’.fy Ewrly Physics! Degeneracy of AMERICAN PEOPLE^ vrar PUBLISHED BT DB. A. STONE; Pkymeuxm to tie Troy Lurujf*and Hygienic Institute. A «rMli« «MIM Ohm of Bart; Pbyaletl delllMof ”■■■• Jr»»to: the cum tf Stnwi OatiUity, Cou '4ene«istt mo lunMßis«. ■JMewotk It cm of bisb moral tone, written in chute,: fKlfcnlliag bagaaco, uni «ppuU directly to the moral ;WHMmNid or Indigestion, irregularity of the Iwwdi. deranged secretions of the kidneys and other glauds in’ ths )iody» as Lenconhosa or fieur Albas, Ac. Likewise Apttspsy, Hysteria and Nervous Spasms. Mow la ninety-nine eases out of every one hundred, sll •f toeabove named disorders, and a host of others not! named, as Consnmptioo of the Lungs aud that must in awlons and wily form of consuwptiou of toe Spinal;; > lierves, known as Tabes Dursales, and Tabes messutirica. j ’ have their ssat and origin iu diseases of the Pel vie Viscera.! Hence the want of success on the pail of old school pn»o-|| tioe in treating symptoms only. Pr. Andrew Stone, Physician to the Troy Lang and lly- , glsnin Institution, is now. engaged in treating this clast! of modern wsladiee,wlto Has must astouishiug success.;! treatment by the institution is new; it is!; hassdnooo setegtifle principles, with new diecor red reiu edles; without minerals or poisons. The facilities of cure Ore each that patients can be cored et tbeir burner in any'! ' part of the country, from accurate descriptions of their 1 case,'by letter; and luve toe'medicines sent by Mail yri express. Printed int.rrogatonas will be forwarded uu ap-i .'pUcitka* ■ Catarrh and dlsesses of the throat cnr#d!»swellet the (fumeof the Patients Mat the lu*! 1 stltatimL by sending toe Cold Medicated Inhaling Hal-! 5 SMOC varoM, With Inhaler apd ample directions for their f use,and direct correspondence. PatieoU applying for interrogative* or advice, most' ' enclose return stamps. to meet attention. ; dsp- The attending Pity sides will be found at the In stitution f r consultation, from 9 a. in. to 9p. in., ea**U day, flundsy In the iorvuooo. Address ■ DR. ANDREW STONE. Physician to the Troy Long and Hygienic Institute, and Physician for Diseases of tos Heart, Throat and Lungs, M fifth Street, Tr*«r, N. Y. Altoona, Dec. 80th, l£ttL-iy. C. C. SERVER & SON, (SocouaoM to Thomas B. Tatlor & Co.) Paper, Envelope, and Printers’ Card WAREHOUSE, Ho. 818, MINOR STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF WBHSO, LETTER, NOTE. PRINTING, WRAPPING, MANILLA, TISSUE, SHOE AND HARDWARE PAPERS, Printers’ Garde, BONNET, BOX AND STRAW BOARDS. Printers, Blank Book Manufacturers, Statlouer«,»ml Storekeepers, will find it to their advan tage to CALL AND EXAVUNE OUR STOCK. May lat.lSfi2.-lj. CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON, 3™ HE SUBSCRIBER WOULD IN _ JTO&M tfascitlxens of Altoona and vicinity that hi* MFECTIONKRT, NUT and FKDXT STORK, it always supplied with the very boat articles to be had, and in grot Variety, lie has also an ICE CREAM SALOON attached to his store, in which he will serve up TfTFV OH£IAM hi the best style during the season. FRESH-BAKED BREAD, CAKES, & PIEj, always on hand, at reasonable rates. He la at all times prepared to supply cakes, candies. Ac for picHiics and other thirties. lie invites a share of puhlu patronage,behaving that he can render full satisfaction: -') Remember; bis store and saloon is onYirgintastreet.two doorsbalow Patton** Hall. OTTO-ROSSI. Altoona. April 28.1*63-tf. WM. S. BITTNELi Dental Surgeon. rWICK IN MASONIC i i Ajf TKMPLB, next door to the Post Dr. B. would respectfully inform 1 the citizens of Altooua and sarroandlog country* that he Is prepare to insert AETIFiCIAL I'KKTH ! from tda|h tooth to a fall set, in the roost superior style, 0& 6OU> y SILVER OS VULCANITE EASE. XI would be to tbe advantage of all persons desiring Itttikiri teeth, to call at bis office before g lug elsewhere, U ttay with iheapuem, beauty or durability, frail acts of teeth on vulcanite base, as iow as $lO to *l5. w M *• oribeis would respectfully in- i latm tba citiaeu* of Altoona, that luey bare Just re c*,*ad and keep ooudanlly uu build a »uppiy of - rattou* TiU> JOttra," and Astra family blow, m barrel*, and % and barret* id sack*; al*o, Cbop and Coro Meal, ButteTl and mgt> fraafa irom tUe coautry; al*u. an ecteuaivo *loci. dr araMfka, conducing of sugar*, UobuMva, Syrnpi, Oof It*, die., aid), Uam, Bacon, lined Beet, Kuril of alt Hindu, Salt, cracker,, CbeMr, bpicu, Tobacco, Cigar*, Bucket*, Brooau, Tub*, Bnuhca, Cried bruit, Con lection me*. QoMOnran, Ulauware, Coal Oil ipaiupa, Cool 01b *i*b Oil/to, be., Ac, all of wlticb we propoao to sell at auia'l pruAt* FOB CASH. Altoona, dan. 1, ’63-6m WJBSTBBANCH INSURANCE CO., fl. LOOK HAVEN, PA. FBSMIUtf KOTEsIMFOBicE. 405,000. I worn property nn nmi sur ftrandtag country! that he lias|ust returned from the where tie has been selecting his stock of rprltig and Sum mer Goods; which for style, quality nidYriie caoiml be surpassed bi this uerk of Cunntry. His stock is much larger than heretofore. ai.d, as It h quite au object in these war-exciting times fur every one to purchase where they can get the BEST-gyticlt et the LOWEST PRICE, he would say that he can and! Will sell AS LOW. if not A LITTLE LUWEIt TUAN ANY HTIIEU HOUSE in this place lleiwishes all to c.tll andyee hi* stock before pur chasing elsewhere, as lit- feels cmifidt lit !i«; can offer in ducemetiU which!will DEfV COMPETITION. Ilia stock consists of c LADIES’ DRESS GOODS or eveht uucaimox. MEN AND ROYS’ SUMMER WEAR, MEN AND BOYS* BOOTS AND SHOES, MEN AND WOMEN'S HOSE, ; HATS AND CAPS, Ginghams. Lawns, Blraebednod'UnbleMlipd Muslins, pried Peaches and Pried Apples. Plain and CanvausMjLflams. Ac!, Ac., Ac. He will sell tbs AMEWCAN PUINTS at FAST MADDER COLORS, FANCY DELAINES. from UU to 25 Fine Blrocbed MUSLINS yard wide, liU “ “ ' - % “ It) “ % - 6y. - “ j_»rd “ i-2'2 “ % u 8 and lu “ LAWNS, from s lo 15 u LADIES’ SLIPPERS, from 40 to 50 “ “ Flue. French, Sawed, Healed BOOTEES, $1 25 “ Pejtged 1 ** 1 on MEN’S.CALF BOOTS, 2 75 “ GOAT : *• .2 .*(. BOYS’ GOAT. (Noe. * and 8.) ] 5n MEN AND BOYS' OXFORD TIES, from 75 cents to 1 uO MEN'S CALFdiIONROES. 1 00 All aizea of MISSES’ A CHILDREN’? SHOES, very low Hio Coffee at 25 cents i33P HIFSn White Sugar 11 and 12}£ cents. Brown Sugar frpm 7 to lOcts.; Best Honey and Lover in?'* Syrup, at 60 cU;; Sugar House Mola**en. 40 ct*.; Baking MolasSes.Sl toJOcts.; together with Cednr and Willow Ware; Klimr, Feed. Ac„ and all other articles of Goods Just as low gs any other house can sell. Please call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. * Altoona, Jdayl, 1862 J « « n#*ry Cnbl’cbed ** EMPORIUM OF FASHION !! Virginia St., Altoona, Pa. D. W. A. BELFORT), Proprietor. THE PROPRIETOR"OF THE " EMPORIUM OF FASHION” would respectfully announce to the public that he has received a large invoice of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, and a general assortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Collars, Neck-Ties, ' Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, &c., &c , &c., exactly suited to (his locality and intended for the AUTUMN AND WINTER TRADE- The proprietor of the Emporium invites an examiun tion of his stork, feeling confident that his shelves present a greater variety of plaihand fancy goods than can be found elsewhere in the country.' An examination will convince any one of this fact. He has also received the and being a perfect “Cutler.” ho Jnn n«< hc*it:mcy in mv ing that Ire can-juuke up clothing in tie an.l ii h manner that can not tail ‘o prove .-atULA I ’! v. It ha* passed into a proverb tliat - BelfordV the very nmn ilut om ni;«k*-. Clothes in the tashi. n strong nod i be.ip; All that have ever tried iiin’i y- t Say that he n ally cant be brat Remember the place. Virginia street. fl-«f deor above •laggard’s Hall, Altoona, Pa. ♦ (April 17. '(2. HARDWARE. The subscriber'liaviDg taken entire chare© of the Hard ware ami Store ami Tin 8li«p recently under the chare «f Fries A Winters, on Virginia street, opposite Keasler’i- Drug Store, and having added largely to Ins stock i* now prepared to supply’any thing in the Hardware am) Cutlery line, such ns Handsaws, Axes, Ang rs. Adzes, Chisels Squ res, Kutes, Hammers. Planes, Hinges. Locks, Latches. Files. Knives and Forks. Spoons, Ac„ Ac., all of which he offers on the most reasonable terms. Persons wishing anything in the Hardware line are requested to call and examine his st«.cic. He has also added Oils.' Paints, -Carbon Oil. etc. to hi* stock, and will dispose of all these articles at a small ad vance on fiest cost. Ue will also continue the STOVE BUSINESS, and will keep on hand an assortment from which any person wfll he able to select an article' to pelase their fancy. In the line 01 TIN AND SHEET IRONWARE, CEDAR and WILLOW-WARE; he will always luive a larciisupply, and will make to order anything that may be called for. Jelrwork In this line promptly attended to. ROOFING AND SPOUTING put up on uli.irt notice In tins best April2l.lSSi.-tf. SAMUEL 1, FRIES. HARDWARE! CHA If EES J. MAN N. | iEALKiI IN FOREIGN AND DO I / MESTIC HARD WARE. WOODEN WAR*. BROOMS, WINDOW SHADES. . ' DOOR MATS. UPHOLSTERING GOODS. ' SHOE FINDINGS, COFFIN TRIMMINGS, MOULDERS’ TOOLS, BIRD CAGES AND WIRE GOODS, ji WINDOW GLASS, purtr, white lead, *c, *c. Kvery description of <3» xle In bis line will be fur nished at slivrt mitlce, and at low rates for cash. His retuainlmoUxk of OHY GOODS on hand will be closed out at remarkably low priced iff order to relinquish that branch of the business. Agent fur WUlimn’s - Telegraph Fodder Cutter.” Altmma,,May 2i»th.18621 i- GROCERY & PROVISION STORE, Annie Street, Eaxt Altoona, a Jew doors above - ! Branch Sheet. D. M. BARK A CO. npHESUBSCUIBKII WAS JUST 11E -1 reived a large and frc*b suck orGUOCdUIES. I*lU>- Ac., wloch he will wll at prices equally as I *w as his competitors. Ilia stuck cutrajstsuf . FLOtTS, : FEED, BA(*>N, UAHS, rim, salt, rOTATOES, COFFEE, ! SVGAS. TEA, STIVES, CRACKERS, CHEESE, TUBS, SHUSHES. BUCKETS, BSOOMS, BAISINS, ZEHOA’S, OBAA'GES, BIOS, DATES, COMBS, SOAPsT KA’IVES, BUTTES, EGOS, QOHFECTIOKEBIES, DBIED FBUJT, 1 I AND DSUGS OFAIfL KINDS. I invite the public to call and exitniiuc tny stock, aal ■a determined to pleaee m qnalitr and nr.iou -Ttay J.IMU-tf V>l. ll.flmCtTATo VXRISAT i»ILES OF I>A?JTALO(&S VJ tnUnmai lojri, at LAUbtUUITI NORTH WARD AHEAD S LADIIsS’ AND MISSES* DUES? SHOES. latest fashion. | ONWARD' ONWARD!’. ;EXCELSIOR OLIt MOTTO! NOW OPEN On the corner of Branch and A nnie Streets, EAST ALTO OX A. NEW-STOCK OF GOODS! Ha Vino disposed of \u k entire stock of goods in the *U»ve stand at «ut> t on. We dewire to say to the public that we havejfist opened out «p - ENTIRELY NEW STOCK to which we invite tin* attention of the public. We are determined lo«e)I at the Our ittvk enibiaced a Ur, r e and complete na ortment of LADIES’ DIiKSS GOODS, ronaiattng. in parr, of plain ami fancy Silk*. all-wool De laine*. Alpaca*. UlmlUe Delaine*. plain am) Sinned U*-r«-go. Ijßwiifl. (Jii»Kl»aius, Ducal*, Do Barge. Travelling Dre«e n ,Gouda; nod all the latest style prints. Men’s "W ear. We have received a large and well aelected stock of CKK TLEMKN’B DKESS QOODB. such a* Cloths. pjain and fancy Caseimere*. Caxhtnerets. Tweeds Jenna. Corduroys B<*aver Teens. Velvet Cords, and other fashionable good a lor men and boys WHITE GOOES. I rial i Linen. Cambrics Victoria Lawns, plain and dotted Swiss, Bubiuets, .Edgings Ac. We have a large a of Ladies* Needlework C«>l tins and ge*s. Dre*e Trimming*.' Kdbon*. Gloves. Qiumt* lets. Mitts. Ihwiery. Silk ami Linen Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties. Veils. Ac. Al*o. Ticking. Checks, blenched and an* blenched Muslins. Colton nml Linen Diaper, Crush, Ac. Also, a fine assortment of SPRING SHAWLS. J. A. St’KAXKLK. North Ward, We have i eceivcd a large lot of BOOTS AND SHOES. LADIES' (,’4ITERS, HATS & CAPS, SHAKER BONNETS, &c., which we are determined to sell cheaper thau ever. QUEEENSWA^E, CEDAB A.ND WILLOW-WARE, HARDWARE, Groceries, Flour, Bacon, Clieese, Syrups, Molasses, Mackerel, . Herring, Carbon Oil, Fish Oil," Drugs and Medicines, and, in fitct, everything usually kept in u first-class Stove. As we make nnr .ytircliasesalmost entlrclvfur cash, and us we will sell for CASH ONLY, AXD KEEP NO BOOK?, it will enable us to sell Goods at very moderate prices; ami hy fair dealing and strict at* teution to business w© hope to si cure a liberal share oi public patronage. Altoona. April Hi. 18C2-tf I’K.TK LORILIARii, Sii u M Sz X<>l> a c c o mauuiiicUu !■., \ i: BHOVVX SMTI’. Macabny. Denngfopi, Fine l! .ipp.-. ('-.u- iLirp-.-, i'ure "Virginia. Nac.lPP*Hi •*. .\iu-iu',»u Ocoillrman. Copfitli.cjr-n, YELLOW SNIXR Scotch. Ilmmy D.-.v scotch. High Scotch, Fre^li * Honey Dt-w Scotch. Irish High Toast. or Lmulxtinit. Fresh Scotch, Atb-nt ’on is call' d to fl>H gp-n: redn.'liori in price*. •»f KtiiM'm Chewing and Tobaccos, which will htftfouud of a superior ijtmlily. ' TOBACCO, SMOKING.—Long. No. I. No. 2. Nos. 1 and 2 Granulated. S. Jago. Spuiii-h, Canaster, Turki h. FINE CUT CHEWING.—I'. A. L., or ph*in. Cavendish, or Sweet, Sweet Scented Oronoco. Tin Foil. Cav«;ndi*h. N. It \ circular of p« ices wmII be sent on. nindicatu n April 14. C3.-U.I V- LATEST BY TELEGRAPH! VICKSBURG REPORTED TAKEN! L. Black's the place to get your Bacon ! I would respectfully inform the public In gmiernl. that t !wvc lately btfii West and pur chased 000 of the best and largest lota of SUGAK-CUKEDIIAMS&SHOULDERS over brought to this mat k»*f. 1 bare 2- 00 ilams and 70U Shoulders, which I will *•() at reas-maM*'prica*. )Vr»on* wWiing to buy by thf qutiiliry will find It to their ml eautagt* to call and ex t’tiine mv sto u bet re pnrchuaing .*lrt'*wu«;re, a* I »H I Hcllat i'ictiburgh market pricu*. March Slut. 18C3.1 LOUIS I'oACK. Building lots for sale.— Thesnbscril er* offer nt Private Sale EIGHT BCILD IMI LOl S. situate on I lie top of the hill, above the resei voir of tlie Altoona Gait A Water CoQ'panv, being now hehl a. property by rim Presbyterian Church. The lots are •fifty feet front by 175 feet deep, and will be sold on reason, able terms. Persons wishing to puiclia-e or view these lots will receive all infordintiou concerning tbeni bv a|e plying to Michael Clßbanglt. 11. 11. McCormick. Alexander McCotmick, or Cbas. J. Maun. Trustees of Presbyterian Clinrch. [Altmnia. April 3.1862. ECKEL, DEALER IX $ Tobacco. Cigars, Snuff, Pipes, &c., &c., Annie street. Altoona. Pa.. anti McKejtgts 0 d Stand. * Montgomery street, IloUidaysbuvj. Pa. AG E N Klt A L ASSO it T M KN T of Goods in UU line constantly on hand at the tow«*t cjikli price-. { t-vb, 7.j^e3. DlilEU APJ'LE^.—The subset iters have u fine lb of bright yellow DRIKD A I’PLKS. bought nt much less th in market m e*. and which thev desire l»» chine out, at c*»«t and carriage, without dehiv.~ I’errvin** il^iriniTto puivhajK*, either at whoesnle or retail, will find It to their advantage to give us%t rail. Altoona, June 26, 1862.] MUhIMIY & McPiKE SM. WOODKOK, • attobney-at-la ir Altoona, Penn a, will pnctice Id the several C-.urt* of lllnir, Cumbria and llautiiigUou Counties. Office o.i Virginia Street, 2 door* above 3 ulm Street. Feb. 3. lS6Vtf. Bi.AiU _ CULN'I V INSUt.'ANCK .\UKXCW-Thv umtei -iiim d. agent of the Wottc* I ji. Alutu .1 tut- 1 ie*uiujiC'* t*i ni]-!ih> M.t 1 t;tii county, j uC ail tnjn n remjy to insure ii-.mi-t looser dunn»j:e by lire. BuiCuimj/. Mtirdutt* cd.-c t i.r>.iturr ai.djj'-*perty K\ e,y Ukci- p an. itj tov\u ir CmujiTi y. nt ms ivum.iiuM'- rat.s a» ;no- n. toy .‘‘title, (iffi e ro.Jbe tnh.tu*- olUc.-. K. 11 M.t'KUAI. Au'-t. \| ,UBIG!—INSTRUCTIONS GT V EN *6n tUb Plino-Korte ami M*dodeou. by Mis- M. AKKIt. Terms. SH« per quarter. No charge for the aso of the lastrumout. itosideuce on Catharine Street, Weit Altoomt. I Jan. 10. 18ti2.~tf. HB. MU.LKIR • : DENTIST. (MB ££» Office on Caroline street. lielween Virginia nnd’Kiimm. streets. Altoona, [dau.tf) —-m* 1> LilliS AVUJ.TK LEAD AND fcINC Paint. Alsu Chrome. Green. Yellow, Paris Orwen, Jrj si>4 grotiml oil at - fl-lf.l ’ KiSjJSI*KK*£. PLAIN & FANCY VESTS, of every itwuuutrua laooiuus’B. AN ENTIRELY VERY LOWEST PRICES. GEIS & CO, ESTABLISHED 1700 .MANUi'ACTUIiOI! U\ c. !-. rHAMiXK- Si’.. F. l :u- rh A: ( h.*rh .u: 'I . V ;v V 'W*SSam Mmolmo V , 'W *£'W». 'JO- R. A. 0. KERR, ALTOGNA.PA., Agent for Blair & HuntingdoifcCounties. rpiIKSK MACHINES AUFaDMIT | to la* the best ever offered to the public, » tbeli superiority is sat'isfactoril} established by ti»e fad Uwt in the last eight years, OVEH 1,400 MOHE of tl.ese Machine!* havt-heen sold than ot any other man* tinctured, and more medals have been awarded (lie pro priei»o> different >'nlnt and Institutes than to any oth ers. The Marliine" at e warranted to do all that Is claimed f«>r them. They are now in use Ju several families in Al toona. and in every case they give entire sntislaction. The Agent refers those desiring information as the su periority of the Machines, to Co). - lehn b. Piper. Kev. A. 11 Clark. George lluwkesworth, UeoJ. F. Hose, and K. tl. Turner. Ke^rs. The machines can be seen and examined at the store ol the Agent, at Altoona. Price of No. 1 Machine, silver plated, glass fool an ’ new style flemnicr—sC6. No. 'L ornamental lironae. gla-s (ooi and new style (leutmer—s6s. No- 3, plain, with old style lleminer—-$45. [March 21. 186l«tf. POKED OUT AGAIN ! The undersigned would respectfully so licit the patronage of the citizens of Altoona aud vicinity, as he lias again opened « ut AT HIS OLD STAND, on Virginia st,, a few doors beiow the Supt's Office, w ith an entirely new aud fresh supply of PROVISIONS AND GROCERIES, such-as FLOUR, BACON, FISH. SALT. POTATOES, CHEESE, CORN-MEAL, MILL-FEED OATS, RYE, CORN, TEAS of nil kind, OOKEEE, SCOAfI. SYRUPS. RAKING MOLASSES. TORAC' O. ShUARS. Dll] ED FR’MT SOAP. CANDLES. IIROO.MS. BRUSHES. Crockery, Wooden and Willow Ware. Stationery, Notion Candies, ic. Also a large stock of LIQUOHR! All the above good** will ue Bold. Wholesale or Helail at the lowest prices, hiin* l one—come all! See tor your selves, a* dbe ct-nvincvd. No charge f«*r exainii ing m\ st. K-i:. Apt il 17. ’ tf. STOVES, TIN AND SHEET-IRON WAKE. «y| H K^|> KUSIGNED WOULD DK < ■ v I .‘U > 1.1 -I. i ; I 1- -■ I |H‘I . 111' .AH !. Ml •' I" 1 1 - l» ['l ]\ M{• ---It i: r- ■ fcTE. II a N WINTERS • -1 I rp;in<; c.vdeijsignkd kkspkct* JL full v inf nil- rhe public timt he will r<> W- ‘ |> n BOOT & SHOE STORE,* iii tin* room recently occupied by Hubert* And Hufb'»rf'-pl. -be bn«hn*H* heretofore cnrried on bv them will, in the future, be in the name of JOHN It UUIIHUTS. 11° will keey constantly on hand a complete assort* nn-nf nf Boots & Shoes, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, &c , &c , &c whi li ho will offer at fair prices anil Warrant to bo o ilip bf«l maiiMial and manufacture Particular attention will hr given to CUSTOM WORK, in which lie warrants to g ; ve entire natiidaction. as ho buys th. he-t stock a*td enfpl oya none bnt the best workmen. Keipemlier the «hi stand, on Virginia Street, one loor East of Kov»l ’r\Drng Stored »»rt. 16 1802-tr JOHN 11. KORERXS. •CARPETINGS & BEDDING. REMOVAL. R. L. KNIGHT & SON Have removed from 262 s. Second Street, to 807 CHESTNUT ST.,-above Eighth, where they have opened a stock of CARPETS, OIL-CLOTHS ;& MATTINGS, BEDDING AND MATTRESSES of every deacrij tiou, Iteady-made ormule to orders* FEATHERS. Various quali les always on hand. The Manufacture and *ale of Bodging will also be coo timnt) at 262 S Second Street. April U. 1863. R. L. KMOIIT 13m.J EAUTLbY KNIGHT. TAKE NOTICE —I In X undersigned is about starting a Tannery, and wish es to buy or trade for 400 CORDS of coral r.OCK OAK BAIIK. wil also for JUDES, for which the Inchest market price will be paid. Altraom. April iT.-ftftf. LOUIS PLACK. ■ J. C 3-. aplum, JSTotary JPnblic, ALTOONA. BLAllt CO., PA. Can at all times be found at the store of J. B. lineman October I. 1857. AN D.FROV ISIONS.— \jr A Urge am) taried stork ofFßKatl GROCERIES A.nU IMW) ISIvINS. jiwt pwritud. aud fur sale a* cheap u> l - (I•• nt‘s M.mlcl J •-.v ( ri S J i !;T >—i ,i. Mu-.in S!m ts —ftm siml eoni •» v t;.* p ■ .. u ~ . : .| /') I i.; ! \) YUS: —--C E.Ti i.E.'*.RN r iii;iw ui< h Min! hear. .MScil’il i>. i;; v,* 1 .. ce.s \ » i,in- ■>'». tie. thill lie is tvaiiy’to (■ufi us;ia \-i> n •U'-'-i n it.'ti'-i i i f.i i ii-ii nn»iiC' • i \ JL.X 11 V.lll-v- .ill'! LIU (u'l 1...* ■V AND I.mIMDA ■VTKvV .WINTER jIEAL’V MADE Cl.uhini; just uci-ivinl ut ; LAUIJIIJIAVS. QI'EGTACLKS ANP EYE PUESKIi U V.'M tlMilil' It , :i-tr.V; KKSSI.KK'S. \f KN AMU BUYS’ COATS, of every X'-L »tyle •“‘1 color, of goal quality, at I LADOn.VIA.VB. \ T K\V STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOES It lor M*» and Bofa, Ladlaa anil Mlmi. Inat rac'd at ladoujuv* Louis ilack .x^i —■> - i - i' ; in o L In I.At .ill ’■ I D i \ i. E.‘ 1. V til IS VI AX’S. AMEEICAX Life Insurant;:- and Trust :Co. / ■"'OMl* ANV 'S i;i'[l,;i!X(r sjgjitt.east \ , CVil.-T «'f Wi.:!Tf lif ;"i 1 F.|h; {': ; l*l iow.oou Au'ihomrjtl C;i; it:;! I tu l up Capital, r . . A.ts. 15.%0, hy tho Lcjisi.iuuv < f Viini. Jn*hj.-s Liv- -> I'.urinp t ‘vaiiir. 1 lif- or -.r Miorr l«»t m-. CtonlM alimutli*" Itmi i hit-. policies» f life linMiraticv i»u*-d at the usuai ;:*r*?:*! rate* i*f Other good companies—- with profit** to the assured Uoncs January. 1861. being 43 per rent, of ait pre mium*'received *J«i mutual policies—at Joint Stuck rate*. 2o )n*r cent less than the nlvve, or Total Ahetluejice rates 4o per cent- less limp Mutual price. Also, a NON-FO « FKITU KE PLA N, 'By which-a person pm* for 6,7, or 40 years only, when the policy is |»aid np for Lire, ami- nothing more to pny ; and bhuulil lie he unable. or wi*h*(o dieconrinu* sooner, the Com|uiny will low a Paid CP Policy. in proportion (u thwauauimtuf premium paid, as follows: On a iHdicy of $l,OOO, 6 Year 7 Tear 10 Year niter |«iyment ot rates. rates. 1 rates. 1 Annual Premium, (or $3OO 00 $142 85 1 slbo 00 2 *• “ •* *>o 00 285 70 20J) 00 4 “ - ** 800 00 671 40 400 00 0 “ • « ** ■ . ..... 857 10 600 00 8 *• “ “ $OO 00 AhKXANDKU WIiILLDIN. President. , BAMUI.L WORK, Vice President. Jons 8. Wilson, Secretary. BOARD or TRUSTEES. Ah’xniid4r Whllldin, J. Ktlgar Thomson, linn .la< Poll. N-k, lion. Joseph AIUmID, AUm iI C. Pulx i ts, Jonas Ihtwumn, Samuel T. llodiue, 11. 11. Mdridne, <»«•..rg<- Nugent. John A knian. William J. Howard. Churl hi’. Heaxlitt, - Samuel Work. Any further information can be had by applying In the undersigned, who U the author!, ed agent for Biaii-Cotinty. July 31. 16^21y R. A. 0. KKUK. JACOB SNY-DKK, TAILOII, The Hero of One hundred Fife per Month ! I ivoulo respectfully wi forth clulm t.* puMU attention, hi* » )>'ar«Uioualil< Tailor ah f<>llo*6 IhcilUfH- 1 keep All lent a*ai>itmeut **f Ciolhs- Venting* aim' Trimming*. uliirli whet always please. Jk*c.a.u*e my work it aiAilf up in a manner that r i«k*-!« •Ji>\vu the country ami l'lvvh all my nistauieri a city sijijn-aranct'. IJfi'jiH-i* 1 hiii u*if mferioi ana (’nrii*r t>» flu- hc*t t» !»«• foinnl any w Hersuifi*' J .ng experience n in C Impim** give- tm • •iit:coiitin) • t;»sii- ns ii Cutter ami workman unimpaired. ('ail <>u me. in tin- corner iixmi «*f the •* llrunl ’llnUse.’ Civ.- me a trial -imi ym will go away nhvmed’. .A It N.na. May •jr-i.iu J Arm «\VnpR. P VTHXT K HKOSKXK Oil CAIIHOX ,)IL LAMPS,' Unr.*aled in Beauty. Simplicity Safety or Economy. Kv.,y person desiring to obtain the very hestupd cheiip ••xt )k ..aide light within their remh. *h.«nM cull ut the •tore ..“the nnd»*r>dgmd and examine the*.* Lamp?* bef >re miri hosing elsew here, ami we ph-dge onrsdveH p, dyUuni •Mali* " T 1• i. That NO ACCinKNT cun <»C(*tir tiy ••xphwir-.n. -’ . I 1 art I la*V •• ni i f 11• ’ • v■' 111 \W_} 1 Li: ; iL>l}. ■ ’ j - r*- • fil’ly lII'.Ull t 11 1 ‘ .-i-i/Vi.. • and vicinity tit it ho kerp-a coit-tantlN >.ti it::n I a large ux-m fluent ■*. Or.J ivy. Purl*,,'-. OjHcr and Shnp Starr*, of all styles ami sizes, to suit the wants of all. w hich he will sell at low prices. .*ii reuwon ul*le terms: lie ftl*«i keeps on hand a large stock of Tin arid Sheet /iwi liars cniisixting of all articles fur culinary purposes Coal Scuttles. Starr t*ipe. tfc. 111-1 dm Ills.! inirrlioaea Ills rght of sale in Dlair.county of K. \ . J().\KS* r- f - IMPROVED- SAUSAGE STUFFEU, an invention which needs only to be seen to be appreeia nld should be posse.-sed by every farmer, butcher dr those n.|niring -iicli a machine. O- Particular attention paid to putting np SPOCTINO eitlier in t,.w nor country. Spouting painted and put up rat the most reasonable terms. fa|iril 14. tBSIMv IV ATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE.— 4. N This Great Journal of Crime and Criminals is it. Its Twelfth Tear, mid is widely circulated throughout the country. It contains nil the Grunt Trials. Crtniiua Cases, and appropriate Kditorialson the some, together n il b information on Criminal Matters, not to bo foiiinl in imj other newspaper. J >B3. Subscriptions *2 per annum; $1 for'six months, u. bo remitted by -übscrilieis. (who slmnld write their names and the town, comity and State where they reside plainly • To G. TV. MATShI.I. 4 Oi).. ' Editor t Prop r. of New York Police Uaxette. .Vow lurk f.Vty Exch angjs HOTEL.—THE SUB SCKIBKR would rfsjM'clfnllv j n . fotin the public that he has recently re- * lilted die above Hotel, and is now pre- . s pared to accommodate bis friends ami BtS£Br!?rW patrons in a comfortable innnuer. and wPI sjiare no ]iain» in niaking it an agreeable home for all • •Journers. His Table will always ho luxnriollsly.snpplied from the markets of the conn try ami cities, aiid hi. Ilai lt|led with liiiuors of choice brands. His charges are as reasonable as those of any other Hotel In the place, aiid lie feels satisfied they can nut be complained of by those who fiivor him with their Custom. Kx|iectiflLo receive n-.share of public patronage, and fully intending to deserve ii. be throws open Ills bouse to the public and.invites a trial J have just received a stock - f No. 1 French Brandy, r >r medicinal purpose*. Al*o a hinje sttKik i»f excclh-iit Whies. for medkdmil pur- fugi-tlmr wjtli tt lot of 11 1 c buist 01. l Kyu Whl-k.-v tr !»,♦ ftfiiml hi tin- oMnthv. Alt. Mum. V.ny 2T. 1859.-U] JOHN IWVWM'AN SOMETHING N w. I 1 H E SUBSCRIBER HAS JEST retuiine.l from tlie east wJiui k Uo has puiHiuse.l a very lai-ge and flue stock of ROOTS AND SHOES, BUOGANS, GAITERS, &U„ which 1..- i* prepared to offer to thcciti/.-ns of AUoona nnrt vii ih.ty nt v-ry low pricea. Having j iiicluimhldirect fr«m» the niannfm turera far ea>h. he U pre|nuetl to «e(l at prices that wHI ih-jy Competition. All that l.e ak- in fhat the pi.vple will call and examine UU Ktock before purciauiug el.tewliere. •. *• IWOTB and 8(110£S made to order on the most tea soimtde terms. Also, repairing pi mnptly attended to. v U " | l' forget rim place, two doors twin* p. st tifflrr ■tan 3. Ibcl. M. TIIOMI'ShN. Jgnt. f 11 EAT WESTEIiN INSUItANGE U 'AM* TIIUsT C.)MI>AXY,-li,»unii,ci- ,»> l!,ul „r I* 1 ” |u>M“-it.v Kill l.iMflW-tf.l.ui ili.-ui,.«t ; n..o.„n;il.li. tli.ni hri-iiL. in A'lt.s.fi;, „t lii- ..(lici* ill Amm Si Vi.iri 1. 1, ■ -I,ISI VHI ).„MAiii-;ij: A-,.,,, I Kvrs i ii!;pAi:A’i Ida , o’g ;ka .l -J ti-rmlm till-.- HATS. .Mil';;. I’nAi’li.s j;.T< aid li.-.l anil, i;t .Mi. s .. r in IN i:.-o in .! ■; wv i*jtt'li.ii-taii tc-l-r.K..!- .11 I',.- In nil ;u,r „| o. u , KtHsUi.r. Jim Vi. ;;i*-l 5 . ' . • HOW a 10) .ASSOCIATION , ■ ifijih i.*. r.;r I hi! ..I th- h-ic. at,.| iii-i'f.- h"I V ii ultlif idi‘l t'iiC UiC 1 fiSfii-iL-i. ;:;i! t'-'i] t 'i 11 V 1..1 111-j line nf lh.- .Txiiil tjrg-.ifw. ‘ li,l JUtVit-*:- . V-'ll till! A,tllr,- Mu-.;,-on. VmnaM v- I'urls.u ¥p.rm .hi) r.a nr Soiiiiii.,l t\ Viiil I)im-ii,.„ of tin- Sux-uai Or •.-hi,v aml nil lift 1i,., tliililoj-. ii in tli.' Dijriii ii n-v. « i,t t - .. tin- , Hliirfi’ij in Wal, a i ST lettw tv*,- ~f i-U.rjw. two oi- tltmi Stum]).- tor ■ 4 irl'.VMl! VI. \SH')i pontage will be urcfinalilu. o ; A wlJ.MiH.llt Aililivm. Dll. J. SKII.UK lIOL'GIITOK, Actiib- «,ir- i -OL. Itwlrivllnir #n.l <. :l gnm. illiltriml Association, So. 3,' g-mtlt Kiuth : Sm-i t, ; I’ l * K.et kniv. H. ic., at Philadelphia, Pa. 1 '{Juiw St WJB.-.V. ! Exokllknt hkAvy bouts & i_ SHOfeyjmit fr-m-irert Mt LAUOIIMAN'3 —; : WAXT A IIAT UK OAF, cr*«i»,toU«t chMporlUtl— goto LAniiimiMi ist) o.n-» , nrrmr? ST ATI-: CAl'fT.r - Book Bindein AND BLANK BOOK ilANry.\,-*' ' -V.<. A-i Market St . /A.-. ~.. , .• • :li*- of JUrtiiA ]... T '• - Oainlv iWke*. llaihvu>U'< u,,. »> ' f". uolir.ilual*. hjiiil',,.., v.- ■ I- t «•: shn'U and vv*»rk>»uihv|i. if ., r> >r.*.»»/ Uhuit; Rot ks> : ji i. y •ir- ti i-*l jatrrn. :!J V- r I.k ufi mu*h» i.ijU ,; ~ n»;.i Y.-ar'y , v .. **■•• ju inter. «‘r plain. nrchai «i (, Mnill brocket* ll*!nL' of 'lie )*•*( 1 pilh, 1 l.vbmnmie and oilier*, i.r, bound anil* at moderate prices*. »ln ul>i papi rs of the largest size*. llart*>r* iVw-, Pictorial. Brllon». iSnentiflc America,,. ij,!./'' bound trfftider. and in any style ranked it f.” u:i ly Magazine. Knickerbocker. ‘Jliaekw«*i> ’ ITV '■* Magazines. thaler’* Lady’s Book, Lady* u,j' ’! ' mm's Magazine. Plano Mimic. Ac* Ix>um) i,, L t r |v the more plain and substantial half biii.*;,.,, ,rv " |iiilcls. Lh«t Magwiiue*, I'ninnlilet laws, In-ary style, at very moderate price*. lV rh)b !,V'' ■ tmmiier of volume* to blml.wlll receive **. • c « * Binding am safely be tent to as from ' ‘ Wkr, l;! ! pres*, and Ml work entreated t.M>urcnrr*inV ? ' ll dfly executed, saft-ly packed and return*) u*!• All work warranted. Address jr. j. 'r*- 4DKRN.M the Tribute o ffic, ngvntft f«> Altoona. amUricinity. They will thin in relation to binding. and receive and fr«' from extra charge*, for all who cot. u»t the ni 1.-Hiu.T-fG onward: ever o.wvakk STEP BY STl.p' The i .MiEityp;sed ifEsiii|.> T i: luf-rill )«i« >»M an.l t!, P ‘ ih.f hr ha* this -pr.ihg pnte into th- I), v «.....\ i’ 1 an,l )m*iii-t rccvivct! h largviiini fimr.lt ,„. tt “ Dress (Goods tor the Lailin, lUlbr .cm* all tl.r lalf-l tlll , JU fashionable pattkkns * \nu »m-ng whirl* maj hr fuiiud i*vrrv nuditr .if the iiHuie* «»f whirh it wm.M In- I .o i . In the line of 'itnic.-tr« ili cin-..|. ' GROCERIES & PROVISION^ 1 will >i »t "kit .ik lot 1.-r” l-t any -.1 u,\ |; M ~\ i kiit'B ol ”..nnrr\ ].i -.lti -DOO-'- .m>j no- hi A.O--I mii i BAKER AND ( ON EE; : i R,’ Y F.KPS COAVi'ANT'.V L ••* i; !i EAR, C’AK i-> - <>uavi;k-;, i.kmov-, \-\\ iu .ii.u-i\ . \ ki.;> CAKES* BAKED A o i)i;i) fur particular “icasi- n-*. «.»i ? h u'. ; • eat ami best style of tJ*e m-t. Call, examine and price my stn-k an i v ■> it as good and cheap•« can be paicluunxl -U.-u;,. Jan. 27, lS6a. H. FETTINGEUS General News igemv OAK HALL, No! 7, MAIN STREET SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS STATIONERY, CONFECT lONAliiF.' CIOARS & TOBACCO. TOYS AND NOTIONS IN GREAT VaKIIT; CONSTANTLY OX HAND. Octobef 24. I*l6l. W. M. LLOYD & CO aL'IOO.\a. Pa JOHNSTON, JACK &CO. BANKERS, {Late ** Hell, Johnston, Jork ,V Co Drafts on the hiincici. Cities. ami Silver and G«»ld for sal*. •mule. Mum*yi) received on di-po-nte, puyuMe without interest, or upon time, with interr*u at fair raw Feb. 3d.18*9. GJ. W. KESSLER—I‘KACTICAI. I e pUCGGIST, respectfully to the citizens of Altoona and tlx’ public £ i,,, *k889 erally, that lie still continues the Drug on Virginia street, where he k***p>> cxn-tantly PBLj ouluuui. for Sale. WlioltMttle and K« tail IMiI'GS. 3IEUICXNKS. CHEMICALS, OILS, VAK.MiII- tS und DYK-STUFFS. By strict attention to bnsin ess, anti a infliction, to nil as regards price Aml .|ti ilir v, merit and receive a share of public Physicians and merchant* supplied on r aseuii b and all orders fruni a distance promptly .itn*n«Ml to IMiyslcians prescriptions carefully c.iupcmi.U- OUK RADY Fill ENTS NVOIU* I ” well to Imijf in upon the clmue m»-l kf "\\ ment of Summ*-r DllK-S OD- -DS i>«.« l«> *•*! ‘ well-filled shelv sof McTIKK CTor.ot Virginia .m !’• 11,1 ' UAIU, JlA'l. iUUI 11. ' ; V ' Sa>l» iUi.l Vanusl. * ; v Li," KiM/S of i V- ueaiiy ami • t.sU > \ !i ’ ••A IJK>N A *i i;' M V.-V tu omlk***. va«i ty, at L'*--’ l ' ' 'AUo >1 iv I. I‘illhl- 4 Li. STYLKS CAiCl'i.i , (hM'luTh* <*:iu hr r.ii'Ml FINU AS^OiU’MKINI CJ/VTS cmi b<- fgon.i «t '• 2__l—— V ? i . si- i > 'z = 3 r** - rv> S 5 < i zh\ s I <-_y 2 ; o % •• • .**-■ i 7j >"* T |Si;J • “ t* "X' /-> —■ 7. i; \v r*d. \ !'- iiollwa ysnchG. pa \ I ■' r: - I. M' :li .0, YES! 0, YES rHJS WAY! -THIS 1 P NEW SPRING & SUMMER 6 J B. ■ aiLEMAN a has just ImM aatl w»U selected Block of 0«i Jr. .iTr iMolo and Fancy Ca»,imcr«>, i nt Tweed*. Boa»n»/Bliia » ‘SSSSIrof Good, for ’ “ IMES ANf> BOVS’ WE.? o_rt)Lr>»ith 0 _ rt) L r >»ith « grand and magnificent a l .\blES’ DRESS O' ia rrluSre iwlred. he hope* by ftrfct at to •vts. add an endeavor to pleaao, to merit a he u4*. j»Call and examine hi* Block, and Vo tinced th t he. haa the heat aaeortment and i u the market. . ~ . , , , *,* Gbnntrv Produce of all kind* taken it ,i.«xto at ma-.aet prices. : Altudua, April 3S, 1818, I EXOELSIOR Hat Sd Cap 0 in H B PROPRIETOR « 1 “jEXOEIaSIQB"^^ would hifonu sis customers, atm the Pu ( Udt hd hiujuat returned from. the city w iad moat varied stock of goods In his linn e \ Hoods-at of which he has now ou exbibi: his now store toou on Virginia strata hex curd’s store. Ills stuck embraces all the U SPRING AND SUM HATS, J| C # MISSES’ FiaATS. r[i« gtock of Rata and Caps are of the.verr y style, color and «hapc. for both t.M Ail Ue asks U chat the p'-opU- c.-.1l ami ex.t ,unl ho feels confident that in- cud s* ml i -iota#, if n*>t lit tb*» punh.i"- nf ?m.h an at the remembrance of having ! >• Handsomest stock of Hats, Op*, Hal*. Ac.. \u tliis u*wu. T have also on baud an entirely new *(< -t Ladies’ and Childrens’ Hals which I am confident cannot I e -‘urpaswi i all of which I will well ut the mu-: 'nember the Hall ufFashmy when you wa the tine of bend‘covering, and r aU ou May 4.’tiS-tf JKf IS"©\v l>x*ug B BERLIN & CO.. A.'NU 9 the citizens of Allomm ami ric.nity opened a Drag uud Vurietv Store iu WORK’S NEW BUILD IVtyinia Street, betweeh Jutlaami C« r where may Ue hud I>RVG&, CHEMICALS. D VE-STCFV& PATEST MEDICINES. PE PAINTS, OIL, GLASS. PUTTY, iiid aii-other articles Usually void In the i OUU MJBDICLNI are of the purest and oest quality, and Ibear the marks of the best manafn Painters, UUaieys, Builders and otberwr* PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES. TUHI W*4oW Gitut, Putty, Paint Brvthts, Sash wilt And our assortment t«Hie cd BKfit QUALITY AND AT THE LOWt the purest Wines and Liquors for Medic -aland Sacranteutal purposes always lu s 49*Ail orders correctly and prqmptly Physicians Prescriptions accurately cuntp •Altoona* May 12. 1863. TH(E UxMON FOR 10008 ASHE'S* O.ODFREY WOLF would i jmroonce to the citizens of Altouiu that lijs has opened a ? j CLOTHING STOI (M Corner of JcfUni and C-troti/u where he wUI keep on Imnd a large stork clothiir tonalst tag of DKE&4. COATS. 1 VBST> OVERALLS, KNIT JACKETS. A< phis prices. T HATS & caps: I have a large and varied stock.of hats a a will bo to the advantage of all to exam ohaaing elsewhere. Also, a flus stock of ' big foods, each as shirts, collars, neck-ties Sospebders, Glove*, Hosiery. Ac. Determined to acdl, 1 have marked ru very lowest figures, and tael confident t •at I sited with the price and quality of n*y Altonna. / May 12, 1333. >•“ Prom th.© K f pHE Subscribers would i I lannoqnce to the cltisens of Alt om that they have just returned from Hie East SPRING AND SUMMER S HATS & OAI BOOTS Sc SB of HATS & CAPi -etted with |tnt ctn, and with Urn »ie who bay tour them with their patniiagi Ho.>M and Show b complete. t ThMr LADIES' MISSES and CHILD ■ire of City make, and warranted, yheir for ladiec ; and » imee, are JnM >lhe weather aadaarißg health Tfaitakidl to-the pnblle ftr their very li heretofcra, they hope to merit a cpntlnba Bti>uh«ud a choice toto frttU, c kco, eie* wuicli *lie will r *SJI wWe * > f^* W »N Rl«K»k«ep T®rp**or*, which sue will tako i» e *orei ** •H'-twuwi ofth« tiny nu d emiiug *** I will April at »M3:-6:.i. PAIN I JNG. GLAZING a A HANGING.—Xnu »irtwcrilM>r 4r«ir 4ity>m anfl rlclultt that tie t ••Oonnt ufar, price W“t*»Ati»ork Katimatee matte at ’•SSScrißw? *f ,0 .' n > &»'*» « iV-‘‘ & DERN,