The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, April 07, 1863, Image 4
Degeneracy of 4>MEHIbAi«r PEOPLE. JDBT PUBLISHED BT SB. A. STONE /’Ajiiivkin to the Treg lemg and Hygienic Institute. .**"***? W* D«HH»I» Physical decline of of Nervous Debility, Cuu jShjjnk le one ef high moral tone, written in cheats, JKMbTWIM l*hguuge, and *ppo*k directly to the toprai •fljPfl**** of’ ALL PAEKNTS and Qurdkuit e®pe d^t; i»hfitog trifTiflr and reUtbfoukla and treatment be eentlty innUeo the receipt of two(3 cent) F 9. Parents sad Qaardleael Fell not to send end ob tnin this book. MU Young men I Fail not to send and get tnin book. gauLadiesl You too should at once secure a copy of this book. 4 Want of Solemn OontaeiUious Advice to thote who will reflect. A claas of maladies prevail to a fearful extent in the emasauitF. dooming at least 100/WO yoothof both sexes ananally to an early grave. Those diseases are vary im perfectly understood. Their external wani mutation, or symptuns are Nervous Debility, Relaxation and Exnatu ttao; Manama or aresUag aad eonsaaiptioo of the tissues of the whole body; short ness cf breathing or hurried bceatMuCwaraacsßding a hill or tight of stairs; great pel fttatien ofthe Heart; Asthma, Bronchitis and sore Throat; shaking ofthe Hands and limbs; aversion to ao ckOaodtobusinuaß or study; dimness of eye sight, loss ef Memory, dixsiuess ef ibe Head, Neuralgia, t'ain in va rhwi pasts of the body; bains in the back or limbs, bum begot Synapsis or indigestion, iiregularity ofthe bowels, deranged secretions of the Kidneys and other glands of Om body, as Louourtbosa or Fleur Alima, he. Likewise fMWfft Hysteria and Herrons Spasms. Jfew in ntnetymine cases out of every one hundred, all Of tbeabove nenied disorders, end s host of others not as mod, as Oonaomption of the Lungs and that most in sidious and wily form of consumption of the Spinal Nerves, known as Tabes Donalds, and Tabes measut-rica, havethsirseat and origin in diseases of the Pelvic Viscera. - Uewoe use want of success do the part of old school prac tin in tnitinif •mutuiiu jmiv. Dr. Andrew Stone, I'hyaici&u to the Troy Lung and Hy giakfr jluttblntkm. la now.engaged In creating tula claw of modern maladies with the most astontahlog success. . The irestiaeot adopted by tbe institution Is new; it 1* based upon senotifle principles, with newdlscov red row edlesi without; minerals or poisons. The facilities of cure are such that patients can be cured at their homes, in any partef the country, from accurate descriptions of their case, by letter ; and Live the medicines sent hy Mail or . express. Printed: interrogatories wilt heforwarded on ap plication. Consumption, Catarrh and diseases of the throat cared m well at the- Home of the Patients as at tbe In stitution, by sending the Cold Medicated Inhaling Hal- UXlf Yapoes, witM’i&Uoler and ample Uirectiuus for their use, and direct correspondence «BU PatleoU applying for interrogatives or advice, must endues return stamps, to meet attention. tA»Tbs Mfondlhg Physician will he found at the In itltution f r consultation, from 9 a. to. to 9p. m., each day.’ foindsy laths forenoon. Address DB. ANDREW STONE. Physician to the Troy Lung and Hygienic Institute, and Physician for Diseases of the Heart, Throat and Lungs, 96 Fifth Street, Troy, N. T. Altoona, Dec. 30tb, 1862.-1 y. ONWARD! EVER ONWARD! STEP BY STEP! UNDERSIGNED DESIRES TO folorak old customers and the public generally the has this spring gone into the Dry Good business, and has Just received a Largo and entirely new stock of IDress G-oods Forth. Ladlea, outline in< all theUteat, prettiest aud moat fashionable patterns. Auu among which may be found every quality of goods, the names of which it would be too tedious to enumerate. In the line of pure, fresh and cheap GROCERIES & PROVISIONS I will not 44 knock under” to any of my competitors. In this department I fee) sure that I can render satisfaction. .All kinds of country produce taken iu exchange for goods, aod tbe highest market price allowed. Store on' t]ie corner of Annie and- Helen streets. East Altoona. ‘ THOMAS UESLOP. AUoona,iMay 22,1562. C. C. SERVER & SON, . (Successor* to Thomas B. Tatlob & Co.) Paper, Envelope, and Printers’ Card WAREHOUSE, No. SIS, MINOR STREET, PHILADELPHIA., PA: A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF WRITING, LETTER, NQTE. PRINTING, WRAPPING, MANILLA, TISSUE, 8808 AND HARDWARE PAPERS, Pvizitdiv 1 Cards, BONNET, BOX AND STRAW BOARDS. Printers, Blank Book Manufacturers, Statkmon and Storekeepers, will find it to their advan tage to CALL AND EXAMINE OCR STOCK. May 1at.18a2.-Iy. Glorious News I f •''HE Subscribers would respectfully . JL aukßUice to thecldxeasof Altoona and vicinity, tsatthfy have Just returned from the Kost with their FALL AND WINTER STYLES OF HATS & GAPS, <Ss SHOES. :SMr (tack of HATS & CAPS have been «- IwlM tltt great care.ana with tne view of initing *ll WhftWfoy'fcvor (hem with their patronage. Their line of Hoot* end Shoe* i» complete.; , LADIES' MISSES’ ami CHILDS ETCS SHOES ere of City make, end warranted. Their Balmoral Shoes litr liediee end Mieses, are just the thing for bit and whiter. , ' Thankful to the public for their very liberal patronage heretofore, they hope to merit a continnanCcof the same, i Eton en MAIN ST. next door to Bowman’s Exchange Hotel. SMIT’I * MANN. WM. S. BITTNER i)eutal Surgeon. / |PFICE IN MASONIU w IKSPLS, next door to the Poet ■ Dr. B. wonid respectfhlly inform the citixeiu of Altoona and •nrrwmding country, that he is prepared to insert ARTIFICIAL TEtfTH, from a tingle tooth to a full set, in the most tnpi-rior style, os GOLD, sates, OS VULCANITE BASE. H would hit to the advantage of all persons desiring attUcidl teeth, to call at bit once before g-iog elsewhere. If tbey wtlh ibqjtpnoW, boanty or durability, gall sets of tekth oh .nlcanite base, as low as $lO to $l5. - - ~ “ “ oo rilrer “ " “ 10 to 15 . “ “ on gold 50 : every set ofYeetu WARRANTED. Dr. Bittner Will visit Uoliidaysbnrg sod vicinity when hbserriceaare desired. [Feb. 17,1863-tC • •' v: NE W ' GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, Conaro/Amie <a4 Harriet Streets, ' BAST ALTOONA. ' " rpHE eobftoribers would respectfully in -1 form thecitlanw of Altoona, that they bare Just re emnt and k«ji conetantiy on hand a supply of “ Pattons- barrels, and % and ti barreif In seek*; also, Chop and Corn Meal, Batter andJUgi fresh from the country; also, an extensive slock of Orucerics, consisting of Bogan, Molasws, Syrups, Cof fce. Ac-alan. asm. Bacon, Dried Heel; Fish of all kinds, . M&Cndun, Cheese, Spice#, Tobacco, Cigars, BnckeU, ■'BeomaF'tob*. Brushes, Dried Fruit, Confectioneries, ni|tll|S*«lT fllsiiTrsrr TTnl Oil Damp*, Coal Oil, Fish im, Ae, allof which we propose to sell at small ' D. M. BARK * CO. t|r&T BMNCfI INSUKANCE GO.. W -LOOK HAVEN. PA. PREIOCM NOTES IN 'FORCE..!.... 406,000. Insure* yigpeity'Oß as reasonable terms as are ' consistent with security. U.GJbntf* _ 0. P- Sfttterlec, !'■'JiSfifflK?* • Jacobßrown, J/llJm, : AMVbltv, ! _ A IIEGULAR MEJETINO OF XHE O P p a. a bim, PrM’t. ALTOONA FAIR TIE* CKMETKRY ABBOCIA _ 1 "‘Tt fiiiiii fim ihi ■ fION Will be bold on the Meunfl Thnr*d»y ereoinit ol «ch l.’fiWj.j **-3. o’ KJCER/Asent, Altoons. j ffiooth, M the Conncii Roam. 3*. CIyABAOOH^^ i ' **' ■ [M.jrl6->«SJ % "*• " nt- KliSi OYES!—GENTLEMEN Joeara j r j; A t FILES OF PANTALOONS ‘“‘‘ffi?"' 1 <j .LAflan.*,.. NORTH WARD AHEAD! NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! AtT OLD PRICKS. ! HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD EE -1 spw « oily Inform the citizens of Altoona and sur rounding country that be has JuSt returned ftWtt the east, where ne has been srlectisg his stock of Spring and Sum mer Goods, which for style, quality and Price cannot be its this neck of cjUntry. His stock is much larger than heretofore, aud, as .it isquitean object in these war-exciting times for every cine to purchase where they can get the BEST artlcl. at the'LOWfeST PRICE, he • wnl'J say that he can and will sell AS LuW* if not A LITTLE LOWER THAN ANT OTHER HOUSE in this pl*ce He wishes all to call and see hie stock Lefore pur chasing elsewhere, as lie foels confident he can offer io ducvmentt which will DEFY COMPETITION, Hi**toek consists of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS or XVXBT UXWUUPnoif. MEN AND BOYS’ SUMMER WEAR, LADIES’ AND HUSKS' DRESS SHOES. MEN And BOYS’ BOOTS AND SHOES, MEN ANII WOMEN’S HOSE, HATS-AND CAPS, Ginghams, Lawns, Bleached and Unbleached Muslins. Dried Peaches end Dried Apples, Plain aud Canvassed Hams, Ac., Ain, Ac. He Will sell tbe AMERICAN PRINTS at 12U cents. FAST MADDER COLORS, 10 “ FANCY DELAINES, . from 12U to 25 Floe Bleached MUSLINS yard wide. 12V4 “ ““% “ W ’* * 7, “ 6W “ Heavy Unhl’chtd “ yard “ ; 121? “ " fi “ 8 and lu “ LAWNS, from 8 to 15 “ LADIES’ SLIPPERS, from 40 to 50 “ Fine, French, Sewed, Heeled BOOTEES, $1 26 “ Begged “ - 1 00 MEN’S CALF BOOTS, 2 To “ GOAT " 250 BOYS’ GOAT, (No*.land 5.) 160 MEN AND BOYS’ OXFORD TIES, from T 6 cents to 1 00 MEN’S CALF MONROES. 1 00 All sixes of MISSES’A CHILDREN’S SHOES, very low FCROtfSir^S Rio Coffee at 25 cents, While Sugar 11 anti cents. Brown Sugar from 7 to 10cte.; Best Honey and Loveriug’e Syrup, at 60 eta.: Sugar House Molasses. 40 oft.: Asking Holasses.'3l to 40 cts.; together with Cedar and Willow Ware; Floor,Feed.Ac., and all other article* of Good* Just as low as any other boose can ; sell. Please call and examine my stock before purolissiag elsewberft J. A. BPRANKLE. Altoona, May 1,1862 J , - North Ward. EMPORIUM OF FASHION!! Vin/inia St., Altoona. Pa. D. W. A. BELFORD, Proprietor. The proprietor or the ' l emporium OF FASHION*’ would reepeetfully announce to the public that be has received a largelinvoice of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, and a general assortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Collars, Neck-Ties, Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs,, &C,j Ac* , &c,, exactly united to this locality and intended for the AUTUMN AND WINTER TRADE. The proprietor of the Emporium invite* an examina tion of hilistock. feeling confident that hi* shelve* present a gvater • Variety of plain and fancy good* than can be (bund elsewhere in the country. An examination Will convince any one of this fact. He ha* also received the LATEST FASHION, and being a perfect ‘‘Cutter.” he ha* no ho*Uabcy in eay ingjthat he can make up clothing in the fashion, and in a manner that can not fail to. prove satisfactory, It has passed into a proverb that • Bedford's the very man that can make. Clothes in the fashion, strong and cheap: Alt that have ever tried him yet. Say that lie really cant be beat. Remember the place. Virginia street, first door above Jaggard's Hall, Altoona, Pa. [April 17, ’62. HEAD QUARTERS FOB THE CHEAPEST AND BEST FALL & WINTER GOODS!! J # B. HTLEMAN has just received a Urge and well selected stock qf Goods, consisting of Cloths, Plain and Raney Cassimeres, Satinetta, Kentucky Jeans. Tweeds, Beaverteeus, Blue Drilling, and all other kind* of Goods for iMEN AND BOYS’ WEAR, together with a grand and magnificent assortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. as Stack and Fancy Silks- Chedlits- Berepes, SrUHants- Lawns, Delaines, ChUUzs, Dtßegts, Crapes- Print*, Crave and SUUa Shauns, Undcrdectu and Hosiery, Bonnet* and Ribboni, Band kerchief*, Kid Gloves. Hooped Skirti, Skirt ing, Lace Mitts, tic-dc- ALSO, Tickings, Checks, Bleached and Unbleached Muslins. Cotton and Linen Table Diaper. Crash, Nankeen, Ac. BOOTS AND SHOES, ' ■ hardware, quern are, e WQOD AND WILLOW WAKE,- OIL CLOTHS, CARPETS, AC. GROCERIES. ) Onr stock of Groceries, is more extensive thau ever, and couslstsof Rio aud Java Coffee, Crushed, Loaf and N 0. Sugars; Green, T. U. and Black Teas; Molasses, Soaps, Fish, Ac. Thankful to the public fbr tho very liberal patronage heretofore received, be hopes by strict attention to busi ness, and an endeavor to please, to merit a continuance of the same.; « Call aud examine his Stock, and you will b; con vinced th iLhe has the best assortment and cheapest (rods . in the* market. *•* Country Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Quods at market prices. Altoona, April 4,1862. HARDWARE—HARDWARE! ChAKLES J. MANN. , EALKR IN FOREIGN AjStl) 1)0- I r MBBTIC HABDWAUE. WOODEN WARE. BROOMS, WINDOW SHADES. DtJOR MATS. DI’IIOLSTKRING GOODS. ' SHOE FINDINGS. COFFjN TRIMMINGS, MOULDERS’ TOOLS, BIRD CAGES AND WIRE GOODS, WINDOW GLASS, POTTY; WHITE LEAD, AC., AC. g&. Every description of Golds in his line will be fur nished at ah.rt notice, and at low rates Tor cash. His remaining stock of DRY GOODS on luind will be closed out at remarkably tow prides, in order to relinquish that branch of the business. ■ Ageot for Willson’S “Telegraph Fodder Cotter.” ’ Altoona, May 2Bth, 1802. ° GROCERY AND PROVISION STOtlEj : Annie. Sfreet, EastAltoona, afew doors above • Branch Street. rpHE SUBSCRIBER BAS J.CSTRE -1 ceiTed a large and fresh slcqk of GROCERIES, PRO* TaSIONS. 4c., which he will sell at prices equal!; as low as his competitors. Hlftstock consists of FLOUR , ‘ PEED, BACON, HAMS, PISH, SELT, POTATOES, COFFEE, , SUGAR. ; ■ • TEA. SPICES CRACKERS ' CHEESE, : TUBS? BRUSHES; BUCKETSRROOMS, ■■ ’ RAISINS LEMONS • •y ORANGES. Pies, DATES. COMBS, SOAPS, KNIVES BUTTER, I EGGS, conActioneries- dried fruit, AND DRUGS OF ALL KINDS / I Inelt* the pnbllc to call and examine at; stock, as I aot determined to please in qqalilT Slid price,. May 8.1882-tt . ' WM. U. PRRCTTAL. ONWARD! ONWARD!! EXCELSIOR OCR MOTTO! NOW OPEN TIN AND SHEKT-lUON \V AUK. On the corner of Branch and Annie Streets , t N W 01 DD UK „ J ! I SPKc.TKrLLY an • EAST ALTOONA, nuance to tl«e citizens oi Altoona and vicinity that AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK OF GOODS! Having of . -he 1 SuUs‘aHu'e entire stock of old goods in the alwre stand at »uc- . sonablo prices A' Urjrr t.on. we desire to say to the public that we bavejust 1 supply w ill always I. opened ont an ! kept on hand ENTIRELY NEW STOCK to which we invite the attention of the public. We are determined to sell at the VERY LOWEST' PRICES. Our stock embraces a large and complete a* ortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, constating* in part, of plain and fancy Silks, all-wool De laines. Alpacas. ChalUe Delaines, plain and figured Berege, Lawns, Ginghams. Du cals, De Barge. Travelling Dress Goods.' and all the LATEST STYLE PRINTS. Me n 9 s ‘Wear. We have received a large and well selected stock of GEN TLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, such as Cloths, plain and fancy CMSlmeree. Cashmerets. Tweeds, Jeans. Corduroys, Beaver Teens. Velvet Cords, and other fashionable goods for men and beys. WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen, Cambrics, Victoria Lawns, plain and dotted Swiss, Bobioets, Edgings 4c. We bave a large a sortuent of Ladies* Needlework Col lars and Sets. Dress Trimmings, RiTbons. Gloves. Gaunt lets, Mitts, Hosiery, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties, Veils, 4c. Also. Ticking. Checks, bleached and un bleached Muslins. Cotton and Linen Diaper, Crash. 4c. Also, a fine assortment of SPRING SHAWLS. We have leceived a large lot of BOOTS AND SHOES, LADIES' WAITERS, HATS & CAPS, SHAKER BONNETS, &c., which we are determined to sell cheaper than ever. QU EEENSWA VE, CEDAR AND WILLOW-WARE, HARDWARE, Groceries. Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Svmps, Molasses, Mackerel, Herring, Carbon Oil. ' Fish Oil, Drugs and Medicines, and. In fact, everything usually kept in a firet-duss Store. 49-Aa we make our purchase*almost entirely for cash, and a* we will sell fur GA SH ONL Y, AND KEEP NO BOOKS, it will enable us to sell Good* at very moderate prices: and by .fair dealing and strict at tention to business we hope to secure a liberal share oi public patronage. Altoona, April 15,1862-tf A ROUSH, Druggist, • takes this opportunity of returning bis thank* to the citizens of this place and vicinity, for the liberal patronage they have bestowed ou him. and desires t<> in form the public in geneial. that ho still continues At his .Old Place of Busine-s. A few Doors above the Post-Office , wh*re bets at all times prepared to attend lo their wants in his line of busine**. consisting of DRUGS, MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS, PUTTY. VARNISHES, DYE-STUFFS, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, EXTRACT j, CARBON OIL AND LAMPS, SWEET-BRIAR PIPES, CHOICE SMOKING TOBACCO LIQXJOHS, FOR MEDICINAL USE. ALWAYS ON BAND. Physicains Prescriptions CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED, AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAY OR NIGHT Altoona, Pa., April 17,1562. DRIED APFLES.“The subscribers have a fine lo of bright yellow DRIED APPLES, bought ftt much leas thin market ra< ot, apt! which thpy desire to close opt, at cost and carriage, without delay.— Persons desiring to purchase, either at wholesale or retail, will find It to their advantage to give us a call. Altoona, June 2ft, 1862.] MURPHY k McPIKE. SM. WOODKOK, • _ ATTOBNET-ATLAW. Altoona, Penn’a, Will practice in the eeveral O'lirtH of Blair, Cambria end Huntingdon counties. Office on Virginia Street, 2 doors above Julia Street. Fob. 3, IS6 t-tf. Building lots for sale.— The subscribers offer at Private Sale £IOUT BUILD ING LOTS, situate oh the topof the hill, above the reser voir of the Altoona Gas k Water Company, being now held or property by the Presbyterian Church, The lots are fifty feet front by 175 feet deep, and wilt be sold on reason able terms. Persons wishing to purchase or view these lots will receive all information concerning Client by ap plying to Michael Clabaugh, R. 11. McCormick. Alexander McCoVmick, or Clias J. Mann. Trustees of Presbyterian Church. • [Altoona, April 3.1862. ANDREW; ECKEL, DEAJUtR IX Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, -Pipes, &c., Sec., Annie tlreei. Altoona, Pa.,'and tfcKeage’i Old Stand, Mmtgonurp tired, Jlollidaytburg, Pn. - A GENERAL ASSORTMENT of Goods io his line constantly on band at thelowest ciub price*. » f Feb. 7,1863. Blair county insurance AGENCY.—The undersigned, agent of the Protec tion Mutual Fir© Insurance Company. of Blair comity. Is at all times ready to Insure against lessor Are, Buddings, Merchandise Furniture and property of every description, in town cr country, at as reasonable rate* as anXcompany j n the Slate. Office In the 'jribune office. J 5. B. McCUVM, Agent. MUSIC!— INSTRUCTIONS G1 V KN on the Piano-Forte and Melodeou.,by Miss M. MAKER. Terjks. $lO per quarter. No charge for the us© of the Instrument. Kesideuce on Catharine Street, West Altoona. Uan.16,186*2.-tf. CAUT.ON. —All persons are hereby . notified not to sell merchandise or wares of any kind t<» any person on my credit, unless upon a written order from me, as 1 am. dctei mined to pay no bills contracted without my knowledge atiless compelled by law. Feb. I7lb, 1563.-31 .• GKO. W. CONIIAD. HB. MILLKII, • DENTIST. Office on Caroline street, between Virginia and Altoona PUKE WHITE LEAD AND ZINC paint, alio Chrome. Green. Tallow, Paris Green, dry and. ground oil at fl-tf.] KKBBLBK'B. PLAIN &“FANCY VESTS, of every ■fee and atvlo at LAUQHMAK’B. GEIS & CO [Jan. 20—2m* ?iirrn. I. Funs. .Stiphi* Wistebs STOVES, Try JKD SHEET-IB OX WAKE, in gn'«t variety, always on band. ROOFING, & SPOUTING pa up on short norice. They have also attached a coppcr-amlthlng room to their establishment and will keep on hand an assortment of cop per and'brass kettle*. Ac. All kinds of job work promptly attended to. HARDWARE. The snbscribnrs have add'd Hardware to their line of business, and are now prepared to supply anything in the Hardware and Cutlery line, such an Handsaws, Axes. Angel*. Adze**, Chisels, &iu >rea. Rules. Hammers. Planes, Hinges. Locks. Latches. Knives and Forks. Spoons. Ac.. Ac., all of whichVhey offer on the most reasonable terms. wishiug-.ftpything in the Hardware line are requested to call and examine their stm*. A. share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Store on Annie street, between Harriet ami Ada- Hue streets. Fast Ward, and on Virginia street, opposite Kessler* Dmg Store, West Ward. Altoona, Feb. 3d. ISO 2. - POKED OUT AGAIN! The undersigned would respectfully so licit the patronage of the citizens of Altoona and vicinity, as he has again opened out , AT HIS OLD STAND, on Virginia st ., a Jew doors heiou? the Supt’s Office, with an entirely new and fresh supply of PROVISIONS AND GROCERIES, such as FLOUR, BACON. FISH, SALT, POTATOES, CHEESE, CORN-MEAL, MILL-FEED OATS, RYE, CORN TEAS of all kimlK. COFFEE. SUGAR. SYRUPS, BAKING MOLASSES. TOBACCO. SUG ARS. DRIED FRUIT. SOAP. CANDLES. BROOMS. BRUSHES. Crockery. Wooden and Willow Ware. Stationery, Notion . Candle*. Ac. Also a large stock of LIQUORS! All the above good* will oe sold. Wholesale or Retail, at the lowest prices, C“ine one—come all! See Lr your selves. a» <i be convinced. No charge i'<>v examtidag my stock. Id)Ul> PIAUK. April 17. *62-tf. REMOVAL OF JE>SE SMITH S Hat & Cap Store. Th e proprietor or the “EXCELSIOR” HAT and CAP Shoe. would inform his customers, and the Pubic generally, that he has removed his store to Iph new building, on Vir ginia street, next d«K>r to Jaggard’s store where helms just received a large stock of • FALL & WINTER STYLES OF HATS, L M CAPS, MISSES’ FLATS, &C. Qis Stock of Uku «nd Caps are of the very best selection, of eve- y style, color and shape, for both old and young;. All he asks Is that the people call and examine his stock, and he feels confident that he can sent them away re joicing. if not iu lb** purchase of suchan article as they wanted, at the remembrance of having looked upon the handsomest stock of Huts. Caps; Flats. &t., ever exhibited ip this town. I have also on hand an entirely new stock of LADIES & MISSES FURS, embracing everything in that line, whicl 1 will sell at fair prices, os 1 do not ini end to beep any cf my stock over season. Nov 6,1862. Dissolution.— Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing be* ween the undersigned, in the boot and shce business, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. The books of the firm remain at the old stand for settlement. JOHN 11. ROBERTS, Altoona, Feb. 14,1863.-3 L W. H. RUTHERFORD. Tthe undersigned respect fully informs the public that be will tinue to keep a ’ BOOT & SHOE STORE, W In the room recently occupied by Roberts and Rutherford. The business heretofore earth'd on by them will, iu tbc future, be in the name of JOHN U. ROBERTS. He will keep constantly on hand a complete assort* menfof Boots & Shoes, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, &e , &c., &c. whi- ii he will offer at fair prices and warrant to bo o the best material aud manufacture. Particular attention will be given to . 39* CUSTOM WORK, in which he warrants to give entire satisfaction, ns ho buys thebest stock a>td*employs none but the best workmen. Remember the old stand, on ■ Virginia Street, one door East of Keaaler’s Drug Store. Oct. 10 1862-tf . JOHN H. ROBERTS. TAKE NOTlcjfi— 'Ihe J[ undersigned U aoout starting a Tannery, and wish es to buy or trade for 400 CORDS af (rood ROOK OAK . BARK, and also for • HIDES, for which the highest tnarket price will be paid. Altoona, April IT. ’jßfctf. LOUIS PLACE. J. G. AI'LUM, ]NTotar*y Public, ALTOONA. BLAIR CO., PA. Can at all tfmra be found at the store of J. B. Hileman, Cctober 1. 1857. New and improved styles of Trunks, Valises* and Carpet-Bag*. at * LAUGtiM AN’5 A complete assortment of ' Gent’s Modellmproved SHlRTS—Uassimere and Muslin Shirts—fine tiuii coarse—white and colored—at LACQHMAN’S. New winter .ready made Clothing just neeived at LAtjQHMA VS. qpectaclks and eye prefer k/J vers for ..ale at, 1-tf.l KESSLER'S, AND PROVISIONS.— NgC ppli^aT^ilf<,'? ried ,to f k y f *KJES» GROCERIES AND PROVTBIONg,Tnst received, and fur sale u cheat) as the cheapest, at MtfRPHY * McHKE’B (Store, ■ ... . G° r - of Virginia and Caroline nts. Altoona, done 26,1862. MEN AND BOYS’ COATS,;of every stjla and color, of gojd quality, at LAtQtIMAN’S'. FRIKS & WINTKUS AMERICAN Life Insurance and Trust (\). / HLMPANYS BniJtlNO Southeast Corner of Walnut and Fourth Streets. Philad'a- Authorized Capital, Paid up Capital,. ... Assets, Incorporated 18.10, by the Legislature of I’enusyl- vania, Insures Lives during th» Natural life or fiw short terms* grant* annuities and ♦ nd-'Winents. apd makes contracts of ail kinds dependiii}: on thi- issues .ol Hits. ».f Life Insurance is*ued at the usual mutual rutea of other good companies—with protit* to the matured hist ROM'S January, IS(s|, being 43 j*er cent, ol all pre* miums received on mutual policies—at Joint Slock rates. 20 per cent less than the alk*ve. or Total Abstinence rate* 40 per cent, less than Mutual price. Also, a NONi'OUFEITUKE PLAN, Bv w hich a i»er»on pava for 5. 7., or 10 yearn only, when the policy is paid up for Live, and nothing more to pay ; and should he b<* nnidde, or wish to docontinue seiner, the Company will i-*ue a Paid up Pouct. in proportion to the amount*of premium paid, as follow*: On a Policy of $l,OOO, 5 Year 7 Year 10 Year after payment ot rate*. rate*. rales. 1 Annual Premium, for $2OO 00 $142 S 5 $U*O 00 •j .. . * 4»jo 00 2b5 70 200 oO 4 •• •• >• *OO 00 571 40 400 iHi .. .. « 557 10 GoO 00 s .. .. ,* *OO 00 ALEXANDER WHILLDIN, President. SAMUEL WORK; Vic© President. Jons 8. Wilson, Secretary. BOARD or fRC«*KKB. Alexander Whilldiu. J. Edgar Thomson, Hon. Jas. Pollock, Hon. Joseph Allison, Albert C. Roberts, JoDM Bowman, Samuel T; Bodiue, H. H. Kldridpe, George Nugent. John Aikman, William J. Howard. Chari* * P. Heaxlitt. ■ Samuel Work. Any further Information can beiiad by applying to the undersigned, who is the authorised agent for Blair County. July 31. 18G2 ly R- A. 0. KERR. TACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, f) The Hero of One Hundred Fits p> I would respectfully < forth my claim to puli attention, as a Kashlonal Tuib>r as follows: Because I Keep an ex* but assortment of Clotl CnssinnTfs v . Venting* ai Trimming. which wh exnmine«J.ulwa>P please, Because my work made up in a manner tl takes down the couni hii.l gives ,ill my custom a city appearance. BecaiiM* I am not inferi as a Cutter to the best he found anywhere. • Because long experiei in my business give* entire control over i : f I am not dependant oi any one tolift me out the suds. Because I am still on the sunnyiside ..f forty. »inl there fore my taste as a Cutter and workman unimpaired. Call ou me. In the corner room of tin* *• Brant House.” Give me n trial and you will go away pleased. Altoona. May *2iv-6m JACOB SNYDKK. P ATENT KEROSENE OU CAKRON jIL LAMPS I Unrivaled in Beauty, Simplicity Safety or Economy. Ev. ,y person desiring to obtain the very best.aml cheap est pv. table light within their reach, should call at'the store .fthe undersigned and examine these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon strate Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2d. That they emit no offensive odor while burning. 3<l. That they are very easily-trimmed. 4th. Thai thev are easily regulated to give m-av >.r less light. 6th. That they burn entirely free from -moke f.tb. That .tbt- )s at least *l* p-c cent, cheaper than any othei light now ip tr .urn.m" use. These lamp-* are admirably adapted f.»r the tw of Stu dents. Mechanics. Fact'-rie>. Hall?.. Church-},, jhoies. Hotels, and are high’} recommended fr.r family u-e. Tin* burner of the Carton Oil Lamp can !••• an.-iclie l to old side, hanging and tabic- fluid -and oil lamps, it a -mail expelts* - *, ami will answer every purpos* of new lanp. \V-‘ guarantee perfect satisfaction in all rases. Aug. U>. IS.VSptf.] 0. W. KF.SSLLU Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware SPOUTING. &C. Q 1?loir WOULD RESPECT- *a^ • fully nform the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that Ire keeps constantly on hand large assortment ot o*jriTig. Parlor. Office and jSsggjgA Shop Stores, of all styles and sizes, to suit the wants of all. which he will sell at low prices, -n reason able terms. II«* also keeps un hand a large stock of 7Vn and She?.t- Jron Tfhrc. consisting of all articles for culinary purposes— Q*il Scuttles. Stnve JSpc, rfc. He has also purchased the rg'ht of sale in Blair countv. of R. V. JONES’ IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUPFBK, an invention which needs only to bo seen to he apprecU-. and should be possessed by every farmer, butcher or those requiring such a machine. . Particular attentipn paid to putting up SPOUTING, either in town or counter. - Spouting painted and put up «u the most reasonable terms. Japril 14.1360-ly RATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE.- XV This Great Journal of Crime and Criminals is in its Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated throughout the country. It contains all the Great Trials. Crlmina Cases, and appropriate Editorials on the some, together with information on Criminal Matters, not to he found In any other newspaper." ff®. Subscriptions $2 per annum; $1 for six months, to be remitted by subscribers, (who should write their names and the town, county and State where they reside plainly.) To O. W. MATSKLL 4 CO.. ' Editor A Prop*r. of New York Police Gazette. l. r> “tf ] .Vsio" Fork City Exchange hotel.—the sub- SCRIBER would respectfully in form the public that he' has recently re- A —v-v fitted the above- Hotel, and is now pre pared to accommodate his friends and J-SWBML patrons In a comfortable monnPr, and wiH spare no pains in making it an agreeable home for all sojourners. His Table will always U* luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country and cities, and hi* Bar filled with liquors of choice brands. Ills charges area# reasonable as those of nnv other Hotel in the place, and ho feels satisfied they can hot be complained of by those who favor him with their custom. ;Expectingto receive a share of public patronage, and fully intending to deserve R. he throws open his house io the public aud invites a trial. I have just received a stock . t No. 1 French Brnudv. for medicinal purposes,' Also a large stock of excellent Wines, for medicinal pur poses. together with a Cl of the best old Rye Whiskey to be found in the country.* ■ * Altoona, May 27,185e.-lyj " JOHN BOWMAN, SOMETHING NEW. r D H E SUBSCRIBED HAS JUST JI returned from the east where he has purchased a very large and fine stock of ■ BOOTS IAND SHOES, BROGANS, GAITERS, &C„ which he is prepared to offer to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity at vvry low prices. Having purchased direct from the matinfActurcn f**r cash, he is prepared to sell at prices that wUI defy'competition. All thatvhe a<ks Is that the Swherli and his stock before purchasing BOOTS and SHOES made to order on the most rca sonable terms. Also, repairing promptly attended to. , n V°, r , g fv th*pl*<je. two doors below Office. Jgn.3,1801. . - M. THOMPSON, Agent. /Ml EAT WESTERN INSURANCE VJ AND TRUST, COMPANY.—lnsurance on Ileal or personal property will be Effected on the most reasonable terms by tlicir■ agents tn Altoona at his office in Anna st. M.u-ch li. IS.->9. : ; JOHN SHOKMAKJSR. Agent. T E\TS PREPARATION r’OR EX- J dtermiiiaUns RA'fS. MICE, ROACHES ANTS and Red-pngs without danger irr its use under anj circumstau cee for Buie at the. Drug Store of O. W. KESSLER, dun. 24. .60-tl] HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Phila delphia. Tor (he Relief of the Sick and Distressed, amicted with; \ ImleDt and Chr ulc Diseases, and especially for the Cure of diseases of. the Sexual Organs. Medli-ul advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon. Valuable re ports on Bp«Tmatorrift or .Seminal Weakness, and otlier i .Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and oirthe New Remedies * employed in the Dispensary, sent to th« afflicted in sealtd letter envelope*, free $ f charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will he acceptable. - Address. DR. J. BRILUN HOUGHTON. Acting Sor- i $ Soxuh Ninth Street, 1 Philadelphia; Pa. | [June 22, U02.-ly ■ EHAIIi. OIL, COLOUNKS. |( Ctmiu,T«Ui*t SIIOKS Just retjriT&i «t LAUOKUAN’T. 1- — Il 1 rTvMir hat ,>» „ tD I I_T AUi)\\ ARE OF [ALL I’l- U ‘ . A HAI OK CAP, i~l tionsjatt received end for »!• *>' cheep or floe fc-foio LAUQHMAtf’S, ! IMf] - J B T HUTTKirs STATE CAPfToi Book Bindev\ AND, BLANK BOOK MANTFac -7 .. yo. &4~Marlbt St, Ha.'ri*l,„r ,' p , FJ'Miis establishment is elmtl v ,1 I th« manohetin* «t Wank Bnuk» f , Bnuka. County OSes*, K»#rbndC«ni|mm.-,. 7 amt pritate indirldnabu Iti nil cu. . ■ / very beat anti workTnaOolnjt i. ( > -.fl S t r> li«l Upon. Blank thmk* >nmrd. 11 *■’ any dosirwl pattern. Slwrlsr’a, Attorney.. V IkcketaW all slte«. made and mind 1., , " %nd V*!Hrl,T A**o*K»nenCM. Duplicrttt-?;. i*-.. ~, Sdoo,ooo •2.50,000 1,897,110 ses. printed or plain, ruled and bound to Pocket* intulc of the heat linen paper. Librarians, and o*bers.desuing to have t! lrll p 1 bound and at moderate prices, should jjive u,.. 4 paptrr* of the largest sixes, Harper* " Pictorial. Ballous, Aim-rienn. ’ bound to order, ami in any style required. H ly Matfiziue. Knickerbocker, Blackwood* ui.j . . Magazines. Gtaley’s Lady’s Book, Lady's h. r \ rd f 1 j aim’s Magazine, Hwn*> Music. Ac., bound in -ura ,'. v ' the more plain and substantial half hiudmV { phleta. L>*w Magazines Hamnhlet laws. 1..0n,0 hrarv style, at very moderate prices IV r , MI ,' x ; muuber of volumes to bind, will receive a l»u i ;1 ) ,i i Binding cau wifely-b« -Bent to na from a pr«M,.and all work ontnwted tnourmn- wii»i h Vv ! dily •xecutwl. tnfely'packed and returut-.l b\ Kx, ,? ; 1 All work warranted. Addr««« K. L. lirnu;' ' n riJ t. : «9UMcCRCM * DKRN.aI tb© TnUw, om.>. agi-msfi) Allqoiih. and Tlcioity. They will «i\f '' tiou in relation to binding, and recvivy nn.i r. nim k 1 fre»-from oxtm charge©, for all who ent.iw th, ir v», my care. [March .’I.Im-j' ter Month ! BAKER AND CONFECTION Kli, Virginia Strew. Altoona. Pe. IrEEFS CONSTANTLY ()\ n \N|i BREAD, CAKES, CA\l>ll-> AND SWEETMEATS. of hi* own oiamitm on.-, k , pn*p:irc<i !•'st-11. wh or sit if. m o ~ able priors. Abo. H>REI.N Fill'lTS. .i„ t. ORANGES, LEMONS. PINE-,\m FIGS, PRUNES, RAISINS, NUTS. i(\. it always on hand in their respective *• asun-. CAKES BAKED TO OHDKK fnr particular occasions. <»n sh-n t e-t and h-st style of ike art. Call, examine and price my stuck :m.) \ ,u „ il as good and cheap us can be purchased 1- uii - dan 'J7. IxfkK C ONFE C TIO N L II V AND OYSTER S.VLDnX r j’ , Hk sense hirer w< oo. , j[ F‘..)UM the Citizens of AltoMo »iii Confectionery, ntt ami navr supplied with the very best articles t.. % variety, lie has also an OYSTER SALOON attached to his store, in which he will «> i\. n ;> <> V> FI. in •■very style during the eeus'U FRESH-BAKED BItEAD d PIESvU oo- - He is* at all times prepared to supply c,ilo- i or pio-nics and other parties. lie invite- . ,| M |. : f>,; fatrunage, believing; that, be can mub-i iul; .o . all Remember, his store and saloon is <m S u -m,;. .rt.v■; . door ►below Patton’s Hall. otT" li"*.*' Altoona. Oct. 10. 1801-tf General Aews Airriu-v. OAK HALL, No. 7, MAIN STiIKKT SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK P.OUKi', ST A TIO NER Y, CO NF F (T 1 oNAK i I' CIOARS & TOBACru TOYS AND NOTIONS IN GREA T VAHIKTI CONSTANTLY ON HAND October'24.lB6l. W. M. LLOYD & C<) ALT'ioy.i. v i JOHNSTON. JACK & CO BANKERS, (Late “ Stli % Johnston , Jack S' C» i Drafts on the buimmiai. Cities, and Silver and Gold for iwl**. C«dUc:;.‘::* made. Moneys received on deposit*:. jiayallo mi without interest, or upon lime, with iutmv-t u fairrjv- Feb. 3d. 1859. GW. KESSLER —PKACTUC • DRUGGIST, respectfully announces to the citizens of Altoona and the public erally, that ho still continues the Drug business, ou Virginia street, where he keeps constantly gßgj on hand, for sale. Wholesale and Retail. Dill'dH. Sri MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS. VAUMSU* US and DYE-STUFFS. By strict attention to business, and « t"rsMi-ler M _ i isfivetion to all as regards price and tpulity. I l * 1 ’ merit and receive a shhre of public patron -. Physicians and merchants supplied on : ’ and all orders from a distance promptly ato-mbd Physicians prescriptions carefully compoianW- ’f / \UH LADY FRIENDS WOULD i-o * / well to look in upon the choke and chssn* V, ‘V ment of Summer DHJE.'S GOODS now dictated n;vr. well-filled shelves of a Mol’lKE '• Cor. of Virgitiia and Carols 1 ' Altoona, June 26,1802. DINE AND LARD OILS. C'A>l f ■ phene, Burning Fluid, Carbon OU, kc.. at Jan.3.'36-tfJ KKSeU>- ! AN HAND AT McCOIOH( l K \ : r —>-A splendid assortment of Ready-M* l **’ ’ all and see. .\ov. KOCEHIES. A LAUGH ANJ \ J complete assortment of Groceries lift' - .* ceived at the «t-n* of J n IHI^. HAUL HAT, TOOTH, SHA\i>" Paint, Saab and Varnish Brushes , A LL KINDS OF I'KISTINU neatly UMBRELLAS AND FAKA^; in endloas variety, at L.ilol . Altoona, May 1,18rt2. ALL STYLES ' OAUFETIM; ■^ 1 ‘ be found a* L A t *» I A GENE KA I, ’ l' Jewelry. Hair and Clothes * ?r1 T ! -VMMAV* Pocket-knives, ic., ac 1 FINE ASSORTMENT COATS can be found at •/- >. , « s : «;= It W". si i-5 < - ; CS . K - < ' S I c'i 1 - 02 « * i; „ __ X< = :-: 2 s?ini X, | \\ h-2 11, O - ' JACOB WETS H. FETTINGFdIS bollida ysucfta. r.i ut ( . , MoCRirM & BERN, V'OL- 8 I'HE ALTOONA TRIBLN . J H. H. VcCRCTM. Per annum. (payable invariably in advance,) All papers discontinued at tbc expiialiou of lit paid "■ ! j 1 TERMS OR un'RRTISISn : I insertion a iUv K„ar iiwa or je.« J -o * K’-i ,111 square, 'ft line.) iu Jo Two ■“ <1« - I I W I » I ,IT li4 ■■ . I St* Hvt*r three *eeks xuiS/Jenn Utati turn* umulUs. * n i' wtju»r« fori.«ach insertion. 1 j 3 month*. 6 months. lmt*a or lea* 1 60 \ $S uo i u - *qimie *- SO 4 00 r ‘ * m% i ; 400 COO -rin-«>» *• •-i 500 800 i. mr - .4 y o w io ix> t! ilf n column ..... 10 00 14 00 column.... ...■ 14 00 26:00 \.;mlni»*tlntoijs and Kxfcutuis NolictftTL H,-.chants advert Mug by the year, Urrevsqcm with liberty to change i •••• or Uu*htu|p Cttai*, not exceedingS Ru. X i \* rth paper. per year . I'omuiurticathms of a politic* charncler <>r In.i wilt lit* charged according l«» the above r.*t AdvertiNHiiauts not marked with lh« number * : u. de-ired-will ho continued till forbid and e .t-ording to tjlie ulk/vo t rm». _ tfuMues* notice* t\ v*- cent* per line for every inser ■ ibiluur.v notice exceeding ton line*, fifty cent* iSAUiTIMOJIS LOCK HPSPIT/ ASA Ilitt'LMti 11WM IiUACI I’ha Oiily Place Where a Cure C be Obtained. DU. SOX has iiisi;oVA‘Fo(i uiortt Certain. >pe*dy and «>ulv ihlectual Row tlio world f>u* all I'iivaio DM-ases. Weakness of t!i» „,. iaiabd; atrictur s. Aff.- tion* «.f Kidneys n» ■ .lor, Involuntary Disco lmpote- y. t«euerai_l>. NerTltnuuss. Dyspepsy. r.augit>*r. how Cm < of I Palpitation of the Heart. Timidity, Tremi of £sght or tiiddinuH*. Disease- ol tin-’ TniM-tc, Xo-se or Skin. Affections of th** River. laing- CcU or B.»wel-i —tlio>c* Terrible disorder-* arising ti* solitary U inir» of Youth—tho-e stcc.rT and -“lifur p more fa il i •licit victims than the <niig of s\ tl w *. Marlu-rs of U.ys—s. 'dightiiu their tn-M «n h »if'--or autloip*'i >«a. rendering murrl.i*;!? .<h* . n YOUNG McN h)ipecinllv. win* have become the victims of jjolitar; r;i»t dteidful and dastuctivg habit which annual.y i L-) an untimely gtave thouskuds ofYmmg Meti of rh -X itpjd talent- an I briUUnl intellyet. who might wise have enUuno‘d listening Serna I ’* With t'e th . f-i-iquence. nr wiked to ectniy the Uving lyre, no with full roulideuco. MARRIAGE- Carried Persons. or Vanns Men c ojemplntlng run ueing aware of physical weakness organic debility 11■ t\\ Ac- speedily cured. Me who places him —lt under th*' care of Dr, J. n coiilll *in his lion-* ns a gentleman. and dn-inv r*dv upon lii" skill as a ph\Me«.-n. ORGANIC' WEAKNESS I'll aedi itcly Ouie I. and lull V1...r 10--fon-<i I" .Is Distressing Vff-v' e*u— \% iu *U i eitd.-o Idle mi i i i hi itvinge i.npi<ss|olo—:•«. the penalty paid I > ■ -..t|s •«• in, Inlg'-nr-,. Young p* i>< n> , i o.mi.uil fX'.'-'s no' ii’.ong .nvat.• .-i {I, ♦i* oisPfjil *nces th tn ty <*n«ue. N«ov. u (I , i 1 ., )h the suhJe-Ct wi ri ;»ret».*t< 1 to d.-ny that the }■■ . . oati m is lost s : >:o.t by Mjo-e falling'inn. i 11.os than by th * n*n l -nl ‘ H.-*:d«*s bem-i oi-p: i\ n! -a.»na»s of healti.y l-pi iu.:. the mo*« *. i .ous • «'i.i<*five symptoms to pot'n ho.iv and iao.-; - -, si *l)i bo<n*tni*s Derang -d. th - * l’hv>,.-ai and ‘‘iuit I “> >ns Weakened !.<•* ■■( Ihoer.-it iv<- power. \**rv > i ihilitv. Dysp -psi i, i'.iipiiavion of tlo* Me.trl. hnnv - .astltutioushl Debility, a Wasting of the Frame. ♦ ‘.a<ua»ption. Decay und Ueatln OFftZZ, NO. 7 S)Ur« FREDERICK STftl iui'i l *ida aoing fr-'i'n Raltimore street, a few i * a tin* * »roiir. Kail a»t to nlwtvh name and non i,.i(t»r' nim* I' 4 paid :ui l emit.till a >*aUip. d'l ; .•• s i)i[> n.uig m his olßce A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO. \o 'f 'r ufi/ or y'ujfofis Orutji. ' OR. JOHNSON. dsmUorof tlu* U*»yaJ College of .Surgeons. Loudvo from one of rm* Colh-g**? in th* s \tes. and th > greater part of whuno life ha* l»eeii sj i. * hospitals of hnidon. Paris, I’liitanelphin a' sh-re,. lias cflec'ed snnie of the m*>st a«louislii< . in o were «v*m“ known; many troubled with ringin'.. Li m i and »»> r«i wh‘*n asleep, great norvoa^iten? 9 .Drilled at sudden sou ids, with I* Mushing, attended Hometnues with derangement *•■ ]r. r»* cured immediately. ,■ v \ TAKZ PARTICULAR NOTICE. A Jr. J. addresses all .those who have injured thei ■>v improper indulgence and solitary habits. wide L uh body and miu<l. unfitting them for cither la. «t;»dy. society’or marriage. Tacst are same of the sad and melancholy efty di\;ed by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness kick and Litbb.i, Pains in the Head. Diim ess of L*».« i>f Power, Palpitation of the Ilcai p}>*y f lrrit ibility, Derangement of the i.e* kanctiuiia. General Debility, Symptom- of LV» u mi. Ac. . MsMTAtLT.—The fearful effects of lhe mind are m Inr dreaded— C of Memory, Confusion of Idea \ pr '•Minn of spirits, Kvil-l\)lebodings. Aversion to S< tove of Solitude, Timidity, *c- are sc t’i-evils produced. - \ TtncsoDS of persons of all ages can nu» jhdge w h-. .-au*o of their declining health, bwl’ g their Tig :weak, pale, nervous and o»u elated, having snlar appearance about the eyes, cough aud sympf' f ,t\' utnptiou YOUNQ MEN W;i.i have injured them*eU«*» l>y a - certain pncf ln when alone. n habit frequently. learned ■•vlI companion*. of ;it ni»* effect* o! whn ■dvrtly felt, even when asleep*lf not c«n-d r* muriate iinposibU*, »,u*l d«*iroy» both miuU auU applylmiiiddiatetg. What * pity that a young mnn. the hope «f hi*.*** (he darling of! hie parents jhoftM he snatched tr* pratpect* aud ; enjoyment* of life, by the '1 >vl«ting Yroiti the path of nature, and Jndalgin certain Secret halm. £nch pcraou* Mi>T. before c» Ph»ti»« i __ . MARRIAGE, redact that a soynd mind and Imklv are tue im>si ne ■ r»- to promote cmimtbitl b«ppiii**s l»*de*-,i out then©. the journey through life become* a wes jjr.m ize; th ? prospect hourly darkens to the vie m.u I b-)c>!!iH4 shadowed With despair and filled wi aidanch**|y rofl**ctiou that the happiness ot am»ll co:uws blightefl with mir own. DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE. When the misguided apd imprudent votary of p| finds that be has imbibed the *eeds of this paml cine, it too often happens that an ill-timed of op dread of discovery, deters him from applying f< vm>. from education and respectability, ran ah friend him. delaying till the constitutional sympt tl»it h »rrM disease make their appearance such as U \ Hup© throat. diseased nose, nocturnal pain «lu- tl and limbs. dimuaft* of sight, deafness, mules on t) bones and arms, blotches on .the head, face and ej ti*«. progressing* with frightful rapidity, till «t I palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall i the victim of tills awful disease becomes a horrid «»l coia uiMratloo, till Heath pats a period tobfadi sufferings by i sending him t» *‘ that Undiscovered C fronLorhenpe bo traveller returns.” ft is a melanchtiltf fact that thousands fall vict this terrible disease, owinz to the unsklllfnliiese ** rant pretenders, who. by tlm use of that Deadly rnfu the Constitution uud make the re* I ife miserable. 1 ; STRANGERS I rust not your lives. or health to lh» cart of the Uotatrned and Worthies* Pretenders, destitute of name or character* wh ■ copy Dr J*»hn»ton’s twitaents. or stylo tham-elypvMi the new-papers lArly Khicated PhvAiolan*. hirwiudde of .Curium. th« yottjirlfllnjf mouth after month, taking their filij poisonan* compound*, or as loiw asth*- small™!! bs obtained, ind in despair, leave y.*u with ruined to <lgh over your galling disappointment Dr. J .hn<ton is th * *nly Physician’advertWng. His credential or diplomas always hang in hi* «lt His remedies dr treatment are unknown 40 all Paired f r j, n % ||f-» the great ho-pit.ils of tha first in the country at ; U a /V«*«m * iee than any other Physician in the world. INDORSEMENT OF THE P«ESS. The many thousands cared at this instPatlon. > e year, and the numerous Important, i p perform*) by Johnston, witnessed by the reporter **sun." •Clipper.” and many oth*r «■ hay« api»eaod agaTu and again before tin besides his stan.line »« a gentleman of character B ponsiblHty.-|9 a sufficient guarantee to the afflict* 1 v SKIN DISEASES- SPEEDILY CURCC _?so received u Klees ptMtpah* wl cant •Umpti> hausen on the reply Persons writings)** •ge aa-| seudp-trtion of ad vortleement- deaeribfag »y u*» r **°* should Ims particular In direct* tfors to bjla Institution. to the following niamt , JOHN M. JOMMSTOH. M. Of the Baltimore Hoepltal.Nar SDITOKH AM) fXOPUIfToRS H. c li