The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, June 16, 1863, Image 2

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TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1863.
fttgiwplM Campaign.
griMwit of the hut few
•PMb hMeanwd te ihoir not oaly to. the rest ot
lankind, bt wren to omnrivaa. the latent energy
la the breasts of the Aatericaa (Maple, which «rtK
Mil sure* nur spy Miking csrestfi-pnt it imP
Mtwtud fmnit it vtaOde to the world.
Aieee*aaqde we need only to pint to the late
(Ml ini aprwiag of the people of oar own town anil
On Tanadar, the kfith of Jane, it wu announced
that the labeit, haring made a raid into Pennsyl
vania, eoatwaplated injuring the Pennsylvania
Boil Band, and thaf in ail probability Altoona
weald he one.pint of attack. J 0 noon the qnes
tiiM.wan asked, what shall be done fln the even
iog it wna aoewemd by the departure of 250 men
beat on meetinc the enemy and driving him back.
If indeed he was approaching—and on the morrow
thaw worn followed hy fully as many, more, giving
na a hattallion of over five hundred men, unde'
caeaneand of Lieut. Col. Stink, of the late 125th
Regiment. Tbe advance of these .were
on the IMi to McGee’s Gap, where breast work'
were already begun by workmen who had been
sent in advance. On the 17th these men labored
all day oo these troths, and at night started for a
farther march, and were joined not only by the re
mainder of their own hattallion, bat by an equal
number from HolUdayabnrg, Tyrone jind othei
parts, of the county, (another portion of the Holli
dayabmg men having been sent to Pattonaville.)
making one thousand strong, which nttfe joined.on
the 18th by six hundred men from Johnstown, un
der Col. McCartney.
With these after throwing up some earthwork,
at Ake’s Mills, in Bedford county—the march wa,
resumed on the evening of the 19th for Bedford
and Bloody Bon. The former place was rescued
the same night, and on the morrow this hastily
gotten up force joined Gen.Milroy at Bloody Run
Hen, after a speech from Gen. Milfby, the Aitoon,
BatptllTon left the array of Cambria and Blai
and took op their line of march for McConnell
burg in Pulton county, which place they reachet
at now on tbe 22d, and immediately proceeded t<
take pnmession of the mountain passes East oi
that place, through which the Chambersbmg and
Meicmahnrg pikes pass. Here, the - men having
traveled so for and u yet having seen no rebs,
began to feel ffiat all was a hoax, and ’ being un
organised began to drop off for home, 1 singly and
in squads, until not oyer one hundred and twenty
of that “ proud army” remained. Here this hand
fill lay holding these two 'points, three miles apart,
null the evening of the 24th, when a rebel forct
numbering not less than three thousand, consisting
of cavaliy,lnfantty and artillery, advanced upon
them. Being oatnorabereffand “our flanked,’
discretion was eonridAb tbe better part of valor,”
and the militia retired, not in panic, but in good
order, bringing off their wagons and substance,
which was very nearly being captured by being in
advance and taking the wrong road, having to
return through tbe lower part of the town while
tbe rebs were in the upper part. Thus the fore,
whichHarted out, five hundred strong, returned
by way of Mount Union, after ten days active ser
vice-able to bear but one hundred muskets.
Horvibla atoriaa have been told about the attacks
made by this artgy upon hen-roosts and spring
hnnatWi bat as a general thing they aw amine.
It is a fact, that part of oar way seemed to lie
hi an enemy’s land, and the boy* did capture
some contraband chickens which they say with
rebal ingiatitiide attempted to bite them. Perhaps
aomefow Union men suffered, bat tot judge they
mmsjffop. They'd forgive the militia.
it would be but an act of justice to uy here
tint an independent company, led by Captain
Wallace of Huntingdon, and some 10 or 12 of the
twelfth qtralry, led by Capt. Hartman of thisplace,
did some efficient skirmishing a mile of two, above
MeCoanebbotg where twoofthe twelfth and a vol
tmtoer from Lewistown were wounded. AU honor
to these men, and we ars glad to hear that all
tmw affwfrh their lives.
00 Oiy Service.
iMWffiattly on th» return of the militia, Got.
Ctotln hnving called for 60,000 men for 90 days,
far State defence. Capts. Campbell and Hoff be
«aa to rajae companies of infentiy and Capt. J.
JL Bell a company of Cavalry, all of which were
completed, apd sworn in and started for Camp
Bwhdovouz at Huntingdon on the 2d inst.
Previous to starting Cape. Hoff was the recipi
ent of a beautiful sword, the gift of the men of his
command. It was presented on their behalf by
Him. L. W. Hall and received by the Captain in
person. We give below the officers and number
of men in each company, vuf.r Cavalry—Capt.
J. M. Bell, Ist Lieut. Marshal McCormick, 2d
lent. John B. Cunningham end 92 men. Itifan
ay—OW company D, Capt. T. E. Campbell, Ist
Lieut. W, B.Btake, 2d Lieut. B. F. Rumbarger and
79men. Old comply K, Capt. H. B. Huff, Ist
Lieut. J. H. Bryan, Sd Lieut. Geo. W. Russel
®W* is (ho ft body of men under command,
«• Wine, of Col. Ssiuk, cslkd the Mountain
Hfc—Hilxiolm, from this place, in camp. Whether
a foB Company or not we are not able to say, as
mt could secure no account of them.
We visited the boys in camp yesterday and
thought their new clothe* looked very veil. They
Man to be enjoying and all unite
ia saying that there shall be no chicken raids in old
mother Hnntingdou. 'Hey think the mass of the
paepla aroaad ttem are loyid. They do not fear
thatthaywiß be “bitten fay rebel chickens” bat
trader the
iiiiliMttlilNdiMbf ye andent borough are giv-
Igg Atm. One of die boys,' ia Us joy, told us he
never got such good eatingin his life. He thought
no wonder the men of Huntingdon looked so
pleasant with sm h wives,: daughter* sweet
hearts. yfe hope their Widows may never grow
less. ( . : \ .
Effbrt« , : are being made to raise one or two ad
ditional companies here.; We cannot alt present
jay how ; they are succeeding.
Tan Nonox.—We take the following extract
from a letter from-our Washington corespondent.
Let those who have friends in the Potomac afmr
read it, and be careful of all sharks. j6f course
our correspondent is booked up in the matter;
In your last week’s paper I notice the adver
tisement of a certain indieidnai in this' city .who
proposes to give to friend* at homeinformafion
by letter, of their friends or relatives in the Army
of the Potomac or in anyof the army Hospitals,
by enclosing! him one dollar. Let me kindly
caution your readers against all each gyli-tra/u.
I made special inquiry in reference to this matter
at the office of the Sanitary Commission here, land
they.kindly informed me that they knew nothing
of this party, and that this is intended to be a
swindling operation, to d-ceive the ignorant, and
if he answers letters at all he wonld be likely to
go to the Books of the Sanitary Commission
for information. If yon want information in re
gard to any sick or wounded soldier in any Hos
pital in this Department yon will get it gratui
tously (without even enclosing a stamp): by
addressing “ office Sanitaty Commission, ’’ Wash
ington, D. C.
The Draft.— From numerous correspondents
of tbe press in Washington, we leSm (hat it has
been determined that, whjle all persons coming
within the provisions of the act of enrollment for
calling out tbe national forces are to be enrolled,
nevertheless, under the first enrollment,!those Who
were in the militaiy service at tbe time the aci
went into effect, namely, the 3d of March last, are
not to be included in that class which is subject to
the first draft. Those of, the second class are not
to be included ih that class which is snhjcct to the
first draft. Those of the second class-are not to
be called out until those of the first class shall
have been exliaustcd. This .second class will in
clude the returned nine months volunteers, who
were in service on the third of March last, and,
consequently, will not be called on until thfrjfirst
class shall have been reduced to that minimum
which will require another draft by this national
The Situation.
The absence of the*emire force of printers, with
one exception, rendered it impossible for us to
issue a paper within the past three weeks. The
loss, however, is to ourselves and not to our sub
scribers, as we have to make up all the lost Uum
iers. Considering the circumstances which called
>ur hands into the military ranks, we feel; sure
hat our subscribers will freely forgive us.
To attempt to give^ i faithful account of the
scenes enacted and the universal excitement of the
last three weeks, is ont of the question at this
time. They would fill a book. With them, our
readers are generally as well acquainted as our
selves, therefore we will not repeat them, but con
fine our reports to the latest news from the grand
armies of the Union and rebellion, lately, and
prohably at this time, engaged in a dreadful con
flict on Pennsylvania and Maryland roil. The
following vye take form the papers .of .this (Mon
day) morning: ~
Gettysburg, Friday, Jnly S, 1868.
The third day’s battle began this morning at ,4
o'clock. The fight was commenced by the rebels
on our right. The fight there has beennnqeasing,
mil the irregularity of the fire—slack and scatter
ing for awhile, and then heavy and continuous—
indicates reinforcements on both sides.
Sixteen hundred prisoners thus far during the
engagement have been sent to the rear, and more
are here.
Important dispatches have been captured by
Capt. Dahlgren and Kline, the gallant scout, from
Jeff Davis and Cooper to Gen. Lee. They indi
cate anxiqty for the safety of Richmond. Both
decline to send Lee the reinforcements from Beau
regard which be asked for.
Hamoveb, Friday, Julyfi, 18fi3.
The most terrific fights of the war has taken
place. Our men stood np heroically. To-day
was the mart awful of all. The lota on both
rides has been tremendous. The rebel Generals
Longstreet and Barksdale were mortally wounded
and have since died.
The fight raged furiously till ten o’clock last
night. We took Gettysburg, occupying: two-thiids
of the field—the rebels the other third.
Gen. Sickles was wounded about 5 o’clock, in
the right leg, which was subsequently amputated.
He is doing well.
Gen. Meade says that the ttoops are in excellent
spirits and eager for the battle.
On Wednesday’s battle, Gen. Meade says, the
enemy far out-numbered os on tbs; field, but that
onr men behaved admirably, and that ;the battle
was one of the hardest fought actions of the war.
The authorities have the names; as we are in
formed, of ten citizens of Carlisle, Fa., who out
traitored traitors in abasing themselves before the
Rebel Gen. Jenkins. They assured him that they
were friends to the Southern Confederacy, and
begged, him to parole them, that they might not
be drafted to fight against it. Gen. Jenkins wel
comed them to his bosom, but remarked that, since
they were such friends to the Southern cause, tiny
were of course willing to fight for it, and actually
put some of them into his ranks! I Before the joke
was played fhrougn they began to repent of their
truculent cowardice, and beg off; when the rebel
General informed them that such men in the South
would be shot, without judge or jury.
Akwt OF THE Potomac, >
July 8.8.85 P.
The enemy opened at one o’clock P. M. with
one hundred and fifty guns concentrated on our
left and centre, and fought three hours. Hethen
assaulted our entire lines bnt was handsomely re
pulsed, with a very severe loss in deadend wounded,
and leaving 3,000 prisoners in our hands.
Brigadier General Armstead and many ptber
officers were killed and captured.
Tim enemy left many dead and wounded in our
bauds. Our losses are considerable.' :
Major General Hancock and Brigadier General
Gibbons are wounded. :
Gen. Meade pursued theenemy and found them
in force on bis left. ■.
All is quiet now. !
Our cavalry; is doing gnat things andthe army
is in fine spirit. ■ ■; !
, Hakov**, 6 P. Mt July 4.
There has been no fighting up to this time
to-day. ■ ' 'i
Last evening we drove the enemy back to Get
tysburg. 'j ;
Our fotes this morning extend eight miles
aroundOettysbuig. ■
Oqr batteries being on the hills looking on the
town from the South. r
We occupy Booad Top Bidge, cannnanding the
Chambersbni* tnrnpiks and have cat off all lines
of the lemat. !
Momrr Clare. July 8.
Our forces occupy the strongest possible position.
A-ffank movement on our left is impossible.
At about 8 o'clock last night the Florida Bri
gade of General Longstreet’s division, with a
Brigadier General in command, advanced to
within onr lines and give themselves np with
their colon.
A bearer of dispatches from Jeff. Dayjs to Gen.
Lee" has been captured. The dripatches order
General Lee particularly to repeat to Richmond;
he states the movement into Pennsylvania was
totally against bis wishes.
The following were among the officers killed
and wonnded in yesterday V engagement:
Col. Taylor, of the Bnckuil regiment, a brother
to Bayard Taylor.
Lieut. Col. Miles, of the same regiment.
Lieut. Metier, of Philadelphia is wounded.
Major Kenedy of the Eleventh New Jersy regi
ment was wounded in the knee.
We have captured at least eight thousand priso
Philadelphia. July 6, 1863.
The following dispatch has been received at
the War Department.
Frederick. Md., July 4th— B p. k.
To Gkn. Halleck, General-in-Chief •,
An expedition sentout by me has just returned,
baring entirely destroyed the enemy’s pontoon
pridge over the Potomac at Williamsport, captur
ing the guard, consisting of a lieutenant and thir
teen men.
(Signed,) W. H. FRENCH,
Maj. Gen.
We have just received intelligence, purporting
to be official, that Vicksburg surrendered to our
forces on the 4th day of Joly.
The Braider.
The Braider is used for laying cord or narrow
braid upon any fabric. The work resembles em
brodiety and is popular for ornamenting children’s
clothes, morning dresses, slippers, caps, ect.
How are oob Dresses to be Maße ? — A
contemporary answers the foregoing question in
the following lively manner:—“ By a sewing
machine, of coarse. We trust that the day is
over in which needle drudgery sets a feeble op
position to the musical click of tbe Wheeler &
Wilson machine. A lady who says she docs not
know how to use a sewing machine, is looked
upon with as much distrust as a lady who says
she .don’t like babies? Side by side, in every
home, we see the piano amt sowing machine.—■
Of cou/se. i>eople have a right to their perforenccs,
but give us the merry little musician whose crys
tal eye ana silver tongue not only fill the ear with
melody, but set the pulses of life and health throb
bing anew in the weary beans of a million
women. Is it not better than all the pianos ever
turned ? Some of the newest improvements to the
Wheeler & Wilson. machine, are the Binder,
Braider and Corder, all of which ' ladies find in
dispensable. The Braider is particularly appro
priate to the present mania for decorating every
thing with braid “Ido not know what we
should da without the Wheeler & Wilson Braider,”
said the director of one of our fashionable man
tilla establishments, when we inquire how those
tasteful labyrinths of braid were laid on, and his
words are echoed in event home in the land.—
Really, we scarcely know which blessing to wish
our young lady friends—a Wheeler & Wilson
machine or a husband Wc rather incline to the
former, for they can exist minus the matrimonial
alliance, bat can't do without a sewing machine.
What do yon say, girls?”
R. O. A. Kerr, Agent.
How the Rebels are Taxed in the
If any one in the North is dissatisfied with his
taxes, he should go to die South, the country
which is called “ the only remaining home of
liberty on this continent.” The Richmond .Senti
nel of the 25th of May publishes in full the tax
act of the rebel Congress. The various parts are
condensed below : “The first section levies a tax
of eight per cent, on the ‘ value of all naval stores,
salt, wines, spirituous liquors, tobacco manufac
tured or unmanufactured, cotton, wool, flour,
sugar, molasses, syrups, rice and other agricul
tural productions.’ Bankers are- taxed $500;
auctioneers $5O, and 2} per cent, on their gross
amount of their sales; wholesale liquor dealers
are tailed $2OO and 6 per cent, on their gross
sales; retail liquor dealers pay $lOO and 10 per
cent, of gross sales; distillers pay $2OO and 20
per cent, of gross sti^s; hotels and eating-houses
pay according to the yearly rental of their pro
perty, from $€OJ a year down to $3O; theatres pay
$5OO and 6 per cent, of gross receipts ; tobac
conists pay $5O andj> per cent, of gross sales;
billiard rooms pay $lO for each table; bmchers
and bakers pay sso and 2} per cent, of sales;
photographers, lawyers, apothecaries, doctors and
confectioners pay $5O each, with a tax on all but
lawyers and doctors of per cent, of sales. In
comes are taxed as follows: over $5OO and un
der $l,OOO a year; 5 percent.; over $1,500 and less
than $3,000 a year, 5 percent, on the first $1,500
and 10 per cent, on the rest; over $3,000 and
less than $5,000, 10 per cent; over $5,000 and
less than $1(),000, 12j percent.; over 10,000, 15
per cent."
Farmers are taxed savagely. We copy the
provision verbntnm: “Sxc. 11." Each farmer and
planter in the Confederate States, after reserving
for his own use fiftv bushels of sweet potatoes
and fifty bushels of Irish potatoes, one hundred
bushels*of corn and fifty bushels of wheat produced
in the present year, shill pay and deliver to the
Confederate government* of the products of the
present year, one tenth Ofthe wheat, corn, oats,
rye, buckwheat, or rice, sweet and Irish potatoes,
. and of the ’enred hay and fodder; also one tenth
of the sugar molasses made of cane, cotton, wool
and tobacco; the dotton ginned and pocked in
some secure manner, and tobacco shipped and
packed in boxes,, to be delivered by him on or
before the first day of March in the next year.—
Each fanner or planter, after reserving ’twenty
bushels of peas or beans, bnt not more than
twenty bushels of both, for their own use, shall
deliver to the Confederate government, foctits use,
one tenth of the peas oeans,and ground peas p>ro
duced and gathered, by him during the present
Enrolling Officer Shot.— David Cathcart,
enrolling officer for Knox township, Clearfield
county, was shot the other day, and dangerously
wounded. It seems as he' was riding along the
road, andharing just passed a thicket of pines,
' some concealed and cowardly wretch shot him,
the ball taking effifot in the heel and lodging in
the from part of the foot, where it still remains.
This quickly followed by another, which struck the
horse on the front leg, cutting it severely. Ihe
horse on being shot. Jumped ilnd threw Mr. Cath-,
cart off, and he remained iytng on the road until
some of the neighbors came along, who caught the
horse and assisted Mr. C. in reaching his home.
The wound inflicted on Mr. Cathcart is a severe ,
one, and, it is (hid, the old man is in rather a"
critical condition, and may loss his foot if not his !
own Interest*. —The snbscriber would respect
fully announce to the public that he has returned
from the East with his large and well assorted
stock of goods, bought at the lowest cash prices,
which he will dispose of at his usual small advance.
“ The nimble dime better than the slow dollar.'*
... Come one, cOmC all and be convinced that the
cash system is to your advantage, and you will go
away with the resolve that my establishment is
the place to save money. No charge for showing
goods. Call and examine.
I would respectfully invite your attention to my
well selected assortment of Ladies and Misses'
Dry Goods, containing all the late and most de
sirable styles of dresses* to be found in the Eastern
markets, among which may be had, Mozambiqnes,
Celliques, Killamay Checks, Union Checks,
Shepertls Plads, Linen Lustres, Silk Poplins, a
'full and complete stock of fancy and plain Flannels
and Shirtings, Linen, Muslin, Ladies and Gents
Gloves and Hosiery, and a tremendous stock of
Austin Kelly & Co’s Patent Hoop Sfirts, from
four to fifty springs, which I Can sell at least 25
per cent, below Philadelphia retail prices. Also a
great variety of Cloaking Cloths, varying in price
fom 75 cts to $2,26 per yard, and the largest as
sortment of Casaimers Sattinetts Tweeds, Jeans,
ect., that is to be found in the country.
Carpeting and oil cloths in great variety at
lowest prices.
LOOK.—My stock of groceries are selling a few
cents below my would-be-rivals, who “can’t see
it.” The cash system syhips still range from 40
to 70 cts. per gallon. Government coffee, bought
before the late late heavy advances, I am selling at
22 cts per ponnd. It is superior to all the new
fangled substitutes now selling.
BEHOLD.—Our teas range from the low price
of 60 eta. per pound, upwards.
EXCELSIOR.—Our would-be-competitors
stand aghast when they know we have the heaviest'
and best assorted stock of crockery, china, glass
and dclph ware to be found in any establishment
between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, and that wc
sell cheaper than-they can buy. “ They are
superb,” is the common exclamation on examin
ing our China Tea Sets, ranging in price from
$l2 to $2O, which is lower than they can be pur
chased in Pittsburgh. We are selling to people
from all the surrounding counties, because wc
keep a large stock from which to select, and sell
> h.'ap. One examination will suffice to convince
any one that we are not puffing our goods.
All kinds of ornamental dower vases, mugs,
glassware, and in fact all kinds of crockery ever
imagined, we keep on hand. We arc still selling
the celebrated Wcdgewood Iron Stone Sets for
$5.00, which is 25 cts. cheaper than they can be
bought for in Philadelphia or Pittsburg retail
'' l cant see how it is done?” is the querv.
Well, wo will tell you the secret—it is cash onty.
By this means I am enabled to increase rav busi
ness and stock steadily, while other establishments
are glad to decrease theirs. We are not com
lielled to add large profits to make np for losses by
bad d jbts, and we save by paying cash for goods
instead of buying on time and paying a higher
FATHERS & MOTHERS.—Our stock of
children's carriages and coaches are just the thing
for those who value the health of their children
more than the small amount we charge for them.
Those who use a carriage once will never go back
to the old-fashioned way of dragging children
around in their arms. Call and see our stock of
infant carnages and cabs.
Wheeler & Wilson’s Sewing Machine, of which
I am the .sole Agent for Blair and Huntingdon
counties, are the best machines ever used. They
are perfect and warranted for two years. Ido not
ask you to buy unless you are satisfied you are sa
ving money by so doing.
. R. A. O. KERB.
Altoona May, 9th, 1863.
Be it revived by the Senate and House of Representatives
*>f the ComriumweaWi of in General Assem
bly met, That the following amendments be proposed to
tlm Constitution or th* Commonwealth, iu accordance
with the (r evisions uf the tenth article thereof:
There thal) lie an additional section to the third article
of the Constitution, to be designated as section four, as
iollows: \ :
Section 4 Whenever any of the qualified electors of
this Commonwealth shall he in any actual military service
under a requisition from the President of the United e tates.
or by authority of this Commonwealth, such electors may
exetcise the right of suffrage in all electl-ms hy tlm citi
zens. under such regulations as are, or shall be. prescribed
by law, as fully as if they were present at usual place
ol election.
There shall additional sections to the eleventh
arricle of the Constitution, to be designated as sections
eight and nine, ns follows:
Section 8. No bill shall be passed by the Legislature,
contain lug m re than one subject, which shall be clearly
expressed in the tlt'.e, except appropriation bills.
Section D. No bill shall be passed by the Legislature
granting any powers, or privileges. In any case, where the
authority to grant such powers, or privileges, has-been, or
may hereafter be, conferred upon the courts of this Com
monwealth. x JOHN CESSNA,
Speaker of the House of Representatives .
Speaker qf the Senate.
nmnumn. Ui ““ EraG ’ JalyUt ’ 18h3 - '
I do hereby certify that the foregoing
and annexed is a frill, true and cor-
I —*—•, wet cup.v of the original Joint Eeso
i szai. Y lotion of the General Assembly, entl-
T tied “A Jo nt Resolution proposing
certiin Amendments to the Constitu
tion.” as the same remains on file iu
th in nfflce.
lit Tcstimouy Whereof. I hare hereunto
set my hand, and caused the seal of
the Secretary's office to be affixed, the
day and year above written.
. . , . Secretary qf Vie QtmmonweaUh.
July 7,1863.-te.
jrs, - _jng, Sec. Insect*
on Plants, Fowls, Animals, &c.
Pnt up i n SSe.Ke. ua $1 00 Bnxen, Bottle*. end Fluk,,
H only infall ble rpncdiei known.”
‘•Free from F«»|»ona.”
u Not dangerutia to the Unman Family.”
“ Rata come out of their holes to die/
J9*BoH AVhwleitale in all Urge cities
*®*B"ld by all Decjooist- and Retailers everYwborA
BKWAREm of all wnrthleaa imltatinL^
B’,nam9 8 ’ ,nam9 14 °“ e,,Cb »<>*.
Depot 4'2 Broadway, K™** R ' COSTAB >
X^A^ SSLEa ’ AUoona ' Pa -
*ll very cheap, at the
June 9 v St.
Hardware of all descrip.
Uom just received and for tale by
<*«. IA-tf] J B. HTLEMAn
Abdominal supporters, Tm
aea and Shoulder Bracea for tale at
Jm4t ' \ 0 W. KISSLJSR’g.
A. Benefit to All.
A trial tchi prop* Vtt /dpt, and /acU art ituhborn Magi.
AJTSBLER’S herb bitters
IvJ. ark duocßssnn, in etkrt cars.
No family should be without It,' Hundreds ot certificated
and 1-tters ot thanks aii arriving every day from perwtßS
who haw been cured. I 1
" hare nttjeriWled in curing J
As s Blood Purifier, Tonic nod General Appertieer, those
Bitters are without a riral. No Lady dHtnng
should be Til bout It. Please get a circular and certifi
cates from our Agen t.
groat soothes of Mahler's Herb
Bitten, hu Induced an principled parties to mann adore
a worthless article, which they are selling at a low price,
of toHicA beware, • The genuine can only be bought Id
Blair Comity, of. • <*. W. WUITFIKIJ),
(Sole Agent fin* Blair County,)
Depot Drug Store, Main street, Altoona, Pa,
Jane 2d, 1863-lf.
'TC’OTICE.—Notice is hereby given that
the following resolution was adopted at a late meet
log of the Board of Managers of the Altoona Hall and
Market Company
Resolved, That tue second instalment of 10 per cent, on
the stuck subscribed fur, be made payable on the 20tb
day jf the present month, (Mayi and that the balance of
tde subscription he made payable in monthly instalments
of 10 per cent each, on the l&tb day of each succeeding
month, until the whole amount til paid In.
Persons wUblhg to take stock In the company can still
be accommodated, there being a few shares yet unsold.
Altoona, May 191h.-tf. B F. BOSK. Tteasurtr.
SALK.— The Subscriber often it
Private Sale. I Valuable Pr •pertjr, nit a
ate oi Branch Street, Bart Altoona, ini
mediately opposite the Machine Shop#.
The house is well built amt nearlyiQBQ3BßS£
new. and contain* fifteen room*, with rood cellar*. ■ It ie
calculated for three families. and at the most reasonable
te ms will bring |2b per month rent. There U a well of
good water in the yard. Tense easy.
Apply to Michael Wgrongh. on the premise*, or to Jas.
Kearney at h : * store, inxfast Altoona.
June 2d. 1863-3 t» ;
HANGING.—Tno subscriber desires t' inform the
citizeusof Altoona and vicinity that be is prepared tome
dertako any amount of work in Ikls line, and he feels confi
dent from bis in the Business, that he can
render eulir** satisfaction both as to prices and the finish he
puts upon his work. Brtimates made at any time.
Persou* haring work* in my line to execute may tare
money by calling U|k>d me.
Residence on Harriet street, nearly opposite the United
Brethren Church. East Altoona. J. A. DARK.
April 21.1863.r2m.
A REWARD.—Strayed away from
HJ Ivf the premises of the Bul«criber, in Altoona, on
the 13th of May, a BAT MARK, with a jHk
severe cut on the inside of the right bfnd
Jeg, By which she may be easily recog* ft wmUHMA
nized. She is supposed, to be in th
neighborhood of Sugar Run or
The above rewanl will be paid to any
son delivering her to the subscriber, or ginug information
where she may be found.
Notice is hereby given Chat letter* of Administration
on the estate of James Flowers, late of Altoona, dec’d, have
beeu grunted to the undersigned, reading as aforesaid.—
AH porKon* knowir g themselves Indebted to said estate
are requited to make immediate payment, and those
having claims against the name will present them without
delay, duly authenticated for settlement.
May 12. 1863-6t*] Administratrix.
SPECIAL NOTICE-—On and after
JU LY l*>£, 1863. the privilege of converting the pre*
TIONAL SIX PER CENT. LOAN (commonly called
•• Five Twenties” will cease.)
All who wish to Invest in the Five*Twenty Loan, must,
therefore, apply before the Ist of JULY next.
April 14th. 63.] Subscription Agent,
[3m] Nn. 1U 8. THIRD 8U Philadelphia.
To the People of Altoona and vicinity.
The undersigned takes this method of
informing tbe Public that he has Just trrlv d from
the city and located in Albania, where he is prepaird to
PEWTER. He .will pay the highest price In cash for all
such articles at the corner of Allegheny aod Branch its..-
adjoining W. T. Marriott’s store.
May 28,1863.-3m*.] p. BRADBURY.
store, corner ofCamline and Virginia Sts.
Fresh butter & eggs every
Thursday, for sale by FRITCHEY A MILLER.
just received and for sale, at 48 cents per galh n, by
Brooms, brushes, tubs and
Baskets of'all descriptions, qualities and prices for
•- Just received and fur sale by
BERS, just received and for sale by
Boston crackers—a large
supply of these delicious cracker* jn«t received
nnd for sale by FRITCHEY k MILLER.
Extra family flour, from
the Cove, always on hand and for sale mr tew
as the lowest by FRITCHEY k MILLER.
Av of all graces, and at reasonable prices, for sale by
■aVX In ail ■ sized packages, ne.w, and each package
warranted, Jnst received and for sale low by
FRITCHEY * MILLER are now able to offer to
their customers: and the public at large, a stock of the
purest liquors ever brought into this market, comprising
in part the following varieties -
Thew liquors can all be warranted; and in addition to
these, FRITCHEY A MJLLER have on hand a larxe
variety of W|nes, Whisky and Brandy, to which they
Invite the particular attention of the public.
Al oona, May 12,1868.
A freah nippljf of those TERV CHEAP CARPETS
hare been noeired at the *4 MODKI, «
Jime9,3t. ULl '
life 1 10 Cotton, Gingham, Batteen and
Silk, all eiaes and colon, Just opening at the
Jnße 9,3t.] 6 “MODEL.”
June 9.8 t. £ MODEL.
the Latest arrival!
SON ABLE « “Ottw Wg» mpplf of SEA-
Jnne 9,3t.] , ;j. 4 j L.OWTHEB.
MOZAMBIftCES, only 23 cU. per yard.
FRENCH Dawns, only IZI4 eta. per yard,
,t * h * ' “MODEL.”
June, 9, St.
JnlW 1 ** 8 - •“ •!««. •» a, f e ’ AI>IJtB,
jumv, 3t.j '‘MODEL.”
Female Irregularities, and all Dtaeaaea arising from
Manufacturer and Prop* ietor,
Altoona. Jane 9th, 1863.-3 t.
For ail of which It to A apeedyaad certain rond,
now BOD. Thu Liniment » prepnred from the i
Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Oaonectlcnt. thoSanona bone
hndhaa been need In hie practice for more thu
yean with the meet aatonUKing miwti. ■
. AS AN AU.KVIATOB OF FAIN, it Is nnrlralUd h
may preparation before the public, of which the
skeptical may be cpnrinoed by a single trial.
ThU Liniment will core rap'dly And radically. RtJVr
MATIC DIBORDSBB of ewykiud, And in thou»nj. „;
gmo where tthaa bean Med It hae new been known d
FOR NEURALGIA. it will afford immediate relief
erery cue, bowerer diamtainp.
; It will reline the went caeca of HCADACHK | n thr~
adnnteaand la warranted to do It.
TOOTHAOHB alao will It enre Inatantly.
TOOK arising from imprudence or mew, thu Liniment
.to a mow happy Rod unfailing nwdj. Actl>. K dirtciw
upon the nervone t tonne, it strengthen# and rav.vifa* ,w'
ey»t«m,«nd reatores It to ela-tlcity and rigor.
FOE PILES.—At an- external remedy, wt claim that it
to the belt known, and are challenge the world to prodnr,
an equal. Every victim of thto dtotraulng complain;
should gire it a trial, fcr it will -not tail to afford im m ni ‘
ate relief and in majority of cataa will effect a radical car,
QUINSY AND SORE THROAT are tometimea earem.
It malignant and dangerona, bnta timely application
thto Liniment wUI never fail to cure; 01
SPRAINS are aometimea very obstinate, and enlarn.
ment of the Joints to liable to occur if neglected Tbt
went cate may be conquered by thto Liniment in two or
three days.
AND SCALDS, yield readily to the wonderful Realtor
-when need according to directions- Also, CHILBLAINS
Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut.
The Great Natural Bone Setter.
Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut,
le known all oyer the United State#.
Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut.
Is the author of “ Dr. Sweet’a Infallible Liniment.”
Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment
Cures Rheumatism and newer faito.
Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment
la a certain remedy for Neuralgia.
Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment
Cares Barns and Scalds immediately.
Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment
U the beat known remedy for Sprains and Bruises.
Dr.' Sweet’s Infallible Liniment
Coree Headache immediately and was never known »fan.
Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment
Affords immediate relief lor Piles, and seldom toils to cure
Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment
Cores Toothache la one minute.
Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment
Cores Cots sod Wound* immediately and leaves no tear
Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment
la the beat remedy for aorea in the known world..
Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment
11m been nied by more time »million people, and ell
praise it. y
Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment
Taken internally cntea Colic, Cholera Uorbna and Cholera
Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment
ft truly a “ friend in need,” and every family should Um
it at hand.
Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment
b ferule by all Drncgiata. 25 and 60 cenu.
tersai remedy, is without a riv»l£ aud will allevlstepam
Uun any other preparation. For all Kheu*
matfc and ltrrvoui Dtoordcr. it hi truly lufclllble .and u a
■'mriittve for gore* Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, 4c. its
healing and powerful strengthening properties.
Hielte the Just wonder and wtonialintent of all who hs><
*v«p riven it a trial. 0*eroo« thousand certificate* of
year? i aSfelSflicf* •v** within th. lut t*o
“ unrivalled by any,and i, on .caw* of Lameness, trisins
fr o“ Sprain*, BrnWac tfMMfaing. iU effect U miuical *
and cortaln. Hama oriMtdle Gall*, Scratches, Manse.
• will ulso curespoQmg<‘B|mvluand JUagbon* niav
J* 8 easily prerented and their Incipient Biases,
but confirmed caaea are tbe possibility of • radi*
eol curt. Ko cats of the Igjgferevef, lr to desperate or
hopeless but ft uuybeft UvmS&Sf tbit Liniment, tod its
mithftil application will always remove the lameness, tod
etiaUe the horses to travel with comparative east.
'honld have this remedy at band, fcr IU timely dm at th*
out a pearaaee of Lameneaa will dbdull r prevent thow
ibnntdable dtoeaaan, to which all bone* are llaJble. and
Wbicb render so many otbei wine nloable horeea nearl}
wortbleae, '
Soldier’s Friend,
To avoid Impoaition, obaerve the alanatnre end tlkenee*
nf Dr. Stephen Sweet on every label, and alao “ Stephw
Sweet’a Infallible Liniment” blown in the jlaaa of each
bottle, without wblch none are gen nine.
Sole Proprietor!, Norwich, Ct
MORGAN k ALIEN. General AjenU.
it CHIT Street, New York
M» Sold by all dealer! ever, where.
December 4, IMI.-ly. -
And tbonaanda have found It truly
x Ifib
I' m lufUTl |IW “Cwkttj
risvluC* FIUUa tho past two yosrs. made ooai
uitoftlaioiir establishment la the way of w
*J“. svpt Pmi, Paper Cutter, Card Cutter. It
•liee. Cni* Power Pf««b *“<l large Newspup*
y cut of which we site above) we are now
V I*sc«*msijthlug ia the Hoe of printing or i
■ ,tyk) eqttwl to hay establishment in the s*ut
* equialy low. W« can execute, on short n
itylaaof |
FideVuDilDUM, Fbttiag, Ball A Busina
Oiroalara, Programme*.
MAMMOTH posters, sale s
mu. wm iuiwiimsao
pampflew, Pay and Check !
A U we Mk la a trial, feeling oonMont that wo
iatiafooßoai if wo hare the opportunity.
fitlca in Lowlhar’a buildlag. corner of Virgin!
,i, «trert%jOFPO«ito gnpcrinfendant'a (MLw.
Five-Twenty U. S. La
\MTM-. M. IjLOYD a CO., A 1
FT ar, aubecriptlon agenta todiapoaa Rtl
T.ntr Tain* V. 8. Loan. Amonnta can be hai
tha maanaaf dbfennt indlriduala—the interest U
,blsae<<*be accounted for haifyearly in Odd
April »3 'BS.-lm. s
Proooedings of Town Count
Special meeting-of Council, present,
Kervine,-Jacob Heater, Johfr London, ant
Minutes of previous meetings read a
□roved, j
The committee appointed to attend to
pending {in the Court of Blair County
Brotheritfto «w. Altoona Borough, teporl
the case was not reached, and, therefoi
continued until next term.
On motion, the report wot accepted
committee discharged.
On motion, the wages of the Supervisor
a: $1.60 pur day.
On raajdon, the wages of laborers be 6
$l.OO per day.
A hdl wax presented by J. Wingate, for
mg witnesses on suit of J. Brotherline
Borongk,; amounting to $82.00.
On mqtion, an- order was granted for the
ofbill. .
W. W. Snyder, Supervisor, presented hi
of labor on streets, amounting to $47.50.
On mofion, ordept were granted as follow
\V. W. Snyder....... $
James Woods .'
H. Johnston
R, F. Johnston..
John Dg1t0n....!
Mr. C. J. Mann was elected Borough
Mr, James Kearney was appointed a tot
of one io urge the auditors to make theii
and furnish to Council by next regular re
On motion, an order was granted Jos
■ Ely for $8.84, costs paid to witness on sui
Brotherline v». the Borough.
On motion, adjourned to meet the first 3
gening in June.
Attest; !
W. B. KETLEB, Sec’y to Coi
Regular meeting June’ Ist. Present, .
Clelland, N. J. Mervine, J. Heseer. J. ■
and James Kearney.
Mindies read and approved.
The Supervisor presented report of la
>treeta, Amounting to $103.16.
On motion, order* were granted as foUo<
W. W. fenyder
James Woods: 1...
Heniy Johnston
John Long....
James W3aoa
On motion, an order was granted in &
Jacob Remor for $76.76, for cost of wi
on suit cjf J. Brotherline us. Borough.
On: mo|ion, an order was granted Join
®*n for $66.00, for soldiers' sexier.
On mblfam, the Council proceed to McA
Aileghepyatreet from Branch to Hanrieti
Harriet afreet from Allegheny to Annie sff
Annie (hop# Harriett to Adaiine street.
On - potion, the Supervisor have fifty
primed and posted through Borough, in. n
layingj.aiid repairing pavements.
Joa. K. Ely was appointed High O
tor the ensuing year.
. On motion, Ur. Kearney was ant
'•opraegjn one car load of lumber for the
Qn motion, adjourned to meet at the call
Preside*. ■
W. B. SWELER, Sec y to O
Speefci meeting Jane Bth, 1863. I
Hewer, John Loudon, i
Th« wowing Ordinance wm offered
tiigcmiiiio, on motion, it was posed ia
Altoona, Ua
at tb« c
intnear t
• r*»i
pat m
public ; *
"« b