Qgars;-Green. Y. It. nud Black Teas: Molasses. Soaps, Salt, Fish. Ac. Thankful to the public for the very liberal patronage heretofore received, be hope's by strict attention to basi t he has the best assortment and cheapest Goods in th« market. %* Country Prodace of all kinds taken In exchange for •loods at market prices. Altoona. April 28, 1963. BEat & Cap Store. THE PROPRIETOR OF THE 1 M EXCELSIOR” HAT and CAP Store, would Inform Me customer*, and the Public generally, that he basjnst returned from the city with the largest and most railed stock of in his line ever brought to Altoona, all of which he has now on exhibition and sale at his new store*oom on Virginia street next door to Jag* irard’a atom, tils stock embrae-eaU the latest styles of SPRING AND SUMMER HATS, ■ CAPS, MISSES’ FEATS, &C. gttom*. ■ttfc-;. ilia Stock of Bota .DitCapa are of the very beat selection, 'f erci y aty le, cotor »i>d ahape, for both old and yotuig. All he asks is that the people call and examine his stock, •nd he feels confident that he can send them away re lating, If pot in the purchase of soch aii article as they wanted, at ths remembrance of haring looked upon the 'nndaomest stock of Hats, Caps, flats, ic., ever exhibited mthjutgwn. • I hare also on band an entirely new stock of 4jAM • ■T; •/'. ■ Ujiiies’ and Ohildiens* Hats and Flats, wliich 1 am confident cannot be eurpaeeed In the country, , 111 of which I will Kell at the meet reanonable prices. " Be- I member the Uall of Fashion 'when yon want anything in the lino of bead covering, and call on May I ’flS-tf ne SMITH. Kew Drug Store. BERLIN & CO., A.sNOUNCE TO the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that they have "pt-n*d a Drag mod Variety Store in WORK’S NEW BUILDING, Virginia Street, between Julia and Caroline Streets, I‘liras. CBEMWAtS- DYE-STUFFS, PATENT MEDICINES, PER FUMES IDS, PAINTS, OIL, CLASS, PUTTY, nid ail other articles usually sold in the Drag bnainees. OUll MEDICINES af e of the purest-and best quality, and onr Chemicals hear the marks of the best manufacturers. . Builders nnd others requiring to use w ?«««• ‘Hhfi, VARNISHES, TURPENTINE, foidoic Clou, Putty, Faint Bruiha, Sash Tools, ' • v ‘ WT NO. 23.