The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, April 28, 1863, Image 4
of AfoCEMSC AKI iEQEOPLE. JUST PUBLISHED BY DB. A. STONE PMftktan to the Treg Long and Hygienic Institute. vSwtkitmt af Wghwnl tnM, writtenin chute, F* moiling MOIKmI mull awHr to the moral fißunaal SMnUui up* oMl.hltttHllt WImUIq —d bHiwi uM.mnd treatment Y£teWv%»gmri fcy *MiI«P th« reuiptof two (S cent) ' <jjFKBuntennil.tlnunll.Mt fail not tound and ob- Uinthk booh. Sail sot to uadand get tola book. <a.luHwl Too too ihoaU at once eecuro a copy of thi< book. A Word of Solemn Ccaudentious Advice to those who will reflect. A data of auladiM pruvtil to a fearfol extent |in the fa immunity. dooming at leant 1«M»0 yoalh of both texes aaaaally to as early grave. Thou Jtneaeee are eery im perfectly undwutood. Thefr external maaiiutetibn, or nanptosaare tiamwa Debility, BaUxxtion and Exnaua mb; Hunwman or waatiag aod oonamupHoo of the tiaaou of- the whole body; abartsaaa cf breathing or horried breathing on aeoeaQlng a UHorsightofetain; great pal pitatlasiaf< |hr>Baatt; Arthgu, Broaebitii and aore Ihnat; akaki«g orthe.Sasda.aodUa>bß;areraiuo to ao ciety and to Wjfflliaaa or atady: dim new Of eye eight, loaa .TMitenry.luMiini ef, the Head, Nefanlgia. l'ain in va rinaa partt often kqriy: fadna la thebark or limbs, Lum bago, Dyapepaia or ImUgution, irregnlarity of the bowels, ♦wnigun .mcretiffw af the HOineyaaod other glssda cf R)h bMZtJO haacorriwaa bt FhmtJUiaw, Ac. hikewiao Spurn., iDOw ln nlnety staeaaaer ontsn every ehe hundred, all of thash«T* .SPo>od .4teoideiKan4 Shoat of others not sasied,jta Ooptnmption of tha haaga and that most In asDosa asd wily lona of eonumptinu of the Spinal Name, known aa Tabu Donates, and Tube.meMut.rica, - hare their seal and origin in disuses of the Pelric Vlacera. ' Dr. kndrew~gtase7 Physician to the Troy Long and By gisnio institution, is now engaged in treating this claaa ufnsnteumslsdiuwith the.atoateatmriahlng anccraa. The traatmmt adopted tar the loMitntion is now; it is baud' upon sctentiflc principles, with "nsw discovered rem edieatVitbtat ■lsentla.orpoiaaiia. Tha-faeilltlea ef cure sregßeMlpti, psrtenu fa nbe eared ti»hf homov in. any part of tho country, from accurate descriptions, of their case, by letter; and hare the medicines sent by Bailor etprow PrindOdintcrrogatorlea will be forwarded on ap plication. Ite- poiunmptien, Catarrh and' diaeaaes of the throat cored u wett-at the Homo of the Patients as at the In atitntlon, bj wilding alio Hold Medicated tnasuno Bu. aur»o Vap*sa,,sltj» inhaler and ample directions for their use, aaddiract coireoEondence. ws_ patients applying for interrogatirw or advice, must endow return stamps, to moot attention. strsfo*ie» Physician will he band at the In stitution f r consultation, ftom 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.. each day- Sunday in tbo forenoon. Address DR. ANDREW STONE. Physician to the Troy Lung and Hygienic Institute, and Phyantianlbr Blsdut. ofSlleirl. Thfoat and hangs, C. C. SERVER & SON, (Sccokmom to Thojca* B. Tatlob & Co.) Ptfer, JEssatope, and Priaters’ Card WARE HO USB, No. MX, MINOR SCBBET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF rl, WRITING, LETTER, NOTE. PRINTING, WRAPPING, MANILLA. SHOE AND HARDWARE PAPERS, Printers’ Cards, BONNET, BOA AND STRAW BOARDS. Printers, Blank Book Manufacturers, Stationers and Storekeepers, will find it to their edvan tsre to CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. May Ist, IMS.-ly (Morions N ews! r PEK Subscriber* would respectfully I announce to the citizen* of Altoona and vicinity, that th#y have Jost returned from the Snet with their FAIiL AND WINTER STYLES OF HATS & CAPS, BOOTS Sc SHOSS. Theirstodcof HATS & CAPS !>«• boon se lected WMt treat caf£ ana with the siew of ea!ting all who may bvor them wHbtheiv patronage. Their tine of Eoota BodShoee ie complete. Their £ADZEar je/XaCT and CHILDRENS SHOES an of City make, snd watxaaM. Their Balmoral Shoes for Ladies and Misses, an just the thing for bit and wiatec. < ThaakiU to the public for their eery liberal patronage h«ntot6n, they hope to merit a CQBtlßoanne at the same. Sion an MAIN ST. next door to Bowman’s Exchange Hotel. . ' SMITH A MANN. WW. S. BITTNER Dental Surgeon. /\FFIC® IN MASONIC \I UHFU, next door to the Pott Or. B. would nopoctfallj Inform the citlxene of Altoon* ■ml nrniMlni country, thmt he ie prepared to inaert ARTIFICIAL TEETH, from n ring i* tooth to a foil eet, in the moot eup<-rior »tyle, oireoto, joltxb, os vclcanpcx bass. It wobM be to the adnntnga fit all poreone deeiring aMMdMk. toeallatUi offlea belbre g >lng eUewhore, IfW»°«r ordarablßty. Pall iota of teeth on ealoanlta bate, »• lew at 010 to gIS. “ “ “ ootQeor • “ - “ 10 to 15 • w “ “ on gold .“•*«“ 50 jhobt an or tors wareamxkd. Or.JHtMrDrill ririt-HolUdnythnrg and rietohy when Ue deeiged- [MfclT. !86S-tt , A Flsg AX PJOYATO SALE. A MASS CBANCX FOB CAPITALISTS! (T* RABILL MYESS offers his Farm, UT 225 acne, for ode. 100 acres are cleared apd Baler good enltPmttoojth* balance a timbered with Cbeatmt and Oak It It eltuated In L gan townebip, TBBKE MILES NOSTBSAST OP ALTOONA, PA , where there le a Market almoet equal to any city in the State. It capaot foil of being a-good inreetnmnt. ae the ' - tmirt in create in nine in a rath* with the Impronneente -ef the b!^»3e' W ew WttMA Tin eeO ie Red BMP,' aeamd only fo Limcttone. Per April 21, im* ’ Altooni Pa. .'■■■“ "■ NEW ’ QmEM Ml) PROVISiON STORE, EAST AJiXOONA. iubsoriben would respectfully in aad Ig bamte in eacke; alto, Chop and Corn Meal. Butter anAlHMl«nth INht thacoontrytaleo, an extenetre dock ofQrHerfct, oonaiethig of Sngara, Molaeeee, Byrnpt, Cof fca. Ac., also, nijn. IWicm, mrti liabor iUkiDdi, Salta tJhftaeTSpices, Tobacco, Clears* Backet*, fttAci, Dried Frwlt, Confectioneries, QBHHWin, Glassware,. Coal Oil Unpi, Coal OU, F*»fJ Ac- all of which wo propose lo salt it small D- M. BARE A CO. vjpgT MMm mSUJtAM CO., LOCK HAVEN, PA. FK£MUJM iKXZ3£S lN FORCE. 405,000. I n<mM OB nuonaMe term* as axe '' l : cmm## mifh vmritj. ' aiaaotoai: O. C. Barrar, 0. ®. SattortM, J.JL&S. Jacob Brown, P. AUhmnWhlu, mmm*. c.B.’ittswr, *io.Btcu. V.Vsaron. 0. P.Hgaagaa, 0,0. JgkSTST,Frro*t. Jal/ S, 'B-ljJ : Altoona.' Eaedwaeb of all descrip tteujee«nlWtia*»dl<ir»sUb7 O«.U4f) -• /.B.HnJHtS« '* : J&Wia*AL »UPPOBTKSS,Tru*. NORTH WARD AHEAD! NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! AT OLD PRICES: 'I BKUNDERSIGNED WOULD RE I •ptxiluhj’inform the cftUens of Altoona and sur rounding country that he has jort returned from the eut, wham be baa been selecting his stock offortog and Sun floods,* which for style, quality and-Price cannot he surpassed in this -neefc of country. His stock fo much larger thaaiberstoibre, and, aa it fe quite an ottfect in these eizHtxdtiD{ times lor every one to purchase visit they can get: the BBBT article at the LOWKBT PRICE, be would saV that be can and'will sell AS.LOWgjf not A LITTLE LOWER TUAN ANT OTHER HOUSfc in this place. He wishes all to call and sae his stock before pur chasing elsewhere, as be feels confident be canioffer in ducemenftt which will HEFT COMPETITION, fife stock censisUof s i> LADIES’ DRESS GOODS or ivrxr Mocxirnoir. MEN AND BOYS’ SUMMER WEAR, LADIES’ AND MISSES’ DRESS SHOES, MEN AND BOYS’ BOOTS AND SHOES. MEN AND WOMEN’S HOSE, HATS AND CAPS, Ginghams, Uww, Bleached and Dabienehed Muslins, Dried Peaches nod Dried Apples, Plain and Canvassed Hama, Ac., Ac., Ac. He will wll the AMERICAN PRINTS at 12U cent., PAST MADDER COLORS, 10 FANCY DELAINES, from \IV. to 25 “ Fine Bluchtd MUSLINS yard wide, WA - “ “ V. *• lb' “ “ •• M - “ Heavy CabPebed “ yard “ ISL “ “ “ “ e % “ B.aod 10. LAWNS, ' from 8 to 15 ** LADIES’SUPPERS, from 10 to 60 “ Pine, French, Sewed, Heeled BOOTEES, (1 35 “ Pegged “ 1«0 MEN’S CALF BOOTS, 2 75 “ GOAT 2 fO BOYS’ GOAT, (Noe.AandS,) 1 50 MEN AND BOYS’ OXFORD TIES, from 75 ceoU to 1 00 MEN’S CALF MONROES, 1 00 All eiaee of MISSES’ A CHILDREN’S SHOES, very low. Rio Coffee at 25 cents, While Sqgar ll and IJU ceota, Bwwlr 3ngar frSm 7 to lOeta,; Beat Honey and Lovering’a Syrup, et 60 cu.; Sugar Honae Molaaaea, 40 ct«.; Baking Holaaua, 31 to 40 eta.; together with Cedar and/Willow Ware ; Flour, Feed, and all other articiee of Good. Juet as low he any other tumu can eell. Pleau call and examine my stock before pare baaing elsewhere. J. A. BPRANKLE. Altoona, May 1,1862. J North-Ward. EMPORIUM; OF FASHION!! Virginia St n Altoona, Pa. D. W. A. BELFGRD, Proprietor. THE PROPRIETOR OF THE “ EMPORIUM OF FASHION” wonid respectfully announce to the pnbtic that he hae received a large invoice of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, and a general assortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Collar*, Neck-Ties, Suspenders, Hosiery,' Handkerchiefs, ' &0., Ac., Ac., exactly suited to tbia locality and intended Tor the AUTUMN AND WINTER TRADE. Tb* proprietor of the Emporium, invites an ttxamina tion of his stock, feeling confident that his shelve* present a greater, variety of plain and fancy goods than can be fband elsewhere in the country. Ad examination will convince any one of this fact. He has aUs received the LATEST FASHION, and being a perfect “ Cutter,” he has no hesitancy in say ing he can make up clothing iu the fashion, and in a manner that can not fail to prove satisfactory;' Tt has passed into a proverb that Salford’s the very man that can make. Clothes in the fashion, strong and cheap;* All that have ever tried him yet, Say.that he really cant be beat. Remember the place. Virginia street, first deor above Jagganfs Hall, Altoona, Pa. - [April 17, ’62. HARDWARE. The subscriber having taken entire charge of the Hard ware and Bt*>ve aad Tin Shop recently nader the charge of Fries A Winters, on Virginia street, opposite Kessler's Drag Store, and having added largely to hla stock U now prepared to snpply anything in the'Hardwire and Cutlery line, inch 4* liattdhaws* Axes, Augers, Adzes, Chisels, Square*, Rnto, Hammers, Planes, Hinges, Locks,-Latches, Files, Knives ana Forks, Spoons, Ac„ Ac., all of which he offers on the. most reasonable terms. Persons wishing, anything in the'Hardware . line are requested to call and examine his etucg, Ue has also kdded Oils, Paints; Carbon Oil, etc., to his stock, and WflLdlspose all thqpe articles at a small ad vance on first cost. Ho win also continue the STOVE BUSINESS, and will keep on hand an assortment from which any person win be able to select ah their ffmey. . In the line oi ! TIN AND SHEET IRONWARE, CEDj\R and WILLOW-WARE, he will always have a large supply, and will make to order way he called for. Job work in this Une promptly attended to. ; ROOFING AND SPOUTING pot np on short notice in the best style, April 21, PAMUKL I. VRIKB. HARDWARE—HARDWARE! fP£S*I9 CHARLES J. MANN. I «BALKR IN FOREIGN AND 1)0- 1 / HEStIC HARDWARE, WOODEJf WARE. BROOMS, . WINDOW SHADES, DOOR MATS, UPHOLBIteING 00008. ■ BHOK HNDINOB, COfUK TRIMMINGS, MOULDERS' TOOLS, ' BIRDCAGES AND WIRE GOODS, WINDOW CLASS, purnr, WHITE LDAP, *c, *c. WI Ererr diwcrlntton of Ootit la hie Una wilt talar- Bi<Mat«urt notlM, wd Mlow rmteotar cub. ' Bit remainiiut itack of DRY GOODS an hand will be cHud'butdtttißarkaMy law pile**, In order to nlloqnitk that broach of tbebatioeu. Agent foe.WUltop't.“Telegraph Fodder Cotter.” Altoona, May 29th,1802. GROCERY and provision STORE, Annte Nireri, East Altoona, a few doors above Branch Strut. rrvHK SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST BE -1 calved a large and frosh stock 6fQROCKmES, PRO VISIONS. It, Which ha will nil at price* egnbiiy u low a* fcireomjetiton. Hb stock consists of rfa sStxToxs, caj»*a SIWAX, TEA, ; stoces, CRACEER.% CHEESE, TOMS, Kara ■ okances, nos, DATES, COMBS, soaps, i Kjnrxs, BUTTES, EGOS, contevtionerjes, DBJEpraSjT, 'AJTP DJtUGS OfALLEJEDS. I Invlttibe pnwie to cUI and examine m; *toek, aa I am determined to plena In quality and price, v ■ WM.g.PBKCTVAL. BEAT PILES OF PANTALOONS Ijwiit uitm.x ' ' tAtmwhr- ONWARD! ONWARD!! EXCELSIOR OCR MOTTO! NOW OPEN Ou the corner of Branch arid Annie Streets, BAST ALTOONA, AN ENTIRELY mw STOCK OF GOODS! Having disposed of the entire stock of old goods In the above stoud at auc tion, we desire to say to the public that we have just opened out an ENTIRELY NEW STOCK to which we invite the attention of the public. Ws are determined to sell at the VERY LOWEST PRICES , Our stock embraces a Urge and complete afportment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, consisting, in part, of plain and lancy Silks., all-wool De laines. Alpacas. Challie pelaines. plain and figured Berege, Idawus, Ginghams. Dncals, Do Barge, Travelling Dress Ooods. and all the LATEST STYLE PRINTS. M! en 9 s "W ear. We have received a large and welt selected stock of OKN TL£M£N’B DRESS GOODS, such as Cloths, plain and fancy Cassimeres. Cashmerets, Tweeds, Jeans. ConlHroyn, Beaver Teens, Velvet Cords, and other Ushiouable goods for men and beys. . WHITE GOODS. Irish Lines, Cambrics, Victoria Lawns, plain and doited Swiss, Bobinets, Rdgtngs, Ac. We have a Urge a aortiacnt of Ladies* Needlework Col lars and Sets. Dress Trimmings, Kit bons. Gloves, Gaunt lets, Mitts, Hosiery, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties, Veils. Ac. Also, Ticking. Checks, bleached and no* bleached Mn*Uns. Cotton and Linen Diaper, Crash. Ac. Also, a fine assortment of SPRING SHAWLS We have leceived a large lot of BOOTS AND SHOES, LADIES' GAITERS , HATS & CAPS, SHAKES BONNETS, &c„ which we are determined to sell cheaper than ever. QU EEENSW ARE, CEDAR AND WILLOW-WARE. HARDWARE, Groceries, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Syrups, Molasses, Mackerel, - Herring, Carbon Oil, Fish Oil, Drugs and Medicines, and. In feet, everything usually kept in a fir'U-class Store. 49* As we make oar almost entirely for cash, and as we will sell for GASH ONL Y, AND KSKFKO BOOK?. U will enable ua to mil Goods at very moderate prices: and by fair dealing and strict at tention to business we hope to secure u liberal share oi public patronage. Altoona, April 15.1862-tf ESTABLISHED 1760. PETER LORLLLARD, Snuff & Tobacco MANUFACTURER, 16 & 18, CHAMBERS ST.. ( Formerly 42 Chatham St., New York,) would call the atteutio«~-nf Dealers to the articles of hi» manufacture, viz,: BROWN SNUFF. Macuboy. Demigros, Fine Rappee, Coarse Rappee. Pure Virginia, Nachitoches, American Gentleman, Copenhagen. YELLOW SNUFF'. Scotch, Honey Dew Scotch, High T*»st Scotch. Fresh Honey Dew Scotch, Irish .High Toast, or Lundy foot, Fresh Scotch. 49* Attention is called to the great reduction in prices of Fine-Cut Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, which will be found of a superior quality. TOBACCO. SMOKING. —Long. No. 1. No. 2, Nos. 1 and 2 mixed. Granulated, S. Jago, Spanish, Canaster, Turkish. FINE CUT CIIKWING.—P. A. Lor plain. Cavendish, or Sweet, Sweet Scented Qroooco, Tin Foil Cavendish. N. B—K circular of prices will be sent on application. April 14, 63,-1 y.] LATEST BY TELEGRAPH! VICKSBURG REPORTED TAKEN! L. Flock’s the pldce to get your Bacon ! I would respectfully inform the public in general, that I hare lately been West and pur* clouted one ofthe beet and largest lots of SUGAR-CURED HAMS&SHOULDERS ever brought to this market, i bare 2300 llanis and 700 Shoulders, which I will sell at reasonable prices. Persons wishing to buy by the quantity will find it to their ad vantage to call and examine my stock before purchasing I will sell at Pittsburgh market prices. March a«t*tt6S.J 1,0018 PLACE. Building lots for sale.— The subscribers offer at Private Sale EIGHT BUILD ING LOTS, situate on' the top of the hill, above the reser voir of the Altoona Gas A Water Company, being how held as property by the Presbyterian Church. The lots are fifty feet front by 175 feet deep, and will be sold on reason able terms. Persons wishing to purchase or view these lots trill receive all information concerning them by ap plying to Michael Glabaogh, K. 11. McCormick. Alexander UcCnimick, or Chas. J. Mann,Trustees of Presbyterian Chnrch. [Altoona, April 3.1862. ANDREW ECKEL, DEALER IK Tobacco, Cigars; Snuff, Pipes, &c., &c., Annie street, Altoona* and McKeagts 0:d Stand , Montgomery HoUidaysburg , Pi. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT • of Goods In his line constantly on band at the lowest cash price*. {Feb. 7,1863. DRIED APPLES. —The subscribers hare a floe lo of bright yellow DRIED APPLES, bought »t much lee, than marker rales, and which they deeireto cioee oat, at coat and carriage, without delay.— PeraOna deelring to pnrefaaae, either at wholesale or retail, will And It to their ad ran tape to giro na a call. Altoona, Juno 26,1882] MURPHY A McPIKJS. SM. WOODKOK, • A TTOBNEY-A T-LA W, Altoorta, Penn a. Will practice in tbe several Cuarta of Blair, Cambria and Huntingdon counties. Office on Virginia Street, 2 (loots above Alia Street. Feb. 8, ISST-tf. Blair county insurance AGKNCT.—The undersigned, agent of tbe Protec tion Mutual Jfire Insurance Company, of Blair comity; is .at all- times ready to Insure against loss or damage* by fixe, fiuUdings, Merchandise Furniture and property of aQfenf description , In town cr country, at aa reasonable rates as any company in the State, Office in the tribune office. £, B. Agent. MUSIC !—INSTRUCTIONS GI^EN on the PUBO-Porte and Melodeoo, by mm M. ifAIiKR. Turns, $lO per quarter. No charge lor tbenseof the Instrument. Residence on Catharine Street, If sat Altoona. ; fJan.lfi*lß62.-tf. Hb. miller, masm . • DENTIST. MIIL Office on Caroline street. betWMn PT JLT Virginia and Emm* street*; Altoon*. [Jan. 80—*m» T>UBE WHITE LEAJt) AND ZINC I i Flint, abo Carom*. M. TnUnsMriwQtwn, Jfj fend frofepd ail at [l-tW] ■' KBBBtEK’S. PLAIN A FANCY VESTS, of every -Mbkbd itvi. at liiJnlUllS'B GEIS & CO. R. A. 0. KERR, ALTOONA, PA., Agent for Blair & Huntingdon Counties. rpHESE MACHINES ARK^MLT -1 to be tho beat ever offered to the public, • tlu-h superiority is satis factor 11} established by the fa.'t thut iu the lust eight years. OVER 1,400 MOKE of these Machine* have been sold than of soy other man ufactured. and more medals havs been awarded the pro prieturs by different fairs and Institutes than to any oth ers. The Machines are warranted to do all that is claimed for them. They are now"iu use in sevprai families in Al toona, and itt every case they give entire satisfaction. Tho Agent refers those desiring information as the su periority of the Machines, to Col. John L. Piper. Rev. A. B. Clark, George Uawkeswortb, Benj. P. Rose, and E. U< Turner, Esqrs. The machines can be seen and examined at the store of the Agent, at Altoona. Price of No. 1 Machine, silver plated, glass foot an-Vnew style Hemmer—s6s. No. 2, ornamental bronze, glass foot am) new style Hemmer—sss. No. 3, plain, with old style Hemmer—s 46. [March 21, XB6l-tf. POKED OUT AGAIN ! The undersigned would respectfully bo licit the patronage of the citizens of Altoona and vicinity, as he has again opened out AT HIS OLD STAND, on \ "ityinia sta Jew doors below the Supt's Office, with an entirely new and fresh supply of PROVISIONS AND GROCERIES, v such as FLOUR, BACON, FISH, SALT. POTATOES, CHEESE. CORN-MEAL, MILL-FEED OATS, RYE, CORN, TEAS of nil kind*. COFFEE. SCGAK, SYRUPS. BAKING MOLASSES. TOBACCO, SEGARB, DRIED FRUIT, SOAP, CANDLES. BROOMS. BRUSHES. Crockery. Wooden nnd Willow Ware. Stationery, Notion -. Candies, Ac. Also a lartfe slock of LIQUORS! AH the above guilds will oe Hold. Wholesale or Retail, at tho lowest prices. Come one—come all! See for your selves. a'r.d be convinced. No charge for examining my stock. LOUIS PLACE. April 17. ? 62-tf. STOVES, TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE. The undersigned would re fcI’iXTF.ULLY nounce to tlie citizens Altoona and vicinity til he has taken Oic Rto and shop recently oc< pied by Fries & Wintei on Anni* street* East . toona, where he has hand a large supply STOVES nf nil Pnitsni such as Cook, P » r I o Office and Shop StoVt which he will M'll at flu most reasonable price* A large -apply will always be kept on hand. TIN AND SffEET-IRO.X WAKE, iu great variety, always on hand. ROOFING & SPOUTING put up cm short norice. He has also attached a copper-smithing room to his establishment and will kecpon band an assortment of cop per and brass kettles, kc. All kinds of job work promptly attended to. April 218t.1863.-tf STEPHEN WINTERS. Tthe undersigned respect fully informs the public that he will tinue to keep a BOOT & SHOE STORE, W in the room recently occupied by Roberts and Rutherford. The business heretofore carried on by them will, in the future, be in the name of JOitN 11. ROBERTS. Do will ke»>y constantly on hand a completn assort ment of Boots & Shoes, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, &c., &c., &c. which he will offer at fair prices and warrant to be o the best material and manufacture. Particular attention will be given to CUSTOM WORK, in which hevwarranta to give entire satisfaction, as he hnys the best stock and employs none bnt the best workmen. Remember the old stand, on Virginia Street, on© loor East of Kessler’s Drug Store. v Oct. 10 18C2-tf. JOHN H. ROBERTS. CARPETINGS & BEDDING. REMOVAL. R. L. KNIGHT & SON Have removed from 262 S. Second Street, to 807 CHESTNUT ST., above Eighth, where they have opened a well-selected stock of CARPETS, OIL-CLOTHS & MATTINGS, BEDDING AND MATTRESSES of every description. Heady-made or made to orderr FEATHERS. Various qualities always on hand. The Manufacture and sale of Bedding will also be con tinned at 282 S. Second Street. April 14, 1860. K. L. KNIGHT. LSm.J HARTLEY KNIGHT. 1 .'ARMBUS TAKE NOTICE.—The X undersigned is about starting a Tannery, and wish es to buy or trade for 400 CORDS of pood ROCK OAK BARK, and also for HIDES, for which the highest market price will be paid. Altoona, April 17, r 62-tf. LOUIS FLACK. J. G. ADLUM, IN’ otai?y, Public, ALTOONA, BLAIR CO., PA, Can at all time* bo found at the atoro of J. B. Hileman. October 1, IgST. Groceries and provisions.— A Urge am) varied stock of FR£SII GROCERIES AM) PROVISIONS, Just receirnd, and for sale as'cheap as flu- cheapest, at MDRPUY k McPIKK’B Stors, Oor. of Virginia and Caroline sts. Altoona, Jane 26, |862. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Oeat’s Model Improved SlllRTS—Caesiraere und Muslin Shirt*— fine and coarse—white and colored—at LAUOHM AN’S. O YES! 0 YES! GENTLEMEN draw and bear. JOSEPH P. TROUT umoun eestotbe that be is ready to discharge bis duty asan Auctioneer whenever called upon. (jnu.2 ’56. TV'EW AND IMPROVED STYLES 1\ of Tranks, Valises and Carpet-Bag*, at LAUOUMAN’B. New winter ready made Clothing jnst received at LADGHMAN'S. QPECTACLES AND EYE PRESEE O «*» f«r «ale at 'l-tf.l KKSSI.KK’S. MEN AND; BOYS COATS, of every •tjl. and color, of good quality, at LAUOHMAN’S. NEW STOCK OF BOOTS & sijoes for Men and Boys, Ladies and hisses, lost rec’d at LAUQHMAN’9. AMEEIOAN Life Insurance and Trust Co. /COMPANY'S BUILDING Southeast Corner of Walnut and Fourth Streets, Phllad’a. Authorized Capital, 5300,000 Paid up Capital, 250,000 Assets, 1,897,746 Incorporated 1830. by the Legislature of I'emlsyl- w NC I nsures Lives during tlie Natural Hfe or for short terms, grants annuities and endowments, and makes contracts of all kinds depending on theTasues of life. Policies of Life Insurant* issued at the usual mutual rates of other good companies- , with profits to the assured —last Bonus January, 1861, being 43 per cent of all pre miums received on mutual; policies ■ at Joint Stock rates, 20 per cent less than the above, or Total Abstinence rates 40 per cent, less than Mutual price. Also, a NON FORFEITURE PLAN. By which a person pavs for 6,7, or 10 years only, when the |K>iicy is paid up for Life, and nothing more to pay .* and should he be unable, or wish to discontinue sooner, the Company will isshe a Paid up' Policy, in proportion to the amount gf premium paid, as follows: On a Policy of $l,OOO, 5 Year 7 Year TO Year after payment ot rates. rales. rates. 1 Annual Premium, for $2OO 00 $142 86 $lOO Oft 2 *• .. u 400 00 285 70 200 00 4 “ “ 800 00 571 40 400 00 6 - “ »• 857 10 600 00 8 •• “ . 800 00 ALEXANDER WHILLDIN, Presided*. SAMUEL WORK, Vice President. John 8. Wilson, Secretary. BOARD pr TRUSTIES. Alexander Whiildin, J. Edgar Thomson, Uon. Jas; Pollock, Udn. Joseph Allison, Albert C. Robert*, Jonas Bowman. Samuel T. Bodice, 11. 11. Kldridge, George Nugent, Jidin Aikman, William J. Howard, Chart* s F. Ueazlitt. Samuel Work. Any further information can be had by applying to the undersigned, who is the authorized agent for Blair County. July 31. 1862 ly R. A. 0. KERR. JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, The Hero of One. Hundred Fits per Month I I would respectfully i forth my claim to puh attention, as a Fashions) Tailor as follows: Because I keep an excel lent assortment of Cloth' Cassimeree, Vestings ai Trimmings. which. wh< •xaniined-always please. Because my work mode up iu a manner <hi takes down the count' and gives all my customi a city appearance Because I am lujt infefi us a Cutter to the best he found anywhere. Because long experiei iu my business give? i entire control over I /.ai I hdi not dependant upoi any one tolift me out the suds. Because I am still on the sunny side of forty, and there fore my taste as a Cutter and workman unimpaired. Call on me, in the corner room of the ‘-Brant House.” Give me atrial and you will go away pleased. Altoona, May 26-sra JACOB SNYDER. PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON OIL LAMPSI Unrivaled in Beauty t Simplicity Safety or Economy. Ev v *y person desiring to obtain the very beat and cheap est jv* table light within their reach, should call at the store ,. r the undersigned and examine these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, anil we pledge ourselves to demon strate Ist, That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. IM. That they emit no offensive odoi while burning. 3d. That they are very easily trimmed. 4fli. That they are cattily regulated to give more or less light. sth. That they burn entirely tree from smoke. «Uh. That the lijjht 19 at least 50 per rent, cheaper than These lamps are admirably adapted for the use of StUr eh-nts. Mechanics, Seamstresses. Factories, Halls, Churches, Stoic*. Hotels, and arc highly recommended furfamllv uml The burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can be attached to old side, hanging and table fluid and oil lamps, at u small expense, and will answer every purpos* of a new lanp. Wt guarantee perfect satisfaction in all rases. Aug. 19. 1858-tf.] G. W. KESSLER. Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. SPOUTING. &C. S. RIGG WOULD RESRECT • fully nform the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that he keeps constantly on hand large assortment oi Qjaking , Parlor, os\cf and Shop Stoves, of all styles and sizes, to suit the 'T” wants of all. which he will sell at low prices, an reason* aMe terms. He also keeps on hand a large stock of Tin and Sheet- Iron Ware, consisting or all articles for culiuarv purposes Coal Scuttles. Stove Pipe. <£c. He has also purchased the rght of sale in Blair couutv. of K. V. JONES* IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUFFER, an invention which needs only to be seen to be apprecia ao d should be possessed by every farmer, butcher or those requiring such a machine. t 9» Particular attention paid to putting np SPOUTING, either In town or conntry. Spouting painted and pat np on the most reasonable terms. fapril H, 1860-1 y ivr ational Police gazette XV TbU Great Journal of Crime and Criminals is in Its Twelßh Year, and is widely circulated throughout the country. It contains all the Great Trials, Crimina Cases, and appropriate Kditorialioh thesome, together with information uu Criminal Matters, not to bo found in any other newspaper. J *6®*Subscriptions $2 jier annum; $1 for six months, to be remitted by subscribers, (who should write their {fames and the town, county and State where they reside plainly ) To 0. W.MATSELLA CO., Editor it Prop’r. of New York Police Gazette. New York City. Exchange hotel.—the sub scriber would respectfully In form the public that he has recently re- 1 —-n fitted the akore Hotel, and is stow pre pared to accommodate, his frionds patrons in a comfortable manner, and will spare no paina In making- it ait agreeable home for ail sojourners. His Table will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country and cities, and his Bar filled with liquors of choice brands. His charges are as reasonable as those of anv other Hotel in the place, and he feels satisfied they can hot be complained of by those who favor him with their custom. Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, and fblly intending to deserve It, he throws open his to the public and invites a trial. I have Just received a stock vfi.No. 1 French Brandy, for medicinal purposes. Also a largo stock of excellent Wines, for medicinal pur poses, together with a lot of the best old Rye WbUkiv to be found in the country, Altoona, May 27.1855.-ly] , JOHN BOWMAN, SOMETHING NEW. The subscriber has just returned from tin; east where ho lias purcha-ed a rery large and fine stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, brqg Ans, gaiters, &c., which be is prepared to offer to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity at very low price*. Having purchased direct from the mannfoctnrers far cash, he is prepared to sell at prices that will defy competition. Ail that He asks Is that the people will call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. BOOTS and: SHOES made to order on the most rea sonable terms. Also, repairing promptly attended to. Don t forget the place, two doors below Bust Office. Jan. 3,1861. M. THOMPSON, Agent. /"GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY.—lnsurance on Real or personal property will be effected on the most reasonable terms by their ngents in Altoona at his offlee in Anna St. March 1., 1889. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. LEVI’S PREPARATION FOR Ex terminating RATS, MICE, ROACHES. ANTS, and mgs without danger in Its use tinder any cirenmstan cea for sale at tlie Drugstore of Q. W. KESSLER Jan. 24, ,66-tl] Howard association, Phila delphia. for the Relief of Hie Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Diseases, and especially for the Cure of diseases of the Sexual Organs.' Medical advice given gratis, bv the Acting Surgeon. Valuable re ports on Spernutorria or Seminal Weakness, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the New Remedies employed in the Dispensary, sent to, the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, free’ of charge. Two or three Sumps for postage-will be acceptable. Adfreat DR. J. SKILLIN HODOHTON. Acting Snr- A “® ei « i < > >>, No. 2, South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pn,' [June 22,1862.-1 y. Excellent heavy boots & SHOES just received at LAUGH MAN’S ,0 YOU WANT A HAT OK CAP, cheap or flu. f—go to LACQBMAJt'B. vania, .tny othei light .low in o ouuon use. huttkks STATE CAPITOI. Book Bindery ANSD BLANK BOOK MANtK.- U i' ' .. Mn. 54 Market St . Harritburq, t , This establishment is chiefly the mftDofactnre of Blank Books fur " CM BankvCounty Office* Bailr«adCo«panU H J°il2r~ and private individual* In all cas** Hl> very beet of stock asdwdrfcma&ahlp may relied upon. Blank Books printed* Msed '**' any desired pattern, fifcatiff’* Attoroev* in . T U:; Dockets of all sites, unde and ruled toordtr V 1 and YVsrly Assessment* Duplicate* Ac. ftrcounV •es. printed or plain, ruled and bound to oni-r ‘V u: ’'’ Dockets mode of the best linen paper. ( " J> Librarians, and others, desiring to have th*; r i. * bound and at moderate prices, should given* s can ‘ papers of the largest sixes. Harper’s Weeklv ri N Pictorial, Ballous, Scientific American. \ " u ' bound to order, and in any style required. Jlamr au ' ty Magazine, Knickerbocker, Blackwood’s ant l p*, *■ Magazines, Oodey’s Lady*s Book, Lady’* rv i. ,a: ‘ son’s Magazine, Piano Music. Ac., hound in eu rH «*.! : ! the more plain and substantial half binding, phlets. Law Magazine* Pamnhlet laws, Uiumi in » x brary style,at very moderate prices. Person* uT- 1 number of volumes to bind, will receive a liberal tit V a * 4 Bidding can safely bo sent to us from a distune* T^v' pres* and all work entrusted to our care will b« dily executed, safely packed and returned by All work warranted. Address F. L. UUTTtB Ham*bmy, }\ >fta-McCRUM A the Tribune Offic, ar . agent* fo» Altooua, and vicinity. They will siv* inf. tiou in relation to binding, and receive aod rt-uu a ' free from extra charges, fijr all who cut.UKt their e,-*k my care. [March 2|. ONWARD! EVER ONWARD STEP BY STEP' The undersigned desiresh inform his old customers and tins public B .„ that he has this spring gone into the Drv Quod Win 1 trtd Ims just received a largo and entirely uew stick.,- Dress Groods li or the Ladies, embracing all the latest, ptetitestasiia.,- FASHIONABLE PATTERNS, Anu among which may be found every qimlitv .1 the names of which it would be t"0 t *di.>W :n ( nnui 'rt" In the lino of pure, fresh and cheap GROCERIES & PROVISIONS I will not “knock under’* to. any of my oomv-.-uL-D i this department I feed sure that I chu render»jV:c Ail kinds of country produce taken in goods and the highest market price allow; d. St-.remj the corner of Annie and Hen i. -t,- 1 .. Altoona. THOMAS 11KS1.-J ■- Altoona, May 22, ISD2. JACOB WEIS, Baker and confectioner Virginia Street. Altoona, Pa . Keeps constantly on hand BREAD, CAKES, CANDIB AND SWEETMEATS, of his own inaniifactuir. wh.. f> prepared 10 oil. wholesale or retail. at the m r able prices. *lso, FOREIGN FRUITS.-udi .1. ORANGES, LEMONS, PINE Atd‘Lfc> FIGS, PRUNES, RAISINS, NI TS. if.. 4, always on hand in their resj»eclive »easoi - CAKES BAKED TO ORDER for particular occasions, op short notice ami in Ui nr. e*t and best style of the art. k CAli, examine and price ray stock and y.ui it as good and cheap a* can be purchased Jan. 27,1863. H. FETTINGER’S General Xews ■ Agent-}. OAK HALL, No. 7, MAIN STRKK'i SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS. STATIONERY, CONFECTION ARIKs CIOARS & TOBACCO. TOYS AND NOTIONS IN GREAT VARIED CONSTANTLY ON HAM) October 24, 1861. VV. M. LLOYD & CO., ALTOOSA. i'.l JOHNSTON, JACK &C 0 BANKERS, ( Late “JJell, Johnston, Jack Co i D, BATTS ON THE PRINCIPAL Cities, and Silver and Gold for »ale. Collectior * made. Moneys received on deposite, payable on without interest, or upon time, with Interest at fair rsf- Feb. 3d,1859. GS W. KESSLER—PRACTICAL IF# DRUGGIST, respectfully i to tlie citizens of Altoona and the ipfibltc orally, that he still continues the Drug business, bu Virginia street, where he keep* constantly U on hand, for sale. Wholesale and Retail. DRUGS. Mi MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, VARNISH ES and DYE-STUFFS. . Byi strict attention to business, and a fie-ire to retort Ufiaction to all as regards price and quality. I«* ,l merit and receive a share of public patronage Physicians and merchants supplied on rwisemklr ,r -and all orders from a distance promptly attend*! ta. f physicians prescription* c&refoily cunipourui"'!- - 1 '" OUK0 UK LADY FRIENDS WOULD W well to look In upon the choke and chart* * mont of Summer DHShg GOODS now displayed oi*® well-filled shelves of MURPHY A McßlKh. ; Cor. of Virginia and C-irolta** Altoona, June 20,1863 pINE AND LARD OILS. CAM f phene. Banting Fluid, Qylkm Oil, tf- » l ... Jan. 3, ’56-tfJ m.- KKi?SI.tK-_ /"\N HAND AT McCOKMICK’gS^ ,V4jpl —A spleWi'l assortment of Ready-Mad* c ' ; ' f all ind see. No '- /Groceries.—a large ani 1 \T Complete assortment ofGroceries cefted at the storu,of J. B. HTIi Hair, hat, tooth, suave*' Paint, Sash and Varnish Brushes : A LL KINDS OF PRINTING XS.: neatly and eipedituualy <’^ o '.'^., al nrflCt ‘-ALTOONA TP.IBI M- ITMRRELLAS and faka^ 1 ; ) in endless variety, at LAIGI ■Altoona, May 1,1862. ; A LL STYLES CARPETING A^ 1 ' i~\ Oil-Cloths can bo found at J -- A GENERAL ASSORTMENT 'Jj Jewelry, Hair and Clothes "fj'i'njiAS rucaetknirM, Ac, at '‘ Al FINE ASSORTMENT OFO\J> COA CS can be found at ~ IT AIR OIL, COLOGN ES, JG;|. I 1 adea. Sharing Cream, Toilet Soal*- gjsft-SS « § ; M = .-i ■- *■= * WaC ~ _ ~ N : W a^- =1 : n 3 S’ 8 ?-: « 5 -Vt; < = Z i: ~ I O; | ■ 05 5? “ 3* c/2 - = 9 s |£i-. j z;|i *; h-H 3HI “ : OO s a; tiOLLWA TSBUBG. P.f» MIcCKUM & DERN, VOL. 8, THE! ALTOONA TRIBUN 1 ** MOV*** JlDlTOa* A9V HOMI«TOt»i unit, (parable iurarta'tlj in advance.) ylgepwje dlacoatlnued at the expiration of the pa id ** my* of iDTXfttuure: 1 Id tertian ‘i 40. l«»- $26 $ B7 *1 11Det)..... 60 »* - ) > w i«» .. ; (24 “ ) 1 4o 2 o>> T or»r tfcreo week* *a«t lew lima litres luuutbi. 'ii> ' r uMin fct each Umettioii, per *l rfW s moatku). 6 matitU*. l <* •4“ *V& '* !£L - ...... ‘OO 800 U 6 00 10 00 KS.COlh— »« Od<» gjiludui UOO 30 00, i.lmlnUtralora and Kxecnton Notices - iwchanta advertising bj the jear. three equate*. •Uk liberty tu change 1 Of Business Garde, not exceeding 8 linen a political character or indi mutual, WiU be charged according to the abore rate aavertieroenta not marked with the number oi tiuna desired, will be continued till forbid and cj lecordiuTto the above trnna Baatneeji notice# flee cents per line for every iueert Übitnarg notice" exceeding leu lines, fljlj cent# a t BALTIMORE LOOK HOSPITA - dSTJtBLISUIiO AS A KKFUGK FROM QUACK XJw Only Place Where a Lore Ci j be Obtained* DR.j JOHNriOX ha-- discovered mo »t Certain! Speedy and only Effectual Kern. Oia world! for all Uriruto UUeaae*. 'VoakneM of tb ir LlmtoJ Strictures, Affection* of tbe Kidney* ami lar Involuntary Discharge*, Impotency, General De VervouauSa*. M*pepay. Languor, Low Spirit*. Con| if tdoM,TdpiUtloa of the Heart. Timidity, Trend Diinues* iof Sight or Giddiness. Disease oi Hi- Throat, NHiao dr Skio, Affections of the Liver. Lung-. .1, „ r Bowels —those Terrible disorder* arising fr. S ilitaryldabita of Youth—thone sacaaT and solitary ncoa more fatal to theit victim* than the song of sy ih* Mariner* of Ulyaae*. blighting tlieir moat l;i hopes orThnticipaitoue, rendering-marriage Ac- m hi* YOUNG MEN d-oeclaliy, who have become the victims of boliUr* rhatdreaifal and destuctive habit which anOu«h> • t.> au nnUmolygiHV© thousands of \ounjr Men of th s*iialt«d UlenW aud brilliant Intellect, who might *i*e hav4 entranced llateoiug Senates with the tin of eloquence, or waked to ectasy the living lyre. w. «ritb full| confidence. MARRIAGE. lUcticd Persons, or Young lieu cntemplatin* me aware of physical weakness, organic mity, Ac. speedily cured. . , Ho wlip.piaces himself under the cate of Dr.J. u li -i.msly confide in his honor as a gentleman, mid ■ientlv roly upon his skill ns a physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately Cured, and full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Affection—which renders Lite lun .ad marriage impossible —is the penalty 1' -‘ I 1 uctims of improper indulgences, Yonng per-cns .pt to commit oxces es from nol being uwm- .1 the ,al consequences that may ensue. Now. who that stands the eubjoct will pretend to deny that the |... procreation is loet sooner by those (ailing into ini habits tfaitn by the prudent 1 Besides being depi iv oloasures of healthy offspring, the most serums a .tractive symptoms to both body and mind arise system becomes Deranged, tbe Physical and .Mental [ions Weakened. Los- of Procreative power. V-iivm lability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the .Heart, lii'tig. Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of Ibe frame. <■ Consumption, Decay and Death. OFFICE. NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK STB! Left hand able going from Baltimore street, a lew from tho coruer. Fail not to'observe name and min Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. Tb tor’s Diplomas bang in Ids office A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAI Ad Mercury or Nascant Drugt. DR. JOHNSON, Uember of the Eoyal College of Surgeons, London, oate from one of the most eminent Colleges in lie ■Hates, and the greater part of whose life has been -i he hospitals of London,-Paris, Philadelphia in where, has effected some of tbe most: astouisliir : that were ever known; many troubled with rluginc iiaad and ears when asleep, great uervonsne ilarmed at sudden son.ids, bsshfblneos, with tr blushing; attended sometimes with derangement o; were cared immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE Or. J. addresses all those who have injured thei t.y imprdpsr indulgence and solitary habits. whir both body and mind, unfitting them for either bt stndy. society or marriage. ■ , _ T BSSiare some of tho sad and melancholy ru tnced by early habits of youth, via: Weakness Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dim rets of Loss of Knscnlar Powar, Palpitation of Ibe Hes pspsy, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the tire Fnoctluna,.General Debility, Symptoms of Co| tioo, Ac. . . . , Mistallt.— The fearful effect! of the mind are n ja dreaded—b*c of Memory, Confusion of Ide preestoniof spirits, Krll-Forebodlngt, Aversion to S 00l {-Distrust, Lore of Solitude, Timidity, Ac., are the evil* produced. TfIOOSAMDS of persons of all ares can now j udge i ihe cause of their declining health, losing their t»| »mlng weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having appearance about the epee, cough and syinpi consumption YOUNG MEN Who bar* Injured UteaMlTH by » certain prat dulfwl la whan alone, a habit frequently leaf IK «yII companions, te at school. the fflhcu of i*n nightly IWtv oron when asleep. and if mrf cored l marriage impotiblcr tsd destroys both mind an should apply immediately. What a pity that a young mao, the hope of hu e ihe darltUf of fats parents, should ha snatched f oro« poets aad opjoymont* of life, by tho conseqv deviating from tho path of nature, apd indulgi certain oocrot habit. Such persons aualr- befriv plating MARRIAGE, reflect that a sound mind and. l»ody are the ruo-t nt requUitaa to promote oppnubia] happiness. irdec out them, the Journey through. Uh becomes a 01 grimace; the pros poet hourly darkens to the V' niud become*shadowed with despair and Ailed s melancholy refleetiou that the happiness ot ano conns blighted with onr own. 5 DISEASE OF IMRRUDEINCE. When the'misguided and Imprudent votary of | And* that he baa imbibed the seeds of this paii ease, It too often happens that an ill-timed sense o or dread of discovery, deters him from applying who.'Croat education end respectability, can al friend him, delaying till the coastilatltmai syrnf this horrid disease make their appearance, such m ted sore throat, diseased note, nocturnal pain a in I and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on I hones nod arms, blotches on ths bead, ikon and < tins, progressing with frightftal rapidity, till at ! palata of the month or the bones of the nose Wl tbs Ticthn of this awful disease becomes e horrid i eaiwMMintioa, till death pole a period lohta snflhrings, by sending him to that Undiscovered from whence no traveller returns.” It it a mttanchalf fact that thousands fall vi this terrible dieease, osring to the unskillfsloeu rant pretenders, who, by the nse of that Deadh. ifsrcnry.min the constitution and make the w Il(smiserable. ____ _ STRANGERS. v Trust not your lives, ">r health to the care of U Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute o •dgu, name or character, wh » copy Dr Johnston UseflßotfWi or Style themrtlves. In the oewspape larly Bdqeated Physician*. incapable of Cnrin*. t you trifling Uondi after mnnth, taking Their ft poisonous compounds, or as lon* as the smalles as obtained, Md in despair, leave you with mine to sM| Mirtov galling disappointment. Hr. Jdhh«tcm Is the only Physician advertising GQi Credential or diplomas always hang In hw < Hlukaemdlee or treatment ore unknown t.> a prepared a Ilf* spout In the great hospital* «’ and a more extensive iVi ties than any-ether Physician In thryrorld. INDORSEMENT OF THE PRES The many thousands cored at this institution. • year, and Hie numerous Important Surgical ( Performed by Johnston, witnessed by the report Shn,” *r cupper,” and many oth< r paper**, yhiehjhuve appeared again sod again'-before t ••Mdsuhis staadlh* as a gentlemen of char»c tprmsibQUy, u i suScWot guarantee to theafik w *KIN DISEASE* SPEEDILY CUR HuTettamraoelvhd unleespost-patf video •tempts boused on the reply Persons writing * HHmid wndpnrtion of advertisement describing . PmmruMOikg should Im nafticular la dire t*ttet v t«hUlnstttutkm, |n the following m* jIOHM :m, dOHNSTOH. ft oftk,^uuwinmi swewi.) B. C. D.