‘Pliyiwal Degeneracy of PtßEfiJHuu BY DB, A. STONE •P%Mwnii to the Tny Lung and Hygienic institute. u Phytoml decline of of Nerrau Cou - Mgh mo “ l toB «> •»&»•» to chute, yet thrilling tonjmg,, end mppeeie directly to the moral oi ALL FABBNTB and Qoxrdfons wpe* duelling «ci»»ltv and reliable nidi and, trekunont •*2fc '* ' aenjl by stall on the receiptor two(S cent) A9u Parent* aad Onardiane! Pail not to send end oh- Uin thle book. . SSfe.yenqgmeni Fall not to aendand gettni* book.' VSiiailn! Yoa too should at once eecurea copy of thle book. -1 ’BW of Soiemn Chmontuu Advice to those who wilt reflect. . A elaeeof maladiee prerail to a fearful extent in the oetaataaUy, dooming at leaet l«W»o youth of both eexee annually to an early graee. Thoee dueaeee are rerv im perfectly mdenwpod. Their external manLeetotion, or onopKan are Nereooe Debility, BelaxatKm and Kxnaue tiam Hereemee or weettog and oanaumption of the Unnea of the whole body; nboctMeacf breathlur or hurried ofJWii ing elsewhere, if (hey wish cheapness, peanty or durnbllity. Full seta of tsrth on TalcanUa baee, as low as ,10 to ,15. 0 “ ■ “ 00 silver ■' •> 10 to 15 “ : on gold <• *• “ ,50 EVERT, BET QF JCBBIB WARRANTED. I>r. Bittner Will Tislt Hollidaysbnrg and vicinity when htssetrfcesare debited. [Fob. IT, IMS-tf. AFARM AT PRIVATE SALE. J MAJtdq/UjrCß FOR CAPITALISTS! y MYERS offers hie Farm, aJ doutainlug 235 acre*, for sale. 100 acm are cleared and nodor good Cultivation; the balance is timbered with Chestnut aid Oak. It 4a situated iu L g&n township, TBB££ MILES NOBTHBA&T OP ALTOONA, PA., where there te a Market almost equal to any city iu the state. tiXt cfchnot foil of being a good in vestment, as the v surrounding land* rousv increase ia,value M* a ratio with, the jmproremchUof the Thb buildings are a Dwelling Boosts a how Barn, and all ether 'There are on oVHHF the prridiafcs Iflfr Apple Trees—choice Fruit —Peqeh.yw, Plan *ad Cherry Tree*.— The eptll i* Red 'Shale, second ooly t« Limestone, For farther particulars cell «hd see the Ferro r or address G. L. MT£&£, April 21,1M5.* Altodha, Pa. N JE W ” RROCERYANI) PROVISION STORE, - 'Corner 0/ Annie and Harriet Street,, EAST ALTOONA. . rpHE aubwsribsre would rcspeotfaUy .in. A ciUtqua that iheyhavejnst re onrrt lal nqi comrtantlr on hand a supply of“f*attons- Tilla Extra,*’ and Extra Family Horn, In barrels, and *4 •MJAtiuMtoJn Chop and Corn Usal, Batter smd B{(> fnah from the country; also, an extensive stock at Groceries, consisting of ougaru, Molasses, Syrups, Cof- M, AC.; <3SO; Him, Bacon, Dried Beef, Fish of alt kinds, SeR, CraßkSn, Cheese, Spices, Tobacco, Cigars, Dockets, Blooms, Tubs, Brushes, Dried Fruit, Confectioneries, (Jusenswars, Glaaswart, CoeiOll Damps, Coal Oil, Fish Oil, An, ail of which we ptopum to sell at email '* r Atteolßt!jau. 1, ’6S-6m. D. M. BARK A CO. WSST BKANCH INSUKANCE CO., M LOCK HAVJBN, PA. VltMmSm NOTES IN PORCE.. , II H '■ I insures puberty m m reasonable termi as ate consistent with security. »l«oo B«Kt, : AUi. Sloa*. O. I>. feTtnuos, V. r. G. C. Bastk, Fm’l J. *. CunuK. garntirT. - . , . xT». KERR^tw*.Allows OF ALL OESGRIP -1 M tnatjMt tacaired and for tala by -■ ./.fjamttM ■ ■'■ . -■• ’f- ■- ■ ! _j ' ■ : ■ A. &&01HKAL SUPPORTERS, Trus «««*' NEW GOODS! mW GOODS! AT OLb PBICKS. | HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE V spwi r nDy inform the cUteeni’of Altoona and sur rounding country that he bee just returned from the east, where ue has been selecting bis stock of Spring and Sum mer Goods, which foralyle, quality'aud Price cannot be surpassed la thle neck of country, ; His stock is much larger than heretofore, and, as it Is quite an object in these war-exciting times for every one to purchase’ where they can get the BEST article st the ;|*OWEST PRICE, he Aould say that be can sod will sell AS LGW, if not A LITTLE LOWER THAN ANT OTaEU HOUSE in this ; piece. He wishes all to call and sec'his stock before pur- elsewhere, as lie feds confident he can offer in iducvmentt which will DEFY COMPETITION. His stock > consists of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS or xvxav pmceiptios. MEN AND BOYS* SUMMER WEAR, MEN AND BOYS’ BOOTS AND SHOES. , HEN AND WOMEN’S HOSE, ; ; HATS AND CABS, Ginghams, Lawns, Blenched and Onbkashed Muslins, He will wit tha AMERICAN FEINTS at 1214 cents. FAST HAODBR COLORS, 10 FANCY DELAINES, tram 12V(sto 26 ; Fine Bleached MOBLINS yard wide; 12't: “ ' • “ " K "w * “ %■ *• «k * : Heavy Uubl'ched “ yard " 12J« •• ’■ % “;, 8 and Hi * •• : LAWNS, from 8 to lij “ LADIES’ SUPPERS, from 40 to So “ Fine, French, Sawed. Heeled BOOTEES, $1 25 . “ ' Pegged •• 1 00 MEN’S CALF BOOTS. 2 75 1 “ GOAT - 3jo BOYS’ GOAT. (Noe. 4 and 5.) 1 50 MEN AND BOYS’ OXFORD TIES, from 75 cents to 1 00 MEN’S CALF MONROES, 1 00 All alios of HISSES’ A CHILDREN'S SHOES, very low : Rio Coffee at 25 cents, 1 Rf old goods in the tlwve stand at Ruc tion, we desire to say to the public that w»* lmv<- just opened out an ENTIRELY NEW STOCK to which we invite the attention of the public. We are determined to eel! at the VERY' LOWEST PRICES. Our stock embraces a large and complete as; ortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, consisting* in part* of plain and fancy Bilks* all-wool De laines, Alpacas* Cballie Delaines, plain and figured Berege* Lawns, Ginghams* Ducal*, Dc Barge, Travelling Dress Goods, and all the ’ LATEST STYLE PRINTS. Me n 9 s "Wear. We have received a larße and well selected aleck of GEN TLEMEN’S DKEBB GOODE, euck as Cloths, plain and fancy Canaimerea. Cashmereta. Tweeds, Jeans, Corduroys, Beaver Teona, Velvet Cords, and other fashionable goods for men and boys. WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen, Cambric*, Victoria Lawns, plain end dotted Swiss, BohinoU, Edgings :&c. We have a large a sortutent of Ladies’, N«edlevo**k Col* Jars and Sets* Dress Trimmings. Hilbons. Gloves. Gaunt lets, Hitts, Hosiery. Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs. Neck Ties. Veils, Ac. Also* Ticking. Chocks, bleached and un bleached Muslins, Cotton and Linen Diaper* Crash. Ac. Alms ft fine assortment of SPRING- SHAWLS Wo have leceived a largo lot of BOOTS AND SHOES, LADIES' GAITERS, HATS & CAPS, SHAKER BONNETS, &c„ which wear* determined to sell cheaper than ever. QUEEENSWAHE, CEDAR AND WILLOW-WARE. HARDWARE, Groceries, ■ Flour, Bacon, ' Cheese, Syrups, Molasses, Mackerel, Herring, Carbon Oil. Fish Oil, Drugs and Medicines, and. in fact, everything usually kept in a flret-claae Store. 4®* Ae we make our purchases almost entirely for cash, and tut we will sell for GASH ONLY\ AND KJCKP NO BOOKS, it will enable u» to sell Goods af very moderate prices; and by fair dealing and strict at tention to buaine.T* •» e hope to secure a liberal share oi public patronage. Altoona, April l.\ ESTABLISHED 1760 PE I KK LORILLARI) BrrafF & Tobacco VIA N UFA CTU RE H. 16 & 18, CHAMBERS ST.. vFormerly 42 Chatham Sr., New York,) n would call the attention «>f Dealers to the articles of bin manufacture, viz,: BROWN SNUFF. Macahoy. Dem jgros, f ine Rappee, Coarse happen Bur** Virginia, Nachitocbes, Atperican Gemleiniui, Copenhagen. YELLOW SNUFF. Scotch, IJoney Dew Scotch. High Dwust Scotch. Fresh Honey Dew Scotch. Irish High Toast, or Lundy foot, Fresh Scotch. 4*5“ Attention is called tu the great reduction in prices of Fine-Cut Chewing and .Smoking Tobacco*, which will bn found of a "wpnrior quality. TOBACCO. SMOKING.—Long. No. 1. No. 2. Nos. 1 and 2 mixed. Granulated, S. Jago, Spanish, Canaster, Turkish. FINK CUT CHEWING.-—P. A. V*.. or plain. Cavendish, or Sweet, Sweet Scented Oronoco. Tin Foil Cavendish. N. K.—A circular of prices will be sent <>n snullcatlon April 14, 63,-1 v.] LATEST BV TELBGBAPHI VICKSBURG REPORTED TAKEN! It. Flack's the place to get your Bacon ' I would respectfully inform the public in general, tlmt 1 have lately been West and pur chased one of the beat and largest lota of SUG A K-CUKED HAMS & SHOULDERS ever brought tb this nurscet. 1 bare 2500 Hams and 700 Shoulders, which I will sell at'reasonable prices. Persons wishing to buy by the. quantity will find It to their ad vantage to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere, as I wM sell at Pittsburgh market prices. March 31st, 1563.] LOUIS PLACK . Building .lots for sale The subscribers offer at Private Sale EIGHT BUILD ING LOTS, situate on the top of the hill, abofe the reser voir of the Altoona Oaf 4 Water Company, being now held as property by the Presbyterian Church. The lota are fifty feet front by 175 feet deep, and will be sold on reason able terras. Person* wishing to purchase or view these lots will receive all iufbrmatiou concerning them by ap plying to Michael Clabaugtwß* 11. McCormick. Alexander McCbiraick, or Chat*. J. Mann, Trustees »»f Presbyterian Chnreh- * [Altoona, April 3.1802. ANDREW ECKEU \ bEALEft 15 Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Pipes, &c., &c., Annie street. Alfonnk. Pa., and McKeage't O tl Stand. Montgomery street, UMiSaysbarg, Pa. A GENERAL -ASSORT M ENT of Good, In hi. line constantly on hand at the lowest caah price.. ~ jKeb. 7,1863. DRIED APPLES.—The subscribers have a tin, lo of bright yellow DRIED APPLES bought at much legs than market rale,, and which they desire to clow out. at cost and carriage, without delay Person, desiring to pnrcha.e, either at wholesale or retail will find it to their adrantage to give n, acall Altoona, Juno 26,1882.] MURPHY A McPIKE. SM, WOODKOK, • A TTOHMET-A T LA W. Altoona, Penn’a, Will practice in the several Courts of Blair, Cambria and Huntingdon counties. Office on Virginia Street, 2 door, above Julia Street. Feb. B,lB6Vtf. Blair county insurance _ AGENCY.—The undersigned, agent of the Protec tion Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of Blair county, is at all times ready to insure against lessor damans by fire. Buildings, iterchanaiK funtUun andjroaerty of mry Oaenption. in town cr country, at as reasonable rates as any company In the State. OIH e in the 'jrilmnt ° fflce - N E. B, McCKUM, Agent. MJk. ; *-v.: MUSIC !—INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN on tho PiunoForte and Holodeoa, by Mus M. MAKER. Terms, $lO per quarter. Ko charge for tfa* naeof the Inftruftieiit. Residence bn Catharine Street, West Altoona. fjan.lfl, HB. MIi.LER, • dentist. AfMK ta, once .on Orollbo tpriirt.; Between . VTrgtnla apd Emma streets, Altoona. [Jan. 20— 2m* |>URE WHITE LEAP AND "ZINC I Paint, also Chrome. Orem. telloVr,Pluf(i Olrc«n, Iry and ground oil at [l-tf.] KESSLERS. PLAIN & FANCY" VESTS, of every shM and stvl. at LAUOMNAN’S. GEIS & CO, R. A. 0. KERR, ALTOONA, PA., Agent for Blair $ Huntingdon Counties. These machines are .-.omit to be the best ever offered to the public, i .dtheii superiority is satisfactorily established by the fo« t that In the last eight years, OVER 1,400 MOKE of these Machines have been sold than of any other man ufactured. and more medals have been awarded the pro prletbrs by different Fain and Institutes than to any oth ers. The Machines are warranted to do all that is claimed for them. They are now in use id several families in Al toona, and in every case they give entire satisfaction. The Agent refers those desiring information as the su periority of the Machines, to Col. John L. Piper. Rev. A. B. Clark* George Uawkesworth, BenJ. F. Rose, and E. U. Turner* Esqre. The machines can be aaen and examined at the store of the Agent, at Altoona. , Price of No. I Machine, silver plated* glass foot an- 4 oew style Hemmer—s6s. No. 2, ornamental bronze, glass loot and oew style Hemmer—sss. No. 3, plain, with old style Heminer—s46. {March 21,1861-tf. POKED OUT AGAIN! The undersigned would respectfully so licit the patronage of the citizens of Altoona and vicinity, as he has again opened out AT HIS OLD STAND, on Virginia st., a Jew doors below the Sufit'x Office. with an entirely new and/refth supply of PROVISIONS AND GROCERIES, such at Plour. BACON, fish, SALT, POTATOES, CHEESE. CORN -M E AL, MILL-F EE D OATS. RYE, CORN, TEAS of all kinds. COFFKE. SUGAR, SYRUPS. BAKING MOLASSES. TOBACCO, SEGARB, DRIED FRUIT. SOAP. CANDLES. BROOMS, BRUSHES, Crockery. Wooden and Willow Ware, Stationery, Notion-. Candies, Ac. Also a large stock of LIQUORS! Al| the above goods will oe sold. Wholesale or Retail, at the lowest prices. Come one—come All! See for your aelves. ard be convinced. No charge, for examining my stock. LOUIS PLACK. April 17. : 62-tf. STOVES, TIN AND SHEET-IRON WAKE. The undersigned would ke- SPKCTrULLY at nounce to Che citizens < -Altoona and vicinity tin he- ha* taken *,bo and shop recently occ pif«i by Fries & Winrei on Annie street. East a toon** where lie hu* o hand a largo supply c STOVES of oil VctUm: such .v? r ; '-ok. Par I" Office and Shop Scovt which he will fell at the most reasonable prices A large supply will always be kept on hand. Tfy AND SHEET-IRON WARE, in great variety, always on hand. ROOFING & SPOUTING put up Oh blmrt notice. He Irna ;Ukc attached a copper-smithing room to hi« establishment and per and brass kettles. &>\ AH kinds ofjob work proinptiv attended to. April 21<&. 1863.-tf STEI'UEN WINTERS. Tthk undersigned respect fully informs the public that lit* will tiuue to keep a BOOT & SHOE STORE,W In the room recently occupied Ify Roberta and Rutherford. The business heretofore carried on by them will.' hi tin* future, be h; fiie name- of JOHN 11. ROBERTS. Ho will k*M*y constantly on band' a ''“niplet* assort* ni‘-ot of Boots oid Musiin Shirts—fine and coarse—whit*? and colored—at LACGHMAN’S. OYES: O YES! GENTLEMEN draw mrii and hear. JOSEPH P. TROUT umoun cea to the pn-.ic, tliat be is ready to discharge his duty as an Auctioneer whenever called upon, ]jan,2 ’66, NEW AND IMPROVED STYLES of Tranks, Valises ami Carpet-Bag*. at LAUGUMAN’g. TVTEW WINTER READY MADE -L™ ; Clofhlng Just' rteeived at BAUGHMAN’S. SPECTACLES AND EYE PRESER vers (hr .ale at ’l-lf.l KESSLER’S. MEN AND BOYS’ COATS, of every atyle and color, Sf go:»d quality, at * ‘ LAUGHMAN’E. ■VrEW STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOES i I fur and Boys, Ladim and Mimes, Mat ree’B at LAUOSMirN’S. 0 JK w Life Insurance and Trust Co. /COMPANY’S BUILDING Southed Corner of Walnut and Fourth Street*. PhiUd**. Authorized Capital,... Paid up Capital, i..... A*etSj 1,897,74(5 Incorporated 1850, by the Legislature of I’ennsyl- Ineurea Lire* During the Natural life or. for ahorttemw, grantsannuities and endowments* and make* contract* of all kinds depending %m the issues of life; Policies of Liie insurance issued at the usual ronuwl ; rates of other good companies—with proftta to the assured ; —last BoncsJanuary, 1)861, being 43 per rent, of ail pre* : rniums received on mutual policies—at Joint Stock rates, 1 20 per cent Ires than the altove, or Total Abstinence rates ' 40 per cent* teas than Muthal price. Also, a NON-FOItEKITUKE PLAN, ; By which a person pave lor 6,7, or 10 years only, when the policy is paid op for hips, and nothing more to pay; and should he be unable, or wish to discontinue scnher, the Company, will tame a Paid CP Potter* in proportion to the amount of premium paid, as follows: On a Poßcy of $l,OOO. 6 Year ‘ 7 Year 10 Year after payment of rate;}. rate*. rut***. 1 Annual Premium, for $2OO 00 $142 fcfj $lOO 00 400 00 295 70 200 00 SOU 00 671 40 . 400 00 857 10 600 00 BOO UO ALEXANDER WIIILLDIN, I’wMeut. PAMUKL WORK, Vice President. Jobs 8. Wilsob, Secretary. BOARD or . 2 4 . “ Alexander Wliilldiu, J. Edgar Thomson.. Hun. Jm. Pollock, Hon. Jceeph AlHaon, Albert C. Roberta. Jnnaa Bowman. Samuel T. Bodino. H. H. Kldridga, GeorgwNugent. John Aikman, William J. Howard, Chjtrl s F. Heazlitt. Samuel Work. Any further information can be had by applying totbe undersigned. who t» the authorised agent fiir Blair County. Jnly 31. 1862 ly R. A. O. KERB. TAGOH SNYDER, TAILOR, fl The Hero of One hundred File per Month ! I would respectfully w forth my claim to paid! attention, as a Fuhiunftb) Tailor as follows; Because I keep ad excel lent assortment of Glotlu Caasimerps, Vestings an Trimmings, which. Whei examined-always please. Because my work made up in a wanner that cakes down ..the countr,’ and gives all my cnsto&iei a city appearance. Because I aw not Inferioi as a Cutter to the best ' be found anywhere. Because tong experiem in my business give; m entire control over h.am I am not dependant npoi any one tollft me out . the suds. Bemuse I am still on theeunny aide of forty, aotf there fore my taste as a Cutter and workman unimpaired. Call on me. in the corner room of the *• Brant flop**.” Give me a trial and yon will go away pleased. ~~ Altoona. May 2«-6m JACOB SNTDEB- COATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON 1 OIL LAMPS I ' IJnri,aledin Beauty, Simplicity Safety or Economy. Ev-..jUier*on desiring to obtain the very beet and cheap eat pliable light within their reach, should cull at the store undersigned oud examine these lamps | purchasing elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to Waou i etrate That NO, ACCIDENT cau occur hy explosion. 2d. That they emit no offensive odor while turning. 3»l. That they arn very easily trimmed. 4th. That they ar'* easily regulated to give more or logs light. sth. That they burn entirely free from smoke. 6th. That the light »s at least'so per cent, cheaper than These luiiijih are admirably adapted for tin- use of Stu dents. Mechanics. Seamstresses, factories. Hulls. Church”*, St.>! es, Hotels, and an- highly-recommended for family use. The burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can be attached to old side, hanging and table fluid and oil lamps, at a small expense, and will answer every purpose of a new laii[ . 'V. guarantee perfect satisfaction in all rases. Aug. 19, ISSS-tf.l (3, W. KESM.lili Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware SPOUTING. &C. Q RIGG WOULD RESPECT-jg., k 3 • fully nfonh the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that he £eeps constantly on hand a^ESSf large assortment oi Choking> ihWor, Office S/tnp Stove*, of all styles and sizes, to suit the * wants of all, whicn he will sell at low prices,'sn reason. aide terms. ' He also keeps on hand a large stock of Tin and S/ieH- Iron Ware, consisting of all articles for culjuarvimrnoae.*-- Coal SnittUs. Stove f*ips, dte. “ 1 - He has also purchased the right of sale In Blair coontv. of R. V. JONES’ IMPROVED SAUSAGE STCFFER; an invention which needs only to be seen to b? approcla and should be possessed by every farmer, butcher or those requiring such a machine. 43- Particular attention paid to purling up SPOUTING eitlier in town or country. Spouting painted and put mi od the most reasonable terms. [April 14,185iU1y MATIONAL POLICE. GAZETTE 9/*** Journal of Crime and Criminals is in Its Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated throughout thacountnr. It contains ail the Great Trials. Crimina Owes, and appropriate Editorials on theeome,tog«tlier wirh information on Criminal Matters, not to be found in anv other newspaper. . 43-Subscriptions $2 per annum; $1 for six month*, io be remitted by subscribers, (who should write thoir utVme* and the town, county and State where they reside plaihlv i ' To 0- W. MATSELL 4 CO.. ‘ , c ~ Editor 4 Prop’r. of New York PolicvGaiFttuC 16 ~ tf l Ntw York Cthi Exchange hotel.—the stir. SCRIBEE would respectfully in form the public that he has recently re- 4 ,wfli —vs fitted the above Hotel, and is now pre pared to accommodate bis friends patrons In a bomfortable manner, and heßSKag spare no pains In making It an sojourners* His Table will always be luxuriously sti}ij)iied from the markets of the country and cities, and his Bar filled with liquors of choice brands. 111 a charges are as reasonable as those ofanv other Hotel in the place, and be feels satisfied they can not be complained of by those'‘who fever hhn with their custom. Expecting to receive a share op public patronage, and fully intending io deserve it, Ik* throws open his house to tho public and Invites a trial. I have just received a stock cT No. 1 French Bni'ndy. fur medicinal purposes. J Also a large stock of excellent Wines, for medicinal pur poses, together with a lot of the best old Kve WHkkJ-v to be found in the country*. Altoona,’May 27,185£L-ly] JOHN BOWMAN. SOMETHING NEW. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST J y ,arSflr.to h c e kr Wher " he b “ p,, ". a BOOTS AND SHOES. BROGANS, GAITERS, &C., whichi he i» prepared to offer to theeitizen. of Altoona and l»w prlc»«. Haring purchaeed direct from [{?*' h ®, la P r ''h ar « l to sell at price. i^? Utfon ; A J‘ ttot h< a ‘ ks •* that the SJbeVc. ." d hl * h,ock before pnfehasing (9. BOOTS' And SHOES made.to order on tlie most r-B -e*' rn '*,'., A ’7' "Pairing pioni|.tlv attended to. Don t ferget the place, two doors Mow p..« ulßcet • Jan. 3.1861. M. THOMPSON.! Agent. /_J_REAT WESTERN INSURANCE VA TRUST COMPANY.—lnsurance on Rea) or P r T rTy wl !‘ effected on the most reasonable terns by their apute in Altoona at his office in Anha St March 17,1856. JOHN SHOEMAKER,: Agent. T EVI’S PREPARATION i-’Oll KN - Xjilerminaring RATS,* MICE, ROACHES. ANtS, and Bed-bogs without danger in its use under any circninstau cd* formic at the Drug Store of O. W. KESSLER Job. 34, ,&»-tl] Howard association, piiii.i- TTmbhisllas and taiuso;; delpMa. For the Kelleforthe Sick and tHmnhwed '-V “'"'lew variety, at L.UlillM ' jrnicted wltß Vimlentand Chr dilo W»ea«M. Had ipShlly Altoonn. May 1. DWJ. for tbe Core oCjtowe. of the Hemal Organs. MWhal advlcegiyen grWs, by the Acting gnneon. Valuable re- P9HS o*t Sptfrnutoma or Semioul Weakness, mnd other f'™***'* *s® B '* n * l Organs, and 90 the N4w Helped h» -£*- 1 -° the Wfjwueary, aent t» the afflicted in Sealed ■ k, GENERAL ASSORTMENT Address, DK. J. BKILLIN HOOOHXON. AciinipSar- ATX. Jewelry, Hair and Clothe* ' Bni-hw- 1 a. ftmTh klith Focket-knlvea. *£,at hAIGH.'^N Philadelphia, Pa. [June 22,1d62;f.y. ESSKW hkavy boots & | A MKNI -iiJ SHOEyjfot teftlTcd at LADGIISTAN’g ' TiO YOU WANT A HAT OR CAP, I.JL/ üßeaporßnel—go to LAUOfidfBN’S. AiMIRICAK vama, anyuthei light now in c' aimon use. HUTTEUB STATE CAP ITo t Book Binder-v AND BLANK 'BOOK MANTK vr 'n ' tVo. r>4 Murkfi St , ' HarTvtjurt, . ePhi* establishuii.-ni is,. I the mamifcctmra of ttla.ik Uo..k» ; < #300,000 250,000 Banka, C\>mity OfffaN; B«tfrniKdC<>im>mn , and private individuals. In *ll ■ very bent ol*Wk and Work tnnoidiipmey reliodn|»on. Blank ffcw&a printVd, p«cm ~ anydeeired pattern. Sheriff**. 'Attorn*'-v W t Dttckeuof alt mad* wtm ruh*d r-x i. , 1 and Yearly AsecwuneitU. implicates. «. .. t.., sen. printed or plain, rated and hound to ..»i, 1 Pockets made! of the best linen paper. - ' Librarians, and others. de.dripp to have th- > r n bound and at moderate prices, should given*.*,../,'’ : papere Of the largest slues. Harpers Wwkli/n N Pictorial, Ballous. Scientific American. ! bound order,and in any style required. n ’ ly Magazine, Knickerbocker, Jlwckwooav », Magotinea. Qodey’* LadyV Book, Laiy\ sou's Magazine. Piano Mpsic. Ae„ bound in .. Vl y ’ the more plalnaod sobatontial half hin.iiu • phleta. Law Magazine*, Pamnhlet laws. U*m>ii „ • ’ brary style, at very moderate price*. p,. rs< «f“'' 1 number of volume* to bind, will receive a li>„ r ,i '.y ' Billing can aa&iy be sent to ns from uuist.ir,. ~ , press, and all work entrusted biourour-uin'.. r dily executed, safely packed and reninuW t>v > All work warranted. Address F. 1 ( . IHTTi T gS,McCKUM A PERN. at the f MR{V ” agents fo Altoona, and vicinity.. Tln*r hiu u j V ,. ‘ tion in relation to binding. and receive ami i-di,,. / free from extra chargee, lor all who eut.usr, n,..,. , n»y cn«r. 'Mboli-'i i onward: ever onwaiu. STEP BY STEP THE UNpERSIGNED DEsil*-j, inform hi* old cnatom'or* ami the jmi p. -. t. . that he has thi* ftpring gone into tin I>m ‘ and ha* just receive! aiargc and entire vn-v , Dress Goods S-or the Ladle*, embracing ail tbi.-!ale«t. p-.vnj. , FASHIONABLE PATTEIt.Ns. Am. amotig which may he fonm) <>wrt v the names of whirh it would r o too r -lion-'r, ' fo the line of pure, fresh uu>j . )m.> GROCERIES & PROVISION I will not -kn >cic under*’ to any ,ji niv - hm> r tins department I feel sure that 1 run rtn-i-i All kind*, of counti> prodn.> taken in -vu gti.tds. and tlse highlit market |>nn uii- u.-.i Store on the corner m' Annie ;llJll h mm air Altoona. TUuMA.'* UK'. Altoona, May 22, 1882. BAKER AND CONFECTUiNKIi Virginia Street, Altoon.-. p... Keeps on ham. bread, cakes: manimi ' AND SWKKTMKATS. of hi* own nmmt> r.:. ■ i« prepanel to .rll.wb di-wile or r. tail, at i l .. ...... ai*li- price,, ilea, FOREI.iN FI; I'ITS. -. .. ORANGES. LEMONS, PINF-U'ITF* FIGS, PRUNES. RAISINS. M TS. ,n ttlwaye on hand in their respectivt- .. CAKES BAKED TO ORDKi: for particular occasions, on abort n.ttj.v .ms r; est nnd best style of tho art. Call, examine and price my st.vt no-i • .. (1 it an good and cheap as cun be pur di i-.-J . i,* wl . • dan. 27, 1863. H. . General JS T ews A \gviin OAK HALL, No. 7, MAIN STliKi. SCHOOL BOOKS. BLANK JiOiiKs STATION BUY, CONFECTION Ai; 1K CIOARS & TO BACON • TOYS AND NOTIONS IK GKEAT VAHIH CONSTANTLY ON LUND October 24,1861. . W. M. LLOYD & CO ALTOOSa. U JOHNSTON, JACKiCIi BANKEES, (Late ''Bell, Johmtnn, Jack .! 1 ■ ", D HAFTS ON TUB FKLNTIIC Cities. nnd Silver and Cold f..r .’..lh-ii •nade. Moneys received on dcpurite. payaH- ; a'itliont interest, or upon time, with iu; - v '"- at ■ 1: Feb. 3d.1859.- ■ G. W. KESSLER— .I'HAITR'AI • DKOGGIST, respectfully aui.i-r.m~-. J to Hie citizens of Altoona and the pn!-!i ■ ■•-£ ry S9mb eraliy, that lie still continues the Drue on A irginia street, where be keep* cee-itau.h | on hand, (or sale. Wholesale and Ketaii.HUi.iN. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS. V.MiMMI fiCE-% ES and DYE-STDFFS. By strict attention to business, and i- r. -1 -• ; .r Isfaction to all as regards price and , .:.ih )■ merit and receive a share of public patt-ert- Physicians and mercltants supplied on r-.-nr.li' nnd all orders from a distance promptly aitcrnDd c prescriptions carefully ! ' OUR LADY FRIENDS NVOt LO 1> well to look In upon the choke an>l ch;**'*’ ?'• ment of Summer DUOS 00ODS ituw ir* welhfllled shcWesof M'IKPIIT A McPIKV- Cor. ofTirginiu And G-ir■ Altoona, Jutio 26,1862. pINE AND LAlil> OILS, ea I phene. Burning Fluid, Carbon Oil. ir. Jan. 3, j KKSSI!:K ( \N HAND AT iMcCOR.M K'K’" ' *—A splendid RMortnient of Re«dy-M«t*- - ' , v • all and net*. >; • - O-UOCKKIjfcS. A LAIUiK A>i \A complete assortment of Groceries* iw>? 1 "■ • * ceived at the starw «f J H IIH.» ' VM Hair, hat, 'jootil s?iia vi>>- Paint, Saah and Varnish Brushes at LL KINDS..OF LIIINTINL Xi neatly «ud expcditouslv ex : ' c Z -■ -f S '( '5 £ • - ~ I: I' W - *** % •I A COB WETS UOLLIDA ySBCKO. McCRHM & IiERX, VIOL. 8, 0, YES! 0/1 THIS WAY! TH .T NEW: SPRING A SUMME f B. IIILE.M AN h« ■ #1 * ktfg* and well selected 4t«k o# Cfctfb* PWu and Fancy Caadut tickWtsna TweetU, Beaverteene; k gjhwr kttid* df U»«ds *»»r • MEN AND BOYS’ I tog.th’r with • *rniKl uh! aiag.it t. a miss* dress !-bU prices ‘ I have a large anil varied stock < | it will be to the-advantage of all • Chafing elsewhere. Also, a file m lug g %to Is. such as skirts, collars. u \ ;■• Glove*, Hosiery. 4c._ j Determined to sell. 1 Imre m» [ fery lowest figures, and leel c»*i» satisfied with the price at: 1 qnallt AUixum. Mnjr 12. ISQ. From. th.e j. r l^U.li Subscribers wi I aniionnce to the citixenaoi that they have joet returnt*d from j SPRING AND SU.MM •HATS & I BOOTS SLK FUS iTNG. GLAZI I|A.\Gl NU.—Xu« fult>ci it . cltnteaaof altuoih* and vk-tuit) dertake any Hiiumiit ofWurk ii* t deut. fimu his lv>uiifxjn*riencf u |«*a W|Km hU work K*timac«*s i’rrwata tiHvlegVwork in my *o' oaKiniFiß|*m me. - 'KjauWooMm Itarrh-t wreet, t n Bntbrei) Choi uh, Bari Altoona. April a, lac^kSni. (• t ' v EXCELS! SPRING AND S iiK*tul*T th»» llall of r.i'lo u the line of bend cows n>- ..u May 4. ’tti-tf ]SEew Ux*im c BHIILIN o: : ,T the citizen- • Alf'i*-i a-i : <em-d d Di«n and Varict* ,'imv i WORK’S M W I. Mrgiuia Street, between Jufi" when* may be I DRUGS, CBEMJCMS, DYE-sTUr PATENT MED WIN. OUU MEDIC are of the purest and oeit qoalit. bear the marks of the best Painters. GUidera, builders and u PAINTi, OILS. TRwrfoio Qt arc, IhUtjf, VluintßrusM •will find our assortment BKST QUALITY ASD AT Til K The purest Wines and Liquor-* f>» and dMcntmeuiHl purpose* alwi *9* Ailord«-i* correctly and pr J*h,\sicians Prescriptions accurate! Altoona. May 12. lh<3. THE UMON T GOOD HATS & C CONFECT I AND ICE CUEA ■\|tsS. C. BEITITv ■XTJi. liutlMCeM 1- • ■;■ i t:i 4uu «n ’ v ' ca.\r>:ttTiOM::.v a .w» In Jemt Smith'* e.v’ LUTHEiiAN C wherexlie wih krcp.i ImhC *> < ii« nut». fruit, c k«a, vie., woich * reasnimbie prio> h. Bluing tl»e m-ms-.p site will al-> * tni flavors, which » cwilltd.- , lomertHtjin !i*.«rs of tiif : i*y..-»u ; Oiwmeacaii. and Vwd. *»vi. - April 2Ut. Jjf- -? r '