The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, April 21, 1863, Image 3

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W> ,}olfrrB r
Itt to aepeedy ahd certain remade ..a
|M We preotioe tor more »h.~
MtonithlnK sueceu. w,fot y
ATOB OF PAIN, it R narinlWrf
f*>re tlw public,’ of wlJrt Sd J*
Rieloced by a aim*. trial. >a>n
kIT care rapidly and radicallT' airw*.
RBof arery klurl. and
tma hae DrTer £
affiord lmmedfaLte relief iB
B'ooro iartantly.
lenee orc«e«, thU LinSwlt
tag remedy.
etrengthene and reeieifieTthi
I’UcitywmLt isot.
ernal remjrfy, We ,
Iwllcagethe; world to produce
* 11ns dietrmalnr comnlJin,
cuea will effect amdico/cure,
iOAT ore aometim'eaeitreme
i bat a timely imputation D f
li to cure. # 1
ijonetlmM eery ohetiaate, and eularee.
tale liable to oeenrlf neglected. The
i, Conquered by tbie Liniment in two or
r f‘,?®E5F’. EOR^ S - BI §®»B.BDRNS
1«« rwilily to th» wunderftll iKtlinip
■ BWKJCTg i.nfaluble lwiment
|i OK to direction*- Aleo, CHILBLAINS'
bn Sweej, "of Connecticut,
Bone Sorter. - S'
tea Sweet, of Connecticut, .
the. United Stetea.
cn Sweet, of Connecticut.
Ur. Sweet's InfellibleXioiment***'
Infallibly Lii^ment
issdircvar fails
. s-
's Infallible Liniment
y for Neuralgia. .
'$ Infallible Liniment
valid* ii»ini*'dlately. f
s Infallible Liniment
*remedy for gpmiiu and Bniisaa.
I's infallible Liniment .
and was never known to fa#.
t Infallible Liniment
lief far Piles, aadseldont&Us to car**.
s Infallible Liniment v *
\ Infallible Liniment
|md» immediately and lee Tee no scar.
Infallible Liniment
at soree fn tbe knqtrn world.; V
Infallible Liniment
more than a million people, and ali '
a Infallible Liniment
Ms Qdie, Chelan Korins ul Cbolsrs.
Infallible Liniment
inead/’and every funllj should bate
Infallible. Liniment
■ Price JSandSO eenu.
- rival.' and artll'alleviat* pain
nyotbef preparatMh. -Torall Hlieo-’
(wider* it b truly InfidliUe. and « a
Wounds, Bpraii«.l»r«ttea, *c- i»'
t powerful sirengtbanhtj properties
traud astonish nwotfißaflwliobare
Over one thousand .cjertiflcsteß v
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a* *r asddfc 6alfoBonteto«v
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toeallevlatad by tbit Ualawaf, si*o il ! .
vunF'almys remove tbaiaajewm, and
tntml .srith roaiparativo eaie.
to Which ail bom* are'UaM*-«•
ISJ CCb*l»iM tllaallls hfWl*
.r’-s Wri&n&9
lt»»o (bwadit truly -
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»iw«t" Wowaia % jGpSP* f
Mtujiw itifem
Pr , B & «■ Cuptxll'i .$»» “Gentry Pun.’]
TRIBUNE power-press
t? 3
printing office.
. Within the put two years, made conatderable
oar eitabllshment In the w»y«fß«w>ncy
’ 1 iftw Frees, Paper Cutter, Card Cutler, Baling Mar
Power Press, and Urge Newspaper Power
is cat of which wo giro shore) we are now prepared
,r ‘'.wats anything in the line of printing or ruling in
" r Hiusl to any. establishment in the etate, nod at
1 ’’.rf equally low. We can execute. on short notice, nil
siding, mriution, Visiting, Mil * Businois Cards,
Circulars, Programines,
•■anys, yiwsMii&®© ,
Pimpbi® t8 > Fay and Check Bolls,
blank books,
.11 if Mh i* a trial, feeling confident -that we can gire
faction if we hare the opportunity. . .
“‘l* in Lowther’sbuitdiug, corner of V irgiom and An
wt, opposite Superintendent’s Office. ’
Five-Twenty ,U. S. Loan.
..fjl, M. IrLOYD & CO., Altoona,
VV "are subscription agents to dispose of this 'Fire
. „■ Years 0. S. Loan. Amounts can behadlo auit
“ItMDf of different ludirlduals—the Interest being pny
‘ , n ,j to be accounted fhr half-yearly In Gold. ■ :
* t,.r;l H to.-S*- 1 . . " ; 4
LOCAL items.
Meeting of Town Council. |
-ijecial meeting of Council, April 9lh. 'Present,
McClelland, N. J.Merrine, John Louden,
j,„ ob Hesser and James Kearney. ,
1 he Following Ordinance was passed:
Ordinance to prevent the spread of 'Small
, , x or Varioloid in the borough of Altoona.
s £ .-. 1. Be it enacted, by the Burgess and Town
-iuncil °f the Borough of Altoona, and; it is
~r eh v ordained by the authority of the same, that
ra and after the passage of this Ordinance, the
. . aiuntor occupants of every private house or the
i .f i ietor of every public house, where any case of
Muail Fox or Varioloid exists, shall affix a. paper
. rani on the ftonl door or doors of said ! bouse,
.lilt the words " Small Pox” or “ Varioloid” (as
.e case may be) written or printer! theron,; under
. icnaitv of not less than twenty dollars nor more
n /iy dollars, to he imposed by the Chief Bur
l or a Justice of the Peace, on due proof being
No parents or heads of families, where
„ disease rnav prevail, shall permit (heirchildren,-.
minors under their care, to go to school, or
,imi! »nv member of their family to go out be
.ui..) their own premises, except iii case of abso
, necessitv. under a penalty of twenty for
oiicn.-e, to be imposed by the Burgess or a
i -iu c cf the Peace, and.enforced, if necessary, by
liin-jnment in the Lock-Up House, for a period
nut less (ban forty-eight hours.
Sa.3. No person who has the Small Pox or
crioioid shall go our on the sweets or*pavements,
- anv other public -place, or into any public as
■ i !v. under penalty of a fine of twenty dollars
imprisonment not exceeding forty-eight hours,
both nr either as the committing Magistrate
:V determine, to be imposed by the Burgess or a
unite of the Peace; and it shall be the duty of
~e Borough Constable to arrest any person Having
;,e Small Pox or Varioloid, found out of doors or
anv public assemblies, within the borough
.mi!., and bring such person before the BurgeSs
- u Justice of the Peace, to be dealt with ac
faiing to law
Any ;crsun who shall go into a house
■t i r<j any case of Small Pox or Varioloid pre
,c.<, knowing the same to prevail, excepting
: ’dcians, or persons going to nurse the siek,
u! be liable to a tine of ten dollars or imprison-
in not exceeding forty-eight hours, or both or
:her at the discretjgn of the Burgess or a Justice
■ the Peace.
>li . 4
JOHN ALLISON, Chief Burgess,
itteu; J. McCLELLAND, Pres’t-Council.
W. B. KETLER, Sec’y tryConncil.
On motion, the Secretary was instructed to hav6
“! copies of the Ordinance printed in hand-bill
nil. and the Supervisor to have them posted con-
I viiouslv through the borough. .
On motion, a committee of two be appointed to
r cuest the Physicians,to inform the President, or
■.• me member of Council, of all the cases of Small
' -x or Varioloid under their cate.
The President appointed Messrs. Louden and
Hester said committee.
On motion, adjourned
At Home. —We were pleased our
Tend, W. Domer, a few days since. -He has
-'■n playing soldier for some eighteen months, as
: member of the Anderson Troop; and the busi
est has evidently agreed with him, as he loots
otcr than when he left. The Anderson Troop
the original company, and not the regiment
■ivied the Anderson Cavalry) having been mu*,
red oat of the service, he is now at liberty to
'vy at home, should he chose to do so. But the
service, although rough at times, has its attrac
’lons, and he informs us that it is not unlikely that
may enter it again.
Ve had a visit, within the past week, from onr
."lly little friend, Lieut. Mat. Jolly, of the glorious
■il 110th P. V. The service certainly agrees
“■iii him, for he is now about as wide out as high
V He sports his regimentals with dignity, bat
‘iii! shakes hands with common folks. He re
-’ | ns the 110th in excellent condition, both as to
i faltli and spirits. !
£irk.—On Tuesday afternoon last,; a frame
Ll| f i e, situated near the line of the railroad, in
Umdonsville, was fired on the. roof by a passing
■' : ?‘ne. and ere the fire engine could be brought
■° Play upon it a good portion of the roof was
‘•anted. Through the exertion of the firemen and
Miters, the fire was extinguished coramu
uicatail with the frame of the building; and no
tnriher damage than that Of burning thereof and.
’lightly injuring the walls with water lyas, done,
flte building belonged to VV. Nesbit, barber,
j nd was insured in the Mutual Pretention. Fire
Insurance Co. of Blair County. The amonnt of
images jjsot, was immediately tendered by the
ans excepted by Mr. Nesbit.
•Mother.—We learn that a slight fire occured
•ra'tb itclien department of the Altoona House,
lv it 431,16 < * a - v ’ ' >ut no 0113 damage was done
Mr. Jonathan Khule has received the
“utmci for building a bridge across tlte Juniata
Tj*°ne Forge—price $1662; and Mr.
dtp, Um f l 7 'he contract for one across the same
r ‘ at Ironsrille—price $1470,
j. McClelland, i Prest.
Shbbift’s Sax*s.— Sheriff McCamant will Solpikbs’ MoKtntEST Fund. —The Treasurer
sell, at the Court Heine, In Hollidaysbnrg, on of the Association reports the following (hods on
Monday next, at one o'tlock P. M., the following hw»d: ,
properties ; j ■■baht previously reported.
The interest of John McCulloch in a lot of i from William London,
ground, in Hollidaysbnrg, having a two-story
frame building erected 1 thereon.
The interest of Rose Dougherty, dec’d., in a lot
of ground, in Hollidaysborg, haring thereon a
three-story brick, fiotel, good stable and other
The interest of George. Raymond in a lot; of
ground, in Hollidaysborg, haring a two-story brick
house thereon. •
The interest of HaUhantah Daris in a tract of
50 acres of land, iti Lagan township, haring a log
bouse and log stable thereon. .
.The interest of William Montgomery in a lot of
grotrad, in Altoona, haring a two-stoiy plank
dwelling house, wagon-maker shop and stable
interest of. Joseph Fry in a lot of ground,
in Tyrone City, haring a two-story frame build
ing thereon.
The interest of David McClain in a lot of
ground, in Tyrone City, hairing a twojjjtory house
The interest of Michael Scanlan in a lot of
ground, in Altoona, haring a small frame dwel
ling house thereon.
The interest of Jesse Wingate in a lot of
ground, in Holhdaysburg, haring a two-story
brick tarern and other buildings thereon.
The interest of John Martin in a lot of ground,
in Hoilidaysbnrg,,barihg three two-story frame
dwelling bouses thereon.
The intererest of Ediwn F. Sboenberger in a
tract of land in Blair township, together with
all. the improvements! thereon erected, and all the
mining, rights, water privileges, etc., etc.
The Sheriff announces that the above property
will be knocked down to the highest bidder on the
day of sale, the practice of keeping sales open until
tbs following Wednes4ay having been discontinued.
Change or Schedule. —On yesterday the
Summer arjangementfor running trains on the
Penn’a Railroad yvent' into operation, and those
who contemplate travelling should make a note of
the change in the time of tearing, else they may
find themselves a few minutes too late. Going
Westward, the Baltimore Express, which hereto
fore left at 7.65 A. M., now leaves at 7.15; and
the Philadelphia Express heretofore leaving at
8.36 A. M., now leaves at 8.00. The Mail Train
now runs through to Pittsburgh leaving this sta
tion at f.!5,P. M.; and the Fast Line which
heretofore left at 8.45 P. M., now leaves at 8.35.
Going Eastward, the Through Express which left
at 9.55 P. M. now leaves at 9.00 ; the Fast Line
heretofore leaving at 4.45 A. M.. now leaves at
1.15 A. M.: the Fast Mail which left at 11.35 A.
M., now leaves at B.OQ A. M., and stops only at the
| principal stations. A new train Eastward, styled
the Through Accommodation, has been put on.
It leaves this station at 10.25 A. M., and stops at
all way stations.. The accommodations are now
all that'could be desired, affording the inhabitants
at all points an opportunity of going a good dis
tance in either direction and returning home the
same dav.
Important to School Teachets and Di
rectors.—Hon. G. S. Boutwell, Internal Revenue
Commissioner, states that certificates issned to
teachers by connty Superintendents, and certificates
by President and Secretary of Board of Directors
to County Superintendents that schools have been
opened according to law, must each have a ten
cent stamp affixed. In the first instance the stamp
is to be paid by the tegcher receiving the certificate,
and in the second by the Secretary of the Board
and charged to the district. Also, agreements or
contracts between 'Teachers and Board of Di
tors to teach must have a five cent stamp affixed,
to be paid by the teachers.
Gone Ovee the Him..—J. H. Moore the Match
and Notion Dealer, has palled up stakes in this
place and pitched hi* tent on Allegheny street,
Hoilidaysburg, nevertheless, he visits us occa
sionally, and'the last time left us a remembrancer
in the shape of a box of his celebrated.“ Falcon
Pens,” the best articles of the kind we ever put
on paper. The bighi prices of notions at this day
has somewhat interfered with his sales, but be is
still the cheapest wholesale dealer in the country
and descryas to be liberally patronized. We hope
the day is not far distant when his goods will come
down to proper prices; and he be enabled to branch
out as he had proposed. ■■
Cosoanss Water -—A fresh supply always on
hand at Boush’s Drag Store.
Little by Little. —The Ladies’ Mite Society,
connected;with! the M. E. Church, which was sus
pended for a time, has been revived and is now in
Successful operation. In this society many small
articles, such as pin and needle cushions, tidies,
etc., are manufactured, in neat style and are left
at the store of G. W., Kessler for sale. Those
who wish'to encourage the ladies in their good
work should call and purchase these articles. The
society will also take in needle work and execute
it in good style at moderate prices. The money
thus obtained; is appropriated to furnishing ne
cessary articles about the parsonage and church.
fj- A fineassortment of hair and tooth brughes,
for sale below present wholesale prices, at Boosh's.
Altooxa Hall & Masket Co.—An election
for officers of the above company was held at Bow
man’s Exchange, oh; the evening of the 14th inst.,
and the following gentiemen elected
PrtsidaU— Enoch lewis.
Manager*— Wra.jjH Wilson, J. H. Linvilie,
James Kearney, Daniel Laughman. Wm. M.
IJovd. ' ■
frtaturtr —Benj. F. Bose.
We presume arrangements will immediately be
made to pat the building under contract.
iQr* A few 12-ipch plasterers brushes, extra
quality, for sale at Roush's.
The wooden ,buildings have been removed
from the. )ot between .the Masonic Temple and
Lowther’s boiiding and workmen are now en
gaged in excavating the ground for the fonndatioti
of a fine brick bnildiqg, to be pected by Cha*. J.
maun and! Daniel Laughman, who own the lot.
J)efctt Collector. —J. H. Bell,- will be in
Altoona on Tbunday, April 23d, for the accom
modation of tell tilths who have taxes lo pay.—
Will be in Tyrone on the 84th, fqr the same pur
pose. Have your* i“ Greenbacks” ready, as the
duplicate must be closed this month.
B. F. BOSE, Treasurer.
s Contributions to the Soldier’s . Monument
Fond, may at any time be banded to B. F. Bose,
Treasurer, at theGen’l Supt's office.'
Somethikg Good Eipbctbd !—Our Methodist
friends, of this place, are making every effort to
give the citizens a treat in the way of a concert, to
be given in their church, in the month of May
next. The choir are how rehearsing twice a week,
and musical aid is already engaged to come froth
Pittsburgh, to assist on that occasion. The pro
gramme will consist of Choruses, Anthems, Quar
tettes, Trios, Duetts and Solos. The proceeds to
go to the defraying of expenses incurred and to be
incurred in fitting np their parsonage. A liberal
patronage is desired. ,
“ Full examination has resulted in a mqst thor
ough conviction of the superiority of Wheeler &
Wilson’s Machines, and of their perfect adaptation
to family sewing in all its varieties. The speed
averages about twelve hundred stitches per minute,
though they may run at double this. Fifty dozen
of shirt collars or six dozen of shirt bosoms are a
day’s work. Their efficiency is equal to at least
twelve sqamstresses. Sewing is rendered a pleas
ing and healthful employment. —Golden Prize.
R. A. O. Kerr, of this place, is agent for the
sale of these machines in Blair and Huntingdon
counties. See advertisement.
First of the Season. —Mrs. Belter, pro
prietor of the ice cream saloon and confectionery,
in Jesse Smith's old stand, opposite the Lutheran
Church, treated the printers to a bowl of most de
licions ice cream, with excellent pound cake ac
companiment, on Saturday evening last. *lt was
the genuine article of ice cream, mode to please
the purchaser, and not merely to sell. All her
confectioneries are of the best quality and her
cakes can’t be beat. Give Mrs. B. a call if you
want the worth of your money.
Hardware. —Houses cannot be built Without
the aid of hardware, a large and excellent assort
ment of which may be found at Fries’ store, on
Virginia street. By the way, Fries ha* branched
out extensively this spring, and now has a fine
stock of everything in his line. He still continues
the stove and tinning business. Give him a call
if you are in search of anything kept m such es
Error. —-The Harrisburg Telegraph corrects an
error now going the rounds of newspaperdom to
the affect that after the first of July all letters de
posited in the post-office for mailing, of which the
postage is short, instead of being sent forward
will be kept and treated as if there was no stamp
on them. Instead of being kept, as above stated,
they will be sent forward as heretofore, but double
rates will be charged for the lacking postage, at
the office of delivery.
Presbytery. —There was a full attendance of
Ministers at the Presbytery which met in this
place on hist and continued an session
until Thursday. A press of work in the office
prevented eur being present to note the business
transacted. On Wednesday oftemoon the con
gregation met to elect a minister in room of Bcv.
A. B. Clarke, resigned, but owing to some in
formality in the proceedings no election was had.
Couxtt Scr'T of Common Schools. —The
election for a county Superintendent will be held
in Hollidaysburg on the first Monday in May.
Mr. J. Ginter Counsman, teacher, of this place, is
a candidate for the office. He is well qualified, by
education and experience, the position, and
would acceptable and efficient Superin
Robb ext.. —The money drawer of Jona. Stouffcr
tailor, of HoUidaysburg, was robbed of $l7 on last
Wednesday week, v whilst Mr, S. was engaged at
work in the adjoining room.
Rktubxkd.—George Raymond, former editor
of the Whig, late U. S Commercial Agent at
Balize, Honduras has. returned to his home in
On the 16th inat.. by John Griffin. Esq.. Mr. THOMAS
C. TINGLINQ to Mies AMNA M. BIHKUIMEtt, all of
Logan township, BUir County. \
On the 18th Inst., by the same, Mr. JAMES KALER to
Miss KATE NAGLE, all of the borough of Altoona.
At the residence of Samuel Williamson, in Gallitßin.
Cambria county, Pa., on Friday, April 10th, 1063, Mr.
JAMES WILLIAMSON, aged 78 years, 2 months and 20
The RUty*ct of this notice born January 20th, 1785.
He served his country as a soldier la the war of 1812, and
was much interested in the pfeseut struggle, lie whs
>uiied with the'** honors of war." in the Daukord grave
yard, two miles north-west of Hollidaysbarg. on the Sun
day after hirdenth, amid a vast concourse of friends, who
followed him to bis final resting place. u Kequioscat in
pace.” S.
+%. for five Trustees and one Treasurer, of th* Altoona
Academy, for the ensuing year, will be held in the
room of the Post office, on Saturday, the 2nd day of May
next, between the hours of 2 and 4 oclock, P. M., of said day
WM. K. FINDLEY, Prest.
o*o. W. Pattok, Secy.
Altoona, April 10.-2 t.
The subscribers are
making choice brands of Flour, and solicit the brders of
those wanting a good article. Every barrel of Flour sold
bv us It ararpipted as branded. We alsj keep on band,
Corn, Corn Meal and Mill Feed. .
Irwin Station, Pa. R. R., Per H. F.'Ludwicx.
April 21.1863.
UANQIRO.—Tne subscriber desires to inform Che
pitiseosof Altoona and vicinity that be is prepared to un
dertake any amount of work in Ills line, and he feeU confi
dent from fals long experience in the business, that be can
render eutlr* satisfaction both as to prices and the finish he
puts upon bis work. Estimates made at any time.
persons having work in my line to execute may save
money by calling upon me.
Residence on Harriet street, nearly opposite the United
Brethren Church, Rost Altoona* J. A. DARK.
April 21,1863.-2 m.
GBABILL M YEBS offers his Farm,
containing 226 acre*, for rale. 100 acre* are cleared
and under good cultivation; the balance is timbered with
Chestnut aad Oak. It is situated in L gan township,
where there is a Maiket almost equal to any city in Vis
State. It cannot Jail of being a good investment, as the
surrounding iands musl increase in value
agMtfZrat _ in a ratio with the Improvements of the
IIIA town. The knlldlngs are a k^_
■HS*IK good Dwellingllonse,anew
■HknlH lank Barn, and all other
Thera ate on
the premiaei 100 Apple Treee—choice Fruit ' K
—Peach. Paiar. Plum ami Cherry Trees.—
The toil is l Red Shale, second only to Limestone. For
farther particulars call <>ad see the Farm, or address
■ S. L. MTBRS,
Altoona, Pa.
April *l, 1868 *
MMBS. C. BETTER respectfully an
boqacn to the LmIIM and OsotlcsMo of Alto®#
and vicinity that the baa opened a ' j '
in Jtut Smith't old Stand, on Virginia street, opposite W«
where «be will keep on hand a choice lot ofconfectionerieai
naU, fruit, e kes, etc., wnicli she will sell at the Bioet
reasonable price*.
Daring the se.isoc she will Meo keep IceGretm, ofdiffer*
ent flavor*, which she will takyp’e >snre in |erriDg to cib»
toiners at all 1 tours of the day and evening.
Give roe a call, and I will give Mtisfactiop.
April 21»t, IS6S.-6m.
$295 67
25 00
$330 67
J bounce to the eitiaem
; Altoona and vicinity t
; he has taken the sto.
; and shop recently occu-
L pied by Fries A
i s on Annie strsef, East
toon*, where be has
> hand a lane supply
STOVES <if all Pattern*,
such as C6ok, Parlor,
j Office and Shop Stoves,
■ which he wUI sell at the
] most reasonable prices. A large supply willalways be
kept on hand. '
< TTN AND SHEET-IRON WARE, in great variety,
always on hand..
j pat up on short notice. j
lie has aUo attached a poppcrHmiithmg room to bia
establishment and will keep pa band an assortment of cop
per apd brass kettles, Ac. j
A)! kinds of Job work promptly attended to.
April 21st. 1863.-tf STEPHEN WINTERS.
The subscriber baring taken entire charge of the Hard
ware and Stove and Tin Shop recently under the charge
of Fries & Winters, on- Virginia street, opposite Kessler's
Drug Store, and having added largely to iris stock is now
prepared to supply anything in the Hardware and Cutlery
line, such as Handsaws, Axes, Augers, Adzes, Chisels.
Squires, Rules, Hammers,Planes, Hinges,Locks, Latches,
Files. Knives and Fprka, Spoons, Ac, Ac, ail of which
he offers on the most reasonable terms.
Persons wishing anything in the .Hardware line are
requested to call end examine his stoca.
Ife has also added Oils. Paints, Carbon Oil, etc, to his
stock,and will dispose of all these articles ata small ad
vance on first cost.
He will also continue the
ami will keep on hand no assortment from which aby
pt-rson will be able to select an article lo pelase their fancy.
In the line 01
he will always have a large supply, and will make to order
anything that nmy be called for.
Job work in tbi* line promptly attended to. «
put up on short notice in the best style.
April 21,1863.-tf. BAMUKL I. FRIES.
For Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs,
Moths iu Furs, Woollens; &c. Insects
on Plants, Fowls, Animals, &c.
Put up in 25c. 50c. and $1 00 Box**, Bottle*, end Flasks.
$3 and £5 sizes f.«r HOTELS, PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS Ac.
“Only infall.ble remedies known.”
“ Free front Prisons.” v
“Not dangerous to the Human Family.” \
“ Rats come out of their holes to die.”
4E9* Sold Wholesale In all large cities
by all Dbcooist* and Retailers everywhere.
49* HI BEWARE II! of all worthless imitations.
49* See that “ COSTAR’S” name is on each Box, Bottle
and Flask, before you buy.
49* Add. ess HENRY R. COSTAR,
49*Principal Depot 482 Broadway, N. Y.
49*Sold by G. W. KESSLER, Altoona, Pa.
April 7,1863.-6 m •.
The undersigned offers for
sate, or exchange for property in Al- JCmmD
tooba, a honee and two lots of ground, sit*
uate In the Tillage of New Wa*hlngton. J
Indiana county, Pa. The honseisaTWO*
feet, fronting on two street*, with
stable and other out building*. There iealao a variety of
FRUIT TREES and SHRUBBERY on the premise*! to*
gether with a well of excellent water at the dpor. The
lots are 60 feet front by 160 feet deep. Possession given at
any Mme. An** further information can be had by apply*
tug to John Btandun, of Armagh', or the subscriber, at Al*
toona, _ LAWRENCE P. WORE.
Feb. 24.1863-tf.
You are hereby notified to have all lots
paved, and aH pavements repaired, within thirty £Bo]
days from the 15th day of April, 1863, under penalty of
having thqjn laid by the Borough, and twenty per cent,
additional added to the cost of so laying them, and liens
will immediately be entered for the collection of the coat
of laying said pavements.
. „ „ Joiin McClelland Prat. •
Attest, W. B. KETLER, Sec. [April 14-63
DISSOLUTION.— .-Notice is hereby giv
en that the partnership heretofore existing between
the undersigned, trading under the firms of Fries A Win
ters and Winters A Fries, has been this day dissolved by
mutual consent All persons Indebted to said firms are
requested to make immediate payment otherwise their
accounts wi.l be placed In the hands of an officer for col
lection. SAMUEL i; FRIES,
April Ist, 1863,-3t] STEPHEN. WINTERS.
The business heretofore carried on by the firm, will be
cqntinned hy the partners, individually, at their store* in
East and West Ward*. i ' •
RJ JULY Ist. 1863. the privilege of converting this pre
TIONAL SIX PER CENT. LOAN (commonly called
‘•FiveTwenties” will oeara.) ~
All who wish to invest in the Five-Twenty Loan, most,
therefore, apply before the let of JULY n«t.
April 14th, 63.] Subscription Agent,
13m] No. 114 S. THIRD Ft, Philadelphia.
Ornca or in* ALioo.ii Gsa *kd W*t«» Ce.l
Altoona, April 13,1863. j
ag election for officers of the Altoona Gas A Hater
Company, will be held at the office, at the Gas Works, on
MONDAY, May 4th. 1863, between the hoars of IQ aodld
O’clock-, A. M. The officers to be elected an a President,
Treasurer, and fire Managers.
■pOR RENT.—The basement* of Work’s
A new tuUJing, on Virginia etreet, adjoining Keaaler’e
properly. i» offered for rent. Poueniun rlren immodl
ftteljr. Por farther information, apply to '' r ■
Feb. 24.1863-tf
Fob sale.—a neat wrought
IRON RAILING, soluble for ft cemetery lot it of
wred tor tale cheap. Apply ■« thta ofllee. 7 fM»r. 17.
Abdominal supporters, Tm*.
eee and Shoulder Braeee for aale af
>-<f- ». TT. lIISLIK'B.
B. F. ROSE. Sec’y.
a stnue cnu son
Cancer, ■
CancerowFomatiooa,. ,
Softofala, I
OaUnecxu Diaeaaea,
Eryiipda*, Boil*,
Pimplefe 09 the Face,
Sore Ereg,
* "Tetter Affection*, :
Scald Head^
Ohf and Stubborn Ulcers
Rheumatic Disorders,
Salt Khspn, _■
Mercurial Diseases,
; 'General Debility,
Liver Complaint, '
; Loss of Appetite^
Low Spirits,
Female Complaints,
Epilepsy dr Fite,
Paralysis or Palsy, ‘ 1
• * Syphilitic Disease* and
• Caries of the Bones.
Together with ell other diie«te« hiring their
origin in a depraved condition of the blood of cir
culatory system. , ; i
Fimicmsa, Dee»mb«r 31,1881.
Db. G. H. Kxtsxb I take pleasure in making this sol
an tary statement in favor of a medicine: prepared by yon
called “ Lixdszt’s Blood Sxabchii.” I liad suffered for
five years with Scrofula which broke out on my head and
forehead so ae Jo. disfigure me very much, and took off the
hair when the disease made its appearance; it also brokctfmt
on my arm above and below the elbow,' and eat inte the
skty and flesh eoae to ezpoeeaifearfot tore.: The dUease bead went eo far that several small pieces of bone
came out. 1 was very week and low spirited, and had
given up all hope of ever getting well, as 2 had tried sev>
era! skillful physicians and they did me no good. In Sep
tember last, 1861.1 was induced to try *f XniDSXT’B la
proved Blood Seabchxe.” I must confess I had no faith
in patent medicines, but after X bad used three bottles ol
Blood Searcher, the ulcers on my head and arm began to
bool. I have now taken eight or ten bottles, and my bead
and arm are entirely well except the segrs remaining from
the sores. I will also state that I bad. the rheumatism
very bad in my arms and legs.: The Blood Searcher also
cured the rheumatism. lam how a well man, over forty
years ofage, and I feel as suple and young aa I did when
I was twenty, and have increased in weight twenty pounds.
1 would also state the disease in my forefaeanl was so
bad that when 2 stooped and lifted anything heavy, the
blood rnn out of the sore. Dr.Keyser had a photograph
taken or me by Mr. Cargo, the artist, after 1 began to gel
well. It docs not show my appearanceasbod as it vac
before 1 commenced taking the medicine; You can see
the photograph, one of which is now ;in my possession,
and also at |>r. Keyset’s 140 Wood street.. I would also
state that 1 took the Blood Searcher which was made be
fore Or. Keyscr commenced making it. AUhongh it
helped me some, I did not recover fast until I got the kind
made by Dr. Keyset himself. One bottle of bis did me
more good than two of the old. I believe it ia a great deal
stronger and better. I have recommended the Blood
Searcher to a great many of my friends far various dis
ease*, and 1 believe it has helped the whole of tfiem. You
may publish this if you wish, and 1 ain anxious that all
who are afflicted as I was may be cured. I live in this city,
No. 4 Pine street, and am employed at Collvills k Ander
son’s Union Marble Works, 54 Wayne street
I live ip Sligo, at Clinton Mill and have been nearly
blind In both eyes for neatly four yeans. I called on Dr.
Keyset ah' ut three months agq and asked him to give me
directions to the Institution for the Blind in Philadelphia
He told me need not go to Philadelphia to get well
as be had medicine that wonldjcure me, as heaaid my dis
esse was in the blood, I was treat editor it two'or three
times in the hospital in this city, and was' relieved, but
my disease always returned after a mpnth or two after 1
came out of the hospitsL 1 found my disease was re
turning and I called, by the advice of a. good friend ot
mine, on Or. Keyset, who has restored my sight, and my
eyes are nearly aa well as ever. The Doctor gave ms
' Lindsey’s Blood fiearcbe#’and a wash.
Clint pn Mills, Sligo.
Pittsburg, July 3,1861.
. Witness—E. F. M’Elroy, Anderson street, Allegheny
Pititbceoh, September 18, 180 J. —1 hereby certify that
1 have had a sore leg for over a year.' It was covered
with ulcers end sores so that I could not work for newly
a year. My leg swelled so that 1 was unable to do scy
thing for a long time, for st least six months, I tried
several of the best doctors In the city,'bnt without any
benefit; finally I called on Dr. Keyter. at No. 140 Wood
street, who only attended me about two weeks, and gave
mo bnt two bottles of medicine, and I am now entirely
well and have contlned so foy six months. lam employed
at the Eagle Engine House on Fonrth; street, where any
one can see me. [
. A Lrtrsx Faojs Exolxxi).—Mr. John Pope, of Blaenv
von, near MoutypooL Monmantthlre, England, writes u
Sin:—An old woman lithjs place has’wished me to
write you respecting Ltnnsxy’s BUMS StAncuia, from
which she found great benefit, and wishes to have a little
more. She has been suffering[from a disease of a cancer,
one nature for the last cix or seven years.j Her daughter
who is living In America, obtained it for heir, and sent her
eighteen buttled. She Is now quite out of it, end I hard
written to her daughter twice I and have 1 received no an
sweriof course th* te anxious to get more, to get com
pletely cored. I told her I would write to yon for the
agency In this country, and she felt Very muen pleated to
hearme say to. I now beg to ask yon on what terms yon
will supply me ; you will plesse bear (n mind the car
r|age, and supply me as cheap |aa possible.: Tha carriage
op the one Koran bottlee was £1 8s 6d. the medicine eras
a present from her daughter. I would like to have the
Blood Searcher in a Jar or small cask, if yon can rand It
in that way, or In pint or quart bottles. I will send a bill
through bank or registered letter, which ever will be most
convenient to yon, Ifyou will tne'canler’s receipt o
the parcel as security, I would send you a stamp to an
swer this, but’ as it is uncertain of this; reaching you, on
account of the country being In six and sevens, a term
ie commonly used, you will be kind enough to
charge me with the postage.
[We hire Men the letter which U pnblUhed in to-dej'e
Ditpatch, from John Pope, end bUleee ft to be (eaelne.—
Bditart Dupaich RUibttrfA. | '
•9. Zoclr/or Dr. Ktyter'i omt OtctrkiUpmmi
bring (mposei upon.
and nld bjr Dr Quasi H. Kirns, Plttab«r(k
Bold to Altoona by A. Rons and O; W. Kusus: is
Bl Parmw sod Jioti IHAI •
Yoon, rospoetMly, _
“Hjofer <xsmatmux*v
A PMiUnud SpeeiAo B«*»d7 :
Thl* Medicine lacreneee the powerof DlgwOo, end n
cite* the ABSOBBRRTB into beeitbjr *ci»on, bj nblofatbe
NATDRAL RMLAR6RMBKTB, lit, red need,** well u
PAIR urn DiFLAMMATIOR,.tnd 1% leodfcr Mn, «•
Xu «» Cmun.
For weakness arising from Xxetssts, Habits of Stsslps
tion, Early IndlscreUan or Abus*.
Indisposition to Exsrtien, . DRBculty of Breathing,
Loss of Memory ' boas of Posrar.
Weak Nerraa, Trembling,
Borror of Diseaa*, Wakefulness,
Dimness of Vision, . - Pain in the Back,
Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System,
Uot Hands, Plashing a(tha Body,
Dryness of tbs Skin, Eruptions of tb* fee*,
These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medi:
cine Invariably removes, soon Allows Ixronacr, Psloni
Bnurno Fits, .In one of which tb* pattsntTnay expire. i
Whocan sey that they are not frequently Allowed by:
Many are aware of the cause of their suffering,
And the melancholy Deaths by Consomption bear am
ple witness to the truth pi the assertion.
Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigor
ate the System, which HBMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCBU
inrarlably does. A trial will confines the moat skeptical.
Old ok Youse, Single, Masmed ob CoNTUCPLAfZNe Mil-
In many affections peculiar to Females, the EXTRACT
BUCIIU ia unequale<l by any other remedy* as In Chloro
uis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfnlness or Suppression
of Customary Evacuation*, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state
of the Uterus Lencorrhoe or Whites, Sterility, and for all
complaints incident to ths set, whether arising from in
discretion, Oabits of Dissipation, or in the
axx nxmiri abotb.
No Family Should he Without It.
Take do more Bulwm, Mercury, or nnplewnt Medicine
for unpleasant and dangerous dimm.
Improved Boss'Wash
Id ell their >mgee, At little Expeaet,
Little or bo change in Diet, No inconvenience
And noEznmnrel
It causes a frequent dpsici and“ve* strength to Vriatte.
thereby Removing Obstructions, Preventing end Curing
Stricture* of the Dretbn. Allaying Pain and Inflan*
tien *o frequent in tbeclass of diseases, end expelling ell
Poisonous Disease* and worn-out Mutter. {
rictime of Quacks, end who here peid heavy fee* tub*
cured In a ehort time, have found that they were deceived,
end that the “POISON” bee, by the me of “powerMT as
tringent*,” been dried op !n the system, to break oiit in
«n aggravated form, and perhaps after Marriage. |
Uea Hxtuaot*’* Exiescr Bccacr fbr ell aflsotieoi land
diseases of the ■*- , i
Whether existing in . |
From whatever'cause originating, end no matter *1
Diaeases of these organa require the aldofm Droagnd.
I* the Great ]>nj**tio, *nd it certain to have the desired
effect ia all disease* fcr which |t is recommended. K
, Evidence of the moat reliable and responsible character
wi’l accompany the medicine*. .
■ Certificate* of Cures, from eight to twenty year* stand
ing, with name* known to science and feme. - '
Price $l,OO Per Bottle, or Six for $5,
Delivered to any addreea, aeeurely packed froni any oh
•ervetlon. 1 . r '
Daacxiu Srxnosa » an. Conwraioitiona, j 1
Coni Guaranteed. , : A<tTiceOrati*.j
Pereonall; appeared bclu a me, an Alderman of tin eitjr
of Philadelphia, H. T. Uiuiaoui, whs' being duly awjjrj,
doth aay, bia preparation contain* no narcotic, no Mma.
tj, or other Injuriouadruga, bat are purely vegetable, : :
'-Sworn and aubaorlbed before me, thia ltd day of
Tember, 18M. W. P. HIBBAB D. Alderman, r /
Ninth St, above Bate, PhtlL
Addreaa letters for Information In confidence to ;
H. T. ÜBUIBOLD,Chemiat,
Depot, 104 South Tenth-St., below Cbeetnnt,
Philadelphia, Pena,
’Who endeavor to dlipoae “or nm own? and “or urn”
articlee on the reputaUoo attained by
OelmboU’a Genuine Preparation!,
do do Extract Buche,
do do do SaraaparlUaa
- do do x Improved Boee Veak.
S«ldby Drus(tata eTary.wbere. Take no athe*. fat
out tbeadverttaueat aad aeud (brifc and avail lavartioa
and ' • ' -'irl
September ITth. UdS-ly