fe«a- V i‘£/ * PSCET’S ENT THE REMEDY SPBAIMB. WttJ,S*B. [ MS, HEADAOte, nc AND IDKRB. . WMdbr. im pWXMS. ■*-■•.;. . * &£ * ShM?* 1 *» Of -kaotru to r 4)rtMlß i'SIKABACH* ja three §BW®»MAL>LjUai. airactly th. *kM® Uut it 1 or and caUrae. • tu acenrlf najktStwTft' i4hjthhUaia»«ttaiwo 0 > «m 80RK8. DI/CERg, BURNS idjr In tbewhnitortWberiina "SIX FALLIBLE UJIIKKNT 1 rectkms- Also, CHILBLAINS SSKCT BITES AND, STING s' reet, of €onneoticut, weet, of? Connecticut. nd weet, “bf Connecticut. st’s Infallible Liniment.” ■ibie Liniment ref CftUs. ile Liniment (ible Liniment miblc Liniment fir Sprains and Brol*es. bftible Liniment ily sod n> never knows to fall, iiibk Liniment Pflee,«iid seldom falla ta corn rltiblc Liniment llible Liniment iljuillnm he m iliWe Liniment In the' known World.) llible Liniment Me amUlhm peegle, and sll te Liniment UorbtUAod CMtorw ■tllible Liniment , b and orcry baity «hedd|bar* lible Liniment MetKudJt twk. -■ - OWNERS'. iXjrontimsgmwM USE OWKEP m«iM ' WEST’S .. E UNOfENT iipt ' y Friend, Ktawv found it trtly D IN NE£PI *T V 1 r‘ * j » •T**? illwna Hrifemif. m €anpWTi $«• “C«uhj Pms." tribune power-pres 's* 5 nHBf Jr PRINTING OFFICE. within the paat. two years, made conaiderable S, to nor establishment in «he way of new fancy J trew Press, Paper Gmter. Card Cutter, Ruling Ms • oanl Power Press, and large Newspaper Power " Z' is cut hf which we give above) weave now prepared. anything In the line of printing or ruling in ’'weual to any establishment in the .-tale, and at M equally low. We can execute, on ahm-t notice, all '^in B , invitation. Visions, Ball * Business Cards, Circulars, Promnimes, saMMOTH POSTERS, SALE BILLS, &KID pampWeta, Pjty and . Cheek Bolls, BLANK BOOKS, uANIFESTS. AND BLANKS OF ALL KINDS. ill « ash is a trial, feeling confident that we can give; ■iifsction if *e have the opportunity. . . , * at !sh« j.j Low the r> bnildiiajf. corner of \ irgmia and An /rtrwt*, oj>po*it« Soperlnteodent’s Offiv-e. Five-Twenty U. S. Loan. »*TM. M. LLOYD & CO,, Altoona, Vi , rc subscription agents to ditpdae of this Five .n Yean' 0. 8- Loan. : Amoaota can be had to suit mins of differentlhdlviloaja— the lnter<1 ihe discretion of the court trying the sam§ : iiai provided, further, that this act shall extend .o all seamstresses or females employed in facto rs or otherwise. The Bridge. —The fpot-bridge over the rail rosd tracks, at the eroding of Annie street, has awn opened to the public and is well patronized. !i u fuund*to.be a much greater accommodation nan ii was fffst considered it would tie. Almost ivery morning and evening the tracks were blocked „p with freight trains which made it dangerous rossing, but now all can take the bridge and heir is no detention. We are not aware of the exact cost of the strncturerbut it was sufficient to make it a lasting evidence of the liberality of the Uailroad Company in providing for the safety and .onveuience of the citizens of Altoona, whose business or pleasure called them to use the crossing. We have soveral.ttmesi.lwcn amused at strangers examining the structure, as it was evident from the ■ xpression.of their countenances that they could not account.for the erection of so strong a bridge ii*. that position. -They would view the thing fc.il over and then leokup and down and all around ■ideally to see whither there was a railroad .eading in that direction. Oak Ham..— The proprietor of this famous News Depot, and Knick Knack emporium haa left town. .Just previous to his departure he dropped us a hasty note, requesting us to inform die public that he had gone to the city to purchase uis fourth of July fixin’s, such as flags, wreaths, fire-crackers of every description, from a torepeido 10 a six foot rocket, together wiVh an endless va riety “too tedious to enumerate,’ Those who have crossed.the railroad, or passed up Main St., have no doubt northed |he new sign attached; to OakJEbii”. Itis flashy. .“ Wait for the wagtin” .hat brings Fet’s stock. Month or two since wc informed our readers that Hileman had received a tremendous nock of spring-and summer goods. Well, he lias disposed of the major pan. of them, and on Fri- Jay last returned from the city with a fresh supply. After the fashion of the first lot, they are going off like hot cake*. The “Joes” are [getting smarter ■n their old.dsys, miff all because of the demand for their which makes them hqp around.— ' all at once, ladies, and make your selections. ,t3* Wc have heard it remarked that notwith standing the high price of almost every article in the dry goods line, there has been more of this kind of merchandise sold this spring than heieto iiire ; and we judge the remark! is true, from, the fact that our merchants down below us, Messrs, •i. i .1. Lbwther, have just received their third Mock of goods for the season, embracing all the articles and styles now desired by the ladies. Ev erything just in fashion. Step ill, ladies, and ex amine the new stock. Aitempi to Fire a Uodse. — Qn Friday last, »small boy set fire to the tenant! house situated on the lower coiner of Mr. Hammond’s lot, on i-’nion street, and when discovered, the flames nude cv t»idci | di.Llc headway. Mr. Jalcob Bollinger and James M. Bell, Esq., were the first discover the lire, and were able.to subdue it in few minutes. The little incendiary was seen r " nn ' n K away from »iue spot, and may yet be canght when Mr. Bollinger has time to look him n P EtgitltT. The committee of arningetiients for the soldiers pic-nic, held some weeks since, desire us to publish the following statement of *the receipts and expenditures of said Committee, so that those who contributed to the fund‘for the occasion mar know what came of the money: Total amount of money collected Paid band Hauling lumber out and back S. I. Fries, nails,.! Daniel Price. monCy advanced, to committee of preparation.. Mrs. Korick, soldier's widow. “ Mafkiey “ ■ “ “ Smith “ Isenberg Soldiers’ Monument Fund 13 00 r. oo & oo “ “ 1 00 i 00 6 00 gar Com Starch, Bermuda Arrow Boot, Farina ami Oatmeal, just , agoing, cheap, at Roush's. ‘ : Fatal Accident. —We leant thata young man named Patrick Carey, a brake-man on the Tyrone knd Cleartield Railroad, was so severely injured, at Tyrone, one day last week, that he died shortly afterwards. It appears that the train was hacking in on a'aiding to drop some cars, and that Carey was running back over the train to apply the brakes. One of 'the brakemen had cut from the train the were to be left on the siding, and they had separated from- the,others some 20 I feet; but Carey did not observe this until it was itoo late for him to stop, consequently he had to jump from tbe laft car and fell on the track, after which two cars passed over one of his legs, break ing and otherwise mangling it. In jumping from the ears he injured himself internally, from the effect of which he died. (SrMcCHntock's Diarhcea Cordial, Jayne’s Carminative Balsam, Davis’ Fain Killer, Rad way’s Ready Belief, and Wolcott’s Pain Anm hilator, all for sale at Roush We have; on Sle a very pretty Poetical : communication, dedicated ‘‘ To the noble dead of : Cos. D and K, 126th Reg. P. V., who fell at the : battles of Antietam and Chaticelorvillc,” which we will publish as soon os the author furnishes his or her name. The jperson who can compose such stanzas should have no hesitancy in giving the printer his or her real name. When no name accompanies such compositions, we doubt their originality, hence, whatever their merits, we lay them aside, lest we should be imposed upon. McLane’s, Fahnestock’s, Hobensack’s and Jayne’s Ve’nnifuges, and HoHpway’s and Fahnestock’s Worm Confections, for sale at Roush's. Nature vg. Art. —In *• yellow kivered” liter ature and in comic almanacs, may always be found more or less illustrations of love-makiny in the rural districts, but the scene witnessed on the corner of Virginia and Julia streets, ou Saturday after- noon last, abundantly proves that Art cannot come up to Nature in exhibiting the ludicrous. Wc will not undertake to describe- the picture. Suffice it to say, if Cupid were not a blind god lie would have seen many folkk laughing at the ver dancy of his votaries on this occasion. (J- HehnbOld's Extract of Buelui, Tilden's cel ebrated fluid Extracts of Belladonn, Bucltu, Valecian Senna, &c., just -received, and selling cheap, at Roush's Drug Store. “There is not an invention of this inventive age which honors American genius more than the Sewing Machine. No family ought to be de prived of its benefits.- The Wheeler & Wilson Machine is unrivaled in all the- excellencies that constitute a good machine, while, in artistic finish, it vies with the piano in the boudoir.”— Inde pendent. R. A. O. Kerr, of this place, is agent for the sale of these machines in Blair and Huntingdon counties. See advertisement. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, Godfrey’s Cordial, Eaton’s Cordial,' Bateman's Drops, all to be had at Konsh’s Drag Store. Ustos Storb.— rThis enterprise, which has j been talked of for some time, has at last been car ried into effect, and the store opened in Kipple’s | building, corner of Harriet and Annie streets, i East Altoona. The intention of those interested i in the enteiprise is not, as has been asserted, to | retaliate upon the regular merchants of this plgpe | by cutting down prices and underselling them. It | is intended to sell goods at as small an advance i ns possible, just enough to cover the incidental . expense of the store, and pay a low rate of interest I to those who have invested their money in the | enteiprise. Thie object is to give the laboring man bis necessaries at the very lowest figure. In order to meet the expenses-of the concern a cer tain percentage must be added to the original j cost. As-these expense#, per month, will be | nbout the same, whether much or little is sold, it will at once be perceived that thq heavier the sales the less the per centage, and the result will be to the benefit of ithe purchaser while the receipts of the company will be none the greater. In fixing prices, those in charge of the store are not governed by the prices of other mer chants in the place. All goods are marked at a certain per centage above cost, whether it brings them over orj under other stores. It is s well established feet that the cat.ii system is the most beneficial ’to both seller and buyer, and that anyperson or company dealing strictly for cash can always buy of sell at lower rates than those who indulge ip ruinous credits; and, even if this enterprise should not succeed, if it in any way assists in establishing the cash system, it will not be considered a failure. This short explanation is deemed necessary ; In order to disabuse the pnblic mind and give j a correct statement of the object of the enter -1 prise and to Introduce to the public our slock | of groceries, Wooden ware, just received, i and now on sale ut the i>tore above named. We i invite a call and examination of onr stock and ! prices. BY THE MANAGERS. : Altoona, June 9th, 1863. MAEEIED. At tbf Exchange Hotel, iti tbl« M»roh 7th by ; All MY INTELLIGENCE. —Any per fer. A. -WAIStW, ' t d^«i r i U g Intelligence from their friends or Be*t, P. V:, to Ml* EACUKb 11. HALL, of tfproce Creeh. re|utjvM ln „ 1(3 A „ n> , of the P .tomoc, or In any of tne . army cau receive lnform«tl< o by. addressing : W- J- Kenlsh, Washington, D. C., enclosing one duilar. AUuouti, June V b, 1863. On the 3rd igst„ in till* i'lece, nf conaainptlon, Miae i JULIAA. BABTLBBACGU, a*ed 18 yearn, 4 month* and IS dsyc. - . OK SALE—Two lots of ground, fronting on Virginia street, neatly opposite the .. tim4 \Vorts; said lots, being Noj. 10 and *Ai, iu the Greens r t ARPP v burg Hot, uf the borough of Atloona, known as the " icicle Mqoday j ropertj,havingtboreoo reeled adbHble A frtsh roppli of those VARY CiUSA? CARPETS, frame dwelling house, and a irame stable. Po? bare beeu recrtriut the ’ “ ; further Infumallou. inquire of E. HAMMOND, g| f 9th, 4t.J Uollidaysborg. $62 00 ~..$l2 00 .... 500 .... 2 00 $52 00 $52 00 DIED. XOlDPGr&llf*t‘ Moralltx • ho««p.of **ven or.eiaht roomk suitable for a small *■ * family. Any person bavine«ncha hous* for r nt. i«i tha borough. ca;) hear of m permanent, prompt paying tMAnt, !»y addressing the undersigned, slating location, tent, «c. 11. 11. SMITH. Box No, o*s. Altoona F. 0. For the Tent/tenaux and Column Blasphemy. The very common vice of blasphemy, is not only sinful, : hut it is extremely foolish. • ho ever believed a declaration any the 'more because it was accompanied by a common oath ? Indeed, when an individual is compelled to resort to such unwarrantable testimony to prove the truth of nis assertions, his word may well be doubted.— Doubted, from the simple reasoning tliat he who so little regards the God who created him, can surely have hut little regard for the subjects of that God; and, consequently, thinks but little of him self. And v if man thinks but- little of himself how much less must he regard his ow n word. But blasphemy is not only foolish but insulting to society at large. The puffing of tobacco smoke into one's face at every step—the fumes of strychnine whiskey meeting one at every corner, are nuisances almost too intolerable to be borne ; yet we may school ourselves to submit. But how shall a gentleman or a lady—l use these terms in their true sense—ever be schooled to stand un moved, unsbocked, when they hear the name of that blessed One, who gave ns being, and “ from whom comes every good.and perfect gift,” falling from lips that speak it not in reverence. Should any individual use the name of our Chief Magistrate, on street corners and in the high-way, in half as insulting a manner ns the name of God is used, there would be demands made for ropes and lynch law. A thousand pa triotic breas'ls would swell at the insult, and a thousand anus would be ready to avenge it, and justly too, for he who is at the nation’s head ought to be held m esteem by those enjoying the benefits of the government which he administers. But how many ore disloyal to Him who rules the world by his power—governs it uncording to his own sovereign will. They yield not obedience to his commandments—they fight not under his banner —they resist the influence of his spirit which comes to draft them into the army of Christ. A*d then, adding insult to all else, they use the name of God with as much indifference and contempt, as the friends of the Southern slaveoeracy use the name of Abraham Lincoln, and that, too, in the very presence of the friends *of the King oi Kings. Oh.' shame where is thy blush! But mote still, blasphemy is a sin against God. He has said, ’‘Take not the name of the Lord thy God in vain." But, blasphemer, how by your acts do you despise his threatenings and treat with indifference his divine commands ? Well for you that the prayers of the impenitent are not answered immediately, else your guilty soul : would now be eating the bitter fruits of its own i hand’s planting. Thon shall riot take the name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not hold him guilt less that laketh his name in vain. A Word to Church Members We have a knowledge of members in some of j our churches, who sjieak long and loud about the j sin of intemperance. and proless to weep over the ; woes it has swept through the land—who speak of j homes made desolate, of weeping wives and slaw- | ing children, who, nevertheless, in the broad light | of day, and before the eyes of the world, encour age the rum trade and aid in swelling its stream ' of woe. by selling their grain to brewers and dis tiller. We have a knowledge of a minister hav | ing a house tented out in our town for a drinking ; saloon; yet'he preaches against the sin of intem i peranee. Another, not a thousand miles from i this place, whose sermons arc very fluent, keeps ! good liquors in his cellar—so say those who have I been treated to a taste—and declares that temper i ance societies are a nuisance if not absolutely sinful. i Xj is not wonderful that under these circumstances j there should lie some who are weak in the faith, j and consequently not only say nothing against the ; influence of intemperance, but even embrace it and | are sometimes found intoxicated—for-there are some in our midst who profess to be the followers of Jesus who are in this respect laughing stocks and stumbling blocks for even children. We love the cause of Christ—we love his church, but we must speak the truth, when we say the influence of some ministers and many chnrch members is directly against the progress of temperance. When will the people of God awake and fully understand and acknowledge the responsibility resting upon them. s “ Woe unto him that givest his neighbor drink, that pnttetb the ImjUlo to him and makcst liim drunken.’’ “No drunkard shall inherit the kingdon of God.” ' ONE HUNDRED SUN UMBRELLAS, in Colton, Gingham, Satteen and Silk, all else* and colors, just opening at tb* iiine 9, 3t.} NEW STYLES Id DKSSS GOODS, SHAWS, Ac., can always bo seen by calling at the ** MODEL.” I June 9, St. THE LATEST ABBIVAL! We have just received another large rapply of SEA -1 SONABLE GOOD*. which we are able to offer at greatly ; REDUCED PRICKS June St.] , DRE 33 GOODS, FINK MOZAMBIQUES, PLAID AND STRIPED MOZAMBIQCES, only 26 cU., per yard. FRENCH LAWNS. only 12J$ eta. per yard, “MODEL." j at the | June, 9,3 t. HOOP SKIRTS FOR HOOP SKIRTS FOR HOOP SKIRTS FOR . LADIES, HOOP SKIRTS, all klndsmul sizes, at the June 9, St.] “MODEL.” LADIES CONGRESS HEELED GAITERS, $1.25. CHILDRENS CONGRESS HEELED GAITERS. CHILDRENS LASTING UEfiLED BALMORALS, MISSES’ j alt very cheap, at thv- June 9, Sc. June 9th. It.j chi 4 r| REWARD.—Strayed away from Jp Ivf the premise* of the subscriber, lu Altoona. on the 13tli of Mat, a BAY MARK, with a severe cut on the IttftMe of the rich I hind by which she may l»e easily recog- I «fl||||J|l uized. She i* supposed to Wk in .the neighborhm*d of Run or The above reward will Ik* paid to any per son delivering her to lh- •nhvcriber. or giving information where she may he found Altoona. Jun»* 9th, 18C3.-3t A large assortment of gro- CKKIKS AND BTONE-WARK. just received ami for sale at Burkhart’s Cheap Grocery Store, corner of Al legheny and Chestnut St*. _ (Jnne 2d. 1863. 2t.] WASTE XOT—WANT NOT. To the People of Altoona and vicinity, rathe undersigned takes ;tliis method of informing the Public thftt be ha* just trriv d from tht* city and located in A Uoona, where he f« prepai **d in buy up OLD WOOLEN KAOS. BRASS, COPPER AND I‘KWI'KK lie will pay the highest-pried in cash for all such article*, at the corner of Allegheny aad Branch ets. adjoining W. X. Marriott's store. May“2B. IBflB.-3m*] VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALK.— The Subscriber offers at Private Sale, a Valuable Pr >perty, wtn* ate <>n Branch Street, Kant Altoona. Ini mediately opposite the Machine Shops. The house >8 well built and nearly new, and contains fifteen rooms, with good cellar*, it is calculat'd for three families and at the most veasonalde te< ms will bring s2uper mouth rent. There is a well of good water in the yaid. Terms easy. Apply to M cbael Wy rough. on ch* premises, or to Jas. Kearney at lon store, in East Altoona. June 2d. IB6S-3t.* From the Front I f I^H K Subscribers would respectfully | announce to the citizen* of Alt■•ona and vicinity, (hut they have just returned from the Bust with their SPUING AND SUMMER STOCK OF HATS & CAPS, BOOTS Sc SHOES. Their stuck of HATS & CAPS have been 8e " lected with care, aud with the view of suiting all who may favor them with their patronage. Their line oi Bouts and Shoes is complete. Their LA DUES' MISSES' and CHILDREN'S SHOES art-of City make, and warranted. Their Balmoral Shoes for Ladies aud Misses, arc Just the thing fur wet weather ann 25c. 50c. and $1 00 Box**, Bottles, i t'd Flasks. $3 and $5 sizes f.r lUTLLS, PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS kc. - Only infall ble remedies known.” ' ** Free from Prisons ” ■ ** Not dangeruns to the; Human Family.” •• Hats come out of their (idles to die.” Sold Wholesale in ail large cities 49*8 dd by all Droooist- and Kcr.iiLzas everywhere. 49** HI BKWAKK!!! of all worthless imitation*. 49“ Sen that ** COSTA 1C ’3” name is on each Box, Bottle ami Fla*k, befoi e you buy Add e>sn Depot 455 Broadway, N. Y 49* Sold by O. W. E BSSLER, Altoona, Pa. April 7. 1863.-6 m • MISSES’ GAITERS, “ MODEL.’ 4 A KEGEL All meeting of the ALTOONA FAIR VIBW CEMETERY ASSOCIA TION will be helc| on the eecolid Xlinneiayrveninr oi each month, In the Connell Room. M. CLABAUUU, 3a. Lowtber, president. Secretary. ■ [May l&-’62] v FOR RENT.—The basement of Work’s new tmildlug, on Virgin!* street, adjoining Kessler'e property. Is offered for rent. Puuweion given tin medi ately. Pur further information; apply to ItAWRKNCK P. WORK, JOSEPH R, SMITU. OJR Take Notice 1! Fab. M, IStt-xt J IItDBEY’S I'MPKdV®fi * BLOOD SEARCHER, Cancer, Cancerous Formations, Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseases, ; Erysipelas, BoUs, Pimples on the " . Sore Eyes, > Tetter Affections, Scald Head, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Old and Stubborn Ulcers Rheumatic Disorders, Jaundice, Salt Rheum, Mercurial Diseases, ' General Debility, Liver Complaint, Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, Female Complaints,, ' Epilepsy or Fits, F. BRADBURY Paralysis or Palsy, Syphilitic Diseases and . Caries of the Bones. Together with all other diseases having-their origin in a depraved condition of the blood tar cir culatory system. De. G. 11. Krrsxx I take pleasure in making this vol untary statement in favor of a medicine prepared by you called 44 Lrnnm’s Blood Ssabcbex.” I had Buffeted for five years with Scrofula which broke out on my head and forehgad so aa to disfigure me very much, aud took off the hair when the disease m*de Us appearance; it also broke out od my anu above and below the elbow, and eat into the skin and flesh so as to expose a fearful sore. The disease on my head went so far that several small piecea of bone came out. 1 was very we»k and low spirited, and had given up Ell hope of ever getting well, as I had tried aev eral skillful physicians and they did me no good. ' In Sep tember last, 1861.1 was induced to try “ Lindsey’s In proves BLOOD SEAECau.” I must confess I bad no frith in patent medicines, but after I had used three bottles.of Blood Searcher, the ulcers on my head and arm began to heal. 1 have now taken eight or ten bottles, and my bead aud arm are entirely well except the scars remaining from the surest I will also state that I had the rheumatism very bad in my arms End legs. The Blood Searcher also cured the fbcumathun. lam now a well man, over forty years of age, and 1 feel aa snple and young as I did when I was twenty, and have increased In weight twenty pounds. I would also state that the disease forebeard was so bad that stooped and lifted anything heavy, the blood run out of the sore. Dr. Keyser had a photograph i»k«*n oi me by Mr, Cargo, the artiAt, after 1 began to get well. It does not show my appearance as bad as It was ' before 1 cpmmfeuced taking the medicine. You can see the photograph, one. of which is now in my possession, and also at Dr. Keyser** 140 Wood street. I would also mate that 1 took the Blood Searcher which was mftde be fore Dr. Keyser commenced making it. Although it helped mo some, I did not recover Cost until I gqt the kind made by Dr. Keyser himself. One bottle of hb did me more good than two of the old. I believe it is a great deal stronger and better. I have recommended the Blood Searcher to a great many of my friends fur* various dis eases, and 1 believe it has helped the whole pf t iem. You may publish this if you wish, and X am anxious that all I who are afflicted as 2 was may be cured. I live in this city. No. 4 Pine street, and am employed at Collville A Auder -1 sou's Union Marble: Works, 64 Wayne street. I live in Sligo, at Clinton "Mill and have been nearly blind in ifoth eyes lor nearly fonr yean. I called on Dr. Keyaer ah' ut three months ago and ashed him to give me directions to the Institution for th© Blind in Philadelphia lie told srie that I tupd not go to Philadelphia to get well a h he had medicine that would cure me, as be said uiy die ease was in the blood. 1 was treated for it two or three times in the hospital in this city, and was relieved, but my disease always rcturned alter a month or two after 1 came out of the hospital. 1 found my disease was re turning and I called, by the advice of a good friend ol mine; on; Dr. Keyaer, who has restored my «lgbt t ;abd my eyes are nearly as well as ever. The Doctor gave mt 4 Lindseys Bloody Searcher” and a wash. - DAVID KIN NOLLY, Clinton Mills, Sligo. Pittsburg, July 5,1861. Witness—K. F. M’Elroy, Anderson street, Allegheny City. Pnthnoß, September 18,1861. —I hereby that 1 have l|«td a sore leg for ofer a yearl It was covered with ulcers and acres so that 1 could not work for nearly a year. My leg swelled so that 1 was unable to do any thing fob a longtime, 1 for at least biz months. I tried several p{ the beat doctors in the city, but without any benefitfinally T called on Dr. Keyser. at No. 10 Wood street. Who only, attended me about two weeks, And gave me bnt two bottles of medicine, and I am now. entirely well and have confined so for siz months. |am employed at the Eagle Engine House on Fourth street, where any one can’ ae© me. A Letie Faon England.— Mr. John Pope, of BUepa vou. near Moutypool, Monmontshlre, England, writes as follows: old woman' 1 » this place has wished me to write you respecting Linmzt’s Bw»P Szakch**, from which she found great benefit, and wishes to have it little tno-e. ' She has been suffering froraV disease iff a cancer, ous nature for th# last siz or seven years. Her daughter who Is living in America, obtained it frr bsr, sad test her eighteen buttles.. She is now quite out of It, add Thavs written to her daughter twice and Jure received no an awer; jftf course she is anzlous to get ■non,'to get com-1 pletelyLcnred. I told her I wool)! write to you for the agency in tbl. country, and .be felt rery mnen pleased to hear me say so. I now beg to ask yon on what term, yon - will supply me; yon will please bear In mind (he car riage, And supply me a. cheap as poeVJbie. Th# carriage on tbelone doien bottles was £1 8s 6d. The tbedk ine was a presadt from lire daughter. I W->uld like‘ Ur haye the Blood Searcher in a Jar or small cask, if yon can semi it iDithas way, or ib pint or quart bottles.. 1 will Send a bill through bank qr registered letter, which erer will be most convenient to yon, if yon will And me can ler’s receipt o the parcel as security. I would send yon a stamp to an awer this, but as It 1s uncertain of this reaching yon, on account of the country being in .six and netons, a term which is commonly used, yon will lie kind enough to charge ine with tbe postage. Yours, reapectfblly, * , 1 . [Signed] ; ' ' JOUli POfE. j [We' hare seen the letter which is published in to-day’s 1 Ditpakh, from johtt Pope, mad believe it to bo genuine.— j Dispatch Piittburgh. , HENRY B. COSTAK, Look far Dr. AVyrer’r iwwitowr the tiritltfmtn tetngfapoitdjipoH' , ! l 1 : Prepared mod «old by Dr OceMirn. ttr«^l*ltWMir*b ln Altoona by A. lUnaa and O. «. (MM; It J. E. PATttWt and d*OM ««»** a sms COBS MB CASE OF DANIEL A. BOYD, Pittsbdkob, December SI. I8«l A BLIND MAN CUBED. A BAD SOBE LEG CUBED. IHOMAB FARRELL. CANCER CUBED. PREPARATIONS “HIGHLY CONCENTRATED” COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT *OC*D, A dpidlc Bewd; For IMmuh of the BLADDER. KIDNkTjL GRAVEL • AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. ' This Medicine locnaeeathe power oTDitNtloa, sad at cites the ABSORBENTS lata health; aritoa, hywhteh «ba WATERY ORCALCAREOUS depoaittopa, sad ell ON NATURAL ENLARGEMENTS, an redoced,ee «eB u PAIN e» INFLAMMATION,.end la (ood for Ew, Wo au oa Can,Mm. • HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BPBHU. For vwkHM arleing Bob Exoeeae*, Habit* of Diaaiea tlon, brl;lßdlMniloa or Abnae. ATTENDED WITH THE FOUOWIAO Rffipt: Indiapoaition to Exertion, DBEralty of Bnathinc, Loaa of Memory loaaof-Bewer, Weak Mem*, f Trembling, Horror of Diaeaae,' Waheftdae**, Dimneea ofVUkm, Pain la theEaeh, UniTeraalLaaettndeof tho Utwcnlar Sy*te*a, Hot Banda, Flnahingof the Boty, Oryac**of theShia, Eruption* of the Fane. The** aymptom*, if allowed to go on, which thla medl cine invariably remove*. eooa tolluws laromcT, Farcm Enunio Fin, In one of which the patimit may expire. > Who can *ay that they are not frequeifUy Mlowed by tfaoee -DIREFUL DISEASES,” “INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION ” Many are aware of the cauae of their inSering, BUT NONE WILL CONFESS THE KECOBDT Of THE INSANE ASTL?¥*, And the melancholy Deaths by Conanmptiou bear US' pie witneta tu the truth ol the aaertioa. THE CONSTITUTION ONCE AFFECTED WITH OR- GANIC WEAKNESS, Require* the aid of medicine to atrengthea and invigor ate the Syatem, which HEMBOUFB EXTHACT BUCHD invariably doe*. A trial will convince tin moat skeptical FEMALES! FEMALES! 1 Ou> oa Yooaa, Snrau, Maaaian on CosvmtriATnto Hi In many affections peculiar to Female*, the BXTBACT BDCUD I* unrqoaled by any other remedy, a* ele »r Detention, Irregularity, Vainbilnets or Enpprteelou of Customary Evacuation*, Ulcerated or Sclrrhon* atate of the Hteraa, Lencorrhce or White*, Sterility, and (hr all complaint* incident to the aez, whether arising from In discretion, Habit* of Dissipation, or in the ■ DANIEL A. BOYD. No Family Should bo Without It. Take no more Balsam, Mercury, or nopleaaaot Uadiciue for uDpleasaat and d*ug?rous diweaies. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUBHl). In alrtbeir stages. Little or bo change in Diet, Andno Exposure. It causes 0 frequen tdcaire end girea atrength to Urinate, thereby Bemoring Obatructione, Presenting rad Curing Strictures of the Urethra. Allaying Pdnud Inflama tion eo frequent in the clam of tUamaet, and expelling all PoiaonooaD'teeaaeaand wbrn-nnt Matter, THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS who bare been the victims of Quacks, and who bare paid hairy fete tube cured in a abort time, bars found that they were decaired, and that ibe “POISON” baa, by the oae of **powerfnl an tringenta," been dried op in the system, to break ontla an aggrarated form, and perhaps alter Marriage. Dsx UnJOott'l Exraaci Bocao for all aAetiesa and diaeaaea oftbe URINARY ORGANS, .Whether existing In MALE OR FEMALE. Fromwbaterer canae originating, rad nt-maittarat'- BOW LONG STANDING. Diaeaaea of these organa require' tba aid of a Dramatic Is the Great llnarnc, and la certain to hare the desired effectin ail diaeaaea for which it ia recommended. Eridence oftbe. moat reliable and reaponaibie character wi'l accompany the Bsdkfnea. , Certificate* oTCnrea, from eight to twenty yeara stand ing, with names known to science end fame. Plies $l,OO Per or Six forss, DaUeand to on; tddreea, aecnrely packed from up ob> •OTTOtiOB. Pereonelly appeared befoie me, an Alderman of the dtp of Philadelphia, Q. T. UrUtaoLD,who bcini'daljr error*, loth tajr. bb preparation contain no nanotic, no am -17, or other injorioua drugs, bat are purely ngetable. Sworn apd tobtciibed before me, tbb 23d d»Jr of No rember, 18M. W. P. niBBABD, Alderman, ‘ Nlnthßt, aboeeßaca, Pblla. Addrdaa lettara lot Infeoattioa in mnftdrrte* to' ~ n. T. ÜBWJBQU), Chembt, Depot, 104 Booth Tentb-St, below Cbeetnut, Philadelphia, Poaa. BIWARK OF CODXTBHPKIT* AND UHPBINCIPLXD SKAJdtES, v Whoendearor to dbpotc “or taint ofiKiand “warn” ertiebe onlh* reparation attained by Uelmbold'e Genuine prepare Gone, do ■ do v ' ‘ Extract Bocbo, • do “ do s. > Mdby Proabtt Cot oat the edeertbmeut ud lend foe it, aad mTstdimpoaitioa - Ukd ; I v~ .| ; ' IELMBOLD’S GENUINE * m PALLID COUNTENANCE. ataox. DECLINE OB CHANGE OP LIFE. six tntrrosi aaori. AND Improved Ross Wash £ CURES BKCSKX DISEASES UELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCBU Dxacun jSnmoM a ui Cant Guaranteed. AFFIDAVIT. ( At little Expense, . (fq Incontealanca Adrice Gratia.