■i; 27 4-ery s U Ah'UEACa.H>EY Varruburg, : r a , »«h»cSy devoted to K®.kjU« fur Sg.r;:/!S2fc iMuia u. «nd Jinicp fflSS?2rT n '’ Trt» Bllial | fj iJss,tesai“K I Ui. IlarjfeVV'Meokl*. nw!7f' 5 a J w*hriWf Wi.dtim_ SeSlw afew^ stssassas^g^ ro T?.'S^ T \ Sim&lm&L KUt th* Tribune *«<*,. „1~: (latoity. (Vugr «UI f. Md r«rt»» «i*iwt«»| wo £ fir who eM.nt EMmiA a. j. . .___ 21, ■ 'fe 1 J| i ll V; -pw £- HHb- ’ '?£ St B- m .w ■£ •■« Hfc |-5 -< dji ..Jf Brsa ' s § - W § 2 %*«*! MS/ $4 -K S C Sol 2 ® £■< 2.S Hr Q s§~ v * . 991. fi ■|2 s« TV ■ |-< * s I; - Sa i sifl * V©o*V&s - ?| ONWARD! B Y STEP I - - lON ED DESIRES TO ■H” ■«* Public geixmll; pa« into th* Dry Good rev»mi entirely n fw Moek „f 5 Oobds' thelate.t, prrtilntKud mm ItM PATTERNS. i*. '"ood orery quality of good*, w tin* t ilioqt to vBQDMnle.' fr,with tafcneet « Kirn** Ctfhlly - # A the : thoOrlw • , ki>ep* eoß*tiuit& - OIL?, VAKSXBH^Hfca bA», Md ailuin to render ««■ ffcß ««A ho l'»P e * ,0 imblic petrohege. ' I applied ba fwnfliAhlif tcrßu, 3el- prdmpt&ettendodte- DS WOULD DO Mtcboke and .A*# **?' PS ttum dbotwed mwnPW MKPST AfioWS* , Cefollne 4KH OILS, CAS- teebWEK’SStore ■ JCor.aM* -A LAKGJS AND kiOTM, SMAVI>Ot **^K.**ua*_ oywes AND AKWiTING? Aip I*.-- >• SaOUTWKNI'J^ McCBDM & DEKN, VOL. 8. 0, YES! Q, YES!! THIS WAY! THIS WAY! NEW SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. « ■■ —■■ JB. HILEMAN has just received a . Urg4 and well aelccteu stock of Goods, conefcting rtf Cloth*. Plain &od Fancy Cassaueres, SatitieUa, Ken* tacky Jean*. Tweed*, Beaverteens. Blue Drilling, and all rttb«r kind* of oo °d* r#,r MEN AND BOYS’ WEAR, together with a grand and magnificent a**ortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Back and fkuepSUa, ChalUts, Beregtt, Brilliant!. " ioww, DtUnntt, Otinla, Dtßeget, Orapet, Prints, Crape and SteUaShamU, MmtWat, Umkrdena and Hotierg, Bunnell and JNUmu, Oallart, Hand -trehiefi, Kid Otaxxi. Hooped Skirte,Start ing, hate Miiu, dc- dc. ALSO, ickiafi, Choekn, Bleached ud Unbleached Hnsllaa, Cotton and Linen Table Diaper. Craeh, Nankeen, 4c. BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE. qdkbnsware, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, ' OIL CLOTHS, CARPETS. AC, I GROCERIES. ,-Y stock of Groceries is nioro extensive than ever, and »o3W»tso* Hio and JaTH Coffee, Crushed, Loaf and N O. .'ctft*re ; Green. V. 11. bu« Black Teas; Molehsee, Soapsl Sait. Flab. Ac. rhaokfn! to the public fo- the verj liberal patronage \eretofore received, he-hopes b£ strict attention to bnsi* --i. and an endeavor to please, to merit a continuance oil .us. same. 43-Call and examine bis Stock, and you will be con? f&td th t be bas the best assortment and cheapest Goods >, do- market. ; l A * Country Produce* of all kind* 4 taken in exchange foe ■}< ->}*( ar market prices. A.U'»iaa. April *2B, 1863. EXCELSIOR Hat & Cap Store. P H E PROPRIETOR Ol THE 1 “ EXCELSIOR" HAT ami CAP Store, •fould inform bis customer*, and the Public generally. :iiut he hgsjust returned from the city with the largest >rd most varied stock of goods in bis line ever brought to lit-iolia. al. of which be liw; now on exhibitioimad wile at iris new stortMoom on Virginia street, next die;- to Jug .;*rd?s Store. His stock embraces all the latest etvlee of SPRING AND SUMMER HATS, J| CAPS, MISSES’ FEATS, &C. i is Stock of Huts and Cap.® are of tho vt-ry Ust selection, v -.v'.y style, color and shape, for both old and young. 1 A :i !.- :u*Uh is that the people call mui examine his stock, -Ui. hi feels confident that h- '‘.a*. .-'.ini tliein awav re* •nciup. If not in the purchase e»f such an article as thev ■U.Qtfd. at the remembrance of having looked upon the *ml»omCßi stock of Hate. Cup-. Plats.. Ac.. <’v- r oxhi’-ited Uris town. : litre al-io on hand an entirely uew'si.i';!^: Ladies’ anti Childrens’ Hats and Flails, -'nch I am confident cannot; bo surpassed in the country. of wliich I will nell at thv mc-xt- renanuablo prices. Ue- Tifjiiher the Hal) of Fashion when you want anything in lie line of head covering, and call on May4,’63-tf JKSSK SMITH.. New Drug Store. C BERLIN k CO., ANNOUNCE TO O* the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that they have pesed a Drug uud Variety Store in WORK’S NEW BUILDING, i i'irginia Streep between Juliatmd Caroline Streets, where may be had \ .* kCGS, CHEMICALS. DYE-STUFFS, PATENT UED WINKS, PER PURER lES, UMNTS* OIL , GLASS, PUTTY, ad ail other articles usually sold in the Drug business. OUU MEDICINES -r* of the purest and nest quality, and our Chemicals hear the marks- of the best manufacturer*. Winters. Uhwiers, Builder* ant* others requiring to use PAINT*, OILS, VARNISHES, TURPENTINE, Window Glass* Putty* Paint Brushes, Sash Tools , et they hare jut returned from the Bust with their 'PRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF HATS & CAPS, BOOTS re, they hope to merit a continuance of the same. Store on MAIN ST. next to Bowman's Exchange •'otel. SMITH k MANN; Altoona, May 12,. 1803, CONFECTIONERY and ICE CREAM SALOON. V/fRS. C. BETTER respectfully an trounces to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Altoona vicinity that she has opened a CONFECTIONERY and ice cream saloon, J ' n Jr rtt Soilth't old Jitandf on Virginia streets oppotxU tht LUTHERAN CHURCH, *Ure she will keep ou hand ft choice jot of confectioneries ? uta - fruit, c .kee, eic., wnicb she Will tell utthe most r **'ooahle price*. ?« r,n B l^e **ason she will also keep Ice Cream, of differ* •ut tutors, which she will take p e serein semtic to ctuk •ntrs Ht kU hoars of the day and owning. • l T e .,®? aca^‘ant l I will give satisfaction p aiming, GLAZING and PAPEE —Tn“ *oh»cril)fr di-«irea u inform the v£Mu«"f Altoona and eicinity that he ia prepared tdttn tlnt r™ 7 .,V n , ou " t ofwork Inhia,line,and hefeela confi hia lone experience in the bnaineaa. that hr can both at to pricet and tbeflniabhe p' P 0" bl« work. Eatitnates made at any tithe. ‘™* “** »” *«”'r d .n'cb^ f .S l^.'.‘ ne * rl - v °PP«“e«“ Doited " too “ J - A - DAKa - THE ALTOONA TRIBUNE JS! B. MtCRUM, - - - - - H. a BERN, XDtTORS ASB FBOPBUTORB. Per annum, (payable invariably in advance,) $1 60 Ail papera discontinued at tb« expiration of the time paid lor. TERMS or ADVERTISING ,1 insertion 2 do. S do. Four linen or 1ea5...... 25 $ 37U $ 60 One Square, (8 Hnee)....60 76 1 00 Two •• (16 - ) 100 160 200 Three •• (24 “ J.. i.. 160 200 260 Over thraa wedtu and lean than throe months, 26 cents per square ler each insertion. ' 4 : S'mooths. 6 months. 1 year. Six Hues or tew 1 60 $3OO $6OO One square .. .. 2 60 4 00 T 00 Two •• 4 00 6 00 10 00 Three “ 5 00 8 00 12 00 Four 41 6 00 10 00 14 00 Half a eolomtf. ..ji. 10 00 14 00 £0 00 One c01umn,..., 14 00 ' 26 00 40 00 Administrator* and JSsecntora Notices 176 Merchants advertising bytbe year, three squares. with liberty to change.......... 10 00 Professional or Business Cards, not exceeding 8 lines with paper, per year, & 00 Communications of a politico character or individual interest, will be charged according to the above rates. Advertisements not marked witb the number of inser tions deHired, will be continded till forbid and charged according to,the above termsl : Business notices five'cents perline for every insertion. : Obituary noticen exceedingitenlmea, fifty cents a square. THE HEVEILLE. [ln the course of a late patriotic lecture by T. Starr King, he recited the following stanzas, written but not before published. by T. B. Hart) of San Francisco,] Hark 11 the tramp of thousands. And ©farmed men the hum— Lo! a nation’s hosts faaye gather'd ’Round the quick alarming drum Saying, “ Come,. Freemen, come, Ere your heritage be wastedH” said the quick alarming drum. u Lettqe of my heart take counsel — War is not of Life the stun; Who shall etay and reap jthe harvest N When the autumn days shall com* ?” But the drum > i . • Echoed,'“Como! r\ Death shall reap the braver ’harvestl" .said the solemn tounding drum'. *IA “ But, when won the battle, What of piofit springsttcrefrom What if conquest, subjugation Even greater ills become?’’ But the drum. 1 Answered/** Came I Y- n man do the sum Co proyw it J” said the Yankee an swering drum. : ** What if, 'mid the cannons’ thornier. Whistling shot an.i bursting bomb, When my brothers fall around mo, Should my heart grow cold and numb ?•’ , But the drum Answered, •*Gomel Better there in death united than in lifc a recreant! ■Come!” Thus they answered—hoping, fearing— Some in faith, and doubting some— Till a trumpet voice* proclaiming, 3sfd, “ily chosen people, come I” Th« n the drum, Lo! wusdumb, For the great heart of tho nation, throbbing, answered, M Lord, we como!” |||istrikn|. GEN. BTTRNSIDE ON HIS BITTY AND THE DUTY.OF CITIZENS. We commend the' following patriotic and determined words pf the commandant of the department of the Ohio, to the at tention of all the people: Headquarters Department of the Ohio,) Cincinnati, o.,Mav 11, 1863. ) To the Honorable the , Circuit Court of the United States within and for the South ern District of Chios Ihe undersigned, commanding the De partment of the , Ohio, having received notice irom the Clerk .of said Court that an application for the} allowance of a writ of habeas corpus will Ibe made this morn ing before your Honors on behalf of Cle ment L._yallandigharo, now a prisoner in my custody, asks leave to submit to the Court the following statement: If I were to indulge in wholesale criti cisms of the policy lof Government, it would demoralize the army under my command, and every friend of his country would call me a traitor- If the officers or soldiers were to indulge in such criticisms, it would weaken the hrmy to the extent of their influence; and if .this criticism was universal in the army, it would cause it to lie broken tp piecesj the Government to be djyided, our homes to be invaded, and anarchy to reign. - My duty to my Gov ernment forbids me to indulge in such criticisms; officers and soldiers are not allowed to so indulge; and this course will be sustained by all honest men. Now. I will go further. We are in a state of civil war. One of the States of this department is at this moment invaded, and three others have been threatened. I command the department, and it is my duly to my countiy and to this army to keep it in the best pp&ible condition ; to see that it is fed, clad, armed, and, as far as possible, to see that it is encouraged. If it is my duty and the duty of the troops to avoid saying anything that would weaken the army, by preventing a single recruit from joining -the ranks; by bring ing the laws of Congress into disrepute, or by causing dissatisfaction in the ranks, it is equally the duty of | every- citizen in the department to avoid the same evil. If it is my duty to prevent the propagation of this evil jn the army, or in a portion of my department, it is equally my duty in all portions of if; and it is my duty to use all the force in say power to stop it. If 1 were to find a man, from the ALTOONA, PA. s TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1863. enemy’s country, distributing in my camps sjreeches of their public men, that tended to demoralize the troops, or to de stroy their confidence in the constituted authorities of the Government, I would have them tried, and hung if found guilty, and ail the rules of modern warfare would sustain me. Why should such speeches from our own public men be allowed ? The press, and public .men, in a great emergency like the present, should avoid the use of party epithets and bitter invec tives, and discourage tbe organization of secret political societies, which are always undignified and disgraceful to a free peo ple, but now they are absolutely wrong and injurious ; they-create dissensions and discord, which, just now, amount to treason. The simple names ‘Patriot’ and ‘Traitor’ are comprehensive enough. As I before said, we are in a slate of civil war, and an emergencj- is upon us which requires the operations of some power that moves more quickly than the civil. There never was a war carried on suc cessfully without the exercise of that power. It is said that the speeches which arc condemned have been made in the pres ence of large bodies of citizens, who, if they thought them wrong, would have then and there condemned them. That is no argument. These citizens do not realize the effect upon ' the army of our country, who are its defenders. They have never been in the field, never faced the enemies of their country; ncvei un derwent the privations of our soldiers in the field ; and. besides, they have been in the habit of hearing their public men speak, and as a general thing, of approv ing _of what they say: therefore, the greater responsibility rests upon the public men and upon the public press, and it behooves them to he careful as to what they say. 1 hey must not use license and plead they are exercising liberty. In this Department it cannot be done. 1 shall use all the power I have to break down such license, and I am sure I will be sus tained In this course bv all honest men. At all events. I will have the conscious ness, before God, of having done my duly to my country; and when lam swerved from the performance of that duty, by any pressure, public or private, dr by any prejudice, 1 will no longer be a man or a patriot. I again assert that every power I pos sess on earth, or that is given me from above, will be used in defense of my Gov ernment, on all occasions, at all times, and in all places within this Department. r i here is no party—no community—no- State—no i'tate legislative body—no cor poration, or body of men that have the power to inaugurate a war policy that has the validity of law and power, but the constituted the Government of the United States; and I am deter mined to support their policy. If the people do not approve that policy, they can change the constitutional authorities of that Government at the proper time and Ly the proper method. Let them freely discuss the policy in a proper tone ; but my duty requires me to stop license, and intemperate discussion, which tends to weaken the authority of the Government and army; while the latter is in the presence of tiie enemy —it is cowardly so to weaken it. This license could not be used in our camps—the man would be tom in pieces who would attempt it. There is no fear of the people losing their liberties; we all know that to be the cry of demagogues, and none but the ig norant will listen to it; all intelligent men know that our people are too far advanced in the scale of religion, 'civilization, edu cation and freedom, to allow any power on earth to interfere with their liberties ; but this same advancement in these great characteristics »f our people, teaches them to make all the necessary sacrifices for their country, when an emergency re quires. Ihey will support the constituted authorities of the Government, whether they agree with them or not. Indeed, the army itself is a part of the people, and is so thoroughly educated in the love of civil liberty, which is the best guarantee for the permanence of our republican institu tions, that it would itself be the first to oppose any attempt to continue the exerr cise of military authority after the estab lishment of pence by the overthrow of the rebellion. No man on earth can lead our citizen.soldiery to the establishment of a military despotism, and no man living would have the folly to attempt it. To do so would be to seal his own doom. On this point there can be no ground for ap prehension on the part of the people. It is said that we can have peace if we lay down our arms. All sensible men know this to be untrue. Were it So, ought we to be so cowardly as to lay them down until the authority of the Govern ment is acknowledged ? I beg to call upon the fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, relatives, friends and neighbors of the soldiers in the field to aid me in stopping this license and intemperate discussion, which is dis couraging our armies, .weakening the hands of the Government and thereby [independent in everything.] strengenhing the eraemy. If we use our hon st efforts, God will bless us with a glorious peace and a united country.— Men of every shade of opinion have the same vital interest in the suppression of this rebellion ; for, should we fail in the task, the dread horrors of a ruined and distracted nation will fall alike on all, whether patriots or traitors. '1 hese are substantially my reason* for issuing “ General Order 38,” my reasons for the determination to enforce it, and also my reasons for the arrest of the Hon. C L. Vallaudigham for a supposed viola tion of that order, for which he has been tried. The result of that trial is now in my hands. In enforcing this order, I can be un nanimously sustained by the people, or 1 cun be opposed by factious, bad- men. In the tormer event quietness will prevail ; in the hitter event the responsibility and retribution will attach to the men who resist the authority, arid the neighbor hoods that allow it. All of which is re spectfully submitted. A. E. BURNSIDE, Maj. Gen. Com. Dep’t of the Ohio. A Goou Shot.— l never pass the old toll-gate at Newcastle bridge, without thinking of the story of George Schaffer, who many years ago lived in Ports mouth. I must tell it as a tribute to his funny memory. Once he had been-in Newcastle, gunning, and . was coming home with his game-bag empty, and very weary, when he stopped at the toll-house for annulment's rest. Says he to the toll taker, “ I here's a fine flock of ducks back here in a pond ; what will you let’me fire into them for ?” “Can’t doit," replied tiie toll-man ; “ I don’t want to have my docks killed." George put his gun into the toll-house, and walked hack to take another look at the ducks. While he was gone, the toll-man, who-' was a wag. drew the shot from the barrel, and then re placed the gun. George returned and renewed the question. “ Well/' said the toll-man, “ though you are called a good ‘'hot, I don’t believe you could hurt them much. Give me a dollar and you may tire." The dollar was paid, and quite a parly who had gathered round, went back to witness George's discomfiture.— He raised the gun, fired, and killed nine of them. “The devil!” cried the toll man. in consternalion, “ how did vou do that? 1 took the charge out of your gun.” “ } es," said George, “ I supposed you would, I always go double-charged.” The Constitution a uty of “ Green backs.”—An important decision was made in the Superior Court of Cincinnati a few days since, on the question of the consti tutionality of the act of Congress making Treasury notes a legal tender. The case was this : Richard B. Field was indebted to one John Tounley, by way of note and mortgage, on a balance due of twj thous and dollars in legal tender notes, and de manded his note and mortgage. Tounley refused to give them up, or receive the money, on the ground, as he claimed, that the 1 reasury notes offered were riot money, and were not a legal fender, and he de irianded gold or silver. Thereupon Mr. Field brought suit to compel the surrender up of the note and mortgage, alleged a tender of lawful money. The defendant answered, denying that greenbacks were a legal tender, and claiming that he was en titled to be paid in gold or silver. The question, therefore, was squarely presen ted. After a full and exhaustive argu ment, the court becided that the tender was good, and the law making greenbacks a legal tender constitutional—and ordered the note and mortgage to be surrendei ed. This is the first decision in Ohio upon this important question: « Butteh. —From an article in the Plow man, wo learn that a loqg continued series of experiments have proved that butter of the best quality is obtained by churriing the cream at a temperature of fifty-one de grees. To obtain the greatest quantity of butter, the cream should be churned at a temperature of fifty-six degrees. The temperature at which butter can be ob tained in the greatest quantity and the best quality is, of course, a medium be tween the two foregoing estimates, viz: fifty-three degrees. It is found that milk; kept in zinc ves sels will continue sweet four or five hours longer than ifcjs'ill in vessels of any other material, and mat the cream from the for mer yields butter in proportion to that from pewter vessels of sixteen to eleven in favor of zinc, and has ’a more agreeable flavor. The difference is attrihuted to the electric property of zinc, which facilitates the disengagement of the cream from the curd and,serous matter. JW A young lady who encouraged the addresses of a lover whom she intended to marry, provided she didn’t get a better offer, complained of hi|m that be lacked animation. But when 1 taking offence at her cotmetry, he married her rival Anna —she changed her tone and complained that he was too Anna-mated. •A TOUCHING SCENE. I wa« conversing, not long since, with a returned volunteer. ‘■l was in the hospital as nurse for n a long time,” said he, ‘‘and’ assisted in taking off limbs and dressing all sorts ol wounds ; but the hardest thing-Uever did was to take my thumb off a man’steg.” “Ah!” said I, “how was. that?” Then he told me: “It was a young man who had a severe wound in the thigh: The ball passed completely through . and amputation wir necessary. The limb was cot off closi up to tbe body, the arteries taking up. and he seemed to be doing well. • Subse quently one of the small arteries sloughed off. An incision was make and it waf again taking up. “It is well it was not the main artery,” said the surgeon : “he might have bled to death before ii could have iieen taken up.” But Charlej got on finely, and was a favorite with it all. “ 1 was passing through the ward one night, about midnight, when suddenly, as 1 was passing Charley’s bed, he spoke tc me. “ H my leg is bleeding again/' 1 threw back the bedclothes, and the blow) spirted in the air. The main artery had sloughed off. “ Fortunately, I knew just what to do. and in an instant I hud pressed my thumb on the place and stopped the bleeding. It was so close to the body that there was barely room for my thumb, but I suc ceeeed in keeping it there, and, arousing one of the convalescents, sent him fur tin surgeon, who came in on a rum “I am so thankful, H /’said he, as he saw me, “ that you were up, and knew what to do. for he must have bled to death be fore I could have got here.” “But on examination of the case, he looked exceedingly serious, and sent on I for other surgeons. All came who wen within reach, and a consultation "was held over the poor fellow. One conclusion was reached by all. There was no place to work save the spot where my thumb was placed ; they could not work under my thumb, and, if I moved if, he would bleed to death before the artery could be taken up. There was no way to save hi.- life. “ Poor Charley!,’ He was very calm when they told him, and requested thai his brother, who was in the hospital, might be called up. He came and sat down by the bedside, and for three hours I stood, and by the pressure of my thumb keptup the lit-- of Charley, while the broth ers had their last conversation on earth. It was a strange place for me to be in, to feel that I held the life of a fellow-mortal in my hands, as it were, and Stranger yet, to feel that ah act of mine must cause that life to depart. Loving the poor fellow at- I did, it was a hard thought but there was no alternative. " “ The last words were spoken. Charley had arranged all his business affairs, and sent tender messages to absent ones, who little dreamed bow near their loved one stood to the grave, 'i he tears filled my eyp more than once, as I listened to those parting words. All were sad,, and he turned to me. “ Now, II I guess you had better lake off your thumb,” Oh, Charley ! how can I?” said I.— “But it must be, yon know,” he replied cheerfully. UI thank you very much for your kindness, and now, good-bye.” “ lie turned away his head, I raised my thumb, oribe more the life current gushed forth, and in three minutes* poor Charley was dead.” Gifts Feom Germany. —One of the steamers of the Hamburg and American Steamship Company, lately arrived, brought to this port over eighty large packages of fine linen and lint, which had been contributed by the firiends of: the Union along the RHine, for the benefit of our sick and wounded soldiers. Some of the packages were of the size of hogs heads, all were made up of the best material. The linen was especially fine.. Every package bore this inscription:’ ■“ Rhine, Bavaria. For the Wounded De fenders of die United States.” These packages were a free gift of the freedom loving men and women of RhindiinJ, and were brought over free by the Hamburg and American line. In the light :of such exhibitions aS this and othets that have preceded it, there is no room at all’ for doubt as to the existence among the peo ple everywhere throughout Europe, of a deep and profound sympathy with the North in its grand struggle for liberty and good government. What B£comes of the Silver ? It bus long been known that vast quanti ties of silver have fur centuries been car ried to India, and that there it disappeared of the circulation of the world like pebbles down a cavern- It is said that in the last twenty-five years $550,000,000 have been sent thither, of which $450,- 030,000 have thus disappeared. No probable reason has eveir been discovered for this mystery, except the 'ancient Asiatic custom of burying specie■ and jewelry in the groupd- EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS & DOMESTIC EPISODE of THE WAR Co!. Stokes, of the First Middle Ten nessee Cavalry, is one of those men wtu> nave suffered severely at the hands of the •ebels in that State. One, result of this is, that not only is, he a whole-hearted leyoted patriot, but lie Is decidedly of tb. jplnion that the rebels must be treated a .•ebels, and suffer the consequences of thc-ir . own wicked uprising against righteous Government. The mencom posing his egiment being well acquainted will -very - road, by-patli, nook and corner that part of Tennessee, they have' ren lered efficient service while with this por tion of the army of the Cumberland, iu ferreting out rebel emissaries and keeping the scouting parties of Morgan’s banditti in close quarters. A few days ago an ex pedition started from Carthage for a poim aear to Murfreesboro, of which Stoke- Cavalry formed a part. The Colonel hud not had the pleasure of seeing his fnmilv .or several months, and as th a y were ex posed to rebel ihsults: and depredations, ii was with considerable intetest h.- started out on the expedition, seeing the read to be traveled led past his own house On coming up to his house be found some -ix or eight rebel soldiers, who bad de manded breakfast of Mrs. Stokes, about to sit down at the table. “Gentlemen,” said the Colonel verv politely, “ I see by your dress that you belong to the Confederate army.” “ les, we do,” was the reply. “ And who are you ?” “ I am Colonel Stokes, and you are im prisoners. Eat your breakfast, however, and when ybu get done, my men will take care of you.” Ihe rebels looked as if they thought they were about to pay pretty dearly for their breakfast. If the saying that “ mis eiy loves company” be 'true, then they must have beep measureably comforted, tor in a few noiinnlcs another squad oi rebels came up, and, of course, were un ceremoniously captured. Ihe boys wo that the Colonel stepped across the room and eipbraced his wife and children sn\ the most fervent and orthodox style, which, loubtless, caused not a few of’ the brave boys to have some very vivid day dream of loving wifes and happy children in their own homes. Home dry wag has sagely remarked that ‘ there is a great deal of human nature in a manbut it would assuredly be very difficult to tell whether the peaceful or die wanilte in man’s nature were the most vividly displayed in this dome, tic tableau. One thing is ceitain, however, that it is very seldom an officer can kiss his wife and capture a score or two of prisoners at the same time. Life’s Happiest Peuiod.—Kingsley gives Lis evidence on ihfe disputed point. He thus declares: “ There is no pleasure that 1 have experienced like a child's midsummer holiday—the time, 1 mean, when two or three of ys used to go away up the brook, and take our dinner with us, and come home at night tired, dirty, happy, scratched beyond recogni tion, vyrith a great nosegay,' three little trout, and one shoe—the other having been used for a boat, till it had gone down with all hands put of soundings. How poor our Darby days, our Greenwich dinners, our evening parlies, where there are plenty of nice girls, after that ? Depend upon it, a man nev°r experiences Such pleasure or grief after fourteen as he does before, unless, in some cases, in his first love-making, when the sensation is new to him. The Dog Before the Mirror.—Gott hol had a little dog, which, when placed before a mirror, became instantly enraged and barked at bis own image. He re marked on the occasion: “In general, a mirror serves as an excitement to self love, whereas it stimulates this dog to angel - against itself. The, animal cannot conceive that the figure it sees ik only its reflection, but fancies that it is a strange dog, and therefore will not suffer it to approch its master. 'J his may remind us of an infirmity of our depraved hearts.— We often .complain of others, and take offense, at the t ungs they do against ns, without reflecting that, for the niost pan, the blame lies with ourselves.) Men have ill to us, bettiuse we behave ill to them. Our children are forwarded because they have inherited and learned forward ness from yp. We are angry with them yet they are image.” 'l hree Chicago ladies were visiting together, and each had her baby, a-six months’ old girl, with light hair’and bine eyes. The Httle ones were laid down to sleep on a bed, while the mothers took tea ; and some mischievous young fellow, ■Who boarded in tjie house, changed all the inh ns’ clothing. The mistaken identity was not discovered nntrl not morning, and the anxious matrons suffered much con sternation and several journits in spirting out their children. " •flk- Precocious young man, Mewed with the time "of Isaac, toys that “if he is drafted, Abraham will be ofiering uplsaac aa a sacrifice.’’ f- r f i NO. 18.