*pTIS Early Physical Degeneracy of i NORTH WARD AHEAD AMERICAN PEOPLE. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! JUST PUBLISHED BY DR. A. STONE AT OLD . PRICES. Phmaan to the 7W, „ i xt I HEUNDERSIGNED WOULD RE to the lYoy Lung and Hygxemc J , a i ly iaform th. of A «bona and „ur- Institute. . rounding cdnotrythAfe be has just«tnnied from th* east, ATmtkft utha , n _ . where lie been selecting hU stock of Spring and Sum* Imirlrin or Early Physical decline of.j mer Goods, which forstyle, quality and Price cannot be »..-. r^tTr inini^^i, Nervous Debility, Coie;'; surpassed in this neck of cjuntry. Ills stock is much viSin,k L.-L 4 ; larger than heretofore, and, as It isquitu ao object in these 9H thriHinv moral . top fi_ ,r^ tt * n chaste, i wap-t?xclting times for every one to purchase whsre they trtaaSfmimy.i Tnff* *jf*f S** 1 ® J can get the BUST artich at the LOWEST PRICE, he gA&ifiNTS. pad guardians espe* . * uU !d say that he can and will «*il AS LOW. if not A aoientlflc and reliable aids and treatment LITTLE LOWEK THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE in OH a tt«in «- . . ... , ■> place lie wishes all to call ami at* bis stock before pur* kMTUI be sent by mail on the recelptof two(S cent) , abasing elsewhere, as he feels cMiftdrot'he c-m offer in- J - wi,. DK.V COMHKTm-.N, ■ „.** «9U Young meal Fail not to send and gettnis book. LADIES GOODS ggWLadiesl Ton too should at once secure a copy of svert nsscupnoN. ol MEN AND BOYS’SUMMER WEAR, A Went of Soiean CoasciMtwur Advice to thote LADiES’ AND MISSES’ DRESS SHOES, . . r w,l ‘ re - fiect - , MEN AND BOYS’ BOOTS AND SHOES, A class of maladies prevail to a fearful extent in the l(yw . ’ gOßuauUty. dooming at least 100,000 youth of both sexes MKN AND WOMEN’S UoBk>, HATS AND CAPS, aaaaally to an early grave. Those diseases are very im- Ginghams. Lawns, BMachefi and'Uableaehed Muslim, ■ pnrfeetiy understood. Their external manieotatkm, or Dried Peaches and Dried Apples, plain and ■ VBptass are Nervous Debility, Relaxation and Exhaos- Canvaseejd liaaurid, Ac., Ac. tUu.- Mwyu or coiattniptiuc of the Uhmb He will Mil the AMERICAN PRINTS »t 12 \i cents. tfa .hote hody. ehortnM. cf tronthiug or burned PAST MADDER COLORS. 10 Mi MOeßdint« Mil or flight of .bum; great pM- fancy PEEAINMS. from 12>* to 26 Pine MMehhdMDSLfNS^d, hie. * 12* ;; cietJewl tohtwineet oratady: dimnoMof.yosight, loss » <■ 5? • I L, u ofJMawy, diuiiiMa ef the Ifeed, Neniulgia, Pain iu vto Heavy Unbl’cbpd ■■ varii , !Ij rimapartaofthe body; Paine in the beckor limbs. Lorn- “!?** .. ch i. >“ rd „ “ kb : ■*{» lamnatyHiine cases oat of every one hundred, all MEN’S CALF BOOTS, 07* of^theabove named disorders,and a host of others not. - GOAT *♦ XIS named,as Ojusnmptioo of the Langs and that most in- BOYS’ GOAT. fNos 4 and 5 1 I[n «UUms and wily form of cousamptiou of the Spinal MEN AND BOYS* OXFORD TIES from ts r «nta i on knownul.be.Domlee, andlabeameMnt.xica. SeS’S CALFioNROKS ’ B ‘ 76C * nte *° 1 “ ££«?£ ZZXt SoW CHILDREN’S SHOES, very iow Uoffee at 25 cents. Or. Andrew Stone, Pbyeician to the Troy Lnnf and Hy- iMr%kRI E»M White Hnnr n n „,i icir |te>te lMtitatk>n, i 8 now engaged in treafhig tliiaciau B»we Suicsr from 7to 10ct».; and Lolerinit’* of Mdea maladiee with the noet MtonUhing aiiccew. Syrup, et 60 cU.: Sugar Houro UrTla«wfl cte • Bakina The treatment adopted by the Institution la new; it ia HolaaKw.3l to 40 eta • together with n«rt«r ,„,V Sm .f b*«d upon wiMtiSc prioeiplea, with new diacov red rent- wS^ti.« r .F^L Xr art Lie" of oiL.U «Hee ; witboot aiuarale or poiaom. The bcilitiea of cure jmt aa low an any other homo V»„ L.n ,;?L „ ’ t * CUmi *«r •V- i«m“o o m“e«k “ part of th» conn try, from accurate descriptions of thsir w T a apb/nviy cam, by have the nadteian sent by Mail or Altoona, May 1,1862] ‘ ‘ Noith Wan] express. Printed mL irogatones will be forwarded on ap- ii ™ plication. t%»CoßMaptioß, Catarrh and diseases of the tlumat cored as well at the Home of the Patients as at the In* etitation, by sending the Cold Medicated Uraauno BiL- S4MIC with Inhaler and ample directions for their nse, and direct currespoodence. Patients applying for interrogatives or advice, must eoclose return stamps, to meet attention. gft. The. attending Physician will bo found at the In stitution f r consultation, from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.. ear-h day. Sunday in the forenoon Address DR. ANDREW STONE. Physician to the Troy Lung and Hygienic Institute, and for Diseases of the Heart, Throat and. Lunev, ttyifthStreet, Troy,N. Y. . AJtooua, Dec. 30th, 1862.-1 y. C. C. SERVER & SON. (Stocmmoto Thoxa* R. Tailor & Co.) Paper,, Envelope, and Printers’ Card ? WAREHOUSE, No. 518, MINOR STREET, PHILADELPHIA , PA. A LARGE ASSORTMENTOF WRITING, LETTER, NOTE, PRINTING, WRAPPING, MANILLA, TISSUE, BnOE AND HARDWARE PAPERS, Printers’ Cards, BONNET, BOX AND STRAW BOARDS. Printers, Blank Book Manufacturers, StatloDera And Storekeepers, will flrni if to tlieir advan tqn to CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. MAT tit, 1862-ly. CONFECTIONERY ANB ICE CREAM SALOON, r PHE SUBSCRIBER WOULD IN -8 FORM the citixena of Altoona and vicinity that bis CXJNFECTIONKKT, NUT and FRUIT STORE, is Always supplied with the very beat Articles to be had, and in gnat variety. He hat aleo an ICE CREAM SALOON 'attached to;>iB store, In which he will serve up ICE CKEAM Jo the beat style daring the season. FRESB-BAKED BREAD, CAKES, & PIE a, always on hand, at reasonable rates. He to at all times prepared to supply cakes, candies. Ac., for p iconics and other parties. He invites a share of public Patronage,beltoriog that he can render full satisfactions o all. Remember,bisatore and saloon ia on Virginiaetreet,two doors below Patton’s Hall. OTTO ROSSI. Altoona. April 28.1863-tf. WM. S. BITTNER Dental Surgeon. / OFFICE IN MASONIC \/ TEMPLE, naxtdoor to the Post ofliep. 'Dr. B* wo®ld respectfully inform the citizens of Altoona uud ■urrwmding country, that he is prepared to insert ARTIFICIAL TEETH ! from a stogie. tooth to a fall set, in the most superior style, ON GOLD, SILVER, OB VULCANITE BASK , It would b# to tbs advantage of all persona desiring attUldal teeth, to call at his office before g dng elsewhere. If they wish cheapness, beauty or durability. Fall seta of teeth on vulcanite base, as low as $lO to $l5. “ “ “ on silver “ “ " •• 10 to 15 - “ “ on gold “ “ “ 60 STRUT BKT OF TEETH WARRANTED. Dr. Bittner will visttUollidayitmrg and vicinity when kb services are desired, [Feb. 17,1803-tr. A FARM AT PRIVATE SALE A RARE PH A NCR FOR CAPITALISTS I tf2J.RAB.ILL MYERS offers his Farm, 22S acres, for vile. 100 scree are cleared and seder good cultivation; the balance la timbered with Cheatont and Oak. It la •Hosted in L gan township, THREE MILES NORTH-EAST OF ALTOONA, PA., where there is a Market almost equal to any city in Me SMte. .It cannot tell of being a good investment, aa the \MimBL eurronnding lands most Increase in value tfMil). in a ratio with the Improvements of the town. The buildings area 1 good Dwelling House, a new Bank Barn, and all other There are on the premises luo Apple Trees—choice Fruit f( i' —Peach, Pear, Plum and Cherry Trees.— The soil is Sod Shale, second only t>. Limestone. For further particulars call and see the Farm, or address G. L. MYEH*, Altoona, Pa. April 21,1583.* NEW 'IP GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, Corner of Awde and Harriet Streets, EAST ALTOONA. fpHE sabHcribers would respectfully in- JLfbrmthe eitiseos of Altoona, that they havejost r«* constantly l praam FUR CASH. 1 Altoona. Jan. 1. ’63-6m. D. M. BARB A CO. WEST BRANCH INSURANCE CO., " LOOK HATJEN, PA. PREMIUM NOTES IN FORCE 406,000. InawSS property on as reasonable terms as are consistent with security, DIBICTOK, o.O.Hamr, O. 9. BatterUe, J. (. Hall, Jacob Brown, t. MiPrico, AlHaoo White, Biaaoo Scott, C. A. Mayer, Ain. Sloac, W. Fearan, 0. 9. Sittoujo!, V. P. O. 0. Hartzt, PrrS’t. 3. W. Caanua, Secretary. J(Uy 1, ’62-lj.] R. A. O. KBRK, Agsat. Altoona. TTARDWARE OF ALL DESCRIP UL NMivod sad for iftle by i.B. HTIaKMAm A JJpOMINAL SUPPORTERS, Trus- XmT'SfaaadlkoaUarßraeas (araaleat n!sfc ' ' «. W. tUIUEB'S EMPORIUM OF FASHION!! Virginia * St., Altoona. Pa , *>■ •A. BELFORD, Proprietor. The proprietor of T|ie u emporium 01 FASHION” would respectfully announce to the public that he hoe received a large- invoice of cloths, i CASSIMERES, vestings, and a general assortment of , GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Collars, Neck-Ties, ; Suspenflers, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, &0., &c., &c., exactly waited to this locality and intended for the AUTUMN AND WINTER TRADE. The proprietor of the Emporium invites an examina tion of hto stock, tooling confident that hirshelvea present a greater variety of plain and fancy goods than can be found elsewhere In the couutrv,. An examination will convince any one of this fact. He has also received the LATEST FASHION. and being a perfect “Cutter. 7 he has m> hesitancy in say ing tljar iu* can make up clothing in the fashion, ami in » manner that can not fail ro prove vatiaiV-r* i v !r n*>s passed into a proverb that • Belfort)’* the very man that can nmk-, Clothes in the fashion, strong and Cm All that have ever cried him vet. Say that he really cant be teat. Remember the place. Virginia stm-t. ftr.-.r door al-ove •laggard’s Hall. Altoona. Pa. [April 17. *62. HAEDVABE. The subscriber having taken entire charge of the Hard ware and Stove and Tin Shop recently under tbe charge of Fries 4 Winters, on Virginia street, opposite Kessler’s prng Store, and having added largely to liis stock is now prepared to supply anything in the Hardware and Cutlery line, such as Handsaws, Axes, Angers, Adzes, Chisels. Bqu ires. Kales, Hammers, Planes, Hinges. Locks, Latches, Files. Knives and Forks, Spoons, 46. 4c„ all of which he offers on the most reasunubie terms. Persons wishing anything in the Hardware line are requested to call and examine his atoct. : He ha* also added Oils, Paints,' Carbon Oil, etc., to his stock, and will dispose of all these articles at a small ad vance on first cost. He will also-coutiune the STOVE BUSINESS, And will keep on hand nn assortment from which any person will bexble to select an article; to ptlaae their fancy. In the line oi ' i TIN AND SHEET IRONWARE, CEDAR and WILtOW-WAkE, he will always have a Urce supply, and will make to order Anything that may be called for. : Job work in this line promptly attended to. ; HOOFING AND SJpOUTINO put up on short notice in the be?tt style, : April 21,1863.~tf. i * HAM CEL I. FRIES. HARDWARE I CHARLES J. MANN. Dealer in foreign and do mestic HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE. -BROOMS. WINDOW SHADES. DOOR MATS, UPHOLSTERING GOODS. SHOE FINDINGS, .COFFIN TRIMMINGS, MOULDERS’TOOLS, BIRD CAGES AND WIRE GOODS, WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY, WHIT* LEAD, AC, AC. ;. B9U Every description of Govd* in ids lids will be far dished at shert notice, and at low rate* for cash. : HU remaining "took tof DRY GOODS on hand will be closed ont at remarkably low prices, to order to relinquish that branch of the badness, ' i Agent for Wtllsan’e "Telegraph Fodder Cutter.” Altoona, May 29tb. IM2. VALUABLE PROPERTY AT 3ALEII The property .aa known as the Oreeiisliurghchool erty, situate {a Xonli Ward.' aqfolhing 1 £-jHV Irtlof Wm. Dent,and W.A.B. Lasb, Is, accordance willi a n solution of the School 4HSPSC9B Board, offered at Prirnle Sale. Tiller fa a deairable prop erty, there being TWO f DLL LOTB-0F 1 (SHOD VD AND A two STORY frtAMB HOI7SS. With a little expense the house can be made to accommodate two families. V>r further information Inquire of Vh. Boyden, J. B Htlcman, James Lowther, A. Maxwell, 11. C. Deni, or Jno. A. Raer, School Directors. May IS. 1863-tf.] WM. BOTDEN. Preo’t Altoona School Boanl FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE! THE UNDERSIGNED: OFFERS for sale, or exc'nange jfor property In A - £__d teonft, • house and Iwvluts of gromidi sit- jAfMk o**e In Hie Village ol New Wellington. I I (jj| 'lndiana countv. Pa. The house is a TWO- Ml« SK OTOBT FRAME BUILDISO. 19 by (bet,fronting on two etreete, out , btilldlngs. Is also a variety of FBCIT TREKS and HHRUBbBKY du the prentiaen, to gether wiitb a well of excellent water at the door. The lot* are 90 feetlrontby 180 feet deep. : Possession (riven at anytime. Anv further infonnatiou cen behiul hyapply. tacto John Biandon, of Armagh. or the subscriber. at At tooha. ’ LAWRENCE P. WORK. Feh. M. 1888-tr • ONWARD: ONWARD!! | EXCELSIOR OLE MOTTO! NOW OPEN On the comer of Branch and Annie Street*, EAST ALTOOKA, AN ENTIRELY M STOCK Of GOODS! Having disposed of the entire stock of ojd goods in the above stand at auc tion. we desire to say to the public that we have just opened out an ENTIRELY NEW STOCK to which Wo Invite the attention of the public. We are determined to eell at the I ‘ VERY LOWEST PRIjmS. j Our stock embrace* alsrge ana complete as; ortment of | LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, i ffusleting, in part, of plain and fancy Silks, all-wool Do i 1 sines, Alpacas, oliallie Delaines, plain and figured Berea*, i Lawns, Ginghams, lineals, De Barge. Travelling Dree# : Goods, and all the LATEST STYLE PRINTS Men’s Wea . We have received a large and well selected stock of GEN TLEMENS DRESS GOODS. such #s Cloths, plain and fancv Cassnneres. Cashmerets, Tweeds, Jeans, Corduroys, Beaver Teens. Velvet Cords, md other fashionable gtode forroeu and boys. WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen, Cambric#', Victoria Lawna. plain und dotted Swiss, Bdbinets, Edgings .Ac. We have a large a sortuent of Ladies’ Needlework Col Jars and Sets.NDrese Trimmings, Krt bons. Gloves. Gaunt let’ Mitts, Hosiery. Silk and Linep Handkerchiefs, Nock Ties. \eil«, Ac. Also, Ticking. Checks, bleached and un bleached Muslins, Cotton ami Linen Diaper, Crash. Ac. j Also, a fino-HSHortment of i SPRING- SHAWLS Wt* have itxMired a larjjv lot of BOOTS AND SHOES. LADIES' GAITERS. HATS & CAPS, SHAKER BONNETS, &c.. which we are determined to sell cheaper than aver. QUEEENSWAHE, C£DAR \ND WILLOW-WARE. HARDWARE. Groceries, Flour. Bacon, Chetse, ■ Syrups, Molasses, Mackerel, Herring, ‘ Carlton Oil, Fish Oil, Drugs and Medicines, and, in fact, everythin* usually kept in a first-class Store. *** As we make our purchases almost entirelv for rash and ae we will sell for , CA SH ONLY, AND KEEP NO BOOKS, it.wiil enable ns to sell Goods at very moderate prices; affil by fair dealing and strict at tention to business a e iiope to secure a liberal stmr- ol public patronage. AUoouu, April l.j, 18d$-tf ESTABLISHED 1700 peter lorillard Snuff & Tobacco M A NUFA CTUKE R, 10 & 18, CHAMBERS ST., 'Formerly « Ciiatbam St., New York.; would call the ntbintilfll of Dealers to the articles of his manufacture, viz.c BROWN SNUFF. Macslc y. e, fine Kaiije.-, Coarse Happ.-e, Pure Virginia. Nacliitocb.ee, Ainericai. Gentleman, Copenhagen, YELLOW SNUFF. Scotch. Honey Dew Scotch, High T «ikt Scotch Fresh Honey Dew Scotch, Irish Hi»h Teaat, or l.undyfoot, Fresh Scotch. ' Attention is called to tile great reduction in prices of Fine-Cut Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, which will bo found of a superior qualify. * TOBACCO. SMOKING —Long.-No. 1. No. 2. Nos. 1 and 2 mixed, Granulated. S. Jago. Spnni-h, Canaster, Turki-h. FINE CUT CHEWING P A L_ or plain. Cavempsh or Sweet, Sweet eccnt.-d Orouocn. Tin Foil Cavendish April li*fflljy'V of I ’ , ’ CBS will «n application. LATEST Bi“ TELEGRAPH! VICKSBURG REPORTED TAKEN! L. Flank's the place to get your Bacon ! T would respectfully inform the public , in genera), that 1 have lately been West and pur* cuhslmj one of the beat ami largest lota of SUGAH-CUREDHAMS&SHOULDERS ever brought to this market. 1 have 2500 Hams and 700 shoulders, which I will sell at reasonable prices. Persons wishing to buy by the quantity will find it to their ad vantage to call ami examine my’stock bet* ro purchasing elsewhere, a* I wij sell at Pittsburgh market prices. March 31 st, 1863.) I,oc] s p LA CK. Building lots for sale.— .U'. e I ? llbscril Br * o(fer at Private Sale EIGHT BUILD IMI LOlB. situate on tin- top of the hill, above the reser voir of the Altoona Qns 4 Water Company, hem* now held as property by the Presbyterian Church. The lots art fifty feet front by 175 feet deep, and will be sold on reason able terms. Persons wishing to par chase or view these nformation concerning them by'ap plyiDK to Michael Clabtmgh. R. 11. McCormick. Alexander rwUt” Ck ’ ° r Chas ' J ’ Ma,lD ’ Trustees of Presbyterian t ' tinrcll - [Altoona, Aprils. 1*62. ANDREW ECKEL, DEALER IX * Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Pipes, &c., &e., Annie t, (reef. Altoona.. Pa... nnd UcKeagc't O d Sand K Montgomery dreed, HnlUdagtbnrg, Pa. \ 0 N EIIA L ASSORTMENT rJd, nfi™!* 1 * iU hisliDß constantly on hand at the lowest CMU pricc< - . (Feb. 7,1883. TARIED APPLES.— The subsciibcrs desire to doss out, at cost and wltW delav wnTflod if "ff 'T cUhw ’ B ‘«her «whola«leorreLil will find it to their advantage to give u* a call ’ June 26,1862.] MURPHY AMcPIKE. SM. WOODKOK, • AI TOBIfEr-ATIiAW. Will practice In the several a l Huntingdon counties. Office on Vintinla aDd above Joila Street *>rgmia Street, 2 doors Feb. 3,186-i-tf. COUNTY INSURANCE tvery fitter,pi, m . |„ , own tr x , oia t rv at SS *“ C ° ml,a "- V 1,1 *"• ÜBIC,i - . B. B. McCIUJM, Agent. ;'• >!; ;_W: MUSIC !—INSTRUCTIONS GI V EN J’fJh Bijno-Forto ind Melodoon, by Slim M. MAKKR. Terms, tin per quarter. Nochargefcr tne use of tbe Instrument. Residence on Catharine Street, Weet Altoona. fjan.16.18«2.-tf. HB. MILLER. -- injii dentist. mmKL M>Office on Caroline street, between TV r Virginia'and Emma streets, Altoona. [Jan. Ml—2m* PURE WHITE LEAD AND ZINC Faint, also Chrome. Green. Tallow, Paris Green, dry and ground .nil at fl-tf.) - KESSLER'S. HEAT PILES OP PANTALOONS for Ken and Boys, at LAIKsHKAJPS GEIS & CO R. A. 0. KERR. ALTOONA, PA., | Agent for Biair & Huntingdon Counties, i These machines auk admit-i to be the best ever offered to the public, «...i theii | superiority 1, satirfHctorilj establlehed by the f«rt that iu ‘ the last eight years, I OVER 1,400 MORE of these Machines have been sold than of any other man ufactured. and more medals have been awarded the pro prieturs by different Fairs and Institutes than to any oth ers. The Machines are warranted to do all that is claimed for them. They are now iu use in several families m Al toona, and in every case they give entire satisfaction. The Agent refers those desiring information as the su periority of the Machines, to Col. Jahn L. Piper, Rev. A. B Clark. George Uawkeswortb, Beaj. F. Rose, and E. U. Turner, Esqrs. The machines can be seen and examined at the store of' the Agent, at Altoona. Price of No. 1 Machine, silver plated, glass foot an ' new style Hemmer—s6s. No. 2. ornamental bronze, glass foot and Dew style Hemmer—ss6. No. 3, plain, with old style Hemmer—s4s. [March 21, 1861-tf. POKED OUT AGAIN! The undersigned would respectfully so licit the patronage of the citizens of Altoona and vicinity, as he has again opened «*ut AT HIS OLD STAND, on Virginia st. , a few doors below the Sapt's Office, with an entirely new and fresh supply of PROVISIONS AND GROCERIES such as FLOUR, BACJON, FISH, SALT, POTATOES, CHEESE, CORN-MEAL, MILL-FEED OATS. RYE. CORN. TEAS of ail,kinds. COFFEE. SUGAR. SYRUPS. BAKING MOLASSES. TOBACCO, SFIOARS. DRIED FRUIT, SOAP, CANDLES BROOMS. BRUSHES, Crockery, Wooden and Wiiiow Ware, Stationery. Notion . Candies, 4c. Also a !urg£ stock of LIQUORS! All the above govd* will ve Hold. Wholesale or Retail, at the lowest price*. Come one—comV all; See for your solve*. a» •! }t convinced. No chain- for examining my «tock. LOUIS PLACK. April 17. '62-tf. CARPETINGS & BEDDING. REMOVAL. R. L. KNIGHT & SON Hare removed from 262 S. Second Street, to 807 CHESTNUT ST., above Eighth, whore they have opened a well-aclected stock of CARPETS, OIL-CLOTHS, & MATTINGS, BEDDING AND MATTRESSES of every description. Ready-made orTnade to orders- FEATHERS. Various qualities always on hand. The Mannfsctnreand sale of Bedding will also be con tinned at 262 S. Second Street. April 14,5863. R. L. KNIGHT. iSni.J EARTLEY KNIGHT. |FARMERS TAKE NOTICE.—The J. undersigned is about starling a Tannery, ami wish es to buy or trade for 400 CORDS of pood tIOCK OAK BARK, and also for HIDES, for which the highest rr.arket price will be paid. Altoona, A|trii 17. ’62-tf. LOUIS PLACK J. G. AJ'LUM, Notary Public, ALTOONA. BLAIR CO., PA. Can at all times be found at the store of J. B. Hileman. October 1,1867. Groceries and provisions.— A •arge and varied stock of FRESH GROCERIES AM) PRO\ ISIO.NS. jast received, nnd for sale an cheap as the cheapen, at MCRPUY ft McHIKK’S Stnr«, ~ Cor. of Virgluia aud Caroline stf. Altoona. June 26, 1862. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Gent's Model Improved SII1UT? Casfintcrnod iMußiin Shirt*—fine aud coarse—white oulumi—at IsACOHMAN’S. OYES: O YES! GENTLEMEN draw ui-h and bear. JOSEPH P. TROVT innimiw cea to tho p*i„»ic, that ho la ready to his duty Man Aucthmeer whenever called upon. f jan. % *56. IV'EW AND IMPROVED STYLES X V of Trunks, Valises and Carpet-Bags. at ; . lauoiiman’B. "VTEVV WINTER READY i\lAl)E jL 1 Clothing Just rtceiyed at LADQIIMAN’S. QPECTACLKS AND EYE PRESER O vers for sale er cent, less tligo Mutual price. Alto, a NON FORFEITURE PLAN, By which a person p&vs for 5,7, or 10 years only, when the {tollcy is paid up for Lire, and nothing more to pay ,* and should lie be unable, or wish to discontinue sooner, the Company will issue a Pam up Pouct, in proportion to die amount of premium paid, as follows: Op a Policy of $l,OOO, 5 Year 7 Year 10 Year 'after |*ayment ot rates. rates. rates. 1 Annual Premium, for $2OO 00 $142 85 $lOO 00 2 - •* •• 4«0 00 285 70 200 00 4 4 * “ , “ 800 00 671 40 400 00 6 “ “ “ 857 10 6uo 00 8 •• « 800 00 ALEXANDER WII&LDIN, President. SAMUEL WORK, Vice President. John 8. Wilson, Secretary. SOAKS OF TRUSTIES. Alexander Wliilldiu, J. Edgar Thomson, Hun. .las. Pollock, lion. Joseph Allison. Albert 0. Huberts, J«*nas Bowman, Samuel T. -Budine, H. 11. Kldridge, George Nugent. John Aikumn, William J. Howard, Chari s PTlleaElitt, Samnel Work. Any further information can be had by applying to the undersigned, who Is the authorised agentforßlairCouiity. Jo)y 3T 1802 ly K. A. 0. KBHIL JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, The Hero' of One Hundred Fits per Month ! I would, respectfully w forth a»y claim to pulrii attention, as n Fashionabl Tailor agfolloA's: . Because 1 keep ah excel lent assortment of Cloths Cassimerea, Vesting* an Trimming*. which, whei exftmined.always please. Because my wofk f made up in a manner thi takes down the countr ami gives nil my customei a city apfM?arawce. Because I am not Inferlc as a Cutter {o the best I be found any Where. Because long experient in my, business give* m entire pontrol over i t am 1 am nut dependant u-pm any one tolift mo out the suds. B«?nuw> I am still on the sunny side of forty, and th>.re foie my taste as a Cutter and workman unimpaired. Ce.ll on me. iu the corner room of the ‘’Brant Hoo**.” Giv»- me a trial and you will go away pleased. Altoona. May 26-5 m ' JACOB SNYDKR;' » PATENT KEROSENE OR OARRON jil lamps; UnrKaledin Beauty , Simplicity Safely or Economy- Kv ,y person desiring to obtain the very best and cheap cst j..,. table light within their reach, should call at the store. ..'the undersigned and examine these Xnmps before purchasing elsewhere. and v.e phalire ourselves to demon strut” *k. T hat NO ACOIDKNT Ci*,u occur hy explosion. That t]u : ■ njir v.u .jßhnpiwj o.lor while burning. 3'l. Thai they are very easily trimmed. -Ith. Thai they Kth easily to ,Jv.- mor* or Im- Imht oth. Tiwu they uui /i entitviy fv« ! * |jpuni smoke'. '.tli. That the i* at hast 50 p. r •-**»[. aheaufsr than any othei ■lijfht now in v' .nmon use. The**.; lumps arfr mlmirnl.|> adapted for the use of Stn» ti- iitf.. Mi-clm nic.-.' Seamstresses. Factories. Halls. Churches Stoics. Hotel*, and arc highly recommended for laniilv use! Tin' burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can be attached to oi'l -ido. hanging and table fluid and oil lamps, ai a eihafl expense, and will answer every purpose of a new Iwip. W, guarKUte-.- p.-rftet sati-fae:ion iu ;U1 cane* * Ang.l9. 1869-tf.l 0. W. KLS^r.l.f; StoveK,,Tin and Sheet Iron Ware SPOUTING, &C. C RKOr WOULD' RESPECT- T) BLANK BOOK -Masufact. ' tfo. 54 Mar-ktt Si. Oarrubun,/>. This establishment is chiefly ..... the mnnufcctnre at Blank Rook. r ‘ ' I '3 Bunks, County Offleee, Bailroed Coro pan,,„ efc'r, ami private Individual*, la alt ran-, - t ■/"fv very best afstnek and wark, see. printed or plain, ruled and bound V. „ 1 ' Dockets mode of the lane linen ;a;wr r Librarians, and others, desiring to hare ;h, bound and at moderate prlees.abuuld givens ir! “" ■' * papers of the largest sixes. Harper’s Weeki, ii. Pictorial. Ballous. Scienlißc American Loei*’ '*' C| bound to order, and in any style required Kani. ly Msgsxine. Knickerbocker, I back wood’s JTTo Ms "’ Magsslnea. Godey’a Lady’s Book, Lady's R.,vJ,. "*®. sou’s Magaxine. Plano Music. Ac, bound in |l-! . the more plain and substantial half bindh, - phlets. Law Magaxioes, Pamnhlet lawe, bounr. hrary style, si very moderate prices. Person if'”' 11 number of volumes to bind, will receive a ip". ™”‘i, Binding can safely be sent to us from a dl,tan press, and all Work- entrusted toonrearewn? T dily exeentad. safely packed and returned („ 'i, i” All work warranted. Address g L " ’ ffdruiierv ffa.McCP.UM k DERM, at the Tribune OSes agents fo Altoona, and vicinity. Thev will ' ’ tlon in relation to binding, and receive ami r. t U' ’ free from extra charges, for all who eat. u.i their 1 w- Mao-1, ’ ~ /i ONWARD ! EVER ONWaIU. STEP BY STEP' The undersigned desires i, inform life old easterner* and the public that-he has this spring gone into-the Drv and bo* just received a largo and entirely’in-.v sri V-‘ Dress Groods tor the Ladies, embracing all the latest, pretipj;^ FASHIONABLE PATTERNS, Ahu among which may be found every quAlifr nf* the uarao* of which it would be too t-diuu* u. n v . n .. - Tn tin line of puro. fresh Mai -h GROCERIES k PROVISION,' I will not -knock un.lor” to nnv of my p,-.nin.-ui. n this department I feel sure that "j can renu.-r mi.Vt Ail kinds of country produce taken in evi'iu,-. goods, and the highest market price allowed. Store on'the corner of Annie end Helen sums > Altoona. THOMAS HESL .s Altoona, May 22, !Sh2. JACOB WEIS. BAKER AND CONFECTIONER, Virginia Street. Altoona. }*a. Keeps constantly on ham BREAD, CAKES. CANDID AND SWKETMKATS. of hi, own manufaenir- ci,. is prepared to till, wholesale or retail, at tic ! ahl. pric-s. ilao, COREIIN KItUITS. -u li a. ORANGES, LEMONS. TINE-aPPLE.' FIGS, PRUNES, RAISINS. NUTS. if ~ a. alwa;«on hand in Their reaphetne lenson,. CAKES BAKED TO ORDER for particular occasion*. on short r'“t;cc an-i ,u :i.„ . ent and best style of the art. Call, examine and price ray so.-oic nn-i vuii wi!; it as k.-G UOCEKIES.— A LARGE AN1 ] \T complete assortment of Groceries have Just bwti r * ceived at the atnro oT J B. HILEM-'V Hair, hat, tooth, shavog. 'Paint, Saab ami VaniiaU Brushes at^ All kinds of printing neatly and expeditunaly exotuted “ALTOONA TRlBtNt” OJHC* UMBRELLAS AND PABASOI^ in endless r»rl<*ty, at LAVGBSU- Altoona,sMay l t 1862; _ All styles carpeting ani- Oil-Cloths can be found a? LAOGIIH*^ A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Jewelry. «air and Clothe. Pocket-knlree, te, at LATG hu a * FINE ASSORTMENT OFOVg COA fS can be fondd at LACt*H-j__ TTAIR OIL, COLOGNES, adee, Sharin* Cream. ToUat Soa^'*;-. I",^ 1 ",^ Sr r as.= J ■. ox *: i : r ■> 4 C 5 _ eg - <*r S i rA i Z . 03 <=;;; Paij-s : -Z JB- t “ -i : pH S ? v S a laid J'E f OC ! li \\ New Drug fc BERLIN & CO., A.sN( the citisent of Altoona and tic ini opened aiDrug end Variety Store in' • WORK’S NEW Bill! V*SWM Street, betireen Julin mid ( where may t*« bad D&VOS, OBXMICALS. DrE-STOPPS. ; PATENT MEDICINES, 1 I paints, ow, glass, pcttk 1 Md atl other article# naoatly eoid In tl OUIt MEDICI? «e Of the pnmt and neat qoality, an »i ■ . llt *r the mark* of the beat tnatu BulWera and other. VS/^ISSSSS^ W|Ma and Liquor, for Me ■! ■ , * “ McCBUM & DERN, V’L)L. 8. Muskingum V -fpS?-' STEAM W coKionUo? Market and Third Stt ZANESVILLE, WE ABB MOW Tf RHINO Ol umber of opr improved Portahh and Portable OlreiiUr Saw. Mills* as We K agios* and Saw Mill#, many of which i v»v in|o Blair. Combi la. Uuntiogdou ai* ;h>a and other part*of th* State afPenfc •dreadyreceived ijod in Operation, are jgH tire MtSefiuuioa. .Thera Is n«w hardly hi in the Onhwi, but that our Improved P Bad Sew mile are in nee in. All oar Kn Vnaster Stack* on them which confine ( if* would ivepectftilly refer yea to the me* and OerUftcnte* for. the. portability tldil operations of our Portable Steam i MTU: UumoviiVCnvfi Muy 16th.li Mcssiu. J. 4 J. U. Dctall:—GrnUeian ourtweuty llor*e Power Portable Kngh hi go«*d order. We are perfectly Mtiattet ibiSg work* to our entire iatitfoctioß—h jipKtotioia We.anwed 4000 feet of wb fire hours, and could hare done mare ii Uadi ore hare had g*od log*. We take pleasure in recommending tl 9awi Mills and Engines to purchase of you EoeprCtfully, a REYNOLDS * We are authorised to *ay, for Mr. Sam tbatthe2obor»e p- w glnewwwrwiu we sold him,ha* fell; Utfou and peered Reel* lobe all that m in our circular; and since starting It, ,>rd«i for a second Engine and Saw 31111. iiid iiie. • For farther reference*, we will give t.! 1. Dill «ud Thottia* M’Aailej. Altoumi, P day; Ui»!Uday*burg, Pa.; M. M. Adams, c H. Zeigler an«t Joseph S. Reed. Uuntingiii Rmlfy, A Co.. Tyronb, Pu., nil of wlnmi Pm table Steam Kuglnc« and Portable »'h of 41*. Wo.fully warrant our Kiiglio**. and S made of first-class material: wmkniaju with Brass Dali Valves la jmmp< and do .torn 0,000 to 10.000 kvt of himW ; er d iv s Ofders solicited. uiiculur f , U* sp*.ctfully, j. k J. u. Corner Market ami just opposite C. 0. K. Road Depot, Za June 2,18634 m. . 0, YES! 0, Y£ THIS WAY! THIS NEW SPRING & SUMMER ( r B. HILE.MAN ’has just f J m large and well selected stock of af (Jloth®, Plain and Fancy Cuaslmerea. tacky Jeans. Tweeds, Bcarerteeuii, Blue, nthdr kinds of Goods for MEN AND BOYS’ WK together with a grand and magnificent LADIES’ DRESS C .S’Mdk as Black and fhney SAks. Chatties, Ik Lavmt, Delaines, CUntst, Dtßeprs, O Crape.and SUOa Show is, Jhslflfei, Vtui Horifry, Bonnets and Ribbons. ChUn krrthiefs. Kid Gfaoe*. Hooped Skin j tag, Lace MiUt,