The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, June 02, 1863, Image 3

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felßijjb:.. ■
jE'H T.
jdtiy s- fiiijilo-trfail, ■
W jjly *»d r»dicHl|. KB'i’rT.
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«lrtiee w.ewws*, tKUtttodnt
Acting dlmrt?v
licwl’remedy. n cluim th.t „
clirflßngf the world id produ.-c
"»■ iMl* dirti'CMjng- cdmßlHlni
:t wMI not tktl to afford Inmnli
*<*&* Wißoffcelaradiatf cotv,
UKOAT aroVnanfimeo extrema
I *B t a timely application ot
>ll locate.
rs .wry oMfnato, »ru( mUre-:'
Uki tu oOmr if ncgleiteif. The
nred by this Liniment lu two or
xds. souks. ULCKKB. Burks
itily- ui the' wcndraßd healinr
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was iivvrr known to tail
Mubfe Liniment '
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Ifibie I/miment
liibte Liniment -
ißtodiatoJy and leaves no scar
fiWe Lioimcnt
UMvknoWh wocld.,
Utile Lioiipeat
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, Morbu* »Dd Choler»
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m CsnpWTs S6M “Otraaln Fna”
tribune power-press
printing office.
within the [uut two years, made con-fid.-raide
’ -mnl't our .‘eitabliidam'ut in tin 1 way ot new lancy
.crow I’rojta. Paper Cu'ter. Card Cotter, Kolinc M i-
V ( ,urd Power Prank «fd large Newspaper Power
"/(» cut otwhich we giro above) we are now prepare.!
' .into anything in the line «l printing ..i#-uli»e in
'..,....uat to any estttbhehtiiVt;' in tin- -late, and m
, ly ieiv. Wo ran execute. on short notice, all
,1m «f ' - .
y.dding. Invitation, Visiting, Ball A Business Cards,
Cirowlarei, ProptrainmeK,
Pay and Check Bolls,
ii w. u.-k i* ft trial. fesUiig confident Jhat w« oih give
hrtTr tlui opportnuity.
irp i i L'jwU»€r T s building;-corner of A'irglnia and An*
.irpet.s. opposite Superintendent’* Offi.o.
Fivi'-Tweuty U, S. Loan;
IffM ‘At. UOYJ) & GO., Altoona,
If -iibacription: agent* to dispose of this Fivv
. .yVnua I'. S. Loan. Amounts oan be had to suit
‘ ‘ mMin nt different IMivlduals—thu Interest being psy
“ e »n(l to be account#fitf ffif-yeairly in Gold. •
‘ "vpril 14 -X
.Vsscau Mekong of the German Baptists,
~r readen*. or at least those resident in this county,
r nivaro that there is, in the vicinity of '-Bram
ijt'h'.- Mills, in MbrHson’a Cove, and
i.„ii two and tl~ half-miles from Mnrtinsbnrg, a
, r /i' settlement of the namertuiv dnnoinination of
,11.11111 liajitists familiarly known as Diinkers."
■ mi' a highly conscientious, plain, honest and
-v worthy [leople, whose mode of life strongly
mind, one of the primitive Christians. For sonic
,1,0 previous, to last week they had been actively
.staged in making preparations, on a most liberal
for the. National Annual Council of their
■n.ircb, which meets so seldom in this State, that
an occasion of great interest tu all of the de J
.■initiation, within our Commonwealth. The del-
sis system is not in vogue among them and
-,v mcinbei. male or female, is entitled to a scat,
, in-and vo'e in tine annual meetings, which all;
,i can. however remote may be their residence,;
it,’ it a point to attend. In tlie present instance
„„ne tv.r, thousand were present, of;
.iio.ii nearly one.thousand went ministers and one
aidred bishops. They came from Kansas, lowa,-
dissoari. lllinojs, Ohio, Now fiersev. .Maryland
■ i;, 1 Virginia, from several parts of our own
■ iii,,-. the Virginia members have been unable
],ii-sem for two years past, owing io Hie tael
i they were within the rebel lines, but their u-r-
h.-ing now occupied by oiir troops, they
ado tiieii appearance a? usual this year. Those
,m Maryland had snlihred much tribulation.-
a,■!,utile of Ahtictam vu i,•light nj«m their.
■ .in i-;, and tiieir church was so much injured as
re.jiiir,; rebuilding, tor whicil nuqiose contrifcu
jiis were asked, and freely m
Li' ; i.i’r j’rneeeding to.giv,- nnv iu-coan; of the
■;.cetding-< iii the annual meeting, we may sat that
■■ thinkers” are a Baptist denomination, princi
- jity- Germans, who arc quite numerous in the
- idled States, and rapidly increasing. Following'
s teachings of the Bible, as expounded by their
. •- leader* Alexander Mack, in Germany, in!
iUS, they rejected pedo-baptism and adopted the
ustom of kneeling in the water and dipping th p ir
leads in first. They take their name from the
'itanau word “tunken,” to dip. Among their
eremonies are the’washing of feet, the love feast,
iki right haad-of fellowship, and the kiss of chari
ty. They are closely allied to the Seventh Bay
Hamists, but distinct from the 1 Mcnnonites, or fol
fivers of Menno Simon, a Hollander of the six-
I'-onth century, who also reject child baptism and
baptize hr sprinkling instead of immersion. A more
rigid sect of the latter are the Ornish, called after
.Jacob Amen, of Switzerland. They are sometimes
-i -. led Hooker Mennonites, as they wear hooks and
yes instead of buttons. Both these denomina
hons are more numerous than the “Bunkers.”
The “Bankers” are a truly religious and strictly
moral people. They wear very plain clothing,
similar to the. Friends. They dress usually i|u
iirown. the men wearing broad brimmed hats
and cultivating long beards, especially the minis
icra and older members, while the women almost
universally wear sun-bonnets, and go without
hoops,” the use of which they consider vain and
sinful. They are non-combatants, object to the
oath, do not go to law,' and did not, until recently,
take interest for their money. They are an agri
nit oral people and generally form settlements of
insir owp, in else country. They are
for economy, industry aod thrift; and though their
-yvtem is not one of strict community, it is their
mom to render each other' all possible aid ip
1 uper undertakings. The worthy poor among
ih?m are always.maintained by the rest and rieVbr
differed to become , a burthen upon the public.—
They have no educated ministry, but every brother
s allowed to exhort the congregation (he must not
ante his sermonjand when one proves an apt
'tidier, he is chosen, minister, ordained by ths
laying on of hands, fasting, prayer, and the right
caiui of fellowship. He must work like the rest
"“d earn his own living; but the congregations
arc generally liberal and mostly lease biin a farm
a’- .a nominal rent, enabling hint to live comforta-
J'iy, often presenting him with the tract of land after
• term of years.
1 he friend us an account of the pro
feedings of the annual meeting, called a Counci 1,
describes his visit as a very’pleasing one. He left
Altoona one day last week, at 8 o’clock A. M.,
and went to Huntingdon, where he was met by
tlle pleasant intelligence that there be no
Pawmger (rain to Cove Station until' evening. Btrtf VIIXAISODS IComffiEHFBIT-BKvvAEjs.-Our
f ailronl men arc never at a loss for expedients, arid' friend Thomas Caldwell, cle.rk in Lloyd’s Banking
“w friend sought out Mr. Holmes, whosent him up 1 House, informs us that Altoona has-been flooded
00 * freight engine, which ran up backward# l , counterfeit s6’s on th£ Bank of
Woodcock Valiev, he occupying smkod j beri ““ d - Tfce counterfeits are well executed and
■ender, enjoyingtbe ridriand the brteze highly. ; t 0 deseive ’ The best way to prevent being
A m»ed at Cove Station, he learned that no hack «»PO«d n l x>n would b « t efuae 4,1 sOO lhis
* t ’ald leave for the meeting ground until evenihft ]*>*“*• Qo* l ® • of Our business men have
‘"d he determined to walk over tht; mountain, a ; “fore of them on hind than they will be likely to get
2T which he accomplished at a Ifid of very soon. | IVVho is rtgSiagJ
>«w than railroad speed, in ‘a 1 jttle oyer twiji them-tatTlKreyat jrsen dtsatyeredjf
.hours. He tramped leisurely np. ihe mountain. and
from there,ptif it {mils finevietv-ofMorrisonVCove,
nviiii its green fields nnd r magnificent -scenery, de
scended, almost at the meeting at 4 o’clock, and
ifonnd the membe» engaged in an animated dis-
i lii'umbaugh’s Mill takes its; name from one of '
{four families of that name, residing in the vicinity '
of Clover Creek, which takes its rise a mile or
more altov. running, in that distance, three large '
Hour mills. There are three -churches belonging
to tliis denomination in the Vicinity,'the members
of which fonn Clover Creek: congregation, who
were, in this case, entertaining the National As
sembly. The Council was held in the rear of the
church, and the bnilding itself located on the bank (
of thr'creek, and capable of bolding some three
hundred persons, was, for the time being, convert
ed into a dining hail (a temporary kitchen for 1
cooking having becn.erected in the rear) with four
I tables, running its entire length. The (are served
up at this annual meeting was bread and butter,
apple-butter, boiled ham or beef, and a kind of
bread soup, to partake of which all comers are
, welcome, whether members or npt. One end of
the room was set apart fur.females, jpd when the
tables are ready, the ministers; and Older members
are first udmitted and seated, .then the standing
committee, (hen the younger members, and lastly,
the visitors. A hymn is sung, and a prayer offer
ed lioth before and after eating. The eatables
above mentioned were provided in great abun
' dance, and of excellent quality, and it is believed
that on Sunday at least five thousand persons, who
jere in attendance,; were fed.;Sleeping accommo
dations were more difficult to’obtain : every availa
; ble place was occupied .in accommodating so large
a concourse; all the private houses in the neighbor
hood were filled; floors strewn with beds of every
description, from a simple shawl toa mattross; the
; hay-lofts in all the barns were, brought into requi
sition,'and the mill had also itk share of occupants.
: Our informant: was favored with a buffalo robe upon
the floor, and considered himself highly favored.
The council was presided over by a Moderator,
Rev. Jno, Kline, of Virginia, with two clerks, one
German and one English. ; All business was
brought before the meeting in the fonn of ques- (
tions, whichVwerc submitted to committees, num
bered in the order of their appointment. They
consulted together and reported their decisions to
a standing committee, who -presented it to the
meeting for determination. The questions ajid
answers were read to the conned, singly, in Gcr- ‘
man and English ; then discussed; and if acoep|a
hle. passed by common consent, without a vote —
the custom being, if any strong objection is made,
not to pass it. Several questions of importance
were considered. With regard to the draft, the
spirit manifested was to Obey the laws and sustain
the Government, despite non-combatant principles.
It was therefore determined" that every member
drafted should pay his commutation, and wherev
er he is too |Kior to do mi, the expense he assessed
upon the members of each congregation, according
i to their ability to pay.
Much feeling was exhibited in the discussion of I
j tlie question whether, when . engaged in the ordi- |
j nance of feet washing, the supper should be in their j
j presence upon the table, or not .until afterwards. |
the ppv-ik-e Varying in different parts of the conn- i
i try. 'Tliis seemed to he a contest between “ Young |
! America'' and the fathers ip the church, and a ’
j decisipn was pressed with wlui: many thought 1
more[bitterness than Christian charity, by two young !
j and talented members from Ohio, who were most j
! anxious to revive a former decision of the council, |
| which did not happen to he on hand, and charged j
I the standing committee and,elder members with
i an attempt to choke off debate. It was finally de
! termined that £ach congregation [diould follow the
; custom at present prevailing .in each church until 1
j more light.can be obtained and a Judicious conclu- |
|si on readied- The interest manifested, in this
I question was very great when ; its apparently un
| important character is considered,
i The matter of the employment of pulpits in
j churches - was brought tip by some members who
thought it led to pride and vain glory on the part
of ministers, fully discussed in the council and
| finally left to each congregation to decide for itself.
It w-os also asked whether aj person baptized in a
vessel in a house (contrary tqthe ordinances of the
1 church, which require rthat ceremony to be per-
I formed in a running stream er a pool formed in
one) .should be considered a; -member, which was
: decided affirmatively, as, although the practice
I could not be sanctioned, such a baptism did not.
’ : necessarily invalidate membership. After dispo
sing of these and many other!questions, the council
| dissolved, and the members ip' attendance separated
i in the direction of their various homes. Our nar-
I ralor returned by way of Maiitinsbnrg, Sharpsburg,
I Maria Forge and Hollidaysburg. f
t Among the “ Dunkcrs” the subject 6f establish
i ! ing schools for the educatiqnof their own children
1 | has long been agitated, and the prqject has liieen
, j slowly gaining ground, against the strong opposi
-1 I tion of the elder members, who cling with great te
f 1 nacity to old forms and :arq disposed to resist all
I ! innovations. The progressive party have at length
r j established an experimental school at New’Vienna,
r | Ohio, 56 miles above Cincinnati, which has been
f j placed in charge of James; Qnenter. one of the
f j ablest ministers in the body* and one of the clerks
r | of the council we have attempted to describe ; he
■ j is fully competent to instmet their yopth, both in
• I science and morals. .? ‘ ’
II The next Annual Assembly is appointed to be
[ | held at Hagerstown, Indiana, in which State the
! “ Dunkers” are qnite mimerpus.
t ' ' —-—'
Errata. —We were in error last week, in styl
ing Thomas Gouldsberry of this place a Lieut,
in the 84th Beg, f. V. He informs ns that he is
only a private. We do not know exactly how we
came by the impression that our gallant young
townsman was a Lieutenant, unless upon the
ground that he ought to bfe an officer, for surely
his coddnct in many hard fought battles have
justly entitled him to promotion. We make the
correction !n order that no strong meaning may
be taken from bur previous -.police.
A. M.X. & R. R. A.—At, a special meeting of
the Board of Directors of the AltoonaTSJcchanics’
Library and Reading Room Association, held
May 2oth. the ifnllowing resolution, oficryd at a
previous-meeting. was taken up.
Rfmlved. That a permanent committee of three
be appointed to assist the Secretary in collecting
outstanding discs.
On motion, the resolntioti was re-considereil
sind withdrawn, when Mr. HeHy offered the fol
lowing ; '."■■■*
Resohtfd, That a committee of five persons be
appointed to collect the dues of sucb members as
fail to respond to the notice of the Recording Sec
retary, given in pursuance with Sec. 3d of Art.
10, of the Constitution. The treasurer to be chair
man of the committee ; the Recording Secretary
of the association and three members of the Board
to constitute the remainder. The names of the
m embers to Is* divided among the committee t
each member taking a certain number of names,
then when snefi member of the association fails to
pay his dues promptly, after consultation with the
other members of the committee, to take such
proper means as they may deem expedient 'to se
cure the paymeui. -
On motion, adopted. . '
A ballot was had and Messrs. Keller. Hofecker
nnd J. S. Mann el acted said committee.
Miss Curie McClelland and Franklin T. Bishop
were proposed ami elected active members of the
Application having been made for the use of the
Libraay Room, for six afternoons in the latter part
of J nne or beginning of J nly, for the purpose of
delivering a course of lectures to ladies, on motion,
the application was granted.
May Party - . —The scholars, teachers and
friends of the (Sabbath School connected with St.
John’s Catholic Church, held_ a May party in
McCartneyVi-Woods, on Tuesday last. The day
was fine and the turn out quite large. The school
met at the cl urch irr the morning, formed in line
and marched down Emma street, to Annie, down
Annie to Main, tip Main to Caroline, up Caroline
to Virginia, tap Virginia to the street leading to
the woods, proceeded by marshal music. The
*■ Queen" wgs very tastily dressed, and had an
appropriate ejscort. The national flag and a num
ber of appropriate banners.were carried in the pro
cession. A 1 kinds of amusement for the children
ami adults had been provided by the Committee
of Arrangements, and a most excellent repast was
served up usual, everything passed off har
moniously, ; the party returned in the evening
well satisfied* with their day s sport.
We | nnderstand that several valuable
boxes, containing stores adapted for the use of
the sick and wounded soldiers, of our hospitals,
have reachep the Womens' Brandt of the U, S.
Sanitary Commission, at Philadelphia. With
these boxes *atnc no name to which acknowledge
ments couhll be addressed. It would he well for
parties sending contributions, to enclose their
names, in ot|ler that they could he assured of the
safe arrival pf their gifts.
£3“ In anplh.T column will he found the ad. r.
tisement ol SVIc-ms. .1 A .1. Duvall s Muskingum
Valiev Sieujn Works. A number of their Steam
Engines uittl r-.m Mills tire now m use in tins
county, anij have given entire satisfaction. If
anv of our Unnhcnneitor otlters want good engines
thev should-appU to Messrs. Duvall.
Xkw Pack—Wc have received the first num
ber ot a new paper, stylcil the Tyrone //* rn/il. just
started in 'fyreno, this county, by H. R. H"l
-singer. It js pruned on the tyjie formerly used in
the publication of the Star. It makes a neat ap
pearance, and has for its motto “ Independent in all
things neutral in nothing." We hope the pub
lisher may jind " a paying investment, 1
OiRCCS.-|-Gitrdner & Hemmings’ Circus will
be in town bn Salimday next. Those who take
pleasure in such-cnleiiatntnents will of
course be on hand with their currency. The ex
hibition referred to is said to be a good one, if
there be anything good about such concerns.—
That, it wili be well attended we do not doubt, as
such things,are always well patronized in this place.
“ The Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine is
the perfection of effective mechanism and a
marvel of beauty in model and finish.” —literary
R. A. O. Kerr, of this place, is agent lor the
sale of these machines in Blair and Huntingdon
counties. See advertisement.
KT The Rev. Bam’i A. Hollmam, pastor elect,
will preach his introductory sermon on next
Sabbath, in the English Luthern church of this
On the 26th tilt., at the residence of John 11. Roberts,
by Kov. Cyrus Oort, Mr: AMANDUS G. SINK to Miss
BALLIE JANE BON 8 ALL both of Logan township.
With tHe above we received a goodly portion of the
dainties which crowded the festal board when the ynting
coaple bid adieu to the restive nights and gloomy shades
of single life, at.d launched their bark on the wide and
varying ocean of matrimony. Had we the arrangement
of their future life, we. would give them a pleasant voyage
over a smooth sea, aud their own choice of all tbatconU add
to their happiness Bat, since this power ia not onn, we
can only wish them all the Joy and pleasure they have
anticipated, and hope that fortune may smile upon all
their undertaking*, which they have token the first step to
seenre, a “ remembrance of the printer.”
On the 23th Inst., in this place, SABAH BELL, daugh
ter of J?bn aud Hannah Bartlebangh, aged 9 months.
A Benefit to All.
A trial will dtvis? (hi fad , and facts are stubborn things.
MISHLKR’S hekb bittkrs
No family should he wlthcat it. Hundred* of certificates
and I-ttera of thank* are arriving' every day from persona
who have been cured.' \
h ive never foiled In curing
Female Irregularities, and all Disease* arising from
.As a Blood Purifier, Tonic and Heneral Appertlser,these
Pitters are without * rival. No Lady desiring
should be wiihuit it. Please get a. circa Ur and certifi
patee from.our Agpnt. ■
Manufacturer and Prop letor,
Lmoaaisa, Pa.
Notick.—The great success of Stishier’s IJerb
Bitters, has induc'd unprincipled' partis* to manßacture
• Worthless article, which they are selling at a loir pries,
«/ whiek beware.' The geunlne can only be bought In
; Blair County, of U. W. WUf'BftlSl.D,
I' (Sole Agent (or Blair County,)
Depot Drug Store, Main (treat, Altoona, Pa.
I !jnoe*d,lB#3rir-
AMI KrOM>WAUK.jnst received sn.l 1 1
for «al* at Burkhart's Cheap Grocery Store. corner of Al
lech»-j>y aftu CUeetimt 8t». £4nne 2d, 186 S. 2t*]
To tbe People of Altoona and vicinity.
r J'he undersigned ' takes this method of
A, informing tbe Public that he lia* just %rrir d from
the city nnd located in Altoona, where he ia prepared to
PEWTKR. H* will pay tbe hipbevt price In cash for all
•uch articles, at the comer of Allegheny &nd Branch ata.,
adjoining W. T. Marriott's iitor*.
- May 28, 1863.-3m*] T. QRADBURT.
T SALK.—TIie Subscriber offers at v
Private Sale, a Valuable Pr *perty, aitd*
are on Branch Street, Kaec Altoona, in»-
m»--iiftteiy opposite the Machine Sbope,. ASHmS.
The htmse *• welt bailt mb! nearly
new. and contain* fifteen rooms, with good cellars. It is
calculated for three families, and at .the most reasonable
te*nw will bring s2u per month rent. There is a well of
good water in tbe yard. Terms easy;
Apply to Michael Wyrough. on tba premises, or to Jas.
Kearney at h*a store, in East Altoona.,
June 2d, 1863-31*
Muskingum Talley
Xiarket and Third Street#,
number of our improved Portable Steam Engines,
end Portable Circular Saw Mills, ag well as Stationary
Engines and Saw Mills, many of which qro finding their
way into Blair, Canibi ia, Huntingdon and Crawford Cojin
tii-s. and other parts of the State of Pennsylvania. Those
alteadv received and in operation, are giving the moat en
tire satisfaction.* There is now hardly a State or Territory
in th»‘ Union, buf that «nr improved Portable Engines
and Saw Mills are in use in. All our Engrtfs have Spark
Arrester Stacks on tlrem which confine the flying sparks.
We would respectfully refer you to-the follovinpgeutle
men and Certificates for the portability, utility and prac
tical operations of our Portable Steam Engines and Saw
Hartstowm, Crawford Co., Pa.,)
May 16th, 1863. j
Mrssrb. J. k J. H. Duvall >—GtnU9mtn: —We received
our Twenty Horse Power Portable Engine and Saw Mill,
in go«'d order. We are perfectly satisfied with it; every
thing works to our entire satisfaction—in fact beyond our
expectations. We bhwh! 4060 feet of white-oak boards in
fire .hours, and could hive done nytrg in the some time,
had we have had. good logs. '
We tala* pleasure 5u recommending those in want of
j*aw Mills ami Eng'iu*.* to purchas*- Hfyuu.
Hop. rtfnlly. Oti:KYNOIJ)> i K. tNDUESS.
Wg* up aiirli .ii/. •. f.r Nliy. fur >!;■. Simu*'! Millikan, of
Lio’lidav-t urg. P:... that the 20 horse 1)"W-,T Portable Bn
uiiJ S; w Mill \ru .-old him, ha* fully root hi- expec
tan <j <d<; n: itsflf tobe all that was claimed for It
in vuu citcuiai; and mikv starting it. h;-3 sent in his
ripl.-r i i• a second Ki.gin*’ and Saw Mill, nf s.tuif power
and -i/-
F‘*r lunii. r rvierences. «-• will give the names of M.
T. 1)111 and Thom*? M’Aulloy. Altoona, Pa,; A. L. Holli
day. Tlollidayshiirg, Pa.; M. M. Adams. Crcsson. Pa.; W.
U-Va-dgler and Joseph 9. Reed, Huntingdon. Pg.: Messrs.
Burley, & Co.. Tyrone, Pa., all of whom have purchased
Portable Strain Engines and Portable Circular Saw Mills
of IH.
U e fully warrant our Engines and Saw Mills, to he
made of first-class material : workmanship the same:
yiih Brass Ball Valves in pump* and checks, and to saw
fr<>ni 6,000 to 10. UM.) let-t of lumber per day.
Orders solicited. Description circular sent to gjl cur
rrspondents. /Respectfully, \
J. i j. 11. DUVALL,
<***** Corner Market arid 3rd Stmts, |
/ j -i opposite C. 0. K. iload Depot, Zanesville. Ohio. :
• Jnm- 2. in.
Tho PUBLIC are cautioned against the SPURIOUS
articles of LYE for making soap, 4c.. now offered for sale.
The only GENUINE snd PATENTED LYE ia that made
COMPANY, their trade-mark for it being •• SAPOMFIER
this article has led unprincipled PARTIES to endeavor
to IMITATE it, in violation of the Company’s PATENTS.
these SPURIOUS LYES, are hereby notißed
that the COMPANY have employed
as their ATTORNEYS.
GEORGE IJARDENG, Esq., ot Philadelphia,
and WILLIAM BAKE WELL, Esq., of Pitlsh’g.,
SELLERS OF LYE. in violation of the rights
of the Company will be prosecuted
at once.
for sale by ail DRUGGISTS, OROGERS AND
Take IN' otic© 11
The United States Circuit Court, Western District of
Western District of Pennsylvania. No. 1 of May Term, in
1802. in suit of the PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFAC
the Company, on November 15.1802. the EXCLUSIVE
right granted by apatent owned by them for the BAPON
ITIER. Patent dated October 21,1866. Perpetual in
junction awarded.
127 Walnut Street, Philadelphia,
Pitt St. and Duquesne Way, Pittsburg.
May 12, ’63. [3 m, Inside.
Put up in 25c. 50c. and tl 00 Boxes, Bottles, rnd Flasks,
$3 and $5 sizes f.r HOTELS, PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS Ac.
“Only itifallble remediesknown.”
“ Free from Polsopf.".
“ Not dangenme In the Homan family.”
“ Kats come out of their hole* to die.”
fSoId Wholesale in all large cities
Sold by all Daoooiar- and Raraiuaa everywhere.
W BEWARE 111 of all wortlilees Imitations.
See that “ COST Alt’S" name l la on each . Box, Bottle
and Flask, before yon buy. + •
W'.Add.ese HENRY R. OQSTItK,
Principal Depot 482 Broadway, N. Y.
«-Bold byO W. KESSLER, Altoona,Pa.
April I, I t, r ■ ■
tlutf wUrw held onilM ncoqil Ibom(iYtT«uiQc oj
Qioss, io Ijit Cwitdl Boom. M.OLABAOUB,
Cancerous Formations,
Scrofula, ,
Cutaneous Diseases, >
Erysipelas, Boils,
Pimples on the Face,
Sore Eyes,
Tetter Affections,
Scald Head,
I Costiveness,
Old and Stubborn Ulcers ■:
Rheumatic Disorders, ; ,
jSalt Rhenm, \
Mercurial Diseases,
General Debility,
Liver Complaint,
.Loss of Appetite,
law Spirits,
a .. Female Complaints,:
Epilepsy or Fits,
Paralysis or Palsy,
•• Syphilitic Diseases and
Caries of the Bonea.
Together with all other diseases their
origin in a depraved condition of the . blood or cir
culatory system.' -
Pittsburgh, December 31,1861,
Db. (i. H. Ketseb I take pleasure In making this.vol
ontary statement in favor of a medicine prepared by you
called “ Lixdset’s Blood Searcher.” I had suffered for
five years with Scrofula which broke out on my head and
forefiead so as to disfigure me very much, and took off the
hair when the diwasemade it* appearance; it also broke out
on my arm above and below the elbow, and eat into the
skin and flesh so as to expose a fearful sorer The disease
on my head>went so far that several small pieces of bone
came out. -1 was very week and low spirited, and had
given qp all hope of ever getting welt, as I had tried sev
eral ekHlful physiciaus and they did me no good. In Sep
tember lB6l* I was induced to try Lmnast’s Im
proved Blood Searcher.” I must confess I bad no fkith
in patent medicines, but after \ had bottles of
Blood Searcher, the ulcers on my head and arm began to
heal. 1 have now taken eight or ten bottles, and my head
and arm are entirely well except the scars remaining from
the sores. I will also state that I had the rheumatism
very bad iu my arms and legs. The Blood Searcher also
cured the rheumatism. Jam now a well'man, over forty
years of age; and I feel as suple and young as I did when
I was twenty, and have increased in weight twenty pounds.
I would aUd state that the disease in my foreheard Was so
bad. that when I stooped and lifted anything heavy, the
blood run out of the sore. Dr. Keyser had a photograph
taken oi mo by Mr. Cargo, the artist, after 1 began to get
well. It does not show my appearance as bad as it wat
before 1 commenced Inking the medicine. You can see
the photograph., one of which is now lu my possession,
and also at Dr. Keyser’e 140 Wood street. 1 would also
state that 1 took the Blood Searcher which was made be-
fore Dr. Keyset commenced making it- Although It
helped me some, I did not recover fast until I got the kind
made by Dr. Keyset himself. One bottle of bis did me
more goad than two of the ojel. 1 believe it is a great deal
stronger and better. 1 have recommended the Blood
Scatcber to a great many of my friends for various dis
ease*, And I believe it has helped whole of them. Yoq
may publish this If you wish, and 1 am anxious that all
who are afflicted as I was may be cured. 1 live inthiscity.
No. 4 Flue street, and am<ezuployed at Collville L 'Ander
son’s Unior\ Marble'Works, 64 Wayne afreet.
I live In Sligo, at Clinton Util and have been tvsarly
blind in both eyes'for nearly fonr years. I called on Dr
Keysor abut three months ago and asked him to give nit
directions to the Institution fur the Blind in Philadelphia ’
lie told me; tbut i f n,ed not go to Philadelphia* tu ge\ well
as he had medicine that would cure me, as be said my dis
ease was in the blood. 1 was treated .’for it two or thret
times in the hospital in this city, and was relieved, but
my disease always returned alter a month or two after i
cameont of the hospital. I found my disease was re
turning and I called, by the advice of a good friend ot
mine, on Dr. Keyser, who has restored my sight) and my
eyes are nearly ns well as ever. The Doctor gave mi
' Lindsey's Blood Searcher” aud a wash.
Pittsburg, July 5,1861.
Witnes»4-E. F. M’Elroy, Anderson street, Allegheny
City. • , ' ' " '
!■\ \ I
PrrrfstJgon, September 18,1861.—1 hereby certify that
I have had-a sore, leg for over a year. It was covered
with ulcers and sorts so that I coaid not worg for-nearly
a year. My leg swelled eo that i was unable to do any
thing for if long time, for at least six months. I tried
several of the best doctors in the city, bnt without any
benefit;'finally I on Dr. Keyser. at No. 140'.Wood
street, who only attended me abont two weeks, and gave
me but tvvo bottlee of medicine, and I am now entirely
well and hive contined so for six months, lam employed
at tho Engle Engine Bouse on Fourth street, where any
one can seeme.: . ,
A LjettOl Fxok Emqlaxtj.—Mr, John Pope, of Blaena
von, near Montypool, MonmontUtlre, England, wrltee as
follows: ' .
SotAh old woman 1 1 this place ha. wished me tt
writs ynn, respecting’ Lmor’s Eicon Euacnza, from
which she tonnd gnat benefit, and wishes to have a little
mor,. She has been enfforirig from a dieeaee of si dancer,
one nstnre for the last elx or seven years. Her dssgbtei
who islMng in America, obtained It for her, and 'raht bet
eighteen buttles. She Is now quite oat of it, and’l havr
wrtiten th her daughter twice,and hare received no an-
of coorse the Is anxlocs to gat more, to get com ,
pletely cured.'.' I told her i would write to yon for thr
agency in this country, and ehe frit very mnch plesned tv
lioar me say so. I now'beg to ajk yon on what terms you
will supply me ; yon will plefie bear la mind the cat
riage, abd supply me as cheap at possible. The cqrriagi
on the odC dozen bottles was £1 8s fid. The medtrlhe war
a present from her daughter. I wonld like to have the
Blood Seifecher In a Jar or small cask, if yon can send it
in that way, or in pint or quart bottles. I will send a bill
throng! hank or regietered letter,, which ever will be must
convenient to yon, If yon will tend me canier’e receipt o
the parcel as eejjtrity. I wonld send yon a stamp to an
swer this,but as it Is uncertain of this reaching yon, on
account tjf the country being in six and- sevens, a term
which ialcommonly need, yon will be kind enough to
chifrgemie with the postage, ' ,
!■’ , • Yonn, reepectftilly. ■ i
[Sigied] ; •' JOHNKjEE.
■ (We hire Men the letter which is published in tidafV
Zhspatch.froro John Pope, aid believe it to be gennifie.—
Editori Dispatch PUttburyk.
1&. Look for Or. Stager* M name oesr tKteorkttaprmr
befnp Mpon. ;
Prepared and sold by Dr Qaoaaa U. KaTS»*,PlM»hur*h
Soldi* Altoona by A. Ronsn and 0. V. KHMU; In
R.Palrrosand Jaoon StntantT - ■
1 v'
Clinton Mills, Sligo.
A Pndtire and SpeciSe RMBedy
lor Dtoeam of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, ORATii
- Thto Medicine incnueo the paper of Wgeetion.end ,**
cite* the ABSORBENTftinto health; ictM, byvbteb th.
WATERY OR CALCAREOUS drpoettloiis, rad «H PR
NATURAL ENLARGEMENTS, ore reduced,** b*)l'
PAIN *bs to good lor Mto.*h
For weakness wiring front Excesses, Uahits qf j)is*>■ «
tioa, Burly Indiscretion or Abuse,
Indiaporitieo to Exertion, Difficulty of Breathin'.
Loss of Memory loss of Poorer,
Weak Nerves, 4 Trembling,
Horror of Disease, ‘ Wakefulness.
Dimness of Virion, Pain In the Back,
Universal Laaaltnde of the Muscular System, ’ > v
Hot Banda, Flnahlng of the Body
Dryness of the Bkln, Eruptions of the Far t
v Theae symptoms, if allowed logo on, which thh>m <
doe Invariably remove*. Boon follows Impotbnct, Fatbits
Epileptic Fits, In ono of which the patient may expire
Who can say that they are; not frequently follovad »»>
Many are aware of the cause bf their suffering,
And the melancholy Deaths by Consumption bear an,
pie witness to the truth ot the assertion.
Reqnirca the aid of medicine to atrengthen and ,ihvlg>,j
ato the System, which BEMBOUFS EXTRACT BUCIIL
invariably does. A trial will convince the moat skeptical
Old ob Young, Single, Married or Contemplating Uj
In many affections peculiar to Females, the EXTEACi
BUCQU ii tmeqoaled by any other remedy, as in Chlov >
si.f or Retention, Irregularity,, Painfrlness or Suppression
of Customary Evacuations, U jyerated or Scirrhous stai*-
of the Uterms, Leucorrlice or Whites, Sterility, and for *{i
complaints incident to (lie sex, whether arising frum
discretion, Habits of Dissipation* or in the
sir simptobs aiots.
No Family Should he Without It
Take no more Balaam, Mercury, or unpleasant Medicine
for unpleasant and dangerous diseases.
Improved Rose Wash
In all their stages,
Little or no change in Diet,
And no Exposure.
It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate,
thereby Removing Obstructions, Preventing and Cnriut
Strictures of the Urethra. Allaying Pita and incarna
tion so freqnent in the class of diseases, and expelling all
Poisonous Diseases and wonront Hatter.
victims of Quacks, and who have paid heavy leea*tu Im
cnred in a short time, hays found that they were deceive,
and that the ‘•POISON 1 ’ has, by the use of “powerful a*
tringenta,” been dried up in the system, to break opt :*
an aggravated form, and: perhaps after Marriage,
Usx Bxunou’a Exnaci Bucks for all aSactfoas are
diseases of the
Whether existing in
S???* I .SjS** T * r cante origins tine, aod ns matter at
Diseases ofthsea orf»ni require tha aid of a Drotmi
!■ and la certain to hare the daainKi
iffectWin diseases for which It to recommended.
Evidence of tin moat reliable and responsible character
wi’l accompany the medicines.
Certificates of Cures, from eight to tventj years atari!
ing, vita names known to science and feme. ,*
Wee $l,OO Per Bottle, or Slx fors6,
Delivered to eny addreat, securely from any
Dmomb* Bmton is iu
Caret Guaranteed. Advice Gratis.
Personally appeared befoia me, an Alderman of the ciiv
of Philadelphia, H. T. Hnjiaotp, who beloc daly rroro.
mth eey. Ills preparation contains no najTOtio,'no jtetou
ry, or other iojnrloosdniga, bat are purely rehetahl*. '
\ ■#.
Sworn and anbectibed betort me, thla 23d day of *»■
vomber, IBM. W, F. HIBBABA, Alderman,
Ninth St, abora Rae*,PUU.
Addreaa lotto* tor information in confldence to
h; T.juilMßOm, Cbanrfat,.
Depot, rn South Tenth-St, Mo# Chndnnt.
f PhlladeljibU,P«nu,
DEAI.EHg, r '
Who endeavor to diapoee “pr Tain ows” and "oraxa”
articloa on the reputation attained by
Oalmbold'taenaine Preparation*,
dp Kztrpct JUkhn,
do- do 4o Saraaparifr, r %
tfo do Improved Boat Waalr. t ■
Dn«tafo every,jr here. Taba'no ether. Cat
0«t the adTert6tuont and aend for it, aM aiotltimii|fc>a
and expaant*. ~ ’ ■; r
No tacoimofeiu t-